Immanuel LCMS Fairview Podcast

Bible Class - June 2, 2024

Adult Bible Study. Continued study of Proverbs.

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07 Jul 2024
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Adult Bible Study. Continued study of Proverbs.

Well, I tried I don't have any I don't know where my phone is so I think it's in my truck So I don't have any fun or interesting pictures, but the Chrome Riser I tried to get her phone to connect So they could show off their new grandbaby Whose name is Samson David? Wonderful wonderful. So congratulations to the Chrome RISE. This is great. And this is their son. Who's the who's the helicopter pilot and What a what a service he's providing for us and our nation. All right, so it looks like Today might be an interesting day Says it's connecting, but then it doesn't So we're in Proverbs 30 and we're oh there we go We are at an interesting one of my favorite parts of Psalm 30 As as we consider this I'm gonna pull this over here. Maybe a little bit Remember that Psalm 30 has a natural it's not a hard division, but a little natural division at at verse 10 That after verse 10 it sort of changes a little bit remember And I'll pull this this little document that I have had up here That's Psalm 30 Proverbs 30, thank you Proverbs 30 that division is going to talk about as all the proverbs have it's going to talk about Jesus Jesus as the wisdom of God so the wisdom of God the son of a guru The words of a gore we don't know who that was but it's going to talk about Christ in the order of the church concerning the word of God and then the God's kingdom of good order in In the government or society We read through those those first 10 verses I do believe last time, but we can jump back into it and and start there or we'll begin on verse 11 maybe verses 1 through 10 in Particular they're they're rather familiar or they should have a familiar taste to them in particular what I wanted to look at today is This these this verses 1 through 5 or 2 through 2 through 5 in particular This question that is asked there and and who is the holy one? Right and and wisdom and knowledge the author first off says I I'm too stupid I don't know I can't I can't grasp this wisdom. I can't grasp understanding But there is the holy one So who then has this wisdom that is good for the family and society? so these verses verses for verse 4 in particular Does that any of that sound familiar to you chapter 30 verse 4 as you read those questions Who has ascended to heaven and come down who has gathered the wind in his fist who has wrapped up the waters and a garment? Who's established all the ends of the earth? What is his name and what is his son's name? Surely you know so the beginning of this proverb is really it's it says wisdom wisdom How do I get this and it's anchored in the Sun the Sun's name and so it's an identity question But this verse 4 does any of that sound familiar to you? Yeah, these five these five questions if we turn let's turn our Bibles to Job 38 And what we're going to see here Job is We're not quite sure of the age except that Job is one of the oldest books of the Bible We know it's not older than Genesis but It is it is an old old book Job and the way it begins and talks about the The devil being able to go from earth to heaven and to accuse God's people In front of God is very interesting and talks about creation and such, but let's look at Job 38 verse 2 This question again and it's asking about wisdom Job 38 - who is this that darkens counsel by words without knowledge dress for action like a man? I will question you and you make it known to me. Of course, this is the Lord answering Job Who Job has finally broken. He's finally said he's finally said God What have I done to deserve all of this bad stuff that's happening? What did I do wrong God? Surely I must have messed up. This is not just I don't deserve this. This is not right This is God's answer to him Who is that that darkens counsel by words without knowledge? This is God speaking to Job Dress for action like a man. I will question you you make it known to me Where were you when I laid the foundation of the earth? Tell me if you have understanding right Job is he's standing and accusing God like Job knows Everything verse 5 and 6. Here's a question, right? That's related to to Proverbs 30 Who determined its measurements surely you know who stretched the line upon it on? What were its basis sunk or who laid its cornerstone? Okay, verse 8 or who shut in the sea with doors when it burst out from the womb and then we jumped to verse 25 of Job 38 Who has cleft a channel for the torrents of rain and a way for the thunderbolt? verse 28 and 29 Has the rain a father or who has begotten the drops of do? From whose womb did the ice come forth and who has given birth to the frost of heaven? 