The Edward Show

Something Weird Is Happening on LinkedIn

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25 Jul 2024
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E386: Something crazy is happening with LinkedIn.

This LinkedIn video - - only has 1 like but is up to 17,000 impressions and growing by 1,000 impressions every 20 minutes.

There have been rumors that LinkedIn is turbocharging videos, and this looks to be the case.

The video came out on a company page of mine that only has 80 followers... and these 80 followers were enough to jumpstart the video to a point where it's now growing by 3,000 impressions per hour.

Also, from my experience, the algorithm on LinkedIn moves a lot slower than TikTok or Instagram Reels.

This is the fastest velocity of impressions I've seen and I've had LinkedIn videos already get hundreds of thousands of views.

This video originated from TikTok and also got tens of thousands of views on Instagram Reels.

Now is the best time to be a video creator.

00:00 LinkedIn's Viral Video Phenomenon 00:39 Analyzing Video Performance on LinkedIn 00:49 Syndication and Automation 01:19 Unexpected Viral Success 01:39 The Theory Behind LinkedIn's Algorithm 02:37 Experimenting with Company vs. Personal Pages 03:18 LinkedIn Engagement Insights 06:41 Optimizing Video Descriptions for LinkedIn 07:24 LinkedIn's Algorithm Update 08:00 Practical Advice for LinkedIn Video Strategy 09:11 Case Study: Growing an Instagram Audience 10:25 Leveraging LinkedIn for B2B Marketing 11:21 The Insanity of LinkedIn Videos

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The Edward Show. Your daily digital marketing podcast:

