It's can't possibly get any worse, can it? Listen and find out how it does :)
Knights of the Night
[Music] Hello and welcome to NightSpinite Actually podcast. This world of darkness story, The Sin-Eaters, was written and run by a storyteller Scott. And now, please enjoy the episode 195, titled "It's Called a Dramatic Failure." Action play begins 21 minutes 58 seconds. The first thing we're going to talk about in feedback is the QCC, which Mike and I went to. And we'd like to take a moment to thank a few people there. Chris and Phil both ran "Dungeon World" for us. We had a blast. Chris and Phil are both of the hosts from the "Mystructive Mark" podcast. It was a lot of fun putting faces to voices. Absolutely. And I got to sacrifice my character. You died. I did. I died in "Dungeon World." I believe hard to do. Depends on the gene. Not with Chris. Chris is brutal. You're brutal, Chris. No, actually, I sacrificed. Also, the party could succeed. I tried to turn into a brown bear and failed, and he made me a koala bear instead. This could be nasty. First of all, it was a panda bear. Give between them and their eucalyptus man. So, Jerry helped us make fifth edition characters. I, unfortunately, did not get to play D&D fifth edition. There was only room at the table for one. Mike played. I believe your GM was Ashley. Yeah, she did well. That was fun. It was very interesting. I'm sure I'll say I'll disappoint it. I wasn't a group, but that's my side. Did the the advantage drive or did that help be? It did not come into play once. I was disappointed. Oh, because you were really all about the damage. I don't know if that was an oversight or if it's just we didn't get a situation where it would be interested in trying it out here. Oh, yeah. At this table? Yeah, I think that's something we should do. I made a character, and the character development was pretty cool. By the end of it, I was pretty happy with my character. It had potential to actually be much more role playing centric than previous versions of D&D. I've been reading through it, and I think that there is a lot more opportunity for the role playing side, but we're used to now, then the miniature game that it was before. I'm sure we'll give it a shot in future. But it comes to combat. Do you still break out miniatures? No, it was all fear of the mind. We did no maps at all. That were good for a podcast. Yeah, much more so than a fourth edition. But we want to thank everybody, Mark, who ran it. It was great meeting everybody, and there's some talk about some of those guys making it down to Khan, the Khan, which is next month. It is October 19th, I believe, that weekend. Yeah, I'm going to try to do that. And there's even some rumors about Chris wanting to run a dungeon world adventure there. So, I mean, it's only 45 minutes from our house guys. We can show up in mass and make them. Khan, Khan, we got the shirts. I've been wanting to do the past couple and haven't been, so I can't think of them. I really tried. All right, on to the rest of the feedback, we had one comment on, our blog site, in which an anonymous person said, you know, funnily enough, you can die while randomly rolling a PC up in a eclipse phase. However, due to one of the vital technologies of the setting, which is where your mind can be stored and restored from a digital backup, this was taken almost directly from altered carbon. This doesn't end your character's life. Just giving them a few bumps along the way. That was in response to a talk of travel. Yes, one of the only systems we knew that you could actually die during character creation. What's the personal card? That is still dying, though. Sorry, it is still dying. Will you reincarnate it as what you're saying? He's saying that, so I'm saying travel still holds it as the only one that you just fucking got to start over again. Two hours of character creation, man. Shut the hell up. Oh, I died. You guys don't even know. That was my favorite character. Yeah, you never died at the beginning either. It's when you push your character a little bit better after an hour and a half. Just perfect. I only need one more thing. The other quality of travel that I always thought was funny, especially as a younger man playing, is that you don't begin your adventuring until you're 42 to 48 years old. It's like, god, that's ain't it. So, like, Scott, you want to push your character to get better? Well, it takes years and years, so by the time you're ready to play, you're 50 years old, which when I was 16, oh my god, your age appeared. Now, I'm like, no, you're good. You're fine. It's a little adventure. It's going much better. It's perfect. I think burning a wheel is a similar thing. They had four playable races. It was a fantasy setting, so they were ourselves dwarves, humans, and orcs. Why are humans in every world? Whatever the cave is, what do you look with us? Because humans are right, they're right. Yeah. There you go. When I orc, right to world, there will be no humans at all. That'll be the bad guys. They'll all be chaotic evil. They'll even launch evil humans. Anyway, orcs had brutal lives, and every five years they lived, they were maimed in some way. It was brutal. Cool. Now, I want to play burning a wheel. Over on Facebook, on the general page, Oren posted, and said, hey, I'm really liking your dungeon world actual play. If you don't mind answering a few technical questions, I'd love to know what your recording setup is. How many mics do you use and what kind, and how are they positions except? Technically. No. You use one microphone, and it's sitting in the middle of the table while it's actually towards the GM. It's towards the quiet guys and girls. Sorry, Rachel. It's a zoom h1, more than one. I'm currently multiple personnel. I was moved. She's played at least two. In dungeon world, it was in a different setup. It was. It started at one point, mirror, and you looked at the middle. It's got two microphones in the unit. They point in right and left, so you get a stereo when you're recording, but that's it. Other than that, we take it, we run it through an equalizer to bring up some of the voices that are more quiet, and that's it. That's the only setup we have. Right. Well, what software do you use to go? I'm just going to ask what microphone you're thinking of going to if you were to buy another one. The zoom h4. It's way better. That's three more H's. Yeah. The only problem I have with the H1 is the picks up every table thump and right bump. So, we actually have it sitting on top of pile of watchcloth or whatever, to give it some separation from the ping pong table we plan. And it still gets bumps and thumbs, yeah. And the H4 would not do that. I think it levitates off the ground. It does. It's a hover crowd. It's a lot of batteries, but I thought you'd go all out and hang it. Battery life. Compression. Just adjusted that. You have the fuzzy ball. That comes standard. So, as far as the software goes, I used Sony Soundforge 10. It was inexpensive on Amazon, and I would not suggest using it. There are others that are less expensive, multi-channeled. This one doesn't have that. It's not the thing to do. So, you should do some research on that. Yeah. If I would have learned on something else, it probably would have been better and easier. And my guess is, is there somebody out there who can tell you a good multi-channel, easy to learn? Editing software. Correct. Not me. It was an episode of Blacklight Neadic, and they recommended software that you could download for free. And there's YouTube videos that describe how to do that. Audacity. Audacity. Audacity. Audacity. Audacity is pretty good. I don't know if it has multi-channel. I'm working on it with Audition right now, so I'll let you know if that's worth it. Episode 193, "God Machine Chronicle Rebuild Time Rocket" said, "Just a character building session, well played nights and lady. I would like to see how these mechanics affect the game as a whole. Scott needs little assistance setting the tone for World of Darkness, although more of Chu's backstory could accomplish the same feeling of dread. May Jay's sight be true, and Michael's safety be off." I said, "Don't worry, it's just as deadly as