[Music] Hello, and welcome to the Knights of the Knight and Actual Play Podcast. This 5th edition D&D adventure, "Heart of Flames", was written and run by your DM-like. And now, please enjoy Episode 254, titled "Bruhaha - Actual Play Begins, 4 Minutes, 19 Seconds". [Music] On Facebook, we had a post on Episode 235 from Hari who said, "Someone's at Death's Door. Don't need to worry, the door takes forever to get open. The title of 250 was "Really Good Death Rattle". That was good. Episode 252, "Your Thighs Enhanced with Magic". Beautiful. Thank you. Ari posted and said, "No, you've said, I'm Mike said and I think I chose it". No, I didn't chose it, it was so nice. I was wondering why you said thank you at all. Because I just read it, before I'm gonna, Ari posted and said, "Well, the fight be happening in a dungeon. There would be a vault close enough, right?" Adam M posted and said, "This was one of those episodes where I saw one in a 90s show. Next time on KODN, will Dane take the bonus action he threatened he was taking?" Will the DM party wipe because it's a free action? Will the humans be an agent for evil? Is this all just an elaborate illusion? To an end next week, for the answers, and more on KODN, "Stupid Cliff Hanger". Great episode. What was the cliffhanger there? It's Thomas in midair, with the magic land enhanced thighs about to, uh, pivotal to the scene. By the way, anybody out there listening wants to send in some questions about D&D. We are actually done with it, so we'll include those in the wrap up questions if you have something you'd like us to answer. Please send in any number of ways feedback at kotanpodcast.com. Post it on the Facebook sites for tweet about it. Anyone who's not already listening to the misdirected Mark podcast, they have a down with D&D segment that they do. Yeah, well signed weekly. Oh yeah, it's quite good. It's quite good. Yes it is. In addition to that, we will just jump over really quickly to Twitter. The post from Gator at where Gator stated, "I'm currently listening to KOTN podcast. This is the best AP podcast I found in all my searches." I don't know. He hasn't looked for more than 5 minutes. Yeah, he's just... Other than that, it's awesome. He's the first hit. He's the first hit. He searches for anything more than 5 minutes. He's an actual play and it's in our title, so it's the first hit. Thank you all. Thank you Gator. Thank you everyone for posting on Facebook. This will come out right before Christmas, so I'm going to take a moment to wish all of our... listeners a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays. Hope you're all safe. Good to spend some time with the family. I'm going to go over isn't it? I believe Haka is over. But not Quanta. I don't know when to follow the sponsors. I don't know when to follow the sponsors. I don't know. Okay, with that, I just want to mention that we do have a Patreon page. We gave away t-shirts. We will give away one in January. Our Amazon link actually changed. We had an issue with it. They closed the cotton. We opened a new one. So anybody using like a saved one, you want to go out and get the new one. It's still in the same place. Really? What did that happen? Fortunately, right about in the middle of Black Friday. Oh, yeah. I think we just lost out on a lot of money. Yeah, I'm sure we did. Just from my wife. With that, however, we will get on to the D&D adventure. I believe at this point we have two more episodes. And then we'll have the wrap up. We will then release clockwork dominion. One shot we had, although that may take at least two episodes. If not more, it was a really long playing session, and it was very fast paced. So there's not going to be much editing ability in those. And Quanta is December 26th through January 1st. For those who wish to partake out. Starting on Boxing Day. But with that, we will get on to the D&D adventure. Hello, this is Mike, the DM for the Heart of Flame campaign. Starting on my right is... Michael playing Vantesh Bodeck, a Hill Dwarf Cleric, Combat Veteran, and Member of the Runemmer Clan. I am Jim playing Theoden of the Runemmer Clan, Level 4 Fighter, Mountain Dwarf. Hammer Smasher. I smash Hammer. I smash Hammer Smasher. I just whip him. I am Tom playing Dally, a Level 4 Steampunk. Sorcerer and Tinker. Adopt a daughter of Thurl Runemmer. This is Scott playing Dane Runemmer, third level Paladin of Torm, Code Dwarf, and Syon to the Runemmer Clan. This is Thomas playing Barrow Iron Hearth, a Level 4 Dwarven Fighter, and a Dragon's Flame. There's a little tiny asterisk next to that, but that's what it says. But technically, all is the Dragon Kin Slayer. Yes. I'm John playing Kirth, the Clanless Dwarf Orphan. I'm currently awarded to the Runemmer Clan. Alright, so the myths that have been rolling in from below have increased to the point where they are flowing up to the gate and the walls. So the visibility has cut down the zombies, there's ten of them, that are the former occupants and guards and farmers of this place. Have just about reached the main gate. Which sets of five? Or all ten in one? They are in a mob, so however... I'll just do something correct. They're going to the front gate, but they have not yet encountered the Abbot Incastello... A difficult terrain. Yes. They are just about to enter that difficult terrain. Okay, great. Which were, I believe, were ball bearings. That was it. I couldn't think of the word ball bearing. Okay, so then what's going to happen too is... Several more of these sturdy, heavy looking dragonborn have, as if they were catapulted into the courtyard, have sailed over the walls and landed. And they are engaged by the giant shield wardens that were brought in by Alvin Duhickey. And much like the sound of boulders rolling down the mountain, these golems have been fighting these dragonborn and their arms and fists are just hammering them back and forth. And it sounds like boulders crashing together, so it is thunderously loud in the courtyard as the golems are engaged. Also, for those on the gate looking south, they will see to the southeast that fires and explosions have begun to erupt. And you hear the sounds of battle with orchards that were still out there in the woods and had not made it to the farmstead. So your second flank that had been led by Mila and that had the spiderwood barbarians involved have been engaged. So there is a fight going