Knights of the Night


Broadcast on:
24 Dec 2014
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We open with Edmund face to face with the Shattered Man. Well... face to reflection. In the World of Darkness surely it was just a simple scare tactic.. right?

[Music] Hello, and welcome to Night to the Night actual Play podcast. This world of darkness game, The Sin Eater, was written and run by your storyteller Scott. And now, please enjoy episode 207, titled Lemon Teas, actual play begins immediately. Happy holidays, enjoy the season, and we look forward to giving you more episodes very soon. This is the World of Darkness story, The Sin Eater. I'm your storyteller Scott, and with me tonight, starting on my right is Michael playing Ethan Clark, a medical doctor and member of Aegis Kydoro since 1929. Tom playing Jay Alton, a member of the Ascending Ones. I am Jim playing Kydio Connor, who is an angry warrior of the Malias Malphacharum. Mike playing Michael Clay, the academic adventurer from the Aegis Kydoro. Tom is playing Edgar Admon Teas, a boudoon practitioner from the Llamastariis Conspiracy. John playing Daniel Morgan, a mountain man turned mercenary, an ex-member of Task Force Valkyrie. Rachel playing Grace Rockland, a silver bell, angsty teenager. All right, so before we start with where we left off last week, let's go ahead and in an attempt to try to further expand upon the new rules and world of darkness, we're going to go around the table and just list our two short-term aspirations and a long-term aspiration so that our listeners can kind of see what your characters are gunning for and understand your role playing to be a little bit more in that sense. However, if any of your short-term or long-term aspirations are a secret that you do not feel like revealing to the rest of the group because it has something to do with some darker or whatever, just some private information, go ahead and don't list all of them or even any of them and we'll again start from my right with Michael. I'm going to not say my long-term because that hasn't come out yet. It might be too long anyway. The short terms are help someone change for the better and we search shattered man. Is that what we're calling him? I'm playing Jay and I have something similar which is discover a weakness of the shattered man. The other short term is find out something about binary hacks. The long-term is to get the squad home safely. It's funny how I keep moving my long-term to short-terms around because the things I think are easy or easy. Currently, my short-term is to receive community and to set up a phone charger so we can charge our cell phones that we use and the long-term is to get a habit. It used to be a short-term but right. And just for clarification, I have it being of a religious nature. Yes, the religious nuns with your body. Michael Clay is going to, his short term is to learn more about the stopwatch artifact because I think that it also ties into his current long-term goal which is to find a way or help us all get back to our own timeline and the other short-term goal I'm going to leave secret for now. Okay. Thomas? I finished one of my short-term goals last time and I haven't rewritten it. Okay. I've only got the one and my last short-term available is to steal the mirror. Interesting. Which was planned. We'll see what happens. And my long-term available, I'm probably going to redo at some point but I was planning to get set up in Cleveland because my character had just moved here and didn't have a place to stay, didn't have a workshop. You probably do want to redo that one for 1935. At least just maybe succeed in getting a beat to that. Yeah, get back to Cleveland. John? Dan's got a couple short-term aspirations. I don't even know what a long-term one would be right now. Okay. He wants to see if he can spread information about the shattered man, possibly the children and some sort of rhyme they'd remember but he's not sure. He can contemplate and useful. And then to rescue the children he's learned or held by the shattered man but I don't know if that's possible tonight. Is it too broad or like like Scott said the scope that might become a longer goal? How about narrow it's something like either? Restoring those children could be a long-term thing. Yes. I think that's an excellent long-term aspiration because it's probably not going to happen tonight and really what your short-terms are going to be being realistic with our progress lately. Yeah, right. Or even just in general though, I mean for all you know there are in another dimension or some other weird strange world being held captive so I think it's fair to say. In his mind he thought we were going to get him tonight now that we had a lead and we didn't want another child wrapped. Okay. The long term should be more scenario. Yes. The short term should be the night tonight's playing session. And the other one is for by the time the story is so my assumption is that this particular scenario is going to end with us getting home. That would be an adequate interest. I know that's my assumption. Tell me the story. Come on. If you were telling the story we'd have been back on by now. It would all be good. No, that's good. That's an excellent one because it is the wrap-up of the story. So I think it's an excellent long-term aspiration and a short term one is we should try to be snapping off one or two of them a section. The only one that I'm going to reveal is just the same as Jay's actually. Find out something about binary hooks. Okay. So that's a short term? Yeah. Okay. All right. So I think that the