Knights of the Night


Broadcast on:
11 Jun 2015
Audio Format:

One of the crew makes it through the gate, and then another. Will they all? Does it really matter? 


[Music] Hello and welcome to Night to the Night Actual Play Podcast. This world of darkness story of the Sineadern was written and run by a storyteller Scott. And now, please enjoy episode 230 titled "The Knife Is Pissed" actual play begins 11 minutes, 39 seconds. [Music] Alright, do we have feedback today? We're going to start the feedback today with just a shout out to some of our friends over at Ms. Directed Mark Podcast. Bob Everson, Sean Merwin, Phil Vecchio, and Chris Sneezack who started the encoded design company. They're taking the part-time gods game, which was designed by Third Eye Games. And they're converting it over to fate. Well, they're doing this without their permission. They are doing it with their permission. Okay, that's going to sound good. And in fact, they're doing it via Kickstarter and Eloy LaSanta, who is the adventurer of the original game helps him. Did he do a pitch video? He does, he does a little bit of the pitch video. So the part-time gods of fate is about ordinary people who receive a divine spark for a specific domain, i.e. the God of storm or something like that. The divine power is enough to do impressive things, but not what you need to pay the mortgage. So these gods must live a dual life, going to work, paying bills, and then protecting their territory from other divine and otherworldly threats, cyclops, monsters, etc. Does the disc? Yeah, a little bit. And the things that they've added to it, which are a little bit different than the original game, is bonds, which is a hybrid of aspects in the stress track designed to represent the gods' ties to the human side. There's also manifestations, divine skills, to allow the gods to manipulate the world around them based on their domain, create fire when they've got a fire and things like that. Entitlements, which are divine stunts to give your gods' special abilities, relics, worshipers, and section on territory design. Their Kickstarter went live and funded in less than 24 hours. Wow. And obviously, I'm not the only one who thought it sounded fun. Yeah, I would have been asked for too little. I applied to it. Since Kickstarter did so while they're actually thinking about adding stretch goals. But, I mean, originally, most games that are being designed want money for artwork, they're going to use their artwork from the original game, so they really don't need it. They're looking to make hard copies of the game and different things like that. But that's kind of stuff to help spur the imagination. Our work does contribute, or I would imagine they artwork has a major impact. Absolutely, but the original game had wonderful artwork and they have the likes to use that. So, they don't have some misshapen perspective skewed halfling that happens. It's like a game because there's a hell of a people on page number one of the players. I'm in the page. Oh, it's such an awful way. It is. It's just not a good picture. It's not really halfling. And, in fact, it just surprised me how it even got approved and put in unless it was like a dare or... Somebody got paid for that. That's a little bit more concerned. But anyways, back to the Kickstarter, there's a link on our Facebook page, the fan page, and I'll throw one in this episode as well. So anybody that's interested in fates, settings, or if that game sounds interesting to you, it's like $25. Oh, and I didn't even mention this. The minute you sign up, you're able to download the beta version of it and look at the bonus. So, you get the PDF for free when you join the Kickstarter. As I understand it, that doesn't include the background detail. I actually downloaded, I haven't looked at it yet. So, I don't know all the details on the PDF that's available, but it does look interesting. Has anyone played the original? No, I have not. There's a TV show on Netflix called, I think it's called "The Mighty Henderson's", which the concept sounds very similar to part-time, what you described as part-time gods, where these, it's all in New Zealand, and that this family living in New Zealand are apparently the earth-bound avatars of Norse gods. So, that I'll call it from Mighty, but it's just interesting. It's interesting. And it might be a nice little supplement to see how it might play out in the... Yeah, sort of real. We had some feedback from our email account, This was from Hayden M, who said, "Hey guys, first-time callers, short-time listener. I loved your podcast as someone who isn't a fan of Dungeons and Dragons/patfinders, but I still adore tabletop games. Finding a good podcast of actual place from a lesson on the system is pretty hard. I value the quality and straightforwardness of yours. I find you guys looking for new manure resources, and then decided to try out your Dresden Files series just because I was curious. As a result, I've now purchased the first three books and have read one at the time of sending this email. And I'm in love. See, Scott? He's not here. This people can fall in love with the system, even on the first story. The system or the game? The seeds are there. You talk about the actual books. Yeah. The seeds are there. Yeah. I can't wait to finish the Dresden RPG series in a good way because I love the world of darkness. I want to hear what you guys did with it. Your new faithful listener, Hayden. Thank you for the feedback, Hayden. Yvonne R., also sent in an email and said, "Hello, there are knights. I've listened to your latest episode, The Wrong Table Knight. I wanted to butt in a little on your discussion on both of those subjects. Damn the time space continuum that refuses to give in and let me poke my head into your basement. No way that'd be kind of creepy. A little bit. I thought I saw something in the corner. Anyways, I'm fate horror. I think I couldn't disagree more with you. I'm convinced that fate can do pretty much anything you ask from it, which I guess speaks at how big a fan of it I am, so consider me biased. So, let me explain how I'd argue for this. You