Players give there thoughts and feeling on Ritual, Fate and GM Tom.
Knights of the Night
191 - DF KotN Actual Play Podcast - DFRPG - Players Review of Rituals
(upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Hello and welcome to "Night to the Night" actual play podcast. This is the player review of "The Dress of the Files" ritual story. And now, please enjoy episode 191. Actual play begins two minutes and 52 seconds. (upbeat music) Before we get into second half of questions after I think, we have a little bit of feedback from answer one. 89, the grenade goes ting ting ting ting. Jason McDonald on Facebook posted and said, "Maxwell may have taken the strongest stance on doors "and KOTN history with that tribe. "That's one way to break the mold. "Do you have a truck for it?" - That was a good point. - That was really clever. Luke Green also posted and said, "The main white court families in the novels "hide the fact of what they are from the younger members "and trick them into their first taste, "which wakes up the demon inside of them, making them a vampire." See, I think it's in reference to some of the questions Rachel's character had. However, if they experience the opposite of their preferred emotions before they kill someone, they become human. For the race, the opposite of loss was love, so when an ally experienced and shared sexual acts with someone she truly loved, she was spared the vampirism. This girl would need to experience pure unadulterated joy. - WC3 disc set. That's all there. - It's just regretting it. - That's not true, Joey. - That's just-- - Yeah, it's manufactured. - It's joined a bottle, man. Ain't true love. That's really it. That's what we have for feedback. - That was a good point. - That was it. - As well. - I'm sorry you're disappointed yet. - Wow. - No, no, it was just the point. - Just compared to the last week. - It's a simple. - Never been that simple. - There are abs and flows. Sometimes we have less, sometimes we have more. Did wanna mention that Michael and I have ordered shirts. Sounds like Jim wants to get one as well. Michael and I will be wearing it to the QCC, which should be the 19th of September. It's a convention in Buffalo, New York, who will be there. And just to make it perfectly clear, because I listened back while I was editing, the Patreon isn't strictly for people outside the United States. It's for any of our listeners who want to-- - Ah, don't do it that much way. Because I was harping so much on the fact that it was for people. - Hey, we made our quota to be able to give away a T-shirt. - One portion of my notes. - All right, with that, we're gonna go on to the question. We finished our second Dresden File Story, Cleveland-based adventure. - And I managed on this last day. - Yes, we discussed that last week, seeing as it was the last-- - It's just normal for you, Michael. - You died a couple different times. - Yeah. - I think that it was that Jim isn't here because it's the last time. - That's what we knew. - Yeah. - It must be any of it, like this can tell. - The adventure will be over in two weeks, when Jim can't show up. - Oh, okay. - So we had three different players that this was their first taste of Fates' system. - Going around the table, I haven't just said your name really quickly. - Michael, I played Repa. - I'm Rachel, I was Zelda. - I'm Jim, playing Edmund Shodowski. - I'm Scott, and I played London. - Bob, when I played Stephen Tillman. - Thomas, who played Maxwell. - John, who played Roberta. - And of course, missing, is my new player. - Gordon Allen. - Family show. - Hopefully you're coming next week. So the general question I have for the new players is what did you think of Fates? How did you enjoy the system? Now, we'll save Rachel for Alaska's, I believe this was your first ever role playing system. You don't really have anything to compare it to, but both Bob and Mike have played other systems before. How did you feel that Fates was as a system? - I like the flexibility of the system. It was nice to be able to kind of change the outcome on the story, just based off of having a Fates Point handy. The narrative control that the players have, you enjoyed that aspect of the outcome. - Yeah, I think that was nice work for a change to have more of an impact on the story. Definitely a change of pace from some of the other systems I've played. - And Michael, you've played other games, but not for a long, long time. You've been retired. You came back, you played Dungeon World with us and new Monera. And you haven't tried World of Darkness, which is an older school type of role set. So you and Rachel will be probably playing that next. - What did you... - I agree, as far as affecting the story, it was great. I'd like to know if anybody thought there were any negatives, as far as fate. Bob, did you see anything? - And not fate in general, but maybe with Dresden, I thought maybe it's a little bit too easy. I really never felt like I was in danger at all. - That's always a way out. - It's kind of soft pedaling. You don't really, like you said, feel in danger. - Yeah. - We'll take rid of this one. - We're all the darkness next year. - Yeah, I have no doubt. - That's like going to the other extreme. - Yeah. - You're always in danger. - I never feel safe in World of Darkness. If I do feel safe, I'm here anyway, 'cause something's probably gonna be wrong. - Something is terribly, terribly wrong. - I think that's a good thing about it. This is the fact that you're kind of controlling the, you don't want, if you're controlling the narrative and you're controlling the story, you kind of want your character to make it the end and not die. - Right. - So the people that have played before, Scott and Jim, did your view change on Dresin' or fake John? - I think it's pretty much the same as that. And I think Bob kind of echoed what a lot of us said after the first story, which was just that it was, it just seems too easy to get to legendary and epic. I mean, how epic can it be if it even happened six times in a story? - Or novel epic. - Or double epic, right. Plus 16 or whatever happened once. I mean, I love the narrative control for the players. For a change of pace, it's perfect. And it's such a fantastic counter or foil to World of Darkness. World of Darkness is much more, well, dark and it's much less player control. You feel a lot more in peril, I think. But God, you don't want to do that every single story. You get burned out. So I think my complaint is also, I think, a strength of the system. And that's that you don't necessarily need to always feel like you're in complete danger and jeopardy. We get that enough with some of our other stories. It's a good tale. It's a great yarn. It's fun. So same complaints, too easy to be epic, not enough peril, but then I think that's also maybe in a way kind of an advantage or a plus to the system. You know, I counted as a negative, but in comparison to the systems that we play, perfect. - So again, back to the new guys. You've played other role playing systems before. One of the things that people have said they enjoy about Dresin and Fate is the social combat in addition to the physical combat, that the rules are all one set, that it's easy to handle social combat as well. We really didn't see too much of that in this particular adventure. - I think just with London and Rinaldi, that was the only really social combat that I recall. - In the very beginning, I went there for that. I produced a survivor of one of those ritual, yeah. He was a witness to one of those ritual murders. I reduced him to gibbering tears through intimidation. - Which was really helpful. - Considering his friend just got murdered. - Yeah, no, no, no, it was a nice typical reward. - A sensitive reward. - Then I guess we'll go to Rachel because you've never played a role playing system before. What was your