Now it's the other two group's turn. What is the Sister up to? and what's going on up on Jack Ass Hill.
Knights of the Night
This world of darkness story, The Sin Eater, was written and run by a storyteller Scott. And now, please enjoy episode 204, titled Two of Those People Are Dogs. The actual play begins 21 minutes 14 seconds. Our first good of feedback is from our email,, it is Shane@dubing. You said good day, night. You're from Australia? Yes. That's my best Australia. That's all I got. Just curious if you have any thoughts that you're allowed to express it. I'm the Dresden Accelerated Alpha test that you took part in. My group is holding off its next Dresden story at this point until the accelerated package arrives, or we hear it's not worth the wait. Oh, and chin up, Sister Katie. The rest of the task force keeps paying you out for your car crash, but you should look at it more this way. Your getaway driving is so awesome that the cops will never find you. That's true. I kind of want to point out that the point of a non-disclosure agreement is to keep people from deciding whether or not they want a product before it's out, because it's not a final result. That's true. As I played it, and you could have this out, I wouldn't buy it, but I didn't like it. Well, I think I agree with you, and here's why I do, and it has nothing to do with something that they can change, because it's the accelerated part. I'm not fond of the accelerated part. I think the fate accelerated is vastly different than Dresden, or, excuse me, as regular fate is, because of the way they do what is it called, approaches? Yeah, approaches. And while I can see how we could create characters like London or Roberto in that system, I don't think they'd be the same people. The approaches are different in skills. They could do the same stuff, but they could apply it even more broadly, it's a good way to do it. They don't know that I like that. The game already has some problems with limiting the power of the characters and narrative. As for the Dresden Accelerated, I would say if you love Dresden and you love Accelerated, absolutely, you're going to love it. But if you play Accelerated and you don't care for that system over fate, then you're not going to like it. Isn't Accelerated free? It is all right. Yeah. Okay. So you should just look into Accelerated and see if he wants to wait for it. I think that would be our advice if you like Accelerated and then wait for it. I mean, it did have some different approaches, but we don't know if those are going to stay in the game when we can't really say what they are. Is there a date when the NBA will be officially lifted? I got to check on it. I know it hasn't been yet. Probably not. Yeah. Yeah. They're really staked. We also had another email from Chris Foster who said, "Hey-oh, it's me, Chris Foster. I left an angry rant on one of your episodes. Now I feel that I should actually give some love to the Knights. This is going to be too long didn't read as I am an opinionated and verbose crackpot." Yeah. So feel free to ignore this and not read it on the podcast now. We're going to read it as I don't want to be lynched by my fellow fans, so then you should know it. For taking up too much time, and I'll be trying to answer as many questions that you guys have asked during your podcast as I can remember. I left a more succinct review on iTunes under the name "Dell the Blade" I think. But here it goes. How I found KOTN. I actually found the podcast after I caught up on the nerd poker, which was my first actual play, and wanted more. I downloaded the first episode of every AP I could find, big mistake, and went about trying them out. Sadly, the first episode of KOTN was too difficult for my spastic brain to stick with, and I didn't listen to you all anymore after that, going with the Rusek gamers and begging for XP instead. Rusek gamers introduced me to Numenair, which I misspelled in the iTunes review, a little sad face. I was kind of interested in it, so I went looking for more, and then bam, there you guys were again. I got hooked thanks to the Bear Tila, and went back to listen to Dresden. One thing led to another, and you guys have absorbed hours of my life. I've listened to everything except the chagrin story line, which I am now starting on. Should you keep this feedback, or move it to blah blah blah? Keep the feedback where it is, it's great at the beginning, I love it. My favorite character, the world of darkness, would be Tony Bonadillo, because he's got this. And then after Kaboom, and he died, I go with sister, because of the sheer what the fuck of an ascar racing, gun toting, pit bull raising gun. Dresden, Maxwell Edison is my favorite, because the idea of a normal dude kicking ass around all these paranormal heavyweights is just awesome. Also Thomas is pretty cool too. I also like the silver hammer, and thirdly, he ran a truck into a mansion full of zombies like a champ. I knew Manera, Tila was my favorite, because well, there, though the cocky asshole hunter was also very entertaining, and it was also timeless. Dungeon and World, the fat paladin guy, I think it was Scott fighting him, he was great. He was good. My face. He likes everybody. Sickly than Mike hanging in it, Mike was going to say. Well, Rape says I don't want to eat that one. Oh, she wasn't there though. My favorite story line, I have to go with delivery. Although they were all great, the dynamics between Alan and Roberto is one where it's just beautiful, and I don't know what to expect from all the players and the story, since it was the first major arc that I listened to. Also I love fate, and that it lets the story flow a little better than the world of darkness, since the rules are so not there. Okay. I've played in the world of darkness, and I didn't like it. Probably the storyteller's fault. Every time I cat-mued unexpectedly, the storyteller had us making sanity checks, and while at the end of it we were crying in a ditch with purple flying ponies or some bullshit, I've actually ran fake corn, because of you guys, in a fallout setting. I really like the freedom and storytelling ability of the game. So sorry, world of darkness. My favorite player. By far, this is Mike. Even though none of the characters want a favorite spot, Michael Clay and the Warden are both solid and interesting characters. I think Tony and Maxwell are just the characters I didn't get enough of, and Mike always seemed to add the most to the game, as a player or as a character overall, and really tends to roll with the punches and take everything and stride, aside from the one time we won't mention. Also, I really fucking love puns. But enough about my man crush. Alright, so now we really love it. Now we gotta. It's just weird. Yeah, now I feel... I would also like to post another reason I hate Silver Bell. I generally... It's about love. I know, I just apologize. Let's talk about hate. I just generally hate teenagers, even when I was one. Maybe Rachel is just role-playing really well. I tend to be really bad at ending, so... Well, that was a typical money fight by ending, it was just... Come on, end of this. It's over. Rachel stepped out of the room and came back to Ike. I want to give you another reason why I hate Silver Bell. Don't be a hater. He said he generally hates teenagers even when he was one, maybe Rachel is just really role-playing it well. Of course, that's it. I would suggest one thing, if you're gonna sample actual play or any podcast, really do a bunch of them. Be the most recent. 'Cause that's the best indication. Don't start what I was. You get to. Yeah, I don't know if any podcast out there that isn't embarrassed for the first episode. Oh, absolutely. Because they always get that. You learn so much by doing that when you go back to listen to the earlier stuff, you can cringe. I've heard that mentioned on countless podcasts. And also, to be fair, not to put words in Rachel's mouth, but she doesn't have total freedom with her character, at least I don't think so. No. Not at all. So, she's been giving us proxy. Yeah, she's been giving us some railroad tracks to follow, and she can't really deviate from them. No. I guess it was Ethan, but not near the extent that Rachel. No. Don't forget you. Yeah, he did. He didn't. He weren't even mentioned. Me and Bob. Well, thank you for the email. I thought it was worth reading, even though it was rather lengthy. On to Facebook, we had some posts about three different episodes. The oldest one being episode 201, Satan did it better. Sean Kiddo said, "Hazah, with episode 201, I'm finally completely caught up with every episode. KOTN keeps me sane during that last week of finals. Seriously, plucking my own eye out would have been easier than studying for renal damage therapy. Keep up the awesome work, everyone. Yeah, that's... I would have to agree, but at least we're better than that." I guess. On a scale of... I can't imagine the imagery he has to look at and study. Amanda and Danji posted and said that she liked the title, Satan did it better. Amanda and Danji said, "I like the title," and I responded by saying, "The recent titles have been lines that I pulled from the podcast, things that actual characters have said, and that my criteria is