Omega Church with Ronnie Allen

August 9 Omega Learning 810AM Radio | Ronnie Allen

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09 Aug 2024
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Well in our studies today, we're going to continue where we left off yesterday. We're examining the educational system and we're referencing the article that was written by a DJ James Kennedy in the book called Rebirth of America. And we're examining this institution. Education is an institution that has set up long before America was ever made. I want to ever discover, actually, in fact it goes all the way back to Abraham. God chose Abraham because he'd teach. He would teach his children's children after him. And that's important to understand, our children are our responsibility. They're the gifts from God. They don't come from government, understand that. And so we're looking at education as a whole and where we deviated because the pilgrims when they landed at Plymouth Rock made a compact on the Mayflower that they would raise up education to teach their children to read the Word of God. I would probably say that very few, even people that go to church, even families that go to church do their children actually read the Bible. Now they'll go listen to a Sunday school lesson or they may listen to a sermon, but do they read the Word of God? The purpose of reading is so that we can read the Word of God. The Word of God is the fundamental and foundation by which we can live righteously and soberly in this present world. It is possible. In fact, I'm going to go back before we get into this article again in our book called Rebirth of America Here. I want to read to you again where we kind of left this off on yesterday's program, so I want to go back to it. It's found in the book of Titus. In the book of Titus, it says right here in chapter 2 verse 11, "For the grace of God that bringeth salvation." Wow. Now bring a salvation. If, listen carefully, if there's going to be salvation to America, it has to come through the grace of God. We say it in some of our God shed his grace on thee and crowned thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea. Wow. This was in some of our, oh, this is in our history, even on our coinage in God we trust. So if there's going to be salvation to America, it has to come through the grace of God. Now, here's the thing we need to understand that this grace has appeared to all men and he's called Jesus Christ. Jesus has paid the price for the hearts of people with a love that is indescribable in words. You have to enter into a relationship and develop the fellowship with him to understand how much he loves you and how much he loves America. God, God's not mad at America. But America is deviated and the hatred that's in our streets is because there is no love of God in the heart. And when we don't understand this, we'll think education is about some kind of, there is no success apart from the grace of God. And God influences the heart. It begins to be reflected in the lifestyle and it's a lifestyle of success. And the person that begins to understand it and enjoy it understands that this is the blessing of God. It's the blessing of God and you know where it comes from. But when we don't train our children that way, when we don't teach, the next verse is teaching us. What does the grace of God do? It teaches us. But when there's no influence of God in the teaching, we're not going to be denying ungodliness. We're going to be embracing ungodliness. Instead of denying worldly lust, we're going to embrace worldly lust. So God has to be in the center of it. He said we shall live, He said teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lust, we should live soberly, righteously and godly in this present world. Wow, you're not going to get that from secular humanists. You're not going to get that because there's no influence of God and they're teaching. And so now guess what happens? The student begins to embrace ungodliness and worldly lust, which becomes dog eat dog. Everything is about self and it makes self God. But he says if you will let the grace of God teach you, it'll keep you steady, sober, not drunken with the appetites of worldly flesh. Listen carefully. And righteously, why isn't there any righteousness even in our legal system? It's corrupted. Why? Because we're teaching all about man-made laws and how we can screw the other guy. But we're not talking about what's right, what's just because you have no consciousness of it. And you take generation, generation of young people growing up in that and then teaching there. There's a degradation that begins to take place and it just continues. Let me read the rest of it. In this present world, it tells us that the grace of God, the influence of God, the grace of God, what God has to say in our education would help us to live soberly, righteously, godly, godly, like we're created in the image and likeness of God in this present world. Amazing. But we've deviated from that. We've gone a long way from teaching our children to read so they can read the Word of God. If we teach them to read anything now, we're teaching them to read anything but the Word of God. We tell them that that is in the illegal book when you can have pornography and perversion before their eyes and it's rampant everywhere today through the Internet. But it's amazing how you can censor the Word of God, but you cannot censor pornography. Wow. Amazing. Totally amazing, especially to young people. That's how much we have devigated ourselves. Now, you say, "Well, Brother Ronnie, we're in the world. How are we going to change this?" Well, before I've mentioned this to you and I want to mention it to you again, you cannot know how to get to where you need to go. Even though you may know that we need to go at a certain place, you have to discover where you're at. And this is not all lost, but it's a truth we've got to look at. We turn. God is taking us and we're turning. We're repenting. We're turning. And I pray to God that our state legislature in this session coming up in 2025 will