[music] Hello and welcome to Night to the Night Actual Play podcast. This D&D Fifth Edition adventure, Heart of Flame, was written and run by your Dungeon Master Mike. And now, please enjoy episode 244, titled "I Browse Grow Back." Actual play begins 10 minutes, 30 seconds. We'll start feedback with an iTunes review. All right, what are we up to now? 94. See, I ask because I knew you wouldn't know. And we need like six more to get to a 100, which is a totally meaningless number. Right, except for the fact that it's round and 3 digits. It has two, not one but two zeros at the end of it. Yes, wow. Yeah, that's like twice as many as one. The title of the review was one of the only actual plays that isn't afraid to be serious. It is by B.F. Evans. All right, B.F. Evans. Or B.F. Evans. That's not just B.F. Evans. It's B.F. Evans 19. It's about a lot. Well, I'm going to be B. Evans. This is B.F. Evans was taken. The other 18 for B.F. Evans taken. And it was so much for serious, huh? Yeah, four B.F. Evans is like these guys are assholes. I'm not listening to them anymore. It was a five star that will soon be adjusted down to a one star rating. It's a three star. Are we able to start? No stars. I didn't know you should even go to the Fevons 20s. They made fun of my name. There are plenty of real good actual play podcasts that go for humor at the table. And those can be a lot of fun to listen to. But KOTN is one of the only ones that seems interested in having a more serious tone. I've only listened to their most recent story arc so far. And it's very refreshing to hear a game that is willing to be a little more thoughtful and measured. And the focus on the crunch of the game as well as the story and the characters. This is a show where things like marching order and encumbrance matter. This podcast is so far unique out of what I've listened to. And I'm very happy that at least one show like this exists. Right. That was a very nice preview. Mr. B. F. Evans and we appreciate that. Or Mrs. B. F. Evans, as a case making. Or Ms. Or Sir. Thanks B. F. Evans. Best friend to Evan. So that brings us one closer to 100. Yes. Not to mention. I'm sure the Fevons vision of our show is quite honest to everything we've recorded. We don't always care about marching order and encumbrance. But we never shy away from the serious. Yeah. We intentionally try to be immersive into whatever universe we're playing. And we don't play it off the car. And I was describing it to someone at work. We don't. She wants to do her own podcast. And I was excited. She plays a lot of RPGs. But I'm the PC. And I was explaining table time. So we're in the fact that ours is we don't do the potty humor. We don't do the easy joke. We try to stay in character and treat the world as if it's a real thing. Right. We do easy jokes. They just don't make it if I do right to that. And prove. To be fair though, they are kind of few and far between. Like if you were to do this release an entire episode, I think 80% of the night is probably pretty serious and 20% is joking. And I don't think that's very common. No, I mean, I listened to a lot of actual plays myself and there are people will just blast over the top of somebody else with a joke and ruin the moment. Right. At least we're playing enough to wait for the moment to finish and then take that cheap joke. And one thing I wanted to mention on BF Evans review, like to elaborate on a little bit, if he thinks that Dungeons and Dragons is serious and mature, you know, wait to or shape world of day, how about they wait to they get a chance to delve into the Dres and files or World of Darkness especially. They are obviously a lot more serious and they'll probably enjoy that tone as well as they maybe go further on and listen to other systems if they choose to do so. We intentionally picked Dungeons and Dragons because it's less serious than some of the other games. Right. But we still have to treat it that way. We did our role playing style. Because of who we are. Over on Facebook episode 243, divine smite his ass. So serious. Hey, they voted for it. That is forever our defense now. Luke G posted and said, I think you missed understand how concentration works. And then he went into explaining how concentration works, which I stated was pretty much how we understood how concentration works. Concentration in regards to spellcasting. Yeah. John's character cast an illusion that had a concentration component to it. And we discussed it. And I think we did exactly what Luke was saying. Yeah, pretty good. We looked at the rule too. Right. I may have in Luke's defense cut it out. Yeah, I think he was some of the expression that we thought that any spellcast would lose concentration. Right. And that's what he described that other spells can be cast as long as they too don't have a concentration component component to it, then he would have to give up the first one. Right. Which is how I thought we understood it. But then there's other ways to lose kind of a film checks and damage as a possible. But thanks for the update regardless Luke. Jason M also posted on that episode and said it's too bad and like isn't quite here yet. But Mike is doing a great job in the descriptions of the areas. Thank you. You're Michael. He's right. Yes. Between him and you guys it's not a problem to follow the flow of the fight even without seeing the maps. Very well done. Oh God, I'm glad. Just don't worry about that. The end is difficult because it is so map centric and it was something that Mike was concerned about it. I agree. He's doing a really good job of describing it. Paul B also was the last to post on episode 243 and Paul said shut up Thomas. You are right. Swords are useless against armor unless you use them like a spear or a hammer technique that is known as half sorting. Had a little picture that he posted that I posted out. I believe he's being humorous because that guy is holding the sort upside down and trying to hit somebody with it. That could be the thing. I don't know. Well if you're also wearing armor I guess you could do that. Yeah. I don't know how thoroughly they actually protected the fingers because they were supposed to protect from outside strikes but I do literally mean I don't know. I've been to the museum but I don't stare intricately at the hand joints. Maybe he can elaborate on his post or did he for next week to a Wikipedia. If he explains the joke it's so much funnier. Well if it's a joke but it might not be. If you might if you had gauntlets on you might be able to beat the shit out of someone with the the pummel. I mean that you know what that's where that came from. I'm going to pummel his ass. Yeah but because they would put the sword around. I'm going to fill in for Paul here. Shut this guy. The pummel's the bottom but he was using like the I don't know what it's called. I guess the hand guard. That was like a hand guard. I think we're going to hear from that one again. Yeah. Help us. Help us Paul. I said that we were going to give away a teacher. This week I lied. Work has been busy that I didn't get the number of people. Need more money. No. I get it all. We will get one away this month. And Patriots the compromise so. Oh yes. That is an absolute thing we must mention. Patreon has been compromised. What does it even mean? That means that they they took the whole damn database and everything. Kind of targeted in the other department including passwords and email addresses. Well that's our number. Now you're saying password. Other places have said not passwords. I would suggest that you change your password regardless. Yeah. Absolutely. Who wants to. I don't mind. But two things I want to mention. One is that we are going to Khan the Cobb. And in fact right there's a sheet of all the games that are available to play on Saturday. I haven't picked any yet. I know Mike and I are going on Saturday. I don't know who called the microscope so do we did. Yes you do. Mike or Michael. Michael is gone. Mike is I don't believe so. But he did actually show up last year for a little bit him and his son. Also we printed out new cards that we will hand out at Khan the Cobb thanks to the Patreon people. It's a collector's item. Somebody you'll be able to sell it for Jack. Can you sign this? I could sign that. And I would sign