[Intro Music] Hello, and welcome to the Knights of the Ninth Actual Clay podcast. This world of darkness story, the sin-eater, was written and run by your storyteller stop. And now, please enjoy episode 200, 219, titled "Kicked in the Jimmy" actual play begins 13 minutes, 40 seconds. [Intro Music] Alright, before we get into the episode, we have a page or so of feedback. The first is from Google+ with our episode 191, which was our Dresden Fals player review of Rituals. From now on, I'm going to use just the first name and then like the last initial. So, in this case, it was Adam M wrote in and said, "Meghan Montgomery, wait, oh foreshadowing." Well, excellent, excellent finish guys, and Rachel. After finishing Dresden, I was trying to decide if I wanted to do another marathon with the Knights in another story. You know, let Scott set the scene or just cry because Tom has a character and isn't the voice in everyone's head anymore. Heck, who am I kidding? I'll be seeing you guys tomorrow in World of Darkness. But hey, random question, is there a way to continually stream the episode without hitting play every time? If not, no worries, just a minor inconvenience between episodes when marathon streaming. I'm more than happy to click play for the pure enjoyment, and I'm thankful that you're even making it available on this fantastic site. And with solid production and editing, you all. Thank you. Thank you very much for the kind comments. I can only assume that he's listening to on our actual KOTM podcast.com site. He's trying to avoid clicking once every 45 minutes to an hour. What are we talking about? What are you doing where you're at? You never know, he might be like, actually, I use downcast, and if you sort it the right way, it'll either way it goes into the next one. Or if you downloaded all the MP3s to your computer and then created a playlist in Windows Media, then what will it be like? I use downcast, the same program Michael's talking about, and when you add a set of podcasts, you can just search for us and add us, or you can use our RSS feed, which is on our KOTM podcast.com site. It brings up all 219 episodes as available, and you can download them, boom, boom, boom, one after another. Unfortunately, you've got to have a device that holds that many. That's a lot of Megsworth data. What's a lot of data? So as far as any way to stream it continuously, it's a lot of quality entertainment. That's right. I'm afraid I really don't know. You can download a dozen of them at a time, and then play those without it'll continue. And in truth, I think they're about 50 Megs of Peach, which is not huge. Most phones nowadays, you've got gigs with 200 some, you've got gigs with a daily available, and 200 would be, yeah, I mean you're talking 5 gigs, or more. I don't need any of that. No, I don't need any of that. I just made it up and sounded real, didn't it though? Someone's going to be all like, "What the fuck?" "You're so wrong." "Time, you idiot." "Someone will do the math." Actually, 20 of them would equal... Okay, stop it. I'm going over to Facebook, episode 216, which was titled "Mr. Dr. Clay," or "There Is No Door." Kevin B posted and said, "There's always the option for Silver Bell mentally, Bill, and tedding it, but I'm looking forward to hearing why Silver Bell used a reset on a basic captured dude to prevent his single lethal damage instead of preventing the capture of half the team by the shattered man." Maybe it just wasn't dramatically appropriate to reveal it then, but I'm going to prevent this from happening seems a lot more of a team play than I'm going to turn invisible and cast spells. I don't know. I guess that just can be hand-waved as Silver Bell retroactively knowing if it would have worked or not and never decided to do anything that wouldn't have worked in a few attempts at rationalizing her erratic behavior. Well, like Tom said. Well, I think he's... Well, I'm sorry, Kevin B. But of course, it will be more interesting to hear her backpedaling on the whole issue of the initial time travel. If the P.C. thought that she was likely involved in the original time travel after hearing her denied for so long and then revealing she does have time travel power, well, that could be interesting. Don't worry, that could stop your coverage. Although, I suppose it means basically all research can be skipped from now on, right? The entire team can just assist the Aegis-Cadura agent taking it as long as possible to find out everything and then rewinding to before the research was done. I hope Silver Bell took idetic memory, which actually she has. Kevin's looking a little too deep into that. Yeah, and as Tom pointed out, she wasn't there. She didn't know that we wasn't there. She didn't. It only goes back for a minute. And second, well, we don't know that. Second, I think she also just got that ability. I couldn't determine. No, I don't think so. She simply wasn't there. Now, as to why she rewanned for one lethal damage, that's so meta. She did not know. I got shot. I fell over. Right, I could have been dead. Plus, as Tom's playing out, she wasn't. If I remember correctly, she said she had to look in her face or had to see them before she could rewind it. No, I thought that was the good thing. Blinding some of this shit. Fucking hell. She likes about everything anyways. By the way, Rachel Slash Silver Bell isn't here tonight because she is elsewhere. And Bob Chew is out sick as well. They'll both be... And Jim. And James. He's out of town. Out of town. A lot of the crew is missing for this feedback session, but the actual play, most of them will be there. Also, when she rewound, it wasn't just the damage that she was concerned with, right? It was the time and the fact that the guy was skating away. It was skating away. I mean, yeah, it's not about the one hit a damn or whatever. It's a groundhog day. How many times have we gone through this? We could have went through a hundred times. We don't know. She could have just told you one time. Yeah. I was thinking for future plans, she doesn't like she could just go. We tried this already, it failed. You have to be like, you have to be like, you have to do that. That's good. Okay. That's true. I'm waiting for the night that we all play and then she rewinds it back to the very beginning of where we started and then basically it's the loss. How do we? Well, just the one time she did. It was pretty much that. For everyone who was there anyway. I think I was planning for the first time. You remember that part. Yeah, you and I were researching. That was Kevin B. Frustrating for me. Kevin B. Let's see one of those guys who finds the loophole and just breaks the fuck out of the system because he's Mr. We should go back and just undo all our research so we can do it in one minute. I don't think he's not. He's very anti-silver bow. If I remember correctly. Yeah, but who isn't? Well, he's vocally anti-silver bow. Back to Facebook we had on episode 217. Go with Grace. Luke G posted and said, not directly related to the episode. I was on a long drive and after finishing the episode I went back to listen to the world creation for Dungeon World. I got to the part where you started catching out the ideas of the tears in the fabric creating a dead space and it reminded me of a novel that a friend of mine wrote. The Saga of Men Royale by M.A. Ray. It's available on Amazon. One of the premises is that at one point the world was full of magic and then suddenly all magic left. Dragons, fairies and other beings that needed magic were dying off and there were suddenly plagues everywhere because no magic was there to stave it off. The gods mostly sort of wrote the world off and forgot about it. Saved one or two of the gods. And it was pretty much an apocalypse. However, some individuals started manifesting magical powers while like flight and such. It's a very interesting series. Though it can get rather gritty and grim. Sounds good for you, Scott. But back to the episode my favorite bit was the question of who's our best shot that isn't me. The whole sequence was actually quite great. We should mention quickly that Luke has a Kickstarter going on. All right. Based on his world it is a supplement