Is Jay and Edgard really stuck in mirror world? Can the rest of the crew find them and help, or are they alone together, or alone... all alone.
Knights of the Night
[Music] Hello, and welcome to Night's of the Night Actual Play podcast. This world of darkness story, the sin-eater, was written and run by a storyteller Scott. And now, please enjoy Episode 209, titled "Mystical Realm of Bultures Mares." Actual play begins immediately. [Music] This is the world of darkness story, the sin-eater, from your storyteller Scott. And with us tonight starting on my left is... Rachel, the elusive Silver Bell, or Grace Rocklin. Tom playing Jay Alton, member of the Ascending Ones. Thomas playing Edgar Admond Tase. He would do him for a commissioner and a member of the lay misteris conspiracy. Bob playing FBI Special Agent Chew Park. Mike playing Michael Clay, the academic adventure of the Aegis Kai Doru. Jim playing Katie O'Connor, none in NASCAR driver. John playing Daniel Morgan, the Mountain Man turn mercenary, and next member of Task Force Valkyrie. Michael playing Ethan Clark, a medical doctor and member of Aegis Kai Doru since 1929. Alright, starting with Rachel's slash Silver Bell on my left, we're going to talk about any aspirations that we succeeded on from our last session, so we can take a beat or not. And also, if you feel uncomfortable, you do not have to say all of your aspirations, both short-term and long-term. If you feel it will reveal too much of your character's backstory or secrets that he or she may be hiding from the others. So Silver Bell's not going to reveal any of her short-term or long-term aspirations, and she didn't succeed on any either, which leads us to Jay. My long-term is still the same, get the squad home. Both of my short-terms have been changed because they were to find something about hacks, which I didn't do last time, and I don't think I'm going to have the chance to do it. But I've changed it to escape from the mirrored box, and reunite the squad as my two short-term goals. Okay, sounds great. I had an empty short-term goal that I couldn't come up with a thing for. My other one was bring the mirror home in one piece, which isn't going to happen. And that's the fact that it's about 1,000 right now, right. So you made two new ones. One could be to escape also from... I chose both, already. Okay, you've already happened, sorry. Yeah, short-term escape. Anything, right? Second term is learn the spirit's name, because it's open to talking to me multiple times. It would be nice if I had one of their names. Oh, so your spirit's name? High spirits. Not the Shadow Man? Oh, okay. That could be a long-term goal if I wanted to. But I did change my long-term goal to find a way to profit from this trip through time. All right. Profit, do you mean financially or do you mean spiritually or as a group, like towards the end goal? What are you speaking of when you say profit? When I wrote it down, I meant financially. But I don't know. It kind of works both ways. I'll think about it because it's a long-term goal. Clearly, he left it intentionally vague. Fair enough. Choose/bob as far as aspirations go. You don't have to share if you don't want to. My long-term goal is getting back home to present day. Okay. One of the short-term goals I accomplished was just making it alive through the end of the day. Yep, definitely a beat for that. No, I complete that. A new short-term goal I have is getting back with the group. And I do not have another short-term goal because I'm not really sure where she is at right now. Right. You could go out as soon as you get the reveal. And then, Mr. Clay. One of my short-term still remains the short-term that I would like an opportunity to examine the stopwatch. Right. I succeeded looking at that one. Should I make that a long-term goal? Yep. Any interest in teamwork? Maybe it could be a short-term goal. Trust me, it's going to be a long-term goal. That's a very negative way to approach it. I'm just kind of being honest. Okay, great. It's a long-term goal, though. Or maybe I should just change it. So, the next one was a short-term was stabilized by medical situation, which I think has happened. It has happened so that I guess counts for a beat. Yep. Take a beat and then create two new short-term goals. I don't think you want to turn that. You can turn the stopwatch into a long-term goal if you want to. Your character just realized after a couple of days now in the past that she is protective, I guess would be the best term to use of that particular artifact. And that she, it will not be a short-term goal for you. So, I don't want to penalize your character by having you hold on to something that isn't going to happen in the short-term. I'll make it a long-term for now and then I'll come up with the other short-term I had was, actually, I have two more, which was to help track down the shattered man with Jay, although that might be Jay now. I need to track down. Correct. And then in doing so, my other short-term was to help track down Edith, who was the last child taken by. Okay, so those are your two new short-term goals taking place the other month. Okay, sister Kate. Well, I think one of my short-term goals from last time was to get the battery hooked up to our phone chargers. Yes. And I think we figured that out at the last. So you raised that short-term? I raised that one. Took a beat, right? Yeah, and right now, short-term goals is to receive communion and to drive a car from this time period. Okay, drive a car specifically from this time period. Yeah, or a vehicle from this time period. Oh, you mean not drive it from like to the future, but from just in the sense of drive something from this era. Gotcha. And her long-term goal was still to get a habit. Okay. Go ahead. Daniel, please. Daniel, those are the child's going to disappear tonight. It's one of the short-term goals is to try to stop that from happening. Yes. Other short-term goal, I don't know. If he knows their cubes, he'd want to rescue them from there as well. Doesn't know yet. Yeah. I