Irish Breakdown

Notre Dame Practice Report

Bryan and Vince report back from what they saw at practice on August 10. There was a lot to see over at the offensive line area. There was also good things seen from the DL, LB, RB, WR and punt return groups. Shop for Irish Breakdown gear at our online store:  Join the Irish Breakdown premium message board:  Stay locked into Irish Breakdown for all the latest news and analysis about Notre Dame:​ Subscribe to the Irish Breakdown podcast on iTunes: Like and follow Irish Breakdown on Facebook: Sign up for the FREE Irish Breakdown daily newsletter: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

1h 7m
Broadcast on:
10 Aug 2024
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Bryan and Vince report back from what they saw at practice on August 10. There was a lot to see over at the offensive line area. There was also good things seen from the DL, LB, RB, WR and punt return groups.

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And so we're going to talk about practice today, practice, we're talking about practice and some good things that we saw in practice of course, as a caveat, I always want to remind people that we get to see the first five periods of practice and so really no team or anything like that. It's a lot of drill work today was a goal line day, I'll just say that and so a lot of emphasis at least where I was over with the offensive lineman was on goal line and kind of what they want to do down there and so we saw some different combinations of some guys which was very interesting and so we got a lot actually to report in our five period day and it was also a much shorter practice for Notre day and they got done a little bit early today. I'm sure that they're looking, they're about two weeks in right now, week and a half in something like that, right? And so first practice was on July 31st, so we're almost 10, 11 days in and so you know, you start to get a little bit of camp fatigue and they've got pretty much one more week of actual camp and then they're going to be rolling into Texas A&M, I believe. Yeah, yeah, my gosh, 21 days in season, I mean, three weeks from today, we're going to have another day full game. Yeah, we're going to have a game two weeks from today, we're going to be in the middle of watching the Florida State Georgia Tech game. Oh, that's right. Yep. Yup. Yeah. I'm excited about that, my friend. Right. About that. But that's when high school football starts to you. So I'm pumped. On his Vince, I did not get middle of camp vibes from the team today. Yeah, I agree. I didn't see the heavy legs that I normally see now again, maybe by the time they got the middle of practice, but I didn't see what I know, I'm curious what they're going to look like on the 15th when we get there, but just going through drills because that's usually least what I've seen from the past another name, not even what, you know, my athletes that I coach at the one double A&D three level, I'm talking like a Notre name. Usually it's during drills that you start to see a little bit of that heavy leggedness. Guys are on the ground a lot more, you know, and you see some of that drag. I didn't see that today. I thought they looked pretty sharp today, Affleck. I didn't think they looked super tired. So I mean, you talk about we're now 11 practices in this. This is kind of when that starts to happen, so you know, I, that was an encouraging thing for me is I did not notice this is a team with a lot of, even with the lineman, like look, you know, because like I watched sports, I watched a little bit of alignment, but just watching the videos, because you basically recorded all the stuff down there so I could watch that later. I didn't see those heavy legged, you know, reps with them, watching out, washing and walk, work with the D line today. I didn't see a lot of heavy leggedness there. There's a couple guys, the older guys, they're holding out and not doing as much and things like that to keep them fresh, but just overall, this did not look like it's at least offensively. It did not look like a team that's, that's dragon and from what we've seen from this offense, these receivers are running a lot of downfield routes. So this would kind of be the time where that starts to hit in. So that was a good sign that we just didn't see a lot of that today. I thought a little bit of camp arm setting in today with the quarterbacks like Riley Leonard had a couple misses outside where you could just kind of tell and you, Stephen, we had a couple that just kind of died at the end. So you could see a little bit of camp arm setting in but not nothing to be like, I mean, you're never concerned about it because you, you know, it's coming, but I didn't say it looked, it looked, it looked good, it looked good. Just overall the operation, I thought was good. Awesome. So let's, let's dive into a little bit offensive line talk, Brian, and I'll kind of talk about what I saw and, and some different things and we saw a little bit of positional movement today, you know, just, and again, people, you need to, I want to put this out there, you know, just because some guys are playing some different spots and doing some different things, they're working on depth, they're working on who works best together. There, you know, there's a lot of different things that they're working through. So just because one guy is lined up next to another guy at the same time, it's like, that's one of makes everybody's not jumping off the ledge about certain things. So I just, I'll put that out there. Now, with that said, you know, Pat Coogan, for example, he ran the entire day that we were there, at least the first five periods, he ran at center the entire time, he was running with the number two group at center. And so as Brian and I have discussed on numerous occasions, you know, Pat Coogan understanding multiple positions is a very good thing for this team, right? And you know, in a, in a perfect world, he's that super sub in the middle where he can, you know, move to center, he can play guard, he can do all of these different things. And you know, that that's a good thing. So he was working at center the entire time. And so that was something that stuck out. So that means that Rocco Spindler was then getting first team reps at left guard next to Tash Baker. So that's kind of how things shook out from like a first team, second team kind of a deal. Go. Prize picks is America's number one daily fantasy sports app with over five million active members. Prize picks is the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports. Unlike other apps on prize picks, it's just you against the numbers. 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And again, not to be unexpected, it kind of fits with what we kind of see a lot of years as they look to build their too deep, right? I don't think this, I wouldn't read into this like, brocco spindlers won the left guard job. I would not read that into it. We saw two days ago, they put out scrimmage clips of the, and we saw Pat Couvin with the first team of left guard. So I just think this is just, and I wouldn't be shocked if we found out during the team periods that there was team periods where Couvin was back out at guard. Like I don't read into it. It's just, this is a thing where if Ashton Craig goes down, your next man in may not be Sam Pendleton, right, it's probably Rocco Spindler. Well, you're not putting Rocco at center. So you cross train Pat at center. So where if there's a needed center, he can play it. That's really what today is about. It's not Pat Couvin made the full time move to center and he's now going to be Ashton Craig's backup. It's no, we need to train him there to, so we can make sure that if something happens to Ashton, we can get our best five on the field. And on the inside, that right now is going to be some combination of four guys, Couvin, Craig, Shrauth, I'm going to left to right and then Spindler. And then the one guy that has the most versatility in that group is probably Couvin, because Couvin snapped before he either is freshman or sophomore, you're spent a lot of time at center. Okay. So this is something where this is more of a cross training session today. Yep. Then it was, hey, are they going to move Pat Couvin to center? So I just, and then while you're doing that, then Rocco gets first team snaps left guard, which you're, which really, you're going to have those two rotating in in the first team anyway, one, one of the days where Rocco is going to be with the first team at left