Knights of the Night


Broadcast on:
16 Mar 2016
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It may start out a bit slow, but Roberto and Maxwell take care of that

(upbeat music) - Hello, and welcome to the Knights of the Night Actual Play Podcast. This Dresden File Adventure, Passages was written and run by your Jam Tom. And now, please enjoy episode 265, titled Snitches Get Stitches. Actual Play begins immediately. (upbeat music) - My name is Tom. I'm running this Dresden File Adventure, Passages. I've got a smaller crew than Arnold. And the players here tonight starting on my right are. - Thomas is playing Maxwell Edison, an undercover homeland security operative. I have six feet. - I am Jim, playing Edmund Shadowski, a black court powered cyan in rich business. - Well, and I have three points, a fate. - I'm Scott, playing London Deals, a moral seer to the supernatural powers, Zelda Hater, and I have six fate points tonight. - John, playing Roberto Martinez, Keeper of Cleveland's Coins, and empowered by a fallen angel. I have three fate points. - Rachel playing Zelda Sykes, a Hungarian gypsy, who uses the lore of her past to construct the future. I have six fate points. - And missing tonight, of course, is Mike, Michael, and Bob. I'm not sure Bob's coming at all. We haven't seen him yet, but. - Did we see that? - Did we see that? - No, no, no, no, no, no. So hopefully we'll get to see him soon. I'd like to see him in return, but he seems to be extremely busy. Kids will do that. We are going to do something that we've forgotten to do in the past, which is a minor milestone, which means that you can change out one aspect and/or move two skills around as long as they're one point apart. - As usual, one is perfect. I want to be changing him. - My one pick up just stunts to use a presence for other skills. Nah. - Okay. - Doesn't sound like anybody wants to make any changes in that department, so we'll get right back into it. - What was Dela doing this whole time that you guys were doing all this? - I have some ideas on me. I don't know, here's all that. - I don't even remember what I was doing when I was when we stopped playing last time. - You were going to look for the words to tell on London. - Okay. - That may not necessarily. - I can't wish you what you do. - Nah, nah, nah, nah. - If you want to come up with something that Dela was doing over the last week, it was really, in truth, six hours. - Probably just parenting, nothing. - Yeah. - I don't know if it's me. - Doing my own thing. - Very close. I hate London. - I was probably doing the research like you guys, like we had talked about, just doing, you know, 'cause isn't that what we talked about? - Sure, I didn't. - Probably hiding the fact that you actually drew a favorable response to London's situation. - Well, yeah, I'm not gonna tell you about that. - Of course not. - Probably just doing what we said, trying to pinpoint any, like find any patterns. - So you're going to do, over the last six hours, you've been going to different patterns or contacting them? - Yeah. - If I may say, I think it's been longer than six hours because I think the arbiter's meaning was last night. - Okay. - And then, now, it'd been the next day, and then they went and spent the whole next day at the government offices trying to find land plots that belong to Rockefeller, or any of his associates. So I would respectfully say that it's probably mid-afternoon of the next day, and from when she left London's house, about 20 hours. - Well, I definitely went to see Mike first. - Unfortunately, the warden, Alan, is not here today. - Yeah. - So what he's doing, we'll have to determine next week. - But to say that you-- - I'm going to go see him, and then I probably want to do more research. - And by research, you mean contact. - Contacting parameters, looking for parallels or patterns with these different things that are happening. - Give me your role. Contact us. - My contacts are fair, but I have an aspect leader of the parapet, so. - That aspect will allow you to add to, with the expenditure of the faith context you need to. - What exactly am I rolling for here? - You're rolling to see how quickly you can contact people, how before coming they're going to be. - Okay, I know. - Or how they're going to make themselves available if they see on their phone, so I'll look now. The better rule you get, the more information you're going to get. So go right ahead. - These just mean nothing, right? - So I got two, so that brings me up to four. It's just fine. - And if you are fine with that, then great it is. So you call around to your different contacts. We will say that there are, how many parameters there being Cleveland, who clearly would have the downtown east, west, maybe a south, suburb, one. So we'll say five or six or six. - So you're down on a midtown east, west. - Around six. - And you are able with you with that role. Get ahold of five and a six. But the one said they would get back to you, that they're extremely busy, but the other four were able to give you some time. Of the four, well one was rapper. He tells you that the only person that gave him any information on the demons was the squirrel lady. - So why do you call her a squirrel lady? - She speaks to squirrels apparently. The squirrels speak to her more importantly. I mean, could anybody speak to squirrels? That's the important part, the squirrels talk back. - Okay. - He tells you that's the only one that he had any dealing with that had to do with demons. - So can I get into contact with the squirrel lady? - If you wish. - So. - So, Rappa is... - Tell me that the squirrel lady knows things. - Well, only that she's the one that told them that there seemed to be a demon that was hanging out in the Martin Luther King area. And that was the last one that had to do with the warden and Roberto going to take care of that. You kind of lead the one on the west side. In the Lakewood area. But there was a Patrick Conaway who's out in the barbs south of Cleveland. - Is John's there? - Sure. And he informed you that he's heard about demons, but that none of the Paranutters that he knows have any direct contact with one. And certainly none of them have been possessed as far as he knows. So what you're starting to get is that while the last one rituals seem to definitely be focused on the Paranutters they were capturing, Paranutters with power, that's not what's happening here. - Yeah, but they also