to his role playing game. I apologize. I can't remember the name of the supplement but it is ongoing so if anybody is looking for a supplement to his current game give a look and support it if you can. Great. Also posted on Facebook regarding episode 217. Paul B posted and said regarding your new microphone. The frequency range is much improved with the base adding a lot of clarity and it's easier to pick out individuals when people are talking at the same time. But the room noise has increased just a little bit. Actually I have a huge book. I mean it is literally a couple hundred pages on what this microphone could do. I really ought to read it sometimes so that I could fine tune the recording quality and maybe help out a little bit. I'm also so many. He's referring to the feedback last time when we did use a new mic as opposed to the actual episodic area which is still my quitch. But people will hear what they're having. Still on Facebook episode 218 see how information is useful. See? I repost it. I only have to use this last initial. Alright, posted and said ah beautiful spring morning sun is shining and a new episode of KOTN. Time to walk in the wild. Bring it on. Later he posted and said. So he's taking a walk on the wild side. Later he posted and said as there was no use of the Leatherman in this episode unless it was used as a letter opener. But I'm not sure. Of course. What else would we use for letter opening? I decided to bring it in on my Shadowrun game this evening. The party found a partially looted survival shop and I made sure that Leatherman's were gathered in their gear before the party left. Awesome. Thanks for carrying on the tradition. Alright. Well done sir. It is an extremely useful tool. That's all I'm saying. Amanda, you're just Amanda because you're the only Amanda that listens to our podcast. Just what I needed to focus on my test. Plus I picked up a rise in the sound quality since you mentioned your new gear. I can't put my finger on what it is but somehow it feels nicer and cleaner. So thank you Amanda. You should announce new gear every week. Yes. And just my voice modulation. It'll be crystal clear. You're speaking directly in your ears this week through the power of our magic. We'll teleport there and talk right at you. The power of confirmation bias. We are now speaking directly in your head. Jason M posted and said Rachel has proven herself to be just as much a pen and paper role player as anyone else. She's blaming the dice. That's always fun. And that was the last episode when she requested Michael's caramel loaded dice because her were failing her for sure. And it worked pretty well. Yes. It worked well. She was brilliant. Because it does matter. Much to John. I told him that Bob sucks at rolling dice because he rolled bad stats. And he was like this is a confirmation bias. Sounds like they'll record every fucking dice roll. I'm pretty sure Bob does worse than us on a average. On average, absolutely. He's rolled once. Only for the last 20 years. Right. And then 20 years before that he'll have a massive correction where he'll roll phenomenally. In which case we all benefit. It'll go away for another decade. As soon as John stops recording it will disappear. Our last bit of feedback. Steve E posted on episode 218 and said, "Found my second phrase for when I win the t-shirt. Moving at the speed of plot." So I mean. That's a fun one. We've all said it. The dedication just happened to be me that particular episode. Go to the plot I guess. Plotting it. Alright. With that. Patreon, you know we were supposed to get away t-shirt this week. We're going to do it next week because I forgot all my documentation for that. So I apologize for that guys. But we're going to wrap up with an ITUN review which Michael Play is going to read. In character. Okay. We have an ITUN review quality unmatched by Sir Rogue. Five star rating. For quality actual play RPG podcasting, KOTN is about as good as it gets. I came for the dress and files play. Just finished the first full story arc delivery. And stayed for the overall listening experience. The players are clearly having fun and know each other's playing style well enough to avoid talking out of turn or over one another. And despite their friendliness as players are not afraid to mix it up in-game if an in-character conflict arises. The story is well crafted with just enough structure to give the players a hook. But with enough sandbox feel for them to generally influence the environment. A must for the dress and files faith system. The GM storytellers are to be commended. Above all the sound quality and editing are fantastic. Wait no. They probably spend a fake point here which would make it legendary. There are no pops or crinkles or other artifacts. The players' voices are clear and crisp. No rookie mistakes like eating or coughing in the recording. That's called editing. And cut together with such skill as to maintain all of the permanent discussion in action while still keeping the story moving at a pace that holds your attention. I can't wait to start the next dress and file storyline. I only regret going through them so quickly because soon I'll have to wait week to week for new episodes. Yes, that is sad. Very nice. Yes, thank you for the kind comment. This is the world of darkness story, the Citiater, your storyteller Scott. With me tonight, starting on my right is... Michael playing Ethan Clark, a medical doctor and a member of Aegis Kiderus since 1929. Tom playing J Alton, a member of the ascending ones. I am Jim playing Katie O'Connor, a member of the Alias Malpacharum. This is Mike playing Michael Clay, the academic adventurer from the Aegis Kiderus. Thomas playing Edgard Monteis. If we're doing practitioner, I don't know, a member of the layness story is fair to say. Bob playing FBI Special Agent Chew Park, a member of the VASQ conspiracy. John playing Daniel Morgan, a mountain man turned mercenary, an ex-member of task force helper. Rachel playing Silver Bell, angsty and awesome time-slipping teenager. That changed. Slipping. All right, to go around the table, I think we look at aspirations in which ones were fulfilled last week or the last time we played I should say since we skipped the week. Didn't we do that? I didn't do my homework. That's okay. We'll start with Rachel and when you guys get around, we'll think of one. I accomplished my long term, which I still think you should get two beats before. I'm going to just start giving two beats for long-term aspirations and what was your long-term aspiration? You said that I earned it last time. Take a hope, you're right. And it was earned the appreciation of my teammates. Yeah, that certainly was long-term. I never thought it was going to happen that quick. I'm keeping my two short terms a secret and I have to come up with a new long term, so give me a minute. And, you're all good. And, Mr. Chew, I have tracked down the shattered man as a short term and saved the kid. We did that. I like that. Do we do all those? I can't say both those words. That wasn't for two beats sessions. You don't know what happened. Yeah, so we saved the kid. You saved the kid. You saved the kid. Not really. But we were out in the morning and said what happened? The same thing happened in session before except better. Yeah, it went better. It was real. It was real wound and happened better. Right. Sweet. It seems that we took the guy hostage. Second time was a try. No one was shot. No one ran into walls and fell over. No one got kicked in the Jimmy. That was all good. Did someone have kicked him? You got kicked and pushed off of him when he shot. You originally got shot, but then I see him. Yeah, I'm never getting shot. When we shot me in the Jimmy. No, no, no. He shot you in the shoulder, but when he kicked you off. You need two new short-term aspirations, correct? No, two beats. Also, if you can catch your beats in for experience points, you can spend those experience points, let us know. What do you want before we go to Edgard? Keeping my long-term also. How much? Okay, so we have three secrets. Three secrets. Wow. Three whole secrets. That somehow doesn't surprise me. A phone phone. Edgard. I cashed my two