on out in the woods concealed by the heavy cold mists, but you do see flashes of explosions and you hear the sounds of screaming orcs and battle cries of the barbarians. And it is a brew ha ha. And Gellig is helping take out those. He was on his way to help back up Faden and Barrow fight to the odd looking dragonborn that had penetrated the West Gate and he stops as if he hears something and then he is going to cut it off into the structure where the humans and some of the other civilians have once again gone. They haven't gone back into that vault area, but they are kind of in the stable area that we talked about before. We are going to start with the action. So Gellig has kind of stopped as if he noticed or was alerted to something and before he didn't have time to say anything. He turns and bolts and disappears into the areas where the humans were acting as a rear guard inside the complex. All around you, like I said, you hear the thunderous crash of those shield guardians fighting some others of those similar type of sturdy looking dragonborn. Thank you. And they get to attack. And right now, I believe the only people that are in range there are Faden and Barrow. Barrow has the advantage of higher ground as he's still in the stairs. Is that correct? Or you want to be there? I totally want to be in there. Okay. It would be more prudent not to be, but I already come. Of course, I don't think I could have made it there that fast unless I jumped. I'll change your mind a minute. Probably. Because it's easy to change your mind. It just doesn't matter. Say I don't read it. Pod. So, these heavy spears, these odd looking dragonborn produce what looked like. They didn't look like spears. They have like heavy rods. Two of them lunge towards you. Do one of them sails wide and one of them clips you. Your armor, does it have your armor? Was it a slash? It was a good slash. Okay. It takes six points of damage as it hits you and doesn't deflect you. The other two miss. So, what happens is the bar of metal comes at you like a spear. But you're able to bash it away with your hammer, pairing the blow. It's cool. But this is like a 40 pound. The fact that they've hurled it at you is pretty intimidating. So, only one hit out of three attacks. And they continue in towards the center. At the front gate, the zombies enter into the zone, slowing them down. But they end up making it to the door and they begin to batter at the door. That was already damaged if you remember from the sorcery landing strikes. Excuse me. Last week I said I was delaying my turn until the zombies reached the front gate at which time I activate my device. So, what I do is I have a large pole that I just throw downward in front to land right in amongst them. Right. As they're slowing up in the difficult terrain. Right. And it has tiny little blades on it that are attached to the center pole and they wing around just cutting them to ribbons. Maple. And what Dally has to do is there's an attachment to a box that she has to wind every once in a while to keep the momentum going. And what that in effect... Request concentration. Yes. It's the fact that the spell requires you to concentrate. So, every turn she has to spend a moment to give it a wind so that it keeps going. So, it is in effect what she's doing is casting cloud of daggers. It is a five by five by five cube. It can be done 60 feet away. She's just doing it straight below her so. Right. And it does a total of four dice four slicing damage to anything that enters that cube of spinning death. Does the crackbox play talk resolution? And it absolutely does. Well okay, then that's what happens and I'm going to ask that you roll die four plus one to show how many... How many are affected? Yeah, how many are affected? Because there is ten filling an area that's 30 by 10 or 20 by 10. So, how many fell into this cube? Right. Would be a total of five of those. I will roll. I roll the four. Fair enough. On the four sided pink dice. Thank you so much. Dispers. Wow. I rolled four twos. So, eight damage. Unbelievably average in you. Yeah. As the daggers spin about cutting zombie flesh to ribbons. Technically slightly. This is an area of effect now in front of the gate that as long as you concentrate is... It continues spinning and causing death. If they stay in that hatch from that area they will continue to take additional damage every time. Yeah, they're all damage every time. I saw it. Look at the gym. I don't remember. The knives are like, are they like metal ribbons or what are they? Yes. Let's go with metal ribbons. Sounds much more interesting. Okay, so the metal ribbons unravel and just start to shred through the flesh. Just really making a nasty mess and stink and tearing into them. You have a total of five zombies take eight points of damage. That's a lot. The remaining zombies begin to batter at the remains of the main gate. So that is what they are doing. As Deli's movement, she moves away from the main gate and faces towards. Is there anybody in the courtyard that you can see? I thought you were having to maintain your device. It's just a concentration. I can't do more than one spell that has concentration. It's a long chord which allows me some play. And every once in a while they give it a little twig, twig, twig shirt. But just looking in the courtyard, is there anybody available there? Do you see the dwarf that was riding that wiver and the speaker? He's up there shouting orders. He should be able to make a roll to see through the illusion, but we don't remember what general. Oh no, we do now because it's DC based now. I mean he can roll to see if you notice or suspect. Eight plus John's probably intelligence modifier. Three, eleven. Anything from a fourteen or below? Not only twenty. Up there. I tell without a doubt that there is Kurt again. You just look for the play so that would be most dangerous for him to be. They're intending to be the enemy leader. Alright, that's Kurt. Taking this up, you can move and close and attack against three of those robust dragonborn. Yeah, let's get myself killed. Okay, do you go for the ones that none of them have been damaged yet, really? Yeah, and I told you that now that you're up close to them, that they appear to be made of stone. Oh, wonderful. You need to work now. You should be able to take that thing right apart. Alright, with a hammer too. That's what