Wisconsin's Weekend Morning News

Wisconsin's Weekend Morning News 8-11-24

1h 8m
Broadcast on:
11 Aug 2024
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This is Wisconsin's Weekend Morning News with Liddy Collins. I don't know about you Jessica, but these chilly mornings it's almost feeling like fall to me. I was thinking the same thing. Yeah. Definitely. I've been wearing like a flannel today. I see. Yeah, you get your flannel. You've got everything. Alright, well we've got TMJ4 meteorologist Brendan Johnson with us and Brendan, have you noticed that as well that it's almost starting to feel like fall? So Libby, yesterday when I went home from work, I was driving down Capitol Drive, windows open, sunroof open and blasting. This is Halloween, the famous pumpkin song right down Capitol Drive. Yes, it is feeling so much like fall and this is my favorite. I am honestly the bane of the existence of all my coworkers because nobody wants to rush in the season of fall. So everyone kind of rolls their eyes whenever I bring up that water. You just want that pumpkin spice. I do. I do. And we have been tracking it. Internet rumors and leaks suggesting it's around the corner. The 22nd is the rumor. So we'll see. Oh, so that that's the official start of fall I think. But speaking from your perspective, now we did have some heat a couple of weeks ago that definitely felt like dog days of summer. But it seems like this is a little bit early for things to be cooling off so much. Is this a trend? Is this an anomaly? I mean, is it really going to be like this the next couple of months? You know, this is just, I think, a one off, you know, we are starting to get into that period of time. You know, usually mid late July is on average the warmest time of the year in southeastern Wisconsin. We're now beyond that. So from here on out, we can look for some changes in the weather pattern. We could see some cooler bouts of error. This one is not long lasting. This is going away as quickly as it arrived. We will bring back temperatures generally close to average for the remainder of the week. And you will notice the humidity go up as well. So I begrudgingly say, yes, it is still summer. It's not fall yet, but do look for some changes in the temperatures and the overall weather pattern here in the next few weeks into, you know, next month, you know, September 1st is the beginning of meteorological fall. And that's when we really start, you know, gearing up for some changes. Yep. When the kids start going back to school and we know it's the end of summer because today's the last day of the state fair. Mm. It is. And you know what? I got to tell you, this weekend was probably one of the best to take advantage of the state fair. I know I've heard so many stories of people dodging rain, storms. It's too hot. It's too humid. Well, we kind of wrapped up wrapped up the state fair in a really good note and we'll look for temperatures today to be just a couple degrees warmer than yesterday, around 78 or so in Milwaukee and West Dallas and then tonight's another night with numbers in the 50s and 60s. Oh, it sounds like a beautiful day. Brenda Johnson from TMJ for always great to have you here. You too, Libby. We'll see you. And of course today is the final day of the Wisconsin state fair and we're going to hear all about what's going on with Sherry Black. That'll be in about an hour. Also, state fair might be ending today, but there's still plenty of things to do this week. We're going to hear about one of the most popular events at the zoo and that's getting underway as well. Plus, as you are probably aware at this point, new body camera information was released this week showing the chaos right as the assassination attempt of former President Trump was taking place. Well, I talked with news nations, Elizabeth Pran, about some unanswered questions and I think you'll find what she has to say. Very interesting. Also, we'll be joined by our consumer expert, Michelle Rhine, and she's got, well, she talks about a passport renewal scam, which you've got to be so careful out there. Plus, and I'm looking forward to this, we're going to meet Timothy Gibbons. He is the new editor-in-chief from the Milwaukee Business Journal and he's got news about a possible sales tax in Waukesha County. Plus, we've got Matt Miller here. He's going to look at a husband and wife battle at the box office. We'll take a look back at the weekend review as you just heard Jessica Gazzo is here in the newsroom. Isaac Markhart, Markhart is pressing those buttons and in just two minutes, it's Wyatt Barmore-Pooley with sports on this really cool Sunday morning. It's 63 degrees at 8.12 on WTMJ. A classic pictures duel of American family field Saturday night as Tobias Myers and Nick Martinez match zeros through seven innings. The brewer is only mustering up one measly single until Reese Hoskins step to the plate in the eighth inning and the pitch head to left and be get up, get up, get up. Mr. Baseball, Bob Euchar on the call here on WTMJ and after Hoskins' 20th big fly of the year gave the crew the lead, it was time for Devin Williams to get his first save of the year with a bang. The stretch and the pitch has struck him out swinging and he just struck out the side and the brewers have beaten the Cincinnati Reds. Brewers go for the sweep Sunday afternoon. Our coverage starts with Brewers warm up at noon right here on WTMJ. Jordan Love returning to the field Saturday for the first time since being made the highest paid quarterback in the NFL. Only two passes for the Packers, $220 million man in Green Bay's postseason opener, but he's last with a 65 yard touchdown pass to Don Taveon Wicks and the pack was off and running to a 23-10 win over the Cleveland Browns. Only one moment tarnishing a solid team effort for the Green and Gold rookie running back Marshawn Lloyd left the game with a hamstring injury. Next week, the pack takes on the Broncos on Sunday and a banner day for the red, white and blue in Paris. Let's run down the gold medals. Men's basketball downs the host nation to win the U.S.'s fifth straight gold, Steph Curry with a flurry of three pointers and now all of America knows why it was so fun to be a Warriors fan during their run. Women's soccer returning to the top for the first time since the 2012 games. Mallory Swanson with the only goal, Alyssa Nair, another stellar performance in goal, two shutouts in the semi-final and final for the U.S. keeper and in track and field, the Americans sweep the four by 400 relay in both genders. I'm Wyatt Barmore, Pooley, WTMJ Sports. Thanks a lot Wyatt, always great to hear from you. It is 8-16-63 degrees, going to be a pretty nice day today. We're going to get up there in the 70s, as Brenda Johnson was just telling us it's going to be pretty, pretty nice if you're going out to the fair and again we're going to be talking with Sherry Black from the Wisconsin State Fair around 9-07 this morning. We'll find out all the things that are going on on this final day and coming up in just a couple of minutes, he's new to town but he is on the beat already. It is the new editor in chief of the Milwaukee Business Journal, Timothy Gibbons, he's going to be joining us in just a couple minutes right here on WTMJ. It is going to be a beautiful Sunday, sunny, comfortable, you know that humidity is not really going to be there, we're going to get up to about 78 degrees just a perfect day whether you're cooking out, going to state fair, getting together with the family, maybe you've got some of that boating, you want to get out of your system or even go to the beach, great day to do it. Then tonight, clear, cool, down to about 62, now as you get further in, then we're going to get back into the mid 50s, tomorrow looks partly cloudy, we do have a slight chance of a shower but a high of 80 degrees, then on Tuesday mostly sunny in 80, Wednesday mostly sunny in 81, and Thursday some clouds will increase and we'll have a chance of some showers and storms and a high of 78 degrees, currently in Brookfield it's 61, Richfield has 60, Greenfield here at 62 degrees and we have 63 degrees at 819 on WTMJ. It's time to check in with the Milwaukee Business Journal and joining us today is the new editor in chief Timothy Gibbons and first of all, Tim, this is our first time together, welcome. Thank you very much, it's great to be here. I know and we're so excited to have you here in Milwaukee and let's talk about some of the stories that you've been covering this week, a big one, and that's a possible sales tax in Waukesha County. Yeah, I am new so don't press me too much on the details but clearly this is a huge thing for the