Knights of the Night

260_DFRPG They Have Agendas

1h 16m
Broadcast on:
11 Feb 2016
Audio Format:

We take a look at the state of the Dresden Universe in Cleveland - as we left it in the Rituals story line. Listen in as we discuss ideas and possible plot points.

(upbeat music) - Hello and welcome to Knights of the Knight to Actual Play Podcast. This is our third Dresden World Adventure and it's titled Passages. And now please enjoy episode 260 titled, "They Have Agendas." Actual play begins 12 minutes, 14 seconds. (upbeat music) All right, I'm the king guy. (upbeat music) A lot of sight. Nathan posted under the D&D fifth edition page. I seriously could write a multi-page comment on this, but I'll try to be succinct as possible. I found this site while looking for five E podcasts. I only listened to D&D actual play. To really limit it on yourself, it is. It is one of the best crunchy new term for me podcasts around. Production value focused storytelling character play. To my dismay, I find that these players are not D&D only preferred players and the continuation of this world is unlikely. Having said that, it has encouraged me to listen to their other gameplays. It was difficult at first. I listened to D&D podcasts because it's easy for me to fall into the world due to my knowledge of the roles and the mechanics of the game. I can't listen at work because unlike a lot of four E podcasts, I can't zone out during the battle to actually work. I need to pay attention to everything or I get quickly lost. I am trying and the podcasts themselves are great. I do find myself, especially during the first few episodes, struggling with the mechanics of the game if it's new to me. Thanks guys for opening me up to new RPG game types, Nathan. Well, I'm glad we could because there's a lot to listen to. And as he said, D&D isn't our preferred system. It's not our favorite system. One of our mantras is don't let the rules get in the way, so I think we can meta that and say that the system doesn't necessarily matter for the story. Yes, true enough. Staying on the blog page, episode 259, Darwin warned us about you. Thank you. Who were we talking about? That was John and the Monkey Man. I listened to that. It was just one of those comments that just everybody let's slip by. But when you put it out there on the-- For the voting, they're going to pick it up. There was a couple of them once. But Nick had the previous one, which is-- I need to go start something? Yeah, I have things to snark. Who, Nick? Nick, yeah. Nick. Nick, Nick. No, the other Nick. Yes, Nick. Nick said something that was funny. Yes, Nick's my work to minion. Oh, oh, oh, that's right. He did that. I thought you were talking about-- And I'm like, why does he make it here? Wow, he's funny, isn't he? So should I leave that in there? Because Nick does listen to the podcast. Leave it in. OK. Definitely leave it in. Back to the blog. Matthew H posted and said, hi, guys. I'm relatively new to the podcast. I started off with Newmanira because I just started playing a ninth world campaign. I continued with the 5E, and then went back to the beginning to listen to shit luck. I'm greatly enjoying it, especially the way you were clearly having fun, but still somehow meant it's just a in-character and take the scenario seriously. That said, and maybe I'm mistaken, but you didn't seem to enjoy yourself as much with clockwork dominion or engaged quite so well with the story. Was it, I wonder, because you were all new to the series, to steampunk in general, or because of an outside GM? I can't wait for your wrap-up episode to see if my impression was right. Did we have a wrap-up for you? Nope, I don't think we did. We're going to have to wait. Sorry, Matthew. I'm excited about it. That's the make one now. I think it's more likely the reason was, are you done? No, I'm sorry. Anyways, it didn't stop me from enjoying the episodes, and I'm looking forward to your in-house clockwork dominion campaign at a later date. You're going to wrap up when we finish that up? Yeah. Sometimes three years down the goddamn line. No, it's right after Dresden, and we'll be at the beginning of our Dresden. Three years. So three years. I would bet nothing on that at all. You were going to say something. Not having not played it, but finished listening to it. It seemed clear to me that, I guess, the reason was that your characters were canned and weren't your own characters. You had to select them, and that goes a long way towards-- Yeah, we had that problem with the Dresden one-shots back in the day. Right. Well, we really enjoyed the system, but no one was quite solid on who they were playing, so we played a little stunt. That's exactly what I was going to say with Michael did, which is we didn't design the characters. And while I enjoyed playing the sister of John's character, and we had an interesting dynamic, he was the alcoholic, and I was affected. So true life. Actually, what Mark was editing, he was cursing your name. Yeah, he actually texted Mark coming out of the bottle every time he took a swim. He was fine. Yeah. That was funny. And that was fun. Sorry, I don't know if it was funny. It was fun. But yeah, I mean, we did have fun. Zeke is an outstanding narrator. Good sport. He had a lot of energy. He had a lot of fun. He enjoyed himself. We enjoyed ourselves. It was just not as immersive, because he was stated. We didn't design the characters. We didn't trade them. Some of us never played the system before, so we were playing canned characters. And a system we never played before. And my character wasn't even in the scenario. I mean, even a little bit weird. I don't think any of us were really played. But we had fun doing it. It wasn't that we didn't have fun. It was just that it was just a new system. For us, it wasn't as immersive. I mean, both World of Darkness and Dresden, we play in the modern-day Cleveland, where we live. It's not an issue to put yourself in that setting. We didn't create the world, either. I mean, as far as like some of the fantasy stuff, we designed them. Design the worlds and stuff and came up with the ideas of it. So yeah, I could definitely agree with this assessment. But to say that we didn't have fun would be untrue. We had an absolute blast. Yeah, we didn't. It's also a one-shot. Yeah. Yeah, which a lot of our players don't really care for those type, because you don't get to return to the character, and you don't get to develop it as much as you want. So that being said, we're not going to do a wrap-up, I don't think. No, it's just-- it's been months. We did the interview with Zeke, and we talked about it. We did the one-shot. We spoke a bit after, but truthfully, I cut it all out, and I'm not going to release it, because Zeke talks about how other people play that same scenario. And there's a whole lot of spoilers in there, for anybody who might happen to play it at a convention. So apparently, I was the first one that-- yeah, no, I left it in. Yeah, the burn heat element. He didn't mention that. That's probably it. Zeke was also impressed with both comments that John and Rachel made. Here's about the arsenic in the wax around the seal, and John was really impressed with it. Dropping the-- It wasn't ours. It was a word, wasn't it? It was Dad with NightShade, Belladonna. Oh, Belladonna, thank you. John dropping the F-bombs. No, no, no, no, I got the shot. Yeah, I did not. We were on our best behavior for you. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. He beat me to the F-bombs. That was the weird thing. That's like the only time in my entire life, you can say. No, I was more about yours was the final rights. Extreme unction. Extreme unction. Is that the Latin term? Extreme unction. Yeah, and Zeke was just like, what? I heard that on the podcast. Yeah, this is humorous. I think he should have a closing of some starts, maybe. Call him, get a short interview with him, see what he thought. Currently, he has the plague. I'm not letting him-- So he really has Zeke? Yeah, he said he's on his second-- Is it transmittable by electronics? Oh, well, there's that. He said he was on his second round of antibiotics, and he's pretty good. Oh, wow, wow. I had that. That's like-- We were probably doing a thing. Oh, my god. You're right, Jim. We probably gave him some. Sorry, Zeke. I really didn't mean to do that. To finish up the feedback over on Facebook, episode 259 as well, Darwin and Lornbus about you, John C. posted and said, wah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha. Do a couple of like, summation, I'm tired. No, it's just as B. It's a B-W. It's a bla-ha-ha-ha-ha. B-W-ha-ha-ha. B-W-ha-ha-ha-ha. Bla-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha. Yeah, there you go. You're getting culture. One of those will make it in. That's the whole comment? Oh, that's all same, then. Is that the title of the post? That's the whole-- That's the whole first sentence, followed by two exclamations, which-- That's the title. I'm not going to try it. That's a little extraneous. Is that it? It wasn't. That's the title of the podcast. That's the first sentence. The next sentence says, loving the interaction with the old naked man. That is hilarious. Oh, yeah. No, I'm not interested in vengeance. Are you finished with your current vengeance? So we'd like to talk to you about vengeance at a later time. So that was the whole interaction. I believe it was with Scott, where Zeke came up and sniffed at him and stood inches away from Scott's face while