I Hate This Team

120 - NightTime+ (patreon preview)

For the full RAW episode head on over to made the audio for this episode available at the $3 tier as a special summer treat

We recorded this one way after our bedtimes (9pm), but that didnt stop us from doing a SAVAGE take down on enemy of the show Frank Seravalli, tiering the Western Conference, and reacting to the Silovs extension.

Broadcast on:
17 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

For the full RAW episode head on over to made the audio for this episode available at the $3 tier as a special summer treat

We recorded this one way after our bedtimes (9pm), but that didnt stop us from doing a SAVAGE take down on enemy of the show Frank Seravalli, tiering the Western Conference, and reacting to the Silovs extension.

it was bad sports fans that are in step in here for the only episode this week, I'm off the Okanagan this weekend but but we got some good stuff coming up in the future big things coming watch the space we do yeah before I wanted to say we're gonna we're gonna stop reviewing fast food we're gonna we're going on our weight loss journey yeah that's right yeah that's what friend of the show JKM craves he's doing and genuinely when I heard about it it was it was someone in our chat brought it up yesterday I was like you know what I was like happy I was good for him I guess I've been like yelling about it on twitch for like five years that you got to stop doing this you're slowly killing yourself by well when you see what he used to look like at the beginning of the channel right and then yeah man's game like at least a hundred pounds what probably more than that honestly but he's lost like 40 ish since February so he's he's looking slim yeah I'm I'm sorry for the guy but I didn't want to say because I keep forgetting to do this since like July 1st fuck Frank Saravelli and and fuck the league also for the whole Quinvoll Stan Bowman stuff but Saravelli was on the Bob Stoffer show today oh he was on an Edmonton radio yeah well he's a blue-collar guy of fun and just carrying so much water for Stan Bowman which like if the Oilers want to hire him one very on-brand with the well the Corey Perry thing the Evander Caine thing the Jake for tanning thing it's like tanning thing yeah if you've done some or been accused of some atrocities they're the landing spot for you and I don't think Stan Bowman's like a particularly good GM so it's a very lateral move with Ken Holland but that's besides the point I think the fact that they've been reinstated at all period is really stupid and then to have this fucking fat putts come on the radio and say oh I know it's the people are too quick to try and cancel culture cancel people for I know personally what he's done at a group youth ground roots level working with these games and I've seen the work these put in but a society you do the crime you do the prime and he should be able to make a living but motherfucker you can make a living like landscaping if you're that hard off book in Stan Bowman like yeah there's no way that he's like scraping to make ends meet he's brother he's like a multi multi millionaire from his work doing covering up sexual assaults there's no reason you should be going on the fucking radio and defending him yeah is he oh yeah and also okay I wasn't sure what this but yeah Scotty Bowman is his dad yeah he's fine like he'll be okay no no he's got to be able to make a living in the NHL and I know I've made this point before like that cuz that comes up from these fucking morons is well is he not allowed to make a living yeah do fucking anything else like the rest of us you're not allowed to be an NHL general manager or coach or whatever the hell like if you really want to work in hockey go to work in the KHL or in Switzerland or something we're like that stuff I mean it'll probably follow you but not to the same degree like you work at the German second to be on the largest stage in the world in this sport right like yeah it's ridiculous reasonable yeah and I and I think you do raise a good point which is that like he also like wasn't that good of a GM by the end of things and like the way Jeff Jackson has been going he should just keep the job he's doing a really good job he seems really smart I'm I'm worried that that he's like really good at his job and the Oilers have competent management now I don't like that yeah it's a bummer like okay so one thing I wanted to like talk about today is just like the kind of current state of the Western Conference and I guess more specifically where the Canucks slide into that picture no last off season we were doing a lot of not a lot of but we'd start the show with with our vibe check our outlaw stars yes so well where you at vibe check wise for the Vancouver Canucks man you know what like they haven't had a super crazy off season they haven't necessarily taken like any huge swings the dubras deal is like a big deal I would say but it's not like you know it's not like a massive trade necessarily I've had like an eight and a half though I think I'm good scale is out of five stars oh god you're right sorry sorry oh dare you oh no no that's that's my bad I'm doing the peep this out scale yeah I'd say I'd say four four and a half stars nice yeah I'm solidly at a four maybe a four point three five outlaw stars I just I feel excited yeah for this season to start which is weird but I haven't felt like even last year I was looking forward to it but I wouldn't say we were excited no but like I thinking back to last year right when they had their their most success in the regular season mm-hmm was kind of at the beginning when the team was incredibly deep on the wings and they could roll out like Pew Souter and Nils Hoaglander on the on the fourth line and they were kind of eating right and they got rid of a lot of that wing depth which we agreed with right like they needed to shore up their their defense the Zadorov move moving up a villier to acquire him I think is a was a like good piece of business and acquiring Lindo we like that deal as well already obviously had good defensive impacts was a bit of a beast in the playoffs etc but they didn't quite dominate especially not offensively as well and I think the additions of Dibros Kainan and Sherwood give them a ton of options of stuff to do and I'm just excited to see how it all kind of ties together I was listening to Landon Ferrero like Ray Ferrero's Ferraro Ferraro Ferraro Ferraro his boy you got me overthinking it a bit now yeah it is Ferraro Ray Ferrero yeah Landon