Knights of the Night

190 - DF Kotn Acutal Play Podcast - DFRGP - Moving at the speed of Roberto

Broadcast on:
30 Aug 2014
Audio Format:

The last half of the last evening of the adventure. A few bangs, booms and oh no's. But how else would a Dresden adventure end?


(upbeat music) - Hello, and welcome to Night's of the Night Actual Play podcast. This Dresden File Story, rituals, was written and run by a jam-top. And now, please enjoy episode 190, titled "Moving at the Speed of Roberto." Actual play begins five minutes, 44 seconds. (upbeat music) - Before we get back to the final episode of Distress of Power Patrol, please the final one. Ooh, how much time is it, enjoy everybody? - I have another day up and there's about 45 minutes left. - That's what you got to look forward to, guys. - Let's do 45 minutes. - Pardon? - Wow, you're playing Roberto tonight. - I'm sorry, but it is 11.30, right? - We got two new Patreons, Greg and William. We want to thank both of them for contributing to our Patreons for up to $36. I put up a post on there saying that if we hit 60, we're gonna start to give away free T-shirts every month. The reason it has to be 60 is the T-shirts are around 32, and then we have to ship, and some of the shipping may be international, and that is very expensive. - It's an expensive T-shirt. - It is, but it's got our logo on the front, KOTN full, the same logo we used for the podcast. And on the back, it's got the one created by one of our listeners, - Colorado. - Oh, that guy's got a sniper scope and Leatherman in the middle. And then it's got catch phrases from the podcast. For instance, tap that aspect. I got this. - On a T-shirt? - On a T-shirt, yeah. Rachel wants one now. She wants to get on that aspect. - Hey, as capital in a T-shirt if you guys order a T-shirt. - The ones I suggested were tap that aspect. - I can make some tea bell ones, sorry. - Tap that aspect, no means no woman. I got this. I think you can go back and listen. - There's a demon in me. - Sorry. - Drop your angels. - I mean, there's, every door's a Rubik's queue. - There's a number of different things that I put. But what I discovered is that, since we're not paying for these bulk, 'cause we can't really order 40, 30 album, 'cause it'd be a lot of money, they would be less expensive if we ordered them at that quantity. But if we're gonna order 'em that wanna time anyways, that each listener can choose what phrases they want on the back. So if you win the prize, I'll contact you for your address and such and you can tell me what you think they should say on the back. - If there's gonna be one phrase, it should be where every door's a Rubik's queue. - Wherever the end of the adventure site. - To which the end of the adventure's always two weeks away. - Two weeks away. - Right. - There's a more concise thing. I have it on one of my character shoots. - It is, it's like to encapsulate those. - To get to the feedback, on Google Plus, I already posted and said, said to hear, Dresden, is tapering to an end. But anxious for what comes next. It's gonna be awesome. As always, everything KOTN is awesome. Yes? A personal drinking game, waiting to spot the episode name line in the episode itself. As the talk on the grenade started, I was already poised with my drink. Did Rachel make a firefly reference? - I don't think so. - It was one for me anyways. Are you a fan of firefly? - Ah, no, I mean, yes, kind of, but no. I mean, I've seen the first season of it in the movie. - That's all there is. - There's one of them. - Yeah, so she's awesome. - I've never seen one of them. - I don't know why, but she doesn't know what's in there. - No, yes, my friends are big fans. So, by being around. - The question was, did you make a reference? - Did you intend to make a reference? - No, but yeah. - Okay, and Ari's third one was, Tan, you need to make another outro with the Patreon information, right? - No. - That's right. I probably should mention Patreon and our outro. - 'Cause not everyone listens to feedback. - That's true. - Crazy. Why would they not listen to feedback? - At our KOTN blog, R.S. Tilton posted and said, "Ha, I just listened to episode 157, "and I totally agree with your D20 hatred." (laughing) - Welcome to the vlog. - That's why I'm using two dice 10, one, I'm running, new manera. - You might do that too. - Yeah, Facebook, episode 189, the grenade goes dink, dink, dink. Richard Watts posted and said, "For those of you who have never played the paranoia game, "the GM and/or the players help complete "their character's skill list with custom skills. "The more out-managed skill, the more better." The prime example from my past game was spurious robotic logic and a skill called making people dance by shooting at their feet. I recalled this while listening to the episode because the description of Maxwell's hopping out of the truck, cocking the shotgun and not looking as the building behind him is about to explode, brought back memories of my all time favorite paranoia skill, jumping dramatically out of the way of explosions like Vin Diesel. - Okay, I smiled, that's a good skill. I love that skill. - That's a good skill. I think Maxwell needs this aspect soon. For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, any linked to a Wikipedia of paranoia, the game, most of us have played that before. - Yes. - And Mike, who isn't here tonight, posted a link that said Richard, there's a video theme song about that and the link to cool guys don't look at explosion, a song about cool guys who do just that as they walk away. So, that's all the feedback we have for this week. We will now go on to the last episode of Doo Rich Wools storyline. This has got to be the last fucking night of this adventure. I'm time for your GM. - Oh no. One is going to sting his head. - No doors left. - Anywhere. - If you're fucking acting in. - You're a big ass truck. - And I'm time for your GM and this is rituals. - Yeah. - Okay. - The final episode is a great question Mark. And the players starting on my left are - John playing Roberto Martinez, people staring in power by a fallen angel with three fake points. - Thomas playing Maxwell Edison and undercover Homeland Security operative with exactly zero fake points on account. I spent them all on the truck. Bob playing Steven Tillman, a reporter and photographer who do anything to get the story. And I have three fake points left. I'm Scott playing London Wheels, a moral seer to the supernatural powers carrying one fake point. - I'm Rachel playing Zelda Sykes, an American gypsy who uses the lore of her past to construct the future. And she's down to her last fake point. - Now Michael playing replica pairs and then theogenic organic alchemist. And they have no fake points. - And missing from tonight because it's the last night is Jim, right place Edmund. - Why, I think he's missed every single - It's gotta be on purpose. - It's ever pro at this point that he's not here. - And Mike who plays the Warden Allen