SUPERFANS with Staley & Stoner

SUPERFANS with Staley and Stoner/ Episode 213

1h 1m
Broadcast on:
29 Jun 2024
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Episode 213 the boys are back, quick hit the state of Staley's Steelers and Stoner's Lions during the offseaon, Kelly Stafford making waves after her apperance on KFC Barstool podcast (does the public really know you hooked up with Matt's backup QB during their college days!?) then end the show recaping the NBA/ NHL Finals. Enjoy!

[MUSIC] >> What is happening all you people out there? Welcome in, super fans, Staley and Stoner, I'm Staley. >> Yo. >> Hey, Stoner. >> What's up, guys? >> You know us, you love us. >> Oh. >> I mean, maybe you don't. Who cares? >> What you're about to? >> Yeah. >> Maybe. >> Welcome in, episode 213. We took a week off last week. I've got some family in town, couldn't make a schedule work. So we just took the week off, obviously we had the NBA finals going on. >> Yeah, sure, we'll serve. >> Which was a doozy and by that I mean, I was dozing off. >> Yeah, it's been over. >> Yeah, so we'll discuss it briefly here. This is gonna be a short and sweet one, not really any fine topics today. Just kinda some quick hitters. >> Quick hitters, yep, why not? >> But yeah, cuz we're getting to that time of year, man. >> It's official, we are in the data summer. It's just baseball right now. >> Mm-hm. >> Hockey, over, basketball, football has not started yet. >> A month before training camp. >> Yeah, we've got the WNBA, maybe they can give us some storylines. >> Well, you know, Katelyn, yeah, Katelyn and Angel, Angel, excuse me, Angel. >> Yeah, Angel. >> Angela Reese, they sparred again last weekend. >> You know, that's- >> It was actually kinda tame, nothing really happened. >> That's the great thing about the WNBA is, what is it, 12 teams? >> I think there's 14. >> So they- >> They added two in the offices. >> They play each other quite a bit, like a lot. >> I don't, that was like, when I went on ESPN app the morning of, I was like, wait, they're playing again, didn't they like just play a week ago? >> I legitimately feel like the sky and the fever play each other every week. >> Well, let's see, maybe because it draws the most numbers. >> Yeah, probably. >> Because Katelyn Clark, not Reese's pieces. >> Exactly. Before we get into anything today though, as always, you know where to find us. We're on Facebook and Instagram. And you can listen to us on any of your preferred podcasting platforms. iHeartRadio, iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, radio. >> Love, not like, love our videos. >> Yes. >> Because that's the thing too. >> No, that we still out here doing things, you feel me? >> Yeah, so we're gonna get into some things here. Like I said, it's gonna just be a bunch of quick topics. >> Yeah. >> Got a little football, a little basketball, a little hockey, a little drama too. >> Yeah, a little drama, we'll save near the end here. But let's start it off as we have been doing the last few episodes. What's new with the Lions? State of the Union address from Mr. Stoner for the Lions? >> I don't got a lot, man, unfortunately, except for one Jared Goff. Got married. He did it. >> Congrats. >> My dude put a ring on it and Kristen Harper Goff, man. Are you a lucky woman and are you a lucky man, Jared? >> I was gonna say, I think he might be a little more lucky. >> Yeah, well, yeah, that happened. Jared is now off the market, ladies. >> Yes. >> And, and man, if you're, you know. >> You know, if you're into that thing. >> He's got that Ryan Gosling looking about as well. >> He does, it is, it is really a thing, man. >> So I'm sure there's some men out there. >> It is, hey, if I saw him that way, I wouldn't be partial. I mean, he's a good looking dude, that is for sure. So yeah, that was really honestly the latest. I was going back and trying to remember our last episode two weeks ago. And if the Jake Bates thing had happened, that happened, and we touched on that. So the kicker from the main panther. So that is not relevant. That's old news, but that will be cool. We'll be forward with the kicking competition moving into training camp with Jake Bates and the money badger, whatever happens there, who outdoals the other. But you know, congrats, shout out, Jared. >> Yeah. >> I think I told you, I mean, well, you know what we're talking about. I mean, I did meet Kristen. I met, met is his lovely wife. Two thanksgivings ago, my brother Ben and I were at the game and just kind of got lucky. We just kind of, not like actually, but I was so sorry. But we picked the right section to walk down to, because you know, when you go on before the game, you can walk to a field level. And it was like a half hour before kickoff. And we just swap and go down the section, which is like right at the corner of the end zone. And the dudes are all warming up. The Lions players, we picked the Lions section, got lucky there too, didn't know that that would be where they were warming up. Anyway, so all of a sudden, we're just kind of watching the players five minutes, goes by and I kind of just turn around and see this like group of like lovely ladies kind of chatting. And I kind of just did like a double take on like, oh my God, that's, yeah, that's definitely Kristen Harper. So I like kind of elb with my brother. One story short, she kind of makes her way down the rest of the stairs to get down on the field. But before she does, I was like, I have just got to do it. I've got to say something. So I do. And I just was like, real quick, just kind of kind of just grabbed her, and I grabbed her. I just got to touch her arm when I was to get her attention. Hey, come here real quick, real quick, Kristen, I just want to say congrats on, you know, you and Jared and, you know, getting married, because at the time I thought they were actually already married. They've been engaged for a long time. Yeah. And she was like, Oh, thanks. Thanks. Yeah, appreciate that. It's very nice. But yeah, we're not married yet. I was like, Oh, my bad, my bad. But we're nice to meet you. I shook her hand even. Lovely woman. Very sweet. It's like, yeah, no, don't talk to him. But she wasn't. She was very sweet, very sweet. So yeah, it was like my, my moment in the song. Yes. My 15 seconds, my only minutes. What was better that her Barry Sanders fucking really close call. I mean, really close because she is even more beautiful. Yeah, I'm not joking. But Barry definitely takes the cake. So how about you made any news, anything, stealer, stealer land? Not much. I mean, if you've been following any of the cam Hayward drama, I mean, you know, he said some things and now he's backing off of it. Obviously he wants a new contract. He was holding out there for a while, but then he ended up coming back to camp. He's being a professional saying all the right things except for when he said he's got three, maybe four years left in him and he doesn't know if the Steelers believe that and he goes at this point in my career. I want to continue playing him, if that means playing somewhere else, I will absolutely do that. And then just to throw salt on the wound, he specifically said, like Cleveland, what is he from Cleveland? I don't know if he's from Cleveland. He's from Ohio. He went to Ohio State. Oh, that's right. Yeah. So he's from, he's from the area and then fortunately, not to foreshadow what we'll be talking about later, but where some people's wife step in it and make drama, his wife did the opposite and said, no, he will not ever play for Cleveland. And so, and he backed off and he said, obviously I'm not going to play for Cleveland. I want to be a lifelong