The Unexpected Cosmology Podcast

377 | Mythical Monsters in 1800's America: Lake Manitou Water Horse & the Lake Superior Merman

Newspaper article Monster of Lake Manitou: Ministry and Widow Fund: Website: The Unexpected Cosmology Link: Archives page: Patreon Support: Contact: Facebook:

1h 50m
Broadcast on:
09 Aug 2024
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Newspaper article Monster of Lake Manitou: Ministry and Widow Fund: Website: The Unexpected Cosmology Link: Archives page: Patreon Support: Contact: Facebook:

- Mythical monsters in 1800s America, Lake Manitou, the Lake Manitou Waterhorse, the Lake Superior Merman, cryptids or cryptoids and Crowley. Welcome everybody, thank you for being here. Joining me tonight is my friend, Sean, Walking Bear, Douglas and Dove and Branch. They are all members of the Tuck community. So if you are in our Tuck Discord and you're, you know, they're weekly, they're there as well. You probably know them. And Sean Walking Bear is my, I guess my local go-to native spiritual professional, I guess, you know, advisor, he could talk about it. He has been on many times or multiple times, at least twice now this will be his third time coming on, coming out of the Cree tribe and being a former shaman. And of course, I've had Dove and Branch on a couple of times as well recently to talk about the Trump assassination attempt if you watch those. And this is Douglas's first time. So welcome all three of you. And I'm looking forward to tonight. So what we're going to be doing is we're going to be talking about, I'm personally interested in some of these cases of cryptid mythological. And when I say mythological, we're talking, you know, mermen, fairy creatures, stuff like that, things you might even find on other continents that are in North America in the 1800s. And why is that so interesting? Because, hold on, this, my community always goes crazy whenever I go live. And then I forget the silence. Anyways, there we go. You know, you have a big reset event in the late 1700s, early 1800s. And are we looking at the last remnants of an ancient culture? So let's get right into this right now. The first thing we're going to be covering is the Mesheh, I can't even pronounce it. I was practicing with Sean. Sean, give it to me real quick. How do you pronounce this? There you go, everybody. You've just heard it from Sean, Mesheh, Kennebec, hell whatever, the monster of Lake Manitou. So let's get into this and give, I'm going to give credit to the author of this, Adam Benedict, both of these stories that I will be going through tonight were written by him. But I also want to point out that you can, I linked under this video, the original newspaper article from 1838, which talks about this account that we will be reading from. And there are other accounts as well that are kind of meshed in with this. So this is of course right here, where Lake Manitou is, it's in Indiana. So if you kind of scroll out right here, you can kind of get your bearings in the United States. It is a supposedly a man-made lake. It is not natural, it is what is that? A couple hundred miles south of the Lake Michigan, kind of south of the east. Located in Rochester, Indiana, Lake Manitou is a 55 foot deep man-made lake which was created in 1827. The reason for the creation was that due to an 1826 treaty between the United States government and the Potawatomi Native American tribe, the US was required to build a mill in which the tribe could use to grind corn. However, needing water to power the mill, the US government was left with only one option and that was to build a dam prior to the construction of the mill. Upon completion of said dam, 775 acres of land were flooded and five small lakes around the area of the soon-to-be mill became one giant lake. The resulting body of water was given the name Manitou and almost immediately a monster by the name of Michigan Nebec which translates to great serpents, took up residence within it. Nobody really knows where exactly the monster came from but many believe it may have already been living in one of the smaller lakes prior to the creation of Manitou. The reason for this belief comes from the name of the lake itself as Manitou means both good spirit and evil spirit in the Potawatomi language and seems how the Potawatomi not only hunted fish and lived alongside the five smaller lakes for many years prior to their expansion and grouping. It is only fitting that they would give this new body of water a name which represented both recognition and warning of the large creature they believe now live within it. While legends claim that members of the tribe would never fish, bathe or even canoe on the lake itself, none of these stories can be truly verified. What can be verified though is the fact that people were seeing something odd swimming in the water itself and not only members of the tribe but also workers constructing the mill itself in 1827. This group of men which had members from both the builder and surveyor side of the project claimed to have witnessed one on more than one occasionally creature which was thought to be over 30 feet long was dark in color, possessed a long neck with a horse-like head and was seeing both surfacing and submerging within the waters of the lake. After seeing the strange creature, the men would tell others and the story would spread around not only a Rochester but also Logan sport, a city located nearly 25 miles away. At first everyone thought the stories were pure nonsense and that's always how they start, right? But only after the witnesses began to come forward more regularly did people start to think that perhaps a creature truly did reside within Lake Manitou. After the stories of the mill workers became public knowledge, those in the area started watching the lake more closely hoping they too could get a look at the beast. But while interest in the creature was growing, not everyone was on board yet with the idea of a monster swimming around in their own backyard. It was only after the first blacksmith in the area of Lake Manitou came forward with his story nearly 11 years after the construction workers and that is in the whereabouts of when the newspaper was published based on his story. Did those on the fence finally decided to jump on the wagon? The reason for this move is because at the time the blacksmith was one of the most respected members in the community as they were heavily dependent on by almost everyone. So if the blacksmith claimed to have witnessed a monster swimming around the lake, there was truly little reason to doubt what they were saying was anything but true. While many claim that the name of the blacksmith who witnessed the creature has been lost to time, others state that his name was Mr. Lindsey. But regardless on what his actual name was, the description he gave was recorded for the ages. In 1838, the blacksmith recounted how he had watched the creature roughly 200 feet from shore, raise its head four feet out of the water and proceed to swim around in front of his eyes. He stated that the body of the creature was quite serpent like an appearance, but that is possessed, or that it possessed a head that was nearly three feet wide and somewhat resembling a cow's head. The net was long and the color of the creature was a very dingy looking grayish black. The blacksmith also claimed that the creature possessed what appeared to be large yellow spots on its skin that contrasted strongly against the gray black body. The blacksmith watched as the creature swam along the surface of the water, fully exposed and turning its head from side to side in one smooth motion, almost as if studying the landscape around it. And after only a few minutes, the creature sunk back down below the surface and disappeared from view as quickly as it appeared. The blacksmith, standing motionless in his shop and still peering out at the water and fierled his brow, committed what he had seen to memory and went back to work as if nothing had even happened. For the work he was doing was more important than what he had just seen and the story could wait until later to be retold. After the blacksmith's story, pretty much everyone in the area believed that the Lake Manitou truly did contain a monster. They would frequently hear stories of the beast being spotted by a fright tonight witness while unsure. They would listen eagerly to tales told of how someone close to the lake saw a large dark shape just under the surface of the water moving at a rapid speed. They would gasp while listening to a retelling of how the monster rose up from the below, looked around and dove back down in a motion that created a disturbance on the surface of the water. They would always listen to the stories with their utmost attention and would leave hungry and wanting more. The one thing that seemed to be commonplace about these stories is that they always seemed to involve witnessing the creature while on land. There were never any close encounters to gas bat. That is at least until two men decided to go out fishing one morning. The story goes that nearly two weeks after the blacksmith's sighting, two unlucky fishermen by the last name of Robinson would be the first on record to have an up close and personal encounter with the beast known as Misha Kennebec. It has claimed that while out fishing on the lake one evening, the two men took notice of a large disturbance in the water a good distance away. Thinking that it may be a somewhat sizable school of fish close to the surface, the men began to row their boat in its general direction. But as they did, the disturbance started to move toward theirs. A bit taken back by what they were witnessing, the men stopped rowing the boat towards the unknown thing and just watched with focus eyes. They stared in awe at what appeared to be a creature of nearly 60 feet in length, moving rapidly under the surface of the water. And they changed from awe to fear just as quickly when they realized this thing of great size was swimming directly towards them. As soon as the men saw the creature approaching their boat, they immediately grabbed the oars and began to row back to the safety of shore. But the rowing speed of two grown men was no match for a gigantic creature fully adapted to life in the water. The creature was quickly approaching and the two men were no closer to shore than when they first spotted the commotion on the surface. Waves shot out from alongside the creature as it made its way steadily through the water. The men continued rowing as their arms started to burn. Suddenly, a large gray head broke the surface of the water and lunged up quickly before shooting back down into the water and out of view. The water grew calm and the boat rocked back and forth on the remaining waves created by the creature. The men waited in terror believing that the creature was below them and that it would return if they tried to move. So they sat motionless in the rocking boat. Only after a fair amount of time had passed that they truly believed the monster had spared them and that they were free to row back to the safety of shore. After the encounter by the two men named Robinson, those around the lake of Lake Manitou, felt that something must be done concerning the now aggressive monster in the lake. So much was the desire to read the water of the beast, that a posse of concerned citizens formed in the town of Rochester and plans were made to capture the serpent by any means possible. The group even went so far as to gather a mass of both boats and rafts to take out onto the water and capture the beast, either alive or dead in order to turn it over to science for study. But after some time on the water with no results, the monster hunt was called off and the serpent was left alone to do as it pleased. Starting in the 1840s, reports of Meshek Kennebek became few and far between. Stories like the ones from years prior of almost constant sightings became the stuff of legend and eventually even those faded from memory. While some still occasionally claimed to see something odd swimming in the water, the truth was typically not monstrous and could often be chalked up to a known creature. Although in 1849, a creature that some could describe as a beast was pulled from the lake. A report from the Logan Sport Journal at the time states that enormous ictiobus or buffalo fish that weighed several hundred pounds was pulled from the lake and that its 30 pound head was removed from its body and displayed in Logan Sport as a sort of exhibit. Then nearly 39 years later, another massive fish was removed from Lake Manitou. Again, the Logan Sport Journal at the time reported a massive 116 pound spoonbell catfish, AKA American paddlefish, had to be pulled from the lake by four grown men while out fishing. The side of the fish drew such a crowd upon its removal