I gotta share what's happening on LinkedIn right now because this is crazy. Now it's truly the best time to be a short form video creator. There are so many lessons in what's happening right now on LinkedIn with this one video that I posted yesterday afternoon. All right. So this video, I refreshed the page seven minutes ago and seven minutes ago, the video on this video on LinkedIn had 15,712 impressions. So I'm going to refresh the page now and see how much it's gained in the last seven minutes. It's gained 300 impressions in the last seven minutes. And now it's up to 16,000 and 38 impressions of video from last month, actually two videos from last month. One got 108,000 impressions on LinkedIn. Another got 41,000 impressions. And these are all videos that I made for TikTok. They came out on TikTok and then I syndicated them to LinkedIn using my automation with reuse, which I talked about on the show ad nauseam, makes it so my videos come out from TikTok without the TikTok watermark everywhere else. And LinkedIn is one of these places. And what's cool, I didn't even notice this until today. It uses my TikTok thumbnails as the thumbnails for LinkedIn with the text that I put within the TikTok thumbnail. And I didn't even notice that. What's really crazy about this video that's going viral on LinkedIn now is the video didn't go viral. I thought it was a great video, but it didn't go viral on TikTok didn't go viral on Instagram reels where I get great reach on Instagram reels didn't go viral on Instagram reels was too long to be on YouTube shorts. It was over a minute, but it is going viral on LinkedIn. Another reason why this is interesting is, you know, I had this theory. I wrote a newsletter about this a few weeks ago because on this LinkedIn page with this video going viral, this videos, like I said, actually, I want to refresh refresh the page again. Now it's up to six crazy. It's up to 16,153 impressions. Last time I refresh the page was like two minutes ago or one minute ago. This is crazy. The page that this is on all these videos come out automatically onto a company page that I set up called Edward builds. This company page only has 80 followers. And this video is up to 16,153 impressions with only 80 followers. I got 108,000 impressions and then 41,000 impressions. And these are LinkedIn views too. A lot of people would argue that LinkedIn is maybe the most lucrative audience. Instagram seems to be a great audience as well, but I think LinkedIn is really a tremendous audience to be going viral with. So the newsletter from a few weeks ago, I had this theory, you know, this company page where all of my videos come out to on LinkedIn has 80 followers. But my personal LinkedIn page has 3,200 followers, a bit over that. So my theory, pretty obvious one, I theorize that if the videos instead came out to my personal page with literally 40 times the followers, 3,200 divided by 80 is 40. So 40 times the followers, well, then my videos would do a lot better. And actually I found out they really didn't do that much better, not at all. And on average, because the videos were coming out every day, it just decreased my engagement over time. And what I noticed about the LinkedIn algorithm is that LinkedIn looks at who was engaging with the video. And because I had so many followers of all different types of people, the people watching my videos when the videos were first released, I think it probably works similar to the Instagram algorithm. So first, post something on Instagram, the video is shown to 10% of your followers around 10% and based on the engagement from that first 10%, the Instagram algorithm decides who to show it to next and so on and so on, testing with 10% batches. So what I think was happening was I made my videos come out from this company page, which previously had all of my videos coming out on and I made them coming out instead to my personal page, which did not have the videos coming out on. And this audience, my personal page audience, well, a lot of them don't care about video. And so that was taking the engagement of the videos and taking the views of the videos. And so on my personal page, my videos were only getting several hundred views, like 100 to 200 views per video, really not a lot and very few engagements. I tested this for about two weeks. I didn't have any viral videos on my personal LinkedIn within those two weeks, though within those two weeks, I had plenty of viral videos on my Instagram and on TikTok. So then I switched the videos to this company page. And within two weeks on this company page, I have this video going viral and normally I'm getting a lot of engagements per post. What's really strange is so I'm going to refresh this page again, we'll see how many impressions it has. Now, okay, in the last like five minutes, it's gotten 500 impressions on LinkedIn. But this video only has one like, whereas a lot of my other videos on LinkedIn, they'll have 26 impressions, 20 impressions, 17 impressions, and they'll get one to two likes with those impressions. And so something weird is happening. We are either like LinkedIn is testing turbo charging video a lot more than it has, or there's a glitch, but I think it's it's testing turbo charging video a lot more. And I think it's just showing this video to a lot more people than normal. I think something crazy is going on and I wanted to make this video as soon as possible. So you could experiment with this yourself. The reason that I put the videos back to the company page is because I think the algorithm is tailored to a specific page or profile. And so because all of my videos have been coming out to this page, LinkedIn knows that the people it should be showing my videos to are LinkedIn users who like video. And I could do that with my personal profile, but it would just take a lot longer to retrain the algorithm. And that's the problem. I think this company page, I don't have to retrain the algorithm. It's been getting trained for the last year and a half. And now because it's boosting video, this is a great time for this page to grow. Whereas even though it's boosting video, the engagement is too muddled on my personal page from followers who just don't want to engage with video. And so I think LinkedIn will learn a lot faster who to show my videos to, even though this one video only has one like for 16,000 impressions, which is crazy. Something else that I noticed is when videos come out on LinkedIn, you need to be cognizant of the first two lines of the description. I think a description is very important on LinkedIn. It obscures the rest of the description behind an ellipsis after the first two lines. So you need to really write a good hook in addition, obviously, to having a good hook in the video, because the videos show in a dedicated video feed on LinkedIn. But then the videos also show on the main LinkedIn feed. And on the main LinkedIn feed, the first what comes after the first two lines of the description again is obscured by that ellipsis. So I always think about that when I write my video descriptions. I don't think this is a bug with what's going on with LinkedIn. I would bet that there was an update issued and LinkedIn is experimenting with a new algorithm. It's experimenting with boosting video even more. But this is different behavior than I've seen for the last several weeks. And I got a notification right before making this podcast that the video had been viewed thousands of times. So I went to check it out and I'm like, Oh my gosh, what is happening? This is crazy. I actually had a different SEO topic that I wanted to cover on today's podcast. But a lot of people love LinkedIn. So here's a lesson because there actually is a lesson in this from my experimenting. And I've also seen this from friends. I think having your videos come out to your personal LinkedIn is a bad idea. I think what you should instead do is set up a company page like I did for your videos to come out on. Do it only on that new company page. If you have videos that are pretty good, say they're going viral on Instagram or TikTok, then you can reshare those videos from this company page to your personal page with your personal audience. But don't have videos come out to your personal page every day. I think it messes up the algorithm. Try to have videos come out every day to a company page. And when videos do well, like I said, reshare them to your personal page. But at least you have your videos coming out to this company page where they have the opportunity of going viral and you don't even need to have a lot of followers on the company page for that to happen. I think this is a huge opportunity. What's happening on LinkedIn right now? And I think there are so few people capitalizing on it. So this is huge. Here's something else. Here's okay. Here's something that you could do. It works everywhere, actually, so you could use the same automation I have and do this. I talked about a different Instagram channel before. It's called entrepreneur being entrepreneur. And I spoke with the owner of this Instagram. The owner of this Instagram grew to 600,000 followers in two months and then just kind of dropped off with posting. And I said, how did you grow to 600,000 followers in two months with a new account? And then I looked at how many posts a person had made and I just did the math. And it came out to six posts per day and I said, were you just posting six posts a day? And the person who has the account was like, yeah, the person posts videos of famous entrepreneurs and quotes as images from famous entrepreneurs and does this six times a day. And the combination of the videos as reels and of the images were enough to get the person to 600,000 followers in two months with a new account. And why is this crazy? Because now you have an audience of 600,000 plus people to promote your own products to. But this type of content will also do really well on LinkedIn and so you can just syndicate all of this content to LinkedIn and then you have that audience on LinkedIn to promote your products to as well. So it's like, it's a no brainer to do this. If you are in B2B especially, if you have a SaaS that's useful for a lot of business businesses, like if you're like a slack type business or a sales force type business, or you're trying to do that, you're started with funding and you're trying to disrupt you're trying to take on these big players where you just believe there's a huge market of businesses who would be interested in your stuff. You could do this strategy, grow an audience off the backs of other famous entrepreneurs by just resharing their content, put on captions within the video to make the content your own. Maybe even get like a face for the brand and do green screen, but just use the most engaging clips from famous entrepreneurs that you can have these videos and have these posts come out everywhere, especially Instagram and LinkedIn. And now you have this big audience to promote your products to. But back to LinkedIn, I think this opportunity is wild. I'm just refreshing the page one more time. It's crazy up to 17,354 impressions now. All right. So this is really wild. This is exciting, exciting stuff. This is episode 386 of my daily digital marketing podcast. I do this thing every day. Like I said, I had an SEO episode planned, but when I saw this, I said, all right, I got to share this. That's what I'm sharing today. Thank you so much for watching. Thank you so much for listening. I will talk to you again. You know what I'm going to talk to you again. I will talk to you again tomorrow.