Knights of the Night


1h 5m
Broadcast on:
31 Dec 2014
Audio Format:

The 2nd part of the break in at the Western Union Office. Can Jay de-cube Edgard? Will the rest of the crew show up in time to help?Actual Play startsĀ  20:06

[Music] Hello, and welcome the Knights of the Night actual flight podcast. At this world of darkness story, The Sin Eater was written and run by a storyteller Scott. And now, please enjoy episode 208 titled, "God help us all." Actual play begins 20 minutes, 6 seconds. [Music] Okay, to start with the feedback, we had some from Facebook, episode 205. Get one okay and sugar in. That was a title up to 205. That was a joke, right? I think you said it, but I don't remember. Good, yeah. I think the office is one okay and sugar in. Could be. Christopher Foster posted and said, "In all honesty, my silver ball rage was pretty much over the episode I commented on it." Over by? How ever. What a temper. Also, if Rachel is actually having her character co-opted by the storyteller, then I commend her on her patience. I like my characters to be my characters. Scott asked her to play silver ball, or was it a mutual decision? Mutual decision? I asked you if you asked me a character, Scott Foster on Facebook and said, "I knew anything about podcasting stuff." It was after the first story. Every time story said, "Do you want me to walk you through character creation or would you like to play a pre-existing character?" Yeah, but I didn't know anything about her. And you said, "I'd rather play a pre-existing character." I didn't know anything about her, though. To be fair. But you didn't say, "Tell me about her." You said, "I will play a pre-existing character." I didn't know anything about her. It was... Wow. It's kind of how fucked up that character was because she had a character. I didn't. I had no idea. Well, she does the anti-social thing while I knew from, you know, from London. Everybody's anti-social with London. Exactly. He sees him as everyone else, though. Jason McDonald also posted on episode 205 and said, "Poor Mike can't accept that he broke his garden gnome on the floor while fighting the bee lady. What a traumatic event that must have been." I mean, they must be right, but it was clearly figuring out if that's what happened. Well, you were at that point being, you know, written by the spirit of Cleveland, so it makes sense that you wouldn't. But you would think I remember that I don't even have that artifact. No, I think you're in complete denial. If it's your character, though, his love of artifacts, it fits you very well. I think it's... He can't accept that it's gone. I'd rather that explanation than the fact that I'm old and can't remember it. I think of the first explanation, and I'll go like, "A little bit of Gorilla Gloom got all back together." Mm-hmm. Sounds good. Wonderful artifacts. Yeah. However, I will say that this makes a lot more sense to me now when Scott... I think I went to Scott saying, "Look, I've got this artifact at this time period." And maybe... I mean, he's like, "I don't think so." And he just kind of dismissed him like, "Well, that's kind of rude." But then I thought, "Wait a second. I don't have this thing at all." Right. So I would think this is now a little more understandable. In this case, you do have an excuse. In this one case. This one case. Time Rocket also posted and said, "Wow. I just caught up after following four episodes behind. I really enjoy the cleaving noir, and with the hedge comment, I saw a test for Siren Dresden crossover with many, many do's in the Never Never/Hedge." Just saying, Rachel is doing awesome as Silver Bell on the test force is doing awesome so far. Thanks, man. Thanks, Tom Rocket. By the way, Bob is returning to us this week, so Tom Rocket, we'll have some of the things we wanted to share with Mr. Rocket. We got nothing to say to him. I got nothing to say to him. It's a new year. I'm going to add as a bad part out, you know that. You're a jerk-off. Timothy Ryan Dickey also said, "After this episode on 99% certain, I know the big secret behind Silver Bell, what exactly she is and what she can do. Everything now makes sense." What episode was that? This was 205, so, like, don't worry, the lead, tell us what it is. He didn't tell us. He just knows. Steve Allis says, "We learn a little bit more about Silver Bell." Mr. Murk, you said, "Aha." So Scott does draw from other World of Darkness books. Changeling, the lost, makes an appearance. Shit Luxide were a wolf references, and looking at the title of this campaign, I was anticipating a Geist's involvement, nevertheless I'm curious about how this develops. Also, the reference reminds me of a podcast inspired, particularly by KOTN, which is sadly fell apart during their second story arc. In spite of the podcast? Yes, I was finding self-production. They did two different storylines during the release of the second one, they kind of just faded away. Did they fade away, or did their recording fade away? Because you could still play without doing all the effort that goes into it. Yeah, they're not releasing it, so I have no way of knowing whether they're still... I didn't know if any of their fans still talked to us. I think I remember hearing a lot of members that one of their members may have been in the military and got moved. Wow. You do? I don't. I don't recall. It was probably the jam of somebody. It was the editor. And they were like, "Well, shit." Oh, okay. Well, the podcast, which is the podcast. Timothy Dicky posted and said, "Yeah, I think one of their members was in the military in this station for a while now, as 6th and 7th were amazing." So that was their first name, and then they had a second campaign, which I can't remember the name of because they never finished it, and their overall podcast was called "Filling Self-Approtations." Awesome. Well, not awesome. They went away, but awesome that we actually inspired anybody to do anything. Greg Anderson also posted on this episode saying, "I love the fact that Rachel got aggressive when the impotence of decision-making reared its ugly head. This had to do with some heavy size coming from that side." Sure. It did. You're probably evolving a door. Right. Yeah. Did we just go already? Real or metaphysical? It was a door of some sort. I reposted and said, "Dang it. I just realized that I can't recall where the title line of this one came from. I think I'll have to re-listen." Hmm. Not a bad option. Also, was it an editing decision or just the adventure structure? But World of Darkness seems to have more possibilities of shorter podcast episodes than other games we've gotten thoroughly entertained by. I think he's referring to the fact that the episodes let you have been shorter, and I've explained that. We're getting down to about five minutes apiece now. Yeah. Yeah. I've explained that a number of ways, we now have three children. You get down here later, we can't play any later than we do, so the number of hours we actually play is shorter, compressed, right? And then when we edit out all the nonsense, we're not left with a lot over. So if we try to stretch it into two episodes, we're talking shorter episodes, and that's what we've been doing, because our library is shorter, our backlog isn't available. I think we have longer scenes than Dresden too. Okay. I'm sorry. You can sit there with a straight face and say that Shagrin was one scene. Well, it was one damn scene that went on for two and a half months. If that's different. Possibly. What we're talking about is game. That's an outlier. You cut that out when you take the average. And then you have an example of one. Yes. Well, no. Well, we have almost 18 kids, right, and children among us. Do we really? Do we have four years? Do the math. You've got four. Good Lord. Okay. Five. Give people four ended children. About half of them go here. Stop spawning. I'm going to say five. And well done. Yes, it does. It seems to me that the system doesn't really matter as far as how long the podcast is. And we also got a little bit of feedback from Mr. Joe Kirby. Oh, wow. Joe, I'm going