The Village Church

The Inefficiency of God - Audio

The Inefficiency of God - Bill Nash - Mark 5:21-43

Broadcast on:
19 Jun 2011
Audio Format:

It is awesome to me. It really is great to be here. That was fantastic. Thank you. The voices are incredible and just so good to be here with you guys this morning. You know, as I was thinking about what I was confessing and I thought what Satan was doing in my mind was just bringing to mind my past week and all the things that would disqualify me to stand before you and there are many. But I also began to think of how if I did feel good about myself, that would be a wrong reason to be up here too because only God, only God through me, only God through His Word can change our hearts, can give His new life and so I stand before you, ready to give you guys a word both preached and read and so and written and I want to begin by beginning in prayer. Father, we bow a knee before you and Lord search our hearts and reveal in us our sins so that we will see it and hate it like you do and confess and repent and find forgiveness. Lord, we don't approach you and you have a frown on your face. We're surprised because you smile and the reason you smile you point us to the cross and so Lord in your presence we find forgiveness and in your presence we find hope and so Lord let us drink deep from what you offer us through your Word. Sanctify us in your truth, your Word is truth and we pray this in Christ's name. And then the title of the sermon is the inefficiency of God. I don't know if you've ever thought that God was somehow inefficient but I sometimes do and let me tell you one of the most recent times where I thought that it was on April 28 the day after the tornadoes hit and we were part of Huntsville where nothing happened for us. I mean if we had not the electricity hadn't gone out I would not really have known other than I storm blew through but if you recall that next night after the 27th I mean it was a clear day and that night there was no electricity right I mean there's nothing and so we went outside we took my family outside and we look up at the stars and see stars I never thought I would see in Huntsville you know because of the light pollution typically but there were stars that were revealed that normally you don't see as I looked up at one of the first thoughts I had I was an awe of God I thought wow amazing God but also I immediately went to why and then when my why was because I know that in some of you NASA guys might correct me on some of this but a light year is about six trillion miles and so it's the distance that light will travel in a year six trillion miles and so if I could find a north star I was looking at a star that light was four hundred and thirty four years old so I was looking at that the north star is so far out it takes the light that far to travel and so I'm looking out at a vast space and wondering God why do you need all that space I mean why that much space and the hubble telescope now can show see galaxies that are a hundred million light years away so that there are billions of years old trillions of years I mean so there's stars out there that are that old they're that far out in space space is massive and I just look up and I go gosh why do you need all that space God and even as I got back to thinking that well God you have all that space why and when I was a kid I watched a lot of television that's probably why I'm very warped typically and in the afternoons I don't know if you watched the Warner Brothers cartoons being a Duffy Doug Porky Pig but there was a cartoon I remember so well I think it was Macintosh the two little squirrels or chipmunks and they were they were in a factory where they made a number of things they used wood and this cartoon I remember they had these giant logs that came off of trucks and they stuck on a giant lathe and they spun it down all the way to a toothpick you ever remember that in this little mechanized hand with this pinky out grab the toothpick brought it over and drop it in a little box and when I look at space and I look up I think God you're taking a giant tree and you're reducing it down to little toothpick why do you need all that space it seems very inefficient to me why why millions of years why thousands of why all of that and so not only does God seem inefficient with space because I think about even our galaxy I mean we're like a grain of sand on a beach that's millions and trillions of miles wide and long and so somehow God has ratcheted everything down to one planet in one part of this planet on one hill and it seems so inefficient like why well how about this too and that's not just space that's God seems inefficient but about time see in my Bible if I go all the way to Malachi it's the last book of the Old Testament I've written in there and then there was 400 years of silence because the next prophet that spoke was John the Baptist and that was 400 years later so there was 400 year gap where God was silent 400 years that's how long it takes me to see the North Star the light come and travel 400 years but then if we go to Isaiah Isaiah was prophesying and talking about Jesus coming that was 600 years later it all came true that's a long time and King David was a thousand years before Jesus and Moses was like 1500 years before Jesus God takes a long time to do things he seemed very inefficient in my mind and and then I had a professor let me just see if I keep pulling you really in on this I had a professor in seminary where he sort of talked tongue in cheek a little bit but he said it seems like God has a plan of spreading the gospel a little bit like a scorched earth approach because as the gospel spread from Palestine you know in the Middle East it went up to Turkey into Europe and on to England and across the United States look what the wake is behind it Turkey is now a Muslim country Europe is full of empty churches I know it is American neck I don't know but I know there seems to be like a scorched earth