one that it's funny, and that two that it's intriguing and will make the user wonder how the hell it's going to be used during play, and the third one that it'd be slightly misleading and not too obvious a giveaway at what, you know, those are the three." And Amanda said, "It's a good philosophy," and then I said, "For that particular episode, the other possible titles were chug it down with a smile, blood on my lips, everybody back up, she's too light and refusing treatment." Which anybody who actually played it knows exactly who said those and when they said it. And the winner was, again, Satan did it better because come on. I voted for that, yeah. Amanda responded again and said, "Good ones, refusing treatment is a nice primer without a need for context," and I believe that was Michael Tseil again, refusing treatment. Ari said, "Too much awesomeness, gaming makes times work so much harder, must be a bummer." Facebook episode 202, "The Bee People," that was John's line. Christopher Foster said, "Whoops, told you the wrong username in the email. I am Eola. I will be damned if I'm not going to get credit for making Mike laugh at my potato joke." The potato joke, I guess I went back to figure out what the heck that was. He said that it sounded like we recorded the early episodes with a potato. Right, I do remember. Our potato alarm clock slash recorder. And in case you're all worried, my PC is, once again, free of Apple software. So he put on iTunes, went out, did a review of our podcast, then removed iTunes. Now, that's a dedicated listener. Mr. Murkty also posted and said, "As for the past recording, do you remember the time playing elevator music in the background?" Yes. Yes, a lot of change in the sound quality as well as the group structure. One thing that didn't change is you still are a pleasure to listen to. I remember somebody replied today, "Did you record the episode today?" Did you record the episode? Did you record the episode? Did you record the episode? We were in a hospital. The sky was playing a sound effect. A world of a lobby. And the way it was only a couple minutes. It's like a room. So it kept hearing a little... The elevator. The elevator. Every now and then. Every now and then. Of course. In play sound effects don't work as well as post. They're better for the players but less so for the podcast. Is there any way you can go into iTunes or wherever else people can acquire our first few episodes and put a little caveat note in their saying, "Any really stuff, please don't judge it on this. Listen to something more recent." Yeah. I would have to re-release them, which would mean they make a better shot. I would like to put a comment. Or I could do it on our webpage. I can't do it on iTunes. To do it on iTunes I would have to re-release them. I mean, it makes it all new. Happy to have read that if you download it on iTunes saying that don't listen to the first one and judge it. I think you eventually figured that out. Yeah. Maybe someday iTunes will have that if they don't have it now. Something you can post on there. Episode 202 still. Steve Ella posted and said "potential party split." I've had some of my best/worse memories from party splits. It's all we do. Yeah, it's true. Well there's too many of us to manage. I think there's a more problem with why we're so powerful and Dresden is because when it comes to a final showdown we're all there to do damage. Right. And it's valid. We all ring the bell. Romulus Powell also posted on 202 and said "that's part of my life that I don't want to talk about. Classic callback." They was referring to Mr. Clay's antagonism towards Silver Bell. Silver Bell who used the same line. But 202.03 on Facebook tainted none. I also posted on the fan page and wished everyone who celebrates it a happy Thanksgiving. Sky Wise posted and said "like most of the people in my tribe, I'm a little ambivalent towards Thanksgiving, but I'm still able to enjoy the KOTN podcast while deep frying in Turkey." So consider this Thanksgiving. Thank you. All right. I also posted on 203 and said "it's a threesome. No way. It's supposed to be all audience approved." Later he posted again and said "oh wait, World of Darkness 3, Episode 203 and Storyline 3. Three times three makes nine which is the highest level." Hmm, what? Am I stretching? He is by the way. Most likely I should just listen to the episode, right? And his third post already said "and then I was worried about the rating, and then there was the blooper section. Giving times for a fun crew." I don't remember specifically what it was in the blooper section. It was apparently our rated, but was it Thomas? What do you say? You just dropped an F-bomb so different. No. Wow. Hulk's Christ. I never did that. What the fuck? I never saw a runner that had the big ending, all the outtakes or whatever. Yeah. It was like 15 minutes outtakes. That was fun to listen to when I was there. Yeah. I appreciate that. On our Facebook general page, Joseph Noel posted and said "loving the podcast started listening with the Numenera game and stayed, it has influenced me to start my own AP." Well, let's know what it is, Joseph, because I'd like to give it a listen. I wish to enter the discussion on the Numenera GM intrusion. In episode 201, there was a discussion about Numenera GM intrusion and how it may influence the asshole array of the GM and place more non-fun tension in the game for the players. I've been GMing Numenera since it's released via one long campaign and numerous one shots. The subject about how to use the GM intrusion in the game has been an often discussed subject matter due to the misconception about what the purpose of the GM intrusion is. So much so that the author of the game has produced a blog post and additional published material on the subject. It comes down to the GM intrusion is there to give the GM a structure and a reminder to make the story more interesting. In fact, it is not to be used as a license for S-holery, and in my opinion, if the GM is using it only to place the PCs in danger or take away their fun, that reflects more on the GM than the intrusion mechanic. There are ways to make a dramatic tension using the intrusion that makes the game fun, not painful. Personally, I feel that Numenera is a difficult game to GM, not mechanically but narratively because of the GM intrusion mechanic, and the loose nature of the resolution mechanics from the GM's perspective. Police give the GM a lot of freedom, and this can be overwhelming in play, and it required the GM to remember that his or her job was to make the game fun for everybody at the table. Intrusions are to be used to help to do this, not hinder this joke. If that were true, they would be called GM assistance. Right, the only problem I have with that is the creator of the game had to write a specific blog to explain what he meant by the mechanics, which means it failed. If you have to spend extra time to explain how it's supposed to be used and it's not naturally and intuitive, then you've failed somewhere. Yeah, I would have to say, I don't know if the mechanic can't be saved, just as presented in the core rule book, it failed because there was a lot of misunderstandings and misconceptions regarding that particular thing. I'm all about making the story more interesting and putting the characters through experiences in a way that a good story is putting you against odds you don't think you can succeed against, then by all accounts succeeding. I think some of that happened in our limited exposure, like when Mike dropped the only device that would -- Well, the GM made Mike drop the only 6 minutes to be clear, but in a sense, I believe he rolled a 1 if not mistaken, in that particular instance, it was terrible. I don't think I fumbled, I think you made it happen. I don't remember if it's because I goofed up work. I think Tila and her bear form struck like a good hit against. It was something. Yeah, it was either you rolling a 19 or a 20 or Mike rolling a 1. You were simply ahead of comments. My point is, if you come up with a game mechanic that's so unique that the natural inclination of using it is going to be wrong, and that's what this seems like. Right. Then you need to do a better job of explaining it. Which he tried to do with the vlog, but I'm just saying that means it wasn't play tested well enough to see that this was a problem, and it did seem to me that the character generation and the world creation and all that was a much higher import, or thank you, priority than the actual role-playing system. I wouldn't say a GM -- so far from what we've experienced, a GM intrusion has maybe made the story more interesting, but it certainly hasn't helped my character or our characters. There was no intrusion to give me a magic weapon, or to reveal something that I discover. There's no other benefit to the character, it doesn't benefit to the story. I don't think it's a benefit, I think it makes the story more interesting. I think Scott has a better way of announcing his GM intrusion by asking what would make the story better, and well, the story would be better if we did it this way, which is harder to do, well, let's go down the path of more interesting. Any hero of Journey isn't about the farmer sitting