[Music] Hello and welcome to Nights in the Night actual play podcast. This clockwork Dominion game was written and run by Zeke Kaglin. And now please enjoy episode 257, titled "Migrating into My Mouth." Actual play begins 17 minutes 38 seconds. [Music] Okay, we'll start the feedback. First I'd like to... I actually posted something on the fan page. I want to mention here as well. Mark, my 14-year-old, started editing the clockwork Dominion playing session. I think he now has a appreciation of the amount of effort it takes to edit. Did you teach him the language? The cursing and... We probably just picked that up. Oh no, he was cursing certainly. But just recently I started listening to his editing job because I wanted to do a final pass on it and then put music to it and stuff. And I got like 30 minutes into listening to what he had done. And I think I changed like four things that I re-edited. That's unheard of because the normal ratio is like five hours. And it's going to be worse just to listen to it. So I don't know if I'll ever do it again. But it was very helpful. So I only thank Mark and he did an excellent job. And everyone's going to be listening to this. We'll hear it afterwards. So we'll see how they did it. When you say after this, I mean after this. After the feedback it's going to go right into clockwork Dominion. Oh, it is. I thought we were going to save a while. Now we're going to go clockwork Dominion to maybe three episodes. We'll see. I think it's only going to be two. And then we'll start into Dresden. But with that, we'll go on to the feedback from kotnpodcast.com blog sites. Matthew G AKA Zenith Star posted under 253 which was titled really good death rattle. And he said you have to can that death rattle. We need some good sound effects. This was another fun episode. And to clarify my comments comparing your podcast style to gamers table, it definitely wasn't intended to be insulting. I was trying and apparently failing to describe the differences between your styles to the listeners. Both of you have awesome stories and great groups. Keep it up. We were just having fun with it. I think we got that. Yeah. We were just teasing. We were being facetious, sir. Also we hate you. Also we also not hate you're going to edit that out right now. Still on kotn podcast blog site, RKO on episode 255. I want disadvantage said heart of flame is better than the 14 other D&D podcasts I have fully listened through. I think the key to this is a lack of annoying or stupid segments. Being a KOTN fan is like listening to a wall performed at Stradivarius. The players in the DM are masters of role playing and the editing is wonderful. The group has valuable experience running games together and respect each other's habits and opinions. Also everyone is looking to have fun. Who's this then? Guy's currently giving like the finger. I actually think that that's more attributable to wonderful editing because all of that disrespect is usually filtered out. Mike is probably expecting criticisms from me based on my previous post I made after Senator. So I will say that in my view the worst part of the campaign was when everyone got sick. You guys really need to learn to wash your hands more thoroughly and I suggest trying using the sleeves of your jackets manipulate public handles and doorknobs during cold and flu season. And stories? I think we also stopped doing the welcoming kissing that we do before we started our podcast. Yeah we stopped the episode. It's the number of children in our family. They really are disease factors. One of them works with turbanes. It was awful. Storylines were revolved around dwarfs and dragons. Will it inevitably be compared to the habit? And I think Keotn did a good job of not sitting in that shadow. There's still obvious Tolkien references like names of Theoden and we've released Theoden. I don't recall Theoden. That is actually a story. We will not be accounted for Jim. It is historically terrible. You're not wrong. He blew the ills. That wasn't the one. And don't even try the ills. He even tried to pronounce Kee Ebelar and it got kibosh. Okay Mr. B. And you wonder why he got tripped in Theoden page by wolves. That was a easy laugh. Because he was delicious. Yes. He was. Magically delicious. That is why we're so negatively. They lived in a magic tree. They were awesome. Yeah. They were bigger. This is true. This is going to take a while. I don't know if we're losing that end. Hey and we're doing feedback here. And in references comes deep and spider hobbits. But Heart of Flame distinguished itself as a standalone epic. Which I feel would make a great graphic novel. Perhaps called Dwarven Orphan. Yep that's the main character. Actually I think it was Dwarf Orphan. Perhaps called Dwarf Orphan. Dwarven Orphan. I like Dwarf Orphan. Or Dwarf Orphan. Five. This sounds like an iTunes. This is a fun word. It actually did. Yeah. But it's not. And that's a compliment too. Is our kale. My favorite part of the campaign was a memorable imagery brought to the four. Like the orc leaders sash in the episode seven bathed in the blood of slain dwarfs and woven into the scalped of dwarven beards and mustaches. Or Dally's mischievous clockwork spider. Or the winded battle veteran marching languidly through the forest and heavy armor after kirth. Gillig blending into the rocks as an ugly rock. That was a very simple joke. All very proud of it. And barrels, aerial, skewing, and Van der Khodek's tormelazer. Someday have great story of descendants yay upon Jakesh Godek. I don't know about the ugly rock. I really like that. Jakesh. Wow. Jakesh was your witness. Oh he was actually paying attention to that. You weren't. You guys also stopped to make what was probably one of the best one shots ever made. And I was shocked that it only received two comments from the audience. It was quick. Yeah it was. It was one shot. It was one actual episode. Is that what that means? Yes. Brilliant use of characterization and music. Great job everyone. Thank you very much for sharing your games with the internet. And have a splendid 2016. Well it looks great. Yeah very nice. Thanks for the review. Thank you. Happy new year. A review that wasn't. Okay. It could have been an iTunes review. It was actually just on our blog. I just had a review. We have 97 reviews on iTunes. Wow. 3 short. 3 short people. And we'll reach our arbitrary number. With 3 digits. 3 digits out of 2. All right we're on to Facebook. Yeah. So 235. Really good death rattle. Was death rattle for the for whom the bell tolls? No. Was you doing a death rattle? I don't know if you said the dwarf died. Do you have that? I can't even close it. It was an epic death rattle. And really good. Stewart H posted and said a little bit of rules lawyering here. Fire spell attacks don't damage the equipment on the target. Don't they? That unfortunately Stewart is incorrect. The specific ones. That's that's specifically that it says specifically will set stuff on fire. If such things can be so similar. Now whether it's flammable, if it's equipment and it's leather strapping, that's arguable. But if it makes for a better story, Stewart, sometimes you got it in our world. Yes, Stewart. I think you just maybe stopped the DM from trying to screw over a player by burning their. And you would surely never do that. No. So we're not going to do a guard kind of it. It's not we'll do that. It's got that. I'm sorry. It's not even self-immolation. It's so much better. You're a little sure to leather. Actually you're dead now. That in place we actually have any treasure to lose. Ella, we're all making a joke out of it. But one time we were in a hell state and Tom tripped and he lost part of his soul. Like that's just the thing that can happen. We're eyesless. And let's not be horrible. Thank you. I appreciate it. Let's not forget the farm in general. I'm a little bit louder. Fire. Yes, you're in. Episode 254 titled Brew Ha Ha are you posted and said an excellent Christmas gift. Thank you. Nice. And Steve. That's crazy. I was really not Christmas. Or Walt Christmas Eve. Steve E posted and said Merry Christmas to the Knights. May your games be merry and bright. I'm Steve. So far they're merry. Facebook episode 255. I want to disadvantage. Luke G posted and said every time Scott introduced himself as a scion I immediately think of scion. And I spend the rest of the broadcast thinking three dice stunt and spend legend for reroll. Wait, piety might work better. Traditions, loyalty to elders, gods and such. Also, the presence of the dragonborn shaped gargoyles made me think that the villain had trouble recruiting other dragonborn. Maybe if I make fake dragonborns then maybe