who is unfortunately dealing with some. - A loss, a family loss, right? - Indeed. - Our hearts go out to Mike and his family, yes. - With that we go back to the top of the order. - Wake court, are you still invisible? - Still isn't. - Yeah, okay. - I mean, this is dangerous. In my opinion, this situation is very dangerous in the sense of there could be still vampires. - That's the most dangerous thing I've ever seen London do with it on a bullish. - He spent a few points on athletics. - Yeah. - He's like checking his pole, like he's taking his cardio stuff. - I have to have one of those heart monitors right? - Yes, shit. I broke 120. - He's broke a sweat into my sweat. - Right. - That's bad, right? - You owe it to your shirt, God. It's a gypshing cat. - Whoa, it wasn't for the-- - No, I mean, it was gonna be funny if it was, but it wasn't none. - Plus three. - I rolled plus three. - The one that's gonna be explosive. - No, did we roll for the explosion? - Last, we'd be this turn, it started, yeah. - We rolled last turn, but this turn just started. - No, I rolled the one that was Maxwell's turn. So that's where we roll again. This roll looks for a white court vampire. He rolled the plus three. It is Rinaldi. He is on the edge of the truck. You're on the driver's side. He is on the passenger side looking into the truck because the truck just stopped moving. - Right. - His roll to spot you, which has to be seed for visibility. - Yes, which is. - Which the roll was plus three. His alertness is three. So that makes it fantastic. - I think he sees you because I just added it and I remember you saying it's not up to my normal standard. - Right, exactly. - But I remember that that number. - What he sees is he sees not me. - Right, he sees through the veil. He sees the image that's inside. - Because that was either an epic or legendary way. It made the roll to be Leo. - But what he sees is Leo. - Right. - Who is invisible for his amazing. - And what he says is, Gordon, I thought you were dead. No way, you're not the word. - And it stops there. - And it goes to Stephen. - If he had any consequences from when I hit them all with the car or you could have used those to add to your roll for. - No, his roll was a visibility way back. - Okay, it doesn't work for opposition when you're not rolling out of time. - Got it. - Stephen. - I'm gonna assist Manny to just get out of here, cross the river. What zone did we make it to last time, like, by the 10th? - You were back to the middle where Allen was, so you've got two to the edge and then you've got to go down and then cross the river. So you want me to make another roll? - You were gonna have to make a lot of rolls. - Now, is Zelda assisting? Should we roll at the same time? Basically, we're kind of going together. I'm not sure how you wanna move back. - Yeah, what I'm gonna want is for her to create an advantage. She's gonna have to say roll at least fair to not cause any. - My two orthotics, or either? - Either. - I don't think she has either though, so that's true. - She has a positive one. - I do average athletics. I was gonna throw a card down, though. So, do you want me to not do that? - No. - It's you. - You can, but that would mean that you're not helping. - Okay, physically. - Well, I was doing it to try and get help, 'cause of that one guy that was out there. - Yeah, we already said that. - For a patch guy. So I was gonna try and throw a card down to see if I can get him to come back and help us. Now that he's done with Edmund, basically, this was the card that I pulled up. - And what is that card? - The Six of Pentacles, which is about charity. And people giving you things specifically help. - Well, look at that. - In the best of circumstances. So. - Cheer. (laughing) - I'm sorry, thanks, but. - Totally ran. - Who shuffled those cards? - Yeah, okay. - Yeah, it's Six of Pentacles is a card representing being in harmony and balance. You're thankful for what you have. You're gratefully receiving what other men have to offer. Typically, you're a beggar and you're wanting help. Sometimes that gift can be wisdom, sometimes it can be money, sometimes it can be inter-light peace. But it's assistance to those in need. - That's perfect. - But it pulls out. - So is for a patch going to assist with this, or, you know, I don't think Edmund is actually doing this. - That's what I was trying to do. - Can you help out with escorting mannequin? - Someone or something to help carry me. - Edmund's the interpretation of the card is always up to Zelda. So she gets a state which it is. But the end result is you get a free plus two. - The counter acts the difficulty of moving mannee in the first place. So you get a straight up roll. - Yay. All right, so it's just my athletics, which is great. - And plus two. - And one caveat. So, is that fantastic? Six, wouldn't have done a better job. - So you get to the edge of the stream and fur patches there to actually lift both of you down into the river and halfway across it. So you were well on your way and Zelda wanted to add something? - Yeah, there is one caveat though. If you were the beggars in the six pentacles, then you may be the recipient of someone else's charitable activities. This will help you get back on your feet and eventually you should repay the charitable individual either with your time. - He likes to be scared. - He likes to be scared. - I don't know what that means, but. - I think fur patches are like the little scrunch right there. - I'm not doing that. - I mean, get some. - It depends on if fur patches are male or female. - I don't know if that matters, but it's the end of this stuff. - Well, it's interesting because it could. - 'Cause again, it meant that it's all about balance in the beginning. It's all about balance. If he helps us. - So he definitely helps you. You guys are in this stream halfway across. - You're catching up rather quickly too. - I'm gonna stay over the radio. We have Manny, we're across the river. We need to get the hell out of here. - Scooby's there. - Scooby's there. - Scooby's there? - Scooby's there? - Well, Scooby's there. - Scooby's there. - He was the one with his friend. - Yes, yes. - Apparently, now he's yours. - Yes, yes, so. - Repa. I'm sorry, Repa's up. You should have been higher. - Looking, just waiting for something to shoot at and encouraging people to leave the fucking house. It's like better. - Well, we have Manny, let's go. - He says that. - I got a target for you. - The passenger side of the van. - Okay. - John, let Aldi. - Yeah, okay. - Bang. - Take him out, now. - So Repa. Can you, that was a five. Sorry, four. - Even. - So four. - He's even his one. - Did you get the dodge of them? - Did he see it coming? - I still don't think he sees a sniper shot coming from. - Based on the location, that bullet is coming right over, seriously, over London's left shoulder, invisible shoulder, as it may be. - Wow. - To go through the cab and go through the passenger window and strike