21st Century Wire's Podcast

INTERVIEW: Basil Valentine & Freddie Ponton - Israel Calls To Starve Gaza' + Ukraine Attacks Russia

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10 Aug 2024
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TNT Radio guest host Basil Valentine speaks with independent French researcher and journalist Freddie Ponton, to discuss the shocking genocidal statement made by Israel’s finance minister Bezalel Smotrich who stated “starvation of millions in Gaza might be ‘justified and moral". Freddie also discusses the recent Ukrainian military incursion on the bordering Russian district of Kursk, questioning the lack of military goals and challenging the true nature of the operation. Freddie also addresses the growing tensions in the Middle East and Iran's much anticipated military response to the murder of Hamas lead negotiator Ismail Haniyeh. All this and more.

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Free speech is alive and well on today's news talk T&T Indeed it is alive and well here on TNT And where else in the media? Are you going to see a discussion of Smotridge's remarks a bezel L smotridge does not be else above smotridge? He said in a speech on Monday that Israel has no choice but to send humanitarian aid into Gaza He would much rather they didn't obviously it's not possible in today It's a global reality to manage a war. No one will allow us to starve two million people even though that might be just and moral Moral until they return the hostages. He said in a press conference in support of Jewish settlements illegal Jewish settlements Under international law, of course Now these people Freddie Ponce on joining me from the south of France Smotridge is part of a government that is closely allied to the governments of Western Europe the European Union And the United States, so why do we continue to send these people? Arms and money when they are quite clearly hell-bent on genocide Well, that's all this is the game that has been played and it's been played for for more than 10 months Nothing has changed and it doesn't matter what Joseph Bolle Is going to say the European Union stance on the Israel conflict is that it is okay? it is okay and We've seen over the last past ten months a genocide on falling and very little has been down and everyone knows that Smotridge has a you know another content for international law and for basic principles of humanity say This is not new to that. It's not like they just find out that these guys are monsters So nothing is going to change is just basically buying the time I think the the IC chairs as well as been dragging this food for a very long time Same for the ICC. We'll you know the middle of August and we are yet to see a Warren for the arrest of knitting yellow and and you have gallants and perhaps they should definitely shoot at one for For smotridge. There's a smotridge. So again, you know, I think it's all again that has been played But we're not fools and everyone that's been following this crisis in Gaza and in the West banks in bitch Jerusalem Know exactly what is going on and I think that it's It's something it's a stain in the history of the Western worlds. We are witnessing something that is allowed to happen Absolutely EU foreign policy chief Joseph Bolle called them remarks beyond Amineas saying it demonstrates once again his contempt for international law and for basic principles of humanity Those are relatively strong words from a diplomat, but no sign of any sanctions Meanwhile, David Lammy Britain's new foreign secretary said there can be no justification for minister smotridge's remarks and Crucially, we expect the wider Israeli government to retract and condemn them Now I've been searching and I can't find any retraction or condemnation I think that tells you everything you need to know about the Zionist regime that basically They endorse what smotridge is said, but they know that they can't all say it in unison Well, the first person that that should really demonstrate leadership is You know, if you accept this kind of language and it has no problems, you know we've a semester of finance, you know coming out with this outreach statements and clearly It's not the United States that is going to the rescue although they've all expressed, you know Condemations for such language, but at the end of the day It's just cosmetic and it's cosmetic and that nothing is going to change on the ground So there's I've given up any hope from from the European Union and from the United States It's not gonna if there is a change that is to happen On the Palestinian land it will not come from these countries. It will come from something else something that comes out and I think the You know the frustrations of the Arab world has grown tremendously over the last past 10 months and I can guarantee you that many of the countries like Saudi Arabia Jordan and Egypt itself the funny it's so very very difficult to you know to go on finals a six month like this I'll find it extremely difficult because the tensions are already rising in this cities And when you hear statesman's like smosters She's just put literally fuel on the fire and this fire has grown over the last past 10 months And then of course with this looming retaliation from the Iranian government, I think it's you know, it's all kind of coming to a crossroads. I think enough is enough and I think the answers will definitely come from Iran. We're gonna see How how about the situation is? I don't think we really can Really understand how bad it is But I think we will be able to better understand with the level of regulations coming out of not only Iran But the Hezbollah and