(upbeat rock music) - Hello and welcome to the Knights of the actual play podcast. This dress and file adventure, Passages was written and run by your GM town. And now, please enjoy episode 270, titled, "Holy Water Waterboarding." Actual play begins four minutes, 14 seconds. (upbeat rock music) That was going to be good, now I'll be back. We're going to actually just, just a couple. We're going to start with Patreon and a Kickstarter. The first one is the Patreon is my daughter, Aaron, who I've mentioned before, is one of the people that helped create the adventures that I run in Joseph and she's running one for a book that she wishes to start. The link has been shared on the fan page as well as somewhere else. But I will make sure that there's a link in our Facebook, a main page there will be a link there. Just give it a peek, the video includes a little bit of her first chapter, read by yours truly. She's looking to get some numbers so that maybe she can go to a publisher and say, "Look at all these people interested in my book." - Sounds good. - So if you want, throw a dollar at her. The other one is the QCC Kickstarter, which the video alone, which was made by Chris, is well worth watching. - Yeah, it was. - That was exceptionally done, Chris. But the con itself is in Buffalo, New York and that is a blast. This will be the third year we're going to it. It's got, I don't know what, 600 people or so, I think they said visited. So it's a smaller size con, but there are board games, role playing games, going out and nonstop the whole weekend long. It is definitely worth going to. And I know for a fact, Michael and I will be there. - Yes, we will. - So if you're a listener to the podcast and you find us, we promise we'll play a game with you. So there you go. I will teach them the secret KOTN handshake. Yes, I will, John. The QCC Kickstarter is listed on our fan page. It is listed on our Facebook page for our KOTN and I'll throw one up on the blog site as well, as well as one for Aaron. - I flipped that into Flipboard too. - There you go. - So it's out there amongst some other stuff. - But onto the official old feedback. Facebook episode 269, my belligerentcy skill. Luke G posted and said, when I heard the bit about becoming a superhero, it reminded me, it reminded me of the bad superhero ending of the heavens feels path of the fate/stay night vision novel. Sort of a version of Choose Your Own Adventure. That's the ending where the protagonist goes full on justifying the means while willing to even kill his closest friends to save the world, which sounds a lot like Roberto in some ways. - Thanks for your help, yep. - Thanks, Luke. Miles S wrote and said, "Excited to listen tonight." And R.E.J. posted, "Interparty action is the best." And it was great indeed after he listened to it. I posted, "Does it count as interparty conflict when one of them is possessed?" - Mm, good question. - I think it still does. - I swear to God. - Yeah, I'd have to agree. - If I was playing, which I was. - So yeah. - So that's the end of the feedback. - Short and sweet to speak. - Yeah, visit our blog site, kotnpodcast.com. - There's an Amazon link there. There's a link to the Patreon. And you know what? We are three reviews away from 100 on iTunes. Come on, people. - Why are we like six away, and we said the same thing? - Yeah. - That was like six months ago. - All right, we haven't had one in a couple months. - It's twice as tempting. - That's right. Come on, you gotta be the one to do the 100th one. - Right, you'll get something. - Now that will all wait until there's 90, and then they won't do anything. - All right, with that, we'll get on to the episode. - My name is Tom. I'm here, GM of the Dresden Fennels RPG game. We're running passages. - We got almost a whole crew of obstacles in here, but the players here tonight, starting on my right arm. - Michael playing replica pairs, a chronologically gifted, anti-ogenic, organic alkeness. Now I have one fake point. - We have not been able to refresh, 'cause we're picking up exactly where we left last night. - Tom is playing basketball on his own, and undercover homeland security operative, with one fake point. - I am GM playing Edmund Shadowski. He is a powerful businessman, black court-powered scion, with no big ones. - I am Mike playing Alan Montgomery, the soul-sundered warden of Cleveland, and I have a zero fake points. - I am Scott, playing London deals, amoral seers, the supernatural power, also known as Londarius, even from the third circle of hell. I have one fake point remaining. I'm John, playing Roberto Martinez, keeper of Cleveland's coins, and powered by a phone engine, and I have zero fake points. - I'm Rachel, playing Zelda, a Hungarian gypsy who uses Lular for pass to construct the future, and I have six fake points. - Wow, it's unique, baby. We need to borrow some. We're starting exactly where we left off last session, which was with Maxwell and the fire escape unconscious. You guys are trying to decide how to get them down from there, and into the room that Edmund has for detaining these types of calls with creatures when London's phone rings. It is your daughter's phone number. - Oh, kids. - You had an open line to me, so you must have heard the call. - Yeah, it's showing. You add it to the call, do you hang up on this one and go to the other one, but it is your daughter's picture, and a call from her. - Is Alan Montgomery there? - Was he Alan Montgomery? - He wasn't-- - No, he was at the hospital, because he'd been detained by Glenn O'Neill. - I don't trust almost anyone to handle the situation properly. - Are you answering the phone? - Yeah, I answered the phone first. - This is a question of damn damn damn. Who should handle this, but are you answering the goddamn phone? - Sure, I hit the caller or the-- - I hit the flash button and take the call. - Uncle London, I'm in the safe room. The center had to leave and somebody broke into the house. London would have a safe room as far as I know. - Oh, absolutely. - Just assume. But that's the case. - Absolutely. The closest person to your house-- - I asked her out. - Is in fact the warden. - Did the alarm go off? How do you know someone's in the house right now? - Yes, there was a smashed glass, breaking, the alarm went off. - Okay, don't move, stay where you are. We'll be there shortly to help. I hang up the phone, I don't even give her an answer. - You don't have a call immediately to the police or the security company because of the people you deal with. - Right, now-- - You still can. That's an option. - No, I would call Alan. - Absolutely. - Absolutely. - It'd be 100 times over 100, I would call Alan. - You were at the hospital, you'd just drop somebody off with a brother, she had been shot and was bleeding and she had been exercised on the way to the hospital by the brother. He kind of handled checking her in because they trust her religious figure a little more than someone else dropping off a gunshot victim and then saying, "Gotta go, bye." But you did get end up getting stopped anyways and he was in a hurry to catch up with the other two that are still possessed. So the brother-- - Leave a question about the cult leader. - She was shot, she's wounded, and she's been exercised. She, I'm assuming, was a willing vessel for this demon possession, right? - She was unconscious and it still is unconscious. - Oh, so-- - So questions for her. That's why they kept the other two is for questioning. - She's in a victim, she's a participant. So-- - She was wearing a robe. She obviously went on her way, you know. - Well, that's what I mean. 'Cause it had been possessed for a considerable amount of time. - And I'm not sure how in this world-- - You know, I can't-- - Accessorize on a whim, you know. - Like, once you're exercised, do you have like a good four, you know, next 10 days or do I need to somehow, should I put a little charm or spell on her to kind of ensure that she just can't ask the demon, another demon to come into her again, so to speak. - You could, that is your option. - I'm gonna be kind of-- - Typically, the people you've dealt with in the past-- - Okay. - You and Roberto have been people that are-- - There were victim-- - The vagrants are victim-- - Yeah, victims is a good way to describe it as well. They did not seem to be-- - My point is inviting these demons, and this seems different. - Right. - But you're also in a hospital with a lot of really expensive machines that are keeping people alive. Doing magic here is not really a good idea at a good point. - Something you said just triggered something else, so I'm not going to cast a spell on this, if she's unconscious right now, she's under sedation, but I probably need to-- - Put a call out to Ron to say that look, we've got a suspect that's been brought to University Hospital. She shot none under sedation, but she's also part of, how much does she know about the parapet? - He is in the know, to the extent of when there were rituals, and obviously involved magic he was calling you. - Then I would tell him that she's involved in those kinds of issues, and that she needs to be treated as a threat. She should be restrained, she should be put under guard, and only medical personnel should be allowed to approach her until I get a chance to talk to you more. I got other things going on. - Okay. - Then you're confronted by-- - Oh no. - Neil, who is saying-- - How are you going to find me at this hospital? - He was here for another reason, but it's funny how he always finds you involved with people that are being shot, and people that are getting