Knights of the Night


Broadcast on:
08 Apr 2015
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It's time to take it to the bad guys. Perhaps it's time to visit the castle..

[Music] Hello, and welcome to Night to the Night Actual Play Podcast. This world of darkness story, The Sin Eater, was written and run by your storyteller Scott. And now, please enjoy episode 221, titled "Witch Busters" or "Take Away Five Dice." Actual play begins immediately. This is the world of darkness story, The Sin Eater. I'm your storyteller Scott, and with us tonight, starting on my right is Michael playing Ethan Clark, a medical doctor and member of Aegis Kydoro since 1929. Tom playing Jay Alton, a member of the sending ones, and leader of Cyren. I am Jim playing Katie O'Connor, Nunn, Malius, Malefakara member, and one crazy driver. Mike playing Michael Clay, the academic adventurer from Aegis Kydoro. I am Bob, playing FBI Special Agent Chew Park, a member of the Basky Oookits Pearson. Thomas playing Edgard Bontes, a voodoo practitioner and a member of the Linus Craig conspiracy. John playing Daniel Morgan, a mountain man turned mercenary, an ex-member of Task Force Valkyrie. Rachel playing Silver Bell, time slipping teenager. Last we left, you were planning on making a sojourn to the castle. What you believed to be termed the castle, what you believed to be Franklin Castle, which is a house with much history and much tragedy in Ohio City. But not actually a castle. But not actually a castle, correct. You had interrogated a member, like a better term, a cultist, that was worshiping what he called the Old Gods and who gave you some what you thought I think long relies on useful information about why the children were being abducted, useful in the sense that it was interested me here from someone else's point of view and that he thinks he was doing something positive when everyone knows because, you know, it's the world of darkness. It's not doing any good with the children. But you had gathered your group, I believe you start to assemble your strike force, but you had not yet left. It's been a couple weeks since we played for our listeners. It's not as fresh in memories, it should be. But you had got the strike force, you know, but it hadn't left. Two of the notes I have about that guy was that he claims he was sent by the bishop and that his actions are, he's helping to ease the suffering of the people by following the commandments of the bishop or serving the Old Gods and the Gods of transportation. Right, he had brought up those the Gods of transportation. He'd also brought up that I think if I'm not mistaken again because time has passed a bit, he had only um abducted, or not abducted, excuse me, because he didn't abduct anybody. He just broke in and wrote a name in reverse on the mirror in two of the locations. He had not, it's not like one person doing all of the writing. He seems to be part of a larger group. Again, using the board to be cult would be useful for that purpose. That seemed to be following this, this bishop who at least has some meetings or some gatherings at the castle. That's we left it. We should briefly go around the table and make sure everyone has their aspirations long and short term and go from there. So you want to start with Ethan? Well my long has still saved children from the shattered man and is a group. Short has complete my research which I don't believe I've done yet. No, you have not, there's still two tones that have yet to be translated. Right, the other short I'm not saying. All right, one of my laws to question the prisoner which we've done. Excellent. Are good information for the prisoner. The other is to have a plan of attack against the shadow man which we don't really have yet. Still peace together with the information. Right, long term, long term being get the squad home safely. Okay, so you need a new short term aspiration. Correct. And you have one in mind or would you like to just mold it over for the session and announce it at the end? It just gives you to get a beat if you have it ready. Right, I think I'm going to go with something that has to do with the castle. Safely reconnaissance the castle. Okay, that sounds great. Even your job. I meant our squad. It's not particularly me. Okay, Katie, you sure you don't want to put down on safety returns? No, you don't do reconnaissance. Jay never plans on it being on. Look at the castle. Everything's basically the same. Still want to get a good night's sleep. I have another, I added another short term. My name was to confront the shadow man and I was, they added another one is to confront the white bishop. Okay. And I started the long term goal of actually using my dogs in this whole way. Okay. I would just suggest going with Bishop because we weren't clear if they were black and we were right. But yeah, Bishop of some sort. And that leads us to Mr. Clay. Dr. Mr. Clay. The long terms have really changed. They are to return to our own timeline and to discover more about the stopwatch artifact. And then the short terms are to complete the remaining research on the shattered man. I said to help track down Edith, but we really didn't track