he-- yeah, you've been wrong. Oh, yeah, when he was-- Yeah, Scott was a slight bit uncomfortable to have the gym standing so close to him. Steve E also posted and said, heavy rain in Atlanta this morning, wish the podcast were twice as long so that it will last my entire commute. Episode 258, I had things to snort. That was next line. Luke G posted and said, Rachel's character is hiding magical abilities? Surprise. Actually, I face-pung myself for not seeing that coming sooner because steampunk anthropologists. Ari had some comments about driving that were too close to puns. I added them out. That is power of the editor. Sorry, Ari. We're looking to our world. Sorry, Ari. We haven't met as a group for a while, so we haven't been able to do a t-shirt giveaway. We are one for January, and we're in February, so let's do them both. Yeah. Who wants to roll the dice? You. Who's turn? I want to roll the dice. I want to roll the dice. You never get to. All right, that's true enough. GM doesn't roll the dice. Oh, he's a fake one. Wow, holy shit. No one wins. And the winner of the January t-shirt is a certain Jason M. Hey. J-Mack. Holy shit. What was that, Mike? J-Mack? Yes. I'm allowed to call him that. He said so. All right. I think he said everyone calls me that. Please don't. If that sounded to you like, please call me that. Be my guest. For those of the listeners who, I don't know how you would know this, but Jason runs our fan site on Facebook. He does the Wikipedia for us. Oh my god. He does. There's actually Wikipedia. That's me for a document that never gave you a sort of a bet. Yeah. And he said, well, the name Rachel is in the Wikipedia. It has your characters that you play, but I mean, it's not, it's not like a bio. There's no picture of you, it might be taking a picture of you. There's no address or a telephone number or email. No, that's just, I'll show you that. You're going to link to my Facebook page. Your link and page, your Facebook. Yeah. Twitter. You're going to link to my Facebook page. I'm going to link to my Facebook page. I'm going to link to my Facebook page. I'm going to link to my Facebook page. I'm going to link to my Facebook page. I'm going to link to my Facebook page. I'm going to link to my Facebook page. I'm going to link to my Facebook page. I'm going to link to my Facebook page. I'm going to link to my Facebook page. I'm going to link to my Facebook page. I'm going to link to my Facebook page. I'm going to link to my Facebook page. I'm going to link to my Facebook page. I'm going to link to my Facebook page. I'm going to link to my Facebook page. I'm going to link to my Facebook page. I'm going to link to my Facebook page. I'm going to link to my Facebook page. I'm going to link to my Facebook page. I'm going to link to my Facebook page. I'm going to link to my Facebook page. I'm going to link to my Facebook page. I'm going to link to my Facebook page. I'm going to link to my Facebook page. I'm going to link to my Facebook page. I'm going to link to my Facebook page. I'm going to link to my Facebook page. I'm going to link to my Facebook page. I'm going to link to my Facebook page. I'm going to link to my Facebook page. I'm going to link to my Facebook page. I'm going to link to my Facebook page. I'm going to link to my Facebook page. I'm going to link to my Facebook page. I'm going to link to my Facebook page. Simply because we have a lot of things to discuss, a lot of things were left kind of hanging. I need to know what happened with some of those. But we will start with our typical start. My name is Tom. I'm your GM for the Joseph's Files. This particular adventure doesn't have a name yet. The majority of the story comes from you guys and I don't know where you're going to go yet. Let's go around the table and say who you are and what your character is. You know there are blind pieces of papers. Your name, your character's name and your high concept. So starting on my left. John playing Roberto Martinez. Formerly I took a study in power by Paul and Angel. It might change given what he's gone through right now. We'll see. Thomas playing Maxwell Edison. I'm their cover of Homeland Security operative. But yeah, same thing here. I don't know. Big kills to people. It happens. Scott playing London Deals. A moral sear to the supernatural powers. Nothing ever changes. Oh, I have a change for you. All right. I think your high concept should just be I'm London. Everything has a secondary to that. But I'm London. Yes. I'm Mike playing Ellen Montgomery. The damaged and continued to be damaged. Ordon of Cleveland. I am Jim playing Edmund Shadowski, businessman, black, court-powered, scion, business owner, and lots of stuff. Bob playing Stephen Tillman, I think. I don't know. I might switch it up a little bit. I'm not sure. The name or the character? I might play a different character. And Michael playing Repa Piers, a Vietnam vet, and an anthropogenic organic alchemist. An anthropogen is a psychoactive substance used in religious, shamanic, or spiritual content. Okay, we did do a one shot during one period in which a lot of people were ill. So we were short-handed. One of the people ill was the GM of the D&D Adventure. So those of you who weren't there, any chance that you listened to the adventure? That would be Mike. You were near Bob, correct. Oh, talk with the one shot. No, I wasn't. Jim, Jim was here. Rachel was not, but she's now Jim. Oh, there's a good chance that Rachel is returning from. I mean, Zelda does want to come back. What happened in the adventure when you guys weren't? Here is that Crispy Bruce called and let Maxwell know that someone had broken into Zelda's apartment, and everyone who was here went over there to help investigate. Why would Crispy Bruce do us any favor? You know, it was me a shitload of favors, eh? And B, he works for me. So he's an informant of Maxwell. He owes him some favors. During that adventure, Repa went kind of time-hopping to see what exactly happened. Kirby. Yeah, well, he does that. And we need to discuss that, because with paranoid papers, there's kind of a new way of handling time travel. I don't know if you've got time travel, but magic. Well, magic in general, but... Dimensional? Specifically, world-walking. So, I kind of like what I read so far. I haven't got completely produced. It was determined that whoever was breaking into her apartment was looking for the nail. And after hunting them down in... I was going to say beating them up, but they kind of beat themselves up. Yeah, they did. It's convenient. They ran into walls and windows and things. It was found that they did not have the nail, because apparently Zelda had taken it with her, and they were just breaking into look for it and didn't find it. But they had been sent, hired, given the task, by a demon. Did they say? I don't remember. One of the things we left hanging, if I remember correctly, there was a demon... Oh, I got a list. Yeah, that was hanging out with Ryan Nelson, that we captured, because he immediately gave up and gave us the coin. And that was all up on Roberto's to-do list, to take care of that in whatever way he wished. And I don't think we ever covered what he did. There's no good way to keep a coin out of there. There's no good way to keep a coin out of their hands, as Roberto himself discovered by stealing his coin pack. Let's start with Zelda, because she's not here. Sure. But I did speak with her briefly. And we discussed the fact that she is not a leader of the Cleveland Paranette. She agreed? She agreed. All right. So she is the leader of the Paranette. She's a leader of her individual group, but then she travels around from group to group, helping them and giving them structure and communication between different groups. Yes, Warden? No, I just... I can't remember if the Paranette was... Was it a grassroots organization that Harry kind of befriends or in contravention to what the wizards really want? Or the wizards just looked at them as a bunch of people that interfere? I think I can't remember. You're on to the Consul's opinion? Well, that's what I'm saying. The Consul probably thinks that they're just a bunch of people that interfere. Well, in our universe... Yes, that's what I'm trying to remember. In our universe, the Consul doesn't have too much of a problem. And in fact, they were visiting with her and you were introducing her to them. Oh, good. Which was why neither of you were there. Now, I wish to discuss this with you because what I wanted to say is you were still in Cleveland when this meeting took place because you have found that you cannot leave the dome of Cleveland with the gem as you believe it will cause very, very bad problems. So, it's not that I physically can't, or I haven't tried it. I just, I believe that until I know more it would be... Perhaps you've talked to the White Consul and they agree that this is something that should be resolved before you attempt it as it may. Right. Last time you tried to go through a barrier of substantial power. It was... So, specifically formed to keep you in there. That is true. But your soul shattered and it took a while to reform. And that's when these guys tried to drag you through back after you recorded and cut. Yeah, just burst. If you don't have a problem with that, that's the way I was thinking of going. Sure. So, you are basically forever the Cleveland Award until this is resolved. The Cleveland? The Cleveland. No, the Cleveland. You are basically... It might be the Cleveland Award too. That