they're for. And a chisel. If you brought one. Think about some of the little rocks. Yeah, I'll shout out their stones. And your hammer is magical, correct? Yes, that's right though. Okay. Alright, I'm going to attempt to smash the first one. Is it an axe or a hammer? Die ten damage. Or a eleven plus seven is eighteen. You hit? Plus the plus. So it's just a straight up attack. And I rolled a big, I can't roll one. Yeah, we roll ones and twos. Oh, the ten. Alright, nice. Like the one. So that should be a total of fifteen points of damage. Yeah, sorry. Cool. You use my axe research, which gives me another action, which would be like an attack again. Go for it. Yeah. And you can only use that once per long rest. Okay. Like a three plus seven, so like ten. Alright. You hit them, but it's like hitting a statue and the hammer bounces off. Anything else. I don't think there's anything else except just... Oh my gosh. Alright. Now you're amongst them. Yes. And you realize when they go close that these, they are gargoyles in the shape of Dragonborn. I think we're on. Go, Fantash. The zombies are aware. Wait, there's ten at the door. And as you look out, you see more through the mist. You hear the moans and groans of more. That seem to be cresting over the edge of the plateau. All of them. It's time. So I hold my holy symbol, which is the double axe pendant on it. Oh, nice. And I call on torn to switch the end down away. So you turn it on dead. And they run away. All within 30 feet after everything. They are definitely within 30 feet. Have to make a wisdom save or... Will they do or... Fast as possible. Okay, I'm going to roll two dice. And I'm going to do it by groups. Okay, and what's the save that they have to achieve? Wisdom. Wisdom. What's your radius? They're the same as mine. Yeah. So it looks like from where you're at. And 20, 30, about half of them. So that's why we're not making opposite sides, probably. Yeah. So he calls, Fantash calls upon the power of torn. Torn answers. The jewel in your holy symbol flares with divine light. All of them screech with just a horrible, horrible sound. And they all turn and try to flee away from you as fast as possible, which they find very difficult, stumbling over themselves, and in the difficult ball bearing terrain that they are. That would be hilarious. I bet you'd be slipping and falling and crawling and straightening back up. Well, you're so silly. How long does that effect happen for? Just forever. Oh, my God. One minute or until it takes any damage? So five out of the ten are trying to run away. Do you want to move or do anything? Yeah, where's the action with the thaden? So what thaden is behind you, into the west, is that long range right now with the crossbow, but you could get there next round if you want. I'd begin moving there. There's also, if you remember, two draconian sorcerers that one had crashed in front of the gate, and he had died. And the other one was on crash at the top of the gate, too. So he's still up there. But he paled himself on the gate. Yeah, he's dead. Right? No, I think Gillick had clicked one out of the air, and he crashed land below the derby. He's either right now, right? You can see the one down below you. Well, then I don't run. I'm going to shoot him because he's a sorcerer. Now, you've already taken an action that-- Oh, I can only move. Right, you can only move. So I just, you know, do you want to move farther on the wall? Do you want to-- Yeah, I'll move closer to the sorcerer. Okay. And just as we mentioned them, from out of the mist and darkness, comes this sorcerer. And he sees Dally, Dane, and Van Tesh up on the wall. He looks into the courtyard and sees-- This boss. Well, he sees two of his bosses, one dead one alive. I buried that guy. I mean, I like to-- Disfigured him so that I could pass this in. Or what about-- Wait, illusion. You just illusioned him. That's what I meant. It just is a courtyard. What are you talking about? I should have thought of him as a well. He just did a quick illusion. One, two, three, four, five, six. Dally. The tronian sorcerer sees the type of contraption in magic you see in your zombie slice and dicer. And-- Unco. The rock goes on the fire. And he finds this sparking staff at you. And fires. Am I blessed? Yes. But it's not a production versus evil. No. Saving throws in. I haven't done that spell yet because I have to concentrate to maintain the stupid-- [laughter] -- whatever. That's irrelevant. [laughter] He hurt himself. No, clearly. Oh, my god. My brother is protecting me. Way to give him this double tone. Is that a gun? No, not painted as a double one. But what happens is the traconian points the staff at Dally and lets loose a bolt of lightning. And the lightning somehow is rerouted around her in discharges the power of torments. You know, he could actually hit one of-- He could get the loop over because it's lightning and hit one of the golems. He rolled two ones in a row. I made a rock. Yeah, I did. You know what? Two ones in a row. The lightning can totally-- Okay. That's fine. So then the one down below that is still alive and that was not effective because he's not undead, turns, and blasts the door with his lightning bolt. All right. And the main gate is breached. The repairs, while they held up against the battering of the zombies for some seconds and the previous attacks. But this last bolt of lightning breaches the main gate. So there is-- Who cast the lightning? The source word down below on the outside of the gate. Where's the one that aimed at Dally? He's on top of the tower with you. He has the power of flights. He's zipping around. Sure. Yeah, that's what I expect him to do. Gaining. Much to my dismay I follow through with-- Because the turn unholy is what matters here because as long as we can turn the other half the unholy, they do not go through the gates as many of the gates had been breached. So I go ahead and do turn unholy. Calling upon the power of Torm, the sanctity of these dwarven hills and they need to make a wisdom saving throw. Otherwise, they're turned for one minute just like. And what's the same throw that I have to make? At least a 12. So you have the same power in range as the cleric or is it-- Sure. It's exactly the same actually. Okay. Apparently you guys are mightier than the foes of darkness tonight because-- Look, there's a-- I am rolling horribly. What happens