Knights of the Night


Broadcast on:
15 Apr 2015
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A discussion in front of a door, research that answers some questions but not all. But most importantly, an answer to a question asked by the players back in 2010…

[Intro Music] Hello and welcome to Nights at the Night Actual Play Podcast. This world of darkness story, the Syneater, was written and run by a storyteller Scott. And now, please enjoy episode 222. Titled, don't open this door. Actual play begins immediately. [Intro Music] This is the World of Darkness story, the Syneater. I'm your storyteller Scott and with us tonight, starting on my right is? Michael playing Ethan Clark, a medical doctor and member of Aegis Kideros since 1829. I'm playing Jay Alton, a member of the sending one and leader of Cyren. I'm Jim playing Katie O'Connor, Nunn, Malius, Malefakara member and one crazy driver. Mike playing Michael Clay, the academic adventurer from Aegis Kideru. I am Bob, playing FBI Special Agent Chew Park, a member of the Baskio Kids' Pearson. Thomas playing Edgard Monteis, a voodoo practitioner and a member of the Lamas-Parek Institute. John playing Daniel Morgan, a mountain man turned mercenary and next member of Test Force Valkyrie. Rachel playing Silver Ball, time slipping teenager. We have two doctors. I'm assuming... Well, that's me, anything. Are you both hitting the same book and using your dual expertise or are you trying to finish off... It works so well on this time, I mean. I think... I agree. I think we focus on one and we get it done better or faster. If I'm not mistaken, Dr. Clay, you were actually assisting Dr. Ethan in the attempt because he has just a slightly higher role and then I think, Dr. Ethan, you had a ridiculous, like, double success or something similar. Yes, I did. And... Dr. Ethan is smarter than I am. We said that you... No. He is. I acknowledge him. What's your knowledge? What's your knowledge? His intelligence is three. What's yours? My intelligence is three. Go ahead and put together your academics plus a cult, I believe it was, that we were looking at. About 15, yeah. And then did you also allow us for the resolving enemmas and doing the relic training? Plus one guy for each. This Latin is not as... It's not the French Latin. It's not the French Latin. What a myth of French Latin. You told Ethan about your kryptonite and you're like, "No, no, let's handle the French one last." I know. Those French, it's like they have a different word for it. So you're handling the Flumish one first and you go ahead and subtract because of the esoteric nature of this Latin, the colloquial terms being used and all that, I'm gonna subtract three dice from your role. What? Any successes you make add to Dr. Ethan Clark's title. All right. So I've got four dice now from seven and let's see what I can do. I shouldn't have to roll a myth. Hey, all right. I've got a 90 and a 10 again. Go go to the 10 again as in you reroll. All right. Perseverance. So the same thing. Six plus two, right? Yep. Yeah, so it takes you eight and then your extraordinary success last time, I think we said we were gonna add some extra dice on to that and I really can't remember why so it was gonna add in. It should really take better notes. Well, it was like 10 successes, right? Yeah, let's go with two more dice for that. And then subtract three for the esoteric nature of the Flumish Latin. So I'm at seven. All right. I see it. The nine. The nine. Holy shit. Yeah. That is your thing for me. You just can't do it right now. Do this. I had four successes. For successes, you believe you have exhausted the Flumish Latin translation. You have done everything there is to do with it and you feel like you have leaned too bit. So in getting terms, two successes would need to get any need. But by getting a third and a fourth, you realize that you've gone through and through and through and after about an hour's time, there's nothing left in this one page manuscript you feel is worth divining any more information or spending any more time on. So what did I learn? What did you learn? You learned that the shattered man, which he's not called that obviously an ancient Flumish Latin, but whatever term they use for him, you have found that the mirrors that the shattered man is composed of have a sonic frequency that there was an ancient chant. It's very low that the Gregorian monks, you know, the Flumish lowlands used to use and it can damage and shatter the shattered man to such an extent that it can cause him to flee or to lead or to dispel whatever ancient terminology they might have used for that. So there is a note that could be struck that actually injures the shattered man. Just to clarify what you said, a note or a chant, it's a chant that hits a particular note. Okay. That was going to take a specialty in Gregorian chants. I like it. Don't you feel like full line? I know one kind of thing