Knights of the Night

262_DFRPG_Squirrels Didn't Know

1h 19m
Broadcast on:
26 Feb 2016
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We start the Dresden Files Story Arc - Passages.

[music] Hello, and welcome to Nights at the Night actual play podcast. This Dresden file adventure, "Passages" was written and run by your GM Tom. And now, please enjoy episode 262, titled "Squirrels Didn't Know". Actual play begins 14 minutes and 47 seconds. [music] Two, get on to the feedback before we get you to our first episode. Woo! Third chapter. Over on, the blog site, under the Dresden one-shot, damn alphabet. Anonymous posted and said, "I've only recently listened because I didn't know you posted this. Great game. Amazing that you actually got it done in one-shot. Almost all of my one-shots end up taking a couple of nights." In some of the post-show stuff, I heard you guys talking about thaumaturgy and world-walking complexity. Obviously, this could be out of date. You might have already read it. But the parent ed papers does have a section on the cheer-saving thaumaturgy, supposed to make everything flow quicker. Though I don't remember the details from my first skim, I'm probably going to go back through rituals since she started a new leg of the Dresden files. I haven't, so I don't remember exactly what power ruppa is supposed to have. But out of the book, world-walker is actually pretty simple, just long-winded like many of the powers in the Dresden file games. You can detect riffs with lore or investigations open a rif for free, though it might annoy someone, and only for a few seconds, and the lore and survival rules to know the details of the never-never R+2, and you may use lore instead of survival's normal functions. You don't necessarily have to make them all at once though. So, yes, we have actually skimmed the parent ed paper as well. I haven't read it as thoroughly as I should. We already discussed it with Michael, who is in here tonight, how the world-walking is going to change. So once Anonymous here catches up, he will hear that as well. But thank you for pointing it out just in case we didn't. The blog site also had a post on episode 262, which was, "You Had Me at London," the most recent one we released. The post was from Unit Omega, who said, "Having worked for rituals recently, I distinctly remember Zelda being mentioned as having the Tower of Faith and Dr. Stance, and maybe a person of conviction and/or occultness." Obviously, that's a decent chunk of refresh, but Dr. I think sounds like it definitely would still apply. Yeah, I appreciate that, because I was trying to figure out what her refresh sink was, because she definitely made as many fake points as she did a lot. She's got a lot of them, and I know she has a bunch of them. Did she trim some of it off? Does she do that? I don't remember. She did. She lost her character. Oh, right, right. Dr. was important to the last one. She actually came in to help us recover from something. Because I know that the bitch doesn't take any refresh points away at all, so she could just load up on that as much as she wants. And she's got five rags. Are you suggesting that she'd be one of her aspects? I'm going to take as many free shots that she's not here tonight as I possibly can. And you want me to leave him in? Oh, absolutely. Generally, that's tall. Maybe we should cut to... What do you think, Rachel? Nothing to say? To finish unit Omega's post, he said, "Power wise, this sounds a lot like she had rituals, minus two, for a typical fortune teller, but that might be more than necessary. An easier system would be to guide my hand, minus one, and righteousness minus two. The conviction skill already innately governs act of faith. So guide my hand might be used to justify conviction, to perform overcoming and maneuvering base on cards. And the spiritual guidance effect slots in a while with shaping the future. This comes to mind in that for Zelda, a prayer would be a long form of ritualizing reading like a five point or Celtic cross, which could invoke her high concept. The mechanical effects would be based upon her interpretation of the reading. If there is no need for mechanical effects, the card read is purely introspective. Shaping the future can be very powerful, but since there is an inherent random element, there is not much need to make it mechanically cost. And again, this assumes she has a pure faith based power, which is a tangible force and resistance distinct from magic. Yes. You put a lot of thought on this, and I have to, but the thing is, and I don't mean to knock Rachel, but she doesn't have a very firm grasp on the system as it is. So it's very hard to explain all of that. And honestly, when we do it, she doesn't abuse it. So we're not too worried, in my opinion, we're not too worried about it being as abstract as it is right now. I have thought of all that, and I agree with most of your points, that was a pretty solid way to handle it if we needed it to be a more mechanically sound. Over to Facebook, episode 260, they have agendas. Kevin B posted and said, "Just to clarify, based on a question, I remember Roberto offering the second coin taken from the goon to the Warden Montgomery." So the Warden would know that Roberto has two points. I think that's been established that you know that he has two points. Thank you, Kevin. I had to post it, of course, and said that's assuming that the Warden would remember that Roberto offered him the coin. He's a blackboard fan player, question mark. Kevin B posted inside LOL. Yeah. But no one else remembers, there was definitely a scene where the coin was offered, and there was a very Gandalf inspired response that you turned it down being that it would be dangerous when you're not derivative. No, when you're mentioning the same name, you know, the scene's sentence is Gandalf. I mean, that's high praise. Okay. I'll take it. I think that's what it was meant for, not the derivative of nature, but the like. Later, I've also thought of the demon fallen in terms of slightly different methods of possession, but that could just be the show supernatural bleeding through. In Dresden, I don't know, maybe it's more all squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares. Mm-hmm. Valid. I mean, how do you deal with the demons? I think it's never been really clearly forgot that I like that statement, though, like all squares are working on all the channels are squares. I mean, that's kind of a way to show that, you know, there's not the same going in both ways. Right. Spoiler alert, these comments by Yvonne in case anybody hasn't read the book. Is that really a spoiler if you have no intention of reading any more books by my man? Two hours. That's the only one. But we have fans of you. In case anybody in our audience haven't read all the books, these are going to be spoilers. Yvonne posted and said, "As far as I know, the word of Jim is that Santa is Odin." Also, Mab used to be human not so long ago, and I think less than a thousand years or so. The face seemed to be tied to humans, and somehow their reproduction seems to necessitate humans and changelings. That works great with the more humanoid of them, but I'm not sure what happens to sprites and other things like the mulk. Sure it took over whoever was on duty to watch against the outsiders before it. We don't know much more about it, and I don't think it sounds like a violent conquest. And yeah, I think this is about all the commentary I can give. So he was referring to a lot of different conversations that we had during the week. Why would anyone listening to our podcast with the Frozen Files do they have any interest in the books? On that note, I mean, I agree. That's why... There might be some world of darkness listeners that are thinking about reading. They have to hang around. Sure. What I was going to say is that there's a number of people that listen for the world of darkness but they like how we place it. I mean, Moira is now winter. She's one of the aspects of the world. Wow, you're just going for the whole spoiler. And Tutu, I think, is great to become something because it's like Phineum Tazim. The horrible name, but it's been a really horrible name. We need to balance out our spoilers. Here's the world of darkness, spoiler. Every one dies. Just every one. Move G posted and said the malks and the sprites may be prior residents of faith. Maybe the malks breed with regular cats. Maybe. And then the cats have to make their children's. Cats changes. Yeah, cats. More spoilers from Abane who posted and said about neutral grounds. It hasn't been specified how they were made. I think, however, the power beyond the unsealy court is the unsealy AKA, the winter court. It might very well be enough to convince Mab that he'll keep things, oh, he's referring to Jim's plans or Jim's neutral grounds, that he'll keep things proper. Mab, because the accords were her personal project. That's easy, right? This, of course, can be translated into PCs having to convince several different powers or personalities to speak to Mab for them, which in practice is the same thing as convincing M to sign. Yeah. Sorry for the nerdage. Not bad. You're amongst friends. Yvonne. Don't worry about it. She posted and said still listening, but in answer to Scott's Justin spoilers ahead, the fallen are separate from demons. One of the angels describes a key