Natural Habitat Podcast

#734 -InvestigAItion Discovery

Mikey, Ty and the boys are back with another anti AI episode, exposing the hidden truth of our new mechanical overlords. Mikey went undercover with GPT Plus and you won’t believe what he found! They also discuss the recent Kendrick Lamar concert, Justin Timberlake’s DUI arrest, the long past Education Connection craze and much much more!

Broadcast on:
29 Jun 2024
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[Music] Yo, thank you for tuning into the natural habitat podcast. My name is Mikey Booyah. My name is Ty. Satchmo is here. He's a hand puppet that escapes from this horrible world of child acting and is now a part of the show. So we got Computor, the artificially intelligent podcast co-host, one and only, artificially intelligent podcast co-host. And we also got Free Candy up in Canada. Free Candy, if you can hear me, just go ahead and say hello now, but no now, Free Candy. I feel like I almost could have heard him, but I feel the spirit of Free Candy. Yeah. The arms, the arms stood up in your hairs or what? No? No. No, that's not how I feel, the spirit. It's just more of like a, it's almost like a wind that you can't physically like see anything blowing, but you feel a wind blowing on you, even though. Does that make sense to you? Yeah, yeah. I think the fan just kicked on that. No, see, it's a completely different sensation than that. Okay, okay. Free Candy is up in Canada and I thought that maybe we were going to be able to hear him this week because we came in, Jerry surprised us with a whole new audio setup. We have no headphones this week. We now are wearing any of your monitors like, like who even wears any of your monitors? I don't know, it definitely feels like a Jerry, Jerry decision that we weren't consulted about. No, not at all. I mean, in our, in your monitors, I guess we're a thing 20 years ago. At some point, maybe like football coaches in your monitor? Yeah, that's one occasion where I can see or possibly like, you know, like somebody that's performing like a, like a pop star that's performing or whatever, it doesn't have any spears. You know, they're not going to be right by their, their floor monitors all the time, they need to be able to hear themselves. Yeah, Britney Spears, you know, that sort of thing. She would do the little, I mean, next week, we might have a little microphone that sticks off. Yeah, that'd be, yeah. Would that be cool? No, actually, no, it would take the microphones out of the equation all together. I don't think so. Just like telemarketers. Yeah, it very, very much would. So now everything, it sounds, it sounds off, everything sounds different. We have, I mean, the cord goes up over my ear like a damn, like a secret agent. Yeah, yeah, I feel like I'm going to go behind you over here. Yeah, they dingle on the back. So I have no idea how this is going to sound, you know. Yeah, we'll find out. We can't hear it. We don't know. I mean, I'm pressing buttons over here. Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, what is going on here? Is the gun still working? Jesus. Yeah, I think the gun still works. Uh, maybe, hold on, let me try one thing. I'm going to remove one and see what this sounds like. Three, three, two, one, one. OK, so I could still hear a little bit with this one. I feel like when I have both of them in, I like, uh, I'm deaf. Deaf to the room tone. You know what I mean? Really? Yeah. Hmm. Does it feel normal when you have both of them in? Not normal, but, you know, it doesn't feel abnormal per se. Feel the same as headphones? Yeah, more or less. I think maybe it's because when I do headphones during life, you know, there's this thing that's called life and we're all living it. And when I do headphones in it, I usually am a one earbud type of guy. Oh, really? One earbud, keep the other one open in case anybody tries to sneak up on me or something like that. Yeah, that's true. Because you never know. You never know what's going to happen. So thank you, everyone, for joining us. Last week, we talked about the potential negative side effects of AI and things that might be moving too quick and we might be giving up a lot more freedom than we anticipated. Right? So all this week, I've been kind of like diving into the world of AI and investigating things. No, have you gone too deep undercover? You know how like for like undercover police detectives, they can sometimes get immersed in this underground crime world to the point where there's just not returning to civilian life for them, they kind of essentially become lost. Are you now lost in AI technology to where like you can't go back? If I was lost in AI technology, I don't think I would be the one to know that. You know, I probably would think that I'm fine. Oh, okay. So that's more for me to decide this for you. Okay. Well, I will evaluate you throughout the course of that, but I'll give you my honest feedback from you, but one thing that I want to do before we, before we get into that topic, we used to do something maybe, you know, 50 episodes ago or so where we would pose for thumbnails. Do you remember that? And it was like a, it was like a bit where we would pose for a thumbnail. It sounds like something we probably would have done at some point and that way we had a nice little like cool little thing that went along with the episode that we could screenshot and use for the thumbnail. Yeah. Yeah. So I want to bring that back now that we've revealed the topic, which is me going undercover into the world of AI, I'm going to pose for some thumbnails and all the habit rats out there, you can even screenshot your favorite thumbnail and post that in the, you know, on our discord. So let's, uh, let's do that real quick. So what, exactly? What do you want me to do? What are we? What's the plan? So we're just going to like just like pose. Yeah. I'm going to do a different pose. When the high school didn't do great. Still I got to make more cash. I'm going to do one like