approach and it seems very inefficient to me now how about this our situations and circumstances personally our situations in our circumstances seem to point to God's inefficiency too if you've ever been in a doctor's office an oncologist's office and they tell you the news how all of a sudden all of your years up to that point seemed like we're just wasted because now of that new news maybe it's cancer seems like well why why now why but it also seems to that things can happen in an instant but how about this maybe you've been pursuing something for 12 years maybe you've been pursuing it no matter what it is maybe it's a position a job anything you've been pursuing it for 12 years and nothing with me we have a son our oldest son Billy is autistic he's 19 years old and for years and years by the time he was 7 we knew there was something really wrong and so for all that time we pursued a cure or something doctors all across the country spending tons of money going here and there to fix him nothing in fact in a lot of ways he got worse so we look at that time why all that time 12 years can seem like forever but then 12 seconds in a doctor's office can seem like forever too and so I don't know if you've ever gotten to this point where to even ask well why even pursue anything I mean why pursue anything why bother if at any moment it all can come to an end or if all that will happen is that will just suffer and suffer and suffer and suffer and nothing will change nothing will get better not only does God seem inefficient but he appears rather random to now I can't be the only one in the room that thinks that I mean I can look in the stars I can look at my life I can look at situations I can ask and struggle with the whole notion of God and maybe you're here and you don't even believe in God and you're saying yeah you know this whole idea that God takes forever and if there is a God you know if he if there really is a God why why can't he spread his word why then is there a sort of a scorched earth approach this spread of the gospel I mean why and we're going to look at a passage in Mark 5 so if you have your Bible as a smart chapter 5 starting in verse 21 and I'm going to say when we read this passage there's a lot of God's inefficiency all over this seems very inefficient and we're going to ask the question why together sort of collectively and say well why but let me also just telegraph kind of where I'm going with this this is something that I've learned although we're going to ask the question why this is something that I've learned over time that it is better to know God than to know why better to know God than to know why or to know what or to know how it is better to know God than to know why what or how that's some just telegraping just a little bit where we're going and we're going to look at this in sort of a time and space element to because if you think about it think about your circumstances whatever you're going through they have a time and a space element to it it has a so when someone calls me and says Bill I have a problem so when you have a problem it sort of takes up space it's something it's a thing you have a problem or you have a mess on your hands whatever it is it's a kind of a thing so it takes up space but it has a time element to because if someone calls you up it says hey I have a problem we say well how when and when did this happen oh it's been going on for 12 years or it's just happened so it has a time element it has a space element it has something it takes up space and time and so we're going to look at and we're going to go through verse by verse as it were not every verse necessarily we're going to look at this and look at the efficiency of God and we're going to see something really amazing I hope okay so let's begin in verse 20 of verse 21 of chapter 5 and when Jesus had crossed again in the boat to the other side a great crowd gathered around him and he was beside the sea then came one of the rulers of the synagogue Jairus by name and seeing him he fell at his feet and implored him earnestly saying my little daughter is at the point of death come and lay your hands on her so that she may be made well and live and Jesus he went with him now we're going to learn later in this verse that the age of his daughter Jairus is a synagogue ruler he sort of runs the synagogue a lot of the synagogue rulers were Pharisees but and he would have heard of Jesus Jesus would have been in his synagogue and so he knows Jesus and he goes to him and we learn later that he has a daughter and she's 12 years old 12 years is big in this in these verses here okay so we'll listen out for that but we learn in Luke as he tells the story we learn that she is the only daughter so maybe get the picture she's 12 years old she is dying this is his only daughter the apple of his eye right the thing that this man has Jairus has is the thing that's got his time now it's filling up every space and of his life is a dying daughter and he's desperate and he goes to Jesus and he says Jesus here's what I have a dying daughter and she's only 12 12 years is not enough it's just not enough it's not enough time she's my little girl she's my daughter come quick now don't miss this this man has God by the hand he's able to go right up to Jesus and go come on come with me we're going to go to where my daughter is because you're going to heal her he has God's attention let's go follow me he says and Jesus went with him now verse 24 and 25 and a great crowd followed him and thronged about him and there was a woman who had a discharge of blood for 12 years now it's important that this crowd is massive and it's thronging around Jesus that means that it's pushing in on him so he's Jesus is having to weave his way through the crowd everybody he's touching him he's being touched by everyone he's bouncing off of people and I don't know if Jairus grabs him by the hand or he's sort of sort of pulling him by his coat I mean or whatever but this man is