Last time on the Streets of Avalon our rogues decided to trust some cats, Marus killed One Eyed Willy for murdering Allison, and Grandma forgave her son Cutter and asked him to stay safe. Now let’s find out if Mort is on the level and if Marus can learn anything about the box.
Welcome to the Streets of Avalon, an urban city actual play created and DMed by Brett B who puts the B in Gaming and BS, with Tom Flanagan of the Knights of the Night, Kevin Lovecraft – the glue of MMP and G&BS, Chris Sniezak of MMP, and Emily Morgan of She’s a Super Geek. Enjoy and please, provide feedback as we’re learning and going to get better at this as we move forward.
Scene switch by Mike Koenig
Metal clang by battlestar10
Ting by Popup Pixels
All other sounds from the Public Domain
Editing & Sound Enginnering by Chris Sniezak