The Edward Show

Growing a Newsletter Through SEO With a Low Domain Authority Site

Broadcast on:
26 Jul 2024
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E387: This website has only 10/100 SEO Domain Authority. Yet, that’s enough for it to get 3,000 organic clicks a week from Google and hundreds of newsletter signups each month.

It’s a niche site ranking for bottom-of-funnel keywords - and a nice story.

If you want a digital marketing pick-me-up about how SEO doesn’t have to be hard, this episode is for you.

The original findings come from The niche site mentioned is And my SEO traffic article read at the end of the podcast is

The Programmatic SEO podcast (#381) mentioned:

00:00 Intro to SEO Success Story 00:21 Overview of the Full Article 01:02 Preface and Author's Insight 01:55 The Motivational SEO Success Story 04:23 Details of the Niche Site 06:34 SEO Metrics and Results 09:13 My Related SEO Experiences 14:46 Final Thoughts

#seo #searchengineoptimization #digitalmarketing #newslettermarketing

The Edward Show. Your daily digital marketing podcast:

I have a cool, humble SEO success on today's episode of the podcast's Monday mystery movie proves they're still fun and search traffic to be had with sites targeting a very specific topic. This comes from This article is about analyzing the SEO playbook of digital Goliath's in depth every quarter. It has so many gems in it. I previously shared a section of it about programmatic SEO. I shared that a few episodes ago. If you want to know the number of that episode to listen to it, that is episode 381 of the Edward Show programmatic SEO inspiration. And that was a great episode, especially if you watch it on YouTube. I show lots of examples. I use screenshots. I show tons of examples of programmatic search engine optimization. And I got that from this article, The link will be in the description for this podcast. I want to preface this by saying, so this number four on this article, the fourth section on this article, and there are 45 sections in this article, I will be sharing so much from this article on the show. It is a great article. And I'm not sure I'm not sharing everything because some of it doesn't really fit the podcast. But then there's others that are perfect for the podcast. So the preface that I wanted to give is the author of this article, Glenn, who brilliant SEO, this website detailed is great that he has. But he says, while this project isn't on the scale of the sites I would typically cover here, I love that it genuinely serves a specific interest, just like the projects that made me fall in love with SEO and marketing over a decade ago. And that's what the author says. And actually, there's something else that's impressive about this small SEO success. What else is impressive is that the site only has the site that I will be talking about in a moment, only has 10 out of 100 domain authority. That's very low, 10 out of 100 domain authority, so low. But it's enough for the person who has a site to be growing a newsletter in the thousands just through SEO, 10 domain authority, 10 out of 100 SEO domain authority, the higher your domain authority, the more likely you are to rank for the keywords that you want to rank for. So it's genuinely a good practice to get SEO backlinks to boost your domain authority, because then you're more likely to rank for these keywords. But the thing is this, Oh man, I love this so much actually, this site is ranking for a lot of bottom of funnel keywords. People are searching Google because they they're looking for a solution. And these bottom of funnel keywords, this literally what my product is about these bottom of funnel keywords are higher converting and so much easier to rank for and you don't need a ton of domain authority to do it. I'm so hyped about this. I'm actually almost done with this product. And it's so exciting. I think this product is going to really be crazy in the SEO world. It's one of the best things that I've made. It's so good that I put my signature at the bottom of the product because I'm like so proud of it. Like Steve Jobs, when the original Macintosh came out, he said real artists signed their work. I don't know. Maybe I have some hubris here. Just calling myself a real artist. But Steve Jobs made the entire Macintosh team sign a piece of paper. Steve Jobs waited until last to sign it. And then that piece of paper with all the teammates signatures was engraved on the inside of each Macintosh that came out. And I love that. And Jason Freed, who makes and Basecamp, he signs the landing pages of his products too. Actually, I noticed it's in the first place because Glenn Alsop, the guy who makes, he signs his articles. It's something so cool that people are doing. This has Glenn's signature all over it. And I love that. It shows that you're proud of what you're doing. So I'm going to share this small SEO success now. But yeah, 10 out of 100 domain authority, not a lot. And it's cool to see that this niche site is ranking for these bottom of funnel solution based keywords that are bringing real results to this person. And again, it's not on the craziest scale, but it is on enough of a scale. I think that it can get a bunch of people motivated. So