businesses, for the residents there, Waukesha County is one of the very few in the state that does not have a sales tax and their budgets are hurting frankly and they have to figure out what to do so the sales tax is not the only thing they're looking at, wheel tax is possible, they could try to raise their property tax levy but the sales tax seems to be from the people that we're talking to, kind of the idea that people are coalescing around. Well, you see so much retail growth in the area of Waukesha County, I would imagine they're looking at that as sort of a goal line in some ways. In some ways what I found interesting and this is, I mean, that's obviously very much an area that does not want to raise taxes, they're proud of their low taxes, everybody we talked to there is allergic to raising taxes but they realize that if you're going to have the services that people are moving there for, you got to pay for them. One of the issues is that the sales tax would actually raise too much money. They don't- How can you raise too much money? Because they have a budget deficit of, do not hold me on this figure, I want to say it was five or six million and the tax would raise basically ten times that. So then you have a question, can you divvy that up among the cities in a different way? Can you have a sales tax for a certain amount of time? Can they petition the state to let them raise the sales tax but not by the amount that they would otherwise have to? So they're looking at different options. One of the benefits, obviously, is a sales tax does not just hit residents. You talk about the growing retail in the area. Restaurants are booming in Waukesha County, it's the first place for a number of chain restaurants that have moved to the greater Milwaukee area. They've located there. It's not just Waukesha County residents who are eating in those restaurants. There are people from other outlying areas, people from the city of Milwaukee, so a sales tax would bring money in from outsiders. Obviously, if you're an insider, you much prefer having that money come from people who are not you in addition to the people who live there. Well, you mentioned restaurants and that's another booming area in Waukesha County, not only the chain restaurants, but you have a lot of local chefs, restaurateurs, who even if they've got a place in the city, they're opening a second place in Waukesha County. Right, exactly. So it's been the spot the number of national chains have landed. B.J.'s restaurant, Pratilla's Buffalo Wild Wings, they came to the state for the first time and Waukesha is where they wanted to be. What's interesting when you talk to both real estate leaders and political leaders there is they are focused on trying to keep the Waukesha County vibe, which doesn't include chain restaurants, but also has those local culinary arts being portrayed, whether it's people from Waukesha or people from Milwaukee expanding their sort of things. So it's kind of neat to hear them focusing on keeping what makes Waukesha special, keeping that in place. And of course, even those franchises, they're national chains, but the people who own those are oftentimes local as well. So sometimes I think when we talk about restaurants, we draw this line between the national ones and the local ones, but from a business standpoint, these are entrepreneurs, these are local entrepreneurs in the same sort of way. Well, Marcus Theaters has a huge presence, obviously, in Waukesha County, as well as other parts of Wisconsin and actually the whole country, but they're going to do something a little bit different, and I'm excited about those. So they've rolled this out in the second quarter, which was frankly not a great quarter for them. But if you are part of their membership club, you can get free popcorn when you go to the movies on Tuesdays. Just to be clear, do not show up demanding free popcorn on a Friday night. I can go on a Tuesday. Exactly. No, the movie business is a rough one. It's a tough thing to make money in that. Now, this year, past couple of months, have actually been good in terms of movies. Spick will me for when gangbusters, I think that the highest, no, inside out was the highest grossing animated movie ever. The Deadpool and Wolverine movie is the highest grossing or rated movie ever. So there are some bright spots in it, but over the pandemic, a lot of people learn to enjoy the comfort of sitting on their couch, watching a movie. You can pause it. There's nobody talking. Home can be a fun place to watch a movie. But Marcus is hoping that free popcorn makes a theater a fun place to watch a movie. Of course, popcorn. That's their big markup. Yes, it is. But so what's interesting is Tuesdays, there's a ticket deal for everybody with an extra buck off, if you remember, and their average concession revenue per ticket actually went up by a couple percentage points. And as you said, I mean, the movie business is a weird one where we think of going to the movies as going to the movies. But if you're in the business, you think of it as selling cups of popcorn. Exactly. We're going to turn to something that's not as upbeat and we've seen it obviously in the stock market. Some manufacturing plants are starting to cut back. Yeah, exactly. So Rockwell Automation is the one that they came out with their quota learnings this week. And as part of that, they trimmed their guidance for the year. In their case, it's because manufacturing customers are putting off some of the investment that they would otherwise make in their factories. It can be a tough time right now for manufacturers. The issue of demand dropping has economists concerned kind of overall of where the economy is going. We saw the same thing last year from a logistics standpoint where you had a lot of retailers who had inventory overhangs and just they had so much inventory, they didn't need more inventory and that impacts the people who make whatever the inventory is as well as the people who ship it. So now it's manufacturing where a little bit of a slowdown, a little bit of less capital going into these major projects and obviously a company like Rockwell that ends up hitting their bottom line. All right. Finally, let's turn to something really fun. This is all over the world and it's coming to Tosa. It is a troll, which is somehow it feels like a troll. Describe what a troll is or you don't know. They're not just looking at celebrities online. No, no. So I should correct myself. It's a giant troll. So this is a sculpture that is made by an artist called Thomas Danbow who has built the these things around the world. It's made out of recycled material and it is a giant troll. Public art, it is designed while with Tosa is basically hoping that it attracts visitors, kind of gives the city of vibe as a creative artsy sort of place. And frankly, if you look at the pictures, it just looks kind of cool. Oh, yeah. And it's big. It's huge. It's huge. I mean, it is absurdly huge. The picture that we have on our website, if you go to, you can see a picture of the artist standing next to one of these. And I mean, it's six or seven times the size of a human being. So it's going to be a stunning thing. When we wrote the story, I was trying to picture somebody who doesn't know it's there. So if you're a visitor, you want to go and see it, that's going to be cool. But can you imagine you're driving down the street, turn the corner and particularly in the winter, skies a little overcast covered with snow, somebody's going to, you know, freak out a little bit. I think you're right. But I love the name Tosa troll. Yes. That's going to be a thing for sure. They'll probably do t-shirts and who knows what else. I would definitely buy a t-shirt. Tim Givens, a pleasure to have you here. We'll talk to you again soon. Awesome. Thanks for having me. I cannot wait for the Tosa troll. I think that is going to be so cool. I don't know if you've ever seen these, but they literally are all over the world and they're in some unusual spots, but they're huge and they're really troll-like. Some would call them, at least some would call them cute. I would just say they're definitely trolls. It is putting Tosa on the map. It's 827. We have 64 degrees at WTMJ. Welcome back to the second half hour of Wisconsin weekend morning news. I'm with the Collins a little bit later on. We're going to be talking with Sherry Black from the Wisconsin State Fair. It is the final day of the fair. So we got to hear what's going on and talking about going on. Well, Kamala, this past week, picked a running mate. Hurricane Debbie slammed the east coast and a stick or no stick. Celebrity edition. There's so