How can episode 200 contain any but children in peril? Hope you all enjoy the episode. It's been our pleasure to bring ou the past 200 episodes!
Knights of the Night
[Intro Music] Hello, and welcome to Night to the Night in Actual Play Podcast. This world of darkness started, the Syneater, was written and run by your star-teller Scott. And now, please enjoy episode 200, titled "Children in Parole". Actual play begins 13 minutes, 15 seconds. [Intro Music] No one could be bothered to edit it. [Laughter] Oh, the podcast I didn't mean to do was not my podcast I didn't mean to do it after. Absolutely, no doubt in my mind. Oh yeah, it would just be a three-hour episode. Yeah, there you go. Well, that's been a stagger, like, two or three steps and then collapse. So, we'll cobble something together and then we'll do it for a week later. Farewell. And then every one would die because that's the final episode. Throw a t-shirt on you. Yeah. And then we'll send you to your eternal arrest with puns. Yeah, because that's how you would have liked to be. I won't care because this will be dead. But thanks anyway. Okay, we are about to begin our 200th episode, so just so everyone else, we're not really doing anything special. So, don't get excited. Sure, a t-shirt picture? We're not. Some of the members do not wish a picture to be taken. Well, the other ones can't. I'll tell you what. I took some pictures of the basement. People were caring what the basement looked like, so I'll post those. Or two or two. Did you ask? But we are giving away a t-shirt for the first time. Yay. We had two additional patreon contributors who made it just under the wire. That would be Samuel, Evan, Pals, and Toaster Goblin that became patron members. I've been plagued by a Toaster Goblin more than one. Forget, we're striking Toaster Goblin right off the books. Seriously. For every bagel he ever burnt. Or she. Yeah, that's true. Toaster Goblin could be true. In order to choose our t-shirt winning patreon member, Mike will roll the dice. We're going to do this randomly. It's a simulated... What is this? What is this? I'm going to have to eat this. And the winner is... Andrew White. Congratulations, Andrew White. From this month forward, we will be giving out one free t-shirt. Andrew, unfortunately, can't win again. Oh, I thought you had a t-shirt. How long? It's a... Each month. So, everyone else wins? Or just like some random time? Well, we'll have to decide. Okay. What I've done... Andrew might have a... Right, so... The Andrew White or the... Right, exactly. The t-shirt too. Darn it. As well. And with that, we will get on to the rest of the feedback., the blog site has been blowing up. Not physically, Mike. Don't worry. There's a maintenance or anything. Go back to farmhouse. Man, I'm on the farmhouse. What is that? It's a farmhouse. What is it? Shiny. The petting zoo? Oh, Shiny. I've got petting zoo. What are you going to get to know me so creepy? It's the heavy petting zoo. That's even. I don't. Just play it out. There's a subscription. There's a subscription. The shim and bag replied to episode 177, which was titled through Pi Hazy, please try again, and said, "Hey, I was just working my way through the dressing files and having a blast. Despite having never read any of it." Look at you. They don't. Come on. I actually stopped and looked at you. You folks have a real knack for making characters that are interesting, even for someone without knowledge of the setting. Having had a lot of time to myself, I've listened to most of this arc over just a couple of days. The comments about changing episode file names was interesting because it was an issue I also ran into on my MP3. I'm wondering what prompted the sudden change as I noticed a few days back when downloading 30 ad episodes. I can tell you one slight downside. In my folder, downloading KOTN episode no longer sort conveniently together as KOTN, but they're mixed up with all the other podcasts that like to use numbers and dates or random computer-generated numbers as the starting of their file names. On the computer, I can sort by any other field like author, but on my MP3 device, there isn't always an option. So it can be a bit of a pain. Plus, I just can't hit K to skip my enormous podcast folder to the KOTN section. You win some, you lose some, I suppose. All right. The reason we changed the naming convention was because we had someone who owned a iPod mini, or Nano, and was having difficulty telling what episode number it was, so when they downloaded them, it was all KOTN because it truncates it. So you just can't win. I don't know of any option we can do other than putting K and then a number, changing it yet again, which doesn't-- In your files with three different naming conventions, at the same time. No, that's really not going to happen. But even if I changed the current naming convention, it doesn't fix the past ones, and if I go back and fix the past ones, iTunes announces them all as new, and then it's just a bloody mess. So we came up with the best-- Well, not again, on whether you're using iTunes, or Stitcher, or, what's-- We're going to stick what we got. It seems to be working for the most people. Sorry if it's causing you some trouble. I'm not going to change it again, and most people listen on iTunes. At episode 94, I'm again on KOTN Packass Blocks, huh? Joe posted-- this is the Joe from Last Feedback. Okay. Who posted on number 94, which was delivery, and the title was, "Okay, here's the plan." Well, it was-- Tom, I'm a big fan of your editing, but you really let me down on this episode. When I got to the end, it was a huge disappointment. Why wasn't this clip, or even part of it, stuck in at the end, and he put a little sound bit in there that I listened to? Even better out of context. The thing is, Joe, that I often, like, a week after finishing an episode wish I had done it differently, so that happens a lot. And if I could go back and edit some of the early ones, believe me, I would. But-- Yeah. Joe also posted on 199, which was the latest one, and it was titled, "I Need a Lemon." Ah. What was that? Yes, I did. And Tom has recognized the title, because he's the one that said it. Two weeks ago? It's getting close. Yes. Very. He stated, "All right. I've gone through all of the Dresden Files AP, and I've just finished listening to Dungeon World, and I've started on Numenera. I'm downloading the rest of World Darkness. I only have the first 10, so far so good. I'll be caught up soon." I noticed your audio quality and editing of the latest episodes get better as you go a long time, and I'm expecting perfection by the time I reach this episode. Don't let me down. Perfection requires something good going in, so unfortunately, we often lack. And it would be nice if we had more than one microphone, and that may be, you know, something we eventually did. That's the goal for $200 a month on Patreon. All right. New goal. Both sides of the table went together, right? Nothing for you guys, but we get it in the microphone. You can hire an engineer to sit in there. It's not like we're listening to the podcast. It is for them, and it's for the editor who would be able to mute certain people that are talking over other. It's actually more work for me. I don't think I like this idea. Yeah. I came for the Dresden File Game, looking for strength and weaknesses of the fate system for our campaign setting I'm working on. The removal of the rules discussion was a bit of a downer, because I've been looking for an AP of the fate games for that specific reason. Are you sure you're wondering Tom? You suck. Yes, I do. Apparently tonight I suck. Editing removed what I was listening for. Still, it's well worth the listen for pure entertainment purposes, and there are still general role-playing pointers, especially for social gamers. I heard other listeners in the feedback talk about the other games, so I had to give them a listen to. Happy Halloween nights. I'd love to see a one-shot episode of Monster and Other Childish Things, or something with the nights as a trick-or-treater or something. How long would it take to get some candy if they had to deal with a door to get each piece? [laughter] Let's reduce sometimes. Oh, it's a good joke. That was a good one. To tell you the truth, Joe, I haven't edited out the rules discussion on fate. We just stopped having them because we understand the system all off. Yeah, the few would listen to you. Oh, fuck you. The first couple times you played it, I'm sure there's more rules to say. Oh, there's absolutely not more rules. But in general, Thomas is laughing because he's the one that always tells me the rules because I forget them. John helps. And John helps. But in general, we all understand the fate system much better than we used to. That's a fact. On to Facebook on the main page, I already posted and said, "Competition," and he posted a link of the nights of the night episode from the office. Okay. I explained to Ari that we had that name long before that episode was because it was actually started with EverQuest when it first came out. That was our guild name. Mm-hmm. So they copied from us. [laughter] Of course. So nobody knows or gives a shit. Very much more popular. We don't normally do this, but we got a conversation with James Waggle on Facebook, and he said he was listening to the GMC conversion episode and scratching his head on the XP cost. It's pretty straightforward, he says. No multipliers, just a flat rate. All attributes cost four, no different from two, three, four, or five. We did not eventually. All of them cost four. All skill dots cost two XP, same as the attributes in all merits cost one XP per dot. I'm not sure if you figured this out later, but I wanted to give you heads up. He also mentioned that he was listening to the Beats reward at the start of the newest episode, and wanted to give a reminder that the biggest change he can think of is the ability to change a failed role into a dramatic failed role for our E-beat, also conditions and tilts give beats for resolving that. We haven't headed yet. Right. But yes, that's a great point of taking a failure, you can say, "I'll make that a dramatic failure," to make the story more interesting, and then you get an extra beat for that, which is really punitive, but could make for a very interesting story. I appreciate the reminder because I had forgotten about that. Lastly, also a failed role while risking willpower is an automatic dramatic failure, but rewards you with two practical beats. So thank you for the update. Paul Bennett posted a couple of different YouTube videos in which he did fade accelerated and numoneera in a card sleeve. Have you ever seen the little card sleeves that you put around or mini character sheets? Yeah. Yeah. You saw that? Yeah. It has mini character sheets. It has GM cheat sheets. It has basically the whole game