this is what this section says. One of my favorite makers, Muba Shah, Igbal, I hope I'm pronouncing that name right, has recently been documenting his success with a niche site that he runs, Monday, mystery,, Monday, mystery, So it's made by the sky, Muba Shah, and I looked at his personal website, He's based in upstate New York, software developer and content creator. So the article continues. In March, Muba Shah announced the site was picking up around 3000 visitors each week, mostly via search engine optimization, and had gained over 500 email subscribers. So that was in March. By June, this had grown to over 1000 subscribers with around 55% open rates and around 15% click rate. And then you see the landing page of the site. I'll share a screenshot of that, but I'll also read it. So the page title is guess the next Regal Monday mystery movie. That's a page title for the home page. Meta description is just make your guess. The h1 is guess the next Regal Monday mystery movie. h2 is the next mystery movie. It's a very sparse landing page. And then there's a description on the landing page. Regal's Monday mystery movie is a chance for adventurous film fans to buy a pass to view a mystery film every couple of weeks for just $5. The mystery movie is an early screening of an upcoming wide theatrical release. It's always fun to try and guess which movie will be shown. Make your guess below or see a list of past movies. And past movies is actually a hyperlink to Monday mystery forward slash past, which ranks for keywords because I took a look at what keywords the site is ranking for. And then below this is the next mystery movie details sent to your inbox. Enter your email, join thousands of other movie fans, and then subscribe. And that's it. That's the page in the footer. It says not affiliated with Regal movies, AMC theaters or a cinema, built by mobs. And the logo is in the footer Monday mystery movie. That's a page. That's a homepage. That's it. So the article says mobs as he's more commonly referred says the site can reach 3000 to 4000 visits during a week when a theater chain is having a Monday mystery movie event and around a 1000 visitors on weeks when they aren't on a single day in June, the site reached over 1900 visitors on a single day generating over 5000 page views. And there's a screenshot here from Google search console. It is a three month screenshot from Google search console. Total clicks in three months, 18.3,000 total impressions, 172,000. And that's within Google search. If you don't know Google search console, it's Google's proprietary tool for accessing their search index, you can submit your website to it. I mean, you should submit your website to it, submit your site maps to it, and then see how people are coming to your site through Google in all the different ways with all the numbers and metrics attached. So the article is almost done now with just a handful of sites linking to them. A refs backs up the success the site is seeing in search. And I took a look myself using Moz. I'll share that in a moment. And then this section in this article about this topic ends. And it's what I read to you before. While this project isn't on the scale of the sites, I would typically cover here because really this website covers legit behemoths, the biggest websites that dominate Google search. But the author Glenn says, I love that it genuinely serves a specific interest just like the projects that made me fall in love with SEO and marketing over a decade ago. Thanks for letting me share it here, mobs. So that's the section Monday Mystery Movie Proves are still fun and search traffic to be had with sites targeting a very specific topic from forward slash q4. So I looked at what this is ranking for ranking number three for Mystery Mondays ranking number three and Google for Mystery Mondays. And the page that's ranking for Mystery Mondays is its forward slash past. And then the homepage is ranking for a bunch of other things, Regal $5 Monday Regal $5 Monday actually spelled in multiple different ways. Mystery movie showtimes. And there are just so many different variations of this. What's interesting is if you actually look at the rankings, it's really just variations of like three terms, many different variations of just three terms. And that's enough to create 3000 visitors from search each week. It's just a combination of keywords. It's just these three terms phrased in different ways. And that's enough for 3000 visitors each week. And actually I made an article about this myself. I didn't plan on reading it on this podcast, but it came into my head and it's one of my favorite articles. A lot of people really liked it. It was originally a newsletter. And I'm going to share that because I think it's very valuable and it explains this very well. So this article that I wrote, so I want to just read this article. And then I'll end this episode of the podcast. I think this is some fun information. This article that I wrote is called more traffic than you think. Edward Sturm dot com forward slash articles, more traffic than you think. I write so much. I have so many articles. Hope you'll check them out if you haven't already. And this is what I said. It's a short article. If