much more. It's the weekend review brought to you by Outdoor Living Unlimited. What we do here is go back, back, back. Pride to the at the temple. Today, March 12 years since the shooting at the Oak Creek Seek Temple of Wisconsin. Now you think about all the mass shootings. Now you think about the hate crimes and I wonder if it just has become a blip in America's consciousness. International markets taking a hit as fears of a possible U.S. recession grows ABC's, I'm sorry, ABC's chief correspondent Rebecca Jarvis. Overnight Japan's Nikke plunged 12% its worst day since the 1987 Black Monday crash. Dow Jones futures nose-dived 3.3% or 1300 points. In the WTMJ Breaking News Center, we have breaking news this morning. The VP has made her selection vice president Kamala Harris has selected Minnesota Governor Tim Walls to be her running mate. I can't wait to debate the guy. If he's willing to get off the couch and show up. I don't know what that means. I figured I'd come by more than two people at the plane. Hopefully it's going to be my plane in a few months. Wait a minute. I know you. You're JD Vance. Why would people in Wisconsin want to have a beer with you? You'd want to have a beer with me because I actually do like to drink beer and I probably like to drink beer a little bit too much. Okay, keep her moving. Hello Eau Claire. Isn't it good to have a candidate who can pronounce the name correctly? Good afternoon Wisconsin. Ultimately, this election is about a question that we each face. What kind of country do we want to live in? And now, things that do not exist. If you know Minnesota and I don't well, especially Milwaukee, it's changed. These have been things that do not exist. Winds were whipping Taylor County, Florida has extreme rainfall caused flooding near the point of Hurricane Debbie's landfall. We have been getting crushed by these outer bands. These waves from the Gulf of Mexico just rolling up and over. Our restaurants around for four men charged with felony murder and connection to the death of Devonta Mitchell. The Milwaukee County District Attorney's Office filing four felony murder charges and arrest warrants have been issued for Todd Erickson, Devin Johnson Carson, Brandon Turner and Herbert Williamson. Under the Prince Act, Wisconsin will now issue missing child alerts for missing people under 18 and believed to be unable to return home as well as those under 10 years old and meeting certain criteria. When I lost my child, it felt like I lost my life. Watch them closely because you never know what happened. Eric Hubby is running for the U.S. Senate and Eric Hubby is with us live in our state fair studio. I want you to respond to the assertion that she made as part of her TV ads where she says Eric Hubby is not even really a Wisconsin guy. Where do I pay my tax? I pay my taxes in the state of Wisconsin. A man who needs no introduction is here with us in person. The one the only, Charlie Behrens. Thank you. Thanks for everything. Oh, oh, there we go. Oh my God. Oh, gosh. You can have this little button here that says on off. That's super cool. This game is very simple. It's sticker. No stick. Wisconsin. Old fashioned rice crispy. Stick. I'm sorry you're wrong. Oh, brother. Are you from Wisconsin? No. I'm not. Apparently. I've lost my Wisconsin card with this. Oh my gosh. It's a first at the Wisconsin State Fair. I've been working on a way of making a flaming cream puff juggleable. All right. Operators are standing by. All right. What is lit? It's lit. Are lit in there. Whoa. Oh goodness. He did it. Oh my gosh. They're staying lit now. And the cream is going everywhere but they're playing. Whoo. We'll see people wearing shirts from over the years with kegs that they've killed. I don't have one yet. But you know who scored a shirt? Dan Devine, mayor of the city of West Dallas. You have killed a keg at the micro. I was lucky enough one time knocked off a barrel of Dork County cherry wheat. Three beers. Four beers. Oh no. Five beers. Oh no. Six beers. Seven beers. Eight beers. Nine beers. And a bloody man. What are we getting? I'm not that crazy of a person. Get off the couch. Let's go brand it. Ladies and gentlemen, the weekend. And that's the weekend review brought to you by Outdoor Living Unlimited. Did you see the flaming juggler at the state fair? It was really interesting because he was on one of those, they're like the skateboards but they, Isaac, you know what I'm talking about. They kind of moved by themselves. The hoverboard. Hoverboard. He was like on a hoverboard and he had all of these flaming objects that he was juggling. Dropped them a few times too. But it was part, I don't know if it was part of the act or not but it looked dangerous to me. All right. Let's say we've got a lot more going on. If you were planning a last minute trip and you might be in the same boat as I was last year, getting your passport renewed in a hurry, well, be careful because there are some scams out there and we're going to tell you all about it. It's coming up next on Wisconsin Weekend Morning News, it's 840. It's going to be a beautiful day today. We're going to get up to about 78 degrees. Currently, it is 64 WTMJ at 842. Joining us is Michelle Ronan from DatCap, our consumer expert and Michelle. I went through this last year. We had a not very much planned and advanced trip to Europe and I had to get a passport renewed in a hurry and I guess a lot of people have that issue but some of them are getting scammed. Yeah, absolutely. If you just search online, those top results might show official looking websites offering to renew or get you a passport and some of those websites are private companies that charge for services that could be free if you just go to the U.S. Department of State website yourself while others are scammers trying to take your money in personal information and deliver nothing for what they gather from you. So what happens is scammers set up sites with similar names, flags and seals and they pretend to be affiliated with the government and they charge anywhere from 60 to a few hundred dollars. They promise to get you a passport. In some cases, they promise to elevate your status so you'll get things quicker and if you're in a situation like you were where you want to take that trip quickly, you could really fall victim to this. And you know, when you got your back against a wall, sometimes you get desperate. Yeah, absolutely. But the safest thing is to go to the official site where you need to be doing business. And in this case, that's, again, the U.S. Department of State where you will be able to work with the government officially and they have an expedited process listed there and yes, you will have to pay your normal passport fees but you're not paying a company to do business for you where they won't be able to elevate your status and you're not giving your information to a scammer where you'll end up with nothing. And I'm going to give you one tip too. If you really have a problem, you can always call your congressman or your senator and that's what I ended up doing and they were wonderful. Excellent advice there because they are available to receive those requests and can help assist individuals with government processes. All right. So if you have any problems, Michelle, let's give that Wisconsin Consumer Protection Hotline number. It's eight forty five and coming up in one minute. It's why it's more and more poorly in sports on Wisconsin Weekend Morning News. Making his first game appearance since becoming the highest paid quarterback in the NFL, Jordan Love needed only two passes in the Green Bay Packers pre-season debut to show why he's worth the green for the green and gold looking deep downfield and he's got it. Fabian Wicks is going to get into the end zone for a touchdown, a 65 yard touchdown pass on his only series of the day. Love only throwing two passes before turning it over to the backup battle of Sean Clifford and Michael Pratt, who led the rest of the way to a 23 to 10 win over the Cleveland Browns. Only one bit of a downer for the pack rookie running back. March on Lloyd, leaving the game with a hamstring injury next week. The pack will take on the Denver Broncos on Sunday on the diamond. The Brewers only needed two hits for the victory Saturday night, that's because one of them was this. There's nothing final in American family field, Tobias Myers masterful again through seven and a third innings, a career high nine strikeouts for the Brewers right hander. The crew goes for the sweeps on afternoon. Our coverage starts with Brewers warm up at noon here on WTMJ and put a white beard on me and call me Uncle Sam. It's time for