[Music] Hello and welcome to the Knights of the Night Actual Play Podcast. This Dresden file adventure, Echoes, was written and run by a GM Tom. And now please enjoy episode 271 titled "Larry from Tech Support. Actual Play begins 10 minutes 41 seconds." [Music] How do you feed that? It's going to be really short and quick. First, this is not in feedback but I'd like to mention it really quickly. If you haven't listened to the Misdirected Mark Podcast on the last episode, 204, keeping people safe and we can do better, in which they talk about some of the things that have happened at conventions regarding women and inappropriate behavior and in general, guys being assholes to outsiders, whether be women or people of color or just, and it's it's worth listening to and it's important people should listen to it and it's very well done. I thought it was one of their best efforts. It had to be difficult to do because some of the letters that they read were there's been a number of articles in the RPG community going around talking about this particular subject and it's just about people cosplaying and getting behavior that is not appropriate but above and beyond that just walking into a friendly neighborhood gaming store and because you're a female you get treated different or because you're black or because you have a different sexual orientation than other people do, just things that shouldn't be happening nowadays and in general we're a very open community but there are still horror stories that are really horrible and they do a whole episode on and it is what worth listening to. I just want to mention that and some people that way because if you haven't heard it you need to and you need to keep it in mind. There is another convention that is a Kickstarter, not the QCC which is still going on please go over there and sign up but there is a Acadicon which is in November we spoke about it briefly off my class week and it's in Dayton, Dayton, Ohio and I already signed up because I intend to go there it's in November. They are only I think in their third year but there's a lot of I think Chris and Ms. Director Mark Crew is going down there as well as she's a super geek so it's almost like a podcast meet-up even more so than QCC is. What's the name of it? So it is Acadicon, A-C-A-D-E Khan. I think I heard that. It's run by rpgacademy.com and I'm Kickstarter for I'm not exactly sure how much longer but just a shout out to them and that Kickstarter and let them and anyone else listening to me I'm going on to the feedback that's KOTN specific there's just a bit we got a iTunes review isn't that amazing it's just out of the blue. The one that you've been begging for for the past three or four? Thank you for taking that off. It wasn't going to admit it. This one from Alice Crow title it's been a long journey and it's five stars. Well I decided to start from episode one and it's been a long few months which I found rather enjoyable. It's been a long month so much journey enjoyable for me. I decided to listen to all the stories and can't quite work out which one was my favorite. Keep up the great work, lady and gentlemen. Well they will just have to go back and listen to them all until they know which one's the favorite. That's right keep listening. Over on Facebook episode 270 holy water waterboarding. REJ posted and said special mentioned a time for taking the step to point out the difference of knowledge of the player and the character. Good job how many of us remember to do that as DMs? That was in reference to when you and Zelda were outside of and they said you don't live in the Josephine universe so and then I explained something which you may or may or may not have known about the Josephine universe and how just the reminder of how within the game roles a threshold works and he was saying that that's a good thing and you have to try to do that more often is just when your knowledge that the character should know what the player might not necessarily remember. Or better maybe my interpretation of how a threshold works might differ strongly from the way he did roles or you want to play it. I mean as far as I'm concerned they should be paralyzed and easy you know pickings once they try to cross the threshold. But not you. No because I got a password. What's the problem? That's the problem. Well you had a password to the words. Now that I think about it you might not have been able to cast magic in there because of the threshold because you weren't invited by the head of the household. There's a difference between the threshold and the war. The threshold is an actual barrier of the household. Let me help me. I helped him. Okay. I'm not taking this. We also run into that when game time something happened 12 hours ago but for us it's been a month and a half. And actually I think Thomas is right that a threshold is something that evolves over time and becomes a threshold whereas a barrier or a borer seal is something that I would have helped him with the seals and the words but a true threshold. But then again when you have to imprison your biological daughter in your house how much of a threshold do you have? And back to your point of different interpretations between different players or the GM and the players. That comes into play with this episode that they're just about to listen to. Because it has to do with you creating the Cleveland is yours and nobody can do anything unless they follow your roles when the white court is saying no this is white court business and you have no jurisdiction in it. If it's about vampires and family it's not about you and it doesn't matter where it is. And you felt otherwise. It's in the rule book. I found what I consider to be my justification for. Do tell. If one of my aspects is I'm by the book and following the rules of the white council then if I have an erroneous interpretation I need to have that corrected by you immediately because I'm basing a lot of my decisions and actions on false information which is enough but you know it's like if I don't have any authority then no no I'm not saying you don't have any authority just to advise those. Wardens are the guardians of the white council they are responsible for policing the white council and the magical community outside of it. They are expected to protect mortals in my assigned area. I must be vigilant against supernatural threats in my area. I represent the council in matters of diplomacy and I assist other