the Houthis in the immense so let's see what's gonna happen That's all because I think we're gonna have an answer to some of our questions All right, I sincerely hope so We'll come to Iran and its response to the assassination of his Milhanei in a moment But first you mentioned to Egypt Therefore in ministry today condemned smosh Instagram marks describing the most shameful statements unacceptable in form and substance And a violation of international humanitarian law such irresponsible statements creating excitement against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip I mean, even that's a very very mild statement incitement against Palestinians They're being bombed in schools today 30 have been killed at least 30 people have been killed in the bombing of a school You know the massacres Continue seemingly with impunity and Egypt is quite simply bribed by the Americans pure and simple If Egypt takes any firmest stance against Israel, then the Americans cut off the money and Egypt Implodes, I think that's about the size of it, isn't it? Yeah, it's it's pretty much it's an annual you're you're described it fit in very well. I think to you The path after the Abrahams a chord works very difficult for this country is it's very difficult to turn back or to rebuild that credibility I'm the OIC meetings. I think brought some kind of legitimacy in in the discourse in terms of condemning really Everything that has happened over the last past 10 months in a very very strong terms I'm not condemning Iran for willing to you know to exercise his right To defend itself, you know because at the end of the day, this is what it's all about I think it is quite clear that Hamas had the right to defend itself against this occupation Which has been deemed illegal by the international court of justice and then so All that we we were saying and we experimenting at the moment is a constant basically challenge from Israel towards a A rule-based order if you were with international or where institutions are have and means something and and therefore civilians are protected and then we can clearly see that this does not apply for Israel and the Explanation to that is that the United States and the European Union the Western world at large is allowing it to happen And that's really you know unbalancing the the world because the world won't speaks in General if you go to the United States or in Europe anyone that I get to talk to nobody tells me I want more bomb I want to you know, I want to kill children the only kill woman's nobody tells me that so where does that come from? This certainly does not come from the public or a very limited amount of money So it's a political decision this has to do with the the balance of power in the world This is about global financial dominance, you know, promoted by Israel and of course defended by the United States and This has to stop one way or the other Israeli Foreign Minister Israel cats today said that Israel's decision to revoke the status of Norwegian diplomats Serving the occupied Palestinian territories was due to their anti-Israel conduct I thought that was quite an interesting footnote, but to turn back to Iran the possession the new President is very firmly pro-West and he has apparently exercised a steadying hand on the Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and it now looks as if Iran may not retaliate to Anything like the degree that was being predicted. He only 24 48 hours ago professor Morandi Said that he thought Iran would cause Israel to regret having Assassinated is Mel Hanay the head of the diplomatic wing of Hamas and that would seem to indicate a very major attack Now the latest reports are Nazeskian may indeed have taught Khamenei out of doing anything much at all has bola on the other hand say they're going to You know, they definitely gonna react independently of whatever Iran does now one can only think that bazeskian is Basically trying to carry favor with the West with Washington in particular to a lesser extent of course London Brussels and Berlin Because if they don't retaliate the Iranians does do you think that then means they? They get brownie points from Western leaders and they can take the moral high ground turn around and say look Israel is the mad dog here Univiolating sovereignty Assassinating people at will we are the adults in the room. We are the ones with the moral high ground and that may Tip the balance in terms of diplomatic activity Well, I I'm you know, everyone has it's sort of opinion on this matter I personally believe that this is again that has been played and I think a lot of diversions and a lot of Things are happening if you will found on the Iranian side And I think a lot of it is distraction I think the decisions are sort of being been made by the Supreme Leader I think the the signals from Russia coming delivering a sponsored some other electronic warfare capabilities to work To to the Iranian on forces, I think it's you know all the signs are There but of course they're gonna plan couple of you know of information see and there to confuse the outcome but my view on it is that Iran did not afford at this stage to remain Silence or to remain Refrain with the assassination of a Hamas peace negotiator in their countries under their God their responsibility I've lived in the art world and in different continents and I can tell you that honor and Insulting is is something that they don't take lightly Now this is not gonna be the retaliation that perhaps people are expecting which is you know The next 24 hours the next eight hours. We're gonna have a launch of ballistic missile coming from all over the place Iranians are sophisticated