down. Edith, we just. Yeah, we did. We didn't get to the family before. Yeah. Okay, so that was a short term help track down Edith. And the blue girl. Right. That's good. You did track her down. You're safer from abduction. At least you believe you have and relatively good stead. Well, so that means the two two short terms. And I guess one of the things is either get to the castle or I was preparing defenses because we we had to retain couple unbroken mirrors because a reflection of a mirror that's unbroken weakens the shattered man. So I had started to collect those, but I don't know really how to use it yet. Okay, so training. Basically, make sure Jay and the team have the tools tools and the bands that we can give them. All right. I'd guard at a short term to find a plan of action, which we spent all last week doing. I think that's seated. Right. Pick a beat. The other short term sucks. I'm going to read it. Okay. That's a personal. I just didn't feel it was a very good bottom mirror place. Okay. And then my long term is still banished to shattered man with some degree of permanent because we don't want him messing around with stuff. If we managed to make it back. Well, if you're looking for short terms, weren't you planning on going into the castle? You may have something along that. That'd be a good one. I'm not sure. Can you quantify an absolute like that? Some degree of provenance. Daniel's with the table, which takes us to grace. I'm not revealing any of them. Nope. Now that you succeeded in earning the adulation of Jay, all bets are off. Adulation. I wouldn't go with that. Really? More like he thinks I'm not as horrible? Grudging. How about acknowledgement? Grudging acknowledgement. Like it's like all right. You heard it. Yeah. It was great to see you. We didn't have any feedback. So otherwise I would mention what the title left last, which by the way, won in a landslide. Well, it wasn't. And it was Jay's comment about having information. It was something like you see how having information helps. Right. I was that was Jay's comment. Overwhelming votes never had more for a title. Just saying. I'm 16. Back off. Daniel, do you have any changes to your aspirations? Do you succeed in any? Did you change any? Yeah. Did you take a beat for the ones you succeed at? Yeah. And you now have two short-terms and one long term. Okay. I think we'd care to share. No. All right. So we'll start the scene. You have bound and gagged. And So we're going to set. No, I'm still revolved. What the hell, guys? Like seriously. We got us kidding. Jesus. I think you actually put the the cult member in the bathroom. You had flipped over his chair and he was on the ground. What's not me? Yeah. I think that was maybe Daniel. Perhaps. Perhaps it was Daniel or Edgard. It was one of those two ropes and chairs. Yeah, yeah, he's he was in the water closet. Yeah. And I think that at that point, Ethan, you came in and drugged him again so that he went back into like a unconscious slumber because you didn't want him waking up or screaming or just driving the attention. Yes, I did. I made sure his binds weren't too painfully restricted. And I would stop shooting him. Excellent. So what is the the game plan that we have fashioned for the scene? I thought we were going to drive there and then argue about it. No. That's my favorite plan. We're going to drive there and change the plane five times along the way and then go to the original plan when we get there. And just argue about it. Way in the door. Well, we already got to the arguing part. I think we all get in the truck. We drive by at least once to take a look at the situation. Here was the argument. I think he's talking about. Sure. We were exhausted, right? You guys are absolutely exhausted. So do we go knowing that we are exhausted and tired and okay? I mean, I do. I think we know. I'm not saying you all have to go. And in fact, if you still have research to do on those books and you want to stay here, that's fine. Yeah, I mean, we figured out what minus penalties people had. I think last time when we were up on that go. I think we know who's good at this job. I mean, Edgard, Grace, it's like our definite. Anybody else's option? We've got the two smallest books left. I'd like to get them finished because we've been trying to finish them for. Actually, you have translated those books six times, but Grace keeps snapping your fingers and making sure you do it. Just saying. Rewind, but I wouldn't know that. It's groundhog day. So I don't, it doesn't exist for me. So you're spiritually, you don't have to keep suffering. Keep looking up on Grace. I feel like that I hear. So I have no context and wish to judge. We get to finish up this so we can give the team the information the weapons are going to need to be effective. Dr. Ethan and I are going to have to find it out and follow up with meet up with the team as fast as we can. So yes, I think Dr. Ethan would be so kind to send me your keys to your car. Oh, that would be me to the keys to the car. Sure. No problem. I hand them to the system. Okay. And as I understand it, we have Ethan Clark and Mr. Dr. Clay staying back. And everyone else going for kind of