take on playing it for the first time? I mean, obviously you enjoyed yourself. You've been coming back. You've been dying. - I've never felt well. - She doesn't have a choice. - I don't know, I don't know. - We have a question whether or not you're going to return. - Yes, yes, yes. To build off of what Scott just said, that it was good for a change of pace, I would say actually I think it's good for beginners. Because when you're coming into this with absolutely no experience, it's really nice to not have to worry about getting yourself into a dangerous situation or-- - Plus it's a game system to the aspects which really are sentences that describe your character are very helpful for a beginner to say, all I gotta do is write something that describes my character. - Exactly, it's super approach. - And then get to use it being my character. - One of the things I said before, the first time we played Fate was, at the end of the first adventure, I said I never felt like I knew a character better than in this system because of those aspects. They made you pretty much form an idea of your character and it makes role playing that much easier. Never walked into a game before knowing my character as well as I knew London, that first story. And I think that's maybe to what Rachel, or you were intimating towards the aspects, is it really helps you as a first time role player to say, okay, this is how my character would respond to that because you have those aspects. - We also feel like you can't really do anything wrong too, again, like you have the ability to get in and out of certain situations that is your own. Yeah, you can roll the dice and whatnot, but like they were saying, it's-- - You gotta reroll it. - Yeah, you can reroll, you can add a fave point, you can tap aspects. Even spending one fave point and tapping one aspect, you're in most cases canceling or equaling or boosting the role. So that role isn't a huge randomization factor, like in a D20 where the range is one to 20, that's a huge percentage swing. A fave is typically gonna be within one or two points in either direction. - Right. - And one spend of a fave point and you've already overwritten and then probably plus. - Right, I think Numenara was a good introduction to this for me 'cause I'm not having to play fake before Numenara was kind of easty wind of that word. - It sort of describes, you have to describe your character, you know, a noun who verbs it, or whatever it is. - So it's-- - Is a prequel to aspects? - Yes. - Mm-hmm. - What do you call it when you offer someone a fave point 'cause something bad's gonna happen? - Compel. - Compel, do you think throwing in more compels would make it harder? - I think it would make more interesting. - It would make it more interesting and it's one of my weaknesses as a gem is not compelling the characters enough but it's difficult when you've got eight players sitting around the table and they've each got five and that's a total of 40 different compels. - How many do I wanna tell you during Numenara? - Right. - Almost never. - Because it's too much to juggle. - It's difficult. What I should be doing is each time before we play sitting down for at least an hour, look over your list and say, okay, these are things I think I can hit with what I think's gonna happen tonight. These are buttons I think I can push. They should be doing that more because then when I'm in the game I could just say, oh yeah, this one. - Would everybody else care or think it's unfair if other characters would help with that and say, you know, I mean, John's-- - Oh, absolutely, I don't think that's a bad idea. - I push it, it should hit up with this. - Yeah, never remembers to. - Right. - We play X, especially all the time. - Right. - As well as your own. - And really, you should, when you do that, when you do what Roberto's doing, which is, you should remind the gem and say, hey, I just played one of my aspects. I did something stupid because of my aspect. Give me a fake point. - Right. - There's nothing wrong with that. - The second question I had was the pregame. Again, we'll just stick with the new guys in this one because the old players, you don't really have a pregame, you develop a new character, you already had one, and there was very minor tweaking before we continued the story. - Right. - So we'll stay with Rachel. I know you've never created a character before and that your character process was kind of difficult for you being the first time you've ever done it. But how did you like creating the character and choosing the aspects and choosing the skills? Was it a little overwhelming for you at the beginning? - I don't think so, but not for me. I don't think it was overwhelming, but I think that's just because I am a writer and I like to write a lot. So it was pretty easy to develop a character. - For defining a character, yeah. I used the true believer template just 'cause I liked the idea of someone believing in something enough that they could manifest it or make it come true. And then I wasn't familiar at all with the world of Dresden, but I knew that it had like the occult overtones. So I chose tarot cards 'cause it seemed, you know, like-- - It worked pretty well. - Yeah, like it's a very easy way to create a wide variety of influence, I guess, on the story, but also it gave this random factor to it. Like a randomized ability to make the story or make my character influence the story in different ways. - You were saying before we started playing it, you were trying to think of different things and you thought of runes as a possibility to say tarot. I think the tarot cards worked so much better because of the graphical and the interpretation that you can make on any card is so open. I mean, you can take it in any number of ways and it worked so well with the story. - You can twist it and hold it and write it. - Almost any card you can pick and find some way to apply to a situation. - Exactly. - That it worked really, really well. I don't know that we necessarily made wonderful actual rules to incorporate it in the game, but I don't think we ever had to. The whole point is we're telling a story here. It worked perfectly fine. - A fate point here, a fate point there, and it made the story that much more interesting. - I think it worked with a fate system because you have so much freedom to create your character and write the story and make it your own, make it mean what you want it to mean. - And I think Thomas put it perfectly last week when I was editing, I heard him say, "You're making a role here that can really be abused." We're not gonna do that, but just to remind you, this can really be abused. - That was his speed. - Yeah, exactly. And he was absolutely right. But I had no problem with it, like the tarot cards, I didn't have a problem with it 'cause I knew Rachel wasn't gonna abuse it and I was fine with making the game work that way because I knew you guys weren't gonna abuse it. Come back and say, "Well, we can fly across the world." But yeah, I mean, it's a valid point, but I think we're all mature enough players to know that within the story is what we wanna do. We wanna keep it. - Exactly, it's all about the story. - And I think that's something that is really surprising is that we had three brand new players, at least, coming into this group. - To the system, yeah. - And we all had our moments and we all had fleshed out, well done characters that did something towards the story. And everybody else did too, the old timers as well. And everybody got their turn. - I would've liked to have typed Bob's character in a little more heavily than I did, but some of the parts where he was with Roberto and they were drinking buddies and he hated, no, I'm sorry, he hated Roberto and he was drinking buddies with Manny and that there was some history there, kind of worked in the story. Wish