available, and a little thing that you can slide in your back pocket when you take it to a convention or something like that. So he was explaining to people how they could do that as well, and I think he gave a link with the pronounce of it such a different thing. Thank you, Paul. Those were definitely very useful. On Facebook, we posted a couple of different pictures. One of the truck, one of Ethan, the new characters, and Grace, and also one of the telegram. Not the new one. Not the new new one. That'll be posted. Not Grace 3.0. Not no. That's right. And there was a couple of comments under the picture of the telegram. I already said, "Ah, I didn't see this coming." And that was with a smile face because the picture had actually got posted before the episode and then had to be removed. And you posted, "I didn't see this coming." And then I deleted the post and then posted it a second time, joking because you still didn't see it. I thought I saw that earlier. Yeah. And it was a bit of a spoiler. Lym Allen said, "That was an epic twist." I am so into the story. The epic twist would be the telegram and the time travel, the fact that I wasn't sure whatever the story was. I think he's sort of, well, it would be time travel for sure, but it would be the binary hacks list as well. That's what I got. I think that was the epic part of the twist. Time record simply said, "Awesome." On episode 198, let's not forget the head, RPG Gamer Dead said, "Yeah, ya kinda are." Is my favorite line, too. Awesome episode finish. I already posted and said, "I like it." No surprise that, really. Maybe it's me getting older, but these inner party situations really tickle my fancy more than the action-packed episodes these days. On episode 199, I need a lemon. This was on Facebook. That was some posts as well. Steve Ellis said, "When I heard the vices of several characters were greed, I thought of them pocketing various freshly minted coins, stamps, and baseball cards." If they do make it back to their own time, that's a retirement fund. And lastly, I already also posted on 199 and said, "Good job, portraying an era passed can be hard, at least to me it was, and many times the call of Cthulhu games failed to imprint the times upon the situation, but not surprising, I feel your crew managed that." Of course, I've never been to the '30s yet, so thank you Ari and Steve for the feedback. And that's it for episode 200, as far as feedback goes. One little minor thing we're going to mind you, the Amazon link and the KOTN podcast up blog site on the right-hand side, Christmas is coming, shopping time, and doesn't cost you anything extra, it does help us out, so I appreciate any effort anybody could give towards using that link for their Christmas shopping. And with that, we'll get on to episode 200. This is the world of darkness, story, the cinneter. I'm your storyteller Scott, and with me tonight, starting on my right is Michael playing Ethan Clark, a medical doctor and a native of 1935 with a checkered past. Tom playing Jay Alton, a member of the ascending ones and leader of the squad. Jim playing Katie O'Connor, done in Crazy Driver. Bob is playing Edgar Montes, a voodoo and practitioner and a member of the Lamestare's conspiracy. Mike playing Michael Clay, the academic adventure from the Angels Kydore, Bob playing FBI Special Agent Chew Park, a member of the Best View Conspiracy. John playing Daniel Morgan, ex-test force Valkyrie joined the siren. Rachel playing Grace Rockland on Silver Bell, the apathetic teenager that everyone loves to hate. All right, we left off last week Bob, not mistaken, with everyone heading to the Amsterdam, which was a less opulent, less glamorous, less white hotel in Cleveland, a place that Ethan thought after talking to the concierge at the Clemander. Yeah, we had a question on the way here, Bob was wondering whether, because he wasn't here last week. Sure. But we didn't really play that out. Which category you would fall into. Right. I'm Alaska. We're from Canada today, I fucking need it. I think that there would be some degree of stereotyping and racism against Asians, especially with the way the world is starting to unfold in 1935. That's more of a California thing though, for racism, wasn't it? It was once the war started, for certain, because they were very worried about displacement, but at this time in history, the Japanese are invading Manchuria and China itself, and doing all kinds of dastardly things. And there's also a lot of friction between the US government and Japan right now over oil reserves. So I would assume that there's just a small degree of racism, but nothing like colored individuals would have in this world. I just remember that out west, they were just, well, no, not just that, but they were treated as virtual slaves, that they were the ones that built the railroad, they were treated as the labor equivalent. Right. Mine work. Yeah, absolutely. And it's much more a west coast thing. But, yeah, okay, so we're going to go. Because, well, Wild West, so, you know, even during that period, and that was Wild West, because that's where it's just culture too. Right. Someone of oriental's. Descent. Descent, thank you, John. Right. Finding his way to Cleveland would be highly unlikely anyways. Right. You were the last. Yeah, it would be definitely unusual. I'm sure they had some Asian population, but I don't think it was very sizable in 1935. It was mostly Eastern European, and a large degree Eastern European, and Irish, you know, Northern European as well. But I think mostly in the huge Italian contingent for the stone masons. Right. Absolutely. Getting back to a brief recap of last week, you were all meeting at the Amsterdam, which was not in downtown Cleveland, but it was at 25th in Detroit. So just above what we know today is the flats, and you were looking at any room there. You're meeting there in the morning after, I believe, Michael Clay, you just read the telegram from Binary Hacks. We left last week with you eating breakfast with a couple of individuals. I think Ethan, you were there, and I want to say that perhaps Sister Katie was there. I think that you were there as well, Grace, eating breakfast at the Clevelander, the large opulent hotel, and that's when the telegram arrived for you that morning, and you just got done reading it. I would imagine Chew would be okay for you to be at the Clevelander as well. Meanwhile, where did the other nine whites eat? The other nine whites were at Madam Bowery's hostel, or flop house. I guess I'd probably be there. I mean, if I was turned down for service. I don't see. I think they would have allowed you, because you were wide enough. Behind the desk, they got a scale. You're only half three. You'll look like a character. You look like you're a lesbian. I mean, you're Native Americans, whatever the case might be. There is a degree of racism against you, but it's not nearly to the extent that it is for the FJN at guard. Right. I understand this one. So, if anyone doesn't mind, I think we should just expect things and have one meet at the Amsterdam. Before we get started for the evening, everyone gets a beat for last week, except for the Eichmann Park. I don't know what that means. He'll beat. I'm not missing him. Oh, he missed the whole... It's a fifth of it experience. It's a practical beat. My virtue is fortitude. My vice is sloth. Fortitude. I would say that when the accident happened, you were one of the ones that actually stayed conscious, and I would say it's a sign of, potentially a sign of fortitude. You rolled well. And you never complained about having your ass kicked? As far as I could hear anything. And you didn't smack Katie upside the head when she, you know, like you chucked on her. I think you were a rock for the group, I think, as the accident wasn't folding. You were talking to Jay. You were kind of holding down the fort with Daniel. Just trying to survive, man. So let's go ahead and give you a beat for that. I don't think it was so exceptional that you get all your willpower back from that. But I think that you could at least get a beat off of that. And then how many sections were there before? I think three that he showed up at? So three beats for that. And have you achieved any of your aspirations? What are your aspirations? Currently it would definitely be finding somewhere to sleep. It's been a long night and I just wanted to try it. You actually did sleep for the night. So we'll pretend that that was one of your short-term aspirations. Absolutely. Find a safe place to sleep for the night. You achieve that, take a beat, and create a new short-term aspiration based on your situation right now. It could be solve one of the riddles that will allow us to get back home. Like make progress in getting back home. So instead of saying make steps, you get one step closer to getting home. Right. So that if you achieve something today, I'm finding a way back home or why you're here and start being able to unravel it, you could say, "Okay, I've met my aspirations." So short-term breakup, if you have a long-term goal, which is really what getting back home is, a short-term goal could be partial of that. Another might be watching over your group to make sure no one gets injured today or short-term goals. How many can you have? You have two. You have one log test. Yes. Does everyone have their aspirations? Did anyone succeed in the aspiration? Short-term or long-term? I don't know. No, no. Then the last thing we're going to do before we start the actual story tonight is I think everyone's had a time now that they've slept for a night and recharged a bit. Everyone gets a willpower back the next morning if they have any of them spent. It was a good night of sleep. It was comfortable. Get one back. So the last thing we have to decide is now the one's woken up in the morning and you're not in the safe house and you're not in 2011, holy fuck, we're in 1935 and the panic sets into a different degree with each of you and how you deal with it. The question I have for each of you with the exception of Ethan would be do you envision this being a potential breaking point, something they can stress your character out and cause him to or her to lose some of their personal integrity of who they are because they're in another fucking time. I'll abide by your decision, you don't have to make a role for this. There are times when I'll say you have to make a role because I think this is a breaking point but I think we need to talk this one out so we'll go around the table, I'll start on my right, Ethan gets skipped because he's from 1935. Jay, do you think this is enough of a mind bending situation where it would be something that could cause an integrity loss for your character? For Jay I would say no simply because of two things. One is he has had military training and dropped into very unusual circumstances