this. When I get paid to free, I will make a bigger salary so now I've got to see which college is right for me. I went on the intern. And then education connection, I system free tech to find out my direction. I think that was good. A lot of your poses seem like the same post. Was this supposed to be changing it? Yeah. Yeah. Oh, we did like a bunch of different poses. I did a, I did about five. You did the one post, but yours was really good. It's a good one, right? Yeah. So let us know what your favorite is and then maybe we might change your favorite to the thumbnail on YouTube. So you know, maybe that worked. Maybe that didn't. This is the guy wanted to do. This is a comedy podcast and doesn't. So AI, right before we get into that, how are you? You know, I'm, I'm sweet, sweet, and fine, sweet and fine and a little bit bitchin. All right. That's not bad. Yeah. It's not too bad. Not a bad way. Okay. I could be a lot worse, but like, like that, would you consider yourself feeling similar to the hit song, I'm missing you, like the Mandy Moore song? What? Or a Mandy Moore song about candy or is it about missing you? It's, it's both. It's missing you like candy. Oh. I'm thinking of a song to me. Show me who you are. I'm thinking of a song that's like, I'm sweet like, can they? Can they? Oh, yeah. I don't know that song. I don't know that song. But the Mandy Moore song is about. All right. Well, that's good. I'm glad that you're, that you're feeling sweet. Yeah. How are you? How are you feeling? How are you holding up? I'm feeling good. What do you mean holding up? You know, a whole week since we were able to chat, you do this podcast. I mean, like, has it been a good week for you as it had its ups and downs, like a, like a amusement park ride or, I mean, you spend pretty much even Stevens, just kind of on a plateau. Like what's, what's it looking like, what's the trajectory? It's been a pretty good week. Like Monday started and I was like, Oh, Monday, you know, everybody likes Mondays, Tuesday came and I was like Tuesday, Tuesday, like sketch, you know, so you weren't, it wasn't Tuesday, feeling blues day. No. It was Tuesday. What's up, brother? Special team, special players. Okay. Wednesday, I'm talking halfway there, you know, see, Wednesday, sometimes I feel like when's the day going to be over, when's when's the day going to be Wednesday, when's days are often, you know, not the best, I mean, yesterday wasn't good for me either. Well, yesterday was Wednesday was not the greatest day. Yeah. Yesterday for me was good. It was a hump day, you know. So did you hump? No. Did you get over the hump? I did. I did. I went over the, over the hill. Okay. And Thursday, which is today, you know, it's, it's Thor's day. The, he was like a good Marvel character with a hammer. Not a Marvel character. He was like a Greek god and or Nordic. Aren't they the same? Aren't they one in the same? Thor from Marvel is based off of. I mean, it's pretty much the same dude, pretty much the same guy. Thor's day, you know, it's the day for Thor. That's always going to be good because Thor, he's got a hammer, he's like a positive guy. I think I really couldn't say that really know a lot of Thor lore, but Thor's like the worst Marvel character. I'd have to say out of all of them. It's like really, like we needed this guy and tomorrow's Friday. TGIF brother, so it's been a pretty good week. Yeah, it sounds like it's been, you know, like a full, but the full mix of the days, one downside of the week, which I actually have a bone to pick with you, me, okay, brother. I got a bone to pick here earlier in the week, I believe it was Monday, Monday, one day, I found out that Kendrick Lamar was playing at the Kia forum in Inglewood, Inglewood, always up to no good. He was playing. He actually played yesterday. Juneteenth. Yesterday. Yeah. Juneteenth. Say Juneteenth again, I'm a, Juneteenth National Holiday Juneteenth. So he played on Juneteenth. I saw these tickets available and it was through Spotify where I saw it. Sorry. I went on Spotify and it was like, Satchmo, actually, can you take over for a second? I gotta get past this. Juneteenth is the day we celebrate the end of slavery. Slavery was abolished in 1836, but it didn't take effect in Texas until two years later when Union troops arrived to enforce it. And that is where we get Juneteenth from when they were the last slaves were freed from Galveston, Texas. Thank you. That was great. You should do more segments. That was very informative. So I found out that Kendrick Lamar was playing at the Kia forum on Juneteenth. Found out on Spotify. Spotify gave me a ticket link. I followed the ticket link, there was tickets available, $400. Right? It's a steep price. Steep. Steep price. Now, I saw that and I said, that's possible. Like it's a, it's only a couple days away. I just got paid and I was like, I could, if I want to be broke for the next month, I can spend that $400. It's just like, obviously we're joking, we're rich. We have a bunch of money from the podcast. So much money. So it's nothing. We could have got the tickets. So I texted you and I said, do you want to go see Kendrick Lamar in Inglewood for $400? And then you said, what you said was, was shocking. You said yes, only if he's doing the Drake songs. I didn't say that. Oh, wait, no, you didn't say that. You said not really, then you said, I would go see him at Vina Robles on a Friday for $45 and even then I would be like, fuck, I don't even want to do this would be mostly to go talk to girls dead for you. All right, that's something else. And then you said that you weren't interested. Yeah. Well, for one thing, like you didn't give me full context, you presented, this is just like a random Kendrick Lamar show. I didn't realize it was an extravaganza, you know, I didn't realize it was going to be the big moment that it was. I probably would have, you know, arrived to the same conclusion, but I would have considered it more had I realized that, okay, this is like a