Knights of the Night


Broadcast on:
13 Apr 2016
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Does it still count as inter-party conflict when one of them is controlled by a demon?

Actual Play starts 7:36

(upbeat music) - Hello and welcome to Knights of the Night to actual play podcast. This Dresden File Story Passages was written in run by RTM Towned. And now please enjoy episode 269, titled my Blidurancy skill. Actual play begins seven minutes, 36 seconds. (upbeat music) Do that for this week's life. We started with Facebook episode 268. Two bodies and a bucket full of dog, Adam Emposten said, "I can't tell." It's Scott thinks he's a great role player or a London just likes demons. Well, I mean, as long as he's not Roberto, and as long as Roberto is going to hell. The older brother teaching manners point, this brought me back to a brief discussion of what you all did to Scott that made him so dark in his games from past up his nights. Keep on keeping on. Adam Em is referring to the point that in one of the feedbacks I was saying that I have to teach you manners, not to talk with your mouthful because that was an issue on one of the episodes. And actually I had a quite idyllic childhood. I don't know where the darkness came from, but it certainly wasn't from the interaction with my brothers and sisters who were nothing but, well, mostly kind to me. I mean, growing up, you're gonna have a couple of-- - Certainly can be. - Yeah. But overall, it was a very idyllic childhood. And as far as a great role player, and no, I mean, I don't think so. I think I try to get into London and play him as a complete douchebag. But it seemed like something London would do just to come in to a grand entrance at the end and totally take center stage. - But you have gone towards the demon card on more than one occasion. - We've been dealing with demons. - Yeah, I mean-- - You've done it. There wasn't like out of the book. - It's true. I mean, 'cause last story I did too, but if you only have the ability to morph into something, that would scare a demon. The only thing I can really think of is another demon, right, because if you try to be a member of a white council or something like that, well, the demon might just say, show me what you got and I don't have much as far as offensive power goes. So trying to intimidate them as a demon and using London's natural skill set seems to fit. But you're right, I have gone to it twice. I don't know if London likes it quite as much as he just likes taking center stage. And credit for things he doesn't deserve. - What about angels? - But again, I think that-- - You just don't know what they look like. - I don't what they look like. And then I don't know that I could actually invoke a power 'cause I guess I could try to intimidate them as an angel. But as a higher demon just seemed to be more in the place. Plus, I'm looking at a demon so I can, I think he could replicate the look much easier. That's what I'm going for. - Luke G posted on the same episode and clarified his quote in the feedback, which was at some point Scott said, "London is trustable." I don't know where he was going with trustable or if he was trying to coin a term, but I've never heard that before and it was a deliberate diversion, but I thought it was amusing since he didn't actually say the word trustworthy. - True. - So in the feedback he said, you know. - Right. - He gave some kind of a trustable and trustworthy. It's not being the same thing. And none of us could put place where that came from. - And now we know he was London. - Yes, and I think what I should have said for London at least was that he is maybe not trust worthy or trustable. - Predictable. - He's very predictable. He has a very set criteria of what he believes is right wrong and how he should act. So if nothing else, you don't have to worry necessarily about London backstabbing you or lying to your face. I think you have to be more concerned that, I mean, I think that there's just a certain predictability to London. And I think that if you know the parameters that he works within, you can pretty much suss him out and predict what he's going to do with a high degree of accuracy. - Miles, as posted and said, I'm so glad that London can live with a town car. He is so full of the feels. We were talking about who was going to die about a car in London to see himself. - Technically it was a town in country which is not the same thing as a Lincoln town car. Well, London would be slightly uncomfortable in a town car. 'Cause he has, I mean, Lincoln's not going to compare to the makers of Jaguars. But definitely more comfortable in a town car than he would be in a town in country, which was a fucking minivan made by Buick. I'm not sure who makes the town in country. Definitely American made and I'm sure there's disdain for anything American made from London as far as that goes. - Still in 268, RJ posted and said, another driver, his domain is on another continent. Keep on driving, brother. Suddenly there was Scott speaking random words before it clicked and I'm like, oh, we did feedback last week and someone asked about the definition of siren and then you gave it to me much later. - Ah, I got you. - And I was like, ah shit, I didn't put this in. So I just did beep. And that usually signifies the starting of the episode and there was used spouting siren. - Ah, strategic infiltration, blah, blah, reconnaissance. - Yeah, and he was like, what the? - Oh, that it makes sense, right? - And lastly said, so much Roberto bashing shame on all you PCs. Ari is clearly a fan. - Oh, Roberto. - Hey, Scott is a huge fan of Roberto. - London? - Not so much. Just role-playing, just role-playing. - Other than that, we had a post on Facebook, the Jim put up, his character's Sebastian's gauntlet. - Oh, I saw the picture he put up in as part of the post, it was very nice. - Where Adam Em said, very nice looking. Any particular reason for Sebastian specifically? - He's the bitch who sent us soldiers, man. - Jim posted a link in the story and Adam responded again with, that's definitely a very good story. I googled it right before posting and I figured I'd ask as you never know the connections that are drawn and I in my infinite bluntness tried to connect it to the saint of brother Francis or the vampires or the businesses or the demons. And I couldn't see it. I like it and I can't wait to see what other items spring up in the game. Ever since the fourth nail showed up, I've learned to ponder deeply. Thanks for the link and the reply. Steve B posted as well and said, that is a work of art, let alone protection equipment. Yvonne, our posted and said, now an enemy with bow and arrow is a must. Also, I am from Son Sebastian. So I'm 100% supportive of this. And lastly, Brandon A posted and said, "Righteous." - Regarding the picture? - Regarding the picture. - Gotcha. - So that's it for the feedback this week. We just wanna remind everybody of the patreon