ever, if not more so." Jesus. Guys, I'll find out. Scott's running it after all. And Ari said, "Oh, come on, Tom. Scott hasn't managed to kill a PC in many episodes now." It's true. Give it a nice... I have a bad rap. It was a different topic. I feel like it's trying, though. Being dead and wishing you were dead. Timothy Ryan commented and said, "Ooh, GMC, apparently not a fan." Apparently not a fan of "God Machine Chronicle" is correct. We'll try to turn him around a little bit, hopefully. Has it been complaints in the World of Darkness more or else that they don't come? Any major complaint, not like a 4E versus 3.5E thing. All right. John Lewis said, "When that music started, as I drove down the road, I became giddy. So happy to be back in the World of Darkness. Otherwise, London never changed that aspect because I'm London has been one of my favorite parts of the Dresden and fate as a whole." I think we agree that it's going to stay for the time being as long as it's not abused. And kudos to Joe for the introductory music for all of our podcasts, but the World of Darkness specific, because a lot of people mention as soon as they hear the World of Darkness music, they get very into the mood. I think it's the fan of the system because we have the same kind of comments when fate returns. So he does a good job of representing the system we're playing in music, and I think he deserves a tip of the cap. Also, I think that's a good idea that we're going to stick with, which is using specific music, theme music. Amanda posted as well and said, "No replacement for this intro." It gave Amanda goosebumps. That you were happy to have? Yes. Thanks for the feedback Amanda. Steve said just in time for my six-hour trip tomorrow. Tom Rocket said, "Awesome, can't wait to listen. Run, chew. Run." Sky-wise posted as well and said, "So you are rebuilding with God Machine after all. I'm wary of doing this with my Mage the Awakening game. According to the Onyx Path, it will be so changed from the original that it will simply be called Mage 2nd Edition instead of being some new chronicle book like God Machine turned out to be." So, the sky doesn't seem all that impressive either. Again, maybe we'll go back to the regular world of darkness if we don't enjoy it, but we'll see. So far the changes have been so minor I haven't really noticed them because none of us did a bunch of actual math on our character recreations, and I'm not too worried about the changes so far. The biggest change hasn't occurred yet because I haven't allowed it to, and that would be the change that bashing damage no longer exists. There used to be bashing lethal and then aggravated and so you had three levels to die. Now you just have two levels to die lethal and aggravated because their thought process was that you could be killed. Because we were dying quick enough? No, you were dying quick enough. And their thought process being that you could die from blunt force trauma. I mean, someone gives you one good punch, you could literally die in real life. And so they removed the bashing damage, but as you notice, they did trump up some things like the damage that guns do now. You don't have to roll the dice, your guns automatically do that damage. Willpower. You see, that's like it's better. You just said it takes less damage to die, and these things do more. But you guys usually have your guns with you. The enemy may not in a given situation, and you get to pick two ways to do willpower now. You get to pick two different factors. As you'll notice, you can do nine again and three successes are an exceptional success instead of five. I'm just really willing to do that. Oh, wait a minute. They can't because they're not hunters. I have some merits that do bashing damage when I use them though. So how would that work out? Yeah, it would it would be it's most likely going to go to either it would be one of two things that would be lethal damage, or it would be a condition that will be switched the bashing damage to a condition that you're under, which we have these new things called condition cards. So you might just be, you know, banged up or wounded or something like that. I think a lot of it will be mental stress. Yes, exactly. So we'll we'll figure it out. Okay, Christopher Smyth wrote in and said, Hey, knights and fans of the Knights. I need some help. I've been horn swaddled in and running a trezine files game for my group. Hornswog. Have you ever been horn swog? Maybe you. Yeah, kind of like me. I've read the RPG book, but I can't seem to come up with any interesting stories for a campaign. Can anyone help me even just with coming up with some generic book that I can use to build a mystery. The villain is actually your father. Good. Also, anyone who can help me wrap my head around the fate system would be much appreciated. I understand the basic mechanics, such as they are. It feels like the rules are light to the point of being sloppy to me. And I can't shake that feeling. Yes, it's a I think it's like, I think that's like you're all you have to do is come up with something simple. Like there's a bad guy in town and you got to kill them and then let the characters just go where they want with it and make it up as you go along. Or that that's what you do. Yes, but that's also the kind of scary living and open-ended. That's one of the hardest transitions to the fate system was that everyone participates in order to make the story happen. Right. We went through a session as painful as it was to build the city and another to build the characters. And it was during those two sessions that you get all the ideas that I got all the ideas for the adventure because you guys were putting together your aspects of what it was that your character's background and history was and what your troubles were and your relationships to other players. And then we made up the city and the players and the bad guys were and the city. Which is actually something I'd like to replicate for an eventually D&D adventure. And I definitely advise doing it for two reasons. One is the one we just mentioned. You have plenty of time to come up with ideas and the players are telling you what they want the story to be about. But the other thing is that when players take the time to create the system, the city that they're going to play in, the world, they are invested. Just like Rachel, she didn't have the opportunity to do that with us. But the minute that she was allowed to create something that existed in that world, came a fan favorite, the fourth nail. The funnest part of the game. Yeah, it was definitely it changed everything. Yeah. So you definitely want to let the players do that. As far as the game being written and sloppy, it looks that way when you come from a 3.5 D&D. Fate is not a simulation. It's not even close. Right. This is 10,000 feet up in the air looking down. And you have to wrap your head around that and get used to it. And it is a skill that you're going to have to, if you're going to run the game, you're going to have to run it down. You have to be able to improvise. It means the player took me a while then into the swing of it. But those don't need to create the whole mystery in a vacuum, like you said. Use your point. No, use your player's automation or whatever. Their aspects are telling you what they want to see in the game. Just listen to them. Mm-hmm. That's all. We want to start our aspect. Stop, which might happen if I do the Fate. We also received an email, as our email address. Greetings, Knights of the Night. I'm a first-time poster, but a long-time listener. You may have received feedback from my brother Kyle, so I figured I might introduce myself to the group as well. I have heard all of your adventures from the humble beginnings of shit luck all the way through the exciting conclusion of the ritual storyline. And I eagerly await your return to the world of darkness setting. I can't wait to see what Scott has in store for our brave members of the test for Siren. And I look forward to see how the God-machine Chronicle rules changes work out for the group, as well as what kind of compact or conspiracy Michael and Rachel will choose. Hopefully, someone will get to