Renaldi. - Would you? - 'Cause remember, this is a four ton truck, so that there's a little higher. So it's probably, Renaldi's head is probably framed in the passenger doorway pretty much, so that bolts whistling right over my head or right over my shoulder. The door's open on my side, so it's going straight through the, the shot would go straight through the cab and into the passenger window, then in the Renaldi's brain. - What is your old hand? Where did you grab him? - Yeah, even. Which is... - What's the score? - Oh, inside of the house, I heard. - Okay, well, he's in the woods over here, he's shooting the passenger side. - No, he's way over here. - He doesn't know it's coming, he rolled equal on his roll, he doesn't get his athletics roll, but you rolled a total of what? - Four, four. - This weapon's three. So that is the total of seven. - Good, that's a big dude. - Yes. - Or the rubble. - Use those. - Or both. - Right. - How many? - He has a broken right arm and multiple contusions. - Right, that's plus four. - Those make him hurt worse. - That's plus eleven then? - Ouch. - Yeah. - That's a stress. - He still has a minus six, probably. - That's having a bad day. - And his minus eight. I don't know what his physical stress boxes are. - Is there a coup de gras in this game? - Nothing so in the rules. - You hear a shot going out on it and then he just disappears from the window. - Dude needs to stop getting off. - Stop. - We were looking right at each other, so does that all I get is he disappears? Or, I mean, if he got hit in the head, there's a splatter of mist all over the window. So he was definitely hit. - Spilled on his corpse. - That was Renavi. Edmund continues up the path and gets to the car. - What an exciting man. - Not so much. And, Maxwell. - He's going to the house? - No, Edmund was up the far path and to the car that's parked on the road, your escape plan. - So, good day to the north. - Good job, Edmund. - How do you want to do this search for the girl? Should I just run through absolutely every room and use my alertness as-- - We have redeemed, don't we? - Yep. - Me. - Yes, Annie, right? - Right, I'm yelling through a little-- - It's probably in a panic line. - Should I just run through every single room as fast as I can and use my, like, what's the alertness to notice there? - Oh, of course, man, this is fake. You are going to use your investigation. - Is your scene of a crime? - Tell your mind to determine what is most likely the room of a teenage girl. - Is this the scene of a crime? - Well, it's the scene of multiple crimes, but who are searched is that particularly relevant to do a crime, per se? - It doesn't kind of cause it yourself. - Really? - I should somewhat and then investigate something else. - Who killed them? - Me. - Yes. - Investigation. - I would say it would take a fantastic role for you to decide which of these identical doors in this hallway contains. - There you go, this one. - My investigation is great. I roll the plus one, it brings me up to superb. - I still would argue this is a crime scene. - Oh, so cool. - How, how, how would you argue that? - There's a bunch of dead people downstairs. - Well, what does it got to do with your findings? - Which room is where the girls in? - I don't know under what circumstances a crime scene applies to any help when I'm investigating something other than I have a stunt that says a crime scene helps. - Where are this? - Okay. - I rolled a lot. - Let's ask the players. - That's how we eat sauce? - It's about to become a victim. - That is the weakest sauce. - I think we can take it. - One vote for a week sauce? - I don't, I wouldn't, it's not really a crime scene. - There's a guy, we got his ex going out. - We got this one. - No crime. - Two votes for a week sauce. - He's completely out of his territory. - Oh, there's a lot of crimes that happens. None of them are-- - But they're not for his specific homeland security operative. - I was a cop once. - Do you have a teenage daughter? - Was he a cultist cop? - Oh, you know what? Give yourself a fake point. Running into this building is the dumbest fucking thing you could have done and you're doing it because every life is something. - Oh, I immediately spend it. (laughing) 'Cause why would I not? I did this dumb. (clapping) - Oh, you did well. - Right away, right in. - I have every life. - Are you good at it? - So he's like the god music playing and it's not too hard to figure out which room the teenage girl's gonna live in. - Yeah, whatever rationale you can say. I mean, it's quite possible that one of the servants comes out of the room to check and-- - What for a door that says stay out? - Someone in this girl's not in her panic room? - Gun to go. - Good question. - Obviously, he's probably been about 20 seconds in the gun to start going off. - Okay. - And she's got her iPod with her ear buds in. Sorry, no one's talking to her. - In D&D rules, it's been 30 seconds. - Right, and you do what? - I found the room. - Yeah. - I kick it open. Say come with me if you wanna live because I'm nothing if not cliche. (laughing) - Is that actually part of the statement? - Yes, that's the full thing. - It would be actually better if you said that. - Come with me and come with me. If you wanna live. Because I'm fairly cliche and your house is about to explode. (laughing) I didn't do that, I swear. - That wasn't, okay, it was me a little bit. - But, and not kill half your family. - Mostly me. - Well, all those things. - Just don't burn it through the wreckage where your father's like, oh. (laughing) - Your father's dead, it's terrible. I don't know who did that. - Geez, man. - Yeah, I'm not sad. - Yeah, and no reason why she would wanna believe you were listening to you in any way, shape, or form. - Yeah, I can convince you. - So socially, it's a significant? - It doesn't make a difference. - Try to scare that intimidation, man. - I'm not gonna scare this. - How are you attacking her socially? - I think you already have, actually. - Well, yeah. - I'm not gonna do it any further. I'm very bad at that. I'm not gonna do rapport because I'm saying in a very nice tone and voicing some legitimate concerns. Like, I just rigged your house to explode by accident. Or, I'm using empathy because I'm trying to convince her and I don't really know how empathy works. And it was an attack. I don't think you'll remember the rules. - Opening remarks should be throwing her up the window. - Repour is more instinct with what this situation calls for. - Yes. - At least according to the skill descriptions. - Oh, boy, can I explode? It's probably my allergy, it's a problem. - Fuck yeah, look at all those mice. - Anyway, mine is more-- - I'm a creepy old guy who just worked in your room. While you were changing, please come with me. - Is this changing? - Well, you rolled me minus one, two minus six. - I thought that we could, yeah. - Right, rapport. Plus two for the skill, minus one for the role. So are all the one. What