36 who has put wisdom in the inward parts or given understanding to the mind? Who can number the clouds by wisdom or who can tilt the water skins of the heavens? When the dust runs into a mass and the clods stick fast together verse 41 who provides for the raven its prey when its young ones cry to God for help and wander about for lack of food? Numbers 39 5 who has let the wild donkey go free? Who has loose the bonds of the swift donkey? To whom have I given the arid plan for his home plain for his home and the salt land for his dwelling place? So the point of all of this is a connection a Continuing a recognition that wisdom doesn't come from inside us Think of think of Eastern religions If you've had any experience with them What in Eastern religions like Buddhism and Hinduism or take your pick even even just generic sort of American civic religion What what do they? To what do they point you to find wisdom? Yeah, your inner self. It's all that's what meditation is about right meditation is to shut out everything else and look inside yourself But here the connection between Job and what Agure is saying in wisdom is that you You aren't gonna find wisdom in yourself. You're not gonna find wisdom in yourself You're not gonna find wisdom in any other place is true wisdom only comes from God He's the only one who has it and he gives it Seek it right with some somebody said something like Seek and you shall find right knock the door shall be open That Agure is is stressing and the same point that that God is making with even with Job That that hey when when you don't understand what's happening to you when you don't understand life God knows God's gotcha He's he knows all things. He's the source of all wisdom and he is not doing things like with Job God is not doing things to destroy you But to show you his faithfulness that he's he's gonna take care of you So this as at the beginning at this part of Psalm 30 Proverbs 30 Proverbs 30 is setting the stage for this and saying look Surely you know, I mean, it's it's almost it sounds so much like Job this continuity This this reminder and even of Jesus You know fulfilling this and when people would accuse him even today in our gospel reading, right? they come and they accuse the disciples of breaking the Sabbath and And Jesus Jesus shows true wisdom. He said no go back to the word. No, you remember what David did that he didn't it wasn't wrong right And then even further what I always like to about the reading today when it goes to the healing of the man On the Sabbath What emotions did Jesus did he express? Did are we taught from our gospel reading for you who are in the first service? Did you pick up any of Jesus's emotions? Yeah Jesus was in the synagogue on on the Sabbath day and he was angry Seems like every time he goes to church. He's angry Right flipping over tables healing, you know healing a withered hand, right because The Pharisees and the Jews they hadn't honored God's word. They hadn't kept the true spirit of what Sabbath meant and and Jesus was angry, right? I mean, this is this is kind of comforting I guess I would say when we have a righteous and a holy anger at the way the world Perverts the Word of God and makes up its own laws and people are taught like I said seek seek wisdom in yourself Look in yourself, you know No We want to quiet things around us. We want to shut out all the other sounds Not so we look to ourself, but why I Didn't quite hear it Yeah, listen to God's word we shut everything out so we can hear God's word not so we can hear Ourself nobody nobody wants to hear your opinion Which I laugh and I say that and I'm laughing because that was constantly drummed into our heads as Being trained as pastors. You're not here to teach your opinion. Nobody needs nobody wants to hear that Preacher man, give me the gospel. That's what they say. So That that questioning there I just wanted to make sure and see because those questions should should rattle in your head and sound familiar if you remember Job But then also Let's go to John chapter John chapter 3 In considering verse 4 who has ascended to heaven who has come down John chapter 3 This is also why it should sound familiar We're in John chapter 3 around verse 13 or so And remember John chapter 3 Jesus is talking to somebody who is supposed to be John chapter 3. Who's Jesus talking with? Yeah, yeah, Nike Nicodemus is Nico Nike. That's the same word. It's a Greek word. It means victory win so here Jesus is talking with Nicodemus and look Nicodemus who supposedly a teacher of Israel who knows everything right and Jesus is humbling him It's kind of a Job scenario or Proverbs 30 scenario where Jesus is asking him questions, right? Hey, you know What you know, what is the word of God say? What you know, how can you who know everything be a teacher look at verse 13? Jesus says No one has ascended into heaven except he who descended from heaven And what is what title does he use for himself there then? Look at that verse 4 who's ascended to heaven and who's come down and then look how it ends? What is his son's name? Surely, you know it so Jesus. I mean we can it's the the connections You know this quite who's ascended to heaven and come down Jesus answers it and he says I'm the son So he's answering Proverbs 30 in John chapter 3 first there in verse 13 and then as If that that weren't enough John chapter 6 John chapter 6 verse 62 And this also is in the context of the who's it the Pharisees of the Jews coming to him and asking him questions saying Who do you think you are? You know, what what are you doing? Jesus is saying I'm the bread of life, right? And John 662 we hear this language again Then what if you were to see the son of man ascending to where