guard. Why not take that day to have Couvin cross training at center? It actually makes a lot of sense, actually makes a lot of sense. And since we're not there every day, we kind of have to extrapolate what we see and kind of go with it. You know, we don't know what happened. Like you said, we don't know what happens in team, you know, maybe, maybe Couvin isn't snapping anymore when they move to team or, you know, maybe he's been working at center every time that Rocco's been working at left guard. We, we don't, we honestly don't know in the drills we've seen, he hasn't been, but to your point is that what's going on in team? We don't know the answer to that. So that's why we're just trying to give you a warning like, hey, don't read too much into that. And that's coming from two guys that want to see Rocco spend their starting left guard. It's just being fair. That's just not what we expect to see. So let's just kind of talk about a couple of the guys that we saw Vince, right? Josh Baker, I thought early on, Vince, you and I were talking before, he did look like a little heavy footed early on. So what's that got better as we got more into the practice. So here's what's interesting when, when I first started watching the offensive line, I was just watching, I was standing there just kind of taking it in. That's the evaluation that I had on Tash as I was kind of watching them at the very beginning. And then the light bulb went on, I was like, hey, wait a minute, I can film this and I can show it to Brian too. And so then when I started filming it, he got better, like he wasn't kind of as heavy footed as he was at the beginning of practice, right? And so you didn't see some of the earlier stuff that I was watching and like I had already kind of formed my opinion and then I'm watching it through my, you know, through my phone and all of that. But anyway, your point is absolutely on point like he started out a little heavier and then got better as the practice went on. Yeah. And the drills I saw, I thought he actually moved his feet relatively well for what we're used to. Now, again, we were seeing run stuff. They were working on run game stuff today in the periods we saw. I thought Tash did a really nice job of keeping his pads low, which is a concern for me. He wasn't playing high. I thought he would, they were working combos. So he was having to, there was one block. Now again, this is against another offensive lineman, but he did a really nice job kind of opening up that front foot and then bringing the back hip, right, the far hip inside and getting leverage inside of a, of alignment there and then Rocco gets off to the second level. So I thought Tash from what we saw today, run game wise, just going through drills, looked, looked solid. Now, I didn't say anything about his overall preparedness for the, for the position, right? It's just from what I saw today, look, look solid, look good and look like he's getting a little bit more. Did you notice a little bit more push from him today than what we saw from him in the spring? He was, yes, a little bit more drive in his, in his lower body. And I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that he was, he was sinking his hips more. He was, he was bending at the knees and getting down and, and not playing as high because Tash has a tendency like, like here's his hips, right? Tash has a tendency in the past to just kind of go like this and, and he like looks like this. It's like, you don't sink your hips or you don't, you don't bend at the hips. You bend at the knees. Yeah. Sink your hips. When you sink your hips, you bend your knees as opposed to leaning over. And that was a big problem. Tash. And that's why Tash was always on the ground so much in the past because he would just kind of bend over and he's so long in the torso, he was kind of starting to just kind of take him down like a tree. Today we saw a better job of Tash sinking his hips and working. And that's, that was a positive to see. I like watching Rocco and Tash work together. I do think there is a bit of a mental like, Oh, Rocco's a really good run blocker. And so I kind of got to pick up my game a little bit and get, you know what I mean? I just, I like that combo working together. And that, I mean, that's what I saw today. I saw two guys just kind of road grading over there and I, it was enjoyable to watch. Yeah. I agree. Uh, Rocco, I thought had a, there was one drill where they were working on a double team and Rocco got a little fast getting up to the second level and he kind of got his shoulders above his feet and he went down, but outside of that, I thought he moved his feet well. And he's always going to be a little heavy footed guy, but he was, he, his power steps, they were good. He was sick of his hips and I thought he got real good, real good push and looked really good and drills. Billy Shrath was excellent. I mean, he just, he's on a, he works at a different speed than everybody else. Just athletically. He's just so much fat quicker than everybody else. But what I noticed today from Billy two Vince is a little bit more punch, a little bit more emphasis. They don't, as a whole, I just don't think Joe Rudolph teaches that real well. They just, they don't use their wet, their hands violently as a unit. I don't think Vince. I don't know if you agree or disagree with that. Yeah. But I thought Billy was doing a little bit of that today. That was, yeah, I, I, some of that to me has a lot to do with comfortability. In the past, when I've coached offensive line and when I've been around offensive lineman, when they're like really thinking about where they need to go, what they need to do, they're just worried about getting to the right place at the right time. Once they feel super comfortable with what they're doing, then you start to see more of an explosion and more of a physical dominance once they get there. If that makes sense, like, and it's like that for any position, like once, once you know what you're doing, you play freer, you play faster, you play stronger, right? The same thing for offensive lineman. I think these guys are starting to feel more comfortable with what they're doing and where they're going and how that works. Now you're starting to see a little bit more of an explosion, and I think we saw that from Billy today. Yeah. Ashton looked good working up the middle, right tackle, a meal was, was, he was putting his head down a little too much today and, and bending over at the hips as opposed to sinking his, his hips. He actually looked like one of the few guys that looked like he had camp legs today because he didn't want to sink his hips at all. Right. And, and that's the reason I don't worry about that Vince is because that's normally something that a meal does well is sink his hips and drive through contact. Sure. He was the one guy that looked like he was maybe dragging a little bit today, but you know, just, you want to see more of, you know, he, you don't want to put your head down. You want to go face to face as an offensive lineman. He was putting his head down a little bit, bending over at the, the waist instead of sinking, you know, sinking his hips, right. And that's not normally what a meal does. So he's the one guy that if I said had noticeable sort of mid camp, you know, camp legs, it would be a meal. Yeah. That's fair. And I, and it doesn't overly surprise me because he was probably amped up going into camp because he's got a position battle. You know what I mean? And so he's, he's going extra to start, you know, and I don't mean extra in a bad way. I just mean, you know, putting out that energy and doing all so it doesn't overly surprise me. But, you know, it's something to pay attention to right for the next time that we get some, some eyes on practice. I want to respond to something real quick that somebody asks in the, in the chat kind of a follow up to, to what I'm talking about, say, now, what do you mean use your hands violently? Oh, okay. Fair question. Yeah. So there's really kind of two ways and different offensive line coaches will teach things different ways. And I'm just a believer in one way. This is one of those few times where I actually think there is a right and wrong way to do things unless you are a pin and pull team. And that's my concern is Joe Rudolph's always been a pin and pull team. Pin and pull lineman tend to just kind of get a body on a body. It's not as much about movement where zone teams need to be more about getting movement. And essentially it's like, if I, if I were to come off