and this is sophisticated at the adversary for the West and it must not be undermined They will take their time and they will take absolutely all the time they need to To inflict that and a popular response for Israeli crimes Might not look like what we are expecting. I think something is in in the plate this moment I think the Russians are involved in this discussions And I think all the other states have been played with different stories with the international airport Closing at 3 p.m. This afternoon I mean all these stories about you know all you can clearly see there's a lot of these informations going on because I think this time The Iranian don't want anybody to be prepared they're gonna go along with their plan and nothing is gonna need to stop that That's my view about it Of all people Italian Prime Minister Georgia Maloney has had a phone call with the new Iranian President Masud Pasekian today urging him To print the er well reminding him of the need to prevent the expansion of the ongoing Completing Gaza including with reference to Lebanon urging her counterparts to avoid further escalation and to reopen the path to dialogue It's so ironic when the Israelis don't want any dialogue at all How can you have dialogue with somebody who assassinates your negotiators? Anyway, we're gonna take a short break with the headlines when we come back. I'll be asking Freddie about What he thinks is the prospects for peace in Eastern Europe Rumblings there that in spite of the deliver of the F16s. There might be a breakthrough on the horizon. We'll be right back We don't rock we talk today's news talk TNT radio And welcome back to the program. I'm delighted to say I'm joined by investment of journalist Freddy Pont on Derek Rose Won't be joining us this afternoon, but that gives us more time to go into depth with Freddy Freddy Eastern Europe will can pivot there just for the moment Noise is sort of rumbling in the background that there might be peace Donald Trump His election prospects are looking dimmer by the day, but he said he'll bring the war to an end Before even getting back into the oval office. Tim Walts on the other hand He might as well have a Ukrainian flag tattooed on his forehead And then of course most recently there was the Ukrainian incursion into the Kurz region, which has had the Russians scurrying Well, where are we at the moment with that dreadful morass? Can you paint a picture of clarity for our views and listeners by any chance? It's a bit of a still under the fog of war, you know, so the incursion to Ukrainian incursion into Russian territory Is a it's been noted. It's been noted by the international price and certainly by the the Russians And I think it was a bit of a surprise to them, which is a bit bizarre Well, but the Russians have it's pretty much everywhere new crimes and we have known this kind of preparation however They still have to deal with fact that the a few the Ukrainian armed forces have captured the city of Suzzan I'm killing civilian indiscriminately and then between yesterday and today in pre-informations of World up reserves and and began pretty much immediately reinforcing their positions and It is quite clear that so the combat has intensified and the onslaught with it And they've tried to advance in the koro Coronavo and Sumi district and part pretty much most of Sumi city has been captured by the Ukrainian so The last reporter I was reading earlier this often would say that also an indicated that the Ukrainians Offensive was taking the directions of a use covert district So we can clearly see that past the border the Ukrainian is trying to gain terrain in the Russian territory It's not far. It's not deep yet, but it is of concern because of course it impacts the civilian populations and then this military operation in Ukraine search must demonstrate a military Target if you will this has to be targeted towards the military Assets of the Russians, but unfortunately what we are saying is that this particular area and this Orblasts are mainly Logistic harben routes for or the Russian military if you will Apart from that really there is only the gas hub In in Suzzan This is the only pipeline and gas hubs left that transports Russian gas into Europe via Ukraine so there's no real real Kind of a benefit for Ukraine to try and to damage it in any way they're making money With the transit of gas for the country. So what is the real? Goal here and that's really the only questions that that I've got for for this operation because occupation of this territory is clearly not the goal. I mean It looks like it's more that creating a tension point if you will I'm trying to 45 a little bit this area to create basically a some kind of embarrassment for the Russian Federation and its army and kind of a phone in the foot of the Russian army that they have to deal with but as I said It really looked like as put in several large-scale provocation because I felt to see the real military benefit for for Ukraine and of course time is of de essence and I don't see What is the benefit for the if you to to sacrifice? Let's put it that way to sacrifice thousand man's material and equipments in this particular area because we can clearly see the Russians are Really already so especially around Sumi they're trying to cut Basically the Ukrainian retreats, which means that they intend to to capture these guys or to kill them So yes I mean, it's a provocation that could cost the dearly to the a few and I think also it's a kind of a bit of a PI exercise because the sceneries in Eastern Ukraine and in the Dondas were pretty gloomy, especially with the a few struggling to recaptures the village they lost around