Knights of the Night


1h 10m
Broadcast on:
16 Oct 2014
Audio Format:

Out of the frying pan.. I don't think we can even see the frying pan anymore. Something is different... very different.

[Intro Music] Hello, and welcome to Night to the Night Action Play podcast. This world of darkness story, sin-eater, was written and run by our star teller scott. And now, please enjoy episode 197, titled "No Signal" or "I Also Bleed". Actual play begins in 6 minutes, 51 seconds. [Intro Music] For feedback this week, we had one iTunes review from Motivative Know. We said, "Yeah, it's really that good to five stars." He said, "This has to be one of the best actual play podcasts I've ever listened to." I was really curious about new manure, and this one was recommended, so I checked it out. I ended up listening to pretty much the entire rest of the catalog based on how well it was edited and the compellingness of the play. The Dresden campaign was so much fun to listen to, and the additional music and sound effects added a lot to the overall feel. A lot of the times there are also great discussions, either in the feedback sections or in the reaction sections between the campaigns about the games or gaming in general, so there's tons of content here to dig into. Great stuff, can't wait to listen to more. Thanks for your feedback. An extra special thanks to whoever they'll recommend to us, because we appreciate whenever that happens. I know there's a couple new manure specific flums, and that we get recommended occasionally, and that's what he was looking for, so it's possible, okay, now. Is it true when it's said in the beginning that we have to be one of the best? We have to be. It is acquired by the contract I signed with iTunes. Oh, okay, I said, "You've got to be the best, or we'll drop you." Over on Facebook, we have General Post, Stephen Ryder said, "I saw this on CNN and I thought of you guys. It was a link about someone being killed by 8,000 bees that stung." What? The first adventure there was many. The first, a little dark of the story, shit luck. Revolved around bees. Paul Bennett also posted. Paul Bennett was the one who made a magnificent bastard, coming, and he said, "To Sir Scott, yes, that is how I meant it, the way you took it." And he said, "To Dame Rachel, I am English, and we use insults almost purely as endearments, and nicer the term of reference, the closer we are to violence." You did not believe that that was meant as a compliment. Okay, so he's explaining how and why it is. Over on our blog site, an anonymous user posted in there. We get a lot of those over there. Well, you have to fill it in specifically to say who you are, and you can say anything. Or nothing, which must be anonymous. Yeah. Who's going to take 20 seconds to fill that shit? I don't put any in there. I don't. He said, "Well, I guess, well, I could discuss the finer philosophical points of eclipse phase for hours, and have done so in the past, but I won't." Thank you. I would just affirm my recommendation that if you don't mind wrapping your head around technology and themes or the more traditional style of rules, you should give EP a good look at. I think the Knights might enjoy the strong focus on psychological, social, and existential. Existential. Existency. Existency. I like ecstasy. Let's focus on that one. Existential. No, existential. Existential. Existential. Existential. Existential. Existential. Existential. Existential. Existential. Not even all that is. Existential. That way he doesn't have to say it. I am not going to. Themes. Then, necessarily, the threats of physical violence. Since you guys mentioned Miss Directed Mark, I know that they recently did an interview with Ross Payton of the role-playing public radio and RPPR community member, Peter Nielsen, about the recent supplement boiling point they've both been working on. If you haven't already, you should also maybe take a look at a game for its interesting take on superheroes, a term which may be used loosely, genre, which is fake based. It might be good for one of your brief interlude campaigns. That's one genre I could never get into. I tried playing as superheroes in a role-playing game. I've played it in a con environment where it's a one-shot and it's not bad because you can be crazy and wild and you don't really give a shit one way or another. But to place something that was longer running and you had character growth, I don't know, it's just not in my taste. Well, the best character growth is always the weakest superhero. I can't highly address that when he gave his thing about horror campaigns and not that exactly, but he mentioned something about not playing a monster, not allowing a monster to be in your party or a vampire. Yeah, which was interesting. He didn't certainly maybe think of Roberto in our fate, but I think he's probably got the most interesting in the story of Marx, but there are exceptions, I believe. Thank you, Mr. Anonymous, who are a few are for the suggestions. Or Ms. Anonymous. It could be Ms. You're right. So, next time, leave your name. Okay. Now, someone else posted on the blog and actually did leave their name, Joe said hey. Joe, you know Joe. Hey, I've just recently found your dress and file games and it took me a few weeks to go through from neutral grounds to the speed of Roberto, which was actually a title of outside. Wasn't it wasn't a speed. I haven't listened to episodes 191 or 192 yet, but when you change the episode number position in the title, it threw off the order of the episodes on my iPhone. I'm sorry about that. This is one of the few AP podcasts that degrades drastically when I converted to dot M A R to cram it out on my phone. I don't even know what dot M A R format is, so I apologize for that. What kind of phone is that? I don't know. Cheer to vote. Is it a foreign brand or? It could be. And I don't know where Joe hails from, but he continues with there are some bronie listeners, by the way. And if anyone out there talking for a Dresden fix and a my little pony in the same place, check out our Dresden Phillies. There's some overlap in the fan base. If you're a fan of one, then check out the other. Thanks, Joe. I appreciate the feedback. And lastly, on Twitter, we had a few tweets from RPG gamer dad. We mentioned KOTN and myself a number of occasions. He also came out with a second episode RPG gamer dad number two. I believe it was actually titled the continuing adventures of Meteor Man. It's really cute to hear a five-year-old roleplay. So thank you for all the shout outs RPG gamer dad. Appreciate it. And I hope your podcast does well. With that, we're gonna say we haven't got any patreon. So I'm gonna have to post on that. We're so close to a t-shirt. Come on, guys. Just a few more. You could win a t-shirt. But think of Christmas and the Amazon link and all that stuff. We're still getting action there as well. So I appreciate everyone that's making an effort to help out the podcast. And with that, we'll get on with the adventure. This is the world of darkness story The Sineadur. I'm Scott, your storyteller. And with us tonight, starting on my right is Michael playing Ethan Clark. I'm Tom playing Jay Alton, the leader of this motley crew. I am Jim playing kiddio connor crazy nun driver person. Thomas playing Edgard Montes. I'm Mike playing Michael Clay, the academic adventurer and blood donor right now. Bob playing FBI Special Agent Chew Park. John playing Daniel Morgan, a mountain man turned mercenary or a sass watch. And Rachel playing Silver Bell or Grace Rockland. All right, so to paint a quick picture, when we left the story, Sister Katie had unfortunately lost control of the 2005 the Caroline van taking a tight curve. And it's tumbled end over end at least six times. As everyone inside the vehicle was absolutely thrashed about and did their best to survive the very dreadful accident. Eventually, the van came to a stop in a small ditch off to the side of the road on its roof, crumpled, smoking, a small fire burning on the outside of the vehicle. From what I recall, Daniel, you went first, had clamored through the vehicle and kicked open the rear doors of the vehicle. I'm not sure I'm quite challenging. I think you got to the back and got the doors open. Yes, I believe you had to kick them open though. Yeah, I did. I'm not sure if I dragged anyone out yet, but I don't think you have. I'm going to say you haven't, because that was enough for for one turn. Everyone else was kind of just either unconscious or moaning or in some type of situation where they were starting to react to it. I think, too, you had spoken over the shortwave to Jay, who was in the woods, you know, that happened. Well, I think you were checking in on the two children, if not mistaken. I was trying to protect my two children, but I was I was knocked unconscious and