difference between the angels, including the fallen, and most supernatural critters. Things like the fey, black court, red court, and most demons are soulless beings that pretty much act only uninstinct and can't fight against their nature the way creatures with souls can. White court, as an example, are sold creatures. Souls and the fallen, by comparisons, are souls without a body, which is why the fallen were capable of rebelling. If they have no souls, the angel couldn't use soul fire, to which use of a soul is the fuel. The soul eventually recovers unless it's totally used up. Where's your kit? Because I read all the same words. It's like theology 101, huh? I'm not sure. If there's souls without bodies and using soul fires and that blood magic? If you want to call a blood magic because it'll kill them if they use it too much, sure, but that's a muddy civic definition of blood magic. Anyway, my point being that I didn't read that anywhere, you could very well be right, I didn't read any of the side job stories. Yeah, I don't know the statement that the fallen are souls without a body is necessarily true. Yeah. Well, I mean, I could see the logic of it, but I don't know that it was ever stated at all. It would well be true. But I'd argue that your point was they couldn't possibly use soul fire if they weren't souls. If even they would work for God, if you need to let them borrow some, fall in as far as the denarians and those fallen, not just fallen in general. Luke G posted and said, I just realized that Uriel says that soul fire consumes a bit of the use of soul in order to give it more substance or permanence. I bet when the angels appear with a body that they're using the soul fire to manifest. I also wonder if Hellfire is the opposite consuming the soul in order to destroy or even un-make things. I don't see any proof of that. I mean, that seemed like it was coming straight from hell, just powered by hell because he never had any problem with his soul disappearing because Bob specifically mentioned it when he noticed it happening. So he would have mentioned it when he was using Hellfire. He posted and said, listened and so adopting this method as the same time wondering why I haven't done it before, as our gaming schedule is way too spacious in between, having to go through the players and what they had going on and what they remember. This actually came up some time ago as my character wouldn't have forgotten that. I'm anticipating, like a pun was removed, in A the pun was removed. So Ari, stop it, I'm not going to, I'm not going to post your puns. Amanda R posted and said, separate mind from body, check. I know you guys have humor, but that had me almost laughing. I'm exercising my discipline. We're talking about a bucket list and different things you ought to check on. Separate mind from body, check. Ari Jay posted another nice try and I got to slip and pass me on it. Mitchell L posted and said, I missed my Joseph files game to which Luke G posted, huh? Didn't know you listened to the nights. So apparently he's a friend of Luke's and he's getting his specs through us. Welcome aboard Mitchell. Enjoy the campaign. Still on Facebook, the last bit of feedback, episode 261 you had me at London. Kevin V posted and said, this session begins immediately, maybe my four favorite words. That means there's like 20 extra minutes of gaming. And Zelda is back. Yay. And she's gone. And she's gone this week. Well, not this week. Luke's in awe. Man. And then Ari Jay also still hasn't learned his lessons, so there was yet another pun deleted. I know it's the effort though, come on. You've got to keep on, you know, pounding at those gates. Yeah, it doesn't work, I've tried. Someday we will just not happen. Where did you come at? On a side note, I'm only bringing it up, well, I'll be some happy first of all, but second of all, you might see hopefully a bump of some sort. I finished my archipelago, which you probably guys didn't know that I did an archipelago, but I was doing a map for a steampunk for the campaign coming up. And so I created my own world because I want to do something very specific. Anyways, I was using the cartographers guild quite extensively. I was reading their tutorials and basically posting updates to the maps and such. My signature has our information in it, so I don't know if it's, yeah, I don't forget any additional hits or any bump from it, but I've been posting relatively aggressively on the site. So hopefully we'll get some, some carryover from there in the return address and hopefully we'll start bumping the numbers. There's a subreddit for our world building that I've subscribed to and it has a lot of life about stuff like that, but you already thought of something like that. Well, no, I'm actually building the world as well. Right now on Evernote, I've been doing a lot of, because there's different races, there's different groups of realms that are similar in a way. So I'm doing a lot of writing, so we'll post it there as well. They're a receptive ear and some great suggestions sometimes. Right, I love the feedback. All right, with that though, we are ending the feedback and we're getting on to the adventure. My name is Tom, I will be your GM type for Dresden, mostly other nights too. This president's venture is called Passages and the players, starting at my right arm. I'm Michael Playing Repa Pierce, I'm a Vietnam vet, I'm an anti-ogenic, organic alchemist. I'm Tom, I'm just playing Maxwell Listen and undercover homeland security operative. Probably. Probably not. I'm Jim, playing Edmund Shadaski, a rich businessman and a black court-powered cyan. I'm Mike, playing Ellen Montgomery, a soul-sundered warden of treatment. I am Scott, playing London Deals, a moral seer to the supernatural powers. I'm John, playing Roberto Martinez, Keeper of Cleveland's Coins, empowered by a fallen angel. I'm Rachel, playing Zelda. I'm Gary and Gypsy, who uses the war her past and her stroke the future. So the first scene starts with Ellen Montgomery and Roberto Martinez working together. What? As they fight a demon, it is late at night. You are in, what do you want to be? Metro parks? Yeah, and it's raining heavy. It's like, oh man, okay. And these demons, they just, they're still flaming despite this. Okay. If it's raining, I may not be able to use magic, so I guess I'm going to use my sword. I'm okay with that. But did you? Water magic? I do, but falling... Yes, we're in the water to cancels our life. Or maybe you're kicking the water at bay, shaking for a fire. That's cool. Is there a bridge? It can be under a bridge. This is Martin Luther King Boulevard. All right. There's a large, old stone bridge. You're underneath it? Yeah. Right now, I drive by it every day. There's a pretty big Greek right alongside of it. Lots of trees. That's why I need the Greek cultural guns. It is raining. It's late at night. So the aspects on this area are darkness, rain, damp, and shadowy. Did we follow the demon here? Or is it resident somewhere in this area and we are trying to find it? You were informed that there was a demon that had been wandering the Metro parks. By the Peronet, in fact, there's a lady who is a member of Rappa's Peronet. Rappa is a Peronet leader of... Where exactly? The near west side. What does this lady's name? The Gordon Park. The VA hospital is like right there and also on the other side of MLK is Hough, H-O-U-G. It's Hough. It's Hough. I thought it was Hough. It was the Hough riots back in the '60s. Which is where I was going, that there's a lot of dilapidated and old or abandoned building blocks right there too. Rappa had told you that one of the members of this Peronet was an elderly lady who apparently talks to squirrels. Okay. Esther. Her name is Esther. She informed Rappa that her squirrels told her that there was a gentleman that was wearing a long army jacket type thing and that it was acting weird and that the squirrels told her that it was doing evil, evil things for this gentleman. So you guys checked it out and it turned into a battle. So now we start the adventure in the middle of a battle with this demon in the middle of the night. Can we roll or initiative? Could you remove it for a freshman memory and what... Sure, you're only four dice you're adding it to your alertness and I just wouldn't catch your alertness. What a skill. Alertness is a straight skill. Oh, so it is. Anyway. No. Nevermind. My role is a washroom but I have a +2 to alertness so I'm 2. I wound up a fire. Peronet is on his game. He knows demons. He ended up... I don't know if you have two. What time of night is it? The witching hour. It is 10.30. Do we know what time of, we want to pick a time of the year. Is it a cold? Well, if it's raw rain. Yeah. Let's make it a fall rain which we make it. It's so cold. You know, like fall? U.S. Spring. Moving towards Summer. March. I like that. It is March. It should be 3. So it's 10. It is well dark. Yeah. It's dark dark. So like 10. 