Morning Prayer with Pastor Sean Pinder

The Four Stages of Your Faith

Broadcast on:
11 Aug 2024
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(air whooshing) ♪ For you are glow ♪ ♪ Pre-ups and worthy to be prayed ♪ ♪ You're the lamp upon the throne ♪ ♪ And unto you ♪ ♪ We lift our voice ♪ ♪ They praise you're the lamp ♪ ♪ For you are glorious ♪ ♪ For you are glorious ♪ ♪ And worthy to be prayed ♪ ♪ You're the lamp upon the throne ♪ ♪ And unto you ♪ ♪ We lift our voice ♪ ♪ And pray to you're the lamp ♪ Father God, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, as we prepare our hearts to go into the word of God on tonight, minister to your people, we pray for a spirit of revelation, knowledge tonight, wisdom, knowledge, understanding on tonight, insight, make the words simple and make it so sweet God that even a child would be able to understand what the Holy Ghost is saying to us, your people on tonight. Encourage us. Help us to see where we are on your charts tonight. Help us to locate our faith in you, to help us to see where we are. And show us what we need to do to have strong faith, to have great faith. We wanna be full of faith every single one of us. Different times throughout the year, our faith, we find our faith being weakened under attack by the enemy God. But we trust you tonight. You said to the Apostle Peter, Simon, Simon, Satan, desires to have you, but I have prayed for you that your faith will not strengthen our faith on tonight, strengthen our faith on tonight God. In the name of Jesus Christ, somebody say amen, glory to God. So on tonight, we are talking about the false stages of your faith. It's good to understand where you are, what's the condition of your faith? Is it strong? Is it weak? Sometimes in some situations, unless less faith, let's be real now. I'm not gonna be a fake preacher to you. I'm gonna always tell you the truth. There are some situations I find myself in and guess what, to your shock. Sometimes I find myself with no faith. I'm like, wait a minute. Come on, come on things. Have you ever come, don't even play Superman. I don't ain't knowin', you ain't all of that in a bag of chips. And I come on somebody to just tell the truth. You know you find yourself, some situation, just sneak up on you and boy listen here, your faith just take, your faith just jump over the cliff. Who know what I'm talking about? Lord, help me Jesus. So we're talking about the false stages of your faith. And I wanna say this, the first stage I'm looking at is no faith. We find ourselves there sometimes. Amen, we're talking about no faith. Let's go into the book of Mark chapter four, verse 40. And I'll give you a little background what's happening here. Jesus and his apostles are headed to the other side and all of a sudden the storm came out of nowhere and we know that was sent, that was a signman from hell. Satan tried to take them under and the disciples begin to cry out for fair. Master, don't you care? Don't you care that we are about to perish? Some of you've been praying, some of you've been praying that this week. Lord, if you don't come through, I'm about to go under, the bills are stuck in high. Come on, trouble is, trouble things are going crazy. I need some relief. And Jesus stood in the boat and he rebuked the winds and said unto this, he said, peace be still. And after that was a great calm. He looked at his apostles and this is what he said unto them. Why are you so fearful? They weren't full of faith right then. Fair, full manes to be filled in the brim with fair. They wouldn't listen, you can be full of faith on full of fair at the same time. Come on here, somebody. They were filled in the brim with fair. And he said these words, how is it that you have no faith? So Jesus, he said to his apostles, he said, how is it guys that you have no faith? And some people tonight, you are on this broadcast tonight, you are dealing with situations in your life and you have no faith fought whatsoever. But I got good news for you. You are in the right place, at the right time. You're leaving with faith tonight, darling. Come on, somebody, Lord have mercy. It's okay to start out with no faith, it's all right. The secret is, the key is, hang on to Jesus. You see, even, watch this now. Even though they had no faith in that storm, not a single one of those men abandoned Jesus at that time in their life. Are you listening to me? The secret is, stay in the boat. That's how you get faith, just stay in the boat. Come hell or high water, stay in the boat. My God, my God, I don't care what will come against you, cling to Jesus, keep walking with him. 'Cause sure enough, what's in him and on him, it's gonna rub off on you. But you just gotta keep walking. I dare someone to say, keep walking. My God, my God, you got to keep walking with Jesus. Stay in the boat, doing abandoned the ship, doing abandoned your relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Just hang on to him. Show enough, I dare someone, I dare someone to say, faith is coming. Faith is coming, faith is coming. So we start out, we start out with no faith. Nobody just jumps from ground zero straight to great faith. Are you listening to me here tonight? Unless you Jesus. Now watch this. I wanna read something to you from the book of Psalm, chapter seven, chapter 78, verse 32, talking about the children of Israel. When they were going through the wilderness, the Bible says, for all this, they sin still, watch this y'all, and believed not for his wondrous works. They didn't believe, they didn't believe out of a whole generation. Only Joshua and Caleb made it. The rest of them, they had no faith. The