that if anybody at Khan the Cobb asked me to do so. It's hard to get your name on it in like four places. It's not a signature it's not the same. Folks have the author's name all over it but they get that's your sign. That's right. And lastly well not lastly but come on Jamie you're supposed to chime in here about Amazon. Additionally you do it every week and you're not going to do this week. Pimp that Amazon. Pimp that Amazon. There's an Amazon link on our kotnpodcast.com site. But truly lastly I'd like to give a shout out to Jason McDonald's podcast The Rogue's Alliance. It's a Star Wars based actual play that I've been enjoying in any of our fans that if you like Star Wars and obviously like actual plays you should give it a try. It's called Rogue's Alliance. Are they ex-wing fighters or are they criminals? Because those are the only key directions you can take Progs Alliance. It's either because of the Rogue's quadrant or because of the fact that they are rogues. Kyle brought over this connect thing that Ryan made. It was a cool spaceship thing. He said is that a tie fighter? He said no it's the next week. So don't mind. He's been indoctrinated. I saw one from uh it was a little kid talking to his dad about Star Wars for the first time and he was from England so he had an English accent and he was you know the same age as Kyle or so and he kept Colin's uh Storm Wooper's which was just hilarious. With that we will turn the microphone over to Mike so that we may continue to play D&D 5th Edition. This is Mike your Dungeon Master for the Heart of Flame campaign starting on my right. I'm Michael playing Vantish Brodek, a hild Worvin cleric and member of the Runammer Clan. Van has experience as a dorm temple acolyte as well as a combat veteran. I'm Jim playing thean of the Runammer Clan. He's a mountain dwarf fighter and an architect. Bob playing Gillig, a dwarven ranger of Torm. I'm Tom. I'm playing Dally, a level three steampunk sorcerer. I'm a forest gnome who's a refugee and adopted daughter of thorough Runammer. I'm Scott and I'm playing Dane Runammer, a third level paladin of the dwarven guide Torm. I am waffle good and I'm a co-leader of this expedition into the wilderness. I'm Thomas playing Barrow, the mountain dwarf fighter, level three. I'll thank you some other shit to say because I keep getting out of class. I'm John playing Kirth, a dwarven youngster, no to all, ward to rune hammers and illusions. Couple orders of business. I know last time we tried using the map in miniatures and for the most part I think that worked well. However, the next opportunity for combat, I would like to try it without using the map to see and kind of have a comparison and try to go a little bit more. I know we keep on using it for each theater of the mind and we might have different vocabulary for that but I would like to maybe try that a little bit more in the interest to speed up play and also I'm going to need your help as well to let me know when you cast spells or when you do actions so I'm not short-changing anyone's opportunities to attack or to do something but also I want to kind of keep it going and not have to maybe take a sketch pause or a long pause while we sit and draw and different things. Just as an experiment and I'm not sure if you're going to get into combat tonight. But if so, it will be a theater with a more free-flowing. I would like to try it. I got to say I listened to the combat time providing me with the raw audio from what it's going to turn out to be two weeks worth of podcasts, right? And it wasn't bad. I mean, I could follow what was happening. Of course, I couldn't see like I'm seeing the map now and I don't recognize what was going on but that's things are here now there because the podcast, it is what it is. Sure. The only difference is I think in theory of the mind is you scrap the map and therefore you're describing what's going out on the podcast. You're not relying on... You're forced to be more descriptive because you say I'm standing next to this person. I run on that person instead of you might be actually doing it on the map and you're not saying it. Nothing is lost when you go to the podcast. Right. We're going to compromise between it too. Instead of using a grid map, just using a blank map, we kind of lay the pieces out just so we know kind of where and we don't know. We don't know. We kind of don't end it. We've kind of done that with other systems. It just draws me on. That's kind of the idea I had with the potential of the hate. You're right. And I think we might homogenize one of all these solutions into a new one. Also... On the book third experience. Before we begin, I want everyone to add up their to hit score right now. That should be their strength, their proficiency, and their weapon, just so we have this number on hand. I've got to shoot. I've got to shoot with Dali. Do you want the number underneath there? And maybe armor class as well? Missing armor for you? He also doesn't want you going, okay. I want to add... But this is a good idea to put your AC on here. That would be helpful to me. Actually, if I know what your armor class is, that is a good point. But for your own purposes, I just want to make sure that we're not doing math problems every time we take our terms. We're also going to do a little bit of business before we begin because I know that I keep on forgetting it. I know this is a problem I had on the other side of the microphone that always annoyed me, so I'm not doing it, so I blame myself. But experience will be awarded out early. I was very happy and very satisfied with how everyone performed last time. You took on a full raid of stronger than normal orcs, led by a stronger than normal orc raid leader, especially modified. So that means that the next time we meet them, they'll be pushovers. You also, you defeated everyone. You didn't kill everyone, you defeated them. And you also, well here, I'll just say, everyone got that was there 400 experience, not including Michael. You actually wrote that down. It was really tough listening to you, not being there. Well, I tell you what, I opened up with a critical hit on Dane. And my first that was, oh fuck, I mean, it's not something healing, but it's a good shot. But most battles, it looks like hell of the beginning. Right. And to recognize that, I want to give Dane an extra 100 experience points and inspiration for adhering to his God's high standards of honor, duty, and bravery when he volunteered to meet the orc raiders challenge, despite and correctly anticipating that they would cheat or act decidedly. So the point, yeah, the point is that even though Bob stepped in with his knowledge of the orcs, he did tell you the truth and they did have this challenge, which is part of their tradition. And that was cool. And Bob, actually, you get plus 50 for that. To begin, you have just dispatched 10 kills. So there's orc bodies scattered across this several we allow to flee. By my account, you had to that flood. Right. It did. Do I, that sounds about right. Okay. So it is about four o'clock in the afternoon. You are in this meadow. It is now grown still and quiet. Several of you have wounds. Daily complaining. She used a lot of her material and stuff is not field ready. And she's scrambling to read. Actually, just she'd cast her higher. She's complaining. I'm going to need time to rebuild some of the stuff. This is not performing how I thought it would. We should also have someone examine corpses in case there's any information that might be able to glean from them. Maybe orders, marching orders, maps. Yeah, I definitely want to go through it and make sure any of the those orders can read. The armor or weapons that they have stolen isn't anything that's an artifact or something that that's usable or useful. I think we did mention that last week the possibility that there are family heirlooms that should be returned to you know. Absolutely. You guys said that we didn't left the treasure off last night or last times. And anything that's not usable or useful by us, I want to make sure I destroy it so they can't be used by any other orcs that come through here. And then I also want to burn the bodies because I don't want them coming back and trying to kill us again. No one might know about orcs. Is there a