to create some music for us. He said he wasn't paying attention, but now I am. It's time to download the World of Darkness adventure and see where this story is headed. Welcome back, Joe. When he figured it out, tell him to let us know. Yeah. That's possible. Actually, on the fan page, a number of people were talking about getting up a Wikipedia where they can discuss theories and stuff. Oh, neat. I would read that. No, I'd read it all the time because they had a better idea. I mean, there's more of them than there are of us. I was really lucky. Yeah. I got it too much. Yeah, that could be a two. This story is great. You can read their theories and be all like, "I'm going to use that." Yeah. Back to Facebook, episode 206, which was titled 1-800-kaiduro. Steve Ella said, "Business trip today from one coast to another, wishing the nights produced podcasts on Monday this week so that I could listen to it." I didn't release it until Wednesday, but he said, "Oh, perfect timing. I have a four-hour flight today. You have to use apparently flying all back." So yeah, he was maybe flying back. We're not working out for Steve. Steve Ella also posted about Savage Kingdoms. He put a link leading to a download. I'm going to throw that in the show notes so that people could see what he was talking about. Taylor McClure had also posted on 206 and said, "Totally excited about part two of this ongoing series. Ed Guardman Tastes wrestles the supernatural, featuring special guests, the shattered man." Tom Rocket commented and said, "Hm, coincidence?" The 1935 Cleveland Indian season was the only season that involved the Cleveland Indians attempting to win the American League. Oh, so it was like a dig, no, not at all, but that's okay. 48. Just accepted it. Cleveland sports are just, first, not what they are, or we're not supposed to be bad, at least back in the day. We're at workers sitting. We know that. Yeah. On episode 207, titled Lemon Teas, Paul Bennett said, "No one said Adolf Hitler. Come on, man. Time travel 101. Give me a name of Adolf Hitler." Oh, Adolf Hitler. There was a lot of tools. There was a lot of tools. Time, right. So, you know, in the 1930s, he's named the "Man of the Year" by the Time magazine. So, but we come from the future. We know. Yeah. We have our own problems. I was not. First of all, Edgar was never said a word. He just thought things in his head, doing most of the party under the bus. That's awesome. He would have said it out with us. Didn't he even work out, man? No. And Jay's just too much of a smart ass. Yes. Power. Ari commented on 207 and said, "Nice improvement, by the way. I mean the short and long term goals spelled out the beginning of the session." Interesting. These new rules. Not machine, wasn't it? Resonate many points for the storyteller. I was reminded of Burning Wheel and Dungeon of the World to name a couple. But World of the Darkness still retains its cruelty, like the initial face to face with a shadow man. No warning, one shot to take, and failing that urine for a world of pain. The storyline is cooking up good and nasty indeed. Good and nasty? Yeah. It is a difference in the system, sister. Pretty much nailed that. Chris and Naples said, "Jesus, have you guys and gals really stepped in at this time?" Yeah. A great intense episode. We stepped in a bear trap. Someone left for us. I think so. I don't think that's hardly fair. Not on your part, it's just to bimonos for falling for a trap that was left for us to fall into. On our main page, there were a lot of people that posted pictures of the shattered man. What they thought he looked like. There was also many well wishes for the people who caught the flu, and that was mentioned that. And one comment about one more of our safe houses being compromised. Yeah. So how's Jamie? It's a skyhouse. Oh. Oh, okay. I get the joke. Good job. On the fan page, I posted that we would be looking for, if we get iTunes reviews, people to suggest who they want to read the review. Oh, yeah. Ari posted and said, "Hmm, should I try to post a review again and request Roberto?" Though with the new world of darkness, I'd settle for the Sasquatch Daniel. Tom Rock, it's that easy, Roberto. And Logan Swanson said, "The dulce of tones of head garden on tastes," which are very relaxing. I almost put you to sleep during the intro. Wow. Do you know you had dulce of tones, do you, Thomas? Nice. Are there reviews I need to read now? Yes, sir. Oh, man. Keegan posted on Facebook as well. I can't read the last name. I'm not even going to try. Sorry about that. Something I've been meaning to post here for a while, but I'm terrible at articulating my thoughts and writing, but I'll give it a try. First of all, thank you guys so much for all the awesome stories and characters you've created and shared with us. Second, I would like to give personal thanks. As before finding your podcast, I was getting pretty much burnt out on GMing. But after listening to delivery, chagrin, rituals, and now sin-eater, it has reignited my love of GMing and fate in particular. Though I must admit, I'm not as good at GM as you guys. And mostly, I don't do any preppy on thinking up a few compels per player before starting the session. I just have an editor. That's all. Yes. That's true. Probably just to find GMing. Yeah, I'm not that good either. Third, as you've given me some ideas on how to be a better player, I think it was a new manera character world creation. You guys talked about creating a character with a specific arc in mind, which I look forward to trying in my next long campaign. Instead of my usual, my character who has just a personality such as chaotic, sarcastic. And let's see how he reacts to this world. So thanks for the podcast. Happy holidays or not, in a case by case basis. Well, thanks. Well, could I hold it with a sec, maybe? Oh, well, that's possible. I don't know. Yeah. All right. Thank you very much for the feedback. That was very kind of insane. Again, I'm sure he's a good GM/storyteller, just doesn't have a personal editor. We have two iTunes reviews. The first one will be read by the dulcet tones of Edgarden Montes. So bring it on. This review comes from Winter Bison, it's five stars, he says, highly recommended. This is an amazing podcast that will keep you coming back for more. High quality, great post production, awesome stories, and most importantly, people who enjoy gaming. I've yet to see another actual player come close to this. Thanks, KOTN. All right. Thank you. Thank you. Sorry. Very well. Well done, Thomas. Well done. Yeah. It's a nice one. Oh, he's going to say they were in some Kenny G underneath him when he was five. So nice. Yeah, so nice. He's doing jazz. He's becoming the... Do you have your own meme now, Thomas? I'm actually going to drop your voice down by having an octet should be with food. It's not like very light, yeah, very light, it's not a deep enough to be in the winter bison. He can make... When your voice is down, sexy. So now, the top scratch will read. We've got another five star review. It's titled, "Just listen. Listen now. No really. Listen." This is from MTG Rogue. He says, "This is a fantastic podcast that has kept me entertained for over 200 episodes. Honestly, I was only going to give it four stars because, although it's fantastic, I simply wouldn't consider myself a fan of AP. I actually haven't even played a tabletop RPG. However, then I realized I had listened to the first episode as an experiment, so now I've listened to over 200 hours of these guys. I listened to a lot of podcasts, and this is probably my favorite. Now, please, please just listen to the podcast and hear it for yourself. And guys, leave in the puns. Punning is a talent which no man affects to despise, but he who is without. Both by Jonathan Swift. Nice. Hey, you gotta get dropped Jonathan Swift in there. Yeah, but I'm still not leaving the puns in because as the past two people who just read are both my sons, they know full of all I can pun. It's badly as anybody else. I just choose not to. Sold. On the podcast. Our last bit of feedback is an email sent to