stealer. Happy wife. Happy life. Yeah. So, you know, there's been a little bit of drama here and there. I mean, he is getting up there. I think he's 35 or 36 and as a defensive lineman that is ancient. So I think three, maybe four years is we'll see how it goes. He missed half the season last year with a, not a torn groin, but a pulled groin and wasn't really the same when he came back from the injury. So now we'll see what he looks like this year with a full off season of getting healthy and stronger. Sure. So, but so it does look like he's like, he will, he will most likely be still sitting up. Yeah, he'll be sitting up. I don't like he's, he already ended his hold out. So, I mean, I don't see why he would hold out. Anything else with Brandon. Yeah. That was the other thing I was going to talk about. Not necessarily Steelers related, but I you've been very noisy on the old socials. If you have seen any of that, he put out a, something on his Twitter account where he said that the 49ers told him that they don't want me and 49ers came out and said, that's blatantly false. We never said that we don't want him back and he then came around and said, yeah, but you're not giving me what I deserve and what I want. So you're telling me that you don't want me. And then someone in the 49ers leaked out information that the commanders and 49ers had been talking about a draft a trade involving him and the commanders were not willing to give up what the 49ers wanted. And so then I you heard that and went back out and said, yeah, but I thought I thought you guys wanted me and you were never planning on trading me. Hmm. Interesting. Yesterday and reports out of it were that it was a good meeting and all things went well. So we'll see. We'll see what happens there. You know, all off season it's been looking like it was going to be the Steelers. Now all of a sudden out of nowhere, the commanders have kind of entered the conversation. And apparently I was curious how these friendships happened, but like him and Jayden Daniels are really good friends. And in fact, just this weekend he posted a picture of them together at a mall shopping. Really? So that is an interesting little aspect to it. So where did I go to college to Arizona State? Okay. Oh, that's where Jayden Daniels went. No. He went there. Oh, gross. Yeah. Okay. That makes more sense. There it is. I was like, no, I'll see if I just put the pieces together live while you're listening. So maybe. Yeah. So yeah, maybe cross paths briefly like when he was a person or something because Jayden Daniels, I think because of COVID, I think he was in college for five or six years. He must have gotten actually. Because I think he's 23 or 24. Okay. And I uke. He's only been in the league three or four years time. Yeah. So they probably, I uke was maybe like a senior junior when Jayden was a freshman. So they do knew each other. But yeah, we'll see what happens. I'll continue following it and up they've shown that, but there's not really. And I mean, to be honest right now, you know, time away for everyone, you know, we're a month away from training camps. So I don't think you're going to be getting many huge news stories last. There's one other thing. I just started to cut you up. Is it is it. Hock to. No, God. Why? What does that have to do with the Steelers? Oh, you were thinking the Steelers because I had there was some two, it's under my low and news. Okay. Now I was going to go to you can knit that if you want to list is how these fucking girls get into famous or whatever famous like viral so fast, but based on the stupidest shit. Yeah. Well, she lost a job for it. Good. She's a school teacher. She really, of course she is. School fighter. Dumb it. Okay. Sorry. All right, moving on. No, it's so apparently if the Tyson and Paul fight doesn't happen, apparently I hear Russ Russell wants to fight Paul instead. I watch videos. I got no time for that cringy motherfucker. Never, never. Russ is boxing now and just getting all kinds of as if he wasn't already thick and bulky enough. All of his five, nine frame. Yeah. He's not boxing. Like, dude, you're just this little, you know, he is he's bulked up right now. It's okay. Yeah. Great. So what so now we're going to go back to our CL days because now you're like, you know, thick AF and yeah, well, um, okay, whatever, I got no time for any more, no time. The most bulked up quarterback I've ever seen was Tim Tebow and that's we know. Was he like getting to that level? Yeah, he's, he's pretty thick. Good job. We'll see what happens. No, we can move on. But the two news was, uh, and it somewhat relates to the lines, um, they came out and said that they are not willing to, to a once what golf got and they said that they are standing strong and they're not willing to give him, uh, in the neighborhood of what golf got. So, okay. Uh, so he might, he might very well be a free agent next year. We'll see. Unless he- Is this the last year of his or he deal? Yeah. I'm just saying. Yeah. It's a little bit interesting. So he went, what is it like? He wants five years to 12. To 12. Which is exactly what golf got. Gotcha. Um, so, and they said they are not willing to go in that neighborhood. Dude is a breath away from getting one more concussion and being done with the ball. Yeah. He even, he even admitted he, he pondered over retirement. Yeah. And I mean, why would you not? How old is he? 25. If that. Like, I can't have my 25 year old quarterback talking retirement and then I'm, I'm gonna go out and spend 212 million on you. Sorry. It's not gonna happen. Pass. Um, all right. We wrapped up the Stanley Cup finals. Yeah, dude. Yeah, dude. And man, uh, in, in the end, it ended up being exactly what I predicted. I picked the Panthers in seven. Yeah. However, that is not the route I thought we would see where the Panthers won the first three, the Oilers won the second three and then the Panthers closed it out at home. Correct. Uh, but man, overall. How serious? I'm really excited. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, there was only one game in there that wasn't really, uh, interesting, the one that the, I think it was game five, the Oilers won eight to one. Yeah. Well, Veroutsky got pulled. It was just one of those, you know, it happens, uh, but it was just one of those games. But overall, great series, uh, Panthers first time in their franchise history to win the Stanley Cup and that makes it 31 years since a team from Canada has won the Stanley Cup. They're so close. 1993, the Montreal Canadiens. I really, I was, I really wanted to see, I meant to pull it out, bro. Uh, yeah, I mean, if anything for Canada, that would have been really cool, uh, especially for Connor, uh, easily the best player in the league, uh, felt like, you know, he did his best to kind of rally and get his guys back into it. And he damn near tried, um, what was probably the most glaring thing for me, um, the series was the, uh, absolute zero support he got from Drysittle. Unbelievable. Just, just no show. I could not believe it. No points. I mean, he definitely didn't score. Did he even have an assist? I don't think. I, I think he maybe had one or two points in the series, but yeah, just, he was an absolute no show. Just, yeah. So, I mean, what are you going to do when he's your Robin to, you know, the Batman and you get nothing from him, uh, and Drysiles, he, he put him up there too as one of the better. And that's better. But best players in the league. A lot of people would argue he's the second best player in the league. So you got those two and to get nothing from him was clearly, uh, I mean, how could you not say that that wasn't, uh, if