[Music] Hello and welcome to the Knights of the Night Actual Play Podcast. This world of darkness story, the Sineadir, was written and run by a storyteller Scott. And now, please enjoy episode 229, titled "Standard Ghost Door". Actual Play begins 7 minutes 3 seconds. [Music] Okay, so we need some feedback in a row, so this one's going to be a little short. We got something on the kotn podcast.com blog site, and it was in reference to episode 171, which is back a bit, it's a Dresden File Games one or two. First story or second? Second story? The one I was in? Yes, the good one. It was concerning. But by the way, Rachel's back. The episode was called "Data Gathering". This comment was by Anonymous, and it was in reference to Scott. Uh-oh. Whenever you get an Anonymous... No, no, you just said how could you not like Dresden Files? Oh. I mean, it's one of the best book series out there, and it's truly amazing. I think Scott has already established very well how much he does it. And why? Because he hasn't read it. Right. It's very much like me listening to the podcast. I don't like to listen, because I haven't done it. Well, actually I read the first two, and he got better as an author, I guess. Within two? Yeah. Within two? No, no. You guys keep saying he gets better. I read the first two. But it's really good to stride in about three. Right. And that happens to give one more. Right. That definitely happens with authors. But now it's become a meme, and it's become Scott Hates Dresden, and kind of have to... It's not like they would just ruin the whole thing. Yeah, if I started liking it, it would really kind of, you know... There's got to be the villain, and that would be me. That would be you. Over on Facebook, we had a little bit of feedback. Episode 227, that was our Roundtable edition. Oh, which Scott still hasn't listened to? No. Okay. Luke G posted, and he said, "In fifth edition, there's no longer any mechanics needed for alignment at all. There are no evil only spells, good only spells, no evil only magic items, et cetera." I just never take alignment into the conferenity of my fifth edition characters. One of the brief things I read, you have a paladin coming up here, and they have a power called Detect Evil. And I'm like, I wanted to read what can Scott's character really detect or see, and how they modified it. It looked like it'd be kind of more interesting, or more... You're not trying to get a morality judgment, more of a, kind of like a power rating, because they're an elemental or a celestial being that is inherently from a different plan. Don't agree with evil, I suppose. That's what should do. Well, it's not even evil. They're a demon. You can make the assumption that they're evil, but it's not a saying or evil. It's saying they're a demon. They're an angel. They're an elemental. They're, you know, something like that. Only one additional thing on Facebook, Episode 228, the last one I put out, which was killed in that kid, good boss, which was a title from, I don't know. I think you're just going to do all the titles from now on. That's not it. I'm going to start a title writer. Actually, there was, we put the pull out with different clips from the episode, and Thomas was the top two. Okay. What was the other one? What was the other one? What was the other one? Something about escape from this new bullshit? Escape from this. A lot of it's the delivery. Yes, it is. I did, yeah. I thought mine would be a narrative. The Dalsett Thomas. He's like that guy from Barney Miller, so I can't remember the detective who had the deadpan delivery for everything. No. Steve Landesberg? Yeah. Okay. I had one that was that pesky fourth dimension, but when I listened to the podcast, you couldn't even hear the end of it. That would have been a good title. That would have been a good title. I like yours. Anyways, on to 28 Logan S posted and said, yes, sweet, sweet fix. See, we took one week off and had that table, and some of our fans were sad missing it. Rocket, however, posted a little length here, and he said, thank you, Tom, for putting it at this episode. I have to give the group props for staying together under duress and surviving so well in the past and near past. Rachel did so well as a teenager that I actually felt bad for Dr. Mr. Clay and went from being a really cool Indiana Jones type of character to a Mr. Bean in one episode. She was, of course, or cursed for a lynchpin of this escape plan. Roll well Bob, and inshallah jay will prevail. Awesome, Ron Scott, as even I am clueless on what's going to occur next, this reminds me of a cereal in old-time movies. Thank you, Rocket. Appreciate the positive feedback. I'm sure-- You're going to get a dig in there and share them. On chew, and apparently on Mr. Bean. No. Dr. and Mr. Bean. Excuse me. What is he referring to? The comedian, Mr. Bean. No, no, no. I know that. I mean the other way of episode. One episode were stopped together in 1935, and everyone else disappeared. Oh, when everyone else was gone and you and I were like, trying that. Yes, most recently. Gotcha. And