I Hate This Team

117 - Da Free Agency Guys ft. Tyson Cole

Our friend Tyson Cole (@SpittinPicklets, Canucks Army) joins us to breakdown the Canucks big July 1st, as well as all the other bullcrap that happened around the league today.

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outro: The Assemblehead in Sunburst Sound - Drunken Leaves

1h 12m
Broadcast on:
02 Jul 2024
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Our friend Tyson Cole (@SpittinPicklets, Canucks Army) joins us to breakdown the Canucks big July 1st, as well as all the other bullcrap that happened around the league today.

Check out Tyson's writing here:

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outro: The Assemblehead in Sunburst Sound - Drunken Leaves

[Music] Yo, what's back in sports fans? We've got Eren and Steph in here, as always. If you're listening to "I Hate This Team," you know that, you turn the podcast on. But also today, we have, from Canucks Army, Tyson Cole, of the pickin', fuck. Goddamn it, what's your Twitter handle? - Spittin' picklets. - Spittin' picklets. Goddamn it, 'cause this picks for betting. And I know it, like, when I get into a wordplay, yep. - Thanks for having me back, I appreciate it. - Of course, yeah. - Our pleasure. Yeah, we wanna bring Tyson on, get some more opinions from the, you know, the big fucking free agency day. - It was crazy, that was like the craziest free agency day I can remember since, I mean, I don't even wanna say it, but like the Louis Erickson, is that 2016? - Yeah. - That was the last one. - Yeah, that was the last one I remember that was like really, felt like a frenzy, I guess. And this was like, this was wild. Like, there was a point this morning where, and it was like an hour in, to free agency, officially, where like, our Discord was like, "Well, I kinda hope they don't sign anyone, and we just see what happens, you know, and see how it shakes out." And then like, 10 minutes after that, the Canucks sorta popped off. - Yeah, plop, plop, plop, like. - But yeah, like what an insane day. - I woke up, like, I forced myself to sleep in a little bit later, 'cause I didn't wanna get up early, and then, oh, no news happened, because like, deals don't happen until-- - No. - No, they happened like, immediately. - I was up at 6.30, and stuff had happened already. - Yeah, it was crazy. - All stuff that was like, wasn't good for me as a Canucks fan that wanted the Canucks to like, go in and really make, elevate their ceiling, right? Which I don't think they did today. - I think they-- - They're at least as good as they were last year. - They like, solidified their floor, I suppose. - Yeah. - So, I wasn't gonna ask you guys, like, if you think this team's better than the team that like, lost in game seven against the Oilers, but I don't know if that's a fair question, because the Canucks still have, by my accounting on cap friendly, three and a half million to play with, if they want to, and that would be with a 22-man roster. So, an extra forward and an extra defender. If they wanted to keep Tucker Pullman on LTIR, they could have like, three and a half million dollars to play with. If they wanted just a pure cap space, then they can-- - I thought it went down to they signed the RNA. I think it's just, I had two million now. - With LTIR, though, I think, isn't it a little, I guess it's like-- - I think we're negative, like, we're minus 5,000 or something like that. - I think that's because they have Nils-A-Mon, Filgy Decepe, and Noah Juleson and Mark Friedman all on the roster on cap friendly. Like, I went into the little armchair GM thing and sent down Nils-A-Mon and Mark Friedman to get to that. - Okay. - Okay. - So they could still sign like a Branstrom or-- - Had a bulk list? - Yeah, if they wanted to. I don't know how much those guys are gonna play for Tockett, though, right? - I know what's the thing. - I saw a friend of the show, Jackson, from a fuckin' Roxie Beaver, Jackson McDonald. He's been on before. I wanted to call him Jackson Galaxy, the YouTube cat guy, but I know that's not right. He had a tweet thread saying that he fears that the team's becoming the cult of Tockett with what they've done on the defense today. And I kind of tend to agree with it, but the cult of Tockett also made for a pretty fun season. So yeah, I guess the question I wanted to ask circling back to where we were before is do you think this roster is better than the roster that they started with last season? Tyson. - Started this regular season with? - Yeah. - Hmm. - Well, if you think about it, it's kind of the same because the only two players that we really traded for was Zidorov and Linhome, and now they're both gone. So, but now we're adding, you know, Dant and Heine and Jake Dabres, so I've been inclined to say yes. - Yeah, I think it's slightly better, like getting rid of Mikayev, also like getting rid of Kuzmenko and Anthony Bovillier, so there were other subtraction for these players sliding in, but generally it looks like a faster team. The defense looks honestly the same. I guess they're bigger than what they started with before, but I mean, going into last season, we were talking about Cole McWard being Queen, he was his defensive partner. - Yeah. - So, I kind of-- - It's a long way. - Like, of this better? Especially 'cause I think they're not entirely done yet. - No, and also like even if they don't add anyone else in the off-season, and I think IMAX said they're probably still going to. - I would think so. - But even if they don't, you know, if they go into the season with a little bit of cap space, a little bit of room, with LTI or whatever, you know, you can make moves after training, cap shakes out, you can see who gets sent down, who gets waived, that sort of thing, if teams need to make trades for cap purposes, so having a little bit of wiggle room isn't the worst thing in the world, and I definitely think the team is better than it was at the start of last season. End of last season? I don't know, I mean, they had three really good centers, although I'm glad they didn't give Lynne home that contract. I'm gonna miss the Dora, but again, a contract I didn't want the Canucks to give him. - Mm-hmm. - Yeah, I don't know. I mean, I think their ceiling is about the same, but I do think Debrusque with PD is gonna be really good. It just feels like something that's gonna fit. And I wanna say he could be like our Zack Hyman, obviously not to like that level, but it seems like the type of player who will just fit really well with this team, given PowerPoint time, given time on PD's wing. I don't know, I mean, I think like seeing all the smart guys on Twitter say, "Oh, I like this contract for the Canucks." I was like, "Oh, it feels really nice." - It's one of the very few UFA signings that feels like it could maybe, if you squint have surplus value. I think it has like, it's four cases there. And in an ideal world, you'd probably want it to be five times five instead of like seven years at 5.5. But I think there is a case to be made where he's only 27 years old. Like he's been a pretty consistent 25 goal scorer and like a high rate scorer. I think the only higher rate scorer on the Canucks last year was Connor Garland. - I think that's right, yeah. - I feel like I heard that somewhere along the line. - He's a big like even strength scorer, which is awesome. - Yes. - Yeah, like the J-verse card he was-- - And I think he's probably gonna be my, he'll probably be my jersey. You know, I need to get a jersey for next season. - You're not going Tyler Myers? - Well, I said, remember I said, like, whoever, you know, they're big signing, the big splash. And he's kind of their big splash, unless you want me to get a key for Sherwood jersey, which would be kind of sick. - I think today, our name's a pretty big splash. I got six, seven. - That's true. I didn't realize he was that big. He's fucking massive. Yeah. - Yeah, I guess with that-- - Would you rather have brought back Zadorov or have Deharnay and Myers? - Oh, man. I think probably Zadorov, but it's tough because that's just one roster spot, right? I don't know, like I think-- - Even at that term too, like-- - That's so tough because like, where I love Zadorov as much as the next guy, but he plays the left side. And that's jam-packed, right? Like he got Hughes, he's obviously not moving, and then