bleeding. Right. I believe Daniel, you you went first. And so we'll start with Daniel. Okay, Montez nearly died earlier. I'm sure he's covering glass now. Hey, they just kind of lay self in the two kids or in the back of the van. Okay, yes. I try to pick one of them up and pull them out while I put them over me so that they don't have to drag them across glass. Sure. You actually have a good rapport with the children, and I'm going to say you're actually able to do both. You you put one on your one shoulder, you scoop up the other in your in your left arm, and you clamor over the glass and twisted metal and make it out of the vehicle and are able then to deposit them into darkness. One thing, go ahead and make a quick perception role, please. Daniel, you're taking anything away? This is six dice. I'm going to take away three dice for the class of eyes. Well, just the haze that you're under. I mean, that was a lot of tumbling. You're still getting your bearings of the children are crying. There's a lot going on. So minus three dice. Fun success. You notice you kind of scan because if I'm not mistaken, when Katie made the one of the turns, she was going towards a metric park picnic area. So just imagine like a, you know, in a woodland area for those listeners who aren't in Cleveland and don't have an emerald necklace around their city. I'm sure they have picnic areas in their town. So they were, she was trying to, were you trying to pull into a picnic area? Not mistaken. Yeah, I was going to pull in there and cut the lights and hide and wait for the cop to go by. It was an enclosed park with only way in. When she turned in, Daniel, you remember in when the vehicle started twisting head over heels and started rolling, you recall light, whether it was the parking light lights from above the parking lot that she was trying to pull into or even from the picnic area, lights on the actual picnic pavilions themselves. Certainly not from our headlights. And you saw, yeah, you certainly saw the headlights going as well. What you see now is, what you, what you sense now, I guess more than anything else, is the feeling of being in the woods, but the lights seem to have gone out, as if by magic. How far away can I see? Is there a moon up? There's a moon, but it's a heavily forced area. If you recall, it was a pretty cloudy night from when you were investigating the farmstead. It's dark. Okay. Darker than you expected when you walked out. Like it catches your attention like, what the hell? Where are the lights? Uh-huh. Yeah. You rolled into the woods, but then you rolled that farm. I reached for the rifle. Which is where? It's somewhere in the car. You can't. For at the second, because you picked up the children, walked into the glass, and set them down, and noticed and looked around. So that's about all you can accomplish in those three seconds. Okay. That takes us to the next person in the language. I believe, I want to say it was Jay. It's time to discriminate, because that's so important. Okay. Sure. No worries. Let's just go around the table. If there's really no reason to have, and I mean, not that there's not going to be combat, but let's just go around the table. I believe, let's go and shoot next. Sister Katie is, is unconscious? Yeah. I would say that I, I'm just recovering from being like temporary knocked out from being rolled around, like I'm dazed, that these looking at me and asking that would make sense. Okay. Works for me. Do I hear sirens at all in the background? You would actually have to stop and listen. You want that to be your action for the turn. Otherwise, it would be a role as a passive awareness. But if you're going to really focus in and say, is the policeman still chasing us, that's a whole different story. Approximately, how far are we off the road right now? I've got to imagine you're a little bit disoriented because of rolling six times in the van. Right. But it's not a wide section that you turn onto. It was a tight turn that you was trying to turn into. And you rolled at least six times. You clip bushes and small trees. So you're probably think maybe a good 20, 30, 50 feet into the woods. Do I have to say? Do I think that someone would be able to see a vehicle from the road? So you're thinking, yeah, because your vehicle's putting out light. I'm going to reach over and I'm going to turn the key to show off the vehicle and turn off the lights. I have to do that in my turn. It's going to be completely dark. Michael Clay? I'm unconscious. Conscious? Okay. Then Edgart? I also believe. Unconscious? So long conscious? Okay. Katie? If I am waking up. Yes. You're waking up in a lot of pain and you have some consciousness to you and your seat belted in. I'm assuming because you're... I had much faith in my ability to control this piece of crap van. Yes. Correct. Do I get anything back for my virtue of faith? For having that faith in my driving, which... When this scene is over, maybe? Right now you're not feeling so good about that decision, but maybe you will find a place to be happy about it when you get out. There was shit in your face. I am inquiring. How are the kids? How is everybody in the van? Then how are the animals? Just trying to get at anybody who can't answer me. I'm trying to unbuckle myself and make my way to them to give them the first aid. Okay. She's calling out the people. Sure. Two checks off. You probably hear a quick okay from Daniel outside the van. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I got the kids. Right. The kids don't answer. They're crying and upset. You don't hear anything on TV. You don't hear anything from play. Are you guys nearly both each other? They're the same spot. We were both in the back because we were already... Yeah. So I'm going to be unbuckling myself, you're writing myself, and making my way toward these two. But one of us was dragged up by Daniel? I'm going to say... I think the kids out first. Just one. I mean, you took both kids, but that's all he did. Not all. It was very heroic. You could unbelt yourself and kind of safely slump because you're, again, you're turned upside down. You have to kind of extricate yourself from the upside down position from what amounts to the ceiling. And you can land kind of unsteadily on your feet at that point. And that's the end of your turn. Grace, you heard him call out. Is everyone okay? You heard Daniel answering from outside? You heard she answer. You'd hear anyone else answer. What do you do? It's your turn. Did you reply, Grace, as to how well you're doing? Okay. Yeah, I replied. So I answered, but really quick, who all didn't answer? Michael Choy and Gary, my taste. I'm going to start to unbuckle myself from middle seat area. I believe you were in the middle. Chew and Sister Katie are in the front seats of the crumpled van, and Daniel was outside the van. And again, you're on the seat... The end response of people are on the ceiling of the bed at the back of the bed. Yes. Okay. Then I'm going to go check on them. Okay. And you safely lower yourself and you're not overly damaged, I remember correctly, so that you can clamor into the back area of the van, which is really the roof of the back area of the van. It's much easier because you don't have to climb over the seat anymore. Got that going for you. And you can see the fact that Michael Play and Edgard are both lying crumpled, looking for all your knowledge, death in the back of the van. Which isn't surprising after going through a van flipping six times. So you make your way back there. And I think between unbuckling, lowering yourself and moving in the back of the van, there's probably three seconds worth of actions. And that'll take us to Jay. You are in the woods, and if you recall, you were hunkered down and hiding. You were talking on the short wave to Chew. You had a cell phone that you were going to call Winston Tate, and you had a police vehicle that wasn't that far away off the side of the road with its light searching in your direction. No. That would be incorrect. Because I went deeper into the woods. I went back this way and I went across here. I'm back here. This guy's looking for me over here. Okay. I forgot that you'd cross the road. I thought you decided to stop and do something else in the end. Okay. So the scene isn't that much different in the sense that you're across the road, you're hunkered down. You can see the police light scanning for you where you used to be. You hear the van through your short wave go over, over, over, over. And you reach out and you're asking Chew if everything's okay. At that point, as if by magic, everything goes dark. The cop's light goes dark. The light's way in the distance of the Metro Park picnic area go dark. Even the general ambient light of the city of Chagrin coming up, like how the sky was lighter, it all goes