pass, you know, the parents' right to send their children to the school of their choice. In other words, you know, we're not obligated now to send all of our stuff, all of our children to public school, that it's the right to choose, okay, the right to choose. And God wants people to have the right to choose Him, all right? Let's look at this article. Here again, it's written by D. James Kennedy, and it was put in this book, Rebirth of America, written in the mid-80s, and it warned us about some of these things. And we have steadily degraded all the way down. So let's look at this. In this revolution of education, Dr. W. P. Seifall, I guess that's how you say Seifstahl, Seifstahl, who is the state superintendent for public schools in Arizona in 1973 said this. The atheist have, for all practical purposes, taken over public education in this country. This does not mean that there are still not many fine Christian people laboring diligently in the public school system, often place their jobs on the line by teaching things about moral standards and God. But unfortunately, this is very much like a, putting a Band-Aids on people on the deck of the Titanic. The results have been catastrophic. Then our children might read the Word of God, the pilgrim said. Now the Word of God is proscribed in our public schools. The teachings of Jesus are not only basic plenary, and now the teachings of Jesus are outlawed. And God Himself has been expelled from our public school system and banished from the school yard. Amazing. But now we see, just a few months ago, we had here in the state of Texas a state representative, John Luhan brought to our attention that there has been some of this educational material put in the libraries for, listen carefully, for junior high explicit sexual activity put in the library in our public school for junior high students. There, he and others are working to get this stuff removed. But the Word of God, oh my goodness, it's the unpardonable sin and we're going to kick you out of school for this when we talk about the Bible. Let's clarify something about values clarification in this article he reads. He writes, "Today we have no eternal truths. Therefore, no moral absolutes." If there's no eternal truths, by the way, there's no absolutes. And the results have been incalculable. What we have instead of a moral absolutes is value clarification. Just this week, I read, this is back in the mid 80s, just this week I read one of the modern texts on value clarification used in our public schools. That is indeed an eye opening experience. It says that since there are no eternal truths which are valid for this generation and succeeding generations, everybody has to find his own values in his own time. Wow. Since there is nothing which is right and wrong for everybody, there are no absolutes. I think about that very apt verse in the book of Judges, which when chaos ruled the earth, every man did what was right in his own eyes, Judges says. This is what we are mass producing today in public school system. Instead of the Bible, we now policeman in the halls of our schools, muggings, robberies, rapes, even murders are commonplace in the school system today. Drug use is an epidemic, alcoholism is rampant, and for college students, the two major causes of death are suicide and murder. High school pregnancies, abortion, V.D. are major problems. Now this is written, I'm going to give statistics and they're going to be in the mid 80s, remember? It's much worse today. There are about 600,000 pregnancies carried through term in high school age girls today in our country, which is an average of 12 unwanted children per high school per year. This does not count all of the abortions because of the student can drop out of school for a day, have an abortion and be back again. But 12 births per high school per year, I thought of the Westminster Academy which had been open for nine years, at the above rate 108 illegitimate children shall have been born. Our actual score is zero, is what he said. That would seem to say something to someone about the nature of sex education. For example, this is given, that some people think we are opposed to all sex education. We have sex education and about half a dozen different classes in Westminster Academy. I'm assuming that's the academy there where he's talking, that they have there. There is nothing wrong with a proper education for children in the matters of sex. It is absolutely essential. The problem with sex education in the public schools is that there is a, it is based on complete a moral, our immoral foundation wherein there is no moral standard given to the child at all. Married sex and unmarried sex are equally all right, heterosexual and homosexual activities are also endorsed. There is no standards for the young people. What is the answer to our humanistic secular school system? They say the answer to this tremendous problem of 600,000 illegitimate children among high school age girls per year is more sex education of a moral type or immoral type. Furthermore they suggest more instruction and easier access to all sorts of contraceptives, abortion information and free abortion clinics. Of course if they had their way the parents would not have any knowledge of all these things at all. Others such ideas are the only thing that godless portion of our society can do about immorality. I think that it is absolute tragic and our children are reflecting the disastrous results of this system. Well, enough is enough in this section. I cannot help but remember the words of the scriptures. I think of these great, this great revolution where God was to be banished from our public schools and this glorious system was to come to pass with marvelous education and wonderful new society where instead we have a moral jungle and an academic nightmare. The scripture says the full has said in his heart there is no god. I think it is time that American parents stand up and say enough, we've had enough. One woman went to her son's school to speak to the teacher. She had heard something about the new social studies