to you and I hit you and then I just kind of place my hands where they need to place my hands, I fit them on you. What I believe in and what I think is, is how it should be is when I bring my hands, I'm bringing them with force because I'm trying to get you, I'm trying to rock you back. I'm trying to win that leverage battle, get my hands on you, but not just get my hands on you, but get my hands on you force, right? And that's kind of how you win that when you just place your hands on a guy, you're not, your entire ability to win and move is completely now on your lower body. And yes, your lower body is the driver of that, of course, but I think the best way to do it is to come off and just kind of get that violence into the end of that guy's chest and bring your hands like with some explosiveness and some punch. You're not like, cause then you get out of control and that's how you end up a good ED lineman is going to be like, you're going down and I'm going to the court, you know, the ball carry and I'm about to get me a, you know, do my sack dance here real quick. So that's what I mean. It's just bringing, I think a better way of doing it that would make sense is like bringing it with, you know, just using some punch, using some force with it. I always talked about it being violent. That's just the word that I use. Maybe that's, that's not as helpful of a word, but it's just being strong using them as a weapon, you know, just really being forceful with your hands and trying to use your upper and lower body to move people now. It's not like, boom out here. It's all here because you're still going to be in tight quarters. So it's like right here. It's like if you're a boxer, right? You've got, you know, there's the jab and then the long stuff, but then there's the stuff where we're in tight quarters and I got to bring my, you know, my stuff here. It's more like that. It's more like fighting when we're kind of in quarters or where, you know, if you're an MMA guy, you know, they get kind of, you know, body on a body, you still got to use your hands with some force, right? You've got to move people and that's what, that's what we need to see more from. I feel is one of the biggest concerns I have about how Joe Rudolph teaches O-line is just not enough of that emphasis on just really using your hands to be for, for power. He's big on placement, getting your hands inside for placement, but not as much from what I want to see on just the, the, the violence that I want to see, the force I want to see from your hands. So that's a very good question because if I'm saying something that you don't quite know what I mean. I appreciate you asking that question because I don't think Josh, you might not have, but you're probably not the only person who had that question. So I appreciate you asking that and I hope that explanation makes sense for you guys. Anything else you want to mention from the O-line and he, Oh, uh, Gurbia Lambert. We're going to talk about Gurbia a little bit. Super raw, but he is different. Yes. Like, especially now that Jagger's all is not there. You're like, that guy looks and moves different from everybody else, right? He just in his stance even, he's so long that he's able to kind of have his, his, his, he doesn't have to sink as butt as much as maybe some other guys or even sink his shoulders. Like he's got that real perfect stance because of how long his arms are. Yeah. You mentioned Vince that there was a lot of coaching him up on, you know, proper alignment, right? Right. Because they were, they were working goal line today. And so the, the, like the splits and, you know, they want to, you know, just, they were they wanted guys lining up and some things like that. And so they had to remind him a couple of different time, Hey, you know, widen out here, take a step back, you know, whatever the case may be. I mean, it's rookie stuff like that. And that's a hundred percent to be expected on day 11 or practice 10 or wherever they're at on this thing. It's totally expected. But once the drill would start and he would have contact, then it's like, okay, this kid is different. Yes. And foot quickness, explosiveness, lateral, I mean, just he moves at a different speed than anybody else. Correct. Like Strauss, the only one that, that, that looks like him movement, like just athletically. Right. Now even Ashton is not quite as just, ooh, you know, athletically, ooh, that, that looks good as what you're Kirby did, but you can also see he's really raw because there's some synopsis like he doesn't look like he knows what he's doing. Exactly. He's doing, you're like, that's going to be the dude. And that's why people are excited about him, obviously, right? And that's why we talked about me might have to speed up the process. Yes. And that might not, you, not might have the speed of the process like you need to speed up the process. Yeah. You know what I mean? Because he's got to learn all that other stuff. Like the mental stuff, he's got to get down. And so you work that out, you get him with the grad assistant, you know, watching film, you know, doing all of these different things like that's what needs to happen with him. And you've got to put it into overdrive because if you can find a way for him to help this football team, that's where you want to be. And I'm not promoting that, you know, he pushes somebody out of the starting lineup. I just saying him individually, if you can put him on a fast track, that's only going to help your football team. That's what I mean by that, you know, it's a no brainer. Get that kid ready to go. It's like I said, man, it's like, it's funny my, uh, some people to ask him the chat. And I've actually, I actually want to get some people's opinions on this in the chat, but then also on the message board, especially, but people talked about like, should we come up with an IB shirt every year, you know, like, like, like, okay, you got the IB logo, but then some slogan that represents the, the season, right? And get like 2024 on it. And I joked to my wife. I said, you know, I said the thing for this year, the thing I've probably said more than any other thing and shows recently is figure it out, you know, I mean, like figure it out. You know, it's like I was talking with somebody today at the practice and it was just like, I don't think fans understand how deep this team is compared to past teams. I mean, like, you know, it's talking like you remember 2019 when like, you know, Tony Jones is like the only moderately healthy running back for the Georgia game. And it's now it's like you could be down to your four string running back and still be okay. And it's a Nius Williams. And I'll tell you a little, we're going to talk about a Nius in a little bit. Maybe it's Kydron Young, you know what I mean? And the backup would be Devin Ford is a former top hunter recruiter played at Penn State. You know what I mean? Right. It's his team is so deep. And it's it's it's just such an interesting group, but you see even see that in the offensive line today, Vince, where, you know, there's some guys there that they're just not ready yet. But man, you got to figure it out. And Gerby Lambert's one of those guys when the guy looks like he looks athletically and size wise, dude, figure it out, get him ready. That's what you get paid money for. And if you can't get a kid like that ready for something, maybe you're not the guy. And I'm saying, like, that's true for any coach, like if you can't figure out a way to get that guy going, like before I wouldn't have cared, because you had Jagasau, you had Emil, you had Tosh, but now with Jagasau out, like, okay, you don't have that elite six, seven, three, 20 plus guy now that is athletic and powerful and has the five star upside. Like Charles does, he's gone. You got to figure out how to get this kid ready to go some way somehow. So it's like, dude, it's figured out. You know what I mean? You know, your job is to take a, put a little extra attention in him. Like we thought that, that Joe Rudolph was really hard on Rocco Spindler. He's always hard on Rocco Spindler. Well, why? Well, there's two reasons to be really hard on a guy. Number one is you just don't like a guy. And so he's your whipping boy or hey, I think that guy can be really good. He's not giving me the thing. And so I got to really make sure I'm pushing him to make sure I get the most out of him so I can get that guy ready because I need to figure out we got to get this guy going. And so you ask yourself, well, which one is it with him and Rocco? Well, my