he was just-- Plan of attack. Shaking his head. And we were trying to get into the place. Right. If nothing else, she's completely ruined for children. Any relationship your character is going to have in the future. Never. No. He will never have children. My comedian here. My comedian is sad face. Mm-hmm. Don't editorialize. I can't even hear. Just share on your own. You were clearly making a sad face. Two things before we go on to the actual episodes or discuss. No, I don't know what that means. I'm emoting. Two things before we go on to the episode. The PDF in the parent ed papers. Yeah. The place I purchased the hard copy from, they did not offer a PDF with it. And it's 2015 people. Well, I contacted evil have. Seriously. And they sent me a link to the PDF. Oh, man. So it's a good thing. It's a good thing. In addition to the listeners who also said, "Oh, bummer." They sent me links to their PDFs, which we won't mention to the archives. That's kind of illegal. But evil hat. They said. They come through. They're good. They're good. They're the ones who you had the binding issue. Exactly. Right off the bat with the major copy of the book. Right. They sent me a brand new copy. The last thing we're going to do before we go on to the episode is give away the t-shirt for this month. So who wants to roll it up? Who hasn't rolled yet? Well Mike and Scott have. I think I haven't. I've never rolled. I've never rolled. Yeah. They've never rolled a lucky guy. Okay, who is it? Okay. The winner of the t-shirt this month is Nicholas T. So we'll contact him. Nicholas Tesla? No. No. T-shirt. I think it's... Theropt. Theropt Theropt. Perhaps Nicholas Theropt. Do we know where Nicholas is from? He's from Canada. Oh yeah. French Canadian. I think half of our t-shirts have gone to Canada. Wow. And the one Paul was in England. Right. We sent it over on Slowboat. He's the one that the store got ready to post. Oh, he got it. Yeah. So he's already got it. And with that we will go on to the episode. All right. Okay. I lied a little bit. We're going to break in here quickly to let you know about a Kickstarter that was started by some friends of the show. Bob Everson, Sean Merwin, Phil Vecchione, and Chris Sneezank from Miss Directed Mark have started up a Kickstarter called Part-Time Gods of Fate. This is a Fate adaptation of the Part-Time Gods game and although it is funded in the first 24 hours, I still wanted to let you all know about it because it's something worth looking at if you're interested in Fate or just in good games in general. The link is on either of our Facebook pages and I'll also throw it in the show notes here. Take a look at it. It's a fantastic game. I've backed it myself already and you get to download the beta immediately. Please give this one a look. Thanks. This is the World of Darkness story The Sineadr, your storyteller Scott, and with me tonight on my right is... Michael playing Ethan Clark, a medical doctor and member of Aegis Khiderus since 1929. Tom playing Jay Alton, member of the Ascending Ones and leader of Task Force Siren. Mike playing Michael Clay, the Academic Adventurer from the Aegis Khideru. Tom playing FBI Special Agent Chew Park, member of the Vetsky conspiracy. Thomas playing Edgar Montes, if we're doing practitioner, remember the link is fair. John playing Daniel Morgan, a mountain man turned mercenary and next member of Task Force doctor. That takes us to Edgar. Leave. Edgar? Don't make me kill you, Ben, all right. First for perception, which plus result? Which plus composure? Plus composure. Sorry. That's the difference. Instead of six dice. Six dice. Awesome. And they run like hell. Okay. Shoot. And you run. Yes. Forgot that part. No problem. Go ahead and six dice minus, let's say, three. I pulled two Hs. Well, that's automatically. Yes. Well, you did hear it. Maybe you picked up, because Jay is not talking quietly. You saw him louder, maybe you picked up what she was saying through his responses. Yeah, I'm trying to use my command voice, especially gets little kids. The gist of it being that he's not dead. So I say, whoever the fuck, shoot and keep popping them, they're not dead, they're just out of our way. So the war about killing children is to just hear. Right. And you continue running. Yes. Double moving. Yep. All right. Stairway to the third level. You pass Daniel as you see him shooting from the landing. And that takes us to? Shoot. You're on the second floor? I just got on the second floor. Half way up towards third. You can see him. I can see him. All right. I am going to make my way up the ladder slowly, see if I can spot anything. Right. The ladder nerves on edge, most likely or what goes as nerves in the incorporeal world. And you make it up to the attic. The first room you come to, it looks like an odd-shaped bedroom. From the ceiling, there is a noose that is hanging and it is glowing with a particular light that seems to be very similar to the consistency of the difference cube and the goggles. Right, then they have a little more substance to them, if you will. When you look up