One member of the S.I.R.E.N crew loses their cool and bad things happen..
Knights of the Night
233 The Gun Was Persuasive
[Music] Hello and welcome to Night's of the Night actual play podcast. This world of darkness story, the cine here was written and run by your storyteller Scott. And now please enjoy episode 233 titled "The Gun Was Persuasive." Actual play begins 11 minutes 4 seconds. To start the feedback we had a post from website and Rachel's eating french fries in the background from Northern Isa. They're delicious. They smell salty from here. Exactly. They do eat the smell. The post was under 232 hell as a land without marbles. So is that the name of the episode? Yeah it was the name of the episode yes. He said Tom I got this episode on my phone and the title didn't have any number before it. I couldn't put my finger on what was different until I started to listen to it and I heard you say that it was episode 252. I was like what? I missed episode 250. That was going to be the big musical episode. Wait weren't those ghost kids singing? I better go back and listen to it again. I finished listening to the intro and wondered why the feedback was all for episode 220 and 230s and then I had to go back and check the other episodes. But those were numbered so I thought oh I must have best heard. All right okay Joe first of all I made a mistake. It was a 222 instead of 252. And I had to figure out where like binge of AP listening did I remember the kids singing in. Turns out that I was thinking of the creepy kids in the beer and battle pathfinder game. Not sure what that's about. Apparently creepy children come into the territory of a standard ghost door. So luckily I haven't missed a landmark musical episode but Tom you ruined my immersion. Are we going to try one of those now? No I'm not doing a freaking musical. You can't see. Yeah where did that come from? I think Mike started that right now. Shut up. Yeah. How can I be expected to keep up with the continuities across multiple different AP podcasts? Well I have to backtrack to check what number I'm on. I'm going to listen to this episode now and then I finish my critique of your announcing skills with a Z by the way. Keep up the fine role playing and storytelling. This is one of the few podcasts I'm caught up on and I don't play at a 128% speed so I can savor it as opposed to getting through the backlog faster. Don't worry it's wild. I made one mistake. I said apparently you're a rat bastard. I yeah I ruined his life. How dare you? Sorry John. You should have just pretended he missed 20 episodes. They were eaten. And it would have worked too because we would be in the same fucking place. Actually this is just a clever time skipping ploy. Over to Facebook we had episode 232 hella is a land without marbles. In which Paul B posted a cartoon about Breaking Bad. This was in the feedback. Did you see that? Yes. It was after the story. Yeah the guy had cancer and he went and they said oh it's all covered and this is like ended story. That's anywhere but the United States. Sean W posted and said you guys and gals are doing a great job on the podcast. I'm sorry guys and gal singular. Are doing a great yes it was singular. Doing a great job on the podcast. They're all playing the story and the production values. Even the table talk what's left in is good. The only thing I didn't like was when you played new manera. Although that may have been because of where I was listening to those episodes. All in all thanks for the entertainment. I'm not sure where he was when he was listening to those episodes. It's hard too. I like him. Is he being tortured? I don't know him in there. Maybe. Well I do know it but I never played it. Jason and I'm also posted and said grumpy shaking of his fist at Mike. Razzle frazzled Jay Mac. Mike called him Jay Mac. Do you love Jay Mac? You had to leave that in at the outtakes. Sure I did. Of course I did. Paul B posted and said hashtag I am binary hex. REJ posted and said that this is one of the most entertaining combat plays and these do come across hard in most systems of AP with all the roles coming into play powered by apocalypse might be a different case. Also the episode ended as I reached my hometown limits. Well timed episode. All in all Marbellius episode. That's what he wrote. Marbellius. Probably Marbellius and Marbellus together. That deserves a groan. P.S. I was trying to listen to the next episode in my office. No that does not equal the car. So he has an Aries back from Japan. Luke G posted on episode 232 and said awesome episode in Rachel and I was playing a character that reminds me of another of my novel characters. Coincidentally a classmate and a friend of the Prophet Zelda powers reminded me of before. In this case it was her reaction to the ghost at the end. The I told you I was trying to protect you. Mine. Reminds me of my character's attitudes towards ghosts. Be nice until it's time to not be nice. As to the time traveling shenanigans in World of Darkness are characteristics of at least two major bad things. I'm not going to say wish because I know people don't want spoilers. Good save. Did they give it away? But I will say elements of both bad things have appeared in this chapter of the story. You tried to but it was only your character no one else heard it and none of us are educated enough to know what that means. I don't read any of the world of darkness books because I don't want to know because Jay doesn't know. I thought you guys knew what this point was. No the fans are only admiring it but we don't. Jason S posted and said I giggled a little every time you guys guessed about the identity of binary hacks but I don't want to say my theory on who he is for fear that I will give it away. No one likes metagaming knowledge even if it means I'm being obtuse. I didn't figure there was enough about binary X reveals for anyone they guys. I would agree I don't have a clue. On Facebook we posted a picture of the scary kids. Oh yay. Paul B said well I didn't need any sleep anyways. They were pretty scary. They're right over here. Yes. I picked them up. Well I may post it and don't forget to linger on the charts where they ask to eat your souls. That should help you sleep. Has anyone by chance seen the trailer for the new paranormal activity movie? No. Oh children in peril up and right through the ghosts and it's it's Scott will love it. That's a feel good movie for you and my team. Okay from here we're going to go to feedback at or email. Miles S sent an email and said hi again nerds. As always I've been enjoying your podcast. What? I am insulting. I use that you're not a nerd. No I'm just insulting. Okay. As always I've been enjoying your podcast. This email is in regards to your re-issuing of the shit luck in the coming weeks. As an OCD librarian I would suggest that you don't put files in Dropbox but instead follow a different method. When a journey or a series produces pieces of contents that has supplements they like to maintain the original order of the cereal but they also want to include related items. Think of it as an archaeologist. When you go back in time we want to know when the updates were created. So we also do not want to track down the material from different sources. Did he start this conversation calling us nerds? Yes he did. Because here's Miles for photo. Episode 230 title name episode 231 title name supplement one from the vault shit luck episode one through ten. He's the librarian remember. Because that fits on a little iPod name. Episode 232 title name. I would keep the word supplement vague in case you want to add interviews recording outside of kot and universe etc. This will provide many benefits. One a good spacer for when you don't have time to record and kind of like that. Two all episodes are in one place valid and three serves as a representation of your hard work in time and space. As some of you know I live abroad. Kio 10 is always great when I'm relaxing on a plane or going to a hotel. This year I think it listens to your podcast in Japan, Korea, China, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Taiwan, India, Seattle, San Francisco and Orlando. Is he a librarian all of those countries? I don't know. He does make some valid points. He's literally a spy. I think you should do that. And by we I mean you go to the countries and read