(upbeat music) - Hello and welcome to "The Night to Actual Play" podcasts. This is Dres The File Adventure. Passages was written in run by your storyteller Tom. And now please enjoy episode 261, titled "You Had Me at London." Discussion begins immediately. (upbeat music) - All right, I'm your chair, John. I'm running these things wrong. This is called "Passages." Our typical three months have passed this the last time we played. As you all remember, there's a bit of a ruckus at the end of "The Last Adventure," with houses blowing up and whole families of people dying. But we will go around the table and each of you will introduce yourself, your character, and then your high concept. - We're gonna start on the right and the player there is. - I'm Michael, playing Repa Piers, and I'm a Vietnam veteran and an antigenic, organic alpinist. - Thomas, playing Maxwell Edison and undercover homeland security operative. Bob, playing Stephen Tillman, a reporter and photographer, who would do anything to get the story. - I'm Mike, playing Alan Montgomery, the warden of the White Council in Cleveland, and I'm the supernatural sheriff in town. - I'm Scott, playing in London Deals, who is absolutely in love with himself. And he is the amoral seer to the supernatural powers of Cleveland. - John, playing Roberto Martinez. - I'm John, playing Roberto Martinez. Keeper of Cleveland's coins empowered by a fallen angel. - Okay, with the completion of our "Last Adventure," we're gonna give everyone a one refresh point, one additional skill point. And we've got some issues that we need to discuss. Things that were left hanging threads. Unfortunately, we got a little work to do on some of the characters to flush them out. So, generally, this first episode is gonna be a refresher. We'll combine it with the previous one we did. Just a lot of people were there for that one. Jim is missing today. - Who did he play in this one again? - I've mentioned what did he play, Mike. Is it Blackboard Vampire, or what? - He's Edmond Staskia, Blackboard Vampire, and-- - I think I remember this now, 'cause he-- - A businessman, he's my paw. - Blackboard-powered cyan. There you go. - He's also trying-- (indistinct chatter) - Did he abandon the effort to get neutral territory assigned to one of us? - Yeah, we had a really long conversation about it. - For what? - He thinks it's possible to establish a neutral grounds that he's in charge of. - He wants his restaurant to be a place where all people feel safe to go to. Like the white court vampire she killed, and the Blackboard vampire she killed, and-- - And the visiting demon? - Daddy killed. Go! - Then, how many skill points are we supposed to have now at this point? - We have 32. - 32. - 32. - Plus one. - Wait. - I thought it was 33. - Plus one is 33. - 32, and then we just got one. - I have a total of 32. - It's over 33. - And you also got one of these refresh points, so I believe everyone started with eight. It's now up to nine. - So base refresh. - No. - No, wait, what? - No, we did one earlier. - It's gonna be 10. - You all started with 10 now. It should be 11? - No, nine, 10. - No, nine, 10. - We all started with nine, and it's-- - You had a job. - I'm at 34 skill points. - Okay. - You just be wrong, you're wrong. - I'm not jacked. - I don't suppose you heard the one shot we did. The one shot eventually we did on the podcast? - Yeah, I mean-- - Well, I was just saying that the one shot we did, the reason you both weren't there, is you can't leave Cleveland because of the gym, but you slipped into the never, never for a meeting with the rest of the White Council. They came to Cleveland, and you took the opportunity to introduce her as the leader of the Paranads, her being Zelda. - So, she was at that meeting, meeting powerful wizards, as well as with yourself. - One of the things that I'd like to resolve, or at least get some ground rules, is what powers, or how much control I have over. Like, do I have the ability to leave the gym as an astro-- - Like a-- - Can you astroly project? - Yeah, and let there be risks. Like, if I know that if my soul leaves my body, or I said, like, moves more than 10 feet on-- - I love this idea, flesh it out and get back to me. I say yes. - Okay. - I'll flesh out, but I'll give positives and negatives to what I like to say. - I'm sure you'll treat the fair. - Are you looking for-- - Are you gonna have them, role-play the game, or the meeting with the White Council? - No, I don't think they necessarily do, but from it has to come a relationship. Like, Rachel, for instance, is leader of all the Paranads in Cleveland. Like, each individual group deal with her, because she's saved their lives in the last adventure, more or less. So, how does she treat that with you? Zelda, for instance, has the character, which you're not really sure about. They're kind of shady. Do you let him know, or you try to protect them, because you know he's gonna kill them. If they are, in fact, okay. - Well, wait a second, let's clarify, 'cause I'm not as bloodthirsty as I understand it. But I'm saying, if they're bending the rules, like, does she warn you so that you can help straighten them out, or does she try to straighten them out, so that she's afraid you might kill them? - Well, we would certainly make, that's why I wrote down the seven laws of magic, and she would be aware of what the seven laws are. - That would have been definitely discussed at the meeting. - Right. - As long as you, 'cause in fact, the first laws I can't take a human life. - With magic. - With magic, granted. Thank you. - That's what it's worth. - Bear had. - That is what it's a source for, but it's for everyone's visual protection, and if anyone in the parentette is experimenting, or doing stuff that's breaking those laws, what I want is, I'm a resource for her, for any big problems, or big issues, or maybe just filling in gaps of her knowledge, and she would be a resource for me to-- - An early warning system. - An early warning system, or just information network, or get the word out, or maybe low level backup for X. - I don't know, whatever. - The reason that they say that the seven laws that they have for magic are not allowed to be done, is because when magic is done