real ones will want to join me. Luke posted later and said also was talking about the podcast with a friend and he brought up how ironic it was that you were all defending a farm given your certain past story. Yeah. Oh, I mean a couple of jokes about it. I mean nothing if not derivative. Alpha D posted. We haven't actually heard from him in a while. Hello Knights, so I'm probably going be that guy today. Don't be that guy. You could be some other that guy. And say that a full dwarven party was maybe not the best choice. I think one of the things that D&D does really well is interracial interaction. The elves are hottie against the humans in the dwarves and the dwarves find the mannerisms of the humans and elves amusing or sad and the humans, well they hate everyone. And from that you have a good foundation for role-playing. Seriously though, stereotypes are a very good stuff. I think you guys missed stereotypes for a reason. Seriously though, I think you guys missed on some great occasions for some interesting situations that could have arisen from more races in the party. We had a gnome. Right, come on. We had our token gnome. You can't, that should have taken my jokes. For example, it would be easier for some of the characters in the game to flesh themselves out by being the human in the group or the half, elf, etc. Sounds a lot pigeonholing themselves to me. Dally was a nice breath of fresh air among all those beers. And Vantesh and Dane are the quintessential dwarves, wise or stubborn to a tee. The rest of the cast could have used more races. I also think the campaign could have used a bit more of the choice and consequences front. Even though the indie gives itself well to the cinematic stories and scriptings, it's still very easy to introduce choices with its mechanics point of view. Do you accept that loop in good occasion to create some tense situations and choices? If there was one and I missed it, please direct me towards the episode so I can correct myself. Anyways, sorry for being that guy today. Not criticisms fun. Here's to a 2016 full of encounters and mysteries. Yes, my response to that would be, and it's valid. First of all, the criticism's very valid. We did all play towards. There were a lot more interpersonal dynamics. I think we had other races, but that's not what Mike wanted to do. Mike wanted to tell a heroic tale and wanted to minimize the interpersonal, excuse me for speaking. I'm just assuming that I'm kind of singing from your hymnal here, is that he didn't want that. And he wanted a group that got along that worked towards a goal with minimal. I mean, John's character was a bitch. John was John. Yeah, there you go. But in a good way, because it added a dimension, a little chaos to the group. But overall, we were looking for a very tightly constructed group. And yeah, if you heard our other stories, it was definitely the square peg and the round hole that we normally do. That's clear. But that's what really the story that Mike wanted to tell. You want to tell a story of heroicism against evil, not a story of interpersonal drama mixed in with heroicism. So I think that's why those criticisms are valid. However, not really the sense that we were trying to do. Right, if we're going to do D&D, we'll do D&D. Why we got to keep all the aspects of the first. Well, there's a number of different ways. Yeah, I mean, people that played that thief, who steals from the party. Sure, all the... What I'm just saying, if we want an inner part of conflict, the only way to do it, it's still be full D&D. It's not fun, so we didn't do it. And well, and plus I think you have to rip off your GM. And our GM wanted to tell a story that kind of found cohesive group working together towards a goal. That's awesome. And I think that we try to respect his wishes. And when Tom takes the chair, when I take the chair, we tend to feed into the interpersonal drama a little bit more in our stories. But I think it's nice for a change of pace to have a group that actually works together and isn't at odds consistently. That's it. We kind of challenge each other to do something a little bit different. We still managed to have unique characters. You sure are, I'm sure. But again, very valid criticism. It's very different for anything we'd done before. Sure. So please don't hesitate. And we don't get that opportunity in either Dresden or the chairs in the museum. World Darkness. Darkness. We don't have the ability so much to have, you know, that the generations. Right. Well, the different races. Oh, a good point. Right. I suppose. But clockwork. Yeah, it's just me exciting. Not clockwork, though. It's coming up, but my clockwork. Your, yeah, I can't wait for clockwork. Use and use in the future. We will have the right. Still on Facebook, episode 256, D&D wrap up questions and answers. That's creative. Thank you. Mukaji posted and said D&D balances a matter of eyeball estimation. I tried to reverse engineer a central benchmark and found that there are none. Even hill and mountain dwarfs aren't evenly balanced. Also, as flashy as direct damages, I tend to feel it is the least effective use of spell slots compared to buffs, divinations, debuffs, and crowd control. That sounds a lot like mid-maxing, which I don't think many of us are really all that in. Right. Yeah. I mean, if my hill dwarf did, or my mountain dwarf did a lot of damage in the hill dwarf, to me it's not going to make a big difference because I'm just looking to role-play the character and, as long as he's doing his fair share of, I don't need to be the hammer of the group that does the most damage. He continues. The initiative system that Mike was talking about is similar to a fate-accelerated variant where people decide who makes the most sense to go next. Then each decide who goes next. Look up Avengers, Accelerated, where they use the end of the first Avengers movies to demonstrate F.E.E. superhero games. That's interesting. Also Star Wars FFG initiative has everybody role initiative, but it becomes ally and enemy initiative. So I may have rolled the highest. It may be more technically beneficial for someone else to go first. My high role just means that all of my allies get to go first, and we decide which of those allies it is that goes. We played the Star Wars one, and we experienced that. R.E.J. also posted and said, "With that said, I'm very used to see how this initiative is handled in clockwork dominion RPG." Oh, it's cool. As it was pointed out as having a very intriguing system. Now after the episode, and I did not drive, so I'm antsy to listen to clockwork. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I know. That's like, "The virus account has been hacked." This is literally not him. The security question is, "How far did you drive last year?" Can't put zero. It's not allowed. Wasn't it for the holidays? Do they have holidays? Yes, they get like 84 weeks off. So sad antsy for clockwork dominion RPG. Many exclamation points. Come on up, R.E. And we're going to finish off the feedback with a iTunes review. This was goddess to 97. Yes, already accounted. And it's from Ironbeard 7, not the other six lacquers. It tells all their articles. He gave five stars, he gave five stars, and said storytelling done right. I do a lot of traveling and spend much of my time listening to podcasts. Hey, R.E. You'll be hard pressed to find a better podcast than this one. This crew does storytelling at the highest level. Well, thank you very much. Number seven, Ironbeard 7. And that is the end of our feedback. Unfortunately, I don't think we're going to have feedback the next two weeks. And I'm not prepared to give away a t-shirt. So it's going to be a while, but we will get the January t-shirt up on the next feedback. You know, in February. Potentially. And with that, we will get on to the much anticipated clockwork dominion. Jaska, a boy. We're going to introduce a new player. Yeah, I forgot about that, actually. That's and the new DM. Zeke, who is one of the creators of the game. I'm Zeke Koglin from Roller Quarry Games Studios. I'm here acting as the narrator. I'm Thomas. I'm playing Caspar Hawk. Beautiful, isn't it? German engineer boarding the integrate for reasons. Don't worry about it. Okay, I'm Tom. I'm playing Augusta Slow. I am the aristocratic sister of Fitzwilliam Slow. We are both returning from Brazil with our deceased father. I'm John playing Fitzwilliam Slow. Brother counterpart to the Slow family. It's just wasted flesh and alcohol. I am Jim Play and Dr. Ian Trollbridge. Play be the surgeon. You're in Brazil to deliver an academic paper. You're returning back to London. Eventually back to Edinburgh. We are living Sao