from Greg from Philly who said, "Hello, Knights. I've been listening to your podcast since last summer and finally got caught up a few months ago. I figured it was about time to show us some actual support. I just posted an iTunes review the other day and started supporting you guys on Patreon. So I guess I'm really on board with what you guys are doing. Thanks. Thank you. After listening late, I was lucky to have always had a nice store of back episodes to go through. I was hooked from the beginning of shit luck and I've just gone sequentially from there. But since I've been listening so regularly and occasionally several episodes in a row, the KOTN podcast has been with me through some of the most enjoyable time in recent memories. I listened to the end of shit luck while I was relaxing on a beach in Aruba last summer. Wow. Damn. We were in Aruba. That guys, we were in my voice, played over some microphones. I listened to the intro to Numenara Adventure while driving into like placid in the spring with my wife. It was our last vacation before our baby was born. You guys kept me company on the weekend morning this summer as I walked along the neighborhood with our infant son sleeping against my chest in a carrier. And recently I've struggled to work in brisk fall weather listening to the latest world of darkness story. I look forward to seeing what this winter has in store. As I mentioned in my tune review, I haven't been able to play RPGs myself in almost 15 years. But being able to listen to you guys, having the same kind of triumphs and challenges, decisions and debates as my group had, and all the gaming groups must have had, brings me back home. I love the universality of it all. It's why the hobby is so special and it's why I really want to get more non-gamers open to the idea of playing. Speaking of this, my wife still doesn't really get it. Mine either actually died later. But she did incidentally listen along to the beginning of the Numenara game in a car with me and was impressed by Scott's description of the city and attention to detail involved. So nicely done. Thanks. I could go on and on but I'll save it for another time. For now I just wanted to say thanks again for sharing your creativity, hard work and enthusiasm with the world, Greg from Philly. Wow. That's awesome. Thanks for carrying us around the world. That's pretty cool. Sounds like the Forest Cup entage where we've been all over the way, we're all over the world. Can you bring up that too? Thank you Sean. One last thing we want to mention, thank you everybody for the Patreon, we're coming up on another month, we're going to give out a t-shirt. Everybody who used the Amazon link over Christmas, we're very thankful of that. And also just all of the listeners hanging out on the fan page, join Facebook and take a look at it. There's a lot of good stuff going on in there. A lot of good conversations not just about KOTN, but Michael did want to make sure that we pointed out a couple of the Christmas Carols that were shared there. One in particular was from Luke Green and either Mike's going to read it for us, and Michael's going to read it for us or not, we'll see. How about the dulcet, Tom's going to put it on, James? Yeah. That's good. Good. Okay so this is Luke Green's Silver Bells, Silver Bell, Silver Bell. Well let's time travel in the city, glaring grouse, hear them there, soon it will be yesterday. City shanties, busy shanties, made in alternate style, in the air there's a feeling of shit luck, children crying, people dying, meeting doom after doom, and on every new argument you'll hear, Silver Bell, Silver Bell, hmm. Let's time travel in the city, glaring grouse, hear them there, soon it will be yesterday. Springs of streetlights, even cop lights, blink out suddenly gone, as Sister Kate pulls an epic crash. Here are the ribs cracks, see the kids freak, this is Jay's current pain, and above all this chaos you'll hear, Silver Bell, Silver Bell, let's time travel in the city, glaring grouse, hear them there, soon it will be yesterday. Okay. Nice. Thank you, Luke. That one first. All right, and with that thank you Luke again for the fine Christmas Carol, we'll get on to the latest adventure, as this is going to be released right before, I'd like to just take a quick moment and wish all of our listeners a happy new year. Happy new year. This is the world of darkness story, The Sin Eater, I'm your storyteller Scott, and with me tonight, starting on my right is, Michael playing Ethan Clark, a medical doctor, and member of Aegis Kideros since 1929, Tom playing Jay Alton, a member of the ascending ones. I am Jim playing Kenya O'Connor, who is an angry warrior of the Malius Malefakarum. Tainted. Mike, playing Michael Clay, the academic adventurer from the Aegis Kideros, Tom is playing Edgar Admond, tastes a good doing practitioner from the Lannisteris conspiracy. John playing Daniel Morgan, a mountain man turned mercenary, and next member of Taskforce Valkyrie. Rachel playing Grace Rockland, with Silver Bell, and St. T-Nager, and we're back to the other group. It's not mistaken. You guys were leaving the library. No sense of urgency at all because we don't know what's going on. Exactly. You have some... A little battle to the library. Right. I thought instead of resolving the entire scene, I think... Well, it's going to take the whole night in, and then... Yeah, exactly. No, no kidding. I don't remember. I certainly had the image of a movie as we leave this bloody scene. I'm just turning a page of a book. Great. Back to the fight. Jay had his turn on, right? In case there was an emergency. He hasn't used me. Oh, there's nothing wrong. Nope. Nothing's wrong. Well, I believe when we left, Silver Bell and Michael and Ethan had met back up with cura-kitties because you'd taken the pictures and you would not let you remove the tones from the restricted collection, but you had taken some photographs with your camera phones, which they don't know what he didn't know about because he was like in the hallway square in the cigarette or doing something that you were not allowed to do in 2011 but you were allowed to do in 1935, and you basically knocked out a door when you had your pictures and your camera phone. Silver Bell had a key success and I had several key successes that were based on her- Exceptional successes. Exceptional looking for. Yes. And you found out a bunch of information, but you did want to do further research on this reverse Latin text which you needed to delve into. Right. I mean, there's certainly some meat here for you to delve into. And so what we found, did it indicate, was it some kind of spirit creature or- No. No, no. All we found were two texts, one from 1200, one from 1300, and they were in completely different locales and in different languages, and they were all in protection. They were all in protection. One was from Southern France and one was from Friesland, which is on the northern sea, like a Netherlands area from now, from Denali. There was one picture, find a picture of him. Yes. Are you kidding? He didn't tell us that he didn't resemble anything human. He looked like a monster. Okay. But that's the only detail. Right. There's nothing in so far, anything you've researched that tells you it's a spirit. And that's why I'm not asking- Well, I am asking you, I'm just trying to frame it. Is it a monster in our world? Is it from the spirit realm? Right. I think you saw some references? We all saw references to Arcadia. And you know that that was something to do with Faye. Arcadia is the land of the Faye, and the hedge is like a no-man's land between them. That much you were all able to kind of talk your way through and figure out. Remember you got all defiant with the good doctor, Marty, because he didn't, he claimed not to know what you're talking about when you're talking about the hedge in Arcadia. That much you were able to come up with. So you're thinking more Faye. You're not thinking spirit, but they're all so intertwined. Right. It's hard to know. Right. Well, I'm just trying to get a sense of what we might be