is a fair assessment. You are forever the word. I am two for eleven. It sounds better. You are potential. That's very depressing when you say it like that. The Cleveland Browns of the words that just tell us... It wasn't intentional. Sorry. Depends what you're talking about. If you're playing a lottery two out of eleven, it's not so bad. That's very true. That is very true. Very true. Many, many hours I work today. So, yeah. Excuse any full bus. And where is that bailies again? Use your coffee. So, you are potentially the warden of Cleveland for the foreseeable future until this issue with your gentleman's resolve. That's correct. Or until you die. The warden is stuck in Cleveland. Which is what they expect. Stephen, I'm not sure where you're going because you may choose another character entirely. London, we have an issue with... I don't know, some girl tied in the basement that needs to have some kind of resolution between you and Zulva. And probably Maxwell. Yeah. Do you have any suggestions on where that can go? Wow. Well, I know. So very good go. I don't know if it's a classical news. Yeah. Is this word out or what was the deal? It's called this Tuesday night. The guy who had women like in his house. Or the German guy? Yeah. Or no, the guy in Cleveland. Yeah. Errol. Errol. But, Errol. Yeah. I think it was Errol. Yeah. But to serial martyrs and cleave one. Just leave it in this just a good place. It's awesome. I'm sorry, I'm not even losing time. How is it? Alright, so additional things. At the beginning of ritual, you were speaking to the police officer. I believe his name was Lieutenant Ron Logan. And you told him, I promise it won't happen like last time. I will keep you informed of everything that happens in my investigation. And if you remember correctly, it ended up with a truck being driven into the side of a house explosion's massive death and a sort of other mayhem. Something has to be done to explain that. Roberto is holding two coins and a third is being held by... The priest? Edmund Shinowski, unless there's some other resolution to it. That is what happened. He grabbed it. He had a glove on, assessed us or whatever. So three of the 20 coins are in this group in Cleveland. And that fucked up. It's 30 coins. Right here, right? One tenth. Sounds like a lot of loose ends. That is really, really late. So Roberto has two results and has one. So why does the word know this? Roberto has two? I think so. I know he has one, but I don't know if he has two. I decided he wanted two. He doesn't know if he knows he is. I'm saying, I don't think Alan knows that. Whatever. If I go back and listen to the episode, I'll let you know for sure. I know for sure. He's going to be a fun time. But I thought I might have gave mine to somebody, but I'm not sure. Well, again, I'm going to pick this up. You have all three now? I was thinking of making my accounts up to keep her off the coins. He has this chain. No, it's not on him. But he keeps them safe. They're three coins in Cleveland. I know Roberto has at least two of them, at least to my knowledge. You may have given it. I do remember a scene in which you guys were trying to give a coin to Father Francis, but actually ended up being an empty box because Roberto had summoned back the coin. That was his first coin, though. Yes. Which has a name that none of us can remember. Tarsio. That was Tarsio. Zelda O is a favorite of Furball. I remember listening to that. Furball? The Sasquatch? Yes. The mini Sasquatch? That may come into play. Well, okay. He helped everyone. Roberto, in one of the episodes it was suggested that you change an aspect to, I don't think I'll stop there. I just thought I'd remind you of it because it's a pretty good Roberto aspect. There it is. You guys said, "Oh, could you go over there and find this?" "Oh, he was hunting the demons." He says, "Oh yeah, I'll make sure I find them, but I don't think I'll stop there." That's how we found my new... That's pretty much Roberto. I don't think I'll stop there. That's how we found my new trouble. I drove the fan of the back of the house and I said, "Ah, I didn't really think that through." We were all like, "Ooh!" So it's just a suggestion. I just wanted to remind you of it because it was, I don't know, a good year I know, right? Well, it's been a while. High concert? That's it. Probably. It went behind us, but we're definitely an aspect. We have a feral black court vampire. Her sister took her. Her sister locked her way in the thing. That we were never told. She's been running loose in there and that is a problem. Oh, wait a minute. It's starting to return to me. That one of the coins is dead, like as in the one you found in... You hit one with a hammer. No, it was. It is believed that the demon is potentially in the shield around Cleveland because the coin that Ryan fucking Nelson had was... And Eric? Yeah, it had none of the markings. It was missing. There were no runes. There was no sigil. There was no luster that the others had. It was just a dead coin. So you do have three, but one of them is apparently... Thought. Which would mean... Potentially that that demon is somewhere else. If it left the coin. Is that the one the Jim has? Well, if the coin is basically like a prison, then maybe the shield caught it. It could be set free in the world, which would be a more dangerous thing to do. Maybe it's imprisoned in the shield. We don't know. Just move from one prison to another. But there are demons and then there are the 30 special ones that are much higher. Probably other fallen angels. All the ones in the 30 denariant coins are fallen angels straight up. Complete with angel-style names. They'll have all of them. Yeah. And then other demons, they all work for Satan, right? It's being simple. No. No. I don't remember. It's just like a catch-all term for anything that lives outside of human space. Because you can like summon up a demon for knowledge. And it doesn't have to be tied to Christianity at all. So there's no demon to hierarchy? There's no... There's no... There's organizations of demons. These particular ones come from Christ domain with God and whatnot. You're speaking about the denariants. Denariants. Right. But demons in general, I mean, is there some kind of... Do they have an ecosystem? You know, like they have hierarchy. Do they have anything? It's just a bunch of demons. They're like people in that they have different organizations. For instance, the wild fae don't really have one. They're just a bunch of animals in the wild, like, say humans were a couple money ago. Right. And there's organizations like the Winter Court who have hierarchies and nobles. Right. I thought he was saying that the demons are like the wild fae in the sense that they don't have the organizational structure. But I could be misreading what he was saying. Yeah. They're just extra dimensional creatures. Some of them are in organizations like the denariants. Not all of them are. Some of them work for themselves. Okay. There may be a demon or fallen angel in charge of hell. But I suppose what our question is today, what kind of demons are we experiencing here under the dome? What you have found and why you got brother Francis involved was that if you fight these, he can help drive the demon out and the person returns to a normal person. They're not coin-carrying, but yet they have many of the traits of it. But they can be... No, it's definitely not supposed to happen. Exercised. These guys are taking power from... Literally. Reaping it from the humans rather than with the denariant coins, in most cases, the power has to be given over time. These are forcibly being taken over, but they can also be driven out and the human more or less recovers. Exercised. In literal Christian fairness. Okay. That helps a bit. There's a hell. Or at least in this degree. There's probably multiple hell possessions and exorcisms. In the Dresden books, truthfully, I think he runs into Thor. I mean, they cover pretty much taking everything from the pot. I think he described that actually, like, what the place of hell and the place of heaven actually exist in the never-never. But there are places there for that. I think he just wounded the sky. We've seen a lot of never-never tonight. It's everything that isn't the spirit world we're doing. The outside is... The outside is completely outside. It's the flip side of our reality. It's an ultimate reality. Anti-reality. Anti-reality is maybe a better way to describe it. Anyway, so I'm open to any other input you guys want to give. I just want to try to mention some of the things that we're left dangling. There is, of course, a child out there, which at this point is about a year old. A little older named Janice. Different colorized. Don't know where she is. Don't know what she's done. Don't know where she has. And that was on purpose. We didn't want to know. Did we drop her or sit in... Is that Lana? Slutvana. Not Slutvana. Is that Lana? And other are in care of that child. As a boss, that may need to get entered into the mix here. You might also be in trouble with the local police for some of the things you did while you are still working. You can't pin that on me. Nobody saw that. It was dead. It's not like the white court vampires are going to go to the police, right? They might. Roger went to Zach, I believe it was your boss's name. We had a name for him? Yeah. Why? Hey, Raj. How's it going? You only ever got, like, emails with dossiers of information about people. Alan has a boss, who