that it was eventually placed into a card and displayed next to the Rochester courthouse where the men charged curious onlookers 10 cents a peak. Not long after, the catfish was butchered and the meat was sold to those same onlookers for 10 cents a pound. As the years passed, those in the area became more and more preoccupied with trying to catch the next monster fish in the lake and less occupied with watching for the monster that they once believed swam within it. The stories of the beast were rarely talked about anymore without snickering and laughter and the waters, the Pote of Watomi had once respected had become nothing more than a major point of recreation. The monsters seemed to have gone the way of other lake dwelling serpents before it into hushed legend. So what was the monster of Lake Manitou? Was it a Native American water spirit or an actual fearsome creature? If it didn't really exist, then what did the blacksmith and the Robinson see an encounter? Was it nothing more than overexcited imaginations because of a strong desire to see a monster that so many people were talking about or could it have simply been giant fish just waiting to be caught and turned into exhibits for curious onlookers? Honestly, we don't know. And that's the fact of the matter of truth. But one thing we do know for search in is that something strange swam around in Lake Manitou over 190 years ago and that thing, whatever it was, seemed to possess some sort of significance because if it wasn't important or memorable and even the slightest way, we wouldn't be talking about it to this day. One last fun fact for you before we end this. While we know that the creature was given the name Mesheh Kennebec by the Potswotomi tribe around the lake, few know that the monster isn't just one creature, but rather the name was given to all great serpents, which is the meaning of the name, that called a variety of lakes in the Midwest home. And while these serpents were quite deadly to the humans that ventured close to their domain, there was one creature that was said to kill these beasts with great eats. That creature was the Thunderbird. And it was the great serpents greatest enemy. All right, I'm gonna hand it over to you guys and tell me what your thoughts, I'm gonna turn to you first, Sean, and tell me what your thoughts are on this. - Yeah, first of all, the name of the lake, Manitou. Well, my Cree language, it means like a great spirit, but we attach something to it, which is that you say Gichimannatu, which means the good God, which is the creator, right? And then we say muchamanto, which is the crazy God, the mad God. And what, I don't like that kind of implies that, I don't like it, that it's almost like they're equals, but on different levels. It's more like there's the great spirit that's all powerful, but then as muchamanto is the one that's step who's here with us, what would it be on this earth? Which is interesting name for the lake, but something called serpents. Like there are many tribal legends, so they're very common, but just as common as Sasquatch, which must mean they must have been very real at some point, 'cause even I have seen Sasquatch, I'm not seeing serpents, thank goodness, but I haven't seen, you know, the thing you get told when you're fasting is don't make any deals, because spirits will come around. And the thing is, what's said about serpents, and well, I mean, serpents turn into a woman, which is very common, they turn into female figures, right? And they like children. So they say, is don't offer your children to spirits. That's one of the things that you trade for. So it's one of the evil things that people use to do is trade children for magic or power or luck, you know, or money, so it's one of the legends that we have, is that the water spirit turns into a woman, and that's very common in many tribes, which I think is very interesting. But the other thing about the Thunderbird, in our language is Piusu, but there's something that we found earlier, which is at the Piusa, they were at the Piusa bird, and if you look, it looks like in like an ugly creature, it's at scales, it's like a dragon, it's at wings, but what you wanna know what to contrary to this was, the original form of Thunderbird was God's beautiful creation of this bird with magnificent wings who can make Thunder when he flapped the wings, he'd bring the storms in, and anyone here's a Thunder, people say that's the Thunderbird, right? And the legend of Thunderbird is the teaching of ego and pride. The Thunderbird became very prideful in his appearance and liked to show off and his power, and one day he failed to save someone that was drowning because he didn't wanna get his feathers wet, and he ended up getting stripped of his power and made ugly. So is this what we're seeing now, the ugly version of this Thunderbird, Piusu? Very similar to my language, Piusa, and then my language, Piusu, which is very interesting. - Well, okay, well, let's then break some of this down, and Douglas and Dove Ranch, be sure to jump in here. What are we looking at? So let's just take this story at face value and say that the blacksmith and was at the Robinson's, these two guys, that they actually had this encounter, and that for a few years there, almost daily or weekly, there were just reports of seeing this creature in there. What are we looking at? Are we looking at a physical creature or something on a spiritual level? I mean, maybe we should just define that first. - Well, definitely, can you hear me? - I can hear you. - Okay, it definitely sounds to me like a physical creature. The interesting thing that I picked up on, I took a little bit of notes, all of them seem to refer to it as having a cowish feature or a dearest face, and that typically things in nature have shaped faces for a reason. Their faces are shaped that way for a reason, and it seems most animals that are herbaceous or at least omnivorous have a very bovine-shaped head. So the very fact that they're telling that it has that shape of head would probably denote that its eyes are not in the front of its head, its eyes are probably on the side of its head, which is very prey animal behavior. It's not predatory. Predatory animals always have their eyes in the front of their head. So that is an observation that I would look at there. The second thing, even though they said that it was aggressive and that they wanted to go after it, basically, it never really ever showed any aggression towards them. When I get looked at them, it came up out of the water to see what they were, which is, it's curious behavior. I mean, deer do that in the woods. They'll look at you and try to figure out what you are, and then if they don't like what you are, they see you and they're like, "Oh, I don't want to be near you." They'll dart away, which is exactly what this animal did to it. It submerged, it was like, "Oh, you're not what I thought you were. I'm going back down. I'm not coming back up." So I thought that was an interesting thing that had never actually tried to attack anyone. It was more curious, it was docile. So to me, it seems like a giant water cow, which I mean, I don't know if there's any species that maybe got wiped out over time of these big lake dwelling serpents that probably ate algae and seaweed. And it is interesting that the fish in the lake actually grow to massive proportions. So that also is a correlating fact as to whether or not the lake can support the life of a large creature. So it does have the capability to support life in all those large creatures. And I find the language, the fascinating, and all of them both good and evil spirits. And the name Padawatomi, like the county right next to me here in Iowa is called Padawatomi, which is very, very close to that good and evil spirit. So I kind of want to dig into the etymology of that now and figure out why it would be called that. So... - Before I had any commentary or thought, Douglas, did you have anything you want to throw in? And Doug, be sure to give your personal stories as well. - Okay, yeah, I want to ask Sean, you said that they would trade magic for children. I have to ask, what do the servants do with the children? But why do they want children? I mean, I think I know. - Yeah, there's different stories about that. Like it's interesting 'cause I mean, they're very spiritual creatures, like we said, but very biological entities. But the fact you can actually summon them, right? You summon them, you can fast, they will come. But if you have the intention of offering a child, they'll come and they'll take it. And what the elders say is that they turn into women and they like children. And what I think is they kind of transform them into their own children, right? Another thing is that they actually eat them, right? So those are two theories that I've heard. But they trade them for magic. - And does the consuming of them give them physical presence here? In this dimension, is that why they do that, is I've heard similar things. - Yeah, like eating the young innocent children does give them more life here, right? - Yeah, it extends their time in this realm. - Particularly, I would assume probably, particularly the blood. Now, when you're, Sean, when you're talking about they become women, do they look like human women or do they have still serpentine qualities to them? - I'll let you know. - What have been told? And what, you know, what varies across different legends is that they have the ability to turn either into an old woman or a very young beautiful woman. But I'm not sure if any serpentine features, but they've always been described as looking just like a tribal person of them. - Would the old woman kind of be like an old hag by chance? - Yes, kind of like that. - Yeah, fair. - Are they known to inhabit mostly around lakes or bodies of water then? Is that the? - Yes. - Okay. - Because they're water, because they're water spirits, correct? - Yes, water spirits. So it just has to be a body of water. - So, all right, so, okay, here's my thought on this. And number one, this started out, and we know with the newspaper article from the 1830s as well that this was, this was dammed up and there was a bunch of little lakes, it became one big lake, right? And there was a kind of a trade here with the local Native Americans, the conquerors came in and they, you know, they kind of took the land and like, okay, we'll give you something. And to me, this looks like, now, and Sean, I'm curious on your thoughts on this because, you know, the name of the monster translates to great serpents. And it says that these great serpents, of course, were, it was the same name to all of them all over these lakes. Does this, when I read something like this, you would mention the cow head, Devon Branch. To me, this looks like a water horse, which is kind of a type of ferry creature that you might see even in Europe and Ireland, things like that. And I'm wondering if this was actually conjured, this spirit creature was conjured by the locals for protective. Now, you know, the only, I guess, thing that leads me away from that is what you had mentioned, Devon Branch, that nobody was hurt in this, right? There was no aggression shown, anything like that. But Sean, have you heard anything in those regards that could lend to that? - You know what the Cree word for serpent is? It's the same word as a-- - And it's a-- - Michinibic, which is interesting. What was the question about? - Well, do you think that there's any credence to the idea that this might've been a spiritual creature that was conjured by the locals as a protector of the lake? - Well, that's what some of the people say, but some people say they actually haunt the lakes, like they actually protect their territorial of the water body, right? Not actually of the people, but they protect the body of water. - Well, then second question, would they be purely physical or spiritual? - Thing. Well, just like anything, like, it's a Sasquatch spiritual, or is it actual entity? The same thing with this thing. I think it's a mental question. I think there are actually actual creatures here that actually have magical powers. Just like any angelic being would have, any Elohim would have. They have magical powers here, but they're also a physical form. - Yeah, is there anything purely just spiritual or just physical? Like there's an element to both. Like I've encountered spiritual creatures that don't seem to have a physical form, but yet you can also still feel their presence. Like there's something physical about them, even though they're spiritual entities. So, and it seems to be more physical, at least it can manifest physical properties in the fact that it can move the water. Like, so it has to have at least the ability to have an effect on physical things, which requires energy consumption. So, or the ability