most compelling scene that we should start with would be the one where Edgard is trying to remove the mirror from the Western Union office. And he pulled the chair up, got up into the corner, started using his tools to loosen the mirror. All this time, Jay, I believe your character was outside. I'm outside the doors open, a crack. I am against all listening for any disturbances. My thought of what a disturbance was would be someone waking up or him making a loud noise that I need to check out. Right. But that makes a, that's I think that's a very interesting and very appropriate way to look at it. So what ended up happening, Edgard, is, you know, you at first weren't even looking in the mirror. You were just behind the mirror kind of working on the screws and getting the thing off the wall. But at one point, you didn't look into the mirror to kind of jiggle it a bit and try to get it off its base that's in the wall. When you thought you had the screws loose enough and your breath went ahead and struck the lower side of the mirror. And just that slight condensation from your breath revealed to you, your name spelled backwards with a small crack on the very bottom of the mirror. And your name, I should say, was written it looks to you to have been written with some type of red ink. And at that point, when you read your name, and looked at those words and de-scrambled them, your face wavered. The rest of the mirror got a bit cloudy and looking back at you was someone where you don't know at this point because I don't believe you have a really good feel for the, oh yeah, I guess you did. You got information to the shattered man what he kind of looked like. So again, the cubes, the angles, the deep set dark eyes and he is reaching towards you. And at this point, you need to make a resolve plus composure role because he's whispering something and it's something that we're obviously surprised, it's a surprise round. And you are going to be trying to resist it. Last week, I think I said out loud that I wasn't a first-born child. I didn't actually have any plans for that in my backstory. If you need me to be, I could be. Otherwise, it doesn't really matter. Okay. We'll leave that on this read for right this moment. And how many successes? Oh, well, let's talk about your dice. What's your resolve plus composure? A total of three dice. Three dice. Not too good. All right. And I'm going to say with surprise, will power is not an option at this point. So go ahead and just do what you can. Yes, nothing. No successes. Seven or four out of one. So it wasn't all once. You find that your body seems to be as if you're paralyzed or you can't move. Your limbs are incapable of movement. However, your breathing hasn't stopped. So you know that you can still, your autonomic system is still functioning, but as far as muscles and that type of thing, you're frozen to place. The creature opens its mouth. It sounds as if someone is walking with heavy boots across broken, shattered glass and just kind of, some of it's heavy and just grinding it into the ground and it's snapping and it's twisting and it's scraping and it says, well, that's just the first thing in my mind. I'm like, I want you to die or anything. He's right outside. I'm like, holy shit, that dude should come save me. So I'm going to go with Shady Alton. That's what you think in your mind. Yeah. I don't know if I can say it or anything. He is. When you say it in your mind, he is still looking at you hovering in the screen and he doesn't seem to have reacted to the name you gave or in your head, I should say. And then after about three seconds, he says with a little more gravel, a little more strength. Grace Rock. It may be him. I can't wait. Shatter man. It's probably his real name. It's wrong. Everybody in the bus. Yeah, no shit. You know, I am first born in my family. It didn't work. I don't know what he fucking knows. Now, did you think that name? Yeah. Grace Rock one. Probably. Okay. That was literally the second thing I thought. Right. First name thought I was throwing J under a bus. The second was Grace. He's going through. You know, who else do you feel good? Because you haven't been there on the bus yet. That's all I fucking know. I'm not going to say like, what are the lead nets? I don't know. What are those little kids named? Oh, Bob. Three seconds pass. And with the sound of glass shattering. Hold on. The voice screams out. Six seconds is a turn. Yes. He's still frozen. Oh, man. That's a farmer. Yeah, I can't. I'm not in the mindset to naturally think of a third name now. Now I'm just running down the list of my team. Well, wait a minute. He's saying speak. Yeah. Well, you haven't been speaking. I can't speak. Well, you're breathing. Okay, you hear anything? No, actually not. Yeah. Make a perception check, Jay. On the last one, the first two were whispers. And I told me I wrote that down. I'm sure. I did right here. Five. Okay. And I'm going to say minus one, just for the distance, and mostly closed work. I think he said he was putting like a little stone or something, but so, yeah, I'm listening to a crack. Right. So let's say four dice instead of five. It's either you hear it or you don't. I don't think you actually get to spend willpower here. I'm not trying to be a dick. I don't, I don't, I think either here or you don't. It's not like you can strain me here because you don't, if it was the second one, like before once, and you're trying to hear it a second time, I can see you straining me here. The only thing I would argue is, yes, the door is only open to crack and that's because I want