don't know if I can make goals. You can certainly write it down because you're going to- Well, you can coach in the way like I did. We unite everybody back together. That's what's going on. Okay. Ethan's long-term is to save the children from the shattered man. And the short-term's research is shattered man. Okay. And the other short-term is to help ease someone's pain. Okay, because you're a doctor. Researching the shattered man. I would almost argue that that was accomplished to some degree last week when you went to the Cleveland Public Library and found all those tones of learning and took the magic photographs of them with the small little cameras. But they didn't find the actual- Oh, right. But he didn't say find the band for the shattered man. He said research, the shattered man. Just to me- Maybe further research. Yeah, I say further. Okay. So research shattered man's weakness. Sure. All right. So that takes us to the current situation, which we have three of our players who don't know exactly what type of situation they're in. That would be Jay, Edgard, and Chiu. Let's start with Jay and Edgard. Edgard, if I'm not mistaken, you were bleeding slightly from a bullet that reflected through the cube that you were currently ensconced in. Is there anything that you wanted to accomplish besides bleeding? I was in the middle of the talks with the spirit. Yes, you were. As to- If you're negotiating- I root to escape. Right. Or route to escape. Whatever, however you want, pronounce it. I want to make you aware that in the rules, there's absolutely no reason you should be able to help me. But I felt that, you know, making the deal with the spirits probably a little more influential than just what is exactly stated in the rules. Sure. So just so you're aware. After I've finished talking, I think it's rude to interrupt when you're talking to someone who doesn't want to be there. You're right. And you're forced to be there. I'm probably going to do some basic first aid on myself to probably try to stop splitting. That's excellent. And Jay, let's take your situation for a moment. I find myself in a mirrored room. That's black, mirrored. Barely, you can see a very, very dim reflection of yourself in all six mirrored sides. It, I believe, was not mistaken. It was like 10 by 10 by 10, or five by five by five. I can't recall exactly what I mentioned, but I think it was 10. There is, again, a very dim ambient light that allows you just to make out your visage from a distance, but not more than that. And there is absolutely nothing else in this cube. It is a perfectly moderate temperature. There's air to breathe. You're comfortable, but you seem to be trapped. Is there anything that you would like to attempt? Yeah, I'm going to smash the glass. I'm going to use my Leatherman, which I'm sure has one of those fine tools for cracking windows if you're trapped in a car. So if you go up to the glass that's in front of you, the closest pain. No, if I'm facing a certain direction, the assumption is I came in the other way, so I'm turning around. Sure. There's something to be said for that. If you walk up, you take your Leatherman, you take the glass shatter, is the technical term I came up with. The patent. You place it up to the glass. I'm actually going to take it down towards the bottom. Okay. Smacking a hole in the corner. Go ahead and make a strength plus bra plus two dice for your Leatherman. Quickman bonus. Two bra, two strength and two for the Leatherman. Excellent. My wool power. Sure. This is a different scene. I'm assuming the previous one gave me. This is a brand new scene. You got all yours back. I suppose I did. I acted extremely foolish. You're using wool power? No. No. Just asking about it. One nine. All right. You put your hand around the glass breaker and smash it into the glass and it actually just rebounds off without shattering the glass at all. And you feel as if you gave it a good jolt, but not as if you gave it your best car window might have popped. You feel like you've been in situations like that before, especially in Iraq, where you were moving from building the building car to car and you've definitely smashed windows before and a normal car window would smash under those conditions. Okay. Back to Edgard. Your spirit who is quite annoyed that you drew him here and he requested. A full lemon? A full lemon. Tobacco from the cigarette. Yes, and? I don't remember the third thing. Something. Do you have the items that he requests? Do you have tobacco? I had a full lemon. I had a full lemon because I used, well, he wanted the rest of the lemon. Well, I think he wanted a full lemon. I did. No, he said the rest of that lemon. Because I used one to summon him and he was like, all of that and some of that. So some tobacco, the lemon, and wasn't there water or something to you? Oh yeah, I used the dust to candle tin. Oh, the candle, that was it. I'm going to say that the third item he wants is a shot of whiskey. It's making a long island nice to you. I don't have with me in this mystical realm of bullshit mirrors. A shot of whiskey. But, if you have an escape, you can hang out for a while longer. I will steal a whole thing whiskey. We will have a great night together. He tells you he does not work on promises in what ifs and maybes. When you have the whiskey, call him again, poof. All right. Well, he didn't get any of the other things. Where's he going? He's trapped in this realm just as much as him. This is not going to say. He's a spirit. If he's going to be able to help me out, he's not going to be trapped. Correct. So, what ends up happening is another five minutes passes. It's going to be 10 minutes. It's hard to gauge time in this. Oh, whoa, whoa. Easy there. Go ahead, I'm saying. Time is passing. You gave it a shot to get out with your life hammer. Well, I try to use my Leatherman again. But, first, I attempt to empower with the power of my faith, praying upon it first. Sure. All right. Go ahead and roll your dice. Same. Same, except I would argue that if you're going to