some good old fashioned Olympic gloating women's soccer gold for the first time since 2012, four by four hundred relay golden men's golden women's men's basketball. Rangers got Steph Curry and the golden dagger to seal the triumph has to be seen to be believed. Imperial beats metric, baby USA, I'm Wyatt, bar more pulley, WTMJ sports. Thanks Uncle Sam. I mean, Wyatt always great to hear from you. It's eight forty seven. We have sixty five degrees. We're going to get up to about seventy eight today under sunny skies coming up. It's Matt Miller. He's got news about a husband and wife battle at the box office. It's all ahead right here on WTMJ. It's time to check in with Matt Miller. You know him. Of course, as the pop culture editor and movie critic from And there are some new movies out this week and it looks like maybe there's going to be a husband and wife duel a little bit and excitingly so at the top of the box office. So Blake lively famously, Ryan Reynolds slash Deadpool's wife and a movie star of her own obviously. She's got a new movie this weekend. It ends with us based on a Colleen Hoover book. Very popular. And it's but turned into a quiet late summer smash this weekend. I think it's opening around fifty million dollars with it. I think pretty much double what was originally kind of expected of it and it's it's really nice to see you know for all the hand ringing earlier this summer about the box office. It seems like things have really recovered and you like seeing stuff like this where you know a drama a straightforward romantic drama that you know isn't an original movie but isn't you know obviously a remake or a reboot or you know based on a product or something like that per se a name brand in a way. You know a movie like that is about to make a ton of money this weekend and it's great. It's great to see what what's the plot of the film. It's a relationship drama about a woman who's like in a bad relationship and she's trying to figure out the next steps in her life and it's about female friendship and it's about Blake lively's character kind of self actualizing and stuff like that. Again, not the kind of stuff that Hollywood are typically is like oh we got a green list this. It doesn't really have that big hook but it's got the book behind it. It's got you know it's fans obviously and I do think a big thing here is it is a movie made for women. It's been made primarily for female audiences and Hollywood for some odd reason refuses to make these movies. You know two three years ago where the craw dad thing made its money back and then some. It was a really big summer hit. It almost made a hundred million dollars on a budget one fourth of that and for some odd reason Hollywood didn't see that and think oh we should do more of this. Hollywood thought oh that's interesting. Let's never talk about this ever again and you know this happens every time a female kind of centric movie does well it happened when magic Mike opened really big. It happened when the sex in the city movie became a massive blockbuster for some odd reason Hollywood doesn't get it that women like seeing movies too. Blake lively up to this point I certainly I know the name but I knew her most as being Ryan Reynolds wife is this going to put her on a different plateau if this movie is such a hit. She was always a star I mean from gossip girl and then she was in the district of the traveling pants movies she had a few action movies and a few dramas along the way to but I think this is one of those things where people are going to be able to point to this and say look she opened this movie this is a Blake lively movie and it's about to have one of the bigger openings of the summer and again you like to see it and hopefully Hollywood doesn't memory vault this shove it in the memory bank and forget it happened and instead be like okay let's make more movies for this audience it's like the five nights with Freddy's thing that happened last Halloween younger audiences want movies directed towards them women want movies directed towards them you know black audiences Latino audiences people want movies that are made for them on some level and Hollywood has kind of stopped doing that or at least they don't do it for anyone besides you know 18 year old white dude well he's back and he doesn't make that many movies and that's what M. Shemlan M. Night Shemlan yeah makes like a movie a year these days you don't hear about them as much because they're not as catastrophically awful as some of those movies from a decade ago where and they're not as good as the sixth sense but he's got this new one trap with Josh Hartnett as a dad taking his daughter to kind of a Taylor Swift looking concert and it turns out the concert is a trap designed to catch a serial killer and lo and behold Josh Hartnett is that serial killer it's a very silly movie it is well I'm intrigued yeah I will say I have a lot of fun with this movie if you are like a nit picker you will find plenty of logic gaps in this movie to say oh well that's silly but if you kind of just go along for the ride if you go along for this kind of modern day Hitchcock thriller situation I think you're gonna have a lot of fun with this very wild very fun movie but also Josh Hartnett's legitimately good in it for a guy who people tossed off back in the Pearl Harbor days is kind of just a heart's rob he's genuinely really good in this and between trap and Oppenheimer last year he was a big part of Oppenheimer the Josh Hartnett a sance might be a pawna I again the plot is interesting it's something I haven't seen before so I might make it a point to go and see that one finally then now here's one if you're a video game fan you might like it but it's kind of getting panned yeah it's not good it's called borderlands it's based on a video game it's very much trying to be a guardian of the galaxy situation and right now I think it has like a four percent on rotten tomatoes and I know people are gonna hear that be like wow that sounds really terrible I gotta see how awful this thing is you don't it is not that it's not like a the room style thing where you watch it you're like oh wow this is catastrophic you're just gonna watch it and be really bored like it's not bad per se like a oh my gosh how did this get made way it's bad in a functionally boring way where you're just watching it you're waiting for something interesting or exciting or even unintentionally you know noteworthy to happen and it never does you are going to forget you watch borderlands by the time the end credits start it is that unmemorable so yeah not a great way to end the summer there on that one well we're ending the olympics and what's your overall impression of what we saw on TV I had a really good time watching this year's olympics I think NBC did a pretty good job of adapting to the kind of time hop in the kind of different ways people watch the olympics now in this modern era you know I think having all the sports on live on peacock during the day was really nice because you could kind of watch the events and like the meaningful gold metal stuff as they happened in the afternoon and then at night you kind of got the highlights so I think that's kind of the way forward especially for when the olympics are in places where there's a significant time jump and you're not able to watch everything I also think a lot of these streaming services they kind of hop on some of these sports you know I got really into archery olympics it's a great background noise sport and it's very easy to understand and I think you know if these streaming services are looking for programming and looking for things to keep people's eyeballs glued to them find like a random archery league find like some random gymnastics league or diving league or something like that because I think we're all into these sports for this two weeks and you know why not capitalize on that no I kind of want to find the guy from turkey who's the gunman yeah there should be a movie about him yeah it's called john wick but no that guy's that guy is great that's always the fun thing about the olympics the kind of unexpected characters that come out of it all and I'm going to end this on a little bit of a grump because this weekend was the debut of the breaking competitions at the olympics for the first time even like break dance break dance yeah and I was excited about it and then I've watched it this weekend and I got it doesn't sit and it's not a problem with the athletes they are genuine athletes these are genuine skills and talents they have it's very impressive what they're doing but it's a little bit like skateboarding at the olympics where the