in the past. This is way beyond unusual, I get that but his focus in the past and still is his people to make sure that everyone's safe. He's kind of ignoring the fact that this is the past, knows it's the past but his focus is at Edgards. He spent the night taking care of Edgard and making sure he was safe so I wouldn't even take a point back because he was busy trying to find something to heal. He's focusing on making sure his squad is safe not where he really is so he's kind of in denial. Okay. Sister Katie, at first she was excited about it because she thought she was going to be able to go back and kill the vampire that killed her husband but now that it's a different whole side timeline and it's not exactly the same timeline that she left. It's kind of irrelevant now and she's confused as to what to do when we're going. I don't know if she's that shocked. I don't think she really had any close ties to Fred's family anymore in her time. So you don't think of breaking points in order for her? I don't think so. Okay. Most of his breaking points are about loud violent events that were like immediately dangerous and disrupting to his mental well-being or physical well-being. Right. Crashes. And it's not emotionally draining this fucking current crash. But this in particular is a slow insidious problem and also nothing's really changed for me. I'm just now bleeding out in the past which if he had time to think about it might be more threatening. I might die before I was born. That's fucked up. Right. But his mind isn't exactly in the right shape to go, "Oh fuck, time travel. Let's think about all the logical implications of this." Okay. Mr. Gwen. I'm a little similar to Edgard where I've got my wounds are serious enough where I haven't been focused on too much but with my long history with the age of skider who are researching ancient histories and my role as an archaeologist and a scientist, an academic. I think that this is an extraordinary event and I'm kind of excited to be able to observe and kind of experience this. So I don't think it's a breaking point for him but I think he does appreciate and realize the seriousness of what's happened. Okay. That works. Mr. Chupark. Does he assimilate this change pretty easily or at least, comfortably enough not to make a role to see if he handles it or do you think that a role would be in order for him? Yeah. I think he might be with all the stuff that happened with his flashbacks and the trailer part with his father. And this was like one more that just pushed him over the edge where he just needs to kind of either take it and somehow compartmentalize it and understand it and just move on or just break down for a few seconds or minutes or hours and just kind of lose it for a teeny bit because what happens if you fail a role is you're either guilty, shaken or spooked which are three different conditions you can have and your integrity goes down one. So if you think it's something that you would make a role for then we can make a role for that and see if you can take it because he's been through a lot. Yeah I think he should because it's hard for him to process this right now. Okay what is your integrity currently? I believe seven is a default. That is a plus one to your role. Okay. It's certainly a supernatural occurrence which can be a minus one to minus five depending on severity. Anyone got any feedback for me and how severe they think this is for their characters in general? I think it might be a minus two. I was thinking a minus two two. I'm going back in time is something that doesn't happen. I'm not going to think about really actually can it happen you think it's impossible. Because in the last 24 hours she has been chewed on by zombies chased by spirits. He's had a rough go. Flashbacks to his dad and not always, yeah that's a pretty fucked up day. What I am going to say though too is that fortitude is your virtue and this to me is it's like mental fortitude trying to hold it together. I'm going to give you a plus one for your virtue. You're acting in accordance to your virtue by trying to use your fortitude to deal with this and your integrity is seven so it gives you a plus one as well. So that's plus two total and we'll use a minus two for the supernatural occurrence which is going back in time. So it's a flush. It's neither plus nor minus so. The role is resolve plus composure. Five. You may not spend real power on these types of roles so straight up. Two. Two successes. So you've been able to deal with it. You might still be depressed or concerned. This sucks. Yeah, exactly. But you're not like shaking the core where it's affecting your actions in any real sense. Michael? Basically you've described. I don't think that Clay would react to the time travel as much but I think that his wounds and the shock and his mortality would be much. One thing I was going to suggest too is for the people that are severely wounded. Being severely wounded in the 1930s is a whole shit loaded if it doesn't be. That's kind of what I meant. Like you asked the question about the time travel and stuff but now that I kind of thought about it a little bit more even though he passed me. I think how wounded I am and how Ethan is a relatively unknown and with the mysterious of things going on with Silver Bell, I would think it would be reasonable to be, but more about my mortality than the entire world. Okay, let's go ahead and make a quick roll for you as well. You're at plus one because your integrity is seven. These are hot things. What again is your virtue? My virtue is prudence. Your prudence is I think a good sense of a common sense and your common sense tells you you're fucked because you're trying to keep it in 1935 instead of 2011. So I'm not going to give you a plus for that but I'm also not going to give you a minus. What is your vice? My vice is greed. I don't see it applying here either. You did however endure a mental or emotional supernatural attack which is a minus two and you endured physical supernatural attacks which is minus two. So if we're going with someone who's grievously wounded it would be a minus four plus one because of your current level of integrity for a total of minus three and go ahead and add your resolve plus composure. Okay, that's a total of four dice. Okay and you would subtract three. Michael Clay may be a bit worried about his abilities. Oh nice success. You have integrated that into your psyche that okay we're here but there's still magical powers around. Sister still has her god you still have the ampeles of healing medicine. I'm going to be okay. And I have been in primitive conditions before we were kind of relying on our own. Archaeology wise absolutely. Okay. Let's slide it down to Daniel now. How do you think your character would assimilate to the changes? He tends to cling to the illusion of control and that would be challenged here. So possibly. Let's go ahead and make a roll. Your integrity is seven. Your virtue is? Currently. Nice arrogant. Great coverage. Arrogant. I can handle this. I'm going to give you a plus one for your arrogance. I will give you a plus one for your integrity for a total of plus two. We've said that the time travel is a minus two so it's an even roll resolve plus composure. I lose two so it's a wash. I'm getting two and lose two. Then just my skills. That is composure and resolve which is five. Three successes. Okay. You are able to deal with that without any difficulties. And then last but not least it is Grace. How do you think she would handle this? I'm just fine. Yeah. I'm pretty sure she's fine. Yeah. She's been through a lot and I think that this is... This is no big deal. She calls this through his day. I can drink in this world. It's a plus. It's all gold man. You're not in a storm shelter anymore? She's fine. Yeah. She's fine. Okay. All of you meet in the lobby of the Amsterdam Hotel on 25th in Detroit. Yes. I just want to mention that Ethan is also affected by this. I mean he's got his whole world to hold onto but he's been infiltrated by nine of these travelers. He had no clue that this was even possible. Right. He didn't know really why he was in that field and now he knows that these are actually people from some mysterious future. Would you... I'm not campaigning. Do you have to say? No, I could say it being out of the range. It might be a roll. What is his virtue and vice? His virtue is peaceful and his vice is hateful of God machine. All right. Don't think either one of those would apply. Your integrity is seven so I'll give you a plus one. I think witnessing people coming from the future is a little less traumatic than actually going to the future yourself. A minus one is a minus two which gives you a wash. Which is then a simple resolve plus composure roll to be able to process this information and not have it weigh on your conscious and affect your decisions during any given part of the day. So that's three and two is five. All right. Five. Five. Five. Nice. Need one. Six. One. Okay. One success is all you need. So you guys have done an amazing job of really taking this change and dealing with it. Again, we're in the hotel lobby of the Amsterdam. It's a bit rundown. Still has some veneer of opulence but you can see that the crystal isn't polished and the paint is a bit fading in stone and kind of peeling in some places and the carpeting is well worn. But you don't get looked at sideways when you walked in. Everyone is there and go ahead and take it from there guys. Have you read just a note yet? I'm just waiting to talk to Jay about it. They do have a breakfast area because some of you haven't had breakfast yet where you could sit and talk a parlor if you will if you wanted to use that. All right. Well, I'm using a cane or a stick or honey on someone. Are you helping me back here? Yeah. Okay. I got you a cane. Great. So stay to the yard. Turn to Jay. I'm just stripped over Jay. Yeah. You've already had a breakfast but we'll get some coffee. If you guys want to find a place where we can discuss a few things, I'll bring them up to speed I got. I think what is a lead to some place where the good doctor here might be able to help Sister Katie do some mending which may enable her. I could start helping people now. It's just that I have better success. Right. That's why I think we need to do that first. I've found access to someone by the name of Marty Collins and I give you, he's a jackass hill. Is that mean anything to you? My favorite. I've heard of that. I don't know where it is. Apparently he has some medical equipment and can do some patching up and I think you could probably do a better job if you borrow his medical equipment. Okay. And then I tell Jay Alton that this morning I received a telegram addressed specifically to me and I passed the telegram over to Jay. I've had some time to think about this telegram and I don't understand