in the field pulling out potatoes, it's about something terrible happening in them overcoming it, that's just the nature of an event. A good story. Yeah, in general. Last thing we're going to touch on, other than Amazon Link, no shop, yay, damn. We're also going to give out a t-shirt for December next week, we're going to try to do it quickly enough that the winner will get it before Christmas. The delays in the t-shirt are my fault entirely and the fact that it takes forever for them to create them. But the two that were for episode 200 and our first giveaway have gone out. Great. We also got a stack of books from DJ Allen, their World of Darkness, so Scott may know a little more about them. It's not all World of Darkness, they're vampire and some other, but they're the previous iteration, not the most recent iteration of that system, but it's still fantastically nice for him to offer those up to us, to give away, because some people still play that version of the game and may have some very good use for that. If for another reason too, the books are good idea generators, just to read them. So do you think we're going to find them useful, or should we offer them up to the fans? Well, I think I've got all I need to make for useful stories. I got more than I can actually ever put into all the stories that we play. So I think we should offer it to our listeners. So what we'll do then is have the listeners get a hold of us, whether it be Facebook, email, just any, even Twitter, any way that they can get a hold of us and tell us that they're interested, and we will pick a winner and send it off to them. It might be helpful for them to know what it is. So they are Vampire of the Masquerade, Vampire Storyteller Handbook, Tribes of the Moon, Vampire of the Requiem, Gehenna, and the Vampire's Guide 2nd Edition. Those are all the books that DJ Allen was kind enough to provide for. So thank you, Allen, and any fans that are interested in receiving these books, please get a hold of me in any of those ways. They're all nice looking, hard, other in wonderful condition. And with that, Happy Thanksgiving for all of our listeners who celebrate that. And just so everybody knows I want to let all the listeners know, some of the episodes moving forward are probably going to be a little bit shorter than they have been in the past, and that's simply because we don't have a backlog, so they might be 45 minutes rather than an hour, so that we don't have a weekend which we don't release because of the holidays coming up and whatnot. Please accept our apologies and enjoy the show. This is the World of Darkness story The Sin Eater, and I am your storyteller Scott, and with us tonight on my right is Michael playing Ethan Clark, a medical doctor and native of 1935 with a checkered pants. I'm Tom by Jay Alton, a member of the ascending ones. I'm Jim by the Katie O'Connor, a member of the Shadow Congregation, and slightly not feeling as holly as she used to be. Tainted. Tainted. Tainted. Not. Mike playing Michael Clay, the academic adventurer from the ages kind of order. And killed. Yeah. I feel like the unconscious. And not a blood drinker, apparently. No, I did not drink the blood. Thomas playing Edgar Montes, a voodoo practitioner, a member of the lay misteris, conspiracy. In a blood drinker. Right. Totally down with the drinking of blood. And with one die. Chance died, and he didn't react. Really? Amazing. John playing Daniel Morgan, a mountain man turned mercenary, next member of Task Force, Al Curry. We are missing a few players tonight. We're missing a few, and not with us tonight would be Rachel, which takes us to Sister Katie, Sister Katie. You're dropped off at the beautiful grounds, they're well-capped for St. Patrick's. And as you walk up to the normal entrance that any worshipper would use, you see two gardeners working in the church proper and on their lawns. I mean, just a bucolic picture, it's a beautiful, sunny, warm summer day, they're snipping at hedges, one of them's whistling, the other one, keeping to himself, but they're just beautifying this grand church in Ohio City. And again, much more beautiful than you recall it from 2011, just, it's gorgeous. And what do you do? She's probably going to pace the back and forth in front of the church for a few minutes, trying to figure out how the hell am I going to ask for what I want. And that's sound like I'm crazy, probably in the impossible, but yeah, I'm sure that's a very good question for you. I think that she's going to go inside and see if there's anybody in the church. Right, there are two doors that are in the wooden doors that have been weathered in 2011, but here in 1935, the carvings of the various scenes from the New Testament is just actually gorgeous. It looks like it's just been done within the last couple of years, and it just, there's beautiful wooden carvings in these two grand doors that you open up to enter into the dark peaceful tranquility of the church. Does it seem weird to me that there's all this out of work and despair and poverty, but the church seems to be doing pretty good. Nope, seems about right to you. That's the church's demo. The depression has been going on for four years now. I'm going to assume that Katie has some basic level of knowledge. She assumes it started in the late 20s to early 30s when things got really bad. In four years or so, it hasn't been maybe enough time for the signs of aging, or their coffers were, the 20s were, they were called the Gilded Age, or the Roaring 20s, or whatever you want to call them, the 20s were a very, very, very financially prosperous time. And so, you can look at it as maybe just being, the church is being very judicious with their expenditures and making sure that they don't overspend, but still keeping everything beautiful because that's part of their MOs. You come here for peace and tranquility, and you enter the church province. You find the vestibule is, again, very dark, quiet, beautiful, light streaming in from the stained glass windows, you kneel down, and only water, cross yourself, say a prayer, enter into where the pews and hundreds of pews, this is a large, large church. What day is it right now in time? It is a Thursday, so it's a quiet- It's about lunchish time? Yeah, no, it's later, they went to lunch to stall, but really it's about four o'clock in the afternoon, four-thirty in the afternoon. So it's later, it's mid-afternoon or just cresting mid-afternoon. You can see a couple of altar boys performing some of the rituals, and you also see one of the priests preparing for one of the masses that are coming up, but for now, the church is almost bereft of any individuals except for members of the church. She's probably first going to come in and just take a pew up front and say some of her regular daily prayers that she would say, and she's just praying for the soul, the one who gave her the healing blood, hoping that he does- Mardi colons. Mardi colons. She's praying for Mardi colons because he knows he's trying to do good, even though he was born in a bad situation, she feels sorry for him. Seven son of a son son. And if the priest is still wandering around and preparing an area, she's going to get up and approach him. Yeah. As you get closer, because again, it's very dim in the church during a time like this, with only real lightning and the ambient light from outside through the stained glass windows. He looks to be an older clergyman, probably you're guessing a quick snap judgment late '60s or early '70s, a bit stooped, a white hair, white beard, some smile lines in his face. Looks to be not an imposing figure by any stretch management. He's smaller, but that's kind of a quick snapshot of the individual as you walk up to him. So you approach him and he looks to you and says, "How can I help you, my child?" Are you going to be having mass this evening? We do have a mass every evening at 7 p.m. and the doors are open, and it's allowable for all members of the community, not just our congregation, to attend. Will it be convenient at this? Absolutely. And do you have time to do a confessional? Actually I do have a bit of time to do a confession. Just give me one second to direct the altar boys in their next task, and then I will meet you in the confessional, and he points to once nearby, and then he goes and talks to the altar boys and gets them onto their next task, and you see him make his way into the booth, and you hear that familiar closing of the door, and he asks you, "My dear, how long has it been since you've last had confession?" That's a good question. I'm trying to think of over the time of last, whatever, few days that she's known these guys for weeks, or whatever it's been, what since could she have done during those times? The only thing, one thing I can think of is she stole a car that wasn't hers and wrecked it. Yes. Aside from, she's broken the law, she's fed, I don't know if you consider that law, but you speak all the time. Is breaking the law committing a sin, or is it just breaking the law? Did you shoot a gun at Chad's law, and there's just more to law, I mean did you shoot your gun at anyone? That's well, typically when you can test, if you commit a crime, that's something that you would confess. Forgive