(upbeat music) - Hello, and welcome to tonight's actual play podcast. This Dresden File Adventure, passages, was written and run by a GM Tom. And now, please enjoy episode 266, titled "Double Backed." Actual play begins 12 minutes, seven seconds. (upbeat music) - To do that, we'll start a 15 on podcast.com on our blog site, there is a post on episode 264, which was the conspiracy island of bullshit. - That's me. - If there was bullshit in the title, it's probably. - It's too dumb. - Apparently, so I'm more than I think I do. - Unit Omega posted and said nobody likes the cops. That should be someone's aspect. - Nobody likes the cops. - Nobody likes the cops. - You're a cop. - Sort of a cop. - Hey, I can't think of anybody that-- - Whoa, maybe Rapa. - It does sound like an aspect. I will be then that. - Yeah, absolutely. - But I don't know what it would look like. - There's nothing to think about. - I can't think of any character that that would be Rapa. - Or Roberto. - I don't know that Roberto ever follows him. - He's not lawful. - No. - If there were good-- - Yes. - He's chaotic, chaotic. - No, I was climbing in the face. - From London's perspective, he's chaotic, moronic. But it's just London, just to be clear. - Chaotic. - Well intended. - Yes. - For me, exactly what I was gonna say. - Well intention. - Chaotic, well intention. - Anyways, over on Facebook, episode 263, Future London is here and now. - Yes. - Steve E posted and said, "Hi folks, "I'm in the middle of listening to this episode." When London was trying his deceit role at the conference table, remember that you can have another skill modify the primary role and then you can add it if it's higher or subtractive, it's lower. That way, if your character has a particularly strong skill, you may be able to use it to modify your lesser skills. - And to be fair, I was trying to-- - Oh, we did that. - I know I didn't actually, but I was trying to stay away from London, obviously, is very strong in the presence, I think it is, is that the correct terminology, I don't have the character sheet in front of me right the second, but I'm trying to stay away from using that all the time and getting some, maybe some results that are a little less favorable. Occasionally, to add to the line, that's the reason for it. Not that I knew that rule because, you know, I don't know the dressing system before, I know we use it. - Oh sure, but I just mean, it didn't occur to me to use it, but I probably wouldn't, if anyways, I wanted to try to not abuse the presence that I have at like level six or whatever it's at, it's a really high level. - Got it, then it's not abuse, is it? - But anyway, Steve E finished up by saying, looking forward to some more Dresden Files goodness, the three podcasts I currently listen to all have Dresden Files games going. - Wow, happiness for him, it's the three of us. - Back to the conspiracy island of bullshit, but this over on Facebook, Luke G posted and said, "As to gumshoe, there exists Knights Black Agents, "which is basically a Jason Bourne, "our game's bond turned vampire hunter, "providing some sample vampires in ways to build your own. "Mute and City Blues, and which is diseased "as given people superpowers on a lower level "and the characters are members of the police department, "assigned to deal with these supers. "Trail of Cthulhu, the example story "of which I believe revolves around the torso murders." - Oh. - I didn't know that. Isoteris, where you play agents trying to keep supernatural entities out of the world because the more people believe in supernatural, the more reality breaks apart. And Ashen Stars, which is a sci-fi setting that I don't know. He goes on to wrap up that there are a couple others evil has coming out with a gumshoe game that results around teenage sleuths, but Gumshoe is a resource management, even more so than fate and getting clues that are necessary to move the plot forward, just requires using the right skill at the right time, no resource spent. It seems to be designed such that to get all the clues and be able to reach the best solution, you have to spend resources and know what to do with the clues. Basically, the game is less interesting in making you struggle to find the clues, than it is an interesting in what you will do with the clues. I have offered occasionally to run a Gumshoe one shot if anyone's interested, and also the Japanese school years comes to an end in March 23rd, and won't pick up again to April 6th, so he posted that he will be running one online. - Yeah, I thought a couple people jumped in on that, so good for them. - So good for them. - Hopefully they'll have a fun time. - Thanks for the update, Luke, and that. We also, we being Mike and I, were speaking with Chris from Mistructed Marks, and he was listening to our latest episode, in which we mentioned that we're going to the KCC, and we would love to play the Knights Black Agents, and he said he would love to run it for both of us and other people as well. So, we will definitely get a chance to play it. - Awesome QCC. - That's sometime in September. The Kickstarter should be coming up soon. It's a smaller convention, I would say, it's gaming on Comma Comma, almost the same size, so it's a small local one, but it is just jam-packed with gaming all weekend long. There's never a time when the comms open that there aren't people at tables playing, and we went from one event to another, the last time we went. I mean, we almost overbooked out. - Yeah, but we luckily got bumped from a table. We told the guy we were going to get lunch, and we'd be right back, and by the time we got back, he'd filled us and replaced us, and then we ended up playing with Chris and Phil, and a bunch of really great people as well. So, it's like, Tony, he was, I can't remember all the names of them. - That was the lasers and feelings. - Lasers and feelings, yeah, that was an absolute blast. Bob played with us as well. That was fun, but we will have to move on now, as we go to, we stay with Facebook 264, the conspiracy island of Bullshit. R.E.J. Posten and says, "Is that all that happens when you're held accountable?" I'm not privy to the world of Supernatural. I was so sure the next word was gonna be Bullshit. I don't know how the episode was filled with excellent inter-party role-playing, a solid hit all around, home run nights, so thank you, R.E. We have to jump in the not-so-away-back machine. It's a little way back, 256. Wrap up questions and answers, D&D 5th Edition. Nathan H. posted and said, "I was a D&D-only AP listener, "but your podcast was so above anything "I've ever listened to before "that I don't hook down the past just and final games. "Right now, I'm yelling at my MP3 player. "Don't trust London, he's amoral, "but Alan isn't listening to me. "And I look to start your world of darkness campaign next. "Thanks for the podcast." - Wandered is amminently trustable. In matters-- - Because he's still predictable. - Well, that's true. - As long as he's on the payroll. - In matters regarding his own safety, he's extremely trustable. - Still on Facebook, episode 265, snitches get stitches. R.E.J. posted and said, "My laugh-out loud mama in the car was, "I rolled a natural nothing. "I also kept expecting who let the dogs out "to start playing in the background, "and