possibility that you can organize a counter attack? I mean I know their leader has been killing, but are they more tribal? Okay, do me a favor and give me an intelligence check and what's your skill for this? This would be your survival skill. It's his favorite man. Survival is based off of wisdom. Correct. Okay. Is that my favorite? Yeah, you said intelligence. I'm sorry. I'll do wisdom. Because that's what you use for your tracking and your survival and you're I'm going to let you factor in a bonus for your favorite enemy here. Okay. So there's a plus two there for that. Yeah, he has a little wind up thing that spits out fire and she helps burn the corpses once they're all piled together. I'm plus five then. Well, you know what I want to do is I want to get see how well he does. Yeah, we don't want to burn him just yet. He's 24. Oh, excellent. Oh boy. Yeah. You're an old man at this. So what you recognized from this group was that this was a raiding part of a larger war band. These type of raiding groups, they range far and wide and they are penetrating to the U.R.N. territory here. So they are on their own and they're typically isolated, but you know that the Red Tribe is part of a much larger war band. Okay. So you feel confident at this point in time, given what you see here, that this is probably the only group that is around here. So they're probably running all the way home. Basically, they got their ass kicked twice. Oh, they aren't men. Well, based on what you had heard from the previous dwarves and what you guys just did here, you with the exception of the the few that escaped and get to tell the tale of the how bad the door plans are for them to calm down. Would it be right to say that the commander we saw was of high enough that he would have a large group. So it's obvious if it was smaller that some of it had been killed before by the dwarves and this was the left over. Yeah. So this is it. This is the remainder of what those other dwarves must have. Someone of that level wouldn't have been in a scouting party. He would have been a war band and that must know what was left of. That's not to say there aren't more in your region, but we should be seeing these orcs for a while. Not for the immediate future. All right. And you also routinely what has happened is much like your your kin your dwarven kin just did before is you pile them and you burn them in a heap to save the land and also to send a message. And so that they don't get turned into zombies and sent after us like the undead you've seen already. Well, you have seen bizarre things in the woods. It's a good point. You know, you've seen the traces and tracked that is a good point. So you have several bodies. You have the body of the leader. And why don't we just go around the table here starting with Vantash. Just kind of give me I know thing you already kind of described that you were starting to search the body. So I'm going to have you begin that process and I can describe a little bit what they're wearing. Not go into full fashion and get a little catwalk on them. But at least know the extent of what they've got. And then we can all just tell you give me an idea of what's happening. Do you have any sort of backstory about where I was and what happened to me? I was thinking maybe I could just do a little comeback and give some kind of useful information that will get us going on to the next one anyway. Other than yeah there's orcs in the area. Well, you had been around that mysterious black circle and we were having you in a a meditative stretch where you might have been commuting with Tormor. You might have been gaining some still on some divination came in to move the plot along. This is what he learned. He's just taking a shit and it was. At the most large in the woods or anything. We'll know something that'll fit the story and get us moving it. Yep. Something's going to happen anyway. Now if I remember correctly you we had spoken that there was something among the priesthood that while you were still able to communion with your god and receive your access that is their divine powers to have your spells and stuff like that. That there was some kind of blockage or interference or something that was making that that normal communion kind of fuzzy or disconnected and you learned through your meditation that there are magical forces, chaotic forces of pure raw energy from all different kinds of sources which really seemed bizarre to you. There's not it's not any one source that seems to be causing it. It seems to be an amalgamation, a combination of all these energies coalescing in a very chaotic way which is causing this disturbance. It appears to be in some hotspots some not too far from here and it involves, well let's just say you've already discovered that involves someone or something that can use necrotic energy. It involves someone or something that can use actual negative plane energy, positive plane energy and a lot of chaos magic is swirling around. So it's having a very odd effect on the entire land. The world is out of balance while the death of the dragon may not have been the initial cause of it. It seems to be a major factor or a symptom of something maybe bigger and I think that's about as far as I can go with that. Okay. I know it's kind of vague but well now it's great. Can I come stumbling into the area now? Yes. Kick off the fog. And you kind of blink your eyes and look around and see that your team has done very well for themselves. Well I'm going to do a quick look around and see who needs assistance, if any. If I bite I am unbuckling my chain mail because I'm bleeding and I'm bloody and I'm certainly exhausted from the battle. Maybe I'm off towards where the rock outcropping is. I'm kind of unbuckling my chain mail groaning, dropping it to the ground, looking at my wounds, pulling out some rags to stem some of the bleeding. Well right over your chest is a massive bruise where since you already healed yourself you didn't do some damage. I did some but just so you know a metagaming wise I have 37 hit points. I only have 16 remaining. Right. And that's after a healing took place. I also healed I believe curve during the battle. It's most of the healing of curve a little bit to myself. No you did great and that's my point is that whole fight opened up where you took a critical hit and you took the time to kind of close your wound but like you said you didn't really give yourself a full healing you just had to close the wound to kind of protect yourself. Nor do I have really the strength. I'm kind of laying my back against once I get the chain mail off and just laying back against a rock and just taking a deep breath and maybe just quietly muttering some prayers to the storm. We're not in a short rest yet but I have a feeling that once we kind of go through here and talk about what we're seeing and what type of objects you're going to find on these ports that will probably be the next dish. Should I hold off on the cure rules? Why don't we why don't we hear yeah why don't we hear what everyone's got. So baby were you related? Yeah I'm about half dead. I recall someone who has potions right. I have two and I was going to save those for when the magic runs out. That's your call. I want to see if there are any other tracks besides the undead, besides the orcs in this area. So you could have been responsible for the circle there. Sure. Something else might have caused. So you're going to do a sweet patrol through the immediate vicinity right now. I want to look for any tracks that aren't ours or are not dead. Okay great. The old time where the campaigner who has very experienced he hikes up his weapon and mutters something to the group and disappears in the woods to go do a sweet patrol. We're going to come back to him later. Gally helping they gather bodies together that into the pile and while I'm doing that I'm kind of picking over their things looking for stuff I could use for my tinkering in essence kind of scanning for magical items or anything along that line. Are you using a particular spell or is that not it's just like my sense is that this is important. Do you have a device or technology that does that? What is searching in this game? I'm searching like investigation. You guys are kind of stripping some of the gear down and once I get through then I'll give a description of that. Yeah I'm just using it as a colorful way of saying that I'm looking through things and replenishing my supplies for future spells. Well you are finding bags and satchels and equipment and weapons and some things are catching your interest and a tiny little pile is starting to grow as you are finding things that catch your interest. Dane is leaning against the rock taking off his armor and muttering some prayers to torment thanking him for guiding me through the battle. Great Barrow. Barrow jags two corpses out from his little area where he did his fighting into the pile and then joins Dane by the rocks because he gets some pretty cute wolves and he needs to remove his armor as well. And Kurt? I still have a sucking chest wound so do you? Yeah. Are you? I got hit again afterward because my arm requires a shite so I'm looking at my wounds I suppose. I don't have any potions or anything. Okay so Dane kind of sees the javelin that had first pierced him the first one that was throwing him that's kind of at his feet. You find over a dozen different satchels and pouches fold with kind of grimy dirty coins and various bits of ivory and some semi-precious stones and you guys begin to start collecting and collating all that. You find 120 silver pieces. You notice also that these coins are all dwarf minted. Which means that they've kind of come from or they think from your lands. 36 gold. 20 assorted semi-precious stones. No one hears a minor or a gemologist or flat man. Really? Oh that's great. Well then I'm not even going to make your rule because I have gem crafting tools. You know what? He knows just looking at that assortment and you think that there's approximately about 200 gold worth of assorted gems. I just asked him to bring over real quick. Right. Put him in my hands kind of mauled through them and hand them back to whoever has them. I'm not. Oh you buy an earthly I say looking at first. You find a very grim discovery where several of the orcs including the leader had, there was a total of six bearded dwarven jaw bones. It looks like they had like grabbing by the beard and ripped them off their skulls. See you. And looking at it it's a grim thing but Van Tesh could using his medical knowledge and healing powers. These look like they might only be like a couple days old. They even haven't had time to really rot. Do we? That the all? That the sturdy trophy. That's the party that we met, the dwarven party that we met earlier. Do we know what bosses they had if in? They had, they had, I guess what I'm getting to of course is could this be for that. Actually, do you know so many? Now that you're looking at this, you guys are old enough to know this. I don't know. You know how, well this might be a little of a stunning but let's get a little cultural here. You know the beards are a way of expressing different roles of in the dwarven society and warriors tend to keep their beards kind of bound up so they don't get in the way. These are not necessarily the beards and jaw bones of warriors. These look like they might be farmers. Farming beards. Women? You can see they still got dirt on a wall. I'm not gonna go that bad. Children? There's no, yes and they're all over the age of 50. Also Dally has kind of separated the javelin that first hit Dane. All the pieces of armor that the orcs have been wearing have been kind of cobbled together from dwarven pieces. As Geleke told you, this tribe specializes in using dwarf equipment and dwarf bodies as trophies and proving their value to their clan. But most of it has been either soil or broken or ruined. You can either burn it or if you don't want to reuse it, that's fine and we can certainly destroy it. You know how to do that. However, there is one set of heavy armor that is soiled with filth and blood but seems remarkably in great shape and there is the leader's great axe. Ask if it was in kirt's size. Well, that's a thing that Dally can actually take care of it and transport any special qualities if the gem is allowed. Dally, Dally is very good at making things work and finding a way. So she, she thinks that she can adjust or add straps or figure a way to make things work. Also, in the leader, the leader has a small leather pouch in which there are four, what I'm going to call ivory rune tabs. They are small rectangular objects that appear to be carved from ivory or bone. Each one has a pair of symbols on it. So when you say a tabbing in like a a chit or a flat, sorry to be anachronistic but imagine that like a domino. Okay, does anyone touching those? I would look in the pouch and go, oh, oh, and put it down. I would like to see what's on it because I have the language, but I'm scouting here. You'll come back. Well, I'm gathering everything into a pile and then probably draw it to everyone's attention. Dally, refresh my memory on what languages you know. I know. Dagger, quarter stuff. No wait, that's my weapon. Speak to the weapons. Speak, speak, speak. Tell me what you know. Speak to the animals. Speak to the animals. I know, gnomish. I know dwarven and I know con. You do notice since gnomish uses the dwarven alphabet, all four of these tabs have a pair of symbols on each one. And they all seem to have the same set. So it's four identical pieces with the same two symbols on each on each tile. So each tile has the same symbolized on this different. No, one tile is not different from another. Right. They're all like all four, all four more identical. And one has a symbol that you don't recognize. The other symbol is kind of a really ugly corrupted version of the dwarven alphabet. Any particular letter? Well, you don't know how to pronounce it, but the orcs also use a corrupted version of the dwarven alphabet. So, so yeah, these I realize I really want to point out to get like, okay, as he knows, dwarfish and orcish. So if anyone want dibs on that armor, you're going to give it to the sneaky guy. I did say it's heavy armor, right? Yeah, I don't think he wants to wear heavy armor. Well, he have leather and I heard so. I'm working on making it as a 15-punk armor. Yeah, the armor I got and I can upgrade to the heavier armor. Your ice is already higher than mine. I'll play rock, rock, rock for it. I'm sorry, I laughed right over what you said. There was some speculation as to what Vodek's language was in dwarf and in common and draconic, which I believe is a very helpful shragon. Vantesh, when he hears about these tiles, looks at them and he recognizes the other symbol as being a draconic symbol. Okay. It's a variant of elvish. I can drive. I thought the written language was elvish. No, see what happened is dragons taught elvish how to speak. Making shit up. Because the barrow does not know. But that's what he says. Yeah, dragons taught elvish how to speak. That's why I know it all who knows nothing. Yeah, that's why we all get out. You also find that there is a maker's mark on the javelin that is actually exceptionally well made considering what the type of javelins you usually must be ruining our weapon. And it has a maker's mark that you recognize, Marie, and it has an owner's mark. So I'm reading it? Yeah, if you want, could you pull it out of your chest? Is this the one that's struck down? Yeah, if there isn't my thing, I really, it to me, dude, it's part of you. I'm not trying to be a person anymore. The point is it's if the people who care about such things say that there is magic within it that can help us strike down evil, then I will be interested in it. But otherwise, I am really beat to shit. And I honestly am just kind of losing myself in prayer. Okay, so you have sorted all these materials and the work and job ones. I'm not considering that. I'm running them down. You can be the collector of the javelins. The barrows are keeping them always going to return them to the families when we get home. I think we should just barely even hear. And by this time, after you've kind of sorted that, Gallic returns after doing his sweep around. He did see the tracks that the orcs had made on their approach, but he has scouted around up on the higher part of the hills that you are at. And the day is getting older. It's the sky starting to deepen. And he knows that it's going to be night up here pretty soon. I got a bad feeling about what we're going to find in that farming town. Did I find any other tracks? Nothing that you had already noted. You know, I wrote the 20. Right. Because there are none. At twice. Well, you did find what you presumed was the dwarven patrols. You did the tracks are left over from the dwarven patrol. You found the orc tracks and then there's still faint tracks of the kind of stuff that you presume were these undead that led to the black circle. And actually something that comes to mind as night approaches is that either you need to start thinking about setting up a camp. And you recall that not too far from here was that hunter's lodge. And you can fixin' that boss tonight. All right. Hey boss, I don't mean to tell you what to do, but these guys need healing. Yeah. And I show Gillig the ivory dominoes. These have riding anim. Are they likeish? I take a look. They're not orish. They have a symbol on it that is recognizably orcish and it's a name. And the name is Targash. Targash. I still use this picture. Give me an intelligence check. I'm a trouble. 13. Well, since the other symbol is the name, you presume that that direct conic symbol is probably the name. Which one is the Targash? Targash is the one on the bottom. But I know Draconic, so I don't know what that means. I think we should bury these dwarven jaw bones with a proper ceremony because it would be really weird walkin' around askin' who's here. I don't think we're gonna watch. I thought it was directed to determine if they, yeah, just bury them. I thought about bringing with their family. It was like, does this look like a father's beard? It just doesn't work. Well, we think they're from the farming place, which also tells us that it's not doing that well, if that's the case. Yeah. Probably. Well, in that case, maybe that's the place to bury them. Okay. That might be nice. There you go. Yes, this, the Draconic symbol on the other tile is core, K-O-R. They were on a first-name basis. Okay, you keep saying other tile as if the symbols are indifferent. It's a five for K-O-R. The other symbol on the tile is the proper way to say it. Good enough, I just didn't mean it. The assistant general manager. What was it? The assistant general manager for K-O-R. Core. Core. And the name of the dragon that died at law. It's core. But you don't know how dragon names have passed down, it might be a shot. Or could be a leader. Or it could be a family name. Or if they spawn clutches, zavags, hundreds of dragons. I don't know, fuck them. This half is called core, this half. That's how it works. Dane, do you need a healing before we move on? I would like a short rest if that's possible. I'm going to heal him. The fill, short rest, we can get a heal roll or something. Yeah, and then I could let you know how much I needed that for me. A short rest is one hour. One hour. Okay, that's it. If I can take a one hour rest here. Yeah, let's just, I'll do the healing. We'll head out. Be there in 20 minutes and then rest. Okay, fine. Yeah, roll a three and my wisdom's plus three, the proficiency's plus two, so that's eight. Okay, well I have 16 hit points right now that takes me up to 24 of my 37. I thank Vantesh for healing me. God. And also thank the glory of torn for allowing the power to flow through him. Indeed. And I have used a single level one. And we think it's a good idea to march in this condition and not to just take a one hour rest right here in this highly defensible area that we just successfully defended. It's like 20 minutes away. Right. All right. Can you trust that, please? I buckle back on the chain mail. Anybody else wounded enough? I did. Do we examine everything that we need to from the circle? I've given you a list of what's there. All right, I will cover them again. Spear, heavy armor, great axe, small pouts with ivory dominoes in them. And we have some silver gold and assorted gems. I am keeping all of them. I assume that we're going to donate them to the clan rune hammer in addition to giving a small type to the church, whatever is required. Or clan or hammer. What's the what's if we needed to purchase things? I don't see a store anywhere here. We're fine. How far away is the farmstead now? The farmstead from here, you guys left in the morning. So it's still probably another eight to nine hours away. So we pile out the orcs bodies into a big pile. Now that I'm healed a bit, I can easily help carry the bodies over to a pyre, chop down some wood and throw it on there. It actually has fire both, which is a level zero, which just can fire on. It actually mentions in the description that it starts combustible things on fire. So in her steampunk world, it's a little spark maker that shoots out little flames that starts to pile on fire. And I say a prayer, which is a non-magical prayer, just a chemical prayer of torn to put their souls at rest to not rise again and to just to have peace in their in their path. Who wants this great axe? Because I can't carry it, it's too heavy. I'll take it. How rot is it? It's pretty nice, isn't it? Yeah, it's very nice. It's profound, but it's great. You have a halberd, don't you, Dame? I have a halberd and I have javelins, that I use as well for range. Because I think this is javelin I have. I have something to say something. The thing that you were hit with is a javelin. Right. Right, you said you didn't use javelins. No, I said I didn't care to look at the treasure. I was really wounded and just wanted to go crawl somewhere and take a deep breath. Well, I explained to you that this javelin is extremely well balanced. Obviously, it was not an orc weapon and I think you should use it. I took it out and checked the balance. It is phenomenal. It's an extremely rare looking weapon. The maker's mark is Furion, F-U-R-Y-A-N. It has an owner's mark of a dwarven name named Hughbden, H-E-U-G-D-I-N. You got to return to the family, we get that. Of course. In fact, can borrow and Vantesh and Theiden give me an intelligence check for history. I have history of that's what memory you have. This isn't a natural 20, which means my... Oh my god, that means 19. Oh, it's 19, really minus one? Well, yeah, my natural 20. My natural 20 is my natural 20. I just rolled an 18. That's why I stopped being an acolyte, went into the army. I understand. That reading shit was just... However, as Dane holds up the weapon and looks at the mark and Vantesh looks over and sees how this extremely well-made and well-balanced, well-designed javelin catches the dying light of the day, he remembers with that natural 20 that it is a heart-seeker javelin. And that these weapons were originally crafted for the elite vault guard of Hal Gobold, which is a kind of like the sister city to Rockfall. Such weapons have not been seen in the north here since the arrival of the dragon. Nice stick. It's a good, sharp pointy stick. Lastly, I have this bundle of armor here that's quite heavy and I can't carry it. They can grab and decide what to do. What type of armor do you want to wear? Do you want to wear it? You can carry it. Yeah, you're saying it's heavy. Is it plate? Is it chain? It's whatever it wanted to be. It's covered in somebody else's couch. We haven't scraped the blood off yet. To metagame. Somebody asked if they wanted to play mail. So if there's someone that wants to have it be played, it can be played. If not, I will die and determine what it is. I was trying to be generous, but if it's... Well, it's just that there's a lot of warriors. So why don't you roll and then whoever falls, who evolves to. I'd prefer that than anything else. So give me... Does it have about the top of your head, what the heavy mails are? Chain, plate, chain, scale, splint, whistle, sleight. We obviously don't have no help whatsoever. Ring mail. Anyone wear ring mail? All right, roll a die eight and a die six, add them together. I didn't even tell him what. Die eight, die six, add them together. Oh, Hammond, Satan, or 12. What do you got? Die eight, die six. Six. Looks like it's broke. No blood fight tonight. Can you wear it? I'm not wearing it right now. Dally looks at it and shows you know, I can move this enchantment from here to there. I do remember. Or however Dally wants to say it. I don't know if it wasn't exactly how Dally would say it. All right, let's take the 20 minute jaunt to the hunting lodge because I believe we're all in need of some. I'm the walk there. Dally's talking to Kirk. You know, if you get rid of that shitty armor you're wearing, I've got this stuff that you can... It's new pads, armor pads, but if you pop up the armor, it's really cool. You'd like it. Yeah. You were on fire yesterday? I didn't take any damage last night, Mr. Lung. This afternoon? Okay, let me know when your eyebrows were back. Maybe I'll try your armor. It would actually add a 13 year armor class plus your dexterity to be a total 14. It's a good look for you right now. There's no eyebrow thing. It's a good look. Thank you. So we take up the same marching order that we have. Yes, I spent through the woods, which I believe was led by Gillig. I believe that Kirk was second to none. Thank you. It's an over call from there, Van Tesh. What do we have set up? I think you've made it might have been third? Yes, that is. I know I was last to make sure I was very up for it. We weren't being ambushed. So the night is deepening. Oh, night does that. Night does. Well, you guys have dark vision. You can see very well in the dark in the back. To be fair, you said it was four o'clock when the battle ended. What would you say it is right now? Well, after you spent about an hour, can you heal your wounds, collecting, and burning the dead? But not taking an hour to short rest. No, right. I just wanted to make sure I was clear. The dark part is different activity, of course. Or lack of activity, right? And in the mountains, night comes a little bit quick. So while we're walking, I'm going to give Dally some advice on how she could have, she did fantastic. And I definitely gave her kudos for the battle. But way she could have maybe defended herself, born, kept herself a little less exposed to damage. What does this cover you speak of? Exactly. Nobody here knows about power. I don't think anyone can tell you about that. You made it, they ignored it. I stood behind it. I was behind a tree. That's why I'm like 500 years old. That's what we tell all the young guys. What I hear, you've got to let the battle come to you. Dally nods her head and agrees with all that Dane's saying, and then asks, "Is your bandage okay? You're not having blood sleeping through?" No, I think actually the healing that Vantesh performed was quite sufficient to get me. Thanks for the concern. As she skips down the road perfectly on her. So he just thought you were really concerned. Yeah, I'm sure she is. I know she actually is. See, it's actually reverse psychology. Yeah, double down in that list. As we're walking, we're going to ask Dally if she can pass the enchantment on to my current armor. That would be appreciated. Sure. I think maybe tonight while you're fixing the rest of you. Imagine if I got my book. Do you want a book? I'm not a weed. I find this amazing. So do I. Doesn't mean I have a book. They each mean. Everyone knows that he has a book, right? No, now we do. I do magic. We don't have to use the magic book. I thought it was a book that you liberated from somewhere, and you were keeping it relatively secret. Well, to the people who know that it was stolen, but Dally don't know shit. We know you have it, we don't know it, or you got it. Yeah, okay. Yeah, that's what I thought. I just wasn't sure if that was a known issue or not. Nor did I. Okay. So you guys are bantering back and forth. You're climbing back up to the higher ground. You leave the meadow. The woods kind of close back in around you. This conversation falls into a lull a little bit, and you're just marching and trudging up the hill. That short 20 minute walk. Yellow hand raises instantly, signaling a halt. And we do. His eyes seem to scan the sky and the treetops above you. Is it dragons? What kind of dwarf looks up? I don't know. I draw my crossbow. We don't even have necks. I take out 500 car seat on your back. As you heft heart-seeker in your hand, you notice that this has got a fine balance, and it really, really feels like it belongs in your hand. So you're looking up, and everyone please make a perception roll for me. Do I get to add my favorite train? You may add your favorite train. I'm in too much pain to notice, and I've got three. 19. Okay, so we go to 19. Three. Kelly. 11. Okay, Dally? Dally rode the one. She's talking to the squirrels. We're very concerned that the squirrels aren't here for her to talk to them. She's worried about the squirrels. All right, Dang. 10. This is actually the type of crew that, with the exception of Van Tesh, everyone's kind of sore and tired and just wanted to get to the lodge. Yeah, we're fresh. Barrow. 18. All right, barrow, a warrior, and kirth. 10. All right, barrow and van Tesh here, the flapping of leathery wings and the treetops above. And it sounds like there is a flock of dragons. You are not very far at all from where you remember the hunting lodge is, so I guess the question that it merely comes to mind is double time fight or flight decide double time. We had to fight that. I thought those were squeaky things that ate fruit. Not if we hurry up, let's go. I think we're going to find out if we don't run. Would I know what kind of bats would be indigenous to this area? As far as you know, bats don't let this high up in the mountains. So I don't have any experience with bats. So this is an unusual example. My point is that you know they're not bats. They sound like bats, but you're like, I said, I didn't hear the bats, but I know they're not bats. You're saying you're the sound flapping leathery wings. Van Tesh says it's bats. I'm following the safe bats. When he says bats, I think it's a working hypothesis. Oh, I see. Oh, no, no, no. It's true. You're arranging to be out here. That's true. And this is a natural one. A natural one. That sounds like bats dragons. Galaxy says those are not bats. He says they are the sturge. Sturges. It's the fucks of sturge. I don't know what those are. I forget. In a meta game sense, they're a bird with a beef that draws blood. Kind of a very, very large mosquito vampire bird. Yeah, basically. I hate those too. And they swarm and flock. How far away are we from them? Let's say a hundred yards from the shelter of the lodge. Which is how many turns? Which 50 feet of turns. Well, let's just say it's going to be a race to the lodge. There'll be three turns. Yeah, like what is the natural predator of this creature? Dragons. Dragons and the natural predators of all creatures. Three turns of running. Yeah, that's a food chain. That's pretty much the top of the food chain regardless. And they're probably closer than three turns of flying to us. You hear them flapping around and then stuff like that. And they seem to be gathering for face smell blood on the air. Sure. All right. I don't run from birds. I do. There's no other killing birds. There certainly is no honor from running from birds. There's less honor in dying to birds. It's a bird. Half of us are half dead. Well, that's one turn. Everyone's arguing and Kirth rolls this fleece in his hand. No, not arguing. I set double time and I start jogging. You can still do in the back. He kind of drops. Not in the back, but because you're number two. Yes, everyone runs past him. And he throws up his hand and sound emits from it. A dragon's roar. Hold on. Okay, so everyone is running except for Kirth. I jog forward reluctantly and stop at Kirth because he needs protection. And you hear a shattering roar rip through the night, scaring the sturges in the tree, taps above into flight. And what sounded like a few flapping wings now sounds like a cacophony of flapping birds. So you hear also the dragons roar. I go across the hills and the mountainside. If they want to roll intelligence, it's a spell safe they can do. Oh, so that we don't believe it? No, they are. A hundred times. Let's go ahead and tell you that they are animals. They're beasts. They don't have intelligence course. Yeah, but they're really dumb. They're just animals. I thought so. So they have scattered and they are in a frenzy. Are we rolling for initiative? Are we just, or did he do his job? He did his job. He casts a spell. He shattered the night with an extremely loud roar that's echoing across the mountainside. So I put my hand on his shoulder and say retreat towards the lodge. Well done. Yeah, scared off the birds and let every other creature in this place know where we're at. So as I'm jogging, we're a dragon. But they think we're a dragon. As I'm jogging, I look back over my shoulder to make sure everyone's following. Is everyone following? Yes, sir. No, I'm in funny. All right, yes. Us just a little bit behind. So you guys see the hunting lodge up ahead, you get into it. Let's say it's similar to a 30, a 30 by 30 foot kind of a heavy log cabin. It's reinforced with old stone. It's been lost over. It stood for, it looks like it's been around for hundreds of years. It's very rustic. It's got webs and dirt and it gives you shelter from the worst of the elements. And it's a good place to hold up. There is plenty of bracken and loose wood out around if you guys need enough for a fire. Otherwise, you have brought your rations and your packs for food. And you still hear, but distantly now, the sounds of the sturge is hunting. Not hunting, but at night. And they seem to be scattered. But also, the wood seems to very slowly return to a stillness and quiet and you hear the routine sounds of night kind of slowly pick up again. And you guys can talk amongst yourselves inside. Obviously, this isn't going to be just a short rest. It's going to be a long rest because we'll be spending the night here. So we don't think there's an urgency to get to the farm at this point, or traveling at night? Well, I'm just asking, I'm not demanding. I'm wondering what the group thinks about. We obviously saw that some death and carnage occurred, we think at the farmstead. Is there anyone willing to be saved? Or is there anyone there to be saved? I'm sorry. It's eight hours away. We also need to be in condition to save them. I mean, we would have been traveling for nearly 24 hours. Yeah. That makes sense. I can keep the sturge as though if we really want to. Dude, are there windows? I mean, do we need to board up windows in this cabin? They have two metagame for just a bit. If it's going to be a long rest, where everyone's going to recover or die. Yeah. So I would say everybody use a die to heal that needs it. Just to think something happens in the interim after one hour, we can do that after one hour. Right. Then we can also spend the healing spells that we have to bring everybody up to full because you're going to regain all those after the long run. I'd rather do that the other way around heal up front because then I get my spell slots back. If I wait a morning. Yeah. Exactly. He should heal. We should then still come to a long rest. You said we're doing a long rest, what we're doing. We do at the end of the long run. We do at the end of the long run. This is every way you can't do a short rest of the long run. But it'd be a total of nothing. 10. I thought your last healing spell? No, it doesn't work that way. Is that your last spell slot? Yes, that's the way it works. No. Bear could also use his yield then. Yeah, I could probably get the rest with a hit, die roll. Does Dean get back all his uses too for his laying of hands? He will once he takes the rest. Gotcha. Ventic heals Barrow for 11. So, Ventish is using its clerical powers to heal? After one hour, may I heal? Yes. I'm going to use one die because I know I'll get that power back from prayer too. That is your natural way to heal. That's not your measurable way to heal. Correct. Barrow then spends his second win. He rolls a die 10 and then he has his fighter levels which is 3 plus 2 or a total of 5 and then the 11. It doesn't fucking matter. I'm full health. Hey, I'm waiting to go. I roll a 7 and die 10 so I roll my hit dice. Okay. My constitution modifier is plus 2. That means I heal nine points which takes me from 24 to 33 of my 37. So, you're feeling much better. Feeling much better after that short arrest and prayer to my deity. So, if you guys wanted to say anything, look at any or... Well, I do. Barrow has asked me to transfer the benefit of the heavy armor to his current armor so I'm assuming it's a plus 1. I guess that's an ugly way to say it but taking the magic and the runes and the craftsmanship and the materials kind of stripped down from this armor, you think you can integrate and improve Burrow's armor. So, I asked Burrow to remove his armor. I have the heavy armor. I take out my little tool kit. I've got some... Does your spider help you? My spider helps me because he does that. Honestly, Barrow hadn't put it back on such a slight swag on the run from the birds. Oh. He was still incredibly injured. Didn't feel like putting armor on on top of that. It's walking around in the way. Well, I take both the armor. That was very dangerous. I take both the new and the old armor and I spend quite a lot of time in the corner making lots of noise. What is yours with skill or what talents are you going to use for that? I have the tinkering that's what I'm looking for. That's what I'm looking for. My subclass. Yeah. So, um... Yes. And what do you use with your tinker's tools? Do you use your dexterity? Do you use your intelligence? Do you have to look it up? I just want to get it kind of like a procellica. Intelligence is plus three, dexterity is plus two. I will say it's going to be using your knowledge. Okay. So, I'm going to ask for your intelligence check and your tinker's tools will give you a bonus of plus two and then we'll look. I've got a difficulty class that I'm thinking of and I'm waiting to see how much time you get done with it using it for an hour. That would be a seven plus five, so 12. Okay. So, after the first hour, Dally has really made a mess of her corner of the cabin where she's got all the pieces parts of two armors kind of scattered and spread out and Barrow begins to wonder if he's going to have any armor. You want to keep it down over there? Right at this time. No, no. This is going well. Don't worry. This is fine. It's supposed to look like this. It's all. Yes. Yes. It's all. Don't worry. Meanwhile, I'm doing some leadership stuff that occurred. That was a great job, but don't Dally next time. When you begin moving immediately, I say, get moving and Dane, if you have to pick up, you're behind for a reason. You don't stand there and guard them. We lose two people that way, or the whole party more. I couldn't have done that if I was running. It's just not possible. What if he was lifting you? All right. I'm just saying, consider the whole party because if you've stopped, putting the whole party in danger. Yeah, it worked, but I'm just doing this. You may have called them in, Zomson. Excellent job, Valor. And lastly, Barrow, keep your firearm around until we're in the security. That wasn't even dangerous. I know what I'm doing. Is this a cold camp or are you going to try and soak a fire? Definitely a fire. I say not, but at all. Oh, don't. I say we shouldn't start a fire. Well, keep the wild animals away, but we're not concerned with them. We want to advertise to Orcs. All right, so your leader is spoken. It's cold camp. So I'm going to have Dally roll one more time, and Kirk, you have inspiration for using your magic and thinking of a way to scare away all of the sturges. At least start them from attacking you. I'm going to give inspiration to Van Tesh for his healing and his leadership. And I'm going to just grow it there for now. So there's three people that should have inspiration. I haven't healed yet. I want to just hit those for that. Okay, you can have that, are you? I've got one more to slow the slow. I'm eight points time. What? I walk over to Dally while she's tinkering, and I whisper some words of encouragement to her ear and tell her that this is what she is just absolutely fantastic at. And don't listen to the jokes and the crude comments. This is what you do. I know we have had her on the bat a little bit, and then head back to where I am giving her my inspiration. Great. The second attempt is a 13 plus five. So it would be 18. It would be 18. Is that a pink dye? That's on the pink dye. The Dally dye. Even though it looked like nothing but rings and leather and straps and all sorts of big pile, it somehow forms an organized structure and mess. And you actually kind of amaze at how quick or little hands start piecing things back together, weaving together. And before your eyes within about 30 minutes, you have a modified suit of whatever armor you had. It has been modified. It's been kind of somehow even cleaned up a little. And it is reinforced and looks even better and fits better on you and offers you a more easy movement and protection than you experienced before. I'm going to post on the board and ask what Dally's mark should be that she puts it on the armor and she modifies it. I don't know. So what does that mean to him? What does that mean to him? Plus one big attempt? Was that magic for me to begin with? No. Okay, so your armor is now considered the magic plus one. Does magic affect anything? Well, I like to say in the terms of game, instead of saying like plus one plus two plus three, I like to say that it's like mithril or adamantine or it has some type of special structure or enchantment that gives us its power and its ability. In this case, your existing armor that was already woven made so pretty good has been laced and reinforced with the materials that was Dally-fied. Yeah, Dally has done her work to, she hasn't found anything she can't improve. Sometimes it takes longer to get to the result but she always thinks that she has a better way of- Sometimes people don't see that it's- You can also- They don't understand. The armor, the armor before, was improved armor and she probably looked at it and saw the way it was improved and just applied those improvements to it. This way? It's like it's a good idea. Correct. Let's move it. So in game terms, yeah, you have plus one. I guess that's a long way to go for a plus one. More dynamic. I'm sorry. The rest of the- I spend stripping down things for parts that I resupply my, uh, made armor. Yeah, my age armor. I did the different spells I used. I need to resupply. Did you want to heal? Yeah, I did that one. Oh, no, no, no, no. Kirk. Kirk, did you really want to heal? What are you going to roll? How does it work for the long? You're going to be okay with that? He gets it all back for the long, no matter what, but if it's interrupted somehow, then I don't think we know in a non-medicense that we're going to get an eight-hour rest. So I think you would probably want to heal him. He does get, after one hour, you could make a roll, use one of your hit dice and make a normal healing roll, and then if you still need help, you could then ask Van Tash. You're not asking for it right now, so is that? If you haven't realized he's hurt yet, he's- I think we understand that you're hurt. Oh, you got hit hard and repeatedly right in front of my eyes. Over one of Kirk's. Nine. Oh, it's all gone. There you go. Any other questions before we start to fade out here? I might. You should probably set up a guard. When we came in, we left the door open. Just want to make sure you're not there. I've been asking you to see who lost the door because- I'm checking out the instructor integrity of this building and looking at what improvements and things can be done to it. Look, you're being stronger. How many hours do we have to light? The door of an architect. Your perception of time seems kind of odd in this place. So, you think it's 20 minutes, but maybe it was an hour because the stars don't look right and things are moving around. You're not sure. My sundial doesn't work at night. I can't tell. So, we'll wrap it there. Thank you, guys. Good ideas there. Let's go. We've been working. Thank you for listening tonight's of the night's actual play podcast. If you'd like to send us questions, comments or feedback, you can reach us in a number of ways. 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So this is relevant. Do a character would not know that. Okay, well wait a minute, he's not going to go these bags while you're talking. Okay, I'm not, no, not at all. You go for a shot off, bro. Crumple to begin with. Well, why do you crumple? He's probably going to- No, he's breaking. No, he's breaking. Sorry, Mike. No, he's breaking. No, he's breaking. No, he's breaking. Oh, it's just crumbs. Can I have to make more? Those are good crumbs. Look. And they're less calories. You're going to make more. What should we do? Wait. That commercial break. I know. I brought you by John's bakery. This is a cooking show. I'm sorry. This is the food that we're here. That's the title of this one. Spin off. Hey, I was going to say it now. Mm, pizza. I don't know if dominoes are anachronistic. It could be really old. That's true. Like majang tiles. The dwarven dominoes. There's the title of the episode. I thought it out like 30 minutes ago. I was like, I got to wait for that to come up. You got to place it. It's a sniper bullet. You got to see that one. I like it. That's ready. So what is rock, rock, rock, and ball? What's the rule? You choose three different kinds of rock, and then I punch you in the face until I learn. It's something with pain. You hold the rocks while I punch you in the face. There you go. You hold the heavy structure. You can't over your head. But it breaks somewhere. It's for non-dwarves. You bring them three rocks and you start to explain it. And when they take it, you punch them and take the thing that you're applying for. There you go. Yeah, frustrating being the nominal leader and then sticking to the first place. You want me to stay here. I know that's what I... I'm picturing you more as it's supposed to stay here. It could be a plate mail, it could be a scale mail, or whatever. Yeah, I can make it whatever you want. Yeah, that stuff's at the bottom. Listen, I'm a kinder gentler being. So it's titanium. Kill them all! I've used it. But I know who's putting it up. I need to know who's putting it up. I'm sorry. I got 15 minutes of evil laughter when you rolled the 20 last time you played. I don't know about this kind of kind of gorgeous. Yours for us forever. So we find this time. Now the little communication toes. What? You love the work. They went to camp together, they made little friendship bracelet. I don't know. I start to not believe anything that comes down your mouth. All right, does... Dolly back that up. Yeah, I don't believe that. Really? Huge... E-U. H-U-G-H-U-M-I-N. G-T-I-N. As riveting as to say, "Yeah, take care." Barrow, you get this chain splint splint. I don't know. It's fucking heavy metal. Yeah. Heavy metal! All right, Harriet man. I do care. I'm brother. I can't see in the dark. It's okay. Just stay close. Oh, actually I do have dark vision, never mind. Okay, my eyes are all right. Oh my god. It's a miracle. Torque. Thank you. I was just kidding. Open your eyes, Dolly. Damn it. I keep forgetting that. Open the D-I. Step one, be so ugly, nobody wants to fight you. Step two, hide behind a fucking tree. Step three, proper. Step three, proper. Okay, so three, don't throw jacks on the battlefield when we're trying to maneuver. Dolly nudge or hide behind what you're honest with. As you heft heart-seeker in your hand, you notice that, well, this has got a fine balance and it really, really feels like it belongs in your hand. It does long and powerful and kind of fills you with this kind of energy, never felt before. That's starting to get a whole more ironic with it. I understand you might want to, because it's definitely, that's what she says. You have me standing here with long dick jumps and dude, I'm sorry. You can grasp it by a shot. I threw up the javelin. This just got real weird. I don't know how you pull it down, I just fell again. You can't really let go of this shot. That to me is funny. I just couldn't stop. If your hand glides over its surface, dudes, stop. It's clever as that's a touch. When that was a bit funny, it's such a supple look. There's a new title to look for. It seems a little less viable. We're gonna do that. Okay, we lose half our listeners. Are you younger? I'm 17. You're a 17 year old dwarf? Yeah, they make sure it's 17. Are you in a pack, who's? They would serve. I hear you about my pack. A little child kid. I am not an adult in the society. That's why I'm a little warm. Whatever the sound effect for lots and lots and lots of, I'm sure there's some natural nature show with a pack flying all over the place. I'm sure you'll find that. He's questioning whether I could do my job. I've got questions. He's assuming he's getting. Well, we're going, sorry. We got a new title effect. He really doesn't think you can do it.