seem to think that fate gives too much power to the PCs, and it would invalidate the feeling of helplessness that is required for a horror game. I believe that's exactly what we feel. It is true that fate characters have fate points in lots of stress plus consequences to deal with whatever obstacle they come across. The thing is they are a finite resource, and a dastardly jam can use them to create a sense of impending doom. As you know, last time you saw those eyes looking at you from the darkness, you barely managed to escape alive with a sprain ankle. How are you going to fare this time with your ankle swollen so badly that you can barely walk much less run? Basically fate characters are empowered people, so you take the damage up a notch to bring it up to the speed to avoid going on for pages and pages about this. I'll link you to an article that gives some very good pointers. Now, Burning Wheel. That game is something, alright. It's crunchy as hell, but I disagree with it not being a storyteller game. It certainly isn't a hack and slash game. It is by far too deadly for that. The stakes are always too high. I think your comparison to fate is appropriate. It feels very much like that, but crunchier. I mean, have you seen the combat? The system is nuts. Although surprisingly realistic, hitting someone with a sword while being hit by a sword isn't all that difficult. The really hard part is hitting someone and avoiding being hit. Before I force you to chop another trait to fit this email, that joke only works if you print it, but by the way, I do. I'll be leading. Not before I recommend the Rusec gamers run of Burning Ambition, a great example of Burning Wheel. That's all for me. Keep up the awesome work. And I have listened to the Rusec gamers. Burning Ambition. It's a really good series of burning wheel. We read about one thing. When I was doing the Kendo and Iito, the sparring in combat that we had was not at all when I first started it, what I thought it was going to be. I thought it was going to be cool, give and take back and forth. Not these clashes and stuff like that. So you're seeing the majority of the time when you hit someone that hit you? Yeah. Well, you're within range to hit someone. Someone's trying to hit you. So you're trying to counter at the same time. Yeah, it was just, it was something based on Burning Wheel? No. You know, it's actually a strange moment. Right. For three years. I was speaking to Rusec. It was just a fun and really great sport. And it was just interesting that trying to get away with not being hit was very tough. I wanted to mention as to fit horror. I believe most of us were just saying that we don't think it's very well suited in our other systems that are better built for it. Yeah. Some of us may have said that it would work, but I don't agree with them if they did say that out loud. We have two purple books called State System Toolkit. Absolutely. Two, three, four, four, four. Yeah, okay. But, but again, as Thomas just said, it's, it's... It's been a thing to shoot. You can do it? It's not the best tool for it. It really is. Yeah. I wouldn't mind actually reading the article if it did links nothing. Yeah. I'll give you the link. Now, we have two additional comments from Facebook, all of them on episode 229, which was titled "Standard to Ghost Door." Ari posted and said, "Thank you for the traveling entertainment. I must have subconsciously arranged my schedule so that Keotan is available when I need it." And he had a little wink. I think just Ari travels all the time, so whenever we put out a podcast, he's going to... It was in Charlotte eight hours a week or so? Yeah, it was a day or so. Yeah, it was a day or so. He could only travel after we put out a podcast. Well, then... We released everyone's dates. I can't deliver the ship at Paul's. They haven't put on an episode this week. I'm screwed. Amanda R also posted and said, "Any RPG actual podcast needs a villain?" If there isn't one, then you must be it. Oh. As he was referring to Scott being the villainous GM. That's it as far as feedback goes. The standard ghost door, I think, was you, Bob. If I remember correctly, that might have been you. So standard ghost door? I don't know. Scott was describing the ghost door, and you said, "Oh, so it's a standard ghost door." Because if there were such a thing, so... I think virtually any reference to a door gets a lot of votes, and that's a particularly humorous one. It's like a little seat of a meme. It's almost in a very narrow niche. It could almost be a meme. Yeah, well, I think it's definitely a meme, as far as KOTN goes. Right. All right, with that, we're done with the feedback on our blog site, There's an Amazon link. It's still being used quite frequently by people, and I want to thank you all for using it. And thank you to all the Patreon members that spring in this stream. We are working on the longer versions of the different scenarios. We'll have those out. Probably in some drop-back somewhere. We're releasing a long episode? Yeah. We're re-additing the old ones, compiling them all at once. We hit another stretch goal? Great. It's every go. Big Anderson mention that Bob made him laugh. Oh, yeah. Well, that's another thing I want to mention really quick before we go on to the episode. There's a lot of funny stuff going on on the fan page, and I just want to remind people that if you post on the Facebook fan page, it will not be read and feedback. If you want something to be discussed by the players, please put it on a regular page under an episode, and we'll discuss it. But... If you're not enjoying the fan page, there's some funny shit there. Or feedback at... Yeah, email. Yeah, email. In Twitter or any of us. But Bob got a shout out because two episodes in a row, you made him actually laugh out loud, so... That's actually pretty funny, man. He didn't teach. He didn't teach. He didn't teach. He didn't teach. He didn't teach. He did a metric system, and a ghost door. Nobody uses that shit. And everyone uses that shit. We were trying to decide how to make something work, and he said, "It's a fucking metric, isn't