The Occupational Safety Leadership Podcast

Episode 80 - ISO 45001 Performance Evaluation

In today’s episode, Dr. Ayers discusses section 9 Performance Evaluation of the ISO 45001 standard.  This is where the monitoring and measurement of goals and objectives takes place.  Also, in this section is where any incidents are solved for root cause via corrective actions.
Broadcast on:
08 Aug 2023

In today's episode, Dr. Ayers discusses section 9 Performance Evaluation of the ISO 45001 standard.  This is where the monitoring and measurement of goals and objectives takes place.  Also, in this section is where any incidents are solved for root cause via corrective actions.

In today’s episode, Dr. Ayers discusses section 9 Performance Evaluation of the ISO 45001 standard.  This is where the monitoring and measurement of goals and objectives takes place.  Also, in this section is where any incidents are solved for root cause via corrective actions.