is on your side, the remaining zombies that have been battering at the door, they too put up a screech as the power of Torm flows through you, ignites through your holy symbol and shines down upon them, illuminating them with holy light and authority, driving them in fear to get away from you as fast and as quickly as possible. And the first wave of zombies have been repelled from the main gate and are struggling right now to get away from you as fast as possible through the difficult terrain. So I'll go into the cave. So that means you are going to leave the courtyard and you're going to head into the caverns and you can see on the map where I've drawn the access points. I have a cunning action, bonus action once per round to dash and disengage your hide and I'm going to be using that to get farther. So you head into the structure and the caves that go into the mountain. All right. Burrow. At the height of your parabola, as you are arching off the stairs and you see below you three targets and four targets, depending on how you want to look at the situation. I'll land on Satan, but I may make for somebody else. You've broken my wall perfectly. Thank you. Thank you very much. I don't know. Are any of them visibly damaged that I should aim for them? From this perspective, a 12 feet in the air. You see the one that barrel head hit previously. I'm going to strike that one with my wall. I'm going to give you a little plus five to damage for whatever one you hit if you hit. All right, I'm aiming for the injured one already. Okay. The weapon that you're using is a magic and bludgeoning. Okay, great. It's a mall, which is like a very large. It's a big heavy heavy. Great. Perfect for breaking rocks. Yeah. All right. I'm spending my inspiration because this would be a really boring time to miss. That's how I do it. I get it. I spend it. That's a seven. That's a one. This is bullshit. Anyway, I'm blessed. I rolled a one, which is just enough. You have to hit 15. Just enough because this is a seven plus one is eight plus seven. It's 15. You just barely hit it. Beautiful. Yeah. Screaching out of the air. Very nearly missed my target. You also would like to, could you roll a quick athletics check for me to make sure that you don't land poorly? Yes. Acrobatics or athletics? Athletics, I'm going to treat it as a feat of athletics. Oh. That's 20. I skinned to his toe. The women. There's a pure way. Oh, goddamn parade. You're right on the go on's head. No, that's great. Yeah. Play America's rock. Yeah. Don't adjust. You have been, you've been climbing, flying dragons. Bring them down. And now you're just your. Yoda at the end of the attack of the clones. All right. Great. And then plus five to it. Two to six plus five and I'm going to spend another maneuver because why not? Is it bonus action? Yeah. These are bonus actions. They add an extra die eight to my damage. This one is going to be a distracting attack, which is on the off chance I don't kill this thing. The next person to strike it before my turn gets advantage on their attack. Oh, I'm good. Yes. And I had an extra die eight to damage. Five, six, six. That's a good roll. Twelve. Why not? Ten. Twenty-two. Plus five. Five. Damage. It's twenty-seven. You bring it to its knees, but it's not dead. And that was a resounding. Correct. Correct. Yeah. Thunderous. For their tough. You can see the cracks forming where you hit it. You see shards of stone. Ship away from it. And so it's cracked. It's stunned. It's almost been... The force has not quite off its feet or prone, but it's staggered. Right. And I shout out something like "fade and aim for the hip." That's where the crack ends. You'll crack it right in half. Okay. So you also landed beautifully, so I don't know why I bothered to make you roll. Okay. So we're at the top of the order again. Things have gotten crazier in hectic. Now it's the zombies turn. These turn starts with them taking those five, taking eight damage. Alright. Well, unless you want me to roll each turn? I'll leave it up to you because you only rolled pretty much down the road there. Do you want to have a potential to roll worse or better to tell you the truth? So I'll roll again. What the hell? Just for... Because why not? It only takes a second. Four, eight, and four more. So that'd be twelve. So... Did all the zombies get in range turn? I would like you to roll one die four plus one. I rolled a three. Okay. Three of the zombies are shredded and they lose their arms and limbs and basically expire again. So three of the zombies are down. Double death. Well, the other two are not affected by the turn. Do you want that to work differently? They do. They do have a different thing where they get a save throw to the month they're reduced to zero hit points. So they're against death? They didn't die yet. Sort of. They don't... They're still coming for you so even though you've damaged them enough to kill them, they're not quite dead yet. Well, they are dead. These are big chunks. The other ones are little chunks. But the point is... The big chunks are still dangerous. He's eliminated three. Two of them remain and now two of them are no longer affected by the turn. And the other five are still flowing. Dally you're up. So I'm on the wall. Next to me is a flying draconian that landed... Yes. And tried to shoot me on a mess. And mess horribly. I pull out my gun that shoots little balls of fire. And fire pretty much point blank into this guy's face. So this lobs little balls of hard hair scene and invites them as they go by. And I am using... I believe I have inspiration. Maybe I don't. Now you can't. You do now. I use inspiration and I'm using the wild dice for this because it's a level three spell that I'm casting. Which is Scorching Ray. Oh. A nine on the cast dice, so nothing. A seventeen plus my four makes a twenty one. That's a hit. All three of these things hit point blank range. And I am rolling. They don't have an area of effect, right? No, they're two dice sticks for each one. And I can aim them in a spray. I'm just hitting all into this one so it's six dice six damage. Like a predator. Right. These little three little dots appear on a turret. And it takes a total of lots. That's twelve. That's twenty two. And that's twenty seven damage. Holy cannoli, man. We tied. The rapid fire. The rapid fire. Punches a scorched hole through the sorcerer and blows him