she came and visited to Playland so that she could discuss certain things with you. So is she like the overseeing warden for the Northeast in this universe? Yes. All right. That's reasonable. And she may or may not have beef with you, or she might like what you're doing, she might hate what she's doing. I kind of leave that up to you. The white court vampires are the ones that feed on emotion. Yeah. Black court, feed on blood, red court, also feed on blood, but they're more like chupacabra, giant, bad monsters and stuff. Well, they're South American, mostly, and they're all... And they're not local. And they're not local. They do not know what the Jade vampires are. We're not an Orient. Yeah, no. We can make a shit of guesses, but he could also pull something out of his ass. Sure enough. So does anybody have any ways they'd like to see this go? That is a shit ton of threads. Yes. It is indeed. And not all of them important, though. No. Obviously you don't have to address all of them. Well, if I remember, like, Ryan Nelson and all that seemed to figure print was like the big cliffhanger towards the end, wasn't it? I think so. Obviously the dome, the coins. Uh-huh. It's going to be the big plot photos. Yeah. The clinics involvement with any of this. Okay. That's where my ties are. Also, I'd like to see all of your aspects if you're going to change any of them. I'd like a list of them before the next time we play. As soon as I could have your aspects about it, because it helps me weave them into the story where I can give opportunities for them to be used. The clinic is being one that I think we've neglected last adventure, which makes them back in. I think Constance should probably be addressed in some way during this one. So, and the gem. I don't know if you like to do my operations with that. Yeah, I think that should be a thing. I mean, that's up to you. Well, uh, yeah, I mean, the only thing I know about it is that I have to wear it on my person in order to kind of be normal. To drive your body. But if it is removed or taken, or if I, A, if it's removed from me, then I basically, my body goes comatose. What if it's put on someone else? Okay, I guess we can experiment. Who went to the morgue and put it. Well, I did not. I did not. I did not. I had limited ability. What would happen then? I thought I had limited ability to, like, lean, or leave it, like, move astraly. But I, I personally don't like that idea because I've already experienced being untethered for my body and that would imply that I'd leave it vulnerable. So, you pretty much check that one off your bucket list. Well, yeah, I mean, it's, it was something that I would only deal under extreme circumstances. Separate soul from body, check. Yeah. Well, it was done to me. I didn't do it myself. Where are you wearing this thing? Yeah, I wear it on a necklace and I also have a note that I had put some, either I did, or we agreed that didn't you make the gem for me? Oh, no. That was Jim's character. Okay. Now, which is another thing. He had, last, and we probably shouldn't, are all of this even more. But yeah, an R&D division for your company. Yeah. And that might be why you're involved with these talks with constants. They might need some kind of contaminant. Well, they might need some kind of containment unit for constants. So that might be why you were invited to the talk. You're trying to be the neutral grounds and you have a weapons-based R&D division? It does seem to be a conflict of interest. Wait. Anyway, I have a, a distraction. Oh, but it's all profit. It's all profit. So, or perception. So, to the other side and you make money. So, the premise is that I don't have a nice glowing gem that, hey, I wonder if it should shoot for that. Yeah, I would be concerned. Yeah. No, that it has a... It was talking about screwing your belly button and Steven Universe style. Yeah. Potentially other places. It didn't exist. It didn't more find a word as a gesture. No, I swear to God, it wasn't one that brought it up. Steven Universe last time. Well, I guess there's one place I can keep it at all times for absolute safety, but let's not go there, shall we? That involves spazzling. There's always time for lube. No, there, I would imagine that I would just keep a low-level spell back. A low-level spell. That is just, it's a distraction filter. It just, I guess it's up to you. That absolutely fits into what you were working on in numerous occasions. The mobile spell for around the, you know, the hiding of your sword. The hiding of the gem. These are things that you keep mentioning. So, it must be something that the Warden is focusing on using. Yeah. So, like, intervening months, I... Yeah, I'm wearing a, I wear a long, I wear the overcoat and it's like, okay, look. Just like, maybe a more practical version would be, there's a certain way to wear a pistol. Or a pistol without leaving a bulge or showing that you're carrying a pistol. Sure. So, that's basically, while I carry my broadsword around with me, that... It's like, you don't really notice it as a broadsword. It's just something that is, you're distracted from, or... Now, I'd imagine if you're a magical, like, a fan, sure could pierce, it's a simple... Actually, that's what it was. It was a very simple glamour. Choose that. You can have it be a very, very low-level enchanted item that powers itself. So, whenever you went to any, uh... Thresholds, it doesn't get a shot. In fact, I lost the... I lost my cloak. Did you? Oh, yeah, blew the glove. Yeah, so my cloak... my cloak is gone. I think we discussed this last time, because the cloak was destroyed in... in delivery. Right. The first one. I think we stated that you got another cloak, because those could be made, but the swords cannot. The swords cannot... The swords require a forging and a... the person who created them is long. But if you'd rather... Total after you? I don't think so. If you want to be, you know, the guy. If I don't, am I allowed to have like a little cloak? It doesn't work. Well, that's true. If it's a badge of office, I really should have it a cloak. Oh, so it's a sword. Maybe I'm an Ascot instead. You know, it's the same color. Oh, that would be like... I'm a fop now. Is that what it took? That would be my bag. Yeah, we can't have two Ascot's in one group. You show up to the farthest level. It's only bad for him. That's my bad for him. John, you were dealing with the Glidden Clinic, which was being run by Cripple McBossman. Yeah. That's his name. Have you suffered relationships and are no longer working for him? That's something you have to consider. The only reason I was working with him was to hunt down the remaining people who stole baby souls. So that may or may not be resolved? Resolve is still on that list. You might also have one of them captive and you introduce him to Allen to solve his problem. I don't know. He apparently has a whole weapons division so he can employ people. It's true as well. He's got a company. Also, you were at one time the Gold Lord of Cleveland. Is it that done, done? I mean... Aren't you also loving this? That's the fighter. That was very early. What's up? Oh, okay. Once I had to drive around in his Ford F-150 from 1988, you know, it was over. I think that was your car. You just kept driving it. You had Oscar the Grouts working in the sewers watching it. Okay. What's your Facebook status on that? Still go king and own a Facebook. He exterminated the Ghouls. So that's like that's as done as far as you can. But you're certain. Aren't you still kind of in charge of the Ghouls, the Warlocks? The Warlocks. The Warlocks were the creatures that the Ghouls were subjugating. And after I exterminated them, I kind of took a background. Maybe you played the Ghouls. After I exterminated the Ghouls. You didn't have to pee by. I took them on as my responsibility. And in the background, they've kind of been helping me here and there. And I don't see that on their king. I think I'm going to look at the fish. Absentee manager. Okay. The ballads just like, "Do you want me to keep being in charge because you're idiots?" And they're like, "Yeah." Sure, sure. I kind of did one job. Wow. It's like, "Look, you have to check this off. The U.N. is going to come down here." Well, they were part of that. They were part of the city, right? Right. Okay. Mostly I'm just keeping a lot of trouble. Cleveland has another city. It's part of the subway. Isn't it through the elevated train tunnel? Well, it has been a tower city. It's also actually through the farmer's market, isn't it? Like the big... That's true. Okay, it is now. I thought it was. No, you just hear cool ideas. Yeah, that's the truth. Sure. Where's the paradise? Let's do it. Just in right here. Oh. Sorry. If you're using it. Oh, my God. The more locks are elected, you, their king. The one I thought it would be. Not the cool king. Working for this... this guy I crippled? Down with that? No. 'Cause I kind of want... I kind of wanted that to be a little bit of a thing of focus. So how did your relationship with him change? Like, originally, you threatened him and said that you have to protect him and then... now it's more of a slight neutral respect. Has he converted his ways and he's a nice guy now? I don't know. Oh, that is up to me. Absolutely up to you. And you and I don't run a business and I don't. Okay. That was kind of an open-seemed idea. I just wanted an excuse to be able to hunt down those people. Right. And I'm not saying you have to have an answer right now. This is something we need to think of. I'm asking for help. Is there some better way I can do that than helping this guy do that? Well, you've got the list. You don't need to help him anymore. So I want to cheat. Your relationship with the warden at one point, you asked him for help in teaching you magic. And then you immediately... It didn't last a half lesson. I remember the first sentence. I think it was a percentage. Stop using magic. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. You were waving in his face while he was... Okay. I super wasn't. I had "L" fire on. When I was training the gun at him, I was gesturing with the gun. And gesturing towards him. And we'd go off to him and that. No. I don't know that you were necessary. I can't use magic because it's in hellfire. So it's like the same thing to me. Moot. Point. Whatever the case. So that's why I took offense to that. You're asking if I would ask him for help? Well, if you guys would ever patch it up and come to a little more agreement on like... Or... I mean, what is your status with the coins? That's... You have two of them. And one of them just created a super evil dome that possesses people. And that's like... No, that was the third one. Sure. That was the one bad coin. That's what you're telling me? Oh, no, I'm not telling you that. I'm saying the one that created it was probably... I don't know where. Two coins working together and one with sacrifice. Edmund got the coin... My point is... You would have to have full coin. That's great. Okay. From Roberto's perspective, these coins begat some evil fucker. Solid sentence. Mm-hmm. You're gonna write your own bible, I think. You just start with that line. The coins sold... Get an evil fucker. So like... Hello! It was true. They're not great. No! There's something wrong with this. Yes. Yes. And I told them to talk to each other about it and try to sort it out for me. Kiss and make up. What is behind the coins? I mean... How do coins do things? Oh, they had to possess people. They told me they were agents of God. Why would you tower his followers? Is there like... A demon or a jinn or something in the coin? I mean, there's actually coins. There are demons in the coins. That's how they work. There are fallen angels. Some people call them angels. They were formerly angels. All in our other ones. They've been spoiled. Mostly Roberto. They possess the coins in grant powers and tempts people. Even it's a bullshit term, fallen angel. Because, you know... I mean, I'm like an old baby, right? I mean, what's the point? It's a demon. I don't know how important you stop being. All the demons are demon. A third of Heaven's hosts was ejected from Heaven because they followed Lucifer. They followed Lucifer and his quest for Heaven. Is that an indoctrination? Like in the official form. Just question the terms. And that those were the... That was a gregory. The gregories are called watchers. They don't do anything but watch and record. Tom, don't. Yeah. Who were the ones that fell? The ones... Let's see. Lucifer was the same. It was an act of pride. He was the big one. He was second only to Michael. Oh, and then... Michael took his place. I didn't know he was second to Michael. Michael was the champion of God. And then so a third of the hosts was cast out. Which I have a lot of problems with because I don't understand how Freewell comes into play because they... That's where... Right. They were on balance. About how they didn't have Freewell. How does that work? Well, angels don't have, or not supposed to have Freewell yet. So how could they... How could they disagree? I... As far as like how... That's the problem. Actually, it's a more terrifying prospect because then that implies that they had God's sanction. And actually... Can you dogma? Yes. That's what I like to talk to. But the other idea, the other concept is that as long as you... No, that wasn't it. There's a thing called the test of man, the test of mortality. So that the reason why Edel exists is that there's no more paradise. So... Who does that make their own paradise? You have to... In order to have will, you have to have choice, and you have to have choice, you have to have choice. So in a way, it's like there's the... There's temptation and resisting temptation. You have to have that choice to in order to make the right decision as far as that goes into the medieval. Right. So it's like, that's why it's kind of like, you know, like things exist and yeah, they kind of... You know, you have the tools to fight them, and you should have the will, you should exercise your will. If you choose to go with them, well, that's your choice because that's how I made you. But you also chose orally, so you're gonna go to hell. You don't get the little pellet, you don't get the prize, you don't... From Robert's perspective, that coin was evil. I mean, if it got this evil fucker, so... There must be choice these angels can have to be evil. His coin can be evil, and he doesn't know if he can trust it. It's not necessarily an evil coin, but it can be a must have choice. Because he chose to be got this evil fucker. If he were an angel, he wouldn't have the choice. Or their demons. In which case they do have choice, they just chose... But they react to the nail, they are subject to God, that he has proof of. Well, and that's why they hate God for being cast off for everything. And man is God's chosen creatures, and that's why they... Hate them the most. Well, they hate them the most, and that's why they lead them into temptation in order to deny and consume them. Is that a peg? Well, that's how he... Well, the show, God's. They can't fight God directly, so guess what? I'm not gonna go after Tom, I'm gonna go after his children. And that's what I heard Tom even more. Sure. Did he just liken you to God? Pretty much. Well, his points, I am the GM! I am the editor! GM and editor. But it's a metaphor to change my habits. You know, I'm gonna get you. Editor points to my... Only thing is he only wants points right now. Everybody else does negative. So, okay. Yeah, but from a row's perspective, they can be made to get a different decision. If he decides that his could be evil, he's gonna try to make it be good by doing actions empowered by it that are good. Clean by example. Yes. Sort of precedent to that in the books too. In the time in which we did not play, the demon that you keep asking questions of is refusing the answer. Tarsil. It's simply saying my mission is complete. Tarsil's mine. This one's Vartil. The other one. Vartil won't talk. Vartil won't talk. And these past few minutes where you're talking about all of these different possibilities with demons and how to control and what they mean is why your relationship, I'm pointing at Bob as a potential, of Brother Francis has become more close. And then when you're finding people are being possessed and they need to be exercised, you start working with them and you find yourself a little short on power and the demon keeps offering it to you. Instead you go to the warden and say, "Listen, people are being hurt here. I need your help and I need to save these people." I could see you potentially agreeing in saving the souls of people and un-possessing them up. Roberta's new high concept. I'm not trying to force you. I'm just saying, possibly, I know you have had a past. And issues. What are Roberta? Roberta's new high concept is keeper of Cleveland's coins empowered by a fallen angel. There you go. Okay, so the coin that refuses to deal with you or answer any of your questions, how are you keeping it? I'm not holding it. I've decided that it's evil and I need to find someone suitably good to change it. Oh, fuck off. No. I haven't yet. So don't worry. Hold this coin. So if Roberta offered the warden the coin. I hope he doesn't. You could say no. You could be a real warning. I have priests. Well, I can't remember. Do I know enough to, like, not even talk to him? I think all is known at this point. I remember last time. Except about individual fallen angels. We know what there is to know about the coins. Right. Brother Francis was educating all of you. Do we research himself? And now, we'd have to say after a few months, even Roberto probably has a good idea. Although he now has what he thinks they really are and how they could be fixed. What I would do, if I had access to these coins and if I didn't have-- May have access to a coin. If I have an access to a coin for that coin. My first thought would be containment. Protection and containment. That is how we storing them. So when I say something, I would be like put them in a cubic yard of concrete wrapped with spells. When Roberto comes to his conclusions, he takes a lot of soul searching and denial. He eventually goes to the ward and says, "This one's evil. I don't know about mine. It might be evil. I'm going to contain this." And I would definitely take that and go with Brother Francis and say-- And actually, I'd defer. You might want him to go with you because he might not want to touch it. Kind of like offered the one. Yeah, he's already touched. Yeah. He'd tell him. He'd bring that ring over here. I'll take it over there. I'd have an idea. And I wanted to ask your permission. I was trying to-- you know, there are some magic items I was thinking of doing. But then I also thought in the time that has-- I've spent as the warden since what happened at the White Court place and seeing what I saw with the dome and trying to do my little investigation, I was