facing. That's all. I was wondering if there was some other than disappearances and abductions, if there was more to it, then we're going to start doing more research. Well, you know, I think everyone here, everyone in this scene, Ethan, Michael, and Grace, know I had to make it a cult role, please, and know your particular specialty doesn't apply to this role. Just your regular occult wits plus occult. Straight up or wits plus occult. I'll take that. Okay. Mine is too dark. No. You're just too happy about it. So I had to put it on that beam and what's happening to you, Dick. Okay. Do I smell self-esteem or hope? Crush that immediately. Nothing. Oh, that's why. That's why. Well, that was a success. It was a success. Oh, what? It was 10. You get to remember it. Oh, so. Okay. Going from left to right. Rachel, how many dice do you make successes? Six dice, two successes. Okay. Great. Michael? Out of six dice, three successes. All right. And Ethan? Five dice is zero. Six dice. Oh, this is new to you. Children. Abductions. Changelines. Fay. So... What? Children disappearing is certainly an occult thing that I think Grace would be able to draw a conclusion with. There's children disappearing. And whenever there's children disappearing, a lot of times children are taken away into Arcadia or the Fay, whatever you want to call it, given over to the entertainment of the gentry. So there certainly are a lot of occult rumors about that. So as you're bouncing it and saying, "Is this a spirit? Is this a monster? Is this a creature from Fay?" Well, as you're putting things in different columns, certainly the disappearance of children, nursery rhymes. There's a lot of things that are in the column of changelines, or the faithful, and it's kind of all foggy and what you don't know, the inner workings of those types of creatures. But... Well, what do you guys do as you leave the Cleveland Public Library at Kierkees, says, "Is everything all right? Did you find anything you needed to find?" Yes. Absolutely. Thank you very much. Very well. And if you need access again, please don't hesitate to ask. And good luck in whatever it is you know you're facing. Did you find the box again? We're still researching. I didn't... we didn't find the band yet. He found a bunch of texts, and then he wants to research further. I thought he was kicking them out, I'm like... Well, he is. They took their pictures in the camera. Yeah. And now we've got our information. Oh, so you were doing further research? Yes. Oh, I apologize. Well, I guess now I would refer to Ethan and ask him, "Is there somewhere that we can go to either get ahold of either a mirror to look at some of these texts, or I can show you what I've got on this little mystical device we carried from the future?" Also, I want to just do a quick check-in with Jay just to let him know what we found and that we're going to move on. We're not in the library anymore. And we're going to go to your place, or somewhere we can talk. Yeah, that place would be fine. Okay. Plus, I'm feeling much more interested in Dr. Ethan now, we'll feel a little bit more. As a brother. Yes. Could someone remind me where the nun is? I'm the church of you. I'm not babysitting. She's babysitting. Oh, please. She's waiting for me to get back from what's turning into, we're not going to do that scene, because it's just, it's not even... Well, it's... It's not even the most interesting. But let me tell you how she's babysitting. She's making sure the kids are down and sleeping, and then she's going down to the truck isn't there, is it? No. Okay. With the stuff she stole from the van, they get it ready to be hooked up to the battery of the truck once we get it back so we can charge our, uh... Right. She's trying to make up basically a charge. A power source. Yeah. So, do we even the kids alone? Oh, she's not leaving them alone. She wouldn't have left them alone if they would have been a car there and catch it too, but there's not. So, she's just fiddling with it in the next room. Right. She went to the London Deal School of, uh, of childcare, but yes, I get your point, and that sounds like a good thing. Why don't you give me a krafts plus... Hmm. I'm going to say, in this particular instance, wits because you're kind of throwing something together on the slide. Would you say this is auto repair? Sure. I like it. Then I have six dice. Okay. And because you're in a new time, and I know you know what you're doing, but a little bit. Take one die away just for the uniqueness of the terminology and stuff at this point. I have one again, uh, just one success. One success. Give me a total of five successes before that's going to be ready, and each roll is going to take about 10 minutes. You got one success. You can make that roll every 10 minutes until you, you got it to the point where you think it's, it's good. Or until you roll all ones and it blows up. In my notes, there were four key things that were we found in these archives. Yes. One was found by Grace, two was found by Clay, and four, the fourth was the reversed writing. So those were players that were going to be, you were going to explain that later. We didn't get into depth about it. Once you do some research, yes, but I mean, the general idea was that there was some type of Latin spell of protection against the shattered man. You found two different versions of it, right? One written in Southern France, one written in Southern France. Okay. I'm sorry. Okay. So those were the two protection spells that were believed to be of sacred value to the church. And it's in some old Latin text written by some Trappus monks. As far as the third and fourth, I believe those two are rolled together into an actual image of the shattered man in your text that you found, Michael Clay, and the reverse writing, which was very intriguing and you needed a mirror and some other things to really be able to decipher it. And also it's Latin that's written centuries ago, so with its own dialect, you need to basically do a bit more research here. Okay. Okay. So the three of you, I'm assuming, Grace and Michael and Ethan, are getting into the Ford flatbed that was parked outside of the Cleveland Public Library, the closed Cleveland Public Library. I'm leaving. And you were there as well? Yeah. Okay. I couldn't remember where the station was. Well, if there would have been the spirit of Cleveland down there or something else, you might have been- I could shoot it. You could shoot it. Stuff, right? The four of you get in the van and two of you in the back, two of you in the cab or three in the cab, doesn't matter. And go to the hotel, Cleveland, which is where you were still staying, I believe. Or did you transfer over to the Internet? You were transferring to the house. Yeah. I know you guys did it. Oh, I heard it. Yeah, I did transfer to the Amsterdam. Okay. You guys drive there, get into a room and we're back to Edgard and Jay. We left it as he had basically warned you. So it goes to Edgard's turn. Edgard, you got to slip to your knees, did your dicing up of your lemon, getting your stuff together. Did you read that? It takes a set up. I read that the easier ones are quicker, so probably done in a little bit. Right. Probably this turn, I would say. This next turn. But we stopped right after he started slicing his lemon. We cut to the three of them, wrapping up to the library, Michael, Ethan, and Grace. So you go before him, you know you did. You just shot him in the head. It seemed to do some damage, not as much as you wanted, but you're shitting. I'm not specifically in the head in a rearranged, so I'm not going to shoot for the head again. That doesn't seem to be particularly helpful. Well, yeah, I guess you've dealt with some creatures in the night where it fits. The rearrangeness, missing it from his leg, it doesn't matter, just as long as I do damage, so my aiming isn't helping. So I'm just going to tell him, I'll final give you a name to Shattered Band, and I shoot again. Hang on. Run on all the wittest systems, could you die quicker? Yes, really. I have ten dice. Well, it might work. I