Paulo, Brazil. So I'm here giving a speech in a paper or something? Unbusiness. That too. I am Scott playing Adit Morgadaz. Is that Morgadaz? Morgadaz. A British socialite returning from Sao Paulo to London for reasons unknown. I'm Nick. I'm Sebastian Dunn and I am on my way home from Sao Paulo with an important package. I'm Rachel playing Dr. Anthony Beacham, who is an anthropologist who just left South America from a cultural expedition and is headed home. All right, you ready? Yeah, let's do this. For your myriad reasons, you've all entered into the airstrip Sao Paulo. By airstrip, I mean, it's really more like a well-manicured lawn. With a couple of buildings where there are things that are stored, you'll see blimps mostly. But there's the one thing that takes up the most room is the regrets. It is the most massive airship any of you have ever laid eyes on. Most of you came to South America via ship, which took weeks to arrive. The regret claims that it can make it from Sao Paulo to London in three days. It is 450 feet long, 46 feet in diameter. And it just takes up the landscape as you walk to it. There are men walking around it fixing ropes that will eventually be released to allow it to take into the air to see that the rigid airship is a large envelope with three gondolas that each are touching the ground. The front gondola, obviously for the pilots, mostly the last ends. You can see right into it to the people that are checking gauges and moving around the front, making sure that the ship is ready for takeoff. Then in the center, of course, is the large wheel used to steer the ship. The rear gondola, the back end of the ship, looks to be connected to the engines, which are large fans on either side of the ship. The engineering gondola of some sort, most of it is enclosed. You can't really zoom into it. Although you do see that behind the engineering gondola is a ramp that goes up into the envelope where people are carrying luggage, the non-carryon luggage, steamer chunks and such, up into the envelope where the luggage is stored. Is there a coffin being carried out? Yes, there is a coffin being carried out. This is a rigid airship, which means it's not a blimp. It's not like a helium balloon up there. There are canisters of compressed hydrogen that cause it to take off. And just the rest of it is all catwalks. And then you know that the bread and butter for this particular run is actually male. This ship carries over four tons of mail from South America to Europe. Various packages. That's a lot of correspondence. Yeah. And the center gondola, of course, is the passenger gondola. It is the largest of the three. The front portion of it is completely glassed in. You can see right into it. It appears to be like a sitting room. It refers to it as rather rudimentary. And it looks very rigidly placed as though it were nailed to the ground. And there's a door with a ramp that comes out. And then the back is largely closed except for little portholes. You're imagining those are where the passenger cabins are. At the steps, three short steps that walk up into the passenger gondola. There are three men standing in a row, each in crisp, white uniforms. The one is wearing the polyts of a captain and the other two are not wearing any. They look at you expectantly as you approach. The Fitzwilliams would be the first to arrive. Now, brother, it's only three days. Could you just make one promise to me to stay away from the alcohol? Now that the father's passed away, you're going to have to step up. So I'm going to need you to, you know, three days. Let's look at this as a test. I'm not even at home yet. Let's worry about that when we get there. I'm saying on this trip, day sober. Afternoon, Captain Hari. You walk past the middle gentleman as the captain. And he reaches out of hand and gives you a light bow. He reaches out of hand to shake yours and gives you a firm grip. Scares you in the eye. Welcome aboard the Egrat. You will not find a grandorship in all of the world. He continues to talk about how wonderful it is. As the gentleman just passed him, who is significantly shorter, reaches out to you as though he kind of wants to help you up the stairs, but doesn't quite know if you're willing to take his hand. I don't need his assistance, but thank you. He dats up nervously and then he kind of looks at you and then doesn't do anything. The captain is still talking about the marvels of the ship as Casper. Appreciate it. The hoping for a little bit better weather this time, but it was marvelous. Weather did not thwart this ship. We have blown in hail thunderstorms. It is a magnificent venture. It was there. It was great. The rest are kind of funneled aboard. The captain shakes your hand. If you are a female persuasion, the gentleman afterwards will lean forward to see if you want help and then if you don't kind of stay. I will absolutely allow him to take my hand and guide me up the stairs. He takes you and he's not very strong, but he offers you. More is a gesture of a... I get paid for this. Don't want to do his little name type. He's just crick. I make sure I make eye contact with him and make him feel as if he is doing his job just superbly. He actually blushes a little. It looks down. All right. Do you hold on to his hand for an awkwardly amount of time? No, not often. Just right. Okay. Would you say it's romantic? I would say no, I would say it is warm and gracious. You are all funneled aboard into the sitting room, the front end of the passenger gondola. And there are a few other people that follow you. Other passengers. There is a Brazilian gentleman, dark skin, dark hair. He's dressed in a very fine suit. He carries a briefcase. He walks aboard and kind of stands rather nonchalantly, kind of taking you all in. Very confident looking man. There is a Roman priest dressed in full cassock. He is wearing a satchel and a collar. And he kind of walks in and he stands off into the back rather humbly. And then there is a family of a husband and wife and two small children. The husband looks tired. The wife is standing there kind of ushering children around. She has flame red hair just like the children do. And at the moment they step on board, the children rush to the windows. And they're like very disappointed that there's nothing interesting to see because they're still on the ground. And the mother is kind of hurting them back into the corner as the captain boards. I want to welcome you all aboard the regret all once and formally. If you have any needs, this is Mr. Crick. He will be your chief steward for this venture. He points to a bell that hangs by a ladder that goes up into the envelope. There's a port door that spins on the ceiling. It's currently shut. Anytime you need service and Crick is within earshot, you ring that bell. If Crick is not within earshot, he points to two telephones. This telephone, though to the front gondola, this telephone will go to the back. Usually not necessary in case of emergency. Mr. Crick will be serving all of your needs. Isn't that right, Mr. Crick? Mr. Crick nods very, very, very proudly. Does anyone have any questions before I leave you to Mr. Crick and afternoon tea? Mr. Crick, he'll give the room assignments. He nods and the captain leaves and then the doors shut behind him. Mr. Crick has a small piece of yellowing paper. He removes a pencil from his pocket and starts going down the list. The deep morgadas? I smile at them warmly and strive forward without saying anything. Yours is the sweet on the back right. Very good, thank you. The slow family, Mr. Fitzwilliam and Miss Augusta Slow. You'll be sharing the room on the back left. Mr. Casperhawk and Mr. Sebastian Dunn. You'll be sharing the second room on the left. Father Yago, man nods, you'll be sharing a room with Dr. Montelban and the Brazilian gentleman, the suit nods, and the two of them are ushered back to a room. And the pick care in the family. You are here and Dr. Turbine, you'll be here by yourself. Wonderful, I offer you time to unpack, ablute yourselves, and should anything be necessary from your packages in the envelope, please let me know and we will have make it available to produce you going to the envelope and see what you're doing with things. Speaking of that, what's listed on our character sheets as weapons in gear, if there is any weapons or gear, is that something that we have on our persons, or in our immediate luggage, or is that some stuff that will be in the envelope? You can have on you anything that you want on you. You just have to realize that you have to justify carrying it should have come up. All right, so if you have like a salt rifle on your character sheet, that might