Knights of the Night

198_WoD3_KotN Lets_not_Forget_the_Head

Broadcast on:
22 Oct 2014
Audio Format:

Jay and Grace aren't done with their "discussion".  What's really going on here...

[music] Hello, and welcome to Night of the Night's actual play podcast. This world of darkness story, the sin-eaters, was written and run by your storyteller Scott. And now, please enjoy episode 198, titled, "Let's Not Forget the Head", the actual play begins immediately. [music] This is the world of darkness story, the sin-eaters, from your storyteller Scott and with us tonight on my right. Michael playing Ethan Clark, a native of 1935. I'm Tom playing J. Alton, a member of the ascending one and leader of this group. I am Jim playing Katie O'Connor, fast driver and crazy nun. Thomas playing Edgar de Bontes, if we're doing practitioners from the late mister conspiracy. Mike playing Michael Clay, the academic adventurer of the Aegis Caijord. Bob playing FBI special agent, Chew Park. John playing, not man turned mercenary, Daniel Morgan. Rachel playing Grace Rockland or Silver Bell, an apathetic teenager who doesn't want to be here. So, to recap last week, your van turned over several times, you were able to escape from it. You found yourself in an area that was much like the area that you were being chased by the police in, but with some significant differences. There was changes to the landscape, that kind of cock you off guard and made you wonder. At that point, a very cold looking truck pulled up. And some gentleman came out to help you with your wounded, he was a doctor. But he was dressed in a very antiquated fashion, who claims he's from the year 1935. And you start to feel that that may actually be the case because the place you had pulled into the Metro Park picnic area is now a field. It's not paved over, there's no main roads with whites, there's just nothing that looks the same as you left it with the exception of all the trees around, because you are in the Metro Parks. Yes, Michael Clay. We did have electronics on us, are they functional? No, it depends on the electronic. The only thing that most people have looked at has been their cell phones, which show out of service. The short wave, however, is working communication wise. And I think someone had a flashlights, that you chew? I also had a camera that you said might be damaged. You couldn't get it operational, but don't know if it's going to work. The flashlights worked fine. Do we have laptops with us? Maybe you did. Did it survive? It was an awful accident, so it would be, unless it was somehow protected, chances are... There's a dramatic case on it. Hey, it was a tough book, man. I don't think the issue is that electronics don't work. I think it's stuff that's relying on satellites, aren't it? No, I understand that. I was just glad that our parent trip through time didn't short-circuit our electronic. You just wanted to make sure it's circuiting, because you're getting a no signal on your cell phone, as opposed to a black screen, which made you show some kind of short-circuiting, or some type. So, I think you can make the quick deduction, as Jay just pointed out, it's more of an issue that there's no cell towers, maybe for a signal to bounce off of, or satellites, for a signal to bounce off of, as far as GPS goes. And, we had lots of last week where, I think Jay was trying to get a grasp on the situation. Jay, you had done some of your... No, I was yelling at Grayson. Yes. Well, it didn't have to get a grasp on the situation, but you had done some of your alchemy to be able to see things as they truly are, and you're fairly convinced that it is 1935, and you have two likely suspects you have, a good doctor who just so happens to show up here with seven changes of clothes in a flatbed ford in the middle of fucking nowhere, and who's also claiming that this might be his responsibility, as you were berating Grace during your last conversation. He kept trying to interject and say, "Maybe my fault, it could be me," as you were berating her. And then you have Grace, who was someone who you know contained at least three time spirits back at the farmstead, which were released, and now you've gone through time. Well, let's not forget the head. It now suddenly looks like a watch. If you say so. Well, that's what she said, and that's what we see, right? That's what you see, right? I'm saying the head. That's what you're saying. That's what she's saying. Oh, that's fine. She can say anything she wants. Sure. So, yeah, there is the whole head situation. I'm just saying for the rest of the group, they might be inclined to believe you because you're the leader, and they trust you. What did he say? She said there is no smoking gun. No, there's a weed said. Daniel on that. He said she said. Yes. Nice. Jay caught glimpses of what he thought in that tunnel could have been based on... His reaction. Yeah, it was mostly Daniel's reaction, but Daniel was Daniel, and it was really hard. And so, you're going mostly on what he said. Was something hanging? Sure. Something was hanging down, but if you were to be completely honest with yourself, you don't know. There's too much going on right now with the chance for self-reflection. You could definitely make a case for... Daniel said it, and there was something swinging, but... Sorry, though. There's a swinging that is a watch. And then there's a fucking hash. I understand. But blocked by his body, by the darkness, by dirt falling from the ceiling, tipbers. Yeah, the fog of war, thank you. There's all of that. So, you were trying to get a grasp of the situation, Jay, and we'll be taking it from there. There was no turns, there was no initiative, it was just everyone talking. So Jay, you can keep beating up the girl if you want. Okay, I do. No, actually, I take a moment and take a deep breath and reflect upon the arguments I've had with my sister in the past, who was only slightly older than Grace is, and try another approach. Grace, I realize that more than likely you were the one who helped us get from our previous situation, and saved our lives, and it was in danger. But, if you'll give me a moment, I'd like to explain where we're coming from as a group. We've been tasked to do an investigation on some missing members of the government, and we've been pulled together as a squad of individuals, and we've been thrust from one situation after another, in which we've gone into that situation with virtually no knowledge and got our ass kicked repeatedly, barely surviving from one area to another. That was just highlighted by this last episode, in which we went to the place you were being, as far as we know, held captive in a basement. We had no idea that you even existed. We were simply going there to talk to your father, because we got information from multiple sources that he had information on what was going on with this investigation we were putting together. What investigation? We have been tasked to find members that are missing, from 12 members from the US government that have gone missing. We're possibly dead, we don't know, but we've been tracing them and we've encountered at least three different situations that we have been forced because of our lack of knowledge to go in there