Sussi, he proved he played top four role. So if you bring in Zadorov, who's played in the bottom, like bottom pairing, you're paying a five million for a bottom pairing defense, but that's way too much. But see, I don't mind Myers and Deharnay on for that, you know? It's probably everyone's probably gonna hate me and think that I'm super dumb for that. - No, I mean, I think like, you know, people were raising the point that like, Myers's contract looks better now, given some of the contracts handed out. And I do think that's true, but I do think the point, we brought this up in the last episode, and Sony, people have said this before, it's like, well, just because he would have gotten a worse deal in free agency, doesn't mean you have to resign him necessarily. I mean, I will say it does feel better signing Myers for that deal than signing the Labushkin deal or the Edmondson deal. - There was some really good deals out there. There's some really crazy good deals and some deals I'm mad about that they're so good. And there are some deals that are like, oh, that's like going to be one of the worst free agent signings of all time, like that level of deal. It was a really fun day, it was good. Like I feel like the free agent frenzies and trade deadline's never, trade deadline more than free agent frenzy, never lives up to the expectation. But like this year was like the first year where the cap had gone up since the flat cap era. And like it rocked. And it's just probably going to keep being like this because the cap presumably is going to keep going up. So it was, it was fun. I want more of this. This was great. - Make July one grade again. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I like the Dubresque bet better than a lot of the other top six options that were out there. Like Tifoli is obviously a more prolific bull scorer, but he's quite a bit older and he's getting more. - He's seen his ceiling, I think, right? Like, and obviously it's high, but he's getting older. He's slower. - Yeah, there's a little bit of room for improvement. - Yeah. And like, I mean, I would have loved Marcia's show, but even then that contract is five years and he is 34. And I mean, he's still very fucking good. He put up 40 goals last year, right? But I mean, for how much longer? I think with like where the Canucks are positioned, I would have made that like bet instead. - But who says he wanted to come here, right? Like it looked like-- - Yeah. - And also would have probably cost more, right? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Definitely would have cost more 'cause Tennessee's a no-tax date too, so. - Yeah. - What did you guys think when you first saw Dubresque sign with Vancouver? Because everyone wanted, we were like, okay, Gensil, Gensil, the biggest one on the market. And then it was, okay, if that doesn't work out, we'll go to Foli. Dubresque wasn't on any radar. And I would say he was kind of less desired than a Tifoli was. So were you a little underwhelmed or how were you feeling? - He was on my radar. We did like armchair GM exercise where we like just completely-- - I remember that. - Went off her, yeah. And I picked Jake Dubresque for a couple reasons, right? Like he's a bona fide top six player, right? Like a fringe, top line, rate score or forward, whatever. But his dad's Louis Dubresque, who's the late night hockey night in Canada analyst. And so when we don't have like Shorty and Tomlinson on for the late night hockey night Canada broadcast, we're gonna have a Canucks homer there now, which is gonna make it way more sufforable. And like say you do get a playoff match up again with the Oilers and the Canucks, and we get like a harder line saying in Dubresque because the Leafs are still playing for example. It's not gonna be nearly as bad as if Dubresque's son wasn't on the team. So I like it for like that kind of meta gaming reason. And then I think it's a decent fit too. Like he's a fast player. I think I really liked all of their additions up front today. All can play on the penalty kill. All of them are fast guys. I mean, Keith for should word, sure would-- - We saw him in the first round, dude. Like he was annoying to play against. And I was listening to Alvin's press conference and he went up to Quinn Hughes and talked to him after they signed him. And he was like, oh, I'm so happy that you signed him 'cause he pissed all of us off and we played against him. So it's good to have one of those guys on your team and not play against him. - I had his hops. - He's really fast, right? He's like quite fast. - Yes. Against the Canucks in their last five games, I guess I could probably see more. Let's click more, see what happens here. Go over the entire playoff. Right. Game one, he had three hits, game two, five hits, game three, nine hits, game four, five hits, game five, nine hits, and then the last game he had two hits. - He's the type of guy where when you're looking for the next Joshua, I saw multiple people have him on their list as like, this guy could be like a diamond in the rough, you know? - Yeah, well, he-- - When you look at his even strength numbers, right? And he had a fairly low shooting percentage last year. Like, he's the type of guy who there might be a bit more there, but even if there isn't, he's a good penalty killer. He hits, he's fast. - Two years, 1.5, very cheap for that. He was 14 for the league last year for hits. He put up 235 and 68 games. And as a comparison, Joshua had 245, and I don't know how many games, 'cause he missed a few with the broken hand, right? But similar, like hitting profile to Joshua, which is great to have two of those guys on your team. - Yeah, put a 10 goals last year. - I'm gonna compare the dubrasque signing to a former Canucks signing. And I think it's not exactly the same, but the vibes are kind of there, which is the Michael Samuelson signing, which sort of like was one of those signings that like pushed the team to the next level a little bit. He scored 30 goals his first year with the team and 18 after, but had 50 points, 53 points in his first two years and then kind of fell off after that. But you know, he was a little older when they signed. I think he was like 31 when they signed it. - Yeah, it's not sexy, but it just feels like good business. - Just a smart player to it. Like when you look at his, when you look at his like Jay French card, it's a lot of blue, which I really, really like, you know. - Hey, when that guy's back in someone, I tend to listen. - Yeah, like, you know, Dom liked it. Like again, all of the smart hockey people said it was a really good move for the Canucks. And they're right more often than they're wrong. So I will, you know. - Last year or two, he did have a bit of a dip, right? But he also was playing a lot of it with a broken hand and he still scored 19 goals. - Yeah. - I was listening to him on the radio today and he's got a good head on his shoulders. He does a lot of the, you know, the Stephen A Smith tweet or like the joke about him where he says like, "Grab raggoons, things of that nature." - Yeah, yeah. - So when Debrusque is talking, he says things of that nature quite often, which I feel can be funny. But he was just like very, he sounded very smart. He was a good quote. And one of the things that he said was that he feels like he's elevated his game and added stuff to it, that even his C game now when he's not like scoring because he knows the big knock on Debrusque is that he isn't consistent. Like he'll look like a world beater for 10 games and then 15 games without anything. And he said my C game now is at a point where I still feel like I can contribute defensively and on the four check, et cetera, even if I'm not producing and obviously I wanna produce, but that game is there in case I'm not, which it shows like a lot of humility to like be signed somewhere and then talk about what's gonna happen if you suck, which I like when he's thinking about that already. He also had another funny anecdote because when they lost an overtime to the Canucks before their rookie party in Vancouver. - How's that that game? - Yeah, I think he jumped off the ice too quickly or on the ice too quickly and they got the power play. Is that correct? - I think so. - Yeah, I think like Pedersen fired it towards their bench and he had like jumped on too early and that caused the penalty. And