be a little hard to explain. What makes sense that I would carry my medical bag everywhere I go? Yes, it would. Just as you carry on. I definitely want to go into my suite and freshen up before the journey is underway. Excuse me, sir, there seems to be a problem you did not give me room assignment? Help with Dr. Traverich. Okay, sorry. When you enter into each room, they are incredibly narrow with bunk beds. There is a small port window with which you can look outside. The room in and of itself looks to be made of very high quality furniture. I'll use that religiously. Largely a sitting desk, which is kind of built into the wall. The bunk beds are built into the wall and the dressers built into the wall. It's all very spacious. And everything is secured to the wall. Probably is. I mean, the drawers, you could probably pull out with a little bit of force, but everything is kind of built in so that it should turbulence happen. Not much is going to move for you. And that's sort of the suite as well, bunk beds, or they are a little more lavish, the back to or are they rough? The suite is just larger. Okay. The only thing that could possibly be moved in your individual suites are you are given ablution bowls, like little bowls for face washing, and they are currently full of a little bit of water for you to freshen yourself up. To be clear, really quick, so I understand there really aren't very many people on this, or we're only going, okay, okay, I wasn't sure if you're only naming characters, and there's really a bunch more. No, this is everybody that's on here. This is everybody that's on here. 16 passengers is maximum load for this type of airship. Freightly male. We have probably more kids. You seem to say that most people travel by land, and this is a little bit more expensive. Well, boat, and they mostly make their money with mail, not with people. Right. And so this is luxury. To cross the ocean in three days, Mr. Kirk will go by each individual room and kind of see if you're okay. And then he'll say, we'll be asking you to stay inside your cabins for takeoff, just for safety reasons, but the moment that we're off the ground, you can feel free and move through the passenger gondola as you like. And in about an hour, I will be here to serve afternoon tea. Viewing area? Is there any other place to go? Not unless you're going to go up into the envelope. I've been up there with a dining car or a drink car or something. The front sink has tables that are large enough to be served food on. But like I said before, everything in this place is incredibly space efficient. There's some cabinetry that lines the walls underneath the windows in the cabin. You're imagining that's where all the food is. Tea, whatever it is that you are going to receive. But as you are unpacking and kind of settling in, through the pore holes in the various sides, you start to see the workers on the outside start undoing the ropes. The first rope that let's go, you feel a little bit of a jostle. But after that, it's a very smooth rise. You can kind of hear the ropes as you go on and fall on the other side, and the ship starts to rise. And then you hear the engines come in. Again, there's a little bit of a sputter. And then the floor moves just a tiniest amount. But after that, it's just smooth. It's like you're standing on the ground. And the ship begins to move off. All right, excellent. If we're not waiting for an announcement, I peek out in the minutes. You peek out, Mr. Kirk is standing there very expensively. The moment you peek out, he just walks up. Can I, um, is there something that you need? Are we free to move about yet? Oh, please, yes. I was excited to see what it looks like. Like the kids are or something like that. The pig parents are still in their room. But as you walk out, the common area, as you move about, is four tables. They are nailed to the floor. There are seats that are on these tracks that move in and out. But they are impossible to move from the floor. And then the only other furniture in the room is a small bookshelf. And then along the outer edge, there are cabinets that are all closed. And then everything above that is glass. And you can see now that the airship is off the ground. When you look out the glass, you can start to see the ground falling below as the airship rises and start seeing all of the trees of the between you and the coast start passing underneath of you. Hmm, cool. Gorgeous. Brother, I don't see the dining hall. Do you think the captain's table is somewhere else? Just glad we're not in the sea again. I think I would help him to check on my luggage. Yeah, and observe to make sure that everything that I am concerned about in the board. Are you saying Mr. Crick? I do this discreetly. If the captain is waiting after tea to escort passengers up, if that's all right, it would only be another hour. It would be, I suppose, acceptable to wait another hour. He moves and starts opening some of the cavities and takes things out. There's a heating element which he actually plugs into the top and he begins to start setting up tea. As he does this, the pit cairn family exits into the room and the children of Russia much more excited this time about seeing the ground pass underneath of them and they're kind of like crawling up onto the cabin tree to put their faces up against the glass. The father gives a heavy side, sits down next to the priest who has just walked out. The priest looks around, opens up a satchel, pulls out a wine bottle and a glass. Oh, you're up to the priest. You found a new friend. I say, I have like, in scanning the room, the majority, I would assume, is class two and above as far as family because that's what I assume. Unless you stumble into someone. What class are you, I guess, too? Usually you can tell what social class someone is, by the way, they're dressed. If you're really good, you can tell by their hands because class three individuals are not going to have any classes at all. And you can kind of think of it as class three would be like a character in a Jane Austen novel. Class two would be like the character in Sherlock Holmes novel. Class one would be like the character in Charles Dickens novel. Or class zero, if any of us are interested in someone. I watch my brother go off inside. I'm good. Not even an hour. And I go with the children and look outside and chat with them. I'm going to go follow this Augusta, slow. Walk up to her and comment, aren't children just adorable? Do you have any of your own? Not yet. But it is a goal of mine, yes. Woman like you, you should have a family. I do, but it's my immediate fine man. I'm not married yet. Who is the gentleman that you're here with? That actually is my brother. You sit down and look at the face. He doesn't even really acknowledge you with words. He pulls the other glass out of the face. I was going to agree on him, but if he doesn't need to. He has this glass holder in his satchel. It looks like he's made of a stick and cardboard, a circular of two glasses, a piece of one on it. He pulls the other one out and puts it on the table. I'm ready. I'm going to continue to talk to Augusta. To chat up Augusta, basically. So are you traveling with family? Are you visiting family? No, actually our father was in Brazil and he passed away. We're bringing the body back to London. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. It's been a rough trip. Terrible. Halfway across the world. No small part because of my brother. Was your father sick? I don't believe so. Not when he left London. It was a bit of a surprise. Terrible. It's so easy to get sick down there in the part of the world. It is a bit uncivilized there, yes. I'm going to walk away and literally at this point. Because it's awkward. Mr. Crick is kind of standing behind you. As the conversation starts to die, he's like, "I just don't know that children should be on the top of them." I'm sorry, they're not my children. You walked over to the Karen table. You hear the father sign deeply. The conversation goes on. And then mother comes over and removes the children from the top. Is the well-dressed Brazilian? He is present. He was the last to leave and come out. Can you describe him in a little more detail? As far as does he look like what his class would be? How is he dressed? How does he carry himself? Well, if you want me to tell you in mechanical terms, he looks like a class 2 individual who's trying to present himself as class 3 individual. Excellent. I will walk up to him and date pleasantries in Portuguese. Just want to get a feel for him and what his situation is. So if he's willing to reveal anything, if he's willing to share any, not intimate