blown up, and do you have any explanation on how you found this person? - No. (laughing) - No. - He's going to be as in the explanation as to why he's here, and always here. - Where are we? Where are we? He's in the cross paths all the time, Glenn. Are you following? - Well, I'm a police officer, so I'm supposed to check out things that are-- - And we talked about this before, but didn't I establish private investigation credentials that I could-- - Yeah, you did. - Okay. - Okay. - So it's his job to look at the more unsavory parts of Cleveland, and I always seem to find you there. - Well, we got the same beat, Glenn. You know, you're interested in checking out these bad things that are going on, and I'm also interested in trying to stop them, too. And in fact, I'm gonna take care of some business right now, so with that, you can always call me at office hours, and we can have a further conversation. It was great seeing you, Glenn. Gotta go. - Okay. Like I said, it could be a small little scene that's just a few seconds, and it's at this point that you're leaving the hospital to go to your car when you're phone rings, and it's London. - Okay. My answer is, what's up? - Hey, all, London here. Wondering if you can do me a favor, please. - Sure, what is it? - It's just set up on stage, or you're in the middle of the street, downtown Cleveland, at night. - Right. - Watching-- - Next turn over, it's here to go. - It was weird. - Yeah, so I try to block all that out for the time being. I'm sure I have one finger in one ear, and I'm waiting people down, 'cause they're probably asking, and there's a lot of talk and conversation on it. Anyways, Anna, she's in the safe room, in the brownstone. Is there any chance you could check? You said somebody had broken in, and she's scared to death. - Are you in university circle? - You went to the university. - Cleveland Heights. - Cleveland Heights. - So you're in places by far, 10 minutes away. - Or do I have a vehicle? - You have your vehicle. But you've gotta go through the hospital to your vehicle, and they have a few minutes for that. But then, how long ago did you get a call from Anna? - Seconds ago, you used the passcode if the alarm's still on. I had a separate passcode for him since way back one. Like when they first started working together. I had 35 minutes out. - All right, I'll-- - And I've got a lot to tell you about our situation. And I hang up the phone immediately, 'cause I don't have time, and I then try to deal with this situation. - All right, we'll go back to that situation. - When we were playing this a long time ago, we were all meeting at London's house, and he said that he had tons of charms and different spells and all this stuff to like protect us, and assuming that's all still in place, yes. - Yes. - Okay, that's all. - Well, I just said that, 'cause I vaguely remember that. - Well, she might bring it up because you know for a fact that even closer to London's house than you is Zelda. She is in a meeting with Perinette. - Right. - In that neighborhood at this time. - But I'm one of mere five minutes from London's house where you're at least 10 to 15. - But I'm pretty sure in my role, and I'm sure we would negotiate this with Zelda. I had some kind of bad signal I can send out to-- - Well, I'm saying, with her, you probably know a bit of her schedule, because you have a good working relationship, and she's like, I'm going to the east side on Tuesday. You need me to bring anything up, and I have these concerns for you. She would tell you, and-- - You guys have a-- - Well, that's exactly what I'm going to do, is that as soon as I hang up, I start running to exit the hospital, and I will also be-- - Okay. - An island. - You can't. - You can't use a cell phone. - Yeah, there's plenty of landlords. - Right, so he would have had to notify you. You would have called him, now you hang up the phone, and you immediately called Zelda. - Right. - And then you run your car. - There's courtesy phones. - Right. - I know that all the-- - You get a homeless Zelda on her cell. - Right. - I call her, and I send out the bad signal. I say, London just called. His panic room has been triggered, and Anna, I guess, is hiding in there. Someone has broken into his apartment. I don't know more than that, but I'm on the way over there. Can you please meet me over there as soon as you can? - Yes. - And if you get there before me, and just wait, because I think we should probably tackle this together. - I agree with that. (laughing) - Instead of, you go in, and I'll try to get up afterwards. (laughing) - Because I'd have to be-- - Because I'd have to be, instead of sitting in Zelda, to be the-- - Perfect. - Perfect, honey valid. - All right. - So you rush down to your, you up old jalape, start heading out. Jim, your lawyer shows up at the hospital, says that Ellen, the warden isn't anywhere in sight. It doesn't seem to be a problem here. Does he work for your company? Or is he an retainer? - Oh, it's an retainer. - Okay. - So if he's charging you for lawyer fees, you probably want to let him go, and that baby sit the lady. - Right. - 'Cause he's expensive, as opposed to, I wanted people that work for you. - Or, wait a second, you're part of a security firm too, right? And there's somewhat-- - Oh, he has people. - Well, instead of maybe, maybe instead of calling Logan, maybe I should have called-- - All right, right now. - I'm sorry, I'm just thinking that, I don't want to lead this person alone, unprotected or unguarded. - So we could say before London called you, you called-- - And instead-- - Okay, one of your people here, who kind of knows what's up, and be prepared to, all right, that's all, that's what I'm just trying to escape. - So back to Zelda, showing up at London's house, the ground stone. - Do I have the nail with me, first of all? - You would have to tell me that, do you carry the nail around? - If I was at meeting with other members of the parentet and researching, I was researching these demons that I randomly thought about that. - Just, yeah. From our point of view, the last storyline involved the parent up being heavily involved with the rituals, they were being targeted. What you're finding out is these-- - They're not the case at all here. Some of them are a little more aware of it, because they're more in the know when you're average person on the street. But there's not a lot of information to find, but you still, it's kind of your job, like you keep these people talking to each other. So you're out on the east side when this happens. So it doesn't sound like necessarily you would have nail with you, but that does beg the question of where is it when you don't have it. - Oh, I wouldn't have it in a, I wouldn't tell anybody. - I would have a hiding place for a special, probably in some sort of a safe-- - So would it be in your apartment, or would it be somewhere elsewhere? - It would be somewhere, probably. - Because a bank has bank hours, it would be difficult to get it in the hot water. - It would probably be elsewhere, but a place that I could access at any point in time elsewhere. But not as obvious as my apartment. I wouldn't want to keep it. - Your apartment has been ransacked at least once. - Exactly. - I wouldn't tell anyone. - Understandable. - But not a bank. Nothing but the kind of-- - But none of these guys either. - No. Well, I mean, possibly the ward, and why he might know where it is, but other than that-- - I would respect her security, and it'd probably be a good idea that only-- - I don't think I even told him where it would be. - Great. - It's kind of a need to know-- - But I like the idea that it's somewhere that she can still gain access to about-- - Maybe someone in the parapronet who's into being recluse in hidden, and like only she really knows where that person is, and so she hides, she gets to be that person-- - And do they know how to hide it, though? - With something that powerful. - Yeah, I mean, it would be cool to have a character that could open an interdimensional safety deposit box somewhere, but that would be requiring that person to retrieve that. - You can be trusted. - That's where the-- - Yeah. - And be available on Hong Kong. - Right, right, right. So there's a lot of things there that are-- - And basically, that's really good, but-- - I thought of that, but that would leave it unguarded basically-- - Exactly, yeah. - And some extra dementia. - I think it's having a high-- it's really good-- - That I would probably work into my grandmother somehow. - Okay, we'll give some thought and let me know, 'cause it doesn't sound like you want to share with these guys where that would be. - No, not particularly. - Like I said, need to know kind of thing, like if the time called for it, then needed them to go get it. - Trustful, very fun. So you arrive at London's Brownstone, and you can see that there are definitely lights on, and that the front window is smashed. - One of my stunt slash powers is Guide the Hand, which is a spidey sensory, I can tell when something is off. So is that happening? - Absolutely. - And I'm waiting, 'cause he's not there. - Five minutes pass, you actually see shadows in the house moving around, something blocking a light source and moving, looks to be human shaped. - So the lights are right? - Yeah. - And the drapes are flapping through a hole and the glass is just-- - The door is closed. - Yeah, the front door is closed, but the main picture window is smashed, and there definitely is somebody in there, not caring about being discreet. - Are there any, I'm not there yet, but are there any