two more songs that popped into my mind "during the episode was, "my son knows what you did in the dark, "light 'em up by the fall of boys. "And Billy Joel's, we didn't start the fire." - Clearly wasn't on the phone. - I know it clearly was for a hurdle, so. But he put it out as well. Adam M. also posted and said, "Hi, we're from the gas, thank goodness, "the rabid dogs, the children, "think of the children, animal control. "We're from animal control company, go get my hammer." - That was pretty much exactly what I-- - I actually posted there and said that when you guys walked up to the door, I had to have the lady hurry to the point where she said she was waiting for animal control, because I thought that that was what was gonna happen. You guys were gonna start explaining you're from the gas company when there was clearly a reason for you not to be. Nick R. because it said, "Finally got caught up. "I fell behind after the whole stitcher went down thing. "The job was unaware, did stitcher crash "and burn for a while?" - I don't know what stitcher is. - It's a podcast, yeah, it's over thing. - Not just podcast. - So, maybe they did. Really great work on the fate and Dresden. I love that the loose ties from the other stories are a big role in this story. - That's what we try to do. - Thanks, Nick. R.E.J. also posted and says, "What's gonna listen to Miss Directed Mark episode "and conspiracies, but then yours came out?" So, doing-- - I would suggest going back and listening to Miss Directed Mark, it was a really good episode. - Yeah, I enjoyed it. - Lastly, Facebook I posted the clockwork Dominion map for the next campaign that's going to come out after this one, which we had discussed in feedback in the past. So, I put a link to the actual page. - What's the name of the area? - It's called the spiral archipelago. - You know what I meant to ask you, Scott? I noticed that you had two maps there and one of them was labeled. - Yes. - And the other one was not names. - Right. - I didn't know which one you wanted to know. - You know, labeled is fine. The only reason I had an unlabeled version was because a lot of times when you're asking for feedback with the work in progress, sometimes people want to give you feedback on just the, you know, see the map without all the clutter, I guess, involved with it, all the names. - Yeah, but I didn't know if in our world it wasn't fully explored. - Oh, no, no. I mean, it's relatively fully explored in the sense that there will be some, you know, you'll know a name. - Some unknowns, you don't know all the details. - Kind of like that. - Yvonne posted and said, "Really, really cool." And quite a lot of detail. I really love the idea too. Am I right in thinking that the Aeronauts' defense is a typo? - Also, I hope Scott has read the latest Jim Butcher book. The Aeronauts Windlash, which was the same theme and really, really good. But this map is awesome. And Jason, Amposten, said, "Ooh, pretty." - Thanks to both of them for their comments. The Aeronauts' defense was not actually a misprint. Aeronaut is just, I think it's my own word. I don't know that it's-- - Apparently not, Jim Butcher used it before. You take that. - Well, no, no, I meant, in case that's what he's referring to is to the miss the, say if it was a typo. And the domain, that's just an old-fashioned way of saying domain back from the pages. But the book makes fun of that. - Oh, it is. - It's either domain-- - Absolutely used in the parent-eyed papers. - Well, so, yeah, so it wasn't really a misprint. It was just me looking for a different flavor for instead of saying domain. - So two for two, Beth and a thousand, you stole both of them from Butcher. - From Butcher, right, I'm just saying. Apparently, I-- - If you, people really are insulted by that, let us show you, you guys not read them. - Right. - You will not read them. - Well, I may read them. - At some point. - At some point. - But he definitely has-- - Renee George! - Because he's dying. He seems to have gotten better. Maybe I would enjoy his steampunk. - I've heard an extra views of his last story. - I had a lot of trouble getting into it and never finished it. - I finished it, no, I don't want to. - So there you go, people would like it-- - Some people liked it, some people did not like it. - All right, we are giving away a t-shirt tonight. I need some dice. - All right, roll number. - For those of you who don't know, we have a Patreon page. Those who contribute get a chance to win. A t-shirt once a month. Roll them dice, Todd. The winner of the March t-shirt is just his email address. No, no, I'll give some of the email address on the podcast. I will be sending him an email asking for contact information so we can get him the t-shirt, congratulations. Congratulations on winning the March t-shirt and April's right around the corner for some of the rest of you. Thank you for contributing to Patreon. Congratulations on the t-shirt, the rest of you, thank you. As well, thanks to those who are using the Amazon link and with that long extended battle, we will go on to the adventure. All right, my name is Tom. I'm running this Dresden Fals game, Passages. And the player is here, starting on my right car. - Michael playing repertures, chronologically gifted, anti-agenic, organic weapons. I have four fake weapons. - Thomas playing Maxwell Edison, undercover homeland security operative. I should have three fake points unless you're not a period of rest. Which case, I have six. - I am Jim playing Edmund Shadowski, a rich businessman in black court-powered cyan with three fake points. - I'm Mike playing Ellen Montgomery, the soul-sundered warden of Cleveland. And I currently have two fake points. - I'm Scott playing London Deals, a moral seer to the supernatural powers. - I have six fake points. - I'm John, I'm playing Roberto Martinez, keep both Cleveland's coins and powered by a phone angel. - I have one fake one. - Okay, since we're starting, we'll have a minor milestone, which can switch skills, stunts, and spend a refresh on new stunts that you wish. - Well, I know this is gonna stun everybody, but-- - London's perfect. - London's perfect. He's not changing the catch. - One last three left. - We killed a bunch of dogs. - You killed a bunch of dogs? - Do you remember that? - You went back and-- - Set fire to the metro cars. - And then put it out in a very cool manner. - Where was this, by the way, where's the location? - Rocking, you think? - The emerald necklace goes all around, and that's like the far west corner of the island. - One way buddy is a crack river, so yeah. - That, I believe, was in the afternoon evening. You guys had the option of reporting back to the group of your adventure with dogs or waiting 'til the next morning. - London has a Xbox tournament going on with his daughter at this time. - Seriously, clear and bite it over if you want. - Repa and the warden are doing drugs. - Something that explains why they weren't here last week. - Well, how about I would have brought the samples that I collected from my different experiments and brought him to Repa to see if he can distill or detect any of the-- - This is the high altitude right there. - Yeah, yeah, any of the essences of the shield or the magic that's going on, see if he can maybe reveal some