children of Israel, they believed not. The apostles, they were in the boat with Jesus himself, and yet they found themselves with absolutely no faith. Now let's move on to stage two. Stage two is little faith. So we go from no faith. And I find myself in some situations, and in certain areas I realize, you know, what, I need faith in this area. I need faith, and how do you get faith? You go and search the scriptures on that area. Listen, Matthew chapter six, verse 30 through 34. Let's go, and if God cares so wonderfully for wild flowers that I hear today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Watch what he says, why do you have so little faith? And you're about to get all the signals of someone who have small faith. The next verse, watch this. Listen to what he says, so don't worry about these things. If you were in and threatened, guess what it seems? You got a little bit of faith. Are you listening to me? You're trusting him little. So he says, so don't worry about these things. Saying, what are we gonna eat, what are we gonna drink, what are we gonna wear? These things, notice what he says here. These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers. People with no faith. But are people with little faith, but your heavenly Father already know or knows all your needs. Seek the kingdom of God above all else. The KJV said, seeking first. He said, seek the kingdom of God above all else and live righteously, and he will give you everything. You need, glory to God, verse 34. So don't worry about tomorrow. For tomorrow we'll bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today. And let's look into the camera and watch this, y'all. So worryin', so worrying, fretting. Are y'all paying attention to me? It's signals that your faith is small right now. Come on, come on, I know what it is to worry and fret. I know what it is to go sit in my living room and sweat it out and pray in tongues and tell faith. Come on, somebody. I'm like, (speaking in foreign language) I'm like God, I bind this beard, I don't believe. God, I'm struggling, I'm wrestling. Ah, the clock running out on us. We gotta, I don't know where this money coming from, but ah, Lord Jesus, I need you. I mean, who can sleep? Who can sleep at a time like that? And I prayin', yeah, I'm a, I know you got it all together, but I'm just shootin' it real with the rest of you, amen? And I'm in that living room, shitin', I'm rockin' back and forthin' sometime every now and again. I find myself like Jeffrey and Granny dozin' off it and gotta shake myself up and wipe sleep out my eyes and go grab me somethin' a little sweet to, so I, who know what I'm talkin' about? But I'm prayin' in tongues, I'm prayin', I'm cryin' out to God God, you gotta deliver us. You got to help us Jesus, I mean, and trust me, right in the midst of all of that worryin', frettin' and little faith, the Holy Ghost will speak a word to me. Come on, who know what I'm talkin' about? The Holy Ghost would bring up a scripture like Psalm 68, 19. The Lord daily, he loads us with benefits and that scripture would get in my spirit. Come on, somebody, and faith will begin to skyrocket. Who know what I'm talkin' about? You in a fight, you're battlin' unbelief, you're cryin', you're prayin', I mean, and you've been prayin' for a long time and all of a sudden outta nowhere, bam! The Holy Ghost just flushes scripture in your mind. That's what the Bible says, faith comes by hearing, come on, somebody, and you grab a hold of that word, and all of a sudden, your faith is high as ever, unbeliefin' the demons, jumpin' all through the window. Come on, somebody, and you feel like Superman or Tarzan, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, and you go from, you go from cryin' and frettin' and sweatin' to, oh, thank you, and kabababahasah, yay, kabababahasah, I double your loss, you lost, you lost. Ah, come on, somebody, I tell someone to say, faith is comin', baby, faith, faith is comin'. I'm outta swear preachin' myself happy for the Bible says, in 1st John chapter 5, verse 4, this is the victory that all that comes to world, even our faith, somebody saw faith is comin', faith is comin', yay, cool. Yay, glory to God. Let's go to Matthew chapter 14, let's go to verse 29. You know what's happening in this story. Peter's about to walk on water, and, you know, Peter said, "Lord, if this is you, bid me to come, watch this, y'all. I want you to see how this thing works." And Jesus said, "Come." And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water to go to Jesus. Now remember, the storm is still goin' on, the storm ain't comin'. Peter literally asked Jesus to let him walk on water in the midst of a storm. Watch this, I'm goin' somewhere with this. Somebody's about to be encouraged with this. But watch this, y'all, but when he saw the win, boisterous, that's what the enemy likes to do with us. Because remember, he was lookin' at Jesus as long as he was lookin' at Jesus as long as his eyes were locked on Jesus. Guess what it seems? Peter had faith. And when the wind blew in some salt water, blowing his eyes, splashing his eyes, and he got his eyes off of Jesus. That's when he begin to get weak. He was afraid. That's how you know you lose inside of Jesus. That's how you know your faith is, is being shaken up. We all get afraid sometimes. He was afraid. He took his eyes off of Jesus. And guess what? And beginning to sink. He cried, "Lord, save me, save me, Jesus." Let's keep it movin', Joshy. He cried, and immediately, Jesus stretched forth his hand and caught him, and said unto him, "O thou." But wait a minute now, this is what I like with