about the most convincing argument she's ever heard? - You rolled a one? - One. - I'm good at empathy. I know how people think, I don't know how to talk to them. - Well, you could maybe argue that your empathy would give you a plus one for this poor role. - If I get the chance to talk to her for five minutes, I'll learn what she's like and then use that to convince her. But in the meantime, the house is exploding. So if where it comes to work, I'll use my fists and knock her out. - He fenced rice? - He's a practical motherfucker. - Empathy this. - Anybody have an idea for a defense? - Empathy is the generic defense if she doesn't believe me 'cause you're like, I don't quite believe that and my morals don't agree with me. - Yeah, I heard this one's fantastic. You know, she just looks at you and goes, who the fuck are you? - I want a fantastic one, I'm 13. - That might have to be a way for a vampire. - I heard this one actually is only a four-year-old plus two. - Hmm. - This one is great, but that takes us a fantastic. It's not easy. - This is one of those times when I-- - Oh, for the bomb. - It's not even, I did. Roberto. - How far away is this Hispanic guy? - He's two zones from the door. - I am one, I am just at the door. - I jog over to him, try not to sprain anything. - The former Denarian, former Denarian who brought you a coin. - I'll be with you. - Not you might have to. - Roberto are three minuses and trips giggling. (laughing) - London. - How do legs even work? (laughing) - Look at these shoes like a chain bone. - Walking, it's lovely. - I walk around the, is there a certain way that you kill white court vampires to make sure like they're dead? - You shoot them in the head. - Yeah. - How you doing? - Okay, well I walk around to the other side of the invisibly. - You're smelling natural gas. - Sure, I'm nervous. Don't get me wrong, it's like, Renaldi is a liability at this point. - But I'm trying to just find you realize that shooting a gun does create a spark right in your smelling natural gas. - Okay. - I walk around the other side of the van to see if he's deceased. - Okay. - He is not. He is grievously wounded. They're saying he mungus whole in his neck. It seems the shots tore out a great deal of flesh. He's bleeding quite profusely. - And yes, it is actually a pinkish colored blood disturbing in several levels. Is he incapacitated anyway? - Oh yeah, he's gurgling and trying to speak. - In that case, I grab him by the hair and start dragging him away from the house down the driveway. - Okay. - K-Man routine for London. - Yeah. - Cut off the practical man when it comes down there. - Can this guy talk still? - No, he's gurgling. There's a lot of blood coming from him. - Yeah, interesting things to say. - Rip down for us. - You wait too late for that, my dad. - I can visit his ghost if we need to, or in white cannon. - They're not good at it, but there's a white poor jam part that comes flying out from the wreckage and attempts to tackle you. And the role of mine is two doesn't make him any better. - Well, does he see through my invisibility? I mean, I know that Renaldi is being, you know, moved, but that could be anything. - You're dragging him. - He's attacking whatever's dragging. He's not seeing you, but-- - Sure, okay. - So, that's my-- - We're gonna say that his fists are actually fair, which is two, but he rolled minus two. So his attack is zero. - Is that their target for you there, Repa? - You need your old defense. - Sure. - 'Cause he still rolled zero. You can roll worse than-- - What's defense? I've never been attacked before in my life case. - It would be athletics. - All right. - Once you're defending yourself with fists? - I look like I've never been attacked before in my life. I rolled a minus two. - I'm guessing your athletics are zero. - Right, so it takes me out to terrible, which basically I go, what the fuck? You know, make a noise, he knows exactly where I am. - You would have actually missed-- - You accept for the fact that you rolled so horrible. - Right, I definitely gave him a what the fuck. He's he came and I made myself more clear. - He might have been, oh, Jesus Christ. - He charges at you. That minus two, I was in the hit, doing two damage plus his weapon strength, which is fantastic strength, two more. So it's totally-- - What's he despairing? - Total of four damage. - Okay, but you said, I thought you said I got to tap the invisibility for a plus. - It would cost a fake point. - If you're willing to spell it. - Oh, I don't have any fake points left. - Okay, more is the pity. - Yes. - Sure, certainly. - So this is a four, so it's a moderate consequence, or I just mark off my-- - If you go back, you could mark off two consequence and two stress. - So your mild consequence is-- - I'm vexed. (laughs) - I'm kind of vexed. - You have a stain, a grass stain on your pants, sir. - Which is why I'm vexed. - It's very unnerving. It is, of course, roughest change. Do I have a line of sight on this? Oh, yeah. You were watching that area anyways. You were trying to see if your shot took out, John Renaldi, and then you see the corpse being dragged away by something that's invisible, and you see something coming, charging out of the rubble, and lance off of something, kind of rolling the grass. - If-- - So you know there's-- - John Renaldi there being dragged and a white core vampire that's now kind of rolling in the grass. - If you keep shooting high velocity rounds into an area full of gas, you might spark this rebar, anything. - Well, is this outside or inside? - Hopefully. - I was not trying to drag them farther away, so it's farther from the else than previous shot. - You're going to take the chance. - You're going to shot their windshield. - Nothing happens, so. - Right? - You should roll, and add those as well for the chance. - I think the explosion happens at the gun point, not-- - Yeah, it does. - I don't know why it hits something and spark. - Right, if he misses. - Yeah, for sure. - Right. - I rolled two, the guns is four, that's six. - Is he surprised? - I think they're done, they're surprised. - Boss just got shot. - Plus a lot on the roll, and their athletics are four, so that's five, and a plus for supernatural speed, and his defense was six as well. So you do hit, but with weapon damage only, which is three, so it tears through, it takes stress damage on him, but nothing else. - Right, that's fine. - Since they're all half a point with holy water, so it doesn't really matter. - In this case, I'm too correct. - Or does it? - No, their catches specifically-- - Wait, he didn't kill him? - This one he didn't kill because he seems to be aware. - Oh, he's killing him. - He's surprised. - And you're still doing a hell of a lot of damage. - Steven, so I guess we make a way up to the top. - Yeah, let's just kind of expedite that you guys are up to the top, and so does Steven, and Manny are up to the top, where you find-- - Edmund? - Yes, Edmund as well. - Who's driving