haven't heard anything about anything going on at all. - Correct. - That's weird. - Your last call is to someone on the far west side. Susan Kramer out in Rocky River said that she has heard that there are some weird going on as far as people acting way outside their normal. And these are just people telling her, the neighbors are acting strange, different things are happening. So she doesn't know if there's anything really going on, but does that fit what you're asking about? Straying, people who aren't in the baronet are just acting weird, that's what she's saying. - Like Paranutters are talking about people that are on their own. - That aren't in the parenthood, okay. - My neighbors have been really weird lately. - How so weird. - Well, at the last get together, one of them was complaining that there was people lurking around her at the outside of her house and she was worried that they were trying to spy on her that they thought maybe they had found out that she can do powers and they were trying to peek in the windows and stuff. People in the backyard that she was seeing. Okay. - That's about all you got on the squirrel lady now. Rucka tells you the squirrel lady can be found in the metro parks because as far as he knows, she doesn't have a house. Good show, but the party's generally a little ripe. Okay, so that is Zelda. Roberto is heading somewhere with Maxwell. - We were heading off to... - Actually, we're just outside of Rocky River, a home outside of Rocky River. - Yeah, we were on the lake that used to belong to the Rockefeller's and we're going to check and see if there's anything creepy going on. - You guys show up outside the home in Rocky River. It is actually in the parks, kind of on the edge. It's a very big house for this area in Rocky River. And how did you wish to proceed? - How's the house owned? - Yes, it does seem to have someone at home. There's a car in the driveway, it's a mini van. It is roughly starting to get towards the evening. You guys, afternoon evening? - This isn't my kind of neighborhood. My tactics won't, I imagine, they'll just be here pretty quick. What do you suggest? - Let's put me on a spot. I have no idea what the fuck. - It's gas lake. We gotta kick him out right now or it'll blow up. I can even provide the fireworks. - Wait, excuse me. Who's car are you driving in? - I know my pickup. - I don't know. - I exactly look like you work for the gas company. - There's only one in with it, with his scenes. - Well, Maxwell's car, and he's got this guy's just your detective, right? - I have a clipboard in the back that I like to, you know, it used to look pretty important. - You probably have some uniforms too, I bet. - Yeah, and you, a clipboard and a safety, they're like best. - Fest. - Yeah, it makes you look like a city worker. - Security uniform for my company? - Yeah, I got one of those too, but I don't think we'll need it today for maybe from the gas company. - If you spend at a fake point, you can decree you have anything. - Oh, yeah, man. - You have a bag full of dirty laundry which your other vest is in, and-- - Yeah, I spilled some blood on it last time. - Right. - I'm a city worker, I swear. - So, let's go. - You have a set there house on fire? This is the plan. I'm gonna start with a lie, and if it doesn't work, then you can set there house on fire. - You got this? - You got this. - I'm going to walk up to there. - You know what flambe is? - Yeah, set there house on fire, apparently. (laughing) - I'm wearing a-- - Good thing my new work is here for 'em. - I've got a clipboard, a paper, a pen. - Where's your truck parked? - Yeah, around the corner, okay. - Around the corner, okay. - You go walking up the front door side door. - Front door. - And I bring the door both. - You see the movement behind the door, a little bit of curtain there, the lady pokes her head and looks out. - I'm wearing a hard hat. - It's important. - She opens the solid door, here's a screen door. She goes, "Oh, thank God you're finally here. "I called hours ago." She turns around and says, "No, no, no, go. "Go into your room. "Go play with your toys." And she turns back to you and says, "Are you gonna do something about it or not?" - Of course I am, ma'am. If you tell me the problem, we have a terrible lack of communication between me and the man sending me out. I've been to three different houses today. - We called animal services hours ago. All last night, it's the damn dogs, coyotes, whatever the hell they are in the backyard. - I have little kids. I can't have dogs. Well, I guess they're just, they make a lot of damn noise and they scare the hell out of my children and take care of them already. - Right, stay in the house and we'll take care of those in just a few short, I don't care, time increments of some sort. I go back to the truck and say, - All right, give me the hammer. - Dog problem, bring your hammer. - Okay. - So burls like, "Guys, set the house on fire now." - Where are animal control, if anyone asks? I don't think I have the little thing. - All right, but if we need to get in the house, they've been burrowing and we're concerned. - Obviously, dogs burrowing the houses all the time. - Oh my God, they're burrowing dogs? - You'll just knock all in the wall, they'll believe it. - They're prairie dogs. The vicious prairie dogs are clean on it. - So, get the hammer, head around the back of the house. - Very big backyard. - On the fence. - Close the fence? - All right. - Yeah. - Close the fence. - It's gotta be helped. - Okay. Do a basic investigatory sweep for both dogs and magical findings. - Thank you, first of all, can we just hear these dogs? - Mm, no, we don't hear any dogs. - Okay, there's no dogs. - Yeah, well, no. - Dogs in your head, maybe. - All right. I rolled a natural, nothing, plus my investigation of four. So I rolled a braid to find a evidence of animals that need controlling. - And be magical stuff that I don't have a great grasp of. Kistel Warden was supposed to be here, but he's not here today. - So obviously, I did call him, and he told me he was busy studying. - It's answering service. - The rain. - Yeah, you didn't get old. Let me get out on his answering service. Your initial searching as a backyard, there's a fence-in area, which he evidently left your kids playing because there's plenty of toys out there, but there's no indication of any dog. Beyond the fence, though, there is a wooded area, and there is some indication of animal