their books. Okay that's pretty much it for the feedback although we did have a few things on the fan pages that I'm going to include. Normally we don't do that but these were obviously meant for the Kio 10 crew as opposed to just listeners sharing among themselves. Okay. Yvonne are posted and said bad advice Ethan I want a second opinion. This guy is a goldmine of one liners. Give the man a cookie or something. What did I say that in relation to Ethan said cut the ghost down and you went over there and it screamed in your face and tried to bite it off and you said I was being eaten. I don't know what you were doing. You're being agreeable. Also from the fan page was Joshua S who said I just got done with episode 232 and I wanted to say thanks for a great podcast. It entertains me when I'm sitting up late with my three month old and your group puts out high quality podcasts that is rarely found in actual play podcasts. Here are some thoughts I had while listening. Silver Bell is the best. I love the drama. I love the role of playing and I hope she never leaves or if she does she goes out well. Now that he met Silver Bell not you. Yeah I know. No it makes me feel good because I'm a hate and I got a blast. Yeah thank you. Daredevil is great. It's nice to hear about some other things that the players like. It gets some insight on the people behind the characters and lastly time you're doing very well with the outreaching and talking to the fan base kudos to you. That's it for the feedback. Jason Mcdonald has been doing a lot of work on the Wikipedia page so anybody who's interested in knowing a little bit more. One of the things he's been doing is he's going back to previous episodes and characters and he's putting little spoiler tags that if you click on them they fold out and they tell you things that you might not want to know when you haven't listened to it yet or not. That's how it works. So he's been doing a lot of work so thanks to Jason Mcdonald for all the hard work and lastly before we go on to the actual episode we have a t-shirt to go away. Awesome. Get the dice. I think that since Nick is a guest binder I think they should be able to roll today. It comes and the lucky winner is. Oh that's a rare number there. Daniel Crawford. Daniel Crawford will be contacting him to ask what messages he wants on the back of the shirt he won't be getting American. Yes he is a working. Wow. Yeah well I want to say exactly where he lives but he lives out west so. Excellent congrats. Congratulations Danny. And with that we'll get on to the episode. This is the World of Darkness story The Sinener. I'm your storyteller Scott and with us tonight on my right is. Michael playing Ethan Clark a medical doctor and member of Aegis Chideros since 1929. Tom playing Jay Alton a member of the ascending ones and leader of cash for Cyrus. I'm Jim. Playing nobody. Playing a wispy. I'm Mike playing Michael Clay the academic adventure from the Aegis Chideros. Bob playing FBI Special Agent Chew Park a member of the Basky conspiracy. Thomas playing Eckhart Von Tase. If we do the practitioner and a member of the famous great conspiracy. John playing Daniel Morgan a mountain man turn mercenary next member of Task Force Valkyrie. Rachel playing Silver Bell angry teenager whoever one hates. Whoever one loves to hate. Loves to hate. That's right. That's different. That's different. I'm setting stupid aspirations for the pacing. Me too. Two beats for everyone on tables. There are many pity. Two pity beats. I'm going to add to a cult by one. I would say that this adventure of a lifetime into the dark recesses of 1935 Cleveland definitely allows for a increase in your cult. The other one I was going to add to is Suckerfuge. Well I certainly think it's apropos in the sense that you've been using a lot of Suckerfuge throughout this story. I mean wait what? Anthony. I've been using a lot of empathy throughout this story. I don't think I'm good on that but yeah I've got it. So if you wanted to add to Suckerfuge I have no problem with that either. Experience why. Does anyone else want to spend any experience points while we're taking a little? It's one per dot. Two per dot. Two per dot skills four per dot of empathy. So how many beats per scoop? I would like to add a third dot to my composure. Oh my gosh yes. You know what half price. Okay cool. Just we're having to spend a week in 1935 with an NCT. Not doing that. You get half experience. We lost it for three days. For him? One time. It's been three days and another time. I'm starting with six months. Yes. Oh. I believe we left it with the last of the three ghost children being eliminated as a threat for the moment by Daniel. Daniel attempting to throw down the sniper rifle that you would take in from his shrink farm but being unable to summon the attention. But I want to point out that it was flashed. Wouldn't that counteract his child killing mental twisting properties? You're not sure what kind of properties the gun has to be perfectly honest. Are they evil or are they just? I'm pretty sure it's you. Right. But someone has never taken a proper look at it in the sense of someone from age's kind or room perhaps. If you could look at artifacts and know more. I mean I'm sure Michael Clay has attempted on several occasions to call at it but I don't think he's given him the ability to do so. I don't think I ever indicated that it was magic. Right to anyone. Well I didn't know. Right now? Pretty sure. You're pretty sure. Okay. That was where we stood. So I'm going to start with that group briefly. We'll start with Jay. You will be quickest Jay at a nation of 17. I'm still trying to maintain control of this gun and keep it away from people. So go ahead Jay. Your die fool is six. You're at no minuses for injuries. You're at no I don't think your eye on the situation applies to this particular situation. Okay. Let's go ahead and go six again. One success. One success as well. I think all you have to do is maintain. You don't have to necessarily win because you have it in your throw. Right. That roll was because the gun gets trying to break free on your turn. It gets one chance it's whoever to go to the highest initiative. So it attempted to break free. It did not exceed your limit your number of successes which means at this point you get to do one of the actions under the grapple force. I'm keeping it pointed at the ceiling. Is this one one of them? There's an option of disarm under grappling. I assume that's a ridiculous thing when your opponent is a weapon. Perhaps I can empty as many of the shots as I can. Or the end of the ceiling or the floor. I don't care. There's two different options there. One is to hit your finger on the trigger and squeeze squeeze until you've exhausted what you think to be the bullets or the second is to actually cock the gun so that the shells come tumbling out. I'm going to try to get rid of the bolts. Whatever that means. You roll. You open up the stock and so two shells come falling out as the weapon continues to struggle with you. That takes us to chew. Still my move from home. Are there go shells on the floor? Can I pick two of them up and blow them in backwards? Sure. I do that. I think that Jay is holding it still enough but that's not a problem because he won't need help. Assuming it has infinite ammo there with punches I don't know. That takes us to Edgard Ethan both tied at 10 initiative. Ethan first because I literally waited until after he did his time to do it. I guess there's nothing happening with the shot game. Yeah. What is the difference here? I mean again I will say that it is as hot and as pulsating as it was when you pulled up the woods and sugar in there seems to be an ingredient missing I guess is it the best way to put it and whether that ingredient is as you might survive silver valve or whether the ingredient is for you exactly the right spot is it said when you set it up in a reverse manner as to what you would set up I think in should rain if not mistaken? Yes that is the plan. So there are things for you to attempt besides shaping your fist the gods and cursing but that being said your call as to what you want to attempt to do. You've looked at the difference cube you've investigated it but you can always try to discern something from it at this moment as it's pulsating and acting in a way that doesn't normally