Mighty Wind TV Podcast (audio)

They Won't Be Able to Resist the Spirit and Wisdom of God In You!

They Won't Be Able to Resist the Spirit and Wisdom of God In You!

Date of service 8/8/24

Broadcast on:
10 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

They Won't Be Able to Resist the Spirit and Wisdom of God In You! Date of service 8/8/24
[MUSIC PLAYING] I know what you go through. You are with him. He is with you, and that changes everything. You've got to look at that fiery furnace, and you've got to speak to it and say, you will not set me ablaze. You will not burn me. I will not be destroyed by this thing. I will be victorious. And I will take those out of the fiery flames with me. I'm pulling them out. I'm not just going to be freed myself. They're coming with me. You don't belong to the world. You don't belong to the devil. You don't belong to your past. You don't belong to any negative mindset. Instead, we remind ourselves of who we are in Christ. We have the wisdom of God and the spirit, the spirit of God. And so therefore, we will not allow those that try to resist us to have their way within us. Jehovah, gyra, the Lord is our provider. Come on, is He not provided everything for you? His word says that He is our provider. So everything that we need, He's already provided. Say, thank you, Lord, for being my provider. All of my needs are already provided for in Christ. Thank you, Father. Let's turn our Bibles to Isaiah, and chapter 43. So Isaiah 43 and verse 1. Here it says, "But thus sayeth the Lord." How about when we read, and it says, "But thus sayeth the Lord," though we actually listen and pay attention and say, wait, the Lord is saying something. Thus sayeth the Lord. God is speaking. Say, God is speaking. God is speaking. He says, He who formed you. We know that's God. God formed you, right? And He's telling us, speaking to us. He says, "Fear not, for I have redeemed you. I have redeemed you. I have called you by your name. You are mine." We're going to stop right there. He says, "Fear not, for I have redeemed you. You have been called by the name of God. He says, "You are mine." He says, "I am taking ownership over you. You are mine. You belong to me. You don't belong to the world. You don't belong to the devil. You don't belong to your past. You don't belong to any negative mindset. You belong to me." Amen. Amen. Amen. And anything that would be contrary to that is a lie. And we don't come in agreement with the liar. Amen. Amen. So this powerful portion of scripture, "Fear not, for I have redeemed you. I have called you by your name." He knows your name. He says, "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you. And when you pass through the rivers, they shall not overflow." So no matter what you're going through, when you pass through the waters, he says in his word, he says, "I will be with you. When you pass through the waters, I'm going to be with you. When you pass through the rivers, they're not going to overflow. You're not going to drown. You're not going to sink. You're not coming under. You may feel like you're under, because you're not coming under." The word doesn't lie, right? God sent forth his word. God sent forth his word. God sent forth Jesus. God sent forth his word, and he walked amongst us. Jesus is his word. God spoke in the beginning, and it was. And what did we just read here? You're not going to fail. You're not going to fall. You're not going to sink. No matter what. You're not going to be swept over. When you pass through the waters, not if. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you, sayeth the Lord. And no matter what you go through, you are with him. He is with you, and that changes everything. Say it's a game changer. Completely. He changes everything, because your confidence and your assurance is not in your ability, but it's in Christ's stability in you. He's the stable one. He is the one that doesn't change. He's the one that doesn't move. He doesn't take a vacation. It doesn't leave you. Amen, right? We walk with the lover of our souls. We walk with him, and he walks with us. So through the rivers, they're not going to overflow you. They will not sweep you over, or they will not sweep over you, either way, however you want to read it. And regardless of which version you're reading, we know that you are the one that will end up on top, not on the bottom. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, but whatever fiery situation is difficult, you will not be burned, nor shall the flames scorch you. The flames will not set you ablaze. You got to look at that fiery furnace, and you've got to speak to it and say, "You will not set me ablaze. You will not burn me. I will not be destroyed by this thing. I will be victorious, and I will take those out of the fiery flames with me. I'm pulling them out. I'm not just going to be freed myself. They're coming with me." In faith, who are you pulling out of the fire? In faith, who are you going to pull out of the fire? Because there are people that need your faith, but then maybe they pulled out. Whoo! Because you're filled with the Holy Ghost. You're filled with the power of the Most High God. Verse 3 says, "For I am the Lord your God." I mean, we could stop it right there. For I am the Lord your God. Exclamation point is what it should have. Here's why, because I am the Lord your God. And if you know who God is and you have a fear of God, a holy, reverential fear of God, then you know when he says, "For I am the Lord your God," that that is all that needs to be said, and your confidence is in Christ alone, the hope of glory. You're filled with this evidence. What I just got done reading to you, you are filled with this evidence, right? Now let's all turn our Bibles now with that, just red, so in light of that, no matter what, no matter what we go through, we know that he is with us. Let's go to Acts 6, because you will be filled every single day. And what you are filled with will be very, very evident. Two others, you know, Stephen was filled with the Holy Spirit and wisdom, and it was very, very evident, right? He remained radiant even under persecution. Look at what it says here, let's read in verse 8, Acts 6 and verse 8. This isn't Stephen full of faith and power, that's how we're to walk, full of faith and power. Don't you say that over yourselves, "I am filled with faith, filled with power." Turn to your neighbor and say, "You're filled with faith and you're filled with power." And Stephen, full of faith and power, he did great wonders and signs among the people. He did great wonders and signs among the people, and that's how we're to walk. We are to walk the same way, right? But in verse 10 here, it says, "Well, verse 9 says, "There are some that rose up from the synagogue of the freedmen." You know, they disputing with Stephen, disputing, coming against him, arguing, trying to undermine, trying to say what's contrary to what he was saying. Of course, he was saying what the will of God was. And they were not able to resist the wisdom and the spirit by which he spoke. Let's read it again, verse 10. And they were not able to resist the spirit, is it the wisdom and the spirit by which he spoke. Let's read it again. And they were not able to resist the wisdom and the spirit which he spoke. We're going to read it again, but this time I want you to emphasize, resist. And they were not able to resist wisdom and spirit by which he spoke. They were not able to resist. What were they not able to resist? The wisdom and the spirit. The wisdom and the spirit by which he spoke. They couldn't resist him. Oh, they lied about him, they gave false witnesses. But they couldn't resist what they saw. This man operated in a divine wisdom. The spirit of God was clearly upon him. They couldn't shut him up. They couldn't turn him around. That's what we all need, amen. We need more of that, no matter what, he would not shrink back to their lives. He wouldn't shrink back. He wouldn't take their reasoning and go, oh, wow, okay. And then just be quenched, even just a little bit. He didn't just, he didn't lose his edge. He didn't, he didn't just go, okay, well, I'm going to say something, but I'm not going to say everything I wanted to say. He didn't shrink, when I say he didn't shrink back, that's what I'm talking about. Like he was fully submitted to the spirit of God. And he didn't let the contrary circumstances, that which was around him to subdue or to quench anything that God spoke for him to do. He was ready even to the point to where his life would be required. And his life was required. But even in, even in that process of somebody, wow, he's dying. No, he's actually going to live. He's going to live forever. And the glory of God is like, wow, the glory that surrounded his death, people were afraid. Even in killing him, they realized they were not successful. Was no ordinary death. As he's praying for them, no ordinary death. As the glory of God is just shining and resting upon him, no ordinary death. He couldn't resist the wisdom and the spirit of God that was upon his life. That is what I want you to take home. That they will not be able to resist the spirit and the wisdom of God in you. God's wisdom, God's holy spirit, God's fire in you, no matter how much they may try. They will not. Why? The love of God in you will always win. The love of God in you will always subdue your enemies. The love of God in you will always cause you to be above, not beneath, to be the head, not the tail. Amen. The love of God in you. And we continue to get filled up with the holy, holy faith of God. He continues to stir up the holy gifts that he has given us. But we also position and posture ourselves so that we are in a place where we are ready to receive. Amen. Amen. Amen. So he remains, Stephen remains radiant, even under persecution. And he spoke boldly. He spoke boldly about the biblical accounts to his accusers. Who did he speak them to? To his accusers. Verse 11, "Then they secretly induced men to say, 'They lied. They