that should run your class. No, no, it's low. It's low. Oh, it's a face. That's shattered glass. See, that was really good. You knew that when you were fucking sat on the ground, it would have smelled the bucket. And it could only be done in my current state of illness. Sorry. The second piece of note is the actual name of the chant. Do I know that there is a note or do I know what the note is? You know that there is a note not what the note is because they didn't know what the note was, but it was a particular chant. We'll call it the Lord's Evening Prayer. So he's learned that there is a chant. There's a chant called the Lord's Evening Prayer. And you've never heard of that. I just don't know. But there is something. He got two answers to assesses. He did. Could it be one volume of kids, Bob, Gregorian chants it was. In 10,000, we can find it as. It's Bob. 10, 15. Had you rolled a fifth success, exceptional success, I probably would have said that you stumbled upon that archive chant in some... I'll need to hear that. But I'm sorry. Just letting you know just how close work is actually because Jade said he had four successes. Five's a number, unfortunately. And unless there would have been four points of information to know. So you can turn yourselves now to the daunting worrisome. Not to me. Just horrifyingly difficult French Latin translation. Oh, yeah. What was it? I got you on this one, baby. That was flummish. You just did. Yeah. What was the first one where we got the eight points of... That was just pretty much standard museum land. That was all good. Back to the castle. Yeah. She went invisible. Then I put on these goggles. See if they worked for that. Because that'd be kind of cool to know. That would be really cool now. Can you see her? He cannot see her. That is... Dates, right? What was the... The spoiling things. Poorly. It was cool. Anotherworldly cake. Can you put it on the goggles? Yeah. What's going on? That's really cool. Everything goes all fuzzy and it's like a very, there's like a ghostly outline of the house. Yet you can see inside the house. Through the wall. Almost. But you can't see anything in the sense of... How useful. How useful. It's just the white shimmering out white of the house. And then within the house, secreted up high in the house. There's a third floor, fourth floor, fourth floor. Who knows? You see what looks like a shimmering gate. So you see this shimmering? Now, how about shimmering? There's a dull white outline of this massive house. And then way up high, you see what looks to be a shimmering gate. Wow. Does it say 2012 on it or whatever you're going to get it from? It's so cool. You know how it says home. Exit. If you throw it out to the top floor, this way to eager us. Exit. If I could get into the house, does he see anything? No, I don't see you at all. Anything? No, he just says he sees a shimmering outline of the house, but that's all he sees. A shimmering outline of the house? Okay. Okay. I can't get into this place. He comes back. He comes back. He comes back. Okay. There's some sort of magic force field thing going on here. And it's never happened. It's never happened. Is that like what you did? Ever. Okay. Remember when you made one of that? That guard. No. God, no. I never made one of the used. Okay. I don't know. You made a circle over there. So there's a force field thing? You want to walk through those? Daniel's pointing to the shimmering gateway. The most interesting thing in the house is going to be up there. What do you see? There's a gateway. Gateway of some sort. It's just like a... It's a magical bear. It's a magic ass portal. I can't figure it out. We've got to get through here. Maybe somebody who has any knowledge of this sort of thing is over until you want to look? We've got... Jay, hold this. No. Chill out. Daniel, you asked earlier if people who weren't good at supernatural threats should go into this house? Mm-hmm. I don't think you should go into this house. I think that anybody who cannot face some serious shit should stay outside. Absolutely. Only if it's something we can't shoot. It's got to be. Okay. No. I'm sorry. I don't have enough information. If I can't get through this place, there's something real big and bad keeping us out. Well, I'm out. Scared away. That's like a dude. It's got a magic wall around it and someplace upstairs that probably doesn't want us to go to. It's up to you, Jay. If you want to end guard to pick this lock, fine, but I warned you. I don't know what's on the other side, but it's bad. It's probably at this point, maybe, 4.15, 4.20 in the morning, and you guys left the Amsterdam at 4. You can case it really quick. It was very close by. You've snuck up, done a little bit of magic, and then she materialized again, says something's different, something's changed. There's something big and powerful on the other side of this, and enough to get her rattle, which that's unusual