Knights of the Night


Broadcast on:
29 Jan 2015
Audio Format:

Silverbell tries to drag the party back to the library, while Jay, Chu and Edgard attempt to escape the hedge..

[Intro Music] Hello and welcome to Night to the Night Actual Play Podcast. This World of Darkness story, The Senator, was written and run by our storyteller Scott. And now, please enjoy episode 212, Tuddled, which I believe is Pimp. Actual play begins 14 minutes, 42 seconds. [Intro Music] We have one iTunes review that the poster, Malak 1, did not request anybody, so I'm just going to read it. And it states, "The title is, It's Saved My Game, It's Five Stars." I listened to this podcast while I was building my dressing game. I've listened to all the Drosin content, which tremendously improved my game, but that's not what saved it. What actually saved it was after I finished all the Drosin episodes, I started to listen to other episodes. This is a well done entertaining podcast. Two weeks ago, I was on a three hour drive for work when one of my players called me. He wanted to discuss a request from his girlfriend of two months. She wanted her eight year old son to join the game. Before I listened to the podcast, my immediate response would have been hell no, but, and I swear by all the gods that this was true, I was about 20 minutes into the episode 61, which was titled "Teacher Kids to Game Week." In that episode, Tom interviewed his 10 year old son and 16 year old daughter about how much they enjoyed the Drosin game and how we should teach our kids to role play. Chestized, I told my friend yes, and then we tried to figure out how to add a 10 year old into a game without dumbing it down. It turned out to be a win-win for everyone. Her son is playing a tutu-tut-like character, while technically not allowed, it works for us as a kid flitters in and out of the game much like a minor creature of faith, or an eight year old kid. Plus the kid loves pizza, and they're still together. Just as importantly, my game is moving on. Thanks for the podcast. I'll get too many life lesson stories during a very special episode. It's a very special episode of "The Knights of the Night." We're changing lives here. Certainly. I went back and listened to the episode 61 was three years ago, and when I heard it, I did not recognize my son at all. He sounded like Mickey Mouse, and now his voice is deeper than mine by me being an actor. Right. As a 13 year old, there's no comparison. I actually said, "Oh, Mark, come here and listen to this," and he's like, "Who's that?" Dude, that's you. But I seem quite fair. I don't think I'd recognize my voice, even though it's never changed. No, but seriously. Seriously. I started recording. If you had heard it, though, it does not sound like -- Could you ask me the red crayon? I'd like to use the red crayon to make all of my films. Time is as a five year old. That was as a five year old. They might have my wants, but go to yours. Well, what I also found interesting is that Mark's comments were incredibly insightful for a 10 year old. I mean, they were all like, "Well, this shit youngest is the smartest one that has to keep up with everyone." So, it was good stuff. So, thanks for the review. Yeah, it was nice review. And the reminder. That was great feedback. So, thank you very much. I mean, it's kind of cool that -- I mean, what are the chances? They just happened to me on that episode. I'm 61, and he has that request. And then what a great idea. You know, I was going to say what you might want to do is keep the child like the eight year old playing eight year old in the game, you know, like, instead of trying to expect something more out of that child. You got to the character of Tutu in the Dresden that you read, like in the first couple of stories, but -- It's like a Jar Jar Binks almost. Well, that's mean to -- I mean, it's a horrible name, but the concept of what it is. Really? It's a horrible name. Amazing. They're both really good to know. Right. I think I actually did. Maybe start a very broke or something. He's actually from the first one, I think. Okay. Yeah. I remember the name. Yeah. That's a great way to incorporate the young kid. Yeah. Good stuff. Nice to be back. Thank you. I'm waiting to see what happens. I think feeding him mortal food is supposed to be a bad thing. So, I want to see -- Eating the pizza. He's going to turn him on, sir. Just spoil it. He's getting bigger. And taller, and just have a feeling that that's going to be bigger. Mark or chicken? Yes. Well, we should not -- You should not feed our -- You should not feed our children. You should not feed our children. You should not. We should not -- Mark is the first of my children. I have fed mortal food, so we'll see how they will work. You feed your children. They can challenge you. Yeah. You can't have that. All right. You got to hurry Potter back here. You put a book under the cupboard and then -- You said your Potter. A number of people posted on Facebook about -- I think it was listed in Gizmodo. It was a bracelet that is made by the Leatherman Company that has so many coals on it that you like 35 different tools and stuff. And they -- No, I have bracers as well as the Leatherman. That's right. Oh, it's all. Leatherman and Bracers. I think at least four different people told me about it, and yes, and when I saw this, I thought of the Knights of the Knights. We totally knew those. It's the smallest of memes. From our KOTM blog, we had a post from Anonymous in which they said, "Hi, first I'm listening here. I listened to episode 47 to 51 in one go, and I love the work of the GM, Serenity." Oh, this was -- Numenair. Numenair, I guess. 