not the main reason, like, damn near the closest other reason why the Oilers weren't able to get it done because Connor did his damnedest, uh, Skinner even was, was really good when he needed it to be. Uh, but, Bob, I mean, Browski absolutely was on the flip side, uh, the better keeper and it showed, uh, cause he needed to be in game seven and, uh, you know, Florida did just enough. It wasn't, what was it? It was two to one. Right. So I mean, it wasn't like this high scoring fucking final, but, uh, it was absolutely home ice played a big part. I feel like the Florida was absolutely feeding off that crowd and I mean, they were the better team. Yeah. I wouldn't matter. I'd be really interested to see what happens because I don't think they can, as far as the Oilers are concerned, can't afford to keep like, it's all, I've been hearing stuff like they can't McDavid and dry sell won't be able to stay together. I mean, I've heard whistles. I think they'll, I think they'll work it out. There's no way in hell McDavid's doing anywhere. He'll be a lifer. Sure. But dry side, I'll make it. You would think dry side. I mean, not to like draw attention to my own team, but the comparisons are there of, you know, Crosby and Mulkins. Sure. They're almost 20 years now and you know, went to four cops, one, three of them. Yeah. And, and I think that you're hoping that they can be the next Crosby and Mulkin and it looks like they're on their way. I mean, numbers wise McDavid's putting up better numbers than Crosby ever has and dry saddles putting the better numbers up than Mulkin ever has. But the difference I think is, I think the penguins were always better at putting a team around Crosby and Crosby, I still think is the best player in NHL history at involving his teammates and elevating everyone's game around him because I swear to God throughout Crosby's career, whoever played on his line like had all star years, the best numbers of their career and then they leave and go on to obscurity and just eventually fade into anonymity and fall out of the league because they're not playing next Crosby anymore. But as far as the series goes, you know, I thought game seven was exactly what you'd expect out of Florida. Florida first and foremost is a defensive team. It starts with Bob Rofsky as the goaltender, but that's their style of game. They, in fact, they even had a saying or watching an interview after the game of like they say that they're trying to win every game two to one because they focus their focus so much on the defense. Interesting. I'm saying if our defense is immaculate that we don't need to, you know, light up the score board every night, we can just win every game two to one. And they won that game two to one. And man, that third period, God, there was some close calls and Edmonton was in the offensive zone the entire time and they had their chances with one with McDavid. I still don't know how the puck didn't go in. He had a wide open net and Bob Raski had fallen down on his back. He was on the right side of the goal crease with his head in the net and McDavid's over on the left with the puck at a stick with a wide open net. And just it was, you know, just a cluster up front and somehow that puck didn't go in. But there was multiple times. I thought Florida really got lucky in that third period because it seemed like they were happy just running the clock out in the defensive zone. And I think they had three shots in the third period, which, you know, obviously Edmonton down a goal in game seven in the third period, you're going to play more desperate, you're going to push it a little bit more on offense. But I thought Florida really lucked out because it did not seem like they were really trying to get out. There was a couple of times they got the puck in the defensive zone, had clear possession and then just shot it down the ice and iced it when I'm like, all right, skate it up, it changed, at least dump it in, you know, and see what happens on the forecheck. They're a good forechecking team. But yeah, this series came down to what you talked about. Outside of McDavid, Dried Sidel didn't show up, Evander Kane didn't show up. Bouchard had a rough start to the series when they were down 3-0, especially defensively. He let, he got blown past a lot for goals. He ended up picking it up in the second half of the series and especially as a offensive contributing defense man, he was on the score sheet a lot but no, I mean, you know, when McDavid doesn't show up, if no one else on that team is showing up, you're screwed and that's what happened in game seven because McDavid was held off the score sheet and I mean, you saw what happened and I mean, props to him because he played in that third period. He played half the third period and in the last six minutes, he played five and a half of the last six minutes and for those of you who don't follow hockey, that is absolutely- A shift, a shift, average is like what, like one? No, like a 30 seconds. Is that even a minute? No, so basically, the average for your first line of ice time for a 60 minute game is 20 minutes. Okay. So they play a third of the game. Okay. Half of the third period and then five and a half of the last six minutes and yeah, he was gassed. Yeah. And I mean, when Florida, I think there was like 15 seconds left, Edmonton in the offensive zone, it goes to the corner and Florida ties it up on the boards purposely just to run out the clock and you could tell because it was the hero line for Edmonton but they had been on the ice for like the last quarter of that period and there was no gas left in the tank for any of them to try to dig it out. Yeah. And I mean, Connor McDavid, if you watch, go back and watch it. He was just standing there, like he wasn't in the scrum in the corner. He was just standing there with his stick just hanging, like he looked gassed and there was no effort and I'm not blaming him. You know, the guy was absolutely gassed but I mean he won the consmith sixth time that's ever happened where a player from the losing team won the consmith. How did you feel about that? I mean, it had to recede it. Well, him winning and not coming out to recieve it. Like, how do you feel about a player from the losing team winning hockey? I will give a little bit because like in the NBA and in baseball and in football, it's the Super Bowl MVP and it's the World Series MVP and it's the NBA Finals MVP. The consmith trophy and hockey is the NHL playoff MVP. So it counts for what you've done throughout the two months of the playoffs, not just in the finals. I mean, it's unfair. I would say only in this breath, if you based on the series alone, the only person that was, well, no, the player that was better was Browski, the goalie for the Panthers, 100%. So he should have deserved it based on that series and what argued. I mean, he did have the three games that they lost in a row. He got pulled in one of them. I think he allowed six goals in game five. Yeah. But what do you do in the game seven? I get it. I get it. But I'm saying, like, as a whole for the series, he did have three games. But that's a series. What would Connor do for the whole playoffs? If that's what the award is based off? Well, what Connor did for the whole playoffs is like, and he broke wingrats or he, I think he ended up third in. So if you're going to put him up against wingrats game, you're going to talk, you know, he started having conversations where he's involved in the likes of Wayne Gretzky, arguably the best championship player of all fucking time, then then the conversation has to stop there. Like, well, how do you not? Because based on what he did and