mundane alarms, any burglar alarms going off or anything like that? - No, it's silent. It obviously notified London. - Right. - So there, something triggered that. - I just want to know if there was points on the way. Right, then I'm just driving my old car as fast as I can get over there too. - Are you being reckless? - I am being reckless. I'm getting there as fast as I can. - Let's give you a relatively easy-- - I don't have driving as a skill though. - Let's just say average, so plus one. You said you were trying to get there quickly. - Right. - For example, am I running red lights? - Right, are you speeding? - I am-- - It is the middle of the night to be clear. It's pretty light. - If I remember from that part of town, a lot of the lights go to flickering yellow or blinking yellow at that time, so I can go pretty darn fast. - And because of-- - But a lot of-- - How you saying? - Yeah, but a lot of magic tuts in that area, East Cleveland has no police force to speak of, so I'm going to speed it. - So roll the dice. - That's so true. - Unfortunately, yes, I drove through it and I agreed. - Believe me, I know. - So true. - Holy cannoli, Batman, check that, roll out. - Plus four. - Oh, plus four. - Nice, it's done. - And it's surprisingly short amount of time. What warn is there? - Parking. - I was guided by some other force, yeah. - Do you know the types of charms and spells and whatever that London has set up around the house? - I probably helped him work some of them, although not all of them, 'cause he wouldn't trust me to do all of them. - No. - But the warts wouldn't necessarily be set to stop you from getting-- - Right. - Right. - But I'm saying, like, you would know potentially what kind of thing-- - What could be, yeah, that's one thing. When I get there, I want to see what type of, like, have they been broken? Have they been bypassed? Have they, you know, are they still standing? Which would be even more spooky. - Okay. - That's a good call though. - Okay, so how are you approaching the house? - So I'm approaching the house. - She's the first. - Yeah, I pull up. I can't remember, but the Zelda have a weapon, an actual-- - Oh, and the nail, which I don't have with me. I don't really have anything. - Do you have any skill weapons? - Uh-uh, I don't have any skill for weapons. All I've got is stealth, which is good. - All right, I'm going to hand her one of my handguns. An alertness, which is average. - One of your hand guns? - Yeah. - Okay, hand gun, cool. - But just-- - One of these ships, you know, sick too? - Well, no, but I'm going to hand her one of the handguns to just a little extra protection in case I need someone to back. Unless she can throw some kind of mojo on my way to help me through this. But we don't know what we're facing yet. Now, do I need to go to my wizard site to see the wards and all the stuff around his apartment to make an assessment of how they were broken? - You don't want to open your wizard site on the neighborhood. You would have to be closer to the house. You'd want to concentrate it. But yeah, just a laurel to give a little feel for what's going on. That would be needed to, again, still be much closer to the house. You'd have to be with kind of a porch, basically, rather than right now, last we described, you're sitting in a car across the street from his house. - Okay, so I am approaching way aspects other than it's nighttime, it would be really funny if we had to smash everything in his apartment and to help defend it. There might be a visor or anything. - That'd be cool. - I'm always telling that. - Was that you have insurance? (laughing) - Okay, so-- - None of the aspects is if you can dream it, you can do it. - You can. Don't dream it, be it. - The aspect of the area is houses glowing insanely. There's also a streetlight reasonably close to you, so there's pockets of shadows. - What do you see is houses glowing with light, you mean normal light? Not normal light, yeah, just house lights on. - It was a girl home alone, slightly scared, because her sitter suddenly got called away, so she turned on virtually every light in the house. - Isn't he also in a fashionable part of town? Isn't that like a gentrified section that's been-- - Right, but this is a moonless night. And while there are streetlights, there are still pockets of dark, dark shadow. In addition to that, it's an early spring, so it's cold night, and it's also moonless. - Is he on the entire floor? Does he have like a, he doesn't have like a back entrance? - The apartment is the full house, it's a brownstone. - Okay, it does have a back entrance and it's a front entrance. - And it's probably a separate garage. - Yes, bigger, I would say, three car, 'cause he owns a couple. - So let's go around towards the back, and as we're going around the back, trying to be aware of anyone-- - Two things, I want both of you, I assume you're going with him. Two roll for initiative. - Initiative is, of course, the fake dice plus alertness. - Oof. - So then that's gonna be one, I guess, plus-- - Add it to your alertness. - One. (laughs) - So it's two. - So it's two, okay, and my alertness was two, but I rolled a negative one in the fake dice, so my alertness is one. I'm trying to pay attention to too many things at once. Okay, Zelda gets to go first, but I'm assuming she's kinda letting her take the light. - Yeah, I am, I don't really have anything to bring to this fight. - So, I'm gonna-- - You're walking down the driveway. It's definitely dark here. I'm listening. I do notice that on the side of the house, there is a light that has currently been smashed, and then at that time, you feel despair. Now I was afraid of this. The family's still calling. - Yeah, it's the taxpayers. - The despair is actually this great. Normally going into London's apartment would be-- - You do feel despair. You definitely feel despair. - In disgust. (laughs) - The despair is great, plus for attack. - Jeez. - One thing that you know, as a warden, is that typically, toy court vampires have to touch you to make you feel an emotion, unless they're more powerful. They can do it at range. Ain't nobody touching you right now. - Am I getting a sense of this despair emanating from a direction? Is it coming from-- - First of all, you have to see if it doesn't actually affect you. - And I don't feel this at all, just the warden does right now. - You feel it slightly less. - Insane-- - Your attack is actually good, so that's three, his is four, which is great. Both of you can combat this with discipline. - Okay, well, I have great discipline. - So you would roll four dice in and into that, great. - Ooh, not so great roll. - So once you have three, does it learn? - Well, that's a tie. And when you take that, they get an advantage over you, but they don't actually cause you damage. If you use a fake point, you can exceed that. But you have to say, spend a fake point, and say what aspect would help you in fighting despair. - But one of my aspects is she believed she could, say she did, which is like-- - So spend a point. - So now I'm up to what five? - So now you're up to support. So you feel it start to attack you and you fight it back just with your spirit. - No, I'm just-- - You're just-- - Such an optimist and full of conviction. - How many other fake points do you have? - Now I have five. I started with six today. - Is your warden? - Yes, I have a great discipline, but I rolled a negative one on my fake dice, so my discipline is now good. - You take one mental stress. - Yes. - It's like you're spellcasting with it. - Yeah it is 'cause I'm still hurt for my previous fight. I still saw her from that fight. - That was their turn? It is your turn, warden. Or is all of us and she kind of passed. - Oh, she passed. Okay, she's waiting for me. Do I feel a direction? Do I see where the attack is coming from now that I've been attacked? - This is Cleveland. Hall of Cleveland is just a depressing place. - Oh my goodness. - Just wears you down. - Okay, and this is a magic effect, right? - Yes, absolutely. - Okay, so. - So it is coming from a reduction, you have no idea. - Then what I'm going to do is I'm going to draw my warden sword and I'm going to invoke its power to use a counter spell for the zone of fantastic, which is one of the special powers. So basically I'm dispelling despair from this zone. If it's a ranged attack or if it's, am I allowed to do that? Or I guess I'm trying to create a counter spell to create a despair-free zone. It says it's a fantastic plus six. - To fantastic block. - You do that one per-- - I can do it three times per session, but since we're still-- - Same night. - It's in the same night as a demon battle, that's the last power of-- - 'Cause you use two-starred attacks. - 'Cause I use two-starred attacks. - I use two-starred attacks. - Three charges per-- - Three charges per-- - Both of these things use the same charge pool. - Yes. - Okay. - Plus six would be fantastic. And so we're gonna add a fantastic-- - Can I tell that the Warden looks like something you're on with his-- - Actually, you see my shoulders slump and kind of my step-staggers. Yeah, you definitely can see that he seems to be just like the weight of the world, but he picks up his sword and seems to will-full. We just force himself to be more hopeful and it just, and you feel it wash over you. - Oh no, exactly what this is going on. - If there's one thing that us people and Cleveland know how to handle, it's despair. - It's true. You are the Warden and Cleveland. That's the end of your turn. - Yeah. - Then from inside the house, you believe it's hard to tell