wizards who require aid or protection and strike out. I must have been the middle of riding a knife. I didn't finish this. I'm going to find the paper. I'm going to find out so you know kind of be vigilant against supernatural threats in the area. A white court vampire is a supernatural threat in my area therefore you follow under my purview. Loyard. Every one of those sentences it said that your protection and authority was over other casters and you were protecting the humans from supernatural etc. They're saying this is white court. We're dealing with a white court. We want our white court. There's no people involved here. We want our family member back. Well they can argue that in court but at the end of the day. Well I guess this is part of why it's a game is that if I have to sit and assess before I can take any action I'm going to have to have them fill out some paperwork before I'm allowed to interact with them. Are these supernatural creatures putting humans in danger or other magic users in danger? That's who you're supposed to protect. Humans and magic users. Right you're not necessarily going to save what you might. You still could save a white court vampire from a red court vampire or a black court vampire attack or a werewolf. Oh that's up to me. Yeah but that's what I'm saying. The rules as written don't state that that's your responsibility. You could still do it because you could claim you're keeping your city of Cleveland which is mostly human safe from this damage that they're going to cause. Well what probably is causing or is the issue that I'm just not following the rules. No you don't understand. I am not arguing that you don't have jurisdiction. I am arguing that they are arguing that you don't have jurisdiction. They're trying to lawyer you and say back at you and say this isn't your jurisdiction. We are white court dealing with a white court born family heritage. If that was in any other city and under the place then they would be right. Right so you have the right inability to claim things outside your purview but is their statement by the law factually true. Well in any in any conflict there is no there is no third party arbitrary truth. Cleveland all right. I mean the question of jurisdiction too because I mean London's daughter is at least partially human right and you're supposed to protect that and yes she made the part where we are to white court. Right so she she falls under the community or the medical community so right my point wasn't to shut you down as a GM. My point was this would have been their argument is this isn't your fucking business warden get that a lot here and it still remains that. I mean now you can argue that it is and there's some presidents. Well talk to my boss then. They don't like it. Sorry there's no one else here. It would be so hard. Damn it. I don't have a phone. It would be so funny. Here isn't ever you can call for my supervisor rainy and I pick up my phone and say yeah he's authorized to do that. That's our answering service. Yeah let me uh look forward that to the boss and your phone. All right with that however. Okay sorry. I don't like these. I don't know. No no it was valid and it's coming up in this particular episode so I thought I'd bring it up. So with that we'll actually get on to the adventure and enjoy the next episode. My name is Tom. I'm running this Dresden's file game Passages and the players here tonight starting at my right arm. I'm Michael playing Wrep up here so far. I want to be gifted anti-agenic organic alchemist with one fake point. My name is Thomas. I'm playing basketball. I'm a undercover homeland security operative and I've got one fake point. I'm Jim playing Edson Shodoski powerful businessman black court-powered cyan and I have no fake points. I am Mike playing Ellen Montgomery the soul-sundered warden of Cleveland and I have zero fake points. I am Scott playing London deals. A moral seer to the supernatural powers. I too have zero fake points. I'm John playing Rebecca Martinez keep her Cleveland's coins empowered by a fallen angel and I can share a fake points. I'm Rachel playing Zalda Sykes. Hungarian Romani uses the Lord for Pass to construct the future. I have five fake points. We go back to London's brownstone. He is standing outside of it and in between himself and the door to his abode stand to white court vampires. Behind them in the house at the door is the warden Zalda and they appear to have with them two burly gentlemen that have their hands behind their back as if they are strained in some way. Ruffy ends. Last week when we had ended I said that he pulled the gun from his ankle holster and had left the car. I honestly think he would have had the gun out. It's also on the other side of the car. The car is between him and the white court and he has a sniper rifle. In the street his vehicle is. So I think London would walk out literally with his gun pointed at them. Okay now how do you behind his door? Before London can walk we have to determine who gets to act first. So we're going to do that by rolling alertness. Yes on that. That's how I pulled in the drive behind London. Yes you did. Okay. And so you're in the drive but on the side of the car the driver's side away from his houses. Do you intend to drive away? Yes. In this case you he's got a lot of handed drive away so when you pulled in stuff the other driver's side you got the gun braced across the top of the car for an easier shot. So I rolled plus one on my fake guy's and I have an alertness of one so that gives me a fair roll. A whopping two for London which is probably the highest one enrolled in about a year. Rupa? Let me have an alertness of one. There are all the wash. Do you sell it and I need to? Yes you will certainly do. Positive one on the fake guys and my alertness is two which takes it up to plus three good. One plus my alertness of two. So you as well are three. The first person who goes is Claudia. She takes a step just one towards London and hits you with such despair. Oh boy. And you can't despair London. London is so in control of his own chi. So and she at a distance well she unfortunately rolled a wash. You have fake points champ. But you're hit with five points of despair. Oh my goodness what do I get to run? Discipline. We don't add unless you refresh so you don't get any more fake points. Right. The way we're playing it is that if you guys have a chance to take a break and relax and spend an evening trusting