those seven bad ways, it starts to burn pathways in your brain and in your magic, so it becomes easier and easier for you to go, well, you know, it's easier for you to do, it's actually, mechanic-wise, easier for you to do these things, and it works better for you, so you start to go to it more often. - I'm really glad that my character actually doesn't do anything. So you see, it's actually pretty powerful. - Right, she was, how did you virtually any of that? - Right, but-- - So again, the point that you guys should probably work out as a relationship, is if you've got somebody-- - What's the current blank sheet? - Actually, you know what, that's really kind of a neat angle, because-- - She's got someone who's skirting the line, does she try to pick some herself? Well, because she's worried you might come down hard, or does she ask for help from you? Yeah, that's something you guys have to work out on. - Well, one of the things-- - I'm sure it's case by case basis. - Is she might be uncharted territory, because, like you said, her power and abilities aren't covered by the laws. - No, but she could break any one of them with a flip of a card without-- - Right. - By the nature of how she-- - The nature of how she does it would not even be aware of it. - Exactly, I mean, it's kind of, it's really tricky. 'Cause I'm not manipulating or changing, 'cause I don't know what's gonna happen. - What I would hope doesn't happen is that this is any way similar to somebody changing time on us and then yelling at us about stuff that never happened. - I don't think that's the last way. - So you're gonna say you're raised as a one-trick pony? - No, I'm just saying I don't wanna have a party. - Yeah, I can't, I can't really be like times. All I can't do, but she can construct the future, but you wouldn't know. - That's what I mean, I wouldn't know that. - Yeah, I know, so. - So there is a supernatural power called True Faith, which is a cost of one. And that's what we're facing in that. - I mean, I feel like it was probably-- - Does anybody recall any other powers that Zelda used, other than-- - I know that I could feel, quote unquote. - Well, that was one of the things she could do. - Well, her pink hand was pretty good. She smacked me once, I think, with her pink hand. - Oh, yeah. - What about that pink hand? - Well, she read a fortune, right? - Yeah. - And then she can-- - Well, she had an holistic medicine, she also had a background in-- - Right. - 'Cause she saved your life. - Well, no, okay, so I'm-- - I don't think that was a power of change. - That's a skill. - As a doctor, but I also, now-- - That was probably-- - And now I do holistic medicine, 'cause my backstory is that-- - Weird scholarship? - Yeah, I have a really high level. And holistic medicine's why she's got rubbish head shop over there. - But then the whole holistic thing, because my grandmother died from cancer, and my medicine didn't save her, so then it became more into the holistic practice, as opposed to all that. I think that was the thing I did. Was healing, well, I don't know if that's the thing. - It wasn't a power. - No, it wasn't a power. - It was just knowledge. - No, it was just knowledge. I don't know if that's a stunt. - It's not. - The two things I remember your power doing, you had an option to do a full drawing. - Or you draw all of them, yeah. - Or just a quick-- - And the other one was where you could flip one card to try to change the circumstances. - Right. But we covered both of those under-- - True believer. - True believer. - I'm trying to think of any other-- - One was a longer sample. - Supernatural power, so she had it. - I feel like the ritual was minus two. Like, it was maybe like to do the big, long drawn out one. - How was it? - And then there was two really quick. Card flip was just one. - She had a card flip, but then she had like an actual reading that she could do as well. - Wasn't she also, didn't she have certain perceptions? - Yeah, I was singing online of enough perceptions, but what do they call it when you see the pictures? - Prognostication? - Prognostication. Both of those are accurate, yeah. - Constantives too. - No, I know Bob has consentors too, 'cause you don't really necessarily want to steal that from him. - Well, yeah, but you could look at that to base off on that. - Yeah, I think first of all-- - And I don't have that exactly. - Right, right. - Did you end up being someone new, or are you just sticking with Tobin? - I think I'm mistake with Steven. - 'Cause it's harder. - I don't want to explore the origin or source of her power. Or do you want to play those cards close to the deck? - Well, see, because her whole thing is that the cards are given to her by her grandmother, who died. - Right. - She couldn't save. And she kind of got really back into the whole, like her whole heritage of the Ramani people and everything because of that. And so for her, the true faith or whatever thing it's called, it really is just conviction. And she believes that it's, I don't know how to describe it, but where's it? - Well, the thing was, whether it's just true faith, holy touch and guiding my hand as a-- - Holy touch sounds, sounds, that sounds familiar. - Holy touch is like a true faith. They have two of them on vampires. One is guide my hand as if something's telling you, so that almost applies. Like as a reading. - Right. - And the other one is true faith and holy touch where-- - I believe what it can do. - That's more like, if you touch-- - That might sound familiar to me. - And that's almost more than nailed. - I believe we ended up making our own power when we-- - Oh, I don't doubt it. - But don't you know if we're recording of this? - Oh. - Dude, the nail. - Yes, about 20, now let's not be to figure out everything she did. - I don't know. - I'm listening to the last few, so if I come up with that. The nail itself is usually a magic item that incurs its own cost. - We gotta say that without a doubt, she is the wielder of the nail. - Yeah, but she's not using like swords, so it's not necessarily the same. But there's an example that will print out of what all your tarot cards were, or how you-- - How we had to-- - That I have. - I'll kind of like that guide the hand