30 p.m. March 12th. Okay. Do you remember what time of year it was when we stopped last night? Absolutely. The reason why I asked is that that place at that time is more or less pretty empty of pedestrians at all and probably very little traffic. It's like a road that's like lower than, like everything else is up on a higher hill around. And up to your loud desert. I think it's a small stream that goes through the Metro Park. Right. And the first action is Roberto's. Is it the first creature we've met like this? You tell me. I don't think it is. No. Because you've now gotten a routine down. Right. And Roberto can spot these for sure because of his special eyes. And he can definitely spot that this is a possessed person to you. It looks like perhaps a veteran of some sort, someone who lives on the street. So it's really looked like a vagrant to you and Roberto's telling you, no man. This is one of the possessed ones. Now you have abilities to verify that and you have in the past so you trust Roberto on this one. Although you may verify that it's fair to you. Yeah. We start with Roberto as you guys are on either end of this bridge and he's in the center of it. Okay. Now we're here to apprehend and capture or are we here to capture this demon right? Or are we here to, because I don't have the ability to exercise him. That's a spiritual thing that I don't have that power, but we're apprehending. Somebody knows how to get rid of this thing. We haven't figured it out. Somebody else has. We have a contact, our father, brother Martin, or it's father Martin, is he here with you? It was too late to get him to. He's on his way. Yeah. There's a good little late for him to be here. Is he an exorcist? Alrighty. Brother Francis. Brother Francis. So you called brother Francis, Roberto, and he said he's on his way. Last time he spoke to him, he said he was maybe two or three minutes away, but you realize that he was in a perfect position to take this guy down because you have to be out of the rain and you go. Alright. To keep him from running, Roberto slams into the ground twice, and two walls flames bring up around the edge with him. Are you trying to force him towards the wardens and then he can't run out into the rain in either direction? Okay. So this would be a block, basically, is this magic that I taught you, or is this- Is the demon fire grimstones? Or is it hellfire? Or is it hellfire? Or is this- Okay. In my past experience, does this work on them? It kind of fire would work, yes. This is basically a human possess by it, so it's got all the weakness of it. And they are concerned with not harming the body, because if it just runs right through the flame, I don't- No, no. That would work. Yeah, you know that it will work, but the word in this question is, are you using hellfire or have you been training with the wardens and now you're using a magical fire? He may have been training me, but I don't have access to our dealer fire. He trained me how to control this better so that I don't blow some off when I try to disarm them, because you can't- No, we're all focused on it. Okay. Look, you can't make me stop using it. You want to help me, right? So if your options are- Let's focus on the fights with the demon. Not us. This is where we left off. Welcome back to Gretta. Go! Roll the dice. We worked together and we all hated. All right. This was a wall of great, and then I rolled a control at four, and I rolled a three on control. So I take two mental damage. One mental because you always take one mental to cast, and then the second one because you need to control it, and it was slightly out of your control. Yeah. Okay. That sets up a barrier of great, which is four. It is then Alan my daughter's turn. So what has the demon- he's trapped under the bridge with us as well, correct? Mm-hmm. Okay. Since he's blocked the- he's using fire, describe it as this way. You guys have come in from either side, and you're kind of equal to him, and now the firewalls are blocking movement to either side. So you're at one end of an alley of fire, Roberta's at the other, and this guy's in this center. All right. So he's between- the demon guy, this guy is between us. We're now in the same side. And there's no access outside the bridge. Everything- there's fire, and the bridge is walling him in at this point. All right. In that case, I will use my ice attack to freeze- take some of the moisture in the air and freeze up his legs to root him to the spot. I'm using that moisture. Huh? I'm using that moisture, and I can posture. All right. Nice. Go. All right. So, casting my spell, I determined the effect I want to freeze him, I guess that's considered a block. I'm doing it as- up to my lure, I don't have to roll up to a grate, so I'm going to try to do- You're doing a road spell? No, because that road spell doesn't freeze people. That road spell would attack them. I don't want to attack them, since he's human, I'm just trying to immobilize them. So I'm going to use ice, though, to freeze them, or you roll four shifts of power. Now you try to control it. Yeah. We're all over the discipline. Because my discipline is already four, do I have to roll the controller? Do I have to roll the controller? Yeah. Do I have to roll the minuses? Oh, that's true. That's true. That's true. That's true. That's true. Wow. You've got ice four? Yeah. That is minus four. So there's some force working against me here. I'll come back. I can play out my memory. So that's negative four to the- Well, I don't know how many fake points you start with? Two. I had two. You now have one. Well, you could if you wish to re-roll. Well, here, I'm figuring out what the total damage here is. Negative three total, because I do have a focus item that gives me a bonus to my offensive control for my magic. Which is the negative three. So that- And you had to get up to four? No, no, no, no, no, no, no. He rolled minus four. He had four to begin with, so he's at zero. Okay. But he gets plus one, so he's effectively a plus one, but he's still three down from one. He needed to control it. All right. So it's one mental stress to cast spell. Right. It would be three additional, because as you start to cast, you're trying to pull water from the air and you realize that this health fire pretty much removed it all. And the reason you're under this bridge is to prevent any moisture. So you've got to pull it from farther away, and it's a strain. So you have to take even more mental stress. I've spent four mental stress trying to control this. Right. And you do control it, but right at that cost. So mark off four mental stress. Right. If he has it. Which is all my mental stress. What does that happen to me now? It takes up the four spots. You just cross that out. And if anyone hits four again, it goes to consequences. Oh, that's right. Yeah. I don't know if I draw on somebody else. That means your one, two, and three spots are still open. Okay. Yeah. This is the way it's been explained to me. And we'll do it really quick. The stress boxes are cups. Each one larger than the rest. You have a one, two, three, four. That's how much cups of water it can hold. If you use four cups of water, you could pour it in that big four cup thing. If you use a one, you could pour it in the one. Now if you get a one again, you can't pour it in there, it's filled. You've got to fill the two. But it fills it all the way to the top of the two, because I like that this analogy is the perfect line. I have a gallon of power. So you effectively controlled it by spending extra effort and pull in that water and then you hit the block. So he's locked in. His feet are encased in ice. He attempts to escape that encasement and he fails, ending up falling to his knees as his legs are frozen entirely, then the burros turn. The burro puts the hammer over his shoulders, kind of walks over. I've also opened the man's chest and pushes him to the ground. I've also drawn my sword. Okay. Pushing him down on the ground. He's going to invite to keep him down. Okay. Another block. Yeah. Hold this. This is a block block block. Triple block. Triple block. All right. That's one bonus. I love three, but I also have in human strength. Two. A plus. Five. Six. Todid. Crushes chest. So that is a fantastic pin. Do we know this demon's name, Roberto? Not yet. Maybe it's a solid. You can find out. Okay. The brother. I'm just wondering if the lead led us because we knew we knew the entity's name or we just knew that there was a demonic. The squirrels didn't know his name. Yeah. Let's say that was our lead. Fair enough. Fair enough. What was his lady's name? Did you say Jim? Did you say the squirrel lady? For the record, I was actually a listener's suggestion of a paranoid power from long ago. The squirrel lady. Assert simply informed you that the squirrels told her that it was the guy in this, you know, army dangerous, in his neighborhood and look out for him. Roberto was able to spot him with his demon's sight and you guys were able to lure him in here and then, you know, trap him. He's pinned to the ground a little, what kind of car would a brother Francis drive? An old corolla probably. Yeah. All the fire dwindles. Beat up, wait. Look, like a Toyota Corolla would be a corolla. Corolla pulls up, kind of skid sideways blocking the road as the fire flickers out and he's just keep getting easier. It's just me. Brother Francis gets out and comes walking over. He has a little bag of accoutrements that he uses for this justice type of thing and he pulls out his rosary and the sort of paraphernalia. There'd be a pulley water, there'd be a vestment. There'd be a fella or some cloth and a couple candles, a couple of catholic stuff. He asks you guys to help get him in the backseat and he'll take him to the church and he'll finish the full, but right now he spends a small