he was before? This connection between son and having wisdom and knowledge and the person who ascends to heaven The person who descends right all of this is this is tied up in this time of year It's good because we just had ascension day all of this is tied up in this this doctrine of the ascension when Christ ascends to the right hand of God He's being he's being proclaimed and shown to the world that that he is this one He is the son he is the the answer for all of this and he's even pointing in John chapter 6 verse 62 Telling you know all the people there in his disciples. They ask a question. This is a hard saying Look up a couple lines. What was the hard saying? Yeah, what what what were the disciples complaining about? What did Jesus just say? Jesus points to himself look at verse 58 This is the bread from heaven. What's he what's when he says this? What do you think he's pointing to? This is the bread from heaven, right? And and this this is a bread that came down from heaven not like the the bread that the Father's ate and died Whoever feeds on this bread will live forever So Jesus is the summation the completion of all of this and this is all tied up in the ascension of Christ, right? So indeed they were the Old Testament people of God who were living by faith They were looking for somebody who would ascend back to heaven They there was this understanding that when the Messiah comes He he would he would go back to heaven. He wouldn't stay here forever There would be a time when he is he's not seen But he he is victorious. He is shown as the one who who can ascend and be at the right hand of God Okay, so here Jesus again says I can say this because I'm the fulfillment of Proverbs 30 I'm the fulfillment of all the scriptures. I can say this is the bread from heaven because I'm going to ascend I'm gonna be this one. I am this one. You will see it And is it a hard saying? I mean look at everything Jesus says he talks about eating his body and drinking his blood And the disciples are like man, this is hard. Why was it hard? Do you think? That's one level. Yeah, it's a hard saying because well, I mean, I don't know Jesus says that children understand the scriptures If I tell a if I tell a I tell a ten-year-old eight-year-old. Hey, this is the body and blood of Jesus Or six-year-old. Hey, this is the body and blood of Jesus. What are they gonna say? Yeah, okay. I tell a sixteen-year-old Or a fifty-year-old, right? Hey, this is the body and blood of Jesus. What? What often is the reply? It's like the disciples This is a hard saying or doesn't make sense. It's bread. I can see it. I can feel it. I can touch it I can break it open. It's kind of it's like the Lord's Supper. It's a hard saying, but it's hard only because of our Our doubts our heart's not only our own doubts, but then when people know you're one of those Christians who says this is the body and blood of Jesus That's another hard part of it Right that you're known as one of these extremists These back-wood knuckle-draggers who obviously doesn't know science Otherwise, you'd know it's impossible for this to be the body and blood of Jesus Right, that's another hard aspect of it, right? And that's and and the disciples are kind of like You're asking us to believe an awful lot here Jesus. This is a hard saying and so it says then some of his disciples left And Jesus ran to them. Did he Jesus ran to them and said no no no no no don't worry. It's just symbolic No, no no no don't worry yet. No no no no no Jesus. What did he say to the other disciples? Guys you want to go go ahead That's it's not exactly the the Jesus that the world puts before us The world who seeks wisdom from ourselves or a wisdom that is honored and respected by the world That's not the Jesus that's presented here again Let's see where's this ascension this descending us sending and tied to the Sun Let's go to what is it Romans 10 is that what I have written down? Yeah Romans 10 chapter 6 and following So Matthew Mark Luke John acts Romans And Romans 10 is Famous and well known because it's about the word of God How does faith come faith Romans 10 17 comes by hearing? But we're gonna be in Romans 10 verse Let's see verse 5 Romans 10 verse 5 Moses writes about the righteousness that is based on the law That the person who does the commandments shall live by them But the righteousness based on faith says Do not say in your heart who will ascend into heaven that is to bring Christ down or who will descend into the abyss That is to bring Christ up from the dead But what does it say the word is near you in your mouth and in your heart that is right here? Saint Paul corrects himself or not corrects himself, but he wants you to understand When he says the word that is near you it's in your mouth and it's in your heart that is the word of faith That you first heard right that we proclaimed So Saint Paul here. He's it's almost interesting. He realizes he says the word that's in your mouth and in your heart And Saint Paul says oh, they're gonna they might be tempted to think that they look inside for the word of God And Saint Paul says no, no the word that was proclaimed to you. That's the word. I'm talking about this word didn't come from you It's not your wisdom right don't think you can ascend into heaven and