a bit, maybe. - Guide the hand. - Maybe because she has the ability to construct or change the future, that she also has a perception of when things have been altered or changed or are not right. So she has a, this isn't right, her spidey sense. - That seems off here. - Oh, spidey sense. For the fourth nail, like wielding it. - It's very, very powerful, but only towards specific things. And someone could take it, and she would lose it. - If she figures out how to use it in a broader sense, we could make a cost more later. - Yeah. - But she hasn't yet. - I feel like, I don't know. I feel like she can't really flush out the source or so of her, 'cause she just believes that it's real. It's like, there is no source, that's just the way it is my grandmother told me. So, that is it. - For a repertoire, if you read the parent on paper, it's a kind of change how gates to alternate places work. - And it's just more along the lines of, the drugs allow you to see where a door is, and it's not necessarily where you want it to be. It could be up a third floor hanging in the air type thing. So you have maybe the difficulty is getting to it rather than opening it. - That's why I tell you. - It'll be more interesting because-- - Yeah, potentially. - And failure when you're trying to open it, it's just, don't worry. - Is it? - Yeah. - So failure when you're finding a convenient door. - Well, yeah, it's there, but I don't know how we're gonna use it. I'd make it a two part trial where I have to-- - No, it would make it a one part trial with potential consequences. - So fail-- - You're on to being difficult. - You're opening it and you succeed well while there's a door. It's maybe two streets over and right here. We can just walk into it, it's behind an alley. It's not gonna be a problem. Problem would be, it's on the top of the terminal tower. If you fail, you have to figure out some way to get there to get-- - If I use my drugs and do well, then the door's gonna be convenient. - That's a convenient location. - Yeah, it's a different failure, so yeah. - Also, I think I'm-- - It's the biggest-- - What about this whole-- - If you don't mind, I mean-- - Do you like that? - Yeah, I'll read up that endurance conviction and presence to determine how many boxes you have. - Is that all that? - Yeah. - You owe for a ball. He helped you at the end of the last-- - There was a big dude in the woods helped you up there-- - For a patch? - You owe it for a patch? - Oh, hold on, did he help me? - Yeah, never, he did not give him do something for him already, but again. - He helped you with a favor, you said, while I-- - I owe him-- - Yeah. - At some point. - Do you want that to come into play, or is that gonna be farther along? Do you have any suggestions or ideas? - I don't care. - It doesn't have to be now. - Okay. - We can leave it out there. - Yeah, sounds good. Whatever. - That gives you-- - Mark, you're back now. - Okay, this is definitely gonna have something to do with this adventure. - One would think. - Scott, you, London, and Zelda we're dealing with. What were your thoughts on the, like, court version? - Oh, my thoughts were that the child's mother had actually come to me since I am the seer to the supernatural powers in Cleveland, and we had an illicit affair briefly. And that girl is actually my daughter, and that's why London was very, very, very interested. - Did you just-- (laughing) - London has offspring. - Yes, scary is that much more. - No, I think it's spawning. (laughing) - There are offspring. - There's more of it. - How young were you? - Well, London is-- - So why exactly-- - Most likely it is 40, so probably-- - London's son would be a Vampoy court vampire-- - Probably early 30s. 'Cause she's somewhere in her teens. - It's like, or a teen? - Yeah, somebody in the ballpark. So, London would have been in his early 30s at that point. - It is somehow apropos that London has to deal with the new Vmo teenage. (laughing) - Yes, it is. - So, why did you call Zelda, and why was she involved? - Yeah, why did you call me her? - Are you trying to manipulate her mind so she doesn't remember, or doesn't know, or I mean, what exactly was your intention? - Well-- - And notice the warden spending very close attention now. - Right, no, I think that the idea being, well, twofold, really. London? I mean, just look at him. He has no idea how to deal with a pre-pubescent or a-- - I could help. - Or whatever, well, you're a girl. - Oh my god, you're so sexy. - Ish, ish. (laughing) - So, the fact that she's female, certainly is a plus in her column, which hasn't been for the entire time I've known her, but in this particular instance, the fact that she's a female actually makes a difference, but then also there's-- - Actually makes a difference, just on. - And then there's actually her abilities, which I think can help reduce the trauma that this young girl has gone through, and been through. Whether or not that's in violation of London is never one to really worry about rules all that much. - And Zelda's input on this particular-- - I don't think Zelda would wanna help London out in any way she performed. - With that kind of-- - With that kind of-- - With that kind of, I mean, yeah, I'm sure he used to-- - But you are in a basement-- - Before a social thing to talk about her well-being and whatever. - I'm never tied up. - But in that frame-- - Ever restrained. It's different. - It's developing. - And what manner is that different? - I don't know if there's any cuffs at all. I think it's just a locked door is sufficient so that she-- - There's a vampire, don't you have any empathy? - So why do you like that one in any way? Help him? - I don't. (laughing) - Zelda has no empathy. - What's your problem? - You want an empathy? - I'm actually-- - What the hell is one girl? - So you and London should get it around pretty well. - Yeah. - Yeah, right now. - I have empathy. I rescued a young lady from a lifetime of soulless-- - No, you have-- - No, no, no, no, no, no, no. - You thought she was your daughter. - Oh, no, no. - You took her home-- - You have empathy. I have a level one. - You're right. - Oh, I'm hauling me stuff. - I thought literally-- - You took her from the dude to rescue. - Let's be