bait back there. As far as you can see, there's paw prints. All right, let's go. And you, I don't know how old you were on. - I rolled four. - It's great. - Yeah, definitely dog-like canine. - Yeah. - Pretty damn big. - So I mean, you know, the paw is, paw print, the mud is sizable, and there seems to be more than one. - All right, several dogs. - The wooded area behind there is extensive. - Mm-hmm. - There, that goes into the park? - Yes. - What time of the day is this? - A little later. It's after lunch. - It's early evening. Late afternoon, early evening. - Did a lot of government work, took time. All right, got dogs in the woods. We got not great evidence of any magical findings, but, you know. - And you're looking into the paperwork of this area. The original property seemed to be much larger than this lady's, who goes farther back and farther on either side. - The property was chopped up in Seoul and different lives at some point. - At the white court vampire's house, where Ryan vited, was there evidence of a certain area or thing or place there that said this is the spot, or is it just that general area that was the spot? - There was definitely a platform area in which they were gonna have a ceremony of some sort. And when the curse was given, the entire area lit up on the ground in sigils and symbols. - Okay, so it'd be nice to have a wizard. - Yes, but they had a raised platform there. So if this was a similar ritual site, we're looking for derelict, raised concrete platform, somewhere in the middle of the wooded area. 'Cause it's a lot easier to find than, I don't know. - I'm just gonna look for magic dogs. So I sling my bag of Mickey D's into the woods. I'm just gonna look for all those people who don't call it that. - And keep half an eye on it. Well, we wander deeper into this section, see if they're drawn out or something. - And the place where Ryan Nelson died was right up against the back of the stream, then. - So pretty much outlines. - We want to head towards the river. - You start wandering towards the stream. - We start wandering towards the river. - We're going to lay away from this house. - Deeper, deeper into the woods. - A litmus. - Please. - Ooh, five. - Nice. - It's a pub. - I roll the fork. - Great. What you see Maxwell is nothing. You see darkness, you see the wooded area. You can start to see the area of what looks to be a stream. And what Roberto sees is a pack of four dogs off to your left and they are glowing of demon possession. - Ah, she called the wrong authorities, but there they are. - You look off into the darkness and you think you see movement, but Roberto's picking them up as glowing. He has no problem with spotting. - One of these, I lighted up for Maxwell to see. - Okay. - All right, what are you doing? - Is that all one on fire? - Yes. - Okay. - From Maxwell to see. - Go for it. - Why don't we roll for an initiative? - Can we just use what we had for our largest? - Yeah, that's fine. - Five and four, right? - I actually give you plus two for a total of seven, Roberto. - Okay. - I'm going to make it a power of three, but I'm going to reduce two of those shifts just to make it glow brightly more than due damage and only do one stress of damage if that's all right over there. You're going to give it an aspect beacon. It's going to do one damage, but it's mostly going to be bright. To control that, I rolled a two and could not control it. - So you should. - Awesome. - Yeah, so some of the trees start on fire. - So Roberto points off towards the shadows that you see moving around and you just see an explosion of flames, one of the dogs. - I saw it. (laughing) I saw the dog as well as the surrounding area because the total power you put into it, right? - It was mostly to make light. I just couldn't control it very well. - So the dog burst into flames, but also the surrounding wooded area. It's probably going to go out pretty quickly because it's a spring, it's a moist area, it's not terribly dry, but it is definitely currently lit up. It is then an x-woster. - Well, of pistol, I'm going to shoot that dog before I have to resort to grappling because as much as I want to grapple dogs when they're like four of them. Probably going to wait until there's only a few. We're all for guns. Well, plus one for a total of three. Not the best of guns anymore, I've moved to fist itself. - But you can use beacon for plus two if you'd like. I only did more damage, but used three shifts so that two of them could be an aspect. - Oh, sure. Okay, then I'll use the beacon plus two for a sperm attack, which is weapons two against the dog who rolls. - All right, I rolled a minus one, that leads to a total of three in defense athletics for the dog to get out of the way of the gun. - Three, I rolled five. So two plus weapons two is force stress on the dog. - One of the dogs looks badly damaged, the others charge. - Who's standing at the front? - Really? - Yeah, he rolled the best to learn. - So working together, three of them, one of them is light and far behind, come charging in and attempt to bite shoot. - I didn't know I had a flaming dog biting me. - The total is four. - Black, dodge. - No second needs weapons. - It's hand to hand combat. - Yeah, but I have a hammer, so it's not easy. I rolled three. Good to dodge. One point of damage, right? - So one point of damage. - Plus weapons of their-- - Yeah, I'm gonna say their claws are two. - That's a total of three. - All right. - I'm taking the flaming dog off of me. Try not to catch far. - The flaming dog is farther behind, it's moving slower. - Oh, good. - They're having a backpack. - What we're gonna do is, since there was three of them, we had, I think, one for each of them, other than the original base one. That is actually in a total of-- - Five. - Five. - I've been bitten, chewed. - Chewed. - Is that sure? - Yeah, consequence. - I kind of wish I was there to witness that. - We'll disappoint you. - There's now a chewed aspect available so the dogs back up there are-- - All right, I'm trying to get these dogs back up as possible. I take a swing at them with the hammer. I had a toss in my. - Okay. - And-- - Mine is plus plus. - Mine is one, so that leaves them at two as far as defense. - What's your five? - So that's three difference, and the hammer is a weapons two, I think. - Welcome to three, it's two-handed. - Okay. - Plus two damage in the finale 'cause I have inhuman strength, so. - Yeah, eh. - So you swing