anybody walking by not to notice. Right. It's open, but all my attention is pretty much listening. That's what I'm doing here. So that's the only thing I would argue that there would be. So if you want to spend a willpower on this particular role, go ahead. Yeah, I think it might be important. Wow. I got one success. I rolled. That's all you needed. I rolled eight dice. You hear it's also, I think, difficult because it's not a human voice speaking. Right. It sounds like glass shattered. You do. You hear like a sound of shattering glass, which is concerning with everything you know about the shattered man. And you think you hear through that shattering of glass, the word speak. At this point, I'd like you to roll initiative. I would like Edgard to roll initiative and I would like the shattered man to roll initiative. What's initiative? We're going one by ten plus your initiative. Yeah. Initiative mod is Dex plus composure. Okay, Edgard. 13. And Jay? Nine. Okay. Edgard, you go first. Do I find I have the ability to speak? Everything's frozen except for your ability to speak somewhat clearly. Fuck off. There you go. Scratch back after three rounds. Okay. Jay, your next mobile, fuck off. Assuming that isn't someone who was sleeping upstairs or was guarding, that just was too unusual and weird. I had time to move quietly. I'm not raising any additional noise. I'm moving quietly and quickly through the building as I can. Okay. If you open the back door, the hallway leading to the front of the Western Union office, which you know what? You're not going to fucking know that, but you're going to open the back door silently. Never been. But yes. Right. So you open it up and it's well oiled so there's no creaking or any noise. You step into the hallway and you can see Edgard standing on a chair. His hands are up at a somewhat odd angle in the sense of you just wouldn't expect someone to be frozen like that. It's not as if he's raising his hand in fear, but he has his hands up as if he was holding on to the mirror, but he's staying in that position. And in the mirror's reflection, you see the shattered man or what you imagine to be the shattered man hovering right in front of his face. All right. And go ahead. I'm moving as fast as I can towards him, but along the way, I'm looking for something to pick up a blanket, something I could throw over the mirror. It's a straight hallway, even in a cardboard box. I mean, something that they pack things in. This is what I would say it would be, but your thing bag up to your left is a mail room that has a bunch of broken down boxes that can be easily folded in shipping boxes. So you would have to go to the left as you enter the door immediately is the stop room and the mail room. And it's going to take an extra round for me to stop and get something. Yes. What I'm looking for is something that is a little more pliable, but cardboard will do if it has to. Like some kind of bag that the mail would use to put them. Absolutely. So I'm spending a turn to go in there and then you grab a satchel and you're running back out. Maybe you took that first step down the hallway and at that point, Shattered Man goes and says, "You son of a man, give me a name for I'll take you." Bring it. I'm not with spirits all the time. This is shit. The Shattered Man passes through the mirror into this realm, if you will, reaches towards Edgard. You can see, Edgard, you can see too, his hand comes up towards you and just touches him on the forehead. And at that point, you're going to want to roll resolve plus composure and you can use willpower. And I'm just going to say that you're going to want to roll as well as you possibly can. Can I risk in the situation? You could do whatever you want in this situation. Your life is in jeopardy. We can't use it for defense because you can't move, but you can certainly do it to withstand the power of what this creature is trying to do. Right. Exceptional success doesn't have much in it. Opposed roll? No, I don't think it does. It doesn't at all. So I'm going to go with 9 again in 3X. All right. What's your resolve plus composure again? Total of 3 and then plus 3 from the low power. Good luck. I roll only one success. It was a 9. But I have 9 again, so I reroll one of the dice, and it was an 8, which is another success, so a total of 2. Two successes. And unfortunately, on his 8 dice, rolled five successes. Edgard, of course, doesn't see this because it's happening to him, but you see it very well, Jay, as you're running down the hallway, his hand reaches out and he just very gently touches him on the forehead, doesn't poke, doesn't, like, I put his finger through his forehead, and Edgard turns into a splat's cube, as if what the shattered man is composed of. It's hovering in the air and his hands reaching toward it. That's his turn. Your first splat's cube. I don't know how to have a bullet doing. Screaming is one good thing now that you're capable of doing, but you find yourself in what looks to be a mirrored room. You don't feel any smaller. You don't feel any different besides the fact that five feet in front of you is a glass mirror, five feet behind you, five feet to the left, five feet to the right, below you, above you. Completely mirrored surface, and the only way you know that is there seems to be some very, very dull ambient light in here, from a source that is absolutely unknown, probably magical in nature, and you can see yourself six reflections of yourself within this cube, and you are able to move. Doesn't Edgard have some kind of defense against Spirit attacks? Possession. Also, one of