perfectly clear. - That's actually me. - He didn't take her from her dad. He shot her dad in the head, repeat his lips. - No, you took him from me. I'm not a rescuer. - Oh, okay, yes. - Although I did ask you over the walkie cockies, I believed to rescue her. - Yes, she did, after you took me. - When you're done killing everyone, to crash a car into the building. - Hey, that is one of your finest moments. - Yeah, you did. - You got all of that, man. - I know, I'm just saying. It's not everything that came over that walkie talkie was the best of ideas. - Why am I suddenly picturing London to be like David Tennant and Jessica Jones and Ethan Scary and this ram the truck in the house? It's wrong with you. - It's not good if it wasn't. - Oh, I hate that scene. - So you watched it, did you? - I stopped watching it after this. - You got to stop watching it. - What? - It's insane. - Or David Tennant lost against the closet. - I'm like, I'm not sure there's anything worse with kids after that, but now it's been a couple months. - Since I watched it. - Plus, I like David Tennant. - For me, I mean, I kept watching it, but what really bothered me was when... - Yeah, I was a tough one. - That was just like, oh my God. - Yeah, I didn't like the fact that she was like... - How are you enjoying the man in the high castle? - Only on the third or fourth, but I love it. - Yeah, it's good stuff. - I mean, I feel like when we went to have to frame it in a really, really... - Well, okay, but the fact that the batteries he brought you into this basement and he's got a girl locked in the other room, you've got to give him something here. - It depends on what he wants. Like, he hasn't really asked me to do anything here. He's like, oh, you're a female and... - Why don't you actually say it to you? I said that was his rash now behind it. - Put it on the ball game. - Go ahead, ask her. - Well, I'm not quite sure. - Like he was. - I can't really speak to her nicely. It's really hard. - Exactly. - But it might be within her power to create a kind of probability or reality where this works out a little bit better than you imprisoning a girl in your... - Are you wanting to know if she's... You know for a fact she's your daughter. Or you want to... - Yeah, I know for a fact that she's my daughter. - 'Cause it's all the know that you know her. - She will. No, yeah, I mean, absolutely. I will absolutely share that with you. - What is your daughter's name? - I have no idea. Give me a week to think about it. - Wait, though, we had a name. She had a name. - Yeah, I know, and I can't think of it. - She totally had a name. She did. - It was Italian. - Probably in the last episode. - It was sort of hard for me. (laughing) - Anyway. - All right. - Well, all three of us are going to come up with an envelope. - Yeah. - I think that there was an an... - Yes, it was an an... - I think it was an an... - Very good call. - You win. - All right. - Yeah, you get one of these just meaningless, 'cause we're not actually honest. - And I'm gonna remind you that. - I get an extra. - I get an extra. - I have three times as much empathy as you guys can find. - Right. - Call out what it is that you can have like. - What's empathy? - All right. - So. - So the idea was, I mean, we went there to stop that ritual. - And we stopped the ritual. - Now, I certainly had an ulterior motive to stop being the ritual, which I certainly didn't share with anyone. - So wait, you knew that she was your daughter the whole time. - Oh, yeah. - How did you know that she was your daughter? How did she seriously-- - I have contact with the mother. She hires me. She uses my abilities. She was the only one he ever met who was as noxious as he was. (laughing) - I don't know. We had the secretary one time-- - So you actually got her all the time. - And this is all you trying to say for, because you said me. - I actually have a soul. (laughing) I'm not like dead. - Or you feel really guilty. - Well, whatever gets you through the night, whatever makes you rationalize it, whatever way you need to is fine. - Well, I kinda like what you just said though, that London always has layers of ulterior motives. So who knows what type of future ulterior motives-- - And I'm not sure that we need to even, yeah, discuss that for a second, of what my reasoning is, I think. - I just wanted to make sure that I understood that you put us in that ridiculous situation. - Oh, I did not put it in that ridiculous situation. - I did not put us in that ridiculous situation. - Oh yeah, my father was there, there was some sort of-- - I was demon's murdering people. - Yeah, but your motives were ulterior. - Well, I had an ulterior motive. I still wanted to see us, you know-- - No, the minorities behind the scenes calling the strains, they could've been involved in this kind of-- - True enough. - I just feel like you were, you know, calling the shots there for, and not being very forthright and-- - Well, I mean-- - Anyway, I'll be with it. - Certainly, someone has to make the good decisions, and if it takes me pulling some strings to make individuals act in the appropriate manner, then, yeah, okay, I'll take the hit. - Right. - Right. - It's such an animal. - So I was thinking maybe there was a way that you could affect how she's handling this outcome of realizing she's a white court fan player. - I actually-- - Wait for you to manage it. - Time out, 'cause I actually, I need to think about whether or not that's if I can do that. You want, so you would want your, you're gonna be asking Zelda to make her better? - Sure, make her better. Help her get better. - She is still human. - Yes, yes, she is not-- - And she is not-- - What's her fault? - Like, so basically, you just think that she's emotionally shattered, and you... - Or maybe possibly you could, and I'm sure you're gonna want to picture this, like vividly, but when me and the Mrs. Coppulated. - So romantic. - She took on the aspects of her mother, as opposed to the human-- - Except for the white court vampire. - Yeah, it was good too, it was awesome. - That's actually pretty normal in this game. - I went all and raised on her ass if it's awesome. - I think the fact that they have feet under spare here, so that's-- - Yeah, I'm