what's going on. There's so much to learn and understand about how this could even be possible. But there's some kind of scary implications here. Is this revealed to us? By the way, speaking at the table. This is at a table. Well, hopefully we could get something that's semi-private. Yeah. Yeah. Right. I was wondering if you hit it. And I'm also wondering if I'm at this table. That's important. Yeah. So she is at the table. She is at the table. She came with the group of you from Hotel Cleveland. Everyone is in. They have a common room where they have breakfast served at the Amsterdam. But there's also what they call parlors, which are rooms off of the main dining area. This is not a hotel that is so busy right now, especially being in depression where there's not a lot of free income to go around. So the fact that someone is here, they can gladly have a parlor, which is a semi-private room in the back of the breakfast area. You can smoke here. You can smoke here. Which is great. Head yards start small seniors. And benefit. Spins so long since this is a public place. Did they get return addresses on these things or whatever? They come from the telegraph office. I'm pretty sure they don't have a return address. They don't know how to send a message back to where it came from. They can send it back up to the station. It may have the original station. Yeah. They're really cool. Telegraph that you're looking at right in the telegram that you're looking at right now. Clearly show. Let me see that. Clearly show is that the. There you go. Clearly show is that the telegram was sent from a telegram office in Ohio City. I thought he was going to say ask where it airs on at one point. No. He's through the consequences. There it is. But it came from the Ohio City telegraph station. Okay. That's not how she's going for searching. Is there what you need for his agent? It's exactly what you need for it. But apparently he's going to send us a note. So Ethan and Grace aren't aware of this, but this was the gentleman we dealt with back in our time, who in fact was a gentleman who sent us to your farmstead. He was one of the two sources that we got this information from. Really quick. He's named a binary text. Obviously it's a handle. It's not an actual name. Binary. I got a question for Chiu. You worked for a governmental agency in 2011. Right. But are they aware of any groups of individuals like the ones that we operate for? Do you have any knowledge in that area? Do you have any? Me personally. Because we don't have any access to FBI database. Do you mean historical task forces? There's a group, for instance, that is interested in capturing the supernatural on film and putting it on YouTube. Okay. It's their big thing. Network zero would be right over that. That's what I'm referring to. I'm talking about YouTube. In 1937. Right. I understand that. Most of us are from 2011. Yeah. You're talking about it. Right. You're just asking if there's anything with history? You're just saying I keep asking silly questions. Is there a group of Michael, Clay, or Chiu? Is there a group that deals with historical or time travel? Because binary access has some kind of power or abilities or connections. Not to my immediate knowledge. I only have one mirror point and that's huge. Right. I'm not sure. I'm really deep doing that. It's creepy. It's not out of the nose. I'm sorry, Grace. You don't know this binary hex person or person. No, we've never met him personally, but we've been, he's contacted us multiple times online. Yeah. Yes. Online is a way. Yes. I'm sorry. Do you know anyone who has met him person? Not. Michael, Clay had an exchange with him online and that's not really something. No, because I haven't met him in person nor do anybody who's ever met him in person. He might not even be the person. He might just be an entity. The last time we encountered him, he was doing a hacking. The last of my encountered binary hats, we were in Mortal Kombat hacking a computer system. I was trying to infiltrate and he was trying to defend and he defeated me, which was not close. Actually, I think it was the other way around. He was trying to penetrate and you were trying to defile. Because he was trying to get into your laptop, wasn't he? I think maybe that's what it was. And he took it afterwards. Why? And he took it afterwards. Why would he be interested in your laptop? Just in the future business lady. It was a different time with a different, at least I don't think a related purpose other than... He cacked into your secure governmental... Okay, and getting the idea that Mr. Clay doesn't necessarily want to give too much of this information out, so I'm just trying to get a bit higher. Okay, I was making sure you guys remember... No, no, I'll get this one now. He actually hit your stuff. I mean, like stuff that was not supposed to be hackable at all, and he was in there or she, or it's... Pretty easily. The only thing that worries me about buying areas is that he kind of led us into the last situation that we got into. He pointed us towards that direction, yes. And I don't think he'd have a problem with pointing us into another direction that's going to put us into another meat grinder. Okay, I would point out what investment this guy has in any of this. Yeah, I'm not clear on why you're following this disembodied voice. Well, he had the information that we were looking for. The reason we followed the disembodied voice to the farm stud in the first place is he wasn't the only. We had confirmation from another source. Wait, wait. That was the only reason we trusted him that there was some information on the farm stud that was important to the investigation I explained last. He obviously has some information here because he knew where to find it. Well, I want to get a couple things out here to Jay, and I don't mind staying in front of everyone because... Okay. I think it's important. There's no networks, there's no computer things. This is all analog. I'm assuming, as far as I know in this time and place. So this suggests that if binary or somebody claiming to be binary hex is sent in this telegram, they're here in this time period. Second, his message seems to implicate Silverbel. What's that? That's not a message. This telegram says that he enjoys our trip into the past and that he somehow engineered the past and you, young lady, seem to have this timepiece that is what engineered. So my question to you is, do you know someone else in the town here? No. I don't mind. I'm sorry, but this telegram makes me think that he knew we were going to be in this time period. He introduced me to 1935. He knew where to find me at the Hotel Cleveland, and she possesses an artifact that apparently allows time travel. There seems to be a connection here. Okay. Ethan didn't know where he was going when he picked us up or why he was going. I think he sent us to that farm knowing that this would happen to us. That's why he's here, binary hex. Wait the food's here. You take a moment. We stop. Wait till they leave, we continue. Go. But why? It says he sent us another message. I know he has some agenda. He can't do all this random shit and not have an agenda. But that's my point. The future he can hack and send all the things, but in this time period, as far as I understand the technology, he can't, so that suggests that whoever binary hex is, they're in this time period. And he does have the laws. I think he would also think that if he did have the ability in this time period to use some type of computer, like if he had more power or wasn't constrained, you would have saw a text on your phone. I mean, your phone still works. Your battery still works. Yeah. He didn't contact you via your phone. No. He didn't contact you via iPads you guys are carrying around. Well, everything should be analog. I don't think there's even an infrastructure for any type of-- Exactly. I'm just saying. Your character would deduce that something. He doesn't necessarily have to be in the past. He could be sending information back in the past to trigger these. Are you seeing an angel in the past? I'm sorry, but look at it the other way. He might have been from the past and he's existed into our time. Yeah. The Empire? Yeah. It's possible. It's possible. It's something from 1935, pick the name Binary Act. Because of it over here. They've had an accidental and they have binaries. I think the difference engine was invented by the guy in England and that was in the 1800s, the calculating machine. Oh, beverage. Babbage. Thank you. Babbage. There's a lot of different weird beings and artifacts in this world that allow you to do a lot of supernatural crap. This could be a long lived being who can send information to himself in different time periods or something crazy like that. And when we just appeared in the future, he sent a message back to the past. So saying, "Hey, here comes a group of people." Grace, can I ask a question of you? You stated yesterday that we were in trouble and you saved us. So I'm assuming you're not denying that eight power was brought into play to. Is it possible that someone else controlled where we ended up, that you just triggered the event? Mm-hmm. She threw us into the time stream. Someone else aimed us. Okay. It's what I'm wondering. Have you done this before, Grace? No, I guess no. You people don't know what you're doing here. Is this the point? Yeah. I think we're waiting for that relation without any facts. We don't know how we got here. That is a true statement. We have things to do today. Or why we're here. He's going to send us another letter. He said so. Do we want to wait here for that? Or do you think he knows-- Well, we want to finish breakfast. But yeah. Do you think he knows where we'll be? He knew where we were. I see no reason he won't know where we'll be. I'm not going to wait around the hotel, Cleveland, because I'm not allowed there. But also, if he can find us there, he can find us somewhere else. And I think the most crucial thing at this point is to get Sister Katie up and running. And as healthy as she can be, because she can make the rest of the injured parties. Okay. Better, quicker. I think it offer is-- I may know someone-- my organization has been around for a very long time. What? Longer than this country has been around. Are you going to be able to prove that you're part of the organization? You got tattoo or something? You got to see your hands. You are a secret organization. So-- I do think I have enough knowledge to prove my credentials. Good enough. Okay. Can I ask another question? Of course. So you got-- no one has ever seen this binary hex or even spoken to him just written correspondence. Very correspondents. And the only thing that he has ever he/she has ever led you into is my farmstead. So far? And the past apparently. Correct. It's not like we're taking his advice. He's a very