clear off the wall. And his lifeless body tumbles from the wall and collapses on fire into the courtyard below. Into the blades. I'm going to see how it's moving. Hold on the inside. I look at the other Draconian. Point my hand and I'm turn and then do the finger. The opponent's down below. Come here. I dare you. The little stuff is. I dare you. Are you moving? I make faces out. No, I'm. Okay. Apparently doing quite well. However, given a couple more wines so that the ribbons of death continue to spin below me at the gates where the zombies are. And that's just considered your concentration, right? It's not an actual action. Right. Theiden. He stuck the landing beautifully. It's a ten for ten even from the Russian judge. So. It's similar to the Thor thing. He lands on the ground boom. Yeah. That's awesome. So, you have two unwounded gargoyles and one heavily damaged gargoyles. It's better to take the one out that looks like it. Take them out. You get advantage on that one. I get advantage so I get two. Two. Oh, yeah. A team. All right. That's a hit. That's a ten. Plus. Five is a team. Or did you say fifteen points a day? Fifteen points a day. You shatter. That gargle shatters into rubble. And my hammer continues and swings into the one next to it. That's part of your special attack part. My special sweeping attack. If the original attack roll would hit the second creature. It takes damage equal to the number you rolled on your superiority die. I do so severely. Yeah. Roll a die. That's how much damage you do. Five. And your magic weapon seems to be effective against this. Vantash. You have a source or draconian below you. Two zombies that have been attacked by Dali's contraption. And five others that are still feared and moving away. Can I get to the sorcerer? You can do a breach attack or you can drop down and do a melee attack. You'll be dropping down outside the gate into difficult terrain to see where. I guess I want to stay inside. I want to stay like anything that comes through the breach. I want to hit first. Then you can fall. You can move down behind the gate and take up position in front of the breach. But I don't know if you'll be able to reach him through the breach. Can I move and fire my crossbow? Yes, you can aim. I'll change weapons afterwards then. Or could you technically Vantash jump down and ready, like say, like reserve an action for the first zombie to come through? I want to hit the same guy. Okay. No, don't worry. I don't give a shit about this enemy. Okay. So it's just so unclear. You want to attack with your ranged weapon or you want to drop down with the crossbow? Okay. Probably the last time. I'm going to hit the sorcerer with this. I'll throw it out. That's where you want to think again. So this is virtually a point blank attack. Your ranged attack with the crossbow into the exterior is my turn. And proficiency. So 12. You need a 15 or better? 15. You hit and your crossbow is... Like crossbow, 1.6. Two. Two. You stick a crossbow into him. Then you want to move. I want to be the first thing. Okay. So how about this? You fired your crossbow. You hit the sorcerer. You kind of get him through the shoulder. But it doesn't look like you hit him solidly. So you know that it didn't cause a lot of damage. Then I will let you fall backward off the top of the gate and land in position behind the breach. Great. So you are now inside the gate guarding the breach. Do you agree? Yes. That's what happens. Perfect. So you'd already take your attack and move. You really can't take a ready action. But that's what you're going to do. But the sorcerer is coming through that breach. And he sees you there. You can see Draconian with his staff as sparked with lighting. He opens his mouth and breathes a cone of fire at that whole gate and through the breach. Mainly with you as the main target. And I need you to make a saving throw. And you need to be a 15. Do you want to have a news? Holy cow. 13. Okay. So you're going to take... Is that your toll? That's just a... He does just his basic role. His basic role beat the save throw. So Torm is watching it off from one of his favorite sons here. But the fire does envelop you. The gate is now also on fire. The gate you look out. And I had said before that there seems to be a second wave of zombies coming. But the myths are so thick and heavy that it's difficult to see very far beyond the walls. All right. I jumped down from the parapet. On the outside of the gate? On the outside of the gate. Also to where the dragonborn is. Okay. I'm going to have you roll an athletics check because you are landing on to difficult terrain with a bunch of ball bearings. Welcome. Natural 20. That's fantastic. That's fantastic. You're the most graceful group of dwarves you've ever seen. Now if you guys are held this would be so awesome. But it's pretty cool that you're dwarves too. So... A little center of gravity. You know? From like ball bearings on our foot. Then can I give you even cooler? More impressive, less cool. Torm is with you tonight very well. Torm rocks. So the two-handed sword. At the T-shirt. The shields drop. The two-handed sword. I take part. Art is through the night sky and strikes the dragon man. Since you made the wonderful natural 20 there, I will give you what I gave Barrow before, which is I'll give you a +5 damage to attack if you turn this into an attack. It is an attack. Yeah, it is an attack. I'm going to attack. Is that what you're saying? Yeah, you're landing with the full and you're using your food. Oh, okay. You have +5 bunk on the head damage. Got it. Okay, that's fair. I rolled a 6. I do get to add 6 to my attack, which is 12. That's the best you got? Yes. The best of the... I have two dicey rolled sticks. So it was really, I stuck the landing. But that's about it. But unfortunately, you were facing at first. Did he get to 15? But if I see something, Michael, I'll come back to me. But right now I believe I swung and missed. Well, the source was able to dodge and deflect out of her way. But it was pretty impressive. And now you are down there. So all your movement is now halved. Right. Gane, get in here beside me. You're the guy who funneled them in and you jumped out of the open. Well... You are also, by the way... I find my reckless air a little bit. There's a whirling contraction of dallies. Right. That is... Yes. Very good. You look like all