roll up a looser-fuge. We don't fucking know that. Shiled of Lucifer. Sometimes I got a few, like, state-fuge, I was going with, but it could be fuge this one. As their interaction with Sister Katie will be priceless. That's assuming you're still learning. We have feeder demons closing in on all sides. Don't worry, I got this. Me and the demons, we have an understanding. You know, I'm listening to last week's thing over again. I heard Katie say before beginning the drive. No, no, no. I got this. That's what that episode could be called. I got this part due. Recently, I'd become part of a noumenera group on a And as a nod to the illustrious Knights of the Night, I made a character that draws inspirations from almost all of the members. The character's name is Mira, which is a mutant nano that works miracles. Mira is borrowed from the Queen Bee in Scott's shit luck game. The work miracles focus as well as Mira's religious stance on the wonders of noumenera is drawn from Jim's character, Eshmond. She's a member of the young priest as well as a mutant, playing homage to John's character, Sig. Mira's secluded life as an in monastery has left her out on the road and she finds herself homesick much of time like Michael's character, Nina. Using the sculpt flesh, Mira can take on an even more fearsome and beastial appearance similar to Tom's character, Tila. And while playing the campaign, Mira lost one of her throwing razor discs in a manner that mirrored Thomas's character, Felix. The last I saw in my weapon, it was embedded in the side of the fleeing monster. And her mutation makes Mira's appearance to be one of Mike Boz's top three favorite things in the world. She has spider legs instead of feet. And large bulbous spider eyes and mandibles on her mouth and black, arachnid-like skin, like shuddering over her. This has made it all better than when you realize that Mira has to skitter over and lay hands on people that she wants to heal past. Anyways, I think I've taken up enough of the night's time and thank you all for your efforts in giving us listeners the best actual play podcast on The Interwebs. Casey? Thanks, Casey. Appreciate that. Nice to see you back. Twitter, we had a quick little message from Mad Mjolnir who said, "A Mad Mjolnir Cannon." I like the ring of that. I think he's copyrighted that, so we're going to home with Mira. He should. That's from, I think, Task Force Belk where they have it. It's a Mjolnir Cannon. It's not Mad Mjolnir. You're the one that's suggested. No, it is, right. Now we will have a crotter. On Google+, in regards to episode 193, already posted and said, "Wow, sounds like a lot of changes with the GMC setup from the original rules." Almost like starting over again. But will these changes make Scott's work easier? The Making the Character Suffer part that is. Also, the name of the adventure sounds like pretty dark times a plenty, or ahead. I can't wait. Yeah, gonna do a rerun of Sugarin, just like I did delivery, so it's only fair, right? Right. Also, on 193 Lost Kits said, "Love character redesign. Will we see here the new folks getting to make their characters too? Or are you going to move right into the adventure after this?" And it should be obvious. You're from 194 that were right into the adventure. 194 on Google+, are you posted again and said, "Have been listening to Sugarin as a warm-up and man, Scott has some storytelling skills. His descriptions of the environments and events are beautiful and scary when needed. But then on the other side, the rules of world of darkness, it's kind of heavy listening with all those numbers flying back and forth. But luckily, the players take all that in their stride and role play smoothly and entertaining around them. To conclude, a note on the editing, the background noises by time keep being awesome. So hitting this new chapter next as I drive to work today, P.S. Rachel, again, spicing it up. That little, "What is going on in the back of the truck?" Pressing the suss, Daniel, for what's what? She's got that. We want to wish Michael Smart Happy Birthday. This was sent to me by his girlfriend, Sarah Lee. Now, Michael's got a really nice girlfriend. She contacted me. He's turning 40 and she wants to make his birthday special. So she wanted us because he's a fan of KOTN too. Oh, wish him a happy birthday. What a great dude. Oh, it gets better. It's better. So, there's no way a guy who listens to the show has a girlfriend. I'm sorry. All right, man. Most of us are married. Anyways, Sarah, we want to wish Michael a happy birthday. Hopefully he enjoys it, especially for the surprise that you have for him. The surprise is that she wants to run an adventure. You go, Sarah. Look at Bob's face. I had to laugh. Sarah is going to run an adventure for Michael and she's going to, because he likes World of Darkness, she's going to run a World of Darkness one since he enjoys hunting, particularly because I friended him on Facebook and kind of got this information from him. So, I talked to Scott about it because he's a resident world of a darkness expert. And we got Sarah on S.A.S., which is an adventure for her to run. And it's based in Iraq with a squad of guys. And we determined to tie it to KOTN. It's Jay's old squad after he's left. And Scott's going to record the intro to the adventure that Sarah can play with our background music and get them all set. It also has pre-gen characters, so they don't have to spend, I don't know how much you spend Rachel making? Four hours. You don't have to spend four hours making their characters, but they can get right into the adventure. So hopefully it goes well for you Michael. Happy birthday. Happy birthday Michael. Happy birthday. Happy birthday. And keep Sarah. She's just going to work. And as a wrap up, we had one new Patreon Donator that was David, which puts us $14 away from being able to give away a t-shirt each month. I want to thank the people that are using the Amazon link as well. We're getting a lot of action on that and Christmas is coming. Just got primed. And with that, we will actually get into our first full episode since the last one was like half an evening. This is the World Darkness story The Senators. I'm your storyteller Scott. And with me on my right tonight is Michael creating a character. I'm Tom playing J. Elton. I am Jim playing Katie O'Connor. I'm Thomas playing Edgard Montes. I'm Mike playing Michael Clay, the academic adventurer. Bob playing FBI Special Agent Chewpark. I'm John playing former member of Task Force Valkyrie Daniel Morgan. I'm Rachel playing Silver Belt or Grace Rockland. All right. When we left off last week, we had a situation where Sister Katie driving the getaway vehicle was pulled over by a chagrin police officer. We never pulled me over. You slowed down to the stop, Mr. Or Mrs. Who's rolling stuff? It was. At which point, J left out of the passenger sliding door and was getting ready to take a couple of shots at the tire of the police vehicle while Katie floored it and started back up the pursuit once again with the police officer. So I believe we had Katie in the front seat driving with Chewpark in the passenger seat using his camera to try to help in the darkened roads to give her some direction. The GPS. Okay, GPS, my apologies. In the middle row, we had Daniel, Daniel, and yourself, and J, who just left out the passenger side in the back of the cargo van. So this would not be a seat, but a wide open back area is a prone Michael Clay who has been injured from the previous story at Chagrin. It was getting some first aid advice from J, but from the center row. We had the two children who were rescued and were terrified. And we also had Thomas's character, Edgard Montez, who was trying to calm the children not very effectively, but they were called Daniel. Daniel, yeah, ended up turning around and calming them down from the center row seats. Daniel is the man. So, Daniel's the man who's not critically injured. I would say we will take J's action first. If you left from the slowly rolling vehicle, not a roll I'm going to make you make at all. Okay. Even in the pitch darkness of Chagrin, you've been in combat before. You find your footing. You take two long strides