wondering if I could begin putting enchantments or long-term things, maybe to help the plot, whatever, within the city. So for example, I need to research or magically determine the nature of this area, this dome, or whatever is covering-- Circle. Circle, right. And so I started thinking like, "Okay, well, how can I tap into it, but it's got to be subtle, and it can't be too overt." But then I thought, "When if I have rigged up something, maybe on the terminal tower, maybe on the society building somewhere in the cityscape, where I'm collecting rainfall, because I'm like, "The rain falls and has to pass through whatever to fall through the city." Yeah. So before it's corrupted, okay, that's why I have to get somewhere high up to collect it, the water, and somehow that can begin to give me clues about what am I dealing with. Because I'm also a water, one of my specialties in my magic. I like it. So I was thinking that, "All right." In the interviewing time, since last time I was playing, we're talking about it like a three-month period. Right. So I don't want to have all the action occur off-screen, but collecting data and information that would be fine. Potentially like Jim was saying, setting up a situation where you're trying to do that, but I would think, yeah, I would think we would want to deal with the arbitrator that you guys set up as a face in Cleveland and get a meeting with some of these people face to face. I also think it'd be, you always want to prepare a cutout or a getaway. Or if we do, like, have we cached resources that we may need around the city. Weapons, money, items. I don't know how prepared you want to be, because I know we geocached stuff, but I'm just saying that it might help some things along the way. You don't have that. Now you have to go back to home base. You have to go procure these services, and then you can go back out. That sometimes is really-- Well, as you're stating, you want to set up something that collects rain, and then you can do rituals on the rain because you're a water-based wizard to ascertain what happens before it passes through the dome, or after it passes through the dome, or the difference between the two. I'm using thaumaturgy to try to determine the nature of what this dome is, because I witnessed the essence or evil of Ryan Fucking Nelson be absorbed and strengthen this barrier. One of the other things I was thinking potentially is by three months into which you're going to know already that there is an issue with possessions occurring in Cleveland at a much higher rate. It would seem likely that who they would go after were the people of power, which would be involving the parentet, which Repa is now involved a little more heavily with. If you could find somebody to keep those people protected or some kind of-- You wouldn't have a ton of items, which might have one or two that you made in the three months, like a rain that would keep them safe or protect them, and you'd give them the key advantage. I mean, I could make words, I would imagine. I'm just saying give that some thought on that line. I don't have the power to exercise demons. But you also have-- I know that. That's like a religious thing. But isn't your character also specializing in dealing with spiritual? I do have a spiritual community. I'm like a-- Yeah. So, give it some thought. Yeah, okay. I'll give it a thought. Jim, you were saying you want to-- You still haven't given up on the thought of somehow finding a way to-- Yeah, I keep thinking that somewhere, one way or another, someone's going to need a favor for me, or I can owe somebody a favor and get a signature one way or another. Right. Do we know how many signatures are needed? I thought we sent three. Sure. Sure. Sure. I can go down the list. The signatories for who are the significant paranormal-- No, I mean, do we know, like, if they're opening-- If everyone is agreeing that this is a safe haven, does it have to be everyone? Or is it a certain number of signatories that say, okay, this is now decreed? Usually, it's the power of the ones that are signing that enforces 'cause if you violate it, then it's a challenge. So, you would either need many if they were small-powered or you'd need at least three or four that are really high-powered. So, high-powered, of course, would be-- Most of them-- You know, the winter and the summer court, they're the high-- That's what? --the two. And Constance is the one who-- But-- The white council is also-- Yes, you have it. Yeah. I'm the white council in Cleveland. Would you sign off on this one? Yeah, but would they allow you to make sweeping statements to-- I'm the representative in the town. I'm the only one. That's one of my whole things. So, you may have one in the pocket. Yeah, that's the one I'm kind of thinking on. You might owe one more than you know. So, I'm saying you want to look at the different signatories that you're going after. And you know all the different classes because you've read the books. You've got the different vampire courts, but you also have the winter court, the summer court. I'm just asking the question. Maybe we have a wild fate. I'm just asking the question. Would this be a situation where maybe it would be more appropriate for that to be like an NPC situation? Like, for example, Mac was the owner of the bar that was in front of-- Oh, instead of you. Being the white court representative, is that what you're saying? No, I'm talking about someone running it. Like, he wants to own it and be in control of it. Should that be more of like an NPC thing? Well, whether you own it or just host it, I mean. What I can see and what you were hinting at, Jim, or something along that line, you might have to be the power behind the throne, have someone else run it. And that might be an NPC, but you're the shadow controller. I think maybe they're not going to agree for you, but this guy, and you've got that guy in your pocket. I mean, it's like-- Which adds another layer of interestingness that Jim's got to deal with that guy. Like in the books? He's mostly bought, but in the books he's kind of got Mac's back. Right, right. And this would be someone who's pretty neutral and knows the rules about being neutral. And Mac has been revealed to have some kind of-- he's much more than a human being. He is-- what's your name from 10 Forward? Oh, Gynan. Yeah. He's-- he's-- he's-- he's got some history. Yeah, there's something-- he's some strange, powerful being that just-- He's hanging out with you. He's from the Outer Realm, right. He recognized him by name. Oh, okay. I think it makes for a better story if the players could somehow use that as stories develop in the future. So I would like to see Jim's character just speaking for my own perspective. I would like to see Jim's character be able to accomplish either as a puppet master or eventually be able to convince people he's neutral, which seems more unlikely. But I think it shouldn't be in the hands of a complete NPC because I think it could actually add to some really creative stories and some twisted royalties if that happens. Good. Yeah, I'm not saying an NPC comes in and grabs your idea. I'm saying-- Right. Jim finds-- I am an NPC and sets them up. Oh, that's where I also thought it would be interesting to be able to say, "Okay, I got this guy in. He's kind of my guy, but he's neutral, and he's going to run it." And I convince-- and maybe the other ones, some of them know, and they're like, "I'm not going to sign this because he's, you know, and I'm going to be able to." So what would it be like if I owed them a favor or something? Right. So now, like-- There's a lot of fight there, and I don't have problem with going down that way. We may want to say that you guys really fucked up the white court in Cleveland. Either another faction of white courts trying to move in. Or-- Maybe the black-- Somebody else is trying to move in. Well, there's a power back here. You guys wiped out virtually an entire family. Here's a third option. I don't know. It's similar to the first option, honestly. But was this the headquarters for this particular branch of the white court? Or was this just like the Sunday guy over in Cleveland, and he'll manage that? Well-- Because if it's that, and we murdered the entire branch-- But they still have the main family, they might send, like, a big guy to figure out what the hell happened. But it would be a big event for someone to come of age. So a lot of them could have been visiting from out of town, and you might have put a huge dent in this depression-feeding type of thing-- Yeah. --on the white court vampires. Right. I'm just saying I could see on-- Not all of them, but they might be so crippled that they're out of the power game. Or at least out of the power game for the-- They're part of the country, or part of the United States. That wouldn't prevent one or more of them from seeking revenge. No. Oh, and the fact that-- I don't know. London's got the daughter still. Not physically. Not locked up, I'm just saying. Under his control. That might be problematic for family members that are still surviving. Yes. Question, did the mother die? Oh, it's much more interesting if she's alive. I think. Why would she be there? Wouldn't-- where? At the vet. She might have been-- She would have been at the vet, right? Yeah, she just happened to see that. Oh, I don't think everybody died. No. I think there's some-- I think it's-- I mean, well, sure enough, we got the girl out of the window before the house exploded. I'm