it was more, but it did work. - To be fair, I think Bob's character has some great potential moving forward. The photography angle of seeing what could happen and what might happen. - I think the adventure has to be a little more built around that or in order to incorporate it on certain suggestions. - Yeah, it has to be incorporated, but man, it's a fantastic idea. It's a really cool idea. - So speaking of Bob, what did you think of the character design and? - I really liked the character design. I really didn't spend too much time coming up with a background story for Steven and I kind of wish that I would have, but he was kind of playing a role where he would fit into the party 'cause these guys were already established from pretty much making it a little more difficult. I mean, I think all three of you were having problems with that. Not problems, per se, but it was a little bit rocky. It's like Rachel in the beginning is like, why am I still here? Why the fuck wouldn't he run away? - Yeah, so-- - Why do we have a reporter with us? - Yeah. - Yeah, so you kind of play just like a background role. I guess it wasn't the highlight of the story at all, but that's fine, I had an enjoyable time with it. - Michael? - Yeah, the character development, it was a little sketchy for me in the beginning, but I think it came around and the concept that I had for the character, I was able to pretty much flesh out how I wanted it to as far as-- - I think, Michael, as you give you a A+ for a research, you always had a drug that you pulled out of nowhere. - I've been researching for 50 years. (laughing) Come on now, I actually recognized the one that you quoted from that podcast. It was-- - Yeah, yeah. - A lot of it's been recent over the last few years, listening to podcasts and stuff, but yeah. - Yeah, that was a fun thing. - It was a lot of fun. - It was a lot of fun. (laughing) - But I don't think any of your audience did. - What are you guys saying didn't work in the adventure? - I think the biggest thing you said so far was not feeling that you were in danger. But I mean, if you're skipping that-- - Okay. - That, what do you think could have been done better? What do you think didn't work in the adventure? - I think Mike's soul-sunderedness was not touched on. - It has. - Much potential. - But I think that's what I might as well. (laughing) - He didn't want to address it. - No, he didn't want it in the first place. - And I don't want to beat up on Mike 'cause he's not here, but he did kind of fight that. He had such a potential to make an interesting character, and he seemed reluctant to embrace that. And it was more of a, what did you do while I was gone? You know, throwing blame. - He kind of warmed to it a bit towards-- - He did. And I think he's accepted and he can move forward in the next-- - Maybe that's something we really kind of highlight going forward as well. Like he gets a moment to shine there along with Steven. And the next story where it's built around some of those ideas. It's kind of hard with so many players to have everyone have their moment. - Yeah, absolutely. - And then go with the story. What do you mean about that demon in the alley at the first time? - I think there were a little nervous about that. They thought they were gonna-- - Did their ass take a hurt? - If it wasn't for that son tarot card, scaring it away, I think Roberto could have got ripped up a little bit more. - Yeah, we were in danger at a few times, and even in the end game, you know, I was kind of concerned about the exit. - We got the right strategy. - I had the strategy. - Sorry, I think the last time I mentioned as well, I fought the goal game and became the goal of it. But you should have fought some of those roles. It was a really weak game, right? Similarly, Brian Nelson got his ass handed to him three rounds in a row, and the guy didn't do anything. - Well, that was intentional. The other demon was there not doing something-- - For a reason. - For a reason. - But if you roll the bad defense role, you just say, "Oh, you did better." - Oh, wait, Brian right now. - To make it more challenging, I guess is where he's going forward, which-- - Yeah, I get there. But if you're in a situation in valid, I mean, your opinion is perfectly valid, and it might've been more interesting if it had been-- - We were started by vampires at the time as well. Maybe we're thinking there was a big fight coming up. - The thing is, you guys prepared for Ryan Nelson, not as well as you could have. You still didn't necessarily know he's full of a range of powers, but you've got a sniper over there with holy bullets. You've got this guy everywhere. - Why did you ever want us to go to the castle? - The castle? - Yeah, it was represented in Repa's Dream Stays, the castle, and you kind of steered us away from-- - Brian Nelson? - Brian Nelson's little-- - Well, because at that time, you guys were talking about kidnapping Ryan Nelson and swapping him out with Manny. - Right. - That would have just made for two separate battles where I intended them to both take place in the one man. - I was just one man. - Yeah. - If it wasn't anything wrong with the story, it was just, it would've made sense-- - It could've been. - You guys could've done that, and there could've been a battle, and it could've been, you got your ass handed to you. - Or it could've just been too well protected, or something. - Right. - Because it didn't make sense for me, from my point of view, that our characters wouldn't have figured that out. - Yeah. - And I know that you wanted-- I'm pointing it right. I thought that you wanted to check it out, for sure, because you were so adamant about Ryan Nelson killing somebody else, and you were actually pissed. Zelda was pissed that we were going to the end game. - Because it was a setup. - With the reason, 'cause it was a setup. - Yeah. - You were right. She was right. - Now we knew it was a setup, too, and I think that's one of the reasons why we were semi-prepared walking in there. We did a little bit of research. We did our, it's a big door. How are we gonna get through it? And-- - I mean, if you've got the nail, and you've got a sniper with a hollow point to holy bullets, and you've got-- - Scary Jews, I mean, you guys did a lot of crap for it that it should have been, and especially when 50% of the defensive force is letting you do what he wanted you to do. - And when Ryan appeared, Britt led himself to be known everybody hit him like they would, 'cause they were all around him. So he was-- - So yeah, I guess it could have been handled better, and there could have been that battle. It would have stretched out the hole, and I don't know that it would have, it might have made the stakes seem higher. So, it's a valid point. - I think it was a really good story. - Which is the next part, which is what you'd like about the adventure, and-- - It's hard to think about. - Well, we'd like to see more of if we play, when we play fate again, 'cause we will. - Right. - We've got certain members of this group that really love fate. - Right. - And love the characters that they're playing. And I think most of you enjoy your characters. - Sure. - And would like to see them go further and be more flesh out, and see how they interact more with this world. - They're arc. - Yeah. - So it's coming back, this is my third character, started with-- - Third system. - Dungeon rule, yeah. - And then Newman era, and now fate, and I've enjoyed playing every single character and did want to stop every single one. - Mm-hmm. - Right. - And I'm kind of dreading going forward to World of Darkness, but I'm sure that'll change too. - Right. - Mm-hmm. - You don't want to-- - No, you don't dread. - It's not over, you don't dread it. - It's not over, you don't dread it. - It's not world of butterflies and happiness. - I still have to try to