and refresh at that. This has been nonstop. Now you're saying that listening to air supply on my way over here was not good enough to go in like what? 90? London rolled a wash on his spare roll but it matters not because he has an incredible amount of discipline and that is superb plus five. Right. You're disciplined as five? Yes. I told you. He has your illusions. In her chi. I do have a real good morning. Well they're down. We're facing dog. Come on people. With a tie. We're gonna add a fake point. We could take it too higher to say that she is the head of the house of the Qasanti family. They brought the head of the whole of the Chicago branch. Okay and London does not have any fake points remaining. Okay. So you can't fight that. He will take a mild consequence correct or no let's take the stress first. Her mind is a weapon for cheese. So you take six. Cheese. Can I have a weapon for mine? If you're a white court vampire who's the head of a house. Sure. Wow. That's what she does. So the point is either I don't have a six. I can remove a four and a two or you need to go straight to the consequences. Could you refresh me on the? You take a consequence first to reduce it and then you take the remainder on stress. Stress goes away at the end of each. You can't split a hit into multiple stress points. You can take and you can. So I can take a mild and then I can cross off my stress box of four. Yes. And this is mental or social? Mental. Mental. Okay. So I do that. I take a mild and I cross off the four. And yes. Yes, yes. Well I have to give a consequence right? Yeah. Name it. It's a very mild form of despair. It doesn't have to necessarily be despair. It could be that he's surprised that she was that powerful. Oh, so it doesn't surprise me. I'd be angry and she can use that anger against me. Also true. Yes. Okay. I'll go with angry because I think the one that does anyone messing with his mind is that's really his purview. He thinks that he is very good at talking and manipulating minds. So he's pissed right now, but we'll say angry, but that's what he is. And she could certainly use that against him to bait him in the future. Her assistant looks over at Rappa and he feels similar to spare. So you need to roll a discipline as well. And discipline is three. His attack was only a four as opposed to her five year old plus one. So he is a three as well as far as they use. Thanks for being chemically enhanced. They use deceit and you did not inform me that you were Well, I guess I got a fake. No, I got baked in the elevator on the way up to the building. True. But is any of this gonna provide? I'm just asking true hope to you. All the time. That's why he's always had a good mood. Next silly ask question. I will say that A, you can use it to spend a fake point to get a bonus, but it's not providing you a constant that's fair and I'm gonna go ahead and do it. Okay. Well, you roll. You may not need to. You might roll both of them. That should be a yeah. This one is three. It should be an aspect. It's constantly baked and I rolled last one. So it's two. That's fair. So I can only get to four right. You can he you need to get to four because that's where he's at. Well, that's what I do. Okay. So you use the fake points to reroll or to add two. I'm adding two. Okay. So you spend a fake point and use the aspect constantly baked or currently baked or however strong to you currently. He still gets an advantage on you for another future attack. We're gonna say the aspect of zoned out. You don't let the despair affect you, but you just embrace and you're like, Oh, that's preoccupied. Yeah. Does Alan and Zelda feel this inside the house or are these? No, these are direct specific. Okay. salts are attack normally with a white court vampire. This is for you guys, but as well as the listeners, they're required to touch to inflict emotion on you. These are higher ones that have spent and have stunts that allow them to do it from afar. And we are now on to Alan or the Zelda since they're both at the same speed. Is it not clear now that they're white court to me? Yes, it would be. Who would like to go to Zelda? Alan, do you either of you want to go? I mean, as simple as aiming at them with a gun waiting for the aiming. So Zelda is spending a turn. You're inside the house? Either way you want. You're standing in London's house. You're staying inside the house because you know that there is some protection here from keeping the vampires from a affecting you and becoming into the house. But then you're both standing at the screen door looking out to the guys who are behind you or to the side where you can keep an eye on them. And where's the girl? She's still locked away. She's still in the sleeping. Nobody knows where that is. We don't know where that is, right? You guys are in the basement. The one guy was trying to batter down the door. You went and got him. So you saw the door. You spoke to her and said stay in there. Right. And then you escorted them upstairs. Right. You know first. Okay. Actually, we could be done with the usual. All you're doing is aiming to see what London is doing. I don't know. I want to see. I was going to ask Zelda to either cover these two behind us even though they were strained. I don't want to be attacked from behind. Tell them to kiss the floor, get on the ground. Let Zelda cover them. And then I'm not going to leave the house yet, but I'm going to shout through the window at the fight that's emerging outside. I'm going to yell at the white court vampires and say that you guys are engaging in hostile action. In my jurisdiction, stand down or else you're going to get it. Zelda. He asked me to aim. Okay. So you're aiming at the guys on the floor. London. London's reading. Okay. He does nothing this time. I'm reading. Your zoned out is not detrimental during your turn. It's simply an advantage that they can take. Not a husband. Like squirrel. You look over there and they shoot you. What are you like? My daughter's life is at stake. I mean, my niece is, I was aiming at one of these two. Does that provide any advantage? Actually. Plus two. If you physically just want to turn aiming, then yes, you get a plus two on when you decide. Okay. Is there one closer to me? There is one that is closer. Which one is which, I guess? There are two. The leader and the one closest to both of you, it seems to be Claudia. That would be the natural point. And that is not the one that attacked me. No, let's