[Intro Music] Hello and welcome the Knights of the Night actual play podcast. This world of darkness story, the sin eater was written and run by a storyteller scott. And now please enjoy episode 225 titled Think Talkie Thoughts. Actual play begins 7 minutes 36 seconds. Okay with the feedback of this week is just a bit from Facebook, episode 224 invoking my birthday. Kevin B posted and said finally Michael Clay versus Silverbone, can't wait. And then we'll evolve to the end. Start editing that episode. It's fun. R E J. You have like a bleep bleep bleep. You're like a bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep bleep. There wasn't swear word just take a word just bleep it over that would be. Yeah I had to take some of the size out there were quite a few of them. Of all kinds. Parental size. Both people. And others. Yeah. So I think I saw the few times. I was just excited. R E J also posted and said I must be having a punny day or something. This is what I got. Origin says beautiful models. Well they're actually miniatures they're not models but we would talk about origin. I wish we had that at Archons. And they have a fantasy battle at origins with real weapons too. That's badass. Okay apparently didn't explain that very well. They're miniatures with weapons in the game that are used. I mean they're no actual people dressed up as orcs beating each other. Well there were people dressed up as all sorts of things. Yes there were. But they weren't fighting each other. No LARPing on petty weapons. Well they might have. They might have been. Yeah it's big. It's a big convention. And I do think they had things like what are the different flavors of that. Dagger hair. And there's a society for the creative nationalism. And there's a third one. And there's Bell Garth I think. Bell Garth is the one I was trying to think of and I know there was Bell Garth members there. But I didn't know. It's just really how nerdy we are. Yeah they'll get actually in three different fake weapons. I don't know what this comment means and it might be a misspelling. Because it might be "save me now" God sister Katie. But he said "shave me now". I don't remember her saying she needed to be shaved. It's kinda hard. Yeah so sorry Ari if you might save but. To me he'd be shaved. And he said again one of the Flanagan boys is jumping a character out of a window. Well using the doors out of the questions so I guess you have to do that. And he was upset with that dog on a cliffhanger you left not. Which is when we all disappeared. Oh yeah that's pretty fun. Oh not for the listeners. No no I mean they're gonna have fun I think next week. Next episode whatever the case may be. Probably next week. Actually it'll be immediately because they'll hear this and then they'll play the next episode. Yes that's right. I had to work that all out. Mr. Merck T posted and said first thing Valkyrie agents are equipped with futuristic technology. Strangely enough Taskbar Simon is equipped with cell phones, flashlights and other technologies from 2014 in 1935. That makes them somewhat velcro-y. Which I didn't think about that but I guess I might see what he did there. Second thing if you want a scary Polish name try I am not even gonna try to say this. Does anybody want to take a shot at it? No. It's all a name with many concerts. You need to buy a bomb. You need to buy a bomb. Because G-R-Z-E-G-O-R-Z. Yeah I'm not even sure. What is it? Is it a monster? It's a name. It's a name from a movie I guess. It was once in a comedy movie giving George a German as they registered the main character. Yes the German Nazis were spitting their tongues out trying to pronounce it. Sure. If you can pronounce it. It's not Krampus. Resigors. Resigors. So we spoke clearly with wits. Yeah that's... One more time. Re-zak-zil-zak-ki-wit. Resigu-wit. Resigu-wit. Resigu-wit. Resigu-wit. Resigu-wit. Resigu-wit. I am. And it's the... Nobody just did. Fuck. You said the time tris- Don't say it again. Any better chance there? Or you got the first name right? But that last name is a bitch. Wow. Yeah. Yeah. Pass it along. We don't want to stomach it through. Chuck S posted and said you guys are always bitching about taking too long to open doors. Now see what happens. If you're not careful. And I agree. Which don't... The door that... The door's okay to get hit in the face with. If we were gonna open it, they were. No he don't. He opened it. He opened it. Paul B is the last post here. And he's the one that does sort of a radio podcast and they're currently running an inspector's episode which is I think Ghostbusters combined with a reality show. Okay. Okay. It's done very light in the community. He said he's now having a pressing desire to have an inspector's episode where the Narnia branch which is from his, that's where they're located on his podcast, get called into a special job at a hotel in Cleveland where the refurbishing contractors have been scared out of the building by a bunch of ghosts on them when we're on it. So, Paul, that would actually be a cool process. It sounds like some of the, what was it, ghost finders or whatever from Supernatural when they had those episodes of the... Ghosts. Faces. Faces. Yeah they faced the ghosts. It was really horribly terrible. Yes it was. Ghosts. Were you the one that was telling me like you found like hits and evidence and EVPs and all this, then why do you pack up and leave if you're starting to, if you've just discovered something here and there's something here, set up shop for another week or a week after to kind of get more information and collect more data or is it all just okay? Right. I'll just... Okay. All right. That's in the feedback but we do have a teacher to give away this month. All right. I never got to roll yet. Oh, you want to roll? Yes, I do. I'm excited. Where's the list of names? Okay. Boom. Ooh. Nice roll. Thanks. What did the bonus say? The bonus that the winner is David Loport. All right. David Loport. We'll be contacting David and getting the phrases he wants on the back of the shirt. We have given away 70 shirts. I believe three have been to Canada, one to United Kingdom. One Australia, right? Or no. He never got... Oh, he won it. But he never... He never... He took us up on the offer. He told me he didn't want it. I think he bothered me. We're very big international in Canada. We're the work I know. We're big in Japan. We're big in Japan. We have to work on the home team. Yeah, yeah. We have only like two listens in Japan. To that at home. So we don't know what sleeplet is. Okay. And as of the time that we're releasing this feedback, the Queen City Conquest will have only three days left. Hopefully it'll be... I already met its goal for a Kickstarter. If not, if it doesn't meet its goal by the end of it, they won't have the con. So if anybody's thinking about going, please visit the site and meet us at Buffalo, Queen City Conquest. See you there. And with that, we'll get on to the episode. This is the World Darkness story The Cineater, I'm your storyteller Scott. And with us tonight, starting on my right is... Michael playing Ethan Clark, a medical doctor and member of Aegis Kideru since 1929. Tom playing Jay Alton, a member of the Ascending Ones and leader of Task Force Siren. I am Jim playing Katie O'Connor, non-driver and member of the Malleus Malefakarum. Mike playing Michael playing the academic adventurer from the Aegis Kideru. Bob playing FBI Special Agent 2 Park, a member of the Vasud conspiracy. Thomas playing Edgar the Mom Taste. If you're doing the practitioner, a member of the latest play I can spare you. John playing Daniel Morgan, a Mount Man turned mercenary, next member of Task Force Valkyrie. Rachel playing Silver Bell or Grace Rocklin, time-sipping teenager. Everybody loves to eat. Aspirations. Starting with Ethan, did you get any aspirations fulfilled and do you have any new ones, Mr. Clark? I didn't remember anything from three weeks ago, so... 30 seconds is not long enough for me to get a new aspiration. No, I did not. I did not come up with any... I did not successfully achieve any less. So we don't need to worry about any? At this point, or do you have any plans? Well, the long-term is to save children from the shattered man. The short is complete my research, which I've still failed to do. So, yeah, completed. We were on the very last thing to complete. Yes, we were. Damn it. Now you guys do it. Yeah. Long-term is to have a plan of attack. Short terms are to figure