short-term aspirations in where we saved the kid and vanished the shattered. No, wait, that wasn't the second one. The second one? I stole cigarettes from the dude we held. Very captive. It was a great aspiration. It was. I kind of wish I didn't make it, but I was planning to take some time off to do it instead, and then it just came up that I got it anyway. I grabbed the new short-term aspiration where we had to tangle this web of mystery and intrigue. That almost sounds long-term. But we should not do it now. Edgard, thanks for going to accomplish it. Oh, he thinks we're going to come together. He thinks we're going to figure out what we're going to do. He just wants to have a plan set where we go out. So yours is come up with a actual plan of action that would be created a good plan of action? Yes. That's a good and a better one than we were right. Did you make new ones? That was my short-term right? I don't have a second new because I just cashed both of them. I have a long-term that's just banished the shattered man with some degree of permanence. Right. I want to take care of the problem. Right. You know, we just wanted to shift it off on the next group which is what we currently have done. Right, but hey, little baby steps, right? One of your short-term should be Rob a convenience star because then you'd have cigarettes and alcohol. There you go. Always be set for your low up. That's what I wanted to do. But I didn't have time to take a break to do that. All right. Sister Katie? I had an aspiration to save a child which I guess we could build. I think that is a build. Is it a silly to have an aspiration to get a good night's sleep? Because I can't remember the last time our characters have been there. No, I don't get silly at all because you're not going to get one tonight. This would be a long-term. I also have a short-term of confronting the shattered man and I also finally came up with the long-term goal. Doing something useful with my dog. Doing something useful with your dog with dogs? They have been, they've ever started and have never done anything really seriously useful with his dog. Okay, so like work over to your character more and have to be creative. Sure. Yeah, I wanted to talk to you about your dog. I haven't pulled a slam or something. Isn't that cute? All right, Jay? I completed two of mine which was save the child, Emma, and get Silver Bell to work with the team. That was a huge one. I knew you were like hugely... My new short-term is to clarify the situation. Which is kind of like Thomas's come up with a succinct or well thought-out plan. Plan of attack, right? Identify the enemy and come out with a plan of attack so it's kind of free but it's too... Right, oh yeah, okay. Gotcha. So my long-term stays getting the squad home. Safely. Safe. Is that not part of it? Just some body tags to be signed. Spy parts are open. No, safely. Well, you are one-seventh, one-eighth the way done. Because Ethan is home. That's right. Yes. That's great. Ethan, anything change on your side of things? I have two new short-term. One is help someone heal, which is just kind of generic. Sure. Based on my care. Use your doctorate skills and feel like you're doing your life's work. The other short-term is complete by research. That's the current research work. Right. Which are two Latin scripts remaining to be untanked. Right. On the long-term, there's safe children from Shadow Man and it kind of sort of made some progress towards that. Right. Correct me if I'm wrong. Do you mean kind of like in Edgard's meaning of banishing him in a sense where he can't hurt people anymore? Or just in a shorter term of, say, these children, you're adopting city from the Shadow Man. Yeah. Because the clarification is safe children from Shadow Man. So. Probably the remaining children may have a rescue date as well. Yeah. The ones that are still out there and the future children. So. Yeah. Whatever the text to do that. Either one. You could be meaning like every two days a child is disappearing. So I want to stop that from happening. I want to stop that. Or you can mean forever and ever men and put the Shadow Man around. This was rather long time. I haven't met the forever. I think he means somebody's aiming to Shadow Man and kids. If you could stop that person or you could stop the Shadow Man, whatever it takes, make the kids safe. Right. Okay. So, we'll just say, well, I know from your role-playing experience, you're not a mean maxer at all. You can determine when you think you've. Completed that particular mission. So, like, let's say when you find the person that's responsible and he perishes or she perishes, then you might tell yourself, the Shadow Man can go be in the head, I don't care. I stopped someone from summoning him right now. If that's what your character thinks is important. So what about Ethan, the determiner of one that's completed to his exit? Enough. And then Mike. One of my goals was to help rescue Emma. I'm not sure, did we actually? Absolutely. Okay. So, that, I would say, is one that was met. The other ones really weren't. One of my long terms is to return back to my own timeline, but I'm starting to have second thoughts about that because the possibilities of having future knowledge in the past is starting to intrigue me. Okay. My long term is I would like to discover how binary hex is operating across time. I need to do short goals since I've helped rescue Emma. One of the ideas was I want to discover why or what purpose the Shadow Man is being summoned for. I suspect that there's got to be some kind of link between the reason the children are being abducted. Right. Okay. The point is that if the children are the payment, what's the purpose? I mean, the Shadow Man's taking the children as a payment, but what is the service being provided? What's it doing? Is there a link between the children that, and what's the common factor? What's the denominator here? Okay. If you return to the time that you're from, you'll be able to say a member of Aegis Kiderus since 1935. That's a speech. It's done to consider. It looked nice. At the same time, I think there's intriguing possibilities for being stuck in this time period. Well, you can make some investments and then move on. If that's out of the time, that's the point. It's just an idea. Right. Does anyone have any experience points that might catch them in? Yeah, actually. Is this a private conversation we have here? Is it just like for the amount of experience points you can add dots to skills? Or how does it work with adding skills? The skills are at a rate of... Two points. Yeah. Two to one. So every dot you want to add to a skill, you have to spend two experience points. Then I'm doing that and adding... Well, you know what it is, because it has to fit with something your character did over a period of time as well. Can't you be like, "I suddenly became..." Yeah. "Sucked your future?" Yeah. That only costs one dot. You were really good at it. How did you not already have that? Because I had to switch it because to empathy actually, believe it or not. Okay. That's ourself. Yeah. Part of one of my things I'm able to do aligns. Right. I think she has empathy for dead people. Yeah. She loves the living. They're awesome. And they're dead. It's kind of like Jim and dogs, right? Yeah. Then I'm talking about people. People. Right. So I'm using four experience points. Experience points. Experience points. And then... Two dots. Two dots. Is that taking it from zero to two? Zero to two. Okay. I see no problem with that. You are now a practice flyer. Awesome. Okay. Well... You may. Did anyone else have any experience points that they wanted to spend before I have to depart for a few seconds? Couple things. I want to refresh your memory regarding my ability to... Yeah. And again, since we're getting kind of with the action and everything. Yeah. Just reminding me. Okay. The other thing is regarding my class. Which I need to preface if an NRL thing. Yes. Which I did last time. It's the dream lawyer. Right. Exactly. It can draw she as long as... Okay. She has to remain connected human so I'm concerned. Refirming her status as a bad news. In game terms, that means the character has