amount of time binding the demon and controlling it away. The gentleman seems to be coming back, but he's got to do a ritual to fully drive the demon out if you could help him get him. Yeah. We're doing whatever, like if we have to physically restrain him, which we probably will, is the demon as we were attacking him, is he saying anything or is he just kind of growling and being burned? During the brief fight there was growling, when Roberta was pinning him to the ground there was snarling and spitting and you know, the only words were something on the lines of you're not going to stop this. Oops, I did. And when the brother shows up, he pushes the demon and contains him in such a way that the man returns semi to normal enough to transport him. At this point, one of you is going to go with the father? I will. Yeah. You have to be, right? Well, you also have a personal relationship with Brother Francis, right? Yeah. And so that probably makes more sense. So, Roberta is going to go with the father to the church to finish the ritual. Well, what I'm concerned about as he's exercising this demon and we're holding it together, it's not the result of another coin or anything like that, right? It's just not the destination. You know the power of the denarians, this was not even close to that league. As Roberta said, it is getting easier. You guys have a pattern down, you know how to do it, but even then, this was relatively simplistic. This was a low-power deed. It just so happens that the VA residents for people is really actually very close to where that bridge is. So are you taking the person and the demon or are you taking the demon essence and I'll take the human... No, no. Even on the demon to Brother Francis in this church, the demon will be driving out and he will be dropped back at the administration. You, however, have an appointment with Zelda. Okay. So, while Roberta heads off with Brother Francis, Alan Montgomery, oh, how do you get there? Well, you can't really... I mean, do you drive a car in it and if so, what kind of car would have to be a very old one? It would probably be an old Ford truck. Let me talk about this last time we played with one of the one carriage of some sort, so... Potty in a car. Yes. Ethan's truck. Yeah. That's right. It would be an old Ford pre-cataly converter type of thing. I don't know that in 1935. I'm called. No. In 2015. But they're a good... 1960 car. Like a Pontiac Lamons. Like an old... That was the Pontiac Lamons. That's going to come out last time. Like a 72 Pontiac Lamons, all steel body up before. Okay. So, computers and all that. That's parked off the side of the road, which you'd get into and you drive. Was it Donovan's old car? Sure. That's great. I like it. It's a good shape though. I mean, it's not dirty. I mean, I keep it clean. Let's be honest. He did. Yeah, actually. Yeah. The two door with the eight foot long door. With the bed canvas cap. Yeah. It's not about, "This isn't going to stop us," or "This is going to stop it," or, "Is that what he said?" It seemed to be what he said. And it looked like Roberto just summoned up two walls of Hellfire pretty effortlessly, huh? Well, you have been working with him and he's controlling it much, much better and it didn't smell quite as much of Brimstone as last time. But no, yeah. It was definitely Hellfire. Yeah. It's okay. I guess my point was, would you rather I not control it and still use it? I imagine you gave me lessons. You're not there right now. You're arguing and you're driving past each other. You are getting in your, you are thinking of your contact. Setting out the window. And another thing. So I just want to, I don't want to engage in a conversation that can't happen, right? Right. Because that would be. You get in your Pontiac and you're driving over to Zalda's house and Zalda lives away. Didn't we? I think we did. And I don't remember where. I think we did. It doesn't matter. Because you moved out. Was it? You've noticed. Well, she recently in our one shot, your house was broken into. So you may have moved. Okay. So I have a doctor for all. I have money. It's in Lakewood, I think, is where all of the, on the lake, but make sure it's not. Is it Lakewood? It's called? Yeah. Lakewood Drive. But that's, that's on the west side. But he's over in Lakewood now. So you have to get in your car, drive across 90, you know, down the highway in the car. You ride there 25 minutes or so? Is there anything preventing me from leaving the, there's a barrier around Cleveland that I witnessed? I have to drive through that to get out. Driving along the edge of the lake. I don't know that you're leaving the Cleveland area. To give you a bunch of parks, doesn't it swing way out your way? Yeah. There's some parks checking. We have a little necklace. Yeah. Okay. It's the greater Cleveland area. Okay. Yeah. I don't think you're crossing the barrier. Okay. In fact, I don't think you can in your current state. So, regardless of where Zola is, it's within the barrier, it's in the Lakewood and not. Yeah. I look over, was it, I was just wondering if I was, was it bad luck that my spell kind of goofed up and I had to dig deep to restore it or, I'm wondering if there's something else that would interfere with that? Plashing with, yeah. I mean, there's three, there's two demonic influences there and it was raining. So there's a lot of factors, but it's way behind my mind as I head towards Elvis. So you arrived at Zola's house, Zola was waiting for you because you hadn't set up this meeting. He is the warden of Cleveland. You are now the leader of all of the parents in Cleveland. So they, they don't all report to you, but they all look up to you and they, they're like you are like the savior of the parentette in the last adventure. Are you always talking about you and then, you're trying to more formalize the relationship of the parents with the warden of Cleveland because in different cities, they kind of have a different, some are much closer tied. They learn from the warden. He's helpful to them. Other ones, there's kind of a antagonistic relationship is, you know, just leave us the hell alone. We don't really belong to your organization. Here, you know him and you're trying to be a unifying force in the parentette and with the warden. Yeah. Her parentette is what gave us a lead to this team and I fill her in on what we... Why don't you just battle? Yep. Okay. Repa knows someone, the squirrel lady, Esther. So once again, this thing's starting to pay off, the eyes and ears is really working out for us. Do we want to have Repa in on this meeting? Yeah, we're not. I feel like I would probably want to see her. We could be there discussing really exciting parentette issues. Because he was, you know, my contact in the first place. Yep. So, so we'll say that Repa is at this meeting because Zala was just finishing meeting with him and talking about his particular chapter when the warden shows up. I mean, I know for the good, it was a good, solid lead. We captured him, the demon ridden person is with Brother Francis and Roberto being exorcised right now. I really couldn't assist or help in that and so out of my realm. But I came over here and these demon possessions are pretty bad and they seem to be increasing, right? They seem to be increasing. Yes. Initially there was. Which is all the more important that, you know, the eyes and ears of the parentette that have been working out have been really extremely helpful. So what it's slightly concerning is in the initial ones, there were fewer of them but they were more powerful. Now there are more of them as if weaker ones are getting through or interesting. Yeah, it's it's an interesting there. There are more. There seems to be more but they don't necessarily see more powerful and as put in a powerful blood. But there's an influx. Right. There's increased. Yes. And you pulled into this world or manage it and if there's more and more weaker entities well then there might be a bigger hole out there than we think. Is that necessarily how it works? Is it that weaker ones are being drawn over? Well. That would indicate. Think of it as a. Less of a power. I guess there's a couple of different ways. I mean you can be summoned and brought into this world and that's how sometimes it happens. But this many demon possessions makes me think that imagine crossing over into this world is like a big hurdle. You usually have to be pretty strong to clear that hurdle but if more or oh you know better I'm sorry. I can't lecture you the expert. What the hell? I'm tired. I'm tired. The water is. Well I suspect the different mechanisms that work. I guess my question was if weaker ones are getting through does that mean that it's easier to bridge that gap or it's more difficult. I'm thinking it's well without more information. Because we don't know whether they're being drawn or they're working on their own. My theory is it's both and it's somehow easier for them to get here which is not good news. Have we noticed any trends and like the types of people that are pronouncing or like the area? Can we try this out? The journeyman's all been crazy and weird. But like is there a certain like area of Cleveland where there's a lot of them and there's a good point. Is there like is there a selecting is it like men who are I don't know what you know what I mean. That's funny. Is there a profile for the you