unprepared and barely managed to escape. I don't want to go into any more of those situations. If I have a possibility of getting more information, like for instance, how we got here, before we continue to go, I don't know where this rush is to go off to a hotel when we don't know what the hell is going on. I need to know if nothing else you have been ripped, like us, through time and thrown in this situation. I need all of the pieces, or as many as I can get, to make sure that we all survive. So to say that you're a member of this squad, by that I only mean that your life isn't as much danger as ours is, and I'm telling you, we are in danger. We weren't brought here for no reason. Something caused us to be here. And what we need to do is know all the tools that are available to us to survive this encounter. So I apologize for how harshly I treated you earlier, but you have to understand where I'm coming from. That if you in any way can explain to us how we got here, or why we're here, or how you, I believe you stated, and if I'm incorrect, then please correct me, how you saved us from the situation we were just in. And now I'd gladly listen to you talk. In fact, welcome your talking. I can't give you what you want, and I'm sorry. The only thing that I can tell you is that you're right. You were in danger, and you very well could be now. The only thing that I did was get us out of a situation that you got us into in the first place. No, I think you're a little mistaken there. So weren't you the one who came to the farm and kidnapped me in a van? I think you're sadly misinformed on to what exactly happened. We weren't at your farm to kidnap you. We didn't know you existed. We were there to beat a squad of men that shouldn't have been there, doing something that they shouldn't have been doing. And that included starting fires all over your farm, killing all the members of your farm. That was them, not us. You were trying to stop them. We came to talk in the military, and your dad and everybody just started shooting. We weren't there to shoot. We were there getting shot at, and we defended ourselves. We got the hell out of there, and we just happened to find you along the way. Valkyrie, the people we were fighting against, specifically mentioned they were looking for the girl and wanted to kill her. I don't know what they wanted to do to her. All I know, we saved her from a burning building. We got her out of a farm that was infested with zombies, and fires, and killer squads, vampires, and feeder feeder demons, and time spirits. This vampire specifically said grace. He wanted you. He wanted to know where you are. He wanted to take you with him. So if in any of that description you can classify that as kidnapping, I'm a little confused. If you wanted to kidnap you, we wanted to just get you out of there alive. To what end? Could you save me? We were getting out of a burning building that was surrounded by killer squads, yes. You, like these two children, were all taken to get you away from certain death. If you want to roll to see if I'm telling the truth, feel free. No, I don't need to roll. True. So you've said on multiple occasions now that you got us out of a situation. I need a little more information just than you got us out of a situation. Did you have any control on where you were taking us? Because to tell you the truth where we came, it's very strange that it happens to fit into some of the additional things that we were investigating. The timeline just seems to match up too well. So was it on purpose by you, or was it a get out of jail free, don't care where we go? Do you have any control over what you did? I mean, to make it perfectly clear, a lot of us have powers that, well, maybe not on the same scale as yours, are not what you would consider normal. So we understand that such things exist, and we understand that sometimes you can't control them. But we still need to have a little bit of information on what it is, and how much control you have over it. All I can tell you is that you were in danger. We all were in danger. Okay, you keep saying all I can tell you, as if there's something preventing you from telling us, or is that your choice? Because you tell us what the danger was, because as far as I can tell the only danger we were in danger. The only danger I can tell you about to get into is we're going to get the arrested by the police, which isn't that bad. We were in danger, and I got us out of a situation, the only way that I knew how. Unfortunately, I can't tell you anything else, because I don't know anything else. The best thing that I can tell you is he showed up here for a reason. And I think that the best thing to do is to follow him. I'm glad you think that. Well, I think it's the best thing to do, because he's a doctor. We're pretty wounded. That's the only information that I can give you. I'm sorry, that's not what you want to hear, but that's all I've got. What I don't want to hear is a repeated "I can't, and I won't, and I'm sorry, but I can't." Because you can. Yeah, you can. There's nothing preventing you from telling us. I can't tell you something I don't know. Well, then you can say "I don't know." Exactly. No, that's different. "I don't know" is different from "I can't tell you." That's "I can't tell you" could have a thousand other reasons. "I don't know" is a totally different answer. You have a power that you don't know how to use, but you can use it. No, that is not correct. Okay, see, I'm playing guessing games, because you refuse to tell me anything. So, what does it mean when you say "I don't know"? "I don't know what I did." "I don't know why we ended up in this time." What does it mean? I don't know how we ended up here. I don't know why we ended up here. I don't know what's going to happen now that we're here. Apparently, you can tell me these things then. Grace has mentioned twice now that she did something, now she can't tell us what it is. So, can I think back to what I know from the long history of the ages chai-jōru and the access I had to their archives? Is there anything about traveling through time and space, or was it like an artifact that could do it, or was this a known power? Can I do like some type of occult check? You can certainly make an occult role in everyone can that has a cult, can make a role, give me your dice totals, and we'll go around the table. Would it be intelligent, cynical, to try to remember something without my use of any equipment? Intelligence would be if you were actually doing the research in a library-type setting of facility and I would make it with this link because you're trying to call something off the cuff. And one thing I want to ask Jay while we're looking up these roles is I'm wondering, when we walked onto the chagrin farm proper and everything went dark, and all our cell phones went out. It's kind of like what's happening here. I'm wondering if we stepped back in time stepping onto the chagrin farm. I don't know that that's what happened. If that's true, because those police would have modern vehicles. So did we just drove a modern vehicle into the 1930s? No, they contacted Dispatch. I think it was a circuit. This is a kid who's saying, he's maybe been walking onto