sure there were people in the gardens. Yeah. I think you could-- not just the gardens, but there was some gardens like one way, and then there was that area where the river kind of went by, where the main action took place. If I remember in the map correctly. They were building-- they were setting up a pavilion. Yeah, a pavilion. But then, like, are the others, like-- The garden area near the house with a little pond, but way farther back was where the actual ritual site was buried underneath a gazebo pavilion type of situation. I was talking about the one catacorner that I think we had some brief exchange with-- we were talking to some guys, maybe I walkie-talkies out. There was something was going on. I just meant there was a lot of people who were around who were moving in and out of the house. Before everything went to pop me in Scott, we're talking to me and Scott and I, and also London. Right. We're talking to the guy in charge of setting everything up. The security, right? And to be out of the night. And then you don't have to sit at everyone in the house died, either, right? What was her name? Yeah. We had it written down. I know London wouldn't know, but, you know, you might. No, I would say Magdalene. It's an Italian name. Good job. I was imagine the white court more French. Magdalene's a little bit French, too, I think. These ones were Italian because we had the-- Oh, if you guys don't like it, you're a different name. It was that one. John. We're not-- We're not only dying, didn't he? Oh, yeah, he did. You put a gun to his head and Mike shot him in the head and there was a lot of head shooting. Was he the fuck? But he was warned beforehand at the casino, because he said, fuck you, basically, when I tried to call in a favor and say, hey, you got to help me out here. Well, not usually, but, you know. Not anymore. And one less of them do now. So somebody has to take over that crime family. Or they have to step into the shoes. There's a vacuum there. Well, not a vacuum, but it's certainly an ascension of somebody. Did you imagine that as well? We even fucked up a lot of opportunities. Excellent term. Could you imagine going to the work next day, and everyone's like, where's the boss? And he's got a lot of work. Yeah. My trouble is to be keeping my power a secret now. My trouble is power sources no longer a secret. Slapping. That is its own problem. I'm still trying to figure out some aspects that-- I'll give you a bunch of options in here. You see what works. Sure. Where do we kind of last leave off? The one shot, I think, where we-- Well, there was somebody-- Prior to that, it was-- you guys escaping from the party. And we ended with London. It was in Zelda visiting, and then it was about the girl. Because I wasn't there. Probably. But I know we-- So you were in the Ronaldo thing. You were rescuing Roberto's father. You got Roberto's father. You got the other guy. Then there was a big crash at the house. Who was actually controlling a denarion. He dropped the coin. So Roberto's got two coins and there's a third rune coin that somebody's got. It might be the warden. It might be you, I don't know. Yeah, we took that. Jim had it. I think he may have had it also. I remember the whole Ryan Nelson thing. You had Ryan Nelson drawing his uber-powered death curse at the warden, never hitting him, getting sucked up into it. And apparently took the denarion for a ride with him. After that we had just one quick cutscene in which London was saying he still had the girl. The white pork girl, the Maxwell rescued from the second story. The girl, who was the whole point of this? Yeah. And we discussed it on a shirt if you were hearing up, but that in fact is London's daughter. Okay. And we were-- I can't remember, listen to Fair, exactly. I don't recall if I put her up in her own, do we want her still at the house? So the house, we say, I was putting her up like an apartment because she had to finish high school yet. Your choice. I thought we'd come to her inclusion. I don't remember hearing about it. Okay. Well, it was in one of the roots where we were good. So there was a one shot and we just did that evening. Yeah, that was the whole male thing. Yeah. And it was just a filler. Uh-huh. I'm just going to ask if we had anything to add to the city details if anything's changed. Other than what we've already discussed. Well, my court's gone. Or back or-- We've already severely underpowered. We have to have the black, board, the one. We don't discriminate here. We kill all vampires. Fuck 'em equally. The power backing seems to be filled by us, by demons. You could throw the wild fan out too. Well, they aren't necessarily bad. No. Well, they're still the dad that got screwed out of his child. The youth still are, you know-- Like they're some art, some art. Sure. I'm sorry I'm drawing a blank on Maxwell. Maxwell. Maxwell. I was like, I know it's not an egg or a mind taste. He has been collecting information and supposedly reporting back to the FBI or the authority or homeland security, whatever it was. It's changed a lot. Has it changed a lot? Yeah. Are you no longer affiliated with them or-- No, it's the X-Files. Yeah, no. That's not a thing. They've-- Yeah, it is. They just came back. I heard that. I think right now I'm still working for Homeland Security. I'm not sure we could change that later if we'll need to. Well, they-- I'm still-- We'll say this. They have agendas. Oh, yeah. If there's a concept I just read in one of my books that I thought was interesting, especially with human governments trying to deal with supernatural entities. And it's like the basis of what the Homeland Security would be interested in is, can we clone it? Mm-hmm. Can we copy it and can we kill it? No, I'm sorry. Clone it, control it, or kill it. I was going to say there's got to be a U in there somewhere where that would be controlled. Right. I'm actually completely unaware of whether the person he's reporting to is actually reporting this to anyone else. He believes it's either totally built into the government and they're ready to use this information or it's one dude who is so absolutely insane. For everyone else, they're like, "That dude's crazy. Don't pay attention to him." Oh, that's the X-Files guy. Well, the guy who knows what's up, so there's a concept in that, especially with undercover or an intelligence work called being out in the cold, which means that you are in deep cover. Mm-hmm. And so they have the ability, but you know what, you might not really do working for you. Right. What actually happened was the dude I was reporting to, he was in the FBI. He got transferred over to Homeland Security and his whole department went with him. And then you were an asset and then, you know, you're... You're a badge in the mail. All right. It might be a situation where, you know, the number of people who know that you are a federal employee is very few, so without him, you know... But it'd be cruel because one crazy guy who's reporting to show is up in town and wants to talk to him personally. Yeah. I wouldn't... I would enjoy that. I write reports on everything. I've got weaknesses of everything we've killed. I've got weaknesses that I know a few people, and I just... Samples? Samples of what I can get, but I'm not like grabbing hair or... I'm not a doctor. How would I get away with that? Take it seriously. It's done too much. Yeah. That's valid. I feel like DNA samples, but not like blood. Honestly. You might want to go to the bathroom and find the hair. That hair is actually funny. No. Hair doesn't remain magically potent. I'm talking about a hair brush. I don't know what you're talking about. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I do reports. I don't receive much back. I may or may not be working for a guy. Everyone thinks it's crazy. If we determine that Zelda is in charge of the greater Cleveland American Internet... Internet. Multiple Peronets. All the nets. I imagine there's one in Coventry, one of the birds that's trying to sell their hair. Could the peronets be... Hippies. Organized and big enough that they could be part of the Accords? They could be, but they're not yet. Like before we mentioned three powerful or multiple non, they would definitely be multiple non. Yeah. Non-powerful. I mean, if they were part of the Accords... If they were part of the Accords... If they were part of the Accords... If they were part of the Accords... They would be on the White Cup. They're hedge wizards and they're talents and mostly are new-agers, right? I mean, how did Johnny Marconi get to be on there? He's got no... Yeah, he does. He bought his way. Well, in the books, he bought his way into it through clever manipulation. Okay, so tell me something about... Wrap up. Apparently, I'm a leader of the near-west marinette now. Are you cool with that? Whatever, like, wood or... I don't know, what's that area with the... The Detroit's... Oh, which shoreway? Yeah, it's... Shoreway's good. There's a name for it... Yeah. ...that I cannot remember... Gordon Square. That's what I'm thinking of, but it might not be what you're looking for. Yeah, it's in there, yeah. But Shoreway is kind of cool. I mean, it has a nice ring to it, or do you, like, something different? I'll come up with something. Okay. Nobody will now, honestly, just make up the name. He'll take it existically. No, actually, there's a lot of people that come from Cleveland, especially with World of Darkness. A lot of the guys from that company came from Cleveland