Knights of the Night

231 WoD3 KotN Cheaty Cheater Pants

Broadcast on:
18 Jun 2015
Audio Format:

S.I.R.E.N vs 3 ghost brats - in two different time periods - Can they re-unite?


[Music] Hello and welcome to Knights of the Night Actual Play Podcast. This world of darkness story, The Sin-Eater was written and run by a storyteller sky. And now, please enjoy episode 231, titled "That is called Metagaming" or "Cheat-E-Cheater Pants." Actual play begins immediately. [Music] This is the world of darkness story The Sin-Eater, the storyteller sky. And with us tonight starting on my right is... Michael playing Ethan Clark, a medical doctor and member of the Aegis Kindero since 1999. Tom playing Jay Alton, a member of the Ascending Ones and leader of Task Force Cyra. I am Jim playing Katie O'Connor, the mostly dead ghostly nun. I am Mike playing Michael Clay, the academic adventurer from the Aegis Kaidor. Thomas playing Edgar Advantes, a Dune practitioner and a member of the Les Mistry conspiracy. John playing Daniel Morgan, a mountain man turned mercenary and next member of Task Force Valkyrie. Rachel playing Silver Bell, Aangstee, I'm sleeping teenager. And I'm a trained observer so I can do it like that if I see it. So you open the door and see the children. They look at you and Ruthie whispers to Hannah that, "What is someone dying up here? There shouldn't be anyone up here." And then Theodore quacks them down into, "Shush, they can't see us, they don't go over here. But let's just continue with our names." And so they start singing their rhyme again and they'll look over their shoulder occasionally but they're not paying you guys as much attention as they were before. So I'm going to walk up to them slowly and say, "Are you walking straight for them?" So they stop, the nursery rhyme as they see you walking straight towards them. And Hannah says, the middle girl says, "Well, of course I can see you, sweetie. Do you mean that most people can't?" Well, no, we kind of are dead. Most people can't see dead people? No one can't, well except for you, seemingly, but well some people can, I guess, but they're really special people and they usually come to talk to us and they bring us gifts and stuff. But not most people, most people can't see us at all. Well, I'm not like most people. What kind of gifts do they bring you? Like toys. They bring us toys lots of times, like I like dolls, still Hannah talking. And I like to look at mirrors, I think they're kind of cool, and I like books. But not, like, the books that Ruthie reads, those are kids' books. I like older books. What's Ruthie doing at this point? Just thinking about that. She gets like a really dirty look at her face, she's like, "They're not kids' books. They're books that are for kids to read, but they have really adult people in them." Well, I like books too, and I also like dolls, but I loved playing games. Were you guys playing a game just now? Kind of, just a game we made up from an old song we heard once. Well, it's the song. Ring around the row, Ruthie. Oh, that's a fun game. You know, guys, I would love to stay and play with you, but I need to play a game here by myself right now. Before I do that, though, do you think maybe if I play a game with you, you can go play somewhere else so I can be up here alone? Well, that sounds like a roll. Let's go ahead and do a manipulation plus a crystal of that. Well, the game I was going to play before we do that, but all the game I was going to play requires it all. Like, I know itself. And there's probably really nothing I can do to contribute or help her since I really really... I mean, I'm only paying attention to one side of this conversation, but anything I do would probably hinder her, so I'm not going to worry, although... But that's probably... it does sound promising in the sense that the ghosts aren't materializing and attacking you, or nothing horrible has happened yet. It sounds like a nice conversation. Yeah, it sounds like you've gotten to kids. And so... Yeah, yeah, with that. Well, that's what I mean. I'm trying to only listen to what the first side of the conversation is. I'll show you what I was going to do. Well... We can't. I don't know what the game is to the kids if you want to, but to get them to want to play the game, you're going to have to convince them before the gaming is played. I mean, I guess you... Right, because they might say, "No, we'd rather eat your soul." And, you know, that's just what we're going to do before today. Good luck, guys. Right. So, good luck with that. I would say if you're trying to... I think you're trying to manipulate them, and I think you're probably