Jesus. Before Jesus talk about his little faith, Jesus picked him up first. Some of us wanna jump on people without helpin' 'em first. Why don't you help them folk first? Come on, somebody. Why don't you build 'em up first? So Jesus picked him up first. Then he said, "O thou of little faith." Wherefore, oh, why did you doubt me? Why did you doubt? Wow, wow, wow, watch this, y'all. Are you paying attention to it now? He said, "O you of little faith," because things come against our minds that take our eyes of Jesus, and the minute you get your eyes off Jesus, and all you eyes consumed with the situation, your faith gets sucked. It happens, I'm tellin' you. My faith, the minute I get consumed with the situation, when I look up, my faith is, I mean, I gotta go. I gotta go catch a calf, he catch up with my faith. Who know what I'm talkin' about? I mean, faith is gone, come on, somebody. Well, that's what happened to Peter, but, I'll never forget I was studying this story some years ago, just meditating on it, just eatin' and I'm goin' over it in my soul. I'm goin' over it, and it just dawned on me. Wow, wait a minute here. This ain't a rebuke, this is a compliment. What are you talkin' about past this song? Wait a minute, on stage one, he was in a storm, he had no faith, come on, somebody, he carded it about. He had no faith, but because Peter kept walkin' with Jesus, he stuck with Jesus. By the time they were in another storm, at least he got some faith this time. It may be small, but he got faith, come on, somebody. Lord, how mercy, is anyone seein' that? Come on, this time he is in another storm, but Peter has changed, Peter has actually grown. Come on, somebody, they were cryin', sayin', don't you carry 'em out in the parish? But this time, Peter said, if this is you, tell me come on the water, yeah, in the midst of the storm, don't, don't, don't, don't, comin' down. And Peter jumped out the boat in the midst of the storm with his little faith, the size of a mustard seed, and that joke will begin walkin' on top of water. Come on, somebody, I dare you put your hands together, just give him praise right there. Lord, how mercy, somebody's faith is growin'. I'm talkin' to somebody here. I said, somebody, your faith is growin'. I wanna move on to the third stage here, where we talkin' about faith, you got it. Watch this, from no faith to little faith to faith, that means you be comin' more and more mature in God. Remember the woman with the issue of blood. The Bible says, you know the story, most of you know it. Marked up to five, was 25 through 34. For she said, she had an issue of blood for 12 long years. She had an issue of blood for 12 long years, and had went to many physicians on a situation, did not get any better, it only got worse. But the Bible says, when she heard the reports of Jesus, she heard about the miracles that God was doin' in His ministry, she said, within herself, faith talks, come on somebody. I said, faith talks. She didn't say, she didn't say, I'm healed. She said, if I can touch the hem of His comments, I know I'll be made whole. Lord, how mercy, that's how you know your faith is growin'. You begin to declare exactly what you believe. Paul said, we having the spirit of faith believe, and therefore we speak, come on somebody. Lord, how mercy, are you listening to me? The Paul says, we therefore having the spirit of faith. We believe, and therefore speak, come on somebody. If you really believe it, it ought to come out of your mouth. Come on somebody, listen, so who would this show blood? She said, she said, if I can just touch the hem of His comments but where she got the faith from, she got the faith because she heard the reports of the miracles that was taken place in Christ's ministry. That's why we are putting together this. We're putting together testimonies of those who have been healed, why are we doing it? We doing exactly the strategy that Jesus used when they heard the reports that was taken place in His ministry. It gave the people faith to come to His ministry and receive healing. Now you got to keep in mind in the book of Leviticus, if you had an issue of blood, you are considered unclean and to come out in the public. If they found out that you were there and had the issue of blood, you're supposed to actually be stoned. Come on somebody, Lord, how mercy. But you see, when faith is at work, faith takes calculated risk. That didn't make sense to nobody else. Are you hearing me? This woman, this woman took a risk. She said, I got to do it, I got to do it. Her faith was strong. Her faith was growing on the inside of her. And she broke through the crowd. And cropped to the hem of His covenant, the minute she did it, the Bible says this woman was made completely whole. And Jesus felt virtue went out of Him. He felt power. He felt the anointing left His body and went into somebody. Jesus turned around and said, who touched me? The apostle said, are you kidding me? There's about 20,000 people here and all kinds of people are brushing up. Jesus said, that's the touch of faith, Lord of mercy. That's the touch of faith. That's the touch of faith. And this is how you know your faith is growing because you begin to see results. So he said, who touched me? And then the woman came before I'm trembling. And she told Jesus, she said, it was me. He said, woman, daughter, your faith have made you whole. So watch this now. We're talking about great faith. Who want to know if you have great faith on tonight? I want to read this story and show all of you tonight that in one area of your life, you possess great faith. I know it comes as a... I know you weren't expecting... Who