out where we are and return to solid forms. So those change? Yes. I did have one to recon the castle, and I guess we sort of did that? Yeah. I can say that there was some recon done there, and I think you should get a beat for that aspiration. Okay. Now I'm thinking about just erasing my good good night's sleep, because that's never going to happen. No. I should make it your long-term. Being a federal, you really don't need a good night's tonight. I don't know if we confronted the white bishop or not, and confronted the shattered man whose male is short-term. Well, we did confront him, we just did that. Yeah. I'm not going to say beat him or confronting it, but I was hoping it worked. I think we don't know if that was him or not. Yeah. We have to leave that one open just so we don't know. Yeah. So I'm really not, I don't know, aside from having a short-term goal of not dying, or disappearing, it'd probably be about it. Right. Unraveling. Whatever it might be. My immediate short-term goal now is to discover what happened with this fight that we were just, how did this flicker thing happen, that we're here another not. And I guess tied into that might be the same one is, where's the rest of the team and what can I do to help them. The other short-term goal is to finally try to complete that last bit of research into the shattered man. And then one of the long terms now, based on some of the information that we heard last time, I wanted to learn why did Grace send Task Force Valkyrie back through, you know, since that was our, that's our overarching goal for our whole Task Force siren. So whatever. Free news. Yeah, that is big news. Okay. Chew. One of my, I guess short-term ones would be find out who is summoning the shattered man. Okay. Grace, obviously the cult, but. Specifically who? Yeah. Okay. That's a good one. That would be more specific. So I guess that wasn't completed. Unmasking binary hacks is probably long-term. And getting back home for the present day is also a long-term thing. So you have two long-term and one short-term? Yeah, long-term/short-term. Okay. Call it medium-term. If you make up beyond that. Okay, Edgar. My two short-terms were previously about recounting the council. And he said at least recounting was accomplished. Recountable. It was accomplished. The other one was a more in-depth investigation and aspects about that investigation. So I didn't accomplish that one. And I replaced them both because why not? Right. They're going to happen now. First short-term is escape from this realm of whatever the fuck. It's written differently. You may be surprised to learn. The second short-term is get some rest before whatever the hell we do after we escape from this realm of whatever. Got it. Daniel, anything you'd like to share? I just don't want to fall apart. That's a good one. That's a good short-term vote. Get that out of here. Keep it together. An aspiration or short-term and long-term vote. And Gracie, do you think you're willing to... Get to the castle. What was one that I got already? Right. Well, I guess one of them is fine with the team. I know they're gone at this point, right? Well, I think you're going to realize that if you second. So it's fine. Yeah. And I think just for purposes of expediency, we'll start with that scene real quick and get it out of the way. So you fling open the door, say, "What the hell is going on?" Or something angsty and teenager-ish. Don't you imagine he's going to want to say something worse. And it wasn't the door already open. True. It was kind of half close. I remember they tried to shut it again. So she kind of just pushes open the door. Her hair all skew because she just woke up and rolled out of bed. I mean, I'm just a figure. It's the middle of the night. She just looks like she's pissed because someone just woke her up. And what the hell is going on? And you've got a gun and it's 20 right at that door. What do you do? Well, first of all, I saved the weapon and move it so I don't have her in my line of sight. But I'm not playing it away yet. I'm going to look around the room. There's no signs of the fight that we were just literally momentarily in the minute. There's no blood. There's none of that acid that was eating away at the blanket still. Remember the blanket that we threw over the symbol? Is that still there? Oh, it's folded on the bed. The bellhop. Yeah, the bellhop there. So this I'm alone in a room that I tell her one minute and just stay put for a second. Where do the bathroom is, the cultus in the bathroom? The cultus is not in the bathroom. He's gone. But there's no sign of any of our struggles. Nope. It's as if it was wiped clean. Or that time was somehow reset. Exactly. So then I look at... What? Okay. What will Q up? What brought you over here right now? Did I hear anything? Yeah, yes. Okay. Gunfire, screams, shouts, fighting furniture shifting. We were just in the middle of a fight with the white bishop. It was not going well for us. I don't know where anybody is and it's like time has been reset. Do you know anything about this? I'll have to go with this. Just before you walked in the door. Am I allowed to do my thing? You can try to do your thing. Okay. Do you want me to reset time? Is that what happened already? I don't know. Do you know when somebody else does it? No. I don't. I don't have to do a thing where we have to... I'm not trying to evaluate it. I would like to make perception checks. Let me know what your dice totally is. I have a five. Six. Okay. Normally you would get a guy subtracted because you're both exhausted. However, in this particular instance, it's actually not a negative to be exhausted. You're not going to lose a die, which will hopefully make sense in a few seconds. So you both can go ahead and roll a perception check minus two dice for reasons that I cannot explain. Okay. And do you want to take since to me I am aware of what happened? So I'm pretty discombited. I'm not articulate for you either. Okay. What's the dots on the bottom? Does that mean... It means it's a nine out of six. Okay. No successes. Three successes on the fourth end. Okay. Of course she was sleeping. She's fine. Well actually that might be a good explanation for it. When you come into the room and Michael Clay tells you everyone's gone, everything's disappeared. That's our one last thing. Yes. Do I still have the amulet? Yes. Okay. You come through the door and it's almost like everything's not in focus. And you see the room and you see Michael Clay, but off center a bit, you see within... the walls and within the floor. Like within the floor, you see this pipe in the circuitry running through the floor. It's ghostly white. And again, it's kind of like off center. Like again, it's almost like double vision where you kind of rub your eyes and try to get your vision back in line. But you see these various pipes that are curved and twisted and they're moving through the floor of this room. And they're a shadowy white and they're just there for a half of a second before you lose them. And there's also what seems to be like sophisticated circuitry which looks beyond what you would assume would be taking place in 35. And within the walls themselves, it's like you can see through them. It's like they're transparent in a way. And you can see these gears kind of like shifting and moving within the walls. And literally you blink and shake your head for a half second just because that's just an actual thing to do when you're seeing double. And it's gone. And you have never seen anything like that before. And you don't know that, but you see your kind of like squeeze her eyes shut. You think it's exhaustion or tiredness or just getting asleep by her eyes, but you definitely see a reaction from her as she comes to the door. Didn't he ask if I knew if anyone had time slipped before? Yeah, well I asked her, did she feel like, I think, am I able to know if anyone has time? Yeah, when someone else does it. No, I can't tell when anyone else time slipped. I can't do that. And did you do this? No, I did not do this. I don't know what's going on here. I do know that when I walked into the room things seemed a little fuzzy and off and I don't know what it means. I can describe it to you if you'd like. Well, yeah, please do. Okay, all right, so let's assume that she described exactly what you described in the circuitry. And after hearing that, I would be like, well, something that sounds like circuitry that would imply a future