to manipulate energy, at least in some capacity. - So, this is, I want to talk about this here. This is, you're looking at the surgeon's photo. And this was, I remember I was heartbroken the day that it was probably like 1994-ish, whatever. When it came out, I was listening to the radio and they came out and said that the guy who took this, you know, he's on his deathbed and he said it was a hoax and there was a submarine. Actually, there's another, or like a toy submarine. Actually, the photo that started, you can see it right here. It's this thing, as that's showing up. It, you know, nobody knows what this is. But that supposedly was the original photo. And, you know, there are some interesting theories with the surgeon's photo as well, that it's actually an elephant, a task, it actually looks like one. They're seeing them actually modeled. And apparently the circus was there at that time and the elephants did swim in the water. Nevertheless, there was something, there's an interesting connection. This is a hundred years later, okay? So, Lake Monatoe, the Lake Monatoe Monster 1830s into the 1840s, same thing happened in Loch Ness, 1930s, really into the 1940s. I mean, I'm not hearing the sightings now. I haven't heard of them really that much in my lifetime. Many that have come up have been shown to be a hoax immediately afterwards, pretty much. But there's this individual person, interesting person right here, or this is actually Jimmy Page right here, but you can see Alistair Crowley right here. And this is the house that he lived in right there at Loch Ness. And of course, Jimmy Page later bought it. And I'm of the suggestion that the Loch Ness Monster was an actual creature that, I mean, may not be there now, but he was a type of fairy creature. That's how I would classify him. I actually classify Sasquatch as a fairy creature. That's the best way for me to classify them. There's some sort of physicality, there's some sort of spirituality to it. They can go invisible, they can manifest. Kind of like I think probably these, what we would call a water horse. Maybe the Merman too, we'll be ending on that note tonight. But I wanted to kind of quickly over this for you guys so you can get a perspective. If you've never looked into the Bolskine house, it burnt down in 2015. So by the time I went there in 2019, I was in the area, not that I would have gone to the house, but I remember they had been burnt down by that time. So anyways, Crowley goes and he purchases the house and this is what's really, so he lived there from 1899 to 1913. So let me read this really quickly. Crowley purchased Bolskine house from the Fraser family in 1899. The house at that time was known as the matter of Bolskine and skip all that. Crowley believed the location was ideal to sequester himself to perform a series of operations known as the sacred magic of Abra Millen, The Mage taken from the book of Abra Millen. According to Crowley in the book Confessions of Alistair Crowley, in order to perform the operations, the first essential is a house in a more less secluded situation. There should be a door opening to the north from the room of which you make your oratory. Outside this door, you construct a terrace covered with fine river sand. This ends in a lodge where the spirits may congregate. The purpose of this ritual is to invoke his guardian angel. And apparently he had some really sick and twisted guardian angels. It requires at least six months of preparation, celibacy and abstinence from alcohol. However, it also includes a summoning of the 12 kings and dukes of hell. And this is Crowley for you me, like (laughs) to bind them and remove their negative influences from the magician's life. While Crowley was in the process of performing the lengthy ritual, he was called to perish by the leader of the Golden Dawn. According to legend, he never banished the demons he had summoned, leading to strange happenings occurring in and around the house. Crowley became infamous for stories of conducting black magic in various other rituals while residing at the house. One of his pseudonyms was Lord Bolskine, his lodgekeeper Hugh Gillies suffered a number of personal tragedies, including the loss of two children. Crowley later claimed that his experiments with black magic had simply got out of hand. Okay, so afterwards, this guy moves in. After the Second World War, the house was owned by a major Edward Grant. On November, the 9th of November, 1960, it was reported that Major Grant had committed suicide in Crowley's bedroom with a shotgun. After this, a newly married couple moved into the house. The wife was blind, and after a month, the man walked out, leaving the woman wandering around, unable to see, apparently, in the house. Then he gets really dark and twisted. In 1969, Kenneth Anger. Kenneth Anger is, he shows up a lot when you look into the The Manson Murder Syop. And I believe that was a hoax, of course, but he is in on it, he was in on it in that circle. Interestingly, in the year 1969, as well, you know that you got the 666 there. An experimental filmmaker with an interest in the occult learned that the house was on the mark and arrested it for a few months, but then Jimmy Page came in and bought the house in 1970. So when Jimmy Page was there, he was a collector of Crowley's memorabilia who had read a lot of Crowley and was fascinated by his ideas. At the time, Page bought the house. It was in a state of decay, but he felt it would be a good atmosphere in which to write songs. And then you'll find that he didn't spend a lot of time there, but he did bring in this guy, Dent, Malcolm Dent, and he said he was in a really bad state, but although Dent was a skeptic of paranormal, he soon started to experience strange occurrences. After a few weeks, he heard strange rumblings from the hallway, which stopped when he investigated, but resumed after he closed the bedroom door. After researching the house, he discovered the rumbling in the hall was supposedly the head of Lord Beauvat, even though he was executed in London. And Dent explains above both kinds, there is a place called Erogie, which is supposed to be the geographical center of the highlands. Both kind was then the nearest consecrated ground and it's thought his soul or part of it ended here. All right. So anyways, Dent also experienced the most terrifying out of his life. He woke one night to hear what sounded like a wild animal snorting and banging outside his bedroom door. It went on for some time and it was not until morning that Dent dared open the door and there was nothing there. Dent added, "Whatever was there was pure evil. "Another friend who stayed at the house, "a woke one night claiming she had been attacked "by some kind of devil. "Other occurrences such as chairs, switching places, "doors slamming open and closed for no reason, "and carpets and rugs rolling up and explicably, "fail to deter Dent from staying." Dent met his wife at the house and raised his family there. All right, but that's all I need to read of that. But yeah, I mean, that's my thought on this. That's where I'm going with this. And it seems like we're all kind of in a little bit of a different place. But I'm just wondering if we are seeing in the 1800s as the land is being taken over similar incidents where the locals are conjuring. Maybe through like portals, whatever they're conjuring, these spiritual creatures. Before moving on, do you guys have any more comments on this? Yes, this line's up amazingly with what happened here. And I'll go into that now. Right outside this window about 10 feet from where I'm sitting is a deck and I was standing on the end of it when I saw something come out of my woods. And before that, I was inside. It was September 23rd. And it was the autumn solstice. And it was a full moon for that. But it was also a super moon. So it was much brighter than it normally is. It was like 14% brighter than normal. And I mean, it was crazy. You could read a book outside on the moonlight. But I was inside watching TV. And they were across the road for me about, well, almost exactly 200 meters from here is an old farmhouse that was being rented out by some people that were part of a group that used to meet there every month and do a sweat lodge because the guy was there, who was a Native American, he was adopted. And his name was Doug Stofford. And his parents lived there a long time. They adopted him. And then his parents, his dad died. His mom moved out. And he had the place to himself. And he built the sweat lodge. And he had a lot of people come every for Saturday of the month. Like 20 or 30 cars would be parked outside his place. And then he passed on suddenly. And the people that were in this group took over. Some of them actually lived there. And I encountered them when I was in my about another 200 meters from here in another direction. We have a bottom field. And it's right across the highway from that house. And I saw them in the bottom field walking around. And the guy kind of looked like a John Lennon wannabe kind of guy. Yeah, he was short. He had colored round glasses and long blonde hair and reds and white striped shirt. And he was with a woman. And I was like, I didn't say anything because I knew who they were and I wasn't. I didn't forbid them from walking on a property. But I just logged that. And then later, they were having a huge party over there. And on this autumn solstice, and they had a drum circle and it was going all day, like from like four o'clock. And it was going at nine o'clock, ten o'clock around midnight. I'm sitting inside and I can hear it over the television. And like I said, it's 200 meters away. And there's a highway between us. And there's at that time there was a forest of devil's fur trees that were about 25 years old. And so it blocked a lot of, it blocked the visuals completely. And it deadened the sound a little bit. But I could hear it so loud in the house. And then around midnight, it got crazy and really frantic. And I swear I heard screaming and it just automatically pulled me out of the house, out of the couch. And it went outside on my back deck to listen closely to see, you know, what should I do? Anything? Are they just having more fun? And then as soon as I stepped out on the end of the deck, I hear this breaking of branches and the rustling of leaves on my left and right out of the woods comes this thing. It was about ten feet tall. It had really long arms, two arms. It was on two legs. And it had really broad shoulders. I noticed after it went past me and went down the hill and it ran in this zigzag manner. It was like jumping to the right forward on its right foot. And then jumping to the left forward on its left foot. And it did that all the way down the hill. And then it went down, there's like a grassy road that goes down to the bottom field and it dove into the woods on the right. And right where it's adjacent to the house and it's making all the noise. So this thing, they summoned this thing, whatever it is. And it didn't give me any fear or any sense of danger. Because it was so outside of my normal context. It didn't even register right away. I mean, my eyes saw it and I was, that just happened. But I didn't understand exactly what was going on. And I knew that that was something that you shouldn't normally see. And I knew it wasn't big for it. It wasn't a werewolf. And it wasn't, it wasn't a human being, but it was on two legs. And like I said, it was literally 10 feet tall and 10 feet away from me. Did it happen to have deer like horns? I know we've talked about this before, but I don't remember that detail. No, it didn't. But I couldn't see anything where the head was. It was like this brown, swirly, blurry thing. It was like energy. And I couldn't see, I could kind of see through it a little bit. In the center, it was like, like a brown, swirling fog. And then the center was kind of see through. And that just took a quick picture of that as it ran by. And I assume, I wish I'd looked down at its legs because the way it was running, it probably had like deer legs, like backwards legs. And it ran like, I measured the distance and it didn't do a straight line. It went like this. And it did in about six seconds and it was 450 feet. Before it dove into the woods and then it was probably another 75 meters to that house. So whatever they did caused this thing to come out of the woods. Okay. Some background. This was a Native American village until like the 1850s. And it must have been a very longstanding, busy one because there are a lot of what I thought was gravel for years is actually debited and pre-forms and lots of little cutting tools and screening tools. And once my eyes focused on what was really here, I was like, what happened here? I mean, they said there was only like 10,000 or 15,000 Native Americans here at that