big thing, it's got to be a big, big Amazon special 50 other people are going to be performing with him, including fricking Doctor Dre and pretty much, you know, I didn't think I thought that that context would have been there already. I didn't. Yeah, I mean, coming off of the heels of one of the biggest rap battles in history, Kendrick Lamar does one show, it's not like he was on tour. That's true. He just does random show in Inglewood in LA in his hometown for, you know, in my defense Inglewood that's obviously up to no good. So right there, that's a that's a strike against. Yeah. But that's not a thing anymore. Inglewood has the Kia Forum hella people perform there. It's not like the Kia forums always been there. And the 90s Inglewood was a crazy place. The Kia Forum was there in the 90s too, bro. Now I think it's pretty chill. Maybe. Maybe they do have so fast stadium, which is new and nice, but like I didn't really, you know, and I still probably wouldn't have been interested in going just because I've recently bought like numerous other concert tickets and I've got a, you know, I got a prioritizer. We're going to Pierce the Vale in Blink 182. Yeah. Well, I'm going to Blink 182. I don't know anything about Pierce the Vale, but I probably won't strategically arrive late. So I don't have to watch that set. Yeah. I don't know who's going to. I want to say Blink 182 is headlining. Yeah, of course they are. Yeah. But the outrage if they didn't. I mean, Pierce the Vale is probably like a pretty popular band. Blink 182 is like a legacy act and it is a joint tour. It's not like Blink 182 featuring Pierce the Vale. It's like a Pierce the Vale, Blink 182 tour. So they're both going to do hour long sets or an hour and a half or whatever. Yeah. But that's going to be fun. Yeah. That's going to be lit. And then we're also going to see Howie Mandel live. He's going to do bits from Bobby's room. Bobby's world. Yeah. Yeah. That's what I was going to say. He's going to act them out like like various scenes, but he's going to play multiple roles. So he's going to be kind of like popping back and forth doing the dad. I remember there was like, I don't you know type mom. I don't you know. And then yeah, there was like a surly dad, right? Or no, the dad was a buffoon. Yeah. Yeah. Like a mongoloid. Was he like, just like basically like Howie Mandel as an adult. And he was just kind of like goofy, almost like the Rugrats dad, just kind of bumbling, stumbling bozo type dad. What are you talking about? What you do was an inventor, dude. He wasn't a bumbling bozo. I mean, he was both. He was both. Let's see. Yeah. And the Bobby's real dad had like a like a curly mullet, like a mullet perm. Let's see. Let's pull this guy up. And Jerry, you'll put a picture of him on the screen. So oh, yeah. Yeah. Howie Mandel for clown pink shirt, just a ridiculous buffoon haircut. I mean, yeah. Yeah. That's hella howie. But yeah, that's I mean, he's going to be playing all the roles. That's going to be real interesting. You're almost getting like, you know, like a lot of bang for your buck since he's taking on all these roles. Let's see. That's what I look forward to. We're also going to be we're going to whose line is it anyway live or whose live is it anyway, they call it, which is like the old improv show. Yeah. We're going to go see that. I want to say that they've combined it with the Bobby's world tour now, though, or the howie Mandel. So it's actually gonna be, you know, like all just one thing they've merged into events. It's gonna be whose world is it anyway, Bobby's world. Yeah. So we have to present both tickets, which I, you know, you think they just roll it into like one? Yeah. But yeah, if you want to go, you have to make sure you have both tickets for those events. Yeah, they have it set up to where like you can get through one door with the first ticket, but then to get into the theater through the second door, you need the second ticket. Yeah. So they're stages. But, um, that's going to be exciting. We're also going to Taylor Swift era's tour, obviously. Oh, yeah. I mean, there's got to be like a leg coming our way, right? Mm hmm. So, um, so that's going to be exciting. A lot of excitement coming up, but, um, I have started my official investigation into AI. All right. Okay. Yeah. You kind of sees this last week. Mm hmm. So AI. It's bad. Great. It is bad. It's bad. It's too much. It's too quick. I think that we have enough now to where we should stop just enjoy the things we have now. You could set a time. I'm not taking any further. You could find out some things. Don't take it any further. Write some code. Maybe. That's it. But we're growing too quick. We're giving everything away. And now with the announcement of Apple intelligence, did you see the Apple intelligence video? Yeah. We already talked about this on the show. I think. Yeah. Did we talk about this last week? Yeah. We're opening the door and being like, here's all of our everything. Have fun with the algorithm. So I say, that's bad. I'm against it. But you need to keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Yeah. Exactly. So what I did, I went undercover. I put on a fake mustache or a ball cap and I signed up for GPT and specifically GPT plus. Now, how didn't you have that previously and didn't we have that last week and the week before? Or is this something new? This is new. So you took it a step further. Yeah. So I've had this and I've been messing around with GPT and officially I had 3.5 is what I was doing. There was workarounds like if you use the Bing app, you could get access to four and then also a PO was that other app that we were using where you could get access to four? Well, this one isn't just GPT four. It's GPT four oh four oh yeah, which is the next step up and you get the conversational AI. Did we talk to the AI last? We did. We did. I feel like I blacked out last week. Yeah. I don't remember a lot of it. Are you just planning on rehashing all the things we talked about