the farm, so we might have went through a ripple of time. And there was a slight disturbance for a minute, then we're back in the helicopters, and the whole thing we were still there. But there was that freaky moment at the beginning where everything seemed to waver, but sound went silent, and everything went... True, I don't know. I mean, it's just conjecture. Oh God, it's a valid point. It's already a reason we need to go ahead to your place right now. We have to do a role, sorry. He's still having a problem with going to his farm. I mean, that's Katie. Obviously a fall back here. I mean, that's a perfectly valid thing. The problem I have with this is, if she brought us here, one last question. Is it something you can actively choose to do? And can't you just send us home? No, to both. Okay, thank you. I was trying to figure out what your name is like. I just want to go to some place and recoup and heal and get better. And then I want to go to Italy and I want to kill a vampire. You wanted to do a round of rolls, Scott? Please. You're cool. Right, I've got a dice pull. I'm using my meditative mind so I can ignore my injuries right now. Okay. I can do that instantly based on the nature of this place. Oh my gosh, yeah. I have a total of six dice. Go ahead. Roll six dice. You sure? Yeah, sure. We'll give him like first since it was his idea and then we'll go. I have two successes. From those two successes, you are able to recall in several tones and volumes when you were doing your research. Ripples in time, moving through time, it's considered an extremely rare and powerful type of force. People aren't just walking around, flicking out their time machine, capsule and popping a pill and traveling back in time. It is almost unheard of, it's usually a legendary type of power or, well, for you, you're researching because it was kind or specific. It was artifact related. Well, that's where I was going to go. Very rare. I was going to suggest for two successes, I would say, that it is possible. And you know it's incredibly rare. I would also say that it's probably not something that one person would have the power. Usually it's a ritual or an artifact that has power. That would be something that would seemingly be, I can get on board with that. Right, because when I'm hearing so far and the conversation that Jay is having with Grace is, I feel like Grace is being prevented from saying certain things. Now, whether that's a time paradox that is forcing her to do it because she can't or she won't. And right now, I'm not sure if she's with us against us or just a confused kid with a tremendous amount of power that we haven't encountered before. I think it's also possible that something happened to her and her dad brought her here and locked her down for a reason. And he may have kept her in the dark about what happened to her and what she could do. She was dead. We found out that she had died. Years. And that's why he quit. Years. I also would like to hear more from the doctor. Because I'm fine with speaking to him. But I really think it's fine. Recoup rating is going to give us all a better chance to think clearly, do something. But Jay's the boss and Jay's point is well taken that we keep on finding ourselves out of plankton in bad positions because we're not scoping or recounting properly. I'm not going to set up tents in the woods here. Well, we're just going to go off with someone who apparently pulled up. What's the point was, if she can do this at will, then she turns us back and we go back two days earlier. And there aren't any police waiting for us. So that's the whole point of the question. Why rush off to a hotel if we've got something that brought us here? Can't they take us back? I don't know because I don't understand what brought us here. Some of us might not want to go back. Then you can stay here. I personally don't want to live in the thirties. Thirties. It's better. I don't want to roll for a call because, well, my role isn't going to be true. But anybody who's better at it feel free. I don't add the knowledge. I'm not talking to my better because otherwise I roll. The Aegis Kaidura specifically is a long lived conspiracy. So I just thought we might have some... No, no. Are you sure it's not the whole Aegis Kaidura thing right in the middle of these two people you don't know? Talking about... Are we speaking out again? I'm just asking if you were metagaming or whether you were talking as your character? We were at the... Well, to be fair then I was talking to Jay in a whispers. No, no. That's legitimate. I mean, I didn't think I was metagaming but I was talking to Jay and if I... You're careful. I would have muttered... I would have said Aegis Kaidura because he knows. Does anybody else want to roll for Lauren? That's right. Is that the point? I can roll for... I would say make a... one second, real quick. I'd like Ethan to make perception roll for me. So first of all, I'm following this conversation as much as I can because I'm fucking fascinating and I have no idea what... Yeah, absolutely. Only five does. Two successes. Good enough. You heard that. I have two patients here who are... Stable but critical conditions. I'll be fine. Oh, have you checked on your nail? Yes. Yeah, I did. I had to be in shock. You're welcome. Me too. Time to roll. Doc? Not that I don't appreciate all the help you've given so far, but the sister could probably do more for them than me. You can't. Fuck it. They're not that bad, no. (laughter) More for who? Give her my last rounds. To be fair, she's the one that put us in this condition. It's only for other chief exes you. I could roll in regards to those time spirits because I still have a special day in spirits, but I don't roll as many dice as he does with his meditative mind. You're welcome. You're welcome. You're welcome to roll. I did. You only found out they're bomb but they're weak too. I don't know. There isn't... There isn't... I don't want to roll this because I don't like where everybody rolls and someone gets lucky when they really shouldn't know shit. I've only got like two dice and I could. And then I could get incredibly lucky, but that would be bullshit. Well, I don't think someone else especially should do it. Well, even on a success, it might just turn out that there's nothing to do with the time spirit. No, I have three dots and a call that can help anybody. And you're triple injured so you're rolling. Oh, you should be healing people with your magic glue. I can't deal. I can't heal anybody until I heal myself. So that's why I keep saying I want to go somewhere and rest and get better for it. Crazy. Alright. I have four wits. You need some ice, Jim. A total of... Two are called and a specialty in spirits. Okay, how many dice? Seven minus three. So a total of four. Okay, go ahead. Whoo! Nothing! You have no idea. So I heard doctoring was going to happen. Alright, Doc, do you want to explain your shock to us? Like, can you tell us any information about how you knew we were here? Alright. Let me guess. You can't tell me. I can't tell you that. Yeah, I assume that was going to be the fucking answer. Can you tell me why you can't tell me? Because I don't get this. I can't tell you. Is it that I can't tell