guide stuff back. Seriously. What are you looking for? Some kind of thaumaturgy. Things I can do with thaumaturgy. Because I'm going to crush your mind like a little twig. Okay. You have ritual. Ritual. And then in parentheses, I have thaumaturgy. Rituals. And then underneath that, I have divination. Well, with divination, I don't know if you're able to dismantle anyone's mind. You probably find out somewhere you're shit about her and it's quicker. Well then, in the sake of expediency. Yes. Well, I can't crush your mind with this spell at this moment. I will have to then just crush her with my blistering wit. I thought you could say your gun. No, I'm not really good with the gun. To me, it's a means of last resort. So I just continue to walk towards her with the gun pointed at her forehead. Not aiming, because I'm not taking a turn to do that. But I am absolutely lighting into her with all the information I can possibly bring to bear whether it be any connections to like perhaps the white court. I know the players that are involved so I can bolster my own connections in presence there. The fact that I'm the one who put the bullet into the brain of the white court family, the Renaldi family. Sion here in Cleveland. And I'm more than willing to do the same to you. So I'm basically telling her to stand down or I will destroy you. I'm trying to get that point across verbally. Okay. Would you like me to roll first like a war or something to pick facts and points out? No, I don't think you did it. I think you're fine with that. I think what you're attempting to do is an intimidation. It might be modified by something if you wish, but it is most definitely an attempt to intimidate as far as I can see. Unless someone else disagrees. Well, in this particular instance, because she's so powerful, I need to use my presence. So I would want to, in game terms, London would know when he's more effective arguing in certain ways and forms than others. And the angry thing that he feels right now shouldn't influence his ability to make a rational decision to use his best powers against her. So what I'm trying to do is use my presence as a high standing member of Cleveland. And she's in our territory. And I am trying to, I guess, in some ways, intimidate her. But I'm really trying to make the focus more on bringing myself to bear and my accomplishments to bear and my connections to bear. What I would like is an intimidation role modified by presence. Now, after you do that, you might get yourself under control and say, okay, calm down, I need to be smart here. She's very powerful. But, but to me, it sounded like your first snap decision was, fuck you, bitch, this is, and you went off on an intimidation rant. Okay. Now, it's your character. And I don't tell you how you're playing it. But if it makes for a better story, I'm all right. Does anybody disagree that that's, that's what I've heard? Okay. Good. Let's go with it. Okay. I saw the way over here. Wow, that was a one. It was a, I rolled up a minus one in the overall dice. My intimidation is only once. That brings me to zero. No, you get to have my final presence. So it's an additional one there. So it's a plus one. No, it's not. Her discipline, unfortunately, is for sure. Yeah. And her role was a wash. So, she doesn't seem, she seems non-plus by this whole attack. Sure. Urupe, it will be your turn in a moment. But, Zelda and Alan, you hear a noise behind you. How far behind? Like, immediately before? Back towards where the stairs were that led to the basement. We look back. All right, look back. I would look back too. Yeah, it's London's daughter. Of course. Of course. This definitely must be her dark. She doesn't listen. Well, did you tell her to stay there? Yes. I told her specifically to stay in. And her dad, using me with Roberto. And her dad did too. You just heard this rant that he gave, and you're like, oh, block. Because one of the things you said I shot. Oh, yes, as she heard. You're pretty sure when you heard the noise was long after the rant, but you're not sure how much she heard. Does she look stricken? Does she look shocked? Does she just make sure she would look shocked? She's had people break into her house, but she doesn't look devastated. Right. No, she looks confused, a little stunned, definitely scared. Well, but you're the age whisperer. I, Annie, get back in that safe room and let Anna, it's not safe for you out here. She seems to be ignoring you. Rappa. Well, why don't you make a social attack? Well, it's not actually his turn. He did. Oh, I'm sorry. I thought it wasn't. Yeah. I just firing. These people have already attacked. I don't know what you guys are bitching about. Stand down. I'm shooting her in the face. Good. I would suggest attacking Angelo, not her, because she's the leader. We negotiate with her, but I'm keeping it short, but she doesn't. But thank you. Go. My guns are four. I've been aiming, so it's plus two, that's six. Minus two, four. Yeah, I rolled a minus two. They are pretty quick, so he attempts to get out of the way, but she. Are you shooting for her? Yeah, I said the closest one. I want to attack. The closest one is definitely her. I wanted to attack the one who attacked me, but I'm not changing my aim and losing my two, so I shot at the one I was aiming at. Okay. I'm shooting at her. She's definitely spending her point, which takes it up to a, so it's a five. So you roll it four? Yeah, cool. It goes off and she's suddenly just a few inches to the right, and it misses. You don't have a point? No, he's on a fake phone. Yeah, you guys are all pretty exhausted. Stay zoomed out. That's okay. I'm going to devastate her extreme. So it then comes back to the top and she says, "No, no, let's not resort to anything. It's crude. It's firearms here." Okay, leave. Your choice is to leave and die. I will leave as soon as we get. Without the girl. The girl's isn't yours to keep. This is white court business. In Cleveland, we decide what it is and what it's not. It is our business. If you ask the warden, that is untrue. White court handles white court business. The girl is not yours to keep. The girl will be handed over. Well, I would love to debate her. I would just love to. She tells me she's debating to me. Yes, she is. Oh, how nice. What should she be using? Presence? Sure. Do you want to bring your presence to-- Sure. Come on. Presence to presence, bitch. Oh, God. God, we're still standing there in line. It doesn't