questionable man. Again, the reason we went to the farmstead was not on his advice. We had a second collaborating reason-- Thank you. Corrupting me too. Thank you. Yeah. But he helped point us in that direction. And the good that came out of that-- and I'm assuming they're still back in the Hotel Cleveland-- is the saving of three children and a dog and a potential of finding out more information about what's going on here. I don't think we're making plans or actions based on binary hex because we-- well, first of all, he hasn't given us anything. No, I'm familiar with that. The first thing we want to do is get the sister healed, then get the rust healed. We need to finish that. That's my only plan right now. He's apparently the puppeteer and we-- the Mary and it's-- I don't know if he's a puppeteer or if he's just watching and he's going to join the show. I'm pretty sure about that. Well, in fact, I think he's-- I think he's telling-- None of the actions I'm making today is even based on anything he's ever said. The moving to the farm was more based on my trust in Daniel than binary hex. Well, I suggest that he's only interested in the big picture. He doesn't care what you have for breakfast. I think he might be our ticket home because he knew we were coming here. I can't make plans based on him. He's giving me absolutely nothing but a fucking telegram that-- Just consider you when the next one comes in. Daniel doesn't necessarily-- Absolutely. I'm not going to ignore his telegram. My point is you may not want to. Daniel doesn't-- no, doesn't necessarily say that he knew we were coming in. He was just welcoming us here. It could have been he saw we were here and then sent us a message saying, hey, I saw you got a term in every timeline. You don't know. You may not want to was what you said, but I didn't understand the context because there's three different conversations going on once. What's to say he's an agent for good or he's interested in your well-being? Ah. Who's that? He's telling us not to take an S-word. That's all I got. I'm saying I don't care. We've got one telegram. Now that's very interesting and it does lead to him as a player in both our former universe and this one, but it still doesn't change my to-do list for today. You know that? I don't disagree with you, boss. In any way, shape, or form. I agree because you're the one that's getting a benefit from it being healthy, hopefully, by the end of this day. Unless we can get in contact with him somehow, maybe he can-- Well, he's playing cat and mouse with us, so he's toying with us. My point is-- Great. Is there a concern? He is playing cat and mouse, but I think he's using it. He clearly can't do anything he wants to do. Yeah. He's using a group of people to do what he wants. No one's ever seen him before, and to me, it sounds like he is an entity. I don't deny that. But again, and I want to keep saying the same sentence over and over again, we did not go to the farmstead because of his-- that was just an additional piece of information. Daniel's, more importantly, let us there. And had we not been there, you would probably be dead now, those kids would be dead, that dog would be dead, and at least something good came out of the fact. Now whether he intended for any of that to happen, maybe, and probably-- I think what he intended to happen was for me not to be dead, and you made that happen. Right. But that was in our interest, too, sort of, whatever. It's going to leave, yeah. All I'm saying is maybe he wanted you guys to go to the past, and maybe he needed me to get you there, and that's why he led you there, in the first place. I can agree with that. Yeah. Scott, I'm going to run up to the front desk, and ask them. You're not going to run anywhere. I'm going to slowly improv all in the way to the front desk, and ask them where the mirror is. They have a close nunnery. Sorry. I need to have it, like I'm freaking out, I need to have my nun have it, and I don't know if there's a place around here where my people are. I don't think they handle that. I'm not sure that's the highest priority right now. You don't know our priority spots. I got two members bleeding out, and I want to get her healthy now. If I could just get someone in the works, or some place I can go later, I'd just... Many of the churches that you're familiar with from 2011, Katie, are in existence in 1935. Yes. Many of the churches were built in the late 1800s and early 1900s. It's not a problem. You go to the front desk. They tell you that Notre Dame Cathedral is in Ohio City, which is, you're running the cusp of the flats in Ohio City, technically in Ohio City right now. And there's certainly several churches in Ohio City, the largest of them being Saint Patrick's. Would you, of course, recall from a previous, the first story, Shiplock, where Jay left his sniper rifle in the Bell Tower? She really does freak out about it. One of the nuns had told her in the past that, "If you don't wear it when you should be wearing it, it's bad luck," and she thinks that's why she got her ass kicked last night. Right. Sure. So that's why she's like... No, it makes perfect sense. You know, based on your time in the church, that even in 2011, it's easier, but still, if you want to walk up someone in the church, it would be difficult to get that without proof. They would definitely call and check your, which diocese you were from. They would definitely make a phone call, and it's 35, their phones. And if you think it's strict about racial standards, when it comes to religious standards and that time period, it's kind of nasty to you. No, but they would have a list, though. They would be able to cross-check it. I mean, we could jump a knot and check that. You want to go find a jackass hill? Yes. That sounds like a jut. That's my number. My number one thing to do today. Let's go to the real place. I would like to go on... Isn't it impersonating a non-fence to you, though? I'm pretty sure it is. I'm sure it offends someone, but I'm not sure it's a... Breakfast concludes in the back parlor. Unless anyone has anything else they want to discuss before you leave. My point, only, is that there seems to be, to me, an implication, at least, that Hex is either using her or not. I think that first one. I think Hex is using all of us. Yeah, but that is a kind of direct reference and a direct cause and effect here. That's my point. Dead Watch is the key. I don't know if she can activate it or something else. Hey, listen, bloody nose. You never did tell us anything. I did tell you to. That would be some. I told you what I know and that should be enough. So, off to the Bullshit Hill or whatever. Right. Jackass. You should know. You should know. You should know. No, it's okay, sister. I'll drive. You're gonna get pulled over. I don't have any problem with that at all. No, he can be our driver. I want to ask somebody at the hotel to desk if they're familiar with Jackass Hill. There is a person behind basically a desk clerk and the desk clerk raises his eyebrows when you say Jackass Hill and he says, "Sir, that would be down in the shanty towns." You would just head down Detroit Avenue. Just take it down into the flats and there's several large shanty towns overrunning the flats at this point and Jackass Hill is about a half mile, I would say, give or take, into the flats. It'll be to yourself. You can't miss it. It's one of the only raised areas in that area, but it's a very unsafe, dangerous neighborhood. There are literally tens of thousands of homeless living in those shanty towns and I would discourage you in the utmost of terms to turn to dissuade you to going down there. People are robbed. People are killed. I appreciate it. It's a very unsafe neighborhood. My shanty would be going alone. This hotel is literally right on the corner of Detroit heading east-west and west 25th heading north-south. If you were to take Detroit, you guys know this from living in Ohio City forward in 2011, you know if you take Detroit Avenue east, it goes right down into the flats and cheer it up for you to step outside the Amsterdam and look down Detroit Avenue as it descends. You can see the flats open up a large vista of tents in lean twos and it's a mass of humanity that's living in the shanty towns of the flats. Okay. Walk with purpose looked dangerous. No, we're not walking. You guys can't walk. Get in the back of the truck. Take Daniel. Drive with purpose. Are you driving a car through a shanty town? There is a road going down into the shanty towns, but as your look upon the shanty towns come above, there's rubble strewn and broken bridges between gullies and massive amounts of corrugated metal. It looks to you like for my 2011 viewpoint, it looks like an African shanty town, like as you would imagine it with lean twos and no running water and kids running around with almost no clothes, everyone's dressed in very old, ripped clothing, the men are looking hungry and their eyes look vacant because they have no work and no hope. It's a tough, tough life living in a shanty town in 1935 Cleveland. It's a real good leader in here. You have this fucking rebellion in a few years. I spent more time than I'd care to mention on the London's East End. I think that we should go not too far into there, and the way I used to do it was give a few coins to some children, basically, and ask them for information and have someone delivered to us at the edge of the place rather than children. How about this? I see no reason for Edgard and Michael and Clay to go down into this hellhole. We need to get the sister healed there. She can heal you guys up here. Let's get a hotel room for you guys. Alright, we'll crash in the hotel room. Whatever else wants to stay up here fine, I would suggest maybe chew going with me, but I'm totally up to anybody else who wants to tag along. The doctor has to be there. The sister has to be there because she's the one that needs to be fixed up. Everybody else is... She can wait and get fixed when I get back. We're going to carry in an entire equipment. I mean, we're trying to find someplace where you can do your healing. I don't think we can pay the guy to use this stuff. I don't think we're going to steal it. I wouldn't suggest it. Well, I was kind of counting on purchasing it. I think he's using it to keep these people as healthy as he can. I don't want to deprive him of that. I mean, if we can pay him to buy better stuff, okay. I'm open to any suggestions. I figured I'm going to put in a disability to pay... Unless he's got someone to transfer his healing, I don't know how much he's going to be able to do. I mean, I need a hospital for a couple days. Where are the firearms? Is that a worse idea? No, I don't want to steal from these people. I don't suggest stealing. That's not the problem. The problem is when they steal from you. I would not brandish weapons, but