try a power with your faith, you're using a real power point. Okay. And, plus, is that that entails? All right. I'm going to risk with nine again. Risk. Yeah. Nine again, and? Because you get two. And extra three dice. Okay. So, nine total dice. Three successes. One of them is nine again. All right. Go ahead. Just three. You feel as if you gave it much more effort. Oh, yeah. And... I ate it much more so. Oh. And again, you feel the white hammer make contact with the mirror and basically bounce off of it. It seems as if you're not striking glass. It seems as if you're almost striking something more like, and you've never done this before, but you've heard tales, like a diamond, or some really, like a titanium. You know, some very, very hard surface that just is unlike anything you've dealt with before. All right. I use the Leatherman flashlight to look at all of the surfaces and see which one looks different. If there's any difference, what's higher on any other one? And it does allow. The LED does show and does reveal the mirror, which when you get close to it and expect it a little, inspect it a little closer with the LED, you notice that it's not just that the room is dark. It's that the glass itself seems to be dark. It seems to be some other material than glass itself. The only change, the only difference in any of the glass. That's right. Right. And all the panels and all the planes is the corners. When they meet, there seems to be the ever-so-thin edge, you know, gap between the edges. And that's about it. That's all you can really see. That's different. You know what I'm saying? Like the glass comes together at an angle, but there's, I'm talking fractions of a millimeter, but there is a small tiny gap right there. I try jamming a knife in there and prying. I'm going to say same item, same roll. But you can't use, you can't risk any more. You have to use willpower. Right. I'm going to spend a will and add three dice. Three, three, three, three, success. Same. So actually this time you're able to wedge the knife in between. Use the thinness blade. There is on the Leatherman. And when you placed your full pressure on it, the blade actually snapped. You felt as if you were making some progress and then it snapped. So either you need a thicker blade, which probably wouldn't fit, or a stronger blade than is the Leatherman. And at this point, in the mirror opposite you, like almost like a diorama appears across the glass. The light stems you can't really tell, but it looks like a forest of gray leafless trees. And just a look upon them makes you somewhat melancholy. And as time passes, five seconds, 10 seconds as you could count in your head, or you count your breaths or whatever it is that you mark time with in this bubble that you're in, the trees seem to be coming closer. As if you're moving towards or it's moving towards you, or the camera is just zooming in. However you want to look at it, there is a dense forest of sharply packed angular trees that don't look exactly natural, that make you feel a bit melancholy inside. And the picture in the mirror is getting larger. But not in any of the reflections just in this one surface. Just in one surface which if you reach out is still there. Yes. If you walk up to reach out and touch it, it is still there. Does this in any way remind me of what the grace was telling me about? A hedge. I certainly think that the leafless trees, certainly- She spoke of thorns. She spoke of thorns. And these are shark trees. Yeah. I would think that that would be a natural conclusion to make, yes. Did you want to do something at guard? I wanted to stitch myself up. Yes, you did. Well, I was a stitch. I know. Just let's do a quick first aid, which I think it could be done almost instantaneously to stop the bleeding. So go ahead and make a quick roll. Let me go look it up at guard if you look up the rolls if you want. And find out exactly what you do. Back to you, Jay, anything that you're doing as the trees draw ever near? Well, I'm checking the other reflections because I'm looking for Edgard, assuming this is where he ended up as well. Right. On the other three reflections, you do not see him, but as the trees grow nearer and nearer to that point where you're starting to wonder just how close you're going to get to those trees, in either side mirror, the view starts to come in. Where if you, almost as if you're looking down a long distance, so you're looking down the row of trees. If you look to your right and down the row of trees, if you're looking to your left, you're coming so close that the diorama is starting to encompass the, starting to move to encompass the entire cube as you draw near to the trees. Okay, I keep testing the front mirror. With safe, it's still there. With your... It's reaching out with my hand pressing against. Okay. As a period of time passes again, you start to see individual branches now, of a particular tree that you're moving towards. There's one that, that's starting to take up the full mirror. And you see it's incredibly just thousands of sharp thorns on each branch. It's just an amazingly wicked looking tree. And you keep pressing on the front and nothing's happening, but the tree is almost where you're almost nose to tree. At this point is it's really coming in. And one of the branches that was towards you, as you're moving towards the trunk of the tree, there are branches that come out in your direction. And as you're pressing the glass all of a sudden, you notice one of the branches comes through the glass. There wasn't a shattering. There was, it almost was this imagine a very thick pool of like a viscous liquid, where the tree goes through almost like water, but much more viscous in the sense that it barely moves. The mirror kind of shimmies a bit and just shimmers, the tiniest slight bit, and it might have been of the littlest wave of motion. As one of the branches comes through maybe three feet to your right, as that particular branch starts coming through the glass, and on your left, there's another one coming