it?" Or something to that. What was that? What was that above? You've been eating... Oh, the difference. It was going to come figured out. Right. With that, we'll get on to the episode. This is the World of Darkness story, "The Sinneter," I'm the story teller Scott. And with us tonight, starting on my right is... Michael playing Ethan Clark, a medical doctor and member of "Vages Kaiduro" since 1929. Tom playing Jay Alton, member of the "Sending Ones" and leader of "Task 4 Siren." I am Jim, playing Katie O'Connor, the mostly dead ghostly nun. I am Mike playing Michael Clay, the academic adventurer from "The Ages Kaiduro." Thomas playing Pet Guard Montes, a doing practitioner, and a member of the Les Misthrei, experiencing. John playing Daniel Morgan, a mountain man turned mercenary, and an ex-member of "Task 4's" Valkyrie. Rachel playing Silverbelle, thanks to you, I'm something teenager. All right. And as we do, it's beginning of each session, we look at our characters' aspirations, if we fulfill any of them, and we take story beats, if we did, which we turn into experience. So let's go ahead and go around the table, starting again with Dr. Ethan Clark, and see if he had met any of his aspirations, has any new ones, and gets any beats. No, no, no. Okay. I'm on a roll. I think three months. I've just got the same aspirations with no progress. Mine is Re and I just squad, return to the solid form, and I have a kind of attack, so no, no, no. Okay. Mine are no changes. Right. Well, yeah. You weren't here last week, too. Right. Wasn't a chance to change. Mine are no changes, because I really didn't have to do anything. Right. You were here, but I didn't get a chance to participate. Edgard? No changes, no accomplishments. All right, Daniel. I erased mine as I accomplished it, which was really stupid in retrospect. So you thought really cool? Yeah. I know that I was trying to protect the people from the ghost kids, and I have succeeded in this. Right. By killing. Oh, yeah. I got a little child from a ball tower. One second. I think we'll go around. Yeah. I'll give a recap at that point. Okay. Sure. Daniel, so you did fill up one of your aspirations or did fulfill one of your aspirations. You took a beat for that. I think I did last week, yeah. Okay. And then, did you come up with another aspiration to take its place, or are you still working on that? Okay. And then, Rachel, you weren't here last week, so. Right, but actually, my long term is contact a spirit at the Franklin Castle, which technically I did do when I spoke to them at the very end of the last time. Contact a spirit in Franklin Castle, which was your option? Like one that goes through. Yeah. In the ghost children. Yeah. What contact? Oh, excellent. Take a beat, and then come up with a new long term aspiration to take its place. Okay. I'm not sure how much Rachel should be filled in on what happened last week, only because her character is in another time. Wouldn't know any of this. True. That is actually, actually true, but however, cheers to see all of us. Is that a game? Jim, who sister Katie wasn't here last week, is there with you? Okay. Would someone like to articulate? I don't know how much of Rachel should be honest, yes. How much of Jim is actually here? I think, like, a nose, maybe a couple of eyes. I'm going to be a couple of eyes. Down to a face. Full face. Yeah. She's unraveling. Quickly. So, if someone wants to give her a quick update as to what happened last week, that would be fine. Three ghosts. Do you remember that? Three ghosts. They were trying to prevent us from getting to the gate. Got off. Someone's about to shoot one of them. You threw a flash grenade. Yeah. And I shot one of them. The boy disappeared. We managed to get all the way, kind of drive the ghosts off, get all the way to the top of the building. The attic where the gate is. Dr. Ethan is facing off against a knife, which is hovering and threatening to stab him. It's a ghost. Haunted type knife, which was used to murder one of the kids. Seems to be linked with one of them. The boy? I think. It was the middle bed. I don't think you know. I'll be better than it yet. Between us and the door. Right. But he's kind of putting himself in between the knife and us. Yeah. I think you guys behind me. Yeah. We all went behind and we're getting close to the gate. Also, we can't see. The cube was used to tune in the gate back to where we think we need to go. Okay. The difference cube. We can't say Dr. Ethan Clark has. Pardon? We can't see the knife. When we get back to us. I hear tales of it. Can't you guys just book my foot and head through the gate? My guy's going to have to roll. We're just carrying you around at a breaking point for this shooting children thing. And plus they're ghostly children. Well, it either could be a more, you know, positive experience for you. I don't know. I am. That is the same. Disfigured ghost children might be a breaking point for you. They're doing them a favor. Do you think the breaking point for your character would be more or less apropos right when he's doing it? Or when he has a chance to kind of process it and realize. I want to justify that he was driven by the weapon at the time. Sure. But later he's going to have to kind of charge the gun. Okay. That seems to work. And I think we'll start off with that group. Because as the main group was trying to move behind Dr. Ethan Clark who was shielding them from the knife that was quivering and hovering in the air that really only. Now all of you can see it. Because you are all insubstantial as well. You're a serial. Because you've been placed in an ethereal type of... What's the problem? Are we in again? Twilight. Twilight. Or in the realm that ghosts normally interact in. Unless they manifest themselves into the physical realm. They remain in Twilight. And you guys can't see that. But because whatever ceremony or ritual took place in that hotel room that changed you. Through you back to 2011 and changed you into an ethereal form. You can now see things that are ethereal like the ghost children. And like the noose and the knife that you have so far witnessed. A bad