to channel her. And ask her through her virtue or vice. When a storyteller judges that a character's actions during a scene reinforce his device and are particularly appropriate. The character regains one point. And that's what's happened. In addition, the storyteller judges that his actions during a chapter reflect both his virtue and his artistic behavior. All points of virtue and his... You know, that's all his behavior. Well... Okay. I spent four last time trying to... To help them. What was it that I was doing? Was I reading? What was I doing? Well, the first thing you did was... You did the time shift. Right. Actually, that did not take anything without. Away from me. That doesn't. Because that is the... She is the victim. She is the victim. Don't take the... Self. I'd like it to see the one right I do. Right. These are the things that I've been doing. And the thing that I did that failed. And then I tried to do it again with my thing. I spent on it. And it failed. My virtue is goodness and my vice is suspicion. Right. I don't know. I'm leaving it up to you. I just wasn't sure if I should read fresh any of my phone results. Or not. I would say that both of those were fulfilled in that particular effort. So you should read all of your... At this point. Okay. Then I will do that. Okay. That was... Just wanted to make sure before I did it. Let's take it back to the action. Where we left it last time was everyone was in the first hotel room. You had bound and gagged the cloaked individual. That you had accosted trying to what you believed to be summoned. The shattered man in the shanty town. You also were discussing various strategies of what you know and how to move forward. I think I will open up since it doesn't really involve me all that much. Except to answer or clarify things. I'll open up the stage to a group of eight individuals with a ninth tie-in. You were in a very tight constricted space and the hotel room wasn't made for nine people. It was a 1935 mid-range hotel. So you're all in very tight spaces. I believe trying to walk in some circle at some point, Silver Bell, to do something in particular. You were mumbling yourself and walking in a circle to do one of your powers. I thought I remember it last time, but was it done already? I thought we'd finished it. Can anyone refresh it? It was a version of psychometry you were doing on the letter we were handing. Oh, that's correct. Yeah, and it finished. You gave us what it wanted already. The guy went into a trance. And I relayed that information. Right. It's minding. So that's done. If you can't do it as well, if you can't do it. It's a very limited focus compared to your ability for psychometry. Yeah. It's understandable. Yes. Sure. It's so plain, so I can't make sure you have your bullshit skeptic ball to you. That's how it doesn't. Yeah. This is what? What did I try to mean? I don't know what you're talking about. So, is Chu here now? Yes, Chu is here now. He's always been here. He's obviously really, really high. He was stumbling around really high, but he's coming down now from the buzz. Okay. That was really kicked in then. The whole time warp thing that you did. Chu went, was he with us on the adventure? Yeah, he went on the mission. Oh, sort of. He was standing right there. That's right, he had his gun. He led you. It was his tracking ability and investigative ability to get you to the right chanting time. One other question. What is the guy bound and gang with? What is he bound and gang with? We have zip ties. I think you had actual zip ties. Or up. Right. From Jay's bago tricks. A modern marvel on this age. Right. What's that made up? Classic. It's made up. Yeah, but it's incredibly, very, very kind of things you pull them through and they go. Yeah, the police use the tighten. Right. I know exactly. I didn't know who you were. I didn't know who you were. Right. I didn't know who you were. I didn't know who you were. I didn't know who you were. I didn't know who you were. I didn't know who you were. I didn't know who you were. I didn't know who you were. I didn't know who you were. I didn't know who you were. I didn't know who you were. I didn't know who you were. I didn't know who you were. I didn't know who you were. I didn't know who you were. I didn't know who you were. I didn't know who you were. I didn't know who you were. Okay, I have a few things I'd like to discuss before we ask this guy questions. Before that happens, I just want to check on this guy. Sure. And I'm sure he's physically okay and I'm under duress. Look at it. Right. He's so trained. He is trained and he is physically okay. He was just really held down from your perspective of what you did with him and how you interacted with him. All he was really done was tackled by Dangolin. So he might have a scuff or a bruise and was held down, but that was about it. So he's like coming in and out between consciousness and some groanings. I just want to make sure the guy can breathe. He can breathe ties and too tight. I don't think I'm competing or anything. Just before we left last week, the doctor gave him a dose of tricolizer to keep him up. Right. He is fine. You check him over and Jay, you said you had something you wanted to talk to your group about. Right. Just hopefully to get us in the right mindset when we ask this guy some questions because that's the first thing we're going to do. And then also like to choose opinion on some of this since he among us is the only one that has any formal training and investigation. And we have a shitload of clothes that I think we're misinterpreting some of them. Starting with the fact that the Western Union, many of us have been looking at it as a possible trap to take. Yeah, and I don't think it was. It doesn't make any sense that it was a trap. And what the two doctors found in the writing on the shattered man was that by writing a name on that summons the shattered man and the person who's summoning it has control of it and can send it against the target. In fact, the shattered man repeatedly asked us who the target was. How does it make sense that it's a trap if they're giving us control of the shattered man? Two things coming to mind for that. One, who wrote the name on the mirror and two, how would they have known to write a guard's name? Well, another thing is who knows your name? All of you. Probably binary. But who would know that we'd even be in that time and place to be there? And that is my stop. That is the third party that might know, the mystical bullshit person we're fighting who can possess people, overhear things, maybe steal things directly from brains. The only person who showed any way of telling ahead of time that we were going to be someplace is binary hacks who sent us that telegram. He knew we were going to be there. He knew we were going to be here in this fucking time. Hold on, which we cannot possibly be. Just before we arrived, you guys got a letter. Was it addressed to any of you or did the guy knock and call your name? It was actually addressed to you, Doctor. One more thing. Last week, I think we discussed having the two doctors roll for the other two manuscripts while we were out about town and we were going to hang on that before we started flying. You don't think longer? All right, then that's fun. I just wanted to remember that. I would also remind Jay that while you were in La La Land on the tree, we encountered somebody at the western Union. That's another point that I have coming up. But I don't think Grace has the ability to tell us the past of that mirror and who wrote Edgar's name there, but I think you can. One big issue I have with that gentleman is why I put someone's name on there who doesn't know how it works. I mean, we're being asked for a name and we had no idea why or what or that doesn't make sense to me. It's possible that, again, the person we send the shadowed man to is just the payment for something that is already happening. So he just asks, was there ever his closest, which is why? Your name was written there. You saw that. Yeah, I have no question about that. I'm just saying it's important for somebody whose name was written on the mirror to be nearby because otherwise we wouldn't