hope is as much as we've seen Rocco at the first team that it's that. It's, dude, this, I need you to be the guy, but I need you to give me a reason to be the guy and I'm going to be on you until you give me that reason. Right. And, you know, that's the thing is like you got multiple offensive line coaches now working with them. You know, you got some analyst or GA, whoever that other guy is working, I don't know who that is. I'm like, look, dude, you have your number one priority. Your number one job is getting 76 ready to go. That's your job. Completely agree. And he, he fits the bill, man. He fits the part. He checks all the boxes as they say. And so I'm excited to see what they end up doing. Well, I'm not going to see it because we're not going to be a practice, you know, during the season, but you know, his maturation process from a mental standpoint is the biggest hurdle right now. But Charles Jagnesau wasn't ready to play this time of year ago either. So my comments are not, I can't believe Joe Rudolph doesn't have Gerby Lambert ready to go by practice 11. That's not what I'm saying at all. It's just you need to be in that mode of we're going to spend some little, little extra tension, a little extra coaching on this guy because we got to get him ready where maybe we didn't have to speed that process up as much prior to Charles Jagnesau going down in injury. Well, and just to play devil's advocate, Brian, he, you know, the last time we were at practice, he was with the third team. Now he's with the second team. So I mean, it does appear and he was also with the second team when they were doing, uh, when they were doing a stadium yesterday. Yeah. The thing that the video clips that they put out yesterday, I don't know when it was, but like whatever the video that they put out, they put it out, I think they put it out yesterday. They did. It was probably from the day before because it looked like a night practice. So it's probably from Thursday, like you mentioned. Yeah. But you know, look, he was with the second team. So he's, he's moving in the right direction, because they got the former number two right tackle now playing over the left side and they've got Ty Chan playing over there too. So I mean, part of its process elimination, but it is giving him more reps, right? And it's going to get him more opportunities. Exactly. So he figured out, man, right, you know, figure it out. And that's the thing with this old line is I'm concerned about the old line because it's young. And I've said millions of, I don't want to be young and this offensive line is not going to be as good as it could have been without Charles Jagnesau, just not. He was your most physically gifted player. He was standing out there. Not being, I know he's so huge, but not being as good as you would have been doesn't mean you still can't be good because when you've got a Billy Schrauth and you've got an Ashton Craig and you've got a Neil Wagner and you've got Rocco Spindler and you've got a Tosh Baker and you've got a Gerby Lambert and you've got a Sam Pendleton and you've got a Sullivan Absure. Christopher Tarrick is, is, impresses me with his power and you know, he moves well for his size. Joe Otting is a really talented athletic player. If there's a lot of talent there, Vince, it's like, but it's against. I was Prescott, Peter Jones, Anthony Knapp, who's, I still, my big concern with him is the same thing. Is he going to fill out enough to play on another name, but athletically in the pop in his hands, like those things all pop, they all stand out to me. There's too much talent for this not to be at least a good offensive line, right? And that's the thing is, is how good that's more of the question. If they're not at least good, then that's a problem. Right. There's enough talent there for this to be a good offensive line. Is it championship caliber? That's the question. And that's a, that's what, right. But this isn't going to be 2021 offensive line in my, I'll be shocked if that's the case. And that'll make me seriously question the person in charge of it. But I just, even with what we see in practice, I don't see anything that makes me think it's going to be that. And, you know, for the people worried about guys, we did see him starting a game recently, a bowl game recently and he was fine, you know, so we'll see. 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With expert guidance and a wide assortment of jewelry of the highest quality at the best price, go to and experience the convenience of shopping blue Nile, the original online jeweler since 1999. It's to find the perfect jewelry gift for any occasion You had a chance to you were going to head over to the defense and kind of keep an eye on what was going on over there and you were able to watch a drill between linebackers and running back. So why don't you take us through that drill and kind of what you were able to glean from some of those one-on-ones and what they were up to over there. There wasn't, it's typical of what we've seen Vince. There wasn't a lot there. They did this period to the beginning where they were kind of like working on like tackling with tight ends and line-backers and D-line, but I couldn't really see who was what because they kind of had the players around it, but that it was a lot of read and react stuff, which is normally what they do an individual, you know, working on different things. We saw a lot of a Don Shuler today working with the first team in those drills today coming downhill and doing a lot of different things. So that was good to see. And then the more exciting part that I saw today from really the most exciting two things I saw from that group is we'll talk about the line-backer running back one-on-ones for a second, but I was very impressed with what I saw without washing today. They were doing a drill and they go like four guys at a time, four or five guys at a time, and then there's also a guy on the opposite side working against him. But they were working today on the exact, like what I dislike about the O-line is something exactly I like about what they're doing on the D-line. And it's partly why the offensive line has to be that way, but he was really working on being powerful with your hands when taking on blocks, locking guys out and then being really aggressive with their block destruction and immediately getting off to the ball and making a tackle. It wasn't on a defender, it was like on a bag, and so I like seeing that where he's a guy that you say, "Hey, look, it's not just block destruction and go. That's what a lot of D-line coaches will do. It's block destruction and go make a tackle. Get off the ball. Go make a tackle on the bag." And so just hearing the coaching points, there's a lot of talk. He doesn't use the word violence like I do, but there's a lot of talk about being strong with your hands. Lock them guys out. Keep them off your body. Get them off your body. Why you can't just place as an offensive lineman, in my opinion. And so when I look at it and say, "Hey, listen, here's kind of where you need to be. Here's what you need to do. Here's how I need to do your hands." That was good to see. And they did a lot of that. And then working on tackling. I've never seen a D-line work as much on tackling in a practice as I saw today from this D-line and drills, which is good to see, because what's our one big knock on the D-line? I'm making plays in the backfield. It's a ball. Yeah. And finishing plays in the backfield, right? Right. That's exactly about that. Exactly. Exactly. So that's kind of where I'm at Vince with that. I enjoyed watching that, just kind of listening to him talk. He talks a lot in practice, just constant instruction. Like even before they go to the next drill, he'll stand there and go over exactly once on the next drill. And then they hustle over the next drill and they're rocking and rolling. So I did like to see that. I was happy to see that from the D-line today, but that's really all we could see from that. The only real competition Vince was the linebacker running back one-on-one in pass, bro. That was fun to watch. Yeah. I can imagine that it was. And I know that you saw some good things, both from the offense and from the defense. And you made an exclamation to me when we were driving home, you're like, "Yeah, I don't know if we're going to be seeing so-and-so in this particular scenario or that kind of a thing." But a lot of good competition happening during this drill, which is awesome. Yeah. Well, the one thing is, is they didn't just