them's hanging out at me right now, so he's probably pissed. I've got two things. I can do the stealth thing, which I already did, or I can do the thing where he gives me armor and combat, which is just too late for. The spirit inside might help you in another way. It might be a spirit traditionally. It's like stealth sneaking and stuff. How about information? It can't like this any more than you do. No, I'm sure it can't, but that's not the first thing one thinks when they're trapped in a fucking magic mirror house. So I don't know. I got my equipment on me, right? Yep, you are exactly as you are. You know, 10 by 10 by 10, room. Right, so break the mirror on this. And how do you choose to do that? Well, I got a gun on a knife. I figure the gun will definitely do it. So yeah, break the mirror with the gun. Which one of you are you shooting? The one in front of you, the one behind you, the one to your left, right above or below? Well, I'm not aiming at myself because I just seem dangerous, even in a reflection. I mean, this is magic as fuck, I don't know. I aim to the reflection in front of me. Okay. Right. To the right. My right. Got it. Slapped, whatever. And then I just shoot. Quick draw. I don't, but I'm not moving, so. Sure. I'm okay with that. Pull out your gun. And plus, I think you're so panicked and scared. I think you're moving a little quicker right now. So you pull out your gun and shoot to the right of your reflection in front of you. How many dice do you have? Two, five, seven. Seven dice. Okay, go ahead. You're shooting at a wall. You really can't miss unless you're gun jams or something. I roll the single knife. That's just unlikely. But whatever. That's his hit. It almost jammed. You fire and fully hoping expecting for the mirror to shatter, of course, and be able to step through or something cool to happen. It starts to ricochet. So there is an incredible amount of ricochets going on. And go ahead and make, I'm going to say a- I think I won my bullet through the rest of it. 15 shots of the, I did that straight out. It is 10 foot Q in a ricochet. Go ahead and I'm going to make you roll a dexterity. Plus, let's say- luck. Yeah, if there was a luck roll, it would definitely be what would be applying here. I would talk about what is used for you, because I know you're really good at those things. Count that on, actually. But my dax is humongous, so it doesn't matter as much. So give me your dice. Total of six. Actually, what would you qualify for your physical- 10 foot Q? Because in a situation like that, what would it be like your strength or your stamina? I'm assuming dexterity. You want to quickly throw himself out of the ground, thinking that it might be the safest place. Hey, how can one of the corners put my head like on everything? Minus three dice for the ricochet. And in this particular case, you want to succeed. Succeeding is missing. Not succeeding is getting hit. That's why I subtract the dice and why you added dice for your good qualities. His dexterity is athletics, makes the more he has, the more he gets to hope to avoid the bullet shot. And when I take the dice away, it means that things ricochet all over the place. Unless you're trying to catch the bullet. Yeah. Well, that's a success. I'm confused. You want to load successes just like I always go. Okay. Just like regular. There's an eight. Eight is a success. You throw yourself face first on the ground for this six second moment, or this three second moment, excuse me. The bullet is still ricocheting around the enclosure. Three seconds of cowering with your arms over your head, hoping that some type of inertia eventually takes over and the bullet stops ricocheting. Jay, to you in the hallway, you have a what would amount to some type of delivery sack. You have a. I am running as fast as I can, jumping up on the chair and slamming it over the mirror in between the cube and the mirror. Okay. Note that the preacher is out of the mirror and it's arm up to its elbow. Yeah. That is there. Right. Grabbing both sides of the sack and pushing the arm back in the mirror. I'm going to say the first thing you need to do is to jump up on the chair successfully as you're at a full dashing run. So let's do that first. Let's handle that, which is again, athletics plus dexterity. How many dice? Eight. I'm going to say just for your speed of the endeavor and the fact that time is of essence, I'm going to subtract two dice. The one success to land cat-like on the chair and position yourself to... I'm just finding another well because this can't fail. Thank you. So I give you a total of. Nine. Nine dice. One success. Wow. So one success is again, while you needed the chair slides a bit, you cut yourself and you grab the edges of the bag. Now you can't just go straight over the mirror. Right. I got to come up and slam it. You got to kind of go between. Right. However, his hand is right. I mean, there's a very thin window between his hand. Yeah. I'm all right with hitting his hand upward. It's just, I want the cube closer to me than the mirror. So it's got to be, you know, his hand can move around the cube. The way I'm going to say this is you can't really fail to bring a bag up. But I have to force him back into the mirror. Well, you're trying to force him and his arm back in the mirror. So I'm going to say this is kind of a contest, if you will, of strength. And I think that seems appropriate. So we're going to go ahead and make that a roll of your strength plus brawl against the shattered man's strength plus brawl. Okay, that would be a total of four for Jay. And I am definitely. I'm