bringing Jesus through the crowd and the crowd is thronging and pushing up against him everybody is touching him and then there's a plot twist all of a sudden we meet another character we meet a woman and we learn that she's had a discharge of blood a continuous this is this is what she's been living with for 12 years 12 years now if we read in Leviticus we have an idea of what's going on in this woman's life Leviticus tells us if you have an issue of blood you can't go to worship she could not go to the temple she could not go to the synagogue and I can just imagine her whole life for those 12 years people would point and gossip she also if she was married she couldn't make love to her husband and she had kids she got no hugs and she's had if she had kids and maybe their youngest was like 2 or 3 that means for all of that child's life and that child's 15 now maybe even off and married she never got hugs she couldn't hug her child she couldn't because no one can touch somebody who has an issue of blood and so and the other thing is to if she went in public she had to announce to everybody what her problem was you imagine that she had to tell everybody what her problem was so that they would stay away and so rather than a kind loving smile she got wide eyes people backing up grabbing the kids and pulling them away that was her whole life and she got no hugs and on the most discouraging day there was no one there to rub her back just to tell her it's going to be okay 12 years she has a circumstance she has it and it's filling up every ounce of her time and these are 12 long years forever where is God what 12 years really and it gets worse verse 26 and she had and she had suffered much under many physicians and had spent all that she had and it was no better but grew but rather grew worse so many physicians may who can relate to that right many physicians with many different ideas many different costs she was totally every ounce of money she had was now gone for 12 years she was looking for an answer in first century Palestine a woman with an issue of blood it was humiliating over and over and over again if you've ever suffered from something chronic something that just you go to doctor after doctor now at the internet it's worse Google whatever you got there's a hundred different opinions and a hundred different locations around the world where you can go to fix whatever it is you have and so she lost time she lost hope she lost money and she lost ground because it got worse she said spent all she had and she was no better but she actually did get worse now verse 27 and 28 and she had heard reports about Jesus and came up behind him in the crowd and touched his garments for she said if I can touch even his garments I will be made well and I love this part of this because it says that she had heard about Jesus now I can I can relate to this whole idea of trying to fix someone or something or whatever's going on you go around and try to solve it and then this part two where she said she's heard about Jesus I've heard about Jesus too I've never seen him I've never touched him I've heard about him I've heard about him in the word I've heard about what he's done and that's what she'd heard as well she heard about what he has done she heard that through his words he could make someone who has crippled stand up pick up his mat and walk she'd also heard that he could come a raging sea with his words peace be still it was all calm she'd heard this she heard that he told someone with a withered hand stretch it out and it became whole and so she and her just like you and I had heard about Jesus and that he forgives sins and everything I'd ever had done is known by him and he can forgive sins and so we hear that too and we go to find healing just like her and so she goes and she risks everything because she has to be silent she risked everything to go and touch his garments and then verse 29 it says that after she just touched the very edge of his garments little tassel immediately the flow of blood dried up and she felt in her body that she was healed of her disease and so in a moment 12 long years is over just like that she has what she has been longing for for 12 years every think about it every day she thought I could just get rid of this this blood could just stop I could hug my kids again I could make love to my husband I could I could go into the crowd and not have to announce what's along with me and all of a sudden done it's fixed everything she wanted for 12 years it's done but here's the thing that's not good enough Jesus wasn't gonna let her just go disappear off into the crowd because it's never enough just to be healed that's not enough look at verse 30 and Jesus perceiving in himself that power had gone out from him immediately turned around in the crowd and said who touched my garments and I love this part verse what I want and his disciples said to him I think it's in the Greek I think they go dude I go you see the crowd pressing around you and yet you say who touched me who didn't touch you this is crazy and he but then it says Jesus looked around to see who had done it see Jesus is struggling through the crowd to go and heal somebody he's on his way the ruler of the synagogue has the attention of God and God is walking with him and they're going to go heal his daughter keep her from dying and everybody's touching Jesus time is of the essence if he stops she can die and the disciples say exactly probably what the ruler of the synagogue was saying was like Jesus are you kidding me you're going to stop to figure out who touched you stopping now seems very inefficient makes no sense in fact it seems crazy dare I say stupid the text tells us and verse done 32 that it's really clear that Jesus was intent on finding this woman he was going to find whoever it was that touched him verse 33 but the woman knowing what had happened to her came in fear and trembling and fell down before him and told him the whole truth now the circumstance she