to say at least. Mm-hmm. She doesn't usually doubt herself very much. Are you telling me a human can't keep you out of places? I've got some weird-ass humans. No. Okay. All right. Everybody back to the truck. Grace is the only reason I'm here, and that we were rushing to get here, because Grace insisted we had to. She's now saying it's time to leave. I got no problem with that. I don't want to be here in the first fucking place. Right. However, Edgard, please stay here for a moment while I talk to you. Everybody else back to the truck. Wait. Yes. Grace, did you want to leave? Were you just telling us all it was a good idea if we didn't want to stay? Are you going to go anyway, if I open this door? If you open that door, I'll go in. Okay. But- That's a little. I'm just trying to warn you about what you're about to step into. And what is it I'm about to step into? I don't know. But I know that it's strong enough to try and keep me out, and that's never happened before. Okay. She's young. So you've never met a human that could do it. I still think that the bishop is a human. What he's tapped into, I don't know. But I've seen humans die. But this is some supernatural power that's going on here, sure. Maybe the bishop might be a human, but this is not something any ordinary human can do. Maybe there is a shattered man, and we have to deal with him. If there's any way we can get information while we're here, we are standing here, and I would like you at least attempt to try to open the door. But we should be ready to bug the fuck out of here if it sets off some magical alarm. So keep the goggles on and watching the wall, whoever does the best job of doing that. I'm going to stay invisible, and also- I'm actually going to go invisible again because you came back. Right. Sorry. Go invisible. Do you want to do that? Yes, I do. And I- You want to try? Okay. All right. Well, before I do that, would you like for me to try and protect you guys from the outside in case something tries to come out once you step out of the circle that actually I can't draw a circle on the grass, can I? No, we're on a porch. We're on a porch? Can I draw a circle? Yeah, it's going to be a tight-ass circle, but you can draw a circle. Because when you step out of that circle, it's lost. I mean, as soon as you open the door, I could try and run in there and start doing one. That's going to take a while. I got a circle. Does the circle break when people cross it? No. Or can we retreat to it? You could retreat to it. So what's the plan? Are we- I'm just going to say- I just want to know. I mean, we came all this way. I just want to know if we ever want to come back and we get through this door, a guard can tell us right now. That's true. Can I get through the door? Can you open the door? I don't even have electronic locks here. I'm sure I can open every door on the fucking planet right now. It looks fairly important, benign and simple to shit. You should be clear. I'm not doing anything. I'm going to just stand there. You're going to stay. I'm going to go back and spend a point and be invisible and intimate. Okay. Peace looks back into the ether. Do we have all the information that we can possibly have on how to deal with the Shatter Men at this point? They're still researching it? There's two pamphlets. They've got something, but we're not- the thing is we don't- I don't think they're the Shatter Men's in here right now. But that could be apparently something- but that's the thing what powerful it is. I don't think anyone's ever spotted the Shatter Men traveling between. That could be what that is. Sorry. I mean, it is a possibility that whenever created this that is keeping me out, isn't you right now? Right. But that's a risk that you're taking. Can I hold this lighter all out from the door? Sure. I need the light. Are we in communication like we were? Yes. You can be if you want to be. I assume that you were making such great progress that you could be focusing, but they certainly can do anything they like. This is going b-b-b-b. What about this? That's- That's- And while Edgard is getting into position- It is? I'm just saying. I really don't think that you should have Edgard open this door. Is he going to trigger it online or something like that? I don't know. I don't know what it's going to do. Sure. I am telling you though, it is not going to be good. Yeah. We're still gathering information. It seems like you're at a ganger point and you're all over tired and maybe coming back here, resting and making a new plan, knowing what we know and learning the rest of what we know is- Jerry, don't open the door. Now right now. So if he opens it and something terrible happens, you rewind time a few seconds, right? No big deal. I'm sorry. Are you telling me? No. What do you think? No, I'm suggesting. Okay. Would you not do it? I don't know. Look, when I rewind time- Is you doing something? I was doing that to