black. What about ambient noise? ambient noise. You can still hear Chew through your short wave. You looked out your phone to call Tate and your phone says no signal. Even this satellite phone that's supposed to always have a signal. The satellite phone does not work. Gotcha. So what do you do now that you could not instant dial Tate, at least seemingly your, for some reason, whether it be magic or something happened and the lights all dimmed, the crickets picked up in intensity. This is a God given moment. I start moving towards my men. Okay. Moving down the road towards where the car was. Okay. Towards where the police car was. Pass the police car. I'm heading by where I believe they are crashed. Since I can't contact them, I'm moving, taking this opportunity to move because there's no way they're going to be able to spot me in this woods. Moving, double moving, running, or moving stealthily. I'm still trying to be quiet but not stealthily quiet. I'm moving through the woods as fast as I can because with limited light, I'm not going to injure myself. So I'm not being stealthy but I'm probably being decently quiet and moving as fast as I can. Okay. The normal light. But not stealth. Normal movement given the light, yes. Not trying to be particularly stealthy now. Okay. But you're not going after the road and running down the road. You're moving your way through bushes and trees. Okay. A full movement in that particular situation would put you about even with the police vehicle. Just so you know. That's fine. And go ahead and make a perception check, please. Actually, you know what? Tell me what your perception check is and I'll make the roll call all my dice. What's of two composure of three? So five. Five. And then I'll subtract some for the darkness. As you make your way up the road, you cannot see the police vehicle. Whether it's because of the all-encompassing darkness, which is making it very hard to move through the woods. If there's no ambient light, it's really difficult to move through a heavily wood area. And I say heavily, but you know what I'm saying? It moderately wooded area. Because it's the metro park. So it's not like you're walking through your backyard, but it's not. You're not in the deep, deep thick woods of West Virginia or something. So you're tripping constantly. You know, you're falling forward and catching yourself on, you know, a small tree trunk with a hand to just to write yourself instead of yourself. And you're basically moving your way somewhat noisily and not as expedient as it would be if you're on the road. But you think you're about where that hot car was, and it's not there. Or to be fair, you can almost not see across the street, so the rural road. So it is very difficult to see the difference to know whether it's you not being able to see it or whether it's really not there. So from where he's at, he doesn't see it. Yeah. Could he not hear the engine running or the radio chatter? Yeah, he hears nothing. If there's a question on whether or not I should be able to see the car, even in slight doubt, like I should be. Maybe. Is it? If there's even that, then I start moving closer to the road to get it better. He's right towards the end of your movement. Because traveling down the road would be much easier. And if that car is somehow managed to leave or it's not there, then I can definitely take to the road. All right. It takes us back to Daniel. Okay. So as a cloudy, I mean, can you see your hand in front of your face? Because barely. Once your eyes adjust, starlight is something, even if it's a moonless. Yeah, it's amazing. I'm thinking that because the lights just might be blind. Yeah, it's just a couple turns before it starts to, the eyes start to adjust and people start to die. I managed to grab my rifle by now and I tell the rest of you go back inside for your turn, then you grab your rifle and you tell the rest. There's something out the lights are gone. I turn the lights off in the van. Is that what you mean? No, look. The lights out the park. The cops even gone. Well, get rid of the quiet before the shit hit the fan that you're going to find. Farm dark. This is, this is farm dark. So I got the rifle and I'm back outside and I'm scanning for something. I don't even know what. Okay. Right. You're looking around. Chew. I'm going to go ahead and open the door. I think I still have my camera on me. I don't know if it's not damaged. I'm going to need a strength plus athletics to open the side door because it's been crunched pretty heavily. So if you could make a strength plus athletics role, please, push for two. Has to be awesome. Sure. You want some more? No. Five minutes. Here's the light. Two successes. Yes, you're able to put your shoulder into it and with a loud creak and some rustling of bushes, types of foliage, you push the door open just enough to allow yourself to exit the vehicle. I'm assuming that's my turn. If I'm going to try to locate my video camera, see if it's still functional. Where was your video camera? It's kind of like a handheld unit. So it would probably be on my person. I mean, I had it with me the entire day. It's somewhere in the van, but after the six rolls, it's nowhere in your room. Okay. It's probably destroyed. You were holding on to your cell phone because you were doing a map quest thing for Katie or Google Maps. So you still have it at phone. I'm going to throw it like it on the floor in front of me. So it's yeah, it's probably similar. Right. Exactly. I think with all that tumbling, I think it's just fair to say it's not readily available, but your phone is. Sure. All right. Okay. I'm going to give Jay an update to it if I can. Okay. I turn off the headlights for the van and we're just trying to get situated here. I don't think we have any casualties or any deaths. And we're at the gate. I whistle for my dog, tell her going to guard mode. I don't even look to see if she's here alive or moving. I just tell it going to guard mode and hope for the best. And I make my way to whoever I see first, okay. Back. So you kind of again, let's get across the glass and kind of holding yourself against either side of the wall as you're kind of unsteady in your wounded condition. And you make it to the back and the person closest to you is Michael play at guard is against one of the rear. Time enough to do first aid. You're doing a little bit last turn. So I'm going to say that yeah, you do a move and you could do an action. So if you want to try to do some first aid and apply some first aid to him, absolutely. Yeah, I'm going to do that. I'm going to try and stop on whatever the heck's bleeding from bleeding. I was at a dryer being tumbled over. So I would imagine I'm pretty beaten up over the worst of the injuries and just trying to get him stabilized. My dice minus the three. You're in the field. You're not in a hospital setting. So it's wits as opposed to intelligence, xteries, I might not wits and your medical skill, right? Minus my three for being beat up. Right, being which is three. You have three dice. I'll say the profound at this point, lack of light, is going to give you a minus one guy. So don't roll double one, please. I'm not going to poke and prod him in the dark. So I'm going to pull my phone out and try to get the flashlight app of it working so I can see better as to what's going on. Sure. You pull out your turn to take a good look at him before I start poking. You could do that. That's fine. You pull out your phone and you flip it open and you find the app and it works just fine. And that takes us to Ethan. I don't know if you even believed it in some sense that what was going to happen. But you were prepared. You have all the items that you need to have made this happen. You knew where you're going to be. So I would assume you have a torch and some other things that would lend yourself to be able to move around in this environment. Is it a drive-up? Somewhere. I'm going to think that you actually stationed yourself. You're ready part and you're kind of stationed waiting for it to happen. And then it happened. And now you're moving on foot towards the situation. Do you want me to do something? Because I can do something. If you want to do something. I'm going to try and pull off the dog tags. You do? Pull off the dog tags? Okay. And nothing? To you, a faint murmur. Okay. Okay. And real quick back to you, Ethan. From the direction of the intersection, Main Street and this turn off here that you were on. I walked back to the car after seeing what happened. Turned on the lights and drive. Yeah. So the lights are on the upside-down van. Yeah. You see some lights coming from the opposite direction. Which you believe is where the police were setting up a roadblock for you on Main Street. You see some lights coming down. But the sound of the engine is one that does not