going to risk it in this case. You've already risked the scene, have you not? It's been both times. Gotcha. So I've got a total of seven. Okay. He has two successes. Amazingly, he has zero successes. So you force his cuboid shattered arm, which it's in a shape, but it also does have mass as well. So you stop for a second, and then you force the bag up and over the mirror and still hovering in front of you is covering because I was saying if it starts to fall, no, it doesn't start to fall. The glass cube is still hovering in the air. And it's probably at this point at eye level with you. And it's about is a one inch cube. When I slam the thing over the mirror, I'm trying to grasp around the edges of the mirror, because it looked to me like that guard was trying to pull the mirror off like he had already, right? I don't know if he's loosening it up, but that's the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to try to yank it off the wall with the cloth pinned to it. Okay, I'm going to say the pulling off the wall will be next turn. No, absolutely. I don't have breath, but I'm saying that's why I'm ending like that, right? The hands clasped around the edges of the mirror. Does Edgard in his little world notice any light changes? Not that you have. No, I wouldn't go. It says not right. And it is back to Edgard at this point. Edgard the bull is still ricocheting in your glass chamber. Go ahead and make another roll. Same result, you want one success to avoid the bullet. The bullet has us float down. Not three seconds. No, two, two, five. Two, two, five. The bullet strikes, we'll say some big flushing part like your gluteus maximus. So what's out there? You're right. Look at you. He's got a big gluteus maximus. It's all out of a target. He looks like a jolly fella. So what's the damage that your weapon does? It's like the smallest pistol that I can possibly wield. Well, that is good news. It's my strength is total shit. I couldn't bury anything. Now you are for a happy man. You're surprisingly weak. I don't work up. It's too lethal, I think. Two lethal plus one from your die roll. That gives you a total of three lethal damage as the bullet tears into your backside. And you know what? It stops. Yeah, I have to. But it's been a much bigger problem if it didn't. All right. Is that none that you can do in this turn? Is to receive a bullet, it's shut and ask. Yeah, actually, I'm sorry, Jake. And the shattered man goes directly after you. He was tied with you at night and we didn't do him last turn. So after you would dash into grab the knapsack and then came back into the hallway, that's when he went and put Edgard into the cube, which you don't know, but he basically disappeared into cubes there. So you got to think. And here we go. As you have your hands around the side of the mirror, you see two hands pressed on the side of your knapsack and a face imprint itself onto it as the creature starts to put all of its force into coming out of the mirror. So I knew where I tried to punch. Yeah, I think I quite do what maybe you were hoping that we do, but it still is going to be again a contested strength role at this point. He ain't touching me or looking at me? No, you're not really. I mean, he, I'm okay with that. Yes. Go ahead. Strength plus. We're all again. Are you the one to clarify or verify or both. When I risked a willpower and I succeeded, I got one back. Did I not? Isn't that how it works? I believe that this is how it works. Yeah, okay. So I will, the sponge, the one I got back. Yes. New round. So you can absolut. It's not the new round. No, you can't. Okay. I'm sorry. Then I will re-erase it. Well, you still have that willpower. Yes. No, I mean, I spent it, so I mark it off. All right. What do you got? Nice, wise for the listeners. Four dice, two for strength and two for a brawl. No successes. Three successes for the shattered men. So what happens is not, I mean, I think that you do lose your, your grip on the sides, but not before you wrench it off the wall, because it was barely hanging on. Anyways, I mean, that's the reason that I got it first. When did you go? I was to get it out. So any kind of serious force? Well, first of all, there's force with him pressing against you as you're holding it. And that's kind of helped loosen it some more. And then he pushes past it, but your hands kind of fly back. It comes off the wall in its entirety. So I'm going to say, unless you want to spend a willpower point, you fall backwards on your back from the force of him pushing through and from this thing pulling off in your hands. You're holding onto the mirror still, but you fall backwards on your ground. And the mirror kind of lands on you. I'm going to say it's not going to be. I mean, he did roll three damage. I wanted to say that really, because of the circumstances, two of it was absorbed just from the fact that it wasn't a punch. It was more of a push through. So one damage and it would be bashing damage, right? So you fall backwards. You have the mirror on your chest. You have the knapsack or the delivery sack on your chest as well, but there are parts of the mirror showing. And what happens is he contorts still being the shattered man, but whatever part of the mirror is actually seeing daylight, if you will, he starts to come and form through that. And he stands in the room and it reassembles his shape in his full glory. And he says, again, in the grating voice, fine. All right. On my turn, I draw my Glock and pointed at his forehead and say, Allah, and I pull the trigger. Okay, you have faster obviously. I have faster. Now, to