he was like, yeah, in hindsight, I guess you could see that as a bit of collusion. (laughs) Like just subconsciously I knew I wanted to come here and I did that, but he was like, it all worked out in the end. - Yeah, I think like the signing that I kind of forgot about him, but it makes so much sense they signed him is Heinen. - Yes. - He had been rumored to come here, you know, whether it was through trade or through free agency like for like six years at this point, it feels like. And just again, another guy who just seems like a smart, relatively cheap pickup. And I think, I don't have the evolving hockey, numbers, I don't know if you have them Aaron, but I think it's like under what was expected. He was expected to get like three plus, I think. - I've been said he took a discount. - Yeah, 'cause he's from Langley, right? - He's from Langley, yeah, yeah. - I'll pull up the evolving hockey right now, but it was something in their range of like four years, 3.6, was the evolving hockey projection. - Whoa. - Yeah. - Which is like why when we were doing roster building exercises, I didn't have him as like a possibility because that's like too rich for Dantenheinen for me. Yeah, four years, 3.6 million dollars was the most likely. And then on a two year term, they had him at 2.399, which is effectively what he got, right? What did that come in at? - Yeah, he was. - 2.25 for two years. - Yeah. - And like I see him a lot as like a pew suitor type of player where you can play him on the wings in the top six and it's not gonna hurt you and you can do some good things and pot some goals. But then he's also very much able to play in like a bottom middle six role and help the third line out. Like one thing I do wanna see next year and we have all off season to build lines, folks, but something that'd be like Dubrusk, Pedersen, Garland's and then JT Besser, Joshua. And then you'd have a third line of something like pew suitor, Nils Hoaglander and fuck, I don't know. - Glugger. - Dancin Heinen. Or yeah, Blugger Dancin, Hoaglander. Like I feel like that's a perfectly fine third line. - Yeah. - Maybe the T, I don't think the pairs, but... - Yeah, I think just having a bunch of guys that can sort of plug and play almost anywhere on the lineup is really, really nice. Like just having that depth is so nice. Like I think we are still, you know, despite, I like the Dubrusk signing. I think he's gonna be really good, especially with Pedersen if they put him there. We're still sort of missing that like top end, like star winger that we were hoping for. But, you know, there's still time in the off season. There's gonna be time to make moves in the regular season too. You know, maybe Patrick Linae shakes loose for like super cheap. You could take a swing on him, but there was really only, there was the one trade today, right? The Jikaran trade was the only one, I think. - Which, oh my, fuck you know what it was. - Autowards, man. What are they doing? - I mean, I think it was just one of those things where like they, everyone knew that he was going to leave. I just can't believe they couldn't get more. Like it just seems crazy they couldn't get more. - So like, I knew they had a log jam on the left-hand side in Ottawa, especially with the more offensively minded people. And that was a market I would have liked to have seen the Canucks dip their toes into. But Jikaran just seems like an absolute freak, like off the ice. Like he is a raw milk kind of carnivore. He got a son-your-balls first thing in the morning, seed oil type vibe, which I don't want to be associated with that. So maybe Nick Jensen-- - Even though probably a lot of hockey players aren't like that, but he's very like, he's very open about it, you know? So yeah, he's laying his freak flag fly. - Washington's interesting too, because it's so, it's clear what they're trying to do is like get Obatch get in the record, but like, I kind of like the off season they've had too overall. - It's been impressive. - Yeah. - Like I think do blaws is like, the more I think about it, I think it's not a horrible bet. - Well, I was gonna ask like what side would you rather be on that trade? 'Cause-- - Man, I think-- - Oh, it must rather be on the Washington side of that and get on me. - I agree, 100%. - There's really no, like, Kemper is kind of what he is, right? Like I don't think he's, at best he's maybe as good as Cam Talbot was last year, and like that didn't get away that far, right? Whereas Du Bois like, yeah, obviously has a lot of issues and I say that as someone who is unfortunately stuck with him in my Keep Really Hockey team, but I think there's room there for improvement and I think he's gonna get power play time. It seems like it's gonna be a better fit for him, like LA is not the best place for scorers, I think. - Yeah. - And so I don't know, I mean, I think there's a lot more room for improvement with Du Bois. So I think I'd rather be on the Washington side, but yeah, overall I think they've done, like it's been really impressive. And some teams have had like awful off-season so far too. - Washington is like, they can't be done yet. Right now they have a projected cap hit of $102 million. - I think they're gonna trade OSHA or someone to Anaheim 'cause Anaheim is like $9 million below the floor. So it seems like something's gotta get, like they're gonna trade for a bad contract. - Even with like Washington's 9.2 million in LTI space, they're still like just under 5 million over. So something's gotta break there. Yeah, I guess if you move OSHA, it's fine. - I heard OSHA was gonna go on LTI-R to start the year. - The insurance. - Oh, okay, yeah. And they still have backstrom on LTI-R as well, so. - But he's never coming back. - No, no. But even then I don't think that's, I think they're still way over, I'm pretty sure. But yeah, the interesting thing to me is what is Anaheim gonna do? Because they have, yeah, they've signed, as far as I can tell, they have signed nobody today other than a couple of resignings, I think. But I believe they're 8 or 9 million below the floor still, which is crazy. So I don't know, maybe they go after Patrick line in, but do you wanna bring him in with your young guys necessarily? Like, I don't know, it's interesting. - There's something that's a fit, you know? - No, no, yeah, I don't know, I'm not sure. 'Cause there's still gonna be, this is another interesting thing too, is someone in our discord brought this up where there's not really a clear, the last couple of years it's been Chicago and San Jose and to a lesser extent Anaheim. And Columbus is like, oh, these teams are just like historically awful. And I don't know that there is a team like that in this off, like upcoming season. - I think the flames are gonna be bad. - That's the one, yeah, if you look, their lineup is atrocious and they have a lot of guys that they need to get rid of. - Don't they not have their first show on pic next year either? - No, we looked into it, it's a really, really slim chance of them not having it. 'Cause it's something to do with the Monahan deal, I think. - Yes. - Where, if the pic is high enough, they're gonna get it. So I think they only give it up if like Florida also misses the play. There's like, it's all tied into like a Florida. - Yeah, so if, okay. - I'm looking it up. - If both Calgary and Florida-- - It has so many. - It has so many. - It has so many. - Picking in the top 10. Okay, what the vote? - Snare, the event Calgary receives Florida's first round pick. If both Calgary and Florida picks are not top 10, Montreal will receive the better of the Calgary and Florida 2025 first round picks. If Calgary's pick is top 10 and Florida's pick is not top 10, Montreal receives Florida's pick. So the only way that they would lose their pick is if Florida somehow is bottom 10 in the, as like big something horrible happens and they like not only miss the playoffs but are picking in a lottery position. So more than likely for that Monahan trade, they'll get Florida's pick next year so they should have theirs. And then they also have New Jersey's pick next year as well. But like that team is, it's a hockey team, all right. - It's just like their defense is so bad. - Yeah, the defense, you got Uyghur and Anderson and then it's Jake Bean, Mira Manoff, the 26-year-old-- - That's the guy they got from Vegas. - Prospect, they