through. And then there's one right in the center that seems to be earmarked for a destination, as it's starting to move towards the glass to come through. Right. I'm trying to arrange myself. I've got a 10 by 10 area here. Right. To not be impaled as this comes through. The difficulty, as you see it in your very quick military mind, and you're able to break down situations very quickly is, yes, there is a branch that's right in the middle that has thousands of thorns, but there are also lesser branches that are smaller, and the bark of the tree itself has sharp points coming out. There's not a place you can truly hide, hide. There's a place where you might be able to lessen the blow. Lesson the damage. And also, I've got the Leatherman with the large blade out that I can try to hack thorns off as their. Right. Rather than impale me. Gotcha. Edgarten. I was looking up medicine. Yes, but you saw the exact same thing that's that Jason. So branches coming, unavoidable, starting to come through the glass, as if through a viscousless liquid. I would get out of the way of the big one, try to get hit by the lesser ones. And also, I have a combat knife. So yeah, an action I can take to not get hit by more thorns is preferable. But I don't know how practical it is to. So right. Well, the interesting thing is you were interested. It's terrifying. Let's be honest. Yeah. But from a point of view, you're moving towards these trees at a certain pace, at a certain rate. And then you get your Leatherman, your thick Leatherman out. I have combat knife. Jay. And Edgarten, you pull off your thick combat knife in preparation and all of a sudden, as if you're being pushed forward in some way, which you could almost imagine the shattered man grasping the cube and thrusting it onto a branch, if you would. You're being thrust forward. So let's tackle that. Because all of a sudden, these branches are coming at you at speed and it takes you at least a bit by surprise that you were going to the next steady rate and all of a sudden, you're being thrust forward. So I think the first thing you want to do is try to attack one of the branches in front of you. I think would be the first thing you'd like to attempt. So go ahead. I'm going to say you have your same dice as normal Jay. If you ever wanted to use a willpower, I think this is probably the same. And the blade's going to give you the same plus here about two. Well, I mean, if you want to use that plus, it's just the weaponry damage of a blade is way different. Right. It's a good point. We're not supposed to add the damage anymore, the damage number anymore. Well, guns have a, don't, I'm sorry, don't guns have a weapon value they add? Or no, is it just a damage? No, just a damage. Okay, then it's just four dice. My bad. And you can make it seven if you want. I do with, well, I was only mentioning it mostly because they changed the weapon value of knives. Even mine is worth zero instead of one now. Right, that's a combat. Right. Go ahead and roll your seven dice except subtract two out because of the jolt in speed that you were not really expecting to happen at that moment. For me, it was three successes. One of them is roll 10 again. Just three. All right, the interesting thing that happens, what happens is you start moving forward and then he takes his hand and turns it backwards and thrusts you in, which was the minus two, really the speed and then the change in direction. So you swing behind you with your arm in quick reaction to what's happening and you certainly hear the snapping of brambles and thorns as your Leatherman goes through. And then you feel, you know how when people say sometimes when something is so incredibly sharp that you don't even feel pain? It feels more like pressure as opposed to pain. You feel pressure along your back and in the leg and in your right arm and the cube disappears and you find yourself impaled upon a thorn tree. No stream, no shout. The damage you take you don't know yet because you're down and you're absolutely stunned that there's anything more wrong. It felt like someone punched you in the back and punched you in the arm and punched you in the leg. And you look down in these thorns that are probably the size of a baseball bat sharpened at the end, of course, with ridges along them is actually piercing your body yet there's no blood. It's an incredibly strange experience and it's not that it's not painful, it is. So you feel like you've been really punched hard but you would think that you'd be dead. Right. And you're not and you're incredibly surprised. So these things are like these thorns are going through them. Yes, they're being paled. I mean and through places that you're like, boy that would probably like kill them. Kill them or absolutely you had a question, Jay. Only that it wouldn't be dexterity would be strength. For the attack? The avoidance of the attack. I mean, that's what I was doing. What I did was I didn't impale you upon a larger branch so that if you try to escape you have a better there's no way to like you're in a small box and it's magic and there's no way that you can't get that. I was rolling strength which doesn't make any sense. You're rolling an attack. You don't really get a dodge in this case because there's no chance to dodge it. What you could do was put yourself position to be more escapeable which is why I gave you automatically just because of your awareness. A lot of people aren't aware when they're in the box. They're unconscious or they're frightened to death and they're just they passed out from fear. You actually were aware and positioned yourself to not take the full brunt of the damage which means if you try to escape from the situation it's going to be easier for you than not. Gotcha. If that makes sense. All right, I got a weapon for this. So use decks instead of strength which is great for me. That is great for you. I picked that because it's great for me. I understand that and the whole argument was that I should have been using decks instead of strength. Yes, I've got. But