clues or give us some data. - If I heard about their exploits yet, about with the demon dogs or-- - We had just finished already. - Oh, okay. - Well, let's have this thing. You said you were talking to Repa, so we have the warden talking to Repa, and also we had-- - Well, do you wanna start the research or do you need time to-- - Edwin is here as well. - Oh, okay. - Edwin was here because he has some blood that was taken from the last battle with-- - Constance, before she was strung into the fay. - He needs to be reconstituted so he can use it for tracking. - You know, if I can juice it, he has done it in the past. - And well, I would use the blood to try and have a trace of her. - I have a feeling we're gonna need it when we go to the fay. - That was-- - Okay, well, so it's not, we're not somebody trying to do now, but when we get to the fay-- - Edwin was saying that he had a piece of clothing that he was wearing, that she blew it on or grabbed-- - I pulled with her after we fought with her before she got pulled away, so I had some of her blood. - Well, this was a good seven, eight months ago, and over time, it loses its potency. In the past, Repa has been able to reconstitute. - Or amplify the effect, so that's why he was visiting when you stopped over with the rainwater. - Well, then, do I need to roll a spell, check to see if I can make use of that blood, or is there anything I can do? Like, if he's reconstituting it, can I either prepare a spell, or even some type of magic object that will act like a compass? - If only you add someone who can track things-- - Don't be stuck like on his toes. - The best in the entire world. - Yes, but this one's quiet, and doesn't make noise when you use it. (laughing) - What's not it going on, you mean? - Your compass apparently makes it annoying, noise. - I think he's meant to attach to it. - Yeah, that. - You. (laughing) - Oh, I assume-- - It's an expensive noise. - Does that mean, well, you're not here yet, so-- - Well, it's on the phone, but we talk to the phone. - Are you, okay, so you're telling me you're blowing off your daughter while she's trying to play a game about her-- - I'm telling you, I have one speaker for her playing Halo. You're a Halo tournament. - It'd be a big. - I'm just imagining now that London is gonna have the right attire to go into the Feywild with us. - Is he? - Is he? - I don't think he-- - Oh, please, I have hunting boots. - Do we have to convince him to go into the Fey with us? 'Cause that's, I didn't think anyone of the boots would London have to go into the Fey. - He would absolutely have English hunting boots. They would be from royalty, of course. - Same as his dear stalker cap. - You don't even want to know, he's got like an integrity part of his wardrobe dedicated to any potential travels, and certainly the Fey would be one of them. - He's got rubber willies, right? - Plus, no, no, no. That's what the commoners wear. - Please. - You gotta come back to royalty. - You gotta complete hunting outfit. - There's a hunting cap. - A mere shop pipe. - Oh, absolutely. - 'Cause I'm trying to talk fashion with London. - Let's get back. - Oh, it's absolutely fantastic. Plus, the girls are hot in the Fey, so you're not gonna have to convince him too much. - No, you don't have sex with the girls in the Fey. - Well, not only the girls that are hot. - No, use protection, we know you're in the Fey. - Whatever, whatever comes my way. - I'm just saying, we couldn't get this guy to get out of a car once. I thought we were gonna have a challenge getting him into a transdimensional alternate place. - Anyway, Repa has done this sort of thing before with the blood, so maybe it's just a chemical procedure that I don't recall what I used, but it's probably just training and chemistry. - Other than tracking, if I have a sample for blood, if it's good, I might be able to come up with a calming or a sleep spell or some kind of magic effect, using her blood to-- - By good, you mean recent or-- - Yeah, if it's-- - Smelly. - If it still works. - If it's fresh and still, what's the word, potent or valid or good or fresh or-- - Magic-ly Italian. - Yeah, but it might be a good idea to have that, not only for tracking purposes, 'cause again, we have London for the tracking purposes, but once we find her, maybe I can use this to create a spell that will either control, I don't wanna control her, but I wanna just put her to sleep so we can transport her back. - Out of character, couldn't you also boil their insides up, 'cause that sounds like really easy solution. - Yeah, I mean, yeah, I can, and the books and the other things I've read, it's pretty nasty stuff. - But she's a nasty person. - And she isn't human. - Oh, that's true. - So I've had better than you knew I was there, so. - Just think about it, this all helps. - It's not on Earth. - This blood is months old. - Fresh. - It's just black court vampire. Why would you have blood? - Well, they have blood. - They drink it. Someone else is, oh shit, is it someone else's? - They have bodily fluids. - No, they have their own bodily fluids. I just don't think that their heart pumps, so they can just-- - Yeah, they're just there. - If she's hungry-- - No, there's only-- - Magic-ly, it continues to calve levitate. - It's a sympathetic thing, connecting to where it's a cabin or hair or toenails or something. - There's a three of you who are there though. Ed Moon is asking one thing, which is to revitalize the blood. And it's not simply of a case that it's dried out, so we add a little water to it and go like this. What we are having RepaDoo involves his special unique skill. He's got ties into spirits and souls and-- - He can make it into-- - It's what he worked with. - It's like the day you got it, blood. - He's pulling out and making it more-- - We just have to sittle Link and make it stronger. So it's not simply taking dried blood and making it moist. - You're just boosting the effectiveness. - It's not just a chemical reaction he's doing here. It's more spiritual, it's more his specialty that why the Cleveland Clinic hired him in the first place. However, you are asking him to do something else in both of these take time, so he's got it. - No, no. - He's got half a tree out here. - Do you want the blood done first? Do you want the water researched first? - Well, if we've got the blood, and the blood is more of a direct weapon against-- - Constantly. - Constantly, but the dome is an entirely separate-- - From Rep's perspective, he has done the blood thing and he thinks he can knock that out. At least he knows how long that will take. The other question is open-ended research questions. - I would say blood first, a known quantity, a known issue. - And you believe in a couple of hours. It's a correct amount of time. It wouldn't require a lower role. - Okay. - But it's more procedural. It's not really a, I would say you need a role. You're gonna be able to do it. You've done it before. It's just a matter of time, two hours. - And I'd be careful, too, 'cause in your process, does your process involve any other fey entities or any other? Because, for example, if somehow Constantly discovers that we've got a sample of her blood, then we're in trouble because she knows what I can do with it. Just like if I knew somebody had my blood, it would