47 to 51. Right. It took a while. Obviously, someone who joined for Numenair, and they wanted to hear how the game was played. "I love the work of the GM. Serenity sounds like a beautiful place, nicely described with style. I must confess, I'm a bit put off by some of the players. I get that it's a large party, but they act very slowly, and they don't really convey a lot of PC personality. It's more or less a mess. Maybe a smaller party would be more suited to the campaign, or Numenaira in general. Anyways, I don't want to get too negative, thanks for sharing your campaign, and I will listen to more episodes to see how your adventure develops." And a few days later, Anonymous posted again, "I previously criticized you for not conveying a lot of PC personality. I might have even used the word "mess." Yeah. That was wrong. "I enjoyed the adventure a lot, keep them coming." Nice. "You went back and listened." Yes, he did. He didn't. He didn't finish listening. But I think in some ways, that response is almost a natural response, in the sense of when the characters first present themselves at the table, for the first couple sessions, you have no idea what make these characters tick to any. Especially when you do trade with a lot of people, and the chances are that the people don't have time to develop themselves. Until later in the story. So I think it's a very legitimate, complaining comment, and nice that Anonymous came back and posted again, although are you still Anonymous at that point? Apparently, I don't know who they are, so maybe someone else posted that. As Anonymous. Yeah. To Meg is not full of that. That's right. They could be nice. It could be anyone. But thanks for the comments, Anonymous, and... Thanks for sticking with us. Yes, yeah, exactly. I hope they enjoy some of the other stories as well, if they choose to listen to. I think Brum's the best. Over on Facebook, episode 211, on Hand Me Good, Sir, Tom Rocket posted and said, "Thank you, Scott, for an early 2015 present of Chew hanging on a tree of woe, like a broken Christmas ornament." The two quotes that stood out to me in this episode were, "I don't need the church." And Chew, you massive pile of shit. The boss is down. Excellent storytelling, sir. As far as my opinion on this Silver Bell issue, she is far more dangerous as a player character than a Scott's puppet. Rachel is doing awesome. You go, girl. Will the Mighty J be okay? Tune in next week. Same fairy channel, same fairy time. Unfortunately, Rachel's not here tonight, but we will definitely pass on that. Right. But she won't be here for the... She'll be... She'll be here in the set episode. Right, exactly. But actual feedback. What about feedback right now? Steve Ella also posted on that episode and said, "After hearing all the discussion on what horror means, I posed a question to my group. I got several different answers. Different enough that using the label may well lead some to the wrong idea about a game." Good to know. So I guess a lot of people have a different opinion on what a horror RPG would be. Yeah, it constitutes what a horror RPG is. Another one worth sharing? Hm? You didn't really share anything. No, I was kind of hoping for more when I read it online from Steve. Like what those opinions... Yeah, what were the opinions and thanks for the... Was this including statement? Thanks for the... Good to know. Good to know. That was what it was. But we don't know. But we don't know when Steve don't tell us. Right. Exactly. It feels like just expanding on his group and what their thoughts were, "I'd be interested in hearing what it was" because I thought that for the vast majority around our table, it was pretty... I think we all kind of thought that in general, it was that the PCs have a little less control because you're trying to present terror and if Thomas takes a step and all the crickets stop chirping on the farm and he just says, "You know, that was me," putting a fake point into the middle of the table and says, "No, I didn't. I didn't take the step." But it just, it loses some of its power. And I thought... I don't think you understand how fake works because you can't do that in fate. You can say... True. I know. Yeah. Certain things. But you don't have full narrative control in fate and I think some of our complaints and some of the listeners as well is that on occasion, again, I don't want to trash this is the same area, but if we try to introduce something like Thomas's spirit thing... Right. That should be incorporated into the story. Now that is narrative control by Thomas moving the story in a certain direction. Right. Yeah, correct. You still have the control over where that ends up going and sometimes that's stymied more. But there's an actual podcast that was done by Miss Directed Mark and I will look up the episode because it was an interview at their convention, the Queen City Conquest. It was kind of a seminar by Ken Heit, who is their guest of honor. Right. And it was specifically about running horror games. Right. It's good listening. I'm tight right for a world of darkness at all or no. His name sounds familiar, but he definitely wrote something else. For Gerbs. And he wrote his own system and he wrote a lot of things in the gaming. Right. I don't be freelanced at all on any of the books. He's freelanced a lot, but I don't think any world of darkness stuff. I didn't necessarily agree with everything he said, but some of it was very intriguing and well worth listening to. Right. I'll try to think of the episode. Right. Because I do agree. I mean, I think I have said that there is a lot of narrative control. I think by the players, but they're supposed to be less than fate because you're supposed to be scared and you're supposed to feel at times helpless and overwhelmed because that's what horror is by nature. Oh yeah. But we'd be interested to hear, get back to the original point, what Steve's group thought and what their view points were if he feels like expanding upon his group's ideas. It would be appreciated. With that, we're pretty much done with feedback. We only have to say thank you for three new Patreons this week, Nicholas, William, and Mad Hatter. I'll join our Patreon page and became Patreons of the Knights of the Knights of the Knights. So thank you. Oh, one last thing before we get to the episode, Amanda and I spoke via chat on Facebook and she sent me a MP3 explaining how to pronounce her name because I wasn't even thuggin' right, which is what I said and I was like, maybe I'll just because at first she's trying to explain in writing how to pronounce her name and I'm like, yeah, that's not helping because I'm terrible at pronunciations to begin with in foreign language and yeah, to us, it looks like in Nanji her last name or to me anyways, her last name is actually pronounced Idinga. So it's a man Norwegian or is it where is she from? Sweden I believe. Sweden. You're like umlats and... Oh, there is. There's a little right above the nose. I don't know what they're called. Lots. There you go. See? I would probably mispronounce that as well. But the full name is Amanda Roneer Idinga and I guess that's both her father's and mother's last name. Idinga. Okay. Thanks Amanda. Well, please, I appreciate her telling me how to pronounce her name but more so I want to point out if I'm slaughtering anybody else's name out there, please feel free to send me an mp3 on how to pronounce it correctly and I'll do my best because at first she's like, I don't even know what you're talking about me. That was so wrong, I was like, yeah, I don't know. Right. I watch a