time. This looks like Walmart for, you know, pre-forms and people passing by. There is a migration route. This is the road that we're on. It's the east-west migration route they used to have. And in Malala, eight miles from here is the northwest crossroads. There's a little park right near there and there's artifacts in the ground right there that people don't recognize. But they're everywhere. And so I'm wondering if that thing was protecting the land maybe? They were selling it. I was trying to think. No, you go ahead. I was just wondering if it was activated by their activity and to defend maybe this area? Well, the thing is that used to be part of this, so it's not really separate. So I feel like there's a lot of artifacts across the road over there too. And it was all one huge village here. It makes me wonder because we've talked about this before, Doug. And I just, this time hearing you describe it, it sounds an awful lot. It sounds similar to a when to go to me. It has kind of similar characteristics with the broad shoulders and the deer-like gate. And they're supposed to be spirit protectors of the forests. Yeah. So they defend the forest, not necessarily being any ill towards anyone. But their goal is to protect the forest. So that would kind of fit your description. And the fact that you didn't feel any fear for it would indicate that it didn't have Malas towards you. Right. I did have a question for Sean. The only thing I'm finding here is, I'm sorry, you go ahead. Oh, I'm sorry. On the, when you said the female figures that are, they're known to transform in between like a circus and female figures, right? And they're in the water. Is there ever any like singing associated with them, like sirens or is that, is that kind of a key characteristic of them? It seems very, I mean, like, I don't like to correlate cultures or anything like that. But like your words for like the good God and the bad God, it reminds me an awfully lot of like the mischievous God from Norse mythology or Norse history is more, it's more probably accurate. But I'm obviously from middle Europe. I mean, you can tell from my red in my beard and everything. But there's a lot of history on that side of my family from those type of things and from the Norse, the God of mischief, they would call him, they would call him the mad or crazy God also. And so that, that piece of it's very similar. They also had stories of water horses and they were a water culture and tales of sirens also that they told their waterfaring people to stay away from that would try to steal their children. So it's a very, very similar structure, but set in Norway, it's that in the lakes of Norway instead of here. So, I'd be interested to look at the dating on some of those things and see if it kind of historically matches as well. So, it might be a follow up thing to look into, but I just had curiosity, did they ever have singing involved in their, in the Native American histories of those. Yeah, it's interesting you say, because I think we'll be talking later about mermen, right? Yes, we do like water spirits are known to sing. And there are, we do have elders from long ago, like the generation before, that would tell stories of there being those kind of mermaid type creatures that would lure people in. The interesting way you say songs, because chanting is very common in my language is part of prayer, right? But chanting is also magic. It's like, you know, words or spells songs or spells, but they give me good, they give me good prayer, they mean, you know, the contrary, you know, songs are traded for. I mean, what I said was, you know, magic songs are magic, you know, tools are magic, how to make a certain type of herb herbal compound that you go from being an herbal medicine to national compound of magic. But those are the things that when you say songs and chants. Is there anything of like, glamoury or glamoury that's done in chant or, or like a sing song where it's meant to, because that that was in the house or Crowley side of the story where he was talking about the story was performed there, and that is like a concealing of one's appearance to make you appear to be something else. So with the singing, like, in a sing song nature of something that changes from a serpent into a woman. So it just reminds me of Grammarie, which was also a key component in now is the Crowley story so I was curious is that is that a thing, like a chance to change one's appearance. Yes, yes, I'm skin markers do that. Okay, I didn't know that. Yeah, that's how they transform to get their skin, they do their songs, they transform. Hopefully you guys can hear me. I want to, before moving on to the next part I do want to ask you, Douglas, a couple of questions. I was trying to find in here you saw me looking now. I knew that there were what I would describe as water horses on this or bottle montage map which is a phenomenal map. I didn't realize there were so many you guys probably saw me scanning through here and we see a couple here. Actually, if I go back to this one, it actually seems to describe kind of like a cow like head. I think right there, kind of looks a little bit like a cow like or a horse like head hence water horse. And this just occurred to me while we were live I was like, Oh my goodness, and of course the story of Europa and the bowl and the bowl of course is Zeus and this is where we get the name Europe from from Europa and he, you know, it's called the rape of Europa he steals her in the water. So there seems to be kind, he's kind of like a, like a, you know, a water horse creature. It's kind of interesting that a bowl would, you know, cross the ocean. But you see these same things here in the map of all these people or these creatures riding on these water horse creatures. Anyways, I want to ask you Douglas was, was a creature you saw you sitting on like goat legs so I'm assuming it had hooves like like, like, I'm gonna sign up. He said dear. So, like, it had hooves correct. How the human torso. Yeah, it had a human form that I noticed, I guess I didn't notice the legs from like the knees down. What I noticed mostly was the shoulders and arms. Move on to, and then wait move way to see background is weird. All right, well I want to move on to, I always find this creature right here so fast and it looks like a what do you call them a Delafisaurus I think it is. That's what it looks like. All right, well I want to move on to the next segment tonight. If there before we move on speak now forever hold your piece anyone want to talk more about the, the, the, the lake serpent creatures or the water horse, anything did work as the next segment. I was hoping to ask you on a question. Do you have any thoughts on what I shared and also particularly about, but is that a resident of my woods. We have 17 acres of old goes here. Right next to my house and so swamp and freshwater springs right down on the, where I'm on top of a bluff about 50 feet down. And that's where he emerged from and, or she and I just wondered if you that's something that resides there or did. What do you think. Well, you said this happened where there's ceremonies right yes yeah so part of the ceremony, especially if there's pipe involved and a split lodge means you open portals you open doors. Right. So either you conjure things in or you track things for a closer. So that thing might have been just kind of residing in the woods because of the ceremonies take place there, just like when they say there's a lot of witchcraft in the house because it's very haunted and evil and there's creatures that come. The same thing with an area like that. It's what Lodge might bring good creatures and repel things. Yeah, but they create you decide I was trying to remember like a story or something but, you know, these to be sadders that people used to tell stories about my, my, my, you know, community. But, like, um, double branch said it's like, this sound like a week to go like in my language is with the goal, but why people are more scared of them than anything. There might be protector, you know, types, but right here. Well, it was interesting to know what you were saying about house, and how the requirements for the setting to some of these things. The north facing door. That's the back of that house. They have a that's how you get to the front door. They don't even answer. And right in front of that is a path that goes to that sweat like. And it's like maybe 50 feet away from that, but that door and it's sandy. And I was blown away when you said that because that's exactly what they have over there. When you heard that screaming, do you think it's because they saw that creature too? Were they reacting to it? No, I think they were sacrificing somebody. Okay. And, you know, there's another part of the story where I found what I thought was a human phone right across the highway from their place on our place. And it looked new, and I turned over the police and they didn't say that's not what it is. They took it into evidence. And I didn't know what was this is all back before I understood anything. I wasn't even saving it. This kind of triggered me getting saved about six months later. But and so I started piecing all these memories together. So the so just if we could maybe sum up your thoughts on what this creature was doing, I mean, it was going in a zigzag pattern, which tells me that it was trying to evade an attack, perhaps, like it was trying to get out of there. Right. So, this would have been a, as Sean would call it a magical creature a type of spirit force creature that maybe it was, it's all something or was a part of something and it wanted out of there. Uh, good being. Like I said, this, I was 200 meters at 630 feet, more or less physically from their activity, and this thing originated to my left, which is even further away than that. These woods down here are so almost impenetrable that nobody goes down there. There's no activity down there. So we're going in there making trails or whatever. But, like I said, 78 acres of just sort of privacy. Nothing. I hope it came back. I hope it belongs here. Um, it didn't bother me at all. I mean, it ran right by me. It didn't acknowledge me. It's thankfully, but it was just unbelievable. I'm glad it was a bright moon at the time. Cause I saw it go all the way down that hill and jump into the woods about 400 feet away from me. That's amazing. All right. Well, thank you for sharing that. I'm going to move on to the second segment of tonight. And we're going to be talking about Merman in this. You can see right here on the Urbano Monte, they have a lot of Merman type creatures on here. And it's just, it's a phenomenal map. I mean, especially when we're looking into the old world and. You know, the Malio Kingdom and, you know, what was going on and why are these entities, these manifesting, it seems like they're, I mean, he looks like he's offering a piece garland there to the, these. I don't know whether they Spaniards. I'm not really sure what they are, but. All right. Let's look at second segment here. The Lake Superior God of the waters, aka the Great Lakes Merman. And as you can see here, this is by the same author Adam Benedict based on all the count. If there is time tonight, I don't think we're going to get to it, but this, since we are talking about this is the Lake Huron nayads and their mermaids or sirens. And this is really interesting, Sean, based on what you were talking about, how the. These, these spirit water spirits, well, you know, there are serpents, but they take on the form of women. And of course, as you say, they want children. They seem to, you know, this classic tales of luring men to their doom. That's maybe we'll have time for that tonight, or we'll save it for another time. This is the Lake Superior God of the waters, aka the Great Lake Merman. Since ancient man first settled around the five Great Lakes and what would go ons become known as North America, strange and unexplained stories have continuously filtered out from along the shores and into the ears of anyone who would listen. The range of stories that both Native Americans and European sellers told were vast and encompassed a slew of different topics that many people of today couldn't even begin to imagine. Deep-rooted tales involving gods and monsters, ancient magic and ghosts, lost treasure, supernatural weather, and even the mysterious little people. Sean, you've talked about the little people. While the stories themselves are all unique and not often connected in terms of subject matter, the one thing that creates a strong link between these tales is the fact that they all originate in and around the water, which is something I feel like we need to investigate more. The connection spirits to water itself, and not just any water mind you, but Great Lakes Water. These vast inland seas