sense? It is up to them, but that is why I'm understanding as well. So is anybody else not going? I'm going on storming the castle. The two doctors are staying here and the rest of our is going. I can't read those books. Sister, I know that's why you're going. Okay. Sister Katie is driving. Do we need any other equipment? I need some cigarettes and some booze. I already got some cigarettes. You got some booze? I would like some booze. I don't think there's any place with lemons open this hour. Can't see you. Do we need some kind of shit? That's pay for it back, because they have up there. Maybe. Hey, boss, you're going for a mortal threat. You're not expecting a supernatural threat, are you? That is correct. If the shattered man lives in the castle, then why is he coordinating these summaries? It doesn't make any sense. Right. And I wasn't sure if there was like a cool down or... No clue. Okay. I'm assuming Dr. Clark could get us some alcohol and a lemon. I call for a room service and ask for a pot of tea with lemon. Lots of lemon. Sure. Nice. How could alcohol only work? It doesn't matter. I can live without it, I suppose. Rubbing alcohol? Oh, any kind? No. Is it 1935 for a vision? Just now. Okay. Any kind of spirits will do. Consumable drinking. I'm going to assume that it's not too difficult with a slight tip involved to get a lemon and some tea and a wine or something. Irish whizzing out to go with tea. Yeah, Irish whizzing out to go with tea. Yeah, Irish whizzing out to go. Sure. But not Irish. So not Irish whizzing. I got a candle, I got a lighter, got a lemon. Okay. So I need to be... No, no, no, no, no, no. Flask. And a little flask. You know, you just cuddle around. Everything you need. No, that's just how I usually get it. Because we can say it's mine and then you can take it and feel safe. All right, can I'm assuming that you guys are getting to a little... for lack of a better term. Walk and talk to you, but it's... Yeah, the radio. The short way. It's not short way, though, actually. Oh, the long way. The micro way. Long way. I think we're crazy as well. We're planning a discrete drive-by and then we're going to park somewhere. Safe distance away and then we're going to go. All right. I'm going to assume that... None of you know where the castle is with the exception of... Me. Great. And I think if this castle is not something that's in the Nowadays Cleveland, so we would know where that would be. It would be, but if you remember, you were not... you were native, but do you know where Franklin Castle is? I mean, is Jim. Do you know where Franklin Castle is? No, but I don't know where you might live somewhere where she would know, but I... It's a fair deal. Native Clevelanders are Jay, Katie, Ethan, who is a Cleveland nerd. Not really native, so I'm going to pass. Okay, first of all, neither of the doctors are with us. But they can still give you directions if you want it then. That's what I meant. We don't... Okay, doesn't... Why are we talking about this? Yes, Katie knows. Yeah, I mean, that was my point is you were worried about who would know. Grace knows. Jay, lead us. Yeah, it's good enough. Okay. We carry on, and Grace gives you directions. The car works fine. Katie drives fine. I mean, you pull into what is known as Franklin Circle. But it's 4 o'clock in the morning or thereabouts. If you're just driving by, yeah, there's not a lot of traffic, but it's not overly... What's that? Why is it called the Circle? You don't know? It's round. It's not though. Very round. It's just an air section. It is an intersection, but... Don't a bunch of streets come. Right, kind of. Maybe there's pedestrian routes to go around? Sure. There's a circular pedestrian sidewalk, and the houses that are large on each of the four corners. And when you guys drive by, the castle is dark. It holds no lights, although there are some electric lights on, like a lantern in front of the castle. There's a driveway that heads back to what looks to be... A large garage. Almost like a carriage house, if you will, but not quite. But the doors are all closed on the garage. You can't tell if there's vehicles inside or not, but basically what you're looking at is a large, large, brownstone. Not a castle, but a large brownstone. And the garage is separate. The garage itself is behind further back, if you will, from the street, than the house itself is. So you don't know what's in the backyard or what's behind the home, but you could at least get a good idea of what the home is like. It's at least three stories that you can tell. So it's tall, it's wide, it's made of brick. And very close first inspection, it seems well manicured, well taken care of. Again, there's a lantern with electric light out in front of it, which is quite expensive in 1935. It seems to be a large, well taken care of home. I would have Daniel take the front left corner of the house, so he'll stay in the street. I'll be in the back, watching the back right corner. So if you watch all four sides of the house, you two come up with a way to get in and look around. I can get you in. All of us? You're getting him in there. One person. I can get all of you in. Would you rather have