The Edward Show

Recording in Your Car to Get the Number One Podcast in the World

Broadcast on:
18 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

E379: How Jefferson Fisher recorded easy self-improvement videos in his car for the last 2.5 years, launched a low-produced podcast, and immediately became the #1 podcast in the world.

The Jefferson Fisher Podcast ranks #1 on Apple Podcasts above: Joe Rogan, Andrew Huberman, The New York Times, Jon Stewart, and more.

And how you can steal Jefferson’s strategy to do this too!

Jefferson Fisher on Instagram: Jefferson Fisher on TikTok: The Jefferson Fisher Podcast:

00:00 Introducing Jefferson Fisher 00:21 The Content of Jefferson's Videos 01:03 Jefferson's Rise 01:26 Launch of the Podcast 02:13 Simplicity of Jefferson's Content 03:25 Video Clip 04:53 Jefferson's Social Media Presence 05:10 Global Appeal 07:52 How You Can Copy Jefferson 11:38 Final Thoughts

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The Edward Show. Your daily digital marketing podcast:

This is something that inspired me a ton that I really want to share. This is both motivating as heck and super crazy. There's this lawyer dude in Texas. He makes super low produced videos. He just shoots them in his car, uses his phone, shoots himself speaking in his car, super low produced. Anybody could do it so easy. Doesn't even use a professional mic just uses his phone in the videos. He gives advice. He gives advice on how to deal in social situations, how to be a better communicator, how to handle negative people, how to handle hard situations, how to apologize, or how to tell somebody that what they're doing is wrong. And he's been giving advice like this for two and a half years, just shooting in his car for two and a half years only in his car, speaking to his phone for two and a half years, just like this. Just to give you an idea of the type of content that he makes, these were his most recent six videos, how to apologize, three ways to improve without saying a word, one word to change your life, top three argument responses, three red flags in a conversation, how to handle bad apologies. These were the most recent six videos that he did. All right, so he built a pretty big following on social media, but you still might not have heard of him. His name is Jefferson Fisher. Some people listening might know who he is. Probably lots of people listening don't know who he is, but I would bet that you've heard of Joe Rogan or Huberman, Lex Friedman. So, OK, why am I excited by this? Why am I so inspired and motivated by this? It's because a few days ago, he launched a podcast and his first episode of the podcast became the number one podcast on Apple podcasts. His very first episode of the podcast becomes the number one podcast on Apple podcasts. It's above Joe Rogan. It's above Huberman. It's above John Stewart. It's above the New York Times. It's above Ben Shapiro, above Tucker Carlson, above Dateline NBC. He's literally the number one podcast shoots in his car for two and a half years. Just speaking to his phone, he's just a random lawyer from Texas. Super low quality produce videos, random lawyer from Texas. All of a sudden drops his podcast to his audience and it becomes the number one podcast on Apple podcasts. I think it's so wild that this is possible. So first I'm going to share who this guy is. I'm going to go more into detail about how low effort his content is. I really want to make it feel relatable like anybody can achieve this. Then I'll share more about the subject matter of his content and his audience. Then I want to talk about how global appeal this is, how low effort his podcast is. You know, his videos, his short form mobile videos for TikTok, for Instagram reels, those are low effort. But what about the podcast? I'll talk about that, how the podcast was initially shared, how it got its first listeners, and then how you can copy him. So if you want to do something like this, too, I'm going to share how you can copy and that's what you're getting on this episode of the podcast. This is episode three hundred seventy nine of my daily digital marketing show. I do this thing every day even when I'm sitting in a food court in a mall in Poland. I still do it and that's where I am recording this right now on my headphones recording this for you because I left my professional like at home. But you know, if Jefferson Fisher can do it, I can do it too. So OK, who is Jefferson Fisher? He's a personal injury lawyer, a Texas trial lawyer. He has a law firm and his description on Instagram is I help people argue less so they can talk more. He makes super genuine videos in his car. How to respond to gaslighting. Number one, if they respond, I never said that or that's not what I said. Instead of saying, yes, you did or then tell me what you said. You're going to slowly respond, that's what I heard, period. That's what I heard. It invites them to clarify, but it doesn't allow them to flip. Number two, if they say you need help, you're going to calmly respond and I need someone who is helpful, I need someone who is helpful. It works because it turns the tables to call out their behavior and does it from a position of strength. And number three, if they say you're imagining things, you will assertively respond, I do not imagine facts. I do not imagine facts. What you're saying is I am standing my ground on what I know to be true. And that's how to respond to gaslighting. So try that and follow me. He only uses a title, an introductory title to say what the video is about. These videos are 30 to 40 seconds. He uses captions, but he doesn't use any sound effects. He doesn't use any video effects. He doesn't use any images. There's no fancy transitions, just a few cuts here and there. It's not like retention editing that you see from so many other channels. It's just him talking to the camera, giving people advice about how to be more confident communicators and it goes in line with what his description is. I help people argue less so they can talk more on Instagram. He has five and a half million followers on TikTok. He has 1.1 million followers. His videos get between one to two million views on Instagram reels and on TikTok. They get around 200 to 500,000 views. He puts out around four videos a week. And this is global appeal subject matter. How do we friends and influence people? It's either the most popular book in the world. And if it's not the most popular, then it's one of them. The reason for that is because people want to learn how to be better communicators. They want to learn how to have more confident conversations. They want to learn how to be better storytellers. There's so many aspects about human connection that people struggle with on a day to day basis. He makes content about this. He does it in a nice way. He does every video with a smile at the end of each video. He says and follow me. And so he says, he said, it's just like that. He goes and follow me. So it's global appeal content. And then he launches a podcast. So I said before that the podcast is super low produced. Let me share what he does for the podcast. He goes back to his car. That's right. He goes back to the car for his short form vertical videos. He doesn't use a professional microphone for the