socialized... I think I utilize some of my experience points to add to some things here really quickly. No, that's called metagaming, and you should have done it before the session started. Okay. However, let's take a look at some of the skills you do have. Socialized or persuasion would be the skill you'd be using, which unfortunately you don't have. That's either. Manipulation, because you're trying to easily trick them into letting you use the room. But seriously, aware of ulterior motives and moods? That's what they would use. Right. Remember their resistance? Not even mine is cold. No, but remember, I get to give you add or subtract dice based on... All right. All right. What you know and what you're doing. So, go ahead. I know them pretty. And tell me what your dice is for this. Well, for just the manipulations too, and then I have two zeros. So it's actually minus one, if you're down to one dice. In the room that we're in right now, or are there any mirrors? In what looks to be a boys' room, he looks to be pre-teen, or maybe just turned into his teens. I've seen lots of, you know, again, this is 1935, and this kid was live back in the 1800's. So books, wooden toys, a wash basin with a mirror? Sure. I could say I could see that. Is it correct? You'd have to go and investigate it, which means you'd have to leave her aside. Okay. No, I'm not going to leave her aside. All right. I kind of want to... Use willpower? No, it's not that I want to use willpower, because I still want to explain to you what I was... What I had in mind. I was still thinking... No, no, no. I just explained it wrong. It's not necessarily so much a game in trying to get them to play with me so much as if I can guess, and then want to do a guessing game, essentially. Okay, that's fine. They still have to say yes, we'd like to play a guessing game with you. And if I can guess, right, then they can't make it. Right. So make sure you convince them that this is going to be a really fun. No, it's going to be so much fun. It's all the fun. Okay. So what do you want me to do? Sports. Do you guys win? You can eat. It's fun. You can. I don't like him one bit, so he can't help that. He's grown. He's grown on you. Sure. No, he doesn't like me. I have no reason. You have one die. Yes, I do. Are you using willpower? Yes, probably. Add three dice and mark off a willpower. And now, because you've taken time to talk to them and begin to know them. Those are my past interactions. No, but it has nothing to do with them. The past interactions have nothing to do because they haven't had those interactions. Yeah. However, you use the information from your past interactions with them to get an additional two dice with no dice attracted or you're being so nice to me and they will roll against you. Now, this is called a contested role. Whoever rolls more dice, more successes is the ones who win three successes. They got one success. So you win Theodore Rumbles that he wants to go back and wants to play a different game and want to play the silly nursery rhyme, he doesn't want to play your game, he wants to play his game. And this is his room, but the girls shot him down and they say, no, we want to play this game. So they're like, so you know, you have to keep going because you say you want to play game. They're like, well, what do you want to play? What's it going to be like? Is it fun? Do you want to play a guessing game? Do you guys like guessing games? Yes. We like as we're ghosts, so we know lots of things, because we've been around for a long time. I might look like I'm seven, but I'm really like 50. That's what green she says, because she's really excited about it. I bet you that I can guess each of your names. Well, I think so ahead and make another room. And this one is going to be manipulation, and we're going to use subterfuge, because you're kind of lying to them, because you know when you're tricking them. And they're going to use their empathy and their wit. I mean, I could utilize something else. Hey, Jerm, did you see? No, we'll go with that. Alright. Easy to first one. One success. Mmm. I've done so much. Gracie is nodding her head up and down. She thinks that's the most exciting thing she's ever heard of. Not Gracie. Excuse me. Ruthie is nodding her head up and down, but yes, the most exciting thing she's ever heard of. Hannah is kind of like thinking about it, and Theodore goes, "Wow, that went." We've been haunting this house since 1878. You could easily look us up like in a library and find out who we are. Okay. This is what I want to use. Or talk to other people who know that we're here. Now, which one? This one, but