be fair, you can't stand. I'll shoot you from the ground. No, no, no, no, faster. You can, though, you can, you can pull and fire in one turn. So you do you scramble to your feet. I'm assuming dropping the mirror and then that's that. Well, I intended to place it face down, but I mean, just sliding it aside, but I was hoping he would be on the other end of it when that happened. But yes, that would be great. Yes, it would have been. Since it isn't, though, I will simply just toss it aside. I don't want it to break. I'm not throwing it, like, right. You want to create just close enough for me to just break far enough away from me to stand up and pull my gun. Okay, gun is out and fire. My firearm is four. My dexterity is five. So it's nine. My specialty and pistol is one. So it's ten. Yes, it is. You can't aim for a body part if you want to. The head. Okay, the head on a aim shot, I believe, is minus three. But this is a new round, so that is a willpower to bring it back to ten. Okay, go ahead. I didn't want to catch anything. No, I had ten already and I wanted to go with it. Four successes. They're all, they're all, they're eight. Okay, so what's the damage for the particular weapon? The damage. It automatically does it too. Okay, so that'd be a total of six. So you do strike it in the head and you see blast shattering the cubes that your bullet travels through shattered as if it were regular glass. The creature staggers up backwards as the bullet passes through and watches itself in the wooden wall behind. At this time, you still notice that the black cube that is at guard or in the air is still hovering in the air and glass cubes seem to reform or rearrange themselves to make up his head again. Although you do notice that. No, I don't know if you noticed that. Make a perception check. I'm curious. So you see like a fair glass, a black glass, a white glass. It's a black glass. Tinted. How many will you make? What's your dice? Five. Heat of battle. I know you're good at what you do. My one dice of my three that I would give anybody else for this minute detail. Okay. Two successes. One of them, a ten again. You notice that, okay. Just two. You notice that what would be its left leg. And again, he's very tall, very lengthy, really long appendages. His left leg seems to be missing a few cubes, if you will. Like there seems to be a bit, it's not quite as uniform as it was before when he was walking and moving and you saw him reaching. It all moved a bit, but it always seemed more dense. There's a small part like lacking density in his left lower leg. I noticed that this is different or I just noticed this. You notice this, but when he got shot in all those, that glass shattered. Came somewhere. It seems rearranged. So I think it's not a stretch for Jay to make that leap intellectually. All right. The creature stares at you, puts out a hand and says in a very gravelly voice, "Somerner must give me a name for Jay. It's up to you." I didn't summon you, son of a bitch. Yet you're here. Still nothing? Oh no. I'm going with action. Okay. Edgar! He's talking to the spirit. What you got? What you got? Shit. I don't know. Knife's not going to work any better than a bullet. I still got the spirit of whatever the fuck does stealth. I didn't call him up. I called up my buddy to call him up. That worked out great. I guess I'll contact him again. I still got the lemon in my pocket. Okay. Gladly. It's a good thing he didn't use that whole lemon. Yeah. Well, it's kind of amazing. It's part of the right, so I just don't give him the whole thing, just a bite. Right. You tease. Okay. Well, I didn't tease. Okay. We're confusing. So I sat down, didn't bring anything to let it fire. No, you don't sit down. I'm kneeled down, maybe, but you're not sitting on that gluteus max mess. Good point. I kneeled down and I don't have anything to let fire with. Well, I still have matches or lighter or whatever I used to smoke. But I don't have anything to light. So I don't do the fire part. I just cut up the lemon. I can call up the spirit again. Is this normally like you can do this all in one turn? Got only now, so I've never done it in the middle of combat. Okay. I'm going to say you're setting that up because getting shot in the ass and then kind of pulling yourself up to your knees, pulling out a lemon, setting it down, cutting it up a little bit. That sounds like three seconds to me before you even start a ritual and we're back for the other group. Thank you for listening tonight's of the night actual play podcast. If you'd like to send us questions, comments or feedback, you can reach us in a number of ways from Twitter @KOTN_podcast or by email and don't forget the iTunes reviews or our Facebook page Speaking of Facebook, join like-minded folks at our Facebook fan page and lastly there's our blog page where there's an Amazon link on the right hand side. Thanks to Zen Audio Smith for the intro and outro music. Get your own music at and join us next week for more mystery and adventure. Does everyone have two short-term aspirations that they're comfortable with and one long-term aspirations and then would you like to say them during the announcement or just- I think would you add something but- I've only got one short right now but yeah I'm fine. I was going to say that we could do it normally as we did and the first thing we can do is go over each character's aspirations. Okay Rachel okay I'm just ignoring Mike because he has his hand raised and I'm being let's start with the bar I said my brother isn't a dick. Yeah go ahead Mike you're up. I was just asking the scope of