state somehow is super imposing back here. Is that possible? Basically, what I was seeing looks like the hotel was equipped with electricity that is more modern. Is that what you're saying? Yeah, it almost looks like something, yeah, out of almost out of science fiction, there were pipes that were like a good foot diameter and looked like they were made of some kind of metal and they snaked their way in a very computer-y type of way or circuit board kind of way through the floor. And there were gears in the walls. I get that I'm not there, but when you say snaking their way to the walls, do you mean they're physically moving? Like you can see them or they are just like a circuit board. That's what they're large pipes and circuitry. You described it twice and it was almost like as if they were moving. Moving, right, no, they're not actually moving. The gears and the walls are moving, but not the circuitry in the floor. Here's in the wall. Yes, I mean, they're like turning. Like gears are hard to do. I don't know how this is possible, but we've seen enough of it in the past day or so. Is it possible that there's some kind of juxtaposition between this point in time and a future time? Could they have been lost there? I don't know. I honestly don't know. All right. I've still got the amulet. The amulet's the only evidence that these people or that thing was around and still wrapped around my gun, so that's the only thing that didn't change. But the whole room has changed. But it didn't reset because I have memories of everything, right? So I'm just trying to rationalize through everything because before when, I'm sorry Grace, when you've claimed to reset time, I didn't know or remember anything. But I remember the white bishop. I remember, I look at the door. There was gun play in this room. Yes, there was no play. There's no bullet holes. There's no bullet holes. There's no bullet holes. There's no blood on the floor. You can honestly say Michael Clay, and you've had a long... I'm a trained observer. You're a trained observer, and you've had a long history of dealing with the supernatural. You have never, from the B Queen, to the vampire, to the time spirits, to the feeder demons, all the things that you've encountered since you started investigating with Task Force Siren, and before that. And your own endeavor is as a member of Aegis Chidoru. You had never felt so little and so in awe as you did when that entity was at the doorway, bursting with light. It felt like the most powerful thing you've ever encountered in your life by degrees. Orders of magnitude. Yes. What you see is dawn rising, and what looks to be a bustling metropolis in 1935. So 1935. Thank you. I holstered my weapon, and then I tell her, "You've encountered or you've seen the white bishop before, right?" You detected something at the... we were at the castle. I haven't... I haven't... I wouldn't say I'd encountered him. I wouldn't say that I know what he looks like. Yeah. But do you know what he is, or what kind of power? Because I tried to describe, as best I can, a being of light, a being of energy, of awe, of power, of being insignificant. And I know a few things, and I'm not easily, or at least I didn't think I was. I didn't think I'd be easily cowed when I've seen, but... So it was so urgent to get to the castle, and then it was just as urgent to get the hell out of there. Is this what you were afraid of, this person? Yes. I think that's fair to say. Yes. I don't know what this person is. I know that it's a very powerful entity. I don't know what happened. I don't know what's going on, but what I do know is that your team is in trouble, and we need to get to the castle immediately. Okay. What do we need to get there? I mean, other than just a rush headlong there, what tools, what things, what information can we use when we get there? We just need to get there. Don't worry about it. It will be taken care of. We just need to go. Okay. I'm sorry, I don't even know how this is going to be taken care of. I don't even know. Are you in contact with someone? Yes, yes, I am. May I ask who? I don't know. I can't answer them. I don't know. Okay. Look, I'm all for it, and let's go, and I know it's urgent, but I want to get some ground rules here because I'm out of my element here, and I'm concerned. You don't know me very well. You just met me. I want to say this really quick. I'm basically like a librarian or an archivist. I believe in things that I can research, that I can document, that I can find, and I've dedicated my life to uncovering mysteries. Solving enigmas and shining a light on this kind of stuff and exploring it and knowing what things are. So that's why I'm always interested in finding things out and discovering documenting. That's what I live for. We're going into an unknown situation against unknown forces, and we haven't seen eye to eye. So my goal is to save the team. Is that your goal too? Yes. Then I will do whatever I have to, and take whatever action I have to do to make that happen, and I'm going to go on a little faith here. I'm going to hang that need to know. I'm going to give you a chance, but please, I don't want to do anything that I'm going to regret later. And I don't want to live in 1935 for the rest of my years. All right? I'm going to take it on faith that you can't tell me, well, then we have to get there, and I agree we have to get there. But I can't bring anything. There's no tools. I didn't say you couldn't bring anything. You can bring something. I don't know what you can bring. I have no idea. Nothing that would be useful. I don't know of anything. You can bring whatever you want to bring. I don't find. Do that. All I know is that we need to get there. All right. That last book that we were researching, Dr. -- Is this that book there? Is this all yours? That's still there. I will take that book with me. I have my weapon and remaining ammunition. Is there anything else, any of the other guys? Is there weapons? Is there room back to the way it was before, so there are gears all there, or stashed, or is it not there? Everything, as far as their stuff, it's all still there. Okay. I think the end looks like the room earlier in the day. I probably know this has happened four times already, and I just don't know. Absolutely. Why do you distrust me so much? What have I done thus far that has led you into a dangerous situation? I understand that you don't know me. You must understand that I don't know you. I don't know your team. I don't know these people, and yet I'm still trying to help you save them. Nothing I have gotten thus far has gone awry. So you claim? Right. I agree, and that's why I said I was really going on in faith, because you're presenting something that has no evidence and can't be proven, so I'm putting that aside to trust you with this. When I slipped time before I presented something that had no evidence, and it ended up being exactly what I said it was, did it not? I can only take your word for it, because I can't prove it I don't know otherwise. All I'm saying is I think I deserve a little faith at this point. And didn't I just say I'm going to put my faith in you in this? You did. You said you're going to put your faith in me. You did say that, but it sounded like you said something that you really, really might regret, and you think that you're probably going to end up regretting it. I think that there is a fair chance that I might. How is that not unreasonable? Give me a regret trusting her, or you're going to regret going in a situation you don't know. Because it sounds like you're going to regret trusting me. Then I guess I can only see what's going to happen, but I thought I explained to you where I was coming from and where how I operate, and I'm tabling that for the greater emergency that we're trying to deal with. I put my faith in you, I'm listening to you, and following your directions as best I can, while still trying to have enough weapons or gear or something to make use of. Because you can't tell me what we're going to get there, you can't tell me who's telling you or how you know these things, and the only person I know that has the ability to affect time and do this kind of thing is you. So, I think it's kind of fair to say that I'm at least 50/50, but like I said, I'm taking a leap of faith, I'm putting aside, and I'm following you. We were out the door, and then you thought twice about what I said. Without you, I'm in 1935, and I got to make my way here. With