got men. They basically paid them off. They manipulated people to lie. They secretly induced men to say, 'We have heard him speak blasphemous words against Moses and God.'" That kind of stuff still happens today. People are set up. It's an ungodly, unholy setup. They stir to the people. They stir to the elders, the scribes. They stir them up. They came upon them and they seized them and they brought them to the council. And they also set up false witnesses. Not only did they set up people to lie, but they also set up people to agree with the lies. The false witnesses. Yep. We heard it too. Yep. They're right. We heard it too. Diabolic can you be, but this is how demonic, what a diabolical sin, but it happened and it happens still. Today, except for that, they can't resist us. Why? Because we're filled with the wisdom and the spirit of God. So we have to have that in our spirit, man. Amen. So here's the false witnesses, verse 11, verse 13. They also set up false witnesses who said, "This man does not cease to speak blasphemous words against this holy spirit, against this holy place and the law." For we have heard him say, I'm sorry, for we have heard him say, yeah, that this is Jesus of Nazareth and that he will destroy this place and change the customs which Moses delivered to us and all who sat in the council looking steadfastly at him saw his face as the face of an angel. Well, you might agree with the lie. You can go ahead and go on with this ungodly plan, but at the same time, the spirit of God was with this man and he was never going to fail him. So they looked at him and they're looking at what looks like a face of an angel. I think you chose the wrong side. Yeah, I think they chose the wrong side. And in the midst of this, all of a sudden it became very evident we chose the wrong side. So my point here is evil will eventually be revealed. It doesn't stay hidden forever. And you just stand firm on the truth filled with the wisdom and the spirit of God. Evil eventually is exposed. These people are lying and then agreeing to lie, but it doesn't matter how many are stirred to a demonic assignment, to a demonic plan, to come against you, to speak lies, to basically try to bury you alive. I don't think so devil. I don't think so devil. No way, no how. Not on my watch devil. Get behind me, say 10. And as we learn to rise up and speak our most holy faith, we don't allow the accuser of the brethren to have his way. Instead, we remind ourselves of who we are in Christ. We have the wisdom of God and the spirit. The spirit of God. And so therefore we will not allow those that try to resist us to have their way within us. It will not affect our hearts. It will not affect who we are. They're looking at him like, what's going on here? He looks like the face of an angel. Yes, because the glory of God was shining upon him. The glory of God was literally shining upon this man of God. When you go over to Acts 7 and 54, you know, because he didn't shrink back. He continued to preach the gospel no matter what, no matter what his accusers said and did. And they heard it. And when they heard these things, verse 54, they were cut to the heart because the truth speaks and the truth will cut just as much as it will heal. When they heard these things, they were cut to the heart and they gnashed at him with their teeth. Oh, they were angry. Yeah, because the truth hurts. But he being filled with the holy spirit, look at the animosity. Look at the hatred. You've ever been around someone that's, and I'm sure you have, filled with such demonic spirits, such hideous, hateful, just grotesque, just very, very hateful, which these are spirits. These are demonic spirits. And if you have been the target, if you've been on the, if you're on the opposite side of their spewing, so you have, I'm sure quite a few of you have, I'm sure quite a few. Now there might be a few that don't know what I'm talking about, but I'm sure most of you know what I'm talking about. If you've been on the other side of that hate, of you've been on the other side of that spewing, of that violence, of that animosity, of that rebellion, which is rebellion against God, that you're there, so you're the target at the moment, right? If you've been on the other side of that, you know that although it is not easy and you have to stand up and speak and you've got to hear the voice of God to know how and when to speak. Sometimes he says, don't say what you think you're going to say, right? But obviously, and there are times he tells you to take authority and bind and loosen it. Sometimes he says, no, don't say a word. Sometimes he says, don't say a word. Sometimes you're just going to stand. You got to hear the voice of God, don't get into this man-made, you know, solution. This is what you got to do. No, you got to hear God. You're giving tools in the word, but you got to hear God right here, right now, what is to be said? Is anything to be said, right? So this man, look at what happened here. Look at what's going on