in this room to kind of crouch down and try to be protected, ready to bolt if you need to, you see this noose kind of swaying gently. It has more solidity, more gravitas, if you will, than everything else in this room. That's the only, that really stays out to you. You can see a door leading to, further into the attic, leading towards the part of the home where, the part of the attic, where the gateway was. So there's a door that they have to go through in order to get to the gateway? Yes, a standard door, you know, I mean, in that standard, it's a door in the ghost world in the twilight. So your standard ghost door? Right, standard ghost door. Where is this noose? It's actually relatively high, it's not necessarily reachable for you, it's up in the rafters kind of hanging over it, just something you noticed when you were looking with the goggles around the room, you noticed that it had, again, more substance, more color, more is it moving? Just maybe in a slight, every house has a breeze, even ghost houseways. Like it notices me kind of movement, you know, I think it's the news looking at me. I don't know that you can ascertain that, whether it's going to wait for you to pass by, drop down, and attach itself to your neck, which would be really awesome. Don't stick your neck in there, yeah. Or whether it's just... Just counting on that edge. You know, gently swaying and adding. What do you say, there's more gravitas, is it just like more relevance, it belongs in this ghost world. Everything, I guess everything is so washed out, and it's so... So this is in color, everything else is black and white, and it's pretty nice. In a sense, but it's not full, it's not really color, it's just less washed out than anything else, which is the same thing with the difference cube and the goggles when you look at them, they have just more presence, there's more saturation of color, perhaps, something along those lines. Do I have to walk by this rope, although I would really like you to, because that would just make it more interesting, it's off to your right, it's deeper into the room, it's not where the doorway lies. So it's like, if you look, it's over a raft or deeper into the room where there's a bed and some other small items, but no, the door is off to your left, the news is straight ahead. And how far away is Edgar, like, would he be next to you? He'll be, he'll be next to you, but I'm walking up the ladder next turn. Even if I double those? Even if you double them. You're not moving quite as quick, because of your ghost, like... Ghost lights? Yeah. I'm gonna make my way towards the door. Okay. I'm going to make my way towards the door, you get to the door, what do you do? I mean, you can see through, and there's a bedroom, again, oddly shaped, next, but do you go through that room, do you open up the door? I could pretty much see through this entire house with these goggles on, supposedly. Pretty much. I mean, I could see the Lasso on the second or third floor I was on. No, you didn't see the Lasso until you got up there, because it was really up in the rafters, kind of... It was tough to catch. It's not like it just disappeared when I was in the area. You wouldn't know that. I'm sorry. That's pretty perceptive. I know you are, but... No. Not that perceptive. I have magic goggles. You do, which is why I saw them, maybe. I'm going to open the door. Okay, you open the door, and what you see is another children's bedroom beyond the first, and that particular bedroom has a bed in the item of substance, if you will, and this room is... The bed itself seems to be saturated with a type of blood. Again, this is ghostly, in a sense, so it's not bright red blood. It's more washed out, but there's definitely a sense of blood that's pulled into an area in the middle of the bed, definitely dripping down the side of the bed onto the floor, and then laying on the floor is a sharp, wicked-looking butcher's knife. Again, with more color, with more gravity to it, soaked in blood. Speaking of perceptive, when you saw the kids do any of them show any signs of their death wants. Yes. One of them was cut, or there was something. Right. One had seemed to be cut in the stomach, and they were still innards spilling out and showing. One had cracked neck, and had the rope burns and the bruising of someone who had been strangled, or hung, or snail on this line. So, that's what you see when you walk through the door, too. That takes us to... Doctors. The last. I continue running. Okay. Can I double move as well? As well. So that we've been doing this. Not a problem at all. I think, before I get up there, it'll be talking to everyone. You're covering up the hallway in half the steps per three seconds. So, the first turn was the hallways of the rooms, and then half the steps. Half the way up the steps again, and to the next set of steps. So you're at the second floor, steps leading to the third floor. Alright. And that takes us, I think, to our friend Daniel. One of them's been shot. Yes. Is that the one given sass? Yes. Well... You don't like sass, do