you, I have a chance to get these guys back. That's all the information I'm allowed to get, and that's all the information I can discern at this point. Nothing makes sense. No one's giving me the straight answer on anything, and I haven't had a chance to do any backup research or do any of the things that I do. So I'm just winging it as best I can. How do you plan getting there? Well, we still have the vehicle for Dr., you don't know, because it would be out of the... You could certainly go down the look. Was there the table where you put his keys on? The keys there? Yes. Alright, I guess I'm learning the driver's stick shift truck in 1935. Excellent. Shark turn goal? If only candy were here! They probably try out to be a long-term good. Yeah, really. So you guys make your way, where are we of each other, down to the flatbed. You climb into the driver's seat, you climb into the passenger seat, I'm assuming. And based on your knowledge of 2011 Cleveland, you have a fair idea of where this hotel, the Amsterdam, sits in relation to Franklin Castle. You go ahead and... I'm sorry, because I have that quality of the spirit beacon, the essence vessel, that doesn't do it. Like, I don't detect or sense anyone as a spirit or a presence. Or maybe I appear that way to them and I don't know, that's just not throwing that out there. Nothing's coming to you now. That's fine. And you would know, as a member of Aegis Kaidoru, there are spirits, there are fae, there are ghosts. There are so many different entities that perhaps you're not dealing with spirits, per se, but you're dealing with some other entities right now. But that time travels way out of my element, so. Right, it is indeed. But you drive your way through, I'd say, about 5.30 in the morning, 5.30 a.m. or so. Yep. You go through the deserted streets of 1935, Cleveland, and you find the castle with maybe just a direction or two of help from Grace. And I'm assuming you park a ways away. You get pulled to the driveway. Well, we get to the street that it's on. This early morning, there's really not cars parked on. There's not a traffic right. And you're not 35, there wasn't a ton of cars anyways. I mean, there were cars, but they're usually in their driveways. Well, I asked Grace then, is it best to just drive on up, get out and walk? Or what would you recommend in this situation? I need your input. Well, does she appear to be like listening to something otherworldly or she? I would think that she's been doing this long enough that it would be pretty much in perceivable unless you want to. Okay. So she's just kind of sitting there being, she's just sitting there. She's just sitting there. Or am I tired, looking at you just like that. I'm just your ticket out of here. So, all kinds of things are running through my head. You're not just the ticket out of here, but by your own admission, you're the one that does have the ability to get us out of here. I don't have the ability to get us out of here, as I have told you time and time. Again, I can slip time. Yes. Can I transport you decades back? No. I thought you said you already did it once. No. To get here in the first place. No, I told you I didn't do that. Yeah, boy. Okay. Yeah. She claims as far as I can remember she is claimed all along. She was not responsive to that. As a matter of fact, she has provided responsibility for that, but no one's ever really listened to. No big deal or anything. That would be Ethan Clark, who has said several occasions he believes he's responsible for bringing you guys' 1930s. She's a blackboard vampire? What? I don't think I quite said it that way. Oh, would you? I might have. Yeah, please. I thought we would immediately had a part in it. Okay. I didn't want to put words in your mouth. Yeah, I wasn't aware of how that happened. Right. Well, you know, details for me. And that's as good as speculation is. Just as much as you can raise it. Okay. Let's drive up. Just put right into the driveway? Drive up. We need to get there. Fast. No waiting. Okay. Then I try, I do it. I take an unfaith exactly what she's saying because I'm studying my trust to her. I see that. Despite what she feels. But I'm going to do exactly what she says. Yeah, because I'm going to put you in a situation that I am sitting right next to you in the car. Like... Just drop. Just drop. But what's the ability to escape it because you... Why is the damn car? All right. Hey Michael. I just have to have children. All I'm saying is that it's not being reciprocated. I told you something about my past and the way I look at things and get around the neighborhood and find some more again. So, I'm driving as fast as I can. You're there. We're there. You know, it would be like you're literally up onto the driveway. Yes. Someone shifted down. And we're now with the rest of the group in the hotel room with the beds covered, with white sheets. A heavy amount of dust over everything. Looking for all the world like an abandoned hotel. It doesn't take but a fraction of a second to realize that you are all... Whatever you want to call it. Ephemeral, ethereal. You are insubstantial in some way, yet are... Visible to each other. And also, but obviously being in a ephemeral quality, you don't have a mouth necessarily. Say words, but you can hear each other think. You can project your thoughts to each other, I guess. You can still think privately yourself, but you can project your thoughts. It's something that you very quickly find out. Like, what the fuck? And everyone hears it. They don't be fucking thoughts. It's very simple to communicate that way. But you basically have what looks to be, you know, shimmering white body. You can see on Daniel and Sister Candy where they were stabbed. It seems as if that white substance is starting to whirl about and dissolve. And the whole where they were stabbed or the area where they were stabbed is starting to expand and become larger as more and more of the wisps of their ephemeralness dissipate. So, that situation that you have, and one thing for you, Ethan, is in your coat, which is also shimmering in white. Basically, you all look like you did before, but just ghosts, like I guess, would be a way to put it. In the pocket of it so that you could actually look down and see because you're ghostly. The cube is more substantial than you are. And it's not 100% substantial as it was in 1935 or wherever it was you just departed from. If you go to grab it, like your fingers go into it a bit, but it has more substance than anything else that any of you are carrying. And it has stopped moving as it was. It was really quite pulsating and jostling about in your pocket before. It is no longer doing that. It is cool to touch and motionless. I'm going to want to investigate that at the earliest opportunity. Absolutely. I asked Dr. Clark if he could get Daniel and perhaps apply pressure to his wound, see if he can interact with him. I reach over to the bed and try to grip it, assuming he doesn't work, but I'm going to try to interact with it. No, your hands move right through the bed. Do our hands move through ourselves and everybody else. Does my hand go through my hand and can I touch Daniel? No, you can touch your own hand. You can touch Daniel. Do we in any way look like the specter that presented itself in the hallway? No, it was so bright. You couldn't even make, it barely made out of form. It was more like translucent, glowing, shimmering, ghost-like apparition. Well, I move on to Daniel then and try to see if I can have any effect on the leakage. Right, first thing comes to mind is just placing your hand against it. And sure enough you can do that, but the wisps continue to dissolve. Diminished at all? I can try. It doesn't seem to be. I can try holy healing on him. We're true to beds. I was. You know anything about that shit there? Sister Katie thinks that her benedictions that she has might prove to be helpful. Now, it should be stated also, Sister Katie, that you are dissolving as well. Yeah, I know that. That's nothing I can do for myself right now, but if I can help someone else. The only other option I was thinking of is if we are dead, I can't direct someone who has recently departed. Wait a minute. I'm wondering what the hell would happen if I tried it on somebody. Right. There was a guy in our bathroom. See, there it is. There was also a bellhop where on the floor, right in the midst of us. No bellhop on your floor. And there was someone walks over to the bathroom, walks