matter. I think that in my doesn't matter. What does it know? Do we have a chance to-- Do we have a chance to react or something? Me. She goes first. No, I know, but I think it's an issue. It was all-- And unfortunately, it was only three for him. Oh, it is six for me. And she's so lucky. I don't have big points because I would have drilled her. She rolled a minus two. Otherwise, it would have been five. Yeah, you are unimpressed with her claim. But you do realize, because of some stage whispering happening behind you, that your daughter is in the arena. That's fine. Angelo steps in front of his lady, blocking your shot again and is glaring at you and looking at her like, "Just let me off the leash." He tears the fucking hand. Well, I feel like he's struggling for us. Blocking her through both areas. Exactly. This is a blocking incense that his hand is going to be the passage that the bullet goes through. I thank you very much, but closer to you, definitely. And he's glaring at you. It's apparent that he wishes for her to, say, go. Can I go-- Alan? Or Zelda, you guys are tight. And I'm still standing there. Hannah is still standing there. Fuck. All right, well, I can't leave Zelda alone to cover two people and a kid, and rush out to help the others. Do you want me to try and get Anna back into the safe room? First of all, is that everything inside the house would be considered muffled, or she can she hear everything clear as day outside? She can hear everything. Pretty much clear as day, because A, you're looking through a screen door, and B, there's no window anymore where there used to be a big picture window from the front. And these guys are not stage whispering. They're fucking out. I know. I know. That's why I'm thinking of dropping my silent spell over Anna. You want me to take her back down? Yeah, take her back down. I kind of nudged the guys down on the ground. Just kind of put a foot on the shoulder and back it. Move from the floor, and your lives are forfeit. And you can't kill us. We're human. Oh, I could kill you. I just can't use magic to do it, and I pulled one with my sword a little bit. I'm a good man. I'm okay. And then I'm going to step out onto the porch. Leaving the ward of the house. You were behind wards. Yes. Okay. Well, unless I want to cast, I can't cast through his ward. No, it would be the effect of that, yes. I'm going to step through and... You said the amazing. Yes, I was going to... You're fucking awesome. I was going to put the ice on Angelo. I was going to throw a nice spell at Angelo and... You want me to tap? Yeah. Okay. Something they haven't done yet. I know. I mean, they did the emotion thing, but for them, that's just a lightning bug. It's doing the light. It just happens. It's like wrap a shooting a gun. Well, they didn't respect my authority. So, this is how I'm going to respond. So... Get them. Who's not respecting whose authority? They're dealing with white men in Cleveland jurisdiction, don't call them. You own all of Cleveland. I'm the world of Cleveland. I'm the world of Cleveland. They are slowly beings that you have jurisdiction over other communities. Or are they super natural? Are they using magic to attack? Yeah. Not magic users. They are white courts. This sounds like it's the case that she might give. White court is responsible for white court. You know that. That's a fact. Yeah, but they can't... They can't actually, you know, laterally, inside this church where without, you know, at least bringing me to show up and take care of business, or do you disagree with that too? Yeah. You don't know in Cleveland. What? What the what am I doing here? Why am I even here then? You're the law in Cleveland to magic users. Yes, absolutely. Well, not the vampires that we're saying. I agree with you, though. If they're asking us. Well, it's... Dresden said I'm the law in Chicago, period, to every bad guy. Yeah. That's what your stance is, isn't it? Yeah. That's your stance, all the things. Well, that's what I mean. Okay, screw with it. Bring it. Go ahead and talk. It's really happening. I'm shooting. All right, so I'm passing a spell of ice, and I'm going to incase them with magical ice. Angel. Just regular. Because it can be zoned of a fact, but you lose power. No, I already got... I have basically five shifts of power that I can maintain with my discipline before I started rolling. No, you always roll. No, I meant before it's beyond my power to control. Right. Are you trying to contain these people so that they can't leave or just damage them? Right now, I'm just going to take them. Okay. Just hand, right? Right, Angela. Not too bad. Not too bad. That's minus one, which makes it a great attack, plus four. Yeah, I suck at Angela. I suck at rolling. So, poorly. Angela rolled a minus two on the dice. His athletics is five, so it makes it a three. So he gets one plus weapons. And you set five shifts of power? Right, yeah, so the weapons five for the shifts of the power that you use, in addition to the one, takes it up to six. Okay, so two big blocks of ice for him. Next, someone just slam them together, crushing them in there. For Angela, it's the four blocks on the physical, in addition to a mile, which is frosty. Does that slow them down then? If it's frosty, it gives you a plus two for free. A consequence can be used in many ways. If he's trying to run away, you could invoke it to slow it down and it'll give him a minus two. Sure. Can everyone make use of that, or only you can give it to anyone? It is tapable for free for once. It can be used for other things by spending for eight, faith points. No, we're going to use it for that. But there's a free one riding on it. Zelda, you have been assigned taking the daughter and getting her out of here. What do you do? I am going to keep my gun. If I ever get behind me from like one hand, you know, holding on to her wrist maybe. With my gun, still train on the guys who are laying on the floor, we're going to walk backward toward the basement, go down, and I'm actually going to go into the safe room with her. She does not want to go with you, as in she is physically not wanting to go with you. That's a tiny little 16 year old. What are you, what's going on? What are they doing out there? Why are they yelling? Who are those people? Why are they breaking the house? What is Uncle London doing? I'm probably just going to ignore her and she's not ignore her, but ignore her questions. When you're like pulling on her