act in its normal condition. Cold is on the table. You can try anything to try to get it to do. I think I know what's going on but right. Ethan's probably going to check out the difference cube and make sure all of the sudden it's a correct and see if maybe he missed something and setting needs to be changed or activated or unengaged or whatever. So I'll go ahead and make a this is going to be wits because here this is a vocal learning biting stretch of the imagination so it's wits plus a cultism. Good up. Sure straight up. Sweet ten again. Oh okay. And that's it. Three tenigons is still quite impressive. You realize that when you had thrown the cube to chew through the home and it was like a level and half above you were spent back and the difference cube had a different frequency so it was able to travel through what is normally solid walls to you even though they're shimmering and somewhat okay. Because the fact that the difference cube was at a different frequency I guess the best we described it was able to slice right through that and get to chew. What would happen is when you would set it to be the exact opposite of what we would set it for for chagrin you realize that it got jostled and one of the facings of the difference cube had shifted slightly and I would assume that you're going to try to correct that. I do that. All right you correct it and immediately you see before the archway look but the space within the arch was without the glasses. I'm assuming you're still wearing glasses at this point okay you don't know what would be without the glasses but you certainly must it like this right when you test it and look down it is absolutely because of the glasses they would not be able to see that at all so you look at the archway and there is now almost as if it's a white film translucent in the sense you can see through it. However when you look through it at that point you see silver belt on the other side. Now what's interesting is she's on the other side of the film but she that would push the place or against the wall basically that squall area between the wall I remember correctly but you're not seeing that you're seeing her in the room almost where you're standing and she's talking to what you see as three ghost children. The one that seems to be the most animated is the boy who you remember is Theodore with Hannah and Ruthie in the background. So you see her talking and you see Dr. Clay right next to her but he looks as if he is either not privy to what she's doing or he seems different from her she's animated and talking he's standing almost like a statue and he's not even looking in the right place he's even looking at her the back of her neck or he's looking like into space into the distance past the children but it's not like he's looking around the room he's just looking into space like straight ahead and he's not even looking for a spot so that immediately comes into view however you're cool if you aren't back to adjust it right I would assume you're trying to thrust your arm back through again at that point given the new data I'm going to suggest that someone else goes through because I think I'm afraid that if I go through I go through and we lose the connection so I'm going to suggest that someone else try right that guard and whoever so whatever else is how would you uh well the one closest to you is Daniel okay who is he has the gun and was just dispatched the last apparition so he's closest to you and how would you formulate that to him if you don't say Daniel just the gate please by stepping through okay and I don't know he's turning this yeah it's not yours yet but that's your turn I think it's enough for one turn in for three seconds then it gets us to Edgard go ahead Jay what are we willing to tell by the reacts I had a whole thing laid out and then I thought do I want to tell him anything just we're dealing with time issues time traveling issues I think I mentioned that but yeah I'll mention again just simple texts we're dealing with a lot of time travel stuff it's got some ghosts involved it's a lot of bullshit and I'm going to get the gate and wonder if I should wait to go through for this conversation that happened okay he texts back to you also right at the end of the text just you know if you want to have a conversation we can have this happen at the speed of talking instead of texts I'm in the middle of a fucking combat I'll say that takes up a little bit more than three seconds but we'll you know again we're going to expand out for the plot a bit and say you're able you're just a very fast i think you're calling me you know it's probably the last phraseology was calling me he hasn't responded back yet I'm going to say because it was a longer text than anticipated and that takes us to Daniel at six I could rest with the scones some more but I'd rather do it with both my arms so I'm going to step through this gate do you step through you charge through you I don't want to knock the doctor through the gate right so he's he's kind of off the side with it and he tells you to get me to try again so you can walk through it it's fine yes can he see no he sees the same thing everywhere else sees which is just just the wall so you step through oh yes yes i don't charge or anything step through that one your gun before you do so is telling you that you're leaving your team in peril and you really need to take that shot before you step through by all means we should step through and kill the ghost again but we need to take care of the problem at hand so as before witz plus composure if you guys pull together a chance to kill the same dose again this goes if you make it to kill the gun one first it works like that right sure so your witz plus composure is whole power is nine does that's one three for the ghost children are killed okay good luck the gun was very persuasive i got two successes i got two successes it was not quite persuasive enough the tie again is you in control it has to actually beat you to get you to do something but i tied last time yes am i tend to throw it away if you win you get to throw away it's trying to convince you to do something okay it's not winning either yes it's a draw so it's still in your hands and you step through the gates and he's on the other side again closer to the wall closer to the wall and now we're back to michael kleil michael you stepped away mr kleil i'm on the stairs leading up to the attic right i'm three rooms away and a straight line and down and you're actually on the stairs themselves correct so you can look your like head is above the threshold so you could see where she was at but you could also see down below was that kind of how we left i was trying to yeah because i was trying to make sure that no one sings up on me through the hallway and i was even though i can't really see anything i'm trying to listen for excellent which would be a perfect time for you to make a perception check please well so if you can get your dice together switching over to grace you were talking in a stirring voice to Theodore telling him that you asked him to go away nicely he's not listening and you're really sorry but you warned him several times and he looks like all children look when you reprimand them slightly bored yeah you warned me on a ghost what are you going to do uh i'm already dead you're getting grimy i mean it's it's not very effective so he is absolutely not impressed with your threats and the girls are telling you that you don't have to be mean just because you're not getting your way it's not how it works so perception check please mr. Klay so i have six dice okay and this one is me minus one because of some environmental issues all right no success okay besides hearing the lowered voice of silver bell talking to the ghost children you don't hear anything else and grace what you do he's not thrilled he's not impressed well he looks like you're a parental figure right now you've turned from a fun playmate into a parental figure who is now telling him what to do and he's been a ghost for probably about 50 years right now and nothing can affect him i'm gonna ask him if i can see those those jacks please well do you want to see him because you just want to pod him or do you want to see him because we're gonna play i want to take a look and understand if they're worth playing with i only