me, father, I tried to kill a bunch of people. You broke into an area? I'm trying to discuss. I'm trying to discuss. Try passing. I had someone to die. Did you shoot a zombie? I put children at risk. Well, I see that's in the same room, I'm leaving, I actually tried to help you. You know the children? She was getting shot at. You know, it was all there. I'm not saying it's justifiable or not, you're talking what's sitting, you ask what sins you've committed, you have trespassed, you have left someone to die, you have shot at someone, you have somebody with a car, you have ran over the werewolf, you have disabled vehicles that do not belong to you, trespass absolutely you have ran on the law, which is I don't know if that's a sin, but again, you know, it's not a mortal sin, it's a bad thing you do, you take mortal sin, you send sin, and you've been asking for your mortal sins. He asked you when, the last time you confessed to having mortal sin, so you do it. But when you confess, you just don't cover the, I mean, don't freeze that a mortal sin, is it? He's swearing. I used to add words, you know, so she's kind of thinking a lot a little bit, she's like, "You had unpuried." Or just asking about how long has it been since you last professional, she goes, "Here's no, it's actually, it's probably been about a week, I guess, in days, in real time, in my timeline." And the calendar, this is my first conclusion, before I look at my idea, please let me know what's on your mind. Well, the first thing is I've taken the Lord's name in vain, at least daily. I get all that moments of stress, we all have moments where that happens, so what else? Circumstances have led me lately to do some things I don't normally do, like I just don't have a car. When Rex gets stolen a vehicle, and you report it to the individual or to any authorities? I haven't had time to yet, it's been, it's been a crazy couple days. You step out from a wreck and talk to the priest. I fully intend to, once I get back to the area, what happened? What else did I mention? In doing so, I also trust past, and I ran from the law, it was a very bad day. I did so, and trying to help other people, but sometimes things happen. Yes, we do have lots of things, and I will do my best to make up for it. I'm sure you will. Good intentions though, why they're important. In Confessional, we tend to look at things in a more black and white sense, in what has been broken and what has not been broken, and I appreciate your good intentions, but we still must do our penance to the Lord for the laws that we have broken and the things we have done. What else, my dear, have you been involved with, if anything, that you'd like to release from your mind and let out and let the Lord help heal you? That's one of the reasons why she's freaking out, is she doesn't really see it as a sin, she just knows it. Yeah, he's not buying any of that, I mean, just for the record, he's laid out there. It's pretty black and white here in Confessional. There's always justifications for us. There's always reasons for it, but the Lord has made his set of laws and rules, as has our good government that we abide by, and those rules and laws must be abided, and if you're going to confess, then my job is not to listen to the rationale or take that into the full account is to give you the penance you need to perform in order to clean and cleanse your soul. What else have you done, my dear? You did a consort and have Congress with a demon, just saying. Just, it's a small thing, you might want to mention. Oh yeah, by the way, oh yeah, and then just, and took his blood within your mouth. I'm just saying, you're saving it for the finale, I know, but you're building up to it. I ask him if he's ever heard of the Malius Malefakarum. There's a pause, and he says, well, of course, my dear, I would think that any good scholar would have heard of the medieval manual used during the Inquisition for the misguided attempts to rid the world of witches, who most often were not anything of the sort and were killed unjustly. So yes, the Malius Malefakarum is a very popular tome from the Middle Ages for those scholars of us who research such things. Okay. I think that's it. All right, my dear. You have nothing else on your soul which you wish to purge and release from your debt and your sorrow, and from your soul, and to cleanse it with the Lord's help. Not here at this time, no. Very well then. He tells you that you need to perform. Trillion Hail Marys. I'm not sure exactly what the number is, but whatever is an appropriate number of Hail Marys and. Rosary. Yes. Okay. You kind of saw it in him that he was old, no nonsense, wasn't intimidating, but when he got behind that curtain, he didn't buy any of that shit. You know, I'm guessing maybe. So relax of contrition, you'd have to. The 75 Hail Marys, we're going to go with three acts of contrition. He encourages you to report the stolen vehicle and the damage to it and to make amends as maybe one of your acts of contrition, and I said I tended to do so once I came back. And that's the end of where I was at. Which as long as you're done, you know, he says, I'm thinking when I get back to my time period, I will definitely report it to him. Missed and taint and let him do it. Oh, by the way, I'm case of this chai. Yeah. Where did he keep your hair habits when she kind of hurt him, basically say that that her conspiracy was a not a good thing and something that was. Well, he didn't mention near conspiracy. He says the book, the hammer of witches that was written in the Middle Ages led to the persecution of many innocent people to die at the end. See, I got the hint that he was saying that the whole conspiracy was and killing innocent people. Absolutely. He just arrived. I might think that that his words had a deeper meaning, but he was specifically speaking to the tone written in the Middle Ages, but he could have had a double meaning, absolutely. That's your call. But it's just a case so good at reading people. Right. If she would have talked to the dog, then she might have known, but another human being, I mean, you could make an empathy role if you want to see if you had some. It would be a one-day empathy role. Yeah. You'd actually end up confessing to him if you made a critical failure because if you roll any failure on a chance die, is it one day or a chance die for you? It would be... I have... It would be a chance die. And the failure at all is a critical failure. Why did I drink that blood? What could you do? Well, that's you, Father. Who are you to judge me? Right. I mean, you would actually just... It's something like that in half. I'm just going to bring something like that, and then to her, it's not like this guy doesn't know who they are. And if I try to explain this to him, they're going to end up locking me up, so she's going to park it and get me out of here. She completes her confessional. And at that point, she then... And it's a couple hours before they're going to have ceremony, sir, right? At least. Right. Yeah. So... At which point, there's no one there to pick up yet. Has she seen any nuns walk out of here? No, she did not. Nuns are at the convent. Yeah. Not at the church. You walk out of the church, again, it's a beautiful day. You can stroll back to the... I mean, she's part of the Mallia of Malefakara. What do you want to say in reference to the Mallia's Malefakara? She didn't get any inkling that this guy was part of it. Just... I mean, she doesn't have a bunch of inkling at all, but... She got no inkling at all, partly because of that would just be her general empathy. And partly because, really, all Katie has is what the words that came out of my mouth. And it's kind of like real life, so you can just take what I said and believe whatever you want to be, because that's what would happen to Katie in this situation, unless you want to roll that die. And you need a 10 to succeed, you don't succeed unless you roll a 10. Like I said, and this... Any other non success... She was feeling really out of it just being in here because, back home, she knows people. Right. And she knows... She knows the... She knows the... None. She knows the altar voice. Right. Chances only a 10 succeeds, everything else. Correct. Failure and a critical failure. I think... And I may be wrong, but I thought if it's an 8 or a 9, it's just a failure. If it's a 10, it's a success, and you get to roll again. And if it's any normal failure, it automatically is amped up to a dramatic failure. If you roll a 1, your head explodes, and you die. I'm also thinking though, just for story is that she's not in good with her conspiracy at home because of her attitude and the way she is. Okay. And she... So there's a select few people that like her and the way she is, and deal with her because they're kind of like her, but there's not a lot of them. Okay. But that's why she doesn't have a high status with her conspiracy. And two of those people are dogs. Yeah. And I'm also thinking that she's somewhere along the way, she's gotten into the mindset that even though the majority of the things that they hunt are bad and evil, it should be stopped. Right. Some of them could be okay or could be worked with, and we don't have to kill all of them