bring Christ down Don't think you can descend to you know Christ where Christ is and sort of Pull him up. You're not gonna you're not gonna do this Who are you right go back to Job? So here Saint Paul is telling the Romans, you know your faith comes from the word comes from the wisdom of God from from Christ himself You aren't gonna you aren't gonna wind all this up. So this verse 4 as I hope you can plainly see It's quite loaded Any this discussion ascended and descended and then ending it with what's the son's name who's going to do this? Beautiful. This is becoming this study in Proverbs is A lot of these pieces of Proverbs are becoming my favorite parts of the scriptures. I mean this is pretty amazing I'm kind of nerding out on you right now, but It is it is kind of fun Any thoughts or questions? This is what happens when I go on vacation I talk too much But my family's like oh finally he's he's not home anymore. He can go talk to some other people Very good. All right. So verse 5 and 6 then the jump into the word of God There, okay Now as I mentioned we've gone through Verse 10 the ending with don't slander a servant to his master, right? We kind of talked about that how God sends servants With his word Jesus, of course the the the utmost the fulfillment of all those who are sent To bring them his father's word to us Chapter 30 then has this division after that in verse 11 Verse 11 and we're going to go ahead and I'm going to read this through and we'll come back and consider these individually so now we're kind of shifting gears from from the Sort of the wisdom for family to the wisdom of government and ruling in our civil life There are those who curse their fathers and do not bless their mothers There are those who are clean in their own eyes, but are not washed of their filth There are those how lofty are their eyes how high their eyelids lift There are those whose teeth are swords whose fangs are knives To devour the poor from the earth the needy from among mankind The leech has two daughters give and give There's a footnote there does somebody's Bible have have this word give the second word give can be can be translated a little a little differently Give the word in general give and do someone have a footnote? You see does I think I thought the Lutheran study Bible did Give give they cry Give give they cry so it's you remember Hebrews a very picturesque a very sort of narrative drawing language give It wants to give you this picture that The leech has two daughters Give to me give to me they they're come they're they're constantly crying give give give to me and a leech has two daughters give and give so It's giving this idea now as you're going to see remember It says one thing Hebrew will say it one way and then it'll say say it again So it's kind of poetry the leech has two daughters give and give Cry and cry out. I need give I will take three things are never satisfied Four never say enough shale the barren womb the land Never satisfied with water and The fire that never says enough. There are four things that never say enough So that so then it shifts gears again verse 17 the eye that mocks a father and scorns to obey a mother Will be picked out by the ravens of the valley and eaten by the vultures How's that for a mother's or father's day card? Should we should we send that to Hallmark as an idea for a father's day card make millions make millions of dollars, yeah Verse 18 three things are too wonderful for me for I do not understand see a little pattern here There's a three and then a four three things this for this three things are too wonderful for me for I do not understand The way of an eagle in the sky The way of a serpent on a rock the way of a ship on the high seas and the way of a man with a virgin and just For your conscience because our ears are so modern When you hear the way of a man with a virgin this is marriage. That's what it means. Okay, it's just talking about marriage It's nothing. It's not bad Verse 20. This is the way now. This is bad. This is the way of an adulterous She eats and wipes her mouth and says I've done no wrong Under three things the earth trembles under four it cannot bear up a slave when he becomes king and a fool when he is filled with food an Unloved woman when she gets a husband and a maidservant when she displaces her mistress Mistress is kind of like her Her master right her master the woman who's her master right a maidservant Would be serving the the the woman of the house the wife and and This says when the slave woman replaces the the the woman of the house 24 four things on earth are small but they are exceedingly wise the ants are a people not strong yet They provide their food in the summer the rock badgers are a people not mighty yet. They make their homes in the cliffs The locus have no king yet all of them march and rank the lizard you can take in your hands Yet it is in King's palaces Three things are stately in their tread Four are stately in their stride The lion which is my just among beasts and does not turn back before any the strutting rooster the he-goat And the king whose army is with him so I Don't know why that struck me so funny this time, but I mean we're so far removed from agricultural right from life on the farm Well, some of us are Some of