olympics are just too formal they're too staid they're too rigid for sports like this you know it's weird watching people do break dancing moves at the olympics and you hear the announcer being like oh they're doing that traditional freezes and it's just like yeah that's not how they had the wrong person doing the commentary it should have been snoop it should have been snoop and he should have wrapped he should have wrapped while they were breaking and that would have been an event if snooped up the a new official mascot of the olympic came like they should send him to every olympic games because no one has more fun and no one does a better job of kind of conveying the excitement of some of these sports than snoop dog he just has kind of an everyday person's enthusiasm for these remarkable things and no buddy and nobody can pull off a dressage outfit like snoop dog and i'll leave it at that matt miller it's always great to have here no thanks for having me but that the best event was martha stewart trying to get snoop dog to try escargot now that in itself should be an olympic sport all right we're coming up to the news with jessica and when we get back what's the last day at the wisconsin state fair gonna be like surey black's gonna tell us it's all ahead of wisconsin weekend morning news this is wisconsin's weekend morning news with litty collins and welcome back to our second hour a little bit later on as you will know the uh footage was released from uh the local authorities at the assassination attempt of president trump and we're going to be talking with elizabeth prand from news nation about that and she has some interesting insight on that um right now though we've got uh jessica here jessica sphema interesting stories um and i know it's not a huge story but i think for people who who frequent the brookfield post office they would find this very interesting where a car run 11 o'clock yesterday morning literally went up the curb across the sidewalk and crashed in through the window and ended up in the inside of the post office knocking some of the fixtures luckily nobody was hurt but that yeah the photo yeah that's one of those stories that kind of get i go to that post office and oh yeah yeah i mean i i've i've stood right there where that car is and uh yeah i mean that it's just gratefully thank god nobody was hurt in that yeah definitely not the first uh car into the front window story we've seen as far as um that kind of crashed i i've tried to remind i know it was there was a restaurant downtown several months ago i don't remember which uh restaurant that was but a very similar photo of like okay a car in the front uh wind crashed into the front window of a storefront yeah but i think yeah luckily no one was injured in that case either but yeah we don't have many details on uh how this happened and uh what was kind of going on with the driver yeah i mean sometimes it's somebody who's confused or preoccupied doing something else and instead of hitting the break they hit that accelerator or instead of being in reverse they're actually in drive and yeah but i'm just glad nobody was hurt in that because that that's a very busy post office especially on saturday mornings um okay the other thing and you were at the fair the other night and you did something kind of interesting and i i don't think a lot of people are aware of this particular element of the fair yeah there's actually these uh i guess i'd call them adventure walks you could go on and at the point is kind of to earn your own state fair ribbon so there's something called the art walk there's also a garden walk and a history walk and it's sort of like a scavenger hunt that takes you around the fairgrounds you have this punch card and if you fill out your entire punch card you can go back to um uh the expo center or grand champion hall and get your own ribbon for completing one of these walks and you got a blue ribbon mm-hmm yeah they're well not blue there's there's different colored ribbons ever so people some people actually do this walk every year because they say um the ribbon color changes every year and they like to collect them so i think this um so for the art walk it was green okay garden is uh it's like a pinkish sort of burgundy and then the history walk is a new one so that's a black ribbon that says 1851 it's a center for the start of the state fair all right so you did the artwork yeah i did the art i kind of did the art and the garden walk simultaneously because those were easy to do together and sometimes it even be like uh sort of a combo uh stop on the walk like there might be this uh garden installation with an art piece within it so you kind of could get a two-for-one there oh and so what did you do i mean what what are the things that you saw doing this walk that a lot of people would walk right past if they weren't looking for it yeah actually one of the i i'd say one of the showcase art pieces was sort of um uh along the grandstand and it's kind of uh i i'd uh by the circ uh at the fair exhibit and that's kind of like off to the corner and i you don't usually walk over that way but they had this like 400 gallon milk bottle sculpture with like cows and chickens and all these little keeps painted on it it was a huge uh art piece and i was like wow i wouldn't have walked over here if it hadn't been for this uh walk that they have and it was surrounded by a really nice landscaped garden i feel like they're doing more plants and sort of nice places to sit down every year at the fair now so yeah well my husband and i when we were there we ended up going into because smoky bear was at the uh oh yeah our pavilion and then we walked past their back and there's like a a pond and a nice little walk in a lot of places to sit down which you can't usually find when you're looking for them around right i think that's in the exploratory park is what you're talking about there were some stops within there too a lot of a garden stops were in there oh neat so what what was the most aside from that giant milk bottle what was the one thing that you said wow i didn't know this was here oh good question um you know there were some where it was like oh this is actually just always here it wasn't uh it was more of a permanent display like there's a lot of murals on the grand champion hall building that's right um so it kind of pointed that out uh are just more of the i i guess there's more gardens on like the side by the animals that i didn't really notice before i didn't know those were there really okay well there's still time today is the last day of the fair and where do you go if you want to take one of those walks how do you sign up for that so if you go into the exposition center by the youth art exhibit they have the cards there or if you go into the grand champion hall they have cards there as well and you can if you get back there i think by like eight p.m. is usually when they start closing up those two buildings if you go back by eight p.m. you can return the card to get your ribbon and speaking of closing apparently the bar enclosures take place at three o'clock uh that's when they're going to start closing them today so if you want to see those animals you want to get out there early um also i guess pat mccurdy is playing at bank five dine and uh the happy together tour that's the big stage show uh tonight at the state fair so there's still time to get out there enjoy the final day of the fair because we get away to whole a whole year before we get to go and eat something on a stick and have a delicious cream puff a whole year until sporky's again i couldn't wait to get in there and get my cream puff all right we've got Jessica she's gonna be back with us at nine thirty i'm libby collins it is going to be a beautiful day today we're looking at temperatures that are going to get up to about 78 under sunny skies and we've got 68 at wtmj at nine fourteen and coming up in just a couple minutes we have Wyatt barmore pulley and sports right here on wisconsin weekend morning news a classic pitchers duel of american family field saturday night is Tobias Myers and nick martinez match zeroes through seven innings the brewer is only mustering up one measly single until reese haskins step to the plate in the eighth inning and the pitch head to left and beat get up get up get here and go mr baseball bob uker on the call here on wtmj and after haskins 20th big fly of the year gave the crew the lead it was time for devin williams to get his first save of the year with a bang the stretch and the pitch head struck him out swinging and he just struck out the side and the brewers have beaten the senseinati runs brewers