security, like a camera or what not? I don't think in this area. No, I don't have any cameras, but... Yeah, okay, fine, even. Well, we have cameras, but no. Just a minute. You were worried about some kind of supernatural threats. I can't really fight that. So if there is a threat, isn't the best, some of us stay out here? I think you'll be okay, but if you are concerned, yes, you can stay out here. I think you'll be fine. No much about it. As long as... Jay, do you feel comfortable facing a supernatural threat? I don't know what kind of supernatural threats are. You never feel comfortable, but I have to force. So I'm fine with that. If you think you can get us all in safely, let's go. I don't need you all in safely. Okay, yeah, let me just check if I have my... We will stay back and let you guys do the sneaky thing once we get inside, but I would rather be close enough to help you if either of you get into any trouble. Okay. Do you want me to stay at the car if I could pull up or put get away or you want me to get in that way? Your choice. Okay, so Scott? Yes. Go through the door and then turn around and open it up. So I don't have to really roll for that, because it's... But I do have to spend this. I can get you in through any door. I would say whichever's more discreet and... Again, providing there's no like security camera right there or anything that you guys are concerned about, this shouldn't be an issue. To be honest, I would go whatever is darker, and well, that's valid, but I would almost think, you know, just thinking about the typical layout of a house, the front entrance is going to give... It's going to be the most simple. Back, you could be walking into a kitchen. It's confusing as far as how do you get to the main hall and stuff like that. So if it's possible, the front door would probably be preferable. There's also animals sometimes in the backyard. There's a sidewalk that's curved out front. There's in a pathway leading up to a front porch, which leads to a large front entrance. There's a driveway off on the left hand side. The driveway goes back to at least what looks to be a two-story three-door garage. Again, almost like a carriage house is opposed to a garage. And there looks to be a small path as you get closer to the home and kind of start making your approach. It looks to be a small path going off of the driveway and the carriage house in back towards the back of the home. So that's kind of what reach you. Two stories for the carriage house, at least three stories for the castle. Let's go ahead and talk about stuff. Entering through the kitchen and the house being confusing is not an issue. I'm very familiar with the back. I'm very familiar with the house. I can make you through it. Okay. Well, then it is probably better to enter in the dark rather than the light. We're sneaking, right? What? We're going in there and we're going to be stealthy. I'm so sorry. I think it's better to err on the side of caution and be stealthy than what we're walking into here. I just am saying that if that's your only concern with entering through the back, you shouldn't have that concern. All right. I didn't know you were very familiar with this castle. I'm very familiar with this castle. You knew of this castle. I have an academic history specialty in the 1930s. Well, that's fine, but that doesn't normally include every building in the 30s. Not every building in the 30s, no. But this one is a pretty famous building in the 1930s. Okay. I kind of call up the spirit. I just want to get a good feel for this. Katie, you're driving past the home, parking on the side street, maybe a couple hundred yards from, well, it depends on what you mean by past because I would think the best place for us to park would be right part of the driveway so that walking down the sidewalk towards the driveway, we can then just slip into the side of the house and around the back as opposed to parking past the house and having to come all the way back past the front and around. Okay. And if possible, I like the parking such a way. So for running to the car, we can go in a car and go straight away from the house instead of back toward the house and then away from it. Okay. So we're going to take Jay's opinion. You're going to drive past the home, double back around, and then park what would amount to again, maybe 50 yards. It depends on which side you could park on, but whichever way mark on the opposite side of the castle, you're about 50 yards south of the castle. So the castle is north of you on the western side of the street and at that point, people get out of the vehicle. Are you staying in the vehicle? Okay. Now I'm going. Okay. So everyone has exited from the vehicle and as you're standing there talking, grace whispers something and disappears, which doesn't surprise you in the sense that you saw the fact that she could be invisible in prior times or at least heard about it. You see what I heard about it. But yeah, Edgard, you go into stealth mode and you're approaching it from this would be the south. So you're coming up north and are you on the opposite side of the street? Are you on the side of the street? Are you leading group of