I want to kind of use it backwards. Is that even possible? I do. On you. So basically, I want to say... I'm a storyteller. I know. But basically, I want to say, "Hey, ask me anything, and I'll tell you the answer." Let's say you can try to use that. You can try? Yeah, you can go ahead. There's a contested roll again. I know. But they will decide whether or not it succeeds. And what you're going to try to do is you're going to try to guess what their question is going to be based on your knowledge of them. Wait. So how do I show this up to the kids then? I can't describe it. It's how you look. No. How would you like to see it? Ask me anything. I'm going to hold it down. Well, what do you mean to ask me? You wouldn't know, because they don't really know you. I would say too Theodore. Okay, Theodore. Why don't you ask me something that you don't think I could possibly know? Okay. You've countered with that. Now, Theodore needs to be on board. He's not digging an old game. How many guys do you have? And they're all on. Right. The witch was a cult. Okay. So, witch is... Oh, yeah. One, two, three, four. Plus a cult is... Really? Do I get my specialty for this? For this? For this? No, but this is... Yes. Because it's a cult, and that's my specialty. Witch involves ghosts. It's called witch crap. No. It's not? Ghost. Okay. Yeah. One extra bonus die for your specialty. Yes. Okay. So, any more dice? Good luck. Please. Okay. One, two, three. Three successes. She rolled a total of eight dice. So, three successes? Three successes. Theodore had two successes. So, you actually beat him. He's like, "Okay. Okay." Awesome. I can think of something. There's no way you could possibly think of. No way. All right, Theodore. Ask me anything. All right. He thinks, he thinks, and the girls are whispering to him. You think, "Shh, I'm trying to come up with something." He's even knowing with them because they're trying to help. I mean, he doesn't want their help. And he says, "I've got it." You can tell me what my middle name is. And you know his name is Theodore Tiedemann? You have no idea what his middle name is off the bat. But you can make another role. Oh my God, God. You gotta win it again. Jesus. To see if you can suss it out from... Actually, what you end up doing is you'd be overhearing one of the girls. 'Cause this is... He's straight up. You do that against Theodore. 'Cause you're trying it from him. Like, you're actually going into his memory and trying to grab that. So, yes. Straight up against Theodore. Same dice. Eight dice. Unless you want a real target. If I'm thinking about it, actually. I mean, I've died half a ton, so I kind of want to. Right. 'Cause they come back so fast. For me? Okay, we'll see. I mean, yeah. Ten, I think. All right, that's like eight last time. All I think is important is success is... Ooh, ten again. Ooh. Oh my God, I have an abysmal. I grew old abysmal. Don't say that. If you roll... Really bad. One success. It was Tony Bono Pico. One success on ten dice. One success on ten dice. Oh, man. Okay. Theodore... You want to do it again? Rolled one success on ten dice. Which means you tied. That means nobody won. All right. Which means you actually get to reroll. Now, you do not get to... Spend willpower again. Exactly. Okay. Go again. Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh. Five successes. Theodore rolled four successes. Yay. His middle name is actually Theodore Thomas Tiedemann. Three T's. Well, Theodore, your first name starts with a T. He doesn't even look like you. Your last name starts with a T. Your middle name starts with a T. Ooh, we're so smart. Theodore Thomas Tiedemann. How do you spell Thomas? T-H-O-M-A-S. How do you know it's not P-O-M-A-S. 'Cause we got our German ancestry. Smarty pants. You're right, I am a Smarty pants, Thomas. Fine. Fine. You guessed my middle name. Yeah. Now I get to guess you. Sure. Go ahead. This is the game, right? We just guessed back and forth. Of course it is. What's my middle name? Thomas. Ooh. What's the name of my daddy? What's the name of my daddy? What's the name of my daddy? What's the name of my daddy? What's the name of my daddy? What's the name of my daddy? What's the name of my daddy? What's the name of my daddy? What's the name of my daddy? What's the name of my daddy? What's the name of my daddy? What's the name of my daddy? What's the name of my daddy? What's the name of my daddy? What's the name of my daddy? What's the name of my daddy? What's the name of my daddy? 