its entirety and its totality, then Connor, yes, is absolutely deserving. Well, and here's the other thing. But should they, should the conversation change? Does this need to be an award? Now it can be separate. There can be two different awards, one for the entire playoffs, whether you made it to the finals or not, and then fucking actual NHL final MVP, you know, if you will. So what's interesting is, and I didn't actually know this, and it makes sense a little bit more because I do think he deserved it, but I still, I just don't love a player from the losing team getting the award, but it's like, it's like playing an in third place game, and who wants a trophy third place? So here's why it's interesting. It's a game seven and it's a one goal game in the third period. All votes for the cons, my trophy have to be in 10 by the 10 minute mark in the third period. So at the point that everyone's voting, we don't know who wins the game, who wins the cup. That's stupid. It's so lame. What the fuck it? That doesn't make any sense. It has to be in by the 10 minute mark in the third period. So at that point you're thinking, okay, well, Edmonton is down by one goal, 10 minutes left that could very well win this game, and then you're handing it to the team who won. It was the sixth time Jean Sebastian Jager was the last player to win from the losing team. I believe it was '06. He was on the Ducks who lost to the Hurricanes, goaltender. He was unbelievable. They lost in seven, but only the second non goalie to ever win it from the losing team. But yeah, as far as him not coming out. I understand. I still would like just because the history of hockey, that's one of the things I love about hockey is no matter how the series goes, hard fought fights, just animosity, hatred at the end. Everybody shakes hands. I was just going to say, there's a level of civility to hockey where there's sports and respect, and you honor those who have come before you. And to win the Consmite trophy, have it announced by the league commissioner Gary Bettman, and just leave him standing there. I didn't watch. I turned it off at that point. But when I heard about it, I was like, "You have to have it on the top of it." Yeah. I mean, I get it. Because it's literally like two minutes after the game. You're still like, you probably haven't even processed. You just lost in game seven of the Stanley Cup finals. But I would have liked to have seen him come out, shake hands, accept the trophy. And even in Florida fans would have been very, very receptive and given him a proper you know they would have. Yeah. So, I think if not for him, Bob Barofsky should have won it. You could argue Barkoff who had a really good playoff run, but I think if not for McDavid, it was definitely Bob Barofsky. But yeah, ultimately, great series. Game three was amazing. Absolutely loved it. And it was far better than what we're about to talk about. Well, so it's a great transition because we can talk about, you know, the NHL finals, which were absolutely awesome. And then flipped the script and talk about absolutely dog water NBA finals. One in which we saw the Boston Celtics pretty much handedly, take care of that business, right? It was 4 to 1. I think, right? Yeah. I'm like, it feels like a lifetime ago because I cared that little about it. But yeah, so for me, this one specifically was all about, we'll talk about, you know, the best players that were in the finals and arguably that was Luca Donchich. And I would say he did his damnedest in terms of being as vital and important and you know, just to kind of carry the team offensively, which I feel like he definitely did for the most part. I think one or two games he kind of like wasn't probably as impactful as he could have been. But as far as the series was concerned, he definitely was, you know, every bit the most important player. I don't know this for a fact. I feel like he averaged a triple double because he was having a triple double. Yeah. And as I say that I reflect and I'm like thinking of my mileage, did he ever like not score more than 30? I think he had a game where he only had like 20 something, but regardless, he was he definitely gave it his best didn't get a lot of help. I would say with role players, I mean, we we saw guys like PJ Washington, freaking the center. I always forget about his name. Gafford. Yeah. Just it's funny too, because these players that were so instrumental in the series, the Western Conference finals that got them to the semifinals, they were so impactful, just completely disappeared. Yeah. So it was pretty much a two man show with Kyrie and Luca. With that said, I would say the biggest problem. Like into a dry saddle for the Oilers, who was a no man show, Luca, for the Mavericks in the NBA finals was a no man show defensively, this dude like it's here's the thing for me, Mike. Can I even text it to you, I think? Yeah. It's not even that he's bad at defense. It's that he doesn't care about it. He legitimately doesn't try and defense is about effort. It is. That's it. Well, and what's the thing we've been talking and not just us, everyone has been talking about throughout this entire playoff series, it like it made national news. Everyone's paying attention to man, he's whining to the refs a lot for sure specifically in that series against the Celtics. I can think of three times off the top of my head where he thought he got fouled, he misses the shot, Celtics take it back up the floor and he's still on the other side of the court complaining to the refs about how he got fouled and he's yelling their place and the Celtics are playing five on four. That's five on four, so you essentially have, I might as well be a fucking breakaway with how skilled Jason Tatum or Jalen Brown is bringing up the ball up the floor and trying to find, oh, I don't know who's open because it's five on four and whether it's, I'll just take it myself and have a fucking breakaway dunk or I'll find somebody, you know, wide open on the three, you know, most likely Derek White and he'll pipe up and nail it. And that's just what happened so often in this series and it was just like, this is just, this is really a really shit look for Luca because it's funny because I mean, Nicola, uh, Yogic, wait, Nicola Donch, they said names are so similar. No, no, you got it right. They're fully. Okay. It is. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you. Yeah. Luca Donchitch, Nicola. There you go. So Nicola, uh, who also I kind of question whether he likes basketball at all or not. Um, still, I mean, at least I feel like because he's so big, he can at least show some effort defensively and just, you know, be piped up down, down low and yeah, do his best to come defend. Whereas, uh, you know, Luca, I mean, as the damn near point guard or two, whatever, depending on the play, like you have to, you have to at least put forth some effort to shut down whoever it is you're, you're trying to defend. Yeah. And he just doesn't give a fuck, you know, it's almost like he'd rather just concede the point to then just like, or hope for a miss, right? Or, you know, in a rebound to then just get the ball back. He doesn't try and it was so glaringly obvious in this series and it's just like, dude, if you, if you don't want to like be great, then, then fine, like, but, I mean, if you're going to try to like, you know, play it up like, you know, I'm one of the best players in the fucking league, well, then all it comes down to really then is just like, just trying more on defense because he could have it in him to be great, like legitimately, right? I mean, he is. You know, it's not that he's not, but it's