The Edward Show

How a Digital Marketing Noobie Can Beat a Pro

Broadcast on:
23 Jun 2024
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E353: Organic marketing, the most efficeint, highest converting form of marketing there is, is just a top-of-mind awareness game.

The brands that have the most top-of-mind awareness for their niche are the brands that get the most opportunities and make the most money.

Here's how a noobie in any niche can get more top-of-mind awareness than a seasoned professional who already has word of mouth.

Once you've listened, here's my exact social media posting strategy:

00:00 My Love for Content Marketing 00:55 Daily Content Creation 02:31 Thought Experiment: The Rise of Guppy 07:18 Practical Directions to Start 10:58 Inspiring You to Create Content

#contentmarketing #digitalmarketing #socialmediamarketing #entrepreneurship

The Edward Show. Your daily digital marketing podcast:

It is no secret that I love content. I love content marketing. I think the top of mind awareness that it creates for a brand is so incredible. It's unreal. Every day literally feels like my best days several years ago. 10 years ago, I was an early viral video producer on YouTube. We would put out videos. Some of them would go viral. I would be the talk of the town for a little bit. Lots of people wanted to hang out, wanted to work together. We'd get tons of messages and then it would go away. A few years after that, me and my friends made the first play to earn game in crypto. We made the first video game in crypto. It was a huge deal, made tons of money. Lots of people wanted to work with us. I got recognized at events, felt like it was my day. Then it wore off. But now every single day feels like one of those days before. Every day, every single day. I love content marketing. I love what happens when you put out content day after day and so with this episode of The Edward Show, I wanna try, I wanna share the motivation that I feel because I get very little sleep every night because even if I go to sleep late last night, I want to sleep at 1.30. I woke up at 6.30 this morning, just excited to make more videos. I think this 600 days in a row of me putting out at least one video a day. It is, it's 600 days in a row. And I still wake up so excited to put out content. And now I am getting more views than I ever have. I started my videos 600 days ago, started my daily videos 600 days ago, have not missed a day since then. When I wake up, there is like no barrier between the ideas that I have and me putting them out. And for me, that's very exciting. So I wanna do a thought experiment on this episode of The Edward Show, episode 353 of my daily podcast. I have my daily short form mobile videos and this daily podcast. And I wanna do a thought experiment, a top-of-mind awareness thought experiment. And hopefully by the end of this thought experiment, if you weren't ready to start making videos because the awareness that you get from videos, they are cross-platform, the awareness is so crazy. So hopefully by the end of this thought experiment, if you weren't ready to start making videos, you're a bit closer there. 'Cause I love it, I think anybody can do it. And actually, this thought experiment will illustrate that. Okay, thought experiment is starting. Let's say you are very good at what you do. Maybe you're a project manager, maybe you're an architect, maybe you're a lawyer, maybe you're a marine biologist, maybe you're a mechanic, whatever it is. Let's say you're very good at it. Let's use my niche, digital marketing. I think I'm one of the best digital marketers around. I also thought that two years ago, before I had started making videos. But the only people who knew that were the people who I had worked with in the past, and then some people from word of mouth, but they didn't really know 'cause we hadn't really worked together. They would just hear it from referrals, they would hear it through great time. But it wasn't like it is now. So let's assume that you are very good at what you do. I'll use myself digital marketing. You're an amazing digital marketer. You're one of the best in the world at digital marketing. And now, let's say we got a newbie. We got a newbie digital marketer. Let's call this guy Guppy. His parents wanted to give him a weird name that symbolizes his status as a newbie. And they named him Guppy. They named this digital market. They named this kid Guppy, okay? So we have a kid, his name is Guppy. I don't know why Guppy came to mind. That's the name of this newbie digital marketer. So we have you, you're the expert. And then we have Guppy, the newbie, and he's learning. And Guppy says, I'm gonna do something a bit unique. And I'm going to document my learning about digital marketing. Now you are, remember, you are a thousand times better at digital marketing. You get real results, tons of them. And you know what not to do and what to do. You know what shortcuts not to waste time on and what you should use time on. You don't have to run through the fire as much to figure things out, you did that. And then we have Guppy. And Guppy is, he's excited, he's learning every day, and he's making tons and tons of mistakes. But he's sharing those mistakes, and he's sharing what he's learning, and he's passionate. So he's sharing what he's learning every day. They could be really basic things, but he's also passionate. That energy comes through in his videos because he feels good about what he's sharing, and because he's sharing it in a way that is relatable to lots of other people as he learns it, and because he's making videos every day, Guppy is making videos every day, he's getting better at making engaging content. So Guppy puts out video after video after video on TikTok. Instagram Reels and Instagram Reels is really generous with his ability. Sets up automations,, and they're biggest affiliate and one of their biggest power users. His automations are the same as mine, so his automations make it so his videos come out on YouTube shorts, on Snapchat, lots of other places. Now, LinkedIn is also launching a 4U page of 4U video feed, similar to TikTok style content, short form mobile video, similar to Instagram Reels, and you know Guppy's digital marketing videos are gonna be perfect for LinkedIn videos. So he's repurposing his videos there too, and his videos suck at first, but as he makes more of them, he gets more comfortable doing it, the barrier between him wanting to share something, and just being able to share it, things to near nothing. And now Guppy is putting out decently engaging content, it's not the most sophisticated stuff, in fact, a lot of it is quite basic, and a bunch of it is wrong, but the videos are better, and just because he spends all his time on this, he knows more about it