a knife and a noose. Actually a noose in the first child's room and the attic. Then in the second room the bloody bed and the knife on the ground. We're now hovering dangerously close to Dr. Ethan Clark. And then there's a third room which no one has gotten to yet. Although you've got some sight. These are big rooms in the attic. Because it's a mansion. So these are really oddly shaped large rooms. So overall I think that's at least a basic idea of what's happening. I think we'll start there. And the person who was going to go first was Jay. As far as the initiative order went from the last time we left off. So you've got Ethan with his hands out stretched. Playcate this hovering knife that seems to have a mind and a will of its own. And it doesn't look as if the intent is overly friendly. And you've got a gate you know in the next room over. That may or may not lead you back to where you need to be. Well Dr. Ethan was waving us past him. So I do that. I go past him. I open the door and look in the other room. Okay. I'm just wondering if this is the gate room. The third room is the room with the gate correct. So this is a oddly shaped room. Polygons and angles. The ceiling is coming down in arches of wood to support the ceiling and the gables. It's an incredibly odd looking final room that you enter into. There is an oddly shaped archway again of wood. Point it top. It almost looks like a wishbone if you will. And it pulls up one of the gables and one of the part of the roof. That definitely draws your attention because that is glowing with a strength of iridescence in the essence that the rest of the ghostly house is not. But there are key items that are for instance the knife. Yes. So you would put it on par to the knife, the noose, the bed. And in this particular room. Third weapon against. Yeah. Leading up against the murder is a shotgun. It looks like just a really old. This is something that's definitely probably from the late 1800s. And it's perched into a corner. And again it has that low to it, that strength, that a little more color, a little more iridescence than anything else in this realm has. And it starts to quiver and shake in the corner as you enter the room. What's the relationship between me, the gate and the gun? As you enter the room the gate is almost directly in front of you. Right. Again supporting a gable, like a pitched part of the roof. And there's just enough room between the gate and then the actual arch in the face of the house. So it's not an obvious gate in the sense like you can walk through and keep walking. Right. But if it wasn't the fact that it was glowing. You would have no idea. Right. The gun however, the shotgun. If you enter the room and look immediately to your right. Far a corner. Again if this was more normal realm and you weren't in the ethereal realm. The room is darkened and it would be very tough to see it's at a corner. Kind of webs it looks ancient and old but it's probably a good I guess you would guess maybe 40 feet distant from you. In a corner off to the right. Okay. So if I still have movement left I'm going to walk into the room but I'm walking farther away from the gun and working towards the gate. Okay. And that's not a problem whatsoever. You have a bit of movement left after you open the door, 5 or 10 feet in the room the gate is still about 20 feet away at that point. Okay. Because again these are large rooms. That takes us to the second person who is an initiative order and that would be Edgard. Is Jim on the initiative order? Well to be honest she's having a hard time even moving forward at this point because she's so unraveled. But by all means Sister Katie please roll your initiative rolls. I can place you in the order. Nine. And that takes us to Edgard at 13. I could just double move through the gate right? Are we trying to be safe or something? That's a knife. Right. Double move through the gate. Alright. You can get past the knife. It's the gun that's a concern. Right. With the door being opened by your test force leader Jay. It's very easy for you to double move through the one room into the second room, through the gate. There's no hesitation there. You're going through this gate. It's magical shit. I can handle that. Okay. Has the gate been opened? Oh. No that's gate. We don't know shit about that. They don't know anything about gates. We don't know anything about the gates. We know the gate exists. We know that he has a cube that he thinks can tune it back into our dimension. So we're assuming, while he being Dr. Ethan. So we're assuming it's going to work. I think we're about to find out otherwise. Where is Chew in relation to this? Because he's currently holding the difference cube. Did he not hand it back to you with the goggles? He did. Oh. So he handed it back to you. Well I think with the intent of everybody going past him he would have handed it to someone else. Ethan would have. And that's fine. I have no problem with that. He handed it off to Edgard if he wants to. Sure. Seeing as he looks like he's determined to go through the gate. Here it is. Hand off. All right. Hand off. No worries with that. Edgard as you approach the gate. The difference cube. When you grab it it was quivering. It was kind of vibrating. It's shaking and it's hot to the touch. And it has a color and substance to it that belies the rest of this realm of insubstantial beings and objects. So it's definitely something just absolutely unique in this realm. As you get closer and closer as you're kind of jogging with your double move it begins to almost burn your hand. That's how hot it's getting. And it's starting to move in such a way where it's actually starting to spin in your hand. So you have to kind of like loosen your grip on a little bit. Otherwise it's starting to rip at your skin. What do you do? I guess now that I'm holding this because it's changed my plan a little. I'm going to get as close to the gate as I can before like presenting it to do its magical shit. All right. You present this item to the gate and it continues to spin in your hand and maintain an incredibly hot to the touch feeling. Where you