link that is on our blog site along with the Amazon link where we'll be giving out a t-shirt for this month soon. Probably next week. But with that, we will move on to the episode. All right, my name is Tom. I'm the GM of this Dresenthal game. This campaign is called Passages and the players who are here tonight, starting on my right, all right. - I'm Michael, playing up out here. It's a chronologically gifted, a theogenic, organic alchemist. And I have four fake points. - Thomas playing Maxwell Edison. Undercover Homeland Security operative. With, I think, two fake points right now. I spent a lot doing a fight. I might have zero. - And Jim playing Edward Chevalski. A powerful businessman. A black court-powered scion. With two from the last session. - I am Scott playing London Deals. A moral sear to the supernatural powers. I have four fake points after taking care of that demon for everyone last week. - I'm John, playing Roberto Martinez. Keeper of Cleveland's coins powered by a phone angel. And I have one fake point from trying to save everybody who wants to be trying to find out. - And chaotic. Well-intended. - The front door of your building first open. The guy takes a moment to aim and fires at Maxwell. As he's running farther away, his gun is won. He's just like. - Hold on. - He's just like, he's got a minus. (laughing) - Wow, now I wouldn't-- - The gun was facing-- - Unfortunately, you have to roll. - The gun was facing the wrong way. - Yeah, literally. - He literally hit me with a negative three. - It's his name. - It's close. - He rolled a minus three. - I rolled a minus three, which still gets me a two, which means he misses, but like-- - His gun was, while he rolls zero. - Is this like-- - His gun skill is a two. Well, no, he rolled a minus two. - It's like Barney Fight versus the club-footed demon. - It's happening around on one flip. - So the back door, Roberto happens to be walking by. - The back of Roberto's truck, the window goes. - Shh. - A minus four, he's got to shoot himself. I mean, he's got a-- - How's he gonna-- - He's gonna Barney Fight, but-- - Mine's like bullet against his truck. - It's a total minus four, though. - That's still really bad. - That's minus four. - Oh no, he's-- - It is a total minus two, I agree with that, but the role is minus four. - Terrible? - It is, in fact, terrible. So he does shoot, it shatters Roberto's window on his pickup truck, and he then drops the gun, which goes off the second time, and goes into your building, shattering another window, but it doesn't shoot again. - It hit my employee of the month picture, so he can still-- - No, he's not, he's not. - He killed him off Maxwell, and-- - He hit Maxwell, just the wrong one. - He didn't say which one to shoot, but the gun is on the ground, and he is-- - Like this, his hair-- - What is fun? - Who would get it? - I still roll the positive three. - It's impressive, but for you, not Barry. - He hears a shot, and he kinda jags to one side. - Totally, unnecessarily. - Scary guard. - This, I will remind you-- - Had a minute, this is the third-shift security guard. - Yeah. - You're so, you know, who to fire. - That was hesitant. - Yeah, Maxwell on his head's like, all right, fire, that's a security guard. - Yep. (laughing) - Honestly. - He should be able to shoot me if he needs to. - He's definitely gettin' put on a different, lighter, booty-- - He's got a screw up. - He's got a car. - You can't help but hear the car from flying out. There's a bursting noise of the gate. There's the alarm that goes off in the building. There's a screech as his tires come around the corner, and then a second screech as the tires come around, and he's basically lined up right behind you. - So I'm gonna turn into an alley and jump onto a fire escape. - But not an ally. - Got none of those left. Except the one I'm holding, but he's unconscious. - All right. - You wouldn't jump on him. - I step one zone into the alley, and then jump straight up onto the ladder of the fire escape of the closest building. - Minus one of the roll line, we need a great athletics. Rolled seven, plus three, and minus one athletics of five, four, so I've probably just landed directly on the first level and so the ladder. (laughing) - That's like a super hero. - I've got super strength, man. - Well, you do, now, actually. - Roberto, you see him cut to the right? - Fuck, is this horse shaped? - He just jumps clear out of the first story, okay. - Well, I know the first. - Again, parkour. - Yeah, parkour. - He's like men in the last circle. - Okay, you see, I climbed up two boxes and then jumped off the dumpster. - Yeah, you jump on a dumpster, hit the sidewall, and then back across diagonal to the ladder's kick. - Full toe on it with that. - I'm not gonna be able to do that shit, so I toss my hammer onto the pedal and climb out onto the front of my car and I'm gonna jump it. - This is the most dangerous thing I've ever heard. - I'm not gonna be able to jump. - Wow, we do become super hero. - You're gonna lose this pickup truck. - It'll lose more than that. - It's a fucking pickup truck. - Yeah. - I'm not gonna be able to catch him otherwise. - Okay. - You've got a fire in my hand and I'm gonna jump there. - If you're throwing something on your gas pedal, you know, your car's not gonna go very fast anyways because it is a pickup truck, but it's gonna go in straight line and he went, you're on the street here. - You're on the street. - I thought it was one. - And he went into a side alley. - I went off to the side on purpose. - So, you're lined up on the street. He went to the right and then jumped up onto a fire escape. - All right. - New plan, I'm gonna throw the hammer as hard as I can at the fire escape. - That's better. - You were gonna first drive into this alley. - Uh-huh. - What's that called when you go around like this? - Hang out the window. - Fish tail. - Drift it. - Yeah, fish tail. - What's around the old? - You're gonna drift into the alley. - The fish tail's when he fuck up and-- - The front wheel drives. - He's gonna drift into the alley, then just reach out the window and throw the hammer up. - I'm trying to knock it down. - He's trying to just take the whole thing down. - Tear it down. - But you're not saying-- - Tear it all the way. - The fire escape starts at one level up. He's gonna throw it. - It's not possible to put enough energy into my hammer to knock down a fire escape. Stop the car, jump out and hit it. - Okay, fine. - I do that. Give me a drive. - No. - I'm on Roberto. - I'm gonna succeed. - You can happen. - So, we're gonna say this is one zone 'cause you're moving fast. - I'm gonna need at least the driving of two. - Yeah. - 17. - I've got to be the best man over here. - I'm over here. - I'm over here. - You're not. - I got a lot. - I got zero. - Okay. - You forward down the main way and you start to try to drift into the alley and you both might hit the corner rather than, so your truck stops abruptly at the entrance of the alley. - I can still get out. - Yep. - And it's a lot farther away than, you know, you're not as close as you want. - Do a running slam dunk on this thing. - No, you did one action, which is drive. You can do an attack at a minus one, but you would have to throw your hammer in it. - I throw my hammer at him. - Throwing weapons as weapons. - Okay. - All right. Have a minus one. So, I get out four. - Hey, a sludge hammer comes flying through the air. - Does it aim at me or doing environmental damage? - I can't knock it down by throwing it as much as I'd like to try. It's not feasibly possible. I'm gonna kill you. - All right. - Right. - Yeah. - So it flexes. - I'm gonna roll out on the ground, which is a fire escape. Ooh, minus two. - But only minus two. - Yeah, another minus two. 