without... Right. And then a lot of the people in the malleus mallethicardum do not think the same way. Right. Exactly. They're very extreme in their... Yes. That's why she was really skittish. I mean, religious extremists in a sense. Absolutely. And you can make the Cleveland branch of that be as extreme as you want it to with only one or two that understand your viewpoint. Okay. Switching gears then, lastly to Michael Clay and Jay Alton working their way through the maze of despair and inequity that is the shanty town, or shanty towns really, because you're going to travel through several of them as you work your way towards Jackass Hill. And... Dr. Marty Collins. And without going into an overly lengthy exposition of what you see, you just, you see a lot of despair and a lot of poverty, children and rags, adults, with suits that would have worn them for two straight weeks. You see alcoholism, arguing in fisticuffs, glimpses of brightness, a woman with five children around here trying to conduct a class, keep the kids learning. You see a pickup kickball game where the kids are playing with each other nicely. So there's these moments where you come across things that kind of are heartening, but man, it's just so depressing. There are thousands of people, upon thousands of people in the shanty towns, that it just, it weighs on your shoulders. And by the time you get to Jackass Hill, you feel like you're not walking as straight as you were and you feel covered in dust and dirt and grime and feel a little less human than you were when you started your journey and all the people you had to say no to or go away or lift up your shirt and show them your gun because they were threatening you in a sense of just in desperation asking for coins or whatever the case might be. So it was just one long slog through, you know, unpleasantness to get here, but you have actually made your way to Jackass Hill, which is not much of a hill, really, it's a hill, but it's not anything major, it's a landmark, but just barely. So I'm thinking maybe at the most 80, 100 foot incline, there's tents all rise. It's not a steep incline, it's very, very gradual type of hill, it's a gradual incline up to about a peak of 100 feet over the rest of the Shanty town. And in that area are more tents and more stuff, but at the very top of it, there seems to be a couple of wooden structures and some tents set up and some cots set up outside that some people are laying on and you can see Marty Collins moving with purpose through this area, this makeshift field hospital, if you will, certainly speaks to you in some sense, Jay, in your experiences in the field, you can see a couple people helping him, both men and women, who are trying to help take care of these patients as best they can. And so I wanted to tend to see an operating table that looks rather unhygienic or at least as hygienics that can make it, but in this condition, they don't have cleaning supplies. It's a rough situation and he's definitely working underneath some very difficult times. Actually, Ethan, if you were here, it would definitely speak to your time in Tibet and Chinese occupation and the war is there in the battles and some of the stuff that you saw as well. Jay's been stationed in the Middle East, so he's well aware of sure, poverty, and while this is probably a denser place than he's dealt with before, as far as population goes, it's definitely third world in nature. He, without saying a word, steps in and starts helping. He's got medicine at two, and I don't know what else wits. Sure. I also had two. I'm not going to make you make a rule for that. So, Jess, it spends about half an hour to get the most critical under control before he even begins to speak to him about what we're here. I would like to observe Marty Collins in kind of with my eye on what he had performed before. Is he performing routine medical procedures or is he, okay, so there's no sense of the occult or... No. Okay. You don't see any symbols come out. You don't see anything on the ground, drawn on the ground or... But by the same token, none of these kids are anywhere as critical as... Right. Oh, fair. I mean, you've got a broken leg. You've got a kid who looks like he might have some sort of fever. You have another child that looks like he actually was knifed, but in, you know, not in a life-threatening situation, but certainly, yeah, I mean, like, on the side, but not in a bad spot where they're changing out of dressings. So there's three children who are on cots in very states of healing. And then there's a couple of adults as well. He's, you know, at this point, he didn't mention adults at all when he had to talk to you previously, he talked about the kids, but there are several adults who are on cots as well. In total, he probably has maybe six patients, three adults and three children at this point. And it looks like they're going to be prepping someone soon for some type of surgery because there's one child that's off the side that complains incessantly about his hand and looks like he ended up with a lot of glass embedded in his hand and is going to need to have it removed. And that's really one of his main focuses after making sure that all his other patients are in good shape. Before he starts the surgery, we interrupt him to get the information we need. Sure. Let's start with the location of the first two people or actually we're going to go in reverse order. So you want the most recent abducted child, which would be Judith Manley. Yeah, Clarice Turner and Judith Manley were the most recent. So we want the location of Judith Manley and then Claire Turner, because you will. Clarice. Clarice. He tells you the location, which is actually even further into, well, not further than the shanty towns, because each one is kind of its own little town. But there's a shanty town a little ways away from here, not this main concentration, but a little ways away, further to the east that he lets you know, when you see the fall over billboard and there's that rusted out, dodged vehicle. It's the third wing to pass that, et cetera. So he gives you the first one and says that the one knows of the other, because they both happened in such quick succession. So she can point you in the right direction, but he really needs to get on with the surgery. He doesn't have time to drag him up right now while seven locations, but he'll be happy to get those to you eventually, but it should at least get you started. And we're going to ask for it. We just find the first two. Right. And it's less than a quarter of a mile, eighth of a mile away. It's not very far of a walk. I double check with Mr. Clay before we leave to make sure he doesn't want additional information are we needing that? No, at this point, I'm not trying to be a jerk, but I'm just trying to be a little bit skeptic and cynical of, and plus a lot of my experience and training that Nico took me on was in Egypt and North Africa. So I'm accustomed to some of these sites and stuff too. It certainly, poverty is nothing new to you. Right. One thing of note, both of you, can you please make a quick perception check, please? Just so you know, my trained observer lets me have a perception roll on eight and eight agains. Excellent. This definitely applies. All right. So what's the perception for which plus composure? Thank you. Make sure you have that tattooed somewhere. Yes. You might actually want to write it on your sheet because it happens so often too. And smart ass, it just happens so often that with plus composure is a big role. And why isn't it on the sheet? Yeah, why isn't it? Dr. Gone. Exactly, very bottom. Just kidding. Dr. Gone, in case you're listening. Yeah, like he's listening. Why wouldn't you listen? He's a world darkness. World darkness. Huh? Of course, just listening. Hey, if you're listening, if you're gone, let us know. We love your character sheets. I remember what these guys say. I love them. You're the only one who had a comment about his character sheets. I couldn't name the man if you wanted me to. Your dad said, "Why isn't that in here?" Like he was dissing the character sheets. Well, he was only five patients. What was that? How did you say that? Five guys for wits and components. He's too long to stop listening to us. Now, five dice. Go ahead and make a roll. No minus it. Well, you know what? You've become a little bit nearer to the poverty around you, so we take away one die for that. Okay. Then let me just add just one more thing. Sure. Go ahead. I think these fields catching tiny details and digging for secrets and, therefore, have a better chance to find, quote, important clues. So whatever. No, you're fine. You keep your dice then. I think that you would be as you get closer. I think you become dissatisfied for a while when you're walking through shanty after shanty after shanty. Okay. But now you're getting close to the shanty that you want to be at, the location might be at. I was mistaken. You don't remove a die. Sure. I wasn't trying to. Okay. I was just... Alright. So, minus five, I will remove the die in before because I don't have the focus. Right. So go first. Mr. Clay. I've got one, two, two, two, eight against. I saw a song. It was going to break out there for a second. Two. Eight