these non stealthy individuals? Are you trying to excuse me? What? Sorry. Trying to keep up with the invisible grace. Not all of us are unstelting individuals. We're all going in the house, right? Some of us have stealth. What did we finish on? We're all going in the house. Right. I think the idea was that grace was going to go to slip through, open the door, and you're going to all enter the house at that point. Yeah, we don't walk up to the front and just go right in. Not the front. Back way back or whatever. Yeah. We're coming north up the street on the same side that the house is. We go past the driveway, then between the driveway and the house we break, go along the side of the house to the back entrance where Grace says there is an entrance and she will let us in. All right, I want to be there for them. I'm fine with it. I'm not rolling stealth. Okay. I'm fine with Edgard going second because you probably have the highest level of stealth. I'll go third in the new ever house, but what? Okay. I probably got the lowest. I just want to double check. Sure. Go ahead. Edgard, give me a stealth roll please. Before we go in there. What's up? What's up, Daniel? I want to show you this and tell you how to use it. This is a witchbuster we have from Task Force Valkyrie. Okay. If we turn it on and it like flares bright to magic users. If this guy can cast, it's a flashbang to magic users. No, it's more like flare. It won't blind him, but it'll clue us in that he has extra techniques that we need to be working with. If they shelter themselves from him or in a dark room, they suddenly flinch or something like that. If they follow it and when you throw across a dark room, it's dark. It acts them like a boat. No, it'll, it's like a flare. He'll look at it like, whoa, what the hell was that? Oh, I got you. Who's he? Anyone who can be concerned that the bishop might have abilities we're not familiar with. That's a witch. So what he's saying is it's invisible. It leaves an invisible that's only detectable by sorcerers of some sort. So if it flare to the ground, someone who's a sorcerer would go, what the hell? And look, and it would give them away. It's a witchbuster in the sense that made you look, you're a witch. Great. I love it. Nice. Eleven dice for stealth. I will give you an environmental bonus of two extra dice for the darkness. I would give more, but there is electrical lights and in and abouts the castle in the yard, at least, not the house itself. So two dice for finding dark pools of shadows to stealthily move in, and I can't think of any reason to give evil minds. So thirteen dice, please. One second before you roll. A stealth roll is, is your stealth plus what? Dexterity. Usually dexterity. Okay. Go ahead, please, Thomas, and make a roll for Edgard. Thirteen. Up in dice. Jesus fuck. That doesn't close to a failure. Oh my god. Holy shit, that's, I roll a single ten. Wow. No offense, Jim, but that is Tony Bonadillo. Yeah. Ask. What is he throwing for? He is following you. He's going second. So he sees you disappear and move off. He's the second one. It's kind of scouting to make sure in case you miss something, or if you slip inside the house and something happens, he's in a place close by that he can stealthily move into position. To be clear, I'm not going to turn intangible until we're at the door way, so they can follow me. My bet. I thought that that was the case, what you're reading. Well, I can just do it right then once we're at the door. Okay. Well, that is you and Edgard going to the door solo. That's what he said. I don't want him to try, and I'm invisible. Right. So go ahead and make a stealth roll then for me, please. We're trying to make sure nobody in the house notices us. Right. So you two are going first. Are you needing decent head stealthy? Okay. Well, let's see. There's someone. So the idea is it's a physical skill. So just because Edgard succeeded. Plus dexterity. Plus dexterity. Five. Plus two because it's really dark. All right. Why? Because it's really dark. Seven. I'm going to first, after Edgard goes, I'm going to grace and Daniel and the sister. I'm going to try to help them using my stealth skill by pointing out things along the way. So you said you would like me to make them all for that? I wait a second. Once Grace has done one first, if you would just wait one second. I wanted to help Grace. So I wanted to do it before. Oh, can I get it? It feels like stuff braced up to that. My merit. Can I get a plus or no? For a danger sense. Yeah. Yeah. Sure. Now mind you, Grace may totally ignore any assistant. She might just wander off on him in the middle of explaining it. Oh my God. Right. So she has a couple pathways towards the house that might would be more innocuous. Uh huh. Okay. Go ahead and make a stealth roll, Jay. Every one of those things will apply to every move. Do I get to add the darkness or something? No, I don't think saying they'll get it for their role. You will get from your role. That would be a total of eight dice. Okay. And how many successes did you have? Three. Okay. You've had three dice to your role. Okay. How many dice? Nine. That was almost there. One success, both of them. That