he's using that for his attack. He's actually defending it. It's just what kind of damage he does to the weaponry. Welcome to wave two, one for a knife and then I'm a risk. Three extra dice, nine again. Okay, go. And no mine. Subtract two dice, yes, because you're spun. Wow, that was totally shitty. I got to success this but I didn't waste the both of them. That was incredibly shitty. I think that's a singular success. I'm not on how many dice? Nine dice. Nine dice, one success. Well, the spin obviously in the wound from your bullet, I think obviously through Edgard off and as you're spun around you've lost your balance a bit and we're able to snap off a thorn with your heavy blade as you are impaled. Fully, same thing. You feel this back of someone punching you several times in your back actually through both shoulder blades and a leg and you look down and you find this baseball-sized thorn going through both sides of your chest. Not where your heart is but like above that. Like in almost like in your shoulder area, like you're clavicle, you know, that area but didn't hit your clavicle and your leg, the meaty part of your thigh and you look down in surprise at the blades and notice that obviously they're incredibly sharp but there's also for every two jagged points facing forward to help with the sliding through a flesh, there's one wicked one that's curved backwards so that pulling yourself off would be ever slightly more difficult but we'll get to that when we get to that. One thing you do notice is that one tree over is the impaled body of Chew Park, on a tree that is one over. So the three of you now find yourself... You can spin here, you already got that dog. Impaled in the hedge. He is unconscious. You got no luck with women by the way. And we'll close that scene and go back to the hotel room. Actually, we'll go briefly back to Sister Katie. Katie, you were setting up the battery and they were supposed to be backed by now and you did hear the rest of the group returning. So you heard Silverbell and Michael Clay and Ethan Collar and Daniel Morgan returning back from the Cleveland Public Library. You might even pick your head out and just acknowledge them but your group hasn't come back yet. They were supposed to be back way before that you were supposed to go and get communion tonight with Jay so you don't know what the hell is going on. Whatever time I was expecting them to do back if they weren't at back I probably would have picked the phone up. So the walkie talkie. Walkie talkie. I've been trying to pick them up on there. Right. Yes and I got nothing in return. Static in return. So as soon as everybody else showed up I would go to them in the price of this. All right, you are all in a room together. Go. Guys, they're not back. They were just running to grab that mirror. Come back. I think something happened because they're not here. I also had a radio for our emergency. I called them on the radio and they did not answer. Okay. What was the mirror? Where are they? The mirror was at the Western Union office. Yeah. I know exactly where that is. We should probably head in there. I'll go. Hold on. I'll get the bag. And I grabbed the bag full of our guns. Okay. And throw it in the back of the trunk. The flatter. weren't we talking about me looking at that hand mirror? Mirror to see. We already did that. Shattered in it. We were discussing whether or not we should. She looked in and saw the children. I looked in and saw the children. But we were discussing whether or not I should try and see. See the shattered man. Oh, what does that take again? I don't know. I thought it took 10 minutes. I thought it was 10 minutes a roll. You had to make a certain amount of. It takes time. Well, it was pretty upsetting. Is she, are you strong? I mean, would you do it again? Are we exhausted? Are you frightened of what you saw? Oh, no. I could do it again. Should we figure out where people are before we do this? Should we have everybody together in case something comes through or we go through or what that happens? Something happens? We should have everybody here. You know what I'm trying to do? Well, actually I have a question for Silver Belveday. So you have an ability to see into this or the mirrors. Have you ever passed through a mirror or have you ever kind of entered into this realm? No. No. I can only see. That's not how it rushed, apparently. Is that something you can do in the car while we're going? If he's in trouble, I want to be there as quick as possible. I don't know if you want to be raising a car. Well, at this point, I'm a little bit concerned if the police happened by while they were in there. That's my concern that they've been wrestling or something. Well, we don't need to run up with guns. If there's police around it, we'll fall back. We'll case it first and then go into 82. What time is it right now? At this point, it's probably close to 10 p.m. All right, so it's after base. In 1935, 10 p.m. Well, a member. Remember, it's the depression. So there's usually large oil barrels on each corner or burning even at night. You know, the summer, it'll get a little bit cool. Down in the '60s or sometimes lower, there's people standing around. Oil drums. Ethan, would it be too conspicuous for all of us to get into your truck and head on down to the bus you needed? I don't think so. Okay. All right. So who's in the cab? Who's in the flatbed? I'm in the flatbed. I'm building the guns. They were all folded up. Right. I'll be in the cab. Who's driving? Ethan. You're ready to ditch the bag and if we get stopped or something. That could be one other in the cab. You should probably ride in the cab. Yeah. Sister. Okay. So the two women and Ethan in the cab, Michael Clay and Daniel in the flatbed, you easily find, you know where the western hearing office is, you drive by, you see a light on, which is unusual on your first drive past. The outdoor lights are in indoor light. An indoor light on, which is unexpected. You know the time frame. People didn't leave lights on after hours. They're