last week? Yeah, my list is just all the things we did last week. So what I've been doing, I've been diving in deep into 4.0 and I've been using it to help me with all these day-to-day tasks. Look what? Okay. So I have a fence in my backyard that's breaking. Right. It's got a lean in. It's leaning. Yep. So I have a board that's under there. I kind of like, I screwed a bracket under the fence. It's kind of propping the fence back up. I got a plank that's propping it up. Yeah. So I want to take that plank that's just like an old dirty fence post and I want to replace it with like a like a cleaner two by four strut type of thing, right? So I took a picture of it. I gave it to GPT and I was like, this is what I want to do. Give me like the angles that I should cut this app so that everything will sit flush on the bracket and on the floor. And then I asked how far away from the post is the fence. So I gave it that three feet, it's measuring, get your measuring tape out for the AI measure. I actually, I use the app different app to measure it. So in a way, yeah. Okay. Hey, I pretty much measured it. So I measured it, I said three feet and then it gave me the angles and it gave me like a little diagram of what angle to cut it. So that way everything will stay flush. I also was trying to turn a like a like a couch into a bed recently and you're supposed to take all of the cushions off, lay down the back of the couch and then put the cushions on in a strategic pattern to where it makes a mattress, right? Okay. But no matter how I put the cushions on, there was like something wrong and like a gap somewhere. It's like like a Rubik's cube type situation where you're not shifting it around just straight. Okay. And it was all fucked up. So I took a picture of it and I was like, how do I arrange these cushions? So that way it'll make a bet and it was like here you go. And I probably could have just messed with it for another five minutes and figured it out. But GPT delivered now to deliver the correct result. Everything that I've asked it, it gives me my answer which ends up being correct or it will give me helpful information if it can't give me the answer. Okay. So so far it sounds like, well, you know, those are plus points for AI as opposed to negative points. Well, no, it's bad. How's it bad? Because it's it's helping you solve basic problems that you're, you know, coming to it for. Oh, I'm not learning. I'm not learning how to do it myself. You are. I should have been able to figure out the math of trying to cut the angles of that board. Yeah. I mean, but we've had we've had calculators for for years and years and years. I should learn carpentry. I should get all these skills. Instead GPT is going to do it. I'm not learning. But isn't that going to free you up to do something else? More constructive than, yeah, it's saving you time, which you can, I mean, GPT is not responsible for how you apply that time that you're saving. Did you say constructive because of like we were talking about construction? No, because that would have been a funny bit. Well, it's just it's bad. So don't worry about. Okay. I have another example of widespread recently, I got the education connection song stuck in my head. Okay. You've never heard until today, right? Yeah. 15 years old. So this is not, this is not a new hit. Yeah. It's not a new. Tight. I got to make Bob Cash. Education is what I'm looking at. And it's a Bob do this for no one. It was catchy. Yeah. Like you hear it and very first time you want to just start singing along with it. It's pretty predictable. So you can kind of can. And I have a here you, uh, bam, the wall, my second man, education connection, making me smart. Gonna go back to school and then I can get a job where I make lots of money and then I can buy some stuff, maybe some new boots and maybe a car and maybe I'll get a nicer house and then somebody will come over and visit me. Cool. I can, there's a search bar at the top and I could just search keywords and it'll find it. So I just typed in education and then it was like, boom, there it is. Instead of in the old GPT, you had to just go through all your conversations. Okay, so I asked for a description of the video, right? Yes. It says the video opens with an individual discussing their experience working for an hourly wage and reflecting on their high school performance, which was not good. Great. No, yeah. It's a partner. Uh, they have a need for education. They emphasize the need for more education to improve their financial situation. Yeah. They highlight their search for the right college to help them achieve this goal. Then they discover education, a service that helps match prospective students with suitable colleges. They mentioned the convenience of taking classes online and earning a degree in their own time. So that's like, that's the rap that GPT's spit and they just rewrote it. So then I asked, uh, who is the actor in the education connection? What would it know that commercial? Uh, it says the actor featured in education connection is Shannon Doherty. She appears in a version of the commercial where she promotes the service that helps match progress. So it's a door. It's not Shannon Doherty. It's Shannon Doherty. No, pull it back up. Let me see it. Let me see this. Shannon Doherty for one is like dead now, but yeah, but this was 15 years ago. Shannon Doherty didn't look like that. 15 years ago. Shannon Doherty looked like that maybe 30 years ago. Do it. That's absolutely not Shannon Doherty. Then I said, what else is she in? And it says Shannon Doherty is well known for her role in Beverly Hills 902. That is not. It is charmed. A.I. is giving you misinformation. A.I. has got this wrong. Like maybe they got your, your fence measurements correct, but, but they've got Shannon Doherty fucked up. Okay. Well, look, look, look, uh, then I asked who directed this video and it said the education connection commercial was directed by Anthony Falcone, the commercial feature to catchy jingle