haven't collected the data yet? I mean a lot. Well a lot of the time you're called in by brother Francis or sometimes he handles it by himself. So some of the information isn't necessarily known to you and yes the parent other definitely but so again you can start going around and asking specifically for that type of data. Maybe it's out there and we just have to consolidate this information and analyze it because I think well I understand that but in three months of past since you guys have truly been back together. So this is the first time you're starting to go back it became a concern to you where the parent are saying we are starting to get attacked again but this is different it seems to be not to say that this guy wasn't in any way a parent matter but Ruppa is reporting that this is so trickled off to you and then you called in him and now it's the first time you're starting to pull it all together. I see that it's happening. Yeah I mean you. Well let's start collecting information and see if you can find a pattern. Absolutely. That shouldn't be a problem. I think Madzell is clearly possessed. Did you hear what his father said he's going to be dead in like two years. He might be possessed. It's not a struggle. Clearly a demon. So you guys are starting to see a pattern and it's starting to formulate a plan. We sit down and talk about demons and what do we talk about. Well I think that if it sounds like this is a big issue we're going to kind of find some of these patterns and I think is this an opportunity to get the band back together get the crew together because I kind of need to still kind of keep an eye on Roberto but I think that we need everyone's talents on this one. I think it is. Roberto is the next word of Cleveland. No. His wife lives down farther in than I ever. Just I have another question. Does the word in no am I the only one that or do I not know at this point that the white core virgin that Scott has? I know that and I know that I'm headed there so I'm gonna tell him unless he already knows. She would love to discuss this further but unfortunately she has an appointment on this house. I forgot about London. It was peaceful for a few moments wasn't it? I can't handle Roberto and London on the same night at the same time. Do you bow out of that particular meeting? Hell and if you think it's important I mean I can look into this. Like I said I'm not sure my mechanism is similar as far as so. I tell you what if you could. Are you able to sense like if whatever the veil is between the worlds here are they thinning are they weakening is there is there stress is there something going on that it can give us a lead because right now we're just trying to collect information and maybe find a location because if I may I would have at this point had Ruppa head off and meet with Steven who has this camera that takes pictures of unusual spiritual things also some and they working together might be able to gather quite a bit of information for you. Great. So we could have Ruppa planning to meet with Steven but unfortunately Bob's not here. Right well that's what I'm also trying to do I'm trying to feed little threads that we can all work from and I also discuss with Ruppa briefly my experiment with the water not within the rain water because it's raining today and so I'm like alright this might be an opportunity to go collect some of those samples and I'll try to get them over to you and I tell them what we're looking for. Oh okay please explain to the audience because I just call them what you're saying I'm sure they don't. The idea using my affinity with water magic I know from our last time that whatever sphere of influence is over Cleveland that's kind of there's a giant dome over Cleveland that is is blocking out and protecting Cleveland from scrying coming in rain water is falling through this dome. Right. So throughout the city you have set up small collections so up in the the high buildings what I've done is I'm trying to get some and I seem to absorb the coin from Ryan Fucking Nelson. Right when at the end of rituals what Ryan was killed his death curse seemed to go into the dome right the coin seemed to lose its form and the charge or whatever was seemed to be absorbed into this dome the purpose of what I'm doing is I'm just trying to get some data the idea is that I'm trying to detect or figure out what this dome might be and I figured that the only thing I'm not able to interact with it directly for some reason yet to be determined later but I'm trying to learn more about it collect some raw information and one of those one of the ideas I had was to as it rains in the city the rain will pass through the shield and I will be able to magically use that water that gets collected but I have to collect it at the top of the highest building because that's I don't want it the city and anything contaminating the can we say that the dome is not super high and like the handful of highest buildings and Cleveland the tops of them are outside the dome we could I don't know if might necessarily I think usually you're saying you want to get it close to the dome as possible right if not through it or maybe through it that's up to well for this place I'm just trying to find out the nature of this dome because I need information in order to counter it or in the one shot that we did in which you and Rachel weren't here so Zelda and Alan weren't part of it you were meeting with the White Council which they came to Cleveland and they're concerned with you passing through the dome they didn't want you to travel to them and the reason they didn't want you to do that is they know of your current state which is basically that your soul is being carried out of pendant instead of inside your body right in you as a body a soulless body passing through a dome that may or may not be maintaining a demon sounded like a really bad idea so you are sort of trapped within Cleveland house rights as a precautionary measure because they don't exactly know what's going to happen right so I don't want to get too close to the dome but I want to collect it as close as you can right I gotta do something right right I wanted pure sample as possible to analyze and I'm going to be using our repos skills with chemicals and drugs and all that to help analyze this to not to mention the fact that he absolutely is the portal pain sure if there's something that's like you play them with where these demons are coming from and water is an element that I have an affinity for and I figure that I would be able to begin to gather some clues magically in a way they'll pay off later down the road I can get you access to the tops of the highest buildings in the city okay so we will end this scene with you going to collect your water samples I'm going to go write an elevator up the terminal tower and go collect my water samples and Ruppa is heading off to me and Stephen which unfortunately we will not be able to play out because Stephen is not here tonight yeah and we will then instead follow Zelda who is heading off to meet with London and Maxwell beforehand I had had Stephen come and take a photograph to see if I could verify that she has oh I mean all indications are she's a white court vampire in making a virgin white court vampire but I wanted to verify the substance of her soul and Stephen being someone who can photograph that can then lead or lend excuse me validity to my concerns right because I don't want to spend time arguing with any of my associates about whether or not she's even afflicted or what the solution is the solution is in London's eyes that she needs to have this stain on her soul lifted and the only way that he knows how to do that is through I think it was pure unbridled the opposite of despair is so right so it was pure unbridled hope was that what she was supposed to absolutely I don't know how that it made us in the real world but right that would be it yes sweet drugs sweet sweet wrap-up drugs and so from London's perspective Maxwell being a psychologist or at least a psychologist in his background training it was for criminal profiling right so you're the only psychologist I know go ahead didn't Repa already kind of invent something like this with the grenade that we use against Roberta's dad to break the influence of the white court it was in fact as Maxwell said for happiness which is the closest concept you could come up with to hope because you can't do hope I think that she just pays out it's really difficult but just for the game purposes you know Repa shouldn't be able to whip something up his face no it's cool that would be but it's gotta be true anyway yeah you know it was like an anti-disparator right so she could get a beat on him was the whole point right good point all right but I think it needs to be one needs to be addressed and I think that that's a good way maybe just for the researcher refinement because it is an extremely subtle thing to try to say what instills and the only thing I would point out because of course I know you're not terribly fluent in this setting no is that there's ability of wizards say wardens to soul gaze another person to see what you're trying to capture on the photograph from Stephen yeah is not something that they do lightly because it works both ways and I think it was pretty obvious that she was and I think anything that Stephen found just confirmed that and I