your hammer with a muddy blow, you catch one of the dogs, and it just, there's a sickening crunch as ribs snap, and this dog is then flying into a tree, which a second sickening clunk, and the dog falls to the ground dead apparently, or at least unconscious. - Apparently. - That was a good chance. - Edge my best on that one. - Unfortunately, how will you hear more? - More. - Mm. - All right, max on. - Well, that dog who's on fire, and there's been shot, is he out to count, or should I put another in him? - He's still moving. - I'm gonna slowly towards there. So there are two dogs near a bird, or there's one that is apparently dead, and there's one that's limping, and blazing, and shot. - I'm dankering. - Right, I put that one out of its misery hopefully. - All right. - Plus one, and I have gun skill two, so total three. Do you have any consequences on him yet? - That one, yes. - Oh, yeah. - I'm gonna use that 'cause I put the consequences on him. - That would be... - Five. - Yeah. - He is, ooh. - Actually, he was three and then rolled a five. He rolled two. - When you tie... - I think it does its weapons value, which is two. - That's what draws in, no, so I'll go with that. - You're supposed to also get spin at the minor aspect. Bonus on him. - Weapons two pistols, so I do two more damage to him. - He looks bad, but he's still limping along. - All right. - I have the two surrounding you. The minus one on the dice is canceled by the fact that there's two dots, there's plus one for the other dog, so we are just a good for you to avoid. - That's easy. - I only got fair, so. - What's your thought? - It's one. I take it, so I don't, I just... - Okay. - Okay, they cash in on the chip to kick it up two more points. - And the T32. - And the T32. - So it's five again? - Yeah. - You're getting two. - I have double chewed. - I'm crunched. - And you have recovery? - I threw him out. - Okay. So these dogs are ripping into you, but you know you'll recover quickly. You wind up, we'll go back to Roberta at the top. One of the dog stops in howls, and it's returned by a howl in the distance, which seems to be getting closer. - All right, the dog that howl is going down. That guy. - You do not talk to the other dogs. I'll deal with them when it's their time. - I'll talk to them on you. - It's good stitches. - You come with the hammer? - Yes. - That one's fine. - On the downswing. - Holy fuck. - Plus three. - It makes it seven, and go on down three. - Three strikes two. - Epic. That's totally epic. - That's a wash on that, so that's three for the dog. - Not very epic. - Four. - That is a good dodge. - Five makes it nine damage. - Yeah, that dog can't take that. - So with a downward stroke, you just pound it into the ground, and there's a pump. - All right. - Yeah, one last shot in the injured one. Hopefully he doesn't dodge today. - Fuck him, he's dead. I roll a plus four, and then I gun skill two for six, and I'll tap that for eight. - Plus four. - Yeah, so I rolled an eight. He rolled a what two. - The fake card. - Yeah, he did a little fake. - Six plus weapons two for eight damage. - Your first two shots were slowly getting closer until you put one or two into many eyes, this dog goes down. - Little overkill. - Yeah, a little bit. There's actually one remaining, but now that there's one, I'm gonna argue that I can use my weapons to defend given that they're not surrounding me. - Perfectly valid. - Oh my goodness. I rolled three minuses. I'm going to spend a fake point. I have a thing-- - aspect you could have. - Okay. - No, I have fake points as the genome and the scene. - So I am going to tap a desperate attack. - I rolled a minus two. - We will tap one of your injuries. - Two, we roll. - Yeah, again. - Or to add two, which makes it equal and it's a good attack. - All right. - It's got a great defense. - Sorry. - Yeah, we're gonna tap demon doctor. - From a good to a superb. - Well, how are that near great? - All right, that hits, and it does one damage, and he has teeth, so it's-- - There's two more. - Three. - And I already have three, four. - Which you can order with. - All right. - Kill him. - Yeah, I saved Maxwell. Keep an eye out for the other ones. I got this and get rid of this dog. Ain't nothing in the world. Let's have me come back. - Fit pet rolls. - The dog after it bites you crawls. The fire away dogs howl, but they're much, much closer now. And then you hear what appears to be a third group off to the left, howling in return as well. So go ahead. Then I wanna call back up. All right, I got a superb on the attack here. - Okay. - And geez. - Don't need to do the math here, it's dead. - Oh yeah. - He rolled a fair defense. - Five plus the one difference is six. Does that take 'em out? - This gives him a consequence, which these are just minor characters. - Mm-hmm. - So he hacked on it, so yes. - And we've got some time before they show up. What do you suggest? Moving to better terrain where they can't surround us. Go across the radar. - What? - Magical things don't like crossing running water. Jump the river. - Wasn't does it all the time. - All right, the great tools are here by now. - Actually they're not the ones, the first one you heard howl, you can see them 'cause you have your demon eyes. And they are far enough away that Maxwell really can't pick them up, but they seem to be spreading out in a semi-circle and they're waiting for the other group which is coming from the other side. - All right, I spin the hammer around and it lights up and fire and I go charging towards the group. - I make an aspect with my magic. Did dispel the darkness. - You're trying to light up the area with your hammer? - Spell the darkness so they can't be hiding. - How late can you see when you get too good on that? - So I make it-- - Typically just set up an aspect. - Good, three. And this is just for me to control it. I rolled shite, I got a one. So, two different. I'm gonna take that two as a mental consequence, which makes it three, right? 