line the linebackers up and say, "Go!" Right. They have them working through a smaller area. So that way, because sometimes you'll see RB, LB one-on-ones and it's just kind of like they just roam, kind of like at camps and it's like, "Yeah, but it's not going to be like that in the game because you're not going to have this eight-foot gap to work through because you've got linemen in there. You've got a smaller gap. You've got to work through as a line back." And so they had a very small gap. You had to work through it and then they had to win. So you're hearing Max Bullah and Dila McCullough both just nonstop coaching, which, you know, from events, that was good to see, and both super encouraging, but super like, "Hey, do this. Do that. I need to see this. I need to see that." And there wasn't a lot of trash talking back and forth. It was as soon as they were done, they were getting instruction from their position coach. Now you see guys kind of getting frustrated themselves, but it was a very fierce competition, but it wasn't like when the rep was going on, there was like some serious pad pop in a day, man. Like they were getting after it. But it wasn't like shoving each other afterwards. It was disciplined. You know what I mean? It was like, "Okay, I didn't win my rep. Why?" And then Max Bullah is on him or Coach McCullough is on him. I actually kind of like that because, you know, I don't get into that. I got my butt kick, so I'm not going to get pissed off and shove a guy and I can't stand. I just think that's just, that's weak sauce right there, but yeah. Very competitive period. The two most impressive running backs today were Nias Williams and Jadarion Price. And there's, for different reasons, they're probably the two strongest guys right now. I would say maybe weight room wise, but they're also the two shortest and they use that to their advantage. They're both very good about getting under the pads of the guy they're going against. You know, Nias is 5, 9, 5, 10, Jadarion's 5, 10, 5, 11, like neither of them are real tall guys. They do a good job getting low and then driving through and they both have very strong lower bodies. It's a couple of times, so like the deep linebackers are working on different types of moves. There's just power, just hit a guy and drive him into the quarterback, going around the guy with power and then just using speed to get around the guy. Jalen Sneed hit this really good spin move today. And I'm like, oh, that was money, but I think with Jadarion just went right with him. No, it's actually that rep was Jeremiah Love just went right with him and blocked him. Jadarion did a great job taking on power and stoning it. The Nias did a really good job of taking power and stoning it, although he would kind of get pushed a little bit more, but he, he, they both did a really good job of holding their own. I had to Nias down as winning all every single rep that he had. I mean, just getting the winning, meaning he got the job done, whether you're not getting into the quarterback, there was one time a guy tried to go really wide on him and he hit the guy with some force and just kind of drove him around. And coach McCall is like, that's exactly, if he's going to go there, then you take him out of there and we're going to step up in the pocket and have some money. Like that, that's what I always taught when I was coaching wide receivers because you're, you know, you're blocking in space, which is not an easy thing to do. And I would always tell them, use their momentum against them. If they want to go inside super hard, take them, you know, go with them, but take them there. If he wants to go outside, take them outside, use, use their momentum again, especially on an inside blitz, because if you go run past the quarterback, there's a lane that just opened up to the quarterback and step into 100%. And so today to answer a question in the chat today, and Nias Williams and Jadarion Price were easily the two most impressive running facts. Now Jeremiah's problem is Jeremiah is still not as big or strong as the other backs yet. It's definitely stronger, but he's just longer. He's a little bit more like of a high hip, high cut kind of guy just got a lot longer legs than those other guys. And that can be a challenge for a longer back to kind of, especially when your linebackers are kind of your height, close to your height, you're kind of coming in and winning. It was just a little harder for him to win the leverage battle and he just doesn't have as much behind as the other running backs, but he battled Vince and he was also going against Jaylen Snead. So he's going against the twitchiest guy that they had, but I thought he handled himself very well. And Nias also, or Jadarion too, also by the way, had some really impressive wins against Jack Kaiser. And Jack Kaiser's always been a pretty good blitzer, so that was very good to see. But Jeremiah lost the couple, won a couple, but it's just about the pad levels just got to improve a little bit. And he would just kind of narrow his base a little bit and then if they'd get around him, he'd kind of cross. So it's just some technical stuff. Jeremiah's kind of proven, but the compete level was there and that's an important thing. And then a guy that, Keeger and Young had an interesting period because he was really good early on in each rep and he would hit a guy and stone him. And he'd stop his feet and then they'd eventually kind of win around him. There's a couple times, I'm like, ooh, nice rep by it. Nope, it's gone. You know? And that's a rookie thing though, right? Exactly. Because in high school, you can get away with that. Because when he was in high school, he's not going to the crown. Exactly. That's kind of what it came to. But he'll bounce off, you know, that kind of a thing and it won't matter, right? In college, that's not going to happen. So he's going to have to learn to use to eat. But that initial power, that initial pop was good. He was deaf. He'd taken them on. But that's what Coach McCullough kept getting them on, is like, you got to keep working your feet. You got to keep working your feet. Because when he would lose, he would lose guys late and he would get mad at himself because initially like, I got this, I got, oh, no, I don't got this, you know? And that's something he's going to have to work on in my opinion. But he's got the body for it. He just has to keep moving his feet. And that's something that Aeneas did a really good job is he would hit a guy hard and have that good base. But as soon as that guy tried to work around him, he was moving his feet, you know? So, and it can be tough because you got to anchor, right? But you can't be so heavy footed in your anchor that that guy just kind of then sheds you and goes or makes him move around you and then you just lose him, right? So that's something that I like to see as well. I thought technically this was a good period for the running backs. I thought the running backs did pretty well today. I thought Drake Bowen had a couple good wins. He just likes to use his power and then kind of just hit a guy and then kind of get up underneath him. Sometimes it worked. Sometimes it didn't. The guy that had the most impressive rushes to meet today, Vince, was press and center. Now, Keidron Young and Devin Ford both had some issues with press and center today. And he beat Jake Tefelsky on a play as well. He's got a really nice ability to bend around those running backs to the point where I said in my practice report, like, it's almost a disservice to still have him a linebacker right now. Because that guy's got some edge rushing ability and he's bigger than the other running backs too. Like, I would seriously consider moving press and center to Viper or at least have him focus on some of that pass rushing responsibility more because he's got a he's got a knack from what I saw today and a bit of a knack for rushing a quarterback. Now, again, he didn't go against during price. I don't know. I didn't see him against Aneas. Okay. Fair. But when he did win, I mean, he was impressive. He was really impressive. So I liked what I saw from from press and center today. Kingston had a rough like Kingston had a he went against Aneas most of the time. And it's like, Aneas got him. He got him on that. And what I was surprised by there was one time where it looked like Kingston was a little piss that he got beat the previous reps. He just tried to run through Aneas and work. That's a strong young man right there number 20 because Kingston is a monster. Like, I