just as far as the defensive side. Yeah. And so that for me, that's all I really had to say about this series. Boston, were they the better team? Probably maybe a little bit. I mean, I would say they were definitely deeper and they seem to be more concerted every night to really put forth the effort. But I still feel like Luca was the best player, even on top on front of Jason Tatum and front of Jalen Brown, even as fucking fire of a series Jalen Brown had. I would still say Jalen isn't the player that Luca is with the ability to literally just, you know, just take games over, but it just feel like Luca just got more and more and more disinterested as the finals went on. And it was just like, it was just over by game three, I would say. So it was just a bummer. It was just a bummer. I mean, finals, I can give a fuck. I just want to talk with NBA draft. Yeah, it was. And one thing you didn't mention. And I feel like everything you said on point, I feel the exact same way about thank you Lucas defense and Kyrie didn't really show up and PJ Washington was a huge disappointment. Massive. I mean, we're talking about a guy who's shooting 50% from three in the OKC series and this guy couldn't hit the side of a barn in this series. So bad. But one thing that I think made a major difference was for Zingas coming back in a few of those games, you know, because he got injured again. But in the games where he was fully healthy, Dallas had no answer for him because they were trying to match up their best on best with Brown and Tatum. But their young centers, specifically Gafford, had no answer for for Zingas. And I think it was game one. Like, I think poor Zingas had like 18 points in the first, like first quarter and a half. Like they just they had nothing that nothing for him. I did. I think what's interesting about this kind of to change the topic a little bit, but you know, I know the NBA is probably more so than any other league in ego league. And I'm curious, you know, Jalen Brown winning Western Conference Finals MVP and finals MVP. If this does anything, you know, rattles as a fracture, rattling the tree a little bit with maybe Tatum saying, you know, I, and I'm just purely speculating here. But I mean, we've we've seen it before, you know, where jealousy sneaks in. You know, I remember the the entire reason that Antonio Brown left the Steelers was because he was furious that the team voted Judas Smith Schuster, the offensive MVP for the season. And that was the end of it. He lost his mind and I mean, he lost his mind well before that, but like he was furious and he like he quit before the season was over because of that. I'm not saying Tatum is like that, but I'm just saying it is an interesting aspect of it, where, because I think, you know, everyone would naturally say, who's Boston's best player? No, Jason Taylor. I mean, he's been a first team all NBA player the last three seasons. He's an all star every year. Jalen Brown is usually an all star reserve. Tatum's a starter. So for Jalen Brown, not to win one, but two, the only two Western Conference Final or the Eastern Conference Final and the finals MVP. I don't know if it's something, but it could be. I'm just throwing that out there. Well, I'll say this about Jalen Brown. Like the dude was super, I mean, super humble and kind in terms of his reception to winning their award and right off the jump, like, hey, this award is not about me. This is what my teammates and specifically my, what he said, like my running, my, uh, partner in crime, whatever, Jason Taylor. Did he have to do that? Fuck no. No, and it was your award. Smart on him. So that's what I would say, like, honestly, like, I mean, God, if it was, if it was me, I mean, I would, I would build the team around Jalen Brown. I mean, especially based on his performance in the, in the playoffs. I think Brown is a more well-rounded player because he's better defensively than Tatum is. Um, I, Tatum has the potential to go off at any time, but he's, he's more up and down. He doesn't have that, that moxie. No. And fourth quarter has been a problem for him. Correct. And that's why a lot of people didn't really take the, the Celtics seriously this year, including myself. I picked Dallas to win this in six. Okay. Um, I, I think a lot of people didn't take Boston seriously because a the East was terrible this year and everyone they played in the East was, uh, injured. And then you throw in the fact of, all right, well, we've seen Tatum in the playoffs in the fourth quarter just kind of disappear. I mean, he, he did somewhat in this series, but not to the detriment of the team. Oh, I'll say this and then we can move on, uh, Jason Tatum for me is, uh, unequivocally the closest player to, I would say currently playing in one James Harden, who, you know, all the accolades, you know, scoring titles, uh, it's got all the ability, uh, but wants to be the guy thinks he's the guy, but if he didn't have, you know, somebody like a Jalen Brown, would Jason Tatum be Jason Tatum on the Celtics? I would argue not personality wise. I would also, I would also, you know, James Harden is a special kind of like, yeah, douchebag, but still as far as just like on the court, I think they, they're, they're very similar in terms of like, especially when games aren't going their way, they kind of turn to a show and don't really want the ball anymore and kind of just like, you know, fuck off and just like whatever, like who else wants to shoot, right? Like if they seem to have that kind of vibe, yet they're easily, you know, some of the, easily couple of the best players in the NBA still to this day, but in terms of like being the dude, I don't think Jason Tatum like has that, you know, you know, and the ironic part of it is like his infatuation with Kobe, he loves Kobe, he worships Kobe and he tries to model his game after him, but I've seen Kobe go fucking two for 14 in a game and it does not matter because in the fourth quarter, he is not shying away and more times than not, he finishes the game on his own terms, shooting the ball more, more times than not, it was, you know, to the Lakers success and they would win. And there was times where they lost games because Kobe was ice cold, but dammit, this is my team. I'm the guy. I'm, we're going, you know, you know, killer instinct, we're going to sink or float with me as the captain and Tatum just does not have that bulldog in him that at the end of a game, if, oh God, I've missed, I've missed two shots in a row, oh, and he tightens up. Kobe could be like, I've missed 10 shots in a row, who the hell cares, like, I'm going to, I'm going to, I'm going to make this fucking one, I'm going to make this one, I've missed 10 in a row and guess what, I'm going to take the next 10, like it doesn't matter. And yeah, that's the part of Kobe's game that I mean, there's multiple parts, but it's not really a part of the game. It's more of a mindset than mentality that he just does not have the mamba mentality trademark that he just doesn't have. Well said, bro, last couple of things here. Let's get into this is like, this is just like kind of fleeting and just silly, but, you know, you can't not mention it, especially because it has to do with, well, my former quarterback, Matthew Stafford, who played for my team for 15 fucking years, Kelly Stafford likes to continue to put herself out there in the public. And this one, this latest one was just kind of like egregious, really, when you think about, you know, what was said on one KFC Barstool podcast, discussing her and Matthew's relationship back in college, when Matthew was the starting quarterback for Georgia, the