got back in the deal from Vegas, yeah. Kevin Ball, Joel Handley, great. I feel like Norm McDonald now doing all the stars are here. Nikita Akhatiuk. - Well, he went to the KHL, I'm pretty sure. - Oh, did he? - Yeah, I think he's gone. - Prayed in past shell. - Yeah, so they got, they picked him off waivers, I think, from Vegas as well. - Yes, waiver claim, yeah. - I don't know, I mean, I think they, well, they signed Manta for one year or two, it was just one. - One year. - Okay, so they'll just trade him for like a fourth round pick at the deadline. I mean, I-- - One year is 3.5. - I think they're kind of doing the right thing in that they're going to suck next year but I can't tell if they're trying to suck on purpose or not. Like, they should be going for James Hagan. They should be going for Gavin McKenna. Like, they're gonna be really bad, they're old, they're not, like, they don't have a ton of prospects. - But then they resign, Igor sharing the little bitch. - Yeah, not Sarah Neel. - Not Sarah Neel. - Anyways, he's got the red arrow now. It was like five times 5.75. - Yeah, but I mean, he was good for last year. - He was a good fit there. - But he's 26th, love him. - So by the time that flames are good, there's gonna be a bad contract. Doesn't fucking make sense. Why not trade him for value at the deadline? It's like the argument with Kuzmenko and Vancouver when he was popping off only, I guess he's slightly younger and instead of signing him for two years, they signed him for-- - 'Cause they're gonna be bad for like three years minimum, I think, right? Like, they're not, they're still on the downswing, right? They picked what, ninth over all this year, they picked my favorite prospect in the draft, which really pissed me off. - He looks sick. - He's so much fun, man. Oh my God, I'm so pissed he went to Calgary but yeah, I mean, I think like they do have some good prospects coming, but not as much as you would hope at this point. So they're gonna have to just bottom out. - And even when they come, you have Jonathan Hubertow making $10 and a half million dollars until 2031. - That's brutal. - Yeah. - And like, Nazem Khadri-- - Not a deal for that guy, hey? He's just robbing hell in Calgary and all his buddies in Florida just won the cup. - Yeah, oh God. Yeah, I think, like, are there any teams other than Calgary that stood out where it was like, what are they doing or what are they not doing? 'Cause for me, it would be Buffalo and Detroit, probably. - Oh, Detroit is mind-boggling. - Detroit. - I don't know what Detroit is doing with their goalies. - The fuck, no, they have four of them. - They have four goalies plus Casa and/or Cosa. They're a prospect. - That's a vast policy. - Yeah, he's really good. But I mean, he'll be in the HL for like a couple more seasons, probably, but like, I just don't really understand what they're trying to do. The wallman thing still doesn't make sense to me. You know, they re-signed Kane. They still have to sign Sider and Raymond. - Yeah. - So I'm not entirely sure what's happening there. And then Buffalo, like, I guess you traded, you signed Zucker for one season so that if you're out of the playoffs, once again, you can trade him at the deadline for, yeah, again, a third round pick or whatever. - Oh. - But like, what are-- - Another bullet judged for the Canucks there, I feel like. Like, one year Zucker at $5 million, we would be carving them. - Yeah, I was a little worried that was going to be kind of their big splash. - Like, and take him as much as they can do and I never wanted him. Like, I don't see any value in him. I don't think he can play in the top six. - He was fine for Nashville in the playoffs. - Yeah, but I think he would've ended up being like another like, McKayave style signing, where it's like, yeah, I guess he's an NHL player, but like, he's not having a comeback. - That's the only thing with Dubrus, right? Would you rather have, I mean, granted the terms different and they're still retaining on McKayave, but just in a vacuum, Dubrus got $5.5 or McKayave at $4.75. Like, Dubrus, like, every single time without any sort of hesitation. So that made me like that pickup even more. - Yeah. - Detroit's baffling. I'm looking at their cap friendly right now. - I don't, I do not get it at all. - How much cash do they have? - Oh, shit load. - Oh, shit load. - Decent amount because they were putting it aside 21 and a half guys. - 21 and a half million. - And maybe they'll make some trades or something, but then, you know, they still have a lot of young guys who are making their way up and I just, they keep kind of blocking them. And I mean, I think Evanston will be on the team next year. I don't know if Casper is ready necessarily, but they've got, and Danielson's probably a couple of years away, but like, I don't know, it just seems like they just want to be sort of in the mushy middle and the Iser plan is not. - People are, it doesn't seem to be working the way people hope. I mean, they just missed the playoffs this year too, right? But, and I like the Red Wings, you know? - I was invested in making the playoffs. I really wanted to do it out of every team and I was watching those games and they look like fucking ass. - They would have been way more entertaining than Washington. - Oh, yeah, way more. Like it was a fun team to watch. They lost, go to spare though. - Carolina seems to have a pretty good July one despite losing some of their guys. Like the value they were able to recoup seems quite good. - They're interesting because they know presumably Nikeshin is coming over by the end of next year. So, and he'll just come in and be like a top four NHL defenseman most likely, given how good he looks in the KHL. So, it's kind of an interesting thing where they like, they know that is probably coming by, 'cause he'll just, as soon as his season's over, presumably he'll come over. And so, they have that in their back pocket, which is kind of cool. But, yeah, I mean, they lost, I guess, Pesci and-- - And Shay. - Yeah. - But they picked up Sean Walker like five years, 3.6. - Yeah, that's an insane deal. That's a great deal. That's something I would have loved Vancouver to have done that. - Yeah. Yeah, and going back to Washington, we didn't even talk about the Matt Roy contract. That seems like a fantastic deal. - Another deal I would have loved to have seen the Canucks, like, that's really my biggest critique about July 1st for the Canucks is, I mean, I'd kind of come to terms with the fact that Gensl probably wasn't gonna come here once his rights were traded. And then, thinking about it more, it's like, okay, well, they'll get probably a consolation prize in the top six for $6 million or whatever, which turned out to be Nebraska. And then I was excited to see them hopefully spend that money to improve the top four of their defense, be it on the left side or the right hand side, right? And that just didn't happen. It's more floor bets or four board bets. And I think that's just the biggest disappointment to me is like that lost opportunity. But I guess they're probably not fully done yet, right? - Yeah, but you're probably not gonna get like a top four guy with what they have remaining. I was really hoping that they would go, they would get someone on the right side to play the top four, and then you could play Myers on the bottom pair. 