the cock of region and then of course this Tremendous advance after the captures of advocate as well So all that was difficult because it was simply just that for the moral for the Ukrainian troops And I think that clearly there was a loss of confidence in Ukraine being able to handle more of it So I think there was a desperate kind of need for a special operation trying to turn a little bit that's That tune and trying to make it looks slightly better for the Ukrainian, but I'm afraid all I see is a PI exercise that's done a of course Trigger more death for the Ukrainian troops and perhaps they will capture a couple of Russian people and military personal along the way But there's no objectives. They are real military objectives. So this will end up pretty bad And and we'll I think the next few days will definitely indicate what I'm saying Yeah, it looks like it could be an own goal within a week or two Nick Payton Smith Riding for CNN says Kiev needed a win, but not a gamble and The fact as you mentioned that there's no clear strategic objective Means that this could be interpreted as a meet a moment of desperation by Ukraine whose Generals have in the past been criticized for being too slow and too conservative But do you think they might be doing this to in order to sort of attract the attention of of the West and so and say look You know, we're still you know over here, you know We're still fighting and we need more weapons and money Yes, absolutely. So just I mean, I don't see any other way to explain that I mean, this is certainly something cooked up, you know in a in some CA office, you know in Ukraine You know with the idea of you know Mentoring the pressure on the Russians and trying to as I said, you do to to to to remain Relevance in on the social media and on all this media platform and giving a little bit of meat for all these mainstream media Which you can clearly see is of feeding themself. We've called into victory and unprecedented move I mean, you know, the old wording is is out. So everybody's trying to capitalize on this It's gonna support US NATO interests and prepare It's just a certainly a narrative towards September and in October better. This is I don't see how this is gonna help in any negotiations I've read some of the report talking about you crying trying to to gain some whites or for future negotiations Well, that's not gonna be of them at all because they're gonna be pushed back clearly and I think we have also to bear in mind that this is not the first incursion in the region It hasn't happened before, you know, and we've seen many incursions in Belgorot and Incurs regions So it's nothing new here. What is regrettable is that these you know These mercenaries are basically moving into Russian territories and killing civilians at will We have already seen a couple of videos going around. I was just need to be confirmed But in clearly see cause been targeted fired upon it looks like it's indiscriminates and Yeah, we have to be a little bit worried for the people in the resident of Schutzer and hopefully Hoping that the Ukraine will not do anything here, you know Regrettable, but I think it will come to as quick as it arrives. That's my view battle We're gonna take a short break now when we come back an article in the key of independent And I quote in any and every corner of Ukraine one would be very hard pressed to find an ordinary person civilian or military Who doesn't want this cruel and brutal war to end? I wonder if that signals a sea change in the attitude of ordinary people and that indeed this cruel and Unnecessary war can be brought to an end. I'll be talking to Freddie Ponce on the best of journalists about that right after this short break Political commentator and investigative journalist you're with Patrick Henningsen on today's news talk TNT And welcome back to the Patrick Henningsen show with me bezel Valentine Ukrainians want nothing more than to be able to live without fear of Nighttime missile attacks to see their loved ones return home from the front not just for a short vacation But for good and most of all to stop the never-ending conveyor belt of funerals and obituaries But the country's breast and bravest people so writes Francis Farrell in the Kiev independent Zelensky's also been making noises about peace even saying that the Russians should be at the next round of negotiations It does seem that war fatigue is finally setting in And if the Ukrainian leadership listen to their own people that article as I say in the Kiev independent Then the time to bring this pointless storta must to an end must be fast approaching Buddy yeah, it's look we're approaching it the presidential it's a run up to the to the US presidential elections So that this has a major impact on our Zelensky master Approach with a lot of cautions, you know The year is future move because these these days could be counted literally counted he knows that Donald Trump if he's elected will certainly push for a negotiation to stop the bleeding Stop the the suffering of the civilian population, but also of this young recruit are dying on the front in the Russian Midgrinder and I think also there's a lot of implications with those that have Provided what happens to Ukraine as well and everybody's very cautious so we can start to read in the place if you Analyze it thoroughly. You can understand that even the German for example with half stigner the German politician of social democratic party the SPD and People like Sara bag and there to you know that I've expressed a lot of cautions About the potential of use of German Weapons, you know in in the Ukrainian in advance for example in the cursed or blast So