go for the sweep sunday afternoon our coverage starts with brewers warmup at noon right here on wtmj j jordin love returning to the field saturday for the first time since being made the highest paid quarterback in the nfl only two passes for the packers 220 million dollar man in green vase post-season opener but his last with a 65 yard touchdown pass to don tavion wicks and the pack was often running to a 23 to 10 win over the cleveland browns only one moment tarnishing a solid team effort for the green and gold rookie running back marshall loyd left the game with a hamstring injury next week the pack takes on the Broncos on sunday and a banner day for the red white and blue in Paris let's run down the gold medals men's basketball downs the host nation to win the us's fifth straight gold steff curry with a flurry of three pointers and now all of america knows why it was so fun to be a warriors fan during their run women's soccer returning to the top for the first time since the 2012 games mallory swanson with the only goal alyssa nayer another stellar performance in goal two shutouts in the semi final and final for the us keeper and in track and field the american sweep the four by 400 relay in both genders i'm why at barmore pulley wtmj sports it's coming up to 9 19 68 degrees what a beautiful day it's going to be 78 for a high sunny skies and very little humidity this is the kind of summer day we love it in wisconsin as we said this is going to be a beautiful day today sunshine very comfortable without all that humidity that we've been experiencing 78 for a high then tonight it's going to be a little bit cool especially if you're inland 55 for your low 62 near the lake tomorrow another nice day it's going to be a little cloudy though we'll get up to about 80 degrees and there is a slight chance of showers but then tuesday and wednesday are sunny with those temperatures hovering right around 80 degrees right now 69 degrees and 9 22 on wtmj the following is a paid presentation advice and opinions expressed during the sunday sip are solely that of the hosts or guests and not wtmj radio or good calmer brands melwalkie llc welcome into the sunday sip on wtmj gregnastic happy to be joined by holiday automotive chief operating officer it's willy buyer such a great place holiday automotive i've been a spokesperson for about a decade now and it's with good reason they do it different they do it the right way at holiday and willy as i scroll through holidays facebook page i am constantly reminded of how you do business with the amount of five-year and ten-year anniversaries i see from some of your employees you yourself 25 years as a working adult 20 of those have been at holiday automotive why is that well greg i think it starts with ownership with mike shannon senior michael shannon jr you know we're really lucky to have a great culture at holiday automotive that's been cultivated over 65 years of business here in fondelac and you know it's not only the great culture but it's the push to continue to grow and serve people we're very fortunate you know it's our mission to be the best car dealership giving the best experience with the best team and all starts with having the best team and it makes it really really easy to work for a place when you do have the best team and the message is the same from the top down so we're really fortunate with our leadership we're really fortunate with the longevity of our staff and it's a testament to the people in fondelac that have patronized our dealership for 65 years and have supported our growth over that time you know it's amazing is that i have a good friend of mine who is constantly traveling for work and he was in the market for a new vehicle the person he worked with that holiday took him on a video tour of a beautiful vehicle took him inside and out of the vehicle so when he went up to holiday and made the decision to purchase the vehicle he was in and out in 45 minutes our process is very transparent and we make great efforts to make sure it's very transparent just so we can get folks in and out in a quick manner of fashion you know folks do most of their research online they know what they want they know the colors in the accoutrements and all the things on the vehicle that they want to have so once they settle in on that and they're targeted in on the vehicle that they want to have we want to make their body and experience pleasurable efficient and friendly for the most part in order to get them in and out in a quick manner of fashion willy buyer joining us chief operating officer at holiday automotive in fondelac you really can't go through an event summer in fondelac without holiday getting behind something i saw this uh cops and kids run that you did a fun run of course minor league baseball is prevalent in the fondelac area you're behind that as well and so many other things why is it so important to have that level of community involvement great we have seven core values in our company and one of our core values is give where you live and we want to support our town and local communities through any kind of charity organizations that we can you know being in business for 65 years in fondelac and the greater fondelac area it's important to us to pay back to the folks that have patronized our dealership for so long so that community involvement i think helps us have a partnership with the town the people of the community and helps us become you know a staple of the community so to speak and for everybody here it's really important to give back to the people that have given us so much in our lives as well you know a couple years ago you engaged in a partnership with Wisconsin running back braille and allen he has now moved on to the nfl doing good things i i don't know that i'll be able to cheer for the new york jets here willy specifically but cheering for a fondelac kid who is off to great things in the nfl and brilliant i've spoke about the partnership as well it's great to see one of your own go on and do great things yeah Greg that's super exciting braille and was a stud football player here at our local high school it was exciting to see him in cardinal red play for the badgers and just rack up a ton of yards and then you know he made a decision to with his first contract in the nfl purchase his mother a new vehicle and he brought her here to make that purchase and have that buying experience and we were very very humbled by that we're excited to continue our relationship with braille and he's going to be on a jet squad that's looking to kind of get back in the hot sort of speed out there in the afc east and we're excited to see what he can do on the field this year in jet screen as well you know willy has spent some time up at holiday about a month ago my wife needed her buick enclave fixed just had a couple of dings couple things stood out to me number one driving in the inventory on campus whether it was the Mazda dealership the four dealership buick gmc there were vehicles and plenty of them so the inventory was fantastic that really stood out but also with the body and glass the collision center that was my first experience working with that division of the company and it was fantastic i had a loner car that i was able to use that helped us in a situation we've got a big family so getting kids to one practice to the next that's a challenge we needed that good size vehicle holiday was able to help timely fix and it was meticulous the vehicle looks brand new and this is another great service element from holiday we open our collision center dental and collision center in 2021 after having two different campuses with the mission of just taking great care of people in final act and a greater final act area when they do have those unfortunate incidents and at the time we grew our offerings to glass and certain pdr dent repairs things of that nature just so we can make sure we're taking care of the folks who purchased vehicles from us all the way through the process and make it a one-stop shop and make it very easy and simple and make sure they have alternate transportation options the biggest thing or our charge in life there is it's important that people have transportation if you think about a transportation gets you to your kid soccer games gets you to your guitar lessons gets you to dance in ballet all those different things and those things are important life moments and we want to be able to afford safe reliable transportation whether you have a new car use car you're purchasing from us or you're in for service or body work we want to get you to life's moments so you don't have any interruption willy buyers of chief