'Cause I have to take one? - Yes. - Okay, I do that. And the hammer lights up. The darkness is now-- - Oh, for a minute, his-- - Well, where are the flashes? And it kind of lines you a little, but he seems to get it under control on the rooms along the side of it or just the globe. It's light enough to light up this wooded area, so the area is well lit instead. - Firelight. - There you go. - He made it so it's free the time of the once. - Yes, that's fine. - I can see these guys now, right? - You can. - Yeah, take a shot. - I released the four nearest one. I take a shot at one. - That happens on your turn, then you can shoot on the other turn. - Plus smart spots. I'm not gonna spend my free time firelight. - No, you really shouldn't, because I rolled a plus two, which makes them a five or superb. - I rolled average. - I used to be better with guns, like exchange for fists, 'cause I expected to be fighting more people. - These are trying to stay out of your range. - Your shot goes a little while with things off a tree. - They're circling out there, as the other group seems to be getting closer. - All right, that catch up to them? - You charge them? - Is it their turn and now my turn? - Oh, yes, because they're not moving closer. - I'm charging them. - Okay. - And now I attack. - All right, flaming hammer. - We get close enough to attack one. They've actually spaced themselves out, so it's difficult to-- - I've got to take another one and another one. - All right, okay. - Minus one for having moves first. - Okay. - John's on fire tonight. - Body's quick. - Quite literally. And I rolled a superb. - He rolled a three, which is good. - Difference is two, plus five, it is seven. - This dollar's on launch. - Taking care of these dogs. - The next person up is you? - That's one. - Okay. - I don't chew another, because you know, they're not getting any closer. - These dogs have collars on them? - That's something worth checking out when they're not trying to kill us. - I've killed a couple of them, I just probably didn't know. - Wow. - They're all even worse. - Yeah, that's not a good roll. - Me yoker, I believe. He plays on the ladder. - Great roll to escape your shot. - Yeah. - This goes wide. - Four points worth of unnecessary dodging. - You have not seen any collars on these. - Okay. - Then by conscience, it's clean. Kind of, if not really. - The three remaining dogs converge on you? - Oof. - Yeah, finally rolled a birthday roll. - I can only see one toss. - Oof, they're all pluses. - Okay. - I don't. - That would be an epic attack by the three dogs. - John, equally on fire again tonight. - Yeah, I rolled the three pluses. - Great. - Great. I fly the fire behind me to keep them back as I swivel around in front of them. And roll a, I don't re-roll. - No, I would re-roll three pluses. - And get a fantastic. - So the difference is one, plus there are two claws and/or bites, which makes it a three. - Three strips. - Plus, no. There are three dogs, so it's plus an additional two. So a total of five damage. - All right, that's a consequence. - Media one. - That's two consequences. Isn't this a third consequence? - I think he means he now has a second consequence. - It's a five to take four off. - Three and four are taken. So it's gotta be-- - You take four off, you take one stretch. - Yeah, fine. - You already have your tooth. - The moderate is-- - Are we? - Are we? - Oubus. - No, they drag me to the ground. - That's not-- - And hopefully that brings them in. - Okay. - I'll throw a grenade. - I'll throw a grenade at you. - Happy grenade! - Hoveled. - They clearly tore his leg clean off. - He's been a little more severe. - He's been a little more severe. - He can recover. - It is-- - A lake. - Roberto's turn. - Get him. - I try to draw the rest of them in by falling to the ground and screaming out. - What do you mean by the rest of them? - The ones that are in the distance. I don't want them to be on the edges, like, can we take this or not? I want them to be like, oh, it's dinner time coming in. - Do you want all seven? - Yes. - Dogs and on top of you at once. - Yeah, I think this is the strange occasion where I can use my own hobbled consequence, being injured as a-- - I wouldn't allow you to freely tap it, but yeah, I mean, there you go. Hobbled. - Do you have any of what? - Yeah, I do. I have to see. - It's okay. - It's super high. - Well, how about performance? - Yeah, yeah, it's performance. - Yeah, it's really high. - I am in the pit. - Are you a man of the ox? - I don't think dogs-- - You want to TV with mama? - I rolled a four on deception. Great. - Center out of the list to visit mediocre. - Yeah, which only makes him a two. - Well, here you go. - Ooh, dinner time worked. - So they fell for that. - Yes, the other dogs are moving in. However, the three will probably attack before the other four get there. - That's okay. - What does Maxwell do to me? Do you see your friend go down on a pile of dog screaming? - Yeah, I throw a grenade, but I'm all out. - Honestly though, don't want to get to the vitals. - Well, I have really high empathy. I'm probably sure he didn't fool me. - No, I don't need to go-- - He's playing class, help him. Go punch the dogs. - I would love to punch the dogs, but there's about to be seven of them. - I'm just going to shoot again. I'm really sure I could take one of these dogs and hand to hand, but he's not really giving me the opportunity. - I roll the minus one, and I'm really tired of that. So I'm going to rework. - Good for you. Well, you got to be dictated by fate. - I roll the neutral. - Much better. - It's just fucking great. - We are all in the neutral as well. - Yeah, but mine's too. - I don't really have another aspect. That's good for boosting my gun skill. - I didn't think that all the way through every soul's worth saving. I walked range of-- - Save me. Including your own. - We can work good. - But doom. - Or Roberta's. - Every soul worth saving. - Thank you. - Not everyone? - Every soul worth saving. - Anyway, I'm just adding plus two, 'cause I ain't rolling a third down with full sets. - Right, that would make sense. - One plus weapons two for total of three damage. - It's sad. - Fortunately, I don't know how to take them off. - So we can assign one of his small rolls damage to that guy? If he rolls separately. - The dog's attack you unfortunately, not very successfully. I rolled a two, which is only a bear. However, there are three, so that takes it up to a great. - On the ground, can I use my weapons to fend them back? - Sure. - Sure. - All right, go on to my throat, man. Vital. - You rolled a wall? - I rolled a great. - So two damage to you. - I don't know. - Shut the needle right there. Just, all these other ones are filled to slot. - With that, the remaining four dogs come charging and you are now surrounded by seven. - All right. - It is your turn. - I get up on one knee and say it off of this shit and burn