because the noise is coming through the front window, which is behind you. So you don't know specifically in the house where the noise came from, but there's a large crash. - Do I hear the, you don't hear our scream. Like something breaking, something-- - Something heavy striking something else. Is it metallic? - Yeah. - It's not thought of flesh. - It is. - I'm maybe trying to break into that panic room. So time is short. - Back to the top and Zelda. - How do you white court vampires attack people? Like just with despair or do they-- - One of the ways is what they just try, which is attacking with despair. The despair is necessary and then they can feed on that, but it's all mental damage they can actually destroy your mind and what killing is. - They are physical as well. - So there's more than one here. There's one inside and one outside because it doesn't seem like we're being attacked from-- - Well, there was also two distinctive attacks too because she tells you that she was attacked as well. - Oh, I thought it was a whole, I thought it was a zone attack. - No, no. - Oh, okay. - These were two distinctive. - I think they were both detected. - All right, so there's even more-- - Because her attack was actually less effective. - So we're talking about a minimum of three adversaries so far. - Right. - Okay. - London is on his way, right? - London is in his backup line. - I cannot imagine that London would not be on his way. He's not gonna say someone else take care of my daughter, he's gonna go. - Yeah. - Now, whether he brought any of these guys along with him, well, that would leave Maxwell unprotected. We can address that later, but they are a good 15 minutes away, but that's still a lot of time. - Have you gone into the house then? Or are you still standing on the threshold or-- - I'm standing on the side of the house, the driveway, it leads back to the garage 'cause there's a back entrance that he's gonna go. - I was gonna try to go on through the back or it's trying to go through the front door, but I didn't anticipate there's gonna be this many people outside, I thought they would just be inside going after the girl. - 'Cause it makes two people. - There's at least two adversaries out here. - And there's something inside that isn't a crash. - And I wouldn't doubt the spell that I just cast to make our zone safe from at least those range to spare attacks wouldn't alert everyone. - I explain something to you because you don't live in this world, you're Mike, as opposed to Gordon Allen. - Sure, he does live in this world. There are thresholds around Scott's house. Anybody going in there would be greatly affected by that if they weren't any way supernatural. It may be, and probably is likely, that the people in the house aren't necessarily of supernatural nature. - Or at least they've been diminished more. - That's a good point, okay. We may have to tactically withdraw back to the front. - It is actually as all this turns to the first. - Okay, so she-- - I'm gonna tell her to go back to the front. - Did I tell her or is she one of the people that was protected by, or can pass London's wards without problem? - I'm pretty sure that London would set up the wards so that they don't stop you. I am in no way sure that he would set them up so that Zelda could-- - Okay, do they require a password, or do I have to perform some magic to crosses? - Well, you can only take them completely down. - The password takes them down. - The wards for you are either up or down. - So you're saying that if she crosses the threshold, she's gonna lose her powers too. - Well, at this point, I would probably be feeling not despair or anything, but I would be worried that we're outnumbered as well as, I don't have any sort of weapon with me, so-- - But he gave you a gun, but yeah, a gun. But I mean, I don't really know how to shoot a gun, so I'm used to having control. And so, because I feel like I don't have any, I would probably do one card flip just to see what exactly is going to happen, or what the best thing to do would be the question that I asked him to this app for him. I know he's saying it is-- - Not even flipping cards, she's still holding on. - How do we safely dispel the enemy? And it flipped up the five of pentacles, which means setbacks are upon you. And it says, "You can either gain confidence from this fact or take it as a warning, your well-aid plans have collapsed a bit, now you're feeling destitute, relaxed, take a deep breath, take a step back, you will need help, do not fear assistance, wait for assistance, don't be smart, accept the inevitable moment for what it is." - It's weird how it can apply, this is spooky. - This is just a moment, and there will be many positive moments to follow. Every once in a while, the universe hands out a bit of humility, accept it. - I would say that go to the door, and then what I'm hoping to do is-- - But I would not go into that house. - No, while you're gonna go in with me. - I'm like-- (laughing) - What I'm hoping to do is fall back to the front door with her, and I'll do a rear guard action since she's gonna go first, and then-- - But I mean, the guard's just told us to wait. You don't wanna take that into consideration. - Well, I thought the way-- - It's-- - The way I, what would I have known this? - Well, I probably would have told him, would I not? - Well, I'm saying, I'm taking what you said, as I could say-- - It's saying positive, it literally says that positive things will follow, but you need to wait until the assistance comes. - Right. - Because right now-- - And I interpreted that as, I'm your assistant's coming to help you, and that's why you're gonna have to accept my help to get through this threshold and the inside, 'cause on the inside, there'll be a lot less powerful-- - I see. - So, I think that fits, but I see your point too. - No, no, I see. 'Cause I was thinking it was more like, we should wait until-- - I thought that was more, yeah, I thought that was much more personal to your-- - It is, it is. And especially in the fact that I mean, I didn't technically tell you what it said yet, so-- - Right, my plan then is this. I'm going to put my arm around here, so we're kind of in the same personal space. I will speak the password to get us through the wards. I'm hoping that it's gonna let me pass safely through without leaving my power behind, and it's gonna be the same thing with her, that she's gonna be put together, we go through. So that way, we will be on the inside where this will filter out the worst of the despair of these, and we'll deal with a much more physical fight, which at least we'll have a better chance between the sword and the weapons with vampires that can attack mentally and emotionally. That's the plan. - She was following you to be in with. She sat right back and goes up towards the porch. You start heading in the same direction, and someone steps out of the shadows in front of you and says, "You should just leave for this, doesn't it?" - There's a voice. - Do I recognize him? - No, but he definitely, you do a war role, but he definitely is a handsome individual, which-- - Oh, I've got a negative three. - Okay, yeah, I only have an average of one, that's an average. - No, okay. - Do you have a family or something? - He's pale. - Yeah, actually. - You're not surprised that he's probably not four. You don't recognize him either. - This is my turn. - And yeah, so that you can roll as well if you'd like to. - No, sure. I have super four, and I am going to have a fair net, so I would know something. - That's true. - Plus, what's one more than super? - Fantastic. - I have fantastic. - Okay, you are without a doubt where this is a white court vampire, but you also know that maybe someone, you were asking questions about him usual, and someone had mentioned someone that fits this description as being seen around town, and that he was asking questions that indicated he's not from around town, that he doesn't know much about the Cleveland area, or it's supernatural rules or how it works, but he's an outsider. - He's an outsider? - Not an outsider, right? - Oh, okay, it's a little more other than a silly one. Okay, I'm like, okay, I don't know. - Okay. - That is-- - He's an outsider. - In the book that is-- - Creatures of madness and insane to be in. - Oh, okay. - They're really outside our universe concepts, and they're right here. - Okay, great. - What we do-- - HP Lovecraft is what your response to is. - This is my town leech, and this house is under my protection, so if you get a problem, call the office. - Office hours, that's a go to. - Call the office. - I got a lot. - I have a secretary, I take a message. - And in fact, I'm gonna give you a couple heartbeats to get out of here right now. - Did Scott go through any supernaturally legal channels to take this girl? - Okay. - Because I mean, he might just be breaking the law of the look of the-- - London? - London, yeah. - Well, I thought we was understood that he was breaking the law. - And I know that this-- - Well, yeah, I'm just saying. - He's not actually within his rights to defend him if Scott is breaking the law of the-- - Well, technically, I don't know why they're here yet, but I suspect. - You have a solid fallback. - Yeah, you're in my town and you shouldn't be. That's fine. But saying I'm defending a lawful number of the community is. - No, I'm saying this house was under my protection. I haven't said anything about the person inside it. - Completely valid. - I've tried to tiptoe around the lines here. - There's another loud boom in the, 'cause you're on the front porch where I can hear a little better of the direction. It does sound like it's coming from the basement of the house. Then I'm just still coming through the broken window. He tells you this is a white court family matter. You have no jurisdiction here. - If it happens in this town, I have jurisdiction. - So you tell me what your problem is? - Of a magical nature, I won't deny. Another boom. I ask him since you've declared yourself as a white court vampire, what is your name? - He informed you that he is Angelo Christante from the Chicago Christantes. (laughing) - Okay. - He has a relative here that doesn't belong here. - Oh, well, then let me go check for you. And then that's where I'm going. - There's another boom in the house. - That's when I'm going to fall back and through the wards. - She really is London's daughter, right? - Yes. - Okay. - But the mother was a white court vampire, so. - Okay. - She is white court, but she's also half London. - Whatever he is. - Whatever. - Amoral seer. - It is. Whatever he is. - Anyway. - You grab Zelda and usher her through the portal. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way, and she feels her power kind of drop away. You do not, though, because you've got the passcode. So she, her cards are feeling kind of lifeless to her at this moment. - And do I tell him this? - No, probably not. - No, but that's up to you, but you don't tell anybody any. - No. - That was a risk, I thought maybe it'd work. - Now, they come up to the porch, but they don't knock cross the threshold because they lose. - They can't. - You're standing on the other side of the threshold. - No, I'm not gonna do it. I do a quick scan of the incident. Now, they're inside the house. There are things shoved out of the way. Couch here, a bookshelf knocked there. Somebody was in here looking for something that they appear to be downstairs. Now, you know where the basement staircase is. You've been in this house before. - Okay. So I'm gonna do a alertness roll really quick just to give a scan of this floor and make sure you aren't going downstairs and leaving someone up here. That's a wash on my roll. So I have an alertness of fair, which is plus two. - You do not see any indication of someone on this. - Once I'm inside, do I still feel this despair? Does that wash away the metal attack or do I still suffer that metal damage? - The metal damage is still there. - Okay. - It was caused. It was a drain on your soul, but you don't feel assaulted anymore. What is all the doing while he's scanning the floor? - I would probably be looking around as well. I'm just trying to investigate. - Give me an alertness roll really quick. - Not investigational. The investigations work for clues and... - Yeah, it's more of a... - We're pretty much know what we're looking for. - Like if you have time, right now, you know there's something going on. - We're looking probably don't want to take too much time. Learnerness is... - It is plus two. - Want to smell face. You've got stuff, you've got some cans here, a box of pizza there. Things are definitely not to side as if there was a quick exit from the room. And in your scanning, you're looking around and in the front of, through the broken glass door, you see one of the white courts out there and he's on a phone. Yeah, probably calling it to the guy in the basement. - Great. - There is another boom from the basement. All right, I'm heading, I gotta go down to the basement. How are you approaching the basement? Who's doing what? You're opening the door and charging down? - No, I'm opening the door. - Cost me a flashbang. - No, which I had one. I'm shouting down, cease and desist all activity. This house is under white council protection. Come out where I can see you. Come on, hold on, nothing, it was four blanks. But there's a gunshot. It comes up the stairwell. - Whoa, me. - And their gun is three. Athletics? Dodging bullets. Oh my goodness. I have a negative two of my goddamn dice, free dice, and I have an athletics of two. So that takes three damage plus the gun damage, which our pistol is two. So that's five damage. Do you have a five physical? Holy cow, five damage. - Yeah. - Christ almighty. - He's not there. Stop everything. - How come I don't have any armor on? I do not have a five physical. - You take two points in a consequence and then three points in a stress box. - Well, I can't take like three and a two bucks. - No, you can only pour it into one cup. - Why can't I take like a four? - The consequences work two, four, six. So if you're taking one, it's gonna be two, which leaves only three. - So I could use a four. - And then take a one bucks. - Now you wanna take stress more than you wanna take consequences. The consequences take weeks to go away. Stress boxes go away as soon as the battle's over. So you take two consequence, a minor one, which is flesh wound. And then you take three, you mark off the three bucks. You fill up the three cup. - Now you've been assaulted, it's okay to kill. - Oh yeah, I can unleash all sorts of magic. I wonder how fun it would be to unleash a fire spell. - It might hurt the girls. - Exactly, which is why I won't do it. So what I'm gonna have to do is I'm going to have to-- - Well I shall tell this first and then you're good. - Yes. - Oh, okay. - Can I pass again? 'Cause I can't, I'm feeling weak and I can't use the cards. - You got the no magic? - And I have no magic and-- - You got this gun that the war can get you. - Yeah, but I can't see anything like you said. - No, you really can't. - So I'm not gonna shoot that. - So the downside is with the fire, you might harm the girl. The other side is you'd burn London's apartment down. - London, sorry. - That's a good idea. - The whole brown store went down all his way. - All his precious art. - Okay, let's close. - All your ass gots. - How funny would this be? - I just want to mention if you did light his apartment on fire, probably has a sprinkler system, which could dull your magic for them. - No, but with the amount of alcohol he probably has in that place, my gosh. - Just stand your back. - That's probably a brief-- - It's probably a brief-- - A brief second. - Well, we have to get down there. - You don't have any sort of light that you can activate on your magic sword. - Sure, I have the ability to create light, and that's simple, but I don't think-- - Maybe a shield so that no more gunshots can-- - That is a good idea. So what I'm going to do is I am going to cast one of my Rode spells. - You just have to be in each other. - A shield and some-- - Yeah, just a ticket. - You know, so what I want to do-- - That's what you need to do. - I'm going to cast my spirit armor, what I call Loreka. And then I'm going to plunge down the stairs with my sword, leading the way. - The stairway is one zone. You get into the basement. As you're coming down the stairs, you see someone backing away from the bottom of the stairs and hiding behind the couch or something. - It's too late for that. I gave you a chance to talk, and you chose to fire at me. Now you get the result. - The lights in the basement are out, although there seems to be some kind of emergency lighting, so you are able to see somewhat. - The guy jumped behind a couch type thing, and farther away, not in the same room, but you can hear another loud boom. Someone is still in here. There's at least two people in here. - So describe this basement. Is it like an open-- - No, it's a completely furnished. There are sub rooms. - So do I know where his panic room is? I have been in this place before, and I-- - Yeah, there's a room. Off of it is another room. Off of that room is a panic room. - That's what I do. - They're pounding on the door. The door is a heavy-- - Oh, okay. - And then shout it off because he's London. - Sure. - It's a heavy metal door that they're trying to break through. Probably native, like, you know, star metal or something. Who knows? - Just straight iron if he's what I'm worried about. - Okay. (chuckling) - All right, so-- - So you get down to the bottom of the stairs. We're actually gonna move Zelda below in the order, so Zelda can now go. - We're at the bottom of the stairs. - He's at the bottom of the stairs. - And I'm behind him. - If you'd like to be us. - But I really, my tear hearts aren't working, and-- - You can shoot up his beautiful other couch. - Okay. - There is a guy hiding my handle on the couch. - You can try to shoot him. - Okay, try to shoot him. Would you want me to shoot him? - If he's bald to take cover, turn the floor. - He's trying to kill us. - Turn the floor. - He fired first. - I know, but like, I don't really know what the rules of this thing are, and I don't wanna start a war. - If we're talking about starting a war, I think that's already happened. - Okay. - I think-- - I'm just saying, I don't like-- - I think abducting the last-- - Thomas was talking about like the rules of-- - I'm just thinking about Pokemon. - Super not even. So I just don't know, like, if I-- I don't wanna be like, I don't wanna pull a Roberto, I just start shooting. - Actually, that is true. That is kind of weird, too, that they use for doing. - You didn't break into their house and start shooting. - Are you sitting there? I didn't see the person who shot at me? - You saw them flavingly. - Is that a man? Was it a woman? - I was a man. - Four of a-- - You were a man. - Would you like to give me a laurel? - Plus three, and that makes it a plus seven, which is-- - Oh wow, that's what I was-- - Doesn't matter how dark it is down here. Yeah, you saw him moving, and you saw him all enough, he was not