the car? - I don't have to get away, car. - One, four, five. - He's got the car, so Edmund-- - I'll take the bus. - It's a fucking Wookiees' driving. (laughing) - What are you chewing? - None of us know that there is the gas there. - Steven, Zelda, and Edmund. We don't know that that happened. - Are you today? - Because that's, well, pushed the top. - I said it's rigged to blow. - And said it's rigged to blow. - I don't know if that means-- - Because-- - And I could smell the gas, but I never said anything about it. - Even when we were over in the cottage and then we left, and none of us had a walkie talkie. - Both my characters were really better at your communication. - Yeah, and I didn't have a walkie talkie. London's the only one who had one who was talking to us. We were nowhere near him. We were over. - And our cell phone sets a push to talk though for this encounter. We've talked to the people. - The next one said something about the gas leak. - Oh yeah, you went to start the car and drive it out, and I said it's a gas leak. I meant run away. - All right, but we were already, we were already. - Well, yeah, I'm not even paying attention to that, 'cause I'm just trying to get-- - Yeah, we've got Danny working with us. - It should you guys are all at the car, you're ready, Edmund's on that radio asking, where the fuck is everybody, we've got to get out of here. - Manny's in the car, let's go. - And then is that when we find out about the gas? 'Cause we technically don't know. - You might hear the chatter. - Right, let's go. - Look, it's legitimate say splashing through a river sliding down screen. You might not have heard the gas comment. - I highly doubt we would know anything about it. - What is Maxwell doing? - I'm trying to come in so slightly. Are you gonna sit up here and argue while the house is eventually ready to blow? - Yeah. - Okay. - Every length is sacred. Yes, you know what, every skull is not knock or unconscious and get your ass out of there. - You have established an achievement. - That she is a human and not a amateur. - That wasn't my first priority, but you're right, I should check. - 'Cause he's still trying to save her, so let me know. - You check for it, which part? - Okay, fun flying, gas leak downstairs. Fucking truck halfway through your entrance. Don't need to come with me, we need to get the fuck out. That, I don't know what skill that is. (laughing) - I don't know, report, and that's not report. - Charisma, maybe. - Charisma command. - Presence is even worse than before. - I'll say a real nice, like, please get the fuck out. - Go and report, go. - Okay. - There you go, fuck you, go. - What was your up? - Four. - Plus two on the dice, plus two with the skill. - She's up to four as well. - Plus one on the dice, you're just for this three. So you tied, so you can succeed with a complication, more or less. - Yep, and you-- - Okay, but more-- - Fake points. - I can't. - I'm out too. - No, I'm not blaming you, I'm out as well. I'm just asked. - So, complication is you're dragging her out by her. - The complication is she decides to leave, but she's not leaving with you. - That's cool. - So if she agrees, you go, you start going out the door and you go out the door. - Out the door. - Out the door. - Is that what you're doing? - Yes. - Okay. - You jump out the window, there's a fire down there, there's a gas leak, go out the window. - All right, are you going out first, or is she going out first? - She's going out first. - Does she know that? - She has really nice windows, they're big, they're huge. It's not a problem to open up one. She jumps out and hits the ground, running, I follow her. Which, admittedly, is not the best thing to do against you, you're heavily fast. But she hits the ground, like glances back at you and takes off towards the pond. That's a dumb way to go. - We needed a dumb thing to do. - I assume you can jump out the window behind her. - We'll stop it there, you know. Just, you hit the ground right after she does and the chase is on. - Beautiful tuck and roll maneuver. I land back on my feet and just spring on the river down. - Okay, I am one walk away from this Hispanic fellow. So I don't run, I just waltz over. - Stop trying to roll over her shoulder. I take a look up to the place. I didn't hear there was gas. - I did hear. - You didn't, man. - You've gone on the push to talk. - You've got the drugs, man. - You thought it was Taco Tuesday. That's what gas means to you right now in the state, you're in Taco Tuesday. - You are so good. - Oh my gosh. (laughing) - Yeah, dude, they are cold words. - The next time an explosion happens, it's tough. - I don't know, I can't start running 'cause that's the end of my turn. But I throw it to my shoulder. I throw the Hispanic fellow over my shoulder. - Okay. - You got a name? - I don't. - De Narian number two. - De Narian number two. - De Narian number two. - Because you've read Harry's version, London. - Here you go. - I immediately dropped my invisibility. So I now look like this guy's boss, perhaps. What the fuck do you think you're doing? I'm trying to save him and get him away from the gas. I say to this hopefully impressionable young white court vampire using the command of my charisma, which is a presence of course. - Oh, yeah, of course it is. - Or four first impressions opening up. - No, closing down? - No. - That's presence, presence first for once. - For once I'm using something that actually fits, but the GM has to tell me that's actually fixed. - Yeah. - So I command him to go save others. - All right. - Maybe stop the gas. - Oh, holy fuck. - Oh, holy fuck. - Oh fuckage. - I roll the plus two. My presence is fan fucking tastic, which gives me a legendary success of plus eight. - He rolled minus two. - Oh my gosh. - Yeah, so he went the other fucking. - He grovels in the middle of his-- - I'm sorry, I punched you in the face. - Thousands of parts. - So yeah, I'm telling him go save others. - But be careful, there's a sniper out here. - Not while I'm invisible, I don't have to worry. And then I continue to drag him, not putting my invisibility back on because I believe I do have one more mental stress box to go. It fits the story, so I go invisible again and continue to drag Grinnaldi further away from the-- - Are you trying to take Grinnaldi with you off of this? - How about the state? - Not off of the estate. Just far enough way to put a bullet in his head, so I don't have to worry about him coming back to haunt me because most relationships-- - Unbelievable. - Unbelievable. - He can salvage somewhere else. - This one is now-- - This one is now. - How have you just slayed half of his immediate family? - And took out his neck with one of our snipers. I just think it's time to say goodbye to this relationship. - Okay. - Don't get me to this all as he prepares this pistol, which is like an anti-goleasy support. - I'm sorry, John. I don't think the relationship can be repaired. - I could