sure that's what drew her to me. But I think what London's hoping for is, since she has this ability to affect the past, the future, pretty much, you can change things that happen. - But I can't, or is that, no. - 'Cause all of it doesn't think she can. - I can't change the past. - It doesn't matter which she thinks she can. - No, I can't change the past, it does. - No, that's not-- - That's not-- - It doesn't mean she can do it or she can't do it. - Even if I can, that goes against one of the seven, what do they call it? - Laws, laws-- - It goes against one of the seven laws, so. - What goes against one of the seven laws? - I'm manipulating it. - We're manipulating the past. - Okay, better. - I just-- - That breaks the law. - I know, I don't care. - Award, I'm not telling you. - This is when I call the warden. Hey, you wanted me to let you know when people were out. (laughing) - You can't wait until your week is out. You have me at London. (laughing) - I can legitimately kill him? - What? - That's how it was done, right? - I don't think that a couple million notes, that sounds awesome. - Okay, I'd like to add something that neither of you know, 'cause you didn't read the book. - Right. - The players can be cured if they have a-- - The human stuff. - Yes, that's the thing. She's human still. - So. - She can at any point completely feed on someone until they die and become a white court vampire, but it can also be solved before that happens and only when they're still human. London probably knows. - Oh, London would absolutely know that. - And asking you who can change the future, I don't fucking know, it's neither London. - I can't change it, I can't make it. - Okay, I'm feeling the same. (laughing) - Kind of. - Doesn't matter, you may be able to-- - 'Cause you don't know what's gonna happen. - You don't know what's gonna happen. - What I said, yeah. - Maybe I can-- - I can all along. - That's completely valid, I don't think London cares. I just think you want to-- - But he wants me to change-- - How can you save them? - It depends on the vampire in general. These ones-- - What makes for good stories? - Well, that's valid. - These ones feed on despair in the books you would need to find a way for the experience. - The experience is true happiness. - True happiness. - So, what we heard it actually is a true goal. - True hope, true hope. - That is a big question. - What do you question me? - Which is true. - How can she achieve true happiness? - Which is why you lock her in the basement. - Right, that's right. - No, no, no, no, no. - It's a good first step. - I knew I missed the joke, but you're gonna marry the hope. - So, you would want me to do a read on how she can achieve hope? - True hope. - True hope. - I didn't write this shit. - That's even-- - What is, yeah, I mean, we need to know what we're hoping. - That would be like a bad start. - I mean, that would be like a long-- - Yeah, we gotta keep her in one spot. - This isn't like a here, this is what's gonna happen. - Oh, no, it's part of the whole story. I mean, like, it's a-- - It's a monster, like a big drawn out thing. - You killed all her family. - What the-- - What the-- - No, no, no, no, no. - Tied her up in the basement. - I killed all her family. - All her family. - No, and not all, because let's not forget dad here. - Let's not forget her dad. - Oh, bro. - He didn't kill. - Well, actually, I was a dad. - No, he's dad. - Well, yeah, but you also killed her dad. - The one she thought was her dad? - Right. - Very physically and hands on. - She does, she doesn't know. - She doesn't know. - She has no idea that I'm a brother. - Possibly doesn't know that you changed her. - She thinks she's animatore. She's actually Anna deals. - Right, when I tell her-- - What are the requirements for becoming a white card? - You have to fully become, you need to-- - You have to feed on it. - You need to feed until the person dies. - You have to aim to spare until someone dies. - If you even can't do that, you have to get the offspring of one entity. - Aim to spare? - Yes. - They're emotional. - They're emotional. - They're emotional. - Okay. - So, they don't feed off of someone's-- - So, that's why Roberto was, oh, and his dad. This is, I remember-- - But they were doing a ceremony-- - Typically, he's coming at the age thing-- - And Roberto's dad was the sacrificial creature for her becoming a white court vampire. - And they allowed them to make the decision because they're old enough. The fact that she's a virgin or not is also irrelevant. - No, it's just a term-- - It's a term. - Say that she is-- - She's not yet. - She has not yet fed, so therefore, she is not truly a white court man. - Except for the ones that feed out a loss, that's literal. - And not any fruit, just every human can become one. You have to-- - No, it's hereditary. They have a spirit that's in them. That is somewhat alien or demonic, that's just kind of linked to their soul. And then it comes to a full merging one. - They feed it. - They feed it fully. - To the point of death. - Yeah, cool. - So lunge. - So, we feed it into the experiments being done at the Cleveland Clinic or the University Hospital at all. - If you want to call them those contacts. - No, no, I don't want to call those contacts. I've just been saying, maybe-- - Go ahead. - Just so they understand, you don't want her to become a member. - No, God, no. I want her to be having a normal human life. Human's diet, so-- - With you as a father. - Of course. (laughing) - That's a total order, man. - Now, well, I don't want to actually be a star. - I started this journey by locking her. - I mean, she's old enough to be a normal human life. - She's old enough to be off on her own, or so. I can't imagine, you know, on the next she being a dad. - She's old enough to be off on her own. Yeah, she fell into, you know, okay. - You just don't want her to be a vampire. - Right, yeah, I don't actually want to be a dad, right? - She's totally great on her own. - For God's sake, but of course, that'll be a complication at work. - Sure, sure. - And that's absolutely awesome. - Killed her family, killed her dad with my bare hands. - She can't see the fact that I shot him in the face. - I know, I know, I