have long been a source of wonder and awe for all who look upon them. They have hope to provide for and benefit the lives of those who built a strong relationship with them based upon respect. But on the opposite side of that coin, they have also taken the lives of those who have sought to control them and master their power. It is believed that there are upwards of 6,000 plus shipwrecks within the five lakes known as Superior, Huron, Michigan, Erie, and Ontario. Their beds have become the final resting place for an estimated 30,000 plus mariners, many of which have never been recovered. The sheer number of souls that have been lost within these waters can easily get one thinking of the possibility that there may be something more going on within these lakes than originally thought. That there may be a force at work under the water that decides the fate of those who dare to interact with it, something magical, something supernatural, something godlike. Something as crazy as it is to believe like Murman. The fascinating story that Great Lakes Murman has a deep history that goes all the way back to the year 1782. So, even though the title of this video is the 1800s, same time period, we're looking at reset era, era, mudflood. The legend revolves around a voyager in merchant from the small town of Repentigny by the name of Venet Saint Germain, kind of interesting Saint Germain. The encounter which is recorded is taking place on May 3 is reported to have occurred on Isle Pate or Pi Island, located roughly between Isle Royal and the Canadian Shoreline of Lake Superior. Me telling the tale himself about what was witnessed Saint Germain's war for two official judges of the Court of Kings bench for the District of Montreal, one PL Panett and one J Ogden on November 13, 1812. Speaking truthfully and under no persuasion from others, Saint Germain told the shock judges everything that occurred that night on and in the lake over 30 years prior. What you are about to read is that same tale that was originally told over 208 years ago, I guess it would be more like 212 years ago now, according to the publication date. During a routine fur trading trip that was to take place and what is now known as Thunder Bay, then it's Saint Germain, three unnamed companions and an old, how would you pronounce that Sean Ojibwe? Yes, Ojibwe, woman who was only traveling, see this is why I have Sean on it, I need Sean on all the time to help me pronounce him, who was only traveling with the party as a means to reach a separate destination, departed from the Grand Portage region which currently resides within Minnesota alongside the US Canadian border and made their way toward Pi Island in order to set up camp for the night. Landing on the south end of the island, Saint Germain instructed the three men to help set their fishing nets for the night in order to secure additional food for the trip. The process which was completed just a little before sunset took place in an area that was flooded with natural beauty and proved to be awe inspiring to all who looked upon it. As he was making his way back toward camp, Saint Germain decided to take in this site one final time before the sun officially disappeared and darkness took over the landscape. But when he turned to stare out upon the majesty of Lake Superior, the seasoned woodsmen instead laid his eyes upon something he had never once seen before. For there in the water, roughly an acre or three quarters of an acre distant from the bank where he stood, Saint Germain witnessed a creature which appeared to him to be half human and half animal. Utterly amazed by what he was seeing, the fur trader approached the edge of the water and stared at the mysterious being for what is recorded as being three to four uninterrupted minutes. The creature, which followed suit, stared right back. Saint Germain and his account to the incident to the two judges described a strange creature as having a body which resembled that of a human down to its waist, which stalked at the waterline. Unfortunately for the Voyager though, he was unable to see what the creature looked like below the water as it was much too dark to see clearly. The visible part of the body was described as appearing like that of a child around the age of seven or eight years old. It was relatively small in size. And for some unknown reason held its long and odd looking right arm up in the air. Because of this position, Saint Germain was able to distinctly see a hand and fingers almost identical to that of a full grown man. The other arm remained under the water. Studying the creature with focus attention, the woodsmen took note of a face that strongly resembled that of a small human being. Its eyes were described as being brilliant. Its nose was small in shape, it's strong in shape. The ears were noticeable and well formed and the mouth was proportionate to the overall size of the head. The skin complexion of the creature was recorded as being that of a brownish hue and the expression on the face appeared to be a mixture of both uneasiness and curiosity. Saint Germain also noted that the creature did not appear to have any long or flowing hair, but rather its body was covered in a woolly substance that looked to be an inch long. The official court document describes this hair as being grayish black in color and similar to that which grows on the heads of African Americans. Saint Germain and the strange water creature continued to stare at each other without moving. Their curiosity towards one another had locked them into place as it means to take in everything they could regarding their subject to focus. At that moment, neither man nor merman was on a higher level than the other. They were equal subjects on a level playing field that was dedicated to understanding one another. That all changed though when the additional member of Saint Germain's party proceeded towards the shoreline and took sight of the strange being in the water. When the three men approached the deeply focused Voyager, it was as if he had snapped out of a trance. The desire to understand what he was looking at was replaced by strong impulse to capture the creature by any means possible. So in order to carry out the impromptu acts Saint Germain rushed for his gun as quick as a flash and turned back towards the water to take aim. With the experience and skill that only comes to those who have been hardened by the unforgiving wilderness, Saint Germain raised his weapon, planted his feet on the uneven ground beneath him and steadied his hand to pull the trigger. But one thing he had not accounted for in his haphazard plan to shoot the aquatic being was the old woman who he had allowed to accompany his party on their trip across the water. The old woman who had lived her entire life along the banks of this dangerous body of water. The old woman who had grown up hearing the stories and legends of magical beings who called their respected place home. The old woman who knew exactly with the mysterious creature was, and what would happen if that trigger was pulled. Without hesitation, the old Ojibwe woman dashed towards Saint Germain, grabbed him by his clothing, and pulled him towards the ground. A scuffle ensued along the water's edge in which the woman attempted to remove the gun from the woodsman's grip in order to protect the creature in the water. Unwilling to let go of his weapon, Saint Germain removed himself from the hands of the old woman and jumped back up to his feet. But unfortunately for him and luckily for the creature, the mysterious being had sunk back beneath the surface of the water and had disappeared from view. Furious at what had just occurred, Saint Germain approached the old woman and demanded she explain herself for what just took place. So after rising to her feet once again, the old woman dusted the sand off her clothing and began to tell the voyage or everything he wanted to know. The old woman explained that the creature he so casually decided should become a trophy was, in reality, known throughout the area as the God of the waters. This mythical being in the Ojibwe language is known as, I didn't pronounce this word, "me me guashi", a type of water spirit that is believed to be somewhat of a cross between the classical depictions of both mere folk and sirens. And he puts here, "Mere folk being peaceful and sirens being dangerous. They are said to possess childlike bodies, but with adult features and occasionally are seen covered in some sort of strange looking hair. The Ojibwe legend claims these "me me guashi" live within the rocky crevices and caves surrounding Lake Superior. He gives an editor's note here, along with being known as a "me me guashi", there are additional texts which state that this God of the water is also known as a "nevon", I can't pronounce that, Sean could pronounce it for me. A creature is said to be more in line with the classical depictions of mere folk as it is described as being human on top and fish on the bottom. In this version of the legend, the creature will often attempt to abduct human beings from the shoreline, drag them down into the lake and magically turn them into, there's a name again, Sean, do you know how to pronounce that? It's okay if you don't. It's definitely a "jibwe" so I cannot. Okay, well, then I don't feel so bad. Along with this hatred towards people, these mere folk are said to be able to transform themselves into full-blown humans and walk on land, much like the Scottish silky, and this is kind of interesting because Sean, this is exactly what you were saying, in order to find victims. The side effect of this transformation though is that they are plagued with terrible eyesight and are nearly blind when in the sun. To combat this while transformed, they will only walk on land during stormy weather or at night. Continuing on with her story as well as her attempt to bring Saint Germain up to speed on what the creature actually was, the old woman explained why she not only reacted the way she did but also why she built the need to tussle with her party leader. According to her, since the creature was believed to be a water god, you can say a water spirit, those who lived around the lake all believe that it possessed a multitude of magical abilities. One of these abilities, it was thought, allowed the creature to control the weather in any way it seemed fit. And this is maybe an interesting time with the Thunderbird, maybe we could talk about this. And since Saint Germain attempted to shoot the mysterious being, the old woman was fearful that it would summon a violent storm in order to punish them in some way. Believing the old woman's tales would be nothing more than nonsensical children's stories, which is a little strange since you're actually looking at the creature. You would think you would maybe believe the local on this but take a word for it but whatever. The Voyager turned away and headed back towards camp, he remained in this mindset for a majority of the evening but when the clock struck 11 his entire belief system started to be challenged. It was said by Saint Germain and recorded by the two judges that later that night, a storm of terrific proportions enveloped their island camp and assaulted them with violent wind and dangerous ways for three solid days. The lake, which appeared to think for itself and seemingly recognize where the voyagers were holding up, slowly raised higher and crept forward until the five member team had no choice but to huddle together for safety in the middle of the island at its highest point. The old woman who adamantly believed that Saint Germain was responsible for the situation at hand told the men that due to the actions of one the God of the waters was punishing them all and would not stop until every person had been dashed to pieces upon the rock surrounding the island. But fortunately for them all the storm broke after ruling 72 hours and gave way to a clear sky, which allowed them all to leave the island and continue on with their journey. When asked by judges, panicked and Ogden, whether he believed the storm he and his party encountered was truly the work of a merman. Saint Germain stated that while the event was strange and unlike anything he had encountered before, he could not fully believe without a doubt that it was the work of the mythical God of the waters. The reasons he gave were that while he had not personally encountered a storm in this exact size and theory while on the lake itself until that point, he had heard from many other voyagers who had dealt with storms just like this one. So it was well within the ability of nature to produce such an event. He also recognized the fact that prior to any large storm which occurs on the lake, fish have a tendency to gather in large groups near the surface and are known to jump more frequently and show themselves