wrist, she's like, no, no, what are they doing out there? She wants answers or else she is physically going to stop. Yeah, and I'll tell her I will answer all her questions if she comes with me down where it's safe right now. We're going to get away. We have to get away from all of this. The danger. It's not safe. I will answer all your questions as soon as we get back down to the safe room. Okay, so you are trying to convince her to go, which would be... I don't know, I have probably rapport or... I don't know. I don't have any of that. I have presents. That's all I've got. And that's innovation. That's why we get along so well. Mm-hmm. Two high-presence individuals trying to... And to see. Are you trying to lie to her? No, no. I'm just trying to get her to go out. Because... Stairs. I could give you a rapport with a deceit modifier, which your rapport is zero. You just see just higher than that. So at least that would be a plus one. Why wouldn't she use her presence? I'm in control of the situation. I'm the adult. You're a teenage child. This is dangerous. Get in the basement. I'll tell you why we get down there. Tell her enough that the truth to scare the hell out of her. Go ahead, you can try presents. All right, I'll use my presence then. One. So, yeah, so it's great. Her discipline was only two. Okay. Cool. And she rolled? No, it was three. She rolled the minus one so it's two. Okay. Exactly. Do I discipline three? It's nice. She's going with you, but it's... You're kind of pulling her more than she's walking. If you don't pull her, she will immediately stop. She'll pull on her and she'll take one step down, and then you have to pull on her again and she'll take another step. While talking and arguing the whole way. So you are making progress, but certainly not the quickest. She's like, but... I'm still trying to convince her. One guy, even familiar. Who was you? The one guy who was out in the hall. I still have five, eight points. I just want to get down to the safer. Yes, you could use more. So I'm not the only one doing it to spend the long. Okay. In one aspect are you using? Oh, that's good. Because it has to be something that's relevant to trying to convince her more physically moving her. The best thing I have is, again, she believed she could, so she did kind of things. That is perfectly valid, relevant point of view. It works for it. Yeah, I know. No, she's moving faster. Still not. But you get, let's say, all the way to the safe from, she had left it open and you kind of kind of shove her back in and you realize she knows the code. So, what was that? She's going with her. She's like, right. I can be sure she stays in there. Gotcha. And then we are to London. London saw the shot that she just dodged and then he saw the heavy get in front of her to protect her. So London walks in a semi-circle towards the pavement with his gun press so that the male vampire, whose name he doesn't know, the insignificant. He's not being two places at once. So he's going 90 degrees from Rappa. The whole time keeping a gun trained right on her head, although he has no idea how to use this gun very effectively, but that doesn't matter. He then summons up his presence because he calms down for a second and says, "You have entered into Cleveland. We have a warden here who is the overseer of all things supernatural." If you would like to take this up with the white council who has appointed him or perhaps the arbiter of Cleveland, that is exceptionally permissible. What you do not have any right to do is to walk into our city and abduct one of our citizens. We'll leave now or this will end badly. That's his presence and he's going to try it. If that's okay. Now you don't need to roll. Okay. Because she says this is a white court matter. We will take it up with the white council. No problem. They will realize and force your out of control warden to respect the laws that we have all agreed to. Great. Get off my fucking property. They're backing away rather quickly actually. That's lovely, but they just melt into the night and they're gone. Sure. Darn. Now we'll go over to the detective agency for a moment. How do you guys customize this room? What precautions are you taking? What aspects does the room have? But it's probably got UV just in case we're bringing vampires in to interrogate. But I would say it's got reinforced walls, one door in, with a reinforced door, some way to secure people. Is there a handle on this side of the door? Or is it requires someone on the outside to open it up? I don't think there's a handle and someone from the outside would have to either unlock it or you only would have unlocked it from the inside would be a key pattern. Because he would know the code. Yeah. He'd be Maxwell. Uh-huh. Right. Do you change the code before you put them in their own? I could just smash it in if you want. Fix it later. Easy to change. Okay. Even while they're securing them into something, I can go over to a terminal and temporarily take him out of security. Pretty close to his access. If it's a code, you can't really revoke his access to the code. He knows it. Well, is it a thumb scanner or something? I can go up to the terminal and say Maxwell is no longer has any right thing security in my system. Change the code. It's not one code for everybody. Some people have their own codes. Oh, absolutely. But you have the people that do that. Yeah. And it's the middle of the night. That's true. So, I'm giving you a fake point. You got to call Larry from tech support and he is sleeping and you have his wife get him up and it takes a while for you to do this. While you're dealing with Larry, that leaves Roberto alone in the room with Maxwell. Now, Maxwell was left strapped to a table, strapped to a chair handcuffed at a chair. He's currently unconscious. How do you rebar? I do remember rebar wrapped around his feet. He still probably has rebar. He's probably wrapped around his feet in or for one of them in an interrogation chair and handcuffing him to it. Okay. And this chair is specifically designed for creatures of what level of strength? We'd say superhuman strength because we know vampires and people need to create a pregame strong. Let's say super humans, do you mean that on any scale or just like things that aren't human? Better than human. Because in-game, there's natural scale. Yeah. There is. It goes in-human, then super-human, then. Mythic. Mythic? Yeah. I don't think it'll hold a mythic. In-human, then