be bad news until we eliminated that because it's a problem? - Yeah. - From what I understand magically, you can really do, you can control a person and cause all sorts of trouble. - I'm not aware of any-- - Okay. - That's where that would be. - No. - I think the last time Constantly-- - Do my hypothesis. - At least she's really in the right frame of mind to do anything besides just run around-- - My point is that in the woods anyways, we have to be thinking of security and stealth at this time because we're dealing with the fey. - The word is making a point, which is to say that if there's a drop of his blood somewhere and somebody's trying to enhance the link to him, you would have a decent shot of recognizing it. But Edmond's point is she no longer has a mind. - Sure. - Maybe a wizard, but she-- - And she's also-- - You're both a world away, so-- - Both of those are valid points. - Yeah, yeah, and she's, yeah. - Not that I doubt your science, your skills, or your attention to detail. I'm just saying, this is dynamite, or this is, you know, C4, we're getting caution. - It's fair point. And I'm not guaranteeing there isn't. I just said there, I'm not aware of any instance where that would be issued. - And with that, you might think of asking him to put up a-- - Or a circle. - Just in case. - Just in case. - I was out. - Yeah, I can do a containment circle around it. I always carry a truck and stuff like that. - I know. - Time limit on those. - I thought we'd break it. - Oh, wait, a time limit on the circle? - Circle. - Until you break it. - Or sunrise. - The meeting with the arbiter is today for the result of our initial meeting, right? - Correct. Well, she said two days, and that is when the sun rises. It will be that day. Is that that they were talking to each other now, or is that going to be a different? - No, it's evening. So when the sun rises, sometime in that day, you'll be contacted by the arbiter. - 'Cause I was thinking either way, I'm wondering what we can do to benefit from the situation, whether or not we have to profit on it, or gain information on it, or leverage, or anything that we can do. If even if we're asked to do it, 'cause at least they were responsible, or if we're not asked to do it, then we volunteer to do it to get favor or money. - So how can we take advantage of the situation? - So, give me a containment here, beforehand. You're gonna do a ward? - I'm gonna draw a circle, yeah, I'm gonna draw a circle, and then there'll be a-- - The night at all? - Yeah, okay. So, what I wanna do is do the chemical process first, and then magical spiritual kind. - Basic protection wards was just the one mental, do you need me to roll for it to see how well it depends? Do you wanna make it stronger to make sure that it's keeping people out, or do you wanna make them like the standard one, which we'll just base it on your-- - Like my lumbel spell? Like the strike where I put my perception filter that I keep? - Yeah, but I would be disciplined. We would just base it on your discipline. - Does anybody remember who I did that for last time? - The blood thing? - Yeah, it wasn't anything-- - We were looking for Maddie. - Oh, you're ready to postpone it? - But he had known, as far as you know, and still, for this day, he didn't appear to have any magical link. - That's what led to our conference with Ronaldo from that mistake. He went and talked to him at his casino, and he told us to fuck off. - Yeah, he did, and then you killed him. - And then I killed him? - So he shot it in the head. - I'm not gonna make it a super powered one, because that could also be just like lighting a beacon, and I'm just gonna give him protection, and basically just some coverage, some just to try to hide this from the progress. - We don't think it's necessary, anyways, but anyway. - Right, right. - You hit the standard package. - Yeah. - So my conviction is five, what do you want me to do? - Yeah, basically. - Well, it's one, so that's a three. That's a, what's that a good? - Good, huh? - The scholarship side of it is a plus five, which is superb, so that part, but you said it probably won't have to roll for anything, or? - Yeah, I'm not gonna require you to roll. It's, you're gonna do it, it just takes time, it's gonna take two hours, okay. - His studying of the water that is new and different, because you gotta do a diagnostic on it, where he wants to know. - There's probably a standard battery of tests, like they may call it, like in medical terms, they call it a chem seven, where they perform several different tests, - Yeah, a mag three, where you test for spirits. - With the blood, I know exactly where I wanna go. - Right. - This is not necessarily the case, I don't know. - I defer to the doctor, but yeah, he has different things that he's going to probably screen, and I will do my best to help doctor. - This is good as a doctor. - This is two hours after his wife. (laughing) Is this two hours after the breakup of the first meeting we had? - So me and John are still studying, and then. - Is this the night before? - No. - This is the night before. You guys can still decide where you wanna go, as far as this evening, are you just calling it a night? Do you think it's important to get the group together? - No. - You think we should meet with everyone else tonight, with our dog in a bucket? - I have to be an investigator, but we should want the wizard to look at it. Which wizard? - Our wizard? - Right, we have several wizards. Sorry, the lord, and because he. - Well, he's been facing the demons, so he would have a general vog for if it's the same problem, where it completely different. - We have one wizard. - Rapo over here definitely does the blood thing, with the magic in the, you know, he's got some kind of-- - I've got Siemings, I've got, you know, wizards here. - Divinations. - They're the wizard. - Glamrs. - Rapo definitely has a chemistry, so. - We should run all of the hat that says wizard. - Wizard reviews. - Yeah, we'll call everyone up, figure out where the warden is and head over there when we're done. - Well, let me go first. - Admin. People are talking about-- - You can't say you were going to make one of two things. One was that someone's looking for you. - Yeah, basically like a wizard life alert. And the other one was protection from possession. Which one of those did you decide on? You would call? - Well, I already, if I understand-- - Yeah, it was argued that being able to get a hold of you would be a form of protection against demons. - You mean a magical way to get a hold of me? - Yeah. - I thought it wasn't-- - I thought it was a life alert would be easier. - Wait for all of us to get a hold of him faster. - He was taught that it was two way. So like, you have a friendship bracelet, you get a little tug and then you feel a tug on your hand that-- - Yeah, I was thinking more along the lens of some kind of, you know-- - The next one was like, hang wearing it. She said London ain't gonna wear it. - Oh, good boy. - I need to be able to talk to a wizard in a moment's notice. London classes with his purse. - Man purse. - Man purse, sure, if you want to. - Yeah, whether it's some metal object, whether you want to make it a money clip or a tag clip or a coin or whatever. That's not important, it's the metal and that-- - Roberto