above the water. Whether or not a large yet common fish was responsible for taking on the appearance of the merman prior to the storm, Saint Germain was not able to accurately say, but he was also not able to rule out the possibility. For 30 years, Bennett Saint Germain not only lived with the memory of what he saw that night on the lake in 1782, but also wrestled with his own belief on whether or not what was seen actually was a merman. The rational grounded and well seasoned Woodman understood that what occurred that night may have been nothing more than a series of coincidences that were enhanced by an old woman story. The other side of him though the one who had personally seen various unexplained things on the water over the course of his many years could not so easily claim that what he saw was not a merman. This possibility grew even stronger after he had met other fur traders within the area who had all claimed to have seen the same type of creature. Were all these voyagers experiencing the same shared delusion and different locations or maybe just maybe there was a little bit of truth to the old stories. While seeing a mere a mer being would make for an interesting chapter in anyone's life story, the universe was not yet done with placing Bennett Saint Germain into interesting situations. In 1821 roughly 39 years after seeing the merman and only nine years after telling a story before the judges, Saint Germain found himself at Fort Pambien, a fur trading post owned by the Northwest Company which was said to be the first fur trading post in North Dakota located just below the present day United States Canadian border. According to the story Saint Germain was preparing to leave the fort but realized he had forgotten something, believing he knew where it was the man ventured back inside and started looking in what was known as the Indian home. At this same time a fellow fur trader and friend of Saint Germain by the name of Joseph Rainville arrived at the training post and ventured inside. Inville entered the door Saint Germain was descending the stairs with his forgotten object in hand. Upon seeing one another and exchanging pleasantries Rainville said in a joking way, "What would you say if I were to bring your carcass down like a bear?" Knowing that his friend was a terrible shot Saint Germain responded in a way that is believed to have been similar to the classic "I'd like to see you try." As a good, friendly jab go without another, Rainville grabbed his own weapon off the wall where he had left it since the previous winter, haphazardly took aim and continued to make jokes towards his friend. As the two men laughed, Rainville jokingly pulled the trigger on the old weapon and was astonished to hear the gun go off and shocked. Rainville looked up and saw Saint Germain slumped back against the wall, blood pouring out from beneath his clothing, poor Saint Germain. Rainville ran towards the staircase and upon reaching his friend he heard in a calm and composing manner, "You have killed me." The bullet jokingly fired from the gun of a friend had entered through the left side below the ribcage and had exited the body through the right side under the arm. Four hours later, Saint Germain was dead. Ever since the encounter between Saint Germain and the Murman took place over 238 years ago, there has been a steady stream of strange sightings filtering out from not only Lake Superior, but all five of North America's Great Lakes. Now, I don't know if we'll have time to go into those tonight, but this author does cover some of those stories as well. Chilling reports of unexplained creatures, strange weather patterns, haunting phantoms and odd lights and sounds have long been recorded by experienced sailors while out in the open of the vast inland seas. Even those who only use the lakes for recreation have often reported and counting strange and unusual things that appear from below the surface. Are these sightings and encounters nothing more than illusions created within the minds of those wanting so desperately to see something strange? Or are these tales of bizarre creatures and mysterious mere folk, many of which are told by reliable individuals and trustworthy witnesses, true occurrences that should be looked at with a more believable gaze? While we currently do not have all the answers regarding the subject matter history has proven that given enough time, something lost will eventually be found. And even though Saint Germain's Murman is said to have submerged back into the deep all those years ago, there is no harm in believing that one day it may decide to pop back up once again and taking the sights of everything it has missed over the past 200 plus years. All right, I'm going on that there. So, you know, again, one of the reasons that this really has my curiosity is because all these, these mythological creatures that are being talked about in early North America up, you know, and by the Canadian border. All happen to be featured. Interesting enough on a lot of these ancient maps this map right here in particular. So do you guys have any thoughts on that opening it up to anyone who wants to throw in there. Are there any other any land creatures. Well, I guess that's the question Sean I mean you would mention that it seems like there's a big connection between. I mean there's obviously land creatures like Sasquatch I don't hear stories of Sasquatch you know going, you know, doggy paddling or doing the breaststroke through Lake Michigan. Sean what are your thoughts on that. The aquatic nature of them or land nature. Yeah I guess both I mean, I mean, I think you were asking about like the, I think you were specifying the Merman period right. Maybe I know I was actually specifying the creatures on that map. Oh, on that map. No, oh, on this map. There's all sorts of really interesting creatures you'd see serpentine dragon type creatures but there are cyclops is there's. I was trying to find anything to resemble the one you were describing oh look there's no zark right there right we're supposed to be boom right in era. Oh, but. Don branch Sean you guys have anything to add. That's some interesting correlations that I came to mind as you're reading it. Firstly that 1812 is a rather interesting year for him to have come forward with this story. First of all, why did he choose that year 30 years later to come forward and talk about this. Of where there are other types of sightings of monsters and creatures and stuff roaming about in 1812 that would require a panel of judges to hear a story about a witness of somebody that had seen a monster 30 years prior in that lake. Where there are other lake sightings going on during 1812 that would make him come forward and give a testimony to something he saw 30 years ago. The things that I'm just curious about is to why in 1812 a year that we all believe to be rather significant and the history timeline if you've watched any of those previous videos on that era. But that that was the first thing that struck me. The second thing you kind of covered later in the article was that it remains in a childlike state even though it has managed features. That that's a very striking similarity between a lot of my mer folk sightings even from sailors and things of that nature is that they're very childlike even though they're clearly old. I think it's interesting that they only walk on land when it's stormy or at night. And they have the power to conceptually can bring forth storms kind of in the same vein as the thunderbird. And that I think it's interesting that those two things are both known to have resided in North America and have the capacity to bring forth storms and often elemental spirits would have those type of an ability. I thought there was an interesting correlation between that and David Jones. And the fact that he only can come on to land in very specific conditions. So there was a correlation I thought that was interesting there. And the whole Saint Germain story fascinates me in and of itself because the characteristic in the League of Extraordinary gentlemen of Alan quarter main was supposed to be based off of Saint Germain. And he was known to have had an encounter with a merman that was had possessed psychic abilities and. Interestingly enough he was also shot by his friend but he also had many resurrection experiences which I think ties into the 1812 story and 1821 is just 1812 inverted. So that's, it's another interesting numerology thing that I picked up on in there. But at the anything that ever happens with somebody named Saint Germain is to me it feels like an incarnation of the Alan quarter main story so that that did fascinate me that it was. There was a tie there to a merman that he had encountered in quarter main was said to have encountered one as well so that was kind of an interesting thing. So, and he was also known to have hang out with super supernatural beings. So, just some just some interesting things that I picked up on during it but my I mean my opinion is, and I have, I don't know if anybody's ever looked into it or not but I did some actual interesting research into Merfolk in North America and they were often known to have washed up on the shores of the Pacific Northwest. It was an area that they were specifically known to have washed up and even in modern times, people find washed up creatures that appear to be mermen and like dudes in black suits will show up and dance and confiscate them kind of like giant bones and things of that nature. So there are plenty of stories if you want to go scrub YouTube for those of those kind of things happening in North America that that's definitely worth revisiting some time I know you had said beforehand that you know you you had seen some of that I had actually never seen anything like that before so that would I would yeah love to look into that. That's what I was trying to find earlier and I couldn't find it in time so I'll try to dig it up and maybe we can revisit it in later time. Well okay here's my here's my I guess my final question for the night, and we can keep this conversation going along as you guys want but my my really ultimate question here is that. Generally when we deal with my culture mermaids mermen we're looking at, I mean what are we looking at Greek mythology. And it's definitely interesting that we're seeing them in North America and Sean do you have any to your knowledge are there any comparable stories with mermen in the Native American culture. Aside from the actual water spirits that would come out the serpent creatures you mentioned. Yes, well when I was young the older elders would talk about encounters with mermaids and mermen. They didn't like them. Of course like they would be dealings with them people who wanted to you know to money and all that they would trade their children. But they were said that at the evenings they would hear them in the waters. But sometimes they would sound like crying children and they would learn people will see if someone was drowning right. And that's how they would you know capture them or whatever do it whatever them people go missing. But they would also take trades you know with infants right you trade your infant for whatever. And some people would sometimes hear that infant crying for a little while and some people said that they would be you know the woman would be cuddling them because they're said to they can't have children the mermaids can have children. So they would want children they'd be jealous but they would eventually eat them right. So it's interesting and about the localized storms like we're saying that spirits can conjure conjure weather. I think that's very true because I remember going out on a vision quest fasting in the summer. And it was winter where I was for four days it was winter. First night I was there. I seen the clouds come in the full moon and covered it. I didn't see the moons are the sun. But it was it was like snowing it was raining it was windy. And on the fourth night came out again. And then I went to tell my elder about this man it was like snow we were like I couldn't believe it. How was the weather over there was like literally 10 miles per 20 miles down the road. And he saw it was beautiful here. He said they must have suffered you up there tried you tested you. So that's interesting I do believe that can happen that they can control the weather. And that's by the way that's in one of Sean is for anyone listening out there if you have not read Sean's work. And it's available on our website and we're hoping that he gets a book out here soon he's he's actively working on it and his tales from a shaman. One of them where he goes into the detail on you go into detail on the on the weather how it was while you were on one of your your quest. It was radically different for you than those very close by and of