super-natural, then mythic. I don't know that we've met anyone who has super-human or supernatural strength. I tested. It can hold me. Hi. I don't know what level of strength you have, but I trust that that's enough to stop me. I believe he has an human. He's not stopping me. Edmund has gone for at least a half an hour while he gets the computer permissions correctly modified so that- Plus I got to check my email. And this is more funny cat video that he just was watching in the e-slip. We say his email. He's lost on YouTube for- he never opened a test-run email. Come on. Checking my Facebook. So. Is Maxwell awake? Not currently. All right. Well- As in the first few minutes of- At that point, we're still strapping things down. Yes, but I mean, Edmund leaves in the first minute or two. Maxwell is still not conscious. I mean, assuming we're waiting for either the father or Alan to show up in- de-demonizing. Yes. And then again, maybe not simply because Maxwell was suggesting while he was still conscious that you guys question him and he could be a lie detector. All right. Then I'll do that. But either way, once that's done, we need the demon out. So they call it to come as soon as possible. Five minutes is not back. I just say whatever. Fine. He already trusted me to go in this room. So I'll interrogate and give him a shove. Try to wake him up. I don't slap. What do you do? Just a little holy water on the face. Oh, that wakes him up. Absolutely. Are you taking any precautions? I have my coin. Mm-hmm. I have him chained to a table. I think that's enough for me. Does he get your hair work done? Yeah. Yeah. Right. He has hair work. So he gets the wallet back up. So you're not like wearing a glove of, say, Sebastian while touching him or- It's not mine to use. Preventing eye contact of any type or- I have no idea how the demon transfers, so no. Just to be perfectly clear, we did this whole thing where I refused to let you touch me and then said stop letting him touch me. And I don't want the demon to jump through a burrito. And then London yelled at you, social attack until you stop touching me. So I'm fairly sure you know- I think you're changing what actually happened here. No, that last thing. No, that- well, it's- yes, but you're- you're impinging a slightly different- obvious. Well, I'm just saying I thought I said don't let him touch me, but I don't remember. I'm entirely sure. No, you didn't. A lot of that was implied. Anyway, splashing him. Yes. He screams horribly and wakes up. Morning. All right, then I'm flicking the dregs of it off my fingers on him. And I'm looking- Again, there's sizzling and screaming. Demon-awake in there? No. It's screaming for no reason. Holy water is painful to me, I'm allergic. All right, I can see this is going to be really helpful right off the bat. I don't know who I'm talking to. Normally, Maxwell's a bit of a pushover, but- Well, it's just a solvent. You've already demonstrated you can talk to me rather than this creature, so who am I talking to right now and how can you prove that? The demon does attempt to jump via just locking eyes with you. You need a discipline role to push him back. It might help. You can roll if you want, or I'll roll. I want to roll discipline to see if I can hold it in. Okay. Just to assist. If I fail, whatever. First of all, there's no contact, which is a -2 to the demon. The demon has intimidation of 3, and this is how it conveys itself. And they rolled a wash on the dice, so it's actually a 1. It's a rather weak attempt. I roll a -1. My discipline is 2. So I roll a 1. Right. You are not helpful, but you're in a detrimental detrimental. Thank you. I beat that score. I roll this 2. Right. You have the ability to tap freely your demon for too additional, just like he adds to push back. So basically- All the timers are aspect I can use in one defense. It's an aspect all the time in demon possession. You said you had an intimidation of 3, and you rolled a wash, and then you said it was a 1. It's a minus 2 because it was a minus 2 because it was no touching. It normally skin contact, in addition to eye contact, is necessary. So was that a disadvantage? Well, I'll both be unrealistic. Got to do that first. So yeah, there's a weak attempt, and you can feel it push, and you're like, "Yeah, we're right." I left that off and asked the question again. You can't get in here. I've got protection. Now, you're going to tell me here. You're a full house. Want to double bag it? Who you want my talking to and how can they prove it? I don't know the answer to that. In the previous night of play, when I was- I actually talking to people, it was only after I succeeded in this vulnerable event. I am lying to talk without necessitating that. Simply because Kruber don't will not know whether or not it is you or something. So feel free. Yeah, no way to prove that without somebody. Gargle holy water. I'm talking. Yeah, that's not going to work. He's a class. Hey, I can't move my hand. First of all, I got off to the chair. B, know for a fact that when he splashed holy water on you, it hurt like hell. Yeah. Not just the demon. It hurt you. Yeah, that hurts. It's not only the demon is hurt thing. A, even if it was, he's possessing my larynx sometimes, so I'm going to scream too. And B, it wasn't just the demon. All right, demon. Maxwell, what's the thing you regret doing most? Fuck off. Not your business. He's fine. If I asked the same question if you wanted to rest, you would answer truthfully. The thing I regret doing most in a life like ours, not a thing I'm so into talking about while there's a demon in me, by the way. I know that's normal for you. It's not the demon. Yours is a second party who could use that information in a negative way. It's just not important. What it is. I'm wondering what it knows and what you know. You're starting to get the feeling that while you can see him, and he's still a glow, meaning he's still demon possessed. You know the demons in there. You really don't have the tools to force the issue. Brother Francis could. But he's not here. Right. And the word potentially could, but. All right, you've already proved to me you can control this demon. Here's an offer. This is mine. This could be yours. Oh, fuck no. Fuck no. Oh, for the audience, he was holding his fingers in a symbol that indicated he was holding a coin. I mean, lucky me, I didn't hurt anyone when I was possessed by a demon. But that thing, hey, from what I've