help you guys out. Right. The situation that I didn't previously know was seriously dangerous. I would rather not have to strain myself here. If it's unlimited research, I'll resource, I understand. That's fine. Never mind that guy. Let's roll back to the car. Let's go. That's like a spidey sense thing. Is there an IED behind the door? I really want to open it. I'm meditating real quick, Thomas. She has danger sense and her danger sense is pinging all over the place. Does that mean you're going to blow up the door? No. No. It's bad. Not right now. Not when you guys are completely and totally exhausted. Yeah. Richard, I want to ask someone who's completely and totally exhausted, I agree. I'm glad some folks both reason. I know. Are you stealthily moving back to the car or just skipping and pulling and swearing? Don't make the rules. You suggest they- I give a rod. Oh, of course. Everyone does it. There's no one watching. Do I get to add 27 dice and then we go. And by the time they return back to the hotel, can we talk a bit in the car? Sure. How are we on research? Yeah. Just a bit because I want to mention. Who's- how are we sitting in this car? Grace tugs at your church sleeve. Daniel and says she wants to talk to you on the ride back. So as we are driving back, I'm in the back of the truck bed with- Daniel. It's Sasquatch. Yes. So, the reason I am so familiar with that castle is because I have been here before. Was it dangerous then? No. No. It wasn't dangerous at all. It's just that- To be fair? It wasn't dangerous to you. Okay. Fine. I think a normal person want me in that car and have a different opinion. That's what I'm saying. Okay. Well, I assume we know as this, but though, like, it wasn't dangerous to me at all. To you? Yes. But to me, no. Not so much. The reason I'm telling you this is because you guys keep talking about this factory task force. I took 12 people to the castle because they need to get through a door. Okay. Like, you were going? I wasn't. I wasn't. Inside the castle. I was trying to take them inside the castle through a door or a portal, if you will. I was told that this was something that needed to happen, that it was going to help. And I'm telling you this now because it seems that you guys lost 12 members of 12 people of some sort of task force without worry, and it seems strange that that's the exact number that I took to this castle. I bought a photo of one of the missing agents, a woman. Do I recognize? I don't know. Honestly. Is she one of them? Yeah. You absolutely remember it was the last group before that you took two. Okay. If you have your watch out at all, if it's around, you guys that you said you were pulling it for a time when we first met you. Not just a picture of her head. Did this go terribly for them? I don't know. I don't know. I have no idea. I just, I took them to a door they needed to get through. They went through the door. I don't know what happened after that. All I am telling you is that I have been here before. I took 12 people into this castle. Everything seemed fine then. There was no crazy force field before you guys came. You were out and about? Of course I was out and about. You have seen me walk through walls. I realize that. You all have seen me go invisible. You really think I can't have the base? After giant spirits came out of you, I wasn't sure if you always had that potential. No. Okay. Yes. Always. All right. And I don't know what happened to him. He said, "I've been here before. Now you know this. Maybe you can tell your buddies and make them think that I'm not a horrible human being, but there's no way in town that I'm talking to Jay about this shit." Okay. I'll bring it up because that's not like why he'll talk about it. Maybe you can bring it up when I'm not around because I really don't want to hear about all you guys in the drama. And then I'm going to have to have some details so that he doesn't run right to you and ferroding it out because he's okay. Okay. Did you have a date you could use particularly? I am. Sure. It was in line with everything that happened when you had your moment with her in the apartment and she left all upset and then one of the mission the very next day, she disappeared a short period time after that. So it all falls into place. Wait, what? But my next story. That's true. That's true. That's true. Oh, her is not me. Okay. Gotcha. It was this portal in the attic as well. Upstairs. Yes. It was. I wouldn't say it's always been there, but it has been there since 2011. You don't know anything about the nature of what's behind this portal? I know that there's time involved. I know that. You knew that they were going through time. I know that they're going through time. I don't know the year. I don't know specifically how. I don't know anything about it. All I know is that I needed to be the one to let them through this door. You needed to. Nobody else could have? Nobody else could