lot of, not a lot but I watch some Norwegian mysteries and stuff that they have on Netflix and sure enough of me, I'll have the subtitles on so it's like translated to English but sometimes they'll be speaking in Norwegian or what's the one with the guy from the mafia went undercover. Oh. Lily Hammer. Lily Hammer. Yeah. I watched that because you have to have the subtitles on because half the crew have the actors. But when they have, when they show like the Norwegian or the Swedish, they'll flash something up and the character will say that it's like, that doesn't look like that spell at all. Sometimes you can just get the idea that the files and the consonants and everything is just so different and all we can do is brutalize it in our American fashion of trying to make it sounds better. I think I really like that show because that's what going to Minnesota in Christmas was like is that we have the Italian side and then we're surrounded by the Norwegians in Minnesota and they all are talking in Norwegian and sure deferred murder and all that other stuff. And we're not. That's not stereotypical at all. All right. With that, with that we're going to. Ludefisk. Ludefisk though. Delicious. Not so much. No. That's not. That's not. Losa's the list. Losa is delicious. Ludefisk. No. That's a crime. That's community. What is Gefalta fish? This I don't think I'm pregnant. This one. It's this many. And with that we're going to go on to the episode. This is the world of darkness story, the cinneter on your storyteller Scott. And with me tonight starting on my right is Michael playing Ethan Clark, a medical doctor and member of Aegis Kigeru since 1929. I am Jim playing Katie O'Connor who is a member of the Amelius Malphakarum and he confused none. I'm Tom playing Jay Alton, member of the ascending ones, Mike playing Michael Clay, the academic adventure, from the Aegis Kigeru, Bob playing FBI Special Agent Chew Park, member of the best human conspiracy. Tom is playing Edgard Montes, a voodoo practitioner and a member of the Langis-Starrus concert. John's laying Daniel Morgan, a mountain man turned mercenary and ex-member of Task Force Malphakar. Rachel playing Silver Ball, an angsty teenager that nobody trusts, for some reason. Alright, so we all, I believe, took our beats for playing last week and for anything else that might have occurred. Rachel, do you have a question? Before we left last week, you said that I didn't make it to the library specifically asked to. Yes, you are at the library. I'm dying and... You know you've got to do some research and do some other cool stuff, but it should have been pretty quickly. Okay, getting back to everyone's short and long-term aspirations, we can go around the table if that's the case, I know, we'll actually start with Rachel tonight since hers are pretty easy because she doesn't reveal them because no one trusts her. Rachel, do you have any short or long-term aspirations that you're clearly backwards? It's not she doesn't reveal them because no one trusts her. Is nobody trusts her because she doesn't reveal them? That's not why we don't trust her. I'm actually going to reveal that too. Well, she's a GM character, so I was just getting my take on it. I don't mind I'm revealing my... Your aspirations? Well, my short-term long-term? Yeah, I can... You've been hiding. So go ahead. No, this time I'm totally cool with it. Okay, this time. Kill the party. So everyone already knows what I'm going to try. All right, kill the rest of the party. Try and speak to Jay, get a message to him. Okay, short-term aspiration, get a message to Jay. Fine binary hacks. Through her hair. All right. And get back to present day. All right. That's your long-term. Really, that's all of them. Doesn't matter again. Wow, nothing hidden. Who knows if she really has those or not? No, no, no. She's trying to remake it. Who knows if I'm just the first one's yours. You're real. I'm thinking they know a thing about me. That's what I'm feeling. You're a beat. John. You get a beat for that. I'm not going to change anything. Okay. What are they? I'm never accomplishing them. Going on a yard at that point? One of my short-term aspirations is escape the hedge. Because I figure that's probably going to happen in one or two sessions. Excellent. Or die in the hedge. That's escape. I go to hell. That's true. That's escape. And then learn a spirit's name, which is from ages ago. But it might actually happen in the show, we'll see. Learn a spirit's name. Yeah. It helps with my magical bullshit. Got it. And then long-term find a way to profit from this trip through time. Excellent. Mr. Tupark. My long-term aspiration is getting back home. Excellent. And my short-terms are getting back with the group and also getting out of the hedge. Okay. Makes sense. Michael Clay's long-terms are to get back to his own timeline and learn more about the life. And learn more about what I believe is an artifact. A stopwatch. And then the short-terms are to... Let's just have one long-term, by the way. One long-term, two short-terms. I don't mind if you have two long-terms. Totally okay. But just for future records. Overachiever. Try to discover the ban for the shattered man. I'm still interested in helping track down Edith, who is originally what we got started with with Trey. And now that Jay's missing to help track down Jay. Got it. Long-term aspirations, of course, to get home. The short-term is to reunite the squad and my second short-term. I'm just leaving it as escape, and I'm just changing the last word. Escape the box, escape the tree. Now it's escape the hedge. Escape the past. There you go. Oh, I could just... Yeah. Just put escape. Escape. Good luck, Houdini. My short-term is to get to the missing party members, wherever they may be, or they get to us. Either way. I thought you said get two of them. Get two of them. One, two, three... Also, for two. You see them in person. And to drive a car from this time period. Right. And my long-term is to figure out what the heck is really going on here. Ethan. Ethan's long-term goal is to save the children from the shattered man. And the short-term is research shattered man's weakness. And the other one is help ease someone's pain. Excellent. I suppose before we get into the meat of the story tonight, we can talk about that in a little bit more detail. Jim, obviously your character being shaken to the core was a big moment in your character's development. And after I don't want you to be able to control your character because I do. And if you just want to spend your experience points and kick up your integrity and say you had an epiphany, I