trying to conserve as much money whenever they can, however they can. Try to be a bit speculous. Can I get to the alley? You make a right hand turn at the first side. The truck fits down there, no problem. The truck fits down the side street. The flatbed will not fit down the alley. It's a smaller alley that is not made for the flatbed. I take a moment to turn it around and face outwards, so we're not going to have to back up to get out of there. Do I see? Do I see any police patrol cruisers? No, I mean, there's subcruisers or van horses back. Yes, Jack. It could be bullet holes in the walls of the alley. They're driving down because the chase pumped a few. It's not something that would stand down other than maybe the light coming through them. The shots that Jay would have had would have been actually through the side street. Not the main street, but the side street building. Not behind, because you shoot back towards the door. You shot towards the side. But he's pulling down that side. No, he's pulling, yeah, the side street, and then he gets to the alley. So, you know, a roll of ten-sided dice, and a one or two, a bullet hole went through. They made things tougher back then. Thicker, I guess. Four. Okay, so no, on the bullet holes for right now. So when you drove past, all you were able to ascertain was that there was a light on. Maybe someone saw that the light was located in the back hallway, and that was it on that quick little first drive through. Now you pull down the side street, you park it so that the back of your vehicle is facing towards the alleyway, or at least on load to the alleyway. Right. And what do you guys do? How soon are we arriving after the shots have been fired in the alleyway? The reason why I asked as a trained observer, like I noticed these little details, and one thing about anyone who's fired weapons knows that they can stink, and they cordight can hang in the air for a while. This is Cleveland in 1935 without any regulations. It smells like coal and oil all over the place. Okay, like ass. Now, if you get inside, you want to try that. Okay. I would say yes, but outside, I think- Well, that's why it has to be how long has it been, but it has a thousand enclosed area, but okay. Yes, when you go inside, you're not inside yet. Okay. Right now, you're in a flatbed, and outside making plants. All you smell is the stink of flats. The normal city stink. Ooh, besides me, you can't remove with stuff. And I only have a little bit of it. I'm super stealthy. I suggest that I go in and check it out, and I'll just wave you all in, as soon as I see there's no cops in it. I'm pretty stealthy. Okay. Well, I've got a lot of stuff. I want to follow you, but within seeing distance, I don't need to be right with you. So that way you can wave people on if you need it. It's to help a bad day. All right, I don't want to have a parade, but okay. Right, maybe inside, Katie, that you go to the edge of the alley, and just kind of hang out in the alley, but not in the alley. So, Ethan, you move up to the door, you notice that it is a jar, and someone placed a brick between the door and the entryway. I grabbed a flashlight on the way out that I had to run the field. Right, well, when you walk inside, you realize you don't need, because right here, as you enter the Western Union office, you're in the hallway, and it leads straight up, straight south towards the front entryway. Let's go with directions now. So, on your left, which would be to the east, there is a mail room that has been, oh, light's been turned on, and it's been rummaged in, to some extent. Then you look forward down this hallway, going straight south to the big entryway, and there, you notice from when you were here before, heard people talking earlier in the day, I think you were part of that reconnaissance, or at least if you had some conversation about it, nothing else. The mirror that was in the corner is absolutely ripped off of its mooring, and there is shattered glass all over the floor, and the mirror itself, what remains of the frame, is somewhat bent in kind of laying a skew on the broken glass. So, that's what you can see from all the way down the hall. You can move further in to see more of you'd like. Yeah, I move in. I motion the sister to stay at the door. You should probably-- To relay it in more stuff. Right, right, yeah. Well, I was waiting to see what Ethan says. Ethan waves you to the door, and then tells you to stop. Ethan moves inside. What do you do, Katie? I grab him and move to the door with him. What do you do, silver ball? Yes. Okay, go ahead. You know how to do it, right? Yeah, I just kind of spend it from there. Okay. So, go ahead and spend and do-- And there's a rolling ball, though, is there not? Okay, so read it up. Make sure you know the roll, and then go ahead and do that, and then you and I will talk about what happens. Katie, move up to the back door, peek in a little bit. See Ethan walking down the hallway slowly, cautiously, flash light in hand. What else-- You don't have a gun out or anything. Just flash light. Just flash light. You could even see some of the shattered glass reflections, Katie. Like Clay, you move to the front of the alleyway. Do you go any further in, or you just stay right there, kind of keeping an eye on Silver Bell, who is in the front cab, who you see staring into the mirror and muttering. So, she seems to be doing one of her things? I think that would be an awesome guess. Well, she's already started. Daniel, go back up, Ethan, and I'm going to watch what Silver Bell does, and when it comes out of the flatbed, and move over to the side of the cab. And I can't open the doors, and that's one of the trucks in the alley, right? No, it's on the side street. It's on the side street. The back of the flatbed is right where the mouth of the alleyway ends. Or opens up, so you can easily make it in, and jump back into the vehicle quickly for a getaway, if you need a tip. Okay, okay, okay. Also, now that we're, we should be in close proximity of where they were, did anyone