play with toys that are really nice my dad was rich i have what the nicest set of jacks ever i bet mine were nicer than yours okay you're wrong let me see okay so he goes ahead and goes and grabs his jacks which were on one of his bookshelves behind some books he kind of hasn't hidden and he brings them over and it takes you all of a second to realize that these are imbued with some sense of power that are much much stronger than anything else in this room there is a shotgun in the corner that shows that radiates power it's how he was killed right but it's not half of the power that is emanating forth from these marbles and jacks so he walks over grabs it walks back to you and says look at this they're perfect i spend every day shining them up to be absolutely great there's no way your jacks are better let me see your jacks they're probably stupid okay and that takes us back to michael quay after three seconds again another role please two zeros two ten again and five dices excellent and that's it two successes you think you hear footsteps like the creaking of wood this is a very beautiful mansion and it's got high polished wood floors you hear that creaking it sounds to you if you had to guess second flooring at first and there were on the third third and between the third and fourth the attic right you so you immediately look towards the stairway which is at the end of your hall so it's a distance from you it's with 30 40 feet down the hallway you look towards the stairway because this mansions again it's five 36 o'clock in the morning it's still very early it's still very dark you see a glow coming from the stairway it's dim because the fact that it probably there's quite a distance involved but it is pure white so even though it's dim it's got a vibrant seat to it that immediately to you makes me think it recalls the hotel room at the Amsterdam and potentially the white bishop judging how fast the glow is coming or the sound of the footsteps do i have time to pull the stairway up it back absolutely okay i'm going to climb back up the stairs as quietly as i can using stealth but i'm going to have to pull up so the ladders i close it up can i get a dexterity plus stealth roll please a total of six dice obviously these ladders are some 50 plus years old and the attic is not a place that evidently is visited very often so these stairs have some disrepair and some creepiness to them and some squeaking of the hinges so we're looking at minus i'll say one die for the we even go a little bit slower because you think you have the time right there's not a fast movement it's a walking pace that you're hearing the steps from so go ahead and roll five dice please do i have time to say anything i'm sure you can say something all right i'll however let it be known that she's three rooms away and i know but i'm also when i put my head up above i'm going to hope that the sound goes to the attic not that or as a search so i'm going to in a stage whisper as loud as i dare but still kind of a whisper i'll say uh grace the bishop's coming the bishop is you don't know who the bishop is because you weren't there for that particular battle but you know that the bishop is incredibly frightening because he basically dispelled half of your group to another time and erased the remains of the battle that took place and turned daniel and sister katie were both wounded and uh by some type of uh very dark magic she would have known that from talking to you about your battle i i assumed you should okay detailed well i knew that she was hit i didn't know that she unraveled no you wouldn't know the unraveling you just know that the wound seemed supernatural right yes okay i described all the supernatural activity that sure okay so that my role for the staircase is one success one success is all you need there is some creaking but you're relatively sure that it was muffled and minimized to the point where hopefully the bishop did not hear it or anybody else that might be coming along which takes us back to grace grace Theodore reaches out and he hands you his marbles got it and his jacks when you reach and touch his hand this is the first time that you're touching him he literally staggers back like he was shocked you've got the marbles and he looks at you with a look at his face that is scary because he's scared but he's also angry and he also recognizes you but that doesn't make sense because he's never met you you're eighty some years before or so before he would ever meet you how does he recognize you and what he says in that moment of staggering back and being shocked and looking at you like you've betrayed him in some way is he looks at you and says you're the one who killed me there's two of you and one of you that other one killed me and he looks like i said shocked angry hurt he's absolutely stunned and in your ear is do it now you've got to kill them get rid of him send him back it's what you do a couple questions sure first of all man this conversation that's gonna be the end of the story so we can i think we talk more freely i think the actual listeners might enjoy so based off of our conversations about Sweeney yes that doesn't make any sense what you know about Sweeney absolutely not and what i know about these children in Ohio castle seeing is how i know my 1930s right it makes no sense whatsoever however however you're very good at subterfuge that's what i'm saying so i know this boy is not lying so then i've been lied to this whole time and just not so someone's lying here and i think that's literally one of my oh i know you have the talent there's an answer okay you don't get to know it but there's an answer okay so we're all it's a big club we have jackets this boy um he's telling truth what seems like as far as you can tell this child believes that Sweeney killed him absolutely great so he truly believes it okay but you're stunned they're shocked by what just happened it's a complete twist of everything and Sweeney is screaming in your ear to kill him and send him out his way your friends are dying quickly now and the child is looking at you like he's hurt beyond any possible sense of understanding like he's just he can't believe that what are you saying you're seeing the face of this murder what do you mean he killed you the other you how with the shotgun when he killed my sisters too in this house in this house how are you sure and she returned mike that's three seven so well too i'm if i'm upstairs you know everything is really dark yes so i don't really see anything i've already whispered out so that she didn't hear me but she had a check she did not acknowledge you you see her really focused in she reached her hand out okay and something appeared in her hand again it's a pretty decent distance something appeared in her hand you have you know you think something's going down right now you know something's going down but you have no idea what it is yeah now i still have my gun in one hand and my knife in the other correct okay it's all good i'm hoping if this bishop is coming you know passed to take the stairs he just doesn't have to float through things so i am going oh wait i don't have the amulet you pulled up the stairs right yeah can you like block them so they can't open they wouldn't left from the inside no would you be able to force a broom handle or something you know you know it's literally oh that's true very quickly is there anything that i can use my leather man to wedge it closed well your letterman luckily has a flashlight on it that's right so i do it it still has bad real life oh yeah so from that aspect you're in good shape you you turned on you were in the youngest girl's room who has the dowels on bed you ready call dowel collection which was relatively i mean i'll look into me they're all looking at you and they are all very disconcerting in their outside turning in their looks um tough to tell in the shadows in the light and then your light catches the noose hanging from the ceiling it's quite creepy scene but you do see what looks to be like a pair of of sticks that she would smack together and to make noise i mean there's there's certainly some well i've got i've got something ready that can if i can wedge wedge it closed to buy a little time i'll do that right then there's two um there's two like pieces of wood like like almost like polished like