'Cause you can have my points. - Plus one minus two? - Yes. - Plus one minus two. - I roll plus one minus two. And John tagged my consequence of lacerations, which are on my arm. It's one I was defending against a knife for another minus two. So that's a minus three. So I only roll the two. - I hit. - Okay, so you hit a plus two? - Yes. And I have in human strength. - You rolled four. I rolled two. - So you do two damage plus weapons two from your strength plus weapons three from your hammer. - Okay. - So. - Seven. - Okay. You have a minor demon in you. - I'm trying to knock him off more than do damage. - Right. - Yeah. - So the damage resistance is two. - Ah, so you take five. - That's still above. - Yeah. - I mean, some of those shits, instead of doing damage to, oh, it is making your consequence. - Yeah. - Consequences you felt. - Oh, do you have fake points 'cause you threw them all in dramatically before? - No. - No, he only had one. - I'm sorry. - I tried to save us from a demon. - You're just trying to get mad at him. - And pump you in. - That's a moderate consequence. - I killed the demon. Why are you upset with me? I don't understand. - You don't understand. - Right, but I mean, I-- - He definitely entered it. - Yeah. - All right. As a moderate consequence, a hammer to the chest. What does that do moderately? - Moderately, it could rip you off of-- - Broken ribs, I like, but knocking me off the things. John gets to the side consequence. - Mm-hmm, doesn't it? - As the person in Delta. - You fell down, you, like, twist your ankle 'cause you fall all the way down, and you hit the ground, and you go, "Oh, God." - He's hanging, kind of twisted ankle. - Yeah. - How? - So, twisted ankles moderate? - We're gonna, I mean, a sprainer is strained as moderate, yes? - Twisted ankles. - It's not moderate at all. - Like, moderate to me to be like a broken bone or something, and then, like, severe would be-- - Well, actually, a broken rib is not, I mean, it's great discomfort, I mean, it's painful, but it's not debilitating. - No, certainly not. - And neither really is a sprainer ankle. - So, the hammer hits you in the chest, knocking you backwards, you almost fall off, except your leg gets caught in there, and it wrenches your ankle, and you have a slight problem in the fact that your ankle is badly sprained, but you're also hanging upside down from the firescape. - It's still holding you by then. - What happened to the guy? - You should leave, because I'm not gonna be able to run me further. - What happened to the guy you're carrying? - Are you, like, hanging out with one hand below? - I'm gonna keep holding him by hand. I'll roll my two. - I'm gonna say you can't. - I'll roll my two if you want me to. - Yes, sure, go ahead. - 'Cause you're in human strength. - With my human strength, which is, like, plus two things? - That's gotta hurt. - Oh, yeah. - Plus one might always do. - But the alternative is dropping him an entire story while he's already-- - Plus three to lifting or breaking things with mites. - Lifting. - You always have a plus one when you have an human strength or whatever it is. - Okay. - Plus one and whatever. - Whenever it's adjusting another skill, though. Plus three to actually lifting things. And in this case, I'm not a great effort to hold on to a guy while you're hanging upside down by one foot on a first skate. - I don't have mite as a basic skill. - Oh. - I probably should, but it don't have it. - It hurt. - Well, I have both. - The other guy. - Plus three. - I wouldn't say it was either lifting, but whatever. - Neutral. - Neutral. Three is just good. - Does a demon gonna throw on anything? 'Cause, I mean, this is his way. - He wanted to kill him. - No, he either wants him dead or he wants him. - Yeah. - All right. - It's not leaving him behind. - That's good, because I don't have a lot of fake points to throw into saving this guy and I'd have to. - Maybe he chucks it down. Spikes him in the ground. - If he wants to pay me that fake point to throw him at John, he'll have to do that on my turn when I can take an action. - Also, he should not have bad at throwing things. I didn't do javelins, I did track. - Yes, you did. - Mm. - That was gonna be an Olympic runner. - And then, and then I did, and I got a bronze. - The guard's turn. - He's like, "Oh, shit, I dropped my gun." And he picks it up and that's it. - Actually, he does pick up his gun and he starts to jog as fast as he can down the street, which is nowhere near as fast as Maxwell. - Let me see if you have a pleasant conversation. - Yes, yellow, rap music. - There you go. - What floor are you going to? - Whatever the street level is. - Okay. - You gotta stop the street level. - There are probably two floors down. - Right. - Look, rap level has a sniper level. I think he wants to be in a roof. - Might be, but I wanted to get out the door and see what's happening, 'cause I have no idea what's going on. I mean, we don't know all this is happening. If you wanna go higher, I'm gonna head off the first floor turn, but I guess it's my turn. - The other better door opens at the ground floor and press any button. You want to press the top floor and I'm gonna try calling Roberto. - Okay, how tall is yours? - 'Cause the one with 55 on it. - Yeah, so that's gotta be, oh, that's at least 20 stories. So 55, is that what you want? That's pretty damn high. - Yeah, what the hell? - I'm not gonna run anybody down. - Okay. - I rolled an average for athletics, which I don't have. So I'm just moving one zone and moving to the office building towards the front door. This is one. - Right, and outdoors, I might see-- - You run into the main lobby. - I see a shot in the lobby. - Yeah, you see glass everywhere on the floor. You see a picture of Maxwell with a bullet right through the forehead. - Right. - Like once, you see-- - I think the top right in that direction to your right. - Right. - Like lumbering down the street. - Go, yeah. - I think that being somewhat anal-retentive that London is, he has to stop the picture and line it up perfectly so it's back on the wall. Perfect, and then he can run out the front door next turn. - Which