had the bleeding had filled every space and every moment of her existence it began to define her everything about her was fixing this problem it was now gone she now had what she's been looking for for 12 years Jesus was not going to allow her to stay there she still hadn't found what she's looking for what she really needs because it was better to know God than to know what or why or how it is better to know God than to find the answer to your dreams whether it's healing physically whether it's financially being exactly where you want to be it is better to know God than to have that and Jesus knows that she doesn't know that yet so he calls her out and takes her from a place where she wouldn't be known takes him to her himself because he wants a relationship with her that's the best that's the best she thought she now had what she thought was going to complete her and fill her time with meaning but that stuff like that is never enough it never is and she falls at Jesus feet just like the ruler of the synagogue did it when he came to Jesus he fell at Jesus feet she falls at his feet now and she opens up she tells him the whole truth of what has happened she confesses everything to him she tells him the whole truth it says and now she finds what she really needs trusting Jesus and telling him everything it is better to know God than to know why or how or what this is true peace the kind of peace that we're all looking for is found in a relationship with Jesus just him he's enough not knowing why or how or what and so verse 34 and then that love is Jesus said to her daughter daughter your faith has made you well go in peace and be healed of your disease Jesus calls her daughter now and now she's part of the family but I like to think too he's has a lot now in common with the ruler of the synagogue because the ruler of the synagogue his daughter is dying now Jesus stops and looks at her and says daughter he is saying you know like this synagogue ruler I have a daughter it's you and I will stop anything I will stop anything and everything to make you safe make you my concern and I will fight for you to be mine I will rescue you because Jesus is saying to her you know what 12 years is not enough for me either for you to be my daughter I want eternity with you just like the ruler of the synagogue 12 years is not enough 12 with years with you my daughter is not enough I want eternity I want us to have a relationship and Jesus stops everything it seems inefficient doesn't it but he searches and finds her and calls her into a relationship and says now you can have peace now this is what you've been looking for meanwhile back at the ranch look at verse 35 while Jesus was still speaking to her there came from the rulers house some who said your daughter is dead why trouble to teach you any further so I imagine Jairus the really really the center of the the rule of the synagogue just kind of jaw dropping and going really really you stopped everything and my daughter died this happened I can't imagine him just thinking how did this happen I had this man by the hand I was taking him through the crowd we would have made it I mean 12 years seems like forever but those 12 minutes probably when he was talking to the woman seemed like forever to Jesus seems very inefficient here he seems highly distractible sort of ADHD sort of very much unable to focus seems that way because we asked that question too many times when our circumstances change why now God right and why so long so if you've ever been there with God confused and frustrated with how things are going how long things are taking or how sudden something happened if you've ever said I think I've said this exactly what these folks that came from the different gave the news he said why trouble Jesus anymore I said to the white and bother if this is going to happen in my life God why do I even bother you know if this is going to take this long why bother I've been there verse 36 38 but overhearing what they say said now Jesus is still there this is another thing to take away Jesus is always there he is overhearing everything he's overseeing everything that happens he overheard what they said Jesus said to the rule of the synagogue do not fear only believe do not fear only believe and he allowed no one to follow him except Peter and James and John the brother of James they came to the house of the ruler of the synagogue and Jesus saw a commotion people weeping and wailing loudly and when Jesus says to him do not fear he's essentially saying to him do not let what you see don't let what you see be the source of your life don't let your circumstances be what feeds you because they're not those are not the telling thing I'm what gives you peace not your circumstance so now take space and time and fill it with trust no matter what the circumstance is fill it with trust believe Jesus says walk with me and trust Jesus is saying let me take you through the circumstance before Jairus was probably I don't know if he had him by the hand but he was leading Jesus and now that Jesus says he Jesus has created this new circumstance hasn't he and Jesus is saying no now let me lead you through this circumstance of the death of your daughter in fact Jesus would be saying I'm the one that created it I created the delay I stopped I looked for the woman I spoke to her I did all this I created that delay now let me leave you through it let me walk you through this trust believe believe me now one of the things that Jesus walked into you was a lot of mourning a commotion now if you died or someone you knew died in the first century you would hire people to come and mourn that was what you did they were sort of a professional guild of mourners and they would hire them and they would come and they would well and cry sort of get the crowd kind of worked up that's who's there when Jesus walks in there's a paid professional is crying and mourning and so and they will cry and then we'll see here in just a moment we'll switch