pieces of wood from from a tree that she probably uses to make noise or to play with back in 18 17 you know they play with sticks exactly right exactly they had nothing so they're up against the wall right next to the creepiest of the looking dowels so you literally will have to walk up and reach over and grab them i've got my multi tool i'm making oh you're gonna risk okay i didn't know you're gonna actually like risk using so you're like you're putting out one point i need the flashlight flashlight you're getting up the flashlight that's right okay i will go and brave the scary doll and grab the piece of wood okay you walk over to grab the piece of wood the dowel's head turns as your hand goes out to reach for the wood i take the wood i don't like it but i want i want the wood the bishop's coming and i don't know what she's doing but okay she made the dowel is sitting on the bat and it pushes its back against the wall and it stands up i put my knife to its throat okay and that's three seconds you're growing it that's a great grace don't move what was the last question do you refrain refresh my number please how do you know and he looks at you and says would you forget the person who killed you and your sisters kick the out i'm gonna ask you one last time to please leave you have to go now if you didn't believe me then believe me now you need to leave grace the bishop's coming that was just the word grace right and you're focused on him obviously okay um go ahead and you're using your composure you're trying to stay calm you're really trying to get across him and this is really really important which i would say is probably persuasion with three dice beer composure you have none it's minus one for your social so it brings you down to two dice would you like to spend one of your few willpower points or three meaning to add three dice to your role doesn't that refresh your notes uh mention you spend three dice which takes you to five dice and because you are two people and to him and not one and the one person is somebody who he obviously is very distraught about you could go ahead and remove one die awesome thanks now with any success you need to just make one success on your role all sevens four seven seven seven which are not lucky in this victory since and one so he looks at you he seems frozen within decision mr klei you draw your knife and you place it to the dowels or chest to her chest you're not stabbing her no yeah i don't you keep on just not piss off the dowel the dowel's mouth on hinges and this hauntingly eerie child's voice says put them back don't try your trips with me shade i don't i put them and i'm going to walk back backing away so i can see her backing towards the addicting so i can try to jam them in at least okay it's dark and cluttered and it'd be so cool if you actually tripped stumble the bell over backwards it wasn't while the dowel like totally leap in top you made a big noise and the fish occurred to you all that would be really the math you pull filter the stuff so go ahead and make your role of dexterity plus athletics please uh my athletics my d2 and my dexterity is three five dice and you're obviously all your attention right now is focused on the light flashing at the flashlight towards the dowel that's moving of its own volition some has attracted one die for being distracted this knife is an artifact too does that have any play here you can make it do some cool stuff if you want well i mean it's not that's something that a cheese of spirits you should probably recognize that ghost so i have three successes with two against i have three successes okay you walk backwards stumble for a bit and you put one of the sticks down to catch your get your stubble nice nice and then you take the stick and place it through the latch of the trap door thereby securing it then i would like you to make a very quick perception check please anytime i make a perception role i've been it from eight plus again all that's fantastic six so i think you're fine just make your role then it's again all right again nine and ten so those are both against right two successes so that's two successes okay the first success you have is that you hear footfalls coming up the stairway now and you're looking away that it just oh no i'm sorry the second floor this is the second the third floor stairway and you are able to see that light that the bishop puts off it's seeping up through the cracks at this point she's in the shafts of light kind of coming up through the thing too i envision the the roof being pretty solid so i'm gonna say no for right the second unless it makes more sense to medically to do so i think her being focused on the on the kid right now is head of the other yeah the other is my ancestors she's not responding to my wisdom but i don't know what's going on and i'm afraid to approach her any closer than i really am so you kneel down to put the the stick through that's when you saw the light and heard the footfalls of the bishop coming closer you take a second to look down at the ring that you want to thrust the stick through to jam up the trap door you do that and the second thing you're able to see with your two successes on the perception is you look up and the dowel is right on the ground next to you it didn't seem to walk over see to just be there and it looks like it is head turned sideways a bit and it looks very evil and angry and looks right at you and it looks like it's there's some kind of tension like it's getting ready to do something and it's the grace he is looking at you and he's like maybe my sisters and i should just tap you and get you back for what you did to us that's what we should do so that's his response the sisters are kind of like they don't really understand what he saw because he's the one who touched you and they didn't and he looks back to them and says there's two of them and one of them is the one that killed all of us he tells them and the girls seem kind of shocked by that your turn you can try to convince again the jacks are gone the jacks are gone well let me know how you're trying to do that right that's what's going to happen to the underworld with stuff off the go done don't care so you're going to try to open in a very engaged essentially yeah and just throw them in by done okay just in a very good story about how you don't know what's going on right i got another problem you do have other problems two other problems is a matter of fact while grace looks at that let's take a quick jump back to and then we'll wrap up with um the other end gate i think because we're getting close but well let's jump forward in time and that takes us to jay jay the shells were placed back in the gun backwards fight you in a tough to try to jam the spiritual weapon which seemed to you maybe as a decent idea maybe not your call did you know from the reaction of ethan the gate did not work when daniel went through daniel continues to devolve the part it has in your estimation less than 10 15 seconds before you completely unravels at this point i have to roll six dice to keep control of this or you can try to pull the trigger and jam it yeah i'm not so keen on pulling a weapon where my best hope is that it explodes and i'm holding it hoping like a true swat leader j i just attempt to do damage to this gun whether that's uh pointing the barrel at the ground and slamming it repeatedly um rather than that's a cool option the weapon's trying to break three right so i'm wrestling with it i have six dice yep oh boy you're going to roll good this time only two it rolled three successes two of which were 10 again and no additional successes besides that so three against two it breaks the grapple turn storage you levels itself right at you and fires and i believe being this close to my defense does count yes actually good call let me subtract your defense from its attack the defense is six nice i'm pretty agile present and it was a chance that i rolled one that is a dramatic failure jay would like to make the dramatic failure from gun yeah it has exactly the effect that you wanted to have which was it just uh disappears it dictates the bullets backwards blowing the stock off of the gun and it drops in two pieces that's how bullets work by the way physically impossible but we'll just have a disappear okay there's an explosion it implodes and