moving as someone-- - He had a supernatural-- - Super natural, but-- - Super natural, but as for instance, what court vampires are faster than this? - Right, fuck. - This guy was moving like a human. - Yeah, and he's hiding behind a couch, so I don't wanna just start shooting his own guy. - Well, that's a good point. - He's human. God damn it. - Yeah, but-- - Okay. - Sorry, I'm not Roberto. - Well, let's follow you up. But they're in the house. They might not be able to access their powers. Unless we come to-- - He's human. - He's human with a lower role. - No, his role was high enough that he's like, he's quite sure. - Right. - First of all, he-- - That's human. - He was not as pasty as it should have been. He just didn't move, like someone who is normally used to moving faster and not moving slower. - I mean, I might feel like I'm trained on him, but I'm not gonna start shooting him. - No. So as I approach him, I'm saying-- - We've got you covered, drop your weapon, and come out, or else it's doing a horrible for you. This isn't your fight. - And I get my bad ass warden voice amplified with cool music and stuff. - Well, let's figure a bad ass warden voice. - I'm your role. - I just-- - Oh. - Are you giving him any kind of assistance? Like saying, yeah, in the background. - So what I'm not saying is that I have my good trained on him, and if he were to pop up and start shooting, then I would absolutely take a shot. - Give me a good role, which is three. - Okay. - For trying to be threatening. So a presence, intimidation, or presence, or firearm, if you're like waving the gun in the sand, any of those. - Yeah. - Yeah, intimidation? - Of three. - That's good. - You are very totally talented of hidden towers. - Uh-huh. - Okay. - Two. - So three, so five. Super. - All right, so she definitely gives you a plus two. - She is looking mighty intent. Like you take a step away from her. - Yeah, I use my presence. I added a plus two on my faita. It's my presence's plus two. So that takes a fair to great. And if she gives me another plus two, that takes it up to fantastic. - Yeah. He drops the gun and steps away, holding his hands up. - We'll say the other guy comes around the corner as well. He's got fun in sand. He kind of puts it down, and sets his gun down as well. - So both of them. And they're humans. - They're both humans. - And they're saying, "Hey, we're just following orders here." Clever. - So both of the guys in the basement are human. - Yeah. - Hey. - I love it, yeah. - Hey everybody. - Thank you. Thank you. You saved me from some paperwork. - Hey. - And some soul scars, you know, but. - I feel the paperwork. - Sorry. - Soul scars? - Wow. - Okay. I do the routine of when you apprehend arm suspects. Belly to the ground, hands up. - I have a little zip ties. - You're right. - They can't enter the house now because he's in the house. Is that right? Is that how that worked? As you said. - You know how you lost your power when you walked through the door? They would do the same. - So that's why they don't want to. - They don't want to do that. So there's no chance of them like coming in. - Oh, there's a chance. - I think it's still coming in. - They'll be turning around, and then I'll be watching his shirt. Mom is doing the door on the back. - So I want to say, I want to have my partner, Z here, keep you, you know, she's got you covered. - It's more intimidating. - Yeah. - 'Cause it's the last word in the alphabet, man. And that's where you are. You're at the end of the rope right now. So you just listened to what you said. - I was gonna lie, guys. - Listen, I got to work in my bad ass. - Yes. - Bad ass banter. In the meanwhile, this takes you long enough. That London pulls up outside. So he's going to handle the white quartz, which is probably better. - Better. (laughing) - We have to jump back to the rest of the party who is in an alley. You just got off the phone. You asked the warden to help you out here. - Right. - And then you do what? - Quickly, because I'd like to get back to my vehicle and I told him I was about 25 minutes out from Cleveland Heights, which makes sense from downtown if I spend another five minutes or so here. So I'd like to make sure that we're all on the same page with how we're gonna wrap up the situation that I need to get to my daughter. I mean, I have a lot of faith and the warden's ability to go there and handle whatever danger might be present. I also have a lot of faith in my safe room. But, I guess I want to see how we handle this situation. - As soon as you say you get my daughter's in trouble, let's wrap this up. I'm probably telling you, just go and I got this. - And what else? - I don't think you're ever allowed to sit and go there. (laughing) - You did it last time, you said this didn't you? - What's our game plan here for the situation? - Edmond's got Maxwell, Maxwell's out, right? - Yes. - And so is the other person we picked up in the park that we were gonna question and Roberto's there as well. - Yes. - Say, maybe Edmond and Roberto can handle this end and we can go check out the other. - Yeah, we're gonna take him up and lock him up in one of my rooms up there. You have unconscious until the father gets there and we can interrogate them and-- - Yeah, I don't know what you call your rooms. - I would say it's a safe room. It's kind of like a cell/interrogation room, a place to lock people up that's pretty secure. - Okay. - So staying here is Maxwell. - Because he's unconscious. - He's unconscious, I'm possessed. - Edmond and-- - Who? - Roberto. - It depends. - You were just saying that you don't want to ever have him in your interrogation rooms again. - So, I was just-- (laughing) - Really? - All right. - Your ability to keep an eye on him is being possessive and it's not as useful. - It's valuable. - And I'm sure he would seems to have an affinity for Maxwell. Some trees and it worked with kit gloves. Is your vehicle-- - Why do you work close? - 'Cause I'm all the way back in the parking garage. Are you there as well? - Right here. - Yeah, we wrote the elevator up from the parking garage to glass. - That's right, I'm sorry. That's actually correct. - You might be deciding what to do with Roberto, but he doesn't know you do. - No, no, I just wanna ask Roberto. - I am absolutely astounded that he's like not thumbing out eyeballs and running up fire escapes and-- Anyways, I'm taking advantage of the fact that he's sitting there with a little bit of drool in his chin and it seems to be staring blankly in the distance to talk to the only person I would really trust in the situation, which would be-- (laughing) Did you drive here? - Yes. - You drove some minivan or-- - Yes. - Sienna. - Pricley town of country. - Oh, town of country. - Yeah, that's right. - Yeah, if it's all the same to you, separately, because-- - I don't work. - I don't really wanna leave my jaguar-- - Try to keep up. - Parking garage. I'll do my best. And then we depart to go on our way. - Okay, your daughter's in danger. You're driving cautiously. You're driving directly-- - Absolutely not. I have a jaguar. I mean, this thing kicks. I also get one of those little get out of jail free cards from the local police department. - I'm sure you do. - Do you have any driving skill whatsoever? - Oh, of course. - Really? - That's just rep of driving, driving, driving. - No, so I'm gonna say, you know, realistically, knowing that she's in the safe room, knowing that he is less than 10 minutes away, I'm probably gonna be going between 70 and 80 on the highway. Nothing, I don't think that would demand a driving test and not going insane, because she will call me again if something happens. - Are you saying that-- - You're not attempting to get there quicker? - You're trying-- - Well, I mean-- - I think I am getting there quicker within reason. So speed limit 60, I'm hitting 70, 75, maybe pushing it to 80 occasionally if you'd like to make a roll more than happy to. - Well, so as we just-- - Can't keep up with it? - Plus, as we discussed earlier, the time of evening is conducive to making good time. - Oh yeah, I might mean, Christ or town and country. It's a brand new one. It can only do 100 and maybe I've driving it too, so-- - Oh, you probably-- - I usually keep up. - Yeah, I'm sure-- - What the hell are you doing? Let's go. - We use it in a traffic more effectively than London does. London sits in the fast lane, flashing his brakes, getting pissed and screaming at people for being idiots, but not realizing he can just go into the slower lane in the fast lane. - You get a call about halfway there. - Okay. - Who is on the-- - It's your daughter. - Okay. - Anna, I pick up immediately but it's hands free in the Jaguar. - She sounds incredibly scared and asks if you're almost there and you hear in the background a large boom. - How long has it been since I talked to Alan Montgomery? - He should be there by now. - Like, should be there like within two minutes or should be there like 10 minutes after. - He should have been there at least four or five minutes as far as you know. - To the best of my knowledge, she doesn't have any powers. - Right. - She's in the safe room. I ask her, is someone outside the door of the safe room? Is, you know, I understand you're scared, I'm on my way, I'm literally on the highway right this moment. So I will be there shortly. - Yes. - Where's the noise that's coming from the house? - There's a big man and he's pounding on the door with a metal thing. And it sounds awful lot like a bird out. There's no way he could be there. - Speaking of, let's go back to the other group for a