with your pistol drawn and then fire off several shots into the tire of the police vehicle. Would that be an accurate assessment? Yes. I'm going for the front tire making it more difficult for him to steer. And since you're on the passenger side of what his vehicle is, well, you're going for the front passenger tire. Correct. You can go ahead and fire with your pistol. Four for firearms, plus one for pistol, which he specializes in, plus four for dexterity. You knock at the weapon damage like you used to. So, no one had two for the dime. Correct. But I can add three to risk. How many will power do you have left? I have only one. You may risk that and you also get to pick something besides three dice. Remember, you get to choose two options with the new rules for risking willpower. I have nine again and three dice. So, what are you taking away? Evil GM. Evil. Evil storyteller. I will take away three dice due to the darkness and just a quick nature of what you're trying to do and the precise nature, aiming for a, yeah, tire as opposed to a car. Yes. Two successes, a nine and a 10, which means you get two more rolls. I don't know, only two successes. And the damage of dice modifier too, so. Yeah, exactly. So, you do a total of four damage to the tires of the vehicle, which are more than enough to cause that telltale noise of the air being released in a very quick and very loud way. Obviously, he ducks, because that's what you do once firing at you, even if you're a police officer. He ducks down in the vehicle. You can see the right front of the car kind of sag a teeny bit as the bullet enters the tire and then you continue your run off into the woods as you try to escape the situation as bad. I mean, as I was going out, I was screaming go go go to the van. Right, which takes us to Katie. I am pouring it and asking Michael to please direct me to a escape route that does not have cops coming since you're listening to their band. Okay, I don't have access to, I was doing on the phone, so I'm only doing communications. I don't have maps or data. Right. Yeah, but they would be saying potentially. I'm coming down such and such a street, so you in conjunction with all right, so I hear on the radio shots fired episode. Oh, yeah. Shots fired shot fired. All right. Do I hear any responding units to that ball? You just hear like an oh my god, a female's voice and then a hang on chief, like a male's voice coming across. So you hear a spatter of voices echoing in. I broke out to Katie that they're can infuse the dispatchers trained to figure things out. We probably have about a minute before they get organized. I'm going to call Winston on the phone. If it's my turn, are we taking them? You don't have cell reception just yet. We got my bird was really bad. Just turn the GPS me away that they're not going to find us or come in the used roads to get us out. We're still looking for a turn, right? Okay, so Katie, you're gonna get correct? Yes. Okay, Michael Clay is Mike and playing Michael Clay is I'm monitoring the stations and listening to giving Katie some updates and whatever units are responding to over the radio, I'll relate to Katie. Okay, Jim, how far overdrive is it to house? I think it's like what 45 minutes? Yeah, at least it's probably a good five to eight minutes to sugar in. The downtown screen falls. I think it's there too. Not in a cargo van, but yes, normally speaking Katie you could, but in a cargo van not so much. So we're probably not safe on the road. I mean, he probably put on an APB or a bolo. That's coming up now. We're a pretty easy vehicle this way. Yeah, so I guess for now I'm just going to concentrate on the map and try to find a turn that we can kind of stash a vehicle. Okay, off the road. We're gonna walk home. And I will say take a bus. No role this term because you're just gunning it and getting the vehicle started again. The police officer in question here, the sheriff from what you're hearing, he is all out defending, just going prone and not doing anything this term besides screaming into his Mike, to his colleagues. He does not take off after you this very first term. I fire one shot and he was tired, just one simply. I had for the tree line as soon as I reasonably say if I look back to see what he's doing. And then I had off in the woods. Also, I kind of want to look at the map of the area to see where where Jane might be heading into and kind of give him give my heads up. Right, the the connection that you have, he's still on our heads up. Still on heads up. He's also using a satellite phone. And it is a very rural area. So the screen isn't like flashing up there in one second to the screen. You're trying to move the map around and try to zoom in an area. And it knows big blocks of checker four. Knowing that we were going into this area where it was kind of questionable our data connection. I might have... Not that you knew that for sure, but certainly that's a fair guess, but you weren't, you didn't know there was going to be no communication or this bad, but go ahead. Some map apps allow you to download the maps ahead of time in case you do come across in it. Yeah, cash the maps. So if you don't have that... That to me sounds like a wit plus computer role, think of that beforehand. Since choose the one and set it, he's the one makes the role. Sorry Mike. I'm rolling six dice. I always got a nine, so just one success. Then you did think to do that. So the map is... The map is actually zooming in and changing to your specifications in real time. It's not that it's taking a long period time. It's been... This turn is three seconds. So you can basically zoom down. You see a couple of crossroads coming up. You see what looks to be a metropark entrance. What would be on Katie's side of the road? Coming up in about your quick guess in your head as you're looking at this map is a quarter mile or so down the road. There's a couple of driveways into people's homes. At this part of should ring. People live quite far off of the main road. The houses are not 50 feet off the road. They're 150, 200 feet back into the woods. Sure. So there's a couple of those driveways coming up on the right hand side. And then the nearest cross road that's an actual road is, you'd say, just past a quarter mile where that metropark exit is, there's a cross road that bisects this side road that you're on currently. It's a much larger road that will eventually lean back to sugar in if you made a right hand turn onto that road. Okay. And then that takes us to Daniel. Are you doing anything extra special there, Daniel? As if the vehicle's gone and you're kind of pushed back in the seat as the vehicle guns forward again. I don't have anything I can help. Is the door still open? Door's still open. Oh, like close the door. Okay, so you'll have to take the seat bell off and move over past grace. I'm pretty sure I got it off already so I could wrap my hand in it and hold the phone. Yeah, because he switched seats when you need to hang out to Jay. Last, hang on to Jay as he was leaning up the door. So you are the driver's side and he is in the middle who just slides over to the passenger side and closes the door. Yeah, then I'd turn the barriers into sleep. We're going to have a really hard time convincing you have anything out of me. She just jumped out of a car and shot a cop. I'm not going to say anything. Yeah. What she saw was Jay jumping out of the car and running back towards a police car and then you heard one wild deafening gunshot in the somewhat silent night. It's followed by the squeal of your own tires and being thrown back again into your seat and moving forward again. Then we have, I believe, Engard. So, Engard, anything in particular you're doing besides lying in the back seats near death? I could help out with the medical first aid that he skipped out on when he had to go shoot cops. Right. But I'm injured myself so I don't know how much help I'd be. You'd have to like get into it sitting up position to help and she just gunned it again and kind of threw everyone backwards and we're both we must just hold hands. We never really cover up how much people heal when they get this. Did this healing potion, did you have a 