the bitches. I slide my hammer into the ground and fire just explodes in a radius around me. I want to knock them out. - Two points. - That needs five damage. - Yes, you're okay. - Is that the minimum? I don't know the minimum. - If you want to give all of them a consequence, you would have to do at least five damage to every one of them, so yes. - That's going to have to be seven. - To hit everyone in the area. - I can't control seven, it's going to surprise you. - Study! - And my conviction's only at three, so four, five, six, seven. - What? - It's maybe a real high. - Four points ahead of where I can do. So I have to take four points of mental damage just to cast this. - Yes. - I do that. - Okay. - Now I am rolling to control it. - Just before the audience understands, you are doing five points of damage and then you're doing too additional to do it as an area effect. - Yes. - Right. - Okay. - And I'm rolling to control it. - This one. - My discipline's two. - What? - Keep it on for seven. - Minus one. - Minus one. - Yeah. - Minus one. - You could fall unconscious? - That's a good plan. - Or I could like the forest on fire. - That's a worse plan. - I like the forest on fire. - Yeah. - I don't fall asleep in a fight. - No, of course not. - You know if you take yourself out and you get a fake point for every one of these consequences you took. In Maxwell, I'd have to drag you to safety. - Yeah. - That's what's not happening. - I can do that. - Just say it. - I don't know if you like the forest. I mean, is it a fire that can hurt you as well? - Yeah. - Well that's a horrible idea. - Maxwell never does what he's supposed to do. - He don't. - With a good idea. I want to be conscious on not burning in my own inferno. - Or if you can go unconscious and have your friends in you. - They're running best of house. Got it, lady? - Don't get in there. (laughing) - There was an infestation. - Fire is an infestation. - Fire is an infestation. (laughing) - This is a dog infestation. It needs to be burned down. - So, yes. Fire. I don't control it. - You don't control it though. - No. - The whole entire wooded area started. - This is a fire light. - You might want to put a new condition on called Fire Ease. - Inferno. - Blaze inferno. - Disco inferno. - Disco. - Something that the damp force is definitely not going to just put out by itself. - Yes. That one's too long to fit on here. - This is disco inferno is definitely on there. - This is officially on fire. And as London sits at home and watches this television show. - My daughter and I are playing Xbox. I think we're actually playing a horror game where there's dogs attacking us - That's a good transition. - It's like a, yeah, it's a nice segue. - You absolutely kill, knock unconscious, all of the dogs. - Is he automatically safe from that explosion? - No, he was in Lisa's own away. - I came from the dogs. - He stayed where he was. - Right, I think it was a big explosion. - I thought he was a Lisa's own away. - He thought he was intentionally new that it's Roberto, something that happened. - Maxwell, why's move? - And that area effect affects everyone in the zone. - Got it. - Inferno might happen later. - Well, as I say, the inferno, is that just everyone, is that just the zone? Or did he white up extra zone? - It's gonna spread. But right now that given zone is a place. - How big is that zone? - He is in the middle of the zone. - What you said? - That zone. - How large is this zone? - 20 feet. - That he's totally set on fire. - Sure. - A good 20 foot. - A 20 foot radius or a 20 foot diameter? - This is explosion, I didn't. - Radius. - Radio? - That's diameter. - Jesus. - Radio? - A woman's not a mathematician. - The fucking forest is on fire. He's in the middle of it. All of the hounds are down either dead or not. - Howling in pain, in agony. - I stand up, breathe in, pass out and put out the fire. How do you put out the fire? - With another spell. - Controlling it. - Of course. - But you turned the zone down. - Didn't really work. - Yes, but now I'm trying. - Like ritualized? - Shouldn't you try to run out of the zone on fire? - You're trying to absorb the fire back in your hammers. - What you're saying here? - The difficulty would in fact be-- - Don't die. You got a good armpit. - I don't know, epic. Equal to the amount of damage you just did, which is seven. - You'd have to import of an arc to die against dogs in the forest fire, okay? - I'm not going to die from a forest fire. It's just trying to control what-- - If you throw the suck it in and don't suck it in, guess where it's going? - Where's the case scenario? - What skill am I rolling for this? - I would think discipline. - Oh yeah, okay. - The control-- - It just sings discipline. - If you have rituals, you could do this the whole way. - Well, one, one. - What's your discipline? - That makes it fair. - Whoo! - That means it's right. - Good. - That's good. - So, four more. - Two aspects worth. - I'm gonna say that, yeah, I'm guarding this Cleveland source. This is like, I'm not going to like this thing on fire. And I take the other two shifts as damage on myself. - Okay. - There you go. You controlled it. - My actual is like, that was cool. You just saw him slam his hammer on the ground. A huge burst of fire came out in a circle. Frying all these dogs. And then he slammed it again in the fire. - You all sucked back into the hammer. - Most of the fire sucked back into the hammer and a little bit sucked back into the hammer. - Sorry about that. - Did you take physical damage? Or do you take mental damage for that? - That, I'd say physical 'cause it was fire. - Yeah. - But I thought you had like one through four. It would be a stress if I took it mental. I want it to be physical 'cause then it sticks around. - I would say you sucked it back into the hammer but the hammer got so red hot that you were holding under and then you're like, fuck, you drop it and your hands a little burnt. - So then you like, naturally pick the hammer back up. - Kick it into the spine and then look at that. - Alright, don't worry about that scene. - Yeah, I probably could have taken like four of them myself. - Like he's complaining. - Well, I just hope you don't run in anything on your way back home before you get a chance to rest. - Yeah. - Actually, as soon as that scene ends, my mild consequences go away. Shrug away the burns, the bites, the chews. - Do you think? - Yeah, I've got inhuman recovery. Outside of