took a coin, he's got three units pockets, huh? - 'Cause that's not confusing, huh? - He's starting a small collection. - Actually, yeah, and it would either heat up or do something to let me know that an X person is looking for me. - Yeah, each one is distinctive. I think London's got a man purse and Roberto's got a coin purse. - He doesn't, I don't think he calls it a man purse. So to be honest, I think he probably calls it a satchel. - It's a mess in your bank. - It's a man purse, but that's what he calls it. - I have all the prudence in there? - I'm sorry. - I called a pre-host. - I can see the word for the fanny back. But he didn't, ooh, such a look from the ward. - It carries all those rituals. - It's ritual packs. - Bag, man. Right, I just put it in a communique, I found out where the ward is. I either call Edmond or if we have those little trinkets. - Well, if you do, like you take out your coin and you think of him and that coin in his pocket gets how he takes it, I go, oh, it's-- - That's the true slot. - You are standing there with Edmond in. - The other thing is, either of them to call. - I mean, the other thing is, I'm gonna have to find some way of grounding out a modern phone device from magical energy. So-- - It's gonna have like a big black up city in a rock statement to it. - What do you mean? - I'm gonna have to get like an iPhone that is wrapped in some kind of tape or sigils that grounds out for my magical energy so I'm not gonna spark it out so it can work and do its thing. It's like a fair day cage that would let it work. - I understand what you're saying, but I don't see your character carrying around any kind of cell phone. Just because the cell signal could-- You're surrounded by a magical feel. Now, these coins might tell you that someone's trying to get a hold of you, but you gotta find a landline to call on the back. - I was just trying to move things along 'cause it's gonna be-- - They don't stop, but you're in the room with two other people that have cell phones. You can step away and have them call and you can yell across the room to them if you want. Or I'm assuming that Reppa has-- - As long as there's a landline because he's Reppa's. - Right, that's what I mean. - That you're older than I am in real life, Reppa. - And I have a landline. - I'm a high-tech Reppa, but yeah, I have a landline. - We've got a ritual site related to Donald over Cleveland. We checked it out. There were some wild dogs there. Now, this would make the second sight we found. This is the second. We have a possible third, but we haven't had time to check it out yet. - Okay. - We're bringing the remains of one of the dogs to you to see if it gives off the same sort of vibe as the demon dogs. Been facing. - You found a demon dog, like something that came across through-- - It might've been, we're not experts in any such business, but we're bringing the remains to you so you can check out the general dog. - Is it a demonic dog, or is it like a normal dog from our side that was possessed? - Well, right now it's mostly a puddle, so. - Possessed, okay. - It was possessed apparently. It's a bucket dog. - Every time Roberto talks, you hear that landline gets slightly static here. - I can't understand that. Apparently it was possessed, so we're bringing it to you to see if it has the same general vibe as the demons you've been facing, or if it's a completely unrelated third problem. Got a location you'd like to meet up? - Can you meet us at Repus? Well actually, I look at where at Repus. Can they swing by here? - Sure. - All right. Meet us at Repus as soon as you can. Is the ritual site that you discovered is it vulnerable, or is it gonna wait, or do we need to get out there right away, or? - It's not about to fall apart. It's in the middle of the woods. It was defended by dogs and maybe defended again. - Okay, so it wasn't in some urban or residential area. It was... - It's relatively residential, but it's out of the way enough. I don't know if people run into anybody. - Didn't see any cults. - Didn't see any cults. - And it was only animals that you were dealing with. You didn't deal with any people? - No people in relation to that. I mean, we had to talk to the hand owner, but. Yeah, no, there wasn't any cultists. - There's no possessed humans, that's what I'm saying. - No, possessed humans, just dogs. Might be completely unrelated, and a third problem that we'll have to think about later. That's why we're bringing it by. - All right, we'll see you guys in a few. I hang up. Is there anything about demon possession of animals, particularly like local strays, or anything like that, that I would remember, or is there anything about that? Why would they choose animals? I mean, it seems like pretty. - Doesn't seem to have choice. - Yeah. - You haven't run into it yet, but you are not an extrovert in religion. - No, that's right, that's right, that's right. This isn't management, this is religious. - We'll burn out of your fine lines. - Okay, that's right. - Hey, it's a brother. - What's up, brother? - It's kind of a report that there is a ritual of some sort going on in the metro park, in the witch metro park. - We had a locale in Strongestville that was related, that we discovered in our second round of your-- - Yes, this sounds like that area. - Burksville Reservation? - I've been there, I like it. - He's heading out there, and he wouldn't mind if he had some support. - Okay, I'll meet you there. - There's no details yet, but he's concerned. - Where's Reppola? - He's already out there today. - Near west, he was trying to get a hold of you, but he's getting a bad connection for something. Give me a minute there. - Okay. - Should we have there immediately? - Yeah. - Okay. - We have a message on Reppola's landline that we have for an emergency. - Actually, you're fine, right? - Okay. - Which, you know, you're in the middle of some work. - Here you get two hours of work, here you go. - I answer it for him. - He was just out at some. - Yeah. - Hello, Reppola's bed. Miracles? Miracles, gens. - That's all the pharmaceuticals. - The solutions for all the above. - Can I go in? - We have an emergency down in Prexville, so we're gonna go meet up and deal with that. We don't know if we need you guys, but if you want to sign a wand up to Duke, that wouldn't be the best. - Well, I can't go to Brexville. - You could. - It would be right on the edge of the dome, but yeah. - I'd say the brother told us there was an emergency down at Brexville. I mean, even there, it matches up with one of the other sites we predict. - And it's going on right now? That seems like an opportunity to can't miss. - Where was the first one that we found? Well, it was on the edge too, I think. - But Reppola just started his blood thing, right? - Yeah, but I mean, he's not-- - I've got a room in the blood if he weighs. - Oh, all right. Can you put it on the back burner and we can all find over with these guys out in Brexville? - How far are we? - It took like two hours to work with that. - I didn't get through it. - Oh, no, you just got started. - Luckily, you haven't messed with the blood to any point where it would be down by. - Okay, let's table the blood for now. There seems to be an active event going on, an active ritual event that's been reported by