and became quite popular over the years. And that's who this video is uploaded by. Okay, so they got that right, but they, they got the star wrong. They're miss, miss billing the star. Let's find out who's right. Let's find out, uh, education, connection girl, Shannon Sharp. It's more likely Shannon Sharp, because that was the first one that came up. Oh, no, this is a different commercial. It's a different one, but that has. And this, see, that's Shannon Doherty. That's not a Shannon Doherty in the jingle. That's Shannon Doherty. No, it's the, there are two different women. That's a different woman. Look, they're standing on the fucking, she's standing on the internet. Look, I went on the internet and look, and then these are two different commercials. So, I mean, technically speaking, AI was right because it thought you were talking about this, this commercial with Shannon Doherty, when you were talking about this commercial with this, this young lady. Oh, okay. So I gave it the link for this video on access, so it was right. I mean, yeah, it was right and you were wrong. It was right. And that was cool. It's cool that, cause usually when you Google stuff, you can Google, you know, show me the education connection video, and then it'll be like, here it is. And if you go who, who's in that, it'll be like, I don't know, do you just watch the video? Like, you're not going to be able to find out who it's directed by. It's going to be a lot of googling and digging and looking around, whereas this just gave it to me. And that's, oh, that's bad. Is it like an invasion of privacy or how's it bad? Because it's wrong, it gave me the wrong mission. You gave it the wrong information. So it's giving you the wrong information back. Had you plugged in a correct commercial, I probably would have told you, this is just some unknown actor. I don't have her name. Okay. So, well, I did give it the wrong link and it's bad because it's an, well, it's not an invasion of privacy because all the stuff's on IMDB. Oh, I guess, yeah. I mean, maybe this young lady who did the jingle commercial doesn't want her identity revealed. Maybe that was like a dark time for her. Obviously, she was going through some stuff if she had to even use education connection in the first place to look at a school, which I mean, typically, most people have a pretty good idea of the schools in their area or don't have any particular trouble finding one online to the point where they have to use this service. So like, maybe she's going through some stuff here. We don't know what's going on with her and maybe she would have, you know, preferred to keep that portion of her life, you know, private as much as possible. Maybe, but I do have a harsh reality for you. I hate to be the one to tell you this, but that's Shannen Doherty in that song in the song. Yeah. No, sir. Yeah. I think that's also heard. There's no pull it up on the screen. Okay. I can't see it. That's blown the iPad. Oh, no. Oh, it's Andrea. Yeah. Andrea. Andrea. Andrea. Andrea. And look, she was in showgirls and something called Unchained. So, you know, like she's, yep, that's her right there. Andrea and Avith. Do you think we can get her on the pod? Who is that hot, hot ad girl? Damn. I wonder if we could. I bet we could. Wait. Education connection girl, Reddit, just Google her name and see if there's like a social media platform. Yup. Boom. On the right. Instagram. Andrea. So many followers. She has. It's got like five caves. Yeah. If it's under 10. I bet we can reach out. 6,000. Yup. Yeah. Let's get her. A pleasant surprise in person. Boston and my Twitch handle is Twitch. I thought that said pornography. She has a go fund me. Yeah, we could definitely get her on the show. The education connection girl. You think she'd sing the song? Funny. I put her on the spot or even like we could offer her like you know, ask her if she wants to sing it. If she politely declines, like, I'll be like, okay, that's fine. Can I sing it for you? And then I'll just do my little looking for a brand new college so then I can make some better Saturday. You're not even going to sing the right song at all. You got to practice. That was the song. No. That was the song. That's not the song. I mean, you have to practice the song because that's not the song at all. I'm freestyling a little bit. It would be funny to get her on and then be like, alright, we really appreciate you being here. The floor is yours. Go ahead and take it away. And then she would be confused. And then we would be like, you're coming on to sing the song. Jerry said that he set this all up. And then we'd just start yelling at Jerry like digging into a hard while she's on the call. That'd be solid. And just be like, Jerry, what the fuck is your problem? Like throw shit at him. Hop in her DM and be like, you know, if you want to do this or what, don't make it sound like that. I mean, like, you know, listen, but give her a proper business invitation. Yeah, we should do that. I can actually all have AI, right? She's probably going to be like, why do you want me on there? I'm not. Doesn't look like she's like a working actress or anything like that. This may be something that was, you know, done in her college days for a couple hundred bucks. She was in showgirls too. And we could say that we focus on we're like a pop culture slash nostalgia podcast, which we are. Yeah, that's technically true. And we could just be like, yeah, you know, we dug into this on the show. We made this like a, like a recurring segment that people really enjoy. Yeah. And we think that it would be great to have you on. I mean, this song was got, you know, a million plus views, right? Just for that. So I mean, obviously it's a bit of a cold hit. And I mean, it's just going to be a quick 10 minute thing. This song. She's going to be on a whole. Could you imagine we make her sit through a whole episode? That would be funny to get her on the call and then make her sit through a half hour of podcast until we get her