guess I can live with that. But did you want me to create anything deeper than that? Because there was a point for several weeks of our play session where you really wanted to go to confession tonight and talk to the... I suppose we want to do a lot of things and it just never seems to happen. That's why she's had kind of an epiphany that I just got to go with the flow because things I want to do a lot of times just don't happen. So how is she compartmentalizing? I mean, when she lost her integrity when she was unable to, you took that dramatic failure. Uh-huh. And that was a big moment for your character, so she's over it, would you say? I'd say she was, at the time she was freaking out because she just drank some demon blood. And she was part of a dark ritual that healed her. But now she's looking at it as maybe it was part of the greater good and it's part of God's way and he wanted it to happen otherwise it wouldn't have happened. She's been thinking it over and she's like she's been wanting to go to church, has been able to and she thinks maybe this is God's way to say and you don't have to rely on them all the time. You've got to figure this stuff out on your own and deal with it on yourself, deal with yourself. Okay, if you feel that you're comfortable with that decision, go ahead and spend your experience points, raise your integrity. Maybe for the epiphany sake, the minus three integrity conditions you have won't burn off one integrity every 24 hours. I mean, integrity excuse me, minus three role penalty will burn off one every 24 hours because I don't, I just don't know that it's such an instantaneous thing. She believes it now, I need to trust myself. Now she needs to go out and do it. You've been saying like you know, maybe back it down to a minus two and then when she gets to a church. Another 23 hours passes. I want to keep you strong out. If you think that this is what your character wants to do, then I'm okay with every 24 hours. You don't need to visit a church unless you want to. But I would like to see it obviously reflected in your character's personality going forward. Is she struggles to come to terms with that, that she's not waiting for God to give her signs anymore, she's going to make her own signs. That's a pretty fundamental shift. Yes, exactly. I don't have any problem with it as long as you can role play it out. We're going to start out briefly in the hedge where Chew was walking down to the black stream and Jay and Edgard were discussing memories that Edgard had of some fables and children's stories from his youth, but he used to read in his grandfather's library that indicated that many times when individuals went to what could be considered the realm of the fairies or traveled through a realm to get to the realm of the fairies, they would lose their finer points and would deal with more base type emotions and desires. And how he believed that that might be the answer to opening a gate via his loa to perhaps create a gate to get back to where you were. I think that's where we left it if I'm not mistaken, does anyone disagree with that statement? Well, it's an effect that I'm writhing on the ground with one eye that's, you know. I thought you were wibbering more at this point and you got no break, but yes, you kind of lifted yourself up and were recovering at that point. Would that be a description of where your character is at right now, Thomas? Yeah, I want to go help him out and then we talked a bit about how the fuck are we going to get out of here while Chew wandered to follow the river some more. Right. Very helpful. No, I'm yelling at you. Go ahead. God damn it. Stop. Get back here. We need to stay together. Hey, weren't you listening to what he said? Wandering through is going to rip your soul to shreds and you're going to die. Well, what do you have in mind? Edgard, you need to contact your spirit guide again. You need to find us away out here. All from something else. There's got to be something that he is willing to accept to get us out of here. I'm sure he'll love being called up for the third time tonight, but so maybe the price is higher. I don't care. We've got to find a quick way out of here and not wandering aimlessly where we're dying slowly. Yeah, the time constraint that I'm not aware of. Dead children, but we're already gone for most of the night. Probably another dead child. Do you know that for a fact? No, I didn't. You know this has been a second to our friends or three days. We don't know that. It's fucking very nice. This isn't my specialty. A bad dream. This hasn't been a bad dream. Bring your spirit back up. Get us out of here. This is your job. This is why you're here. I guess I'll call up with spirit again. Honestly, what are you trying to do? Because as I understand your vedume practices, you need to call upon a spirit you think can help you with a particular problem. Yes. So what is your problem that you're trying to have it solve? We need to get out of this place. Home spirits. What are you doing with your emotions? There's a lot of hand motions. In various voodoo and you contact Legba. He's the passenger who contacts other spirits for you. Does he suggest a spirit though? I'm wondering if you can ask him for one. He's right. You call up Legba and you can do many things. Often you'll suggest a spirit because you know one very well. But I don't know any here. Last time I called up the spirit of the open sky because I figured that we could get us out of a place with no sky. Now we're in a place with an open sky. If we had something affiliated with home and safety, it would be a good choice. So that's what I'm asking for. Well the first thing you're doing is trying to bring Legba to the hedge. Right. It's much better than following the river. Is it ripping your soul apart to stand here? Because that's what would happen if you go to the river. That would be a treat. This is fun. Legba doesn't normally travel to the hedge however. So go ahead and let's take what you're normal. What would be a role for you? What are your endowments are called? Rights of all. Right. Oh yeah the Rights of all. Right. You have dots in that merit, correct? Just one. That was a training. One I gave merit. Great. And then what do you roll to do a Rights of all? Right. You use presence and expression. So go ahead and make a presence and expression role. Tell me how many dice you have and then I'll give you a minus for being in the middle of a place that is inconvenient for Legba to. Right. It's normally a war and then plus one for my status. Oh you add your status to your total. Okay. Great. So the hedge so it's much more