click, okay, Rappa. - Shoot, Grinnaldi. - No, I mean, well, yeah, maybe. - The vampire that you saw that tried to tackle him head back into the rubble. - You saw me go visible and then invisible, again, probably in his scope. - Is there anybody else running out of the building? - Yeah, well, you saw two people jump out of a window. What seems to be a teenager-- - It's a flash in the-- - In the female head. - And what looks to be-- - For the record? - What courts happening after-- - You're going after the white court. - You're going after the white court. But the white court virgin, the female, is going right before Maxwell. - So, I'll pass? - Okay. - By the way, my jaguar is parked down here on the side street. - I still don't know how that is. You gave me another truck. - We stopped ahead, I pulled my car off and then got into the truck. When we got there, I wasn't gonna sit there with bubblegum stains and God knows what, and that final seating. I mean, there's no way. - And when you have fine currently and leather. - Correct. So, I don't know. And when you have fine currently and leather. - Correct. So, I'm actually going in the direction that I want to depart from. I want to leave the place from the front. So, it's not-- - Steven, Alan, Zelda, and then you guys are all safe-- - Safe in the war zone and safe. We're back to Maxwell and the girl hits the ground running. - Oh, she rolls an even her speed, however. - Athletics? - Yes, her athletics would take her to three. So, she heads off. - Of course, I-- - What I'm gonna do. - I'm running, but instead of running for movement, I'm just gonna run so that if I beat her, I get the aspect out of her. Because in order to grapple someone, you need to have an aspect on them. - Okay, yeah, it's on. - So, I'm only gonna catch up to her, but I'm gonna get an aspect in doing it. And then I'm gonna tackle them. I think they're just fine way to handle it. - Hey, Maxwell? - Yeah. - But, I don't want to say that on the phone. - Right, hey. - 'Cause it's sprinting. - Of course. Hey, Maxwell, put her on the phone. Your dad wants doctor and tell her who he's safe to go with. - I'd say back up plan, but I don't push talk because I'm too busy sprinting. - Right. - Athletics plus five, plus two. - Minuses. - Who gives a shit? I have plus seven. - Yeah, you do. - I roll negative two, but I have plus seven, so I roll five. - Which is definitely-- - She rolled a four, because it's higher. - Oh, I shoot with three. I get the aspect I need it, whatever it was. What's up? - She has a father, then, who is a vampire, but she wasn't born a vampire. She was born-- - She's born with a vampire, but she is a virgin vampire, meaning that she's never killed with her power. She's never, in doing so, brings her into full vampireness. She acquires all of her power. - So, is she like in the limbo? - Yes. - I'm just wondering if she's at first-- - She can stay forever in this limbo or-- - She doesn't have a soul. - Wait for her to help us, too. I don't know that. I don't know that you guys-- - As long as you're here and I wasn't here for the briefing. - Who among your characters has the knowledge and the lore to understand this, but they do have souls, white court vampires. They are not undead. They don't dream blood. They live off of emotions. They are, for all intents and purposes, they're human until they go through the ritual that kills another human with their power. Then, what really happens in the background, this is all metagaming, is their souls are merged with a demon that lives in another dimension that feeds off of emotion. - Okay, so they're-- - She hasn't gone through that, so-- - Like a hybrid. - She's still human. - That's weird, okay. - You would think your offspring would be that-- - You can never be turned into-- - Hybrid. - A white court, you have to be born into it. - Black court is-- - What's more, the standard vampire? - Yeah, they kill-- - Black court is the standard vampire. - They kill an animated creature. - You're born with a potential to become a white court empire. - Yes. - And you have to have the potential in order to-- - You merge into symbiotic relationship with a potential-- - It's just weird because you would think that like, you would be born that hybrid seeing as hell. Your parents are that hybrid already. But if it's choice, then-- - It's a-- - Or a choice for them. - Yeah, it's not a-- - But-- - Well, there's a lot of things in this mythology where if you're a changeling, which is half-fay and half-human, you have to make a decision which way you go. - But in the meantime, you're immortal. - Right. - What the fuck? - Anyways, sorry. It's just-- - Go ahead. - I passed by Zelda and Steve and quickly because I assumed you guys-- - Yeah, I'm-- - Well, I knew someone wanted to come back. - Yeah, as soon as Manny's safe in the car, I'm going to start heading back just to make sure everyone gets out OK. - All right, so that's going to take one turn to get him to settle down, and then next turn, we'll have you roll on how far you can get back into the action. - I mean, Alan starts leaving, right? - Because he knows me and London are going away. - OK, yeah. He's going at the speed of Roberto. So if Roberto leaves the field, he's going to leave as well. So everyone will be out, but Maxwell and London. - So the warden never did his whole wind power thing. - He never had nobody to show him. - Nobody ever shot him. It was-- he was holding it reserved too. So the warden and I are walking back and I'm like, hey, hey, you all want to eat? I got coins. I got an extra one. He could do something real good. He would-- no. He might take it just to-- yeah, keep it away from him. - He did it out without him. - Save that for next week. - Are you seriously operating? - Not mine, but I can't use two. - He's in a loving, sharing mood. - He is in a really happy place. - He turns in now, I mean, I take that. - The new Roberto. - We'll see. - I think he would take it. - I think he would, too, but, well, since he's not here, well, along with Roberto, and we can resolve that certainly later. - I passed, and I know-- - You do pass. - Everybody's-- how far away is the closest person? - All right, we've got a few things to resolve. Maxwell, and we are all the way back around to you again. Roberto, you're just moving it on each turn, or are you going to try to move faster? - I'm going to try to move faster. - Because we're going to have the warden assist you, so you get plus two. - Thank you. - Thanks, buddy. You're good to go. - And you apparently needed it. - Yes, I got it. - Two. - So you actually move a little faster. You get to the edges of the string, and then we go to London. - Nice smelling any more gas at this point? Am I far enough away at this right now? - You can spend one additional movement dragging him away, which leaves you in action. - Okay, far enough. - Bam, bam, bam in the head. - Yeah, but it's London, so he's got to pull out the ivory handled pistol from his ankle. Well, tanned