brother Francis to Roberto. And if it's active in going on, and the guys are already en route, you need to meet them up there. I think this might be a break. - The Emerald Necklace runs Cleveland and the different axes are the three different. One is the one that the rituals events took place in, and the other one is the Iraqi River west and Prakasville down south. - And the other one was high format. - With a water pump out in the middle of Lake Erie? It looks like it could be just about-- - Just about the top sort of happen. - We need London for this. - I'm bothering with this Xbox. - Is it better to have London to not meet him or need London to not have him? - I'll give him a call. - I can't remember the last time I needed London. - Well, your father was missing, and I don't know. - She's fine, I'm fine, yeah. - How quickly we forget it. - I'm sending London a text message. Letting him know we're heading out into call us if he wants to go out to this site to see what's going on. - That's a high priority message, if ever I've heard one. Text. - If you want to head out, it's like jam out of Xbox. - Well, he was-- - Troll is going crazy. - London was involved where he was part of this whole ritual thing, right? Detecting him? - Absolutely. - Yeah, so, and because it's a ritual base, text to him that there might be an active ritual, we're gonna go investigate, we could use your help. Please. - I'd expect to see some of the information and apologize to my daughter. - It definitely-- - London have a nanny that keeps here or calls. - Where did you just put it back into the well? - The well of-- - The screaming soul. - I am sure. I'm absolutely certain that-- - I'm with-- - His resources, he has a nanny at call. - All right. - How old is your daughter again? - I want to say she's 15 and 16 years. - She's seven or five minutes. - She's old enough to not-- You don't really want to leave her at home alone. - She's also holding up to be pissed off of the fact that there's anything you're with someone that's over. - Oh, yeah. I am old enough. - Of course. - Let's just leave it with your buttler. - I don't actually-- - The buttler's always in the buttler. - No, I call a service to have them come by and they're on retainers. - Strap, of course. - Strap them on the pistol to the ankle holster. - I'm sure you're going to booty call the nanny's bolt. - Ain't my dad's leaving, come over. (laughing) - Hey. - It's suspicious timing of that text. - I'm like, "Hi, Jasmine." - Let's have that. She sent you a little text. - My dad's leaving. - She knows the nanny's coming. - Roberto's carrying my phone right now. - It occurs to me that you might be better off having a bodyguard than a nanny. - I did. It's a really bad call. I'm a little burned from the whole Roberto. It has a bodyguard. - So you get a tax return from London's daughter? - I'm a little bit like-- - London's daughter, huh? - It's a label name. - What does Maxwell have London's daughter as in his phone? Does it come up London's daughter? - No. - What is it? - I would be a spoiler for everyone. It doesn't know that fact. - She's a loser. - What's London's name? - Probably her name. - That's something like forbidden. - No. - Joe Bowden. - What's Anna's last name? - Legitimately a crime. - Whatever that family's name was. - Anna. - I killed her family. - Probably the Tory. - Anna. - Soul survivor. - Soul survivor. There you go. Anna. Soul survivor in parentheses. - Okay. So I strap on the ankle pistol and he gets on his-- - Vespa? - No, not his Vespa. - He's driving the job bar to the side of the slot. What I mean is he's probably putting on his, you know, his hunting gear, his big boots and stuff because-- - You're just jagged. - No, not like that kind of hunting, like an English hunt. Like he's going to the fence. - I didn't know if you wanted to-- - He's deer-stulper. - It sounds like they might want me to walk in conditions that could be muddy. - Yes, it is spring. - It is the park. - Yeah, exactly. So this all sounds very, I don't know. This guy's high top boots. - But does he man? - Messy. - But does he man purse in a backpack? - Mm-hmm. - I'm good, I'm good to go. - He's got rations. - So-- - We're rushing into danger and he's accessorizing. - That's all I'm saying. (laughing) - What to wear, what to wear. (laughing) - This ass guy goes very well with his jacket. - Between jacket and the ass guy. - Anna, what do I wear to a park? I never been to a park. - The first two to get there are Roberto and Maxwell. Actually, they arrive there after Brother Francis. Brother Francis is there, but he has not gone very far off the trail. There's actually a parking lot and then there's-- - So this isn't the park, it's not an residential? - Right. - He said that there are definitely noises and lights and it looked like at least three individuals there. And I do not want to go in until you show it up. - Okay. - Who would be closest after these two? - Worse to get? - The other three of-- - So? - Are we all driving separate? I know you have to. - I'm driving with you. - Can you go in my car because-- - I can drive? - No, he's got a newer car and you-- - He's got stuff in it. (laughing) - Yeah, he's got GPS and stuff and-- - I will meditate and focus and internalize my energy so I don't spark anything. - I do want to see a discipline roll because you are heading off to meet with-- - Where's the foil? (laughing) - And I know this sometimes is just the thing that I have people wearing in my car. - It's a tin foil hat. - It is a discipline of four so that's better than-- - That's great. - That's great. - So, that is more than adequate to maintain-- - This is a Chrysler Town and Country Band. It's kind of decked out, so. - But you know what, Johnson? Are you coming along, you driving separate? - I'm going to drive separate. - Okay. - What you guys are coming from? - You're in a company car. - Near west side. - So? - Not terribly far, they just didn't jump on either. - South and then hit at 77, right? - Where? - Or 490. - From the east side. - True, the east side. - My father. - A little bit farther 'cause I'm not close to any good highway. - There was a whole dress montage that took you a bit of time, so, we will say. - Well, I am really organized as well in the closet, so when I do make my decision, it happens very quickly. - Right, it's a little matching, dude. (laughing) - Well, I just mean, you know. - So walk in closet, it's all laid out. - Yeah, it's all laid out. - Okay. - Not grandmas. - No, no, they're grandmas. - Pulls. - Not even wanted to child, would you have grandmas? - So yeah, I'm probably running late, and I have a voice to text, and when I'm driving, so I can alert them that I'm 10 minutes out, I'm five minutes out, just in case they want to wait, because they would remember this, but I don't know if the players do from past adventures, but I can make us look different, I can also create a veil around us that we're invisible, I have some abilities that they might want to, if they're trying to approach something discreetly in the dark, to do some reconnaissance, that I might have abilities to be able to help them, but if not, that's cool too, 'cause if I miss out on any danger, not really a problem. - Big thing. - I will tell Maxwell this, because the brutal isn't really gonna give a