almost have to occasionally light though and it actually holds itself in the air as it spins. You see the gate it's lit in a sense like it has that substance. It has that color that other things don't have in this realm. But you don't see an appreciable change in the gate or anything beyond it which is to you a wall showing the edge of the house. Push it in the gate. Push the difference cube into the gate. There's a place to fit the cube. There's not a place to fit the cube. It's an archway that looks a bit like an oversized wishbone. Maybe it's about eight feet high with the two sides forming an arch, a pointed arch. I'd say the width of it is probably in the ballpark of 16 or so. You can try to push the cube towards the gate. This archway is up against the wall or is it in the middle of the room? It shifts off the edge. It's holding up some gables that are coming down. So is that about a foot of space on the other side? Yes, exactly. You kind of have to move through it. It doesn't look like a place you have a gate but maybe that's the whole point. But Edgar, you push the now self-flowing, self-sustaining difference cube through the gate and you see it on the other side of the gate. It doesn't seem to disappear. It doesn't seem to go anywhere. And that's your double move to the turn. That takes us to Chu who, I'm going to say, runs into the room and looks for direction from Jay. Okay. Point to the archway. Right. No, there's no way Chu's moving through that before anyone else does. No fucking way he'd ever do that. So he backs the wall and says, "Uh-uh." That takes us to... I think one of his major aspects is I just want to get the fuck out of here. Yes, but one of the aspects is also Hugo first. Maybe he pushes Montaster. Remember when you were in the... He wouldn't even do the shatters. The shatters man's realm and he wouldn't even do the drugs. Exactly. He like tried to fake and hail. Chu is very resistant to taking the lead in doing anything. True enough. Dr. Ethan. So you're behind me at this point. At this point, three have made it through. You have Daniel, who is also rapidly dissipating. There's less than a quarter to maybe a half of Daniel left at this point. He's going on a break. So maybe he had no problem with the sister being like an ear. No, okay. So sister Katie and Daniel, the two most damaged and unraveling of the ethereal bodies are behind you. Had it moved through the room. Everyone else has made it through with the acceptance course of Dr. Ethan Clark. Can I just wait then until they go past him and I'll delay? Yes. Oh wait, I'm going to say Clark, work your magic shit here. I don't know what I'm doing. You hear that? Just in case. It changed me. My magic shit. Yes. You work Clark. Now you're Dr. Clark. Clark. Clark. Work your magic shit. You're no Clark dude. You're lucky I've got to remember his name. He's not in the right mind. What the fuck are you? You're still the one. Yeah, I'm not aware of anything that I have to do, right? I mean once the settings were complete, those people just showed up. Yeah, exactly. So yeah, I'm waiting. Okay. You can speak as a free action while you're waiting. So you can't respond if you want to or you can just hold back in that walk through. Okay. Also a guard saying some of my name bullshit like Open Sesame and fucking work. Probably some other things. Fair enough. That sounds very Edgardish. That takes us to Katie at night. Can Katie go into the room and pass it to Katie? Katie is moving slower and slower as more of her dissolves. And as you know, you're down to basically a flowing head that really is having its hair starting to dissipate and it's not and it's really bad. So your movement is about one half of what it normally is. She's not going to be lined for the gate. Right. Which means she gets about to the door to that room as more of her face starts to unravel. And that takes us finally to Daniel. I can't see this portal anyway. I just know it's through those arches. Yes you can. People seem to be hesitating. Oh, we can. Kind of close. Because you are a theory as well. Okay. You are in the realm. So anything in this realm seems not normal, but you can see it. Okay. Yeah. Make it be a line for it. And I think I'm going to shoulder check these people through it. They're just clogging up the entrance to have shoulders. Now to be fair, it is a really large bedroom so when people are standing around, it's not as if they're really clogging up. I figured they're sprinting up right to it. I'm like whoa. Well you saw them and then some of them kind of backed off the side and looked at Jay. Whoever's in front of it left. Which sounds like just my taste. Yeah. I'm pushing them through along with you. Along with you. We're both going through. Okay. You're grabbing them kind of by the shirt of his back and kind of trying to pull him through with you. Which is fine. Now Edgar, you can resist that or you can just go with the flow. They're a little bent. Just to be fair. No I don't think. But he's half a man right now. Hey, good. Half a man. Half a man. He's fairly distracted with trying to figure out how magic things work. So he's just going to fall for a while. That is if he can actually force me through with his half a man. I'm not going to get your roll because he is a gigantic man. He even half a Daniel. But you're going to make me roll? He's more man. No I'm not. You move through the portal. You grab Edgar, you push him through without paling him on the deference cube. I didn't know that was a risk. It was there. It's floating in the air spinning around. Okay. And it's a relatively narrow entranceway. Again, people say I have bad rap. But I'm not that tough. So you push the two of you through and you slam into the wall behind. Okay, good. And we'll stop there and we'll go to the others. Oh no. We still have something to do. We'll get there in just a second. I'm going to go with Ethan who would delay. Fix it. It's fixed. We're going to die. We're going to die. You're going to die. So no one else is behind me. No one else is behind me. I move over to what we think is the gate. Take the deference cube and look at it. All