know. - I see you. - Have fun. - When you're right, when you make this future, screw him over. (laughing) - Somehow. - The whole process too. I'm trying to make the future of London. - What we started with was you inviting her in the basement, because the girl was there. Now, at least we have a reason that you want to make this girl human. - And maybe it's a comfortable basement. - It could be a fully finished basement. - Like a little old anything uncomfortable? - No, I don't want anything uncomfortable. - You don't think he has a fully finished man cave in the face? - Yes, but that's still going to be uncomfortable. Think about London's man cave. Imagine what's going on. - There's a lot of panelists. - Could that just be the title of the episode? - This is like a nightmare. - I actually think like a 19/7 piece. - Oh my gosh, you know nothing about London's taste and style, it's all he has. - No, I don't, but it's just going to be-- - This is like Ados does, Ados face is palpable. - Yes, it is. This is like something out of, you know, architecture's digests. That's what the basement looks like. It is awesome. - Like maybe not for a 15 year old girl. - It would be seen on Pimp My Crib. - Oh my gosh, MTV probably did a special at it. - Is this post modern? - Or is it actually a one out of it? 'Cause I'm older now than this. - Oh, it would be black and a lot of nuts. - Oh, it's absolutely modern in the best sense of the word, of course. - Black and chrome and-- - Yes, but it's got a big TV, video games and stuff for her to play. - You have to have video games and-- - The pictures are naked, we're in the walls yet. - It's art. - London doesn't play on them, you just like to have them. - I have them because it's a status symbol. Like I have like the gold PS4. - Pats a status symbol. - Anything. - They probably do, and they do. - You can only get them to talk about. - Absolutely. - You have the oculus, you have the oculus, you know. - Rip the hell out. - Absolutely not, yeah. - Oh, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, bro, I have fun with that. - So, London brings London there. - Was it that he brought me there or was it that he came to-- - Oh no, you knocked on his door, he invited you to-- - He led you to the basement, we all made jokes. - There has to be some reason. - He led you to the girl tied up in the basement. - He come up with some reason why-- - There's no way Zelda would go there unless he told me that he has-- - I don't know about that. You've been there several times. - I would not go there. - For meetings in the basement. - Oh, well, I would tell her before I-- - She went to the basement-- - You might want to take that old friend. - Right, I feel like I wouldn't go there alone to do you a favor, it's not like we're buddies, you know. - Rip is dependable, Maxwell has-- - Unless you were like-- - Man has a-- - I think I would have been really nice. - Unless you told me like, look, I-- this is serious. - I think I would have actually been nice to you. Briefly, but I would have been nice. - You never go to London's alone. - No, I wouldn't. - Not even when he's being nice, that's a trap. - Yeah, I just really don't think I would. - I would never go to London. - I feel like unless you-- - You are a sexy old man. - Unless you told me that someone's life was at stake or something, like, there has to be a reason. - Yeah, well, I would definitely, I mean, I'm opening up for God's sakes. - Go ahead. - You know, just sniper, have you ever left your gun up in a tower? I'm just asking, just for-- - Is that normal in a tower with you? - Is it normal in a tower with you? - Is it normal in a tower with you? - Is it normal in a tower with you? - Is it normal in a tower with you? - Regardless, we need to find out, I think, what London, how we can fix her. - Right. - Like, what's wrong, how's it gonna be fixed? - You said you wanted this to be-- - You know, I don't want you to just come over and fix her. - Yeah, it's not gonna, like, this would need to-- - No, I mean, you gotta come over and-- - She's-- - Like, I want you to talk to her and, like, your girls. - Oh, God, I'm not gonna talk to her. - Like, she won't talk to me any more than just-- - Talk to your daughter. - I thought she was-- - Don't say it, she doesn't know yet. You can't say, like, out loud. - She's your daughter, talk to you now. - What's your special name? - You can handle that on your own. - Yeah, many special days of psychology, I have so much. - I can help you, but I'm not gonna do your job for you. - Well, I'm not gonna ask you to do my job for me, but, you know, I mean, just-- - No, you-- - She's traumatized. - You're right, and I won't help you. - That's what I'm asking. - But I'm not gonna do your job for you. You talked to your own daughter. - Well, I've talked to her several times. I thought she would, you know, it'd be nice to have some female companionship. - What is she said? - You know, I just wanna mention-- - Let me outta here. (laughter) - Who is this all about? - How have these conversations gone? - Help. Yes. - It hasn't come off me yet, yet, but I have training in psychology. - What skill is that? - It's empathy. - I have it at once. I have it at once. That's like, she has an empathy. I have empathy. - Neither. - I don't need to use people when their weakness is still their empathy. - I have three times as much empathy as both of you combine, and he has more. - I haven't been functionally six. - You never struck me. Well, I actually have struck me, trying to save vampires and stuff. - I haven't had four in the lab. - I just feel like I'm not the person you want. I'm not the person. - Maybe Zelda's not even involved in this. - Well, no, it's potentially-- - I think we want to know that you need the power of Zelda. - Can we use-- - Right. - What is that I don't mind doing, but like-- - But you're finding out that you need more than Zelda. First of all, she needs to know about more than vampires. - I don't know if I court vampires, but she needs to know specifically about despair vampires. And what exactly does it mean true hope? What the fuck is that? - Yeah. - I got your courage. - It sounds like the princess. - If I were able to understand that, then maybe I could