again, we can clearly see that no one's wants to make the wrong move at the wrong time Because it could derail and it could put them in a very bad bad light Not only during the potential negotiations of future negotiations, but right now in September in October You know things could degenerate very quickly and I think this is going to be about NATO some of the key allies like Germany France Britain to manage that Situations on till the elections provider and answer as to where things are are going to go So it's not going to be easy and I think This effort is demanded from Valencia and Zelensky needs to to clear along, you know showing some good faith in case anyone goes wrong But Jake McGlinn is a Ukraine expert research fellow at King's College London If an I quote her briefly as a military strategy, I remain a bit puzzled But as a political strategy has been very successful. She's talking about the incursion into the curse region It suggests yet again that Putin's red lines are only words and that Russia is not as strong as some make out Feels that Russia could retaliate against the West have been behind decisions by President Biden and others to restrict the use of high-value weapons such as F-16 fighters to territory inside Ukraine's borders And there have been no confirmed reports yet of their use in the curse offensive Although there have been some statements by Russia that Ukraine has been using striker and Bradley armored vehicles. So that means That means American weaponry on Russian soil I mean this is sort of crossing a cold war red line is that I mean as I say We like to think that she a war and battle fatigue on the Ukrainian side will bring this to an end quickly But again that represents a sort of escalation even though Zelensky is denying it of course It's on provocation base That's all I mean, that's my view. It's provocation the F-16s are provocations because it's not going to change the outcome You know from a military point of view the analysis and you have that many experts even those that are not Especially pro Russians that will say that nothing is going to change the outcome would remain the same the I said it the important aspects of it is how Countries that have supported this war for so long are going to come out of it You know and everybody has to be extremely cautious because this is really about right now. Not the red line. This is about Presenting yourself or allowing your equipment your military equipment to be used outside of Ukraine Directly Allow me to to attack the Russian Federation's sovereignty So these people are playing with fire all day as well. They're doing hoping that Russia will remain kind of, you know Composed and they extremely lucky to have a valadimia protein, you know, if you had a mid-vedev Has a president's things would have gone pretty a while long time ago So, yes, it's managing this this crisis because it's also the reputation of NATO It's the United States foreign policies The failure of their decisions and supporting a war that simply did not need to happen Because it's a war that triggered themselves. This is a trick Well, they created for themselves and for the poor Ukrainians And I think people are starting to really feel sorry for the Ukrainians because they stopped to understand that this was not created really by Ukraine they've had some raw factions doing stupid things in the Donbas for many years But in all in all with all the information that has been revealed today It's quite clear that this war is the result of a of a of a of the western intelligence operations, you know, on the NATO sponsored by the United States and The price that the Ukrainian population had to pay for that Nothing compared to that doesn't matter a couple of victory in a village. They are killing couple of Civilians in Russia You put that aside and you realize how many people in Ukraine's have died So that's NATO and the US can have this say in in this conflict and provoke Russia into an open war Open the Ukrainian will, you know, take their time before dying and hopefully win this battle The whole thing is a failure battle. It's a failure. It's a failure for humanity It is absolutely outrageous. That's a disintelligence community from the west is able to To pull up jobs like to start really really damaged countries that destroy countries And Ukraine is just another name in the long list of countries that United States are as destroyed and As I said, I think we are lucky to have some of these Near-peared vissery as they call them very very composed and hopefully the They'll stay that way until the people can go around a table and find a peace agreement We can only hope for that because otherwise it would be World War three. Oh, absolutely I mean, I like to think that peace is nearer than World War three When it comes to the Ukraine than that everybody will just grow Tired of this we seem to be on the precipice of using nuclear weapons a few months ago It's rather like the tide it comes in and goes out You know, absolutely on the brink of open hostilities between Russia and NATO one minute and then Things calm down everybody gets Acquired up, so it remains to be seen All sorts of predictions and of course here on TNT We believe in peace universal human rights and freedom of expression amongst other values in case you were wondering Which is why we take the line that we do we do not advocate the warmongers for heaven's sake There's enough of them on the corporate networks now. I finally Freddy this hour I've done my best to boycott this Olympics have always been an avid Olympics fan in the past I've tried to watch as little as possible because of the presence of Israeli athletes Who should