have. How did you figure this out? Somebody gave you instructions? Yes. Somebody did. You're not free to share that? I don't want to right now. I think that I am telling you a lot, and you're not going to get to know that. Okay. I'll do my best to play that level because that is where you will get bit. My boss will try to come back at you for that. Look, I have been very open. I'm just warning. I know. And the thing is, if you try to make this come back on me, someone else, I'm not going to say anything again. Your boss already hates me. Your entire team does nothing but threaten me constantly, constantly. And honestly, the fact that I am willing to say anything to you is a fucking miracle. So if you make this in any way incriminating to me, toward me, never again will I say anything to you. So say whatever you need to, to make it not come back on me. I'm not going to give you every single piece of information. You know what you need to know. There's lots of furtive whispering and demonstrative hand actions. And placating jazz hands. Okay, that's Danielle, right? And I do that. You would never do a jazz on Daniel in a million years. I was wondering if I had done that. Right. I'm sure. What do you mean? I would want to stop doing that. And the back of the flatbed, there is a lot of animated discussion is right. Daniel looks like he's going to throw up. You look like you're going to throw up in there. Okay. I'm just not. Thank you. That's what I was going for. It's because Mr. Katie's going to leave to know. Right, exactly. Edgard and I are having a heated discussion as well as he's complaining that he fucking like picked out. I was just about to walk. What are you not doing doing it anyway? Right. I couldn't interrupt to say I'm rolling. Oh, I wish you had because then I could be like, yup. Don't do so. I wanted to. And everyone thinks I'm lying all the time. Oh, I wish you had. I wanted to. Yeah. I mean, let's talk about the fact that the whole reason we were at that building was because she insisted we had to be. I thought it was a good idea. It's hard to think. That guy knows we're coming now. What was he? Jay. Oh, there's another good reason, Jay. We fucked up their plans. And that was the reason we went there because we had a limited time span. What? You're back. We're not back. You're back in the parking lot. It's almost five o'clock in the afternoon. Let's go back again. And the conversation between Daniel and Grace has run its course to the point where Grace is actually trying to listen for slight tears from anyone else talking about her at this point. So she's disengaged from the conversation with Daniel and has become a petulantine again. Edgard in Jay has just wrapped up their argument. You, Dr. Ethan and Dr. Clay have just had the revelation of the Gregarian chant. That's where we're at at this moment. I pull. Yeah. As Jay aside and say, we need to talk to boss. As they all get out of the truck, I pull Daniel aside and say, what could you explain to me what's going on? You were spending a lot of time talking to her. Is there something that I need to know? Yeah, if we could talk alone. Sure. I send everyone else upstairs and Daniel and I stay up by the truck and have a discussion. I turn off the radio, turn off the radio, okay? What's going on? She's been to that place before. She's been to that place before. She brought 12 agents to that place to go through the portal up there. They went someplace time related. She's not sure. All right. Wait. Rewind a little bit. This was in our timeline. Yeah. Just before we went to the farm. There's a lot of time there for her to do stuff. If she was able to do stuff before we came, I thought that the spirits had something to do with her powers. But whether or not they did, I don't know. So these 12 people that are missing, is that the assumption you're making? Yeah. I showed her a picture. This one here. We're okay. That's Casey's picture? Mm-hmm. Okay. I'm having a little trouble understanding the timeline here. I mean, we were sent to find these people because they were missing for how long? Over the course of almost a year, Casey was one of the last group before to disappear. It was mere weeks before you guys went to sprint. Yeah, but like a week before you guys went to sprint. Some of these guys have been missing for a year. Some of these guys have been missing for months. And were they at the farm the whole time? No. She brought them through that portal. The portal I spied and wanted you to know. No, no, I got that. Okay. Which way through the portal? She brought them... Where were they when she then took them to the portal and they went through? She met them and brought them there. I'm not sure how she learned of them. Yeah, but I'm saying. Some of these agents have been missing for months. I know that. So they've been sitting on the farm? They're not at the farm. This portal doesn't go to... They were at the farm