ankles. - It's like a Darenger, right? - It absolutely is. It's like a very old antique-type weapon, and he's got a bullet with a holy water blast from these-- - This doesn't help with these guys. - I know, but he probably-- - No, you may not know that. - And then, yeah, he says-- - It feels good. - I'm sorry, it came down like this. I asked you very, very kindly for the information as to-- - We're landing, no, it's London, it's not. - Oh, yeah. - 'Cause I'm terribly sorry that I had to end like this, but I asked you for the manning information, and you refused, and I don't see any way for a relationship to continue, and I pull the trick. And this is how I end the relationship. Cap is that. Any good guns, London? - It's hard. - Is it moving-- - No, a roll for this? - No, I stopped once I get far enough away, but no, I don't have-- - I'm not gonna make you a roll for this too cinematic a moment anyways, but-- - Who knows what you had to point at the end. - You've got a guy that's virtually incapacitated, and he's got a gaping neck wound in these-- - But you can see him-- - Googling and-- - Mm-hmm. - Hey, Adrian. - Hey, Adrian. - Hey, Adrian. - Anger. - Then we go to, hey, it's the house exploded yet, and you haven't been rolling. - I haven't been rolling. - Wow, look at it, three minuses. - We were looking for buses. - No, three minuses is a re-roll. - Man, I was all worried about the hell I was-- - Yeah, the house isn't going to-- - It's really exploding. - It's exploding for a while. - I can't explode it. Somebody's got it. - Someone decides they want a cigarette. - Somebody, somewhere. - I'm too busy running. - It's one of the dying workers. - It's like I'm going out fast. - I'm going out. - Let's go break. - I'm going out smart. - I'm going out smart. - It's a natural gas smell. It makes me want to say that. (laughing) - My dying breaths will be inhaling. - That's how they like the stove. They start to gas up. They light the sugar up, they light the stove. - Rapa? - I'm waiting until everyone is at least as far away as I am. - Stephen, you can roll to see how far you can get down. Zelda and Edmond are staying in the car where they should. - We want to walk around past me. - And no, we'll go to Maxwell after that. - I have great athletics. So you keep saying. - Oh, minus two. - Man, I think I slipped down the hill or something. (laughing) - Rapa's just like, in down was the deal. So it's fair. So, not so far. - Not so far. - Not so far. - That's still two zones. So you move, but the hill is pretty steep, so we'll say it's probably three. So you got the majority of the way down the hill towards the stream. - Okay, that was my turn, sorry. - Unless you want to do something, I assume you're waiting out the madness. - Well, it's just that I would like to at least inform then that he's on his way coming back since they picked me. So I would get on the phone and say, hey, Stephen's on his way. He's going to come get Maxwell over there, I guess. - Yes. Who is driving this escape car, by the way? - One of Edmond's crew, I thought. One of Edmond's crew is there, but if there's someone who can drive by, they take over. - Do we have any weapons in this car? I mean, I think we left most of our weapons in the day. - Someone's weapons, yeah. - Did you bring any with you? - No. - Just in the van. - No, wait. - I have mine. - You have yours. Someone left a gun and I swore someone did. I think I was a bad man or was it you? - Yeah, I brought one, but it's a bad man. - Edmond left his glove thing. - I think he was. - I think he was. - No, he was wearing them. - No, he was wearing them. - Would you like me to spend a bit of money? - Um, yeah, yeah, just pay it right now. - He's just keeping it in his back pocket. - Yeah, I think he brought this stuff. - You want it to throw in nothing? - You want to throw a fake point in and say that you talked Edmond into putting back up weapons in this van, that's fine. That makes sense. - Yeah, I've won, I have three fake points. - You've got enough, yeah. - I can spend it on that. - And? - Yeah! - It's a good night. - It's a rocket launch, isn't it? - Fake launch. - Yeah, that was Steven's all the cause, the warn people, and... - Three, four, more than one. - Yeah, right. - The warden it helps you again for plus two. Roberta. - Don't worry about it. - It's amazing how well the warden, Roberta get a lot of questions. - Yeah, I'll leave you up. - I'll leave you up. - I'll put a lot of them as in here. And the other one's on ecstasy. - Holy moly, we're grooving. I got superb. - I think for a pastel too. - Holy shit, superb, seriously. - Yeah, so you're down across the river and halfway up the bank. You pass Steven moving in the opposite direction. - Why are you going? Where are you going? - How are you? - The car's over here, buddy. - His high voice sounds like Mickey Mouse. - It was really good. - I love him. - He's in the car, buddy. - Next one. - All right, tackle her. Wait. - People are still on the ground. - Oh, for the bomb. - For the house to blow up. - Whatever. We're crawling. - So, boom. - It's a big boom. - It's gonna eventually. - That gas has been leaking for help. - That's gonna be hella, okay. - That's gonna be a huge boom. - That will also operate a lot of the evidence. - The girl takes about two zones of movement before you hit her full on. - Yeah. - And that's athletics as well. - Yes, it is. - Plus, minus, minus four. - Plus two for the aspect. The maneuver, the advantage, whatever you want to follow. - What was your total? - Six. - Herz was four. - So yours is more than enough to take her down. - Yeah. - Elevated. - Yeah. - House of gods. - No, you've got her. - You managed to do her. - I mean, what is your entire terrible plan? I just realized, because I kind of need her to follow me and she's not gonna do that after I tackle her, after chasing her out of her. - But you still have her father on the walkie-talkie now that I'm back. - Shit, back up plan. (laughing) I pull out my phone and say, "Meow, your dad wants to talk to you." In the most convincing matter I can say. - I'm sorry, Leo, it had to end this way. - Oh yeah. (laughing) - We know they, we know they. - My pack up plan. I'm sorry, uncle, we know they. - This is not my first plan. When your dad wants to talk to you, he totally hired me with some shit, I don't know. (laughing) I'm the most convincing after I run a marathon. - Okay, the only thing I see left here, there's no, I mean, we're not picking this. - Yes. - The only thing that really is here is London talking this girl into going along. - Of course. - You don't have to see that being easy. - It's over a phone. You got that going. - Okay, yeah. - But it's like the seat. Don't filch this, it's the seat now. - Filch, sorry. - I don't want to know what that means. - This is the absolute dangerous thing. - Or is it sour that? - Yeah, I have to agree. I think this is the seat. Let's see, the seat. Cat mouth, disguise, distraction, misdirection. (plastic