you don't know what a keyword is, it's anything you put in a search engine to find something. Examples, Nike yellow lobster. That's a keyword. Why are Nike yellow lobster so expensive? That's another keyword by Nike yellow lobster. Anything. Only people who actively practice SEO search engine optimization think about the next part, but it's useful for anybody who has a business or makes content. Every social media platform is its own search engine. After all, the traffic estimates that keyword volume tools give are heavily misleading. If you make a page rank number one for one keyword, it will rank numbers one through five for many more. So if you've ever looked at keyword tools to try to figure out how much traffic you could get from doing a bit of SEO, it's more than you think. You actually have to multiply the given estimate by a lot to get the actual estimate. It's a positive SEO considerations being bring more traffic than most people realize before I share the examples that I provide in this article, my own article. If you just look at mystery Mondays, it's monthly volume is one. It's monthly volume is one click, but it gets so many variations of mystery Mondays. This website, this original website gets so many variations of mystery Mondays and regal $5 mystery Monday, which also has one click, so many variations that just by ranking high for these keywords, it ends up getting 3000 clicks a week and growing the newsletter by hundreds of subscribers each month. Again, not crazy numbers compared to other things that I've shared on this podcast or that have been shared on or that I've shared my articles not crazy numbers, but given that the site is like a side project for this guy and only has 10 out of 100 domain authority, I think it's pretty cool. So I'll finish up this article that I wrote examples. Here are examples from two of my websites for keyword volume estimates. I use forward slash explorer, which also has a free tier. Moz is my SEO tool of choice and due to its on page greater tool, but I like its whole suite. For actual results, I'm taking click data as provided by Google search console, which measures traffic directly from Google search. So then I share one of my pages. The primary target keyword for the page was best games for YouTube and the estimated monthly search clicks for best games for YouTube is 11 to 50 search clicks a month. 11 to 50 clicks a month from Google for that keyword best games for YouTube and the page ranks number one for that keyword. Does the page only get 11 to 50 clicks a month? No, it's because it shows up numbers one through five for many more similar keywords. The actual monthly clicks that that page gets each month from Google is 2,352 way more than 11 through 50 clicks a month. Three months clicks in three months that page gets 8,345 clicks. In a year that page gets 33,612 clicks. Another example, this is on a different one of my sites and I have a page on one of my sites called The page ranks number one for voice recording for students estimated monthly search clicks for the keyword just like the other one 11 through 50. The actual monthly clicks from Google search, which are not paid just organic clicks 356 three month clicks 671 year clicks 3,146. And if you're wondering why example one best games for YouTube has so much more volume than example two, it's because example two is top of funnel best games for YouTube is top of funnel. Example two is bottom of funnel people searching for things like best games for YouTube are exploring people searching for things like voice recording for students. They know exactly what they want. They're just looking for a brand to give it to them so they can use and purchase that that's our brand. We get lots of conversions from that keyword bottom of funnel keywords in general have a lower search volume but results in more conversions by percentage and require fewer words and images on a page to target. These keywords are easier to go after and also make you more money. That's why I'm making a product about this example to voice recording for students is also seasonal as teachers search this mostly during the school year. We know this from experience because we've had reverb for years. So we see huge fluctuations when schools are in session and when they're not. But either way, it's so more than the estimated volume 11 through 50 for a single target keyword and then the article ends. You don't just have to do SEO with your own website. Social media has taken tons of market share from Google and other search engines like Bing. Other top places you should think about keywords to maximize the traffic you get. TikTok Reddit YouTube Instagram Twitter X as written earlier any social network of large enough size becomes a meaningful search engine. Put your keywords in the titles and descriptions for each of these to get extra traffic. That is from my site at and that article is called more traffic than you think I will link to both in the description. This is episode 387 of my daily digital marketing podcast. I'm so excited to do this one today. I really feel nice. So I hope you enjoy this. Thank you so much for watching. Thank you so much for listening. I will talk to you again tomorrow. Bye now.