for months until they went through the portal? I don't know where the agents are. Were. Okay. She was told to bring them there and that's the first she's met them. Told by who? I'm not exactly sure. That's not something she's comfortable in. Okay. By God, Jay, if you bring that up. What? She's not comfortable bringing something up? You'll never hear another word from her. The only reason I'm allowed to bring this up is because she trusts me and if you bring that up, by God. Relax. Nothing. I got it. Okay. I got it. You need her help because she knows more than we do. Understood. Okay. Tell me down. You do know how military command works, okay? She ain't military and she's not going to put up with it. You are. And what I'm telling you is I understand you have information you did apart but you're talking to your commander here. So bring in and of it. I'll make it enough of that shit from her. And I never do it so that now you know, I mean this. Understood. Okay. Good. That's all the information you have to give me is in our timeline she took the 12 agents that we're looking for and brought them through this portal that is somehow time related. I don't know. They could be here. Right. That could be our ticket home. I have no idea. We need to investigate it but it's too dangerous to do so now. We're back at the hotel. I'm not arguing that point. I don't know what we do to make it less dangerous but we've got to find something. That's a bit of information. But obviously we need more information like who was it that was in there that she was afraid of and the same thing. Everybody. When she went there last time there was no wall, there was no danger for her. She brought them to that because it was already dangerous. Presumably that's why she wanted to talk to the ghosts. Maybe they're dangerous to normal people but she can, I don't know, placate them. Alright. I'm obviously not going to get into a relationship like you have with her that she's going to trust me in anyway. I will do my best to treat her as she expects to be treated. Okay. If you have any more questions, I'll try to ask. I would rather you be the liaison between myself and her for now until we can perhaps establish a little bit of a more of a rapport. I don't really know what she doesn't want to tell so if there's something you just got to take. Right. I understand. Let's go see how the boys have been researching. I think it's a really good place to wrap it. That's a bombshell, three stories and within the making, interesting, the third. So people call it there as far as beats go, everyone please take a beat for their attendance tonight. Ethan, for your continued success, another beat in deciphering the Latin and also Mr. Clay, a beat for your aiding in that endeavor. Role playing wise, I liked everything. So everyone take a beat for their role playing please. Thank you for listening tonight's of the night actual play podcast. If you'd like to send us questions, comments or feedback, you can reach us in a number of ways. On Twitter, @kotn_podcast or by email And don't forget the iTunes reviews or our Facebook page, Speaking of Facebook, join like-minded folks at our Facebook fan page. And lastly, there's our blog page,, where there's an Amazon link on the right hand side. Thanks to Zen Adiosmith for the intro and outro music. Get your own music at And join us next week for more mystery and adventure. All right, so Daniel places on the goggles and sees what I've just described. Grace materialized at the door looking pissed, angry, sullen. Disappointed. Yes. So normal. Normal. So it's like grace. That's nothing to change. You've got to remember to take pictures of these for the website, 'cause they're- They're so much better pictures. So cool. I don't think- I don't think we've ever gotten Grace's new picture up on the website until the truth. More characters. It's a lot. It's a much better picture. There it is. Yeah, it's still selfie. But whatever. What's that? Selfie. How can there be a picture? Her hands are like this. That's really not a selfie. He just assumed. Oh, I saw a good ticket. It's Scarlett Johansson, and she's awesome. What? Of course she is. Isn't that really? Yeah, that's Scarlett Johansson. I heard it was not that good. That's her? But I like Luke Bessar. Really? Interesting. I like Luke Bessar. He makes good movies. Okay. And she's cool. You saw it? I like it. She's only using X from the percent of her brain. Oh, you saw it? Oh, Lucy? Yeah, I heard it was bad, too, but I really wanted it to be a better one. It was. So we're on that porch. Hold on. Yeah. Hold on. I was just surprised at your ability to draw trees. Yeah, that's very awesome. They look like clouds. They look like happy trees. They look happy trees. They look happy trees. I haven't told them. That's nice. They look like leaves a happy tree. Take some away. Five. No reason. Yeah. It just caused... Magical door locks. Yeah, you never