shit. - What time it is it? - It is evening, definitely evening now. - It's dark, the clown's texting you. - The clown's texting you? - No, no, no. - These guys text you, wrap up, do texts and driver you have, are you driving separately? - I'm driving separately. - Yeah, my car, you know. - Oh, yes, toys and stuff, yeah. - You're underage girlfriend. - The one that says soul survivor, totally my underage girlfriend. Also, give me my phone back, you're creep. (laughing) - You get a text from Repa that shows a little app that when you press on it shows that he's about four or five minutes out. - Well, he is, but legally distinct from ways we spoke. - Is it a real hand? - It is a real hand. - Wait, it's cool. - It's not a to barbie, I sent her a message on it, I'll be, you know, she was like, are you home yet? And I just go beep, beep, beep, but it sends her and she could follow on the map. - It's a social group, GPS, so it tells you where cops are. Yeah, W-A-Z. - Well, what I was describing is it actually sends an ETA, along with a link where they could follow you as you're going. You have to give the okay. - Yeah. - But it shows them exactly where you are. And that has its uses, but you get a message from him that indicates he's about three minutes out and London sends a verbal one that he's about five or six minutes out. Now, if you wait those three minutes, you'll double your team strength here 'cause three people are coming to join you. But of course, three minutes will pass and the ritual is just currently occurring. So that's why I didn't mention it, Roberto, because I knew his answer. I was giving it to you because they would send it to you. Maxwell. - Well, Edmund's driving in a company car, which means he has some hardware in the trunk I can use to get a pistol. - Okay, so I'm gonna wait. - So you tell, Roberto, what? - We should wait at least three minutes for most of our crew to arrive. - It's three people. I just killed like 25 dogs. - Yeah, one's a wizard who's just as good as you are, except better and also hasn't already been fighting today. So we have three well rested individuals, one of which can throw fire, it's like better than you, and it's gonna take three minutes. If they complete the ritual within three minutes, well, then fuck. But I really doubt they will. - Man, how about I'll distract them until they get here? - That's well, it's fucking really slowly. - Really slowly. - You also, did you erase things that happened after the battle 'cause you thought you could be able to sleep for the night? No, it didn't. - Oh, I don't know. - People are just temporary, right? For the battle. I don't really understand how those things work. - Everyone, but John has to take time to heal. - Right. - John has magic powers. - He clears his mild consequences instantly, and he had two of those. He had a moderate one, which hasn't recovered yet. - Right. - Got it. That's the winded part. - Okay, distracting them. When we have an unknown amount of cultists there, possibly, I don't know, fully automatic assault rifles and demons. Distracting them. - I'm not gonna let them finish. - Okay, I'm gonna go do this by. - All right. - Do I want to? - Shoot him in the head. - No. - That'll stop him for a second. - That's a step further than I want to go. - He'll get better. - That really hurts. - He said yourself, everyone takes time to heal, except Roberta. - Yeah, all right. - Yeah, I'm gonna trip him. Just fists, just a maneuver. Just fists, just a maneuver, he can dodge. - Roberta. - Yeah. - The demon in your head is informing you that something's different here. - It's not denarion, I could sense that. But this is different than what we've seen demon wise. There's a lot more power here. - More than denarion. - I didn't say that. - More than me. - Not more than both of us, but you might need help. I could offer you that help. - Yeah, you would. - All right, I'm fluxing my scarred hand and say fine. - Three minutes. - Minute and a half. - You want more power? - No. - Not you. - I'm so fine. - I know, you're listening. - Okay, you're a stealth. - One. - Yeah, no. - Or two. I'm gonna get one. - No, we'll wait three minutes for the party to arrive. - One minute. - Yes. - He agreed to wait. So we'll wait. If he starts to move before it's time, then he better have a reason. - You check your app and it looks like they're turning off. And they'll be here in about a minute and a half. And... - An explosion of noise. - Stop. - As they come around the corner, the lights go off. And running lights out of the car. - Mm-hmm. - Cool. All right. Let's go. - Followed. There's actually two bars. - I'd say you need some on the back. - Yeah. The shotgun would be nice. - That's what I'm going to use. - London says he's a good five minutes out. He had his stuff for some coffee. - Do you want a sawed off shotgun or a regular shot gun? - Start double barrel. - It's actually David 45. - I can use. - I think anyone just don't leave. - Yeah. - Yeah. - You carry one all the time actually. - Okay. - You have a magic hair that shoots flame. - Oh, wait. - Wait. - I could have handled this. - I think I got it. - So you specifically didn't go. Now you're gonna bitch. I say as I go into the truck and pull out the shotgun. - So do you guys know what's going on out there with the light, sir? - Yeah. - Yeah. Not that our three cultists reported, but they seem to be powerful. So thanks. You're here. - I didn't want to approach it. - Brother Francis. - Yes. - He's got his normal demon fighting equipment with him. - Are we all there? - He hands up. - He's up there. - He's up there. - Yeah. - He hands out vials of holy water to all of you. - Speaking of water. - He's got like a little bandit layer. - Does it burn? - Speaking of which, I've got my sniper rifle with the holy water, the hollow point. Holy water bullets, 'cause I don't know what I'm facing. - Yeah. It's just good cover. I keep shotgun shells in a vial of holy water bottle for sure, every Sunday. But that's at home. - Actually, he doesn't offer them to you. He knows. - From experience. - Yeah, you don't. - Really. - You've got your own equipment. - Edmund, you're sneaky, right? - Yep. - You go scout ahead. - How about brother Francis? We'd let him know that London is inbound. We should be joining us soon. This we hope. - Come on, love, love. - And he's looking at you with a bit of his credibility. - You know, I was Roberta's partner before you. - That's right. - So, I'll insult it. - Oh. - But yes, I'll take care of brother. - Fine, brother. - Well, I thought we were going to hold him back until we meet him. He's going to be doing the possession. He's the other that comes in and has the finishing move, right? - You guys are the big guns, so I won't do cleanup for you. - You're the big gun. You're the big gun. You're the only here to visit when you need it. But thank you. Yeah, take point. I think that's the move, Fadre. I think you should take point and go in there and draw their fire while we take care of business. - Isn't that where Berta does? - Yes. - No, he's going to be causing all sorts of... - He clears up. - He stretches when we start to see why Roberto and brother Francis kind of get a little... - I, um, disappear into the shadows of the trees and start trying to get closer. - Okay. - I got a