is probably why he only moved one zone. - Yeah, it is then advanced turn. You are driving. You creamed out the 180. Your drive will take you out of the parking garage. If you want to push it farther, you have to do a driving roll. - No. - Yeah, you haven't scraped the other side of the car yet. That's an action still. - Well, no, it's not my stuff that I'm going to be hitting, but other people's stuff. So I'm just, to be honest, you're in the straightaway now. So if you do anything badly, it might be to take the guard shack out at the exit of-- - And that thing's in it's midnight. It's probably empty because it's automated. And then you're on the street and you can do a lot of damage up there. So it's your choice though. - I'm not doing any more damage. I'm just going as fast as I can, as many zones as I can in my car too. Wherever the guard says he's at or going to. - Most elevators in tall buildings like this move pretty fast. It's the middle of the night. There's nobody else who is really in this building at the time. So yeah, you're getting the ding, ding, ding, ding, ding as you're skyrocketing up the building pretty quickly. - You're calling through three. - And lighting up a joint on the way 'cause it's not so long, right? - It is actually Maxwell's turn. You could just swing this demon you're holding into the wall really, really hard. - Yeah. - I mean, that's what the dean wants you to do, but-- - How much fire escape is there a climb on this non-descript building? - What we're gonna say is considerably shorter than the one that you guys are in, but the one you're in is 20. This is probably like 12 or 13. - So the roof is a good dozen. - I'm gonna go running it on a spray and ankle. So, you know, 'cause someone can give me a fade point to make that happen or, you know, spend the free one, but I think you're gonna want it to attack me. 'Cause I'm guessing this demon doesn't lead for something as minor as a spray and ankle. First I'm gonna pull myself up, which I figure is a different role entirely. And then I'm gonna run at minus one. - Okay, again, you're not only pulling yourself but the other demon up, so I want to agree. - Oh man, I'm stuck, that sucks. - You start to pull yourself up, but you're hanging by one ankle that jammed into something. You spin and reach and get your other hand up there. And while you're doing that, this guy almost slips. And in fact, you lose grip of his arm and you grab his jacket and you're holding on by a sleeve, which is slipping a bit 'cause it's coming out. You're struggling with the situation you're in right now. - He's only one floor up at this point. - Yeah. - But he doesn't want to leave the guy behind. - I understand. - He wanted Mr. Demon once. - He does. - Escape or dead. - And we go to Roberto. - Hey, can I catch the hammer? With my chest, obviously, but then you get it back. - It's your fault. My phone rings with him. - I'm fine. - Let's see how lucky Roberto gets. Hey, I kind of like you. It creamed off of you and it fell back. It's in the alley, but it's way past you. It's not within easy reach of you, but it's on the ground again. So, it's one zone away, it's one zone away, and it's somewhere in the dark in the garbage. And unfortunately, you can't call it to you four. You gotta go get it. - I'm gonna jump up there and grab him. - Bring it at half demon. - Well, when you say grab him, do you mean the guy dangling? - The guy dangling would be much easier. - Well, fuck him. - Yeah, but he's not your buddy. Maxwell took a great effort to get up to where he is. You, however, only require a good one because you're not carrying another demon. And you are empowered as well. - And you could do the garbage-- - My mites. - Enormous. - Flat form of it, so. - You just gotta clap. - You gotta do athletics? - You gotta do athletics. - I was hoping to do mite to jump. - How about mite and then-- - Modified by athletics. - Modified by athletics. - My mite's three. - My athletics is one. - So that brings it down to two. - But I have a plus because of my human strength to, when mite modifies the skill, it's plus one. So, I kind of said, I just gotta roll a wash. - Great. - Hey. - So what's your role on plus one mites? - Roberto, none is gracefully. Jump's up on the, you wanna hold it against me? - Two men are as grace was me. - Jump's up on the dumpster, does a jump to a sidewall and then vaults up towards the fire escape, realizes about halfway through that it might hurt a little bit 'cause you're not gonna do the hero landing that he did, boom. You kind of clip into the landing and pull yourself over. And you're like slightly winded, no actual damage, but it is, in fact, the end of your turn. However, you are standing above him now 'cause he is hanging upside down. - So he's just gonna drop. - No, I gotta play him. - Okay. - I need the foot. - We go to the other one, big guard. - He's slowing down already. - He got away, boss. - He stops, takes a breath. - He starts jogging with the one. - As I were buying my car. - Blonded around the corner in the street and he sees the guard leaning heavily against Roberto's truck. And he's like, "I'm right around the corner, buddy." - To the, he's, he's, and it's London, sir. Well, I get to the front door, which I would imagine is, you know, I might be able to open it from the inside. I look out, I can tell. - You can stop through the glass. There's a, right, that's just got it. - Fair enough. - Wow. - I step carefully through glass. - And I still wear it in your tear-stalk car. - Well, I don't think I changed, actually, he's right. So I just got crushed that glass. I boldly stride through the window. - Still a way to walk with those clothes. - Of course. - Hold it. - Since I have the, you know, the gear on, I decide I'm actually going to break into a light jog. - We're just branching out. - Yeah. - Which for me is a bit much. - I'm going to try this running from there. - I might sweat, right? I don't know. What's going to happen? - Plus, plus. - Wow, plus two, minus one. London apparently can jog. - Two zones. - The correct garb. - So I, what, make it to the alley and turn right? - You've gotten to the security guard who's leaning heavily on the car breathing. - There they are. - And you're turning to the right, you can see what is before you, which is a fire escape, Maxwell's dangling, holding onto the sleeve. - Unsurprisingly, we've got another action on the car. - Really right. - And Roberto is on the fire escape above Maxwell kicking him. - Sands hammer. - Huh. - Do I have to get an action or is my effort? - No, it's the action. - The action is an action. So I moved the two zones. So I'm not actually in the alley. I'm on the entrance of the alley. - I would say it's about one zone to the fire escape where they are, the camera is a little farther. - Did I move to them? - You did, it was one too. So I was like. - Oh, there's, I see the front of the building is, it's a long block, so it has two