know that that requesting that from the warden would have been something that would have a lot well yeah asking a lot and I don't like to owe favors if I could have gave Stephen two hundred and fifty dollars for one hour of photography right then that's much more sense in a business as a stand as opposed to burn at least the two or three favors the word knows you know right absolutely and all the monies that I've gotten from him as well just absolutely fantastic you have multiple thing no you have from by my accounting you would have been paid forty thousand dollars yeah that was the first story I think so you've got forty thousand dollars there's two favors you're extremely stingy with fictitious money it's not real you know that money but he's right with them I think forty thousand was correct well it was my entire sum of resources I had left in my accounts not true they've given you some sixty thousand I only took forty thousand I had to sit before the white pencil and white council and answer the question why the hell am I paying one in forty thousand dollars hey did I find what you were looking for yes I did for services rendered and that's where I left it that by night I don't want to go into this is my business machine forty thousand dollars for services rendered he's working it worked so I think that Maxwell's there for the viewpoint of her psyche all right so I've been driving back across Zelda you decide is there because I am out of ideas as to playing me for this Zelda having no we're friends what the hell I know that no one that I know in my personal dealings in Cleveland has the magical ability to instill hope in someone your powers I don't truly understand so I think the reason I might have extended an invitation to you and fully accepted you rejected was that you had something potentially that could help this young girl write her life and live hopefully a normal life and you might have just shown up because it scares the hell yeah have a little girl in any way shape or form and can I do like oh good because I'm like oh my god what am I getting myself into yes can I do like a one card flip phone in my car just to see what to expect because I did I don't know whether you could flip a drive you have a app now that flips card it's for me you want to know what it is nice to tell you that yes oh this reversed night of swords this is talking about London and it says that the reverse night is incredibly impatient impulsive and bursting with energy this person has so much energy put so little direction that this results in them making rash decisions and pulling others down with them. Are you sure you didn't think about a bird or their thoughts are scattered and all over the place they're likely to be unpredictable if you encounter this type of person you need to be very wary and make sure you do not get caught up in all of the energy that surrounds him it will not be easily done for this person is a greater talker and is full of ideas and thoughts about the future do not get sucked in their role and so that's really reproductive I think you were thinking about a lot of that. At the very end it was. I feel like you're so you do show up at London's house so basically be wary of whatever it is that you're going to be doing well sure it's going to be dangerous but it doesn't mean I'm not acting from a space of altruism and carer for my house London actually used the term friend when referring to Maxwell right it was a little painful through yeah his side I think he really cramped up a little bit of course I did was that just so you didn't have to pay him or was that truly what you felt probably excited at the Pam okay at the moment just start fine I feel like London does pay spent money for the show the shows up Maxwell's already there talking to the young lady where's the den right absolutely how she feels about you considering your past with her I think she would be messing with the young man look at him he has a handsome you know him what she's like sixteen he got that right she's also kind of insane right now right she's still like really nice and very like well her character was killed yeah she's really and she's yeah and she's kind of like a captain in your house she goes to she goes out she goes to the school she goes to the high end she has a credit card she gets a buy whatever she wants the right is local high ends it's right down 16 you give a credit card to a 16 year old but you won't pay me for psychological school well this is this is an initial consultation Maxwell those are always free I'm fine with it I'm just going to follow up services of course there will be some potential white court them we're gonna say that your daughter does in fact have a bit of a fascination to crush on Maxwell sure he saved her from a exploding building not knowing that window that he was the one who caused the exploding building you know she doesn't know that you are like cause the I didn't cause that slugs into her dad's head you have that you murdered her father her sort of dad I did want to respond to her father who was trying to kill me at the time and by the way replica shot him in the head to be comfortable with us divulging this information if you want to traumatize you lady by all means I just I just don't know if she should be something's don't need to be known I just don't know if it's in her best interest to be staying with someone who's not even going to be honest with her about her situation I think that would be more damaging at this point than helpful and it wasn't my idea to raid the house by the way that was Alan Montgomery's idea not mine yeah we're only here to argue what's it no what's it no cuz we was a leader he was a leader to save her photos hey it's a conversation but it is a debate it doesn't look like that's not she was already locked it was off she let this conversation happen real well she's you know I don't know where she got the Xbox downstairs no set locked in the basement she's downstairs in the media room playing on the Xbox so I was walking up from the downstairs after talking to her to join you in the meeting like a real casserole over here I would think maybe they're talking to her so she's playing at next box in this family room like a living room in the basement imagine a media room in the basement she's playing Xbox where are we upstairs we're upstairs in the den oh she's a den okay or I have some fine wine that I'd like to share with my associates and I envision her in the basement I just came upstairs we finished the use your consultation yeah and we are now discussing it yeah so you should probably lead this conversation now this is your idea I feel free to just make shit up how was your mental state well she's surprisingly well adjusted given that her whole family's dead and you ever locked in a basement but she doesn't know can we clarify that she is not locked in the basement she doesn't know that that you killed her family I did not kill a family I'm slow down Maxwell I killed her family when I said you I mean you can't do anything about this conversation I just want to fight something so I understand is London a stranger to the squirrel or not they've probably seen each other at parties like any stranger to her yeah this why I'm saying that she wouldn't be cool well I guess that's where I'm going is that like how if her family has been this girl would be crying I want to go home right yeah well it's been three months it's been three months and here's the thing I mean I haven't you seen unbreakable camera like all the time right so like I'm so negative I just don't think that three months is a long of time for her to be like oh you're totally over it I said she's surprisingly well put together for some new family that she's still not good and just understand why she's here and her home burned out wow let's but I don't understand why she's here let's try to understand this you actually do have a genetic I mean she's your dog right I mean physically that could be proven through DNA testing correct if her family was killed you would have to go through some sort of legal action to take custody and ward of her of course you went through all the legal well I've started I mean it takes time but I've started absolutely absolutely right now was given that legally she is your guardian at this point right I'm the only living relative in the area that they're aware of yes don't show at all what makes for a better story how many say she knows more relative but we leave that's real for the story she knows she's related to you at least yes okay okay I just see you know the strangers who she ended up I just wouldn't think that unless we were clear on that this girl would be running away I think that London lives in the same social circles and she is seeing him at heart she has a high in school she's a distant relative maybe that's her understanding right now but you killed her it's Chris Williams no I didn't know somewhere here because you're about like to catch a predator like she's got a gold card she's got her Xbox with all the wine she wants dude what's the problem so she knows that these are a relative okay yes she has not got the rain to question yeah I don't think so can we say that she I don't think she is it that she is not mature enough to ask those questions or she's so like frazzled that she hasn't thought to ask she might be a shock and just that's like