you? No. With kids? No. Did you hear... I'll take that sass. Did you... Were you here when I explained that that kid's not dead? She said that. There was no explanation. Yes. Mm-hmm. And he's not a problem, so I don't give a shit. I was... I was just... Let's make one less problem. So she claims. And? This gun seems to know what he's talking about. Okay. It actually knows what he's talking about. So, I'll chamber another one. Right. And take him at the sass. Yeah. Alright. Did you guys pull together? Yeah. It was for his that you want to give it your all... I used to put your power into it. Yes. I could power back. You come one with me. I don't know about that. He risked last time and succeeded, so he should have got one anyways. Was that one that you gave him in addition to that one? He doesn't know. He didn't get one additional, but he doesn't know if he would have had... It's just been a regular expense. Well, power. Okay. I believe I've got a five and I get three more. Yeah. Eight dice minus two because it's zero firing in a way. Yeah. Still six. Difficult. I'm here. Recoil. Yeah. You're going to go for it for three more. Ten eight. And eight is a success. Uh-huh. That gives me six damage. She screams and unravels as well, and you get the point of willpower back. Again. I can do this all day. You're shooting kids as fun. There's still one left. Yeah. You're shooting at that. Women and children. You still lead them as much. All that is left at this point is Ruthie of the goats, which is the youngest girl, who is the one that had been cut across the middle of her stomach. Admittedly gutted, who was giving you the back of her hand, she does a motion with her hands that is nothing like any of them had done before, and she vanishes. Works for me. Run like hell. Yeah. And that takes us back to JF. I double move, which I intended to do this turn anyway. Absolutely. That takes us to... Just for the record. I intended to run double move, but like pointing the gun at her. Yeah. Would it be possible to squeeze off a totally random shot, not even hoping to hit her just as scared? She went... She goes left. Yeah, I know that. And you go first. So you fired once at her sister. Right. Hit her. No. I'm just saying. I know a double move means you have no action. So, well, in game terms, it shouldn't be allowed. Yeah. And especially if it goes like state, I would say not. Maybe a special exception, like if it was a really... Maybe he spent a willpower point as you were double moving. You know, you just felt cool on those lenses. It's really cinematic and thematic for the story. But in this case, I think he just run. And just a lot of things. But the reason I wanted to do is so that they still focus on me. They're not paying attention to Daniel, but it's unnecessary. So I knew he was gone. Because he went before them. Yes. And that made all the difference in the world. So J double moves now at this point on the second floor as well. That takes us to Edgard, who could get to the stairs. To the stairs at a trap door, they add. And start climbing them so we're halfway up those. Which takes us to Chu at 12, who has just entered into the second diagram with the knife in the bloody sheets. I am shouting out that we have a tango on accounted for. Okay, attention. Tango's a target. Sorry. You would know that. You would know that. Come on. So where's the gateway? Is it in this room? No, it's in the next room, which is the last bedroom. Okay. Is there another door I have to go through? Yes. Is this bed in the middle of the room? It's against the wall where the door is that you have to go through. You'll be close to it. You'll be passing very close. Much closer to the news. So you have basically, maybe, it's an attic. It's a large home. It's about 20 feet to walk across this room. These are big rooms. They're big rooms. And there is a bed 20 feet away from you. A little off to the right of the doorway. The knife isn't animated at all. It's just... It seems to be lying there. Okay. I'm going to make my way towards the door. I can soap in it. Okay. So you walk towards the door and you go to open it and make a perception check, please. What's in the compose? So the equipment bones? Or is wicked goggles? They just enable you. I'm going to give a total of minus one die. It was going to be minus two, but then plus one for the goggles. So seven dies. Good luck. Three successes. One, two, three. All right. You walk about halfway across and you're looking at the knife and you're like, okay, that's cool, the bed, the knife. I got it. And you look back up, check out the door. Make sure you're not straying towards that. Walk towards the door. You're actually looking past the into the next room as well to see the gate. And almost imperceptibly, the knife starts to jiggle. Like it starts to throw on a bit on its own. What do you do? We still have our weapons on this, right? Sure. I'm just going to shoot it. Okay. Could you shoot a park? You don't abide by this bullshit? Yeah. I just want to go home. It's a fucking knife. It's pissing me off. Get your diet pulled