Bulldogs, and, you know, just, you know, deciding to, you know, put it out there that, you know what, Matt did want to really date me and be committed and, you know, be official, if you will. So I'm going to go day the back of quarterback, I'm going to go hook up with him, whatever the fuck his name was, Cox, something or other. Gumpy motherfucker, by the way, sorry, but just, just facts on facts. Just to get back at Matt and, you know, okay, it's a work, you know, because they are together and it's awesome, you know, for, for beautiful children, been married now for 20 years at least, I think, and, you know, rock saw marriage, I mean, I'm rooting for them. I mean, still, all the things they did for Detroit's for the city was concerned. Awesome. Love that. But to go out there and just publicly put that out there, it's just really, really kind of stupid. I feel like in what's the end goal, really, I feel like, you know, what was the point? And when Stephen A even pipes up and, you know, puts it on his podcast, which he did, I think a day or two ago, I mean, it's just circulating. It's become a national. I'll be honest. That was, it was a 10 minute rant and nine minutes of it was incoherent bullshit. I didn't understand what he was saying. And then the last, I had, I'm with you, I had to pause it and agree. The last minute of it, the last minute of it made sense and wrapped up. And I felt like, all right, you could have just done that last minute and said everything that you needed to say, because he was, he went, like in the middle of it, he went on a tangent about how he didn't listen to R Kelly. But now he does know that R Kelly, he talked about R Kelly for two minutes in the middle of that was like, bro, that's what you're going to go of all rappers, of all dudes, like the lyric you want to use, you're going to go there. He threw himself off, I feel like, but he got back. He got back on track. You know, it was, it was a little, it was a little Trump-esque was it. Yeah. When Trump, like, is doing it. He was speaking of ways to debate this morning. Yeah. You know, when Trump's doing his rallies and like, he goes off script and then you're like, what the hell are you talking about? Yeah. Yeah. Like he, I've watched one yesterday. That's good. Talking about a lot of world leaders ask how he puts his pants on. Donald, Donald Ace, Donald Ace. What? Yeah. So that's shit, man. I don't know. I mean, I just kind of took away from it like just, Kelly, I think he might want to just, it might be a little break time for you just go take care of your girls, you know, just go be home and stay away from a mic for like a month, you know, and just the pod thing. Like, is it just to try to like, stay like relevant and out in the media eye? Like, I don't know. It just kind of was just kind of a mess. It was very, it was very cringe, but it was. She is too noisy for me. This isn't the first time that she's created drama. She did it before last season with the whole, you know, oh, Matt, Matt, he's having problems with relating to his young teammates and the team's so young and he's not really fitting in and blah, blah, blah, blah. You know, I'm sure the team didn't love that. I'm sure Stafford didn't love that. And now this, I don't understand what the point of, like, especially because you and I discovered like, I didn't know that she said that on the KFC podcast because I saw her telling that story on another podcast. So she's taking the story on tour. It's not like she just, someone asked her and she was honest. She is like going from podcast to podcast to podcast and being like, hey, I fucked the backup quarterback to make to make him jealous. Hey, it worked. That's how our relationship started. And it worked. And I'm like, okay, great. Like, he knew this already, but did the world need to know this? That's that's it. There are certain, there are just certain things in a marriage like he's just like, you don't need to tell that. No good can come from that, but a lot of backlash can and is coming from it. So yeah, Kelly, yeah, just like you are not the quarterback of the team. If he wants to do an interview and talk football, that's great. And like she can have her own life and do all the podcast she wants to and absolutely by all means, free country. She's a strong woman. You know, she's been through a lot with the cancer and everything. Yeah, no, totally. She's got a crazy, awesome story from all from all I've ever seen. She's a really good person. I've always liked her, but she just leaks too much noise about things that aren't necessarily, you know, a lot of times it's been football related. So it's like she's leaking drama from locker rooms. And now it's personal. And now it's personal and you know, normally I have no, like if you want to go on a podcast and talk about personal stuff, I just didn't see the point or what could come from this and what if any good could come from it. You knew it was going to be all bad. And she knows like we were talking about this before him, they've been married for almost 20 years. He's been in the league really like when he came into the league was really the right, like my space was still really prevalent. Facebook, I think was only three or four years old at that time. So it was coming up, Twitter hadn't come out yet. Like so she's had social media and the rise of social media the entire time they've been married and he's been in the league. They know, especially this time of year where it's just baseball and people are looking for stories to talk about because there's not really much to talk about, aka why we're talking about this. Correct. Like she knows, she knows better. She knows the media is going to grab it and they did and it's kind of probably an embarrassing story for him. It has to be. Totally. And how does this like, how does this help like your marriage and like going home and Matt's getting ready to like, you know, prep for this new season and get ready for any camp and shit? Like, I mean, he either is like 100% on board and just like, I don't give a fuck, baby. Yeah, hey, do you. And he very well might be. It's fine. But like, I don't get that vibe from staff. I've never like that he's like this super like kind of bombastic kind of, kind of, you know, personality. It's just like, whatever, you know, a party boy still like in his late 30s. He seems like a genuinely like great dude who just wants to be of all the football and all but my family. So why do this? I don't know. You know what I'm just remembering? And this is, I'm not going to have the facts right because I, this just popped into my head. She was drama with her at the Rams Super Bowl parade. They were on stage and I think like a photographer or a reporter or something came up and she like went off on the person for like getting in her personal space and like, oh, I'm remembering Mac being drunk and like, like, like hurting somebody or like falling or like, oh, photographer fell. Yeah. Oh, and then that just kind of, yeah, Matt just didn't do anything about it. Yeah. He went. Ooh. And then walked away. But there was also something with her too. Yeah. And I don't remember what it was but I'm just, that just pops into my head. Sure. All right. Moving on. Enough about the staffers. Uh, let's hit the draft, bro. Yeah. Because that's about to be a thing in about, uh, 45 minutes NBA draft is officially starting tonight. We got round one tonight, bro. You don't want to be even more excited for tomorrow night round two. Is it how many rounds? Yeah, two. Let's make this a spectacle because you know, everybody cares so much more about not just, I mean, do we're here for round one, but God, let's go