on. Andrew, you know, we'll check on you in a little bit and just make her sit there while we fucking goof and just talk shit. Yeah. That would be. Yeah. That would be. That would be solid. Um, so. So AI is really running over this past week on you, you went from being on the fence to being very much pro AI is that, is that the gist of what we've. So, no, it's, it's bad. I think I still think this is part of, okay, hold on, let me turn off my, I got to force close the ship because it, the, it's still, it learns. That's another thing with 4.0 is that it has memory listening to you all the time. All the time. And it has memory and it remembers things that you say in past conversations, which never needs to be a thing. Yeah. Well, it'd be potentially dangerous. Yeah. On the, on the GPT that I literally just had before this, you would ask it a question. You'd start a new bot and it was like a fresh slate. This is not a fresh slate. It remembers everything, but you can have it keep things off the record, which is cool. You just be like, Hey, can I talk off the record? And then it'll turn off its memory, like updating and capturing. Now, do you think that this thing could be a potentially like a snitch, like if you're doing some sort of illegal operation, do you think that it potentially could without your knowledge? At what point, at what point are they legally obligated to, you know, yeah, I mean, I'm sure you didn't thoroughly read the terms of service that could be, you know, there could be a byline and there or something like that that says, Hey, if you, you know, if we see that you're texting someone about, about buying some drugs or something, we're gonna, we're gonna reach out to the local authorities and they're gonna, they're gonna scoop you up. They're gonna put you in a patty wagon. Yeah. It's gonna be a whole thing. We charged. Charged as a. Because they're watching everything you're doing, not just what you're doing on GPT. Yeah. Yeah. And, uh, I mean, like I already asked it how to get rid of the dead body. Because one of the cool things about being like a paid subscriber is that you get access to all the builds, like people will take a GPT, train it, especially for one thing and then name it like whatever it is and some of them go really deep and there's one that's called dark evil chaos GPT and it's just like destroyer of the world. What? And it's all like, uh, completely ethical and like make believes this is just theoretical but I will tell you the best ways to like destroy a population. So it's almost in like Dan mode? Yeah. Oh, like extreme fucking just bad guy mode and I asked that thing a whole bunch of fucked up shit that I'm sure would get me on a list if I typed it into Google, you know. So context is going to be a weird fuzzy line for a while but I think that, uh, having access to like all of these builds that people have and you could just go in and start searching shit and it goes deep. Everybody's on plus and if you have plus, you could make your own build. So there's like big ones popping up all the time and it's all just like little DIY one dude designing a bot to do something that's pretty trippy and some of them are lit and uh, fuck, it's bad. So I think that's bad but here's the thing oh wait, I turned it off. So here's the thing, I'm undercover. So I'm like, I have to kind of almost convince myself that this is cool and that I'm enjoying these things and that they're really exciting so they don't start to suspect something wrong because the AI can tell right away for sure, you can pick up on nuance and, you know, context and all that. So I can't just say that I, that I support it and I like it. I have to actually believe it myself but way back deep in the back of my mind, I'm still like, see, that's what I was saying. Like you're not getting too, too, too immersed in this world because, you know, once eventually isn't it called like, um, what's the, the thing where you like sympathize with your captor, Stockholm, Stockholm syndrome or some shit like that where all of a sudden like, you begin to believe that AI is good and I don't think that's going to happen because in the end, I'm anti AI and I'll always remember I'm anti AI due to, should you get my anti AI tattoos kind of like the movie Memento where you're constantly reminding yourself you're like, hey, I just get tattooed on your arm like you don't really like AI because why don't I like it because to it's growing too fast and it's going to take over the plane. I mean, I thought it was just a bit so honestly, I don't know like I enjoy AI so far. I mean, I'm sure it's going to screw us down the line. I really like it. For the time being man, let the good times roll like I always say. Yeah, it is pretty lit but, um, yeah, I really, I think next, uh, next week I'll have a list when we come back up reasons why it's bad and reasons why I don't like it. Because right now I kind of forgot my list. Is that, is that list going to be AI generated? Maybe it might be a generated, but that's not bad, you know, yeah, it's really freeing up time for me to go against AI. Yeah, that's true. The time the AI is saving you by, you know, shaving a little bit of time off the task. You have a hand that's going to give you time to better contemplate why you dislike this AI that's saving you the time, it's kind of, uh, did you hear about Justin Timberlake getting arrested? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He's, he's, he's a piece of work, I guess, and the story is that the cop didn't know who he was. Yeah. Yeah. Some young cop had never heard of it. Yeah, they would. World tour for what? Yeah. And he said the tour is going to be ruined and the cops said what to her and he said the world tour. Yeah. No, I don't know if you've heard this, but it's come to light now that he tested positive, not just for alcohol, but he had, um, cocaine, Molly and a bunch of other drugs in his system. Oh shit. Of course he did. Yeah. So he was, he was on a sick one. He was on a sick one. I mean, you can, you can tell by his mug shot that he was all fucked up, but yeah, definitely it wasn't just like he had a martini three hours ago, like he supposedly told the cop or whatever. Yeah, you could tell that he was crying in his mug shot because he knew that all of these results were going to come out and fucked and, you know, like, I think Justin Timberlake, I mean, his, his paper might not be quite right right now. It's just, I mean, I have nothing to base that off, but that's the vibe that I get. And he was relying on this big tour to, you know, pay off the IRS or, you know, whatever, whatever debtors he has. And now his, his ability to get that money is going to be so really compromising. Well, he said that, uh, when he got arrested and people asked if he was going to rehab and his team said that he was going to be focusing on the tour. Yeah. He's going to continue with the two. He's got it. He owes, he owes either the IRS or some sort of Italian people. I mean, either one, you don't want to owe them. No. And, uh, I think that he's definitely, now that he's dirty for Coke and Molly and shit, that changes. He had been, from my understanding, he'd been kind of like holding up a potential foreign and sink reunion by, by kind of hanging on to the notion that he was too big for that or he was like bigger than the rest of the guys. Yeah. And I think this is going to like hammer him down a pen to where like, I think now we're more likely to see that, that foreign in sink reunion, maybe nobody wants an album, but at least a tour. Yeah. And that would be tight. I go see a single tour. That'd be cool. Yeah. Remember that new Backstreet Boys song that they dropped like five years ago? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It was a good song. It was a good song. They actually put out some decent music in their comeback run. Yeah. They should just do that, but um, yeah, I think that one of the Backstreet Boys just was just out. It is, um, having done the Aaron Carter's brother, Nick Carter, there's all kinds of like horrible revelations coming out about his behavior. Damn. So what did he do? Yeah. Um, I think he is more of like a woman beater type than a, than a drug addict to put, you know, in this, in this climate, especially when you're like a boy band star, both are probably equally around apartment. Yeah. Well, it's cool to see, uh, these celebrities in 2024 still wilding out. Yeah. He wilding and still just doing coke and getting DUI's and really, wouldn't you be? Yeah. Uh, it's just, it's refreshing to see because we went through this whole era where like celebrities had to be up on this pedestal. Yeah. Exalted figures. Yeah. No, that's like celebs. They're just like us. Uh huh. You're just like us, man. Oh, yeah. We pose them for the thumbnail. All right, they're just, I mean, they're just like us. They are. Yeah. Um, so, uh, the baseball season. Baseball season. Yeah. Is the baseball season still going? Uh, baseball season. Yeah. I think so. Because base, the world series is in October and I think it goes throughout the summer. So I don't imagine it's probably either midway through or towards the beginning. Okay. I was talking about your baseball season. Oh. They do the coach up. No, that's, that's over. That's over. That's all right. It's all in the past. Uh, did you keep scoring? Did you win? Um, my, my son's T ball league. Yeah. They don't keep scoring. So you. So I feel like we won more than we lost. You know what I mean? Yeah. Everyone's also kind of a winner. Yeah. Everyone's a, I mean, everybody, as long as you had a good time, brother, then you're winning. Okay. That's good. Uh, do you plan on moving up to little league or, uh, maybe high school baseball coach? Uh, high school is a little far down the road, but little league. Yeah. Yeah. Well, then eventually are you going to move up to college baseball coach? I would like to think that I'm able, you know, based on my performance and this, this hypothetical situation, I'm able to, um, circumnavigate the whole collegiate thing. And you just go straight to the pros, even not necessarily like the big show, the MLB, but like, you know, like the, the minor, the minor professional leagues, the double, double layball. Okay. Get in there. And then, you know, a couple of strong showings in a double A should get me signed by one of the major MLB teams. Yeah. And that should, I mean, I should be able to, you know, it's a push gig support myself and, um, you know, retire potentially a Hall of Fame, uh, a season like a season box, box seats. Oh yeah. Yeah, I will. I mean, obviously I'm going to need the agent to negotiate all that stuff, but you've got to figure based on my performance and claim that, yeah, yeah, I get really whatever I want. Yeah. Let me in on that and free notches. Yeah. I'm going to need a whole staff. So I mean, if you want to make the jump to coaching, then yeah, we could sell this to Dollar Tree. Yeah. We've been a, we've been talking with someone online that claims to be the Dollar Tree execs. Now they haven't given us any proof that they are Dollar Tree executives yet. So we are skeptical. Yeah. But in this work of day worlds, you really got to give people the benefit of the doubt, you know, and I mean, like me trusting you, like that, that's my gift to you. That's my gift to the world. So until someone, you know, it's like the, it's like, um, George Bush would say, right? Like, um, fool me once shame on you, before me twice, you're not going to fool me twice. Not going to fool me twice. You're not going to fool me again. Uh, well, I think that, but wait, what, what was I going to say? I have no idea. We're all over the place. What were we talking about? Just a dollar tree? Dollar Tree. Dollar Tree. The email that we got that reached out to us was dollar tree, D-O-L-L-A tree at So that doesn't seem like a legitimate tree. No, I would assume, I would assume we'd be looking for Dollar They're official corporate website. Yeah. We're going