preachers, right? Not just any... Oh, absolutely. Okay. You could have made an effect, not an ally. I'm sure. You could have made it not affect his allies. But none of them were out there. Okay. I don't know if they're dumb. Oh. Super good. The trip has made it to the doorway here leading into the cavern complex. Okay. I caught up to Gelly. You do not see Gelly at all, but you do hear sounds of fighting in combat. And you hear shouts in common. It just sounds like the roar of combat right now. You don't hear particular phrases or words. Then I run and double run and dash on top of that. Yeah. I got a cunning urge. Well, it's per round. Okay. I got to read that. It sounds like a drill. It sounds wrong. So, starting from the doorway, tell me where you're going to run into. Okay. I figured they haven't been driven back or if they have... I still need to go this way. So, I had done that passageway towards them. Okay. Running, double running, and then dashing. Why not? All right. So, your double dash will take you to the end of that quarter right there. And at the ground, you find one of the human guards apparently dead on the ground. He's lying face down. That's my turn. Right. You come to... And you hear sounds of combat coming from the east. Okay. And you hear also the cries and whirprings of the civilians. All right. That's where I'm headed. Next turn. And the... Mr. Guy Barrow. The guard goes up shattered. They didn't have shipped another one. And now it's two to two. It's a fair fight. All right. The chipped one. I aim for that one. I should mark up another turn on this blessing. How long have they lasted a full minute? They do, but it's been about, I think, six turns since the combat started maybe seven. It's been six. It was six at a time. Just one die plus the die four. Right. You need to hit a 15. I hit a 15. I indeed hit a 17 without adding anything. Two to six. I'm going to add another die eight. It's going to be a distracting attack again because I want to work these guys down quickly. We roll ones, which is great because both my sixes are ones. We roll twos, which is great because one of my sixes was a two. I'm three dice. And the next time they didn't attack that target for my turn, you will get advantage. I'm sorry. I forgot to add my actual strength plus five more for 21. Okay. You two have hit them solidly, causing some cracks to appear, and they respond in kind. That seems fair. All right. Well, he does not hit you, but you're able to deflect his attack. And the second one is going to go for Thaden. And that one misses Thaden completely. But they do continue to press on. What are they showing them with? They lost their speed. Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I'm glad you said something. I made a mistake. They get actually now that you guys are in close for the attack. So I've missed one attack with both you. Now I'm rolling for the other green die for the other attacks. I said you're the green die, right? Yeah. Okay. I'm sorry. Barrow gets critically hit. This one hits you with a bite. Is it slashing damage? No, it's piercing. Sharpens their teeth. Empire? They've been the claws were slashing that missed. This one was a bite. Yeah. Or you know what? Do you want to roll that? No. All right. You feel good? You would take damage. I'm just complaining because I got to be hit with slashing and I made a very bad choice to begin this campaign. All right. Which in character is a very good choice because I fight orcs all the time who tend to use axes. You take five points of piercing damage. On a crit? Kind of bite. On a crit. It's a bite. And I rolled poorly. Well, all right. Oh, I'm sorry. Some points of damage. That's similar, but different. They move closer to where you saw a kirth run into. They run away from us? They're moving. Do they disengage? Oh, yeah. Do these stupid rock things disengage? They are trying to get past you. So they will, they've attacked you, which means they can't disengage. They have to move past you. An instant response to a trigger event. Only one reaction per turn, but it is not the same as a bonus action. So if you spend your bonus action, you still get a reaction. So yeah, swear a lot to perform an opportunity attack. Both of us are. All right. Yes. Each one gets a chance at any bonus. Is that an advantage? If you attack the target that I gave you advantage on. He's already taken that attack. No, because it persists. He took that attack. I did another one. That's why I rolled three dice. I'm doing it whenever I can. I want this guy's dead. So he's going to attack the chip damage one and get his bonus. I'm going to attack the undamaged one because I don't want to play too much damage on one that I think is going to die when they didn't hit it. Hopefully I hit it. Yes. Go for it. I just saw you. Am I allowed to do a sweetie attack? No. No. I don't know. That requires a bonus action, which you don't get during a reaction. This is like roll low day for me. 13. 15. You got 15? I got plus two plus. There's a 15 hit. Yes. Just roll for damage, die 10. Plus five, probably. Plus five. Strength plus magic bonus. Twelve. It's still going. Man. I'm going to attack the undamaged one. Bullshit. But maybe livable. Seven plus two is nine plus seven again. Sixteen. Is it hit? Two die six. No bonus die this time. Roll the one for 14 on the undamaged one. Okay. There was five of them. Three were cut to ribbons and died. Two of them took damage, so didn't move away. The two that are in the ribbons of death take 11 more damage. And they also are ginsued up. So there is now nothing but zombie slurry among the ball bearings in front of the breach. And it's now extremely dilapidated. Right. And you see emerging from the mist another 10 zombies approaching the breach gate. And that gate that you're on is also, actually it was unfired. So Dally, what do you do? From where I am on the top of the gate. Dally takes out her thunder gun and points it down. Down below. Both at the flames and at the draconian. She works once. You think it works again? I'm going to try. I am going to send a point to do a spell point. Two actually. One to empower the spell and one to miss my brother who is in the midst of the area I'm about to hit. That would be a 20. The wild dice was only a 12. It does two dice eight damage. As an empowered spell I have the option to reroll up to three dice off the two eye roll. Is it an area of effect? Yeah. What is the size of the area effect? 