over on to let's make this a two night spectacle. You know, the only reason why to watch, nobody watches really, no, that all this year, Bronnie James. That's the only reason that they're doing this and then he goes, he'll go tonight, some you'll trade up for him and they'll be like, Oh, fuck, well, that would be two. Some team is going to overdraft him in the slight hopes that maybe they can get LeBron to come play there. It makes total sense. Bronnie James going round two. So tune in. Not tonight. Not tonight, boys and girls tomorrow. Oh, he might go tonight. If there's a team dumb enough and let's face it, they're very well could be. Absolutely. We'll see. Uh, my eyes. So we got our teams. You got your okay. See thunder. I got my pistons. We're picking five. Where you guys picking up 12? Okay. Um, I don't know. I just for me, it's just like I am. As far as the pistons are considered, we're an absolute dumpster fire. And I mean, but just being still after how much of just a dumpster for they've been for the last 10 plus years, uh, I still want to be invested in care because I love my Detroit teams. So, uh, picking five men, I mean, I'll say this. If we, if we stay at five and we're to pick a player, my guy is Dalton connect. Uh, the boy from Tennessee simply because he is a bigger bodied, uh, shooting guard. I think it's like six, four, six, five. So, uh, I love that love his size, but he's a phenomenal shooter, tremendous score, doesn't offer a lot defensively, but honestly, the pistons just need help, uh, scoring and, you know, making baskets, uh, that is our biggest, biggest, uh, problem. And I think, uh, pairing him up, assuming we don't get rid of Ivy, uh, I love Jayden Ivy and I'm, I'm so sick and tired of hearing like all these, you know, reports and just, just discussions about just letting him walk after a year and just shopping him because I feel like Jayden offers so much in terms of just like explosive ability. I think Jayden needs to be the true number one and I would love to see Kate move to number two and then Dalton as our number three. I think that would be one fucking fire, uh, one, two, three, uh, especially when you think about the size that Kate and, and Dalton would have together as a two and three. Yeah. I think would just be fucking tremendous. Uh, yeah. So for me, that's kind of the guy I would love them to sit and take. Uh, with that said, if they were to trade out and get more picks, uh, maybe shop one of their players, not Ivy, please, uh, and try to chop somebody else and just get some more picks, package a deal by moving back. I'd be told before that too, cause the Pistons are just a team that are just so, just so glaringly full of holes and just desperate for, for so much help because that's just sadly where my team is, is, is sitting at. So, um, a lot of work to do with the Pistons, um, oh, that, that is also, this is also news. I mean, you guys know this, but, uh, Trajan Langdon, we finally did, uh, find a new GM. Uh, so that's, oh wait, yeah, yeah, GM, I'm sure the thing if he was like actually being named as a president of basketball operations as well, but now he's the GM, um, so that's cool. He's, it's interesting cause I listened to his presser, uh, what Tom Gore is the owner couple days ago. He's just an incredibly well spoken dude. Very, very quiet actually, um, doesn't, I mean, man, he just, he, he had like a Brad Holmes kind of persona, but like the real chill version, which is very articulate, um, seems to really kind of understand where the whole culture and where the team's at and how just much of work there is to be done. But I feel like, you know, just being like just, you know, you know, optimistic, just hoping, hoping for, for, for things to come, but I feel like he's the right dude for the job. So I'm excited for that. I'm excited for what he can spin, but it's really kind of crazy that we're going into this draft tonight with out a coach. Yeah. You don't have a coach. That's crazy. So that's, that's happening. We'll, we'll draft who we draft, we'll make the trades we make. We'll try to build this team up, uh, without a coach and then said coach can come in and take over and God, we'll see what happens, but man, pistons are a work in progress, my brother. Yeah. Your thunder, though, are on a, on a good path. So where are you at? Where are you feeling? Yeah. Um, unlike you, I think we just have one glaring hole and, you know, came to light. Uh, it's defensively at the center position. Obviously Chet is an outstanding, uh, offensive presence. He's a good, um, shot blocker, you know, I mean, being that tall and that lanky and he's got those long arms, you know, uh, anytime, uh, a, a guard or even a power forward's coming in, he's going to have a good chance to block it. But the glaring hole in his game is when he is matched against a center who's the same height as him, but has 70, 80 pounds on him, he doesn't stand a chance. And so that was our biggest hole, our glaring weakness. Um, you know, and it kind of goes hand in hand, uh, statistically, offensively and defensively, we were at the top of the league in just about everything. We were top five in just about everything, except for rebounding where we were the 28th ring team rebounding out of 30 teams. That's an issue. And that is what ultimately bid us in the Dallas series. I already saw it being an issue and it's funny because in the pelican series in the first round, we swept them. There's a four game series, but even in that series, I had the realization, because I'd watched this team all year long and I was really high on them and they were really fun to watch. And I watched that pelican series and even though it was a sweep, I, I finished that series thinking we don't have a chance we were, we're overmatched against anyone who has a size advantage, uh, because even these second rate centers, valent units in the, uh, in the pelican series for New Orleans, yeah, I mean, he ate Chet's lunch, but he kept getting into foul trouble and that, that have to sit him. And also I would question the, the New Orleans coaching staff about how they played him because he sat on the bench a lot, even when he wasn't in foul trouble. And he was really the only thing that was working for them. Um, so obviously that is, uh, the one thing that I've really wanted them to address this off season, either via through the draft or, uh, maybe a trade or free agency, a valent june is, is a free agent. So maybe they go after him, who knows, um, so there's, there's three players I have my eye on, um, one of which I only have my eye on because I keep seeing him mocked to the thunder. I mean, it's not necessarily a position of need. Um, that would be one, uh, now, I will say the country he's from and his name. I'm like, well, if he's anything like the other, let's do it. Uh, come on, let's throw him Serbia. Nikola Toppich. No, it's really, so you're just throwing a T as opposed to a J. Yeah. Uh, he's a six, six point guard out of Serbia. Oh, wow. Um, yeah, he's the third ranked point guard, but I mean, Shay is technically a shooting guard and, you know, Jalen Williams is, I don't know that we have a true point guard on the team. I, I think J, uh, or Jalen and Shay kind of carry that, uh, bird and kind of switch off one plays the one, one plays the two and it can switch at any point. Um, now this guy is projected to go higher. In fact, what's funny is he has the second best odds to go number one overall, but most of the mocks I'm seeing him go six or seven would probably have to trade up for him. Um, but we have so much draft capital that by, by all means use some of it to, to maybe trade up a few spots if