do a long term ritual read on what she would need. - And then you realize that you might need to admit that it meant-- - Maxwell. - But I don't have any empathy. I can't. I'm not going to sit there. - No, we all know you have zero empathy. - And it's not. - But you might know somewhere to go. - Bigger feels better because Daddy killed her entire family. - Well, he's here by the way, but he doesn't want to talk to you, you know? - It was Maxwell who killed her entire family. - But yet, you might need Maxwell because he's the psychologist. - Right, but I don't think she knows that he killed her in class. - It's an accident. - It really was. - Yeah. - But I don't-- - I did not intend to explode. - Yeah, so I think we want to use Zelda more instead of someone who's involved with London. - So then there's-- - Someone who might be the answer to the problem. - London wants to use Zelda as a tool. - As usual. Wow. - Right, thank you. - Right. - Stunning. - Yeah. - Right, that's incredibly surprising. - Very empathetic. - All right. - So, we are unfortunately going to be out for a few weeks. But what I want from each of you is, like I said, how I want to start the adventure is with basically what you just said I was thinking that my question is do we following up anything from the one show? Is that a stand a little bit more-- - We could? - Yeah, could we even discuss-- - Could have happened just before this. So yeah, absolutely. - Okay. - What is your dad been up to in the three months? Slipped back into his life, he's gambling, drinking, and being an asshole. - Or maybe he's learned from his experience? - Or is he shell-shocked in a coma? - Still high. - Or is he actually learned from his ways, and he's trying to be an upstanding oopsie slipped. He did experience a happiness grenade, and so that might have been a changing experience. - It could be just-- - Thank you. - Listen, I'll burnt out-- - Be a whole day of his life. - I'm sure he's got some PTSD. That's-- - I can join you at the meeting, yeah, you get kidnapped, and then the building explodes, and people come shooting at you and-- - And Bigfoot carries you up a hill, it's-- - Jesus, man, I would freak out. - And they actually aren't the Reynolds, still, because now-- - Oh, they're all bad, they-- - The Reynolds-- - The Reynolds were at the party? - Some of them were-- - Oh my god, they got max-- - They got max-- - rack up my kill count. I got two categories. Shit, I didn't mean to, and wow, that's good for the world. - Okay, well, those are gangsters. - Yeah. - Gangster white bar. - You're the-- - Ooh, that's good for the world. - You made a list-- - I'm hoping that's connected. - Oh, there's-- - What does your camera do again? - It like shows the-- - True nature. - True nature. - True nature. - The world, it shows the true nature of things. - Well, then why doesn't one who come to you know what that is? - Well, I definitely want a picture-- - Well-- - Of my daughter-- - That's true nature. - Right, that would be true. - If it turns out really good, you just put it on the wall? - It has, so-- - I would say we're not researching anything, but yeah, I think-- - And then what she wants to be fast-tracked, which is okay. - Yeah. - I think the first thing you would do is try to get a picture and-- - Yeah. - Talk to Zelda about a future forecast. - We can also shorten up, so it hasn't been three months. It's only been a week. - That's-- - That goes three months in the basement. - Yeah, that's hard-- - But she wouldn't be in the basement still. - Right. - Well, she wouldn't, you know, I mean, she would have her own apartment somewhere that I'm funding. - You're right. - Okay, I think she's 13. - I thought you said she should go on-- - I know. - She was around 16. - Okay. - Now she's 15. - She's a time-traveling-- - No! - She's still about out of the majority. - No one knows how-- - She's not the majority. - No, Nick's not playing her. - That would be fun. - That would be fun. - No. - He's in the heavy character yet. - I mean, if he wants to, but I'm not in any way. - What would that be fun? - Ryan fucking Nelson. - He's back. - What's better than that? - Not really, Dad. You're meeting with him because he's taking pictures of your daughter? - Oh. Rachel, get out of here. - Mind out of the-- - Yeah, I'd say that that's part of the equation. Maybe she wants to be helped. - But you? - Seriously, maybe she didn't want to become a white court vampire, and maybe that's the reason it's been three months, and she's still in communication with me, is because of someone who's funding her family's dead. - Does she know that her mother-- - No, she was raised to be one. How would she not accept that culture? - She's got hands on it all. - Kids rebel, and your parents want you to do something. Sometimes they don't want to do it. - And also-- - If you're using the books as a guide, sometimes they don't-- - Actually, they don't understand or fully know their nature as are until they have their initiation. - Oh, like that formation. - Yup. - Oh. - Oh. - That's fun. - Yeah, play courts. - It could be my dad. - He doesn't have super bars. - He doesn't have super bars. - A couple less teeth. - I don't take it in my basement. I think that was just a phrase turned out. - You know, it was too good enough. - Yeah, she came to my house. There was a guest room. She stays there while I explain to her what happened. You know, she's angry, very heavily doctored version. She's angry, but more angry at her parents, and still rebalting, and not wanting to be a vampire. So she's open to the idea of somehow losing her vampirism and becoming a human. But at the same time, she doesn't fully trust me. So I put her up eventually in her own apartment. She continues, she goes back to school again. You know, someplace close by to where her school would be. There's gonna be some high price academy that she was going to. And now, well, maybe she still goes there. Don't you think or no? - I think explains the fact that all of her parents are dead, and she's out on her own as a 16-year-old. - She lies to the school. It happens all the time in real life. Kids go to the field, their parents die, their parents move away, and the kids run away from home. They keep going