the short-term can it be something like uh is like trying to help the children stop the shattered man is that too broader a scope. I just wore the long-term gold that's a long-term. I didn't do it with the shattered man. I think maybe like save a child tonight from being abducted by the shattered man. That's what I mean by scope so you want something that's achievable in this section. Within a 24 yeah within this session or certainly I have a short term is confront the shattered man. Sure. It's a short term because I have a feeling we're gonna- I think it happened within a year or so. I'm sure it could burn a lot quicker if your name was I'd guard my taste. And so I think uh you guys want to jot down a few more things and let me know when everyone's ready to start. Actually I'm sure it's that changing. Did anyone spend any experience once? Yeah. Five beats per point. Five beats for one experience. I shouldn't poo-poo because I'm only four beats away. From what? No I've got four beats. I would say you weren't keeping track of that's the case because we have five sessions. You have four beats. Okay. And how many experiences? I don't have one yet because we've had more than four sessions. Yeah one each session you should have five. Yeah you have to at least. I have three experience. I have two. Yeah I don't think you are having- Okay. I have a countdown. And I think I even gave me some full point sometimes. So take yourself up Mike just because you've been here every single week. I don't think we've missed a week of- You had the one day where you just gave him like crazy but- Mike hasn't missed a week if that's what you were- Yeah that's fine. I'm asking. I think he's missed a week. So Mike two experience in three beats is where you're at right now okay. Maybe if you paid attention so that I'm sitting in front of them. I'm done making fun of them now. I'm done for the night. I have my quota. That's the case because the hurt will last for a lifetime. All right. Oh boy Rachel. She's gonna be right here. No sorry. Well we gotta say who we are. Yeah but she's at the end of the list. She is at the end of the list but who knows what she's doing over there. I don't know about her coming in noisy. Making noise. Cooking chips. This is kale. Maybe upside up going around or starting up a chainsaw. Stepping in the back. Smacking you in the back of the head probably might like it. Okay wait take a time. Go on. Sugar snap peas but they're dry trailing they're good. They're green. They're green. Okay it's a lot of them. They're better after you salted it in your nose. You don't like them? Are they wasabi? No they're not. They're just regular. They're lightly salted. They're pretty tasty. Are they actual peas that have been like freeze-ride to hell and go away with something? They're head rock. They're awesome. They're awesome. I can't really dig them raw but please. Ross great. Very good. Nice. All right. Okay. Podcast. Yes that. All right. It's got the academic adventurer from the Aegis Kaidoru. Not since 1929. Noob. It's like a negative noob. Hasn't even joined. Shut up. And then I'll eat one of these while I reach your shoes. Yeah just so that the audience knows any crunching they hair as these uh- sweet sweet peas. They're delicious. Just try one. I want to try one. Sugar snap. Probably added to that unless you already released it. Do you have a picture of your chatter man? Um it might not. No I had to do have a couple of- it was a crazy weekend with the line saying and then the tree today. And you intend to release one? I do intend to release. Actually there is a poster for the movie The Thing, the remake. And it shows a like a bulky guy but all in like silhouette and everything is shattered around like shattered into. So let me see if I can find that image because I think that might be great. Which remake? Three of them. One with um what's his name? Mary de Goldie Han. Oh Kurt Russell. I like that remake. There was one after. I like that one. The first one was good for it's time. Right yeah I really like the one Kurt Russell a lot. Okay so getting back to the moment, riding it into the ground and it's snapping and it's twisting and it's good luck. You find yourself and of course everyone here at the table is mature enough not to roll play or to base decisions based on what I'm going to tell ad guard right now. Even for you- I remember all the mirrors taken through were broken. The mirror I was just taken through was already broken but you want me- We don't know that yet. I don't know. You said that a lot. I didn't get to the next one. We don't know if that one went home. Yes. Which one are you shooting? There's a crack. Yes. China's being the spirited. Which reflection? Which reflection are you shooting at? Which angle? Or are you shooting at your reflection? Can you not shoot at your reflection? Well there's no- Can you shoot anywhere you damn well please? Oh this is great. Within a 10 by 10 by 10 cubic space. Should you stuff in the foot? Obviously the solution. Thank you, none. It starts to ricochet. Oh manly. Yeah. But something cooler than that though. Five minutes. This- Sorry. I'll wait for a second. Sorry guys. Do you want to surface like this or kind of contain some? Not sure. A little harder. That's right. I'll throw them into the tray there. And now I'm going to be okay. Yeah it's a good point. Iris worked out. Yep. I don't know. Can you hear a cue? Who's twin is it? It, well, Edgard went and got shot in the ass. And then it's your turn. Okay. Now to be fair though, Jay, you could respond. It doesn't take time. You could hold your response