area. Okay. And Zeke, obviously, but... You can't believe how many times they keep hearing about the torso workers be brought up lately. Yeah. Hey, tell you what, you could work in that... Well, I don't know... I don't want to touch the torso workers. Obviously, Scott's. But there's that... Bally. That break in the case with the nurse who was stabbed. I don't know. Now they've indicted the divorce lawyer. Huh. Yeah, I heard about that. Because there's shenanigans with him. What I'd suggest for Rappa is to make up a couple numbers of the parent in his cell. Like-minded individuals. And just assign them interesting. Now another option is to go to Facebook and their listeners and ask them. For names? In names of... Tarpa's going to be running the... They've done it in the past where they've given me, you know, this person. I like this name and these are their powers. I can't recall, but would Rappa going to try and help me solve my broken soul situation? Or is that- What were you? Did you want to solve it? No, actually. I don't know. I wasn't sure if that was down your avenue or- Well, he was involved in it. Historically it is. Yeah, that's what I thought. So, I don't know if that's a factor that maybe you want to- Like, by the way, we're going to have to- Just put yourself back into it. Mind melody again or something. Or, I don't know. Because part of me is like, does that make me a- Well, I'm not trying to bring it back to me, but is that a factor or something? I'm trying to find- Do you think you don't want to make it about you? Well, I don't want to make it back to me again because we're so dealing with Rappa, but I'm just trying to throw out- No, that's a great idea. I'm trying to throw out lines to- Sure. With all the people that came out? No, we definitely want people to be intertwined and active. And if that's- That certainly seems something that would involve Rappa for sure and maybe- I guess also- For Eduardo, only in the sense that he had a list of other people in addition to Roberto. That also brings up some- Rappa- Interesting things for Rappa because he had worked for the people in the clinic and- There's some ties there that he may not want to get back into based on- Right. And one of the things that you said about possessions made me think that- Uh-huh. I wonder if I can challenge any of these demons possessing- Succoman your gem and then take them out one-on-one? Or, you know, can one person be possessed by two? Well, I made that might be a violation of Queensborough rules. Yeah, I don't know. I'm just wondering if that would be a- Yeah. Can I expel a demon by squeezing into the body? I love the idea of it. But then I'm not sure if that's a violation of laws of magic. Cause I'm not allowed to possess- But I'm not doing it magically. I'm doing spiritually. Are you suggesting that person? I mean, really? Wow. As you're talking about- That's a lot of money. At this point, it's really a monage of water. There's three of you in there. I'm glad to hear to you in here. I'm here to liberate. That's right. You said kick the demon out and- Oh, I'm leaving. That's why we put the flag on. Probably. And I racked for a minute and then we took it down and put their flag up. Like, we could have conquered, but we're not here to conquer. Y'all got some slides. Never invade the thoughts of another is what you're worried about? Yeah, I guess they're all another. Cause technically, I don't think you're doing either. You're hanging out in their soul, which is- I'm not even eating out of mind-reading. You ain't changing their mind and you're not- I can kill you. I just can't use magic to kill you. When, uh, Roberto was in the car with you at some point in time, he showed you the list of people at- Right. The Cleveland Clinic who did soul operations attached souls to people. Oh, that's right. It was baby souls to vampires, but these people had the knowledge. No, the list had some of those people on it. Cause it also had Repa and Repa did not do that. Yeah, it was just people- It was people I had contacted, like, to inform them. Some of those people were clearly, yeah, those powers. But not all of them. It doesn't mean a major plot. It's not all, like, I'm just trying to find a connection that maybe there's something there or maybe- Maybe it's Repa and a couple of his other parentators who have similar abilities could figure out. Because it also concerns about what was saying. Maybe he knows his people on the list, and you know, some of them are very bad. You still might need to contact them to get help in this situation because they deal in that dark side. You'd be like, "Hey, this guy's after me. Could you call him off and I'll help you with-" Without my spirit gem, I'm a meat shell. If something's going around possessing people, I'm just like, "Hey." I think that probably one of the first things you did was to find somebody to protect yourself. Oh, yeah. I'm warning people about bait, right? Oh, yeah. So then maybe you- Yeah, I got a bracelet, right? I got all sorts of stuff. Sorry. You made a couple that saved your friends. It's a friendship bracelet, just where it starts. It's really tattoos burned into all of our spots. It'd be cool. We have tattoos burned all over your body. Yeah, permanent tattoos burned all over your body. Oh, Jim's idea. So nothing can jump in while you're away? There's a cork tattoo in certain places. You know, just keep a cork tattoo. Yeah, you know, seal up that entrance. Jesus. I was thinking Valley button. I don't know what you guys were thinking. The gateway to the soul? Valley button. Not the Valley button. The only button is no more. The circle on your back with the little line through it that says no possession allowed. Well, I mean, seriously, the Valley button, if you think about it, it feeds in the skirt and the baby. It's got some- It's kind of history. Chakra. That's not the chakra point. That's true. It is the chakra point. That is true. Enjoy us talking about Eastern mysticism, but- That we know one of us knows a little bit. Valley button. I'm getting out of here. I'm getting out of here. Alright. Oh, I'm going to bed. I am sorry to have wasted on you. No, it's good to hang out and see you guys. You want me to talk to you? Still got to pick a day to get together. Yeah? Do dinner. The wife's. Thank you for listening tonight, so tonight's the night actual play podcast. If you'd like to send us questions, comments, or feedback, you can reach us in a number of ways. Including Twitter @KOTN_podcast or emailing us at And don't forget the iTunes reviews. We also have a Facebook page at While at Facebook, join like-minded folks on our Facebook fan page. And lastly, there's our blog,, where there's an Amazon leak on the right-hand side. Those of you outside the U.S. can help by donating at our Patreon page, And then listen in for the monthly t-shirt giveaway. And remember to join us next week for more mystery and adventure. I think you have to choose a sex. Here we go, right here. You are a veteran. I love Gordon. Alan Montgomery. And that's right, Montgomery. Okay, you might want to look at the photo. Hey, look at that. I just cheated. Holy cow. It's because you're soulless. Yeah. We obviously have a feral werewolf loose in the never-never-around Cleveland. Obviously what? In the never-never-around Cleveland, where you banished her. That's not a werewolf. We also didn't banish her. Her sister took her. Yes, so we do have a feral werewolf. No, stand it. Damn it. Paul Rudd plays quantum chess with Stephen Hawking. The reason I thought of the marshmallows, you're mentioning he grew plants, so he really outlines Mars. And then he's like, but outside this space is kind of like martial law. So really, when I'm moving from this one place to this other area, I'm kind of like a pirate. I'm a fucking space pirate. And I'm like, somebody had to bring it up. This is an international world. Yeah. I am a space pirate. I just need something. I root force doing it in Notepad, and yeah, that thing. Oh, no, no, no, no. Yeah, that's the only option I have here, because you're going to have to film for Scott. You're going to have to be very jovial. I have to be absent all the time. Ooh, close to his heart. So harsh. That's cool. All right, I have to feed back. Yeah. That was for Scott. Thank you. Very jovial. Whoo hoo. It sounded like an idiot, because that was my embellishment. I think they're seriously hating on Scott tonight. He's a great guy. What's that going to eat? Oh, fuck you all. Okay. Okay, so noises. We should stop those. I'm sorry. Better? That was turned off. Better. Turn off. Am I sorry? I apologize. Corner. I'll stare at you when I light your eye. These eyeglasses will burn right away. Hey, Magoo. He's up out here. Having said that, it has occurred to me to listen to their other games' plays. Wow. Are you having a stroke? You have had five hours of sleep in the last 48 hours. Okay, I'm from fumes here. One of you is struggling with the second language or something. I don't know if it's me or that. Haven't, haven't, haven't, haven't, haven't, haven't, haven't. Would you like me or Ida? Does anybody else know almonds? No, I'm fine. I'll edit that. You'll talk to me. Do you understand the phrase "move on"? She asked a question. I did. No, I'm saying it's fucking sucks. I got a little. I'm moving on. It's a little behind the scenes shit. I'm editing it out. That was a lie. That's why we don't do a lot of times. Yeah, man. Five episodes would be the shit it is. We have to actually...