sound like a well-tuned police vehicle. It sounds like an old pickup truck or so that there's a rumble to it. And it's coming down this side road. And then eventually what you do, you turn a little bit into like up onto the grass so they can kind of see a better point right towards the right on them. And I hop out and say hello. Chaps in need of assistance. Look at my old-fashioned black bag and flashlight and the other hand. Dressed. Nice and dapper. I have a bowler hat too. But he has a gun trained on him. Yes. I'm sure you're gotten one up immediately towards that. So which will take us to the next turn which is Jay. I cross the top of the hill I suppose because usually the road is up on a bit of a slant. So I'm taking a look at where the cop should be. Right. And your eyes are starting to adjust this being the second turn without any kind of white at all nearby. And you do not pick up a police vehicle. You knew he pulled off a little bit into the woods. But you're pretty sure you can see that far into the woods and you don't see the vehicle. And just then on the corner of your eye you see some lights flashing in the distance because it is so dark that you would eventually notice Ethan's headlights from his vehicle. I then just step out into the road. I'm looking for any marks on the road that shows it. I'm even close to where the two cars used to be because I don't get lost very easily. But there should be a car here. And it was missing two tires. Shout out the front and back. Right. And you do not see what the first thing you look for is rubber of some sort with the tire tread. And you see absolutely nothing on the road at all. You're standing there like looking down. Maybe let them up when I jumped out a shot. There should be huge skid marks for where she hit. Okay. Yeah, absolutely. And nothing. No skid marks at all. I report this to chew and then start heading down the road towards them. I'm taking it back slightly by the lights that are over there because I'm worried now that the other police doesn't make any sense. What are you recording? Yeah, I explain that the cop cars literally disappeared. There's no indication that it left here but it's not here. I have the volume turned up so Sasquatch can hear it as well. You said something about the lights going out. Okay. And everyone does have a headset but I don't know how many of you actually had it on. They were listening except for grace. And I'm going to switch back to grace real quick because you were looking something I wanted to do besides pull up the the dog tags or is that all you wanted to accomplish that turn? I mean that's it except he came up after my turn. Right. Is grace up next to me by these two in the back because you said she was unbuttoned in the back. Yeah. I'm with you guys right now. Checking you out. I do end with a question to them. What are the lights? Okay. Anyone can answer it. Top is free conversation and it doesn't. You can talk most of the shots if you want. But you can't help because you can't get to him because you don't have a right headset. Yeah, I don't answer. I'm talking to this guy right now actively. You don't know how far away he is but you saw him jump out so you should know he's about a quarter mile away. I saw him come up right. Yeah. He came up from where the front of the vehicle was or where Katie was and where she was at the front of the van and he came up from that way. The headlights are showing into the woods from the front of the vehicle and you saw someone step out and say something. He currently administering any sort of medical. He just stepped out of his vehicle. He has a little handbag and a torch. Sorry. A flangelet. Yes. We Americans. And he is standing in a distance asking if you need any help. Back to your turn real quick. You can do something else. Great. Besides just pull out a set of dock decks. Okay. So there was just a flicker of. Yes. No noise. No nothing. No. Almost like a murmur or a groan. Okay. Sometimes you don't. Yeah. Is he, can I talk to you? You can try to communicate. That I'm going to do but I don't know. Yeah. Try via your phone. Let's take it in that because that's how you'd be talking. Okay. And back to you Daniel. I challenge him thunder or some equivalent that Valkyrie has. So Ethan this very very large man brushing against seven feet. Hi. He has a gun training on you and he says thunder as if he's expecting a response. The Valkyrie dog goes. He knows. I don't have a response but I'm a friend. You have to shoot me or put that down. I nod him over to the people and say they need medical attention if he's got any. I do. Can I call that town? You can still. Yeah. I'm lucky to do it. What do you got? Daniel let him come over here. We need him. He's okay. That was as you were talking. So they made you feel a bit more comfortable in accepting him and asking him for help or maybe he didn't. Hey dude. I'm over the gun. It's just I still make a check of some sort. I don't know what I'd call it to see if he's armed in any way. He's walking up with his bag and his flashlight and you've got your rifle trained on him. He walks up and then what do you do? Put your gun down a bit and then try to pat him down. I thought you just visually. Yeah visually. Oh I'm sorry. I thought it was to say if he was reaching for a weapon or anything. No he's walking up. If he has any within reach. He is like a relatively innocuous English man. Overdrive. That's not him exactly but all right. I'm gonna turn off your lights. We're trying to hide here. As much as that's worth. I think it's a seat. Yeah he might need it. He's just not an issue right now. Okay. What's in the bag? It's my medical. Are you doctor? Well yes. Do you know who Winston is? Churchill? Fuck who are you? He's English. So Daniel that was your conversation with a fine English gent named Ethan who just happens to have shown up. He didn't introduce himself. Middle of the woods. Do you have an aim yet? No. Well he didn't. Yeah. Fine. Listen I'm gonna ask his name. I don't want to know if I'm on the top so I turn it over. We have talking this week guys. We don't have time for it. We don't have to worry. We could go out of terms. I'm saying yeah. If there's a medic get him over here quick. Yeah. I need some assistance. That's what I want. I moved out of the way. I don't know if I conveyed that. Right. Yeah sure. What was the worst damage there? Oh these two idiots in the bag didn't wear those seat belts. What was your question? Especially when he was driving. The dark one was dead for a while. Take care of him first. What an odd looking conveyance. I want to give him a practicing medicine doctor. I'll give him the interview later please. I'd begin checking him over and saying he's bleeding away. Okay. If you're a doctor I will assist you. Fair enough. You put your torch down and eliminate Edgard first. Can you describe your wounds to us Thomas as to what your character's like? I got some serious burns. The number of lacerations. You were a fucking zombie. And yeah giant bite marker. Typical throat shoulder area. It cuts lacerations from rolling. Yeah. We'll ask about it. He's last followed by a standard. The most grievous wound seems to be his neck area. That seems to you to be the most dangerous but you should probably make a roll. I've got three medicine plus dexterity. What's your dexterity? Four dexterity. Are you specialized? Yeah it gives me one or two. I'm guessing it's one. One in this particular instance. Okay so many dice do you have? Eight. Okay now I take things away. But because you have some light I would say that only because of the terrible state that he's in I'll take away one die for that but otherwise go ahead and make your roll. And what you're trying to do basically is stop the bleeding. You're trying to bandage him up and stop the bleeding so that he can start the healing process. You're not going to try to heal points from him and this is going to take about a minute. Which in the meantime if no one comes to your assistance in that 60 seconds you'll lose one more while he's bandaging up Edgard. Is anyone available to hold the torch? Yeah there you go. Ask for assistance. I'm going to roll every dice to a system. Great. Did I make your roll? No no you know what he really did. I did and I gave him one extra. All right one extra damage. I'm at nine. So I have another. That he says. I helped you out by saying I think you can start with the neck wound. So sweet angry. Which is more than enough to staunch the bleeding so up some of the more grievous wounds. And again it took about 60 seconds for you to bandge him up and basically heal and put some salves on it so that the infection doesn't spread. So 60 seconds passes. Does anyone else want to do anything in that time for it? Yeah I'm a legend you know what's going on. There's some strange English speaking