zones. Gotcha. I look disgustingly at the obese security guard. - I think it's not. - I pull out my 22. - You're daring to her? - Yes. - With the ivory handle. They're from my ankle holster, right? And I proceed to begin to aim towards the scene in case I need to fire it anymore. - Gotcha. - Preferably Roberto, but, you know, who knows? - Evan. - So driving my car would have been quicker, but I took the elevator and walked out the front door. - Absolutely. - That's what turns out, yes. - Which you didn't know when you left. - Things changed. You could just get out and run. - Is your athletics any higher? - Well, that's why cops don't catch perpetrators in the street, in the car. They run down alleys, they dig and they zag. - In the street, I can't go any faster than that. - Oh, you absolutely can. I'm saying it is two zones, the side street. - And how fast do you want to move the front door? - Other than that. While you would require an athletic of two to go the same distance. And then two more, so you need athletic of four to get to the actual alley where London is. - But driving. - Yeah, driving skills is just two because you were in trouble, right? - Exactly. - 'Cause you're out in the streets. So I'd say it'd be much easier unless your athletics is kick ass. - My athletics is just three. - Three, what's your driving? - Zero. - Then it's better. Get out of the fucking car. - Yeah, you leave the car early and then you run past it. - It's just gonna be faster. - I park it to block the entrance end. - The entrance end too. - Okay, so I'll just-- - The garage, the garage, the garage is in general. - So what we got right now? - Right, basically, you just-- - And then? - It's one of the bricks. - Athletic role, please. - Come on. - It is tonight. - Edmond. - You are a nice one. - Blackboard, cyan under that. - That's exactly the same as if you drove. (laughing) - And so you run down the street and start to come around the corner to the front of your building. - Uh-huh. - And you're in Asia. - That's a good elevator. - I'm just saying, just. - Come on. - You could spend a fade point to re-roll or add two and two would take you exactly to where London is. You'd run all the way down. That street is-- - We'll do that. - All right. - We'll spend my last fade point. - Hello, Edmond. You put out a little blackboard cyan burst the speed and you end up coming to a skidding halt right in front of London, your fat security guard and Roberto's car. - I tell him to cover me so he doesn't shoot anybody 'cause I kind of saw the windows and the front of the-- - Oh, please put your hand back. - Oh, okay. - Rappa, ding, ding, ding. Unfortunately, it's gonna take you one more turn. This is a funny flight, so. - Roberto's not answering, so I'll try. - Oh, London. Does he let me say answer your cell phone? - Sure. - Answer your cell phone, dude. (laughing) Could be an emergency. - Of what? - I'll pick up. - Sure. - Hey, you're probably busy. Just leave the channel open and describe where you're at. 'Cause we'll be on the roof soon. I did have a quick breakdown. You know, Matthew Alley, it would be on the eastern side of the building when you get off the elevator at the roof. You'd be aiming almost straight down. There'll be Maxwell dangling from a fire escape, probably about 19 floors below you, but you are a numb. So that's like, you know, shooting rabbits in a barrel. Wait, so I gotta mix my metaphors. Go ahead. - We're back at the top of the order with-- - Roberto. - Maxwell Demon. - Oh, that one. - As much as I really want to get on a roof to give rep a chance, I think me and Dean of both agree that getting down off the fire escape I'm currently pinned to is easier, in fact, than pulling myself up and also running while Roberto has a chance to attack me. - You can drop the guy you're staying and then land on something soft. - Yeah, then I make the choice. I will totally go up or I'll go down, but. - As the GM, I have written a note to Maxwell and fasten to you. - All right, then, I'm rolling mine. - That's me. - I'm pulling myself up to your level. - Get back down. - Plus minus neutral again, three. - He's not gonna help at all? - Yeah. - Help five, three of your veins. - Four of five. Okay, I managed to pull myself up. - You plop the other demon next to you as you get up onto the platform on your hands and knees and then start to stand up. Roberto. - He's slowing you down, man. - He really is. - Well, I would like to kill him, but Maxwell keeps fighting on that. - I've seen him do Kung Fu Snake moves, so I don't want to grapple him. - Too fast. - Probably why. - I'm just gonna kick him off a balcony towards my car. - The exit is behind you. You'd have to do a Kung Fu Snake move to do that. - Shit. - All right. - Shit. - I'm gonna grapple him. - This isn't smart. - I'm going to roll. - I think you didn't want to do it. - Athletics dodge. - Wow, no! - I don't want him to touch me. - Okay, don't do this. - I'm not grappling. - Like, I don't even have a fist skill. And I do the weapon to kick his ass. - No, you don't need fists to grapple, you might. - Oh, let's do some damage. - Yeah, anyway. - Seriously, you would grab the dude who's just been possessed by a demon. - Wow. - Because that has us to me? - Yeah, I would. - Yeah, it's a different kind of demon. This was not so nice. - Oh, is it not compatible? - Oh, yours is nice. - They don't see demons. - They don't see demons. - It's different. They don't work together. - I wanted to go to hell about him. - Demons. - Yes, and I wanted him to go, but I don't want the one who's the strongest character to become demon possessed. - I'm not worried. - Can I spend a-- - Fake point of view. - I want to shoot him before he does that. - Sounds familiar. - No, first I need you to be a great role. - No, it's a different thing. - A great role with this one. - Okay. - I roll good. And this time I'm paying a fake point 'cause I figure this is about me. So every soul's worth saving. - All right. - Different role in a lot of reason, same aspect. Look it up. - Does this change my action? - You can see some kind of internal struggle going on in Max all right now. - All right. - This face is a beautiful mask. - I'm gonna grapple him. - I'm gonna hope for it. - Dodge that. - What still? - Yeah. - You're in control now. - Yeah. - But if I hold you still, the priest can get here. - Yeah. - You can't explain to him what you're doing. Do it. - Okay, fine. - So, yeah, I grabbed him. - I can't spend a fake point to shoot him. - No, you can't. - Yeah. - Damn it. - Oh my gosh, you can... - Oh my gosh. (laughing) - And this is something that I don't want to stress. And actually, it's irrelevant. But for those listening, it's irrelevant, but it's not for any reason that is noticeable. For those listening, in order to grapple, one usually needs an aspect that they've inflicted on the opponent beforehand. But the thing is, he did. So there you go. In case you're wondering about the