than most people. He knows more about digital marketing than most people because he spends most of his time studying it. And because he's making videos and because his platforms are so generous with his ability, because he's getting better. When people need digital marketing, who do they come to? Some people will come to you, but now Guppy, Guppy's inbox is full, crazy full. Every day full, every day Guppy is getting requests of people who wanna work with him. Guppy has achieved what is called top-of-mind awareness. When people think of digital marketing, they think of Guppy. Business owners need more visibility, who are they turning to? They're turning to Guppy. And now you and Guppy find yourself at a conference. You two are both at a digital marketing conference. And who are people swarming around? It's Guppy. Who does everyone wanna meet? It's Guppy. And Guppy is still a newbie, but because he is posting every day, he is the one who has top-of-mind awareness for digital marketing. And while you are still getting opportunities, Guppy is getting way more opportunities, better opportunities, Guppy can charge more, he can make more, and people wanna help him more because he has a big audience. And that is the reality with short-form videos today. And it doesn't even have to take long. Just this morning, I was with one of my best friends. He's a gardener. He has a really great gardening agency here in New York City. And his agency works for some of the richest people in the city who have crazy Manhattan, private Manhattan rooftops, or real estate developers, billionaire real estate developers who have enormous rooftops. And my friend works for these people. And my friend has seen how I have grown with content. And he wants to start making videos. His name is Oliver, one of my best friends. We've known each other since I think second grade, one of my best friends in the world. And I said, "Oliver, you can just make videos while you are doing your work every day. It is so fast and easy today. I use a tool called Descript. I shoot my videos in a few minutes. Maybe there are multiple takes, but I shoot it all within one clip. So there are multiple takes, a couple minutes long. There's all these gaps between words. Total raw, just like it's raw. Will not work on social media. There's no captions. I just take that raw video, I put it into Descript. Descripts AI removes the gaps between words. So if there's any long gap between words, that's cut. Then Descripts AI removes all the bad takes. The bad takes are cut now. Then I drag in captions to the transcript because everything is transcribed automatically. So all I need to do is add a caption and I can style the captions, however I want. I proofread the transcript. I check any of the cuts, which is really easy. You're just editing the transcript basically. And then I export and it's super fast. And Oliver could do that too. That's what I told him, you can do that too. The place in society where we are now, to be able to express ourselves, it's so easy. The barrier is so small that the guppies of the world, the newbies of the world, can get crazy top-of-mind awareness above the experts who don't want to make any content. And this isn't just for individuals, this is for brands. Whatever your brand is, the brands that are doing daily content are the ones who get the top-of-mind awareness, are the ones who when people think of what that brand does, they think of that brand. Some examples of top-of-mind awareness, you think of a motivational speaker, you think of Tony Robbins. That's top-of-mind awareness. You think of a podcast host, maybe you think of Joe Rogan or Tim Ferriss or my first million. That's top-of-mind awareness. Hopefully someday you'll think of me because I will have top-of-mind awareness for podcasts. You think of fast food, you may think of Burger King, you may think of McDonald's. That is top-of-mind awareness. How about soda, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, top-of-mind awareness? There are lots of different ways to get top-of-mind awareness. Generally, the easiest is making content, distributing content, and doing this for a couple of years. And the thing about today is, like I said, it is so easy to make content, but the algorithms will distribute it for you. 10 years ago when I was making viral videos, I had to distribute the content myself. I had to post anonymously on Reddit with fake accounts to pretend it wasn't me trying to make my videos go viral. I had to give anonymous tips to journalists to say, oh, you might wanna check out this video. Message newsrooms, cold-call journalists, all sorts of little things I had to learn and had to do to make my content go viral. And now you don't need to do that. You just need to get decent at making content and the algorithms will push it out to the right people for you. How crazy is that? And so that's what I wanted to inspire you about on this episode of The Edward Show. If I did, if you know what, if I was successful in inspiring you, I have a guide for how I put out content. It is on my website, it's free. You don't even have to give your email address. You just go to And then if you're on desktop, you will see it on the top right corner. It says my exact social media posting strategy. If you're on mobile, go to and find the article from April 28th, my exact social media posting strategy. You can copy exactly how I post. I share exactly how I post a step-by-step how I post on TikTok, Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts, LinkedIn, TwitterX, LinkedIn will probably be updated soon when this LinkedIn vertical video feed rolls out, how I use the script, how I choose to put in music, how I get music, I share everything. You're gonna use that exactly if I have successfully inspired you to make content. This works for all niches. And as I've talked about on previous podcasts, it also works for SEO because you can find keywords and put your keyword at the beginning of your video descriptions. And then these videos will rank on Google for your desired keywords, assuming the videos are engaging enough. But I've had a very good success rate this week. I in two days ranked for two keywords within 24 hours of posting the videos ranked on the first page, that is unreal. So, okay, I am inspired, I hope you are inspired. This is episode 353 of my daily digital marketing podcast, my daily growth hacking, growth marketing, podcast has been a crazy day. Put up three videos today, did so much other work, saw some old friends, went biking through New York, and now it is 9.55 p.m. and I am wrapping up recording episode 353 of The Edward Show here in beautiful New York City. Thank you so much for watching. Thank you so much for listening. Hope you are feeling great. And I will talk to you again tomorrow.