figure out how to play that system. (laughing) - Which, without an act. - It's not that hard. - I really liked being able to write in that whole story about the fourth nail. - Mm-hmm. - I thought that was cool. I don't, I don't have anything to compare this to, so I don't know if you can really do that with any other system, but I really don't know. But I liked the freedom of being able to add in this whole other element to something that I just-- - I mean, if we're talking old-school games, like Dungeons and Dragons, you can with the right Dungeons and Dragons. - You still can, but there's no mechanical support for that type of stuff, where in fate, the whole aspect, and even world of darkness, to some extent, it's, I don't know. I guess world of darkness, we don't. - Yeah, I don't think there was any mechanic driving her there. I think it was just a really cool idea, and you as a really good GM, decided to let her run with it, and I think that's what-- - That goes over, you don't have to suck up. - Right, well London does not suck up, but I don't think-- - Well, first of all, there was a tarot card which led to her getting an advantage against the demons, and then me as GM saying, "Well, they advantage as you know of some history," which led her to go research it, which led to her defining actual history that could be warped into something-- - I'm just saying that-- - That could be an exceptional success in World of Darkness in a GM that's, or a storyteller that's willing to let the character run with it. - Right, right. I think there's-- - Some mechanics that maybe tie in a little bit more. - I think it's just a little. - It's definitely easier to do in fate. - Yeah, just, I wasn't sure, 'cause you being the GM and everything, I wasn't sure, 'cause it just seemed like I was given an opportunity to kind of, like, help write the story a bit. - Yes, and that was gonna be the next point I was gonna say, 'cause you're right. Both the fate system and I as a GM tend to be looser with the structure of the story. When you're playing Dungeons and Dragons, it typically is this railroad-- - The Union. - The dungeon crawl that-- - Very linear. - Helps to go do this, and there isn't that freedom to just take the story in any direction that you want. There always is that freedom, but it's almost a requirement of the system, is you have to allow the players to take it in any direction because of those fate points, because of their ability to take the story. If you want something to happen and you've got enough fate points, it's gonna happen. It's a GM is not gonna be able to stop you unless it's just a different type of game, so that's what lends itself more so, is the players taking it and running with it, is the game system, and again-- - It wants-- - It's like style of-- - Yeah, it wants you to do that. - What I like playing it the second time is the first time I was hoarding the-- - Not used to that. - The fate points, and not really used to being able to just say, "Hey, I'm gonna change it, "I'm gonna have this thing 'cause I need it, "or I'm gonna do this instead of that more." And the second time around, I was like, "Okay, I learned from the first time "like one had to do, and this time I'm gonna do it." - It's the Sandbox versus railroad thing. - Right. - I think Repa using the pharmaceuticals as the focus for his talents was the same sort of thing, the fate, I think allowed me to do that much easier. - Because you're almost making a subsystem. - In both cases, really. - Well, all three cases. - Your ability to take pictures and see the future of the past, what role system covers that, or the tarot cards, or pharmaceuticals. There's no system out there that has those rules. - It's very flexible, yeah. - But if we were, and when we do play this, where do you guys see it going? What do you want to see more of? - Compel. - Do you, more compels? - Because I think that would add a level of danger and challenge. And again, it's- - Well, I wouldn't change the balance if I'm- - Yeah. - But from compelling you more, I'm giving you more faith points, which gives you more power, which means you're- - Unless we're screwing us over with him, and we have to use our faith points to get out of that situation, depending on the compel. - You guys seem to like Ryan Nelson returning from story one to story two. - I mean, most people like- - He killed us. - I think he's dead. Well, you never know. But I think he's dead. - Ryan Nelson has a twin brother. He will never saw that. Wow, I'm in it all. - You kinda in the second scene, you guys pissed off a lot of people. - Yeah. - What? - I did. - We killed them all. - For change. - I agree. - I don't even know what happened. - I had a lot more. - I had those people weren't people- - What am I talking about? - What do you think? - You saying we- - No, the second act- - The second act. - The second act- - I don't know that they played delivery. - Thanks. - The second act would be rituals. You guys kinda pissed off a lot of people. - In both of that sounds. - Who do we pissed off? - We're on all of the analogies dead or not. - I'm not talking about listening. - Oh, you were there for that. - I was talking to him. - No, no, no. - I'm talking in the scenario environment, you've made a lot of enemies. If there are any white court vampires left in Cleveland, they fucking hate you. - But you could- - The chances- - With the first one. - The chance of stories. - I wanted John Renaldi to be dead, 'cause I wanted his successor. - I thought maybe I'd have a chance of getting him. - No. - Get in a pocket. (laughing) - You're getting up to start. - Done. - Yeah, you're a court thing. I don't see that. - Well, the white court vampires are angry, going to hate us. There's no getting around it. 'Cause- - Now, Aryans might actually like you. Apparently you did something very helpful for them. - Yeah. - Well, we have two of them right here. - Well, yeah, you- - Two of 'em. - He's a duo. - Roberto and Roberto. Two of the kind. - I'm not sure the white council- - The wizards are gonna be all that happy with their resident warden. - They never got- - Diving his toes in the necromancy pool. - Thing is he's wearing his soul around his- - That wasn't by Kevin. - That is done to him. - And then he kills the guy. He's doing his warden job all over the place. - Well, actually, it was done to him by Roberto. He didn't kill that guy. - They did. Yeah, they might just be happy that he's not on the take, so. - I carolized him by putting a nail in his spine. Thank you. - Oh, no, no, no, no. - Then the warden cut his head. - Now, he's talking about the soul-sundered happening. - Oh, soul-sundered happening. - Yeah, I totally did that. - Yeah, you totally did that. Whoops. - Okay, so in the third act, the second act you told me you didn't want to see any vampires while we did go. - Champards. - We went, we failed all over the- - Yeah, I did. - It's like no vampires. - You said we saw enough vampires. So I did start out with a denarian bench, but Manny sucked me back into the white court and the vampires. - Right. - I think I'd like to see a story that revolves around some of the people that didn't get a chance necessarily to shine as much. And the first or second story. I think that the warden's got- - Has a fair share. - A fair share. And one day we- - We bring back some mad feral black court. - I think we should be on a search to help the warden find something or some way to get his soul back and his body the right way. - I spoke to the warden today. And he said that he was thinking of having his character go into Cleveland into some of the tallest buildings that might touch the dome and start doing runes and spells that could suck down some of this nasty energy. Of course, we'd be sucking it into a building full of people which might not necessarily be the best thing. - But I was