heard everyone else say, not trustworthy be. I've never handled any power before. This is not a comparable thing where you, or you're kind of fucking supernatural people got little hints before you got the big stuff. No, look, I've seen what the warden does with his power. He's not any more noble with it. But you at the first. He's never killed anybody. He's threatened to run you over with a car. With a car? Yeah, that's not breaking the law. I'm just an asshole. Completely valid. Done. You have no power and refuse to kill people. You who are your enemies. Now you're given power and you're able to resist it. This to me is the kind of character I need holding this. There's no one else I know better. This is intriguing because he's equivalent of drugs and offering the sword to someone, but he's offering a demon coin. Can I ask where the fuck Edmund is? He's talking in text of words because he thought it was important, which mind you it is, that he removed Edmund's access to get out of this room that they're going to question him in. And it turns out that while he has people, they have a life and he's at home, touch support. So you had to get ahold of him and it's taking a while. I go to the office, look up the phone number, call the guy. It's taken a lot of me to resist all the temptation this guy's given me. And that was for minor things. I mean, still major things in my opinion, but like tiny little questions of my ability, not like, oh, you could save the entire world, if only you murdered 50 people. It was crack this guy's neck so we can get away more easily. I have had an exhausting night saying no to somebody in my head asking me to do that while they were. You don't need to pick this up now. It'll free you of the demon, but the brother can do that as well. I'm offering you this angel on the condition that you'll learn to control what is I do and do more good than you can as you are yourself. If you can show me some tangible proof that now, I don't know what I want to say to that, it seems like a bad idea right now is definitely true. It doesn't have to be today, just to keep it in mind. Yeah, I'll keep it in mind. I gotta honestly say this is one of those. Yeah, I did see that common moment as a GM. I consider it. All right. We have admin eventually coming back, but in the meanwhile, we'll return to London and crew at the ground stop. Thank you for listening tonight's of the night actual podcast. If you'd like to send us questions, comments, or feedback, you can reach us in a number of ways. From Twitter, @kyotn_podcast or by email feedback@kyotnpodcast.com. And don't forget the iTunes reviews or our Facebook page, facebook.com/kyotn.podcast. Speaking of Facebook, join like-minded folks at our Facebook fan page. And lastly, there's our blog page, kotnpodcast.com, where there's an Amazon link on the right hand side. Thanks to Zen Audio Smith for the intro and outro music. Get your own music at zenaudiosmith.com. And join us next week for more mystery and adventure. So now the game unless we're reprimanded for the administration of this podcast. I'll wait until you- Thank you. I have a question. Chronologically gifted. That's the way I look at it. And you have wisdom. John thought it was actually potentially that you have experienced with time travel. So you're therefore, you're gifted chronologically. He's chronologically a synchronous. So I don't have a problem. You don't have to change it. I just want to understand it's meaning. There's many meanings. Oh, well, there you go. Two. Two. Two many. At least two. What's that? You got it. It's time shenanigans. Oh, yeah. Okay, touch it. You can touch it. It just doesn't exist. Yeah. I miss my feet points. I'm Rachel playing Zelda sites. A Hungarian brooch. Romani. She was just, I reprimanded her about the racial, uh, insensitivity of being it. Yeah, seriously. There a lot. She was gonna brought it up for a minute years ago. And I was just- But you guys were like, no one knows what Romani is who said gypsy. No, I never said that. Did I know what Romani is? In her mind, that's exactly what happened. That's how it happened. I recently told the story that I was convinced, I was wondering about the time when we went somewhere when we were dating. She was like, that wasn't me. I'm like, honey, yeah, we did this. We did this. We did this. We did this. Yeah. You're remembering a date that- In my head, it's her. Oh, but I remember all these things, but I'm like, well, I don't know who it was, but she was that. That wasn't me. That's ever good. No, see, you could spend that. You could spend that. Well, you see, honey, it's just, every time I think of having a good time, I just naturally assume I was with you. Right. There you go. He would start. You're like, yeah, he would start giggling. No, I have a half way through this. That was a good Heidi. Sorry. Sorry. That great time that I had that I remember? Yeah, that was something else. That was something else. That was something else. And actually- See my alarm for days outside of PM, don't matter. You know, it's pretty rude to show up late. Do you ask Mike down the stairs? What? Oh. Mike just got in like a minute ago. Oh. He has- And I would say he's probably handcuffed to it. When you hear that- Middle table. Stop. Yeah. And then do it all over again, because that's- I'll untouch it. Sorry. There's no comfort. There's a pout to the wrestling match going on upstairs right now. Or bowling, yeah. Especially both. You know, technically he's right. It is an angel. So it's Satan. Exactly. So he's like- London is so non-disparable. That's a word. Now you're saying that listening to air supply on my way over here was not good enough to- Going like what? 90? 90? It's calm. I don't know what I think. Hey, I was asleep for five minutes. I just know that he said that. No one got that. I know. I was only for you though. I don't have her again. Energy. He's cheeky. You hurt my very soul. It's a mental attack. I've been laying off for a while. Yeah. That's becoming a thing online. I think we should roll with it. Oh, fuck no. There's no way in hell this podcast is going to be known for puns. I don't mean that. I mean- It sort of is already. You're not doing this. It's known that's what I'm saying. I'm editing. And it will say it out. Angela? I know, but whose name he doesn't know. 204. Keeping people safe and we can do better. I'm going to say it again because your voice sounds like shit. Yeah, thanks. No problem.