I would bring them. The only other thing I could think of do, I'll hurt it. Even though we're already down this path is trying to find somebody from my conspiracy who can heal me. Is that a possibility? It's a possibility, but at the same time, it's going to be hard to explain how I got my wounds in mind. Okay, I think we have a doctor. Yeah, but a doctor takes days. Is it a sister? I could heal somebody up in a couple minutes. If I'm feeling good enough. I can do what the Lord can through me. Okay. So we're here to do a choir of medical supplies? It sounds like it would be best if we get this place to come back. It gets back somewhere. So maybe we leave the sister here as well for now in the hotel. Who's going down into there? We need the doctor if he's the only one that's going to know what's worth getting. Okay. And also happens to be the only one with money that can actually purchase it. We still have radios, aren't we? So don't underestimate your training and experience because in a way you have advanced fighting techniques from your history as a military person. Oh, I got that. But I'm not going down there to- Yeah, but I'm saying maybe you won't need to have- Stunning lessons. I have some people skills, so I guess I'll go with you. Okay. Yeah, he's good. I won't need to do what, Mike? You were worried about bringing a firearm with you. Oh, man. I mean, I need to have a firearm with you, but it would be probably reasonable if you have a blade or a knife. I'd like to purchase half a dozen candy bars. I'll probably do it before we go out there. Oh, sure. I'm sure there's a corner store. Very nearby. But you can go ahead and pick up. So I got going with me, too. Ethan? Anyone else? I got him. You need a gun? I always need a big man. You need a chain to come. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. That's right. The walking wounded. The walking wounded. The three wounded men. I've been wanting the walking wounded and the chain to come. Ethan seems to think it would be better to get the equipment to purchase it, give them enough money to buy better equipment and then take it back and heal in the hotel. I mean, it's not going to be a process that happens within minutes. It's going to take longer. No, we're going to stay at the hotel with the wounded. Okay. Why don't you work on getting us back to 2011? Why don't you do that? The audience cannot see the look that Grace is now giving. Shoot. Okay. So we do that and come back. Yeah. It worked so well. And Jay Chew in Daniel make their way across West 25th Street through the traffic, through the trolleys, the other side, and then start working their way down into the flats, into the Shanty towns of Cleveland, also known as Hooverville, Hoover because of the president, Hoover, where the depression started with. So the Shanty towns were named after him as a derisive type of comment on his leadership. Before you get halfway down the hill into the flats, there is a cavalcade of children in various states of disheveledness and dirt and grime and looking hungry, but they're all sprinting up the hill because there's somebody's coming back down into the Shanty towns. You pick your way through, even halfway down the street, there's a lot of garbage. There's a lot of stuff to maneuver around and the kids are climbing over it and they're running up to you, and before you know it, you've got a group of children basically dancing around you in a circle, pulling out your sleeves and pulling out your arms and mister mister. Do you have a penny? Can I have a penny? Do you have any sweets? So they're all gathering around you, hoping for a handout. You hold up a can of cards, your first one to find Marty Collins, just more or less. Does anybody here know Marty Collins? All the kids say, me, me, me, yeah, I know Marty, Marty's my best friend. Jay, do you know who Marty Collins is, what he does? It was a name I was given last night while I was searching around looking for someone who could do a little doctoring. I was told that he could do it in a way that won't get reported. It's not reassuring. It's a lot safer than the alternative. So you have about 25 children surrounding you at this point, tugging at you, pulling at you, asking if they could be any guide to ask the sweets? How about a penny? Are you a penny? You're a little rascal? I pick up three of the older ones and just hand them a candy bar each and say that you get more of that plus a financial reward if you can bring Marty Collins here. I'm going to write out a note to Marty Collins, the first one who can bring Marty. Saying that it'd be worth his while to come here and financially, big words and make it obvious that a fellow doctor or something that you might want to look into that might be lucrative for you. Okay. And I just hand out pennies to the others. Eventually the kids disperse. The three older ones first. The other ones are still hanging around trying to get more money from you and then there starts to be a little shoving match is one can drop a penny and the other can pick it up. I'm just writing over it, but the three older kids take off into the shanty town and you end up standing there for a while. Eventually the kids get bored of you after you stop handing out pennies and candy bars. And within I would say what amounts to half hour passes and nothing's happened at that point. It just disappears, a couple of vagrants have walked up asking for a free hand up men asking if you need anything. Can it be a service? I'll work for a meal kind of thing, but nothing besides that for the first half hour is you standing there. We ask them if they know Marty. One of the men says, yeah, he's a doctor, right? I think he helps people, gets hurt. Usually the kids, you know, if the kids are sick, he'll help take care of them. I've heard him. I give that guy a quarter. Okay. If you can bring him here, give you a dollar. Oh, shit. I don't know, Marty, but it's really going to be worth this while if you can get it. All right. Do you know where he is? Is he closer? No, he works up on Jackass Hill. That's where he has a little lead to up there with some medical equipment, like I said, he helps kids. So I haven't pointed that out. Is that, can we see it from here? You can see it, but it's in there. It's a good half mile, maybe a look further through the shanty towns. You might be a little reluctant thinking that we are that being him. Yeah. Ill. Well, it looked like an FBI agent. So we're watering that. You can show him a wound and say, I'm not going to get this fixed. He's helped. He disappears. The other two are in need of his services. If he can make a house call, it would be really to his advantage. Right. He's got it, and he'll make sure he takes care of it. The other two... What'd they get? Did they get anything? The other two? They're like, what the fuck? Which other two? They're like, what the fuck? They're like, what the fuck? They're like, what the fuck? They're like, what the fuck? They're like, what the fuck? They're like, what the fuck? They're like, what the fuck? They're like, what the fuck? They're like, what the fuck? They're like, what the fuck? They're like, what the fuck? They're like, what the fuck? They're like, what the fuck? They're like, what the fuck? They're like, what the fuck? They're like, what the fuck? They're like, what the fuck? They're like, what the fuck? They're like, what the fuck? They're like, what the fuck? They're like, what the fuck? They're like, what the fuck? They're like, what the fuck? They're like, what the fuck? They're like, what the fuck? They're like, what the fuck? They're like, what the fuck? They're like, what the fuck? They're like, what the fuck? They're like, what the fuck? They're like, what the fuck? They're like, what the fuck? They're like, what the fuck? They're like, what the fuck? They're like, what the fuck? They're like, what the fuck? They're like, what the fuck? They're like, what the fuck? They're like, what the fuck? 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That parlay was just back and forth. No one struck home, no one did any damage. Your money definitely opened his eyes though and made him open. So I'm going to give you a sustained, in future roles, a sustained plus two to every single role you make because of the money that you laid on the table. You showed him a $20 bill and said this can be yours if you're willing to work with us. So going forward, that will be it. So Chew, you shake your head like, oh my god, why didn't you just say this? Why? Jesus. So you want to help him. Again, next round, you go ahead and you say, no, really, we need the equipment or hell. We'll take you if need be. So you're arguing back with him. And again, go ahead and make your one-die role. But before that happens, Chew, you get to try to add to it. So he's using, or actually he's using manipulation plus persuasion, correct? Right. So what do you have to on that level? Six. Six dice. His defense is two dice, so you go down to four. Go ahead and roll your four dice. Any successes are added to his die pool. Meaning his being Ethan's. Four, yeah. Ethan can use a will in this situation, man. Either one can. Keep that in mind. It's not important right now, but. I think it's more beneficial if Ethan uses it because Bob just adds dice. He's a success to add dice to Ethan. Right. Perhaps Chew recalls that there are three children involved also. Right. Oh yeah. Two successes. Okay. So Ethan, you have one persuasion, two manipulation, correct? Yeah. So it's a total of three dice. You get plus two dice for your monetary inducement. You get plus two dice for Chew's adding in. He's helping you. No, what the good doctor meant was, and he said adding in your conversation and helping you to achieve success. We will return the equipment when we're done with it. Right. Remember, it's all about the kids. That takes you all the way up to three, five, seven dice minus two. Ethan, you can also risk willpower, which means you need one success to successfully not lose all your will. But you get to add three dice or say you get to roll mine again or say you only need three successes. There's a number of things you can do when you risk willpower. I think I like the three dice though. You get two. Five. You're not risking. You're just spending. Okay. So you had five dice. You are now up to eight dice on your attack. This is very urgent. You don't do well. You say it. Look at our face. This is very urgent and there's children involved. You'll get your equipment back and make out monetarily so you will be able to purchase additional equipment for your children's needs. It's a win-win-win. Yeah. Great. Great. You never heard that saying before. I got one. One success on eight dice. I got a lot of sevens. Three sevens. No. Twenty. What was the success? Where did you get the pumpkin dice? Kind of the copy. And he shoots back