thinking- - But anyways, he's thinking about it. He's thinking about what to do. - Another thing I was thinking about too, as far as this whole dome around Cleveland and it was erected around Emerald Circle or something, is my character's thinking that there might be artifacts or items set along- - Well, obviously this seemed to be some sort of ritual that was tapped into a ritual area. - But he was thinking about trying to figure out how it was created and what can be done to uncreate it. - I think it's interesting and something we really, we explored very, very cursory in the first story. - And they're all about the dome. - Yeah, with what happened to the dome- - Which also doesn't affect the- - Their world. - The chains, right. And they're so unpredictable and chaotic in nature that it might make for an interesting story to visit them. I mean, there's a lot of options you have. - I'm speaking about that. Any theories on what happened to the dome and why the coin rune is missing and the coin itself is cracked and what did the ritual do? - The coin was- - I said it, I didn't. - It had it. - The final one. - Oh yeah, you told everyone, but it wasn't you, it was me being you and you were here. Sorry. - He pulled it out of your pocket and the sigil was erased and it was just a crack through the coin. I guess that the angels just changed prisons. He was in a coin, but now he's contained within Cleveland. But I don't know. - He's part of the dome. - Interesting. - I don't know what that means, though. - Well, yeah, or all the negative energy out of him broken that sucked into the dome and strengthened it. - Yeah, if we strengthen the dome by accident, we should be able to easily reverse that process, right? - Sure. - If the ritual sites are subtle- - Just go up to the dome and kiss it and hug it and- - And think happy thoughts. - I think the thoughts are- - It works. - But the cool thing about playing an ongoing series is you get to bring back recurring characters from previous stories- - Constances got to return at some point. I don't know. - At some point, they're down. - They're down during the fourth. - And the way the box is not contained inside his body anymore, I was thinking we could do some of Constance's research from Act One, where she learned how to put souls into vampires. - Right. - We could hunt down the remaining wizards she had hired and performers who were on the mic. - Yeah. - That's a great potential. So I think there's a lot of- - You have so many options for where to go with the third story. - Yeah, the problem with that, I'm just curious as I'm- - Is that not really the focus of the story? Because it's not really- - Was it Ryan Nelson's coin that was spoken? - Yes. Yes. And it was also Ryan Nelson who was killed. - Right. - And when wizards die, they can take all of their power and hit somebody with a death curse, which is what he attempted to do. But the fact that he was on a ritual ground where something underneath had already been set up to absorb this and pump it up into the shield. - We never saw him kill a wizard. Just a bunch of people with minor powers. Is that like a thing? Or did you totally forget that you didn't kill a wizard? - You mean Ryan Nelson didn't kill a wizard? - Yeah. - No, I'm not stating something that you didn't know. He killed a lot of, not wizards, but practitioners. - Practitioners. - And his powers was to amplify anyway. So to say that he amplified each of them up to a wizard level, or maybe, or what I was hinting at. - I'm supposed to, as I carry the coin, he had access to Hellfire and other forms of magic. - He had that as well, so. - I don't have access to other forms of magic 'cause I can't handle it, but. - Okay, anything else that you guys want to discuss before we go on to the listeners? The listeners questions. - In the immediate future, I don't know exactly how it ended, the adventure ended, but we're, like in the next few days after this was over, where'd everybody go with it? - Everybody do. - We ended with you guys on the road driving away. - Yeah, so we wanted that. - Well, we actually have a scene after that which involved Zelda, and London, and music, (speaking in foreign language) - No, no, no, no. - No, not actually, that's what happened. - Seriously, London is frightened to be in a room along with her, so. - Good. - No. - Only thing, the good thing is, is that Emmon was in a physical disguise, not found in a magical disguise. - They're gonna know, was you? - So, he wasn't even there. - Keep telling yourself that they're not gonna know. - All right, any last comments of it before we move on? - No, but again, my question was, is what was everybody's immediate plan to do once they-- - Oh, well, that's, yeah, that's a different question. - Once they drove away and got-- - Typically, in the Dresden novels, they stop at the end of an adventure. They don't really ramp up all the little individual pieces, and when they come back, it's like three, four months later, and they kind of backfill what happened. - Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. - But I'm perfectly fine with you guys having a discussion of how you see the next couple of weeks or months going. - I don't know. - I guess we start with London, who's in a room and is frightened of it, so, hold on. - I hope it's a room. - Again, so, no, no, it's a large area. - It's a large open area. - Yeah, courtyard. - With several escape routes, for both of us. In case either one feels uncomfortable enough, I think that this girl became important somehow. - Somehow. - And I think that that's-- - I think the first time I showed up, I saved your ass. - Oh, no, no, no, you girl. - Sorry. - The girl, the girl, the white court vampire girl. No, no, the one who was gonna be turned into a full fledged. - Somehow, she became important. - I'm not gonna have to think. - I thought she was just a bit player, and-- - How the hell she became important was the story. - She can change reality in the future, but I don't know why she's important. - Right, that's really stepping out. No, but anyways, I'm talking about the white court's virgin, and that young girl-- - Anna. - Anna, thank you. - I think it would be really, to me, I'd like to see the story involve something to do with her, and I'd like to start the story off with Zelda and London's uncomfortable meeting of minds as they tried to either help her, or kill her, or extract information from her, or whatever. - She is an orphan now, so she's not an orphan. He's the only one we didn't definitely kill. - We didn't see him die, we killed everyone else. - Of course, the house exploded. That doesn't mean he's dead. - Why didn't we kill him? - We didn't see him or find him. - He was in a rubble. - Kill who? - Maxwell was a good one. - Oh, there's a loose end? - Yeah, right. - You should have turned around and taken a picture of the camera. - She's missing, but that takes a lot of time. - What happened in the picture? - How did you guys manage to not kill someone? - I'm just like, 10 minutes down the camera. - I was buried in the rubble. I didn't want to dig through it. I had a girl to rescue. - I think this thing should be, like I said, it's kind of happens, Dan. She became important to a couple people in the group, and maybe she could be the link, or the, if not the focus, but certainly like a gateway into the next story. - Sure. - Because that's how we ended the evening. It's always good to start the next story where you ended off the last one. - Of course, you can always do flashbacks like you mentioned, they do in the novels, but if you're going for a straight, normal beginning. - It depends on what she becomes. I mean, it becomes on your side. - You don't really need to start the moments you and Zelda close the door. - Should it come from her side? - I'd be fucking impressed. I mean, she's hanging out with London, and also we