'Cause he did really well when they were so, they had a lot of depth on the back end, right? Because then he had to play like 17, 18 minutes a game. Rather than now, he's gonna play on the top four, probably gonna be upwards of 20, then that's kind of where you'll see Myers' chaos giraffe come back. - Yeah, like you're walking him into a top four role at age 35, and in the playoffs, him and Sussi were good in a shut down capacity, right? Sussi's always hurt. So now, now what, right? - That's four, Myers. - Yeah, and then you're elevating four board, who did, he had a weird season, he only played, let me pull this up here, 35 games. And I was like, well, what the hell was wrong with him? And I was looking at his like injury, like history from last year. - Report, yeah. - Yeah, L-T-I-R with undisclosed, former role will be returning from L-T-I-R, on undisclosed, back on L-T-I-R with undisclosed, and a little bit more digging showed that his season was shut down to, it was like a lower body Linden, Linden. - Look at me, it's a hard tendon issue, but nothing was ever like really specified. And, I mean, last year, he was a 44%, 4C at events for the Boston Bruins. The year where the Bruins were like world beaters, right? In 22, 23, he was a 45% 4C. Like, not in great underlying numbers. And I'm sure there's some deployment stuff there as well. - Like I have faith in like one year one, and I have for a dollar bet for, yeah. Apparently good on the penalty kill. - Yeah, I think what you were brought in for. - Ian Cole getting 3.1 million, right? Like I'll take 4Burt at half of that, you know? - Essentially, it's, do you want like Ian Cole or 4Bort and Day Harnay? Yeah, I'm taking the two big bastards, even though they both kind of seem like offensive black holes. - Definitely. What I'm worried about is like there, I don't think they're great skaters, don't think they can move the puck that well, so they're probably gonna get exposed. - Yeah. - Yeah. - So, Drance did press Alvin on this and Alvin's presser and asking like, basically, do you wanna move, have more puck moving from the defense? And Alvin's response was, we added a lot of speed to our wings with our forward additions, which I agree with. And then basically said, well, the guys that we added on the back end, we feel confident enough in our system and then foot and talk it, so that they can make a quick first pass, get it to those wingers, and then we'll be better in transition because of that, which I don't know if I buy it, but that seems to be the logic internally, which I guess we'll have to wait and see. - Yeah, I think like the focus on speed is good, and just the guys who can play up and down the line up, for sure, but yeah, the more I think about it, the right side being Fronik, Myers, and I guess, is it, it's Dejarnay. - Dejarnay is the right shot, yeah. - It would be, like you said, it would be nice to have Myers on the third pair and someone else on the second pair, but yeah. - Back to evolving hockey, projections. Dejarnay was someone that I thought would be like an interesting depth add, especially if you're like spending for like a better puck moving left shot guy, and his predicted on there was like one year, one million for two years, 1.4, which I again would have been happier with, but probably because he did have a, I mean, I was just gonna say he had a strong playoffs. He was strong on the penalty kill in the playoffs. I thought he laid the body well against Vancouver, but Edmonton looked way better when they took him out of the lineup and put him in Philip Roeburg, they took him out against Dallas, right? - Yeah, I think that's more because Roeburg's ready. - Yeah, it's probably not an indictment of Dejarnay, you're correct. - I did like last year how the Canucks were really big and punished guys. - Yeah, I mean, going for like the Vegas style decor, I mean, I don't want to have any problem with that. I do, yeah, again, I worry that like we're gonna get half of their season and be like, man, we need like one other defenseman who can make a breakup. - And that's the, another thing Alveen said or was questioned about is he said that like the preseason will be a good time to like look at this, but investigating splitting up Hughes and Haronek, which he has gonna add more puck moving, but then what you're playing Quinn Hughes with Dejarnay or Myers, which like-- - That's what I was gonna say. - That's what I'm most upset about, that they didn't add at top four, because now you can't put those guys out. - Yeah, like if there was like a, like a Branson signed, right? - No, it's drum, no, I don't think he has. I don't think any of those like young, like Olivier Joseph, I don't think he's signed yet. I'm not sure if-- - Walk this. - Yeah, I don't think any of them have signed yet, which is interesting. It's all the big guys have signed and-- - You want that Ethan Bare effect, right? - Yes, yeah. - Yeah, I'm hopeful that they're maybe gonna grab one of those guys kind of like later in the season, like the seater signing. - Me in a row? - Yeah. So, there's still space to do something like that if they want to, but it sounds like what Imac was saying, they wanna get even tougher and bigger on defense, which is like, okay, there's like a limit guy. - Which why if you wanted to do that, like keeping Zadora would have made a lot of sense to me because he's big and mean, but he can also move the puck reasonably well. And I think we saw that when he was at it. So, I'm sure the defense has to get better before, at least before the playoffs next year, assuming the Canucks are in position to do that. - Yeah. - But, yeah, I think like we're at least at the same level as they were in the playoffs, which is good. I think they have more depth up front, which is huge. I don't know, I think the tough thing going in next year is that they have expectations now, whereas everything last year was like house money, a pleasant surprise, it was so great, everything was so positive. If they start out bad this year, it's gonna be like, it's gonna be rough out there for them, whereas last year, if they started out bad, it would have sucked, but it would have at the same time been like, all right, this is what we expected, you know? - Here we go again. - Yeah. - So, I think going into this year with expectations, getting into the second round last year, almost getting into the third round, there's a lot of pressure on them. And, you know, Pedersen, the first year of his big contract, obviously. So, yeah, I don't know. I'm very, very excited. And this was like a very fun July 1st after it seemed for like an hour or two that it wasn't gonna be a very fun July 1st, like Aaron and I were joking, we were like, what are we gonna fucking talk about on this episode? - Yeah, the first time minutes was crazy, and then the Canucks showed up to the party. It just, it's news a couple times, that's it. - Yeah, it was a lot of fun, and I'm looking forward to July 1st being like that, you know, more often from now on. - But, I'm trying to figure out who's like the remaining U of A's are, right? - And they just, - Skinner just signed with Edmonton. - Yeah, that, oh. - And Arbuses are really pick up for them too. - I know, I hate that they did a really good job, other than signing, I don't know if you saw Josh Brown. - Yeah. - And his like advanced stats numbers where it's like, everyone playing against him essentially turns into Connor McDavid. If you look at like the heat maps, so. - They also signed, they signed Connor Brownback one times one, I think. And then they also got Jan Markback on like 1.4 - Yeah, and Corey Perry as well. - And Corey Perry, which is insane. - Yeah. - They saw how bad he was, right? I guess you have that goal based from McDavid, but like he wasn't playing game seven for a reason. So has the best unsigned free agents. And at four, there's, okay, it's Adam Henry, Tyler Johnson, Jack Roslovich, Vladimir Teresenko, and James Van Reemstike. Defenseman, the murders row, John Klingberg, Ryan Souter. And then actually when I wouldn't hate the connects, picking up his Justin Schultz. - Okay, sure. - But like. - Even with the puck. - Even with the puck. Yeah, I think that'd be a good fit, but his time in with Rutherford didn't end well, right? Like, wasn't there some drama there in Pittsburgh before Rutherford left? - Yeah. - So. - But hey, he can make it up, you know? When he was signing out of college, it was Oscar Edmonton. - That's true. - Then he left us. - That's true. (laughing) - I had a question for you guys. It's kind of out of left field, but it got me thinking. So if you look at the Canucks cap friendly here, do you think with what they did today by signing pretty much all of them except for foreburt to two year deals that it kind of screwed them over for next year? Because they've got, the only big ticket guy they got to resign is Brock Besser, but after his play this year and especially in the playoffs, like he's, I think he's due for a raise. And then he got p-a-sooter coming off the books. Neil's Hoglander, who's gonna need to raise off the 1.12. But you're not gonna have that much cap space because those are the only guys really coming off. So like now by signing those for two. - Yes and no, I think, like. - I think Besser's gone probably. - It is, Bob. - So you have to replace Besser, which is gonna be very difficult. - I