has to be some kind of record. That is. Nine dice, one success. You guys mentioned Tony's name and it's going to success. And then 13 dice, one success. So Daniel, your stealth plus your dexterity plus five additional dice. Three from his. I kind of don't want to go. I'm scared. I use the bad dice. Stop for a second. How long are you waiting, Jay, until you send the rest of the group or go with the rest of the group. But the two stealthy ones go. And they're making good progress and they're not making any noise. Yeah. You're waiting to their back door. Are you waiting for their hat? No, we're not waiting. We're once we get in the house, we're going to let them scout ahead. Sure. We're trying to go as a group quickly. We don't want to stretch this out over six hours. Excellent. Go Daniel. Plus you have stealth. Awesome. Yeah. You got to hunt those grizzlies, baby. Okay. How many dice? Eight dice. Eight dice. Okay. Good luck. Yes. The hinterlands of Alaska are no. Two successes are actually better than the people who had more dice than you did before. More stealthy. I have a question. Yeah. If you're rolling one die and you have a success, is that functionally any different from rolling 20 die and having a single success? I mean, in both cases are a single success. Why would you be punished because you rolled 20 dice? Right. You wouldn't. Okay. All you need to succeed in this game in a normal circumstance, not any special rules like you need exceptional success or an extended success where you're you're doing your book and you need 12 successes. Are contested. Right. Or and this isn't contested well actually, but I'll get to that in a second. So all you need is one success. If you do it, it's success. You said Daniel, then you send Katie Katie. What's your stealth plus dexterity? It's 10 dice total. It's one stealth for dexterity five extra dice. Excellent. Can you roll please? Oh, I'm successful. Excellent. I got three plus one. Three. Three successes. We're going gradually up one, two, three. And then you follow at the end with just your eight dice plus the darkness for yourself. So 10? Actually, it's five dexterity. What do I have? So seven dice. Seven plus two darkness. I have one eye. Yeah. I was supposed to actually give everyone a minus one because you're all exhausted and I said you can kind of push yourself. But let's not worry about that right this second. And they didn't get the minus. Is this a visual thing? Is it a visual thing? No, I'm saying I have one eye and my eye is minus two. No, just don't let me roll. Three. Three. Three. Three. Okay. Before you know it, you are crouching the side of the house on the back steps. Everyone is safely ensconced in some hiding point of the backyard of the castle. We have end guard and grace at the back door. Grace you then whisper a few words and slip into the ether? Sure. I'm going to be invisible. And if there are cameras, they're not going to pick me up. So I'm going to go in first. It's probably going to be a few minutes before I open that door because I'm going to want to check it out and make sure that it's all clear. If I can be picked up on cameras, I'm going to come back through and tell you your skill that you have that speaks to how strongly you you are in touch with your inner self about this one. Yes. Make a role of that plus your presence, please. Take away five of them. Why? Because I mean, very. No reason? No, there's the damn though, the story telling me no one knows. Why am I taking five away? Can you understand? No. You have one second. Take away five. Welcome to our room. Yeah. So that gives you four dice. I can't. I don't understand. There you go. You don't need anything. No, you don't need to. That's a loud. I don't understand. That's a loud. That's completely allowed. These aren't the dice you're looking. One success on four dice. You slip into the ether and you step across the threshold and you are rebuffed. You actually feel an energy pushing back against you almost like a barrier and you attempt to move through the ether and you are unsuccessful, which has never happened to you before. Yeah. So what's happening? Hold on. So you're not in just a minute. I'm still invisible. The doctor lent us your goggles. I think, right? Yes, I did. Okay. Who's got those? You don't know anything yet though. So just if you can wait, it's a great point. I just want to remember who had them. Yeah, it's good. Daniel has them because, you know, I have two eyes. Okay. So I'm still invisible. Yes, you're still. And where am I like in the wall right now? I can't ask. No, you pushed and it kind of pushed, it didn't push back. It just, you felt like you were, it felt like you were trying to walk through a regular wall as if you were not an ether and you attempted to step through a hard wall. It's that way, but it's insubstantial in a sense that you're invisible. You look down and you obviously, you can't see your limbs. You can't see anything in that sense of yourself. But as you step forward and through, you feel it's not the same as like running into a brick wall, but there's this. I mean, we don't hear a thought. No, you hear a thought. I really wouldn't be. That would