putting on a good show right she's basically in shock at this I mean her entire family just literally exploded and now she's staying with Uncle London yeah I'm sure she refers you as Uncle London because she's seen you at parties yeah it's got creepy I'm really daddy but got me Uncle London she's aware the house exploded okay she was on the premises when it happened yeah she was there we rescued her I mean if you ask her what happened what does she doesn't have any signs of like you know PTSD like no probably like it's a completely well-adjusted yeah I'm not ready by the way but yeah go for it she's not completely well adjusted she's still in shock I can't judge everything on a one meeting I'm supposed to do this multiple times and also I'm not a real separation I just might want to be adjusted so I assume that was for me personally surprisingly well adjusted for someone who's had their family exploding in front of them yes the papers the cover story that the police are given and what not is that there was a gas leak in the house and that's what she thinks that there was a gas leak in the house guys leave kill their family now she's with uncle Scott that there was uncle Scott is actually pretty cool uncle one is creepy he's creepy is she listed among the dead or she can see no she went to the court well she's neither listed as that are missing she is a survivor of this horrible accident there has been tests done to prove that London is genetically related so he now spent a little money he's got custody of her and he's taking care of her he knows it's his daughter so any remaining or surviving elements of the white court would know this is going on totally legal it's out in the public so yeah so he's a huge target right now the white court weapon now decimated it's for everyone absolutely decimated a large number of the media members were dead there are still some they're outlying very small power members is another white court family going to move in we don't know well that's something I can help you with finding out whether or not that's going to happen if they're going to move in but as far as I don't meddle in people's minds sorry what's the warranty I told you that that is very bad well not just the warden I mean that sorry but that's not something I do whether or not the warden says it's okay I don't think it's what's his girl's name mostly important to me we haven't written down so do you think it's more important she becomes a vampire then try to actually help her I think it's more important for you to figure out another way to handle this because I'm not going to be involved that's fine I'm just disappointed that your caring nature is one in which again do you want my help with the whole figuring out if you're a target because I can give it shit less of a target and I can handle myself thank you very much I have the one thing I care about is my daughter well I first met you you had a bodyguard I did his name was Roberto oh yeah I'm not saying you should still have hired him I'm just saying your house is well protected all right I will remember that that is fine because I was obviously mistaken in thinking you're someone who actually cared about people who are at a disadvantage and who are I don't know prone to turning to a vampire if they're not helped and get some happiness in their life so there's the exit there's a door and I'll find someone else thank you very much it's all the I'm walking out the door yeah thank you I'll talk to you later because I'm not him sounds good yeah I would get her some real professional help whether that's me or I don't know like a whole goddamn team of psychologists would be advisable and maybe some truth and also I'm not quite sure how to solve your magical I don't think the I don't think the fact that her father is necessarily a good thing when she's in as much trauma as she is right now no not right now right I think that the reason I haven't told her is not because there's anything surreptitious that I would like to apply here I just I think she's been through enough one moment does all the leisure how she gets in her car and starts to drive away she wants to meet with the warden oh yeah do you know where the warden is no I mean he I was just there is not even you know she was there's not even kids too much power is that with him I understand what I'm just saying she knows where he's at he well he said I'm gonna go collect boy from different locations but she also knows where he lives which is your mentors old who's midtown right you purchased it so you can either go to his house and wait for him to show up or you can try to find him when he's wandering around Cleveland collecting jobs of water I'd probably just head over to his house I would want to let him know what the hell maybe London's up a new church church people who find religion are hopeful I personally not a believer okay can I roll empathy right now just give him straight up not with him I'm not fantastic right we just did a whole psychological session I had enough time to find out what might help her just at folks just a beginning recommendation and what makes her hopeful whether it be the church or an entire team of psychologists or oh I don't know just shitload drugs would help because she has gone a lot of hard but that's why that's a minus minus one in the role and I have plus four empathy to start with I rolled a minus one rather sorry all the total three which isn't the greatest assessment yeah it's good it's a good assessment better than you had better than I could do so I mean your initial read is she's putting on a decent front yeah you would think someone in her situation would be totally a basket case yeah she's not but there's something there there's a lot of deep trouble that she needs help you know that know whether that is someone who can relate so psychological help of someone who's better at counseling than you are you're more of a profiler for the FBI type she does give you the read that she's particularly religious so that like finding a holy person that could relate to you they don't necessarily think that that's a good case you leaning more towards counseling right and let me ask you does she know what the hell Vampirism because if she knows then don't think that that adds a whole other element to this yeah in the books yes in this situation the girl who was due to become one didn't know that she was this way different families might do it differently but I was sure would she not know this whole thing was like a celebration for it was a little better than wife I mean she had to yeah I mean that's the way it is they could have a cover store it's a birthday that's all it's a surprise yeah so she doesn't know that her family is though she might not know that they're powerful but the the secret of their true nature was she was a secret until they were of age and then that's what that's all about the initiation is not good so she was of age though so she wouldn't she found out and be like I'm gonna initiate it she might have been they don't they might have been can to tell her that night when there is a thing it's fine I just either way in the books they never told the girl because when it happens and you are of age and can actually feast upon someone so it is instinctual to do so so when she was locked in a room with the dude who saw she was meant to eat she tried to do it regardless of the fact that she didn't know she was a fan of your own soul because I mean if she's like super upset and angry and depressed and everything can't she destroy herself essentially if she's if that instant kicks in and she's like whoa yeah my soul is like super gone I would say they're more apt to look for food they're more apt but they're locked in a room alone and they had their own breakdown but not by understanding of the white court vampire is it is a human attached to a demonic soul creature like a fetus oh that thing could be possible for it to get yes but it would be in effect by killing itself and it's that maybe that's it or maybe it takes over the body description of PTSD what happens does she know again what do you guys want it what's good for the story I would say sorry I just wanted there's canon that specifically talks about this and that's my only point was what happened when this happened to what's his name Thomas he became more the demon than the person and he was driven by his hunger and control so he was he became more deadly and more demonic than the vampire I don't think my character knows enough about white court vampires to see that coming but I do think that's what would happen that's interesting I would say that's a fun story yes so I don't think she knows because if she reaches a breaking point she could yeah okay eat her own self that's following the self anguish and what's gonna happen with your daughter so she doesn't know as far as you know you think she doesn't know now what she truly knows and believes he doesn't know right but his understanding of her is no she doesn't know of that you haven't seen any sign of that no I haven't seen any sign of it to me it makes sense that she wouldn't know until the actual moment otherwise that would be horrifying for a child growing up in the situation you're gonna have to feed that's that's ridiculous which is why you're so adamant about trying to get it removed before right because she's gonna get more and more hungry