gave him an aim. What's that? Probably not a Shattered Band. That was an asshole, but... Four successes, three of them are all against. That would be five successes, plus the two damage of the weapon, that is a total of seven, as I just take right to the center of the body. There's a great deal of shattering, glasses spraying all over the place at this point in the room. The creature doesn't make a noise, it rearranged itself, and sure enough, there's gaps missing in both legs at this point. It didn't so much stagger back, it's just, again, because it's a creature that is unlike a normal person who might stagger a bit back, you know, it's not like in movies. There's definitely a kinetic explosion of energy for your bullet and glass all over the place. It reforms itself, and says, "My name is not a Shattered Band." Yeah, it's for that. If I had his real name, that might help. This is your last chance, give me a name. Thomas? Can I hear any of that? Nah, okay. Because I might make that attempt, but... Right, nope. You're in a glass prison that seems quite impenetrable at this point. Right, so I call up the spirit, who actually probably never stopped writing me. You finish your lemon, you have a candle, but you don't need to light it, or you do need to light it for the ritual to work. It's two separate easements that I just work with at both times, because at the same time rather, because I felt like it would be better. Okay. I don't know if I actually brought the candle with me. You have to. There's no way you left it. You wouldn't leave evidence. So you have the candle, do you take an extra turn to light the candle or not? That's how I called him last time. If I want to get his attention again, you don't do a lesser appeasement after a greater one. No, I would often finish the lemon to be better at this point. Right. Okay, so you spend your turn, pulling out the candle, lighting the candle, and now the room is, well, still kind of dark. The glass, as you see, is, again, it's a tinted glass, again, like a dark, a dark, smoky tint. You can still see yourself, you're reflecting, don't you? But it's darker, and that's your turn this turn. Jay, last chance, according to the Shattered Man. You're saying he's made out of the glass, and he's very dark. Is there any light in this room? There's ambient light. From the street lights. I mean, there's no torch on the side. There's a light switch by the front door. You'd actually have to, but to be honest, you'd probably have to look as you weren't in here before. You'd have to look around and make a perception check, and that would be an active perception check. That would be your action for the turn, whereas a passive perception check is not your action for the turn, but it's much more difficult to be successful in. You mean looking for a light switch would be my entire turn, it could even turn it on. You could still move, you could still turn it on, but you wouldn't be able to fire your gun. Oh, I see. I didn't know if you wanted to fire again, or whatever. I just don't want to, I don't think, I want you to give you all your options. Right. Because it's never a good one, the Shattered Man says this is your last chance. You don't know that, but believe me, it's never a good one, the Shattered Man says this is your last chance. I tell him, using my faith that he has no power here, I am not afraid of him, and I do spot the light and flip it off like him. Sure. Go ahead and make your perception check, please. Five dice if I'm not mistaken. Correct. All right. Looking around, it's kind of dim in here. You're a little bit panicked, but you know how to control your panic. I kind of know where lights which is tend to be, which is right next to the door. Kind of because the bike works right. So I'm going to say, well, more because of your, because you don't know maybe where they were in 1935, either, but let's say that's because of your calm demeanor and combat. We're not going to subtracting you guys. I'll keep your car. Two successes, one ten again and three successes. All right. You turn that light. Like nobody. What is this? All right. Exactly. Anyway, lights up, he doesn't frown or shirk from it or power from the light. You can see him in better detail, obviously, because of the light and he's even more terrifying with brighter light than he was not in brighter light. So one thing I'd like to ask this point briefly, I mean, I know combat your thing, but breaking points, man made a glass, multi-dimensional, comes out of a mirror, I don't know. Another day in J's fucked up world or is that a potential breaking point for J? I guess it could be. I mean, I don't want it to be. It's your call. No, I mean, I just came from a farm filled with zombies, tarot spirits and zombies. I think the bee is the bee man that shattered into the bees, you know, similar, but no, no, no, but it's, you know, why? So maybe you've learned to compartmentalize that and I mean, he has a death fair of bees, but I don't know, he equates it to all of them. Right. No. I mean, let's say that that's valid, that something shattering apart and reforming is enough to make a role of necessary. Okay. Then go ahead and make the role of this. What's your integrity rate in J? You might be lower because you lost someone's bee, but I think you got it back. Give you plus one of your die roll. So a resolve plus composer plus one. You may not use any willpower, but the character is protecting himself plus one guy. The character is acting in accordance with his virtue. My virtues are faith and selflessness. Which one? You two. Can I have Tom? Yeah. He had to pay. I paid for a second. Yeah. I didn't know that. I didn't know that. You're not running away. The selflessness, he might be trying to save it yards. Yeah. He's not running away. Okay. At least not selfless. The character is protecting a loved one. Oh, there you go. No, he's under love. Well, it depends. I mean, even my aspirations are get the squad home. It's all squad-based. Plus two for a loved one. I'll give you plus one for a team. This is a team. I'm embarrassed. Yeah, sure. All right. Negative. I would protect my sister more. Character is acting in accordance to his vice. Pride. I can take this. I'm not giving you that name, fucker. I'm just, you know, I don't know if that's really pride or not. Your call. This is your ball game here. It's a strong mouth there. It's a minus one if you think you're acting in accordance to your vice. If you don't, totally- No, I don't think I'm necessarily better than this thing. I just, I'm not giving it anything. I'm not giving up a child because in my mind, that's what he wants is the name of someone to kill. It might be a name to give him a name. That's fine too. I, but Jay thinks it's the name of a child. Right. He's not getting that from me. Ever. Witnessing the supernatural in a violent manner. Minus two nights. Oh, definitely. Right. Supernatural attack, another minus two. Witnessing a supernatural occurrence minus one to minus five. I'm going to say minus one for the supernatural occurrence. It crawling out of the mirror hadn't be something freaky and creepy, but just a little bit. So go ahead. And all you want to do is get one success, Jay. Five of you. All right. Two success with a re-roll. Yeah, you, you dealt with it. You absolutely dealt with it. You're going to want to make at this point a resolve plus composure roll. He points his finger at you and says, well, he was for something you can't possibly understand. Resolve plus composure. And unlike Thomas, you're not surprised. So if you want to send willpower, you can. I think I'm better. Good. Nice. Good luck. How many got? Three with two roll guns. Come on. Do it. Oh, yeah. Five with another. 10. 