you still act like you live on a farm The strutting rooster the he-goat yeah verse 32 if you've been foolish exalting yourself Or if you've been devising evil put your hand on your mouth for pressing milk produces curds Pressing the nose produces blood and pressing anger produces strife This is such a fun. This is so beautiful. I love this. I love this text Okay, so we start with verse 11 So clearly you can see that this is a little different This is a little different sort of pace a little different sort of way of speaking and this is going to be considering our Wisdom in life in our civil realm and and for kings and whatnot I want you to to see that this this text is not just written randomly like this this Psalm Proverbs Proverbs 30 is Broken up into seven numerical sayings. There are seven numerical sayings here in in chapter 30 what that means is The author wants to show the completeness of wisdom that comes from God that when you look to God as your source of wisdom you have everything you need you have no need to go and find wisdom from any other source So what is the the first numerical saying in chapter 30? Well look at verse 7 Two things I ask of you commentators scout Bible teachers Say here's one of the the first sayings considering the completeness of God's wisdom for family and government It's marked by these these mention of numbers So the first one is verses 7 through 9 two things. I ask of you right remove from me Give me another lest I be full so this is God's wisdom from right from his his word right The the riches and what is needful Comes from the Lord everything we need in this life, right? He provides now The second saying that has a number is one of these ones that we just read in verse 15 verse 15 is considered saying number saying no number saying number two The second saying that includes a number right that he's indicating here is another saying that leads with a number The leech has two daughters give and give Then the third saying is right in the middle of this verse remember these aren't original right? These are these these verses and chapters those were stuck in to help us reference the Bible That's not how God God gave the scriptures. It's helpful But there is then this so the leech has two daughters give and give give and then another another topic three things are never Satisfied this is saying number three This three and right it goes to verse 16 Okay Now the fourth saying when is number when is a number mentioned again? Look at verse 18 verse 18 and 19 is considered saying number four And Look then in verse 20 it sort of it steps out of these seven sayings but then verse 21 through 23 Right, you can almost see that the the the people who put this text on this website They're kind of putting natural divisions there right that this verse is 21 through 23 is saying number five and Then looked verse 24 the next saying right the mention of numbers is Kind of the author's mark of saying I want you to realize and see I'm not just scribbling these things down It's not just like my mind I'm just kind of coming up with the stuff this good wisdom. He's saying it has its source in God There's seven of them the completeness of God seven is seen as the finished number tied to creation So look there verse 24 the number four mentioned that's verses 24 through 28 That's saying number six and then look at saying verse number 29 Right three things the last mention of a number Those are seven headings seven sections of Scripture that the author is intentionally telling you Not just by what he's saying, but by the very structure of what he's saying this is This is God teaching us that his word has beauty It's not just it's not just an academic exercise that even in the structure and the giving of it Shows that it's all one cohesive one cohesive unit from Genesis right and Joe all the way through Jesus his ascension into heaven and Pentecost right indeed all these promises being fulfilled So if you need if you want to hear that again, if you're keeping keeping score at home Saying number one is verse seven through nine Saying number two is verse 15 Saying number three is the second half of 15 and 16 Saying number four is 18 and 19 Saying number five is 21 and 22 Saying 20 saying number six is 24 through 28 and the seventh and final saying is verses 29 through 31 These are mints also to be to give you. I mean, how many days of the week do we have? maybe each day Broken up that these sections are given for you to contemplate each day to contemplate the wisdom of God and what's given there So we're going to explore these a little bit together. I think that's what's fun about this This is what I'm excited about because I think it's it's just it's just so much fun You know the Lord the Lord loves to hide things right one of the first proverbs or Psalms that we read The Lord loves to conceal things, and it's the glory of Kings to seek them out So those seven sayings But those seven sayings they aren't boom boom boom boom boom There's an interruption in each of these seven sayings Hmm Right, what do we have? What are what are the what are the interruptions that we have with the sayings of God? What interrupts the sayings of God? What do we see according to Proverbs 30? I Mean, it's literally in the structure of it We