with Stephen. He spoke everything he heard to speak or that he needed to speak. They heard it. They were indignant. They were so man, their teeth were gnashing within them and they were gnashing their teeth. But, but, but, look at verse 55, Stephen being filled, he was full of the Holy Spirit. He didn't allow the circumstance to cause him to move, not even one eye odour. He was full of the Holy Spirit. He gazed into heaven. Can you imagine the haters, the spewers looking at him going, what's wrong with them? Is he not awake? Is he not alive? Is he in denial? What's wrong with this person? He's not even paying attention. He's just looking at the glory of God. Being filled with the Holy Spirit gazed into heaven and he saw the glory of God. While he's being hated, while he's being spewed, he saw the glory of God. If Stephen can do it, why can't we? We can too. We can, and we do, and we will. And let this be a lesson, let this be a time right now where it's like, you know what? From this point forward, I'm not letting their games, their lives or manipulation seduce me or entrap is probably a better word, entrap me, right? He looked, being full of the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven, saw the glory of God, and he saw Jesus. He saw Jesus as being brutally accused and attacked, he saw Jesus standing at the right hand of God. Hey, it's one thing to see Jesus when you're in an incredible, you know, glorious outpouring. You're worshiping, and you're just like in awe, and you're like, oh, and I see Jesus, and then this, and then that, and then there's this, and then there's that. But it's another thing when you're being totally harassed and totally accused and totally spewed upon and still see Jesus. I'm sorry, Stephen wasn't any different than us. So it's possible, right? Of course, even if this was, if Jesus was saying this story, it wouldn't be any different for us. But somehow when we know it's somebody other than Jesus, even in our own mind, well, yeah, that's right, because he was human like we are, but anything Jesus encountered, we know it would be the same. Even if this was Jesus, we still say, this should be giving you encouragement. And as Jesus is so are we. So he sees Jesus standing at the right hand of God, and he tells him, he tells him, remember they're hating, you got to see the picture in your mind. They're hating on him. They're can't stand him. He's seeing Jesus, he's, Jesus just took him up, I mean, like in a vision. This happened, but I'm just saying like emotionally in all this, it's like he is just somewhere else. He's standing here. He's being harassed, but he's like, God was had his attention, right? And so he tells him, he says, look, I see the heavens open and the son of man standing at the right hand of God, and they cried out with a loud voice. They stopped their ears and they ran at him. They didn't want to hear. Are we all hearing? They stopped up their ears. They couldn't. They hated what they were hearing. It was too pure. It was too good. It was too beautiful. It was too convicting. Our victory is keeping Jesus before our face. That's where our victory always remains. They cried out. Why? Because they couldn't handle the glory. They cried out with a loud voice, stopping their ears. Why? Because the son of man was standing at the right hand of God, and Stephen was explaining the whole scenario. They had to listen. They didn't want to hear it. They couldn't stand it. It was appalling to them. We hate you. Don't you know we're trying to destroy you. Is this how you exit in such glory? Yes. This needs to get somebody excited. It'd get me excited. If it's just me getting excited that it prays God, it's worth it. I guess I came to church for myself today. Well, I'm just going to come to church for myself. Thank you. I'm going to just say, "Father, I thank you for encouraging me today." Seriously. How do we fight? Well, Stephen gave us a great example. He gave us a great example. He was filled with the Holy Spirit, filled with wisdom, filled with the Spirit of God. They tried to resist him, but even when they were stoning him, let me get to your reading here in verse 58, "And they cast him out of the city, and they stoned him." Yep. "And the witnesses laid down their clothes at the feet of a young man named Saul, and they stoned Stephen as he was calling on God, saying, 'Lord Jesus, receive my Spirit.'" They stoned him as he was calling out. That is extreme hate. That's a murderous spirit. Can I say, sometimes you've heard me say, "Hate could be like a spirit of murder," because the Bible talks about that, right? Spirit of anger and unforgiveness, if that doesn't get dealt with, that can become like a spirit of extreme hate, even murder in the heart, because that's what the Bible talks about, right? Murder even in the heart because of hatred, but this was a physical and actual murder. But the same, it's because of hatred. Who did they really hate? Wasn't really Stephen, but he really hated who he served. Really hated the