against. That's two successes. Two successes. Go ahead. Jay Alton. I have two as well. I hate them tonight. Okay. You both notice that as you approach Judith's lean two, it seems that this area, not just her lean two, it's this area of this particular shanty town, just seems a little well-kept, like they care more, or they just pay more attention. There's not a bunch of rubble strewn in the middle of their pathways. Their rubble is neatly lined. Their rubble is picked up and put into a pile somewhere off the side. There's not as much graffiti on there. The corrugated metal that might make up one side of a lean two's wall. You don't see a bunch of slang and graffiti written at it. It just seems a little neater. That's all. Then the shanty should've been to before. And you don't see anyone outside or about when you go to Judith's down side. For the front entrance, there's draped what looks to be some sort of, maybe a World War One together issued blankets for the troops. Kind of like that. Like a wool and blanket kind of stitched together, kind of hanging over as an entryway or door holding in what coolness she possibly can in the hot summer days. Well, the blanket has to be hung on a doorframe. I wrap on the doorframe. Well, before you do that boss, just as a quick scan of the area, do I see any clear signs or maybe little symbols of good luck or, you know, warding evil. I mean, if you want me to make an occult roll, I can, but I'm just curious if there's any kind of like, you know, wives' tales, like maybe some wolves bane hanging or little clumps of sticks. Like a small symbol to ward off evil. No, it's a great question, Michael. But I think I'm going to say go ahead and make an occult plus wits roll. But I'm going to be fairly brutal, even with your stuff because if there was something, I can't really count. No, that's wonderful. That's going to be brutal. So that is a total of six dice. What do I take away? I'm going to say you're going to take away three dice. Okay. Okay. Let's just go higher, but then just need to get a little too brutal. I see nothing. All right. I have no success. Okay. Then you do indeed see nothing that jumps out at you a couple of times, like, no, no. Okay. You wrap on the door and you hear a younger woman's voice call out. Who's there? Miss Manley. Yes. One second, please. And you hear some rattling of pots and pans and seems like some kind of domestic cleaning up of clutter. And then this young woman who looks not as grimy and dirty again just seems like this particular area of people are just a little more well kept than some of the other areas you walk through. Quite dense maybe. Maybe not. But she's got dirt on her face and she's got dirt on her gown that she's wearing, but it's not. It doesn't look like she's slept in it for six to eight days kind of thing. You can glimpse quickly behind her into her cobble and again, well organized, well kept, a small child playing quietly in a corner, three beds, actually one cot, not a bed. There's a cot that looks adult sized and then a blanket for an older child maybe and then what looks to be a makeshift crib for the two year old toddler that you see playing on the ground. Probably an old drawer. Sure. That makes perfect sense. So again, I mean, for yes, destitute absolutely. But slovenly? Not so much. God, that's the standards. And she apparently does. A lot of standards. So she asks how she may help you? Dr. Collins has asked us to check in on you. I mean, yes, we're trying to determine what might have happened to your first one. The name was the child. Edith. Yes. Edith. Did you ask something you want to say? I'm just curious about her physical features. Is this what clothes her hair or her eyes? Her hair is. It's like a mousie brown, a little bit of blonde, a little bit of brown. She looks to be in her mid to late 20s. Hard to tell because she definitely has some worry lines around her eyes. Everybody looks back then. Right. In the way they wear their hair as well, especially for someone from 2011, she looks very much older than she probably is. She has blue eyes. She is fairly attractive, you would say. She's of medium stature. She has the 30s pin-up girl body in the sense that she's shapely. She's not thin by your stretch of imagination in which may or may not be curious, based on the fact that she's living in poverty, but she's definitely shapely. I would say she's about this normal height for her age. Okay. Does that help? Yeah, I'm trying to find any commonalities between these kids and what I know of the idea cult makes me wonder if there's a common trait or their eye color, hair color makes sense. Makes perfect sense. So she says, you don't look like policemen? Or actually not. We're friends of Dr. Collins, but we are interested in the welfare of the children in this area, and we'd like to, if at all possible, find your daughter. Well, thank you. Thank you so much. It seems generally just her disposition changes from one of mild curiosity and maybe even annoyance to one of deep gratitude and like she can't believe someone's come to her door to help her find her child. So she says, will you come in, please, please come in. Of course. We were wondering if you could give us any, any bit of information about... She has a couple of milk crates that she sets down for you to sit on, and she apologizes but the only thing she has is some water that she's able to collect from the rain. It's more than adequate. Thank you. So she gets you each a couple of that and sits down herself on her cat, which is actually raised up, and go ahead and finish with your question, do you have anything of? Yes. Just anything you can provide us with the disappearance of your daughter, where was she last seen by you? When I tucked her in to say, say good night, we sang our little makeup song, we sing sometimes when she's struggling. She didn't want to go to bed. She's just a little fussier in wanting to stay up, but we did a little sing song for a while, and then I tucked her in. This is her sleeping area over here? Yes. Her and her and her sister. Something the techniques that Chiu taught me, and I'm looking for anything that's obvious, unusual about the situation where her is close to the edge of the... Chanty? Chanty, yes. Right. Is there loose boards there, is there? It's a dirt floor, they're looking on the dirt floor. But the dirt floor is packed, and it doesn't seem to be disturbed in any way. Not in any noticeable way, but to be fair, it's not just dirt floor, she's laid plenty of these blankets down, so you're really walking on and blanket on a hard-packed dirt floor. You notice a small little stove that she has in there with an exhaust that goes up through some partition and some wood boards above, because she's got almost like a fence, like what would have maybe been a wooden fence at some point, kind of leaning over the top of her lean to give it some sort of roofing. So that's where the exhaust goes for the little stove. She has what looks to be the back of this lean to looks relatively solid, in a sense that the children shouldn't be able to escape without maybe like really dislodging some heavy wooden or corrugated metal pieces. I do have an investigation, so I'm looking for anything. Okay, go ahead and make an investigation plus withdrawal. Does anything that looks unusual, I'm going to look for Michael to pick up any cultic nature to that. Right. I'm going to also have an investigation too, so I have a cultic nature. Investigation plus wits for both of you, please let's let Jago first. This time as he was asking questions and looking, and then you'll follow up, Michael, if you don't mind. That would be a total of four for me, and I am going to spend it well. Okay, I'm going to then subtract two dice, because one die, you don't know what the hell you're looking for. No. You're not looking for something specific. And a second die, just because of the dim nature, it's, she has a little... I shouldn't have a lantern going at this point, it's the middle of a frickin' day, you shouldn't have a lantern going. You should have a lantern going. You should have got to waste the light. Maybe the thing, the door... Yeah, maybe there's a little bit, there's a couple spaces, but you're going to get like slices of light coming in, so it's not well lit. So minus two dice total. My Leatherman has a flashlight on it. I'm sure it does. You want to pop that baby out and turn it on, then it's done. Is there the locals? Ooh, fire. Ooh. Much. So, nah. After your spend of willpower plus one die, because your willpower is plus three, minus two because of the circumstances, so it's a little plus one to your bitch. So, five instead of four. There you go. Ding, ding. Wow. You win a prize? A lot of sevens. No. Go ahead. No success. You didn't have seven again? No, I don't. Well, good thing I need to risk it. Yeah. That's a good point. Okay, I have five dice. Okay, and I'm going to give you the same minus two that I'm giving you to Jay. Oh, nothing. Okay. Wow. So, you look around. You didn't see anything obvious that, and again, this is not a full out, not a search. This is a glance to see if anything jumps out at you. Nothing does. Mm. So, she says, at the last time I saw her, was when I set her down to bed, it