you or is it that I don't know? It's the I don't know. Thank you. I don't really know why. It was more of a feeling and I questioned myself several times. What am I doing the hell out here in the middle of nowhere? By the way, what the hell were you guys doing out here in the middle of nowhere? Where we come from, this is a busy street. The short story is, as we got in this shit, we were leaving and then we crashed the car and here we are. We? It's not the crash you got. What are you doing with the pocket wash? I would imagine this is it. Holding it. Holding it. She's collecting its hair. Yeah, I like how. I'm describing only you protecting it. No, not protecting it. Well, that guy tried to take it. I didn't try to take it, I tried to take a look at it. Was I allowed to look at it or did I not? No, she did. She dangled it in front of your face, I think, that's about it. I thought you'd see it. Did you ask to? Right. Can I do my relic analyst to look at? No, you'd have to actually learn. I have to touch and inspect it. When she does that, I go ahead and I touch it. If you know kind of such a personal space. Nope. No, no, no, I'm not tonight. I just want to go home. Your father didn't teach you that? All right. You were able to touch it and it feels like a steel pocket. Watch to you in your brief touch of it. It doesn't, you know, feel any ripple of time or any weird sensation. I mean, it's a great thought process, but you don't feel anything. Obviously one of my powers is the thing. Oh, okay, I'm sorry. I'm using psychometry on it. Do you just need to touch it for three seconds? It doesn't say three seconds. It means one turn is an instant action. It says by holding an object in his hand, an agent can both understand an object's form and function. Is it an instant action? What's a time frame on that? Is it instant? Okay. So I'll have to make a roll here. Yes. To answer your question, Doctor, the reason we're here is that a few of us have abilities to do things that are rather extraordinary. I believe one of us has ability to travel through time and have dragged us here. You seem to have some ability to sense events are probably the best explanation for it. That you're required here because some time event was going to occur? Well, that's what brought us here. I think it's called Serendipity, Doctor. That's a little different. Jay? Yes, ma'am. You mentioned powers. Since you all think you know mine, do I get to know what you guys can do? I have a gun. A truck with spirits. Wait, wait, wait. Up here? We dance. I'm not super concerned with secrets. I don't have one. I have a gun. So, the should I do gets real obvious? Do you have any practitioner? Well, you don't know, but the gentleman who talks with a Haitian accent in his dark skin says that he trucks with spirits. That's my exact one. Yes. He trucks with spirits. I can't speak for the willingness of my squad to share their powers. But I am a member of a conspiracy called the Ascended Ones. And we believe that God is on our side and wishes us to do good things in life, to help fight the good fight. And he gives us powers to do that. So I can do some unusual things. For instance, to see things that are supernatural, to heal myself beyond the normal way of healing. Different powers of that nature. I don't know about the rest of my party if they're willing to share it now. Because in truth, we come from very diverse backgrounds. And some of us are a little less willing. Boss, I think we're being way too forthcoming with her. There's too many unknowns here, and before we start talking about stuff, I think it's unwise to start just spotting up and stuff. Well, I think trusts two-way street. So I'm going to lay my roads. I'm a member of Task Force Valkyrie. Well, I was. Who went again today? They banned us from Cleveland after the agents disappeared. But I wanted more answers than that, so I joined this group. I did believe there was a mole that caused those agents to disappear. And we're supposed to investigate those allegations, and possibly find them off the books. That's what Task Force sirens all about. I was surprised when Task Force Valkyrie showed up at your house at all. They were banned from there. I would have still been with them if I had known. But I didn't know they had accompanied the vampires. They taught me how to hunt them. If I have any powers, it's only what remnants of weapons I took from them when I left. Task Force Valkyrie showed up to my house. That's what started the fires. You may have heard a helicopter. Something definitely happened. They dragged you out of the storm cell. I don't remember the chronology of it. She didn't see one. The helicopter was going by the time you rescued her. Okay. She might have heard it though. It was kind of like it was like you were a character or not, and whether you wanted to... It shot rocket pods into a building. That's different. That was the question. The interesting task force showed it to my house. No. No. These were the members who were banned to look for the missing members. I don't know why they were suddenly there. They really didn't expect to see them. There was members of Task Force Valkyrie that disappeared. They sent members. They disappeared. They sent more members. They disappeared until finally the number was 12. And Valkyrie was outlawed to come to Cleveland. Stop it. You've got a mole in your organization. Somebody's selling you out. Something's going wrong here. Let's get all these different groups that have nothing to do with Task Force Valkyrie. Go in there and solve the problem. That's where we came in. That's what I explained to you earlier. That's who we're looking for is the 12 previous members. Now, a squad of Valkyrie possibly acting outside of their orders of what they were allowed to do led by a vampire which is highly unusual showed up and started killing everyone on your farm apparently looking for you because they kept saying we want the girl. We didn't even know what the hell they were talking about. We were simply wanting to talk to your father and we were doing our best to save everyone and stop this assuming that the Task Force Valkyrie members that were there were operating outside the normal parameters quite possibly working for the mole because why else would they be there? Why did you want to talk to my father? We were sent to talk to your father by two different people. One of them we were given a league by a computer hacker that said you got to talk to the sky. He knows what's going on. The other one was a leak that was given to Daniel saying that Task Force Valkyrie was going there because they wanted to get to your father as well. What we found out when we got to a farm was that they were really after you. We wanted to talk to your father about what happened if you, what happened to these missing agents and what was going down with why people were disappearing in the city, why the agents were disappearing because he might have had a good lead or a good reason to know what was happening to him. Regardless of the body count that's behind us we're just trying to help people and save them. At this point the little boy who got rescued was maybe around 80 or so and his little sister six and you know from the barns dad