through the door because you can't open it. And there's no cult number in the bathroom. Can we see through the walls and the doors that they solid or chew? And I'd go check the streets, see if you can get any kind of indication on where or when we are. Do you still hear radio? Real quick, I want to follow up, choose last question just to give a quick thing. Everything seems solid, so no, you can't see through it, but you can move through it. So the door still presents you with not knowing what's on the other side, but if you stick your head through or move through, which is very awkward and very unusual, because obviously you've never done this before, except when you were high with... How do we walk on the ground? Ed guards. You're half floating, your feet are kind of passing through the ground. It's like you almost have to concentrate and focus to actually have your foot stop where the ground is, because you find yourself sorry, like drift down into the wood and through the floor. But don't you have some mental discipline that's greater than most of us do? Absolutely, by that I mean, do you see his childhood? Yes, yes, many months. Meditative mind in particular is what I was thinking of. Yeah, that's the only reason why I'm not freaking out right now. Well, I'm wondering if you can use that to interact with things better than some of us can either of you, really. I should stay at this point that half of your shoulder is gone, Daniel. Why are we waiting? And before you don't have hands to do this bit of an infection. Well, that's what I was going to say, is you got stabbed in the shoulder as well, I believe. You actually have stabbed, I think twice, not mistaken, Katie. And you're dissolving from two separate places, a relatively disconcerting speed. Yes, my medicine seems to have no effect here, so do what you will or what you can, sister. While the sister is doing her spell, I'm sticking my head out the window and looking around. Okay. What is doing that? Oh, I'm sorry, stop talking. Go ahead. How do you guys work here, the window anyways, I think at one point? I was about to jump out. Right. You look out the window and add to the streets of a smaller, more modern Cleveland. You don't see some of the skyscrapers that you're kind of getting accustomed to in your three or four days in 1935. They were no longer on the skyline. It looks like the Cleveland that you left. To model cars, everything else seems to be of 2011 or their bouts. You can't say certain, but... Right. Seems like normal Cleveland, though, yeah, our stone came from originally. Yay. I'm tired. We're home. Well, other than the part that, hey, I didn't want to accomplish any investigations. We'll be. We made it home. We got the aspiration. Stand it again. I think substantial thoughts. Congratulations. Awesome. Does it work? Do I feel more substantial? No, but you do find yourself being able to control the two apparition state better than most. You know, like, everyone's going to slide a little bit to the side and they get frustrated by a little wing in the room or something like that in your life. Yeah. I don't even fucking move. Sister? So we're both going to get it there. Yeah. Same with Ethan. All right. It's just superior, sir. I mean, Daddy. I got lots of ice. Can you read what's going on for our audience and for myself, please? I'm doing the Hands of St. Luke. Yeah. I'm saying a little prayer trying to heal. It's an extended action. Each role represents one minute of prayer and laying in hands. So I hopefully hold it. Yeah. There are a few in it. Oh, wow. Each role does that? Yeah. And there's something I can't heal myself. Right. So nothing I can do that. The only thing I can think of for myself dissolving is that the... Can you read like the flavor of what happens? Flavor. Can you read like the flavor of what happens? Flavor text. That decides an awful lot for you. I like it. I'm going to call on St. Luke the Evangelist to restore life and vigor. I don't have the flavor. Oh, that's great. I need both of those things. Do that, vigor. The bad guys who are stabbing us had ruins on their weapons. Their hands are both. You said something about their arms had ruins on them or something? Tits. Tits. They had tattoos. Some kind of something on their arms, yeah. So it wasn't sure if it was on the weapons. Their arms are both. The weapons, to be honest, were moving pretty quickly as they were slashing about. So I think it would be kind of hard to remember that, but... Damn. Anybody can remember what maybe it was something about the ruins that they had on their arms. Maybe if we knew what they were, we could come up with a way to stop whatever this is that's on right. Are you healing me? Roll it down. I'm sorry. I won't. It's free for flavor. So... Okay. Why did you guys didn't want me to reset? I did. I called out for that. I don't know who's left. I mean like when I said reset. I don't know if it would work. I wasn't there. I never know now. Right, I can't remember what it was. I got nine dice. Okay. You're insubstantial. So you now have four. I check it. You have five. Are you wounded at all? Oh, I am. Oh yeah. Your arms falling off. I don't know how wounded I am with this holder. How are you going to lay hands with little hands on it? I had a... That's why she got a hurry up. I asked if I could touch him. He said I can't physically touch him. With one of you. I mean this one's kind of starting to dissolve this one but you can play on it with this one. Is this substantial a bad thing when you're working on an substantial person? I don't think even less. I think it's the fact that she is out of sorts in the sense like she's not substantial. She's not human. She's something completely different. She's calling out out of sorts. Yeah, good experience. I'm starting at three wounds. Three exes. Okay. I don't know what. I don't know how many? I don't... Yours. The last three boxes aren't filled. You're five. Yes. Seven. So, go ahead and roll your five dice and see what happens. I have one success. Success cures one bashing. Two successes cure a lethal. Nothing happens. It takes a minute at which time her shoulder down to her elbow has disappeared. So, literally, her hand is still somewhat under her influence but it kind of starts floating off in one direction and it's really... Disconcerting. It's very disconcerting for everyone. Okay. As far as Daniel goes, she was able to stop the unraveling, if you will, but she wasn't able to stop it permanently. And as soon as she stalks her benediction, stops chanting and praying, it starts to unravel again. Okay. That's not good. I wanted to look at the difference. Whatever it is. Okay. What is this? It's just out of your pocket one day? Magic device I found one day. We're running out of time quickly. Yeah. I see two options. One is a guard. Yeah. Another is... Wait, what me? You have people you could talk to. We've gone through interdimensional travel using them. I don't think you have anything you can offer them. Thing is, we're insubstantial. Which is your perceptive man, Jay. They would eat me alive. Right. That's all I have to offer is me. The more likely choice is, Shoe is suggesting as well. If we have a gateway that's at the top of the castle that these people went through and disappeared to another dimension, maybe it does a reset? We can lead you there. Can I look at this device that's... Revales? Well, that too, but... Cutric's cube or whatever it is. I'm going to investigate that quickly and see if it's something that's useful, not that it's sound. The runes on it are so alien that you've never, in your time that you've had it, been able to ascertain any meaning from it at all. The only thing you've noticed it doing is, I'm just saying it for everyone because everyone can just role play the fact, unless you want to do it separately. No, it's okay. The only thing you've ever noticed it doing is moving in its own accord, which you've never been able to quite find out what that is or why it does that. But, however, it will also heat up and start to vibrate when you are in the presence of some type sort of gateway. It could be almost any type of gateway you've noticed several times you've used it. And you were given, well, this one I don't know that you want, public. But when you drove out to chagrin, that's the only time that you ever moved the various facets of the cube and had something, you know, occur as if planned or orchestrated in some way. But again, was it a coincidence, tough