that. You don't understand. The children, when the equipment is away, it will not be able to heal the little ones. I'm talking a wall here. And he didn't want back to you. Your social health, which is your composure plus your highest social skill, takes a hit. So what is your social health? You should have it on the third line right here. Three. Oh. This. Yeah. You're down to two. These weak can get resolved. We're starting to get flustered in a little bit more than pissed off at his reluctance to take your money and help you. Shut up and take my money. Chew, do you want to help again? Next round? Yeah. Absolutely. Go ahead and make your roll, please. Do you want your dice? I see. You want two successes again. Any ten of you guys? No. Okay. So same thing. So you're right back where you were. You're at seven dice. Anything. And you need to rebuttal. That seven dice goes down to five because of his social defense's guile. Trying to resist your money and your offer. Tell me I'll also teach him something. I had a better treat to children. Yeah. How many patients do you see a day? Roughly. Three? Three? To three. Maybe he'll help him out for a while. Depends on how rumbunctious the wee ones are. They look healthy enough. We're only going to have your equipment for a couple hours. And you make out on the deal. This is the other option when I spend three. Risking willpower. So if you don't roll success, you lose all your willpower. But you get to take two of those advantages as opposed to one. It's time for that. Yes. Pull it out. So I get to add the nine again and add three. Total is. Do it. Eight dice. Still. Don't say nine. I'm going to believe. I fucking quit. No successes. Oh. Where did you get those? There's all your willpower. That dice? Shoot 'em. Don't think. Why do you got to talk about his mother and your dad? You know what? I think he detects from your accent that you're British. It's not too difficult. And he's Irish. And at this point, you're absolutely rubbing him the wrong way. And he obviously comes back with a fork and does one more social damage to you to take you down to one from your two. So you're getting, again, you're sweating. You're getting frustrated. You're starting to get mad at him for not understanding what it is. When he puts out a potential olive branch and says that he looks at the four of you who are all, well, you don't look like the people he deals with every day. You look. You're dressed in time period clothing, obviously, but you're healthy. You're well fed. You obviously have money. And he tells you that he has a problem in the shanty town. And instead of buying his equipment or taking things away from the children, even for a short period of time that need it, if you'll help the children, he'll help you more than any medical equipment can possibly provide. He tells you that he can help your three friends heal in miraculous ways. The Lord can work through him, but he would need to get something from you. There are children disappearing in the shanty towns, and there are greeting mothers, and much evil happens in the shanty towns, but this is children. This is the worst, and they are literally disappearing, and they're not coming back, and they're not runaways. If there's some way you could help stop this, whatever fall person is preying on these innocent lives, there's something evil out there that needs to be put to a stop, and you look like men that may be able to do that. Marty? This is the thing we do, and this is how our people got hurt fighting these kind of fights, so we will gladly help solve the situation like that. That kind of hits home with me because I lost my wife to some, I believe, creature. She disappeared one night. I'm a long way from being over that. He tells you that he'd like to believe you, but it's a difficult time to trust people, so what he will do is he will heal two of your three comrades, and the last one will be healed after you put an end to these disappearances. Is that something you can work with? I would love to have all of my members of my group at Full Health, but that is certainly very generous of you. We have a female who is injured, and one other. Could you come with us rather than us dragging some severely individuals? We're currently at the Hotel Amsterdam. Well, he's already two thirds of the way there, exactly. You just need to walk up the street. So he agrees, and maybe unless there's something major that someone else wants to do, we'll end the night on you taking him back to the hotel room to perform some sort of healing that he's going to do. Actually, I think that you healed Sister for the problem, so you can do the other one. We have to start up next, let's do it right now. Everyone gets a beat for the night, so go ahead and give yourself the virtual experience point. What happens when you get five? You get an experience. You win the game, and it's over. And as far as role-playing, vice and virtue, I remember your voice. What's your virtue? Peaceful. Just why I didn't forget straggle me. I can't say that it was something intentional before the dice. I don't think we had any major vice or virtue expenditure. I didn't punch a white dude. I didn't take a beat for your success at your goal. It's an amazing success. It's on four dice, two times in a row, to help the conversation. God knows what it would have turned out like if you had to gave him more dice to roll. It wouldn't have been all ones and critical failure, Allah, Sister Katie. It's not every night that I roll good. It's not any night. And we'll pick it up next week with the new problem that's rising, which is the disappearing children. Thank you for listening tonight's of the night's actual podcast. If you'd like to send us questions, comments, or feedback, you can reach us in a number of ways. From Twitter, @kotn_podcast, or by email And don't forget the iTunes reviews or our Facebook page, Speaking of Facebook, join like-minded folks at our Facebook fan page. And lastly, there's our blog page,, where there's an Amazon link on the right-hand side. Thanks to Zen Audio Smith for the intro and outro music. Get your own music at And join us next week for more mystery and adventure. Rachel Clinton, Grace Rockland, or Silver Bell, the apathetic teenager that everyone loves to hate. Most people take that selfie feedback to givers. Shut up, bitch. Just the apathetic teenager. I picked up something. Yeah, that's better. Okay. And often all week. Really? Yeah. Just like me even just raised a hand so people would be like, "Stop talking for a second, you can cough." I went to the doc and said allergies, but I don't know. Graham. Graham. Graham. Graham sends it, a telegram is the actual paper. A telegram? Right. Desire. Desire. Bises. It's good. Whatever. So, you can just cut all that up. But the point thing, I actually had it, but- Good memory. Unless it's a lot. You must be. You feel unsure. Sure. Whatever you accomplish an aspiration, you're a flyer. The beat is like a fifth of a experience. Oh, when you get clients, you're supposed to get five beats. You now have an experience point. So, add an experience point, erase the beats, and start over again. Erase the aspiration. Oh. No, no. I think it's almost supposed to be too short and one long. Really? They're using this thing around, you know, and catching us up. He's going to- Except you weren't here. He was just getting a lot of crazy. Oh, so I get none? Because I miss them all. You got to show up, pal. I'm sorry. But his rules don't matter. He must be dead. By the way, I've been bleeding for a year and a half. You know what I'm talking about? You're going to have to take a beating. Let's get you caught up really quick. Look at your vice. Look at your virtue. Look at your aspirations. Is there anything you've done in the story so far that you've met those? I will then dole out willpower and beats to get you caught up really quickly with everyone else. Mom. What's your view? Nothing. What's your virtue? What's your virtue? For instance, I had aspiration to find a safe place to sleep. So I assume that was successful last time. Absolutely. You take a beat and make a new aspiration. Also, I don't punch a white dude today. Is that what you said? Yeah. I think it hasn't been a full day yet. Because it was night time when it all happened. You got to go a whole day before that happened. Okay. You might just punch a white guy. Oh, I'm white today. I don't know. It's really rude why guys are going to tell me. I think it's really close to punch a white guy. Everyone has got a beat for the experience of last week's adventure. Now, I want to check their aspirations and make sure they haven't achieved an aspiration. If they have, take a beat and create a new aspiration to take its place. And when you say aspirations, that's your short-term and long-term goal. Either one. If you achieved either one of those. Then you got five beats. Well, I'm not sure what short-term would be. Short-term would definitely want to get back to the present day. Short-term would definitely want to get back to the present day. It would be short-term as like a daily thing. Like, today, I want to get fucking back today. Well, I understand that, but realistically, it's probably a long-term goal. So, make it one of your five. Or two. That's good. All right. Let's talk about it later. When we meet them, and you need to know. You haven't done breaking points? We're checking out? Not a big deal. If you haven't, you could do it while we're pulling. Let's keep in mind, Bob, you got four weeks. Oh, short-term. I don't think my medical situation is... I don't think I'm fully stable or... I've got weeks of healing to go through, so I'm still... That's what your short-term is to get healthy. Well, right now, that's my primary thing. What's your other short-term? Examine the stopwatch artifact for... It should be a long-term goal, dude. No, kidding. Okay. And what do you think? One of my short-term aspirations were to get some additional medical equipment or supplies or medicine that would be useful to help them. Oh, I'm sorry. When you meet with Jay later on the morning, he'll tell you he thinks he's found someone in the flats that can help. In the shanty towns of the flats that can help Marty Collins. I... Marty Collins. So... Okay. He's Irish. So... And that's a really piss-poor Irish accent, but sorry, I'm going with it. Thank you. Sure. Is that like when a cop gives you a ticket and you say thank you? Thank you. I understand that, thank you. Pretty good. I keep that almost morning. He's a paladin. Honest and arrogant. This is an incredible job. You did really well at creating this. You didn't give me this. Is it wrong? I wrote it off to you. I don't think I wrote it down. Oh, come on. You know, there used to be a time when you and Rachel would take notes. Yeah, well... Neither of you are taking them. And I'm a little slightly