you know with somebody's daughter that you certainly had some kind of relationship with at some point looks up you and says the big man saved us from a fire. He came into a barn and he took us out of a fire and he saved us. He's pointing towards Daniel and mom and dad turned into bad things and tried to hurt us and he saved us. Daniel is seven feet tall. There's no, there's no other big guy around. If there's a big guy. I think they were killed, the child's parents and on the farm anybody who was killed were coming back as living dad, shambling, zombie. It was an argument. They were dead before we even got them. They saw them more. It was like a suicide thing. They drank the Kool-Aid. It wasn't Kool-Aid, it wasn't bath salts. We had some of that though. They stuff that they used. Oh yeah, I collected the food. Are you part of an organization? It's you the sample. Do you have any backing of any kind? Or that you're willing to part? What the devil is a helicopter. It's a kind of vehicle. It's a whirly bird. Is that what they call them? There's flying machines, are there not? You have aircraft. It's a type of aircraft. There you go. But it can hover. And then position. Can we jump in the truck and go someplace and deal? One thing that she mentioned is when you were at the farmstead and when you were escaping the farmstead, remember it was a hot, sweltering, Cleveland got it a bit more than the hottest summers on record. That has changed. It's a pleasant, cool, seemingly July evening because you guys compared dates before it. So things definitely changed. It's not a sweltering and horrible. But obviously everyone's bandage and not everyone, but many of you are bandage and quality. Doctor, I believe if you had dispersed the clothing now, we will probably be changing. I just wonder if I get a reading from this watch at all. Close do that. How many does? I'm rolling five. Five. Three is surprisingly now. I'm beat up, but now it's to the point. I'm probably the healthiest. That's not Jay. Jay never got a touch. I did. I'm down three. I have five. I have three games. Yes, you would be. I thought. It was a sniper dole going on and I got pinged, but flush one. Yes, so I'm rolling five dice. Go ahead. Is this a different scene? No. This is a different scene. It's a different scene. Okay. I have one left, so I guess I'll risk it. I used three additional and nine again. I'm rolling eight dice. Wow. So two rerolls. So three so far. Three successes. So what does three successes get you three bits of information? The agent understands what the object is and when it was last used for its intended purpose. Storytellers should furnish any relevant details which may provide a plus to bonus to later investigation roles. I'll give you three bits of information, so I like that better. Okay. I'm going to excuse myself at the table for a second with Rachel and I'll get right back to you guys. Goodness. Sue, is this something that you'd like to do? Are you going to share information with the group or is this something that you would like to know in private and then you can decide what you want to do if you don't want to recall? I absolutely want to share it with my school. No, I think what you're saying is do you blurt it out immediately or do you get the information? Well, it depends on the information. Exactly. I prefer to be talking private and then you reveal to them what you think. As an aside, guys, we're in 1938 and everybody sounds like, you know, why are we here? We're in 1935. Okay, a little, a little metagame. I'm sorry. Just say that. Wall Street crash happened in 1929. Six years ago. You were still in the middle of the Great Depression. Wow. Hitler was the fierrer in 1934 last year. The idea was elected for the first time in 1932. Three years ago. Portion ended in 1933. Two years ago. As everyone is talking, some people are sharing information with Grace. Some people are talking amongst themselves. Michael Clay had asked to see the timepiece. She had held it up forward and up for you to gaze at, but wasn't going to hand it over to you. At that moment, Chu reached out and held onto the timepiece. That pulling out of her hand, just holding onto it to look at it a little bit more closely. And one starts trickling down his nose into his mouth as he wipes it off and kind of steps back, staggers back a bit. And, Chu, if you want to say anything, you can't at this point. To be clear, though, we've seen that before. Yes. Oh, that's normal. I mean, you've done that before and it has caused nosebleeds specifically. Yeah, but I think it's about an hour ago. We didn't want that yet. You had to be trained and prepared to deal with artifacts. Can you touch them? I will. A few less, but not five. I don't know. I just want to examine it. I just want to look at it. All right. Are you okay? Yeah, I'll be all right. What do you reckon? I'm going to tell me about these things. I'm just going to look at it a little bit. I'm still trying to recover from... Okay. Yeah. If he looks, he turns a bit pale and looks kind of lost into himself for a little bit. Like, he's a thousand yards there. He's not really there. But again, this is something you've seen before. You know, he needs a little bit of time, basically, just to react to the moment and take it all in. In the meanwhile, I start with the doctors consent handing out the bags. Yeah, please make your selections. Miss Bell, you can go around the other side of the truck and try these on. Do you have something in huge? There's something inside the white side? Oh, yes. A hundred. Oh. I don't know if you can show us here. Come downtown, please. Yeah. I get one choice. Is there enough room in these bags to store our equipment, like guns and dismantled sniper rifles and such? Yeah, I mean, it's a knapsack, basically, and that's relatively sizable on that. So you can probably fit everything you have on your persons within that bag. But anything extra like laptops or anything like major equipment-wise, I would say, not so much. We're not leaving that behind. Can I suggest that I brought an extra? I mean, if not sure what I'm doing there, I'm like... Steamer trunk. Assume that there is a steamer trunk in the back of the flatbed. There's some straps and back, kind of like a moving van type thing where you can actually strap things off and cure it and there's a steamer trunk back there that's in larger pieces of equipment you can go into, like the computers or laptops you might run along with you. And anything we strip from the car, like an inappropriate radio? I also want to warn you, just our weapons are all anachronistic. And Jay would know this better than certainly I would. Is ammo going to be a concern for some of these weapons? You're not going to be able to be resupplied by your weekly shipments. Yes, I know that, but for instance, it was a Glock that is 9mm, is 9mm bolts available in 1935? And the same type of bullets got fit in working. Yeah, 9mm was readily available, but it might be slightly different. It might cost more prone to come jamming. You're quite made with the exact same precision? Are you okay? No. You actually asked if he's okay? Yeah. You actually were nice. She's concerned. Yeah. Do you need any assistance? But no, I'll be fine. When I have the time, I want to talk to Jay alone. It's a regular. Just kind of whisper to me. No, no, not over there. It just does happen. Not around everyone else when I had the opportunity. 