right. Think of that. Is it checking in a similar manner to when they came through? You run through the door. You go into the room. Everyone's standing around, milling around. The two Daniel and Edgard are kind of up against the wall. You can tell they've gone through the gate. Hovering right at the entrance to the gate. Threshold, if you will, is the spinning deference cube. And you walk up to it. It looks very similar to what it was doing when the gate opened in sugar in. And they all... No, no, no, no, no. Okay. I say try it again. And I stand right next to it holding the deference cube. All right. I think the difference is last time we had a triggering event. We don't have that now. It's possible. I thought it might be a bad thing. If they left anyway with the deference cube and surrounded us over here, that car doesn't know that already. You're good at that. As you're holding the deference cube, the knife that you saw in the other room appears, like, actually bleeds into existence on the other side of the gate. So, of the archway, very close to where Daniel and Gard are. But it's pointing straight towards you. Then, at speed, just tries to impale itself into your body. It goes to the blade dust. It's turning to piss me off. I could understand that. What is your defense? Three. All right. So, next time, I'm going to distract the knife and you fuck with the magical cube that you happen to own. On three dice, I rolled exactly zero successes. So, um, the knife plunges towards you. You spit out of the way and do a little away. It flies if you're feet behind you, but that immediately pivots and is hovering and thrumming and shaking and pointing right towards your chest again. The knife is pissed. We must be getting warm. The shotgun in the corner has levitated with the thrumming and the shaking and it lowers itself. Is the bed going to come trundling over next? Is that what you're telling me? No, but what's very interesting is everyone should make a perception chain. Not you. Not you. This is not that everyone. Everyone's there. Sorry. Any penalties? Yeah, the knife's kind of disconcerting right now. So, minus two dice are being distracted by the attacks that are happening in the room right now. It's not distracting me. It's not distracting me. Sorry. Well, I just had to straighten it. You just have any eyes left. And since it is perception, I'm assuming the one-eyed gentleman gets to remove two as well. Yes. I'm down to one. What kind of chance is that? No, it's not chance. Good. I got one. That's kidney. No successes. Head guard. No successes. Six. Am I taking one? Two. Apparently, when you spin to the side as the knife slashes past you, when you pivot to do that, you look through the doorway and into the other room that you left. And although the bed is not trundling in, you spin out of the knife's way. Your gaze takes you into the room you just came from. And I notice. And the doorway beyond that, we need to the very first room in the attic. You do see a noose like a snake working its way through that first doorway into the second room. And if a noose, moving on its own relation, can look menacing and evil. How about the noose's noose? That means by default it does. That's going to end that scene. We'll switch back to 1935. And we have Dr. Quay and Silver Bell, Grace Rocklin. In the attic of the castle in Ohio City. In this version, you are not a serial. You're absolutely substantial. You have worked your way through a home, which looks for all the world like a type of, not in the colloquial term of Gentleman's Club, but in the 1930s term of Gentleman's Club, where this is definitely, I imagine that's used for purposes of meetings and gatherings. And it is a rich person's home for living, for entertainment, and for business. Okay. Doesn't look like a residence. It definitely is a residence. But it looks like it has multiple uses. And you've heard that, supposedly, the White Bishop, who you guys have been searching for for a very long time, has called people to this home, and has given them directives for the child abductions taking place in the Shandy town in the flats. We're in the attic. You're in the attic. So, you're Rachel on the stairs up to, and... Oh, I'm in the attic. Oh, they're in the attic. Rachel is one of the scenes, but we ended with her walking through the two rooms, getting to the third room, opening the door, and with her saying to Dr. Clay, I see the children. I am singing and dancing around the gates, holding hands. And they're singing a nursery rhyme. Yeah, I'm not able to hear something, but I wasn't able to see anything in there. Actually, you're not even able to hear it. I know I told you last time you were. That was a mistake on my part. Oh. In that realm, you could not hear, unless again, they manifest the sound, and they haven't done that. I thought I heard something, but it's just grace. Right. Tell them you... Yeah. There's children doing a sing song, nursery rhyme, creepy children voices. Right. So, I have given her my tala... or the talisman. Yes. Because that's the only thing... She has a gun, I believe. I gave her one of my weapons. I have a gun. Yes. I gave her a uh... Ranger. Shandy. No, no, no. It's a Glock 17. I gave her the Glock. Because that was a very much a very big leap of faith for you. Yes. Because you don't trust her as far as you could throw her. That was before we got here. I have extended my trust to her. Oh, I know. I've been very impressed with the trust here, just marking her. No, I'm not. I've been impressed with you. So, she has my tala... or the talisman, and she has a Glock 17. Right. So, when you open the door, you see Theodore, and Hannah, and Ruthie. Each of them killed in their own horrific way. Do I know about that? You know that the children were murdered in this home. It was believed in time to be the father who did the murder, which was Dr. Keatonman. Do they know that? Oh, you definitely met them before when you had conversations with them. That's a subject you decided not to break up to this point, because they haven't brought up themselves, and usually that is a source of major... I mean, they're