was probably, I would say around 10 o'clock. It was two nights ago, and she was fussy. I don't... She didn't mention anything. I mean, any reason that she was fussy was she... She just wanted to play with the other kids. Okay. I mean, some nights she might get in an argument and not want to play with them, but this night she wanted to go back out and play, and she thought that I was obviously being too disciplined and strict. Two nights ago was what day? This would have been... Tuesday. I mean... It would have been a Tuesday, and I need the... Yeah, I don't have my notes in front of me. Telegram? Telegram? Anyone? Okay. This was sent on the 23rd. You arrived on the 25th. So today is the 26th, which means the 29th of the 24th. A day after this telegram, so... Yeah. And so, no, it was normal fussy-ness, and then I was startled around... I would say it was... Well, I don't know what that was, really, it was the middle of the night. I was sleeping very heavily. I was startled and woken up, but I don't know by what. You know, I ever have that where you wake up, but you don't know what it was, what noise it was that woke you up. It was like that. So there was a noise, but I can't place what it was, and I just want to go check on the kids to make sure they were all right, and I noticed that Edith was... Her bed was empty, and it was just a blanket. So I immediately thought that she snuck outside to play. Her cot in a relationship to the door. She would have had a faster mother's cot to get outside, and that's intentional on the mother's heart, obviously. So I ran outside, ever so quickly, to see if I could catch anything, and it must have been late at night, because even the menfolk were done with their drinking, and it was absolutely dark and quiet, and it was empty, the streets were empty. There was nothing. So, and the noise didn't strike me as coming from outside, but I had to check just to make sure. I eventually, I couldn't believe my daughter, I had to wait until my other daughter, Betty, I couldn't leave her until the morning where I could take her with me. So I eventually ended up waking her up, and trying to find a police officer who thought it was a runaway situation, but tell me what six-year-old girl runs away. She's not even old enough, she doesn't even know her way around that the Shantytown low alone, where she would go to, I just, I can't believe that that could be the answer. Is your husband around? She sighs heavily, and seems to pick herself up, gather herself up, and says, "My husband, he left about a year ago or so to go try to find some work, and I really haven't heard from him since." I said your daughter wanted to play with her friends. Yes. Who would her friends be, do you have? I, to be honest, I'm stuck here so much with Betty, I don't get a chance to really know her friends. I think one might have been called, I don't know, was her name? There was an Evelyn, there was, one of the boys was a Francis, but I don't really remember them. They were always just outside, they wouldn't be, I'm assuming, but I keep, I don't really make a lot of friends, or I tend to keep to myself because I really don't have, it's just us three girls, and it's terrifying enough as it is, just getting by. How long have you been on the hill? True. She's not on the hill, she's in, she's in the shantytown really close, right? She says it's been, she was here for about a year with her husband, and he's been gone about a year, ever since her in-laws basically kicked her and her husband and the kids out, because they couldn't support them anymore. They had, they came to shantytown about two years ago, and then her husband left about a year ago. And just, if I may ask, where are you coming, where, where would you live before you had to come here? Right. She lived in Cleveland proper, in the near west side. She gives you an address, it's- That's fine, I just- Yeah. Just trying to get some- Okay. But she's talking with some motivation now, like she's, someone's paying attention, someone's asking questions, someone's delving into it. So you've got her full attention, and she's very eager to be helped. Has anyone given you any trouble lately? Has anyone threatened you, or the girls? No, not at all. I mean, sometimes when the men drink a bit, they can get bit rowdy, but nothing out of the ordinary, or nothing recent. But please, you know, whatever you need, if you need to ask more questions, do so. But you also, if you need to look around, make yourself at home, I can, whatever I can do for you, please let me know. Your daughter's belongings, I see the blankets, but is there anything? Does she have a- Most of our toys have since fallen apart in the years, two years we've been here. But occasionally- Some children have a box, a little- Right, yeah, there's a group of toys over by your blanket, if you care. Once you look through her belongings, this little, or a little treasure box, whatever, she's picked up in the neighborhood, see if there's anything I need to go in there. I do so. I actually, as- while I'm looking at this, is there anything missing? Did your daughter take anything, like, is there a toy or a blanket, or something that isn't here that she might have taken with her, or was it just her? It was just her that disappeared. All her toys are there, just as she locked down, and as you walk over, you see a nice little milk carton, and there's, like, just a battered choo-choo train, but it's perfectly placed in the corner, and then there's an old nursery rhymes book, and it's placed there, I mean, it's beat up, but it's placed perfectly. It's like all her toys are arranged really neat, just kind of fitting with this woman's way of, yeah, of keeping her- Which ear did she wear a nightgown? Or was she- Yeah, she had a nightgown that she was wearing. She had one, and that was unfortunate. That was the one she was wearing that she was taking. When you go over there and look at the neatness of it all, and kind of check out that area, the hobble's not more than maybe 10 to 12 feet, like- While he's doing that, I'm stepping outside, I'm walking around, around the building, looking for anything I have is, and I'm also looking for little kids that are playing, or men. Oh yeah, do I need to do another witsook? Another wits bus composure. This one, subtract two dice, just like before, because you don't know what you're looking for, but go ahead and make a roll. One success that's a roll again, and that's just one success. Okay. One success. What you notice when you're delving through her area is the neatness, of course, but you look up, and there is what looks to you to be probably some sort of keepsake. It's a mirror. It's probably eight inches tall, maybe four inches wide. It looks like it's the rectangular mirror. It's battered, it's old, yet clean, as all things here are, you know, it's not necessarily even polished, but there's no dust on it. In the bottom right hand corner of this mirror is a crack, and it spider webs up maybe for an inch or so. And for some reason, that strike shoot is so incredibly out of place in this home, in this setup, for some reason it catches your attention, and that's all that you notice in that area. Jay, switching over to you really quick. You walk around the outside of this scene to go ahead and make a roll. It's one die, because you have more light, but you don't know what you're looking for still. So you started with four, so that's straight three, okay. One success. Okay. One thing you notice in two ones and in nine, it was almost the other, there's a lean-to to the right, and to the behind, and to like all boxed in basically, this lean-to is boxed in where you would have to move sideways through these small little areas to move all the way around the lean-to, and as you're walking, you notice that there are, this is ground, some of its grass, but most of the grass has died because it's been years since it seemed sunlight, you know, between all these lean-to's. There's no footprints, no kids' footprints, no footprints at all, as if no one had walked around this lean-to any time recently. So the idea that someone snuck, either she snuck out from the back or the side, or that someone came in from the sides or the back seems to you, unless they did some magical cleanup, it's impossible at this point. No one has walked down here, because you can even get out your, because it's dark enough, you can get out your leatherman and turn on your flashlight in this, that's how narrow it is, and see if there's been no movement at all. And that's really the one thing that catches your eye as you walk around the outside. Are there any kids nearby, open for a six-year-old range somewhere here? I'm going to say, right now, it's probably dinnertime, so it's going to be pretty light outside. You have to go really a little bit far to find some children. You see some maybe a quarter-mile down at one of the long streets of the Chantie, but no-one close at this point. Back to you, Mr. Clay. We get a description of Evelyn. Just like her mom. Or no. I don't eat it. A mini-mom. Eat it. It's a mini-mom, but with her hair's blonde, instead of the mousie color that her mom's hair has turned, she has blue eyes, of course she's adorable, and she's six. I wake one of the