at the drop of a hat watch this verse 39 and when you get entered he said to them why are you making a commotion and weeping the child is not dead but sleeping and they laughed at him so these professional mourners are boiling one second laughing the neck mocking Jesus but he put them all outside and took the child's father and mother and those who were with him and went in where the child was Jesus is saying to us and to the crowd everyone there he's saying to us someone who is dead to me is like someone who is asleep to you see I can't get my hands around you said no she's just sleeping I know how to wake up my daughter I just kind of sweetheart let's go you're late let's get up and I know how to do that I can't bring someone back to life Jesus can but he's saying just like you would wake up your daughter is me giving life to somebody and see for you to reach down and touch your daughter is like me reaching across the universe and placing that star out there she's not a she's not dead she's asleep Jesus has the power within him because he's God he can reach down see I can reach and touch my daughter he can reach across the universe and stick out of star he can speak words of life come rise just like I can say to my daughter please sweetheart get up and there's the verse 41 he says these words he says taking her by the hand so he just reaches down it's like Jesus reaching across the universe trillions of miles to the very edge of the universe he can reach down and touches her and then he says these words he says Talitha kumi which means little girl I say to you arise it's like him saying sweetheart it's some sort of pet name sweetheart get up and she gets up she's alive she wakes up she's not dead anymore and immediately the girl got up and began walking for she was 12 years of age the same time this woman lived with all this issue of blood for 12 years this little girl grew up and Jesus can cure this and he can bring someone from the dead and they were immediately overcome with amazement and he's Jesus strictly charged them that no one should know this and he told them to give her something to eat and no time at all Jesus can cure just like that it takes no time for God to do this now one of the things if you look at in the text very closely the rule of the synagogue the dad whose daughter was just raised from the dead you don't read that he was smiling or that there were tears of joy or that he was jumping around although I don't necessarily doubt that that happened it says that he was amazed he was amazed at what happened and so even though he found what he was looking for but he got more he got the glory of God he got God's glory so he looked at a situation that was hopeless that God had led him to the circumstances and then he looked at it with amazement because he saw God's handiwork he saw the power of God and so he got amazement he got the glory of God the vast distance between his hopes in reality the circumstance the horrible circumstance now just take your circumstance whatever it is whatever you're hoping for whatever has happened and you look at that it becomes the backdrop for God's glory you will be amazed it's a promise God is overhearing everything your end result of your current circumstance is amazement where you will raise a hand to God and say glory to God so I look at the sky now and I go how do you do that how do you put that out no it shows the glory of God the glory of God because you know what it's never the healing it's never the comfort and ease that we long for it's never that it's not the what or the why or the how it is better to know God than to know why or what or how because you know what time confuses doesn't it it confuses us because we say well why now God why so long circumstances confuse and distract because they become the thing that define us and God defines us you're my daughter you're my son but no my circumstance no you're my daughter you're my son that's enough that's enough and you know what if we let our circumstances in our in our situations define us it'll make us shallow people because we will hook our joy and attach it to whatever our circumstance is it'll make us they'll make us just like the hired mourners will cry at our circumstance and then we'll get angry at God and mock him when it doesn't change or he says something and so we become like hired mourners we become very shallow people because it's not about who why or I mean it's about who but not what why or how it's about who it's about God it's better to know God than to know why now I'm going to close you with two things very quickly there's a Dutch proverb that I ran across and years ago and I've been telling my kids and they hate it they absolutely do because but the Dutch proverb is this never let a child or a fool watch something being made don't let a child or a fool watch something being made because if you're building a boat maybe a ship right and you're building it out of wood and you just cut down a tree and you've made this little plank about this big and you're carrying it and a fool says what are you doing I'm making a boat the fool goes well it doesn't look like a boat or a child says well how many people are going to be on your boat y'all should hold about 50 they won't fit on that so never let a fool or a child watch something being made and I'm a fool when I look at the night sky I go wow how do I that's not a big guy do you know what you're doing so never let a fool or a child watch something being made because when you say it doesn't look like a boat the maker will say this I'm not done what it will be is not complete trust me trust me I'm making a boat promise now one last little illustration to the passion of Christ did you see that movie the Mel Gibson movie I mean if you were a Christian you had to go you know get your Christian card punched you had to go from 2005 I saw it one time in the theater and there was one scene I remembered and I went back on and a few weeks ago and looked on Google to watch