100% bad job? Everything was healed 100%. That would be an impressive healing potion. No. You're brought back from death. If I'm back from death, it was impressive for what it did. Okay, I was actually dead. I was really they have. Oh, sorry, you're right. I brought you back from the brink of death, which was miraculous in and of itself. I think it healed somewhere between three and five points aggravated damage. It was pretty exceptional. What it did that I didn't actually record that because I only have seven health and all of it's checked out right now. Always checked out but not with aggravated. There's one aggravate. Yes, but you were bleeding out and when you hit seven aggravated, that's when you die. And you were like one or two turns away from dying when you got stuck with that amp rule of whatever healing it was. And that took you all the way to just one aggravated damage. That was a long time ago. I can't say that we're wrong. You obviously are injured and wounded but you could still try to do something if you want or do you think it's just better just to hang tight and hold on because crazy sister Katie's driving. There are going to be better medics when we get to replace the stops. Neither of us are bleeding out anymore. That's good enough. Grace, you did take a brief moment to not answer. Daniel, anything you would like to do on your turn? What would you describe your visage as right now, your disposition? Like if someone was looking at you, what would they see? I'm pretty composed given the circumstances and I'm drawn into myself at this point. Would drawn into yourself indicate knees up and kind of holding your knees like a drawn up physically or drawn up more emotionally and mentally? Mentally. Okay, next turn, Jay, you find cover in... Oh, I'm not stopping for cover. Well, no, you said you're going to the tree line. So you get to the tree line, spin around behind what looks to be some decent sized trees where you have at least, I think you wanted to kind of hide yourself from any spying eyes because you said tree line? Yeah. And then you peer towards the police vehicle where you see the policeman getting up from his prone position, laying over probably the full front seat of his car. He gets up to start driving the car again and hits the gas, and you do anything? Yeah, I put another shot in the back wheel. Okay. This is from a little more distance. You don't have a point point shot here. It's a more of a medium distance which will allow for the range for the pistol is 20, 40, 80. Right. So, and I believe those are yards as opposed to feet. And I'm going to say you're beyond 20 yards from the police vehicle or right at that cost. Go ahead and get your dice pull the other and then I'll give you some minuses. Did you mark off one of your ammo too? I just think this becomes important that you don't have like your run-ball in ammo. I would imagine I have more than one clip. I would imagine that someone with Jay's experience does as well. But, sure. But you never know how long it's going to be. Yeah, this is kind of important. I will spend a willpower to add three and do the... This is your last start. I'm risking the one I gained one so I had two and now I'm spending one. I'm back to one after this. Right. And you cannot risk willpower again in the scene just so you know. This is a reminder in case you forgot. Risking all the errands you want? I mean risking is the only way to earn one. Using a vice or virtue during a scene is part of it as well. Can we dice? Twelve. Do you have a specialty in the pistol or just in the sniper? I have specialty in sniper, pistol, and shotgun. All right. I'm specialized in everything. And everything ranged. I'm going to say just beyond that distance the vehicle's moving. Somebody give a minus two for moving. You're further out now so darkness being a minus two. And that's it. Okay. That leaves me with eight. Two again. And any of them tense? No, both nice. Okay. So I'll get four damage to the rear tire which causes the vehicle to swerve off the road to the right. So it's like coming to your trunk possibly even moving very fast. No, not very far. Okay. Swerve's off the road is in the tire's blow or at least the back tire blows right when you hit it and it swears off. It's a little the smallest type of culvert off to the side of the road and comes to a rest there. So it might have moved a grand total of 20 feet before it kind of slowly and under control moved off the road and then kind of came to a rest in a little ditch or or culvert. If I have any movement I'm heading directly away from the road and actually back a little bit the way we came because I don't just try to throw them off by going in directions they wouldn't expect. Right. And you don't have stealth I would assume? Yes I do. I have it at a two. Okay. You can't do it this time. So you can choose. You're either going to run into the wood. No I want distance first and then stealth lighter. That's great. You can move your normal movement. Although I'm going to say it's halved because you're running through increasingly thickening woods. Okay. And that takes us to Katie. I'm going fast listening to these two. We're to turn we're to go trying to get us out of here somewhere where there's less tops. Right. Okay. So you're driving down the road relatively fast. How fast would you say? You're pushing this thing all the way or are you. You see the headlights veer and the car go into. I'm going safely fast. What does that mean in pitch black area on a very narrow road? What is that? What's an MPH to you there? It's like that the safe speed limit that that is out here to drive is 35. I might be doing 60 or 70. That's not safe in a car. Go ahead and make a roll. It's safe on NASCAR driving none. In a box van. I'm just I'm just saying. So go ahead, Katie. I'm not you know I'm not doing 100. No the car the vehicle can't do 100. You can do 60 in a 35 with turns but just need a little bit of a roll that's on. It's what your character does. So go ahead and make a driver's role please. So I get any pluses from help with from since we kind of know where we're going. Well actually Chew Chate turns his attention to you're more looking for Jay and reporting to Jay you want to do this turn it you by zooming in on the map and telling him where he's at. Eventually I wanted to get to Jay but I think right now I'm going to assist sister Katie. Yeah I think your idea was to assist Jay and all of a sudden he felt the vehicle moving faster and faster and faster and thought the fuck am I doing? I need to give her some did we abandon Jay or you know Jay abandoned us. What a dick. I said meet you back at the safe house. Oh okay. I'm delirious with blood loss. I don't know I was going to go back. Yeah so I think I'm going to concentrate now and I'm trying to find a way out of here for the record and then assist Jay. Okay sister Katie dexterity plus your drive skill plus the handling of the vehicle which I believe is minus two. Yeah it was minus two in a handle it was minus three so I was wounded and it was minus three because of conditions. Well don't worry about the minus it's just yeah what's your what's your driver's skill plus your dexterity? Drivers for my dexterity is four. Okay so you have eight dice and because I am a correct driver I add my composure to my drive which is three. Or I'm correct. All right so that takes you up to 11 dice. Now normally in world darkness we would say do you want to spend a willpower point or not whether you're not going to have a bar I think you're out as a matter of fact. Yes. I would ask you that but for this story I'm going to allow you guys to select whether or not you want to use willpower after I give you the minuses not before. In the spirit of fate and controlling your destiny a little bit more than normally allowed in this system we're going to go ahead and say that's a possibility. Now Katie unfortunately does not have any willpower left to spend so she has 11 dice and you are correct Katie it was minus two for the handling of the vehicle. It was minus three because you're previously wounded which takes you down to six and you had an additional minus three because of the twists and turns is that