hear right we hear of the wisdom of God in its source Right look the first saying from verse 7 So it's something for us to contemplate And then what is verse 10 described? What is verse 10? What does it say is happening? Don't slander a master a servant to his master and now look at verse 11 What is the interruption in the wisdom of God? describes describes evil people wickedness Wickedness interrupts all these sayings look at verses 11 through 14 It's describing those Who are not finding wisdom in God's word, but those who want to hurt to divide who want to steal and kill Even Jesus said right. That's the devil. He has come to steal and to kill. He's a liar from the beginning Okay, this verse is 11 through 14 supposed to wisdom So the interruption in all these seven sayings It's going to the author is showing us by the very structure of this contemplate consider the wisdom of God But don't be surprised when the devil tries to interrupt you so they're going to be these right who who are who are wicked and in verse Verses 15 right saying to and 16 Then what interrupts those sayings in verse 17? Again, it describes a wicked person someone that mocks a father Scorns to obey the mother And then verse 18 says okay, forget them now come back to God's word There are two things that are too great for me right and to consider these things But then what verse 20 interrupts saying verse sayings four and five This is the way of an adulterous Right then verse 21 brings the fifth saying Verse six and so then the conclusion five six and seven are all together But then it ends right it ends with in verses 32 and 33 again an Interruption into the good wisdom of God. So this proverb is is How do I want to say this? The words are beautiful Not only in their their subject in their topic, but in their very structure It gives us a pattern for our life the number seven seven days in the week But it also reminds us and teaches us and says hey, don't give up you're gonna get interrupted Not all the time is it gonna just be others who interrupt you right? We would we would say hey We're tempted with these same things right to to interrupt and to try to find and seek wisdom on our own Okay, so we any questions or thoughts is that do you kind of see that? Yeah, Stephanie I'm just going to comment on like a project and what you're touching on, it's like Just like shot-off culture that we're in, like you yourself cannot be the property of the station Yeah, people are trying to do that and I'm like, oh I'm shooting at the other one over If the problem is you, the solution can't also be, so if we can have time to talk and people are trying to fill out with all of these things in the world Yeah, yeah, well said yeah absolutely if if we are the problem we can't be the solution Absolutely, very good. Thank you any any other thoughts on on this and we're gonna get into since we've already done saying number one We did the two things I ask right we're gonna contemplate we're gonna jump to the leech because I like leeches any other thoughts How many mouths does elite chav? That's how I know where my farm people are Right elite has two mouths The head and the tail or two heads whatever the head and the tail that's how it holds on so tight So here even in the book of Proverbs we see science The leech has two daughters and give and give not that the daughters give But it says the leech has has two parts to it that are always Demanding you give right give give give give So the leech has two daughters right to side two mouths. It's never satisfied right that picture of something that has two mouths Three things so that it gives a picture from nature and that segues into this It's just a fun thing here three things that are never satisfied four never never say enough It's kind of poetic saying in Hebrew You state three things and then you state and four so there are three things never satisfied four never say enough shale Does anybody can anybody give me a definition for what shale is? Have you heard that word before? Okay, it's the realm of the dead That's true, and then it has a second definition as well Yeah, or just hell itself it can be used in those two ways And that's what's a little confusing sometimes when we when we see this word shale and English Bibles will try to translate it Differently according to the the context shale can just be a general realm of the dead or it can be specifically in hell Okay, so those who've died or those who are already in hell so four things that say never enough Is death ever satisfied? No, no death it goes it's not satisfied, but it has been destroyed right we Christians We know shale has has been filled it has been satisfied the death of Christ Right, so death no longer has dominion it is it is filled up. It's completed for Christians right well Does death put an end to the unbeliever? No, remember a sometime ago. I mentioned how C.S. Lewis says Every person is is an immortal being every person you come into contact with is an eternal an eternal being Death death even this is this is how complete the death and resurrection of Jesus was his victory over death Death doesn't even claim the unbeliever Jesus has completely destroyed death as the end But we are told all will be all will be raised from the grave right Matthew 25 the sheep