do a radio check? If they haven't, I will. Go ahead. I tried the walkie talkie, and do a little call click. In this situation, and I'm just doing the click, and I'm expecting you to click back if you respond. So, he doesn't have to do anything other than... Right. You get static. Okay. You see her muttering, and then you see her literally vanish, right before your eyes. In the mirror drops. In the mirror, she was holding a van. In the mirror, you described her. No, everything. Yeah, you described her as holding a mirror, looking into it. That's not really what she was doing. Right. No, she wasn't actually. I'm sorry, because I thought you were doing something else. Let me re-describe that. What were you doing at that time? Just holding the high piece? Yeah, I was just holding it, and walking it. I was just in the process of walking. Okay. Just disappearing. So, she was holding the timepiece, and she walked up to the entryway, made eye contact with you, kept walking towards Sister Katie, and she was muttering, and then she vanished. So, she's holding the timepiece, not the mirror? Correct. And she got out of the caverns, walking toward the back door. You didn't get anywhere close to it. It just was walking on the hall. Just walking away from the car, and just vanished. Okay. Got to pull it for her. All right, I want to make it clear that I would close the door all the way to where it was originally, just, you know, against the rock or whatever. Oh, yes, exactly. Which is where Sister Katie is standing right now. So, we may notice that that opens and closes. Yes. Do we regard a savoose coming through? Exactly. Did I see that happen? Make a perception check. Well, how many dice do you get? Five. Minus two, because you're really focused on Ethan, making sure he doesn't die in there. Actually, I would like to make a roll too. Okay. No, you were focused entirely upon Ethan peering through the crack in the door that he left. So, does that draw attention? Yep. And looking at him moving into the main area. Okay. So, basically, I got to observe for using the relic. Well, that is how you might do it. The relic wasn't glowing or anything special. She was holding it, and then she disappeared along with the relic. Hey, good, yes. I was just wondering if there's something about what she did using that timepiece that might be useful. One of my aspirations is learn more about the stopwatch. Well, she literally is just holding it, and she's looking ahead. She's not even looking at the timepiece. She's holding it, and muttering to herself, and then she disappears. So, she's in a way, because I'm just trying to get all the possibilities here. Yes, there was no physical movement or manipulation of the timepiece. It was in her hand. What did he say to say? It was hard. Okay. Okay. Does anybody say she was just holding it at her side, not really doing anything weird or strange? I'm just wondering if she's lied to me again, so that's all for this. Right. That's all for you to determine. All right. I told you about what. He's not a fan, apparently. Well, no, I just did something that she said to me before that she couldn't do. So, I don't know. She's making choices without talking to anybody. Right. We all do something. Holy shit. Or at least, no. When you're in a team effort, we're trying to accomplish the same goal. You have to have some communications. Daniel has got a chance to go, yeah. Daniel, go. He resorted to catch up with the rest of them. He had just finished putting together the guns, and he looks at them, and his old rifle, that he picked up at the farmster. Nice thing to him. Oh, it's... Baby, why haven't you used me? Okay. He's been that long. And I head down to the door. You should head down to the door, and you should open it cautiously. And if there's anything in there, you and I together can take care of this. Use me, and I will protect you. He feels the emotions, whether it's an actual voice or not, can be left up to John. Okay, back to Ethan, who had made it to the main entryway. I'm looking for a light switch. I want to turn the light off. Okay, notice that there is a light-stop distracting attention of this. Something that's supposed to be closed. Right. You walk across with a glass. As you walk across, you can definitely see something happen here. It's not just this thing broke. There's slide marks from shoes, and there's rubber soles, you know, leaving marks. There's also a chair underneath the mirror. There's glasses been moved around. Anything else is you'd have to stop and look, but what you really look for was a light switch. But when I find it, I want to take a look. Sure, do want to do the inspection, then turn off the light. Okay, well then in that case, make a perception check. Okay. What's plus composure? And you may want to write down, because I'm going to say make a perception check lots. Five. And I can use a wheel. You can spend a willpower if you wanted to. You can risk a willpower if you wanted to. I'll do the three and nine again. How many dice do you have? Three, eight. Eight. And you're trying to suss out a combat scene. You've been in some combat. It's tough though. You don't have a lot of blood or things to really draw from, because it wasn't a lot of bleeding taking place. Let's go with... Well, I would argue that this is kind of like an etch a sketch, and I can see things traced in the context. Okay, one die. Three little. I was going to give you two, but let's go with one. Seven dice. Seven dice. How many successes? One. Okay. So 10. So... Roll again. And it's a 10. And roll again. Okay. Two. So it's two successes. I'm going to give you two bits of information. All right. The first is the shell casings. The shell casings are of a caliber that you would, with your experience you've had in your background. Sorry. I think you recognize that those are most likely jays. Shell casings. And then you notice also, you can't quite pick up the movements in the glass, as well as you'd like. You know there's movements that took place, and you know there was a, a dance of