Ferrero so he was on Canucks Central talking about like the acquisitions yeah and one his voice sounds the exact same as Ray's that rocks the exact same I remember when he got he got drafted by the red wings I want to say yes I remember being kind of excited for him but I think that was back when I was younger and I was just like oh same last that's a kid he's got to be good yeah but I guess he used to practice with Heinen and a point he was making is that there's a lot of players that make their entire career as like third or fourth liners and there was like kind of pigeonholed into that whereas if they received better opportunity there's a good chance that they could produce more which is kind of twofold right like you can let the players go because they're more easily replaceable but also there's a good chance you can slot someone into a higher role and they're going to perform like I personally think of like Alex Burroughs right if he didn't get a chance to play with the sedines he could have been a perfectly competent third or fourth line energy guy not someone that like scored and performed as well as Burroughs did but he did get that opportunity and I guess Denton Heinen has a really good shot according to old land in there he is like a guy that like smart guys love right and he seems like the type of guy that can play up and down the lineup and like I mean has he been given a shot really he spent a good amount of time last year I don't think it was on pastor next line I think it was on Marshawn's line on one of the top two lines he spent a decent amount of time with this is when I was looking up like who Dubresque played with the most but I think it'd be really interesting to see him play on that that Miller Besser line because a lot of what people were talking about when Dubresque was signed was that yes Dubresque is being brought into play with Patterson but wouldn't he just be the perfect linemate for JT and Brock which I agree with but if like Denton Heinen could be a light version of that and you can throw Dubresque and whoever with Patterson I think it sounds really really fascinating and I mean I've been talking a lot about how I want to see Garland and Joshua elevated and I've kind of come around I think my ideal of what I want to see and I don't think it's how the season is going to start but I want to see a Patterson in between Joshua and Garland I think I think you're trying right like they're like Joshua and Garland were playing top six minutes in the penalties and the playoffs anyways yeah like I think that feels pretty and they're getting paid like top six contributors right so why not give them the shot to do that and the counter argument is well they did so well in the third line yeah but like Teddy Blueger couldn't score so maybe put pew suitor in that role maybe that works but like I also like the idea of a third line of like Denton Heinen pew suitor and Nils Hoaglander like I think they're gonna and then you'd have like you for sure would Teddy Blueger and pod Colson or G-de-seppy or Ammon on your fourth line that's like a nice team that's a very deep team right I think I I think I am excited for the season partially because like yeah the wine combos are so kind of wide open I don't really know what to expect other than it's going to be really exciting and I think like Dabrask man I the more I think about Dabrask and Patterson it seems like it should work really well right well and and I think Dabrask is gonna have less of a less pressure to create because it's gonna be Patterson's thing so I think what I heard people talking about Dabrask is that he he's like good at finishing but like the he's not gonna be carrying a line by himself but is like a very good complimentary player and Patterson's gonna be the best distributor that he's played with right he spent a lot of time with Bergeron and that's when he had his I think he was a 27 goal season and Bergeron fantastic player Patterson's like more talented puck skills of like generating offense right so I think that are offensively I think on paper yeah oh yeah yeah I mean Bergeron way better defensively there's no denying that right but I just think is in terms of generating offense I think it could be the best center that he's played with so 30 goals not out of the question absolutely not and if he's getting you know PP one time as well which you know try him in the bumper spot maybe yeah I think he's mainly played net front yeah but Besser's been quite good there and in the bumper you want a left hand shot so he's gonna get every opportunity I I also would love to see Joshua get some net front time for sure yeah make that man earn his was a 3.25 yeah I forgot how good that deal is yeah it's been a good deal there was a deal signed today - right yes Arthur seal are just are just sea lots two years she loves eight hundred fifty thousand dollars dirt cheap I remember when we were doing our lineup exercises I think I had him at like two years like 1.7 or something because I was like well I wonder like well they give him like a big raise like who knows maybe you know keep him happy over paying a little bit this is like basically League minimum very in line with their like probably NHLers high potential but not exactly proven contracts that they've done with hoaglander and pod Colson yeah yeah the cheapest of all of them but I guess he's a goalie right like that but then again the player the pod Colson and hoaglander were also young and had the same bargaining power so yeah good on them for squeezing them down to eight hundred and fifty thousand dollars and like the Canucks goaltending for the next two years is a total of under six million did you see was it JPAT it might have been JPAT posting the the list of like here are like single goalie contracts that are more expensive than both Canucks goalie contracts no it was like Mark's room group hour couple other players Jesus Christ yeah I pretty happy with our coltending right now it's gonna be an interesting conversation in two years from now when sea loves has a year remaining of team controls and RFA and demcos appending UFA like what do you do there because I mean in an ideal world they're both incredible and it's a really hard decision right I guess if if she loves doesn't progress past where he's at now you don't care as much but all right yeah sorry it's not as big of a decision you still care but yeah it's not like a Schneider the long go thing necessarily yeah it could be a demco marks from thing though for sure yeah I guess I guess we'll see I mean