kidnapped her and probably killed her dad. - Rude, the reason she's not going to become on your side is because she's with London. - Yeah. - If anyone had to kill over this, step one, she's hanging out with London. Step two, we probably killed her dad. - I mean, and you understand. - Not every relative, she has. - Who has an on-person impression? - Matt London didn't want to kill him. - No one could get in line with him. - Probably Steven, 'cause London offered him money. - Well, he was the only one. - That's good. - So anyone else got Megan Montgomery, or whatever her name is? - Yes. - Montgomery's daughter. I'd like to see her. - No, no, no. - It wasn't Megan Montgomery. - Some orphanage. - I'd like to see him open in those stories somewhere. - Megan was the previous warden's daughter. - Yeah, and she's still MIA, as far as I know. - Yes, she is. - And I'd like to see him open into the story somewhere. - Yes, she's possibly human, and she was the other word in his name. - Donovan. - Thank you. - Thank you, Donovan. - Yes, thank you. - Girl. - Now who's next? None of the new players know anything about it. - Roberto was about to slam you, London guy. - Oh god, you abandoned a baby, but you take in this 14-year-old girl? - I didn't abandon the baby first of all, but a second point-- - He had to pick one to abandon, at least. - You know, the four-year-old girl could take care of her, so. - No, there's a connection between London and the 14-year-old girl that has yet to be revealed. So, that's why. - Mm-hmm, he's a real father. (laughing) - Sometimes, you know-- - Wow, as if people don't like you enough, you have a connection with a 14-year-old girl. - Uncle London. - That was the other one, but I didn't want to tell that girl. - I wasn't gonna go with him. - Uncomfortable. - Yeah. - Uncomfortable silence. - And obviously, the force kill that's over to me when it's fighting to be a huge story point. - No, that's not gonna come up. Nothing happened to me. - I think the minox that still worshiped Roberto. - The minox? - That's what I call him. - That's what I call him. - There's a more-lax. - Under the under-lax. - That's what they were. - There you go, that were left over after the gold-- - He got his house for a hunch. - But, I think the more-lax-- - Hunch a day. - Coming in and driving Roberto crazy. - So, when does Roberto turn into this Satan? - That takes a lot of time. - Well, possibly when he's evil. (laughing) - He's already out there. - He's already out there. - How many do you know about that thing? - One Thursday. - One hasn't done it so far. - His character arc, I can help push him along in certain aspects, but-- - Oh yeah. - I don't think he needs a push from that process. - Seems queninal if that happens during the table or after the fact, because we've done that before. - We've had conversations. - Actually, that was really enjoyed by the fans. - Any other player arcs that you like to throw something in, like a scene with Maxwell talking to his boss? - Did Maxwell report on Ruppo's drugs and shit? - No, that's not paranormal. (laughing) - He doesn't even care. - I was just wondering if like a SWAT team was gonna bring you to his house. - I'm not an arc. What do you think I am? I work for the government. I don't work for the DEA. - What happened with London's deals in factuation with my secretary? - Well, that's later, don't worry about it. - Find out in nine months. - Does that have to do with the 14-year-old as well? - No, that's what happens to my knowledge. - Zelda? - The whole reason that I cared at all about any of this, not knowing any of you except for Ruppo was because my friends were dying. So after the whole thing with London, and-- - You're tiring, Zelda, starting to-- - Feeling like maybe I'm not as appreciated as I should be for what I'm doing. It's gonna take a hell of a lot for me to wanna come hang out with you guys again after all this. - I thought we were great. - That's what we all said after the end of the last night. - No, I'm just saying, it was a lot, a lot for me to come in and do, yeah, like, I don't know. I feel like I'm gonna, my character arc, as you guys call it, will develop into this, that's gonna be an aspect, definitely. - Well, she's gonna be bitchier than she wants. - It's just that, you know, there's gonna have to, I mean, something's gonna have to develop, something's gonna have to come along. - Some motivation, right. - Yeah, I continue to-- - I definitely will-- - Stay. - Like a non-negative relationship with somebody? - Yeah, 'cause I mean, my friends and the parent that we're dying, that's why I cared. And, I mean, I'm still interested in everything, but I don't know if I wanna like, yeah. - Okay, well, well, free weed, do it for you. (laughing) - It's got the whole record. - And we're looking for a tie-in to the, if you're looking for a tie-in to the group in some way that you might actually want to hang around this decrepit batch of losers, you're gonna have to crep it. - We're heroes, damn it. (laughing) - I'm rapping, I'm rapping, I'm rapping. - What does you have in the mission are you guys, you're heroes? - I rescue the guys. - She has the ability to go off and do her own thing. The protection aspect is critical, I guess, but-- - Well, here's what I was gonna suggest. - Yeah, I don't know if it's necessary now. - We're kind of like working with a war in a Cleveland, and he's supposed to be, I guess, the good guy. - Right, but he's also the only good guy. - Air quotes, good guy. - My character, the Warden, is the only one in this group that is really trained in the ways of magic. Your character is interested in learning how to control her abilities more that may be a tie-in as his apprentice, him teaching you to control your magic more, to have more-- - I don't know, well, it's well-versed in the lore of 'cause my thing is a Hungarian just to using the lore of her past. So like, unless he's well-versed in Hungarian, the lore of the Romani people. - I think he's-- - That's up to him. - But he's never telling my shit. - I don't know if anybody's an expert in everything. - No, but-- - I mean, he would be nice to have, like, connection with him. - There's quite some things that he could teach you about magic. - In Cleveland, he's probably the most knowledgeable in the way of magic lore. - 'Cause he's really magic, you think? - 'Cause the whole true believer-- - As long as you believe in it, it works. It's pretty much how it works in Dresden. - Yeah. - Chief's believe in it, man. - Belief magic is very strong. - Just wondering if it's a little kind of magic that you can, like, since it's all and manifested through my mind. I'm not sure if it-- - From Mike's point of view, he's, in one of his aspects is by the book. And what I-- - He would be a really shitty mentor for me. - He really would. But what I-- - That's fine. - What I can say that is someone who's worried about someone as chaotic as your character to have so much power and no control over it, would probably scare the hell out of Mike's character. - Well, you are already scared of Mike's character, Roberto. - He'd be very scared as the hell out of-- - Pretty much everyone at the table. - Yeah. - With the exception of himself. - I don't know. I think he'd be scared of himself sometimes, too. - I think he's a lot of fun to have around. - Oh, yeah. - He's super popular. - It's a possible tie-in. - You could definitely get a well-paying, weakly or gig at higher grounds doing tarot card readings once a week. - One other ultimate, it would be-- - Whoa, we are the good guys. As much as it might not look like it. It's as dysfunctional as we are. - There's many bodies under the truck, isn't it? - You have the biggest fucking body count in the city. - Yeah. - Okay, so I'll be right here. - The thing is, it's just for my character, she was consistently not listening to you a