still here. They're ghosts. So, obviously, they have an issue with their death. You don't know exactly how they died or if that's true or not. You know how they died. We don't know if that's true. How did you know that? That it was their father. Theodore was shot with a shotgun. Hannah was disavowed on her bed. That knife? A knife. Not the knife. Right, A knife. No, to you. The knife. And Ruthie, the youngest, was fixated, seemingly from a noose in her room. So, they are singing a haunting children's nursery rhyme. What if they're playing Ring or Ring or is there something like that? So, they stopped in mid-run, and they looked towards you. That really is all I know about them. That's it. Nothing else. You did some research about the house and their deaths in the fact that Tiedemann was a huge multi-millionaire. So, I know about their father too. About their father and their family. Their mom was mentally ill, and eventually ended up dying very young. And they were raised by their father. They were found, murdered, one night, all three of them. All of them dying in a different manner. Seemingly by someone that had a vendetta against Mr. Tiedemann. Dr. Tiedemann is what the police decided. This again is like in the 1880s, 1890s, somewhere in that ballpark. These children died horrific deaths in this house. And then since that time, the house is accumulated more and more deaths to the point that in the late 1960s, early 1970s, no one would touch it. It just sat on a real estate market and then eventually became a dilapidated home. Because no one would purchase any longer. It sat riding until present day that you knew of 2011. You were taken back to 1935. And the children you know, what you know about them is that Theodore enjoys playing marbles. That's what he was like a marble champion at his primary school. Hannah had a doll collection in her room that she was very private, porcelain doll collection. It was passed down to her from her grandmother from Germany. And then Ruthie, the youngest, she enjoyed stories in playing make-believe. That was really like where she was at and what she really enjoyed doing. And that's what you've learned from them in 2011. But it's obviously 1935. Right. But I mean, they're still there, they were dead then. Correct. You're still going to have the same interest. But you also know, well, most likely, but you also know that ghost can evolve, can change through time. It's not often, but it does happen. Oftentimes they are stuck kind of like in a repeating cycle, almost like a record play. Just going around and around. Just to clarify, if I have an ability to perceive or see any spiritual entities, that is different. A spiritual entity is different from a ghost. Yeah, it sucks. Okay. In a good way though, because they're also drawn to you and these children would not be, although they would be like a magnet to you if they were spirits as opposed to ghosts. But there is a distinction in the system between spirits and ghosts. Okay. Does that make sure? I just told her what she sees, what am I seeing? Because really all I can see is her, right? Talking to nothing, right? Right. Well, you see her, you hear her doors open, it's dark up here. Right. It's the middle, it's almost dawn, but not quite. So we're not in the same room anymore? She is, she is going through the rooms. You can follow her if you want. Yeah, I am following. I'm trying to, well, I don't know what I'm going to face in the static, but I want to keep her within sight. And I want to be either too. So that you hear her or to kill me? Right. You hear her open... Yes. I want to protect you. Right. You hear her open the two doors, the door leads, the second bedroom, and the door leads to the third. You kind of almost have to have a hand on her shoulder because it is almost pitch black up here. And she obviously has some ways or means of navigating this. Right. She does a lot of things that we can't do, so I got that. I've accepted that part. Right. It's all good. And you get to that third door and she opens the third door. I mean, I still have my equipment, like my flashlight because I think if it's that dark, I would have pulled out my flashlight. You can turn on. You didn't even say that last time at all. Well, I was just saying, I thought there was light, but now that's changed. Yes, I have my... Okay. So then you can see what looks to be a dust cover attic with children's rooms that are left in a state. You know, as your flashlight kind of glutes and cuts, slices to the darkness, this is a children's, three children's bedrooms are two that you can see now. Like a nurse or no, a older... Yes. Okay. But they're kind of left in the condition that they looks like they were just being played in yesterday, except for the thick layer of dust, covering everything. So it's kind of a haunting thing. I thought we were at the time where the mansion was... The mansion was built in the 1870s. Okay, I'm sorry. All right. This home is 50 some years old at this point. Well, I'm listening for whatever she says. Right. And I'm watching... And I'm trying to keep my eye open for either any shadow movements, people in here, or any type of... Something like similar to what we encountered with any of those other talcents that we saw that those people were wearing when they attacked us in the hotel room. And you had mentioned something before about a... that mystic writing that for that circle that formed. So I'm kind of seeing like on the walls if there's any simple... Anything's cool. Yeah, really. I've got my occult and I'm a train observer so I can do it like that if I see it. Thank you for listening tonight to the Night Actual Play podcast. If you'd like to send us questions, comments, or feedback you can reach us in a number of ways. From Twitter @kyotn_podcast or by email And don't forget the iTunes reviews or our Facebook page, Speaking of Facebook, join like-minded folks at our Facebook fan page. And lastly there's our blog page,, where there's an Amazon link on the right hand side. Thanks to Zen Audio Smith for the intro and outro music. Get your own music at And join us next week for more mystery