be embarrassing. Well, this, you're not in any, you're not in any danger. No, I, this one, I wouldn't be able to notice like, hey, something's up here. What you do now? Well, man, really? It was behind the wall. You don't see it. There is an insubstantial barrier in your way. All right. And we switch. There's two good doctors in the. You can't even know about today. This doesn't, I can't know about it. But that actually, no, I can't even. Thank you for listening to nights of the night actual play podcast. If you'd like to send us questions, comments or feedback, you can reach us in a number of ways from Twitter at kotn_podcast or by email And don't forget the iTunes reviews. Or our Facebook page, Speaking of Facebook, join like-minded folks at our Facebook fan page. And lastly, there's our blog page,, where there's an Amazon link on the right hand side. Thanks to Zen Audio Smith for the intro and outro music. Get your own music at And join us next week for more mystery and adventure. All right. We have seconds going. This is awesome. What? Seconds are rolling. Now we're going to start. Okay, we're live. Now I will state, I'm going to use that to kill them. You need to finish crunchy shit because your dad's been pissed off. Oh yeah, this stuff's moving. All this crunchy shit is going out during the game. So enjoy fucking oatmeal cookies. Those are the least crunches. When people are like, you know, like gaming and all that stuff that we don't put in. You know what you know when he cuts and when he does he cut. Is that it? Yeah. Listen, if there's one player at the table, how many people listen to so many of the episodes? What were you guys saying? I said if there's one player at the table who tends to talk while other people are whispering is heard when you're young lady, which is amazing because you're talking barely. I have to write me a question and I hang around. Sorry, I intend you're almost all day long. I have to interrupt. I have to. And also my GM didn't fill me in on a lot of information. We told her all kind of stuff. And I want it on the record. I'm sorry. What was it you were carrying? That sounded painful as well. No it was a head. Okay. Yes, I was carrying around this time. It's got leave the room. No, I wasn't. I'm having a shoot at two of them. I got what we were doing. It was a teddy bear. Did you say it by mistake? No, no, no, no, no. Never in character issues. Never in character said that. You saw what he saw was a sever. It wasn't just him because him who saw his girlfriend. It is so different now. It is so different now. She's telling stories. I can't say it. Now that now that Michael Cuddier is here. Yeah. He's like, I don't know, the line magnet. You are. I mean, not just a line magnet. It's like he's just the one who will never believe anything she said. So I'll always stare right through her to her soul whenever she's trying to speak. He will not be fooled by this. Why are you giving me lines for how my character thinks or feels? That's not the case. I'm just basing it on the last, you know, hour my weeks. Are you sure that's not how you're going to speak? Historically speaking, you haven't believed one line that's come out of her mouth. There's been utterance since the time. You don't even believe we really went back. Well, I can't really know because I have to take your word for it. I mean, I don't know if you can't believe her. My name is Jay. I play Tom. I'm sorry. Who's that? I'm pastor. And sick. Okay. Thomas. Did it surprise you? Reading human era. There's on the table. That's cool book. Where's Bob? Yeah, where is Bob? Well, we still don't know. We're not appearing in this film. That would be our Bob. No. I don't know. I got too sure he would be here today. Don't make me scold you because I need legal limitation. It was. There's been lots of runs. I mentioned D&D upcoming by Ethan to Ryan and he actually expressed some interest in it. The kids are easier to get the bad news. Oh, good. Because, you know, 10 people. That means we need more for a dozen. Oh, my God. I think I think Mike just curled up into a ball. Oh, we're going to be like the most docile group because we all get along this time. Who dinged? That was not me. I mean, I mean, I was not actually a poem. I didn't bring it. It's interesting because I'm actually, you know, triangulate the Dean because it was over there. Yeah. I just got to be, I just got to be graced. You don't need to do that. I am so right. It was mine. I made that sure. Was that yours? It wasn't mine. It was mine. Mine is constantly. I never take it off a hybrid because it was the microgram. And it just feels too darn good. It does. I love when you text me about it. Oh, my God. Okay. We cannot. Let's get on with it. All right. Let's go. That's a different adventure. I don't know where this is going to go. Wow. Okay, so. Exposed to order. We earned it. I'm even a soldier because I can't even spell that. Right? What? That was a spell. Which would have been amazing because I can't spell it. Yeah. That's what I was about to say. I'll think about. You don't know your strength. Splitting pet would happen there. As a trap. This is when the superpowers start to manifest. Oh, I'm