lot, and so I feel like she might want to go out and do her own thing. - Another route would be-- - It really was. - That the leader of the parentet was Ryan fucking Nelson. He's dead. There's a huge power gap in the parentet right now. You step up. - Yeah. - Hugely common leader of the parentet. Now, as the leader of the parentet, your ward is going to have to deal with you. You've still got to tie to the party. - Right. - He's going to be concerned with you just as he is, but he's got no control over you. - But at this point-- - Because you're not his apprentice. - That's a good one. - I don't know if I'd want, I don't think, I don't see Sal but wanting to be anyone's apprentice. - No, that's fine, it's your character. Play it as you wish. - Or you can come up with a new experience too. - Right, but being the head of the parentet, or at least maybe your soul on your area, he's going to want to be keeping tabs on you, and you're going to want to make sure-- - And a connection. - Yeah. - Absolutely, I would say that the entire parentet would look to you as the one who saved them. You were the one that was talking to them, you were the one that was concerned, now the big bad guys taken care of. They're going to elevate you so that you could easily lead the parentet if you wanted to. - Or she has a diverse group of people in the parentet, some of them start warning her about trouble, this effect of what's going on with the dome. Whatever the case is, her group of people is the first one that found out about it because they're out on the streets. - Right, and who the hell is she going to go to? Who has the power in the city to take care of something? The same group you were just with. There's plenty of ways we can tie back in. This group of ass. - That's just what I asked what we would see. - Okay, that's enough. - No, that's something that's going to definitely be seen. - Yeah, like I said, at the end of the last adventure, I was like, there's no reason why any of these guys would want to get together again. - The biggest problem I had was finding out a way to bring Roberto and the Warden back together and because they hated each other. - Yeah, good luck at doing it again. - Oh, he's got to be dealt with one way or another. That's obvious now, so. - He's our anti-hero. - Yeah. - That's tough. - Is that a bad thing? - Oh, yeah. - It's entirely unusual in teams where people are more into enemies than Wolverine. - Working towards a common end. I was thinking more of Stormbringer and from Michael Markock was the-- - Right, right. - And then there's some similarities. He had a sword that was evil that would drink blood, but he used it to fight good. - Right. That's who I thought of first when I got up. - Not particularly if I'm good. - Right. - Yeah, everyone's fighting a lot. - He fought a lot. - He fought a lot of crazy. - Take a few more souls than he thought he wanted. - He didn't do it quick. - Happens. - Anyway, I just got a character. - They wish you'd just come. - Maxwell runs over people by accident now. Anyway. - He ran over there. - Is that going to be a reoccurring theme? Is there going to be an aspect? - It's still a story. - He does a lie killing people. - I think I brought that up in the wrong manner, but he doesn't like killing people. It's against his morals. - No, they're not really people. - But there's a lot of arguments. - And that's his argument with the vampires. - But he also ran over the-- - That was regular wait staff. - Yeah, I would think that he might have some serious-- - Reprocussions of-- - Yeah, he just moral repercussions of what he had. - If they find out you were involved, they're going to be fired. (laughing) - Did they fire people? - Do you think the government works? - Okay. - Nevermind. - If you get promoted. - I was fighting a terrorist cell. They're going to give me a fucking medal. - All those wait staff. (laughing) - Climb your game. - Do you know that in the paper, it's a gas leak that causes the house. - Of course. - There is no way they're going to mention any of the really shit. - A moving truck from one of the companies slipped its transmission and backed into the house, which caused a gas leak, which caused an explosion and 32 people died, more than 20 of them real human beings. But hey, that's all right. - So it's-- - Next one, Mike. - Was many forcibly removed from the area? - Yeah, we got you. - You was removed under the influence of happy Jews, but yeah. - Does that last would be for forever? - No. - The Gerberto is just going to be this happy-- - Go lucky. - Yeah. - That's what the whole-- - I still have a demon. - It's like the anti- Gerberto. - It's just getting father and son back together again and happy. - I was going with the same of at what cost. What would you guys be willing to do too? - For the store. - Yeah. I don't know if it finished all that. - Time has certainly finished at what cost? Pretty nicely. - And manuous rescued. - And the way all hopes of my-- - We're not supposed to kill. - Yeah. - When all he was killed. - Yeah, cost paid. - I don't know if we necessarily want to discuss with Roberto his character arc. - Well, I don't want to know it, to be honest. - Yeah. - Because I don't-- - I don't think John knows where he wants to take it. I mean, he has a bit of knowledge, I'm sure, but it's probably one of those things that should not be shared with everybody. - I think we know enough right now. - Yeah. - We try to-- - We need to know-- - Well, this is a group that he had the coin and the demon was in an arc. Excuse me, fallen angel. (laughing) - Are we really-- - Really? - It's really big. - You know. - It's only a demon when it turns on it. It takes on its demon. - Is it by nature a fallen angel, a demon? When they fall, don't they automatically become demons? - I don't know what the technical definition of demon is. - How about you whip out the dictionary? - I'm pretty sure it's that. - How about we call it the demon angel? - The demon angel. - Yeah, so it's obviously common knowledge now within the group, so that was one of my major. I mean, it's great to have a secret about your character, but at some point, it has to become knowledge of advice-- - Yeah. - What's the sense of having a secret? - Had Dylan figured it out yet? - Oh, yeah. He knows. Oh, well. - It took him a little while there. - Although sometimes Alan doesn't quite cross that. Like the one title was-- - I'm not sure this is connected. - Yeah. - Ryan Nelson in the ritual murders. - He was infected now. - I tell you, he was kind of always the same thing I was, which is maybe we're doing the wrong thing, but he said it just as wrong as I did. - I think that should be an aspect. - Not sure if that's connected. - All right, refusal to see something. Yeah, that's a good name for it. Okay, so Mike's with us tonight, so we want to display some of this, and we're gonna ask him some of the questions that we had covered with the other players since his return. And the first one is, what do you think about Fadev, your ed reviews and fetching stuff? - No, I still like it. I still think though it's a game that requires everyone to participate and to get the most out of what we're trying to do and to enjoy the game. And you also need to build in opportunities to kind of hand off the baton to other players and to you, the storyteller, to kind of give everyone opportunities to have their character interact or use their powers or help everyone tell the story. It's a group effort to tell the story, and it's not really just you outlying a path for us. - It's much more improv than-- - Right, this is actually why it worked out pretty decently for Rachel. It's from her history of where she came from. - Sure, that's the positive side of the Fadev. The other side is we have the dysfunctional team dynamic again that while I understand he had to have some conflict in