correct? Darkness and darkness and stuff. But because Chu is helping you with his mapping I'm going to remove that down to a minus two so it takes you down to four dice. He is a kinder shot. I'm just waiting for him. Just wait till he misses the roll. I succeeded. All right driving the car without killing this. Right so you're able to handle 60 miles per hour. Got dicey and a couple turns you felt it kind of come off the ground a little bit on one side of the vehicle the wheels come off a bit while you're taking some tight turns. She doesn't show it though. Yeah she doesn't show it of course not but you'd manage to keep it on and you make probably what amounts to in that three seconds a good distance away from the police vehicle and with the turns you can no longer actually see the police vehicle in your sights. Michael Clay you hear more chatter over where units are responding to this batch. Yeah one of the units coming from the east on main should be at the intersection of Twin Forks in about quarter a mile. Get Jimmy on the phone. We need some backup. I haven't heard from the chief within a few seconds. Chief are you out there are you okay? And then you hear the lady speaking and saying Jimmy Jimmy the dispatcher right she's screaming into another phone put the headset down she's talking to a phone. Get your ass to your vehicle. We need help right now on our main in Twin Forks. Now I relate to Katie that we have Jimmy coming in and we have positive two units responding and I also give her this the street names where they are. Right Chief can you go ahead and make a very quick intelligence plus computer role please. Okay um see intelligence is two and i think this is two or does minus one for the frantic and frenetic nature of the chase and what's going on right now and the sister two wheel on it. Do you have any willpower? I have one one wheel collar. If you risk it and succeed then you'll get I mean you'll get one back. Michael Clay you're able to get some valuable information across to Katie about what the police are doing. Chief did you roll a success? I assume also while you're thinking about that I'm assuming that children are just huddled up and terror or just freezing. That is an excellent assumption and really an excellent description of what they're doing right now. They're holding each other they're crying they're rocking back and forth. We've got so many felonies going on I don't know how we're going to get out of this. So I'd say that I'm using wheel power before you apply the minuses or are we not going to do that? I will apply a minus one as I did to the again frenetic nature of what's occurring right now and go ahead and make yourself a three dice roll or add your willpower and make. I'm going to risk willpower since I only have one. Okay what two options are you choosing? So let's go with nine again and then get the roll with three of this one. Excellent go ahead and make your roll please Jim. That's six dice? Correct six dice. Two nines. All right go ahead and roll two more dice. Ten again. Three successes get to roll again for your ten again. Three successes. You remember that when Michael Clay translates what's going on in the police scanner when you hear twin forks you realize that's the road we're on. It's not very well labeled at all and that was like it was like one little word that said twin forks about three inches back. Yeah three inches back on your zoom in and then Maine is that street just beyond a quarter mile up that you're coming to intersect with. So yeah he said he was less than a quarter mile and closing onto the intersection. Did you get a direction? He was coming up to twin forks from the east which would be a right hand turn once you got which is from Chagrin proper the actual city or little town village of Chagrin Falls. So the Metro Parks is a good better effect to go. That's unloved the Metro Parks. The Metro Parks in my say it's a Metro Parks it was one of those picnic areas it's then actual entrance into the Metro Park. It's pretty big on your map. There's three different parking lots. There's a softball feel a soccer field. It's a dead up. A polo field as well because it's driven falls and what they do. I kind of want to put a little more distance of Chagrin and the incident. So are we heading toward? So we can pull into this Metro Park, hit the lights, wait for the cop to pass and zoom out. Yeah that might be the only option. That's what I'm trying to do. Okay well if we thought that the roads that were on were winding and in dark well down at the Metro Park. The Metro Park again is not it's an entrance to a picnic area. It's not a separate whole row. A separate whole row is the Twin Forks picnic area. There are Metro Park entrances off of Main Street but this isn't one of them. You're not in Main Street anyway you're on Twin Forks. How far are we from that intersection? You're just beyond a quarter mile. So you're closing in. I don't have to turn around to go back to that picnic area right? No it's still ahead. So I mean if we continue on our course we're pretty much going to run. You're going to run into Main Street depending on whether you're going fast out but you're on a side road with winds. You don't know what Main Street is like. You're assuming it's probably straighter and larger and more well lit than what you currently have. So the chance of him and the police crews are making it to the intersection. I think Chiu with his awesome deductive ability would know that the police officer is probably going to get there first. The entrance is just before you get to Main Street. Maybe it's less than a 16th mile away from there. So it's like the last turn before you hit Main Street. I had struck Sister Gade to head off to be a picnic area. Okay and that takes us to Mountain Man. Daniel? I'm going through my pockets. I picked up a lot during the mission. I pull out one of the photographs from his wall of photographs that I forgot I picked up. It's her and her mom and her dad. Right. I say we actually managed to pick this up during the mission. We met your mother before we came here and I think we'll end up taking you to her for this night's through. We did meet her. She'll be able to stop. And what you've been in the interest of making this more level playing field. I've been in a situation you're in right now believe it or not long ago and he hands you his revolver and says please let this be a mark of trust. You have the ability as you know to read people very well. You make a roll for it. It seems very heartfelt his handing you this picture and a gun and saying you know basically we're putting our trust in you. We will take you to your mother while you're out tonight. I appreciate the gesture and because you're being so honest with me let me tell you that I'm not going to take this gun because if I wanted you dead you would already be dead and if I didn't want to be here I would be gone. Okay. I pocketed that. Okay. And you take the photo and remember hear that she doesn't take the photograph either. Okay. Okay. I mean I'm not there but does she give any obvious reaction to the photograph that Daniel could have noticed. Like happiness, revulsion, fear. I'll let you answer first if I'm not thrilled with your answer. I'm going to interject. So go ahead. It doesn't have any noticeable emotional effect on me whatsoever. Okay. In that case go ahead and make a I would say empathy was composure. What did your dice pull Chris? I don't know because I've never done this before so you look up both those things. Empathy is down here on the social there so zero. So it's minus one. Not just really. So you're down to two lights and this is where you normally say either any mindsets and I'd say yeah there is. Minus one for the unexpected shock of seeing that picture that you haven't seen in a long time. Haven't they seen it? Yeah. Minus one. This particular picture. Minus one dice. So no it's if it's zero dice she gets to roll one and no I understand that but doesn't she have the chance to yeah if she really doesn't want to show expression she can still spend will. You don't get the ability to risk willpower because you're not a hunter but you do get so you don't get all the