was not expecting to hear that tonight? I said, I'm going to show every last one of you from Scripture tonight that you have great faith. You may not have great faith in every area, but in some areas you possess great faith. Who knows that's good news? I'm going to prove it to you right now. Let's go into the Bible. Matthew 8 beginning at verse 5. And when Jesus was entered into Capernaum, there came unto him a centurion beseeching him and saying, and saying, Lord, my servant lies at home sick of the palsy. He's paralyzed and he's grievously tormented. And Jesus said unto him, I just hold it right there now. Jesus said unto him, I will come and heal him. Let me just zero in right there for a minute or two. Now, if Jesus would have told me, I'm going to come with you and heal your servant. I'd have been shouting, I'd be right there. Come on, somebody, I would have been rejoicing right there. And Jesus said, I will come and heal him. But watch this, the centurion answered and said, Lord, I am not worthy that thou should has come under my roof. But speak the word only to just speak the word. All I need is a word from just let the word come out of your mouth and that will suffice. You ain't got to travel all the way here. All you got to do is open your mouth and let the word of God come pouring out and my servant shall glory to God. My servant, he shall be healed. Wow, impressive mind blowing. Let's go into the next verse. He said, I am a man under authority. Having soul is under me. And I say to this man, go and he goes. And to another come and he comes. And to my servant, do this and he does it. Wow, look at the next verse. When Jesus heard it, glory to God. I feel the anointing of God. When Jesus heard it, he marveled. He was just, he was astonished. He was impressed. And he said to them that followed fairly, I say unto you. Jesus is talking directly to you through this word tonight. Verily I say unto you, I have not found. Blessed be the name of Jesus. I have not found soul. What great faith. Everybody shout great faith. Everyone type those two words for me in the chat. Great faith, great faith, great faith, great faith. I have not found soul, great faith. No, not in Israel. And Jesus said unto the centurion, go thy way. And as thou has believed, so be it done unto thee. And his servant was healed in the self same hour. How many of you would say pastor? I receive something, just listen into the broadcast. I was, you know how many hundreds of testimonies we read? I was in distalema, pastor Sean. And I was listening to the word of God. And you spoke a word and I got a heal in my body. I was dealing with this situation and I got direction for my situation and I obeyed the word and things change in my life. Wave at me if you receive something and you got proof from watching this broadcast. Guess what? Guess what scenes? Talk to me, my YouTube and Facebook family. Guess what? You have great faith. You have great faith. I didn't have to travel to your house. The Holy Spirit, living in me spoke to you the word of God. You are no different than the centurion. I'd guess I'm gonna lift your hands to heaven and say, "I got great faith, praise God, I didn't know it." You grab the word and you got results. You have great faith. You have great faith. But you didn't start there. You had to grow. You stayed true in your relationship with God. You stayed true to the Lord Jesus Christ. You're walking with Him and because you stuck in there, your faith, you went from no faith to little faith to faith. And now you got great faith. To give in this offering, you can visit us online right now at You can also give through the ministry PayPal account that I address is You can also give through the ministry app. Many of you haven't downloaded on your smartphones. You can also give through the ministry's cell account, the ministry's cell email address is You can also give through the ministry cash app account. The ministry cash app address is the dollar sign, Shawn Pinda Ministries. You can also text to give. All you have to do is text the letters SPM to the number four, five, eight, eight, and a link will automatically be sent to you. You can also mail your donations into the ministry. Just remember to make your checks and money orders out to Shawn Pinda Ministries, PO Box 2726 McKinney, Texas 7570. And listen to all of our wonderful partners that make this broadcast possible. Main pass to Amy say, thank you. You are doing an amazing job helping us preach the gospel around the world. Continue to support this work of God. We love you and we appreciate you, Deli. We will never take you for granted. God bless you. See you on tomorrow on another morning prayer broadcast. God bless, bye bye. Get ready to experience the extraordinary in Plano. The Lamb of God, the Lion of the Time of Judah, is headed in your direction. You are getting ready to get a miracle. Shawn, yes. Pastor Shawn and Amy Pinner are hosting three nights of miracles in Plano, Texas. You've found devil of sickness. Come out, come out, come out. This young lady had fibromyalgia, Pastor Shawn. But what happened tonight? I got healed. Now there's no more pain. Don't run across the platform for me, Sid. Come on, somebody. Come on, somebody. Come on, somebody. Come on, somebody. The dates, August 13 through 15. Doors will open at 6 p.m. night. The event will start at 7 p.m. Nightly. Venue, the Plano Event Center. 200E Spring Creek Parkway, Plano, Texas, 75074. Join hundreds in this life-changing encounter to experience the extraordinary in witness God's power. Click on the link below and register free today. [MUSIC PLAYING] (mouse clicking)