gentleman here who claims to be a doctor. He's helping us out. I look a little shook up because I'm looking around and things sort of things don't look right to me either. Right okay yeah in these 60 seconds I'm not not asking him things. Well you could ask him why he's why he's doing the hell you show up here. Kind of new to be here I'm not sure I didn't know what to expect I just knew I needed to be here. What's your name? My name is Ethan. No last name. Mr. Ethan Clark. It's nice to meet you Dr. Clark. Thank you. What is your name? You can call me silver though. Pretty name. Again how long have you been practicing? That is not. Depends how you count it. A number of years some of the very intense and battle situations. Are you in the war? I'm seeing a war. I imagine this point Jay you're probably running up the path which now that you've got your wits about you a little bit more and you're starting to think about things everything's going to go through your head the police car is not there. All the lights went out. There's some strange Englishmen and then at this point go ahead and make a perception check with no minuses. Okay. One success. One of those things where when you first crossed you were so focused on the police vehicle that you didn't think of it but as you're running down the road now you realize that it's dirt. It's not concrete. It's not asphalt. You're actually running down a dirt road back towards the cars. I called the chew and asked him to check the location he's at. He were turning down a is a picnic area still there is the road still the way it was. The stars actually look different to me. Something's going on. I agree. Well in the minute while the good doctor is attending to your friend you can put a flashlight on your phone and go ahead and start to look around. You're in the woods. You're obviously tumbled 20, 30, 40, 50 feet into the woods as the van rolled. So you kind of start clamoring your way back if you want or do you not want to get too far away. I kind of want to know where we're at. Yeah. And of course I have the GPS app on my phone so I want to. No situation. I have it downloaded remember away. You do but I'm assuming that wouldn't it still need to have. It doesn't work. The phone says it doesn't work. It doesn't work. Doesn't work. But you're able to work your way in that minute time here to work your way through the woods up a small embankment. A light embankment with some light trees and bushes. When you get to the crest what you see is a little bit of a meadow but not a picnic area. It's a meadow. And there is no road that you turned off of and it's all very very different from what you there's no pavilions. It's just an open meadow. The only thing you see in the distance that you catch the glint of a small couple of fawns with their mother a deer grazing in the evening meadow and that's this distance. It's a ways away. That's all you can catch. I'm doing the conversation. She's having with him. I've been curing my rifle and I'm remembering this spirit of severed heads that was chasing us when silver bow when we rescued her from the basement. Sure. Scared by the picture and I'm worried this guy has something to do with that because the stars are gone. The stars are gone. I know. So I bring it out and I just say a little humiliation with this guy and I kind of ah into his face yeah seeing if he reacts to the picture the picture you were rejected of the family the heavy family yeah because that would skirt the spirit like he this is very tall very intimidating man pulls out a picture and says is this a familiar he's trying to like show to you what you're while you're doing hey it works for the spirit okay I'm a little worried now yeah seriously look what the man do is work okay okay he didn't pop in a smoke so I just put it back on. All right I walk over to Ethan's license you know I'm carrying the light. You go check out his car. The chew actually went quite a distance away. The abandonment is now standing in a meadow. Katie this whole time this whole minute you've been assisting the good doctor. Have I been hearing people say like what happened to the road and what happened? Sure you pick up a little bit you're kind of focused well a little bit okay not a lot not because again you're really wounded and you're having a hard time focusing on staying conscious a little long and I just wait for a moment where he's busy in his bag and I'm pushed the light over his car and check out the license plate. It has a license plate. Is it Ohio? It's definitely Ohio license plate but it looks like it looks like an historical plate but you're literally about 30 feet he's 30 feet away through the woods. Do you want to walk up to the vehicle? Then there's a whole different story. I don't want to walk away with the light. Grace can you handle this? You can hold the light I mean. Trust me this is definitely something that you should go and take a look at. There's a little worry here. So he wants you to hold the light so he can go look at the back of the rifle. I can hold the light for you. You should go take a look at that check. So you start working your way through the underbrush and the tangled branches towards his vehicle which is actually on the side of the road. So can we snap trees on either tour ground? Yes. Is this gone? Nope. Tell me that you were looking for that. Well I'm walking over to this car presumably through half the destruction we were on. Differential we should have made. Okay fine he drove up from a different angle. But you could certainly see you could flash a cell phone light or something over there and you see trees that were on that way. So crush it. Oh yes I have a jitter bug. You have a jitter bug which you know has a very devil light to know. You don't see that but you walk up to his van and it looks to you. Make a crafts versus which roll. You're a man's man. You know vehicles. That's four dice. Even if it's in Alaska. Yeah. Four dice. Stay with four dice. Oh my gosh. That's two rolls in the road by the way. We moved it out. We must be a success. That's kind of a totally fun. Oh that's a zero. Sorry this one wasn't colored then. I only roll again. Two successes. This is definitely a 1935 Ford flatbed truck. It's an antique. But it looks in pretty good shape and a license plate when you get really close to your jitter bug. And it's like flash the headlights on their hand or something. Yeah you could tell that the license plate looks like it's authentic for the year that the car. I mean you don't know how to license it. You got those stickers out there. This is nothing classic. No the stickers aren't usually on the front end as you're usually on the back of the vehicle. You're new to a high up to me. You don't know that. So there's no stickers in it. There is what looks to be a relatively pristine historical license plate but it doesn't say historical on it. It just looks like it fits the vehicle in the air that the vehicle is supposed to come from. Is there anything old or antiqueish about the medical equipment he's using to administer first aid? If you were on top of your game you might have been able to notice that. But you know she's minus three on every roll. She's barely conscious. She's wounded and she's focusing on the wounds. Yeah. Not on his equipment. So you've completed my first patient yet. I'd say it's pretty fair to assume that one minute is passed. Mr. Clay was added or aggravated damage to your character as he inches closer to death. Now would you be kind enough to describe your character's wounds to the good doctor as he moves his way over? I'm assuming. Ethan? Yes. Okay. Okay. While I am wearing body armor you can see that I have a high caliber gunshot wound to my chest. I have lost a lot of blood lacerations and bites and punctures all over me. I also have major contusions, possibly some broken bones from flopping around in the back of the van when we rolled. So I've got multiple lacerations, contusions. Ethan, you see some type of army vest that he's wearing over his clothing which looks to you like civilian clothing. So he has this odd amalgamation of this vest in these clothes. You open up the vest and you can see a wound where a bullet hit the vest. Didn't penetrate it all the way through but the damage, the infertile damage, is substantial. What you want to do in this particular case is you want to get him as stable and not moving and in a position where his bones could actually kind of get back there because you know he's got broken ribs and some other types of wounds. So you want to get him immobilized as best you can and then start to repair some of the bites which look to you like they could have been inflicted by coyotes or wolves. It's that size of teeth and body like you looks like he's been through just a lot. But of course it's not the same white marks on