15 foot cube up to 10 feet away. Okay. So 15 foot cube is pretty big. And you're in it at the sorcerer in the door. Yeah. I'm trying to blow out the fire in addition to pound the sorcerer into the ground. So you're also trying to craft it so dang does not get caught in the blast as well. Is that what I heard? Correct. Okay. And that automatically succeeds by my spending. Correct. The damage is taken and blows them 10 feet away which is I would probably say the equivalent of falling 10 feet. If I'm pounding them in the ground. Yeah. Right. But they can take saving throw to take half damage. Which is why you have a part. What type of save is it? It is. Constitution. Constitution. And as it turns out irrelevant. So here's what happens. Slam a wicker guitar riff. This was error sound or what? A thunderclap. A thunderclap. So the bolt. The gun goes off. The sorcerer is pummeled as if he was stopped by an invisible boot into a little crater scattering a bunch of ball bearings and slushy zombie. The main gate shatters under this explosive force. And while it does put out the, well, it explodes, well it deficits the door. The door kind of was barely moving on to begin with. And now effectively the gates open and the fire is out but they're all a bunch of smoldering pieces on the ground. And Dane is unharmed through it all. His capes and robes are ruffled a bit but that's about it. They're just flowing up behind him with his hair stream. Well done, sis. Delly gives little thumbs up on the top of the gate as the second sorcerer dies beneath her wrath. You outdid them. I warned him. Mm-hmm. What do you think? I'm pursuing gargoyle. Okay. Okay. And we're up behind one and bump him on the head without any problem. But you move it 30 feet. What do you move it? You cannot move fast though. It's a catch up to me. You cannot. They move 30 feet. They move 40 feet. But they are on the far side of you so you can probably just catch up to them. But they may outdistance you after this attack if you don't kill them. Well I might try it. I hit him. 17 plus. All right. That's a hit. We're going after the damage when I hit him. Yeah. 7 plus 5, 12. 12 to the damage one. Is the other one standing right next to him? And that is just enough to shatter that gargoyle. Hi mom. Savvy into the next one. It would hit so I just roll a die eight. And that's how much damage you'll deal with that one. Right. He's spending his... I hit him with a big extra two to the one next to it. And then I want you to run away. Okay. Wonderfully done. Oh, maybe. Van Tesh. How close are the second wave of zombies? They're about 80 feet away from you. Oh. Bloody Italian. How large is the entrance? That is now blown open from down to the top. 20 feet wide. 20 feet wide? Sounds like it's just wide enough for two dwarves to hold. Too really fat to hold. Sorry. If you think of a ten foot spacer thing don't you? At least they're wide more. What's my nearest target? Your nearest target are either a formale. You have no apparent targets right now. You have a lull in battle. But you could use ranged attack or spell fire if you have the ability. We're getting a very short rest. I'm going to do a spell divine favor from Torm that gives me a plus one die for damage. With my weapon, one of that happens. All right. Which might be next turn. Are you moving or? I'm just placing myself to take up half the space of this. Okay. You're holding the gate. Yeah. Leaving one for Dan to join me. Dan. I do that. I fill the other half of the entranceway. Dan holds the line. Prepare my great sword. Say some prayers to Torm and wait for the next wave of undead to meet their final maker. We got wounded all of you. That thing's significant. All right. Lay on hands then. Just a big shard. Are you guys in front of the line, the worthy gig of death? Depends on where you're coming from. We're installing gate. That's just the good. Outside the gate we are behind. All right. Kurt. What does the... He owes you five points. Thank you. I run the corner. And see. There you see most of the civilian or the farmers are being kind of cowering in the far corner of this wide storage room. You see bodies of what appear to be skeletons that are packed with dirt all around them. You also see eruptions from the hard packed earth floor that look like things have kind of burrowed or come up through or emerged. Kind of similar to what you saw before on your way here where things have kind of come up from the ground and better go their way out. And you see what looks like an achy pool of blackness that looks like an... like an onyx squid. Kind of taking up the room and just hammering and fighting against the humans who are fighting the thing. They are wounded, but they're put up manually. And the squid, one of the arms, also seems to have coiled around the chest that they had been carrying. Is Gilligan here already just run away like a hand? Do you do that? See Gilligan. I believe in this room we had them defended by a cannon that would blow up and destroy everything in the room. So defended to the liberal return. There's supposed to be a cannon we have in the defense assembly, right? That was, I think, in the vault. I can't remember where you told me you guys put it, so if you want it to be in this room it can be in this room. Okay. I try to get the creatures' attention and get them to line up with this thing. Well, I press to digitate that thing on fire. So your action is to dead the device? Yeah. And trying to get hit. Long just pointed at the bad guy. As long as it's pointed at the bad guy. They were saying it didn't really have an aid as much as it was a... It's going to detonate and explode. Oh yeah, it doesn't work by? You want to mean your body, mean your body, yes. Okay, yeah. They were in the middle of trying to put it into their area so they could use it. And then this thing came out of the ground. I got this. In between the score and the chest is this giant cannon that I ignite and try to blow it to bits. I don't know what kind of damage it does. You're about to find out. And the device explodes. Alright. That actually might be a good place to stop. You just set off a bomb inside a cavern filled with this unexquid, wounded human warriors, and most of the civilian farmers. So you'll see what happens. Mostly I want to blow up the chest to see what was in there because the sliders are lying. We've got to have no idea that they could kick such ass. I didn't know I could run it so fast. Don't wizards take a while to get good? I'm a sorcerer. You're also using up all your powers. Oh absolutely. I've got nothing left except for levels there, okay? Yeah, and even after me and Jim run out of maneuvers, there's still going to be the fight. Well my ketchup's aren't terrible. Thank you for listening tonight's of the night's actual play podcast. If you'd like to send us questions, comments, or feedback, you can reach us in a number of ways. From Twitter @KOTN_podcast or by email feedback@KOTNpodcast.com. And don't forget the iTunes reviews or our Facebook page, Facebook.com/KOTN.podcast. Speaking of Facebook, join like-minded folks at our Facebook fan page. And lastly, there's our blog page, KOTNpodcast.com, where there's an Amazon link on the right hand side. Thanks to Zen Audio Smith for the intro and outro music. Get your own music at zenaudiosmith.com. And join us next week for more mystery and adventure. Previous three weeks, I think I said level three even though I haven't been. I was wondering what was the emphasis for? Is that one word to our forefoot? I like the word forefoot. Do our forefoot. Do our forefoot. It's kind of a fun word to say. It is. Do our forefoot. Do our forefoot. Do our forefoot. Do all of those pills that put you on the start? What advice are you doing? Am I doing anything? You can't just involuntary it. That it's... Right. She's already taking us to twerk. I did it today. I sent someone a message that said says, which is spelled... S-A-Y-S. And I went... But singular, it's say. So that would be say's. So says... I say's. I hate when I do that. It's like, it's a three-letter word. You're like, that doesn't... Do our forefoot sounds like a medication. Do our forefoot. I'd like 500 milligrams of dwarf orphaned, please. That's not a lot of dwarf orphaned. We need more dwarf orphaned here. Okay. So... Yes. And... Go. I've been magiced. It's nice. Nice right here. Yeah, nice tigs. Nice tigs. The ladies tell me that all the time. That's what the dwarf word is for it. Nice tigs. I'm trying to make... You know what I'm talking about. I am bronze. I am bronze. I am bronze. Well, they certainly look like dragonborn. And I'm announcing that to the group that they're... These are actually... Our stone. Our... Our rock. Shh. Just own rock. Okay. It's the same thing. Rock. Stop. Stop. Go for it. And now it's where you insert the Benny Hill music as they try to get through the ball bearings. You know, it's interesting. I could do that. The best solution to those zombies running away is for their commander to give them a swift slap in the face and point them in the right direction again. Because that's damaged. They'll just turn right around. I have a plan for that. That's funny. Thank you. Thank you for telling me how I can try to kill you guys. It's just interesting that this system works in such a way that any damage whatsoever will make these zombies not afraid of these... They're pretty good slap. Oh, he didn't say attack. He educated attack. Yes. But you have to shake damage. And then only that one zombie would be like, you know, bitch. Why'd you slap him? And then turn around and go back. I can change the direction in midair. Mario. I can swing it in a different direction. Okay. What are you doing over here? And I'm going to give you a... Inspiration? Because you already gave me that last week. No, I know. Okay. Bonus die damage? Yes. That will pull. Oh, good and gracious. That emergency? Is that me? What it is? That's not supposed to happen. Buster! I never did get that rest instantly. And you know how fighters get a second wind in the middle of combat? Clerics and wizards should get a second wind for spell slots. No argument here. You roll like a die six and you get that many spell slots back. Just the good guys. Well, yeah, of course. I don't care. Why do you always do that with me? Can we have the creators commentary track? There's a riff track. There's a riff track. And he's the part where they fucked it all up. I don't know what that is. It might be a riff track. Every single episode. Protectors have been putting over this bullshit. I don't know why I keep on coming here. I heard that. So you were asking if you're cutting action, can we take every single turn? Yes. Yeah, you can just move 75 feet all the time. I can fly. As long as you're always taking your cutting action to do that. Yeah. What's the turn? Yeah, you could alternatively spend it to disengage, which takes five foot step back and no one can attack you when you leave. And then run away. Or hide, which is advantageous. It's advantageous sometimes. I could argue that that is a terrible use of the careful spell modification I put on a particular one, but... What do you mean? That's the empowerment I put on the spell, was careful spell. So they wouldn't hurt you, Alice? Well, it only doesn't hurt my ally, which it didn't. But blowing the door open and open in the entire place to attack. Missed everyone else. Works for cinematics, so let's do it. It's the only method by which jelly is careful. It was already a damaged bad move. I'm not arguing. Okay. I just said it just... There was still any part. One could argue, I'm not. It's great for the game to move on. Elusions for the most part, from that distraction. It's not going to damage me. I just want it to be advantageous in common. Well, I think it's valid for a row to hide yourself. Yeah. But that's what I mean. It's distraction. It's crowd control. It's not really direct damage or direct. So I'm a good occasion. All right, I think you should have a good moment there when you want to. Maybe 70s or 80s when you had a female think and a bar. And you were approached by two big, clearly guys. It's up. They're going to intimidate you and I'm just like... They are in trouble. Four seconds. Did they know? What are they doing there? Well, we are just bursting with editor points for those people that don't annoy me. So if you have some, you could spend them at this point. Oh, for people who don't annoy you? Yes. No, no, no, no. I think everyone has a negative though. Everybody will do those. That's a very small club. What can I redeem negative points for? I have one. Oh, man, I don't even know when... Yeah, I don't think I read any of this.