God that he served. They hated that he was bold for Jesus. They hated that he wouldn't just take the tactics that they were trying to give him and shrink back and run in fear or just hide and know. He continued to move forward and say, "Oh, no." And how, in the flesh, no, in the spirit, which is why his eyes were opened to the realm of the spirit that is always present. The realm of the spirit is always present. Do you know this is such a weapon that we have that at any point in time, you could literally tap out and tap in. You can tap out of what's the natural surroundings and literally choose to tap in to what's happening in the spirit because God is not asleep and he doesn't take a vacation. He's always working. He's always moving. But if you're not tapping in, you may miss out and you won't see what's available so that your strength can be drawn from on high instead of here on earth. Our strength must be drawn from on high, but only as our eyes are fixed upon him. We can say we fix our eyes on Jesus, but how do you do that? You buy literally turning your gaze upon him in the most difficult worst of all situations. It is a choice to make that choice, so look at him and say, "You know what? No matter what. I'm going to look to Jesus." Thank you, Lord. Oh, you're beautiful. Oh, you're so beautiful. I worship you. Lord, thank you for my salvation. Thank you, Lord, God, for all every good and perfect gift, Lord, and you just literally shift your atmosphere, your focus from what this is to who he is in the midst of the trial, in the midst of the circumstance, not after, but in the midst. And how many would get saved or at least how many would one day come back and say, "You remember that day?" I was harassing you and saying, "Listen, this and that," and you just started, "Thank you, Jesus. Praise you, Lord, out loud," and you started to decree the goodness of God that day, although I was mad as could be at you, and I ran and I told you all kinds of stuff. The truth be told, that's the day that I could never get out of my head. Truth be told, that's the day that I could never escape me. It's like marked me because you can say everything you want to say and you can pray in every way you want to pray, but unless you're hearing the Spirit of God and doing only what he tells you to do and this is something he would definitely tell you to do, is to worship him at any point in time and if you just do what he tells you to do, it will cause people to be marked out so that that day comes up. It may not come to the very next day, but that day comes up that they give their lives to the Lord, that they realize that same power that's working in you is the power they have, they want and they receive and they go, "Wow, you know what, because you modeled it." You stopped telling me. You stopped preaching at me and you just modeled it because we've been preaching a long time. We've been telling a long time, we've been correcting a long time, but when we modeled it, something shifts on the inside and the day is going to come where they come back and you go, "That day, something changed in me. I didn't tell you right away. I couldn't. I was still mad, but God is like I could never escape that memory. How in the world could they be responding like this?" Like Stephen responded. "How in the world could they be responding like this when I'm basically, I have a stone in my hand, I'm about ready to kill you?" Only under the power of the Holy Ghost, only under the power of the Most High God. And truth to be told is they can kill the body, but they cannot destroy the soul, the flesh. Only Jesus has the power of that. So are we going to walk like Jesus walked and Stephen looked to Jesus? We're going to walk like Jesus walked. We're going to let the Spirit of God move in us in a greater way. And I fully believe as we do that, we will hear the reports. And it may, like I said, may not come the very next day, but I fully believe it's like a haunting, a good haunting that will never leave them. They'll be always marked by that experience, and they'll always remember it. They won't be able to let it go, and it'll draw them to their knees in salvation. Amen? Amen. Thank you, Father, for this word. Thank you, Lord God, that you always encourage us with your word. Thank you, Lord God, that what we're filled with, it will be evident, what we're filled with you. Let it be evident. Father God, let us never be of those that shrink back. Lord, continually, Lord, we want to live by the Spirit of the wisdom of God. Lord, even as they try to resist, we know they're really just resisting you. But at the same time, Father, we thank you that we have the truth, and we will not back down from the truth. We hear your voice, and the voice of another, we will not follow. Lord, teach us to always be in tune with what you're saying, Spirit of the living God, that we will please you, first and foremost, in the name of Jesus, all of God's children. Amen, Alleluia. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.