be banned of course, but I have found myself drawn into watching some of the blue-ribboned athletics In the evenings this week Forbes is reporting that the events have been a triumph of France and Paris in particular With lots of medals won by French athletes Good attendance is at most of the events in the end and from what I can tell a very good atmosphere as well Earlier there were reports of the athletes were all forced to eat vegan food and that there were no tourists in Paris either but Meanwhile French Parliament remains in deadlock after the recent general election doesn't it? I mean, I would imagine macaron is basking in the reflected glory of the Olympics and Trying to milk it for all his worth But what else is happening on the ground in France is there a new prime minister Yes, or or is it the stalemate continuing? Well, I must say I've pretty much applied you'll you send Same questions about watching the year the Olympics games So I've stayed away from most of the main media in France, you know As you know, I don't watch television, so I do get menus by by sources and by Few independent journalists and people that I know personally that I trust that which and then the rest is whatever the International media has to tell us about what's going on in France I know my country very well, and I know that right now the impossible situations with these coalitions governments We've ensemble and the left and the communists coming together with the Greens to try to form a government It's a headache. It's a simple headache on everybody is trying to pull the rug in their directions or the blanket Let's say and it's not going to be an easy job to present someone to leave this new government that everybody is going to To accept now they can accept it on paper. He might be playing a role for maybe a few months But uh, is it someone that can do the job and the answer to this question is no no one can do the job because the job is not in Our parliament the decisions the crucial decisions everything that matters on many many levels are They're basically depends on the legal framework provided by the European Union So it doesn't matter who leads for us to die I thought you were gonna say with all the decisions made by the at least a palace and the president rather than the assembly of deputies No, well, that's pretty much the same anyway, but it's the adhesive palace does, you know, we have this Elistic technocracy that governs the countries with them With their consultancy firms, but are at the end of the day the selections has changed a little bit few things But not much as I said, it's not gonna Change the trajectory. It's not gonna stop the corruption It's not gonna basically and the glue that is game, you know in our country because those the games is played Not on French soil. We are the result of this game the games and the rules that play that a European label So that's what I watch you use I want to know what's gonna happen in France such as has to watch was the you saying the rest really doesn't matter Well It's a pessimistic you are I agree, but that's the that man is truth and You know For no other reason than what you've just said it makes me glad that we're no longer in the European Union is caused all sorts of problems But at least we don't have to look at Ursula von de Leon and think that she is in any way our titular head The legality of the caretaker government and its constitutionality and its role for example In policing the Olympics has been called into question, and of course there's the rolling crisis of who's gonna be prime minister Is it gonna be Lucy Caste the preferred choice of the left? Xavier Bertrand or Laurent Wilquier Wilquier, that's right Or compromise technocrat candidate like Michel Barnier or Bernard Casa nerve Is France any closer to actually having a new legal operational government ready? I Think this will this will only take place towards the second part of August and To deliver a candidate But he's on holiday, so but he's kind of earth, you know taking their time. It's not real rush, you know, I Think yeah, but about it the last week of August. We should have been a confirmed candidates Of course as far as telling you as far as telling you I forget Paris is in the south Paris is on the coat this year for the whole of August basically, isn't it? So We have Parisian tourists. Yes, that's right So yeah, nothing clear, you know, August, you know, this is more like, you know big international events You know major move from you know, the globalist is happening in August and July no doubt about it But as far as the domestic policies Yeah, it's really the the politics is very quiet in August and then just before September They'll release what they want to release giving some new directions And we're gonna have this new program. I'm very interesting about to hear the program of this This kind of coalitions or whatever they want to call it because I don't see what these guys they've all disagreed for so The full long on everything. Yeah, suddenly they got to present a program That is seems to be composed and where everybody's agreed, you know, so I mean, you know, you cannot take this Seriously for one second. Yeah, this is when I hope there may be I believe it or not I hope that the left and right groups might find some common ground and Excluded neoliberal globalists in the center. They have more in common than they realize. I think Freddie Ponce on thank you so much for joining us on today's news talk and we'll speak to you again very very soon I'm Basil Valentine. I'll be back same time tomorrow. Don't go away. Stayed in the nation right after the headlights to you tomorrow. (upbeat music)