think their hope is that Lakerimaki after one year in the AHL is ready to go the fall season. But it's such a huge fan. - Then the team's like significantly worse. Like look how bad they were when Besser was hurt for one game in the playoffs. And then our, our coach was like, well, what if we had Besser? I think if Besser shows well this year, they will resign him and then just make it work elsewhere. - He's gonna get like, what, 8 million probably? - 70, 70 million. - Yeah, and I mean, hopefully you get some form of hometown discount there because you gotta, hopefully the cooks are continued to be good. And he knows that he could like retire or, you know, be like a ring of honor type figure. And like all of his homies here, his stuff's here, et cetera. So yeah, looking at next off season, cat friendly, well, they project a cap rise up to 92 million, which would give the Canucks 17 and a half. So say it's eight for Besser, then you have like nine million to replace Pew Souter, get another defender and resign Hoaglander, which big year for Hoaglander too, if he's getting top six opportunity again, kind of makes him-- - He seems like a guy that they could trade as well. If they've talked about him as like trade bait and it seems like he's the type of guy you trade if you want that kind of bigger upgrade. But again, he doesn't, he's not making a ton of money either. So it's not gonna-- - Now's the time, right? - Because someone would be betting out him to be cheap surplus value, but that's also the case for keeping him in Vancouver. I think if nothing else, the two year multi-year deals, it gives them some cost certainty on defense with the big OEL number coming in like the next two seasons, right? - Yeah, that was another thing, because isn't OEL bumping up to four million next year? - It's like 4.7. - Yeah, so that pretty much takes away the cap rise, right? - Yeah, well, they're paying like 2.3 this year, so-- - Yeah, that's 4.7, 4.7. - Okay, so you have to do $2.1 for, yeah, God, that sucks. And then, yeah, the McKay F stuff is $700,000 for the next two seasons, which isn't too bad, yeah. - Yeah, it is like a good player right there. Like, that's another Jake DeBrosk right there that you're missing out on, but both of those things had to happen? - They had to do it, I mean, they had to do it. It pissed me off seeing Edmonton, like their first thing was buying out Jack Campbell, and it's like, God damn it. Like, obviously they were going to do it, but it's like, that's like the smart thing to do. - Didn't he sign in Detroit? Like, what are they doing? - Yeah, he did. - Like, so Detroit has, who's so-- - Lion. - Talbot. - Talbot. - And Campbell, yeah. - Yeah, and then a couple young prospects as well. So like, yeah, again, back to Detroit. I'm not sure what's going on there. Buffalo, I'm not sure what's going on. Toronto, you know what? I think like, if you're looking at them going for it the next couple of years, which I mean, they're constantly going for it as they should be, but like, a 10 out deal is fine. I think it's gonna be bad the last two years for sure, but like, at that point-- - Six years? You're paying up to at least 40. Oh yeah, I mean, look, it's not, it's more, if you split up the deal, the first two years are gonna be fine. Like, he's gonna be legitimately like, he's like a top pairing defenseman. He's so good still. - Em and Riley will play together for sure. - Yeah, and they're gonna look great. - You finally have like a right hand defenseman to play with Morgan Riley, who's like, good. - Yeah, but yeah, those last two years. I mean, by the time they get to those last two years, I think like, if the Leafs haven't won a cup by then or been to a cup final by then, like, I think they're just gonna like, tear it all down anyway. - Yeah, blow it up. I'm surprised we haven't talked about Nashville. - Oh yeah, they had a big day, huh? - That was wild. - Oh my god. - That was, that's the story of the day, pretty much. - Yeah. - That was a lot of fun. I mean, that was, I think-- - Marsha Soe, Sam Coase, and-- - Pretty shade. - Yeah, damn. - I'm gonna say, and I want your guys' answer to this afterwards, but I think that, I think that pretty shade contract might be one of the worst. I don't think it's gonna date Superwell. Like, he's not gonna be playing in Carolina anymore for one, and he's already 30, so like, by the end of it, - Yeah. - That's gonna be a lot of money. See, we have that Brandon Montore contract, like, two players I would've loved to have seen on Vancouver for that money next year, but with the term, I'm like, kind of happy they dodged those bullets. - Yeah. - For sure. It makes the heroic contract look great. - Oh yeah. - It looks so much better now. - Yeah. - Yeah, would you rather like, Montore, that or her own, right? - Like, Shay, again, I think it'll be fine for a couple. Yeah, that just seems like one that could go bad pretty quickly. I think the worst contract of the day for me is probably Chandler Stevenson. - Another-- - That's just Seattle one, right? - Yeah, that just seems-- - I mean, that's the right answer. - But, yeah, that just seems like one where, if he's not playing with like, in Vegas with Mark Stone, he's just like, not gonna be, it's just, he's just gonna fall off the map like immediately. Like, it's not gonna be one of those ones that looks bad two years from now. It's gonna look bad from like day one. - The other thing too, like, I like Stevenson as a player, I think he has value, but part of that value came from him being fast, and he is getting up there. - Oh, we'll see now. - He's 30 or 30, what are you think? - He's 30, yeah, 6.25 for seven years. So, I think that's gonna start to look bad pretty quickly. He's also their highest paid forward. - Doesn't Benieres need to contract this year? - Yeah, they need to respond to him, and there was someone else too, I think that's the sign. - Told him. - Yeah, yeah, I don't know, that just doesn't seem, like it seems like a bad deal right off the hop. - Like, I think of him as more of a winger. - Yeah. - But, like, he was good at center because he was playing with Mark Stone, you know. - Is Stevenson not more of what the Kraken already had, just like a bunch of middle sixers? - Yeah, he feels like he belongs on the Kraken, right? - Yeah. - Okay, he's like a middle six guy. - Oh yeah, you have Jada Schwartz. - Yeah, that's right. Jordan Eberly still plays there, huh, cool. - Is there best forward-konox legend, Jerry McCann? - Yeah, well, I guess so, yeah. - Or Benieres, you're paying on your mileage, but really, right now, it's Jerry McCann. Why did the Canucks bungle that one, huh? - Yeah, they did. - Did they get from that? Good Branson? - Oh, yeah, they got good Branson. - Nice. - By the way, good Branson's deal actually looks like, I mean, it's not good, obviously, but the one, was it last year that he signed with Columbus, or two years ago? - I think it's not cheap. - That looks like cheap now. - Well, no, it was the same year as Johnny Hockey. - Yeah, it would've been two years ago. - Four by four. - 'Cause he was his friend. And that's why, apparently, why they paid him. Which, another insane contract today, the Monahan one? - Oh my god. - In Columbus. - It's a Columbus classic. I don't really understand that at all, but, all right, sure. - It is, yeah. Five years, 5.5 million. - Maybe he can rekindle what he had with Johnny Goudreau and Calgary. - It's gotta be the logic, right? Like, I know they were short on centers. - I think it's your ventilator. - I know it was a career fourth line left wing until they had no one else to play center, and then they bumped him up. - Columbus only has four defense men signed. - Really? - Yeah. - Will they have Eurocheck? - Severson. - Oh, yeah, Eurocheck isn't included in the cat friendly. So I guess, yeah, he'll be playing on the main team this year. - Severson, Ivan Provera, remember him? You're Branson and Horrinsky. - I actually forgot about him completely. Future Canucks deadline acquisition? He's appending UFA. - Ooh, man. - Another team we haven't talked about that I thought did pretty well today was the Blackhawks. - Yeah. - They went to San Jose, right? Like, they sort of, two shitty teams. Overpay, yeah, you kind of have to overpay, but it's like, you're going to be bad for at least two or three more years, right? - Yeah, but