knowledge, just some basic stuff about who he is, why he's here, and why he's headed to London. You approach him, introduce yourself, you reach out, shake your hand. Dr. Fleshaen on Montalouc. It's a pleasure to meet you. Pleasure to meet you. I introduce myself as a dean. I'm probably unconsciously a little self-aware of my left arm, so I continually tug at the fitting of my class 2, whatever it is I'm wearing, blouse, or whatever. I'm constantly tugging at it to make sure that I'm very self-conscious about it. So I will ask him, is he traveling on business or pleasure? What part of Brazil is he from originally? Just trying to learn a little more about him as an individual. Me, from Sao Paulo, I did a little studying at university, Rio de Janeiro, and I'm a botanist. I'm actually traveling to London to deliver a paper. It's very exciting. It's my first time in England. Excellent. I continue to discourse with him. He speaks Portuguese quite freely, I'm assuming. Are you speaking to him in Portuguese? Yes, absolutely. He's totally speaking to him in Portuguese. Right. So I continue to go on a conversation long enough to be polite and actually, I've got the information I'm looking for kind of plans. But on a cursory level, I'll speak to him about plans, but certainly I don't want to get into a long conversation with him. I've learned what I need to learn now. I want to move on to someone else at this point. So long enough to be polite, but not long enough to be dragged into a hideously boring conversation about plans from her perspective. During one point in the conversation, you see him actually kind of move, like he's about to go back to his room, like are you interested in the history of plans of Brazil? Oh, I'm so sorry. I do have to meet with someone and I disengage quite politely. He gives you a curtain knot. Casper will be spending his time poking around the passenger area, looking for any other, less obvious entrances to the envelope. That's pretty standard. You know, there are many other cabins. We'll have a lot of entrances and exits, depending on the make and model of the particular Zeppelin. But they want as little entrances into all those possible phases. That's what I figured. You mingle and kind of go around. There's water that is served and the tea is currently steeping as Mr. Crick's going around and then prepping things. He's setting down little serving trays on the tables, little three tiers. They have little sandwiches that look like they came out of cellophane wrappers. And what looked to be miniature scones. And then he begins pouring the tea on the tables. I make sure that when he comes by, I compliment him on the fantastic job he's doing. And it's nice to be, to be in the hands of a steward who obviously is well-versed at his trade. Deep blushes again at this. You talk to him and now he pours your tea. It looks like he almost like, when you conjure your blush, he almost like spills almost a little in your sauce, but he brings it right back and he's like, "Oh, you're very kind." Yes, please. I'm English, of course. I get a sandwich to bring it to my brother. If you're going to drink, at least have something to eat. And try to keep it under control, please. They're children here. We have a reputation to maintain. I'll keep an eye on him. He says the priest. Well, thank you for all the whole joy. All right. I have a polyglot. I could speak more than language too, I think. Too extra, yes. And the way the game works is-- When those come up, I just say, "Oh, I speak them." For purposes of this particular game, yes. If you're making the character, you would choose a language group and you would be able to passively converse in all the languages of that group, but there'd be one language that you could do social conflict in. Social conflict requires a little bit more. Like, I can probably passively speak every romance language. When I was in Italy, I was being an Italian. I got by speeding Latin. Okay, well, I imagine it's romance languages just because it's-- That's what you're doing. And that would cover the character that you're going to run into in this particular game. And that would fit in your character. But if my character had a date with Peach, you're a medic. When I did a refill in my tea, eventually from Crick, I asked him in passing if my husband is an engineer. It would like to know if it would be possible to see the engines at some point. A brief tour is that something that's possible. Could you arrange that? Or would I have to arrange that with the captain? The captain's here. No, no, my husband back in Brazil, now that we have passed over to the ocean, is an engineer, and I'm just very interested in seeing the marvel of the ship. Hearing engineer and engines. Casper just calmly wanders over the conversation. Yeah, the engines. Those would be cool, okay. I can talk to the captain and see. Once everything's start flowing smoothly, I don't see why we can't arrange for a tour. Fantastic. I would be wonderful. He begins clearing the tables and putting everything back into the small cabinets. While he's working and away from others, I probably approach and speak quietly to him. So it's to not be overheard, but to reiterate my desire to check on my package. I can arrange for everyone to go in the hands below shortly. Okay. Let me just make sure I get the captain's permission. I might even attempt to bribe him. I might even attempt to bribe him. I would some money, encourage said behavior. You know, I don't want to be too flagrant about this. I may slide the money across the counter as he's putting things in. He kind of looks up, he sees the money, his eyes get really wide. I'm happy to just talk to the captain and get you up there. Do you need to go by yourself, is that? I would enjoy that. I'm happy to accommodate your, yes, okay. Thank you. He leaves the money on the counter and kind of walks away. Not really what I'd like to say and then he just gets on the ladder and moves up through the poor hole and is gone. Fair enough. Doctor Beacham is still sitting at his tea table, but he has pulled out a newspaper that's dated from a couple of days ago and is reading it, but in all actuality, he's eavesdropping on everyone's conversations. Well, reading said newspaper. You're going to do something shady. No, it's not shady, it's listening. A few of you still have, it comes with tea that we're unfinished with. It's right here too. He's just never even looked at his. But now that the guy's gone, he's going to start looking through the cabinets. See what he, we've got on this. You are? Are you looking for alcohol? Yeah, now that that brick has disappeared and you can freely pillage your brother's search. I haven't disappeared. I haven't lifted any of the alcohol. I'm just taking inventory. Want to help sit here? Or later? Is there just to be cleared? Is there alcohol? Is there alcohol? Does he finally? Yes. You find these all as a court. Awesome. Well, does that help my sister? Notice and keep moving on. Take a note. All of the cards are a handy, dandy little percentile number on the top corner, which allows me to be like, oh, give us a 35% chance. 33, yes. You are rummaging through. The priest kind of looks at you. Look at us. Yes. Didn't pick up anything. Must I watch you every moment? I don't know, I'll look at the windows either. Could I just look at the windows? Can we go back into the room? Oh, each suddenly you have a fascination with the glass. Is that it? Looking at bottles? You're looking at windows? What do you want me to do? Prithax. Enjoy the view. I thought it was. Enjoy the screen to me. Enjoy the company. And stay sober. So we all hear this. It's hard to enjoy that company. And as this is going on, everyone please give me a focus and composure test. The difficulty for this test is a three. So you take your focus aptitude, you add your composure, whatever it is. Subtract three and draw a card. I succeeded with the one. Would it be easier for you if we went around the table? Or just shot about it? You can shoot about this fine. You can or you can just say who succeeded? Not me. I passed. Additionally. Epic condition. I think I lose that condition. I don't know. Distraction of marginal success is not going to be enough. You said, uh... Apparently I got lost in my newspaper. You said Subtract three and draw a card. Or there he did. Argument. Two more. Would you better learn hard? Yeah. Okay, so I think three of us succeeded. I have a conditional. Yeah. Okay. Let's try and go here. Oh, let's see. You got the highest success there with the two? Oh, yeah. It's mine was three and two, five. So total seven. He has a bottle of porcelain. You're watching him as he's like talking about, like not taking it. And you watch the level on the port. And you notice it's not straight. It's just tilting. Like the front is down? It is not level with the floor. And as you're looking across him at the level of the cabinetry, you realize that they're not the same. So is there other rising outside of it? So it looks like it's flat, but the bottle lives. The horizon is not level with the cabinetry in the bottle. And the blend is tilted. Okay. The blend is tilted, yes. Yes. Would it be ascending or descending from that? Like which way is it? I noticed as well. It is not ascending or descending. It's actually... Ooh, okay. Tilting. The moment that you noticed it, you now notice, oh, this floor is not level. Right. We're tilting, tilting to starboard. And I don't notice this at all, right? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Yep, I am grossed. He's an angry one, isn't he? I mentioned to Mr. Pach who sat down with me when I was discussing with Crick, the tour of the engine room. I asked him if, is this standard procedure to be tilting to starboard like this? Pachoshing. Bringing him aware of the situation so he wasn't. You... I got a total of negative one, so I was... Well, now you can see because he's pronouncing. Now I can tell. But your first inclination is to say, ships up tilt that way. What are you thinking? And then you start watching your tea cup begin to slide slowly on the table. And I still don't know if it's any of them. You see the tea cups. I see the tea cups slipping. Not, is there any one from the ship here? No, it's pretty good left. After you have a quick side bar. May I have a quick side bar? Yes. Okay. So alcohol is slowly tipping its way up the bottom like sister. Hey, what's he doing? Migrating into my mouth. As you were talking, it's just, there's a slow tilt. It just gets worse and worse and worse. And then all of a sudden, bam! The whole ship rotates about 15 degrees all at once. Again, you start with it. So you're really listing it for about 40 degrees now. So we're all like, next step. Everyone give me a grace in athletics test. Difficulty two. This particular instance, if you succeed, you're still standing. If you fail, you're grand. I'm sorry, was there any minus? Minus two. Okay. And if you're at a zero, it's... Conditional success. It's a conditional success. And basically, it means like, you used to brace yourself. You used to brace yourself, but you're okay. Right. I rolled a total of zero. I got a four. So I just... So you're basically, you had to brace yourself. In order to give yourself. If you fail, you are basically holding on to something to keep yourself upright. I might as well. Always for the think cut. Hi. Walking away from my sister, calmly step on a wall. You're just like, rotating my hand. The world's all right. You're using the tilt to jake the wine. Yeah. Pulling it down. Think card always succeeds no matter what. And when it's drawn in a narrative, all the cards come back in and we reach out. Okay. Good job, John. Here you go. Oh, we're stuck all the decks together. Yeah. Everything gets reshuffled together. The port hole that goes up into the ombre wheel is open. Then you hear a voice that you haven't heard yet. Scream down. I need every able-bodied man up here right now. I'm excited by the broadcast of getting into the envelope. As quickly as well as already standing and remain standing. So it's probably the first one with the doors. Who's going up and who's staying? I'm going up. Who's staying? The women. The, I would say, the rich drunkard. Well, I have no intention of being- Your phone is up there. Are you seeing unicorns up there? More wine? Was the announcement from the captain? You have not heard this voice before. Okay. So it was a male voice deep in it. And the face did not come down through the hole. It was streamed down so you have no reason. Okay. There's this escorts. It's Williams, her brother. I've got this. I can go. Yeah, I'll hold the bottle. Go ahead. What? I go off it. The crooked ladder, which would be exceptionally difficult. While holding a bottle. Hand drive. Don't read your- Think we should just stay here and let the crew handle it? Everybody's wrong. Stay here with me, sweetie. We'll be okay. In his condition, I really don't think he should go. He's fine. This is his normal condition. I would- I sure heard that. I would like to try to convince him not to go up there. You're trying to convince him? Yeah, I think it's dangerous. And I think that we should let the crew handle it. Okay. With just him? You have no problem with all the other guys going up? Not the crew. Yes, but I didn't know what everyone else went up. Oh, yeah. Yes. Okay, sorry. I miss it. Obviously- No, I mean, I thought they were calling- Like, if every able-body crew member, not every crew member. Every able-body man. And they're all straight down into the past. Oh, in that case, I don't care whether he goes or not. Because other people have gone already. I'm not going to try to convince everyone if it's- Okay, I'm going to run to their own deaths. That's fine. I'm going to check to make sure everybody who's staying back, how the ladies and the kids that are staying here are okay. After they just put the jostle, make sure everybody's healthy, and nobody needs any mental tension before I go on. Yeah. Everyone looks a little shaken up. But nobody's bleeding. It also looks like Mr. Pitcairn is staying down here, with the women folk as it were. They're the husband of the family. It's the husband of the family. Right. Does he have red hair as well? Yeah. Just the mom. Just the mom and the kids. Kind of man, man. Ginger's. Yeah, so I'm probably going to be the last one at the later. Okay. All of you who has sinned, the envelope just is enormous. There is a- Four-fits goes up. So make sure you don't want to go upstairs. You can fit right in. Go. Oh, geez. Casper is impressed. You are. With your tongue. It is sharp. The envelope appears massive. Because you're these cramped little quarters, and when you get into the envelope, it's just wide. The catwalk is about 12 feet wide at this particular place. It's graded metal. So you can see through it. There's about four or five feet between the top of the passenger gondola and the actual place where you walk. So you have to crawl up the ladder to get above the catwalk to stand on it. And then it stretches out. The catwalk goes all the way toward the captain's cabin, toward the pilot's gondola, and all the way back to the engineer's gondola. And we're tilted while we're doing this. Hang on. Noted. The catwalk does have railings. So as you walk, if you keep a hand on a railing, you'll be OK. When you look toward the pilot's cabin, you see a huge area that widens, maybe twice as long, 24 feet wide. And it is just full of mail. It appears as though there are all these little cuddies in the sides where things were stored. And whatever happened, they have spilled out. And there are 50 pound bags of mail. They're sliding and grouping each other, which are evidently keeping the thing from writing itself. There are three men here, all dressed and wise. Prick is one of them. You haven't met the other two. There is one who you don't know, who is barking orders. He is not wearing the pallets. So it appears as though he's a low ranking member of the crew. But he is basically saying, "You grab that, put it back into the cubby. You grab," he's pointing to these large, 50 pound containers of mail. Some of the packages too. And he's calling orders. He points to every one of you and tells you what to do. But you see right past him to your father's coffin, which has slid out and is angled against the railing opposite of where it was stored. All you can see is the gigantic gashes the corrugated seal made of the wood. Nobody else seems to understand it. How is the damage? They come to the funeral and they're gobbing his gashes in it. They're going to have to get a new one. What are rich manses? Truly, I'm scouring from my package. I have totally disregarded the command to do anything. Give me a grace in athletics test. Your difficulty is going to be the defense of the gentleman who's telling you to do otherwise, which is a... Grace in athletics you said is a four. Yes. Difficulty four. I have... Oh baby. I've got a combination of nine. Okay. With my card. Mine is the four though, right? Mine is the four, so I'm at five. So then... Everyone's kind of at an angle. And so no one has short footing. But gentlemen, he turns and looks right into your face as you are trying to walk past it. He puts a hand in your chest and he looks at you right in the eyes and says, "Are you empowered? We are fixing this