explodes it implodes and it explodes out like a death star and it is completely removed from reality as you know it that then takes us to chew what's going on with this gate looks exactly the same as you last left it it's what the archway itself is glowing even seems excited about something you can't tell what that is because the ace is exactly the same to you but he's telling you what were you telling me i changed the settings and the gate so it's not lit up but it's still apparently not functioning the gate is now lit up but you can't see that i am going to touch the gate the archway itself or put your hand through the gate i'm going to touch the archway itself all right you do feel the pulsating sensation of power as you touch the gate or the archway which is the gate but nothing besides the pulsating of power i'm going to use some of my psychic abilities to determine the function of the gate okay you're using one of your tele informatics tele informatics i want your dice pulled to it is five i'll go ahead and spend some so it takes up to eight dice you're doing this tele informatics in a different state of being than you normally do yeah i think that's where we have a two dice reduction just for the challenges therein that would give you six dice and you need at least one success but multiple successes give you multiple basic information is that how tele informatics works i remember correctly or am i being wrong tele informatics is the the general description of what i've asked you can do this specific skills called psychometry okay psychometry does the amount of successes get you something extra oh not really i mean there's rules for our dramatic failure and exceptional successes but nothing from you know getting additional successes above one okay so this gate exists on same plane as we do and this is a mental i've uh meditative mind so i don't know if that would assist me okay you've clearly convinced me that you are fine eight dice one ten ten and then eight here so two successes with ten again only two successes only two successes two details about the gates one obviously is you know it has to give you some basic information because it doesn't know what you know so you touch it and you you you realize this is a gate that obviously works at a time space plane and its its job is to basically move people through space and time the second piece of information which is a little less obvious is the fact that the gate needs to be tuned properly and by tuned it means it needs to reach a certain frequency of magic in order for it to successfully open so i kind of want to use that information to help the doctor to enhance his cube with if if i can kind of figure out detect anything that the anything that the gate is emitting right the gate's not telling you what frequency it needs to be at but the very fact that the gate is not operating let's you know that whatever frequency that thing is thrumming at is not the right frequency okay some is not set right with your cube it's not on the same frequency or that's the feeling i get could it be that the gate isn't on the right frequency or i'll let you like i started um you're checking or the you could add you're going to ask him that and his response back to you your response is i don't think we could change the gate but we can change the right the gate is at a certain frequency and the magic that's going to initiate also needs to be at that same frequency and right now it's not magic meaning the distance cube or an outside force he doesn't know even using meditative mind like my friend here is there an advantage i can get to determine what the frequency is based on what the difference cube is doing yes i would say that it would absolutely be with snikhol again however this would now now that you know the problem is with the tuning of the difference cube it's now in what's called an extended roll i have a set number of successes in my head of what you need to achieve each turn you roll your duds and you accumulate x amount of successes towards the goal of what it will take to get it tuned properly so i'll get you guys to pull the other meditative mind gives you no minuses for the unusual nature of being in twilight being in a different tutorial state you clear your mind a cult plus widths any advantages you might be able to bring to before meaning any specialties or any equipment bonuses and then roll your duds it's five so will power possible will power is absolutely possible nice just to know i'll let you make a roll to see if you can sense a frequency is that a cult plus width yes it rolls in that's six that's six and you have meditative mind no so two dice minus i'm going to go for it so kind maybe try to help you with the frequency one does uh success um four does all right so he gives you one additional down there you go with that he helps you with some some esoteric on the low power can be it can't possibly be on the y-axis of the mana plane you know like he's talking about your language you kind of understand and you can do that no not that one not that one that's all i got so go ahead no minuses oh like any like three for world power yeah three for world power in one for dimension one four two the i guard five and three and one nine dice is what it tells me and i have a title which three ones when they want to test it and nine dice that was the one i uh yeah clearly oh well you know realistically you're so driven with what work in chagrin that it's really hard for you to think outside that box of this has a different frequency you're really trying to kind of it's hard to know that riff off of chagrin and obviously it needs to be something that's quite different from string but not exactly the opposite which is what you try to ready so somewhere in between like oh this will work on three or four weeks uh no each turn is three seconds so it should you're not i mean it's not okay it's not so big that it's undoable edgard you had to really focus you had to put down the phone a text buzz through but you're not able to read it at this point throw it to jay and that takes us to daniel daniel you'd step through the gate nothing worked you see edgard and the dr ethan start discussing on magic theory and what frequency that they're trying to achieve so there's activity you see the gun implode your gun at that point says let's go through we should kill more votes is the gate open yet can we open the gate can you open the gate is there anything you can do to open this gate all right uh i think at this point i scream this guy's been talking to me too much and i haven't really even spoken a lot about it right are you trying to work in you're yelling well you yeah i wonder if us get this going away more again take the goggles from the doctor see if you can find the remnants of the sister to take through the gate when we're ready to go all right i take the gun and snap man you sure aren't listening you have to obviously make a role a physical what are you doing what are you doing what would you want to damage me i've saved you consistently there would be more people dead if it wasn't for me what are you doing stop breaking down thinking that killing god and help us wonder if a silencer would work it's in composer now see that's upon the connect you stay in how are we nice nine minus three oh it works yeah oh two ten again zenate anything no i tend again i gave you an order oh it almost an exceptional success for the gun you've got four successes to your one yes the gun tells you to dispel all notion of damaging me you're going to need me when you get through that gate i don't understand why you're upset let's talk about this so it starts talking to you but in a calm way and you have to put it away because it convinces you that it will be valuable later on it hasn't hurt any of your friends yet so it manages to convince you that it's still a valuable member of the team doesn't mean you can't try again to break free but it'll be harder because you've lost a round to it and the killings are more recent in your mind right now as well which was a satisfactory thing for you it was very satisfying to destroy the ghosts and to help your team unfortunately jay sorry can you give your order again well i see him not a bang stop messing around we'll deal with that later i gave you an order get the goggles find the remnants of the sister we