to the school. I mean, I've read about it before. She certainly could continue school. It doesn't have to. Just throwing it out there. - Pretty rich parents to die. I'm pretty sure it's gonna be in the news. - You know what I mean? - It's pretty public explosion. - Yeah, pretty public explosion as well. So, okay. - Well, it could have only been a week. Were you still discussing that? - You make her look like somebody else. - You make her look like somebody else. I can also be a relative where we can dock her papers and things along those lines where I am like her ward since she's underage. - She's my ward, right? - Charge. - Right. - Is what it is. - I am charged. - She's my charge. I am her ward. - No, she's the ward. - No, she's the ward. - She's the ward and the charge. You're the Batman. - I'm the creepy uncle. - The creepy uncle. - Guardian. - Yeah. - They already works well. - Legal Guardian. - I think that's a pretty decent one. - Yeah, I think he needs a little bit of water. - He's a little bit of water. - He needs a little bit of water. - Alright. - Oh, shut down with that. - Thank you for listening tonight so tonight's the Night Actual Play Podcast. If you'd like to send us questions, comments, or feedback, you can reach us in a number of ways, including Twitter @KOTN_podcast or emailing us at feedback@KOTNpodcast.com. And don't forget the iTunes reviews. We also have a Facebook page at facebook.com/KOTN.podcast. While at Facebook, join like-minded folks on our Facebook fan page. And lastly, there's our blog, KOTNpodcast.com, where there's an Amazon leak on the right-hand side. Those of you outside the U.S. can help by donating at our Patreon page, patreon.com/KOTN. And then listen in for the monthly t-shirt giveaway. And remember to join us next week for more mystery and adventure. - With houses blowing up and whole families of people dying. - Rub it in, man. - Yeah, murder. - But we will go around the table, and each of you will introduce yourself. - That's a high concept. - The high concept for you was your- - Is that what that is? - Yeah, it's an aspect. And yours was your a Romanian buffet. - But is it the true believer? Is that like the- - No, it's a sentence that explains what your character is all about. And yours was your Romanian who looked for meaning and magic for the syllables. - Remember about it? - We'd like some time to think about it before we go on to it. - I guess you're just playing it even better. - And on my left is- - Yes, and we'll start. - On my left is Rachel Johnson. - Thanks, guys. - You're still telling us. - Fuck you, sure. - What's the experience we got? - We'll talk about that once we make it around the circle. - Apparently, we'll talk about it later. - Thomas playing maximalism and undercover homeland security operative that may or may not change given the fact that I apparently murdered entire families. I wasn't aware of this. - That's an accident. - Look, I know I made a house explode. I didn't know entire goddamn families lived in it. - The white court vampires, they're all related. - We see how family- - The whole fucking job was to save none of them that I super-made sure we saved. So I didn't kill entire families. - I was just killing entire families. - Good job. - Thank you. - I thought you were right, dude. - I thought you said your name. - Nice guilt trip. - Yeah. - Okay. - Bob playing Stephen Tillman, a reporter and photographer, who would do anything to get the story. - Except we're killed a whole household. - Yeah, I probably would not do that. That's okay. - Scott. - Probably. - Not sometimes. - You didn't realize it's your fault, right? - It was your plan if I'm not mistaken. - Or part of it. - I mean, - I'm fine with you. - But I won't do that. - All right. - Okay. - Not that. - Me love. - I think that's the song. - Yeah. - SoulSugner was your old icon. - Yeah. - I was gonna downplay me a bit. - I was just checking. - Let's go band it over. - I'm gonna open that wound. - Yeah. - So I didn't know if you wanted to use it. - Was that a scam? - No. - Let's pick at it. - Let's all make fun out of time. It's killed entire families. - Yeah. - I'm Scott. - I've got a part of this. - You're fine. - I'm just not going to Scott. - I am Scott playing London Deals. Just all around awesome guy. And Ewan. - Ewan. - Ewan. - Ewan. - Ewan does not work. - Nice. - Nice. - Yeah. - That's good. - Thanks for changing. - I'm Zelda. - No, you're not. You're Rachel. - Okay. - I'm Rachel playing Zelda Sykes. She's a Romani woman seeking to connect the roots of her past to the modern world. - And find her characters. - I don't remember. - And find her characters. - That's in trouble. - It's not bad. - Okay. It was something like that. That's not. - Can't you just play the old park in us? - Mike's looking for it right now. - That's so cool. - Or he's watching it to the Indian. - He's watching it. - I'm listening to the cast. - Are you listening to the whole podcast? You can tell Rachel what she is? - Yes. - All right, 'cause I know you. - 'Cause he's on top of it. - Hey, I'm here. - I can hear what's out there. - Rituals and the players here. - I'm starting to get my right. - I'm Rachel and Zelda Sykes, the Hunger Agency. - No. - This is the war, but that's interesting. - Hungarian? - Okay. - Yeah, it's... - How much are you a Romani? - No, Romani. - Look, we all live here. - She's Romani. - She's started as a hunter and gives interest. - It's a culture. - They're nice. - They wanted to. - What am I? - He uses weight. - No, she's American. - I'm American. - I'm American. - Stop talking, everybody. (laughing) - She's still technically humanly, right? - Yes. - That is correct. - You can't kill her mom. - Don't hesitate, Medicaid. - Well, okay. - I'm having the same problem here. - Well, I've got things I need to read. Sounds like this isn't here anymore. It's up here. So this one's five. - Two. - Two. - Four. Two, three, six, four, two, twenty, four, eight, seven, seven, seven, seven, five, eight, six, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven, seven I'm going to step the bag of dicks. Anybody watch that, Martin, speaking for that? Yes, of course. For a bowl. So like that? Yep, that guy. Alright, that's not that, right?