stealthy two and I got plus two because of my... - I've gotten visibility of one million cloak shadows. - Yes, you're not here, nobody can see. - I'm so lost without you. - You got a picture of the arbiter that you took. - Is that sure? - So I need you to drop a solo as well with the steering wheel. It's all good. Hey, air supply is underrated. - I got a shotgun look with me as well. - Okay. - Stop up so you can keep it all stealthy. - Five minutes out! - I will. - Again, twenty minutes out now. - So how do we know when... - The brother told us this? - Yes. - Does he know exactly where this is? - Oh, then it's woods and this part over there is glowing. - Oh. - There's some kind of fire. - I'm rolling myself. - So are most of us marching down the main path towards it or something? - The majority of you are walking towards the main path slowly. You're allowing... - If there's a big fire, their night vision is going to be screwed up. So maybe being silent is more important than being invisible in this case. - I've got a bit of stealth and what I do... What I want to do before we get there is for a lock on one side because after all, I've got the sniper rifle. I don't want to stay here shooting people. - Okay. - All right. - I roll the wash in so I'm great on my stealth as I move. Close enough to get an idea of what's going on, how many are there. - Okay. You get closer enough. You do, in fact, see three. There does appear to be a bonfire on this cement platform type thing, and relatively in the middle of the woods. It almost looks like there's some things set up aside and around it that would indicate that people have camped here before, but this cement platform is not. There's no cover over it. It doesn't seem to be a pavilion of any type. - It's supposed to get just out of cement pad that you have out in the wood. - It does look like it's very old. It's in just use. It isn't something that I see. - Is it broken up by roots? - Is it off the trail or is it into the woods off the trail? - There's a very small trail that heads off to it. The path goes off to the left. There's a small path that goes here. And you're getting close enough to see that they have a fire in the middle of this thing and they have something drawn on there and I want you to do a laurel for me, which I know you're not fantastic at, but I would need at least a... - Epic. - Epic. - Good. - I have no idea. - Okay. - You rolled a minus one, so I have no idea what the hell. - And your laurel is zero? - I have no laurel, so it's zero. - Okay, so it's minus one. You are quite clueless. - Repa. - You guys are walking down the path towards us. He's a good distance ahead, Edmund, because you wanted to give him the chance to do that. - You wanted to get there a second. - Right. When you split off and ask these guys to slow down a bit and you go off into the woods, you have to roll a stealth roll as well. - In actuality, I just need it to be fair. These tennis are occupied. They really aren't looking for... - Ooh. - Neutral. - Washing. - I saw the two pluses, but there was two minuses, so it's a wash. - I still see only one, but I think that's all I need. - Actually, that's average. I needed a fair, which is two. - Oh. - So I had to pick up the crashing through the woods. - You were carrying a butcher a year or two. - I was like, "Yeah, damn." - Like this was the first one. - You had the option to spend one of your fake points and tap a related aspect to add two to the roll or to re-roll. Adding two to the roll would be more than enough to spend one of your fake points and you have a total of? - Four. - You'd be down to three. - I think I might use been there, done that, because I was a Vietnam man. - Sure. - 'Cause in Nam... - The aspect of the area are night, which implies darkness. There's centralized fire, which means there are shadows everywhere. For a third, it's wooded. - It could be any of those, including that one. It could be good there, done that. - Yeah, I'm just going to go with the Nam thing. - Okay. - That brings yours up to two, which makes it higher than fair. - That makes it a good. - And that is enough. - I would like you to make a lower roll as well. - And the floor is great, plus four, and I roll plus twos. - Wow. - It's fantastic. - Yes, you realize that they're like, that's close to finishing the ritual that they're good. And by this plus, I mean like, two or three words. - So I bring my gun to my shoulder. - Yeah, I play. - Thank you for listening tonight to the Night Actual Play podcast. If you'd like to send us questions, comments, or feedback, you can reach us in a number of ways, including Twitter @KOTM_podcast or emailing us at feedback@KOTMpodcast.com. And don't forget the iTunes reviews. We also have a Facebook page at Facebook.com/KOTN.podcast. While at Facebook, join like-minded folks on our Facebook fan page. And lastly, there's our blog, KOTNpodcast.com, where there's an Amazon leak on the right-hand side. Those of you outside the U.S. can help by donating on our Patreon page, patreon.com/KOTN, and then listen in for the monthly t-shirt giveaway. And remember to join us next week for more mystery and adventure. - Somebody pulled the chair out in the middle of the- - Huh? - I am. - I am. - Which implies darkness. Or apparently dark knees is what I just spelled. - The first two to get there are Roberta and Max. Well, because Roberta and Max, I sometimes pick you Roberta. - Yeah, it's unfortunate. - Roberta. - The first. - It was like, I'm driving on this road, and I looked to the west, which is the Indiana border, like 50 feet over, for more I was. And there's like these dark clouds. I was like, oh, there's a storm rolling in. So I'm driving and driving. All of a sudden my phone goes, like makes this noise that scared the living shit out of me because I wasn't listening to any music at the time. And I'm like, what the fuck? It was a tornado coming. And I looked over and the skies weren't just black. They were like, you know, like scary black. And I'm like, holy shit. I am in the middle of a fucking, you know, just endless miles of cornfields. - You're storm chasing. - I felt like when I'm like, okay, so let's see. I brought up a map and it's coming right at me. I'm like, just hit the pedal and I just out race the thing. It ended up like three tornadoes touched down seven miles south of me. It was insane. I felt like it was a very scary moment because there was like nowhere to go. - So one time when you may not get a ticket. - Right, exactly. I don't care. I'm going to take the cop to safety as well. Then he can give me the ticket. - Oh. - If he decides to be a ticket as well. I think it was a scary shit. - The context of it, I believe, was the ward and stating that that was future London's problem. - Right. - Yeah. And apparently the wrestling upstairs. - Okay. - Yeah, there's virtually no chance that whatever use that's on the podcast simply because there's lyrics. - You can't hear me when there's lyrics in the background. - You're off, Jim. - Yeah. - And in mouth. - Yeah, I don't use songs with lyrics because they're very distracting. - It's hard to concentrate on two pieces. - And it's hard to find good instrumental versions of a network. - How about occasion when I really wanted a song? I would find a karaoke version. [BLANK_AUDIO]