course on that one you had something some spiritual encounters. All right well I don't want to I don't want to keep this conversation going all night. So anything anything else. I'm curious on the on the trading children to these entities or whatever is there. Is there ever a time that coinciding with other fairy stories that from North America. It was often said that people that would trade their children to a fairy would get an or if a fairy were to steal their child. They would give them a child with a like an evil tendency. Like so they would give them their child and they would get a child in return that would have an event to evil. So, or if they would find the fact that their child didn't look the same. And it acted different or it cried all the time they would assume that it had been replaced with a fairy child. Or a grimling I guess they would call them often I just curious is there any type of a tale of of them replacing a child with something or stealing a child. There's a lot of tales about children being stolen and then people go in a search for them. And then you know medicine and putting their pipes together doing somebody to see where it is to locate them. Right. But there are also stories that sometimes these creatures would transform the children into their something else. Right. Because and it said because these parents were taking care of it or were good. Somehow they were allowed to come and take the child like they were allowed to take the child. So to speak. That's fascinating from a perspective of allowing things to allowing things into your presence based off of your activity or your behavior. Because you open doorways through specific behaviors that you maintain. Why addictions or alcoholism or pornography or whatever the case may be. You open doorways for those things to come into your life and they don't always attack you sometimes they attack your children and your family and they go after them or they'll have the bad dreams and they'll leave you alone. So that often happens in that situation as well with opening those doorways to let those entities into your life. So there's a there's a much these entities didn't go anywhere. They're still here. Like we just call them different things or you know, so that's that's a fascinating connection. Well, I wanted to throw something here real quick. Please do Douglas. Okay. Yeah. When before I knew what had it really gone on over there, I had already seen that thing and then I got saved and I was obsessively. There's a huge field 85 acre field right across the road at the time it was had just been hard to do with this flat ground. I was walking through there with headphones and iPod shuffle which is still that one with somebody reading the Bible and it was Romans and I was trying to memorize it. So I was speaking it out loud as I was walking through this field and this is like that field ends where that sweat light is and I was on that side of the road. And so it's a bright same day, not a cloud in the sky. And as I'm walking along speaking the words of Paul out loud. I see this like black stuff shooting down to like crows without being died by my crows or big black origami things. And I look up and there's nothing around whatsoever and it would stop when I would stop speaking the word out loud and it would resume whenever I started speaking word out loud. And obviously it had territorial spirits were right there and they were very, very stirred up by the work. It was pretty amazing. That was like 2013 or something that year. So here's one of the things I want to close on and this is something I some of you out there you might be like okay why is no having this discussion right now. And something I have noticed thematically in the 1800s notice that I pointedly named this video and sometimes they need change their name but currently it is named mythical monsters in 1800s America. And of course talk about the water horse and the the merman Crowley and cryptids and Crowley is that there was a huge fascination in the 1800s with very culture from Victorian society. So, let's think about some of the things that are happening here we know that there was a big reset event of some sort in the early 1800s could have been late 1700s or even the mid 1800s it could have been a few of them. One of them is we call the mud flood and then of course we have the Napoleonic wars the civil war is a war of 1812 course the war of 1812 the American Civil War coincide with both Napoleonic wars in Europe interestingly enough, not by coincidence I'm sure. And so then we have Sean over here talking about how there's a there's a big connection between offering children to these spirit creatures what I would call fairy culture. And then we have mixed in with the orphan trains and everything else happening we have this big huge focus in literature on orphans, everything from Anna green gables to Peter pans and Tom Sawyer you name it just the list goes on right. All the Charles Dickens books are almost all orphans, but within that is this fairy culture so let's start naming some we got you know obviously the Wizard of Oz came in 1900 but you got Alice in Wonderland and you got George McDonald's books and you know all sorts of stuff there Peter Pan is another great one right and it's often focused on children entering these lands with the fairies. So all of a sudden that should have some sparks flying and you know light bulbs going off your heads like what if there's actual stories with the Native Americans for example there are handing children off to these spirits, these spirits are going into fairy land right. And then you can get into the child trafficking all sorts of stuff and ties in with the orphan trains terrible things happening. But what I'm really interested in is that I just read through like the first six oz books and there they're actually there's a fascinating material in there about this idea you see all of these writers talking about how this fairy land is closing down like there was this this connection with the fairy culture and it's gone now. And they're putting it out there in literature and then of course gaslighting the Native American saying all your stories about the fairies that's all fake. That's all fake that's not real right that's just your religion. But you have to figure that if you have the Native Americans they're somehow carrying this oral tradition over and they're being affected by the fathers they have these connections with these these little people Sean has all his stories connecting with them. And then we see maps like this where they're saying that all these creatures were worldwide and interacting with people you figure that it was probably some worldwide event. And that somewhere some people got the short end of the stick and of course. I mean I'm Sean you know me obviously the Native Americans got a big short end of the stick as well, but orally it seems like there was something you know something else going on. I kind of want to end on that tonight. Just hand it to you guys one more time before we close any final thoughts. I think that's I think it's pretty fascinating from that aspect. Is it a possibility and this is just me this is just us thinks me not any any historical fact but just surmising from just the set of facts that you just laid out. Is it a possibility that early 1800s like these fairy creatures. Essentially their portals were closed like they they fled and perhaps there's necessarily that they were trying to protect children and trying to get children out of the way. And or they knew that worse things were coming and didn't want to be part of that. Like, because you see the shift to almost a hard occultism happen right about the same time, where things are getting much darker and more evil and focused on like there was a pulling back of good presences in the world that were protectors and, and things that wanted to protect environments maybe protect lakes protect forests like there was these spirits that were there to do these jobs which we see God give those jobs to creatures. In the world like there's angels that protect certain things and I have to imagine he would play spirits over those things like the angels that guard the four winds we see examples of those and. And so you see that and then you see the the almost opposite side of that we're now you see creatures like pending wise that wants to feed on your children that wants to eat your children that wants to make their they're not looking to protect children. Like, never land was a place that kids could go to get away from all the bad things and then the pirates were invading and it was almost as playful, like scenario nobody really wanted to kill each other it was just kind of this game that they played. But then you see like the future versions of that and it's like well now hook wants to kill Peter Pan and now it's his goal to do that now the more the more people in there are evil and they want to take over things. And then you see these clowns and these clowns when I come in these nephilomer creatures are things want to eat children and they want to take the life from them and you see vampires and you see that they're evil focus after that so I'm just curious on everyone's thoughts as to whether there was some shift that happened in that 1800s time period that seems like these good creatures kind of go away or go extinct as the world would call it now. And then these bad things started to show up and kind of take over and this dreams are negatively focusing things so just curious Well I mean I have thoughts on that I was going to give you guys a shot of a chance at that. Well yes I have something to say because you definitely the stories of the sightings kind of waned in time. These to be actual caves for these little ones little people used to be there's actually a cultural site where I'm from. No one's ever seen them there for a while, even the dwarf ones, you know people used to see them all the time. The elders used to wrestle with them and trade with them they like shiny things like shiny metals and tools they would trade with these stuff stone canoes, which is interesting when you think about it. Over time, in my day, I've seen them, but not many people are seeing them anymore. So, you know, at the stretch of time they're probably they're disappearing somewhere. Right, just bring like it could be deeper somewhere or maybe this, they know this is the age of information is nowhere to hide now, but they definitely disappeared for a reason. So, you know one of my big theories with the millennial kingdom is that there was a video on this probably last last November December, where there are times in the past. I wrote it from the was it the book of creation, as I was called, where you had times in the past where mankind, they they're there. Third I was opened and they saw much more of the spiritual realm and then there's times where the creator, our father, he closes it, and you know we forget and we shut down it's like passing. We're a mortal man can pass to the spiritual curtain and then they're out of it again. And so, on one hand, I think that there was a when we talk about fairy land and the fairy creatures that there probably was more of a connection with it. I could, I could show of course medieval artwork and all the force that the wild, the wild man which was a huge aspect of medieval culture, and I think these were related to the Sasquatch creatures. And then they kind of all went away. The other thing that I want to specify and I probably will continue saying this for the rest of my career rest of my life because there's always me those new individuals coming in. When we grow up in Protestant culture now within my audience there are people who are coming out of new ageism they're coming out of Protestantism, you know, orthodoxy whatever. Generally within the Protestant church the way we are taught is that, you know you have your Sunday school answer it's either Jesus or Satan right, and then it's either angels or demons those are your two. It's one or the other you know it's the angels are the fallen angels, you know, and of course I classify demons as not fallen angels and demons are. First and foremost the disembodied spirits of the giants the Nephilim who are the children of the fallen angels, or at least some of the children fallen angels and of course we have when we get into the fairy culture my perspective on this is that we are seeing as much diversity of spiritual creatures as there is diversity on our earth as above so below so so I would say that a lot of the fairies are maybe a good comparison is like relationship with animals like cows dogs things like that. Well, fairy creatures are like the animals of the angelic world a lot of them so you have the relationship between angels and fairies is what I would say is our relationship