they got guys to, that now could play with the dog. Like, they got Tyler Bertuzzi, TerraVine, and goes back to Chicago. I think they got Alec Martinez. I mean, it's not great, but one shot. - He's an NHL defense, man. - Yeah. - You have to say that about him. - That's true. - No, the TerraVine in bet seems great. I would have loved to have seen the Canucks do that one, especially with that term, like, only three years, 5.4, and he's still 29. So it's not like that's going to hamstring you for a long time. But also, if you're TerraVine in, that's a sweet thing to step into as well, right? Like, you know you're going to be playing with the Dard. You're going to get tons of playoff time. You're in a cool city, like-- - Yeah. - Yeah, them and San Jose, like I really do like what San Jose did too, because Wenburg was a one-year deal, I think. So again, like, we saw several deals where it's like a one-year kind of bet on a guy, and you can just easily flip him at the deadline if you need to. - Yeah, so future first-round pick for the San Jose Sharks. It's really smart, like-- - Yeah. - Oh no, Wenburg's a two-year deal. - Oh, is he two years? - Yeah, two years, five years. - So, they'll flip him next year. - Yeah, this year will be Granlin. - But San Jose had basically no NHL players last year, and, you know, they signed Wenburg and Tofoli today. So now they have two more NHL players. They'll have Celebrini coming in. They've got Will Smith coming in. Like, they're going to be still quite bad next year, but they're going to be like, fun to watch, at least. - Well, for sure. - As long as Celebrini comes over, but that's all that Tofoli signing was. - Yeah, yeah. - Hey, come play for us. We got you a shiny new toy here. - A hundred, a hundred percent. - Yeah, yeah. I mean, they're saying like he might not, but I feel like he like, it's like a hundred percent, basically, that he's gonna do it. - Why wouldn't he want to? - Yeah, yeah. - Now, do you think Tampa got better? - I think again, it's better than Samco's right now. - Yeah, but then you loose her and Chev. - Yeah, and McDonough, I don't know. They really like McDonough. But then a lot of people, a lot of smart people are saying J.J. Moser is really good and should fit in with Tampa really, really well. So I don't know, I mean, Tampa's one of those teams, it's like Vegas style, kind of like ruthless, right? Like they sort of traded away, you know, I don't want to call him their pure Luke Dubois, but the acquisition cost was kind of similar in 10 or Geno, right? And they traded him to L.A. finally enough, but you know, they're admitting mistakes and they're-- - She only has one ear left, isn't he? - Does he have one or two? Yeah. - I think it's one because they signed it to your deal. - Right, yeah. But in terms of just being like, okay, this isn't working out here, we're gonna get rid of you. Like I don't know, Tampa reminds me of Vegas in terms of just being ruthless, right? Like, and you know, when they, when they cleared all the cap space and people were like, oh, maybe they'll bring back Stamco's now. And it was like, no, they're not going to at all. And I didn't see the interview with him today, but apparently, I think he was on TSN or Sports Center or something and he didn't sound very happy about everything that went down. - No, he did not have a lot of good things to say and his sports net hit basically like, he's like, yeah, I don't know why either, but you know, happy to get started in Nashville. I think he was like, oh, yeah, I don't want to, I don't want to talk poorly, you know, after signing with Nashville that I wanted to stay in Tampa, but I wanted to stay in Tampa. - Yeah. (laughing) - I think the LA Kings are a team that hasn't improved. - Yeah, I would agree with that. - They look worse this year than they did last year. - Edmondson is not good, Fogle is fine, but doesn't look good for them. - But in three and a half a million dollars. - No, yeah, exactly. - I don't know, I mean, again, Kudos to Rob Blake for I guess moving off the Pierluk du Bois mistake, but also you made that mistake in the first place. - Yeah, and now you have Kemper at three years, 5.25, which like, I don't think Kemper will be bad. Bully seems to like thrive in that environment and Kemper's proven that he's good enough, but still this 34-year-old Darcy Kemper. - Yeah, and you've got, you know, Brant Clark and Bifield and like, you've got young players, but I don't know, I mean, I remember like two or three years ago it was like the vaunted like LA prospect system, right? And like they just had so many guys and you're like, oh my God. And like the best prospect out of like all of those drafted players was Brock Faber, who plays for Minnesota now. - Yeah. - So I think Bifield's gonna have a career. - I think Bifield's really good. Obviously, and Clark is really good too. Like they do have good young players, but it's interesting, you know, I think those guys could move forward this year and get better obviously, but like, I'm not as scared of LA as I was like two years ago, where it seemed like they were gonna be one of those like teams of the future. And now it's kind of like, they're sort of just there, you know? - Yeah. - And hey, they talked about going away from the trap. So it's good like not to ask. - Even if that gets, yeah, even if that makes them a better team, I'm fine with that. As long as like, I can watch them play, you know what I mean? Like I don't care if they become a better team and like kick the Canucks ass. Like I'd rather watch exciting hockey than like, I mean, I just couldn't watch those games last year. It was so brutal. And like the players didn't like it either as my understanding. - Yeah, Fiala came out and said it. - Yeah. - I'm thrilled the Canucks didn't get Edmunds Senate for a year or four years, 3.85. - 'Cause they're, it was rumored they were looking at him. - Yeah, that was one of the names that came up. Like, I think overall, it's a good July one for the Canucks because their longest-term bet in Nebraska seems like a good, safe bet. He's like one of the younger UFAs. They didn't sign him to too much, like too many dollars, right? The AAV isn't that high, it's just a long-term. And then I can squabble about what they're doing on the defense, but I still see a way for it to be improved and they're pretty short-term bets. Like, - Yeah. - Say Deharnay is absolutely fucking dog ass. They can send him down to the AHL and they're only getting- - It's like on Julesin. - Yeah, they're still Julesin. - And Friedman. - Like, you still save one and a half out of that $2 million if he is parked in the AHL. It's not the end of the world. Same deal with, like, Forbert. There's, like, they had a depth, fine. They're big, which I guess, like continues on with the team identity. You're not like worried about the size of Zidoraf being gone. I mean, Heine and ensure would good bets up front. Like, good, cheap deals. I don't really think they overpaid anybody except for two by two for Deharnay. And if that's, like, your biggest overpay? - And it's by half a million. - And it's by, like, half a million and, like, an extra year. It's kind of like whoop-de-shit, right? Especially when he's good on the penalty kill. - On Free Agent, Frenzy Day, you're always- There's always gonna be, like, one bad contract or team signs, like, on average. And if it's the Deharnay one, I don't really care. 