and more and more dangerous so I drew a card randomly just because I wanted to see what would come up I need to drive away from you just to see what's gonna happen to his daughter like what's the outcome okay I'll tell you my recommendation it was the three of cups which is a card of celebration accomplishment three young menes dance in a circle with their golden outlets up race and a toast of joy their arms reach out to each other and they connect through their emotions and their friendship with one another so that would mean I understand the idea of wanting to eradicate as fast as quick as possible but it all almost seems like the best way to instill hope then would be through friendship friendship and a family family like being assimilated into society which is difficult and hard but so it's kind of like a catch 22 with this it actually sounds very positive and very like I just had this flash that's always like I mean I'm not gonna change your mind the way you wanted to but oh no you're not gonna know more bit no no okay I can tell him how it's done but that's not what he asked the warden Allen's wrote me a question the warden Allen wrote me a question and asked if it was a good idea and it was that he wanted to create an item for you guys that you could hold and think of him and it almost like a phone but not it would just tell him somebody wants my attention sure I don't have a problem with you creating that item but in the preamble or the setup to this you also spoke of creating objects to protect the group I'm gonna make you choose did you spend your time in an intervening period between last adventure now creating charms that would protect these guys from possession or that would protect them from possession I'll find another one I was let me argue that being able to communicate is protection yeah okay we have to make the decision now does it work both ways can he hold this object and call in one of us I would say so yeah I mean if you're explaining that to protection against image we want to make them close in power so yes let's say so you can hold it and say like I need help and let's keep it with the communication is it one person or did you hand these out to everyone but London everyone got London that's fair wow well he's working with Alberto it's true so let's finish up the scene because after this point London has to go to bed because early in the morning he has to meet with Edmund at a thing and I think we're running out of time for it all right London yes you asked my recommendation I would say you got the money for it you could hire an entire team of counselors who would get to know her far better than I do right now and talk to her and get her to the point where she can do this on her own solve her own mental problems with their help and you know progress the way she needs to in order to solve this you could have me do it I suppose if I got to know her a lot better which I'm good at but it would take time I can perhaps work that way so it's obvious that you are integral to what we're doing to keep the city itself safe and in good shape and I don't want to take away from that and I think someone who's specifically well versed in the type of PTSD that she has is probably someone who all want to go to so if you have any recommendations on psychologists fantastic if not I will do some research on my end you might also want to keep in mind that you could potentially want to have Maxwell remain in her life yeah every time he shows up she just seems a lot happier she smiles a lot and then she comes a little bit out of her show and it isn't the guy who saved her that's how she sees him or is it just just got a little bit of a crush or does she want to feast on his soul potentially in the future I want to make it painfully clear that you don't want that to happen we don't want her to feed on yourself you don't want her to feed on anyone's song oh right of course that's the whole reason behind the meeting all right Jim walked away from the table for a minute but we are ending here because we ran out of time but we only missed one scene and that scene we will start with next time okay and it's with Edmund and London the next morning meeting with the Arbiter of Cleveland thank you for listening tonight is the night actual play podcast if you'd like to send us questions comments or feedback you can reach us in a number of ways including Twitter at kotm underscore podcast or emailing us at feedback at kotn and don't forget the item reviews we also have a Facebook page at while at Facebook join like-minded folks on our Facebook fan page and lastly there's our blog kotn where there's an Amazon leak on the right hand side those of you outside the US can help by donating on our patreon page at and then listen in for the monthly t-shirt giveaway and remember to join us next week for more mystery and adventure but I was laughing so hard I almost blacked out I started to get the tunnel vision because I couldn't breathe you could very well because no one's gonna give me the breath of life to save me and that's for sure Collapse you know what happens like high five guys let me I would that's nice to do with like a hose I've lost him sorry we did our best okay that would be the day when you die when you say good that really loud nice is Jim so I can curse the right person during editing you have to think about recording your editing process I've actually had people ask if I would I'm serious yes they're like could you if you do it they want a video of watching you edit an audio watch you curse and yell at it it's an awesome show absolutely I love this sorry what if it's on the other side of the river the bridge the big park in your squad so you know what they're from when you were here yeah I was in the middle of a flow where you have to find out where Berbo went out and get together in the first place it's called in meteoros don't say show I get it apparently everyone's forgot how to be quietly we do something because no you're going to be quite horrible lacking quietness in the middle of me speaking sky is it alright if I add some alcohol if you demand focus from others you yourself must focus no no no no no no I can't get the rules if I make sounds that's think about me was I do do as I say the Greek one is a nice these plates and oh nice yeah the things on top that aren't I don't know if there's a call not I'm just gonna sit with the plane I think a plant is the base the lastaries I don't know there is the lentils it's also a vegetable they're I could be wrong I'm sure I put the fucking dice away time you're making nice okay that's okay that's cute okay that was squirrel I knew who wasn't a KW I thought they liked the sound the first creature we met like this pretty sounds good now shut the fuck up department I'm hoping you're talking your lap yes I'm most likely I'm talking to both of you everybody both of you left out and you asshole you choices were to take the damage and have it at work or to like say fuck it I don't want to take that damage and it just kind of wrecks the environment no I'd rather well we're in a contained environment between hellfire under a bridge I would rather take the okay this way yeah potentially you could have ruined his hellfire cage by you know trying water but you did it gracefully and wonderfully as the train work that you are or maybe you just roll like shit I'm trying to work it into the story do I know that he wants me to make his spawn you know like his spawn that's what London cause her no that you know really though like do I is that still a because that's something that I would want to talk to the word about but I don't know if we've said that I am totally open to how London and I do have that right like like it was that you wanted me to mind control her into being hopeful or something like that I want to eradicate the white vampire and nateness that she has within her I want her to live a normal life by having me do I don't know because then there was Maxwell who had some what did you do Maxwell you thought could help was an end of the psychologist I live by the scary magical thing so yes actually I wouldn't want for London but it would be in the form of a really cool ducky tie like a bow tie and you're gonna want to cover yourself because I'm pretty sure that she's going to tell the warden what's happening here or nobody knows I mean it's in the papers I'm adopting the girl I forgot about that never mind that's completely closed I don't know that he wanted to sell them to my mind vendor I didn't ask Zelda wait let's be clear I don't know what you do do you have any magics can help give her right away I could have let me finish my sentence please what you want that bless you either you're in the same house anymore that it's what you know what I said if you go back and listen if you go back and listen what I said was I don't know what you do and what you're capable of I'm looking to give her hope that's what we're looking for right unmitigated complete what 100% told you wanted to read the most negative you wanted to read the most negative situation into it go ahead and just absolutely it's got to be wrong I even said this whole thing about mind-bending and you didn't say no no no you misunderstood that's because I stopped from you as soon as you said I'm not gonna help that's pretty much what I said bitch leave the house that's a good point all right