Edgard's back as well. I didn't get it by the feet of demons. I got hit by zombies. That was people, but it's for some help laying him out flat and trying to get him horizontal and all in one piece and work on the stopping the bleeding, trading shock, the other guy. I guess we can do a pack of wolves. Jay at this point you're getting very close. I'm pretty sure you can't run a four minute mile, but you're pretty close to that. I would say your quarter mile away. It's been one minute. So I'd say at this point you're running up on to where you turn off and be for the where you say said they were turning off into the Metro Parks Pavilion and you don't see the turn off. But you can see this old Ford flat bed. It's kind of pull off the side of the road and it has headlights going in and then your eyes of course follow the headlights and you can see your vehicle, the Chicano line laying on its roof down in incline and you can see the trees bent and snap. You can see where it started to roll over and gouge out earth and you're about 30 feet above it. Then you look to your right which is again to the east and you see Chu standing in a meadow kind of looking around with his phone like in a day's and then to the northeast you see the ear vehicle down in the slight bank mint and then straight to the north is the 1935 Ford vehicle. With Daniel standing outside of the front gazing at the license plate scratching his head. I'm asking the dock of his cell phone works because I can't get any reception. Thank you. Your cell phone does it work because I can't get my door. Get a signal. I'm not sure what you're talking about Jeff. Oh crap. I'm waving day over. Is this the same scene or a different scene? Like can I risk again? I would say that the scenes have changed. Okay. Quite literally. Did I regain any willpower from the previous one using faith, selflessness and such. Not that it matters. During the run I think what is your advice and virtue again please? My virtues are faith and selflessness and my advice is pride. Yeah. I'm going to say during the run back the one minute dash up the road you recover all of your willpower. None of those things? And when this evening ends I'll give you guys the stuff back because I don't think the seats are actually considered. As I approach I'm taking a moment it's an instant action and I'm wiping underneath my eye a elixir that I have. It is the eye of jibrill. It is poison that if I fail to use my faith to convert it into magic will quite possibly do me a lot of damage. Okay. And it allows me to see things as they truly are. Okay. I will be using three dice for my elixir and three dice for stamina and I will be risking to add three more dice and if I get two which I believe I do. Yes you do. I want to make a critical easier. So from five to three. Sure. Okay. And what are you looking at? Or do you know I'm just trying to not say yeah assimilate the poison into your system and turn it into magic through the use of your right your Islam faith. Correct. Gotcha. It's actually the eye of Rob but for Muslims it's the eye of jibrill. I like jibrill. I did too. Got it. Mr. Braille. She did get two. Two successes on nine dice which is enough. You just need a one success to transform through your inner alchemy. That was looking for exceptional unfortunately. The character gains a bonus of perception or all either wisdom plus composure or wisdom plus a specific skill equal to the elixir rating which is three. It went for winter scene with scene. Okay. Had it been exceptional. It's much more impressive. Did true nature of creatures. Paranormal things. Things long now. Okay but you only had two successes so it helps you with normal. Yeah it's just a general perception bonus I believe rather than into the mystical realm. Which is what I was trying for. Yeah sure. I think just this night has been so bizarre from the homestead to the police chase to this whatever is going on that you yeah you're just not quite able to I think you're exhausted and you're just weren't able to focus your full attention on assimilating that poison into your system. So you're not sick by any search imagination but you certainly can see things but not as well as you'd like at this point. You can go ahead and make a role for Michael Clay. Okay I wanted this one. Do I sit with Miss Bell asking me? See a good movie site. How many do you hear about? Movies. Do you mean not sure what you mean? To move on up five. Moving picture. Right Frankenstein maybe. I did not assist you. I was too tired. Okay. Clark Gable movie. It happened one night. Oh it's a good one. One of my rolling eight. Yep. Same thing. Try to apply some field bandages and just get stabilized. Whoa. And eight. Yep. One eight. One success on eight dice. Which is all you need to stabilize Michael Clay. And two minutes from back. Right. Whoo. And both of you can be conscious now. You start to regain your consciousness and when that mistake in your group still has two of the ampules of healing. So just for your memory because time passes. Yeah I'm waiting for Jay to catch me. I mean I did an instant action. Sure. I wanted to join them and then try the people that were the band was crashed. Okay. I was at the car waiting you over. Yeah I would definitely be walking through them first and first one I'm looking to talk to you. He says to our Daniel and go what the fuck is going on. Daniel's waiting you over. Choose just looking around like he's confused on other people. Daniel's close to some I'm approaching him. But I'm trying to also just open my eyes and mind to what's going on here because I ran down a road not knowing it was no longer asphalt. So obviously I've got to stop, take a breath and try to absorb the situation what is different. I know a lot of things are different but what am I not noticing. So I take that moment to reflect. Okay. Looking for what's wrong. You're just waiting for me. What is wrong in this picture? Devolized. Yes. Still bloody and wounded and everything. He's done what he needs to do and I'm gonna try and enact that one. Okay. Tell me what your dice roll would be and then describe to everyone what happens. He's suddenly gonna get very tired and sleepy and he's gonna go over and sit down on something. The doctor that's helping us? Ethan. Right. I believe that if you're doing it on somebody it may be contested. So go ahead and get your dice total and that will be know what happens. Okay. You'll get to contest just to see and you but you won't know that it's coming from her. It'll just. I'm starting to notice where I'm at now and it's all too strange. It's all very overwhelming. Sure. So Jay you go ahead and make a perception roll with your new found abilities. Did you want to take anything? Your dice total? 12 of them because I'm spending a willpower to add three. Go ahead and make your roll with no minuses. For successes. For successes. Wow. You are like all over it. The one thing that you notice that is different and you're kind of like oh obvious. The moon is in a different location than it was because even though it's covered up with clouds you could see it occasionally leap through with its light and you absolutely see it in a different part of the night sky. Not that much time has passed but it would be in a completely separate side. Like again there's a lot of cloud cover, some of the light shining through but you haven't been able to pick up a constellation yet and really be able to tell if that's different but the moon seems in a different location and that's something that absolutely is different. I think that's realistic as far as what you could ascertain from that roll. Just standing there kind of looking all around you. All right so Rachel you'll still make a activation success even though you don't have to roll to succeed you're just going to see how much you succeeded by so that would be sucked or fused plus the number of dots in that thing. I got these six three fives and a one. Oh my gosh so you had no activation successes. I think you're thrown from the situation. I mean you're obviously struggling with it and you're unsure of what's going on and there's no answer right. So he doesn't get sleepy but you don't say you're getting sleepy. I'm going to come back from the meadow. Really? Yeah. It was a nice moment. No okay. So you work your way carefully back down the incline to the breast of the group except for Daniel we're standing away. Does anyone else need assistance? I figured it out. This is all a dream. Synchronizer. You're tired of pieces. What time do you have? What about the children? The children just have minor nicks and scrays. You can do the doctorate thing and you know you've got polytops in there and give them a couple band-aids for their google news and all the fingers and toes work. Yeah exactly. You use the thing with the knee where the knee kind of goes up and you flex it. What about the dogs? The dogs are injured as well but nothing like threatening. They're not bleeding out. They're just a couple scrapes and scratches which probably again could some antiseptic maybe even that would work and help them out a little bit. Sure. Are your cell phones don't work? Your cell phones are out of service. They work in the sense that there's a time a day. What time do you have? What's the time of the day? I've seen guys that the doctor is. It is approximately 1.13 a.m. Are phones the same? Yeah. Everything's same. 1.13 a.m. I come back to a band. I mean Jake he's walking to me but he never gets anywhere so I walk back. What time is it? You got to watch? 