rules. - All right. Plus three because of your mic. - What do I expect to say? - You gave me a broken ankle. - So four? - Yeah. It's a train deck. - Go for it. - What do you roll? - Four. - You roll the four. - Uh, but X. Minus, it's four. - I use your bin hurt though. - I use mine. I'm using under cover only on security operative 'cause it's all my marks on mine. - Mm-hmm. - Sounds good. - All right, we roll your thing. - Much better. Plus two. - Shit, I can't replace that. - Seven. - That's damn shame. - Uh, even if you roll a gun. - Shit. - Stupid demon. Four very smart demon. - Nice. - Oh my demon, it's shit. Plus three. - That's an eight. You roll a four. I use my four extra to, I want to get the hell off this fire escape and leave. - Like demon gun. - Wait, you got your dodgy, aren't you? - Yeah, I'm dodging. - Stop moving. - I have spin. Can I use that? - You can apply a aspect, but you can't take a free turn. - I can apply an aspect. - Right. - All right. - Like some kind of advantage you have against. - So what's your temporary aspect called? - Shit, I don't know. New found freedom. So I can use it two different ways. In case I need to roll the resist again, or in case I need to roll like the fuck out of there. - I am also gonna allow you to say a short sentence of any type you want right now as free will. That's well, not the demon. - Right. - I'm gonna go with fuck off. He's trying to jump subjects. - That makes perfect sense. - No, Roberta. He wants it's not willfully chaotic, moronic. - You didn't think of the term subjects? What the fuck is that word? - Here, I'll deduce it for you. Don't touch him. The demon's trying to jump into your soul. Dumb ass. - You didn't hear. - Did he hear? - I heard. - He doesn't know. - This is an alley. - I'm sure his wisdom will happen. - I'm sure his wisdom will happen. - He didn't know if I can shout, I'm shouting. - Yeah. - Get away. - I can get away. - Why do I say my instincts? I'm going to the church if I can. - Three, as a bullet comes ripping toward you, from the guard. - I do him, but... - I told him to stand down. - He's a really bad six. - He's a really bad six. - He's a really bad six. - He's a really bad six. - So you dodge and the bullet goes working, saying off the wall. - Talking to it? - No. - Can I get, can I put that spin into this? - I cuff the security guard and say, listen to your boss, you asshole. - And more taps. - I'm not gonna get too close to the whole demon situation because I don't know, I don't think I'd ever live that down. If I had to actually have the demon inside of you, I'm probably going to do therapy. So I'm thinking that I will continue to talk to dumbass and say, - Security guard. - No. - Roberta. - Ah. - The real dumbass, but Roberta, none of us can take you in physical conflict with the exception of the warden who's not here. Do not touch the demon who wants to jump souls. Please. Please. - I got protection. - Are you spending your time doing that? - That's all I'm doing. Oh, no, no, no. Can I social combat his dumbass? - Try to convince him. - Yeah. - Sure. What skill would you use for that though? - I'll talk to dumbass skill. - Favorite skill. - Is that possible? - He could spend a fake point to override it as hard as it is in the past. - It's a command. - Yes. - He can take me out of the scene, but I get to decide how that is. - Yeah. - And he can't, don't you get to spend a fake point, if he wants to? - No, you would have to do social damage to him. - I'm social damaging his ass. - Interesting. Have we done the P versus P before? - No. - Yes, we have. - Yeah. - And social combat? - Yeah, the very first story. - Use presence. - Well, if you don't want it, that's okay. I don't have to do it. - A command is generally to organize a workforce and you'll give them an aspect that they can tap. So this isn't really relevant. - No. I think it's more, I have not used presence much to the story, but I have to believe that this is more presence than anything else. - Intimidation is on folks around, right? - Maybe. - To make people do what you want. - Which I'm trying to find. - No, through threats. I'm not threatening you. - Social attacks. - I'm explaining to you how clear, like clear logic. - Okay, no, no. - There are more graceful social skills for convincing people to do what you want, but intimidation allows you to command them. So I don't know. If you want to try with more grace, I would figure probably empathy. - Yeah, I think you can't force another character to do something they don't want to do. You can take them out of the scene. We're running them from doing anything. But you can't force some rights to do something. - That wouldn't be hard with me. I only have a stress of three, so. - Social? - Yeah. - I don't know what skill you would use to do what he's trying to do. - But you have to take out. - I think what you might start doing is a life. - No. - I'm just saying, if it was, like, a critical or what is the highest level. - I'll just drop out. I wouldn't take the consequence. - No. - That's to stay in. - Well, I'm doing whatever you have to do to make sure that the most powerful member of our team right now does not become a demon. Saying think of your father, think of your father. Man, I'm not yelling at you like I'm going to kick your ass. I can't kick your ass. That's why I don't want you to touch the demon. I'm telling you, I'm using my force of nature and my power of logical arguments to tell you that it's a really bad idea. - You've been demon hunting for a while. Let me know. - I haven't figured, but it's not a rule. - All the ones I caught never jumped souls. - Try to say empathy. - I would say-- - This is trying to make me understand. - Yeah. - And that requires him thinking like Roberto. - If he's not actually combatting-- - I hope he doesn't suffer brain hemorrhage from lowering himself off that high horse. - I'd say empathy. - Of course, if he's in Roberto-- - If he's not actually combatting-- - I hope he doesn't suffer brain hemorrhage from lowering himself off that high horse. - I'd say empathy. - Of course, if he's in Roberto-- - Empathy or sorry. Empathy with presence and some out of fire. - Okay. - The presence could give plus one. Is that what you're saying? My presence is six, my empathy is one. So it's always a plus one. It takes me two. - Since his presence is higher he gets a plus. - The empathy is one. - Right. My empathy is one. Average. So it goes up to fair because of my presence, my commanding presence. I then rolled a plus two on my roll, which gives me a great social defenses typically. - But it could be-- - Allegiance. Where's my belligerent skill? - It could be your poor as well. - I'm not doing an argument. - Are you just disciplined? - Yeah. - My end, I'm going to say that ends just by the means, which gives me another plus. - Well, I won't do that. - Can you wait? - Yeah, I'll wait to see how you roll. - Yeah, right. - So discipline. - Four. - Fuck you