difficult to call him so you're going to subtract two dice from that and even though the normal World Darkness role so you cannot add a willpower after you know. Well yeah. And receive your subtractions. You may now do so if you wish. That was going to spend a little while because I have two and I'll save my risk. And I would just really important. And I would assume that you're going to go ahead and add three dice to your role. Right. Which gives you a total of six dice. Yeah. Two eights and a ten. And that's it. Three successes. Three successes. Legba appears to you and you only as a spirit. And Legba does not seem pleased. I don't love him. This isn't his purview. To know his realm of thought. And he immediately asks what type of offering you have to inconvenience him in such a way as to call him to another plane of existence. You do not have the status to call me here. I want to inform that there's a status requirement for bringing spirits to a different plane. I've never been. I've got cigarettes, I've got half a fruit, I have some fire, I have some sweet morphine. What? Jay, shut the fuck up. Deal with spirits. And I said that in corporate morphine is basically the same. If you're asking Jay for drugs he probably doesn't. He stalled it from me. Exactly. What? This is highly unusual. My life is highly unusual. You need to take the morphine injected into the cigarette and smoke it and I will wait until you're done. Okay. Which I say in French which is, I believe, painful. All right. So I take the little, what are they called? Amules. Amules. Legba is riding him at the time. Not. I'm sorry. You're riding him at the time to experience this? Legba is currently not riding him, although no one knows that. Currently waiting for the high to occur before he will choose to then attach himself to a guard in a type of symbiosis to enjoy the high. I stole them from Jay's med pack. I've got two things in morphine, right? You got at least, well it took all of them on and get three. That's a fatal dose. It's nice. All right. That's all you have to use on for me. I know. Not the fatigue. But instead of following the river, we're just going to do narcotics. I'm going to get really hot and that's going to show us the fucking way too. What's the downside? So what ends up happening is what you see to end Jay is, end guard talking in French. Yeah. Which neither of you have any fucking idea what he's saying besides the word pimp can't import. And then you see him cross his legs, sit down, pulls out a cigarette, pulls out an ampule of something, which he tries to conceal in his hand, which could be anything. It could be anything, guys. Injects the ampule into the cigarette, lights it up and starts taking deep, long draws off of the cigarette. All you two stand around going, "What the fuck?" Don't worry. I'm half done. Complete confidence. And you're half deep. At that point, Edgard. I've never done morphine before. I'm a little bit more than half picked. It's safer than tobacco, so you're on it. It's in tobacco, though. That doubles down. I hear the fuck. They show you, folk. Leg blood wakes you take three long draws and then says, "In French, open your mind." Which is your directive to basically don't resist the communion with spirit. That's saying English should shoot my gill a little weird here, but we're already pretty weird. Right. So at that point, you guys see Edgard who has a happy jolly look that Edgard always has in his face. After he says things might get weird after three draws, he takes on a completely different visage. His face doesn't change, but his expressions are unlike any expressions you've ever seen on Edgard's face before. You've known him for several months now. Been through some trials and tribulations with him, but he looks completely unlike Edgard to you as if he is completely out of it in another realm entirely. As if he's completely high. I mean, it looks like someone is completely high. It doesn't look like he's possessed. No, I wouldn't say that. I would say just his face has changed in the sense that his expressions have changed. The symbiosis with the spirit is not one that changes his actual being. It just changes more of his emotions and his continents, like his facial expressions. So he's not being written, Michael Clay style? Well, Michael Clay style is a whole different story. There's certainly, like I said, a symbiosis between the Loa and the Bocor, which would be... It's like terminology. Thank you. Tell me, Edgard doesn't look totally baked anyway, to make sure, because he looks more out of it. Put you. That's more baked. Edgard, you go to a really, really happy place. The hedge fades around you. There are... You've escaped. You've escaped. Hey. I got a beat. When you take a beat for sure, this is absolutely beat territory, you find yourself surrounded by countless other spirits. Okay, this is new. Right. They're kind of feeding off of your emotion, and they're in tune with your being at this point. So there almost as if there's some kind of spirit Loa party happening at Edgard's place, except the place is a completely black area with just a starry sky above you, and all blackness around you, and these lighted spirits are just dancing around you. At this point, your spirit guide, leg buff, asks, okay, now, who do we need to contact? I am in the right frame of mind, and it's a horrible place. It's an improvement. We're looking for a spirit of safety, home, maybe safe passage. We need to get out of that horrible place. Wait, how about Gaia? Mother Earth. Something that... I'm not hauling back again. I'm not hauling back again. Well, I'm just saying something like you call any spirit in the world, the world. It's a dangerous choice for an initiate. And, well, and to be fair, well, you wouldn't call Gaia anyway, so you're a moa of the Earth Loa or whatever the case might be. But you explain to leg buff what you need, and he nods, and he is pleased. And he says that all is well, and he can, he believes, contact that spirit for you, but that is a very powerful spirit, and leaving this place is a very difficult endeavor. And in that case, the... What he can only describe as the static and the negativity and the absolute non-belief of these passengers you have with you that are clogging up this space, this... That one's got belief. This... It's a different belief. It's horrible. He's all negative and prideful and the one from the other one. He's just... You don't believe it. He's shit. He doesn't believe in anything, and he's horrible. They need to be in the same place as you. They need to do the same thing you did in meditate, to get into this