to say as well, because it wasn't a direct one-on-one correlation with what happened. But you were given what you were given and you followed through and that's what happened. Speaking a little bit more basically there, so that... Yeah, a little. Do I have any kind of compulsion to move this thing down a certain path? Well, you have a compulsion to move it, to throw it against the wall, to shake it until it does something impressive. You definitely have a compulsion, but you, I guess, in some sense, you start moving it, but nothing happens. And then, I guess maybe make a perception check. Alright, Daniel's arm drifts over and pokes it. Is that all right? Are we going? I'm trying to find that out. Is it the goggles help at all? Antiction. Do we still? I'm going to take one turn to put it on and... What am I rolling? I grabbed my hand with my other hand. Yeah, for a second. So that's five. And I'm not going to subtract anything from this wall. You're walking in your hand in the kettle? Yes, let's go. You got one eight. That's one success. It strikes you that perhaps the coordinates that you've used before, since everyone's saying you're now in the future, perhaps if you maybe reversed the coordinates, and we're close to some gate-like object, it might help. That I could see with my bad eyes. Yeah, I think we need to go there. What a plan. Let's do that. I concur. Choo and I leading the way more or less. How fast we welcome up. I mean, just by thinking about how far away it is and how, in my rate of dissipation, am I going to make it there? No. It looks pretty dicey. To be honest, it looks like it's going to be very, very close. So each one will take myself and Daniel, and Choo will take a garden and the sister. Go. Move, Choo. Okay. By the time you approach what is the abandoned castle, because it's the current time, yeah, absolutely. It's dilapidated. It's boarded up. It is. Yeah. It's not looking that great. Really, all that remains of the sister is ahead in one arm, and then maybe, like, to her waist. The rest of her is completely vanished. For the rest of you, you are, there's a slow degree of burn, but nothing like the two that were stabbed. And Daniel has literally lost almost his entire left side. There's a lot more of Daniel. There's a lot more of him. There's a lot more of him. Plus, the sister was stabbed twice. It's literally a giant. In your ephemeral state, you see lots of interesting things when you're floating through it. We just like lots of beacons and things glowing that you would never saw, but when you get to the castle itself. With my goggles on. With your goggles on. Looking for the gate. Is the gate standing out? It's working. It's so standing out. And none of the security devices or whatever they claim that they saw. I never claim that they saw that. There's no security device at all. However, you do see three small children playing in the art. Singing a two males and a female. Ghostly females and a male. Singing a ghostly children's song as they are dressed in antiquated... Older type of, definitely a style from another century. If you will, these children are long deceased. They're ghostly white. Is the children we brought along with us? No. No. What did I miss? And as you approach closer and closer towards the gate, they notice you. And they float into the air in front of the castle. And they lock hands together. And they're just waiting on your approach. And they paid a picture. They are roughly anywhere from eight to twelve years old. They are, again, ghostly whites. You can see how they died quite evidently. You see around each of their eyes are just black. So it gives them a very haunted appearance even for children. One has a slit throat. The other has been disemboweled, and their intestines are kind of ghostly hanging down from their little AKA's dress that they're wearing. Does it look like they're welcoming us, barring our way? Oh, yeah, I would say they look pretty welcoming. Come play with us. Yeah. Oh, friends. You know, they don't look like you could just kind of move right past them. They look like they want to interact with you. What that exactly means certainly is up for debate. Are we there at the same time? You don't see the group. Okay, so they don't have. You see the same house you saw before. You don't see anything. Oh, shit. Really? You just see the house. Okay. Can we talk to the kids or are you going back to? Oh, no. Wow. Let's see. Nothing. Nope. They must be inside of them. If you're not seeing the same thing, it's not happening in a dualistic sense. Daniel and... I could talk to the kids, I'm sure. I can get them to just because sometimes we go back to you guys until next week. There's almost a lot of them anyways. Daniel and I had the most interaction with the time spirits of which there were three. Are we seeing anything here that in any way indicates? No. These are three murdered children who look to be haunting this property. Okay. Would be very straightforward and easily. Like, it's an easy guess. Doesn't mean it's right. But I mean, that's what you see. You see three children who were murdered in horrific ways. They're smiling, but it looks a bit... It's dark smile. It's not a happy... It's a come play with a smile, but it's not in a good way. Like, they want to play with your soul. I think you're our go-to man for this. True, thank you. You get a dealing of murder things, right? You're an investigator. This is great. And you think this cube has something to do with... The cube. The cube has started to... Warm. And he started to move, vibrate ever so slightly. And you're getting closer to what you see with your goggles on as a gate. It's really like a steep doorway between two rooms in the home. But it, for all intents and purposes, is a gate between two worlds as you're seeing it. Yes, the difference cube, as I call it, had something to do with me being in the spot while when I met you. Or if you prefer bringing you to that spot where I was different. I don't think it initiated the process. I think it was like a target, but I'm not sure. And I think that it could be useful in this instance of dialogue. So, and by that I mean your home. The children start singing a song about how they would like... How your friends are dying. And it's so very sad. And maybe they'd like to play with us before they disappear into the ether. Oh no, I'm very contagious. Hi kids. Hi, what's your name? I suppose they're one of those. Did you guys see the shiny man? Oh my god. Shatter. No, the shiny man. Oh, holy shit, sorry. We see lots of things. We're dead. Whoa, we're not looking so good ourselves. No, your friends are gonna die forever. Not dead like us, but forever. You mean these two? Yeah, those two. They're dying forever. Sounds better. What can we do about that? Probably not them. Sometimes you just have to die. It doesn't look like they're dying. You certainly know what's good in that kid. You're just a period. Is there a doorway around here? There is. One little girl in the house or had the youngest of the three. Have you gone through it? Many times. Can you show us where? Maybe. What can you do for us? We want to play. What do you want to play? Uh oh. What do you want to play? Oh fuck. I can't believe I said that shit. We want to play in high seats. Good idea, go ahead. I'll play. You hide and we'll find the door. I think your two dead friends should try to hide and then we'll try to find them. Well, they're not dead yet. What we're all doing. Uh yeah. Listen, how about you play with the people who stick around longer? Thanks. Ok. Here's the deal. You give us her soul and your soul and then the rest you can go through the gate. How about we just all go through the gate? That sounds like a lot more fun. We like to play with all of our friends. The oldest of the children says there's always a payment for when you go through the gate. Haven't you learned anything? You can't just go out through for nothing. There's always a payment. You just went through it. Don't try to cheat. We don't like cheaters. Could you have the pay? Us. Fabulous. Keep up. We might be able to send them somewhere they haven't been and want to go. We've been lots of places. We've been through the gates many times. We've taken many people through the gates too. But they all have to pay a price. That's awfully plural. That is many people's gates. And what has the price tended to be in the past? You know, like a soul here or a soul there. We get hungry. Is it always