9mm should definitely be the most readily available. 45, 35, 35. Yeah, I have to do some research. If they tell. We didn't even use that. I'm a 50K sniper rifle. It's got limited ammo. It's got very limited ammo. But I'd have to do some research, you see. I would just guess that 9mm might be in use somewhere, but not here. It was more a European thing. Yeah. That's not like a Luger. Well, I do get research. That's fine. Right. 1902 was invented 9mm parabellum. Yeah, but I think it was a European thing rather than America. It was. It was German. We were stopping up on him. Okay. Nothing we could know. Does Ethan have a habit? Jay Mike. I don't. Jay Mike know that he's very good at military stuff. I'm not. Sister Katie. Ethan, did your divine thing that told you to come here and tell you to bring a nun habit along with you? There was nothing divine about it. No. What, nun habitry in the 38's be any different than a nun habitry? Yeah. Yeah. You're going to have them for a big trade. I took them. You're going to have the full wimple and everything. Yeah. You're going to look like the flying nun. You're going to be peering out through a little box. So you have it, but you do not. It's not. It's not. It's time appropriate, right? Period appropriate. So Jay and you go ahead and have your conversation, which I'm assuming we can all just met again here at this point. Tell me we don't hear it. Right. Yeah. The one I want to hear about when I tell them. So I got a good reading on that watch. The watch made in France in 1917, and it was used about 15 minutes ago. On his purpose is time travel. When you say so. And I'm pretty sure of that. By the way, just as a part of my training and experience, I might have a chance to figure out how to operate that relic. If I can get my hands on it. But he doesn't know that yet, because he was talking to Jay quiet. Oh, I thought you said that was for everyone to hear. No. I'm sorry, I take that back. Pretend like they don't hear it because we're not going to met again, sorry. Unless Jay shares it with us. Sorry. I just wanted to share with Jay first, and I would probably tell you, since you've been in your affinity with relics. Okay. I appreciate that. I would just confirm some of the things that I was guessing, but yes. Well, they're discussing the stuff I'm stripping the car out of parts. Okay. Daniel? Yeah. How about the kids up into the back of the flatbed? I don't know how much room's in the front of this car. Okay. We're all in the back. Two in the front. With the driver, total of three. Okay. It's like a back seat. Back seat. Right. Okay then. I'm packing it up. I'll pull out the radio. I have experience. Okay. So you're basically vandalizing the truck as best you can to take away any end-critic or archaic looking items that would be very confusing to. He has locks on it. So, yes. We'll do on that. And anything we can salvage and use to- The car battery is probably more advanced than any other. It's a car battery in the cigarette lighter. The two things that we can use to jerry-rig into a battery that's in a car now. But again, there's an electrical fire. Sure. Charger. If I'm just going to put it out. Actually, the automatic drive alone is probably in the front wheel drive. You can see a fucking spaceship crash here. So, I'm just saying. Yeah, I don't want to spend too much time trying to bury every single sign that would work from the future, but- Sure. To a task force falcarygus. I'm going to say about a half hour passes while you change in various places of concealment so that everyone has their privacy. And then pack up everything that is necessary. Mm-hmm. And then also have any conversations that you might want to have. If UJ is the leader of the task force, are you signing off on following this strange British gent to Cleveland? Is it time to leave this site, or are you not quite ready to- Are all your questions not answered yet, or do you have more than you want to do? No, I just want to ask. I'm assuming my go-to is still true. I've heard you mention that Grace can tell if someone's lying without needing to roll, but that's from metagaming sense. Correct. I have no, as J, I have no reason to know that or believe it. I think she might have said once to you in the previous conversation that you can't lie to me, I'll be able to tell. She said the annual, so I mean, that could just be a dumb girl's bravado from your standpoint, or you can think, well, she's got some supernatural mojo going on, so maybe that's one of the things she can do. You know, make your determination on what you think about it, but you've heard her say to Daniel, "No, I know if you're fine." That's what I was asking if I knew that that was said. Yes. What I'm going to do is ask her, since it seems to be a special talent, of yours to determine whether people are lying or not, what is your take on the doctor? Should we trust him? My inclination is that we should, however, why don't we ask him? So I asked the doctor, "Are you someone that we can trust?" Is there any reason we should believe you in saying what you're saying? I'm trying to get a backup here, because I'm not sure how much I actually do trust her, but I don't want her to know that. Well, she's been my go-to man for a long, long time when it's dealt with social, and people are trying to sneak stuff by me. I'm trying not to let you see it, but typically one of those attributes... Trust me, I know this one. You probably do. Yes, absolutely. So, which plus substitute is? That's three. Okay, so three dice for your skill, three dice for your wits. Three dice for this, yeah. And then one dice for your specialty. Okay, so you may answer any way you see fit? Well, I think trust deserves, sir. I have no reason to lie to you. I can't have them off for a while, but I give you the same story. I'm not sure why I'm here, but I think it could be helpful, and that's what I'm trying to do. Okay, go ahead and roll your dice. Any successes? You need an 8, 9, 4, and 0. No, not any successes. Really, and seven dice. I'm interested. But I did glass at shoe for backup. So, what this means, yeah, he's on roll too, and watch his reactions. What this means for you, though, Rachel, is that your character is uncertain. You don't really know if you fail, you know, because you can't really stand up, you're like, you couldn't get a good read on it, maybe because he had an odd for so long? Yeah. That it was just like... Also, I would have asked a more direct question. Right. I think our leading us into some sort of trap. She can do that in a second round. Yeah, that's fine. That's my knowledge. To go ahead and make your roll on the first detective lies, it would be septorfuge plus wits. Subterfuge. Bottom, social. It would be telling lies. Empathy would be detecting lies. Right? So, I'm sorry, to empathy plus it wits. One other reason why that is I have the specialization of the technical lies. Sure. Go ahead and make your roll mine significant, yeah. It's not because you're telling the truth in normal money. Yeah. If I was trying