state, and then perhaps. We can call upon the great Rwanda, the spirit of safe passage time and gateways. He briefly allows you out of the trance in the moment that you're in, and you see Jay and Chew looking down at you, quizzically as you continue to draw off your... It's kind of sound. It's a cigarette. A little crazy. You need to get high. We've got a few other, or you could just shed the cigarette, whatever. You've probably built up resistance to get your own. Chew, you down for it? It's fun. And you thought I found the river was crazy? That's dangerous. It's full of thorns and angry, whatever the fucks. This is fun. Yeah, let's do opiates then. I opiates. That's the first thing I'm going to do when I'm stuck in... All right, you're really ruining the mood, don't you? Chew goes first. Legbuds says they have to create their own aura. They can not draw off of your aura. Shit. It's my aura. Use your own morphine. Figure it out. Maybe you can have a cigarette too. I don't know if that's allowed. I guess he's ascertaining out morphing animals that look incredibly similar. He's the one that I used to have. The one from your... Yeah, from your back. Jay was fully great or good, so we're going to get the fuck out of here. He says with a really dopey grin, and it really silly blurs. How far do you happen to be a buzz? Come on, me. You're a harsh on the spirit, bro. Do you recommend I smoke it or inject it into my eye? Let me tell you. I skipped the eye thing. One of them smelled. Not working today. So? Yeah. The spirit wants... What exactly? He wants us all to be high. We need to be in the right frame of mind. And what is that? I used to have a lot of fun. I would be way more fun. Peaceful. Not worrying about this. This... This... This head goes around. I'm sorry, yeah. I kind of looked at the room, which doesn't convey it accurately. I was looking around and gesturing at the head. We need to not think about where we are. We need to think we are safe so the spirit can make us safe. What does this river look like? Look at him. And like... It's scary. Yeah, kind of. You know, when you walked, you maybe walked halfway to it. You kind of worked away through some thorns, felt some tugging at your clothing and at your soul. But you did get closer. And as you got closer, before Jay told you to halt me, you were like, "Yeah, maybe listen." And you kind of wanted to because it was scary a little bit the way that thorns were kind of tugging. You saw a stream that was maybe eight foot across. It was definitely had a black, brackish type liquid that was flowing through it that looked a little thicker than water. It was a little more viscous than water was. And it was traveling at a relatively quick speed. Hmm. So, they don't look like they're going to do it? No. Oh, they're just thinking I think? Thinking. If that's what I got to do, then that's what I got to do. Okay. How about you? Can I have the... More theme? You want to figure it out? No, I'm fine. Can you smoke? No, this is ridiculous. So I'm going to... Real quick. Real quick. No, no, no. Real quick. The language says no. They must smoke. All right. You got to smoke. It has to be exactly the same state that you're in. Exactly the same. Okay. Which is tough. Because... I'm in a good place. I don't have a problem. Good luck catching up. I start building a boat. Okay. I'm trying to dampen down the faith that overrides the medicine I ingest and just experience it for what it is. Because it's not necessarily poison. Okay. So, I'm going to say, assume that, Jay, you grab your cigarette, you inject it with your morphine, you know, light up, sit down, cross-legged, next to Edgard. Thank you. Take a deep inhalation and you're trying to get into a meditative state because you don't have the abilities that Edgard has. That's a composure plus wits roll. Trying to get some of the magical mystery torture. So, like, real quick, if one of us doesn't want to partake, I can't do it any other way. It's got to smoke it. Well, if they would like to stay in the head until the mirrored man comes back, then sure. They can go ahead and say no. All right. I'll talk to them. What am I doing? Composure. Tell me what your composure plus wits is, please. I said that. That would be five. All right. Now, normally, that would be five dice. You got some nice opiates going on. I'm going to give plus one die for equipment to get into this smooth meditative area. That's what you're looking for. That takes you up to six dice, but you have been trained your entire life to reject toxins. I have been. So, I am going to remove three dice due to your rigorous training. Wait, what's your status? Mm-hmm. That's why I think it is. My status is straight. Nice. Thank you. So, one for each level of status is removed, which takes you down to, I believe, three dice. Willpower is not something going to apply here because you can't say, "Come on! Get meditative!" Because it doesn't really work that way. Come on. Come on. That was hard. That was hard. This is easy. What? Taking a hit, help, and getting there. I did give him an extra die for that. Mm-hmm. I'll go again for him. I'm actually going to give more to two more pluses because he's used to just taking them into his system and not having any effect at all. So, he had... Oh, that's... Well, having a magical effect, as opposed to converting the effect is not having the real effect. What does morphine do when it's irregular? I don't. I don't use morphine. Do you miss it out? I don't use morphine. I take other poisons. But, yeah. Okay. Now, he's not feeling it after the first couple pups. That's not an end-all be-all. Right. What I'm going to do is make it progressively harder. So, after about two or three minutes, you're just not feeling it. Your body's not taking it from what it is. You may make a roll with a minus one die penalty two dice at this point. In the interim chew, what are you doing? Are you doing the same thing? Try to find your happy place. Don't worry about it. You don't have many of them. Right. Well, my drum's fine. Meditation might be something that's anathema to you in the sense that when you're relaxed and when you're in a meditative state, it could bring back a flood of those emotions from your childhood. I don't know if you want to play that for a minus or not, or whether you want to say that you do like to occasionally indulge because it takes you away because if you do one or two things to be in that meditative state, you determine whether it's a positive or a negative. Well, I do have the meditative mind there. Well, then I think it might be a negative. Right. Exactly. So let's go ahead and I