10 again. Six. You feel your limbs go absolutely numb as if you're starting to be paralyzed. But you bear down thinking of all of thinking of your God. They're not straight. Everything that you could possibly think of to not think about this creature standing across. And you're trying to incapacitate you in some way, thinking about not being a cube. Because what looks like on the keys inside of you, looks like you fucking turned into a cube. You bear down and you're able to run off the effects. And there's no reaction from the shadow of man. It is your turn, Edgard. Okay. I got the double. Peasement's going. Double Peasement. So what's going on? I finish off the ritual by stuffing the candle. All right. Calling to your the messiness period, which is like both, if John's to be believed. What's the name? Like that. And you speak out the name of the spirit or I guess a brief description in this case because I don't know any that do this. And then he brings it to you. And I just asked for the same guy. And you don't have to roll a success or anything? I think we have to roll before. You do have to roll. Okay. Make that what we got. Give me your dice. Presence and expression. Presence and expression. How many total of four? Four dice. I'm pretty sure this is my all the way out of here. Willpower. Okay. So a total of seven dice. And I'm going to be a dick and say that you're somewhere else. So minus two dice for the distance or the uniqueness of your imprisonment. Okay. I've got a plus for the fact that I just called this guy up. I would actually actually still riding me. I just need to talk to him. Yeah. I would almost want to give you a minus for that because you're really being fucking annoying at this point. That means some lemons. What do I want to say? Mom, make it happen. That's what I got with me. Make it happen. A cheap bastard. Happy. Triple Nines. A nine. A nine. A nine. A nine. A nine. A nine. A nine. A nine. A nine. A nine. A nine. A nine. A nine. A nine. A nine. A nine. A nine. A nine. A nine. A nine. A nine. A nine. A nine. A nine. And five dice. And I'm going to be successful. I've got a whole lemons and a fire. Do you want me to? Yes, I'm sugar. I like sugar. I don't know. I searched my pocket so I was in a coffee course earlier today. If you spend a willpower point, you can have a pack of sugar. A fucking course. Yeah. You can still have a pack of sugar. I'll give you my whole pack of cigarettes too if you just help me get the fuck out of here. I don't think anyone's coming to my rescue. Now, did you actually call the Inamir or is this the actual spirit himself? Oh, I'm assuming. And what spirit did you call? I don't know what's the name. What did you call? What does the spirit do? It's a spirit of stealth. There are many different kinds. What kind did you call? The Loa. Was it a particularly cold night? No. It's middle of summer. So no. Fuck you. Sorry. Yeah. Then I just called the spirit of darkness. The open sky. Are you saying you have to? Yeah. No one can really talk to him. He's on his own. Do you have to summon this guy or this guy or can you summon any spirit? Can you summon an information spirit? You can summon up a spirit who is partial to what you're trying to do. It's stealth and given that it's a Loa. So it's a spirit of the land. It would be like spirit of mist would be a good one. If it was anything other than boiling hot, it was in June, July. It wasn't boiling hot. Remember, in this world in 1935, you don't have the same boiling hot summer that you have in 2011. Fuck you. So it changed. Again. What spirit do you call it? I'm looking for darkness and we're in a city. So I call it the spirit of the open sky night. I don't know. Whatever I can think of that would be stealth. Alright. The spirit is pissed at you and is angry and wants all the women, the candle, the sugar packet, and he wants you to break open a cigarette and give him all the tobacco in one cigarette. Sure. All of the tobacco in a whole cigarette. Okay. That's 12 in here, but I don't draw attention to that. That takes a turn and it takes us back to Jay. Jay, I tell this stupid thing that Shadow Man, you have no power here. Be gone. And with that, I pick up the mayor from the floor and slam it over the top of his head and all the way down to the ground and he's gone. That's awesome. That's what I try to do. It's like five points of symbolism. Okay. 20 for being terribly wrong. Yeah, really. You dashed to the mayor, pick it up off the ground and raise it up and try to put it over down. What I'm going to say is all kinds of brawl. So brawl is going to encompass what you're doing. You're using a physical object and it's going to be your dexterity plus your brawl. Okay. Five for dexterity and two for brawl for seven. Okay. Well, defense is three dice. Now, his defense doesn't apply when you're shooting him because even this creature doesn't move faster than the speed of bullets. So in the game system, just get everybody on the same page. If you're shot at, your defense doesn't count. But if you're being attacked physically, your defense definitely counts. Now, if the creature wanted to, it could also dodge. Give up its movement for next turn and fully dodge your attack. It doesn't do that. It just takes, it just, you know, basically tries to swirl around and make you miss, but it's not trying any harder than it normally would. So minus three dice for the swirling nature of his defense. So I got to assume, well, the fact that he's not trying to defend that this might not be effective. I've got one will left. I can either make the seven dice or go with four. I'm just going to go with four. Okay. You might need that will. And I am missed. You missed, but you hit the floor very successfully. Oh no. The glass shattered into just shards, thick, big shards, small shards, glass dust. Just really trying to prevent that. Yeah. You really came down with all your strength on the ground and that glass shattered all over the place. And we're back to the hotel Amsterdam where Michael Clay, Ethan Clark, and Grace Rocklin are now comfortable with cups of beer, tea, coffee, whatever they might be drinking. And they have their pictures. He has this really neat camera that's like this bit. You know, there's a couple inches. Get away. And then he's able to actually move the image around and make it larger. It's just, it's amazing. Man. If you know what cameras are. So, I mean, it's just a really, really cool sophisticated camera. And that's where you guys are at. You're at your room specifically. You have your own room, not separate from the guys' room and the girls' room. You have your own room. Well, I'm slumming it. So I would have gotten the best, the biggest sweep I had available. Right. Absolutely. So we'll get back to you in just a second, Sister. I would guess it's been about 40 to 50 minutes they've been gone. I mean, obviously the compets happened in 12 seconds. Okay. But walking there, they're distanced. They had to take taxi, actually. So maybe, not even that long. So they didn't take a taxi. No, they didn't. Because we're black. Oh, I think it took a taxi because you were black. No, they took the... No, they didn't take the form. No, I thought they walked. Somebody took the form. Yeah. It's his form. So we walked. We walked at that because they had this discussion about how they weren't going to be able to get in a home. Whatever the case might be, it's 15-minute walk. I'm not talking about them. I'm talking about them. And I figured they were both maybe coming back at the same time. Well, no. They're behind because they didn't research. They were looking at all ancient manuscripts. So this... You're probably not even there anymore. By the time you decide to leave, you're not going to be there. Okay. Okay, so we'll see how long it takes them to get to the result. Exactly. Because they might actually call you a producer because you have to hold just a bit until that kind of results itself. The three of you are in a hotel room, though. It's late at night. Probably 10 p.m. at this point. Did we have a rendezvous time? They were just going to go collect a mirror that shouldn't take that long. So at what point? It was more like we're going to collect a mirror. Then we're going to go with, you can go with Kati and take her to the church. I don't think it was a specific time, was there, Jay? Kati's here. Yes, but they're back hours later after their research. Okay. Their research took hours. What we're trying