to be tedious, I would, but I think at this point, I'm going to trust everyone's meta-giving sense. They still might trust you in that much. Do you want me, guys? I'm rolling nine dice. Five. That's a pretty good opinion. That's what you do. Exceptional success. Exceptional success. Five successes, no pentagens? No pentagens in it. Okay. So, too, obviously, you feel beyond a shadow without this man's tongue of truth. I give Jay the thumbs up. Okay. I try not to let Grace know that was looking too precious. Right. So, you ask your second question at this point, because you don't know what happened between two and him. Are you leading us into a trap? Left my knowledge. Go ahead and roll your dice. Seven dice again. You have three successes. Nine. Two tens. And you get to roll the two tens again. Nine. Nine. Nine. Five successes. And Grace, you feel absolutely certain that he's here helping and isn't sure why he's here and just like you seems like a good enough British chair. Scott, before we jump in the truck, I'm thinking my dog, Angua, over to the little kids. This is a nice dog. She's not going to hurt you. She's friendly to see how she reacts to the kids. And now I'm going to take her over to introduce her to Grace and see if there's any different reaction. Okay. Okay. Okay. Grace was going to report back to... Okay. Because that's what he used to do. Yeah. I would have not attended. Like, it's okay. Okay. So we allow the sister to have her time to do that, but we also, if you can ride in the cab with him? I don't mind riding with him. We want those two together, so you're in the front cab with... Yes I do. Well, she decided to leave... Yeah. She's done. Yeah. She took me while I was down the road. She decides to leave. Somehow I think we're all going. Oh. Okay. Sister Katie, you have animal kin. Yes. And wits. What does that combine? Minus any injuries you have in your final three boxes? My animal kin is four with the specialty in dogs. So I'll let them... Yeah. Yeah. And wits you said is two. Okay. So seven dice. Do you have any injuries still? I still have minus three for me. Okay. So you're down to four. You was trying to read the dog? Yeah. Try to read the children. I'm trying to read the reactions of the dog to see if it's nervous or upset or injuries. Do you have any reactions to the dogs? No, no, no. I'm not looking at... I imagine the dog to the cats. That's what I wanted to make sure. Yeah. Because you're really bad with people. So I was going to give you a minus if you were looking at the people for a reaction in addition to the dog. No, I think what he's saying is that you ever see how a dog reacts to a bad person by growling at them. Like a woman. You know those postmen, they're all bad people. But you have a real good one. Right. You have a real good one. That's a good one. Can't have a real dice, please. Actually, I'm going to roll for you and sister Katie. You got it. Just to keep the mystery up. Okay, so the dog, you lead your dog. It's somewhat moving. It's a little bit banged up, but it's always glad to follow you and listen to your command. Everyone did both. And it's people, too, and I'm trying to get her... Right. Yeah. Sniffs the kids up and down. There's obviously a lot of farm smells on the children, so it's exciting new smells. And so the dog seems to react to the children in a positive light. And then you take the dog over to Grace. And there's definitely a difference in the way that your dog reacts to Grace. However, it's not out now, growl or that it goes off. Or, I mean, there's a little bit of hesitation, a little bit of tentiveness. There's a couple of sniffs. And then it seems like the dog wants to back away. And you keep encouraging her. And so she goes in for another sniff and then decided to be back away. So there's not the same up and down the leg sniff that she gave the kids who obviously had smells of chicken. She's basically the one I'm done to do with her. Again, not weird or angry, just like uncertainty. Right. That's the notion. Okay. I'm looking for a big place to call it a night. So what we'll do is we'll say that you're all getting into Ethan and Grace are in a cab. Is anyone else in the cab? Let me just say we should cover story for you guys. I see you're an integrated crew. We should discuss where you came from. It is, in 1934. What the hell does that mean? That means this is uh... A wide variety of races. I would suggest you're from Canada, say Quebec. I could be an Eskimo, I guess. Jesus. Is that what you want? Yeah, you've got a hard time. I'm just saying. You have to come from somewhere, right? Well, there you have it. You know this town better than I do so. We'll go with you. It won't stand up to scrutiny, but it's... Oh, to be clear, Jay, it's not carrying any weapons. They're all in the bag. I thought about it, but I was like, I'm not the good at hiding weapons. And that could be the dumbest thing he could do right here. Right. Okay, so is anyone in the cab besides Grace and Ethan the two newcomers? Does it seat three people? Yeah. No. Grace and Ethan are in the cab. Okay. The leader is focused. So everyone else is... I mean, this thing doesn't move. There's no highways. There's something blazing down the road. So you're basically taking back roads back into Cleveland. Frog, sugar, and so it's very bumpy, very uncomfortable ride. Certainly afford you the privacy. Yes. We have a discussion as we're traveling into town. Okay. That discussion was already recorded while you were out of the road. Right. She's not forthcoming and she's kind of dancing around something. I don't trust her at all. But that's my point. It just seems like as soon as she says something everyone's rushing to explain. Point me. It was me and John. John has no secrets and montages. I can't tell it all the things I can do. I only mentioned the ones that heal myself, please. That's not offensive in any way. Right. And whenever you say do, I want to follow your lead. I'm just saying we've got a guest where we'll put a room after each one of our friends. And I keep on thinking about this. Plus, wasn't she dead or something brought back to life by something supposedly? There's a lot of questions here. Yeah. She's not a... She's not a J. I didn't mention to you with her yet. You know, once I get better, I can take a better look at what she is. Okay. She's a witch. Hey, I believe she's our right home. Well, there is a B. We had at least two things pointing towards this farm as being important to our investigation. I agree. And at the farm, one of those two things, which was the squad showing up there, was looking specifically for her. So, of those two things that pointed us here, one of us was saying the thing that was worth being here for was her. And we don't really have the option to get him, except now. I don't think he's a lie. No, no, no. He's not alive now. If he's middle-aged in 2014. Why didn't he be born now? First, my memory. She was possessed by three time spirits now she isn't. I'm thinking there's some residual time shit going on. I couldn't tell. Okay. How many time spirits can people host? Well, I guess one. Is there a hard cap of three? Yes. I'll pass her on future. Come on. Right. Let me tell you, safely, one. I don't