can drag through to safety and you pick the man who's falling apart to do this oh let me just grab it oh where are my arms i'm sorry everyone else is busy you're arguing with a gun to fucking do it i'm trying to snap him out of his nonsense with military commands which he is a military man yes that's right reach out to the doctor presumably he sees my shoulder moving on wait a minute can i have a role to override his gun nonsense to get him to obey one convinced him to put it away okay um so it kind of had the same purpose but i mean if you want to make a role you're certainly willing to but he's obliged you know i don't i don't want to force his actions okay my point i was trying to help him fight it right if you were saying that you're destroying that gun right now yeah then it would have been a different you would have aided him in his right against it but he chose to destroy it and it chose to not be destroyed and they fought each other because now he lost right then we'll come later so you put the gun away you have one arm half of a face left and some shoulder and you reach out for your goggles and saying i need you heard a command given for today that he needs those goggles i concentrate on the cube and say take them and so he kind of peels them off your face and holds them over his own eyes it's not going to make it harder though and um go ahead and make a perception check please six times and we're going to subtract three because you're looking for the remnants of a dead goat and then i'm going to add two for the goggles because they allow you to see in a way that you've not been able to see before in this realm even the slightest hints of magical power are accentuated which helps you try to find some remnants of her so you have five minutes instead of three okay two more action wow there's a nine it's not nine again many successes four your scan allows you to find what you believe to be the smallest moat of like white imaginable picture of a pixel basically glowing in the room and it's didn't glow at that but because you had the goggles on you were able to see it and you start moving towards it that takes us back to grace at the very end to try to open up the avernian gate which for the uninitiated is a gate into the underworld you know just how i knew she's a rich and i'm going to go by i know which what's the dice ball but there's no dice ball listed your dice ball is your psyche so what's your psyche or eight your psyche is eight i walk building the character's blood will be 10 dice i'll do three should mentor the character possesses and his person are the judges of one another okay so we're up to 12 dice i don't think you use their power if you're trying yes plus one more so 13 so 13 how's your poison new well it's all there okay so you have 13 dice however oh of course minus eight thousand you have a chance that now you're expecting Sweeney to be the powerful guys that in touch with the underworld is helping you open the avernian gate right so this is a way of destroying him right exactly not the way he and yeah anticipated however he does seem to be dragging his feet a bit so minus four dice because he is giving his little effort in helping you if it's possible without completely pissing you off so you're down to nine dice make your roll three and then no that's six nine nine i thought if i had a dot it was a six if it has a dot it's a six okay well then it's a dot on the bottom it would be a nine okay two successes a date flickers into existence it is a blackness that actually almost has its own gravity it almost feels like it's pulling things towards it including yourself and it goes the children's screen in terror it's there it's there do i feel or sense anything in this case absolutely the entire upstairs turns deathly cold you see a very deep dark blue and black it looks incredibly ominous to you it opens up there's a slight like a pooling through of energy that you can see it's it's absolutely terrifying and she's standing next to it with something in her hand and throw it in she takes it and she throws something into it and you don't hear this but you do Theodore absolutely screams and it's a scream of a ghost that's old and ancient and powerful but it's also the scream of a little child in a way as well and he completely unravels and disappears and that's what we'll call it for the night. Let's do another hour and everyone again i'm gonna stick with i just think you guys did a great job of role-playing and really trying to figure out a very tough situation two weeks everybody one for role-playing one for showing up thank you for listening tonight's of the night actual play podcast if you'd like to send us questions comments or feedback you can reach us in a number of ways from twitter app kotn_ podcast or by email feedback at and don't forget the iTunes reviews or our facebook page speaking of facebook join like-minded folks at our facebook fan page and lastly there's our blog page where there's an amazon link on the right hand side thanks to zen adiosmith for the intro and outro music get your own music at zen and join us next week for more mystery and adventure this is the world of darkness story the cineators i'm your story teller scott and with us tonight starting on my right is hold on did that just become plural other cineators oh this is the world of darkness you should place and you could play solar valve it's so fun it's so much fun it's so good it's great there was a post on facebook floating around it was the eight things not to say if you don't want to see be seen as indecisive or unintelligent okay everyone should read those and write that stuff like that because those are the things i have to edit each week like because it matters but like all of those um curse words come on i can't even speak you know you know um what right and the second side is i had to sit in a meeting with a guy this morning half an hour he was bringing me up to speed on something and he said you know in one half an hour fifty six times i can't tell you what else he said because i wasn't paying attention i was just doing tick marks on the fifty six times that he said you know sometimes as many as three or four times in the sentence that's good point i've always subscribed to the the abc's of good communication accuracy gravity clarity i'm going to add to occult by one i would say that this adventure of a lifetime into the dark recesses of 1935 Cleveland definitely allows for a increase in your occult i was going to say yes is shorter but yes i don't describe to the abc's of communication gravity gravity yes sensor time to get shorter yes property because i can't find anything on what you were talking about earlier i don't right i've got a system completely in place that i'm going to use for that so there is something if you want to go that way but there's also something if you want to go in that direction so you made up a system for it can i know what that system is then am i not allowed to know you've never you've never tried it before can you do to this whole that whole thing i've never done that before you've never done that before are we trying to do the same thing placing oh good no i'm not talking about that i'm talking about the anchor oh the anchor the anchor you the system is very similar to the keystone a situation where you just need to find a way to destroy it or again if it's not sometimes it can just be resolved but you know well for some ghosts it depends on the ghost okay well the thing is it's probably not good it's probably going to be a destruction yeah in this particular case we're supposed to set our phones to stand please and thank you aren't our cell phone supposed to be set to stun it is it's airplane mode he's looking at old i don't know what's um edgar how can you do my drink please this is your it's 10 o'clock i'll start i'm ready okay well did anyone want to add anything anything at all experience point i have four experience good no i don't want it okay just fine okay so shite and arson all that okay it's totally up to you but there's also the option of damage so i'm assuming maybe shooting it is a way of damaging it it really depends on how you want to apply that i would say you could damage it just by jake control but smashing it into the ground i mean you know for this for this moment these three seconds yeah i i don't see j