four. - So it's four versus four. I spend a point saying the unjustifies the means. - Okay. - But that one point is just going to give a plus two social. - Oh, I've got another one. - Stress. - Plus two information is power. I believe I'm speaking the truth. I'm speaking on his level. - If you want to spend two fit points, that will take it up to four social damage, which is a consequence that he may take or be taken up. - I'm just going to do it again next term. - Yeah, I know. - And then they're turning after that. - But we don't know where he's going to go. - And the turn-- - He's him right now. - Your option is a take. - We don't know. - Four points of social damage. - I know that. - Or take yourself out. - You just spoke and said I'm in control. You took my teeth and spit in your face. - Back off. - Wow. - So you take yourself out of the scene. - So you take yourself out of the scene. - Yeah. - Okay. - Okay. Now I can shoot him right off. - From a distance. - And then. - I'm calling it the gauntlet. It's a bastard. - Okay. - Excellent choice of terminology. I like that. - It's a bastard. - I don't know what it is, but it sounds cool as hell. - I looked it up. I got a picture of it. - Nice. - Stress. - And what do you have to do with sex? - I'm going up to their level. I'm going to help him up unless he's looking like he's got to run. - I'll touch on him if he is. - To get up to this now quickly becoming very crowded fire escape. - Mm-hmm. - It required a great, I believe. - Mm-hmm. - So you're doing the same... - Nah. - It was good. It was great for me because I was holding a button. - Okay. - So good. You're running into the alley. You're jumping out of the bouncer. You're pouring off a firewall and you're landing on anything. So we need great. - On athletics. - On athletics. - Plus two and I started with good, so it's perfect. - So you land in the hero pose, you know, you land on that wall. - I thought they're not. - Mealing. Unfortunately when you do an athletic and you leave multiple zones, you can't also attack. So you landed there and you and Roberto are facing off against the demon. - Rappa rides at the top of the building. - You're going to fight some appropriate elevator music. [MUSIC] You get to the top and run to the edge of the roof. Yes, I checked at the appropriate corner and literally scope it up. >> All right, give me a alertness and you need, I assume, and I'm not even gonna question it. You've got night vision, you've got the scope, you've got the whole thing. You look down and I want you to be able to spot. You'd see a lot of motion, 20 fricking floors down. So, to pick the right target would require a good for someone like you. >> And an alertness is average here, and it's a wash, so I can spend one. >> You can spend one either through your roll or to add plus two. >> I'm gonna add plus two, cuz that's what you need. >> All right, you just need one. >> So you add one or what aspect you're using? So it's spotting, you know, it could be just your bag. >> Then they're done that. >> Yeah, then they're done that. >> Okay. >> So you do manage to zoom in and you see party on the first date. >> Four, one is prone, one is definitely admin. The other one is Roberto, and there's Maxwell. >> I'm asking London for what the situation is. I mean, I could see, but it's only something I can add. >> Yeah, I'm telling him exactly what happened. >> Are you like asking him, I got him in my sights, what's it called? >> Yeah. >> Maxwell has battled the demon back for his possession of his mind right now. I would say keep him in your crosshairs, but don't pull the trigger until we need to. As far as the other man, the other person goes, your call. >> That's all. >> I'm in many control. >> Mm, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. >> How did I believe one? >> Of all people, it was, well, you could be. Well, he shouted out, I'm okay, I'm not in control. >> Yes, he did. >> It sounded so meaningless. >> Exactly, what did demon we say? >> I need a great discipline from you, otherwise you're going to attempt to grapple. >> Right, right, that's already great. >> I just have a discipline of two, I rolled plus two. >> Four. >> He doesn't have any fixed points to make any roll. >> No, he doesn't. >> You're at this point fighting him to a standstill. You can see him epically struggling, like his fists keep clenching and unclunching. >> Look at all those. >> Can't we or no? >> Those two being. >> Okay, so I mean our standing two feet away from him. >> Got it, yeah. >> You can see him standing there, but it seems to be some formant decision. They get to read it all over, I mean, it's like this epic struggle going out and just adding this, he's just clenching and then someone starts to reach and then he stops. >> Someone called the, it's real quick, someone called the brother, right? Brother Francis? >> Did someone call him? >> Yeah, okay. >> He should be on his way, like, and we need him to be on his way. >> Evan, I want to go back through the phone and make sure you did that and tell me to come. >> Yeah, it's we're back right now. >> The brother said he was done at the hospital. I told him what we were doing instead of going to the church, St. Ignatius, we were joined. >> Okay, valid. >> So he should be here. >> Can you just, can you just cough him to the? >> I got. >> The rail. >> No. >> No, no, no. Don't say that phrase. >> Roberto, you actually took yourself out of this. The guard. >> Yeah. >> I wanted to just say words. >> Okay. >> Go ahead. >> You still talk, right? >> He's gripping and glaring me, presumably. >> Yeah. >> I'm like, fire. >> That's a normal thing. >> Don't touch this. >> Leave. >> Leave. >> Leave. >> You're not talking. >> Leave. >> It's my turn, please. >> Leave the fire escape. What are you still doing here? >> I'm dangling a tactical nuke. >> London, go ahead. >> London doesn't like the fact that he can't tell what the hell is going on, it's pretty fair. So he starts walking up cautiously with his gun pointing directly at Maxwell's chest because that's the one I fear right now because the best of my knowledge, Edmund hasn't touched Maxwell nor has Roberto who seemed to actually heed my advice which is a fucking miracle. So I walk forward cautiously, gun pointed at Maxwell. >> You're a whole flight below. He's up. >> He's one, four. I mean, yeah. He's on fire escape. I can fire him right here. >> I'm out here, right? He can. >> He can't like holding your action until he moves or doesn't. >> No, I'm just moving maybe halfway, like half the zone in. I'm not standing right next to them, like right underneath them. I'm just standing maybe like halfway to him pointing up at a 45 degree angle of his chest and trying to discern what the true situation is and asking the people around me what's going on right now. Is he in control? Do we need to get the priest here? Where are we at? >> I'm talking about the loose control. >> Can we cuff him to the fire escape, please? >> It