in the goats They're all brought to the father the sheep to the right to the kingdom that's been prepared for you in the goats to the left Right to where they are constantly dying again. It's death over and over again Okay, so death it has the appearance of not being satisfied always everybody everybody dies How is the barren womb? Never what what is that picture the barren womb think of think of scripture? In the scriptures the barren womb What is what is the cry of the woman who? Doesn't have children isn't able to have children Is there anything in life that she says oh I've got a Ferrari yeah, I'm satisfied with that Now the picture right the picture of the barren womb in the scriptures is nothing nothing can fulfill that that desire That that God given desire nothing can fulfill that so it's not it's not saying it's not saying You know curse or bad or blessing or anything But what what he's pointing out is saying look death is never satisfied and the barren womb is never satisfied The land right Especially this week if we had enough rain Well Is the land is the land does the land ever say hey? I have enough water now what happens to water as soon as it even as it As soon as it hits the earth It runs off, but even more Starts to evaporate starts to go back up right you remember from science class that picture of the circle right rain comes down and Gets evaporated back up the land and I mean that's one of the signs It's one of the signs of a fallen world too is that it's always we're the world is just in one big process of dying There is no stopping it Because as soon as it rains what are in August what are we gonna be saying? Where's the rain God? Give us rain. He said I did you weren't grateful for it, uh, and as long as there's fueled as fire ever stop fire the fire never just says no no more but but remember too in this this is even throwing back This is this is a little throwing back to how the proverb started right with with taking us back to to the questions And Job of saying look these the you can't you can't stop these things man woman You can't you can't stop this you can't control it, but remember how we started off It's God saying hey who told the water to stop who tells the proud waves of the ocean thus far You shall come in no further. Who said who put the stars in their place? So here it's kind of the author is saying man you you experience this in your in your own life You know how unsatisfied these things are and how good are you? At putting an end to them, but we also It's also a picture of of Jesus of Jesus, right who who can say enough to death Jesus right who can who can give a child to the barren womb I Mean here we have right we have how many what do we have we have? Sarah and Abraham right we have Elizabeth and Zachariah And we have of course the Virgin Mary The land never satisfied with water. What is Jesus says come to me all you who are thirst right? What does he say to the woman at the well? I will give you? Springs of water will well up and she says give me this water right give me this water Help me find satisfaction right that Jesus is is that that well of water that that? never runs out And how about fire? right Jesus says I have a I have a I have a baptism to be baptized with right the the fire the the the the enduring the Jesus receives all the fire of the wrath of God on the cross and and Jesus is Saint Paul says Jesus is the The end of the law for all who believe That that fire of God's wrath that that his his his law that judges us and says guilty Jesus his he absorbs all the fire of God's wrath on the cross and and what does Jesus say about the law? I've not come to abolish but to fulfill So we can see how in Proverbs even we even see Jesus and his work for us His answering his being the answer to these things that we can't we can't control we can't stop But he takes all things All things are captured in into Christ Pretty neat isn't it? kind of fun Seeing how how these sayings and these Proverbs everything is meant to point us to Jesus come to me All you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest amongst all the leeches Even you're even the Even the gift of the womb those little leeches that live in your house That's you can call your kids now my little leeches oh No, they give more than than we can ever imagine what a blessing All right closing thoughts or ideas it really is a fun text. I well, I think it's fun. That's you know I'm the teacher, so I'm having fun All right, very good. Well, if that's enough we will close with the word of prayer Dear heavenly father, we give you thanks that you sent your son Jesus to stand up for us to give his life on our behalf to Satisfy the demands of the law to satisfy to end death to grant to us springs of living water and that indeed you birth your your womb is Never empty that you birth children from above by the waters of baptism You have created us given us life You continue to do so and we give you thanks O Lord that you grow your church That to the things that cause us so much strife in this life things that seem never satisfied We know we can find our rest in you and the forgiveness of sins and the mercy of Jesus Help us to seek your son Jesus for wisdom and the peace that surpasses all understanding in his name. We pray. Amen