again? Does laser sight work in the ghost world? The ghost world? The ghost world. That's cool. Sweet. Look at that laser sight. It's like ghost sight. Ghost laser sight. What the hell is, of course, about that? Okay, so... Oh, which of those two? Wait, wait, wait. Seven dies? Do you know what's not too sure of that? I don't want to see. It's a new system. Alright, dexterity? Yes. Firearm scale. Yes. Specialty and shotgun. Equipment bonus. Equipment bonus and one. Sounds like it could be eight. Seven. Okay. Oh, I can't. You know, it's 'cause I'm not adding in the... Ghost dimension? No, the bonus for having the shotgun, which doesn't get added anymore. Okay, that's why. Okay, seven dies. You're not used to firing in the ghost realm. So, that is minus one die. The knife is quite small. That's minus one. It's called wicked butcher's knife. It's small. Well, small compared to a human body. That doesn't give you a minus. It's not a medium-sized thing. It's a small-sized thing. So, fire away. Two successes. It's a shotgun, so it's nine again. And it's a ten. Three successes. Plus the damage of the... Plus four. So, two, one, seven. Okay. You definitely put a hole right through the hilt of the knife. However, like many things ghostly, it tends to repair itself. And you've certainly heard some shouting and some talking on some chatter. In fact, that bolts don't seem to work as well against these objects. So, you pierce it for a moment. It stops throwing. But it doesn't dissipate. It doesn't change. And in a very short period of time, the knife is back to all wholeness again. And it's still throwing on the floor. There's no kickback? From him? Oh, no, no. If you hit a knife, go spin a knife with a shotgun. No, not extend it across the horizon. Yes, exactly. There's obviously something special about this knife, which allows it to absorb that impact and not move pretty much at all anchored. There might have been a little bit, but it wasn't anything... But majorly perceptible or like, you hit it well. You've shot many guns in your FBI training. So, you are very well aware of the fact that you nailed this target. And it didn't really register that much. I'm gonna wait for the voodoo doctor. Okay. That takes care of two at 12. It takes Ethan at 10. Double moving. Double moving. You are to the base of the attic stairway. Edgard is on the stairway. So, I'm going up. I'm catching up to Edgard. Yes, Daniel is putting away his rifle. And I would imagine double moving up the stairs. And then he's behind Dr. Ethan. So, eventually we'll step out of initiative just for a moment because it's not as important. And we'll say that you find yourselves in... Yeah, I'm moving double, but I'm scanning for the missing zone. We know one more is around here somewhere. She does not reappear. As I'm running through the building though, I'm screaming, "Stay alert. Stay alert. There's still one missing." Right. And eventually all of you are in the second bedroom. It's a large room, so it's easy to be in the room without being too close to the thrumming knife. And you can not see what she was describing. What you see... The gateway, we don't see it at all. No, you do not see the knife and the rope. You do not see. Oh, okay. The gateway's here? Where? The door has a door, but there's this knife here that seems to be moving on its own. Is it in between us? Is it in a gate? Eating us from getting to the door. I think so. Yes. Here, have a look. She removes the goggles, hands them to you, Jay. What do you do? This is kind of my thing, so... Apparently, throwing the different tube didn't do any... Well, it's up here. We've got to get this sister to the gate like now, and Daniel's not far behind. I'm going to grab the goggles. You know, I've got a different cube if it's... Why don't you give it to Daniel and have him shoot it. He seems to be a pretty good child against these... That's up here. We need to get to this portal. I know, but I'm saying the doctor has... Yeah, I collect the goggles and the different's cube, and I walk towards the portal. Can he see anything other than the knife? I mean, there's not a little girl holding the knife. Who? Dr. Ethan. When you ask Dr. Ethan what he sees, you see the same thing, Dr. Ethan. You see a saturated, more so than the grayscale that the rest of this world is. A saturated bedspread where someone bled out very, very seriously. Drifts the blood going down the side of the sheets in the bed, and then a knife that seems to be jiggling, thrumming, because you can almost hear it when you put the goggles on. Which is very strange because you're seeing it, but you can almost hear a power in it as well. And everyone's a student, too. So you've taken off the goggles, all you see is nothing. There's a dusty old attic. Yeah, nothing at all at it. Oh my god. You don't see... Ah, boy! But no, you just don't see the knife or the rope any longer. Door gate. Where's the knife in relation to me and the gate? The doorway is about 10, 15 feet ahead leading to the third room. The bed is just to the right of the door frame. So this room