minute. - What are you guys doing? - Oh my God, just, it's been a while since I could say. - Well done. - Any of them looks like they might even think about becoming conscious. - You're rapping with it. (laughing) - What's my gauntlet? - All right. - Look, you also don't believe I can go in there? - Oh, I did not say you cannot go in there. I told you you can. - I mean to say, thought is concerned that-- - You're gonna have to clarify that a little more. - Not for our English listeners. - Okay, sorry. - Good for him. - London. - Thanks, it'll jump bodies again and I'll kill everyone 'cause I can't control myself 'cause I'm a monster. - No, come on. - I just don't have a leash. - Sorry about him, come on. - Let's go. - So you two haul the bodies upstairs? - Yeah. - Are you attempting not to touch them all that much? Are you using any kind of caution or? - Not particularly, I didn't believe London. And I have the coin, so. - All right. - So you drop them down off of the firescape, you throw them into a barks or some kind of thing. - Grab their feet. - We don't throw them over with the head. - In the back of my dad, in the back of the van, take him back again. - All right. Didn't kind of haul them into the elevator. - Yeah. - They actually do not wait and you manage to get them both. I imagine you'll get a little more cautious with Maxwell's body than the other guy. - I told you a guard to get back on duty. - But. - And you'll be able to clean up the mess. - To be clear, there is still a guy in the van. Maxwell grabbed one of them and ran. - So there was two guys. You have two guys and Maxwell. You have three people. - Okay. - Now there's only two demons, one's and Maxwell, one's and the other guy, but there's one that you would think. Is that an empty vessel? Or, 'cause if you do you have three? - All right. As I've thought, I grab a piece of steel from the back of my pickup that I'm just gonna leave here. - Okay. - And Jim's guys can take care of that. But, I wrap it around on the ground. Maxwell's legs. - What? - Hercules? (laughing) - I didn't know you didn't know that. Next question. - You have that kind of strength? - Yeah. - I have been human strength. - Human strength. - Like the Warden has zip ties. You have metal. - A big bar that you've been around people. - He probably has zip ties also in the, yeah. - Yeah, shit. - In his offices, I'm back. - Well, this is a demon. So this is the demon in the equivalent. It's rebar. - He's a metal. - Don't have to stay. - He calls upon or uses that demon to give him the super strength. - Yeah. The demon isn't controlling. He's more or less a sponsor. - That's what I'm getting at. - That's what they call it. Inhuman. - Everything he has a surprise. And every time he uses super strength for the sort of thing. - That's my trouble. Everything has a price. I have something like that. - So in the time it takes you guys to get the three bodies up there, I do have three rooms. You keep them separate. Is there one room and you kind of throw them all in there together? - Put them all together. - And just keep them separate so they can't. - Yeah. - Some accepted one. - The two are in the corner and Maxwell is sitting in the chair. - For some extent I imagine that these rooms are modular and then you can slap in the UV mod. - Yeah. - Or the holy, I don't know what exudes holiness, but it miss holy while the other room's got the sensor. - It's a holy water water poured into that. And you grow some really nice herbs. So you modify the room in a way to best suit these strength and conditions and whatnot. And we'll go back to London. Who may decide he has to go maybe a little faster? - Oh, absolutely, her being in a panicked state and being out driven by a 75 year old, I think that London would definitely decide that he needs to keep up. I'd make sure that the person at the door is the same person you think entered the house. That's not Alan Montgomery, the ward and coming to rescue you, is it? - No, that's not Alan. - Okay, just making sure. At that point I say I'm gonna keep it on an open line because I've got around the stereo speakers anyways. There's no reason for me to hang up on her. And of course, maybe inside my head what's taking Alan so long. - You can't really call him unfortunately. - Well, I can't call him out either 'cause I don't want her to get more nervous by saying he should have been there by now and I don't want to freak the girl out. I'll go ahead and make a roll if you want me to as far as-- - I just get the dying roll job. Let's see. A minus three. - Those are my bad dice, you know. - Oh, where are your good dice? - That's holy dice. (laughing) - Okay, so that's the thing. - I rolled the hell out of it a little while ago. - Well, I had one last feed point. - Okay. - So I go ahead and spend it. London doesn't get the car accident and the way to save someone that's fucking ridiculous. - I think what I'm running applies. I don't use that one too often. - No, that's fine. I remember I was asking if he needs one as well and I would say yes. - Oh, as you go flying past him. - Well, I see this grandpa. (laughing) - It's a car close in to what we're in. A roll. Okay, second roll is plus one. And I have zero so it's-- - That's mine. - Average. - I'm driving two plus one. - That works. - So plus one is decent. So you don't hit anybody or anything, but when you come flying into your house, you hit the curb so hard you know you bet. You're gonna come out to a flat later. - Right. - You definitely-- - I'm saying crap out of your rent. - Wheel of water. - Okay, yeah. - As you hit the curb full on it, pretty high speed. - When I hit that curb-- - When you're pulling into your house. - Yeah, exactly. - The neighborhood. Your front window is smashed and there are two figures standing outside the window. - Right, the first thing I'm doing as, even before I hit the curb would be I am scanning ahead for his vehicle or for a familiar vehicle in the driveway. - Do you want to learn this from him? - 'Cause I'm so alert. - Do I get one of those? - Yes, you do. I want at least one pair, which is two. Rapa? - I rolled a wash, my alertness is one, so it's average. - So average for both of us. - So what you notice, London, is that the wardens cars in the street. - To the street across from your house. - That's fine. - What Rapa notices is actually a little more and he rolled the same, I understand. - No, that's fine. - He notices, what he thinks is the wardens car because he's another ward and all that well. But you definitely know Zelda. And that Zelda's car behind the ward. - Okay. - So you see two cars in front, you know one of them is Zelda, so you're involved. - Yeah, my car is dangerous. - You should've heard them, they wanted to burn your house. - I bet they did. - No, I just said it wouldn't necessarily be all a downside. - It's a brown stone. - It's a skull of a liquor. - It does a lot of alcohol. - Burned castles throughout England all the time. - It's got a lot of alcohol in books in there. - Why does not a great and accelerate though? - I also have, well, I don't love that if he would have a, I think he would maybe have a water, you know, like a-- - That was disgusting. - We thought you did. - It would really dampen the wardens car. - Right. - Wait a minute. - That was a pun. - That was a pun. - Okay. - So, that's not all? - No, it wasn't, but it ended up being one. So I definitely go over the curb and I'm immediately out and looking to-- - So you pull up into the drive, not drive but in the street in park. He pulls up onto his front lawn. He was your bam, as is-- - You used to drive away. - And yeah, he probably got there before I did because of his driving still compared to mine. - You actually roll the same. - Oh yeah, good call. - But, well, I whispered to London when I get a chance to sell the car. - You both get out of the door. He's in the driveway. You're on the, actually, on the front lawn. And there's two guys that are standing on your porch. Please roll another, in this case, or. - Okay, I am immediately pulling out my Derringer, which is not really a 22 with a pralano from my ankle holster because that's about as feminine as you could possibly get. And this is more. London has a plus two more, but he's frazzled right now, rolled a minus two on his roll. So the gun's flashing and. - Okay. - The upper roll to minus one, his lower is four, so it's down to good, plus three. - You notice some things that he's not 'cause London seems to be just in a panic state? - Well, sure. - You get out of your car, you look, those are clearly two white court vampires standing on the porch. - I may mention that, right? - Okay. - What court court? - I'm notchalantly carrying my sniper rifle. - How do you nonchalantly carry? (indistinct chatter) - What are they doing? - They're standing on your porch looking in, but obviously when you come crashing up on the lawn, they turn around and as they see you, London and stuff from the car, they start walking towards you. They start walking towards me out. - I'm gonna not quite be aiming at them, but being in ready stance. - Are you like staying by your car and kind of aiming over the? - Yeah, well, I'm not directly behind London, but I don't want to get too far away either. - Okay. - You're good with that. They had a range though. London has a lot of confidence from when you took that guy out in the driveway back at the white court ceremony. - I don't want to get too close to them either, so I don't know. - However far you want to be, it's fine by me. - What are you guys doing in the basement? 