operating officer at holiday automotive willy i can't thank you enough for the partnership that we've had over the last decade or so it's it's meant the world to us and our family we are repeat customers for a reason if you're in the market for a vehicle whether it's new or used you want the process to be transparent and hassle-free i cannot say enough great things about the team at holiday automotive congrats on doing business the right way willy really appreciate your time today i appreciate you Greg the partnership we've had with you and all the kind words you folks have been great it's 929 on wtmj welcome back to the final half hour of wisconsin weekend morning news i'm libi callitz it is 935 on wtmj there is still fallout from what happened during the trump assassination attempt about a month ago joining us as news nation national correspondent alisabeth pran alisabeth tell us about these latest videotapes which have been released by local police hey it's been fascinating libby really to see the development it's been sort of a drip drip drip for the past couple weeks so are we getting more answers to our questions today we are but are there still a number of unanswered questions about maybe protective advancements in place or the chain of command and security prior to that is really where we still have a number of questions that are unanswered so with the new body cam footage that we are seeing today we can see that it's very disorganized it's very dramatic very chaotic you can hear officers really feeling about the helpless so there's five state officers and they're from different municipalities so they're not necessarily just butler township police officers that were surrounding the warehouse where the government had climbed up really shimmed up this warehouse during the now very famous campaign rally so we're getting these elements that are painting a picture for us right and the body cam coupled with the dash cam and of course the eyewitness accounts and we've learned more and more about the text messages show the different response by the state and local versus the federal security and where the communication was and where it wasn't but we're getting a more clear picture of the timeline so living if you look at some of the body cam footage that we're seeing it starting around six oh eight p.m. you can hear officers identifying the threat and a lot of it is beeped out but you can hear them say the threat one is down the threat one is down we need to secure the rest of the area and you can hear it beeped out and then you hear one officer say I told them the secret service I told them that on Tuesday and so what we're getting is a sense that the local law enforcement had really a sense of hopelessness at that moment there was about you know three minutes between six oh eight and then obviously the subject was neutralized at six 11 p.m. eastern time or they were doing their best but it was very very chaotic Libby. Well the head of the secret service at that time has already resigned her replacement who I gather is temporary in testimony said something to the effect that no one from local police had told the secret service of any threat now this seems to dispute this that is really the disconnect because you have this body cam footage which I mentioned this new information over the past 24 hours where it is on camera someone is saying I notified them of the threat on Tuesday so what was the threat was the threat the building is perhaps a vulnerability was it that they had eyes on this man prior to so that is where we're thinking to ourselves okay so what did you notify them on Tuesday now the secret service has it as you mentioned they have answered questions they have held press conferences and they have spoken to members of congress but what we are hearing from those who have resigned is is their clarity on what I learned is the term protective advance so what exactly was up the chain of command prior to the event that everything was secure so you have on camera the local law enforcement saying this building is not secure I told the secret service and your secret service saying well we didn't know that that building wasn't secured that's up to local law enforcement so what your question is is exactly what our question is these are the unanswered questions that I was talking about and it continues to be sort of the strip drip drip drip of information but this body cam footage is something that we just hadn't seen before right it's about two and a half minutes long a lot of it has beeped out because there's profanities but it puts that timeline together for us the six oh eight to six eleven p.m. when he was neutralized and as I mentioned at one point the gunman making eye contact with an officer who then quickly ducked and then the assassination attempts took place and then we know that he was neutralized at six eleven p.m. Libby and the other thing that stood out to me when I watched that video is somebody said where are they and one of the other officers said well they're inside the building and I assumed by that they were talking about secret service agents and that's a valid point because when I mentioned when you and I first got on a phone it was disorganized and chaotic it was because there were people in the woods there were people inside the building there were people trying to shimmy up the building there was no ladder or easy access point and then of course you have the testimony of people in the crowd who were yelling that they could see him on the rooftop so when this initially happened we had the information there was a man on the roof but we didn't get the understanding of what was taking place around the warehouse and now we're learning that there was all of these men and women trying to get a better understanding of the threat that they could all identify but they weren't able to neutralize so when you say that they're inside the building there also is people as I mentioned in the perimeter trying to figure out where this threat is if that makes sense it makes sense but it doesn't make sense Elizabeth and you know I mean so we've had the head of the secret service resigned who else is going to be responsible are they all just going to shrug their shoulders and say well the person in charge is already gone so we just move on from this point or will other heads roll well and I think that is so valid and we've spoken to experts throughout the day and they state us that they do feel as if there are existing problems so is it retention year after year is it that the agency has suffered losses of personnel and they need to be very forthcoming identify those and how they're going to remediate and then also the information sharing so the American public as taxpayers and of course as people who are just very concerned about our leaders are probably thinking to themselves okay so what is the information sharing between local state and federal law forces when they're on scenes like this does that need updating to answer your question I think all of us are saying okay you're right we have seen the head of the secret service resigned so what's next how can you assure us that these men and women who make decisions for us with our tax paying dollars are states so to answer your question I think that we're all sort of wondering if more heads will roll but all of those questions we are hearing from former law enforcement former experts you know retired FBI supervisory a lot of people in roles asking these exact same questions and just as an aside Elizabeth I don't know if you saw that but there was a picture that kind of made the rounds after the assassination attempt of the female secret service agents and when JD Vance was on the ground here in Eau Claire in Wisconsin just the other day at least one of those same agents was part of his detail that may mean nothing but I just think a lot of people are talking about it and it is an interesting part of this story I think it is an interesting part of the story and I think Americans are allowed to ask these questions and they're allowed to look at photographs and say it's about business right it's about saving lives what are you capable of are you capable of being in that position I think those are fair questions and I do think the secret service knows that I mean we've seen them be more forthcoming with answering questions in the public but I don't think that's going to stop and I also don't think it's enough to answer your question I think we will be hearing more from them because there is more criticism and I saw that photograph as well and I saw the criticism online and I think they have to answer that Elizabeth Pran