to get dug at Dollar or something like that. I think that it's most likely some sort of scam. Well, they reached out to us. They offered us, uh, 175,000 rupees. Rupees? Rupees? Are you talking about Indian rupees? The currency of the country India? Yeah, maybe. Rupees? Like, I thought they said rupees. Rupees? Rupees? You have to show me the email. Uh, well, 175,000 rupees. Any sort of currency that's probably, uh, you know, a good amount of money for us. Yeah, it's got to be a lot. And we would still be hosting the show, but they would take over and do like a silent partnership. That's fine. I mean, we're talking like, yeah, so we don't, we don't talk about it. Well, we make some noise or are we talking like, are we talking, just can't make any noise? I'm in the middle one. The one where they, you can hear them through their closed lips. Yeah. Yeah. Because we're not going to talk about Dollar Tree. They're not going to be Dollar Tree presents this, Dollar Tree presents that. There's not going to be signs or anything, but sometimes we'll probably bring it up naturally. Yeah. I mean, we do anyways. Yeah, we do. So that will be the part of it. And it's really just they're paying us a hundred and seventy five thousand ripples to nothing's going to change, but they are going to be silent partner and majority owner. Oh, majority. That kind of changes it, doesn't it? Yeah. Majority. Fifty one percent. Silent partners, I mean, a little bit different than a majority owner. Majority owner means that they can pull the plug on either one of us and give a little plug. They can give us notes. Just cancel the whole thing. Yeah. Cancel the whole thing. Cancel the show. Sell off all of our, our IP and our equipment and we're all of a sudden, Satchmo's appearing in, in, you know, like Dollar Tree commercials or whatever they chose to use Satchmo for. It's like, I mean, I don't want that to happen to Satchmo. Yeah. Satchmo. Don't ever go join Dollar Tree and be in their commercials. They're not going to pay you good. No. Dollar Tree notoriously pays bad. They pay in a roof. So it's not even a currency, Satchmo. So just chill. All right. Satchmo. I see that. I see your eyes twinkling and you're, you're getting ideas here and they're spinning fast through your head, but just Satchmo, just, just know where you come from. Remember where you came from? Remember who put you on? I don't know. You have a long, long storied history here. I mean, he's been here what, seven to 15 episodes? Probably something around there. Something like that. You've been, you've been here for a long time. Okay. People seem to moderately enjoy you, Satchmo. You're obviously not the star of the show. People aren't, you know, ringing us up demanding more Satchmo's screen time, but they're also, there's not like a, you're not being hotly contested or anything, you know what I mean? Then there's nobody really looking to cancel you aside from them, potentially one of us. I did see a guy got a Satchmo tattoo. That's pretty sweet. Yeah. It was pretty cool. Hell yeah. There's no rats out there and I think that you should not go work for Dollar Tree and if they reach out to you, you shouldn't talk to them. And also don't forget that we started a mafia Satchmo and you're in the mafia. Yeah. Satchmo would be a real shame. We have, you know, accidents do happen and you always want to make sure that you're properly insured Satchmo and, you know, remember who's, do we, do we insure him? Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Remember where you're going to get in your health insurance from Satchmo. So be cool. Once you're in, you're in, you're part of the family, the family. It's not a mafia. It's a family. A mafia. What's that about? And fucking just cool your jets, dude, because you're in there for the long haul. Satchmo get a grip. Get a grip, Satchmo. So I don't know, we're going to have to talk about the Dollar Tree thing and their offer. How much computer? How much is a hundred and seventy five rupees in American dollars? Oh, that's way less. Computer. Shop. It's like nothing. One hundred and seventy five rupees is two dollars. Yeah. So never mind. Computer. How much is a hundred and seventy five thousand rupees in U.S. dollars? One hundred and seventy five thousand Indian rupees is two thousand ninety three U.S. dollars and forty five cents. Two thousand ninety three. I thought he said two hundred ninety three the first time. Well, he didn't say thousand the first time he said hundred and seventy five. Oh, really? Yeah. Computer. How much is a hundred and seventy five thousand rupees in U.S. dollars? Two thousand two U.S. dollars and ninety six cents. Okay. So it's Russian money. Russian money? Okay. Yeah. I don't know if we should be dealing in Russian money. So Dollar Tree is going to pay us Russian money. Yeah, that doesn't. That's weird. I don't like that. Yeah. We're not in. We're not in for that. So. Yeah. I think like our foreign Russian funds could get like frozen by Biden or something. I'm just not much trying to deal with the Ruskis. And we were kind of like on the fence already when it was rupees. Yeah. Yeah. So maybe you changed the ripples, the rupees and then we'll think about it. We'll talk. We'll have a cup of coffee. But let us know if if you guys support Dollar Tree, I know that they raise their price for against that. They kick this out of the store multiple times we're against that. They're poorly staffed and it takes forever to check out. We talked to corporate and they don't like us or something. I don't remember what that was all about. But it's been a while since we called the corporation. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe we need to rectify that for sure. Yeah. So next week we're going to be calling a corporation. It's going to be exciting. Let us know what you think about Dollar Tree. Take your screenshot of your favorite thumbnail and we love you and we'll see you next week. Goodbye. Not your whole habit's at recruiting. [BLANK_AUDIO]