1.13 a.m. Oh cool. I might be a minute off because it's not a cell phone. We'll wind the damn thing. Can you just watch? The moon jumped in the sky. In the world? Yes. Time didn't go any faster. Of course. I've stepped out and I go and where's the pickings here? It's still helpful with the children. We're here. We're generally set them now or is he going to jump all the way? All the way is just like three steps outside of the band and it's going to look clear right? Just when I thought this night couldn't get any shit here. Did we lose the cop? All right. Did I catch up yet? I think we lost the world. What year is it doc? What year is it? What year is it? 735. What year is it supposed to be? Right my 1935. Do you guys talk strangely even for America? Look at this license point. Ours says 2014. I don't know. It was a sticker that says 14. I could have pointed it out. People are hardware and weapons we're carrying or years in advance of anything local. We're apparently as lost as you are but you were just driving your car out in the middle of the night? No I came here on purpose. In fact I have I guess what we call period appropriate closing now for all of you and that's pretty much all I know is that the number of you would be... What's the last thing that makes sense to you? Wait a minute. Who sent you? No one sent me. It's not easy to explain. But you're saying that you expected us? Yes, I did. What year is it? 1935. 1935. Welcome to the conversation sister. Where did car crash us into the fucking pack? I don't think you know it's the worst car is it ever. It's kind of hard to control your van while you're driving through a freaking temple. Oh yes. I was fine in... It's gonna go that way. In three dimensions I crashed in the four of the dimensions. Because this van had a flexing. And I would like 24th dimension. I was in the car. I know it's not the system. We could go back to the farmstead. Maybe everything would be normal there. It wasn't normal there to begin with. I don't know what I was thinking. Where's the closest hospital? Yes. You think you could fit all of this in the back of your car? That's the idea. Dark. Okay well I didn't know you had an idea. You apparently have more of an idea than I do. Let's just... What do you... What do you want to do? I am not driving. I think that they're safe enough to move now. Everyone. Yeah the sister that was eating your drink. I don't know the healing process. She's looking a little iffy herself. But I don't know other men who do this. I'm just cooking notes. I'm sure she's staying. I don't know what she's doing. Excuse me sister. For being so forward. Four. I travel and you'll be fine. Wow. Four successes with three re-rolls. That's the award speaking there. Well look around. Six successes. So Ethan sit you down and he bandages you up. Your two bashes are removed. Whoa. For the exceptional success. Sister what are we going to need from this car that we can't get from anything in this year? The radio. Yeah. I don't know how the radio is going to help because there's nobody on the other ends of these radio seconds. Our phones are going to work. Isn't the depression? Pre-World War II. I'm just saying this car has parts that don't exist. Yeah. In plastics and technology. The battery might be better than the batteries are in cars now. But it was pretty demolished in the. If you have any cell phone chargers that are in there. You want to be able to modify your camera. While they're talking it up I go back to the flat bedroom and pull out a big stack of the clothing. Right. So you start this out. I'm just taking this so you don't look like so odd. There are two sets of female clothing and four sets of male clothing. There also is nothing for the two children. By the way I'm saying it's pretty civil rights too. Yeah. The kids were. The kids were dressed pretty dry up weren't they? Yeah. Take five minutes pull everything out of the car. Yeah we're taking the tools out of taking the batteries the battery out. What kind of condition is my camera in? Damage. Can I repair it? Maybe grab your mic and I'll put the fire out. Well since we don't know anything let's talk to the guy who actually does. Hey doc. I generally don't use the honor. Ethan. Ethan. Ethan. You live around here? I'm currently residing in a hotel in Cleveland. Hotel? Okay. And you don't know why you were sent here. You don't remember anything at all. Maybe someday I'll be able to explain that but no I can't do that now. Not because I won't. I can't. And you mentioned you were in the war. It was more of an occupation into that. 1934. 1933. What's a Chinese killing to that? Scott we just got done investigating some historical murders and hunters in the past and stuff like that right? We went to a museum. What was the force okay? Was it was was any of that back in the 38ish time period? Can you remember any hunters? There's four suburbs took place from 1935-1938. Just what you remember from visiting the museum just a couple days back. And was anybody were there any hunters that we remember during our investigation now we're hunting that stuff at during that time period? Okay what names are associated with those torsamas? I was just at the museum. I don't remember most of them were or itinerant. They don't know who the people were. Do you think that work out? It's not even Jesus. No you don't. I'm burning victims. I need to eat them. It only happened five minutes ago that we were pulling her out of a house that was burning and she was being chased by spirits which were what kind? Time spirits. Right? That's what you told us. That's why I told you. We got rid of them. There was only one party member that was new one that we just met. One that we were unaccountable for what she could do. If you're trying to sign blame to this. No I'm trying to explain this. So enough questions for other people. How about you start answering some? God. What's going on? I don't know why we're here. You had nothing to do with how we got here. Perceptions cranked the maximum. I am watching every possible animal or yes. I think I might have more to do than that with that than her. Thank you. But again that's not clear. Could you explain that any more than? Again you can't tell me anything. She was possessed by time spirits. Time has just shifted. Who would you be looking at? Ain't you? Are we the first people you dealt with from another era? Are you telling me you had absolutely nothing to do with us getting here? No. I'm saying I don't know what we're doing here. I never said I didn't have anything to do with it. I know. What are you a politician? I asked you a question. Did you have anything to do with us getting here? I think so. Thank you. That's nice to do already. Can we go back to Cleveland now? We are. Remember I don't give a shit. This is go back to Cleveland. Fuck this. Of course you don't give a shit. I'm gonna go to bed and wake up and this will never happen. Am I standing in this world just changed radically? Right. I didn't think about that yet. I don't look forward to going to Cleveland really. Once we stay away from the shaker. We haven't gotten to the race riots yet. It's worse than that. Better Cleveland than Mississippi. Yeah let's face it. We are. You're so well just remember every piece of anachronistic objects that you bring with you. You're gonna have to be explained. To who? To anybody who questions. To anyone who cares. Anyone who isn't me. I'm saying that strange dollar bill could get you in a lot of trouble. Okay. Are you staying at your hotel alone? Yes. I don't think there's room for all of you but probably work something out. So you came here to pick us up and you had clothes but you have no idea where you're gonna take us. The hotel generally has open rooms but I don't have a plan. I know where to take you to bed you down for the night but that's about it. After listening to everything that's been going on I kind of slipped my hand into the sheath where I keep my knife and I decided to invoke some of its relic power. Okay. Because obviously this is a crazy situation and we're kind of drifting here. I'm going to try to see if I can