podcast. He uses a lavalier microphone and has it equipped to his shirt collar. And that's it. He speaks for 12 and a half minutes on this first episode of his podcast about the same stuff that he speaks about in one of his videos. This first episode is about how to have hard conversations. It's advice on how to have hard conversations, difficult conversations. And he speaks about that for 12 and a half minutes in his car to the camera on his phone with a lavalier microphone. That's it. There's nobody else in the car. He doesn't use any captions for the podcast. There's still no sound effects, still no video effects, still no images, still no fancy transitions, just a few cuts here and there. And it's just him talking person to person or person to phone, very genuine, just like his videos, just like his short form mobile videos in his car. And when the podcast comes out, here's how he shares it. He puts it on its Instagram stories. He shares it to his newsletter and he shares it to TikTok. And this is enough to get him to be the number one podcast on Apple podcasts above Joe Rogan, Huberman, John Stewart, The New York Times, Ben Shapiro, Tucker Carlson. Dateline NBC, like number one, crazy. And you might be thinking, oh, well, you know, he has millions of followers. That's not that impressive. I think it's very impressive. Here's why a lot of people can copy him. This is not something that only he could do. And this is not something you need a crazy budget to do. He shoots in his car. He films on his phone. He talks about things that lots of people can talk about. He did it with practice. It took him two and a half years. It didn't happen immediately. I actually think Bobby Althoff's story about how Bobby Althoff got Drake on her four month old podcast and became the number one podcast in the world. I think that is a far more remarkable story. This person put in the reps, found something that people liked, took time to find his audience, didn't over complicate things and was very genuine and authentic. So I want to share how you can copy him. Hopefully by this point, I've convinced you that like lots of people can do stuff like this. That's kind of what I try to do on the show. I try to like I try to give the step by step directions for how people can achieve these things. So here's how you can copy him. There's two ways that you can copy him. Number one, it's more spammy. It's more spammy, but you could do it. Take his subject matter. Maybe you rewrite the scripts a bit and just do them in a different language. If you speak a different language, if you're fluent in a different language, do what he does and do it in a different language. Make the channel in that language, make the accounts in that language. This is globally popular subject matter. So you could literally make his videos in a different language. Like I said, you could rewrite the scripts a bit. I think the appeal of the subject matter is so strong. So many people everywhere want to learn how to be better communicators. So you could rewrite the scripts a bit, draw tons of inspiration from him and do it in a different language. Everything is in a different language, the titles, the captions, you speaking, the descriptions, everything's in a different language. So that's one. I think that would be super, super strong. Lots of people who listen to this podcast speak different languages. Super strong and then just do it every day, put out a video every day. Again, he took two and a half years to get here. He started January 2022. I looked, I scrolled all the way back to see when he started or you could do this and you could do it in a similar timeless niche, his niches timeless. He picked a timeless niche, human communication, something that people are always interested in throughout time, something that people are so interested in that you don't need crazy high production value because people just want to listen to this. So pick a similar timeless niche. I have like examples, you would do it in personal development. You could do it in philosophy and ethics, spirituality and religion, relationships and dating. I literally just asked Chachi P.T. for timeless niches that people could speak to a camera about with no frills attached, that's just easy to talk about. There's finance and wealth, education and learning, history and culture, stoicism, stoicism, mindfulness, stoicism is so big now. I love what Ryan Holiday did with stoicism. Stoicism is timeless, but he brought it back. He reminded people why they should care, but it is still timeless. The principles of stoicism are timeless, leadership and management. And kind of like the first one, self help and motivation. People want to feel motivated. Tony Robbins motivation. Tony Robbins is huge, timeless. These are timeless things and just work on being a strong communicator. You could shoot in a kitchen, you could shoot in your living room, you could shoot in your bedroom, try to pick somewhere quiet. You could shoot in a park, a park that's available year round. You could shoot in your car like Jefferson, but he doesn't complicate it. He just speaks to the camera, does minimal cuts. If you want to edit, if you want editing advice, you could do this in Descript. I am a huge proponent of Descript. This podcast is edited in Descript. My videos are edited in Descript. It automatically removes all the gaps between words, between sentences. If you're thinking, if you need a second to catch yourself, it removes those gaps. It also automatically takes out all of your bad takes. So if you say the same thing over and over again, three or four times in a row, it just cuts out the first three or four times where you said it and leaves you with the last one with a good tape, makes it super easy. It also adds in captions. It does eye tracking. It does green screen. I love Descript. And also, so if you're watching this on YouTube, you will see that I am recording this in a pretty crowded food court, but the sound is pretty good. That's because I'm using Descript Studio sound. So it isolates my voice and cuts out all the background noise. It's crazy, allows me to make this podcast anywhere. And that will allow you to make videos anywhere. I'm not even an affiliate of Descript. I wish I was. I keep telling them to open up an affiliate program. So anyway, all right, what are we covered on this show? This guy makes super low produced videos on Instagram reels and TikTok. Does it for two and a half years, picks a timeless niche, super genuine, records in his car and then launches a podcast and it just becomes the number one podcast in the world, number one in education, number one in self improvement, number one, overall, on Apple podcasts, you can go see for yourself. And he's in a timeless niche and there's all these ways that you could copy this and do this to if this is something that you're interested in. For me, as a content creator, this personally is inspiring and motivating and so interesting. And I hope for you, it is interesting too. This is episode three hundred seventy nine of my daily digital marketing podcast. I do this thing seven days a week from lots of different interesting places. Just like right now, thank you so much for watching. Thank you so much for listening. I will talk to you again tomorrow.