rustling) All good, intersection. That's exactly where I'm doing here. - Her defense is only two, it was a bad roll. - I mean, she probably saw the explosion because it was terrified of anything, so. - Now, can presence give me a plus one to my role? Because I'm the dad and she's the daughter. And I can be, you need to listen to me. - I can see it modified by the presence here. - Plus one? - Yeah. (plastic rustling) - I rolled, awesomely, I rolled a plus three. My deceit is only fair. So plus two, which gives me a plus five, plus one for the presence of being her dad. So that takes it to a six, which is fantastic. - All right, and her defense was fair. So yours is. - Plus four. - A success with a, well. - The old system used to call it a spin, the new one. - Now, it's a. - Advantage. - Advantage, one bit. - With a high five. So, rather than have this an entire social conflict, that is enough for her to agree to go along with her. - She just, really, should I have the explosion? - It's crazy to be honest. Until you realize I'm lying to you and I'm not your father. - I can soften that blow, I'll have time. - I still, I'm sorry, but. - Yes. - It's a choice, and she made that choice. She was going to want to do that. Clearly, she didn't want to go with him. She didn't want to leave. She wasn't against her will. So doesn't that count for something, with the whole choice and the kind of. - You don't know the whole story here. - Okay. - It could be, she felt obligated to her father to go with the family tradition of what it is. She doesn't want to disappoint your father. Her father's house is under attack and wants to get her to safety. It's reasonable enough that this guy's working for me. - She's not saying. I don't know if I buy her, she's still innocent, that's all. - Oh, that's, that's perfect. That's, that's a discussion for another day. - What we're going to do is say that you guys can get off the estate. Steven helps you get up the hill one day because you're one day. - Oh, I'm walking the other way. - Oh, I got a nice paved driveway towards my industry, which is, of course, asphalt. - So how's it explode in the background? - Oh, the house explodes in the back. - All right. Yeah, as London's soldering off to his jaguar, you pick up Rapa, who comes out of the woods too, and you put down like newspapers before you let him sit in this thing. - Well, but no, I mean, in all honesty, I thank him. - Oh, yeah, he said that's true. - And he wouldn't have been, it would have been very challenging to outwit him, and I was completely out of fake points, which to me, to London means I was exhausted. So I thank Rapa first off, appreciate the assists. - Yeah, let's try that out. - Make sure you sit in the plastic. - Now we go to the other scene, which is Edmund's car up on the road, off the woods to the northern part of the map. And he's got his gauntlet on, and he's holding the coin, and there's this smiling, giggling, Roberto, and he shows it to you. And he says, this was the one off of Ryan fucking Nelson. Isn't there supposed to be a symbol on here? And you look at it, and the coin looks just like yours, just like the other one you picked off of the Hispanic, except there's no sigil, there's no symbol, and the coin has a crack that seems to run from the edge almost to the middle of the coin. - Huh? (laughing) - I don't realize I need to hide it. - I told you we could break him. - I love that coin, give me that nail. - Bad idea. And we'll end this scene there. The warden is with you guys, and he is deeply, deeply concerned that the fact that the coin is missing its sigil, it's not even with it, that's accurate. - What? - Not. - It doesn't that represent what demons in the coin? - That's what you think they are. - Why is there not one? - I don't know. - Isn't there supposed to be one? - I don't know, that's the brother. - And that is the end of this particular adventure. With the exception of we have one additional end scene, and that's back at the brownstone, a couple days later. Yay, I slept for all of it. The porch of the brownstone, there's a knock on the door, and London comes to the door to answer it. So I open the door. - Miss Sykes, thank you so much for agreeing to come today. I truly appreciate it. I know how difficult it must have been for you to accept this invitation. Did you bring your tarot deck? - You're making a mistake, London. If you were thinking that I trust you enough to ever come here without them. - Granted, but please make your way inside. I have some fine vegetarian fare. I have some of your favorite red wine, and I have Anna locked in the basement. And we'll end next year. (upbeat music) - Thank you for listening tonight's of the night actual play podcast. If you'd like to send us questions, comments, or feedback you can reach us in a number of ways. From Twitter @KOTN_podcast or by email feedback at And don't forget the iTunes reviews or our Facebook page, Speaking of Facebook, join like-minded folks at our Facebook fan page. And lastly, there's our blog page,, where there's an Amazon link on the right-hand side. Thanks to Zen Audio Smith for the intro and outro music. Get your own music at And join us next week for more mystery and adventure. (upbeat music) - Oh. - What's that? - What's that? - Oh, what's that? - No. - That was like a scam. - That was like a scam. - That was like a scam. - It sounded like a hit. - It was like a slipper. - I missed it completely. It was like over here. (laughing) - It was a little dolphin thing going on. - You can't really touch it. - I heard it. - I heard it. - I heard it goes. - Okay. - Unless that was you doing that. - I think it was a spinner. - It was a spinner. - But it was finished. - It was right with Scandinavia. - It sounded like this. - It was like this. - It was like this. - Maybe not. - That's not likely. - You go back and listen. - How many rounds is far away? - It's not. - More interesting if the house blows up it. How many rounds is it? - One minute. - Oh, please, no. - Who among your characters has the knowledge and the lore to (beep) - It's like that, right? - Yeah. - It was made by a person who was a writer and didn't bother thinking about the (beep) - It's so cheap. - Oh, it's a footage of vampires. - 'Cause you think if you had two hybrids, then there's three of them. - There's nothing. - We won! (laughing) - It's one of the worst fit ever points. - 300. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Fair enough. - You know. (beep) - Now what you saw was, go. (laughing) - Yes. - Everybody happy, boys. (beep) - Hi, girls. (laughing) (beep) (laughing) - And that is the end of this particular adventure. - Hey, adventure. - Yeah, it's good. - Adventure? (beep) - Oh, come on. - Should we confront the brother? - Later. - He be concerned with me. - Whatever. - Oh, that's, that's, yeah, that's definitely gotta be it. - Yeah, how long, let's pass by. - A week? Couple days. (beep) - Okay, we'll let that happen. - That's a good time. (laughing)