have this man tied up. He wouldn't have snuck into a house and had some in the shadowed man there if that's what he was trying to do. What you're saying that implies that either the people in that room who know your name wrote it there or binary hacks who we talked about somehow got into position there. Okay, don't think I understand your logic. Can you please explain it to me a little bit more because it seems from what we know, the person who writes the name on the mirror is not the person who controls the shadowed man, correct? I don't know that. These are the guys who did the research and was reading me the bullet points. Please refresh my hand. I think it was three. If that is correct, it stands to reason that whoever wrote the name on the mirror did not want to control the shadowed man because the person who writes the name doesn't control it. The person whose name is written on the mirror is the one who controls it. And the person who wrote a guard's name would then be setting a trap in which the shadowed man appears to egg guard, egg guard does not know what the hell is happening. Well, that's another point is that if I remember correctly, the summoner had to forsake all. The summoner must have forsaken all faith, and the name needs to be written in a bodily fluid of the summoner. So whoever wrote that name, what name, what is the name represent? The name of the target that you're sending the shadowed man against. Against or to, against? Then why is he asking for a name? When you, but how do you summon him to send him? Writing a person's name in reverse on the back of the mirror, the mirror must be cracked and not broken. The name needs to be written in a bodily fluid of the summoner. The summoner must have forsaken all faith. But I'm not hearing that the name is the target. It's not from what he's saying. The summoner barely writes their own name. By whoever the shadowed man appears to. Okay. Well, again, this is a answer we can get from this guy who's tied up. He was doing just such a thing. Hopefully if he recalls any of it. Did you think that the shadowed man has gone and grabbed these kids and just took them, where when he came to egg guard, he was asking him for a name? Right. I was thinking it could still be a trap. I don't think that that means that it's not a trap. Because whoever wrote the name there knew that, assuming, I'm assuming, would know that egg guard is not just going to get him a name and sell out someone so that they can go be the shadowed man's meal. Maybe they're hoping that. My interpretation is that whoever is writing the name in their bodily fluid is giving a name of, they're the summoner and they're targeting whoever the name is. But then the shadowed man would not have asked for a name. I'm looking to Ethan for confirmation on that statement because he was the one doing research. Which statement? That the person, the name represents the target or the name represents the summoner or the person who writes it is a summoner and the name, I don't. Do I know that? That wasn't my primary concern at the time where we were outside the clear. It doesn't tell you one way or another if Clay. I guess maybe the way it was written might have indicated that it was a target. But that was you doing a degree of supposition, being a man of science, you know all about drawing conclusions. You cannot say with scientific certainty this is what the text is saying. So we're only one third of the way through the research. Do you understand it, right? But as Jay just said, this man can answer some questions. Think about it this way. Edgard was the middleman. This man who was in this hut randomly has to be the other middleman. So if he writes it or if someone wrote it on the mirror, whoever wrote it on the mirror, this middleman then breathes on it on his name, which appears, and then he gives the name of the child that is sleeping there. Shattered man comes through, takes the child. It seems like an extra convoluted step. Can't the summoner write their own name? Maybe they can't. Maybe it's a disembodied, I don't know. It could potentially be a trap if your name was written on there in, say, finger oil. And your bodily fluid is your graph that causes your name to show up there. Then you're the summoner. But, right? I mean, yeah. I just find it strange that it was a trap given that I was actually under no threat except for my own name. Except for my own ignorance and refusal to say a name. If I had just said any of 400 dozen names, I wouldn't have been turned into an ear cube and brought to the helm. I can't remember, were you challenged to give a name or were you just drawn in and then Jay was the one that was challenged to give a name? It was complicated and I haven't told the story before so I don't blame you for not knowing. I was asked to give a name and I tried three times but I couldn't talk and then I realized I probably shouldn't give a name to a man who can kidnap children so he restrained me in a magical cube and then escaped from it. Whatever happened to Jay happened to me. I think it could either have been a trap or an attempt to educate us on how it works. I don't think we can figure it out by talking about it and we have a magical story. No, and I understand that. I'm just saying we have to get in the right mindset. There's a lot of shit that went down. For instance, I think the guy knocking on the back of the door that you just described and this blutter that he got with clues in. I don't think it's our enemy bragging. I think it's someone trying to help us and I don't know why they're being so obscure. It doesn't make sense to enchant somebody to give us a taunt. What's the purpose of that? Except that binary hex has kind of done that to us before in the past. Binary hex has never been shown to us. He's texted us. He sent telegrams. He said take it afterwards and every single one of them. And now we're getting enchanted mind-wiped people without riddles. Without spouting poetry. Riddles about chess. Which this gentleman might be one of them so I suggest we get to asking him a question and we might be able to determine that he's worthless as the other two people that were under some sort of spell. But we have some time to wait so is there any more questions? I would say maybe this has been, maybe that's your answer is we need to interview him. Or do you want to talk about more? Which we intend to. Maybe move on to the next point if you don't feel this one can be resolved or maybe you want to talk about it some more. We have something we can do that I think we should before we move on to another question which is the psychometry in the mirror. Right. Or he's gone. Is he gone? Where did he get the gun? That's a different question I think we should follow. If he's a drone then he will have gotten the gun from the guy who died. I have one last question that I could think of that I wanted to do. I mean I still want to do the psychometry. You want to discuss everything. Right. And one thing I wanted to ask was of grace. That you claim that when we were saving this child that you rewound time and I believe you because certainly everything you said was true when we went through the door. Correct? I'm still foggy on the part on how we got here that seems very similar to what you apparently were attempting to do then. Is that not the exact same thing you did when we were in the van? When we were in the van I tried to set us back by a few minutes. I am not responsible for us being set back into 1935. I'm not suggesting you are. What I'm suggesting is somebody who apparently knows everything we're going to do before we do it used that juiced the fuck out of it to send us spending back their time. Yes. That is exactly what happened. You think it's the same thing happened when you were trying to contact Jay and then you got juiced and we actually opened the door that they were currently walking through. That's not what happened. We don't have any perception that that's what happened. We just know that she said. But I'm saying no. I guess I'm not trying to start a fight but it's either she has knowledge of who's doing something or she can manipulate time but we don't have any way to independently verify that