souls? Oh yeah. Pretty much. Pretty much. Fuck. Do you keep the souls forever? Well, we like to keep them. Yeah. Okay. I thought so. Some kind of. You should eat souls. That's not good for you. Too many souls. It's just. It's not good. Well, it helps. Keep us. We can play hide and go seek. Why don't you go hide and we'll try to go find you. You know, we're kids, but we're really over 150 years old. You don't look at. Well, thanks. But what? So we're not too dumb. So we'd like really three souls to eat because there's three of us, but we'll take two. And then we'll lead you through the gateway. What if we find you some other souls? That sounds like fun. Yeah. You don't have a ton of time because Sister Katie is literally down to like just her shoulders and her head at this point. And Daniel has lost his other leg actually because his left side was gone. But now he's lost his leg and his right side as he's slowly unraveling. So you don't want to eat these two souls. They're hardly anything at all. That's hardly me. Well, we just thought it'd be easier for you if we took the ones that were going to die already. But if you want to give us other souls, like maybe yours looks pretty tasty. It's been through a lot. Yeah. And this one's kind of like he's got magic stuff going on. So I wouldn't might eat him. Although he is a Negro. Well, racist. Yeah, okay. They're all souls. I mean, they're all souls. I think they make you a quick research and banroll on these things. I don't roll a cold if you want me to. But they're ghosts. They're just ghosts. There's nothing special about ghosts. So why can't we just? Well, no. This ain't the hell with you in the walk past. I think all creatures of spirit have some kind of... Anyway, I still owe some people some shit. So if you ate me, you'd probably have a hard time. There's debt on this soul. That's all I'm saying. Oh, debt on the soul? Mm-hmm. Makes it a little more interesting, more flavorful. Just saying a little more roll. What do you think of your roll for? I just want to roll a cult. See if there's a way to get around this because the boss has asked me to. Sure. What's your occult skill? Two. Two. I suppose to be a little bit bad. I'd say this is Witz. In this particular case, that you've really been presented with three demented, haunted children that are actually 130 years old, isn't it? Can you offer them to your spirits? Probably. But I can't summon anyone. It'd be a very expensive. There's a ritual involved and I ain't got the hands for it. A total of six then. Six dice? Not from Cleveland. Sorry I can't help you much there. Mine is two for the unknown of it all. Very unusual request. Do it. Do it. Eight. That's all I've got. Wonderful. Four dice. Ghosts, much like spirits, you know, have bands. They have things that they are weak against. It usually is specific to a particular ghost. They also have anchors. Anchors being seen that holds them to this world and doesn't allow them to go into that dark night, you could try to find an anchor that would release the children. You could try to find a weakness of them. Some sort of band that they would be weak to. You are not from Cleveland so you feel a bit of a loss because-- Oh yeah, but I know who would be a fucking expert in this. New to Cleveland but, you know, it's your adapted city and you know-- Since I hear-- If I hear anything about anchors then that's something I'm going to want to try to do an occult role in myself using my goggles to see if maybe that's something that's actually visible now and if I can ponder out what it is. Occult plus, in your case I'm going to say it's intelligence because it would be stuff you've researched and looked into since you've moved to Cleveland. You've tried to keep it, you know, in touch with-- Is it academics or intelligence? Ah, you use that library. Okay, you can use academics. Occult plus academics. You're not supposed to use two skills though. Yeah. So instead of-- Yeah, let's say you can use academics instead of occult. And you can use-- you have to use intelligence. Well, that's even better, seven. Okay, seven dice. Very kind of narrow knowledge. These particular ghosts in this particular house. I will give you a choice. If you want to know what their anchors are, it's going to be a very difficult role. And you may only get-- Well, you'll get the information you're looking for, but it'd be a very difficult role. Are we assuming that the goggles aren't helping? I'm not-- Wait, there we go. Okay. But I just wanted to give you the choice of how you are approaching. Like, you've got a few seconds before she starts totally dissolves. I'm kind of thinking there's a time essence here. You can go really hard and look for their anchors, so you can release them and send them into the afterlife, the real afterlife that they're supposed to, and that hanging as ghosts here in this house. Or you can look for a band that might affect them in some way, weaken them, which would be a little less hard to do. Are you saying band? Band B-A-N, which is a weakness that they may have. You can go for the band, or you can go for the anchor. In your case, you're going to be looking at the goggles up and down the house, and trying to draw in whatever you might have read about Cleveland history in the restriction section of the Cleveland Public Library, trying to put it all together very quickly before the sister disappears. Actually, I'm hoping the goggles will provide assistance here. I'm actually looking for the anchor in that way. I'm not sure that that's effective, but I want to help the kids if I can. Okay. Which, you know, has some. So, your nice side effect of letting us pass. Your dye pool is? Seven. Your minus for being out of sorts and looking for something extremely difficult and trying to remember all the time that's taken away is minus five. Takes you down to two dice. However, the goggles go-- I have meditative mind, which is plus three on resolve, plus composure. So, I'm not sure if that's-- So, instead of subtracting five dice, I'll subtract two dice for you because you have meditative mind. Actually, I'm going to subtract three because being insubstantial has got to be just very disconcerting. So, I'll give you two-thirds of that meditative mind. So, you're down four. Yeah. And the goggles give you a dye to try to find what you're looking for. Good. Can I juice this? No, you can't add willpower because you don't really have anybody to-- Yeah, I don't think so. All right. Let's see if he can do that. Nine and an eight. Two successes. And that's where we're inside. Thank you for listening tonight's of the night actual play podcast. If you'd like to send us questions, comments, or feedback, you can reach us in a number of ways. From Twitter, @KOTN_podcast, or by email feedback@KOTNpodcast.com. And don't forget the iTunes reviews or our Facebook page, Facebook.com/KOTN.podcast. Speaking of Facebook, join like-minded folks at our Facebook fan page. And lastly, there's our blog page, KOTN_podcast.com, where there's an Amazon link on the right-hand side. Thanks to Zen Audio Smith for the intro and outro music. Get your own music at zenaudiosmith.com. And join us next week for more mystery and adventure. [MUSIC] Look at that, that was perfect. Yeah, that was beautiful. All around. All the way around the table. It's gonna be good to be. [LAUGHTER] Grumble, grumble. Grumble, grumble. Grumble, aspiration, grumble. Well, some things happened last week. Yeah. Wasn't my aspirations. Could you explain to those? Could you explain for those of us who weren't here, which wasn't me, I was here, last time we played. But there were some players that weren't. What exactly? Rachel. Me. Well, I think she was sleep. And I think she should find out from Michael Clay, who she just barged in on and was pointing a gun at her. So I don't get to know what happened last week, are you serious? You're gonna get a very in action. Might as five dice. [LAUGHTER] You just show up then. You don't get a recap. Oh, wait, nevermind, it's Michael. You're gonna get a very accurate annotation. Wait a minute. Were you here last time we played? Yeah. Okay. Was I here last time we played? Everyone was here. What's gonna fucking happen if you were an hour? Never does. I mean mentally. No, it's really good. I know then. I'm just an on wing is a storyteller. We're gonna be more interesting to have her learn what happened. Oh, that's fine. Me retell everyone what happened when I talk too. That's fine. I just can't