textbooks or a series of them called the promise of America. The teacher was a bit embarrassed and finally said we don't show some textbooks to parents. The woman said that she felt a little bit bad about it. But when all the students were out at recess she went in and borrowed her son's textbook. She read it and was astounded. No wonder they do not show these textbooks to parents. It was filled with all sorts of profanity, blasphemy, obscenities, gutter language. It endorsed illicit sex, sex out of marriage, homosexuality and abortion. It drug the church and got into the mud. It was unpatriotic and it recommended a draft dodging and a number of other wholesome values that they were being taught to our children. That was a sarcastic phrase. Yet most of our parents are completely oblivious to the whole thing. What can be done? I'm not sure. I'm on a national committee which is trying to get prayer back into public schools. This is what this I would like to see happen but I must confess that deep down I have a sneaking suspicion that it was somewhat like putting a bandaid on a cancer patient. It was true that one time we had prayer and Bible reading in our schools but we also had a basic theastic, theastic, theastic, a god, world view. I wonder what prayer is going to mean in school which is basically atheistic and humanistic in every phase of its teaching where man is just an animal where there is no deity who can save us and we must save ourselves. I wonder if prayer is going to mean very much in that kind of setting. It might be somewhat like opening the evening session at a local bar with a word of prayer. I am not so sure how meaningful that might be. Nevertheless, we will try. We're going to have to stop with that right there except I want to emphasize one quote that he puts in the middle of the page. I think the only answer is a return to the historical root of education in America. Where the church is the greatest influence upon the educational system and the parents are involved. That's what we do here and what we're structuring here at Omega Leadership Academy at Omega Church where it's a three-fold chord, the parents, the church and the education. Those three together will be a three-fold chord that cannot easily be broken over a child's life. Here's the problem that has been in the past. You have all those hours where a child is exposed to this secular humanism in every phase of its teaching, hours a day, five or six hours a day, Monday through Friday and then on a youth meeting once a week, maybe for an hour or a Sunday school for an hour or maybe a church service for an hour a week. We are to combat what they have been propagandized with for hours, 30, 40 hours a week. Not to mention the entertainment world and then we want to know why the American youth is having such problems that they can't deal with and how education, they're not getting smarter, they're getting more dumb and then we wonder why. It has to do when we need to turn back to our historical root in the educational system. That's why we are far school choice and we pray that you will pressure the state legislature this coming year in absolutely passing a law for school choice given back to the parents because that is necessary. The parents need to be involved instead of forfeiting that right and then the student comes back, perverted and then we don't know why. Listen, there is an answer but the church has to wake up. The believer has to wake up. It's our responsibility. We have been given tremendous blessings with our children, tremendous blessings. There are gifts from God and yet we forfeit that gift over to something that is evil and that will destroy their life, then when they get older we don't know why they departed from going to church. They departed because they don't know God and they have all the heartache and the trials and the hell in life that they don't need to have. Remember what we read, "The grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men." Seeing us, the influence of God through Jesus Christ will teach us that we can deny ungodliness and worldly lust and live righteously and soberly and godly in this present world. The Word of God is to absolutely affect every area of your life and the life of your family. I encourage you right now as a time and we're getting ready for the school year. This is necessary that you pay attention right here and that you get involved number one as a parent. Number two, you need to get involved with the school that's going to teach your children the Word of God so that reading and writing in arithmetic will fall in line with the eternal truths of the Word of God. I promise you, you won't regret it. You can find us here at Omega Leadership Academy at You can set up an appointment, find out more about it. We encourage you to do so and I believe with all your, all my heart, these are going to be the answers to your children's problems and to you as parents. You'll begin to enjoy your children again because they're not being propagandized by the devil. I want to pray. Father, we pray right now, first of all, for all the parents that are listening. We pray for the students in this coming year, Lord, we thank you right now, that you move up on our state legislature here in the state of Texas, that they pass school choice for the parents. And Father, we thank you right now that the stronghold of this secular humanism in public education will be broken in the mighty name of Jesus, and that the Word of God would prevail and influence with the grace of God upon the hearts of these students this coming year, so that they can live righteously and soberly in this present world. Father, they can have good success because they've been influenced by your Word. Thank you for every parent, thank you that you give them the courage to make godly choices as it comes to the education of their children. We give you the praise and thanksgiving for these things in the mighty name of Jesus, amen. Thank you so much for being with us. Until next time, God bless you. [MUSIC] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO]