Knights of the Night


1h 20m
Broadcast on:
01 Oct 2015
Audio Format:

The full group joins into the battle. Who gets the first kill? Who takes the most damage and who catches the most javelins

Actual Play starts 20:03


[Music] Hello, and welcome to Night to the Night Actual Play Podcast. This D&D 5th Edition campaign, Heart of Flame, was written and run by your DM Mike. And now, please enjoy Episode 243, titled, "Divine Smited His Ass." Actual play begins 20 minutes, 3 seconds. [Music] Alright, with the start of feedback, we'd like to first talk about QCC, the dimension Mike and I were talking about. We had the pictures. An incredible time, yeah, we actually did. We did a lot of gaming with Phil and Chris from Miss Directed Mark. We got to try a bunch of different games. First off, Phil didn't run out of note cards. It was really close there for a minute. And there was a whole thing on Miss Directed Mark about how important note cards are. And he doesn't, you know, it's always important to have them. And one time, someone asked if he has enough and he put out a stack and it just got about a foot high of note cards. But at the convention, he was down to just a handful. Did he do the original fate on Friday? Yeah, the first one we ran was... A lot of humanities. Yes, that's the first one. Phil ran that for us. We had a game, really, almost for every slot. Friday night, we got there at noon and we played to five, and then in the evening, we just hung up and talked to different people at the convention. Saturday, we had three in a row. The first one was a Savage Worlds. Savage Worlds, Dead Land, Snore, Crossroads. That was fun, and the gym was Garrett from the Miss Directed Mark Network. It's not your first time playing Savage Worlds, is it? No, it's not your first time we played Savage Worlds, but it was the first time we played Deadlands and it was good. Deadlands, I've heard of that. It's got a whole thing. It's a western, it's got a SWAR to it. Oh, that's the Civil War that we're ending. It was the Civil War that we're ending. Basically, and there's like four different, or five different sections of the US. Yeah, well, the Brits invaded, there's a north and a south, there's an Indian nation. It's really crazy, and then the sub was really... I'm reading a book series right now by Larry Korea that takes that premise. It's like an alternate history, but in the 1850s, Magic Connect came back to the world and how it affected world events. And so, there's a lot of world events that are similar, but different. And it's really interesting to see how the story is evolving. The guy's name was Garrett, and he was from threats from Gallifrey. Oh, cool. I meant the book. Threats from Gallifrey? Gallifrey is Dr. Hu. We had one really interesting scene in there in which we were on a farm and there was a bunch of dried corn. And there were scarecrows. There was a young kid who was playing with us. And he started the corn field on fire, and there was one of the people on the... They all came running out, and one of them cast a spell in these rats swarmed all over the car I was in. I was playing a female character. You said hundreds of rats? Yeah. She had high heels on it, didn't want to be walking in a field. So, I was driving the car into the fire to try to burn all the rats off. And the gym's like roll a dice. I don't have driving, so it's one four sided dice. And then you always get in... Savage, we always get a six sided dice. Do you like dice or something? Yeah, I don't know. Like a random factor? Right. And it's always... So I roll a four sided and a six sided, both of them come up one. And the gym's like, "Oh, that's an utter failure." Sorry, were you driving a pinto by James? No, I wasn't. Shabbat, but Mike's character is a scientist, and he's got Mr. Steam. It's a giant steam power. It was cool. It was cool. Steam powered pistol. Well, he's on top of this tractor that someone in the house had made that shoots out the sights in all direction. And he's... There's a lot of steam punk in this thing, so he's trying to kill all the zombies with that. Well, my out of control car slams right into his tractor, knocks him unconscious. He slums over his things, driving in a circle. Mine careens off, goes into the house. I mean, it was just... Well, what did you roll for... Oh, that's right. I rolled double ones for the control. For the damage, I rolled like two six sided dice. And when you roll the highest number, it explodes. And you roll again. So it was like, roll, explode, explode, explode, explode. It was like, "Oh, Jesus Christ." Well, that's not the prank. They have done that. Do you have a car that came equipped with a fuel dump? Yeah. My car is, well, he's driving in a circle out of control unconscious. It was just... Fun as hell. Did you kill the whole party? No, no. TQK actually, it ended up being successful. He killed pretty much everybody, putting himself. Well, that much fire is pretty much during taking a success. It's like a nuke from orbit. Mid-day on Saturday, we were supposed to play the Muppets Take Alpha Complex. Paranoid. We were really looking forward to playing that. Well, Savage World's ran like 45 minutes long. The guy didn't really know when to end. He thought it ran to one and it ran to noon, so. So we actually told a guy, didn't eat any breakfast. And we said, "We gotta run and get something to eat. We're both starving." So we, yeah, like Mike said, we told the guy. We have tickets for this table. We'll be right back. Paranoid guy. And he's like, "Yeah, no problem." And we'd go and come back and his table's full. Dude. What the fuck? But as luck would have it, he made no problem for him. He's not my problem. But as luck would have it, Chris and Phil came up to us and said, "You guys doing anything this slot?" We're like, "No." Apparently. As it turns out, we're not. We had something planned, but we're not. So they invited us to play Lasers and Feelings, which. Was that funny? Funny a star and a half I've had in a long time. It was an absolute blast, craziness. Is this a new game or old game? It's just one of those that someone made up. It's on a single sheet of paper. I think it's relatively new. It's one side of a single sheet of paper. Half of its GM suggestions that don't even have anything to do with the game. All you need is six-sided dice. It's a spoof from Star Trek. Or whatever you want it to be, but it starts up. It's definitely Star Trek. We were the Starship Raptor. And everybody had to choose an adjective. Mine was alien, Mike's was. Android. Chris took dangerous. Who took Sexy Dave? That was hilarious as well. Tony took hot shot. Then you had to pick your position. So how was the alien pilot? Mike was the Android scientist. Chris was the dangerous doctor, but he determined he wasn't dangerous as in badass, but he had no doctoring skills whatsoever. He was dangerous to all of us. Dave was a Sexy Envoy. He embraced that. Yeah. He was nailing all the... He actually at one point stood up. Yeah. He put his foot on his chair. Put his hands on his hips. He played it very well. In the ending he had a lot to do with how he was playing. Yeah. Tony was the engineer, etc. We went on. And I decided if I was going to be an alien, I was going to be a T-Rex with very short arms. I was a pilot to him. But she made a steering wheel? No. I said it all. And at one point they were like, "We need the pilot to the bridge." I said, "I go over to the elevator and I can't reach the buttons." The elevator was like, "Wait, we're in a starship and the elevator has buttons?" Fuck you, go with it. There's buttons. I can't reach it. I suggested the selfie stick to help them with a tassel. And... I had a... That's a lot of other questions. You've got to say you can't reach it, but that's okay. Oh, absolutely. And when I went to relieve the pilot that was in there, it was a pseudopod, this slug. And I'm like, "Get out of my seat." And I'm waiting. And I'm waiting. He just slid off. And I'm waiting. He didn't get out of my seat. And they're like, "Oh, no, no, no. He has little pseudopods that he could shoot at, and he's a much better pilot than you. He can touch all the controls." I said, "Yes, but what I do is perform his review. It's never that he's good enough. He's always so par to keep him supportive." And there's always something wrong with the ship. And we decided it was the warp drive of all things. When you come back out of warp, there's a good chance that something really bad would happen. Well, everybody would die or people would die or something. And the warp drive was a reconditioned one. So you could come up with the end user agreement. You could scroll to the bottom. The accept isn't even highlighted until you truly scroll all the way to the bottom. You know. Cheap ass. We're in a hurry. Come on. And then you hit the step, but you have to hit the little video button and check on it. I don't know if you've seen Hyperdrive? Yeah. That first episode where they reset everything to the defaults. And then when they need to use the guns, the guns kept going through the opening tutorial. You know. Similar. Yeah. But we had an absolute blast with that. So it turns out we didn't miss Alpha Complex all that much. Our last one on the night was Part-Time Gods of Fate, which is Phil. And again, Phil ran it for us. And his company that christened him, and there's three others involved. Bob, Jonathan, I don't know how to start some of that. Look in your book. They signed it. They actually all signed my book for me. Part-Time Gods of Fate is a Fate adaptation of Part-Time Gods in which it's modern era and you all have God powers. And that was a fun little adventure we had. And then. Yeah, I love the characters and all the characters are really well done. Oh, the character design. It was once it's you, a pre-gen you picked. And I had just, we had gone off the launch and I was just complaining about pre-gen characters. And then we played that and I was like, "Okay, these ones are good." These are Fate characters that you can actually get into and play. It was a lot of fun. We just kind of hung out on Sunday. We did play. Imperial Assault. Imperial Assault. Star Wars. It's a board game that kind of administers. Yeah, board game miniature and it might as well be a role-playing game because you have experience and the characters gain powers over time. Oh, it's cool. It's expensive. And it's also expensive as all of it. I spend way too much money on explaining it. I stopped that. I could probably afford to buy something else. The manufacturer it suggests is like a hundred for the base set. Fuck. That is a bit more expensive the next one. Yeah. We also played Coo Saturday night. It's a card game. Off the clock. Chris just sent me a message. It's his birthday today and guess what he got? Nice. What'd you get in? I didn't get him in. That's what I so said. Anyways, we had an absolutely fantastic time and they posted that they're going to have it again in 2016 and I already said, "Yeah, I'm gone." Even though it's a full year away. We'll be dedicating this podcast to Chris's birthday. There you go. There you go. Happy birthday, Chris. Happy birthday, Chris. Great play. Until next week. For you. They also had an auction while we were there. They raised $3,000 for a kids' hospital where they buy a bunch of things for them while they have to stay there like I think they bought some iPads and different games. Yeah. The kids and Carol. The children were... I want to share them. They were not. They were not. They were existential, right? They had a giant table of play-to-win games over 40 board games and if you played them, you'd get the marketing down and they would just give them away at the end for everybody who's played them. We got to try the plunder dice game. Oh, that's right. I developed them. That was a pretty cool little pressure-like dice game. I liked it. They had a 3D printer but I didn't get to check out Oculus Rift which I didn't get to check out. Oculus Rift? What is that ring of bell? What is it? The R headset. Oh, okay. That's right. I've heard it before. Do you play RMS? Got to play RMS. They had RMS and we didn't have any play. We were... We actually own our own copy of RMS and haven't played it in a long time. We own a couple dozen copies as well. Has anyone ever heard of a game called Elite Dangerous? Yes. That's a sandbox? I guess. One last game I forgot. Go ahead. Blood Rage. Blood Rage. It was a Vikings game. It was an area control game on the board but you had quests you can go on. You had your clan. You could upgrade your clan. They were different than other clans. You have a leader you could upgrade and all your warriors and you could recruit monsters onto your team. And it was three turns. Three rounds are turns. The game itself played for about an hour, hour and a half. And it had so many different strategies and different ways to win. That it was really a cool game. Was it Kickstarter? Raised a ton of money. This guy managed to pick up an advanced copy. I'm kind of but it's coming out soon. Blood Rage. I really thought it was a cool game for an hour and a half. And it was deep. Like it had a lot of different strategies. That's the only one you played that I did. Yeah you were playing play dice while I was chatting with Chris. Blood Rage. Blood Rage Friends. Careful. Christmas. 2015. With all that out of the way we'll get into the feedback for our podcast rather than picking the QCC. Facebook got us a 240 weapon and maintenance as its own prayer. Tom R posted and said really enjoying this campaign. D&D was the first game that I ever played and I'm looking forward to following the Dwarven War Band. R.J. posted as well and said okay next episode we get to witness D&D 5E in action. See how it handles on the rough and tough. Bring it on. They've got this. No we don't. Yeah I guess we did. Because episode 241 which was called Barry the Lead. Paul B posted and said shut up Mike. A fuller is nothing to do with blood or damage. It's an engineering solution to decrease the weight of the blade without decreasing its overall strength. It's the same principle as an I-beam in construction. It does sacrifice some of the rigidity of the blade though. So you need to be more disciplined in your blade alignment or it will turn in your hand. There are no mercurial swords. But there were some Indian and Chinese attempts to make swords with slots in which ball bearings or other moving weights would travel freely. In practice these were produced as an oddity rather than a functional weapon. See I wanted to know that. I'm glad you responded. There you go. It seemed like some bullshit. I did. Well I mean it was an oddity. He said that was not private. He existed. That doesn't make it bullshit. He definitely said that mercurial weapons are fake. Well those are fake yes. So they're bullshit. I will agree with that. And the others are trivial. Yes. Mike responded in there somewhere saying see I knew that you would know the real deal. And unless the editor took it out I believe I even acknowledged the fact that I may not know what the hell I'm talking about. No I left that in. Of course. That made it in. That made the cut. We all need to cover our own butts. I think I may have duplicated it and put it in a couple of times. Loose with the whole stupid he sells right here. At 1452 he says. Not once. In my head that's what you sound like. Just say that. I don't know. Paul B responded to your post and said yes. You did indeed say that. I keep wanting to do a show on weapons and armor for RPG games. But I'm not sure anybody would find it useful or interesting. Oh I disagree. I think I'm almost anybody who plays role playing show. I might buy it both. Actually I think the history channel has a couple different shows about weapon making and they compete famous warriors from different eras using different kinds of weapons. Oh yeah what is it called? Like warrior versus warrior or something but I remember seeing out here. Yeah like a Viking going against a Maori. You know the Maori's using the battle club. I thought this thing was like you know a modern day marine versus. I think they do that. They're all fascinating. Yeah so. There's death in the warrior. That's nice. That's nice. Those Russians. That's nice. Which by the way Michael Clay is trained in specimen fighting but that's irrelevant. And it's fun. To finish Paul's comment while I'm on the weapon subject. All of those huge fantasy dwarven hammers and axes. What you have is a slow virtually useless lump on the end of a vast versatile stick. If you're a human. But these are great. They have different centers of gravity. They're magical. I'm guessing while Paul B runs the sword nut podcast he is not a hammer or a mace or axe nut in any way shape or form. Well swords are useless versus armor most of the time. Oh you're going to get a mad again. No don't get a mad again. He'll tell you to shut up. I mean I could be wrong. I was not. Here's a word to the wise. Don't get into a verbal argument with a guy who makes weapons for life. And who gets to respond you know whenever he feels like when I only get to respond once a week. I think if the sword's big enough it's probably going to handle most of the armor you can move around in. And if it's a well bad sword. Still on 241 Tom R posted and said Bob. I know your voice. We do have a history with your characters. Saying this my favorite character is Gillick. Excellent character with a great back story. But don't get overconfident as Thomas and John seem to be doubling down on their history. What? I believe his account has been hacked. Or he's drunk off his ass. One of the other. Don't drink and post. Post. Lastly we had episode 242 the one that was just put out. We titled it these majorly hands. It's weird. Don't mess with these majorly hands. That was John. Anyways Luke G posted and said love the major armor. The description I gave of. Yeah that was not true. REJ posted as well and said so. Still no combat. Took me to the dark side of the system. Well just brought a new hand held free headset. And I'm testing it with KOTN on my drive to work. Naturally. To the night mobile. This was posted after my description. RE hadn't listened to it yet. And I said like combat question mark. And he was assuming that there was none. When there actually was. There was. He didn't respond back. He talked about his. He still driving. I thought he took trains or public transportation. Oh he got. He gets around all mostly driving now. Lastly I reposted and said I just can't help it. But I keep thinking of how this would have done in dungeon world. Scott even utters a clear call for a move at the end of the battle. Also I really like how Thomas Scott's detail adding to their character actions. They insert them into other characters moments. And Jon and Thomas are not sounding so like anymore. I guess. Well done. Well to be distinctive. And I don't know how that happened. I did it. I think I might be able to listen to this. This is a lot of shots. I don't know what's changed. He said P.S. that's squirrel, eagle or drunk. Delarious. I put squirrel sounds in there when it was swinging. They were very squirrely sent. Lastly I already said P.S. Scott in anger management the TV series. Charlie Sheen wears a coin. Unseen. See? So John picks up the coin and Scott says he looks at it. He is not going to wear it. In which we all question how exactly you wear a coin. And where would you? In my head it was a ring. It was a ring. Not a coin. Ari's just telling us that you can't apparently wear a ring. Yes. It's called a... It starts with the same letter as the coin board. I think is what he's referring to. Not that I would know. Just to be clear. So you're wearing one now. Anyway, with that we're done with the feedback. We want to thank everybody. We had some new Patreon members. So we're going to give out next week as the start of October. We'll be giving out another t-shirt. Halloween t-shirt. Yeah. Well, no. Maybe. I guess I get to choose the slogan. So why not? Do you get the Amazon stuff coming? Keep the Amazon stuff coming. We're only 90 days till Christmas. And Black Friday. And Black Friday is one. Soon. Probably about 60 days. 60 days, right? Roughly. So thank you. It's known as roughly... Nine podcasts? Eight. Eight or nine podcasts for now. With that exciting news, we only hand the microphone over to Mike. And get on to D&D 5th edition. Hi, Mike. You're DM for the campaign, "Heart of Flame." Starting on my right is... I am Jim Plaine Thaden. Fighter. Mountain door. Runehammer. Plan. Number. Still flushing out the character. This is Bob Plaine Gillick. Ranger of Torm. I'm Tom Plaine Dally, a level 3 sorcerer, tinkerer, forest gnome, refugee, and adopted daughter of Thirl and Hammer. I'm Scott, playing Dane Runehammer. A Paladin of the God Torm. A member of the Runehammer Clan. Thomas, playing... I'm Barrow, the Jordan Fighter. Part of the Runehammer Clan as well. John, playing Kerf, the rogue wizard. War to the State. The work. War Chief. War Chief, Boak, looks a little stunned, then furious, and he goes, (screaming) - All right. - And then charge. - It works when you don't brag. - We're all going to re-roll initiative. - Good, I rolled shit last time. - I rolled it. - That was ninja one, by the way. I threw the arrow, realized it was gonna be in the hard table, shot out with my hand and grabbed it before it hit the table. - All right, much better. - I think I'm feeling very powerful right now. - Gellie. - 11. - All right, Kurt. - 20. - Wow. - 15. - 12. - Barrow. - Four. - Very relaxed. - Well, it actually doubled your premium. - Yeah. (laughing) - I'm twice as ready. You're still not quite ready. - You're still not quite ready. - I'm still in the day at the office for you, Dally. - 19. - Wow, Dally. - I rolled a 17 plus two. - She's just not like that. - Now, did you get like metal armor, did your clothes just kind of tighten up into armor, or do you want to describe that a little bit? - It's steamed punk, so the belt has little ribbons that click into place as it goes off, but basically it's mage armor, and she has an armor class of 15 now. She's also being protected from a protection from evil stuff. - That's right. - All evil creatures are at a disadvantage after all 20 dice. - 20 dice. (laughing) - Why do you know you said take the worst one? - Wow. - Yeah, it's really powerful. - That is a powerful spell. Dae, what's your? - 19. - All right. - Dally, what's your dex? - It's 14 plus two. - And Dae? - My dexterity is a simple 10. I get no pluses, I just roll the natural 19. - So, all right, it's... Okay, Kirth, you're the first one that can respond. - Kirth runs up here, grabs a handful of the silt in the middle of the rumbling ground here, and throws it into the air and the ground just ruptures into a barricade in front of the dang. - Kind of barricade. - Kirth in mound. - Like a wall, the counter? - No, not quite. - Just a hill big enough that you have to go around it instead of over it? - No, no, they could charge over. It's just something in the way that they have to... - It's like a little terrain. - It'd be like, yeah, it'd be like a couple feet high, but not like, I'm hiding behind. It's like up to my knees maybe, it'll be side high, something like that. Yes, no. - Does Dae know it's an illusion? - Dae has adventured with him before. I have to assume, since we're third level, we've seen this before. - Okay? - No, but okay. - Okay, well, I see stay back from it. - It's real. - Got it. - When that image came up, the sound I had been playing, crescendo ends, yes. It just makes the giant earth moving sound to lend credence to the fact that this is not an illusion. - You should probably explain this with you here. - It's like a double illusion. - Maybe after all, slide a fan. - I did an illusion. When I threw that dirt, I was actually throwing a ton of old bearings. - I have to pull bearings. - I have like 1,000 of them. - Okay. - So, this is a trap. - It's a trap. - You're telling me now that you took ball bearings through that and scared them. So now that's, you want anybody that has-- - If anybody tries to run up the hill, it's not a rule for ball bearings. - Dae's checked 10 to see if they slip and fall. - So it's for argument sake, that's what it's called. - Right, just for argument sake then, this area here, I have to roll the-- - The dice. - For the way that they trip up. - Okay. - So you cast a trap, but then you also cast a spell to make it look like an earth and wall. - Yeah. - I just want them to stay when it comes to happen. - I want them to try to vault over it and then trip and break their maps. - Bravo. - So do I. - Yeah. - Okay. - Go, Dally, what would you like to do? - Dally runs to the edge of the hill, so she has a clearer view, and she taps her spider, which brings a lens in front of her eye. This gives her telescopic view of the leader guy over there, in which it, it's got a little heads up display and tells her where she wants to hit. It's actually true sight, but it gives her advantage on her next attack against that target. - All right, now you guys are in long range of any questions you have, so do you want to fire? - No, he can't. - That's an action. - That's an action. - Okay, so Dally is taking a bead on the leader. - Yes. - I lay hands of myself, praying all the time to torn, to heal my wounds so they may honor him more with a larger kill in his name. - I can heal up to my level times five hit points a day, which is 15, I took 12, I just healed five of them. - Okay, is there a limit to how many times you can heal? - No. - It's just an action. - It's just an action. - Okay. - No, I have a point pull. I can only heal up to 15 times. I could do 1.15 times. How does I understand it? - Gotcha. - Okay, I have a good with that. - I want to stand right there. - Yeah, I'm just standing right there. - All right. - Trying to hold the line. - So following that is now fading. No, I'm sorry. I lied to you. - The orcs. - Oh. - Rar. - And he's. - One could argue, Mike, that when I prayed to torn, stepped up and slayed the orc and cut him in two in single combat, that that was quite inspiring. - I did the already hidden inspiration. - Oh, you just-- - I used it on the attack. - You're absolutely right. - You're absolutely right. - It is. You do. - Okay, thank you. - That was wonderful. You see a mass of orcs. The leader's not moving. - Oh, yeah. - Or she moves separately. - Oh, yeah, yeah. - Gives them this long for a reason. (laughing) - Yeah. - Go get 'em. - Go get 'em. - All right. These six are gonna hear old javelins at these two. Three for each and because they're throwing uphill. - And it's long range. - And for them it's longer range. - Is it medium? - Yeah, we have this cover. - And you have this covered. - They take cover. - I'm going to give them a minuses and I'm going to actually apply disadvantage to their attacks. - The distance I have for my javelin is 3120, Mike. Does that mean if you're within 3120? - 3120. - Can you explain to me 'cause I didn't look up the exact principle? - 30 is your normal range. You don't get penalty. - So from zero to 30, no penalty. - No penalty. - 3120 disadvantage. - Well, originally it was minus two to hit, but it might be disadvantage now. - And then one 20 above, you can't even go farther than that. - You can't go farther. - Got it, okay. - Just make a call and we'll look up. - I'm going to say it's going to be disadvantage and a minus, so adjudicated. - So we're going to have three javelins going for Dane first. One javelin, this is you. - 17 is what they're trying to roll. - Another javelin, this is you? - I have a market. - This advantage. - Just so you know. - Yeah, I'm happy with disadvantage. - Oh, this might hit. - Does a 20? - Yes, yep. - 20 hits you. So one more javelin hits you. For, there's nobody in for me. - Five points. - Yes. - So now they're going to attack you. - Oh, okay. Five points? - Five. - Okay. - I don't know. - Does a 14 hit you? - Yep. - All right, that's one hit. Does a 13 hit you? - Yep. - What is your armor class? - 12. - Get the fuck back. - I want to buy me something. - I want you to get the fuck back. - And that's, - I didn't think they could throw from there, honestly. - Yeah, they're quite talented. - So... 15 hits you're dead. - You're not dead. - Close the. - So, as you sit there, two of the javelins impact you. - All right. I dropped to one knee. That's more than enough. - I'm trying to hide better behind my illusion. - All right. - I should've made it. - I threw it from the other six. - They might not throw them. - Is that all the javelins I have? Please God. - No. - They have more javelins. - Any armor. - What kind of question is that? I have leather armor. - Okay. - I have to hold plus two. - So, - Following that, one will now be... - Theiden. - These guys don't throw? - They don't move. - They'll like call it or a coward. - You can insult his mother. - Is there anything I can do defensively against these things? - Yes, you can dodge. - You can dodge or ready in action? - No one's gonna be there before you get there. - Yeah, dodge, dodging. - Okay, so until the start of your next turn, any attack roman against you has disadvantage. - As long as you can see the attacker. And you can see the attackers. - All right. After that is Gillick. - The ones that are staying back, do they look like they're ready in javelins? - No. - They've got their great axes and they're running. - How about the ones who are not tracking? - Do they look like they're getting javelins ready? - A second javelin out? - So, you as all just happened, so they've just thrown their javelins and they've hit kirt twice and day once. - But these kind of spun down in one knee and he looks like they're in a lot of pain. - So, I'm gonna pray to storm and I'm going to create a fog cloud. - Wow, okay, yeah. - Now, what does that do? - It creates a 24 radius sphere of fog up to 120 feet away from me. - Are you gonna try to protect the ones in the center? Are you gonna try to obscure their view? - Yeah, I think so. If they're seeing kirt to take that javelin, I think I'm gonna drop it right in front of them. - It does obscure their line of sight. Now, how high is it? 20 by 20? - 20 high, too. - A 20 foot radius sphere, so, I mean-- - It's a 20 feet sphere, so yeah, it would be 20 feet. - Okay. - I mean, 40. - Right. - If I asked your spell, do you still wanna move? - Yeah, I will. - And what is this here, Mike? Is this a large boulder? - Yeah, those are large boulders that will give you at least half cover. - Well, Gilligan finds out, or he's gonna stand, what else can we do? - I'm done. - Okay, cool. - Okay, actually, the boulders get half cover and the trees will give three quarters cover. - Okay. - So, half cover is a plus two bonus to our class in dexterity saving throws and three quarters cover is plus five to-- - Okay, plus five. - There's no play from shooting from cover. - No, I take cover behind-- - It's a pine, so it's gotta hide the ship, yeah. - So after Gilligan borrow-- - Do you wanna fight, little man? - Please note that the war chief got an entry line. - Well, that's impressive. - Kind of what? - What happened? - He rolled a natural one for his initiative. - Oh, nice. - He was stunned by maybe you killed his son. - What are you doing, strong warrior borrow? - Well, I was moving down the hill, trying to get an emile range, 'cause it's always good at it. - And-- - Excellent. - Just gonna double move. - You're gonna double move or dodge? - Double move, actually. - 'Cause you're feeling good about the fog bank. - Yeah. - Okay, cool. - And that earthen wall. - And then Dolly will be okay over here. Is she gonna stay here? Are you gonna charge the fucking orcs? I wonder, aloud, as I charge the fucking orcs. - Dolly does not answer. - Okay, I think that's it for us. Big bad orc. - Right, the big bad orc comes up to here and he emits a battle cry. - That just seems to spark fire in the already crazy eyes with these orcs. - Right. - And really whips him up into a frenzy. - Excellent. - All right, and we start again at the top. So, kirth. - Gilly. - You're gonna help him at all? - Healing wise. - Are you done? - No. - Okay, okay. - Gilly, if you stay close, I can just hide in all the fog. - So, clarify, does the spell description have any parameters for its before? - It is heavily obscured. - Heavily obscured. - So, whatever that means, I'm not sure what cover would apply to that. - Can I get sneak attacks? - Does it say total cover? - Creature in a heavily obscured area effectively suffers from the blind condition. - The blind condition. - I guess anyone attacking into the fog would not be able to see. - So, anyone hiding in the fog would also be blind? - Yes, yes. - Okay, do you want to rethink further? 'Cause you would know that. - It'd be used to step back from it. - Is it before you want to hide in it? - I was going to hide in it. - Well, I can't fucking find you. - I'm on the edge of it, but okay, fine. Yeah, fine. - I was worried that people can't see anything. - Okay. - Yeah, that's what I mean. - It's repeated. - Yeah. - I didn't want to lose him. - Well, that's my point. I'm trying to give you out. - He's dodging as well. - Are you very much so? - And he's trying to hide behind a solution. - All right, do you want to cast? No, you're maintaining your illusion. - Does Kirk got a healing potion? - No. - Smallness. - Healing potions. - I thought he gave everybody one or something. Or just some of us. - I don't know. - I don't have one. - I don't have a healing potion. - I don't know. - I don't know what you mean by healing potions. - Okay, Daley. - Daley slides slightly to her left so she can see the leader better and using her spider aiming unit. It's not even close. Scorching Ray goes 120 feet. - Oh, you're right. - She has a gun that fires one little thing at a time, but she hopes is down and it just pumps off three of them. And she aims it at the later. - That's like a Roman candle made by a gnome. - Daley fires and rolls absolutely horrible. - Well, it's horrible. - Horrible would be 10 and nine on the two dice. - And does your true sight give you any bonuses? - Yeah, they actually roll. - But she rolled low on both dice. Perhaps this tree here. - She's wide, right. And it's a Scorching Ray, right, you see? - Yeah, all three of the packets drop around him in the whole area first in the plane, but. - Okay, so that tree by him begins to smolder with flame. Daley is fired. She's a little bit nervous because this is her first case of real combat, right? - Right. - So her shots go a little bit wide. Dang, go. - I kneel down because I want to have as much cover from the illusionary wall as possible. I prayed to torn for the strength to heal and to make this battle one that everyone survives in. And then I use the remaining 10 points of healing that I have for lay on hand and touch Kirth and heal 10 points of damage from him. - So Kirth, you feel 10 points? - 10 points better. - Another positive reason to like the dwarves and like the guys and think of the religion and once again, the clergy is helping you out. So that is your action that takes to the orcs. We're going to have one attack on Daley, one attack on Gileg. So the attack on Daley with disadvantage, all right? - Seven. - Seven. - Gileg, someone has thrown a weapon at you in anger and the javelin sails past your little head for Gileg. - Gileg is minus five. He has cover behind the inventory. - And it's not going to make a difference for what's your own class Gileg? - No, it's not that great. - We're at this 14. - Oh, just misses it. The javelin sticks into the tree right next to your eyeball. Very close to your face. Very close to your face. - No. - Thedon. - Thedon. - Thebarrow, right? - Barrow and Thedon. - Yeah. - So Thedon, those two guys are going for you. Barrow, those two guys are going for you. - No words. - I am dodging. - You were dodging, which puts me, oh, they're not touching you at all, Thedon. Oh, look at that natural 20 and I can't take it. - Disadvantage. - Disadvantage saves your life. All right, now, Barrow. - Barrow's not dodging or anything. - And they're not hitting you either. - I'm wondering why they're rolling into the advantage. I'm not behind cover or anything. Well, unless they're firing through the tree. - They're firing up the hill too. - Oh, okay. - Come on then. - Right. - So, 16 hour plus. - Oh, they didn't hit you. And the second one, nope, both of them miss. That takes us to Thedon. So right now, the, you guys are almost being encircled in a classic pincer movement. - Thedon. - You've got six orcs on your right, you've got five orcs on your left and you've got the big meat one right down the middle. - A charged middle? - Yeah. - It's exciting. - Yeah. - A charged middle and all handled. These four, that's some stupid interest. Yeah, charged middle. - Why don't you leap over my problem? - Huh? - I don't want to- - No one wants me to get an athletics check and fall on their ass in the middle of combat. - There's lots of ball bearings over there. - There's lots of them over there. - You didn't fucking tell him? - You didn't tell me that, if I know they're there, I don't think they're all about it. - Well, he sees his own as an earth ball. - Well, it's an illusion. - Yeah. - What'd he do? - If I go, we'll move, I can't. - Yeah, 'cause I can't find double move. - You didn't double move, did you? - Huh? - You didn't double move, did you? - No, I said if I do, I can't attack. - Right. - So, I'm just gonna do that and dodge. - Absolutely. - If it looks like there's a hill in the way, I'm gonna have to roll, I'm not gonna have to make a roll. If it was a regular hill, I would have to make a roll. - It's a two foot high lump of earth. Jump over it for fuck's sake. - Yeah, that's what I'm doing. - Roll that flag, sure. - It'll be right on the edge of the vlog. - And you're going to the vlog? - I'm making a dex roll, right? - The athletic strike is the strength. - Yeah, and you're jumping. Eight, roll the four, plus four. - What's the DC? - 10. - 10. - So he falls. - Yeah, your ball bearings, what's up with the ball bearings? - I thought you tried to jump over that. It makes him prone. - Well, he fell down. - Yeah. - He prone to injury. - He slipped and fell down. - Oh gosh. - Next. - All right. - I'm going to help put the balls on the ground. - Turn up pros. - Ball's surprising. - I hear balls on the ground. - Okay, Gilligan. - I'm going to shoot this or carry with my heavy crossbow. - No, he's right right by the tree. - Plus six. - And it's 21. - Hit. - Got you. - New bob. - It's a new bob. - He's not damaged at all, is he? - That one is his, no. - None of that. - The bonus when I'm attacking a damaged orchard. - Oh. - And this is your, but you also get a bonus for, this is your favorite, your favorite drink. - That's right, oh. - So Gilligan has loaded the crossbow, taken aim, fired it, downhill, and plugs the orc and. - Seven damage. - For seven points of damage. He hits him, but does not take him down. He squeals like a little pig. - That's racist. - I've got two orcs. - I'll have to learn to get by, I suppose. - All right. - All right. - And I go back behind cover a little bit more. You can do that five foot, fire, five foot back. Move yourself back to where you were. - Following Gilligan, we're going to borrow. - Just wait. I continue dashing towards the group of orcs that narrowly missed me with a couple of javelins. It's five, 10, 20, 25. - Nice. - All right. - Slam all range. - Can you do that? - Wow. - Which are three move? - No. - Not quite now. I swing, well, which direction are they in? Yeah, directly south of me, there's one orc adjacent, and I'm going to hit him with my mall. - So borrow has charged four orcs on his own. - Yeah, fuck that shit. - He's not afraid. - I kill him, he's not afraid. - He gets up against one and swings his axe or hammer. - I have a mall, giant fuck off hammer. I'm going to use, wait, did I get inspiration to hammer call now? - Regardless, in case I didn't, I'm going to roll just one die. - Okay, I can go charging, charging four orcs on your own, protect your friends. I'll give you inspiration for that, sure. - I'll spend it immediately to make sure I hit this guy. And I didn't need to. - Oh, but I did. - Wow, you know, I rolled a natural 20 and an 18 in case I wasn't going to go to the mall. - Okay, let's take the natural 20, which is double damage. - Yeah, double damage. - I roll two, six out of die, and then double it because of our list. - Sure, sure. - And wow, you rolled like I did. - You rolled like I did. - So an eight, nine, nine damage plus six. - No, plus four. - Okay. - Miss, 15. - I could have rolled that inspiration to not pull down into me. - So that Mighty Axe cleaves and kills that. - Nicely done. - It's a mall. - It's a mall. - Tomorrow has claimed his first blood in the campaign. - He got it. - He got a mold. - It's a mall. - It's mashed, it's facing. - The ugliest corpse, unless Gillick does, in which case we need to reevaluate. - And he already did his battle cry. So, all right, he is gearing up to hit you with a great axe, but he's still out of range. - I'm gonna get some bitch. - Kurt, you're up. - I'm gonna, I can throw a dagger. - Dear God, go hide somewhere for fuck's sake. It's too dangerous up front. - I'm running away. I'm sorry, I did my illusions. That's all I can do without getting rid of the current on the top. - 25 and Dodge? - Yes. - Dally. - Dally. - Here's his Perth Sinspiration. - Actually, yeah, you've run up right next to her actually. - Perfect. Dally uses the inspiration. And basically, we set the spider 'cause it got knocked down. - Sure. - She did the big shot. So, she has kind of a true shot again. So, she does the same. She does scorching ray again at the later. - It'd be really cool to be there. There's a little bit of her room. - Yeah, it's our little bit better. - 15. - And what's the scorching ray do again? It fires three bolts of fire. - There's our little gasoline-filled thing to it. - Right. - It's okay against the layer. - It is a hit. - You see the fire bolts hit him one way after the other catching his little fur on fire and burning into his armor. - She is actually empowering it. She's using a starter spell point to do that. - There you go. - Which means she gets to reroll two dice that she doesn't like the results of. - Oh, fuck, you know what? I could reroll once and choose. - So the total damage was 22. - 22, holy cow. - She took a little gap. - Does it have any after effects? - No. - Okay, so she just put 22 points of fire damage into the warchief's butt. - Thanks for the inspiration. It works really well. - Yeah, I don't know what it is. - The rubber bands are sagging on that particular gun now. She can't fire any more of this, so she's gonna have to fall back to another weapon. - Calibrate thump. - You fire, do you take, do you move now? - To cover, like, for perhaps, like behind a tree? - Nah, she's a rookie. She has no clue what she's doing out there. And so far, things have just magically missed her. - It's all right. Well, she remains out in the open, totally exposed. - Dang, you've just seen-- - I take a quick look back. I see the fog, I see Dally, I think she's safe. I also see the ranger, so I feel somewhat comfortable. I move five, jump, 10, 15, 20, 25. I'll make my jump roll, which is an athletics roll. I need to roll athletics. I have proficiency, which gives me a plus two. I have strength of plus three for a total of plus five, correct? - I might even have proficiency. It just never filled my skills up. - Oh, you don't move. - I don't move. - I roll a 15 plus five, it's 20. - Easily done. - So I easily jumped, and I then attack using an inspiration, so I get an advantage. - Can you use it on the damage? - No, it's only to hit. - Gellig, just as a reminder, you know that these groups are ruled by the strongest, and you know that if you take down the leader, it will have a detrimental effect. - Gellig is now, I remember this. Gellig told me that in the past, which is why I'm going for him instead of protecting the flank, because I think we take them out, they'll cower. - Oh yeah, one more thing. Kill the biggin, kill the biggin. - All right, so, okay, it's a sacred weapon. This is turn six of my sacred weapon, it lasts for 10. - That's right. - That would be one minute. That gives me plus two to my attack rolls. I get two attack rolls, so the attack roll. - I'm sorry, just to be clear, you mean you have advantage, or you get to hit twice? - I have an advantage, which means it gives me an extra die in my attack roll. - I rolled a one, and a little 11, plus six. So I have a 17 and a seven. However, I have fighting style, great weapon fighting, which lets me reroll ones and twos. - That's good damage. Since you're attacking. - Are you sure? - Yeah, it's for damage. - Yeah, you're attacking with advantage, so you only need to have one hit. - Which is why-- - Right, but if that was a reroll, I could've rerolled 20. - Oh my goodness. - We both forgot that. - Correct. - Because you rolled for the-- - Yeah, I rolled the shitty roll. - Also, because you have a great weapon, you have a heavy weapon, you reroll your damage dice for one's right choose, which we forgot to do. - Yes, don't do that, because you're fighting the chief now, so-- - Okay, I'm not gonna forget now. I've got two dice six for damage, plus three, 'cause my strength bonus, plus one, 'cause of the weapon for a total of plus four. You get to reroll ones and twos. However, I also get to take a bonus action, which I am using the bonus action of searing smite, which is one of my spells. It gives me an additional one dice six damage, and it sets him a light in case he survives. He'll be on fire after that. I'm gonna go ahead and roll for damage, so it's now three dice six, plus four. I get to reroll ones and twos. I got it. Okay, that's 11 plus four, it's 15 more damage. At least four of that was fire, and then he now needs to make a 12 DC saving throw at the beginning of each turn to not be on fire, and take an additional one dice six damage. - So he's on fire? He's on fire now, and next turn. - Correct, I've got to. So he took 16 more from Dali's 22, so he's taken 38, and however, I am now in his range, because he did not get to attack, and I don't think, did he double move there, Mike, or did he double move? Oh, so that's good. - Good choice, okay, so-- - Actually, may I do something else as well? - You've had a bonus action, and you've had an attack. - Yes, but what else? - Divine smite, I think as a free action, it allows me to lose a spell slot. - Your bonus action is your free action. - Okay, that already took one, 'cause I would have divine smite a disaster. - Right, you can save that up for the next hit. - Sure, that was-- - Dane. - How does he look, by the way? - He is burned, and angry, and now burned and cleaved a little bit, but he's still fighting ferociously. - Okay. - Okay, so now the-- - Orcs, attack. - I'm good, son. - One to three, it's Dally, four to six, it's Curth. And the second one, all right, one for each of you. This orc fires at Dally, and he does not have disadvantage now. - Or I guess it does, or I have a different help. - He does, simply because I have protection from evil. - And because you have protection, that's why I was throwing that. Thank you for reminding me. A natural 20 to get goes to waste. - Dang, another one. - My normal class is 15. - Okay, so the javelin hits you, but ricochets off your major armor. - You're awesome. - Nice. - You're-- - I'm sorry. - Your stink marker armor. - A little bit of steam goes-- - Yeah. - So it hits you, and it goes 15. - Can you smile happily that your technology works so well? Curth. - We're all tired. - It's still as bad. - I don't think you can't find enough. Stupid of his, you're standing on the hook. - And what's your armor class again? - Curth. - 12. - Awesome, it's a 13. That's a hit. - Jesus. - Curth is in question of the battle. - And Curth takes eight points of javelin damage. - You are javelin catcher from now on. - All right, now with Thaden, you've got one guy that can attack you. And it's straight up an attack. And it's a fumble. Yeah, you now have advantage against that guy. He is out of position with his attack. Barrow has got to defend himself. - Beautiful. - All right. - DC is 16. - Thank you. Got some miss. Got some miss. Doing some fucking freestyle. - What's the miss? - Breakdancer, I'm breakdancer. - All right, so these three works I've tried to surround you and kind of pin you against the tree. And they have taken shots with these gray axes and you're able to deflect or dodge and maneuver around them. They have not hit you. - It's beautiful. Art of getting one kind of the way. - I'm sorry, let me back up. There's one more, there's one more work back there. - Ooh, that one. - That has a shot to-- - He catches his arms. - Dain, do you have any spells on that would make this a disadvantage? - Not like I think of. - All right. And what's your armor class? - 17. - Just misses. And it actually hits your own and reflects off. - I grunt and say a quick thank you to Torm. - So Thadon steps up. - Five feet movement. - Five foot movement, I know. - Yeah, slides in and then hit the guy with the disadvantage first. - Ash is the one to your right. - So that means I get the advantage. - And you roll two. - You have to say nice and take the highest. - I got a nine, I'm trying to figure out what the heck is all the plus's I get. - What's your efficiency bonus? - Your strength bonus? - My strength is four. - Proficiency is four. - All right, it's in. - Yeah, plus second. - Okay, it's a hit. And actually, you should guys, there should be a place if it's not on there. - There it is. Go ahead in the middle. - Yeah, it's a big total that, so we don't have to calculate it every time. We can just have a-- - I wrote mine out. - Thank you. - Very helpful. - So you hit and do your damage. More hammers one day eight. - For four. - You get to roll one and twos again 'cause you have great weapon fighting? - Excellent. - We're all very similar. - Yes, of course. - And that's nice. - You get great weapon fighting as a feat. - You can fight your thing. - Five, it's a plus four, is nine. But I wanna do this, the maneuver. For doing a swing, move it to the next guy one. - Oh, leave the thing for that. - Choose another creature within five feet. If the original attack roll would hit him, then he takes damage equal to the number I rolled on my eight sided die. - So you've basically caused nine points of damage to both those people? - Well, I think I have to roll the special die I get. And that's the damage he gets. - Okay. - The second attack? - With the second attack. - Roll your special die. - Yeah. - Nice move. - Eight, eight. - All right. So both of those are-- - You can get the strength bonus with that or no? - It doesn't say I do. - Why wouldn't you? - I do. - Because usually you add them to additional rolls. That one's special. So you still don't have the bonus attack, right? - Yeah, the bonus attack. - All right. - Good enough. - So you have wounded with one hit and you follow through and hit the other orc. So you're now taking on two at once and you've tagged both of them with your-- - War hammer. - War hammer. - Launch bin. - So you've rung-- - You've rung-- (laughing) - Yellow's one. The dally just rolls her eyes with both of you. - Now the one that's closest to you, you've already stuck once with your crossbow. And he's damaged. - I'm gonna shoot him again. - And they just threw, they just hit kirth with the javelin and they just barely miss deli with the javelin. - They only had three total javelins, that they, the one I fought. - Don't I count the volume? - Use up half her javelin, so far. - Okay, I thought they had thrown three in the route. Sorry. - I'm gonna yell a curse at him, some of them about his mother. - Rock don't know his mother. Very sad now. (laughing) - I feel bad. - I'll put him out of his misery. - I'm gonna shoot him. I see 24. - Oh god, yeah. Fuck. - Did you roll an actual 20? - No. - Damn it. - He's just very good. - 19 doesn't do any extra thing. It's just 20s, only 20s. - Not a little property that I don't know about. - Oh wow. - Fighters of the champion arc. - So you fired, you picked around again and you're a trusty crossbow that you've used to hunt orcs many times before. - Strike him with how much time? - I get an additional die eight. - But it didn't-- - Yeah, because he's hurt. - He's already wooded, so you have to get pretty much over seven points. - Welcome up. - This just is a random number, 17. - All right, he's shooting through the throat and his head basically comes off. - And he hits the guy behind him 'cause it's exactly in order. - How do you see him? That's where we're firing him. - Yes, right, okay. - Does he want to move? - He does, he moves out five, takes a shot, then moves back. - Okay. - Yeah, that's my turn. - Barrow. - Barrow. - Think of it. - Gonna fuck some people up. - He didn't last. - Generals are over there. - Yeah, Tyler can handle it. He wants to glory. - No, I don't. - I mean, I want something that Captain has to do along. - No, it's not. - No, he really is. - But you have your hands full, so I understand. - Oh yeah, I am fucking surrounded. Barrow's gonna hit the one directly ahead of him. He's surrounded by three orcs. He's gonna make some of the less of a problem. - Nice. - But he missed, probably. I'm not actually sure. He rolled an 11 total. - Are you at a disadvantage when you're in that situation? - I have no clue. - Is there a time when you have so many enemies that you actually have to roll two dice and take the worst total? Is one of the asking how? - I have a free action. As a fighter, I can take an action surge, which lets me make another attack. - Okay. - I'm gonna hit this one, the one who's holding a bow, and he's slightly higher up the hill for the north and the north side. - Well actually, I'll say you're both kind of equal, so let's not worry about that. - I was just trying to identify what he was. And I'm rolling my other 20 side, let's see if that does better. - No. - Does worse? - Holy cow. - Yeah, Barrow's having a bad day. - I did, did you and Bob somehow, like, shake hands when he first came in? - Barrow has done a burnout from single digits at all. - Could you rotate the chief so he's facing the paladin? - I'm sorry, does he roll the check on his burning at the beginning? - At his turn, on his turn. Yeah, so he has to beat DC 12. - Start of the villain turn. - Oh, he rolled the two. - That's one dice six. - The holy fire flares up and burns him for another one damage. - When he falls over, he dies. - I have a gun. - Torm, baby, Torm. - Torm is burning to his evil, and this guy is evil. - Yes, he is. - And he decides to become aggressive, invoking Grumptious Fury, - A little change. - and a little touch, a little rummish. - Grumptious, he's not going to make two attacks. - No, he's been passive aggressive, because it's like no, he's overtly aggressive. - What do you roll? - A nine. - I ducked that first one, and hope he rolls bad again. - And that one would be a 17? - Yeah, my armor class is 17. - It just hits you with the great axe, one day 12, that can-- - Oh, a day 12? - I am not holding one, actually. - No, no one has one of those. - Those are like, no one's even heard of those. - They do make me hear. Everybody makes fun of the day 12. (laughing) - It's a wide range of numbers. - I prefer a couple die six. - So one day 12. - Whatever, I get to roll with him. - Ooh, a whopping nine points of damage. - All right. - So the first attack you duck under, but then he followed through and hit you. - Oh, I felt it, but I'm still standing. - That's turning his current. - Turn eight of my combat, the one on one combat, and then the overall combat. So it's been eight turns since it all started. - Your spell might be wearing off soon. - The reason. - Right. - So Kurt. - My spell was useless, no one used it. - Yeah, we did. - Jim Falney? - Yeah, Jim Falney, you're right. (laughing) - Sorry, Thaden. So I'm giving it up. And I'm gonna use the sky's self to start running. - I withdrew this fog. - How long did your fog spell last? - Concentration, I think in hour? - Okay. - Jesus. - So you're maintaining it. So you dive into the fog bank and it totally obscures you. - Mm-hmm. - Okay. - I again slide one more to my left and fire off a single shot from my fire gun. - This fucking room again. - Now this is squishing rain again. This is your... - No, actually this is called a fire bolt. - Fire bolt, okay. - Same range, roughly the same thing. She uses the same gun for it. - So the other arm has a little... - You can use this one then. - So Daley, it's a different cartridge. - Oh, it's Daley. Daley rolled a 18, which is plus hit four. So that's 22. And for damage, I rolled them both at the same time. She rolled a nine. - Nice. - What did she hit? - The leader. - Tell you what, Daley's backing you up something. - Yeah, we're a good team. - It's a little packet of gasoline splashes on him and the fire just engulfs him more. Because this one actually does catch things on fire. - Okay, so does he have to make a safe throw to him? - No, it's not things that you're wearing or carrying. So... - All right, just remind me that when his turn comes up then he has... - He's got another DC 12. - He's got itching and burning and yeah. - If he makes a roll, he basically, the fire goes out. - All right, so she is plinking away at this big guy and she is... - And she says in a high-pitched voice, "Corm!" - Okay, Dane. - For just a moment in time, a small smile creeps across his face as he's... This is her first combat and he's very proud of her. As much as he wants to protect her, he's also very proud of her. So, "Torm," I'm sorry, Dane, goes ahead in the name of "Torm." - I'm going to give him my inspiration. - My inspiration. - And I say one last blessing. Put all my effort into the attack and hopefully... Seven plus six is 13. - Not that works. - Well, you know, okay. - But he's... - Thank you for the inspiration. - All right, so the orcs lash out now. We're just gonna go round the horn here. Okay, two of the orcs have moved into position in our focusing and dally. - Maybe I do something as a bonus action for my turn, I'm sorry. - What? - Sanctuary, one bonus action in 30 feet radius. For one minute, I can't be attacked, unless they succeed versus a wisdom saving throw. - Sure, that's difficult, okay. - So as a bonus action on your last round, you are using the sanctuary spell to protect yourself. - Yes. - Okay. - Not Barrow. - Not far. - No, because one more good hit takes me out. I don't think that's where Barrow's at just yet. - No, I haven't been hitting yet. - Right. - Okay. - I'm gonna break dancing. - What's your armor class? - Dally. - My armor class is 15. You have disadvantage against me. - Yeah, that's right. Thank you for reminding me. - What's touching on our guns? Tell you, bye. - My brother protected me. - Well, he protected you as one javelin deflects off your armor. And another one deflects off your armor. But apparently the magic of torn is strong. - For the record, Telly does believe in torn. He even carries a little Bible. - Nice. Well, this is reaffirming your faith. All right, then have the third arc move up into two spaces closer. So three orcs have come up in front of fading and three of 'em. - Take it. - Now, do you have any special thing for this image? You should be fine now, right? And should you just be able to hit you? - Hey, I should be able to pound away. - Okay. - One, oh, that's a hit. 17, the second one hits, and the third one misses. So they hit you with their axes for two, six, eight plus. So a total of 16 points of damage, two axe hits, cleave down on you. Bear with the same situation for you. - Hey, Mike. - Oh, critical hit. And one of them fumbles. Does he die? - I think he doesn't die. - He falls on his own sword. All right, so the guy who fumbled, all right, so we got him this. We got one fumble and the fumble will be that the weapon slips out of his hands. So he'll have to resort to something or pick it up so he'll be distracted. And then the critical hit, I'm afraid to say is two die 12. That is 20 points. - I gotta have a look. - Damn, but it's a meaty thwack. You really take it and get your back up against the tree. - And which one hit me? I'm gonna fuck him up. - The last guy you said that your sanctuary is preventing attacks. - He has to make a wisdom check of 12 or higher to attack me. That's eight plus my proficiency of two plus my wisdom modifier. - All right, the orc, at the far end, tries to throw his last javelin at you, but he somehow is shaky. He tries, but something causes his aim to fail. - And he may choose to attack someone else. I'm just saying, that's what he can do according to the rules. - Oh, it's not very talented of you. - It's not, but I didn't write the same. - And in this case, we're gonna let it go. - Okay. - All right, 'cause they really-- - He just holds on to it. - You really want to go up to you. So now we're at fate. - No, as far as you move action, you can do a little something like rummage in your kit and get a potion or something and drink it. - If you need to say. The potions are for weak things. I'll look it down upon you. - So if they didn't, you are surrounded by three orcs. - Take 'em out. Use your actions. - And there's, well, wounded. You've already wounded two of 'em. - Well, I'm gonna do the same thing I did last time. - Excellent. - But I don't have advantage on anybody. - Oh, right now. - I won't give you more inspiration, but I already spent it. - I don't think we have any inspiration around the table. - Right now, right now. - Right now, we're in a dogfight. - Rolled an 18. - Nice. - A ton. - Are you hit? - To the eight, one hits, one, one hits the other. - Well, it's not, didn't change the last time, so. - Shouldn't hit two day eight. - Here's a guy eight here. - He means, just roll it. - He hits one, it hits one and one hits the other. - Are you doing the cleave thing again? I figured you wanted to turn out the crowd. - Yeah, that's the idea. One day eight, which is five plus four, which is nine. Okay, you've killed the one, you've killed the first guy and purity down, the other one is seven. - Which takes out the other one. So once again, he follows through again with his hammer and double things. No, do you want to maneuver? You've made your attack, you can then maneuver. - Champion to your action search, hit the other one. - I was thinking about taking my accent search and using it to do the commanding strike and letting Scott's paladin hit the big guy again. - That would also be cool. - Your choice. - That's what I want to do. I mean, you could kill three people one turn. - Before I do it. - I got this. As an attack, order an ally to attack. He adds a superiority down to the damage. So you run a die eight when you hit, if you hit. 14 plus eight is 22. 12 plus four is 16 more damage. - Okay, so you take that guy, almost an attack of opportunity and you really take a bite out of him - Would you say 16? - Yeah, 16. - Is he still standing? - He is still standing. - It's his turn. When it's his turn, he has to make a roll again and take more fire damage and die. No, no, no, fire re-immolation. - Yeah. - I thought you were going to type in a damn layer. - Yeah, I tried to. - Get him. - Get him. - Oh man, what's the distance here? - Short. - 10, 20, 30, 30, 40. - You can make, you've got a heavy crossbow. That's a long range weapon. - What's a hundred? - About, yeah, it's less than a hundred. It's about 75. - Okay. - Take him out. - Knowing what I know then, if I take out the leader, then hopefully the rest will spring. - I see him weakened and teetering and I scream across the battlefield. - Gillick, take him out. - I'm gonna take a shot at the leader. - All right, okay. - You just took one down, your favorite enemy. - Oh, there we go, 18, there we go. That's six. - 24, Gillick the hero. - Die 10 plus die eight plus two. Appreciate the dark one. - Okay. - What the fuck it is, I rolled two. - You rolled one, don't you? - No, I do. - That's not that, but that's your weapon. - That's right, every little bit helps. - It's four plus two is six. - I'm telling you, that fire's gonna take him out. He's gonna be immolated in the fire of Torm. - I think my turn comes. - Very fitting. - Yeah, well, if that's a case, you can see it happen. - Tomorrow. - I spend my entire attack action and I have, do you do the same thing that Jim did? - Should I have that blue die, if it's a dark blue die? - Did you kill him already, please? - I'm doing a commander's strike. I'm not, I'm gonna disengage as my other action. - So as you disengage, if I remember correctly, as I referred-- - It's a five-four movement. - Five-four movement? - It doesn't provoke. - It doesn't provoke, yeah, you disengage, no, doesn't provoke opportunity attacks for the rest of the church. - How about you? - Oh, I can't even disengage that way, whatever. - Someone tell me what they just said. - It is a 15, 23. - That's a hit. - Yeah, you get the-- - 'Cause fuck those guys. - I need new, six-sided dice, please. - All the ones I have that they're gonna fail you. - I got you. - I got you. - I'm sure that it's burning with the brand of your guys. - Ooh. - How's that? - Nice catch. - You're all the one. - Oh my God, you're all the one. - The re-roll, right? - One's and two's. (laughing) - Finally. - 11 plus four is 15 more damage as a Baro tells me-- - Please. - Get 'em high. - Yes. Now hit 'em high! - Good. - With a-- - In a way, encouraging me because of my doubt and my fears for my past battle where I lost comrades. - So you say, yeah, and this is kind of the same situation, but you drive the great sword up through the beast's stomach, and the blade pierces out through the back, the fire of torn righteousness burns through 'em, and the beast dies on your blade. It won't rush the blade from your hand. - So what's the article in the flip book by Mike, the RPG flip book by Mike said regarding initiative, is if a situation occurs like this, now you go out of initiative if you want. If you feel if they're gonna retreat, you just go out of initiative and give people a couple rolls to chase them down if they want, or not, and just let them play. You wrap combat up in a sense that makes it dramatic and quick. You don't go-- - Attack. - Okay, move, turn. - Move 20 more feet. - Attack. - Yeah, you don't keep doing that to draw out a fight that's already done and decided. - Let's do that here. - You want to dive right back? - As the case turns out, okay, so Barrow had commanded Dane to do the killing blow against Mote, the warchief. I think that you get warchief as inspiration-ish. - Yeah. - While Kurt is in the fog wondering what's happening. - Mike, may I get a inspiration for that? - Absolutely. - I then give it to Barrow. - Okay. - Because it was a killing blow. Otherwise it would glide. - You still need to, you can't act now 'cause you worry spent, do you want to move? - I did my reaction to do my fighter's healing surge. Second wind, I think it's called. And that is, because I can't actually disengage. It's a full action rather than-- - I had already spent my spells, so I'm just gonna say what I did. - So I could have done that either? - As a conclusion. - Because we're concluding, right? - So right, we are. And so what's happening is kind of as Dane suggested that now that the leader has perished. - There's two that haven't noticed that yet. These two. - Oh, they don't. - 'Cause there's the screen. There's a shadow illusion that looked like an arc. - Yeah. - I was the leader, I was on fire and I was gonna fall on their laps. - Fire, target. - So they will double move away. - You can just verbally describe it. - Yeah, they, this one turns to run. And as he tries to run, Thaden strikes him down. This one drops while he ran out of the javelins. He's gone. The other orcs disengages and runs away. And Barrow pins him up against the tree and kills him. - Now that you killed a warchief. - Dally goes strolling up to Dane and does a tiny-- - Oh, high five, you know. - I pick her up, I smile, I pick her up by the waist and give her a big hodge and tell her she did fantastic and congratulate her on her first battle. - Okay. - I sit down, I give her lots of brotherly love. - I'm over to Dally and I say, good job. Next time you might want to go for cover. Just say. - I'm on touch, I don't know what Dally you're talking about. - Just look at that touch, you just got it. - I'm on touch. - You were, how am I? - My iron man armor, I'm saying. - Screw you guys. - Okay. - Customize. - Do you want to have some of that? - Absolutely, but you have to lose a lot of that stuff sucks. - I'm gonna inclined to agree. (laughing) - If you want to call it here and then we can deal with the aftermath. - I think-- - Well, it's okay. - I mean, it's a close up. - Yeah, it is, yeah, it is, yeah. - It is Monday. - So we'll call it here. (upbeat music) - Thank you for listening tonight's of the night actual tripod dance. If you'd like to send us questions, comments, or feedback, you can reach us in a number of ways. From Twitter @KOTN_podcast, or by email, And don't forget the iTunes reviews. Or our Facebook page, Speaking of Facebook, join like-minded folks at our Facebook fan page. And lastly, there's our blog page., where there's an Amazon link on the right-hand side. Thanks to Zen Audio Smith for the intro and outro music. Get your own music at And join us next week for more mystery and adventure. (upbeat music) - I did scroll sounds for you. Did they not come out right? (laughs) - Two offs. - Your sound effects were excellent, like seriously. I heard that the marching, the sword band. - Maybe I was marching when I did the table thing. - Yes. (mumbles) - I know. - It was pounding, but it's usually for our offices. You said, you know, they- - And Phesus. - And Phesus. - And Phesus. - I do take off my shoes and beat on the table. - Exactly. - I wanna make my points. - I wear better than you all of them! - Can you reach our head hitting the table? - Head down this wall. - Where's the dials, he's like- - I mean, fair, he got a good hit on you. I mean, he's first blood goes to yours. - I'm just trying to like die ten back. I thought you were- - Which one is it? - Um, it's the one that I was- - Five, nine damage to a dwarf. - Well, that's a sissy swab. - I was- - I was impressed. - I was still propelled in. - Hey. - I want your health to scale again. - 29. - Okay. - Yeah man. - I'm a cripple. - Somehow you managed to have more than me. (laughs) - You're their fighters. - Yeah, I'm a ranger, I'm a die ten. What do you have, like, dice? - You're a thief. - Eight, is it, oh eight? - Okay. - I thought you were on the 13, I'm like, my niece. (laughs) - You're not there. - No, it was a attack for a close time. - I'm just trying to help. I don't want to get you. I don't want to get you. - Can I lay hands on myself? - Yeah. - Yeah. - I mean, it's rude. - Yeah, I wasn't sure. - Not important. - Yeah, but he doesn't really say- - If you were to touch yourself, go ahead. Touch yourself. - Title. - I think we've all made it that joke now. - Go ahead and touch yourself, yeah. - I didn't even- - I didn't even crack a smile when I said it. - I just said lay on hand, it was too easy. - And you did? - No. - But you have to say, I'll be in my thought first. - All right. (beep) - First of all, like we're here, he's arguing for theater of the mind. - Yes. - Oh yeah. - Okay. - It's just so we know. - That's why we're doing this. - Well, and I also know that's a good point. - I actually like it. - We want to have theater of the mind through a little bit too. But I want you to be- - When there's, yeah. I'm sorry, Michael. - You know, I want you to be clear with movement. So you can break up your movement. You can move, attack, and move, as long as you only spend as much move as you have. However, when you leave somebody's reach, like in a hostile creature, they have an opportunity attack to hit you. Now you have an attack of opportunity, an opportunity attack. - Oh, that's- - Or you can clearly, but, okay. So, and that's taken as a bonus action. So you can move, attack, and if you have any move left, you can maneuver still. Just wanted to let you guys know you have- - Get ability. - Do you need to concentrate to maintain it? - Its duration is up to 10 minutes. It says to see if the concentration is so yes. - All right, so you have to- - What does that mean? - That means you have to now think about that and maintain it as an action. - But he's allowed to attack, isn't he? - I don't think it's an action, I mean. - That's right, no. - Okay, I think- - I could be wrong, but- - He can't cast another spell. - If I may say, you're like, if he casts a spell or if he gets hit in damage, I think he has to make some kind of saving throw or he loses the concentration. I'll look it up. - Okay, I know for a fact he can't cast another spell that has some concentration involved with it. - But he can move, he can't attack. - I'm pretty sure. - All right, unless Scott tells me different, we're gonna go with that. - He can attack, he can move. The only thing that changes that ends his concentration is casting another spell that automatically loses concentration, taking damage, he needs to make a saving throw, being incapacitated or killed. - Okay. - We'll use a clager lighter. - Well, you know what? - We still do have, technically, Bodek is here, so if we need to have him as an emergency pool of healing, I don't mind him stepping up. If he's, I assume he's being purely defensive right now and still kind of in his things, but if he needs to reach out and touch someone, we can put him up there. - All right, let's stay in doing. - You can have his other sons here. Actually, they're all his sons here. - Yeah. - Best ones, I'm full of goodness. - Well, he's the leader. He impregnates all the women's. - So that'll work? - Oh, yeah. - That's the benefits of being more, more chief. You get the women's. - One of the circuits tripped at home, if Arb says he was waiting for you to come get it, 'cause you're the one who usually hands it at when I'm not there, but you showed Mark and he took care of it. - I did actually show them where it's at. - There we go. - What's the one that had it served round? - I just, I hope not. - Probably. - It's the kitchen and the, no, just the kitchen. - It's the start of a new round. - Yeah, it's the start of a new round. - The start of a new round. - The start of a new round. - I don't know. - Jesus. - Yeah. - Babies first, 20-sided guy there. - Rock have said backstory. (laughing) - Do you get an advantage? (indistinct) - Oh no, it's just for tracking. - Three daughters. - Other things like that. - Great X! - It's not that great. - And then X. - That was a little bit more. - Great X. - Oh my goodness. - Your magic's weird. - I know it is. - My magic is weird. - And I made, it's another, it's a whole nother thing, right? Do I get to, can I do this again? - So what just happened? Explained to me for a second. - Seven even. - Key, kill your about to come up, your own deck. - I turned around, I, okay, so you have, you have struck down your, your enemies. - Yes. - And then you look over your shoulder and I see an opening and I'm like, hit 'em low. - And I go, whoa! - All right, so wait. - So you give an action to Dane to do something? - Right, it's an action. I do not get a bonus action, correct? - Right, correct. - Does he have to spend a bonus action to do that? - No. You're giving him-- - I forgot my, my tech and it uses a bonus action to direct one to my companions. - Okay, I do not get a bonus action. - That's right. And when he does so, it cuts him in the back with the hammer and cuts him down. - Strikes him down. - Smashes the ankle and kills that one. - Not the ankle. - My ankle! - My ankle butter. - Let's stop. - But actually-- - Well, I can't go all day for fun. - We are going to the convention next QCC next week, so we're going to put some backlog here. - Oh, yeah. - That's a nice one. - What I want to do is, Mike, if you could turn it off, 'cause I know it's gone. (laughing) - You don't think I walked over there before just on accident, I checked. (beeping) - I turn around and go home. - All right, so just to be clear, what's happening now is-- - Kurt has died? - No. - Oh, yes. - Dane defeated the challenger in one swole, one swole. - Swipe out. - One fell swoop. - It was pretty swole. - Right, it was pretty swole. - And now 12 works have charged the position, and he emits a battle cry in this-- - No, don't cry. - This howl blows away the fog. - No, no, it didn't. - No, it didn't. (laughing) - I think you did that last time, you went to work. - Mike, turn, no, wait, you worked for first. - Which one was-- - Where's the order of? - Oh, because we haven't gotten in. All right, that's-- (dramatic music) - Who's that? - That's me. - That's Satan. - That's Satan. - All right. And that's you? - Gillard. - Gillard? - Gillard? - Yes, it's me. - Okay. (dramatic music) (dramatic music) - Does that destroy the thing you mean trying to figure out the order? - No, I just figured if you had cards and you could just go right down through. - That's probably a better way to do it in this. - So, if you wanna-- All right, so.