order to move a story along, it seems like we're going at each other far more than our enemies and it's almost like we don't so need to have enemies. You could just really tell the story of get together and walk outside to get the mail and you could-- - Zelda! - You could have each roll on your hands. - Roberto! - But then he has Thoughtful Cast. The Avengers, for instance. - Yeah. - Or Guardians of the Galaxy. - Or Pucky the Vampire Slayer. - Any of those shows or moves that have large and simulcast, they're constantly struggling against each other almost more than the exterior. - I suppose. - Right. - Which brings out the end of the last adventure. Roberto picks up the second coin. He's carrying around two of them. I think you were still there when that happened. - Right. And during the last evening, Rachel and the guys of Zelda tossed in the ecstasy bomb, are grenade, without telling Roberto what it was. - Oh wow. - She just said, she ate one of the Roberto. - She ate one of the Roberto. - She totally pumped Roberto. It was, she Roberto Roberto. - Wow. - So Roberto tries to save his father and jumps on the grenade. - Okay. - And gets a whole shitload of ecstasy right in the face. - And the reason this dead has a great soul point. - Yes, pretty much. And goes buddy, buddy, cop with the warden on the way out. And when they get-- - All right now you lost me. (laughing) - And as you get to the car, he goes, hey, warden, you want this extra one? I don't need two of these. He said he goes to hand you the coin. - We never could decide what you would do. So we have to ask you. - My first instinct, what would you do? - My first instinct was to lop off his hand with your Skywalker and drop the coin. That was the first thing that came to my mind when you said that. Unless you started throwing a bunch of fade points at me, I think I would not accept it. - I don't know that there's any reason I could compel you to take it. - It's not your character. - No, buy the book. But then again, I'm haunted by certain guilt and certain things and-- - I believe Roberto said to develop free to even want that. Something along the lines of, this will give you a lot more power and you can fight the good fight. - I think he said you could do a lot of good with this. - It didn't say, well, I'll look at all the power you'll get. - That's true. - I also think that-- - Which he doesn't trust. - A certain road to a certain place is paved in the so-called good intentions of using, and you can't use evil for good. - If I was standing behind him, I would take my glove hand and say, I'll take that. (laughing) - But you weren't. You were gone. - Wow, I would have to think about that a little bit. - Well, well, at the end of the adventure, we have plenty of time because, yeah. Too bad you weren't there. - Well, I'll tell you what, if it were a movie, and then like, it'd be a happy music and then that music would get really spooky and then in a very sour note that like, (laughing) - With you staring at Roberto? - As he's sitting there with a happy grin, just feeling good about the world and himself for maybe the first time in his life. - Well, there was a discussion about whether they could make it a permanent thing, just constantly bombard him with ecstasy. - No, wait a second. So we had an ex-secretary, that's how we had the despair. - We had both. - Oh, we have two. - Okay. - Sounds so ridiculous when you say that. - What do you say it like that? - Is it secret? - Well, I just imagine like, Roberto at a club just sitting there going, "Ew." (laughing) It just, I love everybody. Everyone's so cool. - He wrote it very well. He was really happy. - All right, we're gonna wrap up with our question chair and move on and see you in the listeners' questions. (upbeat music) - Thank you for listening tonight's of the night's actual play podcast. If you'd like to send us questions, comments, or feedback, you can reach us in a number of ways. From Twitter, @KOTN_podcast, or by email And don't forget the iTunes reviews or our Facebook page, Speaking of Facebook, join like-minded folks at our Facebook fan page. And lastly, there's our blog page,, where there's an Amazon link on the right-hand side. Thanks to Zen Audio Smith for the intro and outro music. Get your own music at And join us next week for more mystery and adventure. (upbeat music) - I'm right behind this one. Oh, goodness gracious. I'm sorry. - Oh, man. - I don't think that's what we go. - Come on, son. - I don't think it's moral either. - I've got no thumbs. - We're just doing some feedback, that's all. - Wait, wait. - We actually haven't started feeding back. - Doesn't matter where it is. - No, doesn't matter 'cause you're a cat. - Right. - All right, we will do our best to splice that in and make it do that sound horrible. No, I mean, yeah, we're pretty much just gonna have to admit it was spliced into the fact tape. - Mm-hmm. - That's all right. - What about how's your old tranny? - How did Maxwell and London get away from, they just rammed the door to the estate. - Actually Maxwell raced up into the building looking for the girl, 'cause every life is sacred. - And we need to save her. We need to save that young, impressionable girl. - Young, not young. - That's not even finder wives in these stories, you know, maybe you rescued her from a bunch of sexy vampires. - She is. - So he convinced, well, yeah, he convinced her to jump out the window. - Not as dangerous as it sounds. - Because there was a gas leak and the car was still on. - And she didn't want to go with him. - You don't want to go with him. - Right. - So I tackled her. - No, no, no, no. - Oh, this sort of turned-- - This is not how I served you. - She jumped out the window and ran. He jumped out the window and ran faster. - Oh, so it was really kind of a job. - Tackled her at that point, tried to convince her that he was a good guy and said you're dad's on the phone. And then said, you know what, fuck this. Your dad's on the phone and called London. - Because you still-- - And I was still impersonating Leo at that point, her dad, so I blocked my way through. Go with him, he's trustworthy. And made, you know, a good London role. And she's like, oh, okay, it's all good. - She was impressive. Because that's a hard thing to take. - That's so-- - Oh, I turned off-- - You turned off-- - I turned off-- - Yeah, pretty much. - I turned off the van, that back into the house because it was flooding off the fumes, the media spark, whatever. So I turned that off. And then what's his name, showed up at the door, on the other side, the passenger door. - Ronaldy. - John, Ronaldy. And that's when Repa went all Vietnam War on his ass and shot him right through his, I think, neck. And he went down in the heap. I knew he was Jon Renaldi, though, in a vampire, so I walked around the other end, he was still gurgling, he was still hanging on. So I went invisible as Leo. - I just felt invisible. - Right, as Leo, I was invisible. Grabbed and buy the hair and started-- - And then the girl we kidnapped ended up in London's basement. I don't know how that happened. - Tied up. Actually, it wouldn't be down for it, but it happened. - I don't know. It's a good thing, nice one. - Oh, I'm sure. - We're helping her. - You convinced him very well. - And Edmund showed you the coin that was the one on Ryan Nelson. He had a crack and it was empty of a sigil. - Oh, that's, that's. But I think I should review some of my ideas about what that means. So, or what it could imply. And that scared me. Scares us all. Questions. Questions I'm dressed in? - I wanna put this away. I can't get away. - That was a good time for it. - Yeah, that's a perfectly time I wasn't talking. - We are gonna, 'cause I got a really good book for it to read it in case, you know, she really, like. (laughing) - I'm sorry. - And there was, and there was gets all for me.