forget your first bird. Is that really? Like, that's really allowed. For no reason. Well, there was a reason. No reason. What was the reason? The thing is traumatized by the way, the reason was the barrier that you couldn't get through. But I would have seen them. No, you wouldn't have seen it. Really? Like... There's many different so nice and magic. I would have seen everything. However, they're all weird. Let's roll back to the car. Come on. No. It's a door. What do you expect us to do? I can't die. He walks up and kicks the door open. Is that tight? I can wear one time. Sure. Okay. Well, what are you saying no to? Okay. Bye. Well, seriously, is it just the right thing? You said no to him. You said no to him. I'm just hanging you guys. I figured you were to fucking door and he goes through. No. We're not doing this right now. Yeah, that's what I just said. Okay. Okay. Michael, play once you delete through that door. The door to feed us once again. I got bitch slapped for saying we should maybe rest up before we go. But hey, the only reason we're here is because Grace thought it was important. Grace doesn't need to rest up. I do. And I'm fine with going back. We're walking towards the bathroom. It's tense. It's 11 12 p.m. I don't know if it is or not. It's probably not. It's more like 11 o'clock. Mm-hmm. All right. This is kind of awkward. Nice. Have a seat. Sure. I gotta talk to the boss. We're gonna do the inevitably. She's gonna be in shock. And she has the power to make sure she gets this. She's a shotgun, a sophisticated drive. Everybody in the back. Okay. I don't want everyone else to hear this conversation. Well, it's a flatbed. It's pretty wide. There's not much. You can pretty much sit away from what else you want to him to him and sit and no one else here. Do you want the listeners to lose here? No. Listeners can hear, but I don't want them to hear. We don't know what I have to say. I'm a big boy. I could pretend that I didn't hear more. I can leave. It's totally up to you guys. Or you can take on the other one. Just don't take it in the back. They actually do have the other mic. More than that. No, if you guys think you can... No, we can pretend you didn't hear. She's a big guy. I can't. It's a big guy. I don't know about anybody else. But you're working hard. Okay. Okay. Let's come to the... We're working hard. Why bother? It's not even coming to you. You're gonna know eventually. Okay. Why am you gonna know? You are a GM. And I'll be a big boy and pretend I didn't hear it. Take this with you. I can't. I live with fat women. I can't. I live with fat women. I can't. I live with fat women. I can't. I live with fat women. I live with fat women. I live with fat women. I live with fat women. I live with fat women. I live with fat women. I live with fat women. I live with fat women. I live with fat women. I live with fat women. I live with fat women. I live with fat women. I live with fat women. I live with fat women. I live with fat women. I live with fat women. I live with fat women. I live with fat women. I live with fat women. I live with fat women. I live with fat women. I live with fat women. I live with fat women. I live with fat women. I live with fat women. I live with fat women. I live with fat women. I live with fat women. I live with fat women. I live with fat women. I live with fat women Wasn't no Claire's, uh, your dad's, um, younger sister, if that was, you're hurting a back story for me? Huh? No, no, no. Claire is, you're not, you're a daddy life, your real life, dad's, um, younger sister. So Jay's younger sister. I just wanna say about me. No, your girlfriend was, I want to say, it wasn't, she was, I don't know, she was, she was a granola for sure, but she was a task force Valkyrie, granola. No, she was a granola. I'm not sure. Please people. Vanilla? Is that what you mean? A vanilla? No, not a granola. That's a granola. She's all like, you know, she was a little bit of a pimp and incense and... I've never heard that before. I've only heard of the vanilla's. I've never heard of granolas. Okay. Oh, she told granola. Um, but anyways, so yeah, I don't have a name in front of me right this segment, which we'll have to place it in, um, at some point. How many? Bob, have you heard a granola? Yeah. Okay, thanks. Go ahead. Here it is. What? What? Nothing. Don't get on that. Don't, who hasn't heard of granola? No, no, no, no. I'm not with the food style. Like calling someone a granola, you're a granola. No, I have not heard of that. Thank you. It's just a cool people, Bob. No, no, I don't know. I think you're just on a sis. Right through a granola. They're talking about being like a homestead hipster kind of like... Total girl. Okay, carry on. I'm sorry. I think only hipsters know what... Yeah, just know hipsters. Whatever. Whatever. Can't start. That's something hipster would say. Hey, we're back. Told me down. It says the angry, angry, angry sasquatch.