until your turn if you wanted to. But you could have responded to him verbally on his turn because that's a free action. Wait a second. You don't need to click. That's a free action. Right now I don't. I'm going to put on to a podcast. Just do it. Get me some two and record it back then. I'm starting to frighten me a bit. I'm starting from my safety. If I disappear in the next 30 days. I should turn that thing on one in the car. Look the other one is before my friend or word for it. The uh, you don't think I'm going to edit that out right? Damn. We'll look at it. So if you completed one of your short turns, what does it mean? You get a beat. Okay. Yeah. That's why you should make them easy. This is just like this. What time period with the 80s? When they had Dino Mike and all these little catch phrases. Scott's got his own right in the 80s. I think so. How many experience points do you need to have before? Yeah, there is a yeah. Um, it's funny. Take a beat. It's going to be a cause of four. When can we spend those? Anything you want? Anytime. Then they mean things immediately. It's probably go goes. I'm going to change my long time. It's passed on the thing. Scott's going to give you a little. It's not cool like that. It's true. All right. First of all, Scott gave everyone two beats for the last couple of weeks. And then if you fill the short from aspiration, go ahead and take a beat for that. And of course, fill in a new short-term aspiration to take a place. Yes. Yes. You should always have two short one long. It says it in quotation beat. So you're supposed to. That's how it says it. I'm sorry. There's no accents involved. I think when they do the quotations, you can't say any game shows. Yes. Okay. If you want a merit to take a merit, it's in merits are like also a way of taking your powers in this game. If you want to add a merit. One experience point per dot. So you can get a three dot merit for three experience points. So you know, Mike might be poo poo in the experience. All right. It gets some of my bio. You know, I mean, if you don't want to keep track, okay, skills, doesn't it? Yes, you can. You can get a skill specialty. You can add a skill specialty. You've written on them and trying to make this drawn out. It's possible. Yeah, I'm totally buying into it, right? Wait, so wait, what was that again? Could you? Oh, yeah, I can repeat it because John was actually talking during the start of all the period. For one experience point, you can take a skill specialty. For two experience points per dot, you can pick up a whole new skill. Three stop or add a dot to an existing skill or add a dot to an existing skill for one. So if I have like, one, I can find three experience points and say I already have. So you're pretty excited about this. I can feel it at least. How about if I order right now, but wait, there's more. You can buy back. I had a presentation at school this week where you do a book report, but it's a cereal box. So on the front of the cereal box, you draw like, you know, main character or like something from the story. And you know, you have to write the author and the setting and the different people. And you have to write a 30 second commercial for it. So if you get to use that during the 30 second commercial, it's just cute. To add specialty? Yeah. One, just one experience. You can add. Especially just like that. An attribute, if you wanted to add an attribute to your character, which are these wonderful things up top. Like, they cost four experience per dot. So if you want to add one dot, four experience and a tribute will power this one. Yes. God beats are very important to this one experience per dot for willpower. Just like that. Wow. Boom. And three for integrity. And yes, three experience points to bring your integrity up. If your integrity started to slip down, I don't believe you have integrity. You have something different than these guys. Right. Absolutely. We know that. But for you guys, the hunter, that's a very important stat that you can add to if you start sliding down the slope, you can spend experience points to bring that back up if you thought it was necessary. Hunter is especially, yes, but basically for use, and you're not a hunter, you can spend an experience point and you can add the re dice to your roll. So if you had like, oh, I don't have one die because you're doing something you're not good at. You can just expand a lot of effort and throw throw three extra dice or you can say, maybe you have a lot of extra rolling, you can say on three successes instead of five, it's a exceptional success, which means really good things happen. Or you can say, I want nine again, instead of 10 again, when you roll zero, you get to roll again, you can say on a nine or a 10, I'm going to roll again. So you can choose one of those three things, or you can add, you can also do things like add to your defense if you're in combat, stuff like that. I mean, all kinds of things with willpower, which might doesn't make it as important, but the rest of us here at the table do. Thank you. Can I expand how much willpower I can have? Or can you phrase that again? I have access to one, two, three, four, five willpower. You may spend one willpower per scene and as a hunter, I'm sorry, you may spend one willpower per turn, and as a hunter, you may risk one willpower per scene. I believe what he was asking is if he could make his pull larger, which you would have to do three, six, or if it's just by increasing afterwards, yes, you'd have to increase the extra resolve, or sorry, misunderstood composure. Drive steps. That's fun.