he's available. Uh, it was Donovan Klingen center out of Connecticut, seven foot two sophomore. Um, he is, uh, he's the fourth overall ranked prospect in this draft. Uh, and then obviously, you know, my third is Zach Edie, who I think, um, you and I have both been on the same page as far as like, no, he's not going to be a star. He's not going to be some dominant center. He's not going to be Nicole Yokich. But what we need is what he could provide a rim protector, a rim protector who's big bodied who can come off the bench and, you know, so Chet's still your starting center. But if he gets in foul trouble or the game gets tight or you're feeling like you're in a game against the nuggets and you got Nicole Yokich, uh, who's just absolutely, uh, you know, he, he outweighs Chet by damn near a hundred pounds, like, and Chet can't handle that. Yeah. You bring in a guy who's three inches taller than, than Yokich and probably weighs more than him. Yokich and you could body him down, so I'm looking more defensively than I am offensive and rebounding both on the offensive and defensive side. But ultimately, I think, you know, because they have all that draft capital, I mean, God, over the next six drafts, I think we have something like 16 first round picks. So they can, they can afford to let go of some of those. Yeah. Maybe make a trade draft a trade, uh, one that I've seen a few people talking about. And I don't know that it necessarily fixes the, uh, the issue of what I've been talking about, uh, but Julius Randall with the nicks, uh, I've seen a few mock drafts. Um, obviously the, the trade that just happened a couple days ago, Alex Caruso for, uh, um, who was, why am I blanking on his name, uh, get Josh, getting, um, yeah, uh, I, I, I think he, uh, is a good fit. Josh Giddy is kind of, um, the last couple of years, he's, he's kind of taking a few steps back. I was really excited about him after his rookie team. He was on the all rookie team, uh, and, you know, last year was really kind of disappointing. Um, he, you know, in fact, it got to the point where in the playoffs, uh, in that Mav series, uh, we ended up Mark Dagnell ended up bringing him in off the bench and we were starting, uh, case in Wallace, who's a rookie, uh, in, in place of him. So, uh, I think we won the trade and I think, uh, Caruso is a good fit. And what's interesting is, you know, a lot of people don't remember this Caruso started his career, uh, in the G League with Oklahoma City and his head coach was Mark Dagnell, uh, who was the, the Oklahoma City, I think their name is the blue now. They've changed it a few years ago. The Oklahoma City blue is the G League team and so Dagnell was the, the head coach of them at the time. So, um, there's, you know, Caruso has, he's familiar with the facilities, familiar with the city. Obviously he knows his head coach. Well, uh, I think there's a couple of players, uh, still in the organization that he played with. Um, so I think it's going to be a good fit, but, um, yeah, that's, that's the big thing for me is you gotta fix that center position defensively because unless Chet comes out this year and he puts on like 50 pounds of muscle, which I don't see happening, uh, that is the glaring hole in the glaring weakness and ultimately what I think will hold them back from ever winning a finals team is the, uh, winning a finals game is this team is currently constructed because they are so, I feel like they are so close. Yeah. Yeah. The Mavic series went six. Um, most of those games were pretty close. Uh, I think they blew us out in one. We blew them out in one and the rest of the games were really close. Um, so that, that to me is the glaring hole and what needs to be addressed and whether they do that via free agency, via trade tonight or later in the off season or if they end up standing pat, uh, and, and drafting somewhere tonight, even if they move up or down, that's the biggest issue that needs to be filled. Um, I, I don't really love the idea of them drafting a point guard or a shooting guard. Um, I know they love Chet at the center, but that's just, that is the weakness in his game. And I, I, I do feel like that, um, you know, the center position kind of disappeared for a while, uh, as the, the, the league kind of got smaller and faster and started shooting from the outside more and it's still very much, is that, but I'd say over like the last five, six, seven years, we've started to see like the introduction back of the big man. Cause you remember like post check, like that 2008 to like maybe 2017, 2018, first, a 10 year stretch. Nobody even had a center. Like everybody's like, dream on green was listed as a center. Six, six, eight, and he doesn't play the quote unquote center position. But then you started getting guys back in the league and you know, onto the kupo came up and, and Nicole Yochich came up and, and then there's some, some other role players. Now the difference between today's center and, and yesterday's center in the shack era is now these centers can step outside and shoot the three, uh, Yana's not so much, but obviously Nicole can, um, and you know, that's a glaring hole in, in Zach Edie's game, but he can work on it. Um, but even like the, the Lopez brothers who came into the league, not being able to shoot through his there, they're serviceable that's, that's who I've compared Zach Edie to is. I think he's going to be the next Brooks Lopez, which, which can be a serviceable 10 to 15 year career of coming off the bench, getting eight points a game, you know, uh, eight rebounds a game, a couple blocks, uh, and you know, stepping up and having a couple of big games where you know, you put up 18, 20 points and you're the second or third leading scorer of the night. If that's what he can do, and I think he is capable of that, uh, then yeah, absolutely draft him, but, um, the center position has evolved so much, but it's coming back around to where you need, uh, someone in the middle who is not going to get bullied in the paint and right now Thunder don't have it. Well, time will tell and, uh, best be here next week and, uh, listen up, we will recap this shit out of it and talk about who our teams took, moves they made, whether we like it or hate it, uh, be here for it, we shall find out, yeah, just a little while, I just, so I actually, the pistons are open to, uh, take the ticket calls for the number five so we're, so we're going to be back, so we shall see, anyway, maybe it's okay to see taking that center from, uh, from the econ, hey, let's make moves baby, let's make moves together, why not, let's do it, hey, help me, help you, I sure am a player so, uh, wonderful movie, show me the money, show me the money baby, also that, uh, we're going to call it, that's it, uh, two thirteen, yeah, two thirteen, in the books, thank you all for listening, we appreciate you, enjoy your, uh, weekend, enjoy whatever is out there for esports wise, you know, there's always, seems to be a golf tournament too, you know, we're going to play, we're going to a part, play some golf, we need to be back on the list, golf, uh, we got the WNBA, obviously baseball is going on, hey, hey, in euros, hey man, euros in Copa America, we even talked about the United States, baby let's go, we got cricket going on, that's true, yeah, some Australian rugby, I think there's a NASCAR race actually too, yeah, definitely be piped in for, so, man, there are, there are options, uh, galore for you, so find them, enjoy them, enjoy super fans to the Stoner, uh, again, next week, until then, we'll see you. Appreciate you guys, we'll see you later. ♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