or the edge, this room, and the knife, if you're talking about the bed length being maybe 5 foot long or 6 foot long for this child's bed, the knife is about 3 foot, so it's in the middle of the bed on the floor. Can't really see the bed, just not the knife. Exactly. Everyone sees the bed, they do not see the knife. Okay, so these are obviously related to how the children died. We were supposed to, you had me, remember what I could about ghosts. They have certain things that bind them to the realm, right? Yes, they have lots of things. I mean, there's definitely an anchor, though, that holds them to this world. But it's a physical thing, right? Generally speaking, it's a physical thing, but who knows in this incorporeal realm how physical or not physical it is. Alright, I got a lighter. Can I burn ghost shit 'cause it's a ghost right now? Uh, may be able to, you haven't spent much time being a ghost, but other things have worked. Yes, Ethan. Can I be clear, this is in our way, it's gonna attack us or something? I'm going to walk over and grab the knife. You take a step towards the knife, and it goes from jiggling to almost moving of its own. I mean, it's literally shaking now, back and forth. You take another step boldly because this is bullshit, and the sister is literally going to disappear in seconds, perhaps. You take a second step, and it literally comes off the ground. It's still shaking, it's still vibrating, it's still throwing, it's off the ground, and it's pointing towards the door you came in from. Shifts and points right towards your abdomen. I think that's a yes, Daniel. From being intimidated. One more question, the difference cube. When it worked in the past, was it like kind of arranged to it? Am I within that range? Do I have to walk through the gate? Do I know any of this? What you do know is you know that you had a place to be, and we'll leave it at that because I don't know how much that you want to reveal. You drove there, you had all the stuff you thought you needed. The difference cube was thrumming and pulsating and absolutely hot to the touch. Not so much you couldn't touch it, but it warmed up. And then within 20 feet of where you had parked your vehicle, there was that moment where the crossover occurred or whatever. You were parked and then you had to follow them back. Because they kept going, they were like in a chase for a moment, and then they crossed over. So it wasn't much, but I mean it was, the crossover definitely took place within 20, 30 feet of where you were. If that helps answer your question. Nothing you decappened, it just stopped thrumming. It was like slowly went from that type of vibration to nothing. But it kind of wound down, if you will, and got cold, sometimes you can. I'm kind of within that range now of the gate. With your dials on, you're definitely within that range now. It is definitely doing the same thing it did all those days ago when you were in chigrain reservation. But nothing's. I mean you see the gate, you saw the E-4 though. Now you're sitting closer to it, but it doesn't look any different. It's not lit up like with a big arrow. There's six of us in one knife, let's just throw a shot. Can they get to the gate without getting closer to the knife that I am? You took two steps towards the knife before it lifted off the floor, spun, and face towards your abdomen. While still moving about and vibrating. They can walk past you towards the gate. Because you walk deeper into the room to get towards the bed in the knife so absolutely. Then I make it very clear that they should do that and quickly pass on this side of me, which is pointing away from the knife because they can't see it right? Correct. Well we know it's on the bed and we can go to the gate when I describe where that's at. You know it's on the floor midway through the length of the bed on the floor. And I'm going to stay right where I am until they get to the gate. Alright, well we're going to leave it here because then fun things. Yeah, we'll leave it here and we'll have hopefully a fun session next week. And for the night we're going to say that everyone showed up. Take a beat, roll playing wise. I thought the most impact night was, oh gosh, it'd be hard to say that no one didn't have an impact on the evening with the knife. Everyone gets an extra beat for a great role playing. I'm going to tell you, I didn't do anything. You showed up. Alright. And we didn't get to your scene because of Rich and that thing here. You should get an extra beat for being a trooper. Alright. Take two beats. Okay. Go make them beat. That's kind of a world of darkness. It is a kind of a world of darkness. I have a band wrapped in it. Thank you for listening tonight's of the night's actual play podcast. If you'd like to send us questions, comments or feedback you can reach us in a number of ways. From Twitter @KOTN_podcast or by email feedback@KOTNpodcast.com. And don't forget the iTunes reviews or our Facebook page, facebook.com/KOTN.podcast. Speaking of Facebook, join like-minded folks at our Facebook fan page. And