'Cause you're roughly at the same time frame now. - They have already-- - We've apprehended and probably wouldn't-- - Are you escorting them out of the house? Are you-- - Right now we are restraining and-- - You hear a crackle and then a voice come from the safe room. Uncle London's here, he's upstairs. - Annie, are you okay? - I know. - She hits the speaker again and says, "Yeah, I'm fine, thank you for rescuing me." - Stay there for now. You're safe now, but stay put, and we'll come and get you when we're all well done up here. - So we'll stop there. (upbeat music) - Thank you for listening tonight so tonight's actual play podcast. If you'd like to send us questions, comments, or feedback, you can reach us in a number of ways, including Twitter @KOTN_podcast or emailing us at feedback@KOTNpodcast.com. And don't forget the iTunes reviews. We also have a Facebook page at facebook.com/KOTN.podcast. While at Facebook, join like-minded folks on our Facebook fan page. And lastly, there's our blog, KOTN_podcast.com, where there's an Amazon leak on the right-hand side. Those of you outside the U.S. can help by donating at our Patreon page, patreon.com/KOTN. And then listen in for the monthly t-shirt giveaway. And remember to join us next week for more mystery and adventure. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) ♪ When London's found me ♪ ♪ Your daughter on your phone ♪ ♪ Bringing and a ring ♪ ♪ And don't you leave it alone ♪ ♪ Daughter's calling and a show is sweet ♪ ♪ If you don't get it then you're gonna get beat ♪ ♪ It's your daughter ♪ ♪ Ring, ring, ring, ring ♪ ♪ It's your daughter ♪ ♪ Ring ♪ ♪ Ring in the day ♪ ♪ The cell phone's ringing ♪ ♪ So you know you better do what's right ♪ ♪ Ring, ring, ring, ring ♪ ♪ Ring, ring, ring, ring, ring ♪ - It is your daughter's phone number. - Oh, fuck it. (laughs) - Almost like if we're being attacked or ranged by despair, then this, using the power of the sword, I'm going to counterspell it and try to, no push back on, no we're hopeful. The bros are gonna win it this season. So. (laughs) - There's always next year. (laughs) That's the name of the counterspell. - There's always next year. (laughs) - And I've stood the day. (laughs) - God damn it names, I hate names. Random name generator. - Random name generator. - I can hear a lot of people. - Really? - I can look for one here. Random name generator. - Hey, that's where you have to catch both of your names. - No, vampire name generator. - Oh my God, no. (laughs) - Here we go. - It's good. - Oh my gosh, you've posted this. - Oh my God, of course. - Of course. - The internet. - It's the internet. You can buy anything. - Angelo Christonti. - It's actually not bad. - Christonti, but you're wrong with that one. - There we go. (laughs) - Okay, so. - Are you dead? Is he dead? - No, no, no, no. - Is he human? Is he? - Well, if they're white cord, I was trying to get-- - Is that the right one? - He's been assaulted, then-- - First of all, I can kill humans. I just can't kill the magic. - You can kill, right? You can kill anybody in any way you want. - Right, I can kill it with a magic sword, as long as it's not, I'm not using magic to do it, so. - It is illegal to kill with magic. - But you can use magic to kill. - No. - You can kill him with a magic sword, because I'm blind. - My sword is magical, but I'm using it as a sword, not as a magic sword. - I see, okay. - It's still a sword. - It's not turned on. - When you cast magic, it goes through your mind. You don't want to set pathways that-- - So it's a sword that can't do magic, but you're not activating the magic. - It's like you're allowed to kill a black cord vampire, you're just not allowed to kill a human. - And white cords are technically human? - No, it's fuzzy, but I'm pretty sure it's a love. - No, they're part of a cord, they're supernatural, they're-- - So you can kill him. - I can kill him. - I'm trying to give him a bit for the doubt. - With magic. - It's time to drag a message, asking if he's listened to any of the Hamilton-- - Oh, the better Hamilton musical. - I hear it's supposed to be good. - I think so. - I'm not much for rats, but-- - It's gone, it's quite good, it's worth it. - Megan and I have been drawing it. - I almost said Michael Kline. So I talked to-- (beeping) Actually, he doesn't have a cell phone, so he gave me the call. - Right. - Well, he had some kind of phone, I reached him at-- - So did he have a card? - He had to figure that out. - He has a ring or something that you can magically indicate to him, "I need to talk to you," and he can use a landline, but he has no way to-- - Why the hell have you got a jitterbug? - No. - Okay. - All right, that's why you come up with something. - It's way too fancy for-- - Jitterbug's two fans. - Way too fancy. - Come on, gummy. - Teamers, he might, you know, those old backpack ones, you-- - Right. - Right. - Something from like-- - Yeah, now. - --our jittery strikes right, exactly. - Well, I'm thinking more World War I. - Yeah, maybe even more World War I or two. - I'm gonna roll without the addition, but I think what I'm probably gonna end up doing the way I'm built is I'm probably gonna put alertness because I think as the one who does more of these types of investigations, he needs it, but I'm not gonna use it for this role. - He's gonna notice things other than himself. - Yes. - He's starting to learn to do that. - Are you okay, Eddie? - Yeah, no. It doesn't work as well, okay. - I know. - Eddie, get your gun? - That was a kiss. - Yeah, so. - And I'll go get your dad. - Yeah, you don't say that. - No. - Not dad, I'm cool. - No, man. (laughing) Don't talk to him. - There's the reveal. (laughing) - Don't, don't, don't. - That's a good thing, everybody. - My dad, click, click. - No, that's right. (laughing) - Strike that, then I'm sorry. I've got, I'm woozy from lack of blood. - I can't hear you. (laughing) - I can't hear you breaking up. (laughing) He said, "I'll go get your dad." And then he can, I'll be what he got from Zonda. - And a stay put. - I'll go get your dad. (laughing) - I mean, sorry, I have to, she just said, "I'll go one and zero." But wait, he's dead. (laughing) - Sorry. - I'm going to kill him. - My dad's dead. - Sorry. (laughing) - Ooh, sorry. How do you do that? I keep secrets around. (laughing) - I am not. - My honesty comes back up by your answers. - What time is it, actually? - 11. - It is now 11. - It is not 11. - 9/11. - 9/11. - Do we want to, I love you? - I was just thinking that we always quit 11, but now we quit much earlier. - Right. Just to give you a heads up, they-- - Can't leave. - Sure. - Maxwell awake? - It could stay 15 more minutes. - That's not any point. He wants to stay in there and help you guys get questions answered. So, I mean, that's a whole scene. And I would prefer to have all of you in on that scene rather than Zelda definitely knows. - How the fuck does Zelda know? - Because she wrote it out. - Because she wrote it out. - Hi Laurel. - Oh, okay. - And someone in the parent that told her that there was some creepy looking white port around-- - Perfect. - And they were asking questions and they're not from Cleveland. And they thank Chicago. - Right. - So, had to be her. - She had a very high role. - Yeah. - I had to call her. - She had to get the code from the warden to get into your house. So you might want to change your god. - No, I know. I never gave the code out. Although I think it's some, you know, shame. I thought I could go through it. I put her on my arm around here. So there was a war to so try to bring her both through at the same time. - Oh, right. - But-- - Okay, what we described is that you have a ward up and the ward allows him to come through and still have his power. I assumed-- - I think it was superb the last time I rolled one from a long time ago. It was what I had like a little time ago. - Right, but it would be key to allow him to come through. - Of course. - 'Cause you trust him. - Yeah. - Not at all, though. - No. - Exactly. That's what I assumed. - So she got her power stripped when she walked in. They never entered your house. They've been standing outside because they know it's warden. - Right. - They sent in thugs which he comes up from the basement. - Humans, right. I mean like, yeah, like mortals, normals. - Yeah. - Basically I listened to Zelda before I used to go. - So he almost destroyed magic. - My plan was to just throw fire spells down and smoke 'em up. - Right. - 'Cause I figured she was, and it wasn't the safe room, so. - Right. - But then I'm like, that's bird. - I need to raise that resources up a little bit. - I'd like to add that you can make wards as the block human passage. - They're called balls. - I would say that London probably would have had that, but maybe recently he's let it down because of his daughter coming in and out of the house. - Well, you could add her to not be affected. - Well, I don't want to ruin the story though. So just, maybe I'll have to put it for some humans in the future. - I'm perfectly fine with you addressing it at a later point where you say I need you to change this. - In the books, whenever he used wards like that, I'm pretty sure they were active ones that needed to be activated though, so. - Right, so like activated. There was no reason for me to activate it 'cause the nanny was coming in, the babysitter, so that makes perfect sense that it would be a night where something like that could happen. - In the future, maybe after this campaign's over, I'd suggest you work with the warden and then teach your daughter how to turn it on. - Right. We'll have to go word got this just turn the keys