disappointed. There's words for word. You wanna... You wanna... You wanna... Can I have a phrase? I've got so many notes. I just have telegram from my family. Yeah. I don't have... No. Well, you just offered us. It's our side. It's your... Stop. He didn't say it's a good ass word, so I didn't remember that word. I wasn't happy about it. I would stop it. Stop. Do we know for sure to eat? This is true to him. No, it's not a thing. No, you assume that it's a... Girls usually don't say ass words. I'm guessing. Hey, you don't know about that. I don't know about that. I don't know. I've never heard anyone say it, so... A group of people. Grace, can I ask a question of you? Sure. Grace. You're not Grace. Oh, sorry. Well, sister. Sorry, the lame other bull of Grace. Oh, yeah. We'll pull on it. I don't know. And I can say that question. Nationally. As long as you don't say, I can't answer that. I'm all right. Is the saving of three children and a dog. And a Grace. No, that was one of the three children. She would be one of the three children. I'm sorry. Two kids in there. Yeah. Again. We got to heal this sister. We're not alone in person, are you? Everything meant to coffee yet? Yes. We're drinking it. We'll still fill up. We'll still fill up while you catch up. Real coffee. I was only laughing because I was thinking about your organization being around for many years and you'd have to prove yourself. I'm trying to figure out how sister Katie would. Well, first off as a member of the team. I'm wondering about that. Did she have her nun jewelry? I mean, isn't? None. None. None. I would talk to you, Grace. I don't know how much of this is metagame or not. But, you know, there's a pretty strict pecking order in Hurricane involved in having an aunt who has a nun. So, I'm just saying that you just can't show up and ask for clothes. I'm wondering about it. I mean, there's a real piece of nun. There's still no good idea. I know. It's their game. I don't know. It's got nothing to do with it. And there are religious shops where you can buy religious cards. No, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. 35. I don't know if they have it. Right. Is there any symbol of sisterhood that is, I mean, none's are married to God. Is there a ring involved that he could prove? I mean, there's a lot of symbolism in the church. And I'm just curious. There's one into a church and said, I'm from out of town. My habit got lost. The luggage got lost. My habit was in there. And I just need something tied to go over for a few days. I don't think I'm using this. Yeah, I think manipulation has to be something to preach. Yeah, they probably ask you what diocese? Exactly. I mean, yeah, it's not going to be easy. No. I'll just metagame for you in a second and tell you that it's not going to be easy. But my point is, is there any symbols of the church that a sister could prove? Not true. Not 19. Not true. Not like what you're thinking of. But, I mean, it's common to have necklaces and rings and those kinds of symbols. But is there a, like, a signant or a definitive one that only the nuns would have? I don't believe so. Okay. Well, I know that impersonating clergymen is a big offense. Sorry. In 1935, probably. Yeah. Yeah. It's a big offense. But, I don't know about being nuns. Easiest way to get a nun's habit is to steal it. That's why I was thinking. Some of us experience hearing a bible. I steal you so many nun habits. Just get me a while. I have a question. Who wins the world series? Wha. Which one? How many? This year. I don't remember. We are not the Indian. I know. This isn't the same. I wait till 54. Yeah, it's the same for the four. It's boiling. You guys aren't really from the future, right? You're from not from your future. I have a condom on the moon. What are you trying to know? I'm thinking. My dad's seven. Condo. We're not from your future working hard. What skill would that be to know that? Because I don't know that. But, J-Mite. Give me a list of the teams and I can tell you whether we can tell you. He's good at athletics. Is he from? I could tell you he wants some racism more than. He didn't have any different cleavons so he can't even accurately predict. Yeah, it would probably be a team that doesn't exist. He's just fascinated with the whole future thing. We'll show you our little camera phones. We'll take a picture of you and I'll show it to you. It doesn't understand also what you're talking about. He feels me so. All right. Flying cars. Yeah, if I wanted to... Let's sort of go on. I am... I'd send them to Jackass Hill. Yeah, really. Are we moving into this place? There were Jackass Hill. You're on it. Jackass Hill, to me, is the place with the guy... Marty Conrad. Marty Conrad. Yes. How's he doing? Look. Just talks to people and gets information. There's a fish on the water here. He's white. I have no idea. Oh, anybody has it. But it would be probably reasonable that you have a blade or a knife. Do you have a knife I can borrow? You can borrow a blade. I got one. A lot of men you need. Yes, Kenny. It's on your leather, man. You do have a knife in your leather, man. No, not that one. It's a good knife. It works awesome. And actually, that leather would freak people out of here, too. Did Daniel bring any dogs with them? No. They're still back on the Cleveland. No. The dogs are at the hotel. They're at the nicer hotel. We're not even... I think the dogs love you. No, the dogs love you to the Mademowries, which is a flat house. They're really outdoor dogs. This isn't my scene. The kids are in the nursery. Yes. The kids are in the nursery. They're in the nursery. Yes. That's the hotel Cleveland. Yes. That's why I brought my shotgun. Yeah, just watch the dog. Ferment! I got something I noticed for you. All right, dogs. Then you're going to be able to bring a dog with you. One piece of function. It's birch. Stay real close to the kids. I'll take a picture. Sorry. Ah, it's a nice grouping. It's right there. Right? How do I search? Sorry, I like this voice. You shouldn't have heard him do that yet. You would take care of him. Are you turning your pants on? No, I'm just thinking of big mama hops. Big mama hops. That hurt my voice. I explained it. It was like traffic accident. They fell on a bunch of bullets. And then I knew a dog who had some fun with their throats. Hey, Edgar, you think you're good? Sure. Talk are kidding. They're stealing me. I haven't. From the local church. Thank you for letting me recover. I can steal you. But I'm not as good at convincing when I'm bleeding out. Because that affects all your skills for somebody. Ceremony required in being there. Battery hacks is Michael Clay in the future. You are taking yourself ass-word. You can't do that. You can't do that. You can't do that. You're a bad ass hacker. It all fits. He's not. Bad. Your mouth's basement. Oh, he keeps it half-spaced. I would know how to defeat myself. I don't think he'd be a hero. I would know how to infiltrate. He'd be able to face yourself all. He'd just sit the passenger to the downstairs. That's a good move. That's your move. Good move by you. Don't have those. Four. He's kind of despised. I don't understand. He kind of despised you. You're not yourself. What an ass. I know. Right. It's more than that. More like that for him. Yes. Okay. Okay. We're back at the real time here. We're currently at the hotel. I don't remember. Speaking of that, everyone, you don't have to keep this in if you don't want to. Everyone gets a beat for tonight. I know I encourage you. Can I do something interesting to get a beat if this would work? As far as making a failure into a dramatic failure? For what? Well, I was healing Michael. Dear God, you don't want to do that. Instead of one of the roles I made, instead of making it a failure, if I make it a dramatic failure, I would take a lethal unto myself and take that his last lethal away from him, which I might want to do. Sure. Let's go through next week at the start. We're going to go through everyone's vices and virtues and extra points that we give for the beats. So let's do that next week to start off the session because that's a great idea. Lastly, Friday is good for everybody next week. I have no problems with Friday. No problems with Friday. Oh, I love it. Yeah. I'm a fan of Sunday's. Yeah. Okay, we're good. So what's that? We're going to try Friday again. So like right there and again. Friday morning. And lecture. Extra ground turn. I like Shawnee sheep. I don't. I just edited out the part where he loves Shawnee sheep last week. Really? Why? Why would you edit it out? Because you say it every week, Scott. I love Shawnee. Shawnee sheep is going to make it into... I love for sheep does not belong in the podcast. Okay? Yeah, that's all another thing. That is a whole nother story. And that's Dinka. You folks have a real knack for making characters. I think I want you to hold on. Sorry. It's fine. Go ahead. No, it's to time all the bullshit. Oh, good luck. Okay, I gotta stop. Watch, go. Go. It's too late. You gotta start it next week. We've already had... I've started it because you're bullshit. You're bullshit. Oh, wow. Dude. Scott's on you. That delay was on you. Socializing with her friends. Friends. You. And you. Are you done? No. Okay. Well, back it. I would be... Actually, maybe. I think just a bit of a pun though, so... Whole car. I should be timing. You should stop talking. What? You're going to time your own interruptions? Yeah. You're going to help them. You're skewing the results. A little fit. We were going too well. I'm finding out that the feedback takes much more time than our bullshit. We should cut out the feedback and bullshit. Okay. Clearly, that was the best one. It's doing it efficiently. Having had a lot of time... Having a lot... Having? Mm-hmm. Yeah, but a good deal of our viewers. If you listen to it via Windows. I think the moral is, if you're going to have a podcast, take a minute and think about how you're going to tame the episodes for at least the first 500. I don't think... The moral is buy something better than a fucking nano. Oh! And who pissed in your cereal today? What is wrong with my hot pan? My bad. I'm going to play World of Darkness tonight. He's going to kill us all. But... We're not sorry enough. This episode is missing in iTunes, but I guess that's a whole lot of history. Yeah. Yeah. Most time I worked. I don't think... Like... Much fall. I'm sure there's something I didn't run. And... You know, if you had read this on Friday, that would have been right on the spot. Well... Given the day we used to report it on Friday. But it was Halloween, so we weren't because we had lives. Yeah. We were at Lodge where we had our candy pool because... Yeah. Like regular fucking people. That ain't crazy, man. It's not a wife. So... And no, it's not Lima. Twist. Mike. Now, town records... What's the lemon? Yes. You're not... One ninety...