it again on YouTube but I remembered it I remembered it exactly I saw it one time had huge effect on me it was the part where Jesus is carrying his cross he's been already been beaten he's bloody he's got the thorn of crowns on and Mary his mother wants to be able to see him and say something to him so she runs ahead and she gets to a place where she can speak to him and maybe even touch him and she's there waiting and it's at the end of an alley and she can see at the end of the alley and here comes Jesus and he's framed by the the end of the alley and he falls down just the cross falls on his head it's horrible to see but she in her mind remembers him as a little child falling and stumbling and hurting his knee and she runs to go help him as a child so they're interspersing these scenes and she's seeing him as a child then she's seeing him as an adult she runs and she says gets right to his face and she says I'm here I'm here and the Mel Gibson does something really amazing he takes a passage out of Revelation 21 and he puts it there in that scene it's not a scripture but he does I think it did a great job and what what Jesus says to Mary at this time and he's he's being crushed by the the cross his bloody he's exhausted he's not going to make it the best you can tell he's not going to make it wherever he's going and this is what he says to her she he says see mother I make all things new just think about that scene he's bloody how can he make all things new where he is right there he's about to go die he's been beaten with an inch of his life he's exhausted he's not going to make it and he says mother I make all things new he's quoting from Revelation 21 5 this is what it says and he Jesus who was seated on the throne said behold I am making all things new no matter what your circumstance looks like if it looks like you're a bloodied crown of thorns in your head being crushed by a cross whatever your circumstance is Jesus is making all things new and then this is what it says after that he says write this down for these words are trustworthy and true I am making a boat trust me I am making this world beautiful I am making you beautiful I am making all things new trust me trust me because here's the thing a change in circumstance our circumstance that doesn't change that's what we all want right I want my circumstance to change I don't ever want this to change it's awesome it's never what we need it's not what you're looking for it's found in a person a person who pursued you across the vast universe he zeroed in on one planet on one hill for you he pursued you for a relationship and so what we do is we go back to the cross and we fall just like gyrus just like the woman did we fall and we repent of our mourning we repent of our mourning over our circumstance because there's someone who is in control it is harrowing at times it is sad the things we go through but let's repent of our sinful reaction to what God has allowed in our lives he's allowed this because he's making all things new let's repent of our doubt and our scoffing our mocking laughs at God and you can't fix this you know there's no way it'll never happen that's wrong let's repent of that and what we'll find there is what Jesus will give us what we need he'll give us peace peace in time and space so when we have a mess on our hands he'll give us peace when we have a situation our situation has us he'll give us peace peace is found in trusting peace is found in trusting that it is better to know God than to know why it is better to know God than to know why or how or what peace is found in amazement amazement at the glory of God I don't have to look at the sky anymore and wonder why why that big I just say it just shows the glory of God he can reach across the universe and reach down and touch a girl and she can be healed peace is found in truth telling just being honest with God and if we eat each other because you know I have nothing to hide from you because God knows it and I've been forgiven so I want you to know me and I'll tell you we need to confess to each other truth telling it's found in truth telling it's found in bowing a knee to what God has allowed and repenting of our sinful reactions to what he's allowed that's what we need to do because we always hope that if we just knew why then we would love God well that's using God it's leveraging God to get what you want God if you just told me why then I would love you and he got to know just love me I know why and you don't have to know why your circumstances the way it is why the doctor said what he said today why it's taken 12 years and not 12 minutes I know and that's enough but let's do this now let's look at the stars and let's do what the Psalmist said and then I'll close with this says the psalmist said when I look at the heavens the work of your fingers the moon and stars which you have set in place and I ask who am I that you're mindful of me the son of man that you even care for me so I look at the cross and I say that's how much you care for me that's all I need to know that's all I need to know so if you still haven't found what you're looking for my fellow fools and children it is better to know God than to know why right amen amen trust and believe let me pray father oh yes I look into the sky and I see the stars and I wonder how is that why why so much I'm not done yet trust me I have plans trust me I have many more people many people I have many people in this area that are mine and I've called you to go and help me gather them that's my plan my word is powerful it goes forth it heals little girls it places moons and stars in the sky and it brings life to dead people spiritually dead people so go in that power into the this the village here go and tell them about me my word will not come back void powerful go up to people and essentially say to them get up wake up show them Jesus let's go forth now in that power because he's not done yet we can trust him in Christ's name Amen Amen [BLANK_AUDIO]