mind meeting anyone else as dangerous. I'm more than happy to meet people halfway. I just don't think he's taking a step towards going halfway. Yes. Obviously, she doesn't trust us. And that's understandable, too, because of the situation. I did my best for that. Yeah. I gave her a gun. But I think we do need some rest. I mean, I think we're all at the end of the rope. Yeah. Well, we've been through them so far. I was at the end of the rope. Those two up from? This. And else in the bag? One of the things too, guys. He's got to be able to drive better than the sister. You guys? Yeah. But let me shoot you all. Have people screaming in the bag. Put you in a piece of crap vehicle and try to run away from the cops. I'll still dot the eye from 1,000 yards. That's what you do best. I understand your concerns. And if you want to keep what you have, I respect that and have no problem. I'm just saying I think we should just play a little bit closer to the vest until we get a few more answers. I'm not giving her all day. I don't think we should leave her alone. We'll just say that you've traveled the back roads. And from Cleveland to Shagrin in 1935 is probably a good hour to an hour and a half in a 35 Ford flatbed. And as you make your way, eventually, there's a corner that you round or a turn that you round. And you can see the skyline of 1935, Cleveland. And that's where all conversation stops. For the seven of you in the back and two of you in the cab, everyone stops literally in the tracks of what they're saying. With the exception of Ethan, who's merrily chatting away with his British accent and telling you all about whatever it is that you have me talking to Grace about at that time. But what you see is a skyline. There's a terminal tower. You know that, for sure. There's about six other skyscrapers that are as tall, if not taller, than a terminal tower. The city is literally glowing with light. If you come around a turn closing in on the flats, there is a stadium mid-construction nowhere close to the light front. It is without a doubt, Cleveland. But Cleveland, as you've never seen it before. Thank you for listening tonight's of the night's actual play podcast. If you'd like to send us questions, comments, or feedback, you can reach us in a number of ways. From Twitter @KOTN_podcast or by email And don't forget the iTunes reviews or our Facebook page, Speaking of Facebook, join like-minded folks at our Facebook fan page. And lastly, there's our blog page,, where there's an Amazon link on the right-hand side. Thanks to Zen Audio Smith for the intro and outro music. Get your own music at And join us next week for more mystery and adventure. I am Jim playing Katie O'Connor. Rachel playing Grace Rockland or Silver Bell. An apathetic teenager who doesn't want to be here. No one wants to be here. I'm so happy. Clearly. God, I hate that. That's awesome. Rachel, learn what happens when you say, "I don't care." Okay, you do care now. I know it's going to be that bad. Right? Well, where do you want to go for a dinner? I don't care. There's something Crosby. I swear to God. It's been Crosby. I thought it was being Crosby as well. No, it's not. It's not. It's so happy. Well, from the far away with a few beers and the other guys. Yeah, I can see you. It's from a 1934 movie. I actually recognized the name Leslie something, but it's one of the things I've ever known. What does it do? It can't. Yeah. It's a dude. It's a dude. All right. Spot on. I'm investigating. Spot on. I figured I'd shit it out. That's wrong. There's the Ford flat. You made it crack to start your color. How does it make you a color picture? I know. If you notice, you look around. There's no color back in the '30 guys. Yeah, they were in yours. Why can't I say they're watercolor? Are we in black and white right now? Yes, we are. Well, I am. Oh, man. So what color's a truck? Ice joke. It's red. Like a rusty reddish brown. I'm going to say that's it. Oh, there's something else in the stream. Mark now. It's for Tony's company. This year. Excuse me. It's brand new. It's brand new. It's a trim truck. Try a new term truck. And try another approach. You're grounded. You're grounded. Go on your fucking room. In the future. Where else was you? Yeah. Back in the… Ouch. The 14. The 14. Oh, you have a 16. It's actually 2011. 2011. Fucking hell. Is Obama in office? I can't remember. Yes. Okay. Then I'm going back there. You wouldn't have otherwise. Tails time. He mocks about it. Hacks about it. Hacks about it. Hacks about it. Hacks about it. I don't know. I haven't seen him truck with any spirits yet since I've seen him. We haven't had a lot of time to mess around with fucking original. It's been car crashes and bullets since I arrived. Did you look up the weather report for 1935? Almanac. Farmers. Farmers. After pulling his mother, there's mosquitoes out here. Which is an exceptional disaster. It is? No. Oh, I said nine again and three deaths. Everything but that's something to do. If God asks you if you have any. Yes. Say yes. And then one of the fans will tell us wrong. Yeah. Again. Please. I was half thinking about something in regards to that. I remember how horrible I was. It says you had to tell me everything. Yeah. I'll get to go. Got it. Yeah. Did you? Well, you touched the watch. You got it. Oh, Mary. Your dog. Your dog. As long as that. Did you orbit a little ridge? They're going to take the light this time. Yeah. I don't want them. Are they confused? Is he telling the truth? And what is he doing? Good job. It's working well. Yeah. Thank you. He can't know whether he wants us to know unless he knows how to do this. If this ever comes down to a point where everybody's like do you want to jump through the portal and go back or do you want to stay? She would want to stay, go to Italy and hunt down the vampire dead. Thanks for your attention. Sure. No. Septifuge is being able to detect lives. No, actually, he's right. If a subject is actively conceals his emotions or motives, make a contested role versus the person's wits plus subderfuge and you're using your empathy plus wits. That's something I want to mention too. You can switch them if you need to. Like, switch your points around because that's what you're going for. In editing, what I noticed is you allowed her to roll to see if she got a reaction from looking at a picture that Daniel offered to her. Right. When she rolled one success and you said you succeeded, what it really should have been in his contest to see if he was more astute in his perception. She got one success of playing here. Yeah, that's good. You know, it worked either way. Yeah, but it's still good. Yeah, I would have think it would be a contested role. Yeah, it should have taken for her to conceal her emotions. Yeah. Good work for the story, so. So that's your question, Mr. Clay. So did they, like, fall down? I don't know. I don't know. That's what she never did at all. Huh. That's my favorite time shift, gravel through the retro. In fact, if you go back in time, it creates a separate timeline. That's what I was going to say earlier. You had to worry about your time shift. Nice job with the grandpa's back role playing the tension. Quite a long time. Daniel wouldn't have nothing about time.