national correspondent for News Nation pleasure to talk with you today thank you Libby. And there is another story about a video regarding the secret service I just saw this in business insider this morning where apparently right after Vice President Harris was stepped into the race and was a presumptive Democratic nominee she had her first fundraiser in western in western Massachusetts and apparently the Secret Service and this is like a beauty salon owner is saying you know they closed us they closed their business for the day because they were in proximity of where Vice President Harris was going to be and the Secret Service came in and said we have to do his bomb sweep and she said rather than inconvenience customers she just closed down for the day but they've got video of the Secret Service coming in taping over the outside the exterior video camera and then inside the building they apparently picked a lot this is what is is being alleged by the owner of the salon they picked a lot to her business let people come in and out of the salon for two hours using the bathroom apparently while inside alarms were going up she's pretty upset about it and again you know the Secret Service apparently there was some deniability but apparently now they finally are apologizing for the intrusion interesting it's an interesting organization no isn't it okay that's all i'm going to say it's 945 coming up next we've got Wyatt Barmore Pooley and sports right here on WTMJ making his first game appearance since becoming the highest-paid quarterback in the NFL Jordan Love needed only two passes in the Green Bay Packers pre-season debut to show why he's worth the green for the green and gold looking deep downfield and he's got it Don Fabian Wicks is going to get into the end zone for a touchdown a 65-yard touchdown pass on his only series of the day love only throwing two passes before turning it over to the backup battle of Sean Clifford and Michael Pratt who led the rest of the way to a 23-10 win over the Cleveland Browns only one bit of a downer for the pack rookie running back marshall Lloyd leaving the game with a hamstring injury next week the pack will take on the Denver Broncos on Sunday on the diamond the Brewers only needed two hits for the victory Saturday night that's because one of them was this and the pitch hit to left and beat get up get up get on here and gone for costumes and the Brewers have the lead on the 20th of the year by a hoskin one nothing final in american family field Tobias Myers masterful again through seven and a third innings a career high nine strikeouts for the Brewers right hander the crew goes for the sweeps on afternoon our coverage starts with Brewers warm up at noon here on WTMJ and put a white beard on me and call me Uncle Sam it's time for some good old fashioned Olympic gloating women's soccer gold for the first time since 2012 four by 400 relay golden men's golden women's men's basketball america's got Steph Curry and the golden dagger to seal the triumph has to be seen to be believed imperial beats metric baby USA I'm Wyatt far more pulley WTMJ sports and why it looks really good in that beard too it's a 950 coming up in just a couple minutes we'll tell you what's going on on WTMJ conversations a little bit later on this morning WTMJ W277 CV and WKTI HD 2 mil walk from the annex wealth management studios this is news radio WTMJ a good karma brand station with the end of the Wisconsin State Fair you might be looking for things to do later on this week and joining us is Kimberly Graves from the Milwaukee County Zoo and this is the week we wait for at the zoo it's Zoo a la carte and you've got some great bands that are going to be playing lots of food and best of all Kim it's going to be the animals yeah we're so excited that it's all a cart time this summer a la carte is back we have national headliners local entertainment across six stages more than 25 food vendors of course the animals and all years you figure which will be open like the goat yard the carousel and the trains so there's truly something for everyone so yeah I'm thrilled to be here to tell you more about it now the bands start on Thursday night that so we yet tell us who's going to be playing on Thursday to our national headliners Thursday night we have deep blue something they're known for their hit breakfast at Tiffany's um Friday night our up-and-coming country band Parmalee that we're really excited about and then Saturday is the legendary whalers featuring junior Marvin wow and we'll also have a number of yes local bands across all the other stages and all of those performances are included with your admission to all the carts so it's a great value and a number of musical stylings for everyone and you've got food from all over the area what are some of your favorites Kim well we are thrilled to have fazas is returning everyone loves fazas they've been at the festival since the very beginning but also I'm really excited about some of our newer vendors so we have everything from hearty burgers to empanadas Asian street food gourmet tater tots so really just a variety of offerings you fun to walk around as we like to say have a snack by the seals and tacos by the tigers I love it well you know and it's interesting too because some of the animals are more active at night than they are during the day yeah yeah it's a great opportunity to see them out and about the harbor fields are really fun to watch the japanese macaques over at monkey island and we're always you know getting up to something and really active and fun to watch but yeah it's it's unique for us but unique for the animals as well to just see them sort of after hours is really just a more laid-back relaxed view staple for the summer and there's been a few new births the eastern bongo herd I understand has some new babies we do yes we have an adorable little calf an eastern bongo her name is nayiri she will be out in the bongo yard and we also have this mission earlier macaque baby it was very cute as well as a little porcupet over in this mom and both buildings so lots of babies to see this time around as well now if you want more information about zuala carton it gets underway this thursday what do we need to do sure so we encourage you to buy tickets in advance if you can at also check out the menus in the entertainment line i'm starting to plan ahead get an idea of what you might want to eat just know our food and beverage vendors this year will be accepting card only no cash so however if you don't have cash on you also have like cash to card kiosks you can convert that otherwise we're just really excited to see people the gates and and bring everyone in and just have another great year of all cart it is always a fun time at the milwaukee county zu kimberly graves thanks for joining us today thank you it's 70 degrees at 956 on doub tmj well many of us were absolutely shocked and appalled when we saw how quickly the afghan government fell apart when us troops withdrawal took place but kadir shahhotek described his surprise as a resident of keboule when he woke up one day to see the taliban troops so my brother was the higher him to the ireport so he was there and then there was a sunday we receive a call that says president is not anymore in the castle like he's out of the country and everything is 10 10 o'clock we're at never in a clock my brother was called me and he said like hey where is the other brothers like to make sure everybody is okay and where are those so we called my brother that he was interpreter and we just let him know that nothing is okay outside just make sure you stay in the airport at least you can be safe there because we don't know what's going to happen to you outside so he was making phone calls like to make sure that everybody's okay and the screaming and shouting was starting on the outside once i came out i saw the tourist groups in these other people that there was had the governmental vehicles and the weapons everything that there was just going around the streets and we was completely surprised now you just accept that you're not safe anymore kadir Shahotak talked with me about his escape from afghanistan not knowing where he'd end up and also how he's working now right here in milwaukee helping other immigrants adjust to life in the united states that's the whole story today at 11 o'clock on wtmj conversations i'm libby collin thanks for joining us today after the news with just it's going to be david wicked and tickle tim holdman on the active mortgage and reality show yep they're going to be talking about those mortgage rates and how they're starting to drop it's all i had right here on