options. You get to add three dice to your roll if you spend willpower. That's your option. Okay never let them see you sweat. No. Absolutely not. So what did you roll? In eight which is a success. So four dice won't success. She shows no outward signs of emotion whatsoever. She's completely composed. You got Wednesday Adams. Okay and in the back seat I'm just saying this girl is freaking me out. Yeah. She's definitely freaking me out. What's the name of this girl from Serenity? It's called River River. River. Yeah I can see River. So I have moved directly away from the road. I'm assuming they're going to be looking for me in this direction so what I'm doing is going away from the way the van went. Paralleling the road heading back and I want to cross the road so that's my long-term plan because they're going to be looking for me on this side of the road. I want to get on the other side. And are you moving stealthily? No moving fast. I figure I'm out of view of the road. It's dark. I'm dressed in dark clothing. Yeah. What you see is in the distance where the car, where the police vehicle went off the side of the road you hear a loud snapping noise. It's a sound of the halogen the large light on top of the place just the light out the woods. Yes and then you see it swing in your direction of where you were before and you see the the force just illuminate but because you moved away and now you're moving parallel with the road right now you are not in the line of fire for that light. The light kind of dissipates before it reaches to you. You hear a car door open and you hear muffled a muffled voice in the distance. Just the distance between you at this point is too far even with at this point. This is going to be a double move for you. I want to get far and away from the car that if I'm crossing the road behind him he's not going to be able to. Your speed is my speed is 11. Yeah so you moved five which is a yard so you moved five yards deeper to the woods last turn then you moved 30 feet back the way along the route and because you're in the metro parks and the forests are kind of thick even right outside of the road his light was not trained. It was trained more towards right at the edge of the road whereas you went 15 20 feet in and then shot back. Yeah I was trying to give him the impression that I was going to directly away from him but then I've cut 90 degrees so he's probably looking. Yeah right where you were more or less and the light is getting eaten up by both the darkness and the amount of trees that are blocking its path. That's your turn. That'll take us to Katie. I am turning off the road looking for this trip looking for this park entrance. That's a little further down so you have to make another is keeping the same speed making the same rule. I'm keeping the same speed. Okay. Choo have you turned your attention yet to Jay or are you keeping your attention on Katie? As soon as I notice Katie's pulling into the park area I'll try to get a hold of Jay to our government issued iPhones. Can somebody in the car let Jay know we're pulling off the road at the four minutes while the cop pass? Ooh I have no successes. Awesome. I was ready for that right? Of course. My attention is still on Katie. Start praying sister. Didn't we have them? Nope. Did we have a radio during the mission? Yeah we did have a radio. We have to use iPhones. Yeah I mean if we don't have a signal I would need to see it right here. What's the point just for a brief second? The iPhone's are while the vehicle does that mean? Can we still park? Are we waiting? Oh we can still talk. If I understand the the iPhones are for our own personal secure communications. They're supposed to be encrypted. Right they're encrypted and they're secure and they're like a special Apple infinity brand that only the government has access to. But there has been a leak we think. All of our personal pictures are on the web now? They are compromised and binary hex is apparently outclassed all of your selfies with you posing with your sniper rifles. Well that's what I call this question. You have a government issued phone and your with his leaving all about it. I'm sorry. What's very different? As you said you have a government issued phone and you're questioning whether or not they know. What the government? How do you know what the government is? We don't know what the government is. These policemen do not have the clearance to know about us. I see that you're concerned. I suggest that we prepare to invoke the whole security clause that we we have like getting out of jail free card or we can vote Homeland Security once and I'm just saying that if we can't get out of this park. Is there a hand in the park? We've got a ton of felonies going on here. I think I've drawn the fire here. You've got a shooter in the woods. I don't think that they're gonna like spend too much time searching every nook and cranny for you guys. Well depends on if the vans rolled or not. That's a very valid point. If there's a burning wreckage they might stop it. I'm just saying that I don't know what we're gonna do with these kids. We two of us need medical attention. This was the shittiest plan. It was a plan of improvising. Shoot the cop. What the fuck. I mean he kind of showed up suspiciously. He was. It's been a long time. We're just. No, we're trying. We're trying all night. We're trying. I'm just saying that I'm just putting that out there that I think I think we should call Winston. Maybe he can arrange something for us. Can you send us a stealth helicopter? I think the government has those. I hear what you're saying but Jay is the commander here and he called Winston. Okay Jay's not here. Who's second in command? I'm bleeding on them. Delirious. I'll call him up. We have no idea. We have a guy agent. Yeah. So he has helped us out. I know. I just want to attack that. So early. You know what I mean? I think it's always a reason why we're here. Right? Yeah. We're also being making a loud mess of everything. Right? I'm not worried about that. We have to avoid this. This fall night has been a loud hot mess. I hear you're in charge now. What are we going to do? Find for yourselves. It's just everything for himself. Squatch all of the woods, hide. We're running out to the woods. Oh and by the way we get a demon child. She's not here but we got a demon child. We got once the Adams here and she's freaking me out. I'm just saying that. Everything has been bad about tonight. So what's called Winston? Winston, we're taking a vacation. It's real bad. We're totally the cleaner. We're taking a holiday definitely. I mean let's see one run through the woods because there's no way out of here. Well I'm just saying. You don't need to run through the roads because I'm about to drive into them. Here's the other thing. We can't go to a hospital with our wounds and those wounds will have to be reported as GSW. Well we have a faith here. That's long term claims. Yeah. What exactly is your driving stuff? It's four. It's pretty cool. I don't know about that. The right front tire of the bat then blows under the pressure of... What did you roll by the way? What were your rolls on your four dice? Two, three, six and... This is another six. Six, two, three, six. It's like two away. So you hear... It sounds like 6, 6, 6 if you had to go. Yeah. There's just so many incriminating evidence. Right. Children, five days. They're coming blonde. Yeah it's all good. So the right front tire blows is you're taking a sharp right now and you have to make the roll of your life. Well probably because I can't think about it. But do you have willpower? I have no willpower. She is spent. Shot. Done. Can I... Well I'm using my faith that I'm going to get through this and now I'm getting a willpower back. That's awesome. I actually think what you say is oh god! It's a... As the vehicle starts to tip onto the passenger side of your head on the corner, you're trying to pull out of the turn and try to keep the van upright. It's wanting with all its heart and soul as a van has. To start rolling passenger side first over the roof, your job is to make it not roll. That will be a driver plus dexterity roll. You'll be able to add your