is your turn, Ed. >> I'm done. Thank you. >> Yeah, I don't have handcuffs. >> You don't have handcuffs? >> Not me. >> They say I got ripped out there. Hey, Daddy. >> I have to throw it. >> Get up here. >> I'm going to punch him in the head and knock him out. >> Okay. >> Or get a demon transferred inside of you. Did you not see what I just said to Roberto? >> He has his glove. >> So. >> It's a blessed glove. >> Oh. >> By all means, beat the shit out of him. >> I punched him in the head, Jack. I washed on it so it's superb. >> So tell me. >> By all the time. >> Actually. >> Of course he goes. >> Would you like to allow this to happen? Or would you like to -- >> It can hurt a little bit. >> Yeah, but I don't think I'm going to be able to roll for multiple times. I have one free tap or something, but that's like, I don't think I'm going to be a whole moment until the preacher is here. >> In order to stand solid and allow him to hit you. >> Post an ankle. >> You're going to have to fight him again. >> Right. >> And enforce a demon not to move. >> Okay. I can do this. This is another great? >> Yeah. >> Plus minus, but I have a plus two. So I roll natural, nothing, which as for my discipline is two. And then I have a plus two with my aspect that I got from succeeding in defense so well against. >> So instead of using your natural defenses to dodge out of the way, you lean into the punch. >> Mm-hmm. >> And he hits you hard. >> Yeah. I would say him pretty hard. >> Five plus. >> Five plus. >> Two strength. >> Two plus. >> Two strength. >> Which goes over. >> Normally they take two damage resistance, but he's a demon. >> That's plus. >> And you're using a holy plus. >> A cloth. >> Yes. >> So that overrides that. >> That would be my severe, but I'm not going to take that. I'm just going to take it out. So you take it out with the one punch, he hits you, you're kind of ricochets off the building next to you, and you go down with it. >> And take any stress. >> Thus, no. >> Just tons, tons. >> Take it out by a, you're going to take the severe one. >> No, I know. >> Okay. >> Then you get a fake points for how many consequences you got. >> Whoo! One. >> Oh. >> The other one was from earlier. >> That's true. >> Wish I don't get it because I didn't get taken out. >> This is going on your record. >> Oh, it's not. >> I write the records. >> If I won the grapple, I don't think he would have been able to possess me because I won. I get to determine. >> Yeah, because you can contact. >> It would have been party in Roberto. >> Two demons. >> What's your discipline? >> And Roberto demon. >> Right. >> What's your discipline? >> Two. >> Yeah, okay, we're tight. >> So tell me where you're going. What are you doing? >> I'm conscious. >> I'm conscious. >> You're watching the other guy. Neither of them seem to be moving. >> Yeah. >> Yeah, I'm just just gaming and wondering what's going on. >> Transfering from. >> My phone is ringing. I checked it. >> I started down to. >> What about I get my name? Oh, I thought you were talking about the cop. >> That's hard. >> And then I got this. >> Do you want to give the guard a name or does it not matter? >> It doesn't matter because I don't want to fire him because I told him to shoot somebody. >> He tried. >> He tried. >> He's McNaltic. >> McNaltic. >> But he's definitely getting like, just give him up real. >> Yeah, he's going to go to training and then he's going to be sitting in front of a monitor or anything. He's not going to be given a job where he holds a gun anymore. >> Oh, you're taking them out of way. You have to go to the shooting range at the very least, re-qualify with his pistol. >> I'm going to fix the security training, the parking gate, and you can sit in that little box. >> That's it. He's got a new job. >> Next time we're going to be the parking gate guy. We've got the automated thing out of here, we've got a new human here. >> You guys. >> That's a great job. >> You take the two demon-possessed individuals who you're restraining cells now that they are both unconscious. >> And restrained. >> And the brother shows up. >> It's like interrogating me. >> Do what the brother does. >> Do what we want to interrogate them? >> You want to interrogate them? >> Your choice, we can leave it un-exerciseed and get this week as opposed. >> I can say something, right? We should leave me possessed. I can roll empathy on him. Okay, figure out how he works and when he's lying. And I'll get a bonus because he's in my head. >> On the other hand, if I escape. >> Sounds like a bird of us planned. All right, I'm down for it. >> That's what I want to do. >> All right. >> I want to take the rest of it. [MUSIC] >> Thank you for listening tonight to the Night Actual Play podcast. 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I mean, just look, I can see the gun shaking. >> Right. >> And I'm like, I work here, you know, I mean, this, that, the other thing, my boss said, and he settled down, but that was like a real life security guard. >> Oh, wow. >> Yes. >> It's kind of terrifying. >> I see a hammer. >> No? >> Too soon? >> He didn't right there, punter. >> I did. >> No. I mean, Roberta. >> Roberta in no way. >> Yes, I can say. >> God, yes, Roberta. >> Why do you deny me my heritage? >> I don't. >> I don't. >> I keep cred. >> I believe if I turn to the left, that's where the alley is. I'm not in the alley, but that's where the alley stops. >> Let's consult the brilliant, Matt. >> So I, I believe I am going to sit down that way. >> Sorry, he's giving me a directive. >> Yeah. >> Slow down, everybody. I'm getting a message. >> Can you message me? Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep. >> There's voices. >> It's in Morse code, and I didn't learn that very well in police academy. >> Did he teach you Morse code as a policeman? >> I don't. I'm not a policeman. >> How does that sound? General audience. >> I doubt it. >> Yeah, I doubt it. >> I don't think anybody teaches anybody Morse code. So amateur radio again. >> No. >> No, I haven't. >> Where's it going? >> I'm just wondering. >> Ah, this isn't an attack. >> It's done. >> Let's go home. >> Bye. >> We have 22 more minutes. >> Do we? >> All right. >> All right. >> Said Sebastian is the patron saint of soldiers. >> Of ass kicking. >> So that's a pretty good item of choice. >> I imagine there's actually got to be a few more stairs you got to run up and then burst through a door on the roof and then run to the edge of it. >> So roll, I thought it was to run zones. >> Because the other there just doesn't go to the roof. >> Usually it does because there's like a little block house in there. >> Oh, well, yeah. You're right. >> I've been in some of those parties up there. It's kind of nice. >> Okay. >> You've been in this place? >> Not this particular building, but similar ones. >> In Cleveland. >> Move top where my helicopter is. >> You have a helicopter? >> Wow. >> He is bad man. >> Bad man. >> I'm bad man.