screwed. I thought that was puberty. So, I guess, is that a sight of the end times that we don't have feedback? Well, we have to release an episode that generates people. Ah, there we go. We've been trying to spell and follow them. I'm just going to say, angel breaks the seventh seal. We don't have feedback. I wasn't sure which one was the more concerning one. Okay, Kyle. Take it from that. Fifty shades of clay. How long did you say that? I was thinking for weeks. It's at this point, I might as well remind the audience that they should be thanking me. Oh, I knew he would say. For the fact that that will not make it a new show. It'll make it to the end. I thought you at least you were going to wait for like a tense, you know, sexually charged situation and you're just going to drop. Do you want to? I would rather be safely involving anyone else. You don't want it as the title of the episode? No. It would have been perfect if you were to just drop a spike and we'll act out. My drop, I'm out. All right, back on task. And so seriously, something just dinged again. Yeah. And people are taking a microwave session. I'm just saying something's dinging. I think it's a microwave. No, it's not. It's your microwave. The microwave makes a really loud, like, annoying. I'm going to turn my black set. It's like, yeah, it's not the microwave. I think you do, because you just got it. Sounds like it's coming from that way. Yeah. That was the noise. That was that. She chose. He was his iPad. See, not the microwave. It is flashing red, however. He's got a microwave app. Is it flashing? Not flashing. It looks pissed. So I guess where we were at was, do we... Wow. Oh, sorry. And we're back in seat. Why is he a Mr. Doctor? I'm not. Because you're a doctor, doctor? You're like a real doctor? He's an academic doctor. We've just turned our nose up at... Up until this point, he was just Mr. Clay. What the fuck are you doing? Nothing. It's a spell. I'm listening. She's making a circle. I'm just making a circle. Sorry, I'm sketching. She was being very quiet about it. Yeah, I was... I was... I'm listening. Is she going to name it Franklin? You want a marble? I'm literally just doodling, so... But she's making Franklin circle. No, I'm not. Just freaking me out. Go ahead. I just thought of a "fittiest and firm" episode. Bust 'em, bust 'em, bust 'em! What do you guys... Give it, you know... This is in the... What is your name? Tony Biden deal. Yeah, I hope it's out there. You don't want to buy the deal, bro. Bob! So, she was in the house. I like it. What the hell did it all right? You're sending your record, mate. He's still talking. I was over Julie's brother. I was just kidding. I think I just speak German. I think by far that is very long. It's very long. I don't know, ladies. Does anyone have a shot up? That's awesome. Well, that one we used to play to like two or three in the morning, when we were much younger and hard on this one. That always suck. Yeah. Why is everyone standing? I'm standing. There's nerve wracking. You got to use that music from that '80s, Gregorian. It wasn't an idea. It wasn't an idea. It wasn't an idea. It was some French guy. That's a bit as 1935. Just as quick as I, Joe, needs for your intro to D&D. You've got to give him what you're looking for. It's got to happen now. Go. Go. Now. Slacker. He does our intro music, and he's ready to do the intro for D&D, but he needs to know what. At that point, Grace said, "I'll just slip through and unlock the door." You've seen her, I believe, in... No, you haven't. You've heard a tale of her being able to basically move through the ether. That's what witches do. Sure. Yeah, she did that. All right. Cool. And then you heard a curse or several of them, a string of them, of Invective coming from her 16-year-old pie mouth. What? She is still standing right on where she left. Well, wait for it. I can't see her, but... Yeah. You could tell that she has not moved through the ether. It's a good jerky. Yeah, it's not bad. Seven-a-lone, does it mean? I'm gonna have to pick some up for the... Five-hour... Can we meet tomorrow? Meet tomorrow. Fuck. You hear that list of some of jerky? Mine's five. No reason. Boom. Just cuz. Just cuz. You don't get to know. And now you're going to see where we're first opening. So... Before the record, you just crushed the hopes of all of our listeners. She was about to walk through a fucking door and open it from the other side in a heartbeat. And you just... Still stuck in the door. All right. Right back to old K-O-T-N. Secreted. Perhaps on the... Secreted. Secreted. Secreted is a whole different thing. I see. I was wondering if secreted is entirely... It's not like it was oozing. There's no oozing. Secreted. Bottily fluids involved. Okay, stop talking. It says low battery. How it is. I don't know what that means. Because that's waving frantically over here and you guys are... Do we have... Because I don't think we're gonna... We're gonna stay a little bit later because... You just... No, we're in two delays. I never made a force. You got it? I got to go. We're gonna pause. So I'm saying anything clever. Cool. We're not gonna worry about the whole process.