and adventure. [MUSIC] [BEEP] Roof. Roof. Roof. Roof. You were fine. Yes, I'm sorry. Is there a cube-sized hole in the game? There is no. Well, he's got that lazy virtue. Yes, he does. That takes us to Dr. Ethan. I'm pretty sure that's advice. [LAUGHTER] Yes, it's not a good one. Not if he asks Ken. Can I grab some dice from somebody? No. You're absolutely not allowed to use my dice. Sure. Well, they were good. This is the last time I used them and now they won't roll anything but one success yet for us. Well, you definitely need to have the one successes. We're the good guys. Mike, Ken's the good guy. You orange one. Mike hasn't? That's good. Oh, not right there. [BEEP] [BEEP] Ooh, that's a nasty knife. Not exactly what you want to hear. No. Two, four, six dice. I have to reroll that because I rolled it beforehand. And just consider yourself unbelievably blessed because I rolled six dice without asking you what your defense was to subtract the dice. And I rolled five successes on six dice. I prefer to think of it as a look. Yes. And I just wanted to take a brief moment. Nick, did anybody tell you how this game works? Yeah. Yeah, the different and then certain ones like eight and nine and ten are successes. And ten are exploding which will-- You mean you rolled them again? You need to roll them again. So you roll a ten in a ten in a ten in a ten. As long as you keep rolling tension, keep on rolling the dice. So the more skills you have, the more dice you'll be rolling so the better the chances. And then I subtract dice based on-- Yeah, and I subtract some for like-- No, we didn't ask all of them. Because actually, they're going to tell you. He's like, "Just take a look." Yeah. So as a storyteller, sometimes you know things that they don't know which we subtract dice for. I try to rationalize it. For environmental factors as well. Or injuries. You're half the length right now. Yeah. All those good things. I mean, you kind of sound like an ass. Yeah, exactly. That is exactly what they think of the storyteller. Yes. It's like the narrow wing. Not even. It was like the first hour you got it. Okay. Zero dice, you always get to roll one. And it's called a chance die. If you roll a one on your chance die. Zero dice falls out. That was bad. That was bad. You were going to say something else out. I have no agency. Keep in mind. I actually did roll a one. But it is not a chance die, damn it. I love the word trundle. That's kind of Disney. It's not a great word. Well, I don't know if it's the right word. Oh, a bad trundle. Yeah. There's a trundle bed. A trundle bed is a bed that you pull out from under your nose. Yes, yeah. But a bed. Can you imagine how a bed would move? It would not. Look at the definition. It would trundle. Of course it would trundle. I've only ever heard of a trundle bed. I've never heard of a bed. It's a verb as well. Trembling. Yeah. Right. It's kind of like an awkward beat. I guess it would be trembling. Really? That's what I come back to. That's a trundle. They're trundling along. She's questioning my trundle. Adjective. In verb usage. It was a verb. Ad. It was just a verb. Both in an advert. Fire envelopes them. I don't know what I'm talking about. Anyways. Trembling. Not trundling. Right. Trembling. I believe if you go and listen to the episode, I did use the word trundling. Trundle. It's trundling. Yes. So to move of a person moving, it's a person moving slowly or hell. It's personification. Of course it's a person. So we have outtakes at the end of the episode. Or a reference to a real vehicle or it's occupants. This will be... That's the only thing that's supposed to be... Rachel, you're wrong. Yeah. Sorry. I don't want that to be recorded. I just wanted to leave that. But it's not a person or a vehicle. It's a person for creation. Mine is too bad. Mine is too bad. Mine is too bad for... I already said it. I already said it. Oh, she's already dead. When her scene comes around, she dies. That's just dead. It doesn't matter. Yeah. There we go. Alright. So when you spin... Okay, so we got a point. We got a point. We got a point. The head of the nooses up like a snake. Not quite. But it's definitely on the ground, but it's not trundling. So, um... At least we have that. It's trundling. Yes. Dr. Mr. Clay. Mr. Dr. Clay. Mr. Dr. Clay. Excuse me. Just going... Mr. Clay. You're just insulting me, really. You're mean. No. No. Probably only five or six at the time of milking. Uh, it would be the youngest. Yes. You're wrong with children's deaths. Like, she got a really fine trundling. Like, nobody does. Like, it's just the thing that like... Yeah, like, I'm the bad person. And we're not liking that. Yes, thank you. It's so weird, Mike. That's got fun. It's hilarious, Superman. For five years. Ruthie, the youngest. Oh, just as an aside, Ruthie is also the name of my beloved grandmother. But go ahead. Go ahead. Go ahead. You've got her now. Yes, which I consider a nursery right now. Oh, that's right. Well, and you're wrong. Again. So, we got... We got... You're melting. We got to do your words. You're actually eating. No, I'm not. Go ahead. I thought we were... Listeners. It's really well, our perspicivity. It does. They're not all powerful mighty, but... Fucking hell. It's like a Scooby Doo. I was just thinking, "Is that actually?" It's like people going in and out doors. Good go. Good go. We're all wrong. We're all wrong. We're all wrong. Finished pranking pad last week. I haven't seen it. I haven't seen it. I haven't seen it. It's a kid doing it. It is a good show. It is a wonderful arc. Story arc. That was great. Oh, it is a cat. I thought you were just saying... It's a spoiler. You're making up that it was a cat. That's a weird spoiler, Bob. I'm not really sure. The cat dies. That's garbage. The cat did it. It was a cat. It was a cat. It was a cat. It was a mastermind. Explain it on the cat. The world of dark darkness. I love the world of darkness. I love the world of darkness and want to hear what the... The world of snarkness. Snarky narkness. Fucking narkness. Hitting someone with a sword or avoid being hit with a sword. Hitting hit. (electronic music)