ship." And as you move, the ship being tilted allows you to just kind of turn. Then his hand goes right over your shoulder and you walk right past him. Yes, it sounds very apropos. And you are going to your cubby. As you are walking, you notice a priest has also walked right past him and is keeping pace with you. You turn to him. He turns to you. He acknowledges your existence and moves onward. And you notice a voice from behind you, Mr. Crit, because you've heard it before. Sir, please, please come back and help with the... The other gentleman grabs him by the shoulder and goes, "Pick him back." You see, he moved his... Right. Anyone who is attempting to haul mail. This is... That appears to be only Casper. Hey, what am I talking about? Oh, I'm sorry. I forget about you and so badly. There are a lot of people there. It's cool. It's cool. It's... You were the first one off the ladder. We're second because Mr. Sebastian done. Dr. Trot, we just also hired you. Well, you were... Checking out the organ and so you were a bit late. Sorry, Rachel. I didn't mean to be here. What is this guy doing? What are you doing? Fits. Well, he's going to try to haul ass to this mail. To the mail? You don't hear about the coffin. Through the mail to the coffin. Through the mail to the coffin. You have to walk through the mail to get to the coffin. Well, I'm doing it. I sound slippery. Yeah, you kind of have to walk around it, you know. This is your old friend. And you're not full. And you're drunk. Yes. Have you drunk enough to be drunk? I don't know. Sure. I got to start applying conditions. That makes it more interesting. Sure. Yes. Most definitely. He's an easy Negro. And you have a powerful tolerance, are you sure? It was so long. It was strong whiskey that, uh... Whiskey. I hope to get more drunk. But I am a little bit there already. And he has been drinking since he started. It's a long day. I could be better. He was probably drinking before he even got on the airship. Yes. It's true. I had to hide it. You're climbing around mail with a 30-odd degree angle. And you're intoxicated. I'm not saying it's easy. I'm just telling you what I'm doing. Grace and athletics are difficult. If it's probably going to be like four. Okay. I'm not so good at that. Let's see how this goes. Beautiful. What is your grace? Is there any mechanism that's changed? Four. Minus four is zero. And? I'm going to do that. Ah! I made it. He flipped a one. Well, he doesn't need it. Never mind. In this game, when you help someone who's from the Abadis, you share the effort. And whoever gets the better card, that is the card you use. The other card is ignored. That's a very simplistic and efficient way of assistance. Yes. Just to kind of work on that point. So let's say she was assisting him just, or he, the doctor was assisting him. Rachel was assisting him. And she rolled, let's say her final result was a four. Which I think is a, a remarkable success. Her remarkable success. Okay. Would you say he achieved, he being John, achieved the four? You know, they both flipped. She's assisting him, but he's the one. So who would you give credit to, I guess, in the description? You would say that they worked together, and together they accumulated a kind of multiple success. Thank you for that. Or achieved. A remarkable dereliction of duty. And if there were, if a situation called for a condition to be placed, because a remarkable, remarkable success is allowed for the placement of conditions. Right. They would jointly place it on someone. Okay. And if someone were acting against them, they would act against the better of their defenses. Got it. What is he doing? He's sifting through the mail to get some power. He's got a crawling over it. Screaming box, the rated way to attempt to get past it toward his father's coffin, which is further down the storage path. Cardo. All right. All right. I respect Fitz's dedication. So there are three characters that have just completely ignored the mail, or scurrying toward the coming holes. Hey, I'm sure my dad's really heavy compared to this mail. The Sebastian, Father Yago, and Fitzwellian. The rest of you who are actually... The priest. Just ignore the problem. What do we find the condition of Father Yago and my packages? We know the condition of the coffin. The coffin. But my character would probably return to work once he knows the condition of his. Let me do this. Whoever's moving mail first, because when the thing writes itself depends on how many things get. Right. Back where they need to go. In case you all were wondering. Yes. So. Let it come. How realistic. He's piece. Give me a... This would be a bigger and athletics test. The difficulty for this is three. All right. You can help each other if you want. I got negative five. Laura. That's your total? Yep. Could you not help? Wow, that says the guy got negative four. Which is admittedly... No, wait a minute, wait a minute. He still helps. Is it not possible that they could spend either two weeks? Yes. They could absolutely not. You could spend either two weeks wrong. But that's a... I don't know if you want to do that. That's early in the adventure. This is a bigger one. Bigger? Bigger? I don't care. Because I don't really... I'm fine with that. Dying? I don't have packages on this thing that I'm worried about. This is your life. You have... Wow! Mindage four, I get... Epic failure. Okay, I'd like to point out that Casper has a four. I think actually successfully got an L. I have a little vowel. You've yet it if I'm the wrong one. No, I have a zero. It is zero. Oh yeah, no. I just remember it's a difficulty three, so I remitted a negative three. So yeah. Yeah, difficulty is a five. I am going to spend an eight. I was at zero now I'm at negative five. Mine is three, which are the left and the zero, which are the... I know you're not concerned about the male, but we are really high in the sky. It's supposed to be moved to four. Oh, please! It's not Starberg. C.P.K. All I'm saying is... Nobody else seems to care that we're really high in the sky and everything's messed up, so... Casper is going to see girls aren't allowed. All right. Yes. Let me try to organize this. Right. You are going to your father's coffin. That is the very first thing that comes across. You're being Fitzwilliam. And you succeeded. So you were like hobbling over the male. People are screaming at you to go back and help. Father! You make it to your father's coffin. It's still sealed, but it is marred. It has been banged up. It's going to be a bad reception. When you get there... What are you doing? I'm trying to write it. I'm getting between myself, the... The best of her and... Leverage yourself? Push against the right side. Sorry, to keep him scraping. I think my character would stop to help. Okay. Even though he's very concerned about his package, she wants to be friends with her. Respectable. Father! This is gentleman. The drunk weeping. I saw you stop in and I jump in and try to pull and assist. You are basically leveraging yourselves against the railing, pushing this thing back across the corrugated steel. This is more and more. It's heavy. You are helping each other. This is a... I'm going to offset the weight with the leverage. So it'll give you a difficulty three, as though we're a male bag. Vigor and athletics. So your vigor plus your athletics minus three plus a card, the higher card is used, whichever you've got. How come whenever I pull from this deck, it's important. Now, when you say the higher card, you mean the higher reason? Sol. The whole world is only around the corner. Two. Vigor and athletics is five for... You draw for Sebastian. And you drew a zero. So I stay at two. Positive. Okay. So between the two of you, you start pushing it, you cry out, "Father!" It priest walks by you, and looks down, and he keeps right on going. Not that father. He's not really a priest. Yes. No, it's really not. He's not. Mr. Crick is walking after him at this point, being like, "Sir, you can't, but I... Father, not any walks right past you." And as they pass you, you push the... the coffin back into the cubby. But you get it there, but unfortunately no male has moved, so you're pretty much holding it there. This was a bad plan. I immediately regret my decision. I looked at all its half. I've got another test. What is it again? You can help each other. Vigor and athletics difficulty three. We're screaming at you guys to move the male. I have a one. Which gives you a... One. Oh, 'cause you were zero start. Yeah. Excellent. And they made me stay down here. Casper. Not Mr. Hauser. You're going to be up. Yay, you're going to all these negatives. Look at him better. Athleticism. My