kids over, and they're wearing one of them, and if they don't call them, I pull them up the coin. Anything else? I'm sure Judith, we're going to have more questions for you as we try to look into this for you. Do you remember what time, when you heard the sound, do you know, was it the middle of the night? Was it dawn? She mentioned before, you would know this, that it was the middle of the night because she ran outside immediately, not knowing what the sound was. She saw her daughter missing, ran outside to see if her daughter tried to sneak out to go visit a friend or whatever, and even the men folk who drink late into the night, they're watered down piss-ail because it's not even barely has any alcohol in it at all. They were ready to sleep for the night, so it had to be really late at night from her perspective. So there's a kid, there's actually a group because it's never one. If there's a chance for any money to be made or any chance for adventure, all of them are going to follow. So there's a group of about five kids that are making their way up, but by that time you hear Michael play going into his wrap-up on what we make up back up a lot, so you probably can either talk to him or you have time to say to buy or whatever you want. I'm going to let him wrap up there, I just want to deal with these kids and then we'll have that. I'm just wondering if there's any reason why I'd want to take this mirror. Yes, I did tell you that you believe that Grace has the ability. Well that's why, well, everybody was in the car when I mentioned that. He doesn't like her. Is that why I don't like her? It's not that I don't like her, but he doesn't give me any reason to trust her. She also has two who may come back to us from wherever he is and do his little nose bleeping to her. I asked Judith's permission if I may borrow this mirror. What mirror? Oh, the one that either uses? Yes. Oh, I guess if you think it has some value, it was, I must say, it was my grandmother's and I would really, really hate to lose it, but obviously it could be of any value to you in your search for her, then by all means, please take it. It might be. You go back there and take the mirror? I do. Are you placing it into some pocket or satchel or are you securing the mirror? Because she just made a vacuum and I have to know where it's at. Well right now I guess I'm just holding my hand, but I am my academic adventurer, so I'm sure I've got some kind of satchels and pouches about the course you do. She noticed that it was broken, that she didn't react to that at all. Given the situation, I wouldn't think I'd crack mirrors that unusual, but if it's an heirloom and it wasn't cracked, I mean, oh, I mean, I did say it is, I mean, that was a detail that was bizarre, that's saccade to me. So I'm out to me, man, will you please notice before I take your mirror that there's a small crack in there? Well, the way that cracked, you said I'm a bitch. Oh, by the way, oh, just so you know, full disclosure, it is cracked, so I don't do this, you know, for insurance purposes. I didn't do this. Oh, yeah. It was cracked when I got it. There you go. You bastard. For insurance purposes. You mentioned the crack for insurance purposes. I don't like the insurance purposes. What do you say? Just talk to me. Do you even mention the crack at all? Well, I say this is the mirror that you use. I would like to borrow it, it's a lovely, it's an old, battered silver suit. Yeah, silver. No, it's not silver. It's iron. It's just a family heirloom in the sense of it's important to her. It has no value whatsoever this girl is dirt for her. Now, when you say cracked, is it like a missing a piece or is it just a crack? It's like a hairline crack through the film. It's, there's a small piece missing in the bottom right hand corner, which then splintered of the body nature, so. So I can then make the comment, you know, a crack mirror of yours, bad luck. What a dick. She actually does a double take and says, "Did that just happen?" What did you do about it? You just found that mirror crack. Yes. Edith, you would think she would have told me if she broke it, she's just honest girl. She seems really upset and distraught and disgusted that that mirror is broken. Well, you better find her, mister, because she is in big trouble when she gets home. She shuts. All right, I go to Jay that I don't know what it is about this mirror, but there's something out about it I can't figure out. I know that Gray seems to have some. She might be able to help us. Right. If not her. And you could understand, maybe Jay where he's coming from, because that hovel was immaculate. She obviously swept it out every day. She obviously did what she could to keep everything clean and neat. So a broken mirror was a bit of a, it just was out of place. Go ahead. Do you mean interrupting? No, I'm just, I don't know what it means yet. I don't have enough information, but for some reason, this is sparking a memory. Okay. Plus, I might have a question or two for Daniel, because something about these missing kids is triggering something else, and I have an idea that- The girl's name? Edith. So, I ask these kids. Kids, we're out. Money, money, money. What do you want, mister? Did any of you know the girl that used to live here that's missing? Edith. Yeah. We do eat it. We play with her sometimes. Not all this time, because she lives kind of far down for us, but we play with her sometimes. When you guys play the game, was there ever, like, a bad guy in your game? Mm, bad guy. I mean, like, we could pretend to play like Cowboys and Indians, there's like bad Indians. Okay. But there was no, like- So good. If you were playing a game of tag, there was no bad guy that was chasing that had to catch people. One of the kids scratches his head and said, "Sometimes I would pretend like I was the shattered man." Who? Oh, the fuck? Shit. Fuckin' dropped that on hand. Well, they're stopping. There you go. There's the kids. Oh, you know. The kids always know. Cool. Thank you for listening tonight's of the night's actual play podcast. If you'd like to send us questions, comments, or feedback, you can reach us in a number of ways. From Twitter, @KOTN_podcast, or by email And don't forget the iTunes reviews or our Facebook page, Speaking of Facebook, join like-minded folks at our Facebook fan page. And lastly, there's our blog page,, where there's an Amazon link on the right hand side. Thanks to Zen Audio Smith for the intro and outro music. Get your own music at And join us next week for more mystery and adventure. Let out and let the Lord help heal you. I'm sorry, you're a very talkative priest. I know. It's like, it's nothing like that, just like, come on, let's go, come on, there's a lot. I got to find more, I got to find more. Because you're like a dude's blood, he asked me to basically say that the maleficent, the charm is a malleous maleficent, maleficent, maleficent, maleficent, whatever. Has she seen any nuns walking around? No, she did not. You could tackle and strip him. Yeah. All right, send it again. Jesus Christ, what do you think I had like a 1935? Just say Edith. Is this the grandmother that kicked you out or is this? No, no, she said it was her in-laws that kicked her out. This is her grandmother's mirror and anyone who had a 1935, no old lady name, please let me know. Bev. Bev. It's Bev. My grandmother is Bev, stop asking me. Who is she married to us, is there? It was Michael Klythe. What? Are you literally- Don't really- So- Does that- Evelyn took- Evelyn took- Evelyn took- Evelyn took- Eat it. Eat it. Damn it. Stop asking me. I think mine hope I know it's with you, man. I'm sorry. Well, your daughter's been missing for two days and we'll do it. We can't define her. She's probably dead, you know. Turn your back- I'm just saying. Are you channeling Sister Katie? No, that'd be pretty nice. I've got persuasion. Okay. What's up, fucking bobsight for ya. Hello. I took it. Welcome. About any local superstition lady? She said shit. Fuck your man. Maybe that's the- I can't. Who are the kids? He's not even alive yet. I think you'd always been alive. I love his man. Hey, the guy's been around for a long time, and that's long to say. I just heard, um, okay this, uh, or is Harry your man? The song. At the bottom says- Oh, that's a great song. Right. You want to be- You want to know what ordinary people do. You know, like he's singing it in the band's theme in the back. Yeah, and the trick and screw. Right. Yeah, that's a great song. Send his name and address for reference and then like a little stamp thing down here. Did you want to press the love around and make everyone read a little bit? No. No. Okay. What's that? The song goes to your head every- Yeah. Yeah. Which makes me think we should do some kind of parody cover of- Tated love and- We'll do it. We'll do it during our, um, musical episode. We do ask, "How are we already?" I think we were- This is a reference to the- Two songs- Two songs- Which was referring to- Because I don't know very much. We'll put that to good use. We'll put that in the prize box. That's what I'm saying. We can get away from you. Do you guys have a prize box? No. No. We do now. Apparently. We do. Gehenna? Is that pronounced correctly? I have no idea. Yes.