'Cause they kind of nailed their big ticket one and all their other ones are fine. They're fine to, like, legitimately good signings. And, like, so I, overall, I'd probably give them, like, I'd say, like, a B plus or, like, an A minus even. Like, I think they did a really good job today. They didn't go too crazy. And they made a lot of really smart bets. - I can't give them an A. - Yeah, I mean, I guess- - There's not having a different D. I'll say, I'll go B plus, then. They get, like, 79% for me. What is that, Grace? Is that a B minus? - I think that's a B. - That's a B, maybe. - B. - I think it's just a B, yeah. Yeah, which isn't, 'cause I think 74 was the cutoff. But now we're going back to high school listening. - Yeah. - Okay, out of all of the big, you know, top six Free Agents that signed today, which contract would you prefer instead of Jake Dbrusks? If that makes any sense. So, like, would you rather have signed Steven Stampko's 4.8, or- - Well, I would have rather Genssel seven times nine for sure. - Yeah, well, thank him out there. - And I mean, I think Steven's fine to play. He's playing yesterday. - Yeah, Ryan Hart because that wouldn't have happened anywhere but Florida. - Yeah. - Yeah, what are all the, I mean, you've got- - They're like, March or so. - I think that's the only one on. - That's the one. - That's the one. - But the thing is he's 34. - Yeah. - And again, it would have been more up here because it's not in Tennessee, like you said before. So it'd probably, you'd probably be looking at like 6.5, maybe. - Troy Stetcher returning to Edmonton, folks. - Wow, huge news. - Two years, like 787,000. - That's a guy I wouldn't have minded. - Yeah, that would have been nice. I guess like the Jeff Skinner one is an interesting bet, but also like- - Not a target player would never- - Not a target player at all. Like obviously incredibly skilled, a lot of fun, but just like a complete zero defensively. And that's not the identity they're building. But, you know, that's a really good deal for Edmonton. And I like the Arvidson deal too. I think it's the March or so one putting aside the, the tax stuff that I like that deal more. 'Cause he seems like the type of guy who could be like Pavelski where he's good until he's like, I mean, obviously- - You see, you're a move from the cons Mike. He scored 40 last year. - Yeah, 40 last year, yeah. - I think that's the answer for me. Like in a vacuum, assuming like he would want to come here for the same cost, but I don't think either of those things are true or else it would have happened. - Yeah. - So, did you hear Arvidson said on his like Edmonton interview that he has, I guess he's from like Northern Sweden, so he's looking forward to going somewhere with snow. (laughing) - No one has ever said that. - I know right. - Well, I want to go to Edmonton for the snow. (laughing) - Hey, hey, different strokes, right? Yeah, I guess when you put it that way, like it makes me happier with what the Canucks did and with DeBrusque, right? Because what's the other argument here to Foley? - Foley at four points or four by six or Stamco's four by eight. - I don't like that to Foley contract if it was on the Canucks. I like it for San Jose because they need warm bodies. - Yeah. But yeah, I think, I don't know. Yeah, I think for me it's Marsha so, and then the DeBrusque one is like, when you look at like everyone doing their summaries of like winners and losers of free agency, like the DeBrusque contract is on there a lot. Where it's like, this is like a tidy piece of business, you know, as they say. So yeah, I'm not sure, the Marsha so one I would, I would have liked more, I think, but there's not too many other ones that I'd put above it. The more I think about it. - I would have liked Matt Duchain at three million for a year, but I mean, that's probably not happening, right? He just likes it a day else and wanted to stay there. I'm just looking at the athletics list of winners and losers and seeing the other winners here. They have Anthony Duclair four years, 3.5. I would have been fine with that, but he's not really a talket player, I don't think. - Yeah, I'd rather DeBrusque. - Yeah. DeBrusque, he seems like he's just going to really, really fit in and I can just see him. I'm just so happy for Pedersen to just presumably have a guy on his wing that's not Mikayev or Sam Lafferty. - Yeah, and what's nice? Like Patrick Alving said this in his presser. He was like, Jake DeBrusque is a player that elevates his game in the playoffs. He likes the Bruins in points last year. - He had 11 points in 15 games, I think. Like he had a good playoffs. - Yeah, and he got them goals, I think, with five. You've been beating Pasternak, so yeah, that's awesome. Like, I love that. - I was going through some fancy stat stuff earlier and trying to talk myself into De Harnay and I did find one that I wanted to highlight. - It's never good when you have to go into the fancy stat stuff that's going into something. - Where the fuck is it now? - He had really high like penalty kill members, I think, but yeah, his penalty kill was good. - Well, Edmonton's penalty kill allowed one goal from like halfway through the Canucks series till the finals, right? - Yeah. - And if he's a part of that, sign me up. - Yeah. - Because weren't we the worst two years ago and then last year? - Yeah, we had the historically bad penalty kill two years ago. - Okay, here it is. On ice, high danger shot attempts against per 60. He led the Oilers defenders with 1.88. - Okay. - Granted, his on ice goal differential was minus one and the expected goal differential was pretty low. It does seem like, I guess overall, there's an offensive black hole for both teams when he's on the ice, which is encouraging. - Yeah, that's fine, he's defense. - Yeah. - Yeah, for like a six defender, I feel like that's something I can live with. I was also looking at, it was nice going on Money Puck because you could just go to Boston Bruins and see all of the Canucks playoff acquisition or free agency acquisition. - Yeah, they basically like traded Lindholm and Zadora for those three guys. - Yeah, right. So who lost that trade? - I mean, I think if you look at the contracts, I think Boston did probably. - Yeah, both of them are on the athletics, like losers for the expected value for what they got. Like the Lindholm is surplus value of minus 2.4 million and Zadora minus 3.1 million. And there's this long term too, five times six and 7.75 times seven. Like, I would have liked the Zadora of dealing with Vancouver in a vacuum if they hadn't done Myers as well just 'cause I think you're allowed like a nice bad contract as a treat. But that is a lot of money for an aging Lindholm who's like not generating F5 on five. An elite defensive player, sure, but. - But you can get those for not $7 million. - Yeah, yeah. - Four on five for the Bruins last year. Jake Dabrowsk at the third most minutes and just total minutes, 120, just behind Marshawn and Charlie Coyle. I'm sure a lot, well, above and four though, that wouldn't be defending late in the game. That's just straight up penalty kill. And then Danson Heineen was fifth. - Okay. - So two of Boston's top five penalty killing forts, I like that. - Yeah, I mean, penalty kill last year, for sure. - Yeah. Yeah, I just like having guys that can penalty kill. I like having multiple options on the penalty kill. - And Frober only played 35 games and he was their fourth defenseman in shorthand in minutes. So again, you're juicing the penalty kill. I like that. - Yeah. Hey, defense wins championships is what I keep hearing. So yeah, I think overall pretty pleased. Look, the last decade we've had much worse July 1st than this. - Yeah. (laughs) - You know, creating on a curve, but I think honestly overall, yeah, I would say I would give him a B plus. I think they did a good job. - Get another defenseman that can move the puck and on. - Yeah. - Okay. Other than that, pretty good job, folks. - Yep. - Yeah, I'll be happy with that. - All right. Let's wrap it up there then. This is any big breaking news on Twitter right now. - The Hawks sign TJ Brody. That's kind of about it. - No! (laughs) - Yeah, this list isn't updated with the remaining defenseman, man. Nate Schmitz? - Oh yeah, he got bought out. - Imagine. - Or he got let go, I guess. - Yeah, he's not coming back. (indistinct) Jake Muzzin. - Oh, he's not. - I think he's done it, yeah. - Zaitzev, Tyson Berry. - Elite name. - Yeah. (laughs) - Klingberg, as we said before, Justin Scholtz, spoke best. Oliver Schillington, I think, would be a good bet. Like a-- - I wouldn't mind that. Yeah. Yeah. - And I'd be down for Branstrom as well, assuming that he's still available. - Sign one of those guys, get like a suitor on defense, basically. - Yeah. - Yeah, August. Sign a guy randomly. - Nice. - Hopefully we have that to look for. - We'll call him D-suitor. D-suitor. (laughs) - Well, unfortunately, there is a suitor that plays defense that's available, and I don't want them to pick it up in August, but we were there. Tyson, where can people find you? - Find me @spittin' picklets on the X machine and all my written content on Canucks Army and Daily Face Off. - Woo, wonderful. Nice joining. Go Canucks, go. - Yeah. - Woo! (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)