smashing a load check on another ground repeatedly that distance isn't on the smart okay i'm going to try this yeah this arm does this gun have a safety did they have safeties back in 18 1880 um sure i imagine they were just as worried about shooting themselves in 1880 as they are today so i'm going to go with it yeah some they didn't see both back then sure enough their cars didn't go there's candy patterns right exactly it's called the saddle they have to see both on those things dealing with some time travel issues there's uh ghosts involved it's a lot of bullshit headguard special flair there yeah you gotta get the bullshit into the sentence so again recap please i was kind of halfway i'm sorry i was looking at some notes yeah the you know the outside of the building the facing of the inside facing of the exterior actually horrible anyway let's go ahead you had distant yourself from silver bell all the way back to whatever you can like gun see the ghosts through the portal it heard well yeah that's a that's a tough one so sorry we're going to assume that your ghost you've gone your your entity maybe you could um it has gone on the on the psychic vibes there so it's got a magic site which wouldn't mean something could happen since with this time twisting ghost adventure gets your logic out of my role playing that's right damn it or bullshit i was going to show you this too because there's nothing in the book whatsoever about destroying anchors in this they talk about resolving them right but that's by unfinished business intense in terms of actually like destroying them like getting them into the underworld right well you've got lots of powers that you might be able to use in that if you were trying to physically destroy them i'm sorry part of if i can speak i also tried the whisper urgently again to bowhead movie what do you say no i said well either way ghost spirit there completely different entities i'm so sorry that's a transdimensional weapon that's going to cleave through anything including spirit ghost and mortal flesh good enough i'm sure she's very nervous about that all right he's frozen in fear and then he says this is dowels it's not even the same thing um do we have a picture of the dowel did it disappear yeah i know i know what the picture is i want to find it again because we don't have a picture of grace's new picture i'm on a site by the way wait wait i think i have it so those were the kids which might you don't have to look at obviously oh here it was take a pass that went down to don't like yeah it's no it's cute yeah maybe you skate take it home and scan it for the the you're just getting lazy listeners why i'm just getting lazy hey i got some of where is this okay what and i work full time so where's this you uh wait what where's the card where's the card with this stuff on where the cool stuff yes i am being lazy so it's kind of scary looking so i don't know how you would do this because again there's nothing in the book that mentions any sort of a rule after me about your manifestations talk to me about what you would do to destroy i would need to send them to just very much like how i would with a keystone memento right there is rules for opening a bearing gates i'm assuming you would hook them up all right well what i found just mentions you have to open up very good doesn't give me any rules i have this post online that i found so yeah it has exactly the effect that she wants it to have which was um we win the game it sets back in time it explodes which powers the gate and opens up and we all go home the end the end could you describe what you would like it to be just misfires and dispose take a look send a book reading mama did you you could look at meditative might have any time correct effortlessly effort a meditative state and maintain it as long as needed it's kind of vague different types you can suck i want those three one oh my god this ones are good she covet your dike how many i don't know yet don't don't lend them to she stole my moon dice oh that one has two zeros you should use that one but it's a serum yeah that one is good yeah i could find it it doesn't have one yeah it's just that's it so um it's just that the agent understands what the object is and what it was less used for i think i'm sorry stop giving his i just let's me understand that the the purpose of the object what its intended purpose is any relevant details it's only dr can we hear how about uh just a general feeling for what frequency should be on given my called frequency camera i was thinking the same thing opening of reading data is technically as simple as reaching out and touching the door that is a theory of course but in practice it doesn't always so easy powerful signatures with high sight scores will have an easier time with this as their connection is that looks like a different page that's right this looks so smooth to the geist within its reach no within to the geist within is rich and vibrant to the connection to the geist within is rich and right the underworld recognizes such power and it's likely to open without any kind of control in those who are not so powerful however can do things to coerce the underworld into recognizing they're more of a nature more of being the characters innate connection to death energy not the character's demeanor sacrifices in particular go a long way towards helping open in a burning gate sacrifices of varying degrees can be found under suggested modifiers below role results so it needs to be a role next week most likely because um if it's not solved there it's going to be solved under end yeah okay i assume that next week is going to be the final one and then we'll start with the last scene was when i woke up from my nap and evan that still happened because i still never got my power refresh when i was back from which one maybe when i woke up from my nap and found him there and then we went to the castle like that whole thing happened right the castle didn't want to see um before we even got to the castle yeah it was very short because don't want to sleep but yes i could see that we could say that you could give a little power to recharge on that but let's handle it next week instead of um next week two weeks from now is fourth of july good well it's perfect it'll be in the interim between uh bomb might go more time to prepare for this campaign than mark but they've heard it though fourth and record and mine i guess probably two third actually well your name's the holiday weekend oh no it's both my same list please feel the cover in rachel and i need to be at putts but you put the blue one yeah but i was listening to all that and certainly any good genre i think you got my mouth and i was like oh my god this is really annoying hey guys if you mention i'm leaving chew here i'm not going to be here next week okay in case you need an important campaign so um i'm packing house packing house packing yeah one guy was complaining about the pacing he's like it's like a soap opera i can just watch every friday and stuff every episode yeah it has to look down yeah well i think part of it is because we're starting so like we're only getting an hour we spend some time doing recap and it's like pat pat yeah on the podcast rej posted and said this was one of the most entertaining combat plays and these do come across hard rej posted and rej posted and said this was one of the most you shouldn't wait i guess it's not quite ready now we go now we go sorry do you want to open that hey at least i'm not upstairs playing a video game so we're scholars just saying just waiting for you don't know i know i do but i know it said finally there's only one person at the table that knows more about what's going on here than scott and that's nobody's going to be you but you know she's more than in second though we're going to go college of world of darkness yeah i got closer yeah sorry i don't really know what to do all the time and then stop by the way recording feedback awesome stop us uh it's not so much i am not so much i thought i thought it was neck i was gonna go all you know hate it on and she was like you stop fucking with like i'm impressed nick has not said even no he's very serious he's terrified yeah he's green he's gonna kill him then see even now he'll identify the alpha nerd then he'll challenge us and then he'll be all over