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What's the name of my daddy? What's the name of my daddy? What's the name of my daddy? What's the name of my daddy? What's the name of my daddy? What's the name of my daddy? What's the name of my daddy? What's the name of my daddy? What's the name of my daddy? What's the name of my daddy? What's the name of my daddy? What's the name of my daddy? What's the name of my daddy? What's the name of my daddy? What's the name of my daddy? What's the name of my daddy? What's the name of my daddy? What's the name of my daddy? What's the name of my daddy? Amber Alert? Why is it not still our turn? I got this. Why? Can we get this? You're in the little T-Mobile chime. This is good drama for that, you know? It's the worst. Don't forget the bread. I have a word. Oh. That's wrong. I've hung out enough, Kliss. Oh great. This, yeah. And everyone wants to grab one. Favorite of every system. Amber. There is new grappling rules. And I don't remember them from when we had them the last one. One ninety-nine. Someone did. Thank you so much, Jonathan. Amber Alerts that down. That its defense is... What's that? It's... Actually, I found a mistake in the case. It's phenomenal. It goes out. Phenomenal. Phenomenal. Fantastic. Phenomenal. That's the name fade. Fantastic. No. It is... Mine is its... Mine is its defense, correct? Not its strength. Mine is your favorite. Okay. So, you can go ahead and... Yeah, let me note you guys, Kliss. Uh... Eight. Because you... Yeah, you... Uh... Uh huh. The... Spectral knife. (laughter) Clean it up, Scott. This is really your first knife. Phantom knife. Yeah. Phantom knife. Phantom knife. Phantom knife. That's what we're going to go with. So... Whoa. Again. Maybe you weren't listening. But... Because... Whoa. And then it did. That's crazy. Maybe you were reading something or looking... Because it wasn't your turn. But perhaps you didn't hear that... I'm going to do that. I would run out that when you disarm people, you... Shut the fuck up! It's your logic out of my role-playing game. (laughter) So... You want to make this harder for someone? No. It just threw me into a wall. That's... Yeah. He's a little... I think that's the title of the episode. It's your logic out of my role-playing game. (laughter) But the fans vote. So you never know. That's right. I had rolled nothing. Yeah. And then I threw the last dice. And it... It dies. Nice. And I rolled it over onto an eight. I'm totally okay with that. Unless you intentionally tried to do that. Which you clearly did. That was... Which he clearly did. Was absolutely accidental. Not aiming at all. So... It was a bedguard. You... You... Obviously Edgar... Is next to me. And... Hit this knife away. Didn't we shoot this knife last week? Um... I believe someone shot it. I guess that doesn't... No. We shot it. She shot the knife. Right. True. And... You know... What? Okay. Just go ahead. With the... Where we're at right now. But go ahead. Yeah. It was maybe shot last week as well. Tough knife. It was before it did anything. He shot it while it was on the bed. It was clearly a wounded knife. Oh yeah man. Which explains... How many of them did farming? Right. Which you do see the news closing in on... News! This one on that news. How many of these objects are visible? I understood that you needed to... There was goggles to see them. No longer. No longer because I actually was interpreting the dimensionality of everything. It changes from like the week. Okay. But... But... To be fair, the guy was receiving through several layers of... Bullshit? Yes. Okay. So... You couldn't see what you needed to see with your bare eyes until you got into the actual room. But with the goggles on you could... The ones that Dr. Ethan has the... Steampunk goggles. You could see through several layers of... An ornament. F. Thamara. F. Just give it up. F. Thamara? Thamara because it's the actual substance. I can't count. I drank too much. It is. It is. Exactly what it is. Seven. It has more than I did. Well, apparently it has three shrinks. I'm not going to be able to tell you unless I could get a hold of the punter. It's right in front of you. Literally. I've got no sound effect for gun shooting a noose. I got off of you. Now you do. I feel like a balloon. Do you want to do some fun editing? Sure. With that heavy in your heart, that moment of her basically... No. You're going to sell this? No. I'm not whispering a prayer of strength and power to your gun. You move over there and you fire and you destroy the news. I do have... I'm thinking you put your rope up hill for something. [Laughter] Pushing rope was a whole different metaphor. You sound the loose. I'm sorry, this guy does not look small. Whatever. That is a big looking dude. I just looked up with... [inaudible]