composure. Right. Same rolls before. Love and dice. Driver plus dexterity plus handling. Plus composure. The conditions... The minus three that I was getting for the conditions before do I still have that? Oh yeah. Because you're moving... So basically it's the same rolls I've been making. Oh but now you have a blonde tire as well. Is everything else. So I had the four dice I was having before. Yeah take two more away. Take two more away. For the blonde tire. At 60 miles an hour. In a box man. Good luck. I got a one and a one. Oh my god. That my friends is called a dramatic failure. So I'm just saying Jim had two characters and they were both supposed to be good at something. One of them was supposed to be good at explosives and he blew up. The other one was supposed to be good at driving. I'm sorry. Yes. And what just happened? He's pulling on the wheel like he passed us out from the exertion. He hit shit. Remember the shirt I had on last week that said I got this? I got this. He had eight dice and he needed one success. The last second before the bomb was going to blow to diffuse it and he rolled zero successes on eight dice. It was a total I got this moment. You should have had it. But I got this like all the way. Oh crap. Thank you for listening tonight's of the night actual play podcast. If you'd like to send us questions comments or feedback you can reach us in a number of ways from Twitter at kotn_podcast or by email And don't forget the iTunes reviews or our Facebook page. Speaking of Facebook join like-minded folks at our Facebook fan page. And lastly there's our blog page where there's an Amazon link on the right hand side. Thanks to Zen Audio Smith for the intro and outro music. Get your own music at and join us next week for more mystery and adventure. He looks like a badass. Samuel Jackson though I think. He looks like a badasser. He's more of a sandwich. I shoot my motherfucking gun. Each action in turn allows for one squeezing of a trigger for most weapons such as a pistol or rifle. That means one shot for automatic weapons. That means autofire. My bad. Okay, so send out automatic does not count here. You get one shot. Because it's a three second turn and it's apparently going squeeze a trigger one time in three seconds. That only leaves you with nine. Don't say that because in general eight nights in his last role for Tony Bonadillo before- Yeah, but I don't understand. I got this. Do we get another safe house? I can't remember that. You had a total of I believe two safe houses and one was compromised. Right. The first one was blown up by Tony. I mean not by Tony, but when Tony was unable to diffuse the- I don't consider that a safe house. Right. That was no longer a safe house. It was more where you were living. The other safe house was compromised. You are now at a third safe house in Ohio City. Yes. Butter. Nothing closely. I think- No, I'm fairly certain. Are you sure there wasn't a third safe house? No, we have- I have- I thought we were still on the one that- The first one burned down, the second one was full of carbon monoxide, snipered, bombed, and then burned down. Jesus. No, no, no. The third one was terrible. The third one stood strong. The first one was the one that was burned down and carbon monoxide. It was the bar. No, that's the second one. No. No, no, no. I don't think so. The first one started. We were working at the bar, the drove a car through it. That's the first safe house. Never mind. It was more just your undercover- like you were living undercover as workers in the wine bar in the Great Lakes Brewing Company. All right. Sorry guys. Yeah, it was all the time. I thought the second safe house was compromised by- Well, it was compromised by Billy, but I think you end up staying there because- Yeah, because he's living in the garage and keeping guard for us. It's all good. And we're cool with that? No. Apparently, some of you are cool with that. I don't think we should be cool with that. Well, you had to leave before you could not be too cool with that. Well, if you want to count another safe house, the church. Well, yeah. No. Someone had to leave their sniper rifle in the freaking bell tower. You got to leave the sniper rifle somewhere. But if you're counting safe houses, potentially that was the- Yeah, temporarily disassembled in a box. I'm going to say it's still- You're still at the second quote- That was my assumption. You split another recording, didn't you? Not all of them. Many of them, though. Well, we'd say we have the, we have the powers that be looking for a new safe house. Sure. I think you go back and listen to them. This is how I can enjoy the ride. You're like two old men in the back seat. My sciatica. Oh, my bullet holes. My multiple bullet holes. And animal third-degree burns. The crazy knot, lady. Under skills. There are physical skills. Jay has every single one of them, except for larceny. He's a physical guy. That's my job. Yeah. He's a guy and there's a giant larceny dollar. Yeah. Oh, Jay. Come on. Jay kicked it. Oh. You don't take any of these? Awesome. I brought a Frisbee. Right. Exactly. You guys can play a little bit. But they also tend to have only one way in and out. Correct. It's almost the drugs out for it. No, I'm just kidding. No, the drugs are out in the back. In the physical home. But it helped the drone map. I don't think so. I don't think it's really that complicated. Oh, unless I'm not taking a lot of time at all. I just... Because that means we need a tent. Wait, is that... You can take my carrots? You can just do that? No, wait, wait, wait. No, it's zero dice. She gets to roll one. No, I understand that, but doesn't she have the chance to... If she really doesn't want to show expression, she can still spend will. Right. She still spent about wanting to hear to know that. That's right. Didn't want to show. I'm the nice case. Yeah, you are. He never explains it. Yeah, never. He was risking a little power. You can add three dice to your pool. If you're rolling nine, you can roll again. These are options for you. You can go back up ever. By being into your vice and virtue. Acting before. Okay. Also, at the end of the scene, don't you get one back? You do only if you've fed into your vice or your virtue or your hit scene. You're thinking of sleeping for a night, you get one will power back next morning. Oh, right. Okay, yeah. So, you don't... They're coming after a guy who shatted a cat. Shatted a cop. They're... That's a whole different... That's a whole different... That's a whole other thing. You really didn't drill. Yes. You could have slowed down. Once the metric park was not... I just realized I can drive better than she can. Because she's so wounded, I know. I understand. I think it's just happened. You know, she... No more. She just said, "Fuck you. I'm driving." That's what I do. I'll never let her always skip the finale and just go right to where where everything was fine and sold months later. Farmville. I can't hear you. It's not Farmville. I'll go up and wait. Wait a minute. It's not Farmville. It's Hay Day. Hay Day. It's a tribute for every single thing. No, you're not. It's the first thing. The first thing we're going to talk about in the feedback is the QCC, which Michael and I went to. Not me. I wasn't there. The other mic. Good tribute. Hey, I'm really... Hey, hey. I'm really not right. Octames there. H-E-Y. Are you acting? I am acting. Hey, I'm... No, I can't do it. That's why I sound weird. I don't know what it's like. That's right. I would like lights and lights. Was I fair? Ladies can be noted, you know. How you laugh. You know, that's true. Thank you for the mention. I think we want to do that. The lady is tonight. I would like to see how... Lady of the Night? No, I'm sorry. There you go. That's what I love. He just called me a lady of the night. That's how the lady is at night. And Bob said "Lady of the Night." I wasn't talking about that. Certainly not you. I was just talking to all the other ladies in the room. Um... Jesus. It's not like I wasn't even going... No idea what we're talking about. Yep. Sure. Some guy was asking for a fake help and ideas of coming up with a storyline. And the other players were slogging. Right.