mean, we've seen Kingston not lineman back, but Aneas was, but why? Why didn't he do that? Because he would get up underneath. And then the one time Kingston tried to go low on him, but Aneas is so low that it's like he's already down there. You try to go around underneath them. He just put you on the ground. So I was really impressed with what I saw from Aneas Williams today at pass, bro, really because we know he can catch the ball, right? And so this is a this is a young man. It's like, hey, I'm who made who the third down back might be after today. I'm not sleeping on Aneas Williams because like we get has over 2000 career receiving yards, Vince. Right. I mean, we know he can catch the football, right? Can he hold up as a pass blocker based on what I saw today? Yep. That job might be up for grabs and I like to, you know, in pass pro from a pass pro standpoint, you know, you're going to see Jeremiah in their times because he can pass pro well enough based on what we saw today to still be a weapon because you're going to want to throw the ball to him at times as well. And Jadarion definitely can do that role, but Aneas Williams might have a shot to get up in that thing too, Vince, based on what I saw because his compete level was there. But the thing to surprise me, Vince, was the power that he played with. Like Aneas has listed like 200 pounds. Kingston's listed at 240 and Kingston tried to run through them. And it didn't work. And I was like, okay, that's something because then because Kingston runs through lineman. You know what I'm saying? That was impressive to see, really impressive to see. So there were, you know, again, we had five periods. So there's only so much that we can really see, but there were some other guys that were working in some other positions and you were able to get your eyes on, you know, a little bit. There was some punt return action going on. There was a little bit of wide receiver action going on. You know who doesn't have a camp arm right now is Tyler Buckner. He was zinging him in there to the wide receivers. Yeah. Yeah. He was. It's funny because Sean and I were Sean Steyer's and I were joking around because we were kind of watching that as well for a minute. And you know, and he was doing a good job of throwing. I have seen him throw more balls at practice than I've seen him catch balls. I haven't seen him catch a ball yet. He's just been in there just zinging the ball over wide receiver drills. But anyway, I digress you were able to see who was doing some punt returns. They had the Jugs machine out and they were shooting balls at the punt returners. And then you've got a couple of notes on some wide receivers. The Jugs machine throws one kicks wonderful spirals. Yes, it does. Like holy moly, like beautiful spiral. I've never seen a more technologically advanced Jugs machine. It's got like a laptop on it. I mean, what is there like analog anyway, I know, right? Yeah. Like, because it used to mean you had to turn it and get the thing right. Right. Now it's just like, no, we want 45 and it's like, oh my God, what abs right? But this is the first time that I can remember ever seeing only offensive players. We're turning punts. Okay. In the past, I feel like we've always had at least one defensive guy back there, right? Yep. In the last couple of years, it was Jayden Mickey, but today it was all offensive guys. So they were working on on fielding punts and then pun blocking punts. Okay. And so they were working on different things about getting off, you know, the edge and blocking punts and stuff like that. So the punt returners were Jayden Greathouse, Jordan Faison, KK Smith, Jadarian Price and Logan Saldate were the five kids back there, return of punts. So it was all receivers with the exception of Jadarian Price. So it's going to be interesting to see how that battle goes and see who kind of wins that battle right now. Jayden Greathouse was the first guy out there for all the drills, Jordan Faison, I believe was the next guy, then Jadarian, then KK, then Logan Saldate. I believe it's the order that it's all that doesn't mean that's the order that they're, you know, first, second, third, four, just saying the order of when they took the reps. So, but, you know, Jay, they, they feel the ball well, but it was, it was a little easier to field it today. You should have fielded it well because you're, you're, they were in a tight zone. There wasn't a lot of room to work with. They were like kind of off towards the sideline. Yeah. And they were just working on catching it wasn't, you know, you know, a couple of them are short and they'd have to run up, well, Peter, Peter, Peter, they'd still field it, which they're supposed to. Right. Exactly. Yeah. Football, Brian, I, I got to tell you, one of my biggest pet peeves on game day was letting a punt hit the ground and roll. I just catch a dang ball. Just catch a dang ball, man. Just catch the dang ball. I, I have lost my mind in games watching a ball hit the ground and then roll another 10 or 20 yards. You know what I mean? It's like, you understand how hard it is for us to get those 10 or 20 yards, like just catch the ball, help us out. But anyway, you're absolutely right. Even those short balls, you've got to run up and you've got to catch and you've got to secure the catch and just get the ball to your offense that a lot of times that's the goal these days in punt returning. Just get the ball to the offense. Yeah. Right. I want somebody back there that's dynamic and can make some, you know, things happen, but more often than not, it's secure the ball, get it to the office. Unless he's Ricky Waters, rocketist male or right, right, Devin Hester, I'll sacrifice a little bit of playmaking for a guy that catches the ball every time because you had that one you returned for 20 yards, oh, electric, but then the next two you let roll and you lose 20 yards. Exactly. You know, it's just, you know, it'd be nice that both, but the thing is you look at those guys. Those are, those are good athletes. I mean, those are guys that are make you make play kind of guys. I mean, we thought KK was a potentially good punt returner coming out of high school. You know, he was the guy that could, could definitely do damage as a punt return in high school. I think Jaden Greathouse had something like four punt returns for touchdowns as a senior in high school. That guy plays in big time Texas football. He's not playing a bunch against a bunch of stiffs. You know, obviously, Jadari is a guy that was a good punt returner in high school and, you know, so in Jordan Faison's a guy that we saw at last year, no name return punt. So you look at events that there's a hat, there's talent back there, man. And then Logan Saldate was a good prior return in high school as well. So all these kids were really good high school punt returners and this is something we talked about. You know, Ryan and I would talk about when we were doing recruiting shows and talking about the last couple of classes, it looked like they're, they're, they're not just landing towns and players, but they're also bringing in guys that are going to add value as return men coming out of high school as well. And that's an important piece of this thing as well. I was a little surprised. We haven't seen Jeremiah love back their returner punts, but they, they liked the group they got. I mean, I love that he was even be the best guy for it. I just, you know, get him back there and feel the punts, but yeah, it was, it was a sight to see, man, because there's some, some athletic kids there, but we didn't, they weren't doing anything schematically, we wouldn't tell you if they, you'll be able to tell you if they were, but they were just working on a technique for field, you know, for, for, for receiving punts and then just the technique on blocking punts, which was good to see. So Marty Biaja gets really intense during those periods, man, like, and I don't mean that in a negative insulting. I mean, I know you know, really intense there in those periods and because you see him all the other times, he's kind of like this, like, like happy, go lucky, smile in all the time guy, and then they get the little spusting fears and it's like, okay, you know, it's like, you know, it's like he hawks out real quick and you know what I mean, like, and he gets after it. But I mean, it's, it's coaching. It's all coaching and instruction, but it's just like this, it's like, this is my time to shine, baby. You know what I mean? Like this is my time to shine, you know, like, and he