combat, all consequences heal at one of severity. - Okay, also actually just disappear. - You can clear your milds once we're combat. - One of 'em. - Okay. - So as he's sitting there talking to you, Max, well you see the bites on his arm just healing up and disappearing. - And he only comes out limping. - So yeah, I could have taken care of some of those. - It's done, man. - Well, yeah, I'm just, you kind of blew up the fucking forest design. - It's done. - Yeah. - The forest is better. - It's a little sports market, a big circle. It's probably gonna be hard to explain. - Just like, just because the warden is near doesn't mean no one else can handle combat. It's all set. - Why are we here? - I'm literally untouched. - That's right. - Soon in this neighborhood, there's gonna be this story about the sperm circle. - The woods. The kids will make up something. - Oh, and there's gonna be like dog bones there? - Yeah, there's gonna be dog bones. - It's totally hard to talk about. - Right, satanic rituals in the Rocky River Forests. - I think we continue our investigation that you might wanna- - Do you actually find a platform? - Similar to the one, but it's much more dilapidated, broken down, like the corner is cracked. - And hopefully by the time we circle. - And get back to that later, Michael, I should be here. And we can do something about it. - We'll call him. I mean, you're gathering information. You have information, there's clearly something here. And there was clearly something guarding it. I bust out my phone, get the GPS coordinates. Take some pictures, trace the pictures. We order pizza on, keep them pointing next course. - All right, we've got a scene for all. - I don't- - Everything I was gonna do was with Mike and Mike, so. - Sorry. - Jim, what are you doing? - You can realize how uncredited you were and come apologize to London. - No, I would not want to- - We can roll point it out, it'll be awesome. - No, I don't know. - Come on, it'll be fun. - No, and no. - He answers no, I'm not telling you anything. - Well, I don't mean you have to tell me anything, just an apology will do. - Now people are just coming up with the map of the Emerald Circle basically and putting pin points down where we find stuff and trying to guess where the next places could be to help them out. - Maxwell and Roberto has reported the two different locations they found. They've actually looked at one, the other one they haven't looked at, but they realize it might be a dangerous thing that- - What location is it? - They found two potential points on the circle. This one we visited just now, and another one we had to go to. - This one that they looked at was purchased back in the 19, or 1890s by an employee of the Rockefeller Company, a higher up. Not purchased by J.D. to Rockefeller. Oh, the previous one that the white fork vampire mistake was on, this one was purchased by an associate of his. - We were just concerned with this use for the same purpose, and it looks like that's the case. - There's something going on here. I mean, obviously there's some magics at play, so I believe that that is foreboding for any other places we find as well. - Now, we're assuming once again that there is a group text that's going around, so these gentlemen Maxwell and Roberto report to everyone that they've researched, they found, they investigated, they were attacked, they fought it off. - I'm absolutely stunned when I find out that Roberto started a forest player. - I don't think that's part of the text. - They fought it off. - No, it's just right. - They fought it off. - Right. - Small fire, nothing more of them. - I'll put this. - I'm asking me a mace tomorrow morning when I read on the internet. - Where's the forest fire in Rocky River? - There probably wasn't. - There might be reports of a huge. A mysterious ball of light. - No, right, right. - A meteor struck in Rocky River. - There was clearly no fire. - It didn't go to control. - So you guys investigated behind the platform, notify the group of the platform's existence, and then you climb back over the fence and... - Yeah. - Went back. - Talk to your dog. - Talk to your dog from... - It was dark. (laughing) - Good. - I love the tune of "Talk" and you just... - You guys sound like, yeah, really good. - Government boys, we're all in the way. They shouldn't be any issue any longer. If there is cause again, send another guy. - You're still gunning your hand? - Yeah, you guys leave the house and walk up the driveway and down the street towards your car as the animal control is pulling up the lady's house and moves into the driveway and gets out. Chex's clipboard carefully. Walks up to the front door. You guys look a little faster. - Well, I told her there was a terrible anonymous communication going on in the government bureau today. I'm sure she won't be too surprised to learn that we sent two people. - I think they might be surprised that we left about, well, dogs, horses, control person. She thinks he's a fake. - I bring home one of the dog horses. It's pretty magic. Born, you can probably find out something. - Okay, I'm assuming you dragged it along in the side of the house. - No, I had Roberto drag it to the car while I talked about it. - They opened it behind you where you're talking to the lady. - I imagine you take the smallest of the dog horses. - Did you kill them all? - It's the one we burnt, not the one we crushed them to paste, the one that's burnt. - Did you kill them all? - Yes. - We don't want the one that's burnt. 