total vigor and athletics is four, naturally, and I drew the fake card. That's fantastic. It's considered at least a five. We went all whole. Casper went whole. Good day for Casper. The first time you tried to pick it up, you lost your footing. And then fell back against the railing. This time you prepared for it. You played your feet firm against the ground, grabbed that bag, lived it and just kind of rolling. One in each hand. Right in. You, you're kind of like... Let's see something. Yeah, I'm just... That was my Mr. Hauser. Good job. Good job. Yeah, you're good. Looking at Casper, tossing bags. I'm tossing them the wrong way. If you didn't used to drag them back, it's the wrong direction. What was your total? Mine is three. Dr. Trove Ridge just doesn't get it. But you start to feel things start to move as the hired hands are moving bags. You're moving bags. You start to feel that the... A coffin is pushing against you a little, little less. Where's the lesson last? I probably would, at this point, would get them back. A gentleman walking orders places the final bag in its slot and then there's this jolt. As the ship writes itself last. It kind of goes a little too far and then jolts back. And you feel and hear everything kind of creep. And then there is a blood curdling... Oh, she followed by another scream. The first voice you don't recognize. The second voice is Mr. Crick. Okay, so both of them are male. And do the women folk down in the sitting area hear these screams? Everyone hears them. They echo through the entire envelope. We just hear we don't see anything? Well, because of the cubbies, have like a little walls between them. If once you get so far down, you're not seeing anything. How large are these cubbies? Um, different ones in them. The walls actually slide to accommodate. So... But large enough for an individual or usually large enough... You're about four feet deep. So you can stand it. Okay. It's mostly like male like envelopes or there are a lot more packages like the coffin that we have to move still to. Is it mostly freight or mostly correspondence, I think? Mostly correspondence. And the freight is just what the passengers have. And it is further toward the pilot's gondola than where you are currently. Which is where we last saw a quick head toward? Yes. What's the way I'm going? Yes. Um, really quick, I'd like to ask, if Casper can extrapolate how many servicemen would be on board this vessel, how many are up front doing the mail and not in the back working on the engines right now? Go ahead and give me a reason in an engineering check and then... Reasoning? Pass a second card. Engineering. I have a total of six. I reveal the positive three. I did not catch the difficulty at all. I'm not giving you the difficulty of anything because it's a pretty easy thing to come up. Yes. Do you know that there should be a total crew? A total crew crowning the engineers and the stewards. A total crew that includes everyone that states to run the ship. And we have three here helping us, plus Mr.... Oh, Mr. Craig is among the three. Mr. Craig is among the three. And then however many pilots, so none of the engineers came forward. So I'm going to stick around. Okay. Check out that screen maybe. Who's going forward? And who are the women full coming up? The screen came from up above from... For ours? Where's the women's? I'm ironically. It's all about it. Um, I suggest we stay here and let the manate into it. If there anything like my brother, I start climbing the ladder. Park's going to, uh, stride forward and go check out that screen. You know, purposeful. But you already wanted to do it. I know, I was... I was beyond that at the... Often. Yeah, you guys, when it writes, the coffin is no longer fighting me. So it is at rest. I quickly make way to my package. Okay. Singular purpose. Let me take care of you real quick. You get into the cubby that has your packages and they are just strewn about. But they're all intact. Okay. It looks like there's a little bit of surface damage just from things getting tossed around, but... Is the coffin and this cubby farther up where Craig went toward? Okay, so they're ahead of us. Every, all of the personal cargo is ahead of... Go toward the, the pilots, go ahead of us. I have packages, huh? I am very intent on checking on my package. You up to see him obsessed with your... My package? I don't know why. I don't know why. Because he said packages. Well, I suppose it could be packages. After Fitzwilliam realizes his father's not going anywhere, uh, and the guy leaves, he goes after him, he never really caught his name. And he's like falling and he's like, "Wow, thank you. Thank you, my man." And he wanders into the room where he has all his packages. You're in your, your room with the packages. Everyone that we end forward... Yes. You come across a scene, the gentleman that was marking orders is the first on the scene. He just stops. And everyone comes crowds in behind him. There is, um, the large canisters that hold extra hydrogen that are usually strapped to the girders with large metal straps. And then riveted, the metal strap is cracked and it fell onto the priest. It is resting on top of him. It looks like a portion of his body is actually caved inward. There's blood coming out of his mouth. And there is Mr. Crick, but both arms wrapped around this canister and trying desperately to pull it off of him. And he is just wicking out. He is sobbing and screaming. And those are the cashers. Thank you for listening tonight's of the night actual play podcast. If you'd like to send us questions, comments, or feedback, you can reach us in a number of ways. From Twitter @KOTN_podcast or by email feedback@KOTNpodcast.com. And don't forget the iTunes reviews or our Facebook page, facebook.com/KOTN.podcast. Speaking of Facebook, join like-minded folks at our Facebook fan page. And lastly, there's our blog page, kotnpodcast.com, where there's an Amazon link on the right hand side. Thanks to Zen Audio Smith for the intro and outro music. Get your own music at zenaudiosmith.com. And join us next week for more mystery and adventure. We're going to introduce a new player. Yeah, I forgot about that actually. I was like, what's he talking about? Oh yeah, sorry. My boyfriend, oh yeah, that guy. There is no way Rachel can sit that far away from the mic. She had to sit on the table. Why? Because when you sit- Rachel, you have to sit Chris Cross Apple sauce at the table. When you sit right next to the mic, it makes it to this microphone, but not across to the other one. Why? Why is this quiet? It's not quiet. You can hear like every little thing I do, apparently. I've got quiet down to it and shit. You're not sitting right through the mic? Apparently I have to. Well, look at that thrown mic. Wow. Well, you can sit back here? She's got you on the game if you want. I sure. So you were supposed to sit down there a lot. Project. But don't see it. She was on stage. She knows how to project. She's on that one. I project. It's just that you know, it's been up since 4 and 30. P.M. So, P.M. That's tough. That's tough. I'm done. I'm tired. Thank you. No, I'll project. That's a typical thing. Is that really? Yeah, he doesn't sleep. Up at 4.30, working straight. So 9.30 p.m. I used to think it's amazing, but I'm an adult. I just think you're crazy. Also, the presence of the dragon-born-shaped gargoyle makes gargoyle. That's a suck. Yes, it is. It's a gargoyle. Also, the presence of the dragon-born wearing gargoyle. Would you guys- Come on, it really ugly suck. Here's one. Yeah, she took a shower. Oh, I like when she dries. She looks really comfortable. Do you have a pair I can borrow? No. No. Let's check them out. You don't want- You're breaking it. Oh, that was good. It sounded like Professor Faz were- So you're playing a female returning to London. Got it. Wow. His main character is London. Indressing. Yeah. Is there not a pairing in this film? We have an answer to- Drobridge. Dr. Drobridge. And then he begins pouring the tea on the tables. That's messy. That is a first thing I thought. Oh, I said it cuffs the tables. Eel tempered. I think that I'm probably trying- Eel tempered? Yeah, I think it's funny. Mine. I'm sorry, it's connected on your cards and mine since like- My reputation is- Where does it say- Since my reputation is- About a line. Is- Reputation? Down here? Oh, got it, yeah, no. What's yours? I know where- No, I don't. Mine's odd beliefs in Jungle Explorer. What's that? I mean, guys, I'm just a weird person. You're- That's why I'm like so, like- He's dead, huh? Was he sick? Is that Bobbie yours? Right. What's going on? Can I see it later? Okay. Weird stuff happens.