that's what's happening. Because we're reset we don't know time reset. It's like Groundhog Day. You know what I mean? Yeah. But there's a couple things about this. We know that in the car wreck time reset. We do know about it. We know it because we live past our birth and it couldn't be. There's extenuating facts here. Right. Well, the fact is that we're here. Yes, but the only person that the person claims to have ability to have time powers is saying it wasn't them. So she just said it was? No, it was not me who set us back to 1935. Okay. I'm not going to argue semantics here. What I'm saying is you started the event that got triggered on a much larger scale. I do not believe so. No. I'm sorry. Did she not just say that? No, I did. You raised something here? I did try to set us back by a few minutes, but I don't think- Again, we're arguing semantics. I said this out. I'm agreeing. That's the same thing. Let her finish your statement. Nope. Nope. Thanks. We fucked it up, Jay. I don't know how it's any different, but your point. Well, I guess my point is either there's two possibilities and neither one of them is really kind of believable except for that we're back for any time. I feel like she knows more than she's telling, but we can't prove it either way because we've been reset, associate claims. I don't know how I know- I mean, I know Medicaid on the downside. Right. But my character doesn't know. But my character doesn't know that it gets really stuck in time. I haven't even been concerned about this. I don't know. Because if the last- You did do that then, as you did in- Which is- The Shantytown. Thank you. And it's obvious that we had someone involved there that pushed it, that knew, A, what was happening before it happened yet again, and the powers that you have. These are things that are kind of important. It appears the forces that are- I'm sorry, how are they not important to know how we got here? For the listeners, they would speak eye-roll by the teenage silver bell- I don't think anyone knows about anything about them. I think you're very wrong. She either doesn't know or she's not going to tell us. I don't think we're doing anywhere with- I don't think that someone latched on to me. So it's an extreme coincidence that exactly the time you were trying to rewind time, time got rewound, but on a larger scale. Not by me. Well, wait a minute. You started something that happened. We did. How was that not by you? Who the hell last week got shattered? It was something that was taken and extrapolated and multiplied. Extremely. If you think so, I'm sitting in 1935, I'm pretty fucking sure that it happened. Why don't we sit here and talk about more than that and be present day? Let's just get this figured out. I want to go home. This is getting us nowhere. She can't help us or she doesn't know. This guy might. So let's talk to him. Fine. We have pieces of that mirror. If at all possible, could you do the one step we asked of you, which is to look at the past and tell who wrote Edgar's name there, then we'll start the questioning. Unless there's something else people want to discuss. Someone I got to put a shit list. So figure out who it is. If you think that would be helpful, I can examine the mirror. I'm not sure how much information I can get from it. Because it's all shattered. Does that matter? Does that matter? I don't know. It's a defining moment in the audience. It's a defining moment in the audience's history. That might be all I can see. We do have a piece of the shattered man too, right? Can he touch those and get something that he wants to? I don't know what he wants to. I can tell you what kind of body fluid he is and maybe a little bit more. There's also kind of a mundane approach to, and this might fit some of our investigation skills, is there some common thread between the victims that would somehow give us a clue as to why they were selected in the first place? They're all first points. Well, they're all for true. Right. I mean, we're grasping at straws. Right. I think I can get more useful information out of the suspect than I can out of the mirror at this point. Okay. Does anyone else on the team have skills similar to silver bells, stars, bending? You'd have to tell me what they were first. Well, any non-normal human abilities. A truck with spirits. What happens when you fail miserably? Is it a digital? It worked or it didn't? Or is there some bizarre shit that happens? Not a lot. No, you're unstable. Oh. It's digital? Someone who's looking through one eye to see you right now. I'll tell you, that feeling miserable can be bad. That wasn't quite the...oh, in yours, yeah? Certainly true. I've never failed to such a degree that the spirits got angry with me. But... They ignored you. They ignored you all the time. Usually they ignore me if I haven't succeeded, but I've never done anything irreverent while I was trying to get their attention. Seems pretty dumb. I would say that... I would say that the majority of the time a failure comes with an obvious consequence. Not something... Says he was connected. Time traveled back five minutes and he failed miserably. I don't think he'd go back fifty years. Well, with some help, maybe. Someone outside. Well, there was wacky stuff going on back when it happened. You had just fled Shagrinne Farm. You were being chased by the police. So there were some exciting circumstances, but were there any of that work? The house had burned down and things had been... I'd seen your memory things being released, but... There were times... Cheers were released, right? Things that I rolled a cult to recognize and you said they seemed more like time spirits than anything else I'd ever seen. I remember the correct terminology. Yeah. They could probably fuck with some time travel stuff. I have a tear-gaying each other, let's interrogate this person. There's an idea. Okay. Doctor, you could bring him out with some smelling salts and some other types of chemicals... Water to the face. Or you know, other types of effects. And in thirty technology. Didn't we discuss whether he's a doctor had access to sodium pentathol? We did, and he did. Okay, of course I do. I'm gonna have to go talk to him real quick, sir. Sorry. Let me say, so he won't be interrupted. Just put back what Jay is saying. Our adversaries are demonstrating time powers. Four knowledge. And four knowledge and are... I'm not gonna call her an "L" because I don't know what she is. It seems to be claiming time powers and four knowledge. Those are two common things, and so I think it's a legitimate question to kind of at least have a question, Marcus, to... Is she moving time around or does she know what's going on and setting us up? That is the confusion from my perspective, what I think Jay is trying to point out, and that's all he's pointing out. And every time we try to ask this question, we get petulants and we get frustration from some of the other people. Well, we should learn from that. I mean, we might suspect that, but asking her, it's a dead end. I just got an answer that she refused to give us before using the final game. Well, I agree. And she... Which is why I was asking the question, "Get a guy." Which is the one, but I didn't show you that. A lot of the reason why she's not giving us an answer is because she doesn't trust us and she's just kidding. But we can never... Because you're not treating me. In the nature of what's happening since we're being written, I'm met again here, but if we're being reset, then we didn't experience that, so we can't react to that. Then we don't know she did that. And so now it just sounds like it's a bullshit story. Or she knows... That's not necessarily true. She said, "She reset time, and when we walk through the door, we're going to see this and this, and we did." But the thing that Michael's arguing is that it could be foreknowledge from the whole thing that she has. Because she said, "Yeah, because she's a plant." Which I hadn't thought of before. That's my point. If I told you, I came back from Five Minutes in the Future, and here's what's going to happen. Or did I set it up, so it's going to look like exactly what I told you. The logic of your approach is, I set