some sort of, you know, a violent dance of combat. But what you do pick up is you pick up that there's actually two different types of glass there. There is definitely the glass from the mirror, like a standard 1935 mirror. But there's also darker, almost like obsidian type glass, a very dark smokey glass, which is completely unique to this area. You've never seen that before. Now one can surmise that the mirror was made of two types of glass, but you've also been researching the shattered man and realized that in some of the descriptions of him, and these various Latin texts described him as made of glass. So I don't think it's a leap for you to imagine that this unique glass could, in fact, be coming from the shattered man. And that's your turn. We'll go back to Silverbell, and I'm assuming that you're making your way to that location that you wanted to. Do you care if anyone hears you? Because you're not quiet, you're different. No, I'm quiet too. Stealthy as well? Is there a stealth bonus on there? Unless they want to contest it. No one can hear you. Well, they would passively contest you. Everyone gets at least a passive role to see if they know this something. So your turn basically involves walking into the Western Union office. Right, pulling out a piece of chalk and starting to draw on the ground. And that is freaky as hell, Ethan. You see random. As you're looking at the glass and whatnot, your secrets start to move and a circle start to appear in chalk on the ground. This point I put my goggles on for a few seconds before I turn out the light. Okay, that sounds great. Daniel, are you doing anything else at this point? Besides moving into the alleyway with your gun? I'm waiting at the door for some kind of shout for help. Okay, which is what Sister Katie is doing as well as far as I know. Let's briefly take the story back to the trees in the hedge. The pin cushions, yes. Thank you for listening tonight's of the night actual play podcast. If you'd like to send us questions, comments or feedback, you can reach us in a number of ways. From Twitter @KOTN_podcast or by email and don't forget the iTunes reviews or our Facebook page Speaking of Facebook, join like-minded folks at our Facebook fan page and lastly, there's our blog page where there's an Amazon link on the right hand side. Thanks to Zen Audio Smith for the intro and outro music. Get your own music at and join us next week for more mystery and adventure. And there's a cracking noise that you hear, which is- Snapped peas. Yeah, snep, sugar, snep peas. I'm going to use my Leatherman, which I'm sure has one of those fine tools for cracking windows if you're trapped in a car, you know. What do those call? Hammer? Yeah, I know what you're talking about. This is a specific name though. There it is. And I can't think of it. Life hammer. It's called a life hammer. Okay. It's like a life hammer or like- It's a brain name, but it's also called a life hacker or a life hammer. Life hammer? Okay. Good job. I'm a life hammer. Another section you're about. Isn't that what they're doing? Sure, yeah, you get the lady. I mean, that's hard. No pun intended. Okay. Moving on. Yes. Wow. You can hang out for a while longer. I will steal whole thing whiskey. We will have a great night together. Whole thing of whiskey. Whole thing of whiskey. I couldn't think of the word than you, Rachel, or bottle of glass. Bottle of glass? Simple. There you go. There you go. Whole thing. I didn't specify it. Tiny spirit, tiny little shot glass. Needs the wiggle room. Yeah. Should I say poof? That was where your dad and Jackson really cool music. Got a flashlight in there. Yeah. I love the room. Right, dude. Have you not been paying attention? I think you're making fun of me. No, I'm not. I'm hoping it does have a flashlight. I figured this does. This is the highest grade. This is in the middle. They typically do have an LED, but- garment issued. Yes, go ahead. I know I'm not a part of this. I just have a question for you in this situation. Iron usually has a property with cold iron. Yeah. Thank. Okay. Yes. Cola and different than orange. That is, yeah. It is a specific thing. It is a specific thing and- I don't think you ordered cold iron leather mains like this. Cold iron means it's just not forged. Right. And if certain metal things are manufactured, they're usually bent and pressed. There they are. I'm just throwing it out there. Sure. I appreciate that. Like a weapon? No. If you can find where they're cold, you know, if they're constructing that way online, I'm all for it. This is cold forts to- Wait one second because I want them to be able to work that out together. I don't need a little- I'm gonna mess with someone else to try and count. Hmm. Yeah, it's nuts. It's- Time is over. Wow, contested. Good. It's- so you're trying to view the shattered man. Is that correct? No. You want to grab him and pull him into this dimension, right? Mm-hmm. I was commenting on this so I can go in there because I don't know this. Oh! With your hands. Yeah, no one is- Um. Right. I'm gonna go in there so that I can't be added. And then I want to pick up your hands. Yeah, just a half. And then I want to do that with that on. Which is why they end up being half an hour long. Learn more about the stopwatch, right? Well, I don't think it made much of a difference, but she did spend the time-watch, clicked her heels three times and something which I was home, but that's just incidental. No, I'm kidding. Nothing like that happens. As I learned in, you know, if you're not on team speak, apparently you kicked out of a guild. That's the whole stuff you're making. So, did that happen recently? Yeah. So I'm guessing everyone else is just- No, I mean, that's- So you're out of the guild. Yeah, I went through- Daniel, I just finished. Oh, whoa, whoa. One second. Continue care of this. Use me and I will protect you. Use me, baby. Is it literally talking to him? He's feeling- And I don't know if I need no voice of the gun now or if there's- You know, as you see fit. He thinks that it's-