use its power because this knife as we all know has existed throughout history. Yes. And has a lot of knowledge. I'm going to try and invoke it to learn one detail or fact about our current situation. Go ahead and make your roll. It is four dice straight up. I don't have anything to do. What fact are you gonna? I'm going to let him ask one question if he succeeds in the roll. Don't know those things. No success. No success. Okay. Damn. Back to Jay. We went back to a time that we had been researching. We happened to have someone with us who was possessed by time spirits. There's no link between the torso murders and anything in your father's history in your history. Do you want to wear any of that? There's no link between the torso murders and my personal history and my father's history. I'm sorry but the father did steal or he stole the head. He stole a relic from the museum. To save her. To save her. So there is a link. So if there is I'm unaware. Is she still holding onto this thing? What thing? The head. Not that you hold down. She was holding onto something. She was carrying something with her. Right? She was holding onto it. She hasn't been holding anything for the longest time. She was holding a doll that she insisted on that was in fact a head. So he shot her. He said there was a head and you saw a head but after that no one seen a head. Since the last time she wasn't carrying a head. You might have saw a head in the van but what were you carrying? It's not a seriously pocket watch. Something that keeps track of time. Face watch is an open screen. Face anti-watch. Oh you know what she showed you. The time piece. Everyone sees a time piece. She's holding up a time piece. This is where I was holding it. I don't know what the hell you guys are. Where did you get that time piece? Can I see it? No. I'm flipping through my phone. She took pictures on it while we were being chased by that monster. She took us off and still weren't here for that. But there was the time spirits chasing us. Sure. And we found out their weakness was photographs of Sylvan Bell. Correct. So I had her use my phone because I didn't know how to take pictures of herself and children. Absolutely. I'm looking for these pictures of us whatever she was holding. Because she had that honor at the time. That sounds totally legitimate. She's holding a pocket watch. I asked Sylvan Bell if I could examine the pocket watch. Should I talk about relics and stuff? May I locate it please? Could you show us the face of the watch? You can hold it. It was I believe one long hot summer. It's a pretty much. Mid summer. When she showed mid summer. Oh yeah absolutely. You guys compare the dates. The dates are the same. With the exception of the year. The time is the same. A little calendar stuff. When she shows us the pocket watch face is that there are many different types of watches. Some that have the face of the moon. Some that have the dates. Some that have how intricate is this and what is it show? How intricate is that? What is it show? Just a typical pocket watch. That's fucking Jay. Jesus why you got already done everything. As a relic analyst and a trained observer is there anything I can see from where I met? I understand I'm moving. Yeah she's showing you a pocket watch. You just know from your time with Aegis Kydoro that anything can be imbued with power and with mystical energy. She could show you a tic-tac and you wouldn't be surprised that that could be something that was powerful. That's what I mean. This time piece is a symbol of time and we've moved in time. I think you're answering your own question. Well right that's why is there anything I can see here? But you won't let me examine it. No she won't let you examine it. Which I've asked. Are you all in this hostage here? Can we possibly move this? I mean have this conversation later. Yeah it's really comfortable and very tired. Like a hospital? That's the sort of like 2014. Jay I have medical care bridges. This is actually 2011. You don't seem to want to go to Cleveland. I'm not sure I'm going to get in a car with her. Last time she rode in a car we slipped back 70 years in the past. Are we sure it's going to be safe? It wasn't looking too good until we slipped back into the past. So you do it on purpose is what you're saying. Maybe yeah. Well no there isn't a maybe. You don't understand. There is a maybe. No there is a yes or a no. Oh there is a maybe. Then we sit in this field all day until there's a yes or a no. I want to know why we're here. Yes or no. There is a maybe. No there is. You either did something or you didn't. You see I run a military operation and I got to know what the people on my squad can do. When I've got a wild card that can fucking drag me into the past I got to know about it. You have to be so vulgar sir. I'm not on your spot. Yeah kind of arm. Hey we'll stop there. Thank you for listening tonight's of the night actual play podcast. If you'd like to send us questions comments or feedback you can reach us in a number of ways. From Twitter @KOTN_podcast or by email and don't forget the iTunes reviews or our Facebook page Speaking of Facebook join like-minded folks at our Facebook fan page and lastly there's our blog page where there's an amazon link on the right hand side. Thanks to Zen Audio Smith for the intro and outro music get your own music at and join us next week for more mystery and adventure. This is the world of darkness story sin ear. No it's the question is it? Sin ear. Sin ear. Sin ear. I'll go hide a couple opiates either too. He's got a name. Hey here's somebody. I don't know who it's gonna be. That's a mystery but that's where he spent all the time upstairs. A person who does something. A man who i've decided not to describe. You know we should each come up with a definition for someone else's character. He should have been the end of the number two is have his feet in the person to your right describe your character. You know i'm white playing in a top set too. Oh that's why you got it. You're the one. Oh you say the person next. So you say your name and the person describes who you are or we could leave it up to the fans you know that's right but anyway just a question for the unconscious Michael Cole. Do I cross off another box now that we've done this for a pull turn? It's per minute. A turn is just a minute. Oh well so you got 20 turns before you mark off that box. So you're bleeding out but you're not dead. You're trickling. Yeah trickling out. You could hash mark and when you get up to 20 you will know that that's not going to look forward to it. It's on the do. It makes you feel like a petite. It's kind of like a beat but it's a death beat. Right. Chew? No Daniel. Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. What you trying to have to go? Daniel had the gun on him and they were talking back and forth. I think he said shoot. Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. Next. Nice care. Go ahead Rachel what you want to say. Take the Valkyrie. Take the sock. The Valkyrie's picked a software or heaven. Did I? Were we driving it then or a DeLorean with a flux capacitor? Did we go back in time? Yeah you don't talk to us but you want. I must have took that turn faster than I thought. So you see any good movies lately? Good movies. Not a question. Just trying to make some small talk. Even if in Alaska were they all know cars because of osmosis? Yeah that's a poor dice. By far the most serious thing the fuck up is. Well done. I love by the hell of a medical session. Why were you on a basement? I mean locked away. Why are you still young as you are? What do you remember? Were you ever getting let out of the basement? What do you remember about your dad? Why do you know why everybody wanted to find you? So far secondary to what the fuck is going on. I mean we can get into my past if you want but it seems like we're already stuck in a past we don't want to be in. So really you should think about those questions you're about to ask me before you start running your mouth. I thought the first question. Are you the one? Are you the reason why we're here now in this time? There was already a question. You're so good with kids sister. Yes this is no kid. She's a teenager there. She's no kid. So you want to explain why we're here? We have no support. We have no support. What's a selfie? He meant to say damn Rachel. My love with the English is only seconded by my love of elves. I love the English. Angleshelves. It's an anglophile. What is it when you're in health? I don't know if you should tell me to tell you. You build languages for shits and giggles. It's so eloquent. It was on silence huh? And lastly on twitter we had a few tweets. That was right. You got him right. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Good job. - I just showed you the tweets. (laughs)