to figure out is how... Would I start the thing? Right. How can we haven't heard or should we have been back by now? I can see you being a little bit concerned. But to be honest, we don't even know if they're back yet or not. And I'm trying to... I want to actually play it out. Okay. You guys are doing research stuff. Okay. So what if they're back or not? Who cares? Okay. You decide you're going to research a little bit. Well, your research thing took two hours. Combat is slower. Like an olive, like a minute. Right. And maybe 10 or 15 minutes to get there. So it's not been long. How would you guys like to approach the manuscripts? Well, the digital manuscripts. I guess on the way there we would have at least talked amongst each other about what we found and what might be some good leads to explore. And at the very least, while I have powered my phone, I would like to take advantage of the... Either get a mirror or try to decipher this Latin written backwards as probably the best lead to at least the first one to begin with. Someone has a handheld mirror. I thought it might have been silver belt. Silver belt. Right. So there is a mirror available besides the larger one over your wash base in your bathroom. Now after our encounter with the mama of Edith, we've covered up most of the mirrors. It's here, but yeah. Right. Yeah. So... Plus Edith's mirror is the one. Right. I don't know if I'm going to use it. Yeah. I wouldn't think you would either. No, that one I'm going to keep under wraps. But I have your common mirrors. That one exists. But I ask Silver belt if she had to please her mirror over and I'll work the phone and she works the mirror in between the three of us. Be able to... You want to hold this manuscript up in front of a mirror that we know that the shattered man has shattered. No. Your mirror. You said you have a mirror. Oh, in my bag. Right. Gotcha. I thought you were talking about you this year. You're a girl. So I have two mirrors. Gotcha. You find a mirror that's portable. Okay. And you're able to hold it up, do the reverse, read the Latin while, you know, whatever the case might be. I would say that the two ages kind of door room members, do either of you speak Latin or have taken an extra language and invested in Latin at all? I have invested in languages except not Latin. What languages have you? Egyptian and Hebrew. So, however, I would argue that as an academic... Oh, you might have a passing... An as a medical doctor. Yes, absolutely. Would the sister as well? Yeah, I got it. We don't know if she's there or not. Actually, again, it's... A lot of mass was in Latin for a long time. Not that long ago. So, actually, I would be incredibly reasonable. That's what I meant. Yeah, but we don't know if she's there. So, I'm going to hold up for just a second. Is there any reason your character would know any Latin? Oh, of course. Okay. Let's go ahead with the two academics I'd like to ask. Me? Sorry? Squatch. This is the last one. Yeah, I didn't even ask on the other one. Sorry. I can't read English, but it meant as hell. What? It's a surprise. It's just Michael Clay and Ethan can both make rules. We're going to go with academics instead of a cult here, because I think we've kind of transitioned out of the occult and have gone into the academic realm. And we'll use intelligence because this isn't quite on the fly. You're definitely referring back to knowledge you have. And I'm going to go with intelligence this time. So, academics plus intelligence? Let me know what dice you have, gentlemen. I have a merit of professional training medicine. That's getting back to the Latin thing. So, is that what matter at all? Give yourself a die. There's two there. So, that's just one. Yes. I've got eight. Okay. Eight dice for Ethan and Michael not to be out. Academia. Just made a verdict. Just made a verdict. I have five and possibly one more if you allow it. I have, as part of my age, just kind of your status, I have a plus one on academics based rules regarding relics and archaeology. Right. Perfectly applicable. Then I have a total of six. Okay. Six dice, eight dice. It's written in a form of Latin that's very colloquial to a certain region of Europe. At this time when it was written, it's the oldest of the three manuscripts that were found. So, we're probably dating somewhere back to the seventh or eighth century on this particular woodcut and the reverse platinum. So, I'm going to subtract two dice because of the very localized version of Latin. You can spend willpower. Yeah, I'll do that. Yeah. You're not going to rub your knife? This is important. That's a good point. First of all, I wouldn't rub it. Okay. I don't know how it works, I'm sorry. Okay. I don't know how to rub it. Yes. I will use the knife. Actually, no, it's powers wouldn't apply it to this, I don't think. Quite yet. I'll save that knife. So, this is the one, and just to be clear, this is the one you're looking at, the reverse one is one you really kind of delving into first, not the two other texts that you found around the way as well. I will risk and I will try the eight against. The nine against. The nine against. I have power. So, three extra dice and nine against? Yes. So, give yourself three extra dice, which means you're up to. I'm now back up to seven. Seven dice. What do you say? Risking. I want three dice and the nine again. Okay. Go ahead. Gentlemen. Nine dice, eight dice, I believe. Four seven. Right, my own seven? Seven. Let's start. I'm building some caramel with these dice. Something. Three rolligans. It was dropped here. Oh, that was so cool. Yeah, you got it. Nine and ten, so. I do. I'll give you a big time. Okay, how many successes? Three. Three successes for Michael Clay. Two successes, I believe, for Ethan. All right. And it all makes perfect sense. And we cut to the scene of Sister Katie. You're not going to make sense, but something's really going to make sense. Oh, my God. Yes. There's a sharp exhale of breath or inhale of breath and Sister Katie. Oh! You have, they've been gone for roughly 30 minutes. You have two more rolls to get to five. Total successes. And any five total successes? Yes. Just do it. Two. Okay, you're up three. Three. Four. And then the next set of ten minutes. So half hour now, are you trying to put together this battery for like a better term? Yeah, two. Three successes. Okay. So after half hour, you've constructed what you believe to be an operational power charging device for your cell phones. Yeah, and what I figured I did is I took up a set of jumper cables. I hope somehow jerry rigged it into the wiring for the cigarette lighter thing that the chargers would plug into so now we can just click it right onto the battery charger phone. Well done, Sister. And then finally, we go back to Jay and Edgar in which time the shattered man, we just shattered the mirror, right? We just shattered the mirror, yes. His gateway to this world. I'm waiting there. Just like my plan. Oops. You've moved close to him, so he is going to just try to touch you. So he reaches out with his cubed fingers and just tries to touch you without paralyzing you first. And you get your defense, so what is your defense? This is not his quartet, but he's at six guys. Six. He rolled one die, which wasn't a chance die. And he rolled in an eighth. He rolled one success. So he touched you and you turned into a cube, but you didn't really turn into a cube. You are inside of a cube as is Edgar with a very pouty, angry, stealth spirit. And no one knows what happens to the two cubed men, but tune in next week. Defined. And we'll find out. Let's wrap up here. Everyone gets a one beat for the evening's play. I truly believe that Jay lived up to his virtues. So Jay, you're going to get an extra beat for role-playing. You're virtue very strongly. Nice beat. What about his role-power? And his willpower is completely replenished. Good, because it was completely gone while I had one left. Right. But that's the rule. I use it all in the scene there. It comes back. Edgar liked the role-playing tonight as well. And I'm going to go ahead and award