believe you can slip into a meditative state right off of that without rolling, can't you? Okay. Well, then you don't have to roll. You slip into a meditative state, you let the opiates take a fact and you find yourself in this. No, I don't take any opiates. You don't inject it like he said with the mic? No, I think I can get there myself. Okay. Back to you, Jay. Go ahead and talk for a minute. Okay. Switching gears. Back in the land of 1935, Silver Bell wants to get back to the restricted section of the Cleveland Public Library. I don't think they're helpful. I don't think they're helpful. I know you don't. I was like, I'm sure she even asking for assistance. I mean, I told you guys, I wanted to go to the library. Well, she's going to be... You want to come? You can. But I don't... She's not going to get in the door without you. I could totally get in the door without you. I think she is going to get in the door without you. That's the whole thing. Okay. So she just... Because you guys are some Aegis Kai whatever. Aegis Kai door which are like rather fun. So it'd be like whether or not you guys are okay with that, but... Right. Because you just let some unknown person go into archives that are secret for and guarded for thousands of years. She wanted them to do them previously. If she knew what she was looking for, she could already have it. Well, then she would tell us that she has it, right? Well, yeah. I mean, she doesn't have it. It's just... She's just trust myself. It's so ridiculous. This is so ridiculous. I told you guys what my goal was. This is what I was trying to do. Yeah, but that is not... That's not in this moment. That's not in this moment. I didn't. I revealed... I have a way I think I can contact Jay wherever he went. No, no, no, no. Her goal. I'm talking about her goals. Right. I'm talking about last week though. But last session I said that I wanted to do research. She needs to go back to library to look at some of my... I agree. I think she should go to the library. So just... What? I... Pardon me, wonders. Okay. Would you like me just to say you don't need my permission, go do what you want to do, meet us up later? Well, kind of... Well, honestly, like I said, you can come if you want. You don't... I know, I need to try to focus on the band. I don't have as much authority with those archives as Ethan. I mean, I already told you guys I wanted to go, so I'm just going to go. Yeah, but... Okay, so... Well, she did say I'm going to go to the library. You may or may not want to offer your decision, but when you hear her say that. I'll drive you. Okay. That's fine. Two for her. You did say she could drive later tonight for the record. When the cops are... The sister. Oh. Last week. Would you like to go to the library to get her entrance? Legitimate entrance. Okay. Which then takes us to you, Mr. Clay, and you, Mr. Daniel, would you like to go back to the Amsterdam and start researching this stuff? Would you like my research to be at the library too? Probably. You think not actually. Okay. You've got the text, all you need to do now, and you've got some samples of the glass. You've got... Well, you've got pictures, you've got a Latin dictionary translator on your iPhone, you've got a double Latin. And what you do... The French translate. The French. There's a little... There's a French dialects or Latin. So, really, it would be more distracting all those beautiful books that need to be looked into and all that knowledge. Also, it's dark. You know, you're going to be able to flip on the lights in the middle of the night. So you think, I think you would think, it would be better to go to the hotel. But that was my plan. That was... Yeah. I think that that's fine. And that takes us to Daniel. Daniel, did you want to accompany Mr. Clay back to the Amsterdam as protection perhaps? Well, these three go to the library or do you want to go to the library to offer protection because that might be a place that's more dangerous at this point. What would your character be thinking? I suggest that no one person be alone, especially if there's... Oh, hang out with Clay. All right. Good enough. I've had enough books today. We switch gears back to the hedge and Jay. Jay, you have a dice removed after a few minutes of attempting to find your meditative state. Jay. Take a roll with reduced chances. Small carded. Thank you. Oh, nope. He's trying really hard, but it's just not happening. But you do see a ghostly image of Chew appear seated next to you in this darkened universe with the starlit sky and the dancing Aloha around you. However, he's not as solidified and tangible as you are. He seems to not be fully there. And Chew, for all you know, you are taken to a different place. And you do see, but it's very, it's very dim. It's not as crisp as you would have imagined it. Still something. Yeah. It's something. Like, but it's like, dude, control your people. That's not that hard, morphing into cigarette, deep breaths, meditative state. If they're not here, we can't call the great Roana. Roana. Do I see a spirit talking to headguarded on? Oh, yeah. It's again, it's kind of fuzzed out. They're speaking in a foreign language. I don't think that Chew familiar or conversant in French, but, or even Creole perhaps. I'm not sure of it. It's probably a mixture of Creole and French. Little bit. I'm talking and stuff. So yes, absolutely. You see the spirit, which looks like just this incredibly large with just this crazy corkscrew hair, just this, this really enormous looking. Someone's going to tell us a Caribbean fellow. There's just a sense of majesty about him as well. But again, he's kind of faded. You see him pointing to you and he seems disappointed and shaking his head and plantively talking to your friend in Creole and French. Okay. Before minutes pass in the real world, Jay, and you're down to one diet at this point. And you're drawing on the cigarette, starting to burn down a little bit. You're trying really hard to get that high, but let's see what happens. That would be finally Jay, because it's not, it's kind of chance dialysis, zero dice, Jay Roana one die, that's going to be clear. So that is a success. Jay finally works himself into a meditated state. You're actually feeling a bit nauseous at this point, because you really had to try hard to what these chemicals do, what they're supposed to do. This is the wrong use of drugs. He says when he comes in in English, that's your own fucking time. Right. And he appears across like a next you, across you actually at this point, and he seems solidified. He seems only in your moment. Okay. What did you do to the drug? Was you doing right? Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah. Can you say no? What did you do them wrongly? How did you? Come on, man. It's not a fucking hard, more femme in the cigarette, smoke the whole thing. I'm impressed with your ability to get here without doing that right, but do it right. Yeah. I mean, like, but does say, he's strong of mind, but not in the right mind. We got to be all in the same situation, or we ain't getting out together. Why don't you guys get started, and I'll see if this is something I want to participate in. I don't know how to say this convention. It's probably not something you're going to want to participate in after we get to that point. So I'll just go with that it's blast, and you should definitely try hard to come up. Jeez, what's wrong with you? This is not something you can do after relief. You have to join now. That's a good point. He's getting us back, right? Best supply out of this place. It's getting us back. Wake up from your horrible bullshit dream. Oh, whatever. So several minutes later, I'm sitting at whatever means, yes. Is that correct, Chew? I don't want to put words in your character. Well, I mean, am I also aware of where we're at in the hedge? Or am I completely up in this spirit realm with them? You're in the spirit realm completely with them. Completely with them. Well, you are not. You feel yourself slipping into that, but you notice you haven't been able to detach yourself completely. So no, just as the picture you see, it's almost as if this picture of spirits, this dark sky with the stars, is like almost like a film placed over the hedge that you're seeing. I could still interact within the hedge, like I'm still there physically. Right. This second, you are not fully committed to the program. Yes. But the Syria, why not, right? No, you took a couple of pulses about halfway done. You got more enough time to put some more, some more feed in there if you wanted to. Pair pressure. Do it. Do it. All right. I guess I'll do it. But I didn't inhale. If it was, you easily find yourself now and the hedge fades away. You're in a completely darkened realm with this blazing sky of stars above you, none of which correspond to any next guy you've ever looked upon on the earth. I've been here. And you see these dancing lowes around you and you see Leggba laugh, a deep laugh. And he, you know, tilts his head back and he puts his arms out and his fingers are up and he just, just basically gives a great, huge rumble of laughter and appreciation. And he calls in many languages, the great Rwanda. And out of the darkness, you see this serpent, Loa, for all your knowledge, Jay, and to looking like a spirit, something that you saw, like the spirit of time, do you see in the past? That crazy be creature you've seen in the past, this strikes back memories of that as this serpent with a female face and limbs of the human slithers through the ether and appears before you, looks at Edgard and says, "What is it you desire?" So I'm tearful. Yeah, well, I would be too. Thank you for listening tonight's of the night actual podcast. If you'd like to send us questions, comments, or feedback, you can reach us in a number of ways. From Twitter, @kotn_podcast, or by email, and don't forget the iTunes reviews, or our Facebook page, Speaking of Facebook, join like-minded folks at our Facebook fan page. And lastly, there's our blog page,, where there's an Amazon link on the right hand side. Thanks to Zen Audio Smith for the intro and outro music. Get your own music at, and join us next week for more mystery and adventure. Thank you. [beep] Tonight, you said, "Can I just sit here and do nothing all night?" Did you not say that to me? It sounded just like- Right, I thought so. I got the picture right now. Do you feel like the rest of the night? Uh oh, the puppet master starting the fractures relationship with the puppet. This is damaging. So couldn't you call a spirit of the stars? Stars guide, right? There's a Northern light guide you through the- I don't know. I know you don't know. I'm Muslim. I know you're Muslim. Just asking for me. Direct resistance. Yes, that'll be my first objective. But now, sitting still very, very, very bad for the man who's seen us off. Okay, if you need time to research that, Thomas, while should I switch scenes, or should I just wait a few seconds because you're going to be down here? I don't think it's going to be in the book. I don't bullshit our way through it. I like that. Again, with the bullshit. Yeah, well, no, that's- Yeah. The thing is, the book doesn't tell you what to call a plug, but he says you call him up and then he brings you another spirit, if the US can plug it. And then you do an offer. I think it's a relationship you got with a plug, but he understands. Right, it's kind of what- It's what he does. It's his thing. Yes. Um, Chris- My kids eat crisscross apples. Awesome. Oh, please. Yeah. I'm sorry. I like it. He sits down cross- A cross- A cross- A cross legged. Yeah. Yeah. He sits down Indian. No, it's not. No, it's not. No, it's not. He sits down. It's not bloody. Right. He sits down cross legged. And, um, legbow waits until you have taken about three puffs. Hey, does that gear up my bashing damage? And you think it makes you think, yeah. You are absolutely certain that, yeah, that aptly happened. Right. They're kind of- And, and- That's a favorite amount of- And the spirit mare, marijuana. Don't harsh my mouth out, you ruined it. The trip. The spirits to be pissed. So, he um, man- Don't we have to overcome our vice? I mean, isn't that what he was saying? One thing at a time. The first bit is we get high. I'm not sure that's what he said. That's what he said. I wouldn't lie to you, James. You don't know what he said. Hurry me lie to you right now for this reason. I might lie to you later about something else. Like taking your morphine, for instance? Yeah. Seriously. He's probably vacuuming something. Not too much I can do. I feel nice to you because I'm totally vacuuming to me. The shattered man coming. Hurry, trust me, that's going to be incredibly loud. That doesn't help, by the way. Okay, why don't you just wait a few seconds while I'll just, um, this is why you convert morphine to magic. Stuff fucks with your head. Drugs are bad, okay? Don't do drugs. Just say no. Don't know what to do. The drug does all the drugs he wants off the clock. What's up? Your choice? And how we should teach our kids to roleplay. How long ago was that? Three years ago. And the echoes are silver. As far as my opinion on silver, about the silver bear, as far as my, sorry, that's silver bear.