lastly, there's our blog page, kotnpodcast.com, where there's an Amazon link on the right-hand side. Thanks to Zen Audio Smith for the intro and outro music. Get your own music at zenaudiosmith.com. And join us next week for more mystery and adventure. [Music] 6 study plus 3. At that town hall meeting, some guy next to me pulled out. He was messing around with it. And I'm like, can I see that? It was an actual other man. You can not cut through offense with that one he had. I can tell you how much it was. There are different models. They look like a damn H for your nail clipper. Or Depot as one for 1995. And I gotta do that. Can you tank three ghosts? Probably not. Do you really think it's going to be two weeks? We're going to be done? It's very well played. It could be doubled. It could be sped the hell up. Because at some point we're going to have to let the fans know so they can get questions in. Let's play one session with everybody next week. And then I should have a really good idea. Because at the very least what we're going to do is we're going to do a wrap up session like we always do. And then the following one will be at release schedule wise. It'll be questions from the fans. But yeah, we got to have questions from fans. Okay. Different fucking metric. It feels Canadian. It's Canadian stories with the English. It's everybody but the United States. Who rammed it through? That's what we're starting with. That's where you're at shooting. You've got this very odd looking thing thrumming basically in your hand. And you grow up. Do you have any character that doesn't have voices in their head? Okay. Does that seem normally my new one? And D&D I suppose. I don't know what his name is yet. Okay. Regardless. Just a suggestion for theatrical purposes. Sure. It might be a good time to cut to Grace and do Dr. Clay just because what could have potentially have happened in that world while she was talking to these ghosts. Because one of them just got ripped out of... Anyways. It's a great suggestion. However, it's 10/40 so we don't have a ton of time left in our evening. So I think I'm going to stick with this scene unfortunately because I know how much you want to role play with Rachel next week. But actually I think what's going to end up happening is, and this is medical. Right, right, right. Off the books. I think this is a little bit more interesting and I think we'll follow this one through to give you a full episode. What about that pesky forest dimension? Isn't this happening in their future? This is happening in their future indeed. And I thought that I don't want to switch back to that. I just think that for... Because if we did that, I just think it would be for a week or episode. Right. No and I thought thematically, you know, she's talking to a kid and suddenly a giant hole beneath the unravels and would freak the fuck out of her. Actually that would be opposite in a sense because if you were doing it in the future, right, if she was shooting him in the past then it would be. Something really... She'll be telling. She'll be talking in the future and you have to treat them nicely. Alright. So. Excuse me. Okay, apparently I'm done. No. Yes. Look at the light. Yeah, we have bright light. Okay. So, um... He's back at the spawn point. They come one with me. I don't know about that. Oh, wait. Put your dick in it. Thank you. What? This is a... No. I thought you were killing me? I'm not. I ain't those separate volume things. Sorry. No, they are annoying, aren't they? Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. It does. I don't know. That was two fucking months ago. I'm going to walk over and grab the knife. Cut out the middle, man. With your throat? Okay. You... You... Sorry. Five minutes. Don't joke. We can do the dual story next time of them on the other end, and you guys still here. Unless you want to do something to this knife right this second, which... So we could either leave the cliffhanger right there, or we could... Ethan, if you wanted to attempt something, I don't want to dissuade you from having a moment before we call the knife. Well, yeah, I wanted to release this... What'd you call it, the anchor points? And I think this is one of them, and... My virtue is peaceful, so I'm not going to shoot it. I was going to see if I could grab it, take it along with me, or whatever. Detect people with bed intent? Or opposite intent? Or just kill them all and see what happens. Mm-hmm. Let God sort them out. That's a paladin. Let the gods wear a bunch. There's more than the gods. Have your guys here. God be inclusive. Twice, didn't they? It was the same binding issues. Yes. But hey, people... Actually, it was twice. Because they knew they had a binding issue, and they sent me one, and it fell apart. And they sent me... But the third one... It stood out. We only had two. Okay. And the... It's good for the story, though. Yeah, it is. And I'll cut that out. And I'll cut that out. It's spoiler of story. Yes. So the last item we're going to do before we get on the actual episode... Oh, fuck the reality over. Reality?