with animals. And when you get into say the book of Enoch it has some interesting classifications for wickedness and righteousness which is very different than Protestant thinking. So we get down into Sheol it talks about the three different chambers down there there's one chamber for the righteous those who are those who are obedience to the father, and then there is the chamber for the sinners and then the chamber for the wicked. And enough it actually says no people can get upset at me for this I'm just you know quote what it says that it actually says that it doesn't give a promise of the resurrection for the sinners. They just die and they go there and that's it the wicked will get resurrected in order to to be judged if they haven't been judging this life I think like Sodom Gomorrah for example they were judged at that time. And so there is a classification of people they're just sinners they just live their lives they're not righteous they're not wicked they just pay their taxes they work a job they get married to have children they're, you know just vessels you know they're not really like spiritual terrors maybe they're just people and they die and that's it. So I kind of think that the fairy creatures are that way to and going back to Enoch you would brought this up dove and branch you know they they they they their agriculture they work the earth they're in the weather they're there we just had a four day storm rain for four days straight from Hurricane Debbie just dropped a lot of water on us. They're in the hurricanes are in the tornadoes they're in the lightning that you know the thunder and the rain and they're out there you know just guardians of the forest. I want to be clear to everyone out there because some people hear this and they're like you know it's their danger danger will Robinson alarm goes off whenever they hear something that goes outside of Protestant thinking or something that they learned in Sunday school is I am not telling anybody to conjure the spirits to invite please do not invite any of them into your home. Okay so if you have angels that are coming to visit you in the name of YAH then and you know fine sit down and dine with them. I think that we don't experience or see them because they're just they're just doing their job. They're there for a specific purpose. They're just leave them alone. Let nature do its thing you know let the earth do its thing with the water do its thing. And it's usually I think more of the wicked ones that we generally encounter right they're the ones that are making themselves known they're the ones that are. You know, wanting to whatever they're wanting something usually you know blood or fear or motion or I guess our children or things like that. No question for you what kind of malevolent spirit. Where do you suppose they were during the morning okay. Well that's a good question. So, you know the interesting thing about satan V satan right there are many satans I did study on how there's five satans and as as well as one of them and I think the big baddie who we call satan ale. The serpent that is as as well. The interesting thing about him is that if you read in the book of Jubilees it actually mentions that he was actually cast into was he put into the abyss. He was actually refrained and put down for a time so they could actually get out of Egypt and multiple times and there's instances all throughout history where that can happen. And so, during the during the thousand years of the millennial kingdom, I think that there was probably a lot of evil spirits that were imprisoned or just yeah just held a bay. They could have been out in the wilderness places I have a whole study on that that the seraphine of the wasteland. So, that's a good question. And I'm not sure it's a good question, but I don't know if you're interested in the city, no. Doesn't you actually talk about that and when the demons that came out of the pigs right that went into the pigs they said it's not our time yet you you're not supposed to lock us up we're not supposed to go to the pit yet like we don't want to go there. And they were meant to be locked up so just just an interjection there that might help explain a little bit of where they were during that time period. Yeah, and the other thing he talks about is how they go out and they wander in the in the in the waste places and this is something the Zazzle goat does as well. There's a connection with them and I did a whole study on this years ago. And I bring it up from time to time and it's usually in the what like the journey and the wastelands to Egypt, for example, you might encounter the evil spirits out there. So there is a connection with that. And so I think that during this time, especially when you have these these this I guess you call it antique with tech that is using the ether to harvest energy and things like that. I think, and I also point out the the moats around the castles you think see things like that. I actually think that those were keeping out spirits and that there was something to do with the energy being produced with the water. Also the star fortifications that you see the Bastion forts as well as the cities. I think a lot of that was designed it has lost its purpose now but I actually think a lot of it was designed for that purpose to keep the baddies out. And you know one final thought is that with my my view on these these the reason I am open how these discussions this meets when you bring up the spiritual world some people feel kind of dark and like it's you know they're thinking through a certain framework like why is this guy they're all demons why is this guy talking about this. Well actually I actually posted the comment that somebody put in here earlier to actually preach to all creation. And I think that's that's actually very very noble I don't I've said this before some people will laugh at me. I if I I love animals I love animals to death. I will preach to the animals just like I talked to you guys on here I will if I see animals I will go up and I'll start telling them about Yahuwah. I'll start talking telling about their father in heaven the father in spirits how he created all of us. I had a experience I've given this story before. There was a I was walking down the street and there was a raccoon down the street in the bushes and I saw him. So I kind of stood there and it was kind of like the mermaid story where they were facing each other the raccoon he kind of turns and stares at me. And so I started telling him about Yahuwah and how he died for he came to die for the sins of humanity and all these things I'm just going through the whole gospel story and he just this raccoon is listening and he's focused and he's staring at me. And this went on for 10 15 minutes probably. And finally I'm like okay Shalom have a good day you know and I go on my way. That interesting thing is there's this big grand oak right on the other side of this wall right behind me it's older than this country goes back to the early 1600s, probably mid 1600s. And, and I've had many spiritual experiences with this oak tree in this raccoon follows me home and he goes and moves into the oak tree and he is just staring down at me and I just kept talking and so in all these, when it comes to the spiritual realm. My whole thing is is that YAH is going to judge each creature each person each spirit. They all have decisions to make they all have a life to live and either they're living as they are ought to as YAH creates them to or they earn rebellion against him. And every single creature every single human and every single animal. There are animals that do their job and there's some just malnourished animals just you can't get around there are some animals are just rotten. I would say wicked animals you encounter them you know out there but then there's some good animals right so. Yeah that's all I have to say tonight. I'd like to close shop any last thoughts guys. You're going to be, you're going to be this of a story. The Cree view on suicide because you mentioned wandering spirits is that it's one of the worst things you can do. You know people do it for various reasons loneliness you know heartbreak you know whatever. But the view on the Cree when you do that to yourself because you do that to the gift of life is that you are forced to walk this earth until the day you were supposed to go. And you won't see anybody they're going to be all by yourself you're going to be alone. And if these people thought they were lonely before just wait until they're there wandering the earth alone until their time then they will answer to the creator. So but it's right to be that. That's fascinating. Curiosity again when you were talking when you brought up the whole Zeus changing into the water horse type situation. That that is interesting to me on because I like to I like to look at things from the perspective of the people going through them. And so you would have to think that if this young. I'm not sure whether she was a goddess or like what her thing was or whether she was a human woman that Zeus fell in love with or whatever. If a water horse wasn't around for her to ride on a regular basis, and that wasn't a thing. Why would she think that a water horse that would come to her and be like oh I'm going to give you a ride over here to this island or whatever why would she not think that that was a strange thing to say the same. The topic that you would bring up with like the serpent in the garden if serpents didn't speak why why would Eve have not thought oh like this is weird this this none of these other animals speak but this guy is talking to me I'm just going to go with what he says. If it wasn't a normal thing for that to happen like it's not if it's not commonplace, it would be weird. So like for a water horse or a water bowl or something to be carrying her around on a normal basis and Zeus is like oh, because you think of hostile time like he's going to turn into what you want to see. In order to seduce you right like that's that's his mo. So he changes into the thing that she does on a regular basis and now he has a way into her life. So, and that's just an interesting coincidence that I thought of is that Zeus is commonly thought to be because like the throne of Zeus was associated with the throne of Satan in Greece. So, it's Zeus is associated with hostile time and he's the one that steals this girl by changing into the thing that she uses commonly. Like to me that like what associate that with the reality of that thing having existed before before him to have turned into it to have seduced her. So, and it's also important to note too that the the bowl is very important with Baal worship as well. And there are, you know, to my satisfaction. So, I feel that based on my research the Moloch who is Baal is the same entity has to turn in fact. He didn't start out as the biggest God in finishing not finishing I'm sorry a Sumerian culture, but later on a little later down the term Pike. So he basically the Sumerians were saying that he went by hundreds of names and he had taken over like every culture, and you actually see that in the Sumerian tax how he started out as a local kind of deity and then he became the big guy to the point that you know when the Hebrews are coming out of Egypt, they go to the mountain of Baal Zephan which is his mountain Baal Moloch's mountain. And so, and he's the bowl of course there's a there seems to be a lot of connection with that too so. All right guys, I really enjoyed this I hope my viewers did as well and I'm going to be doing this I'm going to try I'm trying to do this every single week where on Thursday of course on Tuesdays usually I'm giving my original research but on Thursdays I want to bring on different people within my community and we're going to be having different topical conversations. Next week we're going to be having a conversation y'all willing on the feminine holy spirits the Ruach Akkadesh or Sophia Chokma, which is the word for wisdom. And the week after that we're going to be having an interesting millennial kingdom conversation and what I'm doing is I'm inviting all the different individuals from my community the touch discord community to come on here's three lovely gentlemen here I love them all they've been around a long time they're great contributors. And every week we just have rotation of people coming through so please if you're not a part of the community consider coming in and just there's some great research in there and just a very respectful like the kind of discourse you saw tonight is it's just everyone gets to speak everyone gets to you know give their research and why they believe what they believe and we're just a very respectful community. So that's all tonight and thank you guys for coming on we'll do this again. Thanks for having us know.