it up. I'm trying to give the benefit of the doubt. She's a petulant teenager, and that's fine. But at some point, it's going to come down to a life and death situation. Why did we rescue her? Do you remember? Well, we were tasked by Winston Sainte, and believe me, I'm ready to give Winston Tate my fucking notice. No, we were trying to get information from her father. And he seemed, after we did research, that she was a worthy target for getting information. I am so glad that my father shot. Everybody was a long time ago, I honestly don't know. Everybody was looking for her. The task force wanted her. Her father was hiding her and trying to protect her so people couldn't find her. This is a take her position. Whatever she knows, they were there. She was a key. Yes, but we came there for Rockland originally. Her father? We came there for Rockland, but then... We kind of assumed everyone else did too, and then we discovered her after I fell out a window and landed on her stove. No, because we had the vampires, you said that wanted to shoot her. That's right. There's no disagreement here. What? Daniel is saying he fell out and happened to find her as we're trying to escape, and we just happened to bring along a girl who was going to burn into building the vampires demanding her. I was just saying... That's what they were here for, so none of this is untruth. All of it makes sense. So, like a pine fuck. Oh. We all agree. I don't even know what you're talking about, but we all agree with the Monica Park. Why would you give this? Because if it is interfering, you might have two... Interferings? If it's actually interfered, we would have a totally useless session, right? How about we pause the recording and listen back to part of it? To create. Let's do it. We didn't actually accomplish anything so far. It's hard to play. Sorry about that. Getting back to the scene, Dr. Ethan, with a few gentle taps, some water and some smelling salts, brings the cloak individual who is no longer cloaked out of his slumber to an awakened state, which he groggily looks around and then demands to know what's going on. And we're going to handle this too, much like we handled social combat in the past, which is a battle of wills and choosing to be the one interrogating him. What? I got an interrogation. Well, I didn't mean to interrogate him, I talked to him. But you can help. You guys can do helping actions. You guys have the rules for the social combat. The key is one person runs it and then like one or two people can help. So everyone else kind of just takes back a seat and maybe suggests questions to ask, but only a certain amount of people can help before it just becomes distracting for the person being interrogated. At which point we'll say that there could be two people who can help chew with this particular situation. Shoe, you want to find out your dominance modifier, your guile, and your nerve. Your dominance modifier is how quickly or who takes initiative in the conversation, which is your presence plus manipulation. Your guile is your defense when he fires back at you and tries to undermine your authority and tries to deny the ability for you to get information. So when he attacks you, it ends up being your defense. It's wits or manipulation, whichever is lower. And then last but not least is your social health. How much "damaged" in a social sense you can take from the person before you either succeed or fail. That is determined with your composure plus your highest social skill. You've done this again in the past with an interrogation of... I'm not mistaken it was the... Denny Rock on the street yard. She's not very high, I mean... Battered life. Depends on a lot of things that I don't have a lot of skill points on. I guess that's a real good, huh? Thank you for listening tonight's of the night actual play podcast. If you'd like to send us questions, comments, or feedback you can reach us in a number of ways. From Twitter @kyotn_podcast or by email feedback@kyotnpodcast.com and don't forget the iTunes reviews or our Facebook page, facebook.com/kyotn.podcast. Speaking of Facebook, join like-minded folks at our Facebook fan page. And lastly, there's our blog page, kotnpodcast.com, where there's an Amazon link on the right-hand side. Thanks to Zen Audio Smith for the intro in outro music. Get your own music at zenaudiosmith.com and join us next week for more mystery and adventure. Head guard! I cashed my two short-term aspirations in yesterday. Wow! Two fucking weeks ago, similar to yesterday. And so basically just some discouraging- I was a nominator and I totally went back to fifth grade math with Davey. Sorry. That was a really bad play. She said denominator in my weed with me. She's just so red. Yes. If you return to your present time- Or you're- Bring a small mic. Yes. I'm compiling just a little cheat sheet for Noah that I can just print out and have you look at. Oh, sure. References and cheat sheets are fantastic. You have to look through P.S. Right. Absolutely. I'm still foggy on the part on how we got here. That seems very similar to what you apparently were attempting to do then. We tried this last week. The trodden over. It's dead. What was the answer then? I'm sorry. It was a dead fucking horse. You didn't attempt in the car to do something similar. No. That guy takes a spoke break. This storyteller is going upstairs. It will help for a while and grab a sandwich. No, I'm not making fun of you. I know what the reaction is going to be from Grace which is going to be denial. Denial. Denial. You can't see any similarity between those two events. It's not that there is no similarity. What I have been trying to tell you is that yes, I can manipulate time. Am I responsible for us being here? No. I'm not. Unequivocally, when we were in that car, you were not attempting in any way to manipulate time. Yes. That's the exact opposite of what you just said. I was attempting to set us back a minute as previous. Which was exactly what I said when you said no. What I'm suggesting is. To be fair, really quick. I was about to say no, but, but then you said, "Oh, you're getting some of your chips." But I really was about to say no, but. That's fine. Sorry. If you want to replay that, we could do that. You want to replay it? I was interrupted when I did me too. So go ahead. Is it like you did, maybe Jay? Or no? Sure. Was that what you were? This is the sound of my character thing in her head against the wall in the corner. She was going to be headed out. Is there any way that you could make a role on his detective to try to piece together pieces that were obviously missing? Solvan and Nigma. Solvan and Nigma. Solvan and Nigma. They could do that. Make it so. Are there other questions? As a storyteller, I would prefer that he use his merits and his abilities to get extra pieces for you guys to put together yourself as a book. Yeah, no, I'm not asking questions. This is the answer. Because he rolled really well. So I would prefer we went that route first. And if you guys are still stumped, I would be more than happy to have make a role and give you a nice big push in the right direction if that's needed. And just fine, you guys rarely need that once you have enough pieces of the puzzle. But I think we don't think we have enough pieces then. As I'm saying, I think you should use your skills. Everyone here should use their skills as best they can. And I think you could actually flesh out some of the pieces of the puzzle before I give out any kind of... Maybe after we interview this suspect. I think what Chiu... Oh, yeah, anything you can do? Go ahead and sorry. What Chiu doing to the skills that he has with us interviewing this guy and with us deciphering the rest of the manuscript stuff and whatever research we got. Hopefully they'll give us more clues to this whatever the hell we're trying to figure out. Right. The enigma that is... What are you up against? Make a red chance. Sorry, take over your group meeting. I just want to interject there that I didn't want. I don't want to mistake a role on investigation and say, "Enigma solved." No, but I was hoping we can get more pieces than we got. But he hasn't used any of his skills yet. So he has