make an aspiration 'cause I'm sick and I'll see something. I'm gonna be wild. Geez. [LAUGHTER] Squeak squeak. And she's missing next week too. Yeah, I'm definitely gonna do this once again. Totally. Call me in for the next adventure. I have a bunch of long-term aspirations. I guess, I mean, you can change your short-term. You're exactly right. You're supposed to have one long-term in two short-terms is what you're supposed to have. Now, it's okay to have more if you'd like. None of us are min-maxers as far as players go, so I have no problem with you having more than one. But go ahead. Do you remember when Danielle and I spoke and then I spoke to the group? I remember, specifically, I remember asking Danielle to be the liaison between Grace and myself or the group. And did I tell the group that as well? I don't recall. I think... It was three weeks ago. I think that was my conversation with Danielle. Well, Daniel talked to you and said don't f this up because she's finally starting to open up to me. And I have to be protective of the infection I'm getting and you're like, well, you need to get more because it's not enough. We need to know more information. You gotta get it open up more. And so you kind of both came to that agreement and then you revealed to the rest of the group that Grace took those three sets of four agents to the castle and threw a gateway there. And it was a very delicate situation. And so I think my gut feeling without knowing exactly would be that you really... And I think even... Yeah, the other reason I'm mentioning it is because I want to get Mike in the right mindset because it's when seconds as opposed to three weeks. Daniel even talked to Clay and said listen, you know, they were like going back and forth because they know how untrustful of... You don't feel very comfortable. If she is her least favorite person, I'm her second least favorite person. And Daniel was like, you gotta try to backbox. I'm getting some more. So you guys had that conversation. Okay, I just want to remind Mike sure. Right. Possible, but we've seen enough of it in the past few day, the past day. All right. What information can we use when we get there? I have to wait on the answer. I mean, I'm all set to go after Jay and, you know, some of the others. That's all of the others. Jay and all of us. Jay and all of us. Jay and all of us. One thing I want to clarify, when the door was open before the guy started their withdrawal, did he look like a guy? Or was he always a glowing light figure? You didn't see anything you saw in the three cultists? Right. And then, in the bellhop, and then you saw something step into the doorway and burst with light. So you never got a chance to see what it was. That does, wow, that's one of the million jobs. Bob, through this, it flipped and landed right there. Exactly. But words up, so you could actually read it if you needed to. Hey, that voice in her head? It's a GM. Yeah. Well, does she appear to be, like, listening to something otherworldly, or is she, like, listening to voices? She's on her cell phone, she's a typical teenager. Yeah, well, she shouldn't have a cell phone, so... It doesn't set the right tone, but that would be great background music for this. What, tracking novels? No. You gotta find the orchestra version. Yeah, some creepy, scary orchestra version. That would be good. Harpsichord. I haven't heard from Joe. I'm trying to get feedback on you. Yeah, pretty. Did you think? Correct. It's not spaghetti, it's linguine. Can we consciously float up? You could if you drive. Yeah, I'm gonna try. Your speed seems to be about the same as walking. But, yeah, you're able to drift into the air without too much difficulty, although controlling it's a little bit different. I don't know what I'm doing, I'm just gonna fly around here. What book is... The Meditative Mind Change. Meditative Mind Change would be in possibly the new one? No. I thought there were some changes made to that. Some changes made to that. That would be in that book. And the merits are maybe a third of the way in. Did you? Yeah. Holy shit. Um... Sasquatch. Daniel Morgan. I see it right there. Oh, good. Somebody learned. Squash. I've never called you that. Big Daniel Sasquatch. Everyone else did. 'Cause I had known you before, so of course. By invoking the favor of the 12 apostles, 100 me, inspire other... That's it. No, I'm not inspiring anyone. I'm not inspired. I'm not inspired. But you can get better. Looks like London's fun. The big one? Yes, London would have that, but he wouldn't call it pink. You'd call something else. Rose. Rose, this is definitely rare. Just as I call on the... Uh... Are you reading my sheet? Are you reading my character? Oh, I was running out. Thank you. I'm just giving you a burn. It's about it. I'm tired. Do you have a rubber band down here? I'm sure. May I look in? It's a... Yeah, you made a look where... I think I think... You got an idea? Oh, okay. You were orchestrating, I think. No, I had something I wanted to try, but... Well, it's just take a long time. I think we're running out of that. Oh, my God. That was one of them. What was that? You can't say his name, and then pretend like you don't know. He's not there. He doesn't know. That's not fair. That's not fair. He's not fair. You're making this handy. Gasp. Hold your hand in hand. Grab any limbs, if I forget. You are our local motion. Dude? He was dragging. You're too trained? Yes, thank you. I was waiting for that. Kylie Minnow is now in my head. All right, let's see. That was our right. Yeah, you've crossed the plane, and you didn't even notice. I'm above that. I'm not coming. Oh! It's freezing! Okay. Although that might make a great title. Choo choo choo. I wanted for the last title to be Kids Bops 1015. Nobody voted for it. Wow. Not a single, was it? What are you saying? Kidbops. Kidbops. Does he ever mind fucking possessive ass? You asked! I know. I hate that. I hate that. Are we there yet? Yes. There are four. You've never seen. You've never seen. Before. I'm getting American Horror Story by very well done. Okay. With speed that is pretty natural compared to the glacial pace that you're able to move at. Show. They disambolved and their intestines are kind of ghostly hanging down from their little AKA's dress that they're wearing. Kid you know Mike's reaction to. Oh, right. I'm not here. I'm not here. He's literally here. You're describing it. That's right. Everyone. Everyone. Let's see it. It's after the fight. It's the oldest trope we have. They're not in peril anymore. They're not in peril anymore. The perils only hurt. So. Can you dial your cube in while drop kick the sisters head right through the gate? Right. Go. Go. Go. Get your head. Get your head. Get your head. The house is exactly what I mean. Your head is shimmering white. Sister I thought you lost your soul already. Oh. Shhh. So it'll be empty calories. And then we'll lead you through the gateway. What if we find you some other souls? That sounds like fun. Yeah. Like dog souls. No. Dog souls. I don't know if souls. Keep up. Guys, you know now we're trying to help Jimmy as making dog's use fault. It says it. It says it. It's an aspiration. It's an aspiration. Be your dog's experience. Take me. Wow. Good cause. Dog's in peril. I don't like you. Hey. Did you kill him? Yeah. Somewhere. It's probably just what looks to be. Find a van later. If it takes some more time. What is your scanning the house and the house because of its nature has some insubstantialness to it as well unlike the hotel where everything was solid. This house glows and you can see parts of it that you can see through other parts you can't. But you think you see a very secluded attic and there is some pulsating energy in that area which draws back to mind some research you had done and you think that might be a place where an anchor might be located and we'll call it there. Everyone gets a beat. Everyone gets an extra beat for fantastic role plans tonight and we'll call it there. That's fantastic. This is the boss in your story. I don't think so. I think so. I think you're going to be zapped. You don't have to chat. I don't have to chat. Things don't add up. Who the hell does Thomas? Nobody has set those two. It's not special. Ignorance. It's Liz. He is trusty. He is trusty. He is too. I'm tired and I just go to bed. He's a car riding house. What? Do you feel like my character feels? I think it'll do a $145 thing for health care. Plus the t-shirt. [clears throat]