gets after a man, which is good to see. And they do a lot of different things at once. Like, they haven't done a whole lot of as a unit together doing things. They really compartmentalize and work on instruction on a very small level, right? Where you're taking these two kids and they're working with a coach on this and these two kids are working with a coach on that. And I kind of like that. I'm curious to see how it plays out during the season as opposed to just lining up there and just doing a bunch of punts. You know, it's like each group is working on something different with a coach who's instructing something different. And I'm very curious to see if that translates to more effective and impactful special teams this season. Because we saw that the one year under Brian Mason, they didn't do, if I remember correctly, we didn't see them do a lot of just always just in full punt team. Right. It was always like working on little different aspects of it. Yep. I'm very curious to see if this results in the special teams being more impactful this season than it was a year ago. And that's all the special teams, I mean, they, again, it was punt returns on a Jug's machine. And that's all the special teams that we were able to see today. And it was going on simultaneously to all the position drills that were going on, which by the way, Brian is a new thing. Like that's not normally how they do things. It's either they're doing offense and defense or the entire team is doing special teams. You know what I mean? And so that was actually a different way to go about practice that I haven't seen in a long time where they were there like, Hey, you know, these guys aren't really doing anything per se. Let's get them on the Jug's machine and have them catch punts like that. That was a different. That was a different way of doing that. So that was actually kind of cool. You said you had a couple of notes on some wide receivers. Yeah, I just, they were working on some of their more downfield routes and different techniques today. Jayden Thomas, just real quick, he probably looks as his body has changed a little bit as the fall. It's funny that you said that. It's not a stick. You know, like a look and the result is he's a little bit more. I mean, he's never going to be like a burner and I don't know that I think he looks faster than he has in the past. I think he's sick speed. That's a change, but he looks cleaner getting an out of breaks. He just looks quicker. Yes. And you know, with a little bit less weight, like he probably looks about two 15 to 18. He had the whole Jersey kind of tucked up today and his torso just looks more cut. You know how when you're in really good shape and you kind of got that V that that, yeah, he's got more of that V. Yeah. You have that V before, it's more of an H. Yes, he just, he looked like a thick 220 plus receiver. Yes. He and he just a little bit more fluid. Yeah. It's funny that you mentioned that he caught a pass in the corner of the end zone right where we were standing, watching offensive line, he almost ran into me and Sean and I had. But you were athlete. You got out of the way. 100%. Or did Jayden get out of the way, no, it was me, but no, I mean, and he came pretty close to us and I happened to look and I was like, at first I saw his like the Hish body shape. And I was like, Oh, I wonder who that is. And then I saw his number. I was like, Oh, okay, that's Jayden Thomas. He looks a little bit different now. So it's funny that you bring that up because I had noticed the exact same thing when he came over kind of close to us after catching a touchdown in the corner of the end zone. Yeah. I mean, he doesn't look like, Oh my God, I don't recognize him anymore. But it's, it's, he's noticeably, yeah, strength thinner and get down a little bit, you know, and I wonder if that's something that they decided to do more so to help keep him healthy. You know, just get some of that weight down because he's had a lot of hamstring and knees and like all his stuff, he deals with all the time. It's all lower body stuff. Yeah. You know, maybe thin them out a little bit and take a little bit of weight off of them and see if that helps keep them clean, you know, health wise. But he looked good. Uh, it was, he was just a little sharper getting in that of his cuts. You're like, it was a, it won't describe it was a move where it was like, you're making three different cuts and he just was real sharp and clean. Some of the guys were like real rigid, like I'll just use this as an example. This isn't what they were running today, but there's something called a burst corner. It's when you run a corner out from the outside vents. It's the one where you kind of go up, in, up, out. And the best guys added kind of, or they're like kind of smoothing and boom. And other guys are like rigid, boot, boot and it's like the rigid one comes at times when you're attacking a flat defender that you want to freeze. But other guys, when they, when I'm talking about when you're doing it, and it's just like, and Jade today was really clean on, on, on going into different types of routes. Again, they weren't running the burst corner today. I'm using that as an example, but it's a, it's one where there's multiple cuts because you're attacking leverage and you're, you're trying to influence, because sometimes if you're an outside receiver, hey, the route I'm running, I'm actually trying to influence the safety. I got to work in and then get vertical and it was stuff like, kind of stuff like that. So I thought he looked good, both columns looked really good today. Chris Mitchell has got to be more consistent catching the ball. I have noticed that in practices. I just, I don't know if it's a, because I've never seen him have drop issues in games, but he just does a little inconsistent catching the ball in practice is, is something I noticed. I think Logan Saldate is still learning how to run route, you know, routes, he's a little bit rigid, but when he's just kind of relaxed and just goes and plays, he's actually a pretty, he's a pretty quick, twitchy kid and you know, you knew he was an athlete coming in, but you just kind of like to see it in person, you know, just make sure that it definitely pops in person. But that's something that I, that I saw today that I was impressed by as well was just watching Logan. He's got really nice feet. Really nice feet. Gilbert's a lot, he has definitely gotten more explosive since the spring, okay? Like just coming out of breaks, right? And I don't know that I'm not saying he's necessarily more athletic or more explosive athletically, but I think that comfort level on how to get into and out of, he plays with a lot of confidence and it was, you know, he's an impressive looking kid. So that's, that's kind of really it for me today. We saw, I didn't watch a ton of the quarterbacks, you know, watching them throw deep balls. It wasn't great, you know, today they were working on some deep stuff and, and, and there were some, you know, guys, just the timing was slightly off either from the receivers of the quarterbacks. I could, it was on the other side of the field. So I couldn't see like what numbers they were, but a couple of them balls hit the ground that I would, that, that shouldn't hit the ground. A couple of times it looked like the receivers were at fault, a couple of times quarterbacks just missed, but I didn't see enough of it to really have a strong opinion on that, on that period. Vince. Yeah. And you had mentioned earlier on in case people weren't here at the beginning of the practice report that, you know, you're, you're at day 10 or 11 camp arm is, is a thing. You're throwing a ton of balls during camp and, and this is about the time where you start to get a little bit of fatigue in the arm. So that's not overly surprising. I mean, even in the five periods that we watch quarterbacks are chucking the ball around. I mean, there, there's a lot of throws on all five of the guy of the quarterbacks arms. I mean, they're all throwing the same amount of balls and, you know, I could see that being a real thing here and it's going to continue for the next few days until they start to back off once they get into A&M prep. So, you know, can't, there's a reason there's a term called camp arm, right? And, and we, you, and every team goes through that. You just get. Absolutely. And that's part of getting in game shape is having the pads on and you're doing, you know, and that's, that's why joke. I always joke every year about, you know, like you're going to go