you an extra beat. I believe the information at the library is going to prove to be very important. So each of the three members of that team, well each of the four members of that team, gets to take a beat for their feeling successful, the academic team. So you get an additional one if you have that as one of your aspirations. If you do. If you've succeeded in one of your short-term aspirations, please give yourself a beat and make a new one. And finally, Sister Katie, during rigging a cell phone charger, which may prove to be very important later on, gets a beat for her creative role-playing. An extra beat. Nice job, everyone. Thank you for listening tonight's of the night's actual play podcast. If you'd like to send us questions, comments, or feedback, you can reach us in a number of ways. From Twitter, @KOTN_podcast, or by email And don't forget the iTunes reviews or our Facebook page, Speaking of Facebook, join like-minded folks at our Facebook fan page. And lastly, there's our blog page,, where there's an Amazon link on the right-hand side. Thanks to Zen Audio Smith for the intro and outro music. Get your own music at And join us next week for more mystery and adventure. Well, my blood is running cold right now because I have a very recent memory of a very unhappy, fey lord involving a child that we kind of screwed over, so... No, you don't. Yeah, I do. That was- I'm mixing it like- Sorry, I'm mixing it like- That would have been really cool. I'm mixing it like my universe is- God bless it. It's an interesting picture. It's an interesting picture. I made something to do with the hedge too, so... Isn't that funny? Sorry, no. Yeah, it is land between- Or there's no land sometimes known in between. It was a good time. Oh, I thought I had something here too. Gosh darn it. Alright. Don't worry. I'll cut it out. Yeah. But we're really cool the way. If we had to cross stories, we didn't have any- Michael Clay is Ellen my cover? No! Yes, absolutely. Thank you. You might want to do it again. Just because she was- Yeah, that was my cover. Want to talk? I just have a question. Does Jay realize then that he's going to die? If he doesn't give him a name, since he summoned him? Since he said- Last thing you said was I didn't summon you. Does he realize that Edgard summoned him? And- I don't know if you realize Edgard summoned him or not. Sorry, I just- I don't think I would assume that Edgard summoned him. Why the fuck would Edgard summon him? Right. It would seem to be a very- Yeah, I mean you've worked with Edgard for a little while now. It would seem to be a very un-Edgardish thing to do. And then summon a creature of darkness and how did he get the information and- Yeah, I would think he would think someone else led you into a trap here or lured you here. Perhaps? I don't know what you're thinking. You know what you're thinking. My occult is one. It's not all that high. Sorry. Sorry. I tend not to try to- Overthink the situation. So, no, I'm assuming that that Jay is not. It's an enemy combatant that needs to be taken care of. All right. So, Edgard did his thing where he started slicing up his lemon and getting ready for a ritual. What the fuck is that? Sounds like you're water here maybe, are you? It's the mouse. It sounds like- I've never heard that before. Shake the fridge over. Oh, I bet the door's open again. Sometimes when the door gets- Yeah, it doesn't close very well. It makes that noise. I think that's it. It's not as soon as John gets there. That's the first way we watch it. Oh, look. Push the door in. And where's Thomas? He was asking for an end. He's asking for him to name him or is he asking him- Exactly. Yeah. I think that's exactly it. Okay. I'm not there. Nope. I actually probably never stopped writing me. Just the proper term. No, I just didn't know what it is. We're all mature enough to say that the spirit does attach on him right here. No, I didn't know if you remember his name. Jesus, man. Jesus, man. Stop blowing his cheating for him. He doesn't want him to spare his name. No, I don't. He does. Yeah, but that's fine. Come on. Don't you wish you had a tarot card deck? Really? Yeah. It's so much easier. I'm not a bad luck. Here's a bad luck of getting here. Oh my God. He's up to about, you know, 149. Is that good? Is that good? No. Yeah. 47. Then go ahead and make the role, please. I have no idea what that role would be. Damn, I told you. Look at that. You really thought I would know the role the darkest role is better than you? Yeah. I just thought. Plus composure. That it might be a character sheet, maybe. What is he? What are you asking for? Um, the... Good. Integrity role? Oh. Oh my goodness. You know this? Oh, no. I know something else and I'm not good. Oh. Okay. Integrity breaking points. Okay. My character kills people all the time. What does it sound like that was like you forming around him and it just shattered? Yeah. In his head it may have sounded like almost like ice forming very quickly. I think that's a fair thing. Or not ice. Yeah, maybe ice. Crackling of ice. Yeah. That's what you see. Thanks, guys. Um, is that what you're doing? The doing type of? The intermediary. Right. Yeah. I know from the very brief amount of reading I did in the textbook that John gave me. Are you supposed to call up an intermediary? It's always like the actual video practitioner. Awesome. That's from our books. I don't know. That's from my book. From school. Oh. Well, yeah. I'm not sure that you use the same thing, but okay. It's for doing. Make it up. Right. Yeah, go ahead. I mean, it's your religion man. Go with it. It's a spirit of self. Interpretive dance. What do you do? How many, how many? Well, it's expression. Well, it's expression. He has to summon it with words of. It's going to say it like he means it. Right. He has to give sugary candy out of your mouth. Rose. Yeah, sure. I wasn't going for them. A lamentation. Whoa. Kind of. Beautiful. But anyways, go. This is straight all of a sudden. Yes. Well, I actually do that. Another story. Another story has been done that way. I'm going to sacrifice one of those great points. Sure. All right. So go. I just had them a girl. That's why I had them here. Well, I would have figured you like a compact or something. Yes. Basically. London. Please. I'm just thinking. I have a statue that lists the things that it mirrors. Not among them. But okay. There's a 10-foot pole. Right. Caltrops. Sure. Sure. Our direction's 10 weeks. Right. Whatever mirror you choose to use. I think his mentor gave him a hard time about his. The French. And not the French. I think the French. Michael. French. Yeah. Where would I find that? You would have taken it as a merit. Oh, I got that. Middle of your first pain. Oh, okay. Okay. It's going to be before New Year. Mm-hmm. That is some intense editing. You're going to have to pull, given that tomorrow's the 30th. So if spending a willpower that I will just add either three dice or do I do the eight again? You get a choice. Don't be greedy. Nine again. Willpower. I mean, three extra dice or exceptional successes, three successes as opposed to five. That's what you could choose when you spend a willpower. If you risk a willpower, you could choose two of those choices. I was wrong. I think they're going to fit in the Sundays because they're brown's colors. Yeah. Yeah. Was it a reworking? Yeah. But it just shot the fucking mirror. So. But no one would have any difficulty at all. So. No, I don't think so. You've got to reach him through. Something I've been meaning to post here for a while, but I'm terrible. But I am terribly articulating that. I'm terribly articulating his thoughts, too. Yep. Sorry. I saw a window. Yeah. I'm going to take it sometime. I'm going to read it first. Dad never does that. Yeah. I know. This review comes from Winter Bison. It's five stars. He says, "highly recommend." This is an amazing podcast that will keep you coming back for more. High quality, great post-production. Awesome stories. And most importantly, people who enjoy gaming. I've yet to see another actual player come close to this. Thanks, Kato Tian.