'Cause you said you could knock them out. I mean, that's your option. - I don't know if I can knock them out with concussive fire blasts, but. - We don't want them white. - I'm just saying they could be so alive. They'd be in pretty sh*t shape. They'd be burnt. - No, I don't, I'm gonna be a bit of suffering. - I don't know which one would make me sadder, so I just want them to be dead. - Yes, problem solved. - Okay. - I don't bring one of the one that's been burnt. That contaminates it with demon magics. His demon magics are set to the rigor, the demon magics that we need to be researching here. So one of the hammer, one of the ones you got killed by him. - And one of those are a paste, basically, in a jar. All right, so we will return next week. Is all those gonna discuss with Rappa and the Warden? Different things that she wishes to discuss. We're gonna have the day moved up yet another one, 'cause we'll call it a night in both terms of playing and in the game. - So the arbiter decision will be sometime this day when we return. - Right. Roberto will recover a little bit of health as well. I don't know if you still have some outstanding. - Yeah, I'm looking along just like a mild appeal. - You have to have it two scenes after-- - Two scenes after-- - Why don't you have to have it treated? - 'Cause I have no recovery. - Oh, you're special. - Yeah, I'm bad, yeah. - You're a special. - That's why I get three fake points. - Two scenes after the initial recovery action. - Okay. - So-- - And we're gonna say that that whole fight was one scene. - One fake point, I know. - Well, you actually, if we're gonna call it a night and you guys gonna get a night of rest, you'll be back up here. - That'd be nice. - You're walking through? - Yes. - Are you doing anything? Bringing it to brother Francis? - Francis, see what he can do. - Yes, Daddy. If he wants to-- - No, well, I'll bring it to the Lord. - Okay. - True enough. Maxwell asked me to get it. I don't know what he had in mind. I'm not bragging anymore. - Okay. - Since we got two possibly three points on the circle, we're hoping we could get a pattern. - Pretty good guess at what type of triangles or pattern is inside the circle. - Oh, yeah. - Here's something-- - Figure out what the other points could be and then doing research and who owns them, basically. - So you and who? - Yes, Mapping. - Maxwell are looking at different-- - Before we leave-- - configurations, magical, that would fit into these three points. - Alright, ready to go? - I'll be here, guys. (upbeat music) - Thank you for listening tonight to the Night Actual Play podcast. If you'd like to send us questions, comments, or feedback, you can reach us in a number of ways, including Twitter at KOTN_podcast or emailing us at And don't forget the iTunes reviews. We also have a Facebook page at While at Facebook, join like-minded folks on our Facebook fan page. And lastly, there's our blog,, where there's an Amazon link on the right-hand side. Those of you outside the US can help by donating at our Patreon page, And then listen in for the monthly t-shirt giveaway. And remember to join us next week for more mystery and adventure. (upbeat music) (beep) - Yoghamat, trust. Give me the yoghamat down towards the room. But you called the admin. - Oh, it's losing, like, mm-hmm. - Fan text. - Hold on a minute. I'm gonna lift this up. - Fair, but then I haven't asked this. - What thing do you feel was that, hold on? - Okay. - I got context. - You want some help? - No. - Stop talking. - Help from London? What is this? - The microphone's gonna sound crazy. - Oh, oh. - I guess it is. It's gonna be like- - Wow, it's not such. - This? - It's a horrible night. - So it's a complete watch. - It's making fun of you 'cause you missed the math. - Oh, I was supposed to do it on the math? - Yeah. - No, we just unrolled this one. - Oh. - I'll be more than that down here. - Oh. - Look at this. - Is that her title? - Stop it. - All right, all right. - Let me explain, yeah, yeah, and why. I hate those spikes, all right? This is why. - Oh my gosh. - Yeah. - Yeah. - I have what? - Yeah. - I gave you a secret beer, bro. - Yes, you have some. - Yes, you have some. - Yeah. (laughing) - What? (laughing) - What's that? - I love the beer, bro. - I think the beer runs, all right, gather around, give some more love. Can I finish this beer? - No. - Is it okay, yeah? - Just one? - No, I'm trying to get it from my birthday. - We're celebrating Uncle Tom's birthday. - Do I have any ability to enforce anything? 'Cause I feel like I'm a leader. - She's powerful. - I'm just saying, if I'm the leader, and like he's like, oh, we'll get back to you. Like, we're the leader of all the parentate. - You're like the leader of the PTA. - You're like the leader of a PTA. - Okay, so this doesn't-- - You're like the leader of the Playland PTA. (beeping) - Yeah, of course I have the power of green. (laughing) - Listen to me, you will answer my calls. (beeping) - This girl I do. - She has a little nuts, that's why the, it scrolls like her. - Ha. (beeping) - The backyard is the lake. - Yeah. (laughing) - The cafeteria is the backyard is the lake. - It wasn't like Avenue, this is Rocky River. It's over near the metro parks. I'm the side where the metro park says. Okay. - Okay. - Sorry, I thought-- - The forest comes up behind the hospital and over in that all area. - Okay. - You got it. - It's not, it's not right. - I just wanna make sure we weren't de-gating from it. - Don't worry, this is-- - Rocky River has the metro parks-- - Yes it does. - Thing. - That's where-- - They also have Lake Avenue. - That's why I'm sorry. - No, this is-- - This doesn't make any sense. - No, no, this is the-- - There's kale swimming dog. (laughing) - It's real from-- - Fucking dolphins. - 60 hours a bit out there. How did they manage? - Rocky River's got this area of the metro parks that goes down, they have some really nice houses in there, older ones. There's also, they have horseback riding and a bunch of other things. It's in that area there. (beeping) - We were back up to Alberto. - Alberto. - Alberto. - V-O-5, go. - Did I say sickening toys? - Three times. - Three times. - 'Cause it hit the other one, got hit, and then hit the tree. - Very sickening. I don't like see dogs hurt. - No. - Sorry. - Why do you make them dogs? - Whether they're resounding. - At least they're not children. - Should have been hell care. - Yes. - I don't make them children. I would have make them-- - It would be dog children doing puppies. - It would be attacked by puppies. - I didn't know you should take so long. - You're like, "Shroll." - "Shroll." - "Shroll." - I rolled a wash. - So I got great. - Diameter. - Diameter. - Yeah, no. - No radius. - I know. - It's a radius. - I know. - No, no, no, no, no. - It's great. - Apparently, John's not a man, but teaching either. - I'm not a geometer. - A geomancer. - There you go. - You know what? You've got a chance to say it. - It's a good geometer. - I could say it at least once in episode. - We'll love it. - Congratulations. - It's just a goal of yours. - It is, actually. - So 20 cubic feet of fun. - Yes, and it is-- - None is cubic. - It's going to be shit. - This is already a-- - Hot dogs. - And I guess that's not-- - I'm sorry. - No, it's not. - No, it's not. - No, it's not. - Yes, it is. - You're not making it in a fucking episode. - I'll have a better son, in fact.