lots of abilities that he can use. There might be others that could be used as well, like interrogating the... The prisoner you have before we start handing out others. Okay. First of all, he's not making any demands. You're making the demands. We're interrogating this guy. Oh, this is our torture suite, by the way. What's that? Can I part of this? I have ones in the room when he wakes up. I guess I can be just hand-waved as SB retroactive. It should be... Soundboard? SB? SB. It should be. That's all I got. Supergirl. Wow. Stupid mini thing. I think you're right. No, because... A little more. It hasn't been released yet. So I'll probably have to cut this up. But you remember the argument where I started and Thomas was like, "I've beaten the damn horse over him." And I finally got her to admit that she had to rewound while we were being chased by the cops with somebody juiced it. So all the way back at the very beginning, she had that ability to do that. She never admitted that. She never admitted that. I think he went back to... She doesn't know what happened. Somebody juiced it by, like, 80 years. Just listen to the recording. You know, there's a... I think if you go back and listen... There's a little clip from the movie The Tooth Fairy with Billy Crystal and The Rock. That is exactly this whole situation where he keeps on throwing... He was my inspiration. A little more reduction in his face. So he keeps on, like... You should... The book series called The Magicians by Lev Grossman. Right. Good. I read the first one and a half of the second one and then I got sidetracked. Well, what you said about... There's one of the characters in there is a magician who keeps on breaking the systems of magic because you can... It's a good series. It's interesting. And let's just take a moment to... Silence for the death of Terry Pratchett. Oh, wait a second. I saw that. Oh, yeah, Terry Pratchett, that sucked. What are you talking about now? Yeah. Two last week we missed. All right. All right, enough silence. Godspeed, Jim. L.D. Grossman, G-R-O-S-S. Love. Is there anything that we can stream that's... You play a... That's Pratchett related? Because I went back and watched some Star Trek... Star Trek timeline, right? I had a number of more than... No, I met for streaming. Did you see the one picture that had, like, Captain Kirk and then there was Spock? And then there was Scottie and Groms? And then the one below was just Kirk sitting at the table all by himself. No, I haven't seen the one. This is the real story. Well, he's not long either. He's 83 years old, too. Hey, you know, I think we switched glasses, by the way. I think we did, too. Don't scare your brothers. It doesn't matter for you. Some checker than a son of a bitch. That's right. Loader Nimoy actually played one of my fit in one of my favorite episodes of Colombo. I'm an old-time Colombo fan. Really? And he played... I'm not going. I forgot all my stuff. I thought it was... Bye. You should have stayed for the feedback, man. We were just bashing the shit out of you. Were you really? No. No, somewhat. We were defending him. We were bashing him around the time and now. Someone else was the blue one. I read the feedback. Kevin Bathe. Kevin Bathe. But... It wasn't really. He doesn't understand your time-travel powers. Yeah. Who does? We slapped him down. He's gone. I don't know what he said. What did you say? He said you weren't fucking there. You couldn't have turned back time. Oh, yeah. I was like, "Is that what he was referring to?" Yeah. I was like doing the chatting, man. We were catching him. We're there. Yeah. Yeah. And you didn't know the journal lines of one point damage. You saw him get shot. Daniel get shot. Yeah. And then it was like, "What?" Right. I don't know what's going to happen. No. Getting shot sucks. Yeah. We defended your honor. Yeah, we made it kind of offensive. Except Colombo. He got me back. All right. And so somebody told me. I was like, "What's shooting here, man?" Yeah, Michael. Way to go. I'm sorry. I'm like, "No, that's me." Yeah. It was totally me. So anyways, Leonard Nimoy was one of my favorite episodes of Colombo. It was relatively early on. He played a doctor. And he wanted to kill his mentor who was also a doctor because he found... There was some kind of research thing going on. He was trying to get a research grant, but it wasn't working. But he wanted more time and wanted it to work. So anyways, he ended up killing him. The guy had a bad heart. So he wanted Leonard Nimoy to operate because he was the best surgeon in the hospital and his best friend. And it was his student. And so Leonard Nimoy went in and he was dissolving sutures to do the surgery so that he would be healed. He'd be fine for a couple days and then it would look like he had just complications from the surgery. But Colombo, because it's Colombo, man. He's awesome. So he figured out. And it was just a really cool scene where... One more thing. Where he and Nimoy just went adio into that. Nimoy was like so calm. And yeah, and Colombo slammed that down the desk. But they really got into it and into character and it was just a really powerful scene. It was one of my favorite episodes. There's one thing I don't know. Good to see you. Good to see you. Right. He did a great job of... And he was... Parris on Mission Impossible. I was going to say he was a regular on Mission Impossible. He should have been in the movies. Wasn't it? One more thing. Just one more thing. Just one more thing. Just one more thing. He'd walk away then he'd come back. Just one more thing. Just one more thing. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I just can't work to stop my head. Yeah. Is this what it sounds like? Yeah. It's got a thick... Colombo net. Italian accent. Almost like Granny Loponzo. It was a little Ernie Loponzo. I think I borrowed off of him a little bit for that. This is your fault. Shut up. All right. All right. All right. The tears and fabric. The fabric. I'm wondering if you can clip the frequency so you don't get the real low end like the humming. There is a way to do it. You can do a noise talking. Sure. I mean, it's called a noise gate. Right. So actually what you might want to do and what it's quite down here is just record about ten seconds. Is that how... And then it was... I did that once when there was like the air conditioner. And everybody's voice sounded really tinny because it takes it out. Yeah. But if it's too... If it interferes too much with the frequencies then you can get the soup can effect. Right. That's exactly what it did sound soup canny. Hello. Nice. Wow. We had nice weather too. It was decent but I thought he lived up in... No way. Finland. Finland. Fuck. Deadly ass Finland. Is that what she said? Like you're going to keep it on the recording. Oh, it's all going on the end. That's fair. Amanda, look I can avoid her entire last name that I usually slaughter. So we're just going to say... Did you go... I know how to say it now but Amanda are posted and said... Are? Well, what are our... It's a dengue. Well that's her... So it would be Amanda I but her... She has both of her parents' last name since... Ronae. How are you going to do that? Amanda. Amanda. All right. Is she hyping me? So we'll say Amanda I. Amanda I what? Amanda I go on and read the rest of it. I always say Amanda. Amanda, you do as well. Amanda, you're just Amanda because you're the only Amanda that I know of that listens to our podcast. I know about Amanda's but just what I needed to focus on my test. How do you listen to us and take a test at the same time as beyond me? Plus... There was a wink in there. Was there a little winky face? That's what I said. Wow. What did I say? Winky face? Yeah. I didn't. That should go on the end. Listen Mr. Eddie who... What? Is that something liminal on? It is borderline... It's borderline winky face. I disagree. It's from Binary Hex. Maybe I wouldn't take it afterwards. Hold on a second. Mike's going to eat something lively now. Fantastic. Fantastic. Fantastic. Yeah, he was right. I thought it was epic. There's epic in between legendary. Don't stay right there. Alright, let's turn it on and do it for real this time. So I hit the pause or stop.