through emotional phases of, of your team through camp. Yes, you are. It's the first day we're going to beat everyone because we look them like a million bucks. There's the mill of camp. Holy crap. We might not win a game this year and then there's okay. This is who we really are. That's the reality. We're close at the end of camp. Yeah. Yeah. It is funny because you know it's common as a coach, but you're still like, Oh my God, we might not beat anybody after the practice we had today. You know what I mean? It's just like, we, we can't throw, but the good news is we also can't catch. But at least we can can't block anybody. It's so funny. The good news is though that they can't tackle either. Right. Right. It's just like, we suck and every team goes through that in the middle of fall camp. Dude, it's, it's because you're, you're emotion, you're tired as a coach. Yes. Right. Like your players are in that middle camp heavy legs just, you know, and then you power through it. That's part of getting your body and your mind in the right place. But it's for coaches too, man, because you, you do have that right in the middle camp where you're like, we're pretty terrible, you know, we got to figure this out. I was talking to a few of the, uh, the high school coaches and they're, they're a week in, right? And they only had two weeks of camp and they're, they're a week in. They had their inner squad scrimmage last night and I was like, Hey, you know, how'd the film look? You know, he's like, he looks, he looks to be dead in the eyes. He's like, we suck. Like we're, we're going to be terrible. I'm like, all right, man, relax. And, and you know, it's the whole thing. It's exactly what you said and it doesn't matter what level you're on when you're right smack dab in the middle of camp and that's where they are. It's like, yeah, this is not good. When we got a lot of work to do and I'm like, yep, that sounds normal. So I got a good chuckle out of that this morning after Notre Dame practice. I went over there. So, uh, that was, that was really funny, but Hey, we got Notre Dame has a few more practices before they get into A&M prep. Go ahead, Brian. We did have a super chat. Oh, okay. But I wanted to get to before we do our, our, uh, wrapping things up here. Andy Milton fan. Thank you so much for the super chat. I really appreciate you, my man, it says, uh, who do you suspect is the number two left tackle now? That's kind of a loaded question, Brian, because it's who's the number two left tackle on the depth chart. And if something happens to the left tackle, who would actually play? I don't know if those are the same answer. Maybe they are, but yeah, yeah, I don't know that I know the answer to that right now. Vince, because if we're talking about who is it, um, right now in, in drills, it's, it's Anthony Knapp right now is, is who we've kind of see be that guy. Would he be the next guy in? Would they put Ty Chan in? We've seen Ty Chan get some snaps there, but, you know, is Anthony Knapp in position where he can hold up at the point of attack well enough there? I mean, athletically, Anthony Knapp is, is, I mean, he's, he's good. That was, he's picking things up. And that was never the question, you know, but, and also, so I mean, right now, I think the answer is Anthony Knapp because that's where he is. He's working with the number twos at left tackle. I don't know that. I don't know. And I'm not saying it, he could very well be that if something happens to us Baker, they're going to put Anthony Knapp in there. That could be. I'm similar thing. I don't know if that's what they would do right now because like right now, if, if Ashton Craig went down, would they just immediately put Sam Pendleton or Joe Auding in the game? Or would they put, you know, a Coogan in there? If, if Billy Shrouthe goes down, are they going to put Christopher Tarrick or stuff an Apsner in the game or would they put the loser of the Pat Coogan Rocco Spindler battle over there? I, I, right. That's what I'm saying. I, I don't know the answer to that. But right now the guy working with the number two left tackles is Anthony Knapp. And that's been true. That was true when Charles Jaggersoll was still healthy. Right. Yep. Oh, and that's why I said it the way I did because it, it does exactly. But when Jaggersoll went down, it wasn't Anthony Knapp that they slid into the number one. That's, that's the question. Exactly. Perfect points. Perfect point. That is going to do it for our practice report. And I believe this is like practice 10 or 11, something along those lines. And so our five period look in on practice. And again, it was a shorter practice today. And the reason we know it was a shorter practice is because the time between when we left and then when post practice interview start was much smaller. And so which makes a lot of sense because of where they're at, you know, in their camp progression and all that, it's a weekend and all that fun stuff as well. And so camp continues to roll and they got a good, I would imagine a good week of camp left and then they'll kind of transition to A&M prep and we can talk about that later as to what that means and how that changes the way practice looks and, you know, the, the focus and the show me team and, you know, the show team and all that like things start to get hammered out a little bit more and of course that's when we are not allowed more to watch practice. I did want to say one thing about Chris Mitchell. Last year Chris Mitchell, according to Pro Football Focus, only had three drops. Okay. And he only had three drops a year before that and he didn't have any drops the two years before that. Three drops is pretty normal. And his, his drop rate on targets, he was targeted a hundred times only at three drops. So like, it's just, to me, it's like, it's not something I'm concerned about. Yes, he's had drops in practice more than he should, but that's not something I see on film. And I've said this before. I've had receivers. It's probably the best receiver I ever had ever coached. Can they Michael Warfield at Duquesne was a very mediocre practice player. Yeah. Just because physically he was very tightly wound athletic, like body wise, so it was harder for him to get loose in practice when he didn't have the adrenaline that he had for a game. And then also games are usually later in the day than when we had practice. And he just would get more loose, but just, you know, he, he wasn't always the greatest catcher on practice, but you could do a game and there's nobody out playing him for the football. Right. I mean, we, we played against Monmouth for the national title events and they had Miles Austin as their other receiver and Miles Austin was not the best receiver on the field that day. Michael Warfield was, you know what I mean? But some guys are just that way. And Chris Mitchell is a six year senior that has had no drop problems in his career. So I don't want people to get panicked about that. It's just, it just, he dropped, but drops the ball too much from what I see in practice. Right. But it's just not something I'm overly concerned about just because I, as a receivers coach, I've seen that. Right. I've seen guys that just, you know, their concentration is in the same. It's like, dude, I've done this the main time. So I, you know, I should have been more locked and we're young guys like, you know, I gotta do everything right. And you know, so I just wanted to make sure that we clear that up. But before people, people worry too much about me saying that he's had a few, too many drops in fall camp is again, hundred targets last year, three drops. That's pretty good. It's pretty good. Anything else? Oh man. That's it. Okay. That's it. So that